Administrative Section
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassenj MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190,
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
April to, 2009
Mr. Fred Rogers
6920 Tecumseh Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Fred:
Thank you for stopping by City Hall to inquire about a memorial bench in honor of
Joan. On Thursday morning, April 9th, I walked the trail between Greenwood Shores
and Lake Ann and identified four beautiful sites for your consideration. You can
reference the enclosed aerial photos as you search out these proposed bench locations.
. Site A: Located under the overhanging branches of a large maple tree in
Greenwood Shores Park. The tree is located atop a knoll overlooking Lake
Ann near the start of the trail.
. Site B: Moving closer to the lake, a flat spot of grass just east of the beach
affords a nice view or" the lake and beach area.
. Site C: At this location, a small clearing has been created at the shore of Lake
Ann primarily for use by fishermen, whether kids or adults. We would
complete some minor additional clearing at this location to accommodate the
bench and concrete pad.
. Site D: . Situated on a knoll overlooking the Lake Ami Park boat access, this
location affords a broad view of Lake Ann and the lakeside picnic area.
Fred, all four locations lend themselves to our standard installation practice of clearing
a flat and level bench pad that can be accessed from all sides. I contacted the bench
manufacturer and you are free to select from the River Rock; Limestone, Quartzite or
White finishes for thebenchseat and back-rest. . These surfaces will be polished to
provide for a smooth seat finish. In the event you and your family find one of these
four locations to your liking, simply complete the memorial bench form noting your
selected location and color,enc1ose payment, andwewilldo the rest.
After. receiyiegshippingconfirmation from the manufacturer, 1 will contact .youwith
theestimate<i installationdate....Again, thank yoU forconsideringChanhassen's
MetnorialPfogram to honor the life and memory of your beloved Joan.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Important Dates 2009
. Monday, June 29 Golf Tourney Deer Run 1:00 p.m.
. Wednesday, July 1 "Move-In" Party Chan High TBD
. Monday, August 17 Fall sports Begin Chan High 8:00 a.m.
PAC Meeting Chan High 6:00 p.m.
. Tues./Wed., August 25 & 26 Orientation Chan High TBD
. Friday, August 28 Appreciation Opening Chan High 6:30 p.m.
. Saturday, August 29 Football Scrimmage Storm Stadium 9:00 a.m.
. Tuesday, September 1 Coaches Luncheon Chan Commons 11 :30 a.m.
. Wednesday, September 2 Community Picnic Chan High 6:00 p.m.
. Tuesday, September 8 School Begins Chan High 7:50 a.m.
. Thursday, September 17 First Home FB Game Storm Stadium 5:00 p.m.
. Week of October 5-9 Homecoming Week Chan High
. Monday, October 5 High School Dedication Chan High School 7:00 p.m.
Coronation Chan High-Gym 7:30 p.m.
Bonfire Chan High 9:00 p.m.
. Wednesday, October 7 "PowderPuff" Football Storm Stadium 7:00 p.m.
. Friday, October 9 Homecoming Parade Downtown Chan 4:00 p.m.
Homecoming Game Storm Stadium 7:00 p.m.
. Saturday, October 10 Homecoming Dance Chon High School 8:00 p.m.
"Go Blue/"
"Meet & Greet"
2009-2010 Chanhassen High School
Head Coaching StaID
Monday, April 13, 2009
. Brad Miller/Adaptive Athletics
. Laura Harris/ Cheerleading
. Andy Powell/Boys' Cross Country & Track
. Anita Woodrow/Girls' Cross Country
. Emily Ray/Fall Performance Dance
. Bill Rosburg/Football
. Steve Pawlyshyn/Boys' Soccer
. Doug Lerfald/ Girls' Soccer
. Kristen Nicholson/Boys' & Girls' Swimming and Diving
. Jim Mason/Gils' Tennis
. Kelli Katherman/V olleyball
. Josh Kleve/Alpine Ski T earn
. Nate PelowskilBoys' Basketball
. Angie Heisler/Girls' Basketball
. Heather Ostlie/Competition Dance
. Steve Olinger/Boys' Hockey
. Chris Erickson/Girls' Hockey
. John Dyste/Nordic Ski Team
. Lindsay Hoyer/Baseball
. Kelli Groff/ Girls' Golf
· Joe Coenen/Softball
. Tom Osborn/Boys' Tennis
. Chris Schriever/Girls' Track
Event Sponsored by the Chanhassen High School
"Storm Chasers" Booster Club & Life Time Fitness
p , I.'
Mission Statement:
"The Chanhassen High School Booster Club is an action-oriented group of
parents, volunteers, and administrators working together to support activities
and athletics at Chanhassen High School through financial and voluntary
means. Their mission is to support and promote all programs and participants of
the schools extra-curricular programs in an atmosphere that is consistent with
the educational philosophy of the District # 112 school community. It is the goal
of the "Storm Chasers" to provide each team member with the highest quality
experience possible."
. Develop an organization with an active and involved membership that is
concerned with the total activities/athletic program and all of its
participants regardless of sex, race, socio-economic status or chosen
. Promote school spirit and sportsmanship and encourage attendance at
Chanhassen High School extra-curricular events.
