Letter from Paul Quarberg 4-20-09 Date: April 20, 2009 Chairperson and Members of the Chanhassen Planning commission City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevat'd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Bhojwani Dock (3301 Shore Drive) Dear Chairperson and Planning Commissioners: My name is Paul Quarberg and I live at 3311 Shore Drive, Excelsior, MN 55331. My home phone number is 952-470-0318. I live on Lake MU1l1.eWashta and am familiar with the partially completed dock at the Bhojwatli's residence. I do not believe the dock in any way detracts from the beauty or usage of Lake Minnewashta nor do I have any objection to its completion. It is my understanding that the width of the dock exceeds the City of Chanh<l.ssen's dock standat'ds. However, when one considers the shoreline of the BhojwanFs propetty against that of most lake shore properties, the width of the dock is completely appropriate. Again, I have no objection to allowing the Bhojwatli's to complete their dock and I ask you to support the completion of its construction.