Letter from Tom Merz 3-22-09 Monday march 22nd City of Chanhassen Terry Jeffery re . Permanent dock structure 3301 shore drive Terry Jeffrey As a 45 year resident oflake minnewashta myself and many other lakeshore owners have worked very hard with city chanhassen,carver county county parks to develop and maintain our lake in its natural environment. Carver County has developed a nature park with controlled boat access. City of Chanhassen has developed codes and regulations re structures and non permanent docks on public waters. City of Chanhassen has provided a water resource cordinator to assist owners with compliance of rules regulations. Lake Minnewashta lake shore property owners are proud of our lake . We request that all property owners abide by the same rules and that city enforce city permits and dock code compliance. Tom Merz 3201 dartmouth drive Excelsior; minn 9524746205 Please review and advise CITy OF Cu. 1IiJ~rr>'r:,,^NrU:\SSEN , . '&lSuWIIii/Q) . f t ,:', ,MAR 2 4 2009 , ENGINEERINGDEPr.