. Encourage and support the academic endeavors of Chanhassen High
School student athlete/participants.
. Provide supplementary financial support for the future of the various
activities/athletics at Chanhassen High School.
. Aid the staff in organizing and staging special events and projects.
. Aid and support the school staff in the areas of sports promotion, publicity
and program development.
"Go Blue /"
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
CONTACT: Michael Schommer, MDA Communications, 651-201-6629
Minnesota officials on alert after Wisconsin reports emerald ash borer near La Crosse
Officials urge Minnesotans to avoid transporting firewood
ST. PAUL, Minn. - With today's news that Wisconsin state officials confirmed an emerald ash borer
infestation south of La Crosse, officials in Minnesota are stepping up monitoring efforts and alerting residents
about the destructive tree pest's ability to spread by hiding in firewood.
Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive beetle that attacks and kills ash trees. Since its accidental introduction
into North America, EAB has killed millions of ash trees in 10 eastern states. While it has not been found in
Minnesota, the beetle was found in Wisconsin for the first time near Lake Michigan last summer. Today's
announcement marks the first time EAB has been found in western Wisconsin. The new infestation is near the
town of Victory, on the east bank ofthe Mississippi River just 1 mile southeast of the Minnesota-Iowa border.
With an estimated 900 million ash trees, Minnesota is a prime target for EAB. In response to the Wisconsin
finding, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has sent inspectors to Houston County to determine if
the infestation has spread into Minnesota. MDA will also step up EAB monitoring in southeastern Minnesota in
the coming weeks. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is working closely with the MDA,
as well as the states of Iowa and Wisconsin, to help coordinate a joint response. MDA and DNR officials are
working together to alert stakeholders of the development.
The metallic-green adult beetles are a half inch long, and are active from May to September. Signs of EAB
infestation include one-eighth inch, D-shaped exit holes in ash tree bark and serpentine tunnels packed with
sawdust under the bark. EAB larvae kill ash trees by tunneling into the wood and feeding on nutrients inside
the tree. While EAB spreads slowly on its own, it can hitch a ride to new areas when people transport firewood
or other wood products infested with the larvae. More information about the pest and its impact can be found
on the MDA website at DNR also is offering more information on its forest health site
at health/index.html.
MDA and DNR officials urge Minnesota citizens to take several steps to help keep EAB from spreading:
. Don't transport firewood, even within Minnesota. Don't bring firewood along on a camping trip. Buy
the wood you need locally from an approved vendor. Don't bring extra wood home with you.
. Don't buy or move firewood from outside Minnesota. If someone comes to your door selling
firewood, ask them about the source of the wood. If it came from outside Minnesota, don't buy it.
. Watch for signs of infestation in your ash trees. If you suspect your ash tree could be infested by
EAB, visit and use the "Do I Have Emerald Ash Borer?" checklist.
This release is available on the MDA website at
625 Robert St. N. · St. Paul, MN 55155-2538 · 651-201-6629 · 1-800-967-2474 ·
An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider' TDD: 1-800-627-3529
DRAFT February 20, 2009
Seminary Fen Stewardship Plan - Scope of Work
1. Geographic scope
This plan will cover all of the land within the area mapped as significant by the
Minnesota County Biological Survey that is publicly owned or for which private
landowners have agreed to manage their property cooperatively with public partners.
Public owners include the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the City of
Chaska, the City of Chanhassen, and the Hennepin County Railroad Authority. The
total acreage of this area is 560 acres (Figure I).
2. Information to be included in the plan.
Two levels of planning assistance are envisioned: a property-wide "stewardship
plan" and site/project/activity specific "practice plans." The stewardship planning
level provides an overview, assessment, and general recommendations on appropriate
land management activities for the property. A more detailed "practice plan" and
other services are provided which guide on-the-ground implementation. The
following list includes required components of the document.
Natural Resources Inventory
~ Summary of rare features, including native plant communities, rare
species, and wildlife, from existing inventories and documents
~ Maps of native plant communities, soils, water features, aerial photos, and
other relevant natural resources data
~ Information on management needs of rare plants and each native plant
community, summarized from literature and professional knowledge
Acquisition Recommendations
~ Land acquisition recommendations related to stewardship
Plant Community Stewardship
Detailed stewardship recommendations related to plant communities, rare
features, and wildlife in the site, including season of activities, prioritization of
activities, prescribed bum units, vegetation control methods, and erosion control
methods. Topics to include, among others:
~ Erosion control from uplands - describe erosion control strategies to
address gullying and eroding of bluffs, and recommend buffers to protect
from adjacent lands.
~ Restoration of former or current croplands to native plant communities -
describe appropriate native plant community to restore to disturbed areas.
~ Prescribed burning - describe role of fire, burning strategies and
techniques, issues, bum breaks, seasonal considerations.
~ Invasive species/woody encroachment reduction/control - include list of
invasive species and control strategies for each. Address native shrubs as
well as non-native invasive species.
~ Wildlife considerations - address Species of Greatest Conservation Need
and other important wildlife species that use or potentially could use the
site, and recommended management for them.
~ Recommendations for restoration of hydrologic processes, including
whether and how to eliminate drainage tiling, ditches, and spoil banks.
~ Recommendations related to impervious surfaces in and near the site,
potentially including removal of roads or changes in road alignment.
Trout Stream
Assumption Creek, a state-designated trout stream, flows through Seminary Fen
SNA. Springs within the SNA provide cold water to the stream, and in the past
Assumption Creek has supported a small population of brook trout, as well as
American brook lamprey which also depend on cold water temperatures to
survive. Since the 1970's there has been a steady decline in the brook trout
population in Assumption Creek. Concurrent with this decline has been an
apparent reduction in baseflow in Assumption Creek. The reach upstream of the
dam in the SNA historically had perennial flow, but now only has flow during
significant rain events or snow melt. It appears that something has altered the
hydrology of this portion of the stream, which originates north and west of the
railroad bed that bisects the wetland. It has been suggested by some that the
groundwater flow path that feeds that portion of the wetland has been altered by
the construction of Audubon Rd., or by another road or development projects in
the vicinity. .
~ The proposed stewardship plan should include a component to monitor and
investigate the cause of the reduction in baseflow to Assumption Creek. The
same reduction in groundwater flow may also be affecting other portions of
the wetland outside of the current SNA boundaries, so broader implications to
overall health of the wetland complex and the fen community should also be
considered. If a cause is identified, the stewardship plan should also suggest
potential remedies that would restore groundwater flow to affected parts of the
wetland, baseflow to the stream, and restore suitable brook trout habitat in
Assumption Creek.
District Health Council Meeting Notes
January 26, 2009
Present: Judy Amrhein, Ryan Carlson, Tara Cliff, Jenny Gaffke, Sue Harberts, Melissa
Hansen, Todd Hoffman, Helen Hollands, Kristi Juaire, Anne Peglow, Sally Stuckey,
Andrea Sweeney.
Introductions of members
Carver County Worksite Wellness Advisory Committee: Kristi Juaire and Laurie
Zebell, Human Resources Benefits Assistant, attended the most recent Carver County
W orksite Wellness Advisory Committee meeting. The main discussion of this meeting
had been a grant opportunity through Carver County, SHIP Program. The goal in
attending is to engage in discussion with other area businesses regarding Wellness in
their organization. Laurie and Kristi plan to continue to attend and bring the information
back to the council.
Wellness Committee Update:
Middle School West - Ryan reported what West has implemented.
. Diabetes Walk, diabetes facts on announcements, video with students doing their
insulin shots.
. Staff vs. students dodgeball
. StaffWellness Challenge, accumulate points for wellness activities staff
complete. Example, 1 point for walking 30 minutes or 1 point for sending
flowers to someone. When accumulate 30 points per month allows individual to
get their name in a drawing. Gift cards donated for prizes.
. Pennies for Patients, staffvs. students basketball, raised $400.
. Pedometer challenge starting 4th quarter
. Healthy Hints on announcements
Clover Ridge-Tara reported what Clover Ridge has implemented
. Finished step challenge
. Jammin Minutes daily during morning announcements
. Vegetable garden, Summer Club Care kids tend the garden
Vending: Samples of snacks from the vending machines at CHS were available. Anne
provided "Plan 0 Grams" of what the vending machine contents look like. Ninety
percent of the items offered meet Midwest Vending nutrition standards and the district
wellness policy. There are 3 snack vending machines at CHS. One machine will be
removed when the items in that machine are sold out.
The question was raised as to why 100% of the snack items are not the healthy choices.
Concensus was to change the district wellness policy so 100% of snack vending is
healthy choices. Andrea would like items removed with color additives. Anne and
Andrea will work with Midwest vending to see if there are snack items to try in the
Intranet site: Kristi reported that a prototype has been developed for the intranet site.
The hope is to have this site running before the end of the school year so that district staff
can access it.
TV Turnoff Week: TV Turnoff Week is April 20-26, 2009. Anne will check with Nancy
Kracke to see if she can put something in 112 Online and on the marquis board by
Middle School West. Andrea suggested a feedback sheet that kids can record what they
did instead of watching TV or video/computer time. Prizes could be awarded. Could
PTO help with this?
Todd shared that MN ranks 46 out of the 50 states on the good side for childhood obesity;
however we get a D in prevention.
Power By the Hour - St. Frances Hospital curriculum in the after school setting. Free
curriculum. Meeting is being set up with St. Frances representative, Kristi, and Sue
Next meeting will be in April or May.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190 .
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
231 0 Cou~er Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Pari<. Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
April 15, 2009
Mr. Todd Neils
Chanhassen Athletic Association
990 Saddlebrook Curve
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Todd:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank the Chanhassen
Athletic Association for their generous $5,000 contribution towards the
conversion of a ball field at Lake Ann Park to a Little League field. CAA
provides a valuable service to our community by offering a first-rate program in
Chanhassen. I look forward to fostering a long, positive relationship with your
Good luck with your upcoming season!
Tom Furlong
Chanhassen is a Community for Life ~ Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow