2. Powers Crossing Professional Center PC DATE: May 5,2009 [TI CC DATE: May 26,2009 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: June 1,2009 CASE #: 09-06 BY: AF, RG, TH, TJ, ML, JM, JS o~. A. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office & Institutional District, 01." PROPOSED MOTIONS: B. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit with Variances to encroach into the primary zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; subject to conditions 1 through 10 on page 35-36." C. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) creating one lot, two outlots and dedication of public right-of- way, plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated April 1, 2009, subject to conditions 1 through 45 on pages 36-40." D. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Site Plan with Variances for building height and Bluff Creek Primary Zone setbacks for Planning Case #09-06, for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot professional office center, and up to a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp on Lot 1, Block 1 of the development, plans prepared by Pope Associates, Inc. and Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated April 1, 2009, subject to conditions 1 through 28 on pages 40-42." And, E. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a sign size Variance request to permit an eight (8) foot tall sign with up to 64 square feet of sign display area, subject to conditions 1 through 5 on page 42." The Planning Commission also adopts the attached findings of fact and recommendations. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: POWERS CROSSING PROFESSIONAL CENTER The developer is requesting the following: . Conditional Use Permit with Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; . Rezoning from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office & Institutional, 01; . Subdivision into one lot, two outlots and dedication of public right-of-way; . Site Plan with Variances for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot professional office center, and a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp; and . Sign age Variance. Location Map (Subject Property Highlighted in Yellow) Powers Crossing Professional Center Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition Planning Case 2009-06 Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 2 of 43 LOCATION: Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition (southeast comer of Powers BoulevardlCSAH 17 and Highway 212) APPLICANT: United Properties, LLC 3500 American Boulevard West Minneapolis, MN 55431 (952) 837-8525 Attn: William Katter william.katter@uproperties.com Timothy & Dawne Erhart 9611 Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A2 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Office and Residential- Low Density (net density 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre) ACREAGE: 116.88 acres DENSITY: F.A.R.0.36 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 3 of 43 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is proposing to build a three-story professional office center southeast of the intersection of Minnesota Trunk Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard. The facility is intended to be constructed in two phases with a total of 160,000 finished square feet. At build out, up to a five-story parking ramp would be constructed on the site. The full build out is contingent upon a turnback to the land owner of MnDOT right-of-way. In the event that this turnback does not occur, the applicant has requested to be allowed to add a fourth-story to the first phase building for a total of 112,000 square feet. The applicant intends to get all their preliminary approvals in place so that they can begin construction when the market can support the development. The site is located within the Bluff Creek Overlay District (District). This district was created in 1998 based upon the findings and recommendations of the 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources and Management Plan. The district was intended to have several functions. The primary function of the district is to protect the geomorphology and hydrology of Bluff Creek, a 303d listed impaired water, and to preserve the natural corridor from the Minnesota River Valley to Lake Minnewashta Regional Park for aesthetic, recreational, surface water and wildlife benefits. In reviewing the proposed project, there are two major issues that need to be addressed: . The background, vision and rules governing and the impact of the proposed development on the Bluff Creek corridor, including the location of the building, the encroachment into the primary zone, and any necessary or appropriate mitigation, which will be reviewed in the conditional use permit discussion. . The impacts of the development on infrastructure, especially traffic, which is reviewed as part of the subdivision and site plan. The applicant is requesting a subdivision of the property and a site plan review to permit the development of a professional office on the westerly portion of the property, and to provide access and utilities for the future development of the eastern portion of the property. The property surrounding this site is zoned Agricultural Estate District, A2, and is located in the next area of urban services expansion for the City. To the north is the eastbound ramp to Highway 212, a passive park area purchased by the City in 1998, the southern portions of the Wilson nursery property, and two single- family homes on larger lots. To the east is Highway 101, across which is Bandimere Community Park and single-family homes. To the south are single-family homes on large lots, which are zoned Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 4 of 43 Rural Residential, RR. West across Powers Boulevard is a cultivated farm field and wetlands that is guided for Office use. Water service was provided to the site in conjunction with the Highway 212 project. The water extension was expedited to avoid the necessity of having to retrofit a water line under the new highway and along Powers Boulevard. Sewer service is being provided in conjunction with City Project#08-09, which is anticipated for approval in 2009. This sewer project includes a lift station located south of the local street connection to Powers Boulevard which will serve all the land in the City south of Highway 212 currently not connected to City sewer, and a force main from the lift station to Lyman Boulevard. The portion of the site proposed for development is limited to the extreme western quarter of the property. Portions of this area are part of the Bluff Creek corridor primary zone. A created wetland and proposed wetland mitigation area are located in the eastern portion of the development area. A ridge line, with a high elevation of approximately 924, divides the western development area from the eastern development area. A wooded area runs from the northeast to the southwest across this portion of the site. The site generally slopes from the north and east to the southwest with a low elevation of 868. An existing stormwater pond is located in the west central portion of the site. This pond is proposed to be relocated to the south of the new public street. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed development with modifications and subject to the conditions contained within the staff report. APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article N, Division 2, Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article XXI, "01" Office and Institutional District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Developments Chapter 20, Article XXIV, Off-Street Parking and Loading Chapter 20, Article XXV, Landscaping and Tree Removal Chapter 20, Article XXVI, Signs Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 5 of 43 BACKGROUND As part of the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the City approved a Land Use amendment of the westerly 10 acres ofthe property from Residential-Low Density to Office. This site also represents a significant gateway into our community. As such, it is anticipated that the development be a higher caliber and grander scale than other development in the 01 district. This area is separated by both topography and vegetation from the remainder of the parcel to the east. It is anticipated that the remainder of the site will develop with a mix of housing types that maintain the 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre net density. On October 23,2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved Wetland Alteration Permit #06-32 for the construction of an access road and storm water pond. The wetland mitigation for this is located just east of the proposed Lot 1 and north of the large wetland complex. In 2006, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) constructed an extension of Powers Boulevard from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail in conjunction with the Trunk Highway 212 project. Future development within the City requires a lift station south ofTH 212 and north of Pioneer Trail along Powers Boulevard. In addition, the TH 212 project needed to provide access to properties south ofTH 212, west and east ofthe Powers Boulevard extension. Due to Carver County's requirements for separation of access points onto a county road, the curb cut to access the Erhart property was located adjacent to an existing wetland. The applicant proposed the construction of a 31- foot wide street to provide access to the western portion of the property, in addition to the future City lift station. In conjunction with the access point and lift station location, the property owner requested and received a wetland alteration permit (Planning Case #06-32) in 2006. The wetland mitigation required of the permit has not been completed. On July 10, 1995, the City Council approved the preliminary and final plat of Butternut Ridge Addition, Subdivision #95-9, creating one lot and one outlot. This subdivision permitted the property owner to sell the 2'l'2-acre home site on the property and keep the balance of the site for the owner's personal use and future development. The property owner still owns the home on the property. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 6 of 43 REZONING While the development had originally been contemplated as a planned unit development (PUD), staff felt that Office & Institutional (01) zoning with a variance request was more appropriate for the site since only one lot was being developed. The 01 district is a limited use district that permits health services/hospitals, offices and cultural type uses. These uses will be compatible with the existing and future residential development to the east and south and the future office use to the west across Powers Boulevard. The proposed zoning classification is consistent with the office land use designation of the northwesterly ten acres ofthe property, which approved as part ofthe 2030 Comprehensive Plan update. Initially, the City had been considering amending only the westerly three acres to Office use. These three acres included the more open area of the site at the base of the slope separating the western portion of the property from the eastern portion. However as part of the Comprehensive Plan update process, a total of ten acres was included in the land use amendment to facilitate the development of the site as a gateway to the community. The balance of the property remains guided residential-low density and will maintain its Agricultural Estate District (A2) zoning until it is proposed for development. ARTICLE XXI. "01" OFFICE AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT Sec. 20-791. Intent. The intent ofthe "01" District is to provide for public or quasi-public nonprofit uses and professional business and administrative offices. Sec. 20-792. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an "01" District: (1) Antennas as regulated by article XXX ofthis chapter. (2) Community center. (3) Churches, (4) Fire station. (5) Funeral homes. (6) Health services/hospitals. (7) Library. (8) Museum. (9) Nursing homes. (10)Offices. (ll)Post office. (12)Public parks/open space. (13)Public recreational facilities. (14)Schools. (15)Utility services. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 7 of 43 Sec. 20-793. Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the "01" District: (1) Parking lots. (2) Signs. (3) Temporary outdoor sales (subject to the requirements of section 20-312). Sec. 20-794. Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the "01" District: (1) Adaptive reuse of vacant public or private school buildings for private business uses. (2) Commercial towers as regulated by article XXX of this chapter. Sec. 20-795. Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an "01" District subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter: (1) The minimum lot area is 15,000 square feet. (2) The minimum lot frontage is 75 feet, except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall have a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet. (3) The minimum lot depth is 150 feet. (4) The maximum lot coverage is 65 percent. (5) Off-street parking shall comply with district setback requirements except: a. There is no minimum setback when it abuts a railroad right-of-way, except as provided in chapter 20, article XXV, division 3 pertaining to landscaping requirements. b. There is no minimum setback when it abuts, without being separated by a street, another off-street parking area. c. The minimum setback is 50 feet when it abuts a residential district without being separated from the residential district by a street or railroad right-of-way. d. The minimum setback is 25 feet for side street side yards. (6) The maximum height is as follows: a. For the principal structure, two stories. b. For accessory structures, one story. (7) Minimum setback requirements: a. For front yards, 35 feet. b. For rear yards, 30 feet. c. For side yards, 15 feet. d. The minimum setback is 50 feet when it abuts a residential district without being separated from the residential district by a street or railroad right-of-way. Sec. 20-796. Interim uses. The following are interim uses in the "01" District: Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 8 of 43 (1) Temporary classroom structures for use by public or private schools needed for temporary use. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT Blurt Creek Overlay District . . ~- - I -::: ~_. I =::-Oi'=:. Development within the Bluff Creek corridor requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. As part of this specific development request, the applicant is requesting a variance from the primary zone boundary to encroach into the primary zone for the development of the project, including buildings, grading, parking and driveway, stormwater ponding and the proposed wetland mitigation area. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone encompasses approximately the westerly 20 percent of the property. Bluff Creek is entirely within the City of Chanhassen. It provides a unique blend of habitat, vegetation and recreational opportunities through the center of the City. The corridor encompasses all of the land which drains to Bluff Creek. In December 1996, the City of Chanhassen adopted the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan (BCWNRMP). The plan was the culmination of several years of study and planning focused on protecting the natural and recreational resources provided by the Bluff Creek corridor. The BCWNRMP recommended the establishment of a primary zone (the creek, riparian wetlands, associated steep slopes, native vegetation) and a secondary zone (other undeveloped portions of the watershed) as a tool to help protect the creek's natural resources. The primary and secondary Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 9 of 43 zones were mapped at that time using aerial photography to provide staff and the public with a general idea of where the zones would lie. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) by ordinance in 1998. The BCOD was modified on this property to remove that portion impacted by grading north of the pond and that portion impacted by the construction of TH 212. Even with this modification of the BCOD, a significant portion of the property remains encumbered by the BCOD. The primary zone includes the forested area of the site and the wetlands contained therein, which included the wetland that was filled as part of the approved wetland alteration permit in 2006. If granted, this will be the first variance of this type within the Bluff Creek Overlay District in this area. Decisions made regarding this development may set a precedent for future developments. The Bluff Creek Overlay District was intended to preserve the natural corridor along Bluff Creek for aesthetic, recreational, wildlife and water quality functions. As Section 20-1551 of the City Code states, "significant natural features should impact development rather than development impacting significant natural features." Bluff Creek is a 303d-listed water with turbidity and fish lEI impairments. It is known to have significant erosion and sediment issues resulting from the increase in surface water discharge volumes to the creek. Currently, the City and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency are conducting a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study. This study will result in further Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 10 of 43 recommendations to protect Bluff Creek. The Bluff Creek Overlay District was intended, in part, to guide development to minimize the increases in hardscape that accompany development by creatively designing site plans to reduce impervious surface and save significant natural resources. Because of the need to define the underlying causes of the erosion within Bluff Creek, the Bluff Creek Corridor Feasibility Study was undertaken. This study identified 22 severely eroded gullies and escarpments just in the lower valley alone downstream of the proposed development. o II~ ..... (l\j(lty,!Wu.o' _c,--:~s.-. c_c.......,..... Figure 3. Bluff Creek erosion issues downstream of proposed development Properties within the Bluff Creek Overlay District are subject to the following requirements: 1. A conditional use permit is required prior to all subdivisions, site plans, land alteration and building within the BCOD. 2. Bluffs must be preserved as set forth in Article XXVIII of City Code. 3. Density transfers can be used to cluster development in areas where the location of the primary zone makes portions of the site unsuitable for development. 4. Natural habitat areas within the primary zone must be preserved as open space. 5. The primary zone must be 100 percent open space. 6. All structures must be set back at least 40 feet from the primary zone. 7. The first 20 feet of the setback from the primary zone cannot be disturbed. The area has experienced extensive land alteration in the last two years with the construction of TH 212, the extension of Powers Boulevard and the placement of the access road onto the site. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 11 of 43 The corridor, which was contiguous in 2006, has experience significant fragmentation, tree loss and wetland loss. ..' ~ ~ ~ ni .0. , .0 i5~ .. ~ 2006 Existing Conditions 2008 Existing Conditions Figure 4. Land use changes from 2006 to 2008 All of these land use changes lead to increased runoff to Bluff Creek and further degradation of the creek. In addition, as loss of wetland and woodland diminishes the wildlife and aesthetic value of the area, the function and value of the Bluff Creek corridor as a natural area is reduced. Natural Habitat Preservation Section 20-1561. Natural Habitat Preservation. (a) Natural habitat areas within the primary zone shall be preserved as permanent open space. Any development that occurs shall be directly related to the development of a continuous greenway along the creek from the Minnesota River to Lake Minnewashta as outlined in the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. (b) Where possible, any disturbances of natural habitat areas within the secondary zone shall be avoided. Any alterations to the natural habitat within the secondary zone shall adhere to the practices delineated in the city's surface water management plan. Land use changes on the property have already resulted in the loss of one Manage I wetland and a significant area of woodland. The proposed development plan will remove nearly three additional acres of trees. Further, the limits of tree removal and the placement of the road will completely sever the southwestern portion of the site, as well as Bluff Creek and the adjoining wetland from the remainder of the property. Wetlands Wetland A, as shown in Figure 4 above, was filled to create an access road to the site. This wetland was part of a drainage system that flowed from northeast to southwest across the site Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 12 of 43 into the filled wetland before discharging into the riparian wetland adjacent to Bluff Creek. Two other wetlands exist on or immediately adjacent to the project site. The first is located near the top of Figure 4 and was intended to be restored and expanded to mitigate for the loss of Wetland A. To date, this mitigation has not been performed. The original applicant has given a letter of credit to the City ofChanhassen and has until June 1,2009 to complete the restoration or be in violation of the W AP and the Wetland Conservation Act. The other wetland potentially affected by the proposed development is the largest basin located just east of center in Figure 4. This wetland was restored and is under a perpetual Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Reserve Program easement. The Natural Resource Conservation Service, NRCS, is the holder of this easement and must approve any changes to the hydrology of this wetland. No jurisdictional wetland boundary determination or delineation has been performed on this wetland. The RIM easement exists up to the 901.5 foot elevation. Based upon soils, hydrology, existing drainage patterns and topography, it is highly probable that the wetland extends well beyond the water's edge. This is of importance when considering the proposed road alignment which would be directed through this fringe wetland area south of the wetland. The existing east-west trail visible in Figure 5 is the approximate centerline of the proposed road. A wetland delineation will be needed to determine the extent of the wetland. Depending upon the findings, any proposed impacts will require a Wetland Alteration Permit showing that sequencing conditions are met and that they will be mitigated for at the required ratio if allowed. Avoidance must always be the first consideration. This wetland, although identified as a Manage 1 wetland, would actually be classified as a Preserve wetland based upon the existence of the RIM easement which was unknown at the time our wetland inventory was performed. This classification requires a 40- foot buffer and a 40- foot setback of primary structures from the buffer. Although outside of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, the road should be aligned to stay out of the buffer and setback. Woodlands ~.-~ ~':':' J"' - .,.t., :./;;."".,~.... . ..'...'. " "'~...". .'. . #i' ~;,~ .~:'/~"'J<~ ....~. .';, ..,' p". . li~~'}@/'I' '. ,'" :,' . h .! .. '.N" ' . \i::::" \1, ~..., ,;I, l~'" ,\.~." .' c :,."'" ~t:~;'i" l~ " " ,-;-....J.'.. " ,~""'.' I " ," ' ' ',c' ' .-",. ,. "., ' .' '. .' ',<' ...' ,,' . _ ., ",;>'" . . k, ,.,. <<'..... ., '.. ," "I. ' _, ." .". ,,,, c' ", ~ ,,, ,'" ~r., .,. ~.'t.i~~.~..,.. "'~'..."".'., ,.v..~"".." "}.~..~~. ~.-'l.'.~'" ..~'i'..~..~c.. ":";l.~.'.' \. ~' ,.~ ' ,,,,'(,,.,',' ;, V'" -.C"" "rJf:ii'cc'-" ~,"-~. ... . ' \" , : '---l' " ;;-., ,'1'""". ,~"", '-~ "" _ ~..~~.;;,: ,. >',-.:'}'F-.. ..... .,.~;.,; .'..(~ _",~-.".~~. .' ...~~~,.;)...~..i\\. .~.,.il~.. "},~'~.'.'~ . ;~~ .j. . ~ "'\'. s:';;,,,\ .~.;-/..:.-' '. ...~~ji1tJl. \~;:~ ,,~~~ ' "'."\.l ~. ~.""" .~,., . '-;'.~ y.;,,; :,.....- . . . ~.i~;r~ '.f! .~""'"~:~ .. .~ ~."'y,c".. _"",," ..',.... !IIllI" "..,,~ .t\.. "", ;.... """J'" ..... . ,,,,,:,.. ~= It;'L'~' .......~""~. ~ ' .A~\ ~...,n~. .,' ,.j::' ~." .. . ~~.: ... , ......~ ..... ~/ . " ~.~ .. ..-<~~ .. ~- ..~'"<.~ ~,~~-- ~ ..... __ __ __1MiI "" '-.; "'" .,~; '..l. 0_;.., .1 .~ J~ ..' ~ .. .~ ~~. ~:<' c.,. < ;~: :' ~" ~ : <1-. -.:., ';, .'O~ ~~~j\~..;. . '~ ".: ~-;. ~ ,'.l.' ~:'~"" ... .tit ~ .i. 'J.,. == ":'" I< ;.~ ... ;J>. .- _r >1<<~ II ~:~~. .t:. '~1.'~ f.~ ~~.~. ~~.' Q j , < ~ a ~ ~ ~ . ,0 <0 co ~ Q . Figure 5. RIM wetland showing 40-foot buffer (brown) and 40-foot setback (purple) from the National Wetland Inventory shape file. The filling of the wetland and subsequent construction of the pond resulted in removal of a significant area of woodland. Further removal has taken place north of the new pond in an area outside of the approved wetland mitigation plan (see Figure 2). The proposed plan would remove approximately three additional acres of woodland. This removal would create additional J Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 13 of 43 woodland edge which would be highly susceptible to colonization by European buckthorn, garlic mustard and other invasive species. This removal would result in further fragmentation of the natural corridor that exists currently. Finally, this removal would result in a decrease of interception of rainfall and an increase in runoff, ultimately leading to further degradation of Bluff Creek. The previously submitted hydrologic model shows that runoff from the site increases from 50% to over 100% depending upon the rainfall event for the proposed plan. Bluffs There are no areas within the proposed grading area that meet the criteria of "bluff' as defined in City Code. The Bluff Creek Overlay District has additional requirements for impervious coverage based upon slopes. Section 20-1556. Impervious Coverage and Slopes Within the secondary zone of the BCO district, areas with average slopes exceeding 25 percent shall be preserved in their natural states and maintained as permanent open space. Areas with average slopes less than 25 percent but greater than ten percent shall not exceed an impervious surface coverage of 25 percent. Because no development is to occur within the primary zone, this language is only mentioned as it pertains to the secondary zone. Most of the wooded area within the proposed grading limits exceeds ten percent slopes. Further, the majority of the soils within the wooded area are classified highly erodible land or potentially highly erodible land. Impervious Coverage Calculations were not provided to show the breakdown of impervious coverage within the primary zone or secondary zone. The following calculations are based upon planimetric calculations with the plan set. A planimeter is a tool used to calculate areas from a two- dimensional paper drawing. Some discrepancies are inherent when using this tool. Based upon the planimetric calculations, 5.75 acres of Lot 1 is within the primary zone. This does not include the proposed road and pond. The pond is entirely within the primary zone as is most of the proposed road. It is estimated, based upon the figures obtained from the planimeter, that 43.9% ofthat portion within Lot 1 will be impervious surface. Nearly 100% ofthe secondary zone will be impervious surface. Based upon the hydrologic calculations provided by the consulting engineer, runoff volumes for a one-year event will more than double for the entire site and nearly triple at the discharge under Powers Boulevard to Bluff Creek. This discharge point will experience a 57% increase in runoff volume for a ten-year event while discharge from the entire site will increase by 51 % for the same rain event. This condition will likely be mitigated for somewhat because it does not discharge directly to Bluff Creek but instead into the adjacent wetland. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 14 of 43 Mitigation The project proposes construction of the building, an access drive, parking and retaining wall, as well as a storm water pond and public street within a portion of the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone. The encroachment into the primary zone and setback requires a variance. To mitigate for the impacts to the primary corridor, the applicant should submit a plan for the restoration of areas adjacent to the Bluff Creek Corridor with species consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. Additionally, the developer should be required to meet green construction standards to mitigate the impacts in the primary zone through the enhanced environmental benefits from the green construction. The applicant is requesting a variance to encroach into the primary zone. This variance needs to be the minimum necessary to accomplish the goals. A variety of practices and designs are available and could potentially decrease the total impact to the primary zone. These should be evaluated in an attempt to minimize these impacts. This includes, but is not limited to, alternative stormwater design, disconnected pavement areas, pervious pavement and the establishment of forested areas. Various products are available to allow for storage and treatment of stormwater under the parking lot. This would reduce or eliminate the need to place the pond in Outlot B and subsequently remove those trees further minimizing total land disturbance within the primary zone. Other options may be available to promote infiltration or abstraction of rainfall and decrease the resulting runoff volumes. The applicant should evaluate recognized low-impact development techniques as to their benefits, and incorporate these techniques where practicable to do so, or clearly show why they are not practicable. During previous iterations, there was discussion about using a four-story building and a parking ramp in the event that MnDOT does not turn back the right-of-way as anticipated. It may be possible to use the same design techniques to minimize the impact to the primary zone. In conjunction with the development of the site and to mitigate some of the natural feature impacts of the proposed development, the site developer should be required to meet standards that would lead to, at a minimum, certification by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Green Building Rating System by the U.S. Green Building Council, or comply with the Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (MSBG), administered by the University of Minnesota Center for Sustainable Building Research. The area east of Lot 1 within Outlot A and the primary corridor of Bluff Creek shall be covered by a conservation easement, which shall be recorded with the first phase of the development. This easement shall restrict activities within the area and prohibit any development. Due to the fact that this area of Outlot A is undevelopable (the property cannot get access to the west because of the 12 foot retaining wall, cannot be accessed to the public street because of the site grades and the existing wetland and wetland setbacks required for any development would not permit the siting of structures in this area) the land within the conservation easement could not be used in future phases for density transfer purposes. The city shall have final approval of the easement restrictions. Any wetland mitigation activities that are required within this area shall Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 15 of 43 have final approval by city staff. No additional activities shall be allowed within this area and access to the mitigation site shall be the existing path. The wooded areas of Lot 1 and Outlot B shall be covered by a conservation easement that restricts specific activities and prohibits any further development within the area. SUBDIVISION REVIEW ApproxiInate Area of Conservation Easelnent ~ tfIl1.~ (~ - \- . ;if~. ~J I I I I I I I I I I I I I l"",,_~._.~ ~~..:t':-. The granting of the variance to encroach into the Bluff Creek primary zone is unavoidable due to the configuration of Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17) and Highway 212 and the access to the site. This site is intended as a gateway location of the City. As such, it requires a significant site presence. The easterly driveway is proposed to provide a separation between client, employee and surgical patient pickup traffic. Staff is recommending approval of the variance subject to the development incorporating mitigation strategies outlined above. am.ar 8'.;r:l~::":' SII"'~'nt 2'T1Z _..I.I'C".........."" ......, _ __lliR 7~/1 .' "/'11 / 7./ II ;" ./ /' " VP;",(~:; ...' 7/ \ '\ J \ '\ V \ --- '\ ! " , L ,II oun.OT / 11",,-1-,,,, I) "'~ :::-\' ./ / / /// / ./ ,'./ /// ~~ ,/ ,- -p :,-;. - ~ A ,_.... ..4.1_ j,."tt'z.rJ/"l '.D./. ..--rf......,:~u"f a:.: I I...." .:-::.u:r~~....., . i I , ,...\ -~ '\ '\ ,-j , I '-- , 2:0,l.,'1-,'t 2dtj.tM . . , , 1'-- I r--J r--i --------"1 A' i ~J:..'" _-1 ~~-\- V' \ Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 16 of43 The developer, United Properties LLC, is proposing the creation of one lot and two outlots. Lot 1 is proposed for the development of the Powers Crossing Professional Center. Outlot A is reserved for future development. Outlot B contains the stormwater pond and a lift station site for the City of Chanhassen. The preliminary plat currently does not have a name. Staff recommends that the Plat continue the name of Butternut Ridge as Butternut Ridge First Addition. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL A gravel driveway extends from the curb cut on Powers Boulevard and accesses the flat area to the north of the pond. The pond was constructed in 2006 when the access for the MnDOT construction staging area was constructed. The trees south of the driveway have been cleared. The remainder of the area proposed for development is treed. The high point of area proposed for development is on the northeast comer of proposed Lot 1. The ridge continues along the northern property line. A drainageway extends from the east and discharges to the area proposed for development. The developer has submitted drainage calculations. The following illustrates the existing and proposed drainage areas. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 17 of 43 ;'" , ( \ \ , , , /~~~-- \'\ r',f~-":::"""" ~~--..-;..~, I _~::O-~..:-- ----..~ ..:_~ Existing drainage areas m:~ --- -~....=:::.. Proposed drainage areas A summary of the existing and proposed drainage is as follows: To Highway 212 ROW To Highway 212 ROW To Powers Blvd pipe To off-site wetland 0.71 ac 3.70 ac 7.42 ac 1~1' O.I':~~'!: ,'I. ~av , nla 27.1 ac 0.69 ac 3.32 ac 7.42 ac i~:~ ~"()fac 0.24 ac 27.1 ac To Powers Blvd ditch 5.2 9.0 23.7 46.0 8.2 22.9 45.6 4.7 The drainage calculations indicate that the post-development peak discharge rates increase to the Highway 212 right-of-way. A copy of the drainage calculations were forwarded to MnDOT for their review and comment. Although City staff has not received written comments, MnDOT staff has indicated that the plans must be revised so that the peak discharge rates to their system do not increase. A drainage permit will be required from MnDOT. The plans must also be modified so that the peak discharge to the off-site wetland does not increase under fully developed conditions. The drainage area shown in blue contains a drainageway. Under the proposed developed conditions a retaining wall will be constructed across the drainageway on the west side of the building. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 18 of43 The developer proposes to install storm sewer to convey runoff from the drainageway underneath the retaining wall. The plans must be revised to provide either an overland emergency overflow or an additional outlet control structure at a higher elevation. The developer must submit a letter from an engineer stating that the retaining wall design can accommodate temporary ponding behind the wall. The runoff from the drainageway will not be treated in the proposed stormwater pond since the runoff is from an undeveloped area. The runoff will be conveyed to the Powers Boulevard drainage ditch on the southwest comer of the site via storm sewer pipe. The alignment of the storm sewer pipe must be redesigned to eliminate excess cover over the pipe. The plan indicates that the storm sewer in the northwest comer of the parking lot will connect to storm sewer installed with Highway 212. If MnDOT approves this connection, then the plans must be revised to show the existing pipe. Wetlands One wetland exists on the property. This wetland is located north and east of the proposed building site. A second wetland formerly existed on the site. This wetland was impacted under Wetland Alteration Permit #2006-32. Under this W AP, the applicant was to replace the wetland by creating new wetland adjacent to the formerly discussed wetland. This replacement, per the approved W AP and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, was to be constructed prior to or concurrent with the approved wetland impact. To date, in violation of the approved permit, this mitigation area has not been constructed. The applicant requested additional time so that several oak trees could be spaded out of the area and transplanted elsewhere on the site. Staff agreed to this request but only after the applicant produced an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $5,000 identifying the City of Chanhassen as the beneficiary and the applicant agreed to have the restoration complete no later than June 1,2009. The applicant has begun taking steps to create the mitigation area. The applicant will need to comply with all other conditions of the W AP. In the event that the restoration is not completed, this may constitute a violation of the '.' . " j ~ . . . . > < o. .0 .0 :" u " " , " m E[) Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 19 of 43 Wetland Conservation Act and could, by law, require replacement at a ratio of as much as 4: 1 in addition to other compensations. W"'D4o.... ~'''" ~... ~....- ..- -...... u_ \ '- ' ....-......... ............-. ...- ..,....o~ _-(_c.-,' ,'., .....__ ...,......-..--&lll ..... ",.. ...... LI D o El ..._ ..__,-...a..... ....___ ___O"""t ,. , 1", .---- , -- II _....Il(I.,__. ..........f\l,............ ~........, -.0 __.., ...........-- .. ~..!.!r c 2:.:'c........J!If. '",,- " "). - ".\. .... :::7.:=~""t':::J---==r'..:-...._... . __..9...______.._.. .._---~---- . ..-------..-.. ... . ~71....:I:~.\":l'.:.:':""".-%=--=-.S:c::... . ~,E:.~~.:n:s~-:v=~'$-:.. . ...--- .-..------ , ---....-...-""-...-- . ;.:.~~~.;....~,;;_..__...- , '", \\ ~. '!-::J ~ ( -..-........- =-.~ ~~;~~-r~~ ~ :-:~:-:. _ t'e,lft.. "- I.... Brhart Property w......"'"""'J. -. ....... .... Tim Erhart --- --- Figure 2. Approved Wetland Grading and Mitigation Plan In addition to the previously identified wetland, at least one other wetland exists on or in proximity to the subject property such that the likelihood of wetland impact is significant. This wetland is a Preserve wetland which is in a Perpetual Reinvest In Minnesota Easement (RIM) and a perpetual Flowage Easement. Both easements are held by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and are administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and are described as containing all land up to the 901.5. The proposed road alignment to the east appears to be outside of the RIM easement. However, the jurisdictional wetland boundary was never determined and is not identified anywhere within the plan set or in the Delineation Report prepared by Westwood Professional Services in August of2006. A Preserve wetland requires a 40-foot buffer and a 40-foot setback from the buffer of primary structures. Secondary structures must be setback 20 feet from the buffer. A jurisdictional wetland boundary determination and delineation will be needed to determine the extents of the buffer and setbacks and the impact this will have on the road alignment. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 20 of 43 Surface Water Drainage The majority of the site drains to the Bluff Creek watershed. In the existing conditions, the drainage from the proposed mitigation area flows from northeast to southwest through an intermittent stream channel to what was formerly a Manage 1 wetland. This drainage currently is conveyed through the same channel to the existing stormwater pond. Because this water is "clean" it does not require treatment prior to discharge into the wetland located west of Powers Boulevard adjacent to Bluff Creek. The applicant has been instructed to direct this flow such that it bypasses the proposed stormwater pond, thus minimizing the pond size necessary to accommodate this volume and still meet National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) recommendations. It is apparent that there is an area of depression upstream of the proposed building site. It is quite conceivable that this area could be utilized to store runoff, thereby garnering extended detention and rate control. This practice was identified in the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan, the Draft Bluff Creek Corridor Feasibility Study and in the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan as one that would yield beneficial results in the limiting of erosion and sediment deposition within Bluff Creek. It is recommended that the applicant evaluate and utilize this practice as water will likely impound behind the proposed retaining wall in either case. By moving the inundation further from the retaining wall, the potential hazards of having water behind the wall will be minimized. The applicant is also proposing to increase peak discharge rates to the MnDDT system constructed for the TH 212 project. This practice is generally not accepted and MnDDT will need to comment as to whether they would allow this increase in peak discharge. The applicant is also requesting to berm a low area between the RIM wetland and the proposed mitigation area. This is not indicated on the plan set but was requested through conversations with City staff. The RIM wetland is not tributary to the Bluff Creek system and it does not appear that the proposed activity would result in a redirection of surface water drainage from one watershed to another. However, it will be incumbent upon the applicant to show that this is the case and to show that the creation of this berm will not result in a change in hydrology or hydraulics and will not have a deleterious impact on downstream properties and receiving water bodies. Drainage is directed to the RIM wetland from the south through a relatively well-defined swale. Under the proposed road alignment, this swale will be intersected by the road. Conveyance must be maintained from this swale to the RIM wetland. An appropriately sized and designed culvert needs to be installed under the proposed road to maintain this conveyance and prevent the possibility of erosion and sediment deposition. Erosion Control The applicant has provided a Grading and Erosion Control Plan for Phase Two but has not incorporated any of the changes requested by staff. Phase II is contingent upon MnDDT turning back a portion of the right-of-way to the land owner. In the event that the MnDDT right-of-way is not turned back to the applicant, this plan will not address erosion and sediment control issues Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 21 of 43 specific to site grading for Phase I only. Ifthe applicant does not receive the tumback as anticipated, or does not grade the entire area as shown on the plan for any reason, a new plan set will be required specific to Phase I grading. As indicated in City Code, grading should be phased, where practicable to do so, such that the least amount of disturbed area is exposed at anyone time. That the plan is designed for two separate phases indicates that it is practicable to do so. Staff recommends that a phasing plan be included with the erosion control to indicate the timing of when areas will be open. No Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was provided with this plan. The consulting engineer has stated that they will provide this as well as the additional erosion control best management practices with the construction level drawings. It has always been the practice ofthe City to require a full SWPPP and erosion control plans be submitted as part ofthe review process. Article II Section 18-40 (4)g states that a soil and erosion control plan are required as part of the submittal. Staff sees no compelling reason to deviate from this practice. In addition, the Carver County Soil and Water Conservation District will need to see these plans and comment on them. The development must comply with Carver Soil and Water Conservation District comments. These comments have been made available to the applicant and are incorporated by reference. In general, they require a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan be developed and submitted for review per the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit. In addition to landscaping requirements, plantings are a part of the erosion control best management practices. The submittal does indicate landscaping trees and calls out a seed mix to be used on disturbed areas. Those disturbed areas adjacent to the remaining wooded areas will experience shaded conditions. The MnDOT 340 mix does not seem appropriate for these areas and staff recommends that a modified BWSR U7 seed mix be used instead. Further, those disturbed areas east of the proposed building and south of the proposed road which will not have buildings, parking or other permanent surface structures should be reforested with native deciduous tree species consistent with the existing species composition. Based upon the tree survey, this would indicate that bur oak should be used. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) The following charges are based upon the 2008 SWMP fees for water quality and water quantity. These fees are consistent with Minn. Stat. ~103B. The site is an Office and Institutional zoning change. The acreage used to calculate the fees are based upon the assumption that the tumback of MnDOT right-of-way will occur. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 22 of 43 Developable Acreage Calculations Area (ac) wlo Area (ac) wi Turnback Turnback Lot 1 8.26 10.31 Outlot A 103.03 103.03 Outlot B 1.74 2.53 ROW 1.18 1.18 Total 114.21 117.05 Water Quality Fees The 2008 per acre water quality fees for commercial development is $6,820.00. Total developable acreage for build out is 11.21 acres. Based upon these figures, total estimated water quality fees for the development equals $76,452.20. Water Quantity Fees The 2008 per acre water quantity fees for commercial development is $17,400.00. Total developable acreage equals 11.21 acres. Based upon these figures, total estimated water quantity fee is $195,054.00. SWMP Credits The City of Chanhassen gives SWMP fee credits for on-site stormwater treatment. This credit is equal to one-half of the water quantity fee per acre of development treated in a NURP basin. According to the drainage calculations and figures provided by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., 8.93 acres ofthe developed site will be treated inthe proposed pond. This results in a SWMP credit of $77,691.00. In addition, the pond outlet and the outlet for the bypass system each warrant a credit of $2,500.00 for an additional $5,000.00 credit. This means the estimated total SWMP credit is $82,691.00. Based upon the above fees and credits, the estimated SWMP fee due at the time of final plat is $271,506.20. RETAINING WALLS The developer proposes to construct two retaining walls: Location East of the building East of the proposed pond Len th 440 feet 230 feet Maximum Dei t 12 feet 6 feet Building permits are required for retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 23 of 43 UTILITIES Lateral sanitary sewer and watermain to serve the proposed buildings will extend from the existing trunk utilities in Powers Boulevard. The developer will be responsible for extending lateral sanitary sewer and watermain to the east end of the access road; therefore, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived. A manhole must be installed at the terminus of the sanitary sewer. All sanitary sewer and watermain within Lot 1, Block 1 shall be privately owned and maintained. The storm sewer that will convey runoff from the drainageway to the east of the property shall also be privately owned and maintained, including those portions that lie within public right-of- way and the City owned outlot. The 20- foot wide drainage and utility easement shown on the preliminary plat over this storm sewer must be deleted. The plans include a 50-foot wide by 50-foot deep pad at the southeast comer of the Powers Boulevard/access road intersection. This pad will be within the same outlot as the proposed stormwater pond, which shall be deeded to the City. The City will construct a sanitary sewer lift station and forcemain under a separate contract. Staff anticipates that the forcemain will be directionally bored to minimize impacts. The preliminary plat includes a 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement extending from the lift station, east within the access road right-of-way, then northeast along the west side of an off- site wetland. Due to the variability associated with the forcemain installation, the 20- foot wide drainage and utility easement shall be replaced with a temporary blanket drainage and utility easement. A permanent 20-foot wide easement will be required over the final forcemain alignment. Each new lot will be subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2008 trunk hookup charges are $1,769/SAC unit for sanitary sewer and $4,799/SAC unit for watermain. These fees will be collected with the building permit, subject to the rates in effect at the time of building permit, and shall be based on the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services' SAC unit determination. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. All public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Department of Health, Carver County and Watershed District. Upon project completion, as-built drawings must be submitted for the private utilities. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 24 of 43 STREETS/ACCESS The developer proposes to construct a public street from Powers Boulevard, approximately 600 feet south ofthe Highway 212 on ramp. A curb cut was constructed at this location when this segment of Powers Boulevard was constructed. The traffic study completed for the site indicates that a double left turn lane is required for southbound Powers Boulevard into the site. This turn lane must be constructed with Phase I improvements. The developer must coordinate this work with Carver County and provide additional right-of-way, if needed. The traffic study also indicates that the intersection at Powers Boulevard will likely warrant a traffic signal when the second building phase is constructed. The 2005 AUAR traffic analysis did not include a traffic signal at this intersection because at that time a through street was not proposed on the subject property because lower density development was projected. The traffic study indicates that the full buildout of this property will warrant the traffic signal; therefore, the developer must pay a cash fee with the final plat to cover the cost of the traffic signal. Staff will determine the signal cost prior to final plat approval. The public street will be 50 feet wide. The plans include turn lanes from the access road into the site. An 80-foot wide right-of-way will be platted to accommodate the access road, including the turn lanes. A temporary roadway, drainage and utility easement must be provided over the cul- de-sac at the east end of the access road. This property is subject to the Arterial Collector Fee which is $3,600 per developable acre. The acreage used in this calculation shall include the right-of-way tumback from both Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard. This fee shall be paid in cash with the final plat. Submit proposed names for the street labeled "Access Road" on plans for approval. TREE PRESERVATION Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculation for the subdivision are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands and bluffs) Total canopy area (excluding wetlands and bluffs) Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree preservation 559,310 sq ft 221,675 sq ft 40% 20% or 111,862 sq ft 22% or 124,341 sq ft The applicant meets minimum requirements for tree preservation. All of the existing wooded areas within the proposed subdivision are within the Bluff Creek primary and secondary corridors. Because of this, the applicant was asked to minimize grading and tree removal in the development and revise the original grading plan. The revised grading does not present any changes. The tree removal remains identical to the original proposal. The intent of the primary corridor, to protect the watershed of Bluff Creek, has not been met by the proposed plan. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 25 of 43 To mitigate for the effects of development within the primary corridor, the developer should be required to meet green construction standards for the whole site. In wooded areas within the grading limits, staff recommends that all resulting openings be reforested with native trees. There are multiple sites that can be reforested along the eastern wooded area and along the east end of the access road. Tree planting sites are also available around the proposed pond to the south. Tree species shall be selected from the Bluff Creek Management Plan native species list. Staff recommends that the area east of Lot 1 within Outlot A and the primary corridor of Bluff Creek be covered by a conservation easement. This easement shall restrict activities within the area and prohibit any development. A legal description of the area is included in the report. The City shall have final approval of the easement restrictions. Any wetland mitigation activities that are required within this area shall have final approval by City staff. No additional activities shall be allowed within this area and access to the mitigation site shall be the existing path. Staff recommends that the wooded areas of Lot 1 and Outlot B also be covered by a conservation easement that restricts specific activities and prohibits any further development within the area. The applicant is proposing to save several large oaks along the eastern grading limits. Staff recommends that the following practices be required in order to insure the best chance of survival for the oaks: understory trees near the oaks shall be preserved, roots at the grading limits shall be cut cleanly with a trencher or vibratory plow and tree preservation fencing shall be installed prior to any grading.. Preserving the existing grade as far out as possible from the base of the tree would be very beneficial. The applicant could install a second retaining wall that would protect the existing grade and reduce grading. PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS A primary component of the 1997 Park, Open Space and Trail Referendum was acquisition of a large, highly desirable parcel of open space. The "Fox" woods located north and east ofthe proposed Powers Crossing Professional Center contains the largest forested preserve in the city'separk system. Collection of a park dedication fee in lieu of acquisition of additional open space as a condition of approval for the Powers Crossing project is recommended. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 26 of 43 TRAILS . Powers Boulevard Trail: This existing section of trail was installed concurrent with J the extension of Powers Boulevard. This trail transports people north and south between the proposed access road and the on/off ramp at Highway 212. . North Trail: Construction of the 10- ft. wide "North Trail" as a condition of approval of this subdivision will satisfy an important pedestrian connection. The intersection of Powers Boulevard and the Highway 212 on/off ramp will serve as a key trailhead location in the future. An extensive trail system will be developed in the park preserve serving as a primary attractor to this area. In addition, a future second regional trail connection will extend from this intersection northeast along a large wetland and running parallel with Highway 212. This particular section of trail will extend to the intersection of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard serving as a commuter bikeway in addition to a recreational trail. I :'1-<__ I . Access Road Trail: Designation and construction of this 10- ft. wide trail on the north side of the proposed access road is consistent with the comprehensive plan and, when extended east, will serve as an important east/west trail connection between Powers Boulevard and Highway 101. Park /-- ,-L- --.l ;-\ ~~' )L ~\~~ ~ Tr3Il Easements """""' Exlstl'lg TrailS ""' Future Trarls ""'" To Be Constructed by Developer Powers Crossing Trolil Molp .vnfUI,:009 N W+E S The current design as shown in the plan set for the North Trail is not acceptable. Assuming that the MnDOT right-of-way at this location will remain fenced, the trail should be set back a minimum of 3 feet from the fence to safely allow for winter plowing and snow storage. Similarly, a minimum 3-foot boulevard (6 feet or more being preferred) should be maintained between the trail and the parking lot, again for winter maintenance and snow removal, but more importantly to create an aesthetically pleasing and inviting trail corridor and property boundary. . Future Trail: A future trail connection to the park preserve will start at the South East Corner of Lot 1, Block 1. To accommodate this future trail alignment a triangular shaped permanent trail easement will be needed at this location. (Reference Trail Map) Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 27 of 43 COMPLIANCE TABLE Area (sq. ft.) Frontage (ft.) Depth (ft.) Notes Code 15,000 75 150 Lot 1 359,689 488 737 8.26 ac. (10.31 ac. with MnDOT land) 103.03 ac. Future Outlot A 4,487,987 Development Area less the area of the conservation easement 1.74 ac. (2.53 ac. with Outlot B 75,911 MnDOT land) Storm water pond ROW 51,623 1.18 ac. TOTAL 4,975,210 114.21 ac. (117.05 ac. with MnDOT land) MnDOT will be reconveying approximately 2.8 acres ofland back to the property owner. This land represents excess right-of-way taken for the construction of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard. GENERAL SITE PLANI ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE The developer is proposing a two-phase, 'jO'~~__I'''\';:~'f .. three-story, 160,000 square-foot medical ",,,.'v::!.o;r~"~0f,,C,,-I" office building, and up to a 731-stall, five- level parking ramp. The full buildout is predicated upon a turnback to the land owner ofMnDOT right-of-way. In the event that this turnback does not occur, the applicant has requested to build a four-story building totaling 112,000 square feet. The Office Institutional (01) District limits building height to two stories. The proposed number of stories for both the building and parking ramp exceed the district regulations, by one and four stories respectively. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance from these standards in conjunction with the site plan review. The applicant is also requesting a variance from the sign ordinance to permit a larger monument sign in conjunction with the project. Finally, the applicant is requesting a variance from the setback requirements in the 01 district and Bluff Creek corridor. While the development had originally been contemplated as a planned unit development (PUD), staff felt that 01 zoning with a variance request was more appropriate for the site since this project would be a single building and one accessory structure. The PUD Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 28 of 43 district is a better zoning district for mixed use or highly complex developments. The 01 district, in this case, provides an adequate and limited range of development for the lot. The need for the variances is due to the type and function of building. This site is intended as a gateway location of the City. As such, it requires a significant site presence. To do this with a one or two story structure would not provide the same impact as a taller building and would require even greater encroachment into the Bluff Creek Primary zone. As part of staff's initial discussions with the developer, staff had recommended that the building be pushed as close to Powers Boulevard as possible. However, due to the need for the reconveyance of the excess right-of-way back to the property owner, the uncertainty of timing for such turnback, and the site user's desire to have the building overlooking the natural area east of the site, the developer has located the building as far east on the property as was feasible given the requirements for setback and parking. The first phase of the development consists of a three-story, 88,000 square-foot building, comprising the south half (72,000 square feet) and the main entrance area (16,000 square feet) of the building. The second phase would add the north half of the building and the parking ramp structure. The timing of the phasing is indeterminate at this time, but shall rely on market conditions. In order to mitigate some of the natural feature impacts of the proposed development, the site developer should be required to meet standards that would lead to, at a minimum, certification by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Green Building Rating System by the u.S. Green Building Council, or comply with the Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (MSBG), administered by the University of Minnesota Center for Sustainable Building Research. LEED activities provide a point system for a project. The minimum scoring necessary for LEED certification would be 26 points. The maximum scoring is 59 points, which provides a Platinum certification. An example of a project with Platinum certification is the Great River Energy Corporation in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Green design not only makes a positive impact on public health and the environment, it also reduces operating costs, enhances building and organizational marketability, potentially increases occupant productivity, and helps create a sustainable community. MSBG requires development to comply with four sustainable categories: performance management, site and water, indoor environmental quality, and materials and waste. This system functions on a base standard (Buildings, Benchmarks and Beyond, B3). Sustainable design is a means to reduce energy expenditures, enhance the health, well-being and productivity of the building occupants, and improve the quality of the natural environment. The Minnesota Legislature required the Departments of Administration and Commerce, with the assistance of other agencies, to develop sustainable building design guidelines for all new state buildings funded by bond money after January 15, 2004. According to the legislation, the guidelines must: Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 29 of 43 . Exceed the energy code in effect in January 2004 by at least 30 percent . Achieve lowest possible lifetime costs for new buildings . Encourage continual energy conservation improvements in new buildings . Ensure good indoor air quality . Create and maintain a healthy environment . Facilitate productivity improvements . Specify ways to reduce material costs . Consider the long-term operating costs of the building including the use of renewable energy sources and distributed electric energy generation that uses a renewable source of natural gas or a fuel that is as clean or cleaner than natural gas. Size Portion Placement Due to site topography and proposed grading, the main entry to the building is located on the west elevation of the building. The entry is highlighted by being recessed in the middle of the ultimate building with a canopy covering the entrance and drive-up/drop-off. The entrance consists of expanded storefront window treatments. Material and Detail and Color The developer is proposing the use of three colors of face brick (light iron spot (reddish-brown), beige velour (tan), and limestone (white) as the primary building material. Accent bands and columns use a cream stone. The end cap of the building consists of a bronze metal panel and gray window curtain walls. The building fayade is articulated through the use of projecting columns along the first floor elevation as well as projected segments incorporating vertical glass panels spaced along the building front. The lower level consists of larger window openings than the upper stories. The parking garage continues the use of the face brick. However, it appears as if only one brick color is proposed. Staff would recommend that the architecture of the primary structure be continued on the garage through the use of the three brick colors as well as the use of stone and metal. Height and Roof Design The project proposes a flat roof with raised towers for stairwells and elevators. The variety of roof heights add architectural detail and articulation to the building. The highest roof/parapet height is 55 feet. A one-story canopyis provided over the drop-off entry to the building. Facade Transparency Fifty percent of the first floor elevation that is viewed by the public shall include transparent windows and/or doors. All other areas shall include landscaping material and architectural detailing and articulation. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 30 of 43 Site Furnishing Community features may include landscaping, lighting, benches, and tables. The developer shall provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage (within 200 yards of a building entrance) for 5% or more of all building users (measured at peak periods), and provide shower and changing facilities in the building. The developer shall also provide benches throughout the site as well as tables and chairs in the patio area. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. Screening of service yards, refuse and waste removal, other unsightly areas and truck parking/loading areas is accomplished through the location of this area on the east side of the building. Landscaping Phase I Minimum requirements for landscaping include 13,002 square feet oflandscaped area around the parking lot, 52 trees for the parking lot, and bufferyard plantings along the north, south and west property lines. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Phase I Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 13,002 sq. ft. >13,002 sq. ft. Trees/landscape area 52 canopy trees 23 canopy trees Landscape islands/peninsulas 20 islands/peninsulas 15 islands/peninsulas PHASE II Vehicular use landscape area 12,065 sq. ft. >12,065 sq. ft. Trees/landscape area 48 canopy trees 35 canopy trees Landscape islands/peninsulas 19 islands/peninsulas 16 islands/peninsulas The applicant does not meet required landscape quantities for parking lot trees and islands/peninsulas in both phases. The applicant must meet minimum requirements for parking lot trees and landscape islands/peninsulas. In Phase II, increasing the interior width/planting area of the three islands currently proposed to be planted with perennials would serve to meet ordinance requirements. The three islands would need to specify overstory tree plantings. The interior width of the landscape islands in either Phase does not meet ordinance minimums. All landscape islands must have a minimum interior width of 10 feet inside the curbs. This includes the two islands that incorporate a sidewalk. There must be a 10- foot width of growing space in addition to the island. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 31 of 43 Required Proposed Phase I Proposed Phase II North property line 11 canopy trees 8 canopy 10 canopy bufferyard B - 570' 22 understory trees 15 understory 22 understory 34 shrubs o shrubs 36 shrubs West property line. 14 canopy trees 2 canopy 14 canopy bufferyard B - 720' 28 understory trees 7 understory 27 understory 43 shrubs o shrubs 49 shrubs South property line 11 overstory 12 overstory 12 overstory Boulevard trees - 350' Phase I: The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for either of the bufferyard areas. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to meet minimum requirements. Phase II: The applicant is short one overstory tree in the north bufferyard. The applicant shall increase the plantings to meet minimum requirements. In the proposed plant schedule, the applicant must replace the Colorado spruce with another approved evergreen species. All transplanted materials must be pre-approved by the City. Transplanted trees will not be accepted if substituted without City approval. If approved for transplanting, the material must be warranted for a minimum of one year. If transplanted materials die, then they must be replaced with nursery stock. Lot Frontage and Parking Location Parking is distributed on the west and north sides of the building. The applicant is proposing proof of parking which includes adding additional levels of parking to the ramp in the future should site parking become an issue. The City may allow reductions in the number of parking spaces actually constructed as long as the applicant provides a proof of future parking plan. The City may require the installation of the additional parking whenever the need arises. Staff supports the use of proof of parking to reduce impervious surface until an actual demand for additional parking makes additional spaces necessary. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5,2009 Page 32 of 43 [--- --.. ~. JL _ E - - :=:-.;::=-_w:..-::::::-=-__:.-:::::.-., ~:~::::r=::: :-::::----.-.----.----""1! ., j. i I OUTLOT ~ The developer is also proposing parking closer to the property line than permitted in the 01 district. In all ofthe non-residential zoning districts, except the Central Business District which has no required setback, the standards permit reduction of the parking setback to 10 feet provided landscaping and berming are proposed. The developer shall comply with the minimum parking setback requirement and install appropriate berming and or landscaping to allow the 10 feet setback. The development incorporates berming along Powers Boulevard. The parking on the north side of the property, while 12 feet from the property line, will be over 55 feet from the Highway 212 on ramp. LIGHTING/SIGNAGE The developer is proposing the use of30-foot tall site lighting with shoebox type fixtures, which complies with City Code. The plan specifies metal halide lamp type. City Code requires high- pressure sodium lighting. The light fixtures shall be revised to high-pressure sodium lighting. The applicant is requesting a 4-foot8-inch height variance from the 5-foot sign height limitation to permit a 9-foot 8-inch tall sign and a 22 square-foot sign area variance from the 24-square foot sign display area limitation to permit 46 square feet of sign display area. A [sign] variance may be granted from the requirements of this ordinance where it'is shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, strict compliance with the requirements of this ordinance would cause a hardship; provided that a variance may be granted only if the variance does not adversely affect the spirit or intent of this ordinance. While staff believes that some type of sign relief is necessary, the sign height request appears excessive, considering that the development will also be able to install wall signage on their building. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 33 of 43 The monument sign is proposed for the southwest comer of the site. The sign is proposed in property that must be turned back by MnDOT. Until the land is turned back, any signage must be located on private property. This is a logical location for the building monument sign. This area, with a base elevation of 886, is approximately 8 feet higher than Powers Boulevard just north of the access road. However, the base height is 14 feet lower than the grade elevation at the northwest comer of the site. The 01 signage criteria are usually used for a single-tenant building. The fact that there will be multiple tenants in the building leads to the need for additional area and size for the signage. The site is permitted only one monument-type sign. Staff believes that a compromise solution would be to permit the development to have signage consistent with the Industrial Office Park signage regulations which permits monument signs up to 8 feet in height with sign display area of 64 square feet. The development name in the monument sign shall be individual dimensioned letters with a minimum ~-inch projection. The applicant is also proposing directional signage on the property. Such signage may be up to 5 feet in height with a sign area of 4 square feet. The sign height for these signs shall be reduced to 5 feet. The display area for sign #2 shall be reduced to 4 square feet. Additionally, the developer is showing areas for wall signage on the building. It should be noted that the logo is limited to 30 percent of the sign area. Staff will count the sign area of all the signage on a building elevation against the permitted sign area. The logo(s) then would be a percentage ofthis total sign area. The area ofthe wall signage must comply with the sign area standards for the 01 district. A separate sign permit shall be required for all monument and wall signs. MISCELLANEOUS The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Accessible routes must be provided between commercial building(s), parking facilities and public transportation stops. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. All parking areas, including parking structure, must be provided with accessible parking spaces. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 34 of 43 COMPLIANCE TABLE 01 Professional (Bldout) Phase 1 Building Height ^ 2 stories 1 story Clinic: 3 stories Parking: 5 stories 3 stories o stories Building Setback N - 35' E* - 40' W - 35' S - 35' N - 45' E - 0' @ W - 153' S - 78' N - 455' E* - 0 @ W - 235' S - 78' Parking stalls Phase I: 499 stalls Phase II: 940 stalls 413 stalls, plus 107 stalls proof of parking 761 stalls, plus 288 stalls proof of parking (medical offices: 1/150 sq. ft. of floor area; standard offices: 5 per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area for the first 50,000 sq. ft.; then 4 per 1,000 for the next 50,000 sq. ft., then 3 per 1,000 for the balance of the building) Parking Setback N - 25' E* - 40' N - 12' E - 0' @ N -73' E - 0' @ W - 25' S - 35' W - 24' S - 27' W - 87' S - 27' (Parking setbacks on public streets may be reduced to 10 feet with the use ofberming and landscaping. ) Hard surface Coverage 65% 59% Lot Area 0.34 acre 8.26 acres (1O.31acres with MnDOT land) ^ The applicant is requesting a variance to permit a three-story building and up to a five-story parking ramp. Should the MnDOT land turnback not occur, then the applicant has an alternate request to permit a four-story building. * Setback from the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. @ The applicant is requesting a variance to encroach into the primary zone. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 35 of 43 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motions and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: A. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Rezoning of Lot I, Block 1, Butternut Ridge First Addition, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office & Institutional District, 01." B. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit with Variances to encroach into the primary zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; subject to the following conditions: 1. The property line may be revised to incorporate the reconveyed property from MnDOT to the developer. 2. The developer shall meet design and construction standards that would lead to, at a minimum, certification by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System by the U.S. Green Building Council, or comply with the Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (MSBG). 3. To mitigate for the effects of development within the primary corridor, the developer should be required to meet green construction standards for the whole site. 4. All openings created in the wooded areas on the east and south sides of the development shall be reforested with native tree species. Planting stock sizes may be variable. Species selected must be from the Bluff Creek Management Plan native plant list. These areas shall not be mowed or managed as turf areas. 5. Evaluate other site designs, stormwater management techniques and low-impact development practices for their benefit in reducing impacts to the primary and secondary zones of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 6. Reforest those areas disturbed to grade the site but do not have structures on them. The reforestation should be done with deciduous tree species representative of the existing species composition. The forested areas are dominated by bur oak. 7. Maintain the natural drainage patterns. 8. The applicant must clearly illustrate how impacts to the primary zone are to be mitigated. This mitigation must consider all benefits derived from the primary zone as described in Article XXXI of the Chanhassen City Code. 9. The area east of Lot 1 within Outlot A within the primary corridor of Bluff Creek shall be covered by a conservation easement. This easement shall restrict activities within the area Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 36 of 43 and prohibit any development. The City shall have final approval of the easement restrictions. Any wetland mitigation activities that are required within this area shall have final approval by City staff. No additional activities shall be allowed within this area and access to the mitigation site shall be the existing path. lO. The wooded areas of Lot 1 and Outlot B within the Bluff Creek primary zone shall be covered by a conservation easement that restricts specific activities and prohibits any further development within the area." C. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating one lot, two outlots and dedication of public right-of- way, plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated Aprill, 2009, subject to the following conditions: 1. Revise the Plat name to Butternut Ridge First Addition. 2. The developer shall either dedicate/donate an Outlot or record a conservation easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary zone north of the road right-of-way in Outlot A. A conservation easement shall be recorded over the Bluff Creek Primary zone located within Lot 1 and Outlot B. This easement shall restrict activities within the area and prohibit any development. The City shall have final approval of the easement restrictions. The easement shall be recorded with the first phase of the development. 3. Submit proposed names for street labeled "Access Road" on plans for approval. 4. The drainage report and plans must be revised to address comments from MnDOT. 5. The applicant must obtain a MnDOT drainage permit. 6. The drainage report and plans must be modified so that the peak discharge rate to the off-site wetland does not increase under fully developed conditions. 7. The plans must be revised to provide either an overland emergency overflow or an additional outlet control structure at a higher elevation. 8. The developer must submit a letter from an engineer stating that the retaining wall east of the building can accommodate temporary ponding behind the wall. 9. The alignment of the bypass storm sewer pipe must be redesigned to eliminate excess cover over the pipe. 10. If MnDOT allows a connection to the Highway 212 storm pipe, then show the existing pipe on the plan sheets. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 37 of 43 11. Building permits are required for retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 12. A manhole must be installed at the terminus of the sanitary sewer. 13. All sanitary sewer and watermain within Lot 1, Block 1 shall be privately owned and maintained. 14. The storm sewer that will convey runoff from the drainageway to the east of the property shall also be privately owned and maintained, including those portions that lie within public right-of-way and the City owned outlot. 15. The 20- foot wide drainage and utility easement shown on the preliminary plat over this storm sewer must be deleted. 16. Delete the 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement for the future watermain. 17. Provide a temporary blanket drainage and utility easement over the proposed forcemain corridor. 18. A permanent 20-foot wide easement will be required over the final forcemain alignment. 19. Each new lot will be subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These fees will be collected with the building permit, subject to the rates in effect at the time of building permit, and shall be based on the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services' SAC unit determination. 20. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. 21. All public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Department of Health, Carver County and Watershed District. 22. Upon project completion as-built drawings must be submitted for the private utilities. 23. The double left turn lane on southbound Powers Boulevard must be constructed with Phase I improvements. 24. The developer must coordinate the construction of the double left turn lane with Carver County and provide additional right-of-way, if needed. 25. The developer must pay a cash fee with the final plat to cover the cost ofthe traffic signal. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 38 of 43 26. A temporary roadway, drainage and utility easement must be provided over the cul-de-sac at the east end of the access road. 27. This property is subject to the Arterial Collector Fee which is $3,600 per developable acre. The acreage used in this calculation shall include the right-of-way turnback from both Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard. This fee shall be paid in cash with the final plat 28. The RIM and Flowage Easements need to be indicated on the plat. This should include the document number 10-05-87-1. 29. The wetland mitigation area in Outlot A needs to be created. A Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants needs to be executed and recorded with Carver County. This document number needs to be included on the plat. 30. The remaining conditions of approval for W AP #2006-32 need to be met: a. The plans shall be revised to show how M-l will be accessed. The access route shall be stable, shall avoid damage to significant trees (greater than 10" DBH) and shall avoid impacts to natural drainageways and any jurisdictional wetlands that may exist on site that were not delineated by Westwood Professional Services in August 2006. b. A planting plan for M-l, including invasive vegetation management techniques, species to be planted, proposed planting rates, and the approach to upland buffer restoration, shall be submitted prior to final City Council approval. c. The applicant shall submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit shall be effective for no less than five years from the date of final plat approval. The applicant shall submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. d. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan shall include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly hybrid cattail, purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant shall provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. 31. The legal wetland boundary of the RIM wetland was not delineated in the Westwood Wetland Delineation Report dated August of 2006. This boundary must be delineated and wetland impacts avoided where possible. 32. Because of the perpetual RIM and flowage easements the plans must be provided to the Natural Resources Conservation Service for review and comment. Any comments from the NRCS must be made available to the City. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 39 of 43 33. Drainage to the RIM wetland from the south flows through a defined swale. The conveyance of this flow must be maintained under the proposed road extension. 34. Erosion Control plan needs to be updated per the July comments: a. Show a 75-foot rock construction entrance. b. Show rounding of comers for proposed grades. c. Erosion control blanket shall be shown on all slopes east of the proposed building and adjacent to the pond. d. An NPDES permit must be obtained prior to any site grading and a SWPPP must be provided to the City for review and comment. e. Replace MnDOT 340 mix with a modified BWSR U7 seed mix. 35. Estimated SWMP fees due at the time of final plat are $271,506.20. 36. The development must comply with Carver Soil and Water Conservation District comments. 37. All openings created in the wooded areas on the east and south sides of the development shall be reforested with native tree species. Planting stock sizes may be variable. Species selected must be from the Bluff Creek Management Plan native plant list. These areas shall not be mowed or managed as turf areas. 38. The following practices are required in order to insure the best chance of survival for the highlighted oaks to be preserved along the east side of the development: a. Understory trees near the oaks shall be preserved. b. Roots at the grading limits shall be cut cleanly with a trencher or vibratory plow. c. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed prior to any grading. d. Trees shall be thoroughly watered during dry periods. 39. The applicant shall install a second tier to the retaining wall at the north end of the east side of the development to preserve the grade surrounding the oaks proposed to be saved. 40. Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits prior to any construction. Fencing shall be in place and maintained until all construction is completed. 41. Any trees removed in excess of proposed tree preservation plans, dated 10/06/08, will be replaced at a ratio of2:1 diameter inches. 42. All trees removed shall be chipped or hauled off site. No burning permits shall be issued. 43. The developer shall pay the full park dedication fee in force at the time of final plat approval and prior to recording. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 40 of 43 44. Construction ofthe 10-ft. wide bituminous access road trail and the North Trail. The North Trail plans shall be modified dedicating a permanent 20- foot wide trail easement to allow for appropriate separation from adjoining improvements and boulevard areas for winter plowing, snow storage and aesthetics. 45. Dedication of a permanent triangular shaped trail easement at the South East comer of Lot 1, Block 1. The triangle shall be 50' in length on its South side and 200' in length on its East side. " D. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Site Plan with Variances for building height and Bluff Creek Primary Zone setbacks for Planning Case #08-16, for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot professional office building, and up to a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp on Lot 1, Block 1 of the development, plans prepared by Pope Associates, Inc. and Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated April 1, 2009, subject to the following conditions: 1. The final plat for the development shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The full buildout is predicated upon a tumback to the land owner of MnDOT right-of-way. In the event that this tumback does not occur, the applicant may build a four-story building totaling 112,000 square feet subject to parking compliance with City Code. 3. The developer shall meet design and construction standards that would lead to, at a minimum, certification by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System by the U.S. Green Building Council, or comply with the Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines, MSBG. 4. The developer shall continue the architectural detailing through the use of the three brick colors as well as the use of stone and metal on the garage structure. 5. The developer shall provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage (within 200 yards of a building entrance) for 5% or more of all building users (measured at peak periods), and provide shower and changing facilities in the building. The developer should also provide benches throughout the site as well as tables and chairs in the patio area. 6. The light fixtures shall be revised to high-pressure sodium lighting. 7. The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 8. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 9. Accessible routes must be provided between commercial building(s), parking facilities and public transportation stops. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 41 of 43 10. All parking areas, including parking structure, must be provided with accessible parking. 11. The developer shall comply with the minimum parking setback requirement and install appropriate berming and or landscaping to allow the 10 feet setback. 12. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 13. All openings created in the wooded areas on the east and south sides of the development shall be reforested with native tree species. Planting stock sizes may be variable. Species selected must be from the Bluff Creek Management Plan native plant list. These areas shall not be mowed or managed as turf areas. 14. The applicant shall install a second tier to the retaining wall at the north end of the east side of the development to preserve the grade surrounding the oaks proposed to be saved. 15. The applicant does not meet required landscape quantities for parking lot trees and islands/peninsulas in both phases. The applicant must meet minimum requirements for parking lot trees and landscape islands/peninsulas. 16. Phase I: The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for either of the bufferyard areas. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to meet minimum requirements. 17. Phase II: The applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for bufferyard areas. The applicant shall increase the plantings to meet minimum requirements. 18. The applicant must replace the Colorado spruce with other approved species in the plant schedule. 19. All transplanted materials must be pre-approved by the City. Transplanted trees will not be accepted if substituted without City approval. If approved for transplanting, the material must be warranted for a minimum of one year. If transplanted materials die, they must be replaced with nursery stock. 20. Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits prior to any construction. Fencing shall be in place and maintained until all construction is completed. 21. Any trees removed in excess of proposed tree preservation plans, dated 04/01109, will be replaced at a ratio of 2: 1 diameter inches. 22. All trees removed shall be chipped or hauled off site. No burning permits shall be issued. 23. The North Trail plans or parking lot design shall be modified to allow for appropriate boulevard areas for winter plowing, snow storage and aesthetics. Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 42 of 43 24. A 3-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, and nothing shall be placed in front of the hydrant outlets, connections, fire protection control valves that would interfere with fire fighter operations. Section 508.5 MN. Fire Code and Sec. 508.5.4. 25. No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must be removed or chipped on site. 26. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal for locations of "No Parking Fire Lane" signage, and locations of curbing to be painted yellow. MN Fire Code Sec. 503.3. 27. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. MSFC see 501.4. 28. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be serviced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. MSFC Sec. 503.2.3." and E. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a sign size Variance request to permit an eight (8) foot tall sign with up to 64 square feet of sign display area, subject to the following conditions: 1. Separate sign permits shall be required for each sign. 2. The development name in the monument sign shall be individual dimensioned letters with a minimum ~-inch projection. 3. Only one monument sign shall be permitted for the Powers Crossing Professional Center site. 4. The sign height for the directional signs shall be reduced to five feet. The display area for sign #2 shall be reduced to four square feet. 5. The sign location shall meet all setback and site triangle requirements." Powers Crossing Professional Center Planning Case 09-06 May 5, 2009 Page 43 of 43 ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Letter of reinstatement from William P. Katter to Robert Generous Dated March 5,2009. 3. Development Review Application. 4. United Properties Development Narrative Dated April 1, 2009. 5. Letter from Ryan M. Edstrom, Westwood Professional Services, Inc., to City ofChanhassen Planning Department dated September 4, 2008. 6. Chanhassen Medical Office Development Site Traffic Study Memorandum Prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. dated September 4,2008. 7. Chanhassen Fairview Medical Center Site Traffic Analysis, Dated July 3,2008, Prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 8. Memo from Mike Spack, Spack Consulting to Alyson Fauske dated October 10, 2008. 9. Letter from Chip Hentges, Carver Soil & Water Conservation District, to Robert Generous dated October 10, 2008. 10. Letter from Roger Gustafson, Carver County Public Works, to Robert Generous dated August 14, 2008. 11. Letter from William Goff, MnDOT, to Sharrneen AI-Jaff dated August 14, 2008. 12. Letter from William Goff, MnDOT, to Sharrneen AI-Jaff dated October 27,2008. 13. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g:\plan\2008 planning eases\08-16 fairview ehanhassen medical eenter\staffreport feme.doe CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of United Properties, LLC, and Timothy & Dawne Erhart for the following: . Conditional Use Permit with Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; . Rezoning from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office & Institutional, 01; . Subdivision into one lot, two outlots and dedication of public right-of-way; . Site Plan Review with Variances for Powers Crossing Professional Center, a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot medical center, and a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp; and . Sign Variance On May 5,2009, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of United Properties, LLC, and Timothy & Dawne Erhart for Powers Crossing Professional Center - Planning Case 09-06. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A2. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential - Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. Rezoning: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance with the granting of a variance for the setbacks and building height. d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 1 e. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property, subject to the installation of the turn lanes and traffic signal. 5. Conditional Use Permits: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. The proposed use will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and the zoning ordinance. c. The proposed use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. The proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. The proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. h. The proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. 1. The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. J. The proposed use will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 6. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; 2 d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 7. Site Plan: a. The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements; c. The proposed development preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; d. The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression ofthe design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 8. Variances: a. That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Due to the topography of the site, the construction of 3 the storm water pond in the primary zone is a reasonable request. The need for the variances is due to the type and function of building. This site is intended as a gateway location for the City. As such, it requires a significant site presence. To do this with a one or two story structure would not provide the same impact as a taller building and would require even greater encroachment in to the Bluff Creek Primary zone. b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification because of the site location and prominence as well as the topography of the property. c. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land, but to permit an appropriate scale development due to site location and prominence and to locate the storm water pond in a logical location on the site. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship, but is due to site topography, site location and prominence. e. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. f. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply oflight and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 9. The City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may grant a variance from the requirement of the sign ordinance where it is shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, strict compliance with the requirements of this ordinance would cause a hardship; provided that a variance may be granted only if the variance does not adversely affect the spirit or intent ofthis ordinance. The need for the variance is because this site is intended as a gateway for the City. As such, it requires a significant site presence including signage that is more consistent with its highway entrance location. 10. The planning report #09-06, dated May 5,2009, prepared by Robert Generous, et aI, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit with Variances, Rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office and Institutional District, 01, Preliminary Plat approval, Site Plan Approval with Variances, and Sign Variance for the Powers Crossing Professional Center project - Planning Case 09-06. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 5th day of May, 2009. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 4 UNITED PRO PERT I E S March 5, 2009 Mr. Robert Generous Sr. Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED MAR 9 - 2009 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Ref: United Properties application for development Erhart Property - SE Corner of Highway 212 and Powers Blvd. Dear Bob: United Properties, on behalf of the landowner Timothy Erhart, would like to reinstate our development application for the subject property. As discussed with you last week, we will resubmit our plans for the development shortly with the only change being elimination of any reference to Fairview being involved with the project. Although we remain hopeful Fairview will anchor this project, we have not been authorized to use their name in connection with this project at this time. Ideally we would move forwards with public hearing process beginning in late April or early May, and not beforehand. Please advise on any additional items you may need from us in order to reinstate the application; we previously provided an escrow to the City in connection with the application and we presume the City continues to retain this escrow to process our application. William P. Katter Sr. Vice President United Properties LLC (952) 837-8525 Cc: Tim Erhart Robb Gruman - Fairview Health Systems 3500 American Blvd. W. Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55431 T 952.835.5300 F 952.893.8206 uproperties.com f. Resulom\'+kd CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED ,., SEP 1 9 2008 CITY OF CHANHASSEN.. 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 1~NHASSENPLANNlNGDEPT Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 Planning Case No. O~-Iv CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED . JUL 0 3 2008 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION CHANHASSEN PLANNING OiP1' PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: United Properties LLC 3500 American Boulevard West Minneapolis, MN 55431 Contact: Bill Katter Phone: 952.837.8525 Fax: 952.893.8206 Email: william.katter@uproperties.com Owner Name and Address: Timothy A. & Dawne M. Erhart 9611 Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Contact: Phone: Email: Fax: NOTE: Consultation with City staff is reauired prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment ) Temporary Sales Permit x Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Y ~S' Interim Use Permit (IUP) x Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Variance (VAR) 'd....O 0 X t.f ~ e,1c!5 !-\i-!S€+-bQcks/pr,'<Y1o( I 2GY''t' enc(oO-ch.lYI..ll\4- Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) d-15 Non-conforming Use Permit x Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal x Rezoning -00 '0 . Zoning Ordinance Amendment ,,"--x //Sig'A-P-erm1ts~- ~x Sign-RJ@.ReVi'ew---- Y- ~'""'\--...., Notification Sign - l?9Q./ (City to install and remove) Escrow.J.q( IjliQg Fees/Atto~ost** - ~~ACNAR~etes & Bounds _-\SO -~inor SUB TOTAL FEE $~ C F:..J\ '?).3oC(;;)" 1:1 ioJ'-l ;., x Site Plan Review (SPR)* t;oo + \\..o1~ ~ ;4\/;) x Subdivision* 300 x An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. (.,,'-( @ *3 ..:: ,tlJ-. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital COpy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED J- ,. PROJECT NAME: Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center LOCATION: Intersection of (new) Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Outlot A Butternut Ridge Addition, PID# 251550020 TOTAL ACREAGE: 116.88 WETLANDS PRESENT: x YES NO PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District REQUESTED ZONING: Office and Institutional District PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Residential Low Density REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: Office and Institutional REASON FOR REQUEST: Improve land to include development of a medical center, access road, storm pond, and allow for future development of a City lift station, sanitary sewer, and other necessary infrastructure. FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Mf\1Tl\e\"l \lOi.,ftttlO --'!:ll 0"> [2008 Dat u..c-- Signature of Fee Owner Date G:\plan\forms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 1/08 SCANNED ! OJ "I PROJECT NAME: Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center LOCATION: Intersection of (new) Highway 212 and Pow~::s. !3oulevard I I ! LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Outlot A Butternut Ridge Addition, PID# 251550020 TOTAL ACREAGE: 116.88 WETLANDS PRESENT: x YES NO PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District REQUESTED ZONING: Office and Institutional District PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Residential Low Density REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: Office and Institutional REASON FOR REQUEST: Improve land to include development of a medical center, access road, storm pond, and allow for future development of a City lift station, sanitary sewer, and other necessary infrastructure. FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typeWritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer wiftt the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shan be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request This application shoufd be ~ in my name and I am the party whom the City shouJd contact regarding any matter pertaining: to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Dl.lplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of TJtfe or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this applicatlon and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this appfk:atfon~ I Mtfter understand 1I1at additional fees may be chaTged for consulting fees. feasibility sWdfes, etc: wfth an esfffn~ rJFior to My authorization to proceed With the study. The documents and fnforrnation f have: subrrlitted em trl*i and correct to tne be'St of my knowledge.h / 0:m~ ~. '~ . ~fFee er Date 7/3 / 0 P; Date . G:\plan\forrnsIDevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 1/08 SCANNED UNITED PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT NARRATIVE SUPPLEMENT FOR POWERS CROSSING PROFESSIONAL CENTER CHANHASSEN,MINNESOTA Submitted On April 1, 2009 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 0 2 2009 CHANllASSEN PLANNING OEPT SCANNED Powers Crossing Professional Center April 1, 2009 Introduction On July 3, 2008, United Properties LLC, on behalf of Powers Crossing Medical LLC, a joint venture between Dawne and Timothy Erhart and United Properties Investment LLC, submitted a development application for a proposed medical office building located at the southeast corner of (new) Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The building, as proposed, will be a two-phase, 160,000 sq. ft., medical office building. The first phase will be a three-story, 72,000 sq. ft. building with a two-story, 16,000 sq. ft. link on the north end, providing a total building area of 88,000 sq. ft. The link will eventually serve as the connection point to a matching three-story, 72,000 sq. ft. building in the second phase. Because the second phase depends on right-of-way along Highway 212 currently controlled by Mn/DOT, we request approval to transfer density from the phase two building and add a fourth story to the phase one building if Mn/DOT is unwilling to turn back this right-of-way. The end result would be a four-story, 112,000 sq. ft. building with parking built to City code requirements. On July 15, 2008, the City sent a written response to United Properties requesting justification for the variance requests contained in the original application. The three variances requested pertain to the Bluff Creek Overlay District, building height, and signage. Below are the justifications for each variance request addressing the criteria in Section 20-58 of the Chanhassen City Code for the first two variances and Section 20-1253 for the signage variance. Bluff Creek Overlav District -On-site, we request a variance to grade and construct a driveway surface within the secondary zone of the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD). Off-site, south of the access road, we request a variance to construct a storm water detention pond and site for the City's lift station in the both the Primary and Secondary Zone of the BCOD. · Enforcement causes undue hardship. Because this is the first development of its nature in this area, no comparable properties exist within 500 feet to meet the Code's definition of "undue hardship." However, we believe this is a reasonable request given the somewhat arbitrary nature of the BCOD boundary line. · Conditions don't generally apply to property with same zoning classification. Throughout the City, properties with an Office and Institutional (01) zoning classification which are not adjacent to the BCOD are not subject to the more restrictive development requirements of the BCOD. Moreover, grading within the primary and secondary BCOD zones will be necessary to complete the City's access road, and our plans are similar to the City's grading needs. · Variance is not driven by desire to increase value. We request this variance to effectively balance the needs of the City, the landowner, the developer, and the anchor tenant. · Hardship is not self-created. We do not believe this hardship is self-created. · Variance is not detrimental to public welfare. We believe the site studies submitted with our original application show that the variance requested will not be a detriment to public welfare. · Variance will not impair surrounding property. We believe the site studies submitted with our original application show that the variance requested will not impair surrounding property. Furthermore, the current landowner will retain ownership of United Properties LLC .. Powers Crossing Professional Center April 1, 2009 approximately 100 acres of undeveloped land. This landowner would not allow a development on 12% of the land to impair the remaining 88% of the property. Buildina Heiaht The proposed phase one and phase two buildings (principle structures) are three stories high, and the phase two parking garage is three stories high with one additional level for proof of parking. As mentioned in the introduction above, we also request approval to transfer density from the phase two building and add a fourth story to the phase one building if Mn/DOT is unwilling to turn back this right-of-way. The end result would be a four-story, 112,000 sq. ft. building with parking built to City code requirements. The 01 District allows for a maximum height of two stories for principal structures and one story for accessory structures. Because Community Development Department staff recommended rezoning the current site to the 01 District, we request a variance from the height requirements. · Enforcement causes undue hardship. Because this is the first development of its nature in this area, no comparable properties exist within 500 feet to meet the Code's definition of "undue hardship." In fact, precisely because no properties exist within 500 feet, a height restriction could be seen as an undue hardship. · Conditions don't generally apply to property with same zoning classification. Given the parcel's fixed border created by Highway 212, Powers Boulevard, and the Bluff Creek Overlay District, we cannot expand the site to reduce the height of the buildings. Sites with the same zoning classification don't generally face a similar inability to expand. · Variance is not driven by desire to increase value. We request this variance to create sufficient space for medical providers to meet the demand for medical services from residents of Chanhassen and the surrounding area. · Hardship is not self-created. We do not believe this hardship is self-created. · Variance is not detrimental to public welfare. We believe the plans submitted with our original application show that the variance requested will not be a detriment to public welfare. · Variance will not impair surrounding property. We believe the plans submitted with our original application show that the variance requested will not impair surrounding property. The hills and forests surrounding this property act as a natural buffer to neighboring parcels. Sianaae In lieu of providing two monument signs, one for each building, we request a variance for consolidation to one monument sign with a combined area and height 95 percent larger than currently allowed in the 01 District. As medical office buildings have signage needs more similar to retail than traditional office, we feel this will provide for the signage needs of the tenants while still holding to the spirit of City's signage requirements. The sign base will be constructed of similar materials used on the building to compliment the architecture. With the natural hills surrounding this property as well as the man-made hills from the construction of Highway 212, we believe the modest signage allowed by the City causes hardship when viewed in a topographical context. Additionally, since we regard this variance request as a consolidation of signage, rather than an upsizing, we believe our request does not United Properties LLC 2 'J Powers Crossing Professional Center April 1, 2009 adversely affect the spirit or intent of the City's signage ordinance. Finally, we believe the requested variance creates the added benefits of reducing site clutter and enhancing public welfare by improving visibility for the elderly and medical patients in stressful, emergency situations United Properties LLC 3 .~ Powers Crossing Professional Center April 1, 2009 CONTACT INFORMATION DeveloDer and Fee Owner ReDresentative United Properties LLC As agent for Powers Crossing Medical LLC 3500 American Boulevard West Minneapolis, MN 55431 Attention: Bill Katter 952.837.8525 1 Phone 952.893.82061 Fax william .katter@uproperties.com Architect Pope Associates, Inc. 1255 Energy Park Drive S1. Paul, MN 55108-5118 Attention: Paul Holmes 651.789.1582 I Phone 651.642.1101 I Fax pholmes@popearch.com Civil Enaineer Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attention: Dan Parks 952.906.7435 I Phone 952.937.58221 Fax dan.parks@westwoodps.com United Properties LLC 4 '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 City of Chanhassen Planning Department City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 M A I N 952-937-5150 FAX 952-937-5822 TOll FREE 1-888-937-5150 EMAll wps@Westwoodps.com www.westwoodps.com Re: CITY OF CHANHASSE1V FiECFIVED . Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center - Response to City Comment Letter (Planning Case #08-16) File 20061094.01 A P iJ P ,-. 2 I 1\ 'J';:; 009 GHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPr Dear Planning Department: Westwood staff has reviewed the city comment letter dated 07/15/08 for the above. referenced project. Responses to each comment are provided below, and the submittal documents have been revised to address the issues. We believe that the plans and submittal materials are now complete and would appreciate your consideration in scheduling this project for the earliest available City of Chanhassen Planning Commission agenda. VARIANCE Variance requests require that the applicant provide, via narrative, a justification for each variance request addressing the criteria of Section 20-58 of the Chanhassen City Code. The variances include building height and encroachment into and setback from the Bluff Creek primary zone. The sign variance request should address the criteria in section 20-1253 of the Chanhassen City Code. A narrative has been created by United Properties that addresses justification for the variances. This narrative is under a separate cover within the submittal package. SITE PLAN · The parking ramp must be set back at least 35 feet from the future ramp right-of- way. The buildings and traffic circulation need to be shifted to the south. The parking structure has been shifted south to accommodate this request. Refer to the architectural and civil plans for clarity. · The site plan should incorporate an interim landscape buffer plan for the Phase 1 project perimeter. A Phase 1 Landscape Plan has been created and inserted into the civil plan set to address this comment. EST A B i. ~ So t-: ;; D i r~ i 9 l 2 SCANNED TWIN CITIE5IMETRO ST. CLOUD BRAINERD "T Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 2 · Eliminate the sidewalk to Powers Boulevard and replace with sidewalks to the access road and the trail adjacent to the Highway 312 ramp as part of Phase 2. The sidewalk to Powers Boulevard has been eliminated and a sidewalk has been extended to the access road. These changes are reflected in both the architectural plans and the civil plans. · Trees on the landscape plan are shown down the middle of the trail near the off ramp of Highway 312. The landscape plan has been revised to show trees and plantings south of the trail near Highway 312. · A swale of 2% is required west of the parking garage. The grading plan has been revised to show a 2% swale. · Show truck turning template for appropriate size delivery trucks. Truck turning movement graphics have been created for city delivery trucks at the 4' dock as well as movements for a WB-50 in clock- and counter-clock-wise directions around the main building. · Switch the location of the sanitary sewer with the water main location on the east side of the building, or move the sanitary to the west side of the building. Switching the water and sanitary locations create difficulties in maintaining a 10 foot horizontal separation between water and sanitary & storm sewers. The utility plan was not revised to show this request. · Maintain 10 feet of separation between storm, sanitary, and water main. A 10 foot separation has been accommodated between water and storm and water and sanitary sewers. Sanitary and storm sewer may be closer than 10 feet in some locations. ' · Proof of parking is shown on land not currently owned by the applicant. Provide from MnDOT a time frame for the proposed turn back of the right-ol-way to be incorporated in the project. We have contacted Keith McMurray at MNDOT and discussed the time line of reconveyance on two separate occasions. MNDOT acknowledges that we have an official request into them (#2007-0085) and that it is in their system. We understand that the reconveyance review process has been started, but at this time is not complete. Mr. McMurray stated that the reconveyance of property would not happen until this fall or later. We will update the City ofChanhassen as we receive new information from MNDOT. r:STr'\BI~r~Hf:D IN lq planning> engineering> surveying "T Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 3 · The building acreage and property access exhibit, sheet SKP06, does not provide a permissible nor feasible access to the area between Lot 1. Block 1 and the wetland located to the east of the lot. The driveway shown to access the remnant piece is un buildable. Since there is no legitimate access, this area may not be used in determination of future density. Comment noted. The SKP06 exhibit has been removed from the submittal materials. SUBDIVISION · Chanhassen City Code requires that the primary zone be composed of 1 00 percent open space. The areas within the BlujJCreek Primary Zone shall be incorporated within separate outlots or be covered by a conservation easement. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 463.358, subd. 2a, the regulations shall require that subdivisions be consistent with the municipality's official map if one exists and it's zoning ordinance, and may require consistency with other official controls and the comprehensive plan. The property owner will work with the city in crafting a conservation easement over the subject areas. · The grading plan should be revised to reduce the impacts to trees and within the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. Grading has been reduced in the storm pond area by providing a retaining wall. Refer to the grading plan for details. · A tree removal calculation shall be provided for the development contained with this project. Tree removal calculations are provided on the Phase 2 landscape plan. A shaded line has been added to the plan to clarify the area used for calculating canopy coverage. · Street profile should be shown on the same sheet as the sanitary sewer profile. Also include horizontal curve information. The access road profile is shown on the sanitary sewer profile graphic. Horizontal curve information is provided. · The roadway should be constructed to the east property line of the proposed Fairview parcel and a temporary cul-de-sac should be provided. The plans have been revised to show a temporary cul-de-sac meeting the City's design guidelines. f:STA~t.!SHF.O lN1972 planning> engineering> surveying '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 4 · Provide a minimum of a 4-foot median near the entrance to Powers Boulevard along with a left turn lane into the Fairview site. The plans have been revised to show a 6.67 foot wide median at the intersection of the access road and Powers Boulevard. · Narrow the roadway to a 36-foot maximum east of the second access into Fairview. The plans have been revised to show a 36 foot road width east of the second access. · Forcemain location must be shown north of the site. The plans have been revised to show the sanitary forcemain running along the south side of the access road to the east. The forcemain crosses the access road and then heads north, adjacent to the lake/pond. · Lift station pad must line up with the existing sanitary line. Access shall be provided off of Powers Boulevard. The plans have been revised to meet this request. · Pond dead storage is insufficient. The applicant should investigate directing the drainage from north of the developed site in such a manner as to bypass the pond thereby minimizing the need for additional dead storage. The pond has been enlarged slightly to provide sufficient dead storage. The east drainage is routed through the pond; a bypass is not necessary and is not included in the design. See the attached Preliminary Storm Water Report for detailed analysis and calculations. · Maximum pond depth is 10 feet. The pond depth has been adjusted to reflect a 10 foot maximum depth. · Provide full-size drainage maps showing entire drainage areas. Full-size drainage maps have been attached to the revised storm water report. · Drainage maps do not match drainage calculations. Drainage maps and calculations have been revised to match each other. · Street grade within 30 feet of Powers Boulevard must be less than or equal to 3%. Access road grade within 30 feet of Powers Boulevard has been adjusted to meet this criterion. F.~.l.'\BtISHtD r-,; ):)72 planning> engineering> surveying '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 5 · The subdivision cannot plat the property that is currently owned by MnDOT The preliminary plat has been revised to include only the property currently owned by the applicant. · Show drainage and utility easements on the preliminary plat. Drainage and utility easements have been provided on the preliminary plat. · Provide snow storage for the trail along the Highway 312 off ramp and along the access road. Snow storage has been provided for the trail along the Highway 312 off ramp and along the access road. · A street light is needed at the intersection of Powers Boulevard and the access road. The lighting and photometric plan has been revised to show a street light at the intersection of the access road and Powers Boulevard. · Applicant needs to maintain existing drainage patterns as shown on Overview Map #3 prepared by MnDOT for the TH 312 designlbuild which was supplied by the City to Westwood on July 1, 2008. Drainage previously/currently directed to the west side of Powers Boulevard is shown to be directed down ditch on the east side of Powers Boulevard without any calculations showing the ability of the receiving water to handle this discharge. Existing drainage patterns, as currently in place, have been maintained. Currently drainage flows south along the east side of Powers Boulevard. Drainage then flows beneath Powers, east to west, via a 24" RCP pipe. Proposed storm water discharges from the Fairview are less than or equal to existing storm water runoff rates from the site. · Applicant needs to show outlet for the water body south of the Highway 312 on ramp north of the subject property. The Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan has been revised to show this outlet. · The applicant is strongly encouraged to employ storm water storage and treatment below the parking lot in order to minimize the necessary pond size, thereby minimizing impacts within the primary zone. This water can be used for irrigation purposes. Comment noted and will be considered by the applicant. · Provide adequate erosion/sediment controls consistent with the NPDES Construction permit and the City of Chanhassen 's standards. This includes, but t)T:~BL!Sr:tO iN '191/ planning> engineering> surveying "T Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 6 is not limited to: · Installation o.f silt fence down gradient of all disturbed soils. · Installation of a rock construction entrance with a minimum length of 75 feet. · Stabilization of all channels for at least the final 200 feet prior to discharge of site or into the storm sewer infrastructure. · Placement of ditch checks within the existing ditch in existing Drainage Area 2. Erosion and sediment control measures will be outlined in a SWPPP that will be included with construction level drawings. · A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan will be required. A SWPPP will be included with construction level drawings. TRAFFIC STUDY Attached to this letter is a memo written by our traffic engineering staff that address the following four comments in addition to comments from MNDOT and Carver County. · Update traffic counts to current county estimates. Get traffic model from Carver County. · Traffic report states that a traffic signal is required. Carver County spacing guidelines are not met at this location. Discussions between MnDOT, Carver County, and the City are needed to see if a traffic signal can be installed at this location. · Development will occur on the opposite side of this proposed access road. Has this been taken into account in the traffic report? If so, what are your assumptions? · What happens to the intersection on the Highway 101 side in the year 2020 when this area is fully developed? WETLANDS Please refer to the previously submitted and approved wetland delineation report dated August 2006 for the subject property. This report addresses the wetland comments below. t.);"J\ljL:SHED iN i'?7) planning> engineering> surveying ""' Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 7 The applicant needs to clearly indicate all delineated wetland boundaries including the date the delineation was completed and the entity performing the delineation. The City reserves the right to verifY the wetland boundaries per Minnesota Rules 8420 and may request that a portion or all of the wetland boundaries are re-staked as existing conditions may have been significantly altered since the original delineation was performed. · The applicant needs to clearly indicate all wetland buffers. . The applicant needs to clearly indicate all wetland setbacks. · The applicant needs to clearly indicate the wetland mitigation area. Please contact me if you have any questions, would like to discuss any of the issues above in further detail, and when this project has been scheduled for the next available Planning Commission agenda. Sincerely, WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Ryan M. Edstrom, PE Attachments Cc: File Denton Mack - Pope Associates Tim Erhart - Exlar Bill Katter - United Properties EST A B LIS H r; D !!'<Il 9 7 planning> engineering> surveying "T Westwood MEMORANDUM Date: September 4, 2008 Re: Chanhassen Medical Office Development Traffic Study File 20061094 To: City of Chanhassen Planning Department From: Bruce Boje Nicholas J. Erpelding, P.E., PTOE WestWOOd Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie. MN 55344 MAIN 952-937.5150 fAX 952-937-5822 TOll fREe 1-888-937-5150 e M A It wpsOwestwoodps.com www.westwoodps.c:om In response to your July 15th, 2008 comments regarding Westwood's July 3rd Traffic Study, we offer the following responses. Comment 1: Update traffic counts to current county estimates. Get traffic modelfrom Carver County. ADTs from MNDOT were used in the model. Response: Westwood contacted Mr. Roger Gustafson with Carver County to request the most recent estimates on Tuesday, July 29th. After following Mr. Gustafson's direction to contact SRF Consulting Group, a response was received from SRF as follows: Please find the attached scan with forecast volumes from the Carver County Transportation Plan. As you will see, only one volume is given on Powers in your study area, and would apply to the entire segment between Lyman and Pioneer. The volumes shown here represent the preferred scenario for the County plan, which is the "State + County Improvements". Other scenarios include forecasts ranging from 18,000 to 21,000 vpd on Powers in this location. Please note that these forecasts do not take into consideration two significant land uses near this site: 1) the new high school being built on the north side of Lyman just west of Audubon, and 2) a proposed shopping mall near the intersection of Lyman and Powers. I hope this information helps. Please let me know if anything else comes up. Paul Paul Morris Transportation Engineer SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Along with the following sketch: EST;\B SHE':) I>~ ji::}?, TWIN CITIESlMETRO ST. CLOUD BRAINERD '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 2 Figure 1: SRF/Carver County Preliminary 2030 ADT forecasts .CONSULTINC GROUP, INC. www.srfconsulllng.l;orn I 7il.47S.01l10 Fooo lli3.47S.24~ Project Name C4/I..v,... C"lIn f:y r"."IISpfJr't.,tr'otl fJlq" Computation for 2,03" f)..i'~ FfJli'tC4Jt V.Jv....<<'~ Comm. No. SS 6J Sheet J of I By 1..,,1 I'f. Date 7/"'/~8 Checked by_Date As noted by SRF, the ADT forecasts completed are general in nature, with only one ADT forecast for the entire Powers Boulevard segment from Lyman Boulevard on the north to Pioneer Trail on the south. (It should also be noted that these preliminary ESTABLISHED IN 197:' planning> engineering> surveying '" westwood September 4, 2008 Page 3 forecasts do not yet appear to have been formally published as part of the County's Comprehensive Plan update.) The SRF forecast of 19,600 ADT for this segment of Powers Boulevard in 2030 appears consistent with the Westwood's projected year 2020 ADT range of 16,900 to 21,800 shown on Figure 8 of the report. Comment 2: Traffic report states that a traffic signal is required. Carver County spacing guidelines are not met at this location. Discussions between MnDOT, Carver County, and the City are needed to see if a traffic signal can be installed at this location. Response: The 2003 Kimley-Horn Chanhassen AUAR includes no discussion of the operations of this intersection. The report does indicate on Figure 11 that side street stop control is proposed for the intersection, which was analyzed as a "T" intersection (the 4th/east leg was not included). Westwood's July 3rd traffic report notes that based solely on level of service, a traffic signal would be required concurrent with Phase 2 development in order to prevent the exiting left turn movement from dropping to an unacceptable LOS. Though the comment was made that a traffic signal would be "required," it was made with the understanding that one would not be installed until it was fully warranted and justified. In the metro area, it is common for a side street stop controlled intersection to operate with failing side street movements during peak times. Such intersections can and do remain side street stop controlled indefinitely. The appropriate course of action is to monitor the intersection as traffic volumes grow to determine if and when changes in intersection control should be made. To further assess when traffic volumes at the intersection might necessitate installation of a traffic signal, additional analysis was undertaken. The turning movement volumes forecasted in the report were compared with the traffic volume warrants for the installation of a traffic signal identified in the current Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). ESTABLiSH EO IN ;972 planning> engineering> surveying '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 4 W Table 1 A I . S arrant nalysls ummary Warrant Hours Hours Met: Required: 2010 2010 2012 2020 No-Build Build Build Build (Phase I) (Phase 2) Phase 3a Phase 3b IA 8 2 2 2 2 2 IB 8 7 7 7 7 7 IC 8 I I I I I 2 4 6 6 6 6 6 3 I 4 5 5 5 5 Assumptions: I. Bascd on pcak hour volumcs in July 3, 2008 Traffic Analysis Rcport 2. Hourly variation assumcd from MnDOT A TR 458 (2007 volumcs). 3. Right tum volumcs cxcludcd. 4. 0.70 factor applicd (Iocatcd on high speed roadway - 40 MPH+). 5. 2+ approach lancs for both Powcrs Boulevard and Sitc Collector Roadway. The results documented in Table I show that the amount of traffic contributing toward the fulfillment of signal warrants remains nearly constant as development of the subject site proceeds from vacant through full build. This is explained by the fact that the primary generator of traffic contributing toward fulfillment of signal warrants is development to the west of Powers Boulevard, not development on the subject site. (As is noted in the response to comment 3, below, full development of the Chanhassen AUAR site to the west of Powers Boulevard was assumed by 20 I 0.) To further assess what contribution traffic from the subject site has toward fulfillment of signal warrants, the analysis was updated with the assumption that the site to the west remains vacant. With this assumption, in contrast, the number of hours each warrant is met increases as development proceeds. At full build out, the number of hours for which warrants are met is just below that of the 20 I 0 No-Build scenario in Table I. This confinns that traffic from the subject site is not the primary contributor to the need for signalization. ESTldil. SHE IN l'J planning> engineering> surveying '" Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 5 W . S Table 2 N d I B d fP A arrant nalysts ummary - 0 eve opment west 0 owers ou evar Warrant Hours Required: Hours Met: 20 I 0 Build 2012 Build 2020 Build (Phase I) (Phase 2) Phase 3a Phase 3 b IA 8 0 0 2 0 IB 8 0 4 7 4 IC 8 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 2 6 3 3 I 0 I 4 2 Assumptions: I. Based on peak hour volumes in July 3, 2008 Traffic Analysis Report 2. Hourly variation assumcd from MnDOT A TR 458 (2007 volumcs). 3. Right tUl11 volumes cxcluded. 4. 0.70 factor applied (located on high speed roadway - 40 MPH+). 5. 2+ approach lanes for both Powers Boulevard and Site Collcctor Roadway. 6. Assumes no adjaccnt development wcst of Powers Blvd. It is further noted that in the metro area, an intersection must typically meet more than one warrant in order justify installation of a traffic signal. This is due to in part to delay increasing for the mainline and the increased potential for mainline rear end collisions. Based on the analysis completed, traffic volumes at the intersection will be close but may not fully justify installation of a traffic signal through full build out of the site in 2020. Noting that a signal was forecast to be necessary in terms of level of service concurrent with Phase 2 in 2012, the intersection would be expected to operate at poor LOS during peak times with good LOS the remainder (and majority) of the day. Access Spacing The intersection of Powers Boulevard and Site Collector Roadway does not meet the prescribed full access spacing of ~ mile along Powers Boulevard, as identified on the figure on page 4.39 in the most current version of the Carver County Comprehensive Plan. With approximately 820 feet of spacing provided, center-to-center, it falls 500 feet, or 38% short. It is Westwood's understanding that the location of this intersection was selected during design of the TH 212 project to best fit with the natural topography and wetland constraints. While it is tme that full ~ mile spacing is not met at the chosen location, it represents a workable compromise location. Without having completed a formal analysis of the corridor, but based on experience with similar situations, it is E'jTAfL. "r.H~O IN 1'17 planning> engineering> surveying "T Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 6 anticipated that signal timing and phasing plans can be developed to accommodate the selected intersection location without compromising the operational integrity of the Powers Boulevard corridor. Other noteworthy considerations include the fact that the Site Collector Roadway intersection is the only intersection proposed in the roadway segment between the TH 212 south ramps and Pioneer Trail just under Yz mile to the south feet to the south. Because this segment is less than Yz mile in length, no access location will be able to provide the necessary full V4 mile spacing required on both resulting segments. Finally, a 4-lane roadway section with turn lanes such proposed for this stretch of Powers Boulevard is typically capable of carrying over 40,000 ADT. 2030 volume forecasts are in the 20,000 ADT range, meaning a substantial capacity cushion is likely to exist. Comment 3: Development will occur on the opposite side of this proposed access road Has this been taken into account in the traffic report? If so, what are your assumptions? Response: As noted on page 1 of the Westwood Traffic Report, "The Chanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Area-Wide Review (AUAR) prepared in 2003 for the City of Chanhassen by the consultant team of Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., Kimley Horn and Associates, Peterson Environmental Consulting, 106 Group and HDR was used in the determination of background traffic volumes and traffic assignment process." Full build of the Chanhassen AUAR area was assumed by 2010, as assumed in the Chanhassen AUAR. The turning movement volume illustrations, Figures 5-8, reflect this assumption. Comment 4: What happens to the intersection on the Highway 101 side in the year 2020 when this area is fully developed? Response: The traffic study completed is intended to provide support for Phases 1 and 2 of the proposed development only. This includes the two medical office buildings located immediately adjacent to Powers Boulevard south of the TH 212 ramps. Consideration of development of a Phase 3 was done only to gauge anticipated future traffic conditions at intersections impacted by Phase 1 and 2 development, not to provide a full analysis of the impacts of Phase 3 development. F.STA8LlSH.~D IN 1'?72 planning> engineering> surveying "T Westwood September 4, 2008 Page 7 Due to the small magnitude of development proposed for Phases I and 2, a full analysis of the impacts of the extension of the site collector roadway to CSAH 101 was not undertaken. The report does note (in Figure 4) that only 5% of the site generated traffic from the subject medical office site is forecast to use the extension to connect to CSAH 101. This 5% would amount to fewer than 300 trips per day, well below the often-used 1,000 ADT minimum threshold for detailed study. It is anticipated that detailed study of the Site Collector roadway extension to CSAH 101 will be completed at the time formal development plans for Phase 3 are put forth. ESTABLiSHED UJ 19U planning> engineering> surveying . CJrv OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUL 0 3 2008 CHANHASSEN PLANNiNG DEPT Chanhassen Fairview Medical Center Site Traffic Analysis Chanhassen, Minnesota July 3, 2008 Prepared by "" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. SCANNED INTRODUCTION The purpose of this traffic analysis is to assess the traffic implications of the proposed development on the Fairview Medical Center site in what will be the southeast quadrant of the Powers Boulevard / T.H. 312 intersection in the City of Chanhassen. The proposed site is presently undeveloped, with Powers Blvd. to be extended south from Lyman Blvd. to Pioneer Trail with construction of the new T.H. 312 ramps on Powers Blvd. The development location is shown in Figure 1, along with the planned roadway network in the area. The Chanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Area-Wide Review (AUAR) prepared in 2003 for the City of Chanhassen by the consultant team of Hoisington Koegler Group me., Kimley Horn and Associates, Peterson Environmental Consulting, 106 Group and HDR was used in the determination of background traffic volumes and traffic assignment process. The development is comprised of approximately 65 acres of proposed office and residential land uses, summarized in Table 1 below. It will be built in three phases, the first two of which will construct the medical office building. Two possible scenarios were considered for Phase 3: a combination of general office and single-family residential or medium-density residential only. A detailed site plan is shown in Figure 2. Table 1 Land Use Characteristics Phase - Scenario Land Use Size Phase 1 Medical Office Building 88,000 SF Phase 2 Medical Office Building 72,000 SF Phase 3 - Scenario A General Office 250,000 SF Single-Family Residential 35DU OR Phase 3 - Scenario B Medium-Density Residential 390 DU Traffic analyses were performed for projected year 2010 volume conditions (one year after completion of Phase 1),2012 (one year after completion of Phase 2) and 2020 (one year after full build-out) for Phase 3 - Scenarios A and B. Table 2 Traffic Analysis Scenarios Year No-Build Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 2010 X X 2012 X X X 2020 X X X X Page 1 Three intersections were analyzed: . Powers Blvd. & the Site Collector road, analyzed for both unsignalized and signalized intersection control and . two unsignalized intersections on the Site Collector road that provide access to the medical office building for Phases I and 2 of the development. The proposed roadway geometry is shown in Figure 2. The intersection of Powers Blvd. and the Site Collector will be the sole access to the development for horizon years 2010 and 2012. (The AUAR assumes that a west leg will be constructed opposite the site access but no east leg. The east side of the AUAR analysis area ended at Powers Blvd.) There are two site driveways off the Site Collector, the West Site Entrance allowing easy access to the surface parking to the west of the medical building as well as to the parking ramp and the East Site Entrance providing more direct access to the parking ramp. Along the south side of the west driveway intersection with the Site Collector, the shoulder is planned to be wide enough to allow eastbound through vehicles to by-pass one or two vehicles waiting for an opportunity to turn left into the medical complex. The internal East Site Entrance is planned to extend to connect with Highway 101 to the east with construction of Phase 3 by 2020. Page 2 , \ <:8~ 9 .;:: ,: ". 9 , // -I. .)r -, _;I .'-:;~ 0'; ~O" ~ ~." L)7'naii8Jvd l' Jil 11 I;) -,J 0.. .-- .., ,~ , , . -~J I ,V"', it ' 'I j,~~ .. """"",. \ ,\ ~ Q~ ~ Figure 1 Development Location [ _ ~ >-" 'L .1:" ;IJ~ - -t:""- ~<-I j" ,< "<.~~"'''' '" c ,'r- r( =) Suns<<!l t,... ( I _ --. ~- .... Ridge PlIIk ~- ;.. I ,. -, " .. If)' / (...'" =..l )".-: '1'0 ~Pra~;le~ I -~ - '~Knoll Park \" \ 'ICO r ~~ - - ' (' 5 <S ~ ,. I ,. '~ q..~ 7rad~,., o-.~\I.' JI i) .t' .. " 11? ') 1 Ja.1 ~ _ J a: l:'\ ) f ~ PO\Y~r. IJ J rlilk<<!.Sman , -: J ,HiI Park ~ ,Hills West Pork ......- "'.;....~ _ ..... 1:%'1 - I I ~/ Lake, SUsan P,i1ik '= ....~ II I '1 '" II . - .... Site Location ~mhre~ 0), "-_"""..0 _ , II' \ 1 -.:; - PlOrleer T re. lBlu_fl Cre_eK, Golf Course <2'~ .::- C).... (0-( 4" ,,~~ ~Cr~~~% ,~ I '=~ II I' " " Page 3 :: III r- -~, [ n (3:!' \ ~ ~~ <ill) I 1/ -::/.....-:: I ,~' ( 1l v c..~\ ", , Ri Lr Lake Susan , (, ) 'I'" _ w eisttl St \. J ~.....u~.. ~ / r I , ,{ -~ is ~~ jf J_ s~ . , If :;" \. ::'..;:::lI 101 r J ,--. .:::"'" I ~/ , ,. Bomimcre :CDrnrn~ty.Plllk. , . to I " I I /' c ::. W 96th SI:;/ : I ,,- J. - ...~ (I '/ , I ~ = " '0 > ai I; It!: r ~ /! - ~~ .-.. ~'~' ~ P;Doe~ Hala Green GoII C~UI$e t' ,) x Figure 2 Site Plan ~I.S + ;~i~ m . ~ ~ ~ a J ) tot i ~ El G (n a ~~ ~~ ~/ Page 4 ANALYSIS OF FUTURE CONDITIONS The future conditions with the development in place were analyzed using a traditional multi-step traffic forecast and analysis process. The major steps in this process include: . determining background traffic volumes, . developing trip generation, . deriving the direction of approach, . assigning site generated traffic to the surrounding roadway network, . analyzing development-related traffic impacts, and . establishing mitigation strategies. Analysis Scenarios Traffic analyses were performed for three phases of construction, the third of which has two potential land use scenarios: . Phase 1 - initial construction of the medical office building . Phase 2 - completion of medical office building construction . Phase 3 - full build-out of the site with the addition of: . Scenario A - 250,000 SF office space plus 35 single family detached dwelling units . or Scenario B - 390 medium-density residential condominium / townhouse dwelling units Traffic Volumes To obtain data for assessing operations for Powers Blvd. at the site entrance, background volumes were first developed for the 3 analysis years based on data published in the Chanhassen 2005 AUAR. The AUAR included volume forecasts for the north, south and west legs of the intersection. No forecasts of traffic were developed for the east leg. (See Appendix Memorandum A-I for a description of the procedure used to develop the background volumes.) The background volumes are shown for the years 2010, 2012 and 2020 on Figures 5, 6 and 7. Trip Generation The trip generation rates utilized in this study are those documented in the reference book Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Table 3 summarizes the weekday daily, A.M. peak hour and P.M. peak hour trip rates utilized for this study. Page 5 Table 3 Trip Generation Rates I.T.E. Rates Distribution Land Use Per AM. AM. P.M. P.M. Code Daily AM. P.M. %In % Out %In % Out 720 Medical Office KSF 36.13 2.48 3.72 79 21 27 73 Building 710 General Office KSF 11.01 1.55 1.49 88 12 17 83 Building 210 Single- Family DU 9.57 0.75 1.01 25 75 63 37 Detached Housing 230 Condominium / DU 5.86 0.44 0.52 17 83 67 33 Townhouse Table 4 summarizes the overall gross trip generation. No reductions were taken for intemally- captured, multi-purpose or pass-by trips for the proposed office and residential land uses. Table 4 Gross Trip Generation Approx. Trips Phase Land Use Dev. AM. AM. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. Daily Units In Out Total In Out Total Total 1 Medical 88 KSF 172 46 218 88 239 327 3,180 Office Bldg. 2 Medical 72 KSF 141 38 179 72 196 268 2,602 .Qf~S~.~.~~~L.... .................... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............... Total, Phases 1 & 2 313 84 397 160 435 595 5,782 3 Scenario A General Office 250 KSF 341 47 388 63 310 373 2,754 ..!l1.~g. .........................."............................... ............"'....."......""" Single-Family 35DU 7 19 26 22 13 35 336 ..P.~~:)!~~~~~kL.... ............................. ...................... ..................... ..................... """"""",",,,, ..................... ..................... ........................ Total, Phases 1,2 & 3-A 661 150 811 245 758 1,003 8,872 Or Scenario B XT.~;;~;~~..J....~.:.?.~~... 29 142 171 136 67 203 2,286 .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............... Total, Phases 1,2 & 3-B 342 226 568 296 502 798 8,068 Page 6 Trip Distribution A large percentage of traffic generated from the development area will utilize T.H. 312 to the east and west and Powers Blvd. to the north and south. With construction of Phase 3, traffic generated here will also utilize the connection of the Site Collector road through to Highway 101 to the east. This trip distribution, or direction of approach, for the development traffic is shown on Figure 3 for Phases 1 and 2 and on Figure 4 for the Phase 3 scenarios. This distribution is based on data contained in the AUAR and traffic patterns expected in the area. The majority of Phase 3 traffic is expected to be oriented towards Highway 101. Trip Assignment and Traffic Analysis In the trip assignment portion of the analysis, the new trips generated from the development area were assigned to the roadway network using the routing patterns expected to be employed by the future employees, visitors and residents. The organization and tabulation of the trip assignment was facilitated by use of an Excel spreadsheet designed to carry out the traffic assignment process across the study area network. Total trips - background traffic plus site-generated trips - for each of the four analysis cases are shown on Figures 5 through 8. Timeframes for Traffic Assignment Traffic analyses were performed for the A.M. and P.M. peak hours for 2010 (one year after opening of the initial phase of construction of the medical office building), 2012 (one year after opening of Phase 2 of the medical office building) and 2020 (one year after full build-out). Page 7 Figure 3 1 & 2 . Phases Trip Distribution ~ # ~- 'Ee ~ o a.. ~-, r _~ ,. "l~C"'"l ":D t f .C~ utK lu ~C' S~n 1... ''^'c~t Park t '....oS . -... l"""''' tll.ljIOoo dtl · ~1'" t~ JJ Banamc~c Co", ml"..'T\Jly Pi Vv 00." 5 I 240/0 !1T'~.rrea<1lJ) P,oneer r'e. '0 ,. en '" ; ; ~ .......... ~n.... I" Page 8 Figure 4 Trip Distribution - 2020 with Connection to Highway 101 <5 f ~ Ie cu ~ o a. '/,/ r~ ~ "'. ...._ rl _ 'cr dfK Lnke S\JS.ln t'J~ VVest Par~: .......~-":-~~ .{....'.v;,..,...~ ~. '5 Q i , L.........kllOn ~.. ..., I.g U,., ;, It i f ~ J"'; "". Bano.mcrc Co""mu:"\Ily Pi ~70% 730/0 / 230/0 "ow"., '>to. b ~ .,necl(1 tI) - 'I'" I" VtJ ~8th S. - Key: Phases 1 & 2/ Phase 3 P,oneer T '8... "0 > iii .n ; ; ~ Page 9 Powers Blvd. and Site Collector A series of A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic analyses were conducted for the three study intersections using the planned roadway geometry and stop-sign intersection control for the four analysis cases in 2010, 2012 and 2020. (Volumes for each of the analysis cases are shown on Figures 5, 6 and 8.) Analyses were first performed for the A.M. and P.M. peak hour No-Build conditions for the Powers Blvd. / Site Collector intersection. These No-Build volumes are shown on Figures 5 through 8. Results are shown on Table 5 below, which shows the average seconds of delay per vehicle along with the corresponding Level of Service (LOS) for the critical stopped movement at the intersection. (Appendix Table A-I shows the LOS letter grades with their corresponding levels of delay. Results for all intersections in all scenarios are shown by movement in Appendix Tables A-2 - A-4.) In addition, analyses were performed for the four Build cases. No-Build conditions resulted in LOS B or C for all three analysis years. With construction of Phase l, the eastbound left movement for traffic generated by the development to the west of Powers Blvd. across from the Chanhassen Fairview Medical Center site is projected to experience LOS "E" in the A.M. peak hour and LOS "F" in the P.M. peak hour. For Phase 2, LOS "E" is projected for both the eastbound and westbound left turns in the A.M. peak hour, while LOS "F" is projected in the P.M. peak hour. LOS "F" is projected for both left turn movements for all subsequent phases with this intersection under stop sign control. Based on the results of stop sign analysis of the forecasted traffic volumes, a traffic signal will be required when traffic volumes reach Phase 2 levels in order to safely accommodate left turners exiting the site. Further analysis was conducted for this intersection with signal control in place. As shown in Table 6, results are LOS "B" or borderline "B-C" for all scenarios under those conditions. Page 1 0 Table 5 Powers Blvd & Site Collector Stop Sign Controlled Intersection Analysis Critical Movement LOS (1) West Leg East Leg Analysis Scenario (Critical Movement: (Critical Movement: Eastbound Left) Westbound Left) A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour 2010 No-Build 15 I B-C (k) 21 I C N/A N/A 2010 Phase 1 48 IE 101 IF 36/E 32/D 2012 No-Build 15 I B-C (k) 21 I C N/A N/A 2012 Phases 1 & 2 39/E (3) I F 46/E 136 I F 2020 No-Build 18 I C 23/C N/A N/A 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-A (3) I F (3) I F (j) / F (3) / F 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-B (3) I F (3) I F 138 / F (3) I F Key: NN.N / X = Delay in Seconds per Vehicle / Level of Service (I) Delay and LOS were determined by the SimTraffic analysis program; results are rounded to the nearest whole number (2) Delay value as rounded to the nearest whole number falls at the threshold between 2 LOS ratings (3) SimTraffic does not calculate realistic delay when intersection is highly overloaded Table 6 Powers Blvd & Site Collector Signalized Intersection Anal~sis Overall Intersection LOS 1) Analysis Scenario A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour 2010 Phase 1 ll/B 15/B 2012 Phases 1 & 2 14/B 17/B 2020 Phases 1, 2 & 3-A 16/B 20 I B-C (2) 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-B 14/B 18/B Key: NN.N / X = Delay in Seconds per Vehicle / Level of Service (I) Delay and LOS were determined by the Synchro analysis program; results are rounded to the nearest whole number (2) Delay value as rounded to the nearest whole number falls at the threshold between 2 LOS ratings Internal Site Driveways Analyses conducted for the internal site driveways show that they will be able to function well under all scenarios. LOS results, shown in Tables 7 and 8 below, are primarily "A" and "B" in both peak hours, with a borderline "B-C" in the P.M. peak hour for the West Site Access under Phase 3 - Scenario A conditions. Page 11 Table 7 Site Collector & West Site Access Stop Sign Controlled Intersection Analysis Critical Movement LOS (1) Analysis Scenario Critical A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Movement Hour Hour 2010 No-Build N/A N/A 2010 Phase 1 SBR 21 A 31 A 2012 No-Build N/A N/A 2012 Phases 1 & 2 SBR 21 A 41 A 2020 No-Build N/A N/A 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-A SBL 151 B-C (2) ll/B 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-B SBL 61 A 81 A Key: NN.N / X = Delay in Seconds per Vehicle / Level of Service (1) Delay and LOS were determined by the SimTraffic analysis program; results are rounded to the nearest whole number (2) Delay value as rounded to the nearest whole number falls at the threshold between 2 LOS ratings Table 8 Site Collector & East Site Access Stop Sign Controlled Intersection Analysis Critical Movement LOS (1) Analysis Scenario Critical A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Movement Hour Hour 2010 No-Build N/A N/A 2010 Phase 1 SBR 21 A 31 A 2012 No-Build N/A N/A 2012 Phases 1 & 2 SBR 31 A 41 A 2020 No-Build N/A N/A 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-A SBL 41 A 91 A 2020 Phases 1,2 & 3-B SBL 10 1 A-B ~:l) 61 A Key: NN.N / X = Delay in Seconds per Vehicle / Level of Service (I) Delay and LOS were determined by the SimTraffic analysis program; results are rounded to the nearest whole number (2) Delay value as rounded to the nearest whole number falls at the threshold between 2 LOS ratings QUEUEING ANALYSIS A queue length analysis was performed using SimTraffic for intersection approaches of interest. The analysis was conducted to determine whether the 95th percentile queues would be accommodated in the available storage for turn lanes and between the driveways and intersections. The 2020 worst-case scenario was tested, with the total volumes forecasted for Phases 1,2 and 3-A. Page 12 As shown in Table 9, the available storage was adequate for all movements in the worst case scenano. Table 9 95th Percentile Queue Length Analysis (1) 2020 Phase 3 - Worst-Case Scenario A Location Powers Blvd. & Site Site Collector & West Site Site Collector & Collector Entr. East Site Entr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ct: ;::l bJ) I ] l!) ~ ~ ~ l!) ~ ~ l!) '"tj '"tj '"tj '"tj '"tj ~ E-t '"tj '"tj '"tj ~ S S S..t:: S S '"tj '"tj g S '"tj S l!) 0 0 0 g~ S 0 S s ~ ~ o bJ) 0 ..0 0 ~ 0 0 l!) of! ;::l of! oS of! 0 of! of! of! of! ;;. r:/) 0 r:/) r:/) E r:/) 0 0 l!)13 l!) 5 ~13 r:/) l!) 00 l!) ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ U'.l Z ~E-t U'.l ~E-t ~ U'.l ~ Available 270 290 215 215 200+ 30 215 138 200+ 138 200+ Storage A.M. Peak 217 36 46 32 42 46 26 4 41 39 3 Hour P.M. Peak 155 35 102 100 77 47 24 4 62 9 0 Hour (1) Queue lengths determined by SimTraffic analysis program; lengths are given in feet Page 13 2008 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. )( ~ "'0 .... ~ ~ ~ <" 0. NOT TO SCALE o,,~ Cf') It) t.. O\~ ~h... +- ,.J~~ . 171 29J ~t,. -+ ~~ 53 9"). ~oo ~ ~ ~ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I Erhart Site I I I I I l____ --- -- -- -- Site C ------- ollector o ~ 000 Average Dally Traffic Volume 000 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume 000 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume - Study Area Roadway ----- Site Boundary Q) o c: ~ C w Q) ::: (/) ~ CD CJ) ~ (/) ;::;: CD m g ::l @ .- CJ) <1l W -- --- ~ ) 2010 No-Build 2010 Build I I "'0 I ~ 0 I ~ I CD I ~ ..., CJ) I ~ Q) OJ I 0 CD c: <" I Erhart Site CJ) ~ P- I ~ .- I (J) c: I ~ W I Q) ~!R~ I m ::: I ::l (/) t.. 35 a .- O\~.... 182 CJ) ::l <1l ~t-...~ +- @ W ,.J~~ .11 57 ~ 171 29J ~t,. -+ ~~~ ~ 53 9"). 120 -- --- ~OO"" 0\('1 'Of' ~ :!: Figure: 5 Date: 7/1/08 Erhart Medical Office Site 2010 No-Build & 2010 Build Traffic Volumes '" WIIItwood Pro'-IorwI s.w.. Inc. 7699Anegram Drive Eden PraIrl, MN 55344 PHONE 952-137-5150 ~ 952-137-5122 TOll. FREE 1~-515O WutwoocI ---'I"'''''''' nU.nhA~ Minnesota ! i VOlumes.dWQ~ 2008 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. J( ~ \J ~ ~ 8 ~ <" P- NOT TO SCALE ..... ~:R t. ~~ +- .;~~ .. 171 29J ~tr+ -+ O\N 53 9"). ll)~ ~~ ~ ..... I I \J , I 0 I ~ I CD I ..., CIl I OJ I <" I P- I I I I ~~EJ I I O\f::to\ t.64 332 ~t-..~ +- .;~~ .. 20 103 171 29J ~tr+ -+ O\N~ 53 9"). ll)~t-.. ~~~ ~ ..... I I , I I I I I I I I I I I Erhart Site I I I I I l____ --.......... -- -- -- Site C ----. offector o 2012 No-Build Erhart Site -----............... -- -- ~ Site C ------. C\i offector 7000 Leaad: 000 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume 000 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Study Area Roadway ----- Site Boundary ~ CD CIl .-+- (f) ~ m =' .-+- ..., tIl =' g Q) (.) c: ~ C w Q) ..... en ..... CIl <Il W -- --- ... ) o 2012 Build ~ CD CIl .-+- (f) ~ m =' .-+- ..., tIl =' g Q) (.) c: ~ C w Q) ~ (j) ..... CIl <Il W -- ~ ................ ...,.. 3500 Figure: 6 Date: 7/1/08 '" w.twood~~ Inc. 7_ AMgram DrIwe Ed-. rr.Irl.. MN 5S344 PHONE 952-937-5150 fAX 952-937-5122 TOlL FltEE 1-8D437-515O Erhart Medical Office Site 2012 No-Build & 2012 Build Traffic Volumes Westwood -~p"NVll C'hAnh"..-n., Minnesota Volumes.dwq 2008 Westwood Professional Services, nc. )( ~ ""0 o l;t :E 8 ~ <" po NOT TO SCALE ~~ \.. 0\11) ~H~ .... .J~'" .- 171 29 J ~t,. -+ ~~ 53 9.. ~~ 8 !Q '" i I I I I I I I I I I I I Erhart Site I I I I I l____ --....-............. -- -- Site C ----. ollector o Leand: 000 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume 000 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume - Study Area Roadway ----- She Boundary Q) U C ~ - C W Q) ~ en ::E (I) (/) ~ (f) ;:;: (I) m ::l ~ .., tll ::l @ - (/) CO W -- --- ... ') 2020 No-Build Figure: 7 Date: 7/1/08 Erhart Medical Office Site ~ Profe8IorW s.vIc:eI,. Inc. 7&99 Anagram Drive Edon Pralr1.. MN 55344 PHONE 952-937-5150 I1\X 952-937-5822 rou. fREE Hlll11-!137-515O Westwood 2020 No-Build Traffic Volumes C'}u.nhA"""'l, Minnesota -~p"nvn Volumes.dwQ 2008 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. )t , I ~ I I I I I ""'(J I ~ ~ I I CD I NOT TO SCALE .., CJl I l:P I <" I P- I I I I O\~~ I (t) .... I O\~~ \..99 510 ~ (t) +- .;~~ t 31 159 171 29J ~t~ -+ ~~~ 53 9")- ~~~ ~ Leaad: 000 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume 000 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume - Study Area Roadway ----- Site Boundary Erhart Site ~ CD CJl .... Q) () c:: ~ C w Q) :!: (/) -----.....-"""- -- ... ---- C Site C ----- C'\j ollector 9700 en ~ m ::l .... .., Q) ::l g - CJl ro w 6600 2020 Build Scenario A 2020 Build Scenario B I I I ""'(J I 0 I i :E I CD I .., CJl I l:P I <" I P- I I I I O\~l'-. I (t) ;!: I ;~~ \.. 93 331 +- .;~~ t 29 103 171 29J ~t~ -+ ~~~ 53 9")- ~~~ ~ :9 Erhart Site ~ CD CJl .... Q) () c:: ~ - c:: W Q) :!: (/) iii ro w ----........ -- -- -- -- Site C ----- ollector 7400 en ;::;: CD m ::l .... @ ::l g ~ C'\j :::: ~ ~J~ I;; 149 J 157 ... ) t8 ......Q"" 4 _ ~ ..., ')'\... -- C'\j r ~ -- 24 4200 Figure: 8 Date: 7/1/08 Erhart Medical Office Site 2020 Build Scenarios A & B Traffic Volumes "T 'IlIIIlwood ~~ Inc. 7_ Anagram Drive fdM PraIrl, MN 55344 PHONE 952-137-5150 FAX 952-137-5ll22 TOlL FREE 1-181-937-5150 Wutwooc:I _.~P"""" ('}u.nhA.-n., Minnesota Volumes.dwQ Appendix Memorandum A-I Development of Background Volume Estimates Tables A-I Key to Intersection Level of Service Grades A-2 Capacity Analysis Results by Movement - Powers Blvd. & Site Collector A-3 Capacity Analysis Results by Movement - Site Collector & West Site Entrance A-4 Capacity Analysis Results by Movement - Site Collector & East Site Entrance "TI -!J Memorandum A-I Development of Background Volume Estimates for Erhart Property Traffic Study The "Total" (Build) volumes from the "Chanhassen 2005 AUAR" Traffic Study, published in 2003 by Kimley-Horn were used as the basis for the No-build volumes in the Erhart property study. The following information was included within the Kimley-Hornstudy (which assumed no development on the Erhart property): . 2010 Build AM and PM peak hour turning movement volume estimates at the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Site Entrance . 2010 Build ADT volume estimates for the west and south legs of this intersection. In addition, the Metropolitan Council year 2030 ADT estimate for the south leg of the intersection was also noted. The missing information that must be estimated includes: . Daily (24-hour) turning movement estimates for all movements involving the west leg. These turning movement volumes will remain constant through all design years of the Erhart property traffic study since 100% build out of the Chanhassen 2005 AUAR property is anticipated by 2010. . Estimates of daily northbound and southbound through traffic for 2012, 2020, and 2030, the three design years for the Erhart property study. . 2012, 2020, and 2030 ADT estimates for the north leg. . 2012 and 2020 ADT estimates for the South leg (2030 was provided by Met Council as noted above). To develop these volume estimates, the following process was administered: 1. Daily turning movements and K-Factors (percentage of daily traffic occurring during the peak hour) were calculated (for movements to and from the west leg only) for the AM and PM peak hours using the peak hour turning movement and west leg ADT volume data provided. Separate K-Factors were calculated for the AM and PM peak hours. Complementing movements (EBL/SBR and EBR/NBL) were averaged in order to normalize the dally directional distribution at 50/50 to/from the site. 2. For the south leg, where a 2010 Total (Build) ADT estimate was provided, K-Factors for northbound and southbound through traffic were calculated using the K-Factors for site traffic developed in step 2. The same K-Factor for northbound and southbound through traffic was assumed for the AM and PM peak hours. 3. Using the K-Factor calculated for the northbound and southbound movements in step 2, along with the site traffic K-Factors from step 1, the 2010 Total (Build) ADT for the north leg was calculated. 4. The 2030 ADT for the north leg was calculated by assuming the same ratio between north and south leg for 2030 ADT as for 2010 ADT. 5. 2012 and 2020 ADT estimates for the north and south legs were estimated by linear interpolation between years 2010 and 2030. 6. Daily northbound and southbound through volume estimates for 2010 were developed using the K-factors calculated in step 3, then normalizing the results to provide a 50/50 directional distribution. 7. Daily northbound and southbound through volume estimates for 2012, 2020 and 2030 were developed by factoring the 2010 estimates by the ratios calculated in step 5. March 24, 2008 ESTABLIShEu IN 19/2 TWIN CITIESlMETRO BRAINERD ST. CLOUD Table A-I Key to Intersection Level of Service Grades Signalized Intersections LOS Control Delay Per Vehicle (in seconds) A ::;10 B >10 and ::;20 C >20 and ::;35 D >35 and ::;55 E >55 and ::;80 F >80 Unsignalized Intersections LOS Control Delay Per Vehicle (in seconds) A ::;10 B >10and::;15 C >15 and ::;25 D >25 and ::;35 E >35 and ::;50 F >50 - c CD E CD >- 0:::- :::IE II) >.C .Q .2 II) 1:) = CD ~ II) II) .. CD CD 0::1: .!!! ;; II) CD >. N iij= C co <C 6>> ~CiS 'u co Co co (.) .. o - (J .!! "0 (.) ~S <(CiS ~~ CO,; I- > m l!! ; o 0.. c = 0 I!t; CI) CI) > I!! Os .5 -c > m :J -0 .E 5 I-;" o :J ,g ... .c .c - I- :J o U) - .c j~ m I!! ; 2 o .c Q. I-;" -0 2 c .c ~ I- ,g .c 1:: o 01:: z CI) ..J - .c ... Cl .s O!: u .!! '0 (.) 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Q) m Q) 0 .c 6; :E E .....I ~ ~ c Q) I- Q) "0 E <5 :c i:i5 ~ Q) Q) 3= > :5 - IJ) .... >> ~ Q) 0. .c m IJ) "0 Q) "0 Q) C C C Q) 8 'E :5 Q) .... .9 en * .!: "0 "0 Q) ~ ~ "0 C Q) ~ ~ Cl e II en IJ) 0 m X .....I Q) "0 ~ :z; c tii m > Z >> >> Z m m Q) Q) >> Cl Cl Q) ~ ~ ~ S ~"~STu9oM~ ONSULTING Memorandum To: Alyson Fauske, P.E. City of Chanhassen From: Mike Spack, P.E. Date: 10/10/2008 Re: Traffic Review of Chanhassen Fairview Medical Center Site Per your request, I have reviewed the traffic study prepared by Westwood Professional Services for the July 3, 2008 Chanhassen Fairview Medical Center Site as well as Westwood's September 4, 2008 memorandum responding to the City's concerns. The site is located on the southeast quadrant of the recently built Powers Boulevard/Trunk Highway 312 interchange. My findings related to the July 3rd traffic report are: · The traffic report is professionally done using standard traffic engineering methodology. · Since this is a recently constructed, undeveloped area of Chanhassen it is appropriate to use data from the Chanhassen 2005 AUAR as the basis for the "no-build" conditions. · The forecasts in the traffic study are largely reasonable, however the traffic volume forecasts for the 2020 Build Scenario A (in Figure 8) seem to distribute the traffic from Phase 3 of the development 70% towards Powers Boulevard and 30% towards Highway 101. This proportion is backwards from the pattern shown in Figure 4. This results in more traffic using the Powers Boulevard/Site Collector intersection than is likely to happen. The analysis shows this intersection will operate acceptably at Level of Service C or better even with these higher traffic volumes as long as the intersection is traffic signal controlled. The analysis was done more conservatively than necessary . · It should be noted the Level of Service results reported for intersections use the criteria from the Highway Capacity Manual, but do not use the Level of Service algorithms from the Highway Capacity Manual. Instead, Westwood chose to use SimTraffic micro-simulations to develop the delay and queue measurements reported in the study. This is appropriate because the micro- simulations provide more realistic metrics at stop sign controlled intersections in heavy traffic conditions. · The traffic report does not have a Conclusions/Recommendations section, although in reference to the Powers Boulevard/Site Collector intersection it is stated on page 14 "a traffic signal will be required when traffic volumes reach 3268 Xenwoocl Avenue South · St. Louis Park, MN 55416 . P: 952.378.5017 . F: 1.866.651.5058 . www.spac:kconsultlng.com Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center Traffic Review 20f3 Alyson Fauske, City of Chanhassen Phase 2 levels in order to safely accommodate left turners exiting the site." This is an appropriate conclusion based on the analysis in the report. . The traffic report does not draw conclusions about the site's two driveways, although the analysis shows the proposed lane configuration (no turn lanes) and the driveway stop sign control (Site Collector Roadway is free flowing) will be adequate. The analysis modeled a small bypass lane at the westerly driveway's eastbound approach due to the planned shoulder. I performed a sensitivity analysis assuming the shoulder does not operate as a bypass lane (using the 2020 Build Scenario A traffic volumes as a worst case). The intersection will still operate acceptably if motorists choose not to use the shoulder to bypass a vehicle waiting to turn left into the site. My findings related to the September 4th response memo from Westwood: . Comment 1 - I agree with Westwood's response. . Comment 2 - o The warrant analysis was conducted by distributing the daily traffic volume forecasts per the traffic patterns at Mn/DOT A TR 458. This automated traffic recorder is located on Chestnut Street in Chaska. It should be noted this is a significant assumption in the analysis, however it is reasonable given we don't have mature traffic patterns along Powers Boulevard. o The warrant analysis excluded the right turn volume, which is appropriate per Chapter 4C.1 of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). However, the analysis inappropriately assumes 2+ approach lanes on the Site Collector Roadway when it should have been conducted for one approach lane on the Site Collector Roadway (per MnMUTCD Chapter 4C.1 - "right- turn traffic should not be included in the minor-street volume if the movement enters the major street with minimal conflict. The approach should be evaluated as a one-lane approach with only the traffic volume in the through/left-turn lane considered.") Westwood did not provide the traffic volumes that were used in the warrant analysis so I cannot analyze the impact of changing the minor street approach from two lanes to one lane. o Westwood claims the signal is needed for the development on the west side of Powers Boulevard. The Chanhassen 2005 AUAR found the intersection would work acceptably with side street stop sign control (stop sign on the Site Collector Roadway with Powers Boulevard remaining free flowing) if the intersection was only a tee intersection. The levels of Service degrade unacceptably at the intersection with the addition of the intersection's fourth leg to serve the medical/office building. o Access Spacing - I agree with Westwood's assessment that a traffic signal at the Powers Boulevard/Site Collector would operate acceptably even though it doesn't meet the County's % mile spacing. A traffic signal is appropriate at the intersection, when warranted, given the characteristics of the Powers Boulevard corridor and area topography. Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center Traffic Review 30f3 Alyson Fauske, City of Chanhassen · Comment 3 - I agree with Westwood's response. · Comment 4 - I agree with Westwood's response. Conclusions and Recommendations The Site Collector Roadway as well as the site's two driveway intersections onto the Site Collector Roadway will operate acceptably as proposed. The Powers Boulevard/Site Collector Roadway intersection should be controlled with a traffic signal in the future when the intersection meets warrants for installation. It is clear the intersection will not need the traffic signal until the intersection is operating as a four legged intersection and at least Phase 1 of the Fairview Medical Center is built. The need for a dual southbound to eastbound left turn lane has been raised by Mn/DOT and Carver County, although the traffic analysis does not indicate it would be necessary. If the dual left turn lane is required by the County, a traffic signal would need to be installed to control the intersection. Dual left turn lanes do not operate safely without traffic signal control at the intersection. It is recommended a traffic signal warrant analysis be completed for the Powers Boulevard/Site Collector Roadway intersection before Phase 2 of the Fairview Medical Center is built. This warrant analysis should forecast the traffic conditions of Phase 2 using the then existing traffic patterns at the intersection (instead of the pattern based on A TR 458). It should also use one lane of approach on the minor approach instead of two. Please contact me at 952-378-5017 if you would like to discuss any of my findings. Thank you for the opportunity to review the Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center development plan for the City. ~\1\g c.~ .< ,. OJ 1946 .. ~""fy ",(II 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 CO.SI.VAflO. J'Sl.,er http://www.co.carver.mn.uslSWCD/SWCDmain.html Mission Stotement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. October 10, 2008 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center 08-16 Mr. Generous, The SWCD has received the plans for the proposed above mentioned project. The following items are required for our office to review for storm water compliance. A NPDES Permit is required for this project A Storm Water Pollution Preventive Plan must be developed and approved by the City and its consulting partners prior to approval of the plans. The SWPPP must include, but not limited the following items - The General Contractor with overall day to day responsibility of the project must be the contractor must be the contractor for the NPDES permit. - An individual assigned by the General Contractor must be qualified to complete weekly storm water inspection reports. A box will need to be placed on site for these specific documents. - Sequencing of the project is needed with the storm-water pond being built in conjunction with mass grading of the site to allow for storm water storage on site - temporary basin detail measures are needed. This is an enforceable measure that needs to be completed. - Dewatering is an issue on most projects, due to the nature of our clay soils - a plan should be developed specifically for this project so the contractor is aware of this issue. - All areas of silt fences that are continuous for a greater length of 300 feet will need to turned up at each end and a new run will need to be placed. Also, silt fence that will not be placed on the contour must have J-Hooks installed every 75 feet to break up concentrated flows created by the silt fence. These areas should be shown on the grading plan for the contractor to identify these areas for installation purposes. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - Diversions should be shown on the grading plan to show the contractor that they will need to be installed to allow storm water to be directed to the temporary storm water pond during initial phasing of the project. - The concrete washout area must be self contained watertight and handled by state guidelines. The block layers with their mobile Spec. Mixer will need to have secondary containment around the mixers. -Chanhassen City ordinance should be consulted regarding the silt fence protecting an existing wetland - higher standards are required. Please include our office in any Pre-Construction meetings your department may have prior to start of the proj ect. Sincerely, Chip Hentges CPESC Conservation Technician /w~~-~ ~l l-p\4l8 Carver County' Pu6fic 'Wor~ - 11360 !J(igfiway 212 'West Suite 1 Cofogne, ~ 55322-8016 PIione (952) 466-5.2lXJ ~(952) 466-5223 .9ldministration Par~ 'Engineering !J(igliwag :Maintenana 'Equipment :Maintenana Surveging & :Mapping Robert Generous Chanhassen Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED AUG 182008 CliY OF CHANu riASSEN August14,2008 RE: Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center Planning Case - 08-16 PID 25-1550020 Carver County Road 17 (Powers Blvd) Dear Mr. Generous: Carver County Public Works has reviewed the information regarding the above listed proposal transmitted to our office by your memo dated July 7,2008 and the included CD. At this time Carver County has the following comments on this proposal. These comments are not meant to be all-inclusive. Additional comments may be needed as this project develops and approaches approval. . This portion of County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) between County 14 (Pioneer Trail) and County Road 18 (Lyman Blvd) was designed as part of the interchange design for the TH 212 Design/Build project. When CR 17 was being designed in this location, there was concern about having an access to CR 17 located at what is now the constructed access location. When reviewing the access location and existence at that time, Carver County believes the proposed development that would be using this access was of a much lower density and would generate a lot less traffic than is being proposed in this most recent development proposal. The County needs additional information and time to review the impacts this new proposal will have on County Road 17. The city working with MnDOT in providing information about the previously proposed development, the roadway system layout, and resulting traffic numbers that were incorporated into the design of New 212 would be appreciated. . A review of the transportation study included with this proposal indicates a traffic signal will eventually be needed on County Road 17 at this intersection to accommodate the traffic generated by this development. It is understood the traffic signal evaluation submitted was based on the AUAR traffic forecast numbers generated in 2005. It is requested that the developer also relate the traffic signal evaluation to the traffic modeling completed as part of the 2030 County Roadway System Plan. . Carver County does not have a traffic signal installation at this intersection included in our capital improvement program or budget. The city is asked to consider requiring the developer to be financially responsible for the installation of a traffic signal and the modification of the intersection as needed. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on Recycled Paper Contains Minimum 10% Post Consumer Waste SCANNED Robert Generous August 14, 2008 Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center . From our review, it appears Phase 2 of this development will require encroachment onto existing Mn/DOT right of way located along County Road 17. With this proposed higher density development, the County may require a greater than indicated final right-of-way width on County Road 17 to accommodate the increased impacts to this intersection area. Also! greater than dedicated final right-of-way width may be required to accommodate sight lines, placement of highway signage, installation of traffic control units, installation of street lighting, and other highway related appurtenances. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. We look forward to working with the City in advancing this development in a manner that sustains the safety, mobility and corridor characteristics of CR 17. If there are further questions regarding this letter, please call me at 952-466-5200. d2 ~ Roge~G~~ County Engineer s/R&B/General Road Maintenance/CSAH/17/Chan Letter-Fairview Proposal 08-14-08 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on Recycled Paper Contains Minimum 10% Post Consumer Waste SCANNED j \J~,,~'\;}~I <"1}U:,J. ~E"'\~NEISO~1o Minnesota Department of Transportation ~ ~ Metropolitan District ~ R Waters Edge ~OFTRP.~<;; 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN55113-3174 Au.gust14,2008 RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2008 CITY OF CH ANHASSfl\1 Shanneen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Fairview Medical Center (Chanhassen) Mn/DOT Review # P08-039 Southeast Quadrant ofTH 312 and Powers Boulevard City of Chanhassan/Carver County Control Section 1017 Dear Ms. AI-Jaff: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has reviewed the above referenced plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03, subdivision 2, Plats. Before any further development, please address the following comments: Area Engineer: If the "Access Road" for Fairview extends and connects east to TH 101, there is a concern that this will increase traffic levels at the Powers Blvd intersection. The traffic study shows just enough storage for the southbound left turn lane at Powers Blvd and the Access Road, with little or no extra capacity for additional vehicles. Any additional traffic for that movement could impact operations at the TH 312 ramp. For questions regarding these comments, please contact Nicole Peterson, Mn/DOT Traffic Section, at (651) 234-7723. Right-Of- Way Reconveyance: At present, Mn/DOT is in receipt of a request from the previous property owner to reconvey the area highlighted for reconveyance in the development plan. It is very important to note that this portion ofTH 312 is still under construction, and nothing will be conveyed until the contractor has completed all work in the area and released it back to the State. It is therefore advised that the developer should not design their plans using any of the current Mn/DOT right-of-way until such time that the land is deeded to them. For questions concerning these comments, please contact Keith McMurray, Mn/DOT Right-Of-Way Section, at (651) 234- 7581. Water Resources: This development will affect existing drainage at the TH 312/Powers Blvd interchange so a drainage permit will be required. It is difficult to determine how the Stormwater Report, Preliminary Plans and Wetland Layout correspond because ponding, wetland and drainage areas do not match between the plans and the models. When the drainage permit is applied for there will need to be further clarification on what is actually happening with stormwater and ponding on-site. An equal opportunity employer SCANNeD The following information is required with the drainage permit application: Final drainage plan showing storm sewer plan, storm sewer profiles and pond contours. Existing and proposed drainage area maps with flow arrows. Existing and proposed drainage/pond computations for the 2, 10, and 100 year rainfall events. Additional information may be required once a drainage permit is submitted and after a detailed review. . Please direct questions concerning drainage issues to Derek Beauduy, Mn/DOT Water Resources Section, at (651) 234-7522. Permits: As noted previous, a drainage permit will be required. Further, any work impacting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility web site at wWw.dot.state.mn.us/tecsuo/utilitv. Please include one full-size plan set, and an 11 x 17 inch plan set for each permit application. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig, MnDOT's Metro Permits Section, at (651) 234~7911. As a reminder, please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to: Development Reviews MnlDOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 MnlDOT document submittal guidelines require either: 1. One (1) electronic pdf. version of the plans (the electronic version of the plan needs to be developed for 11" x 17" printable format with sufficient detail so that all features are legible); 2. Seven (7) sets offull size plans; If submitting the plans electronically, please use the pdf. format. MnlDOT can accept the plans viae-mail at metrodevreviews@dot.state.mll.us provided that each separate e-mail is less than 20 megabytes. Otherwise, the plans can be submitted on a compact disk. If you have any questions concerning this review please feel free to contact me at (651) 234-7797. Copy: Roger Gustafson, Carver County Engineer, Cologne, MN Bill Katter, United Properties LLC., Minneapolis, MN Blind Copy sent via Groupwise: Nicole Peterson Tod Shennan E.Buck Craig Derek Beauduy Keith McMurray Sheila Kauppi Ann Braden / Metropolitan Council File Copy: Mn/DOT Division File CS 1017 Mn/DOT LGL File City of Chanhassen, MN Roger Gustafson Carver County Engineer 11360 Highway 212 West Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Bill Katter United Properties LLC. 3500 American Boulevard West Minneapolis, MN 55431 ce-)~ ~l~\""'EISO~1o Minnesota Department of Transportation ~ ~ Metropolitan District "\ R Waters Edge ~oj:n:i~~'ij 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113-3174 October 27, 2008 Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED . OCT 2 8 2008 CHANHASSEN PLANNING D/iPT SUBJECT: Fairview Medical Center (Chanhassen) Mn/DOT Review # P08-039A Southeast Quadrant ofTH 312 and Powers Boulevard City of Chanhassan/Carver County Control Section 1017 Dear Ms. AI-Jaff: The Minnesota Department of Tr~sportation (MnlDOT) has reviewed the above referenced revised plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03, subdivision 2, Plats. Before any further development, please address the following comments: Right-Of-Way Reconveyance: At present, MnlDOT is in receipt of a request from the previous property owner to reconvey the area highlighted for reconveyance in the development plan. MnlDOT has yet to make a determination as to what land may be able to be reconveyed. Specifically, there are still issues yet to be resolved along the south line ofthe eastbound entrance ramp. It is very important to note that this portion of TH 312 is still under construction, and nothing will be conveyed until the contractor has completed all work in the area and released it back to the State. Until all issues are resolved, the developer can not plan on use of the site, as proposed. It is therefore advised that the developer should not design their plans using any of the current MnlDOT right-of-way until such time that the land is deeded to them. For questions concerning these comments, please contact Keith McMurray, Mn/DOT Right-Of-Way Section, at (651) 234-7581. Design: The following are the comments and questions ofMp/DOT Design Section: Powers Blvd Access: Please provide a construction/grading plan for the "Phase I" development showing grades of the roadways and side slopes at the junction of the Access Road and Power Blvd. Also identify any structures that will be affected within MnlDOT right-of-way_ Trail: It is noted that significant grading and drainage needs to occur with the proposed trail next to the eastbound TH 312 ramp, therefore, MnlDOT will not allow construction of this segment of trail upon MnlDOT right-of-way until the reconveyance process is complete. At such time, the trail will have to meet minimum design Mn/DOT requirements for public trails upon Mn/DOT right-of-way. Additionally, verification will be needed as to whether the proposed An equal opportunity employer SCANNED trail will affect the culvert located at the conjunction of the existing and proposed trail. If, following the reconveyance determination, the trail encroaches upon Mn!DOT right-of-way, a Limited Use Permit will be required. Sign: The project identification sign cannot be constructed on MnDOT right-of-way, and therefore, must be relocated. Landscaving: The trees that are proposed to be planted on Mn!DOTright-of-way inthe "Phase I" plan will need to be reviewed and approved by Mn/DOT Technical Support. Please provide the requested information to Nancy Jacobson, Mn!DOT Design Section, at (651) 234-7647. Water Resources:' A drainage permit will be required. There shall be no increase in discharge is permitted to Mn/DOT right of way. Please show the north area of proposed "Phase 2" more clearly to verify contours and drainage of north parking area. Additionally, please submit computations to the north ditch alterations. When the drainage. permit is applied for there will need to be further clarification on what is actually happening with stormwater and ponding on-site. The following information is required with the drainage permit application: Final drainage plan showing storm sewer plan, storm sewer profiles and pond contours. Existing and proposed drainage area maps with flow arrows. ' Existing and proposed drainage/pond computations for the 2, 10, and 100 year rainf~ll events. Additional information may be required once a drainage permit is submitted and after a detailed review. Please direct questions concerning drainage issues to Martin Kors, Mn/DOT Water Resources Section, at (651) 234-7537. Permits: As noted previous, a drainage permit will be required. Additionally, a limited use and short form permits will be required for the proposed trail. Lastly, any work impacting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at www.dot.state.mn.us/tecsup/utility. Please,include one full-size plan set, and an 11 x 17 inch plan set for each permit application. Please direct any questions regarding permit . requirements to Buck Craig, MnDOT's Metro Permits Section, at (651) 234-7911. As a reminder, please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to: Development Reviews Mn/DOT - Metro Division . Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 SCANNED .. Mn/DOT document submittal guidelines require either: 1. One (1) electronic pdf. version of the plans (the electronic version of the plan needs to be developed for 11" x 17" printable format with sufficient detail so that all features are. legible); 2. Seven (7) sets of full size plans. If submitting the plans electronically, please use the pdf. format. Mn/DOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevreviews@dot.state.mn.us provided that each separate e-mail is less than 20 megabytes. Otherwise, the plans can be submitted on a compact disk. If you have any questions concerning this review please feel free to contact me at (651) 234-7797. Sincerely, . ~fr Senior Planner Copy: Roger Gustafson, Carver County Engineer, Cologne, MN Bill Katter, United Properties LLC., Minneapolis, MN Blind Copy sent via Groupwise: Nicole Peterson Tod Sherman E.Buck Craig Martin Kors Keith McMurray Sheila Kauppi Ann Braden / Metropolitan Council File Copy: Mn/DOT Division File CS 1017 Mn/DOT LGL File City of Chanhassen, MN Roger Gustafson Carver County Engineer 11360 Highway 212 West Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Bill Katter United Properties LLC. 3500 American Boulevard West Minneapolis, MN 55431 SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 23, 2009, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Powers Crossing Professional Center to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisot4f+-ctay of April ,2009. ~"'T~ ... IN\'\. k~ - Notary IC I KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota . My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 en c ~ cu ::E en5 c.- .- I/) ... 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ANDREW T RIEGERT 620 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 BRIAN J & MICHELLE R O'DONNELL 1151 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8613 DANIEL D & KATHERINE HORSFALL 9610 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8688 DAVID R & MARY B BLANSKI 9350 GREAT PLAINS BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8642 G&M LAURENT FAMILY L TD PTRSHP 24760 CEDAR POINT RD NEW PRAGUE, MN 56071-4056 GREGORY M FALCONER 720 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 JAMES H & TERESA 0 GIUSTI 540 PINEVIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8697 JAMES R & SHARON M HEDBERG 750 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8671 JOHNNIE J & ELAINE A MEYERING 1050 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8634 KEVIN J & PATRICIA A ELLSWORTH 9601 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8605 BEVERLY C ERICKSON 520 PINEVIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8697 CHARLES E & SANDRA R WORM 760 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 DAVID D & STEPHANIE J VIEAU 901 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8609 DAVID S & CYNTHIA L DEVOY 600 94TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8600 GARY J & MARY LANE BENDZICK 731 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 JAMES & ARLENE J CHURCH 611 96TH STW CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 JAMES L & JANET P BROWNELL 1190 HOM ESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8612 JOHN C & JACKIE J DANIELS 1111 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8613 JOYCE EKING 9391 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 KEVIN L & LORI A BOGENREIF 631 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 BRADLEY C WORM 750 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 DAMON D & LISA L KANZLER 1161 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8613 DAVID L & ROSELEE W WONDRA 9590 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8681 EICKHOLT TRUST 3825 CHOWEN AVE S MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410-1044 GAYLE 0 & LOIS J DEGLER 541 PINEVIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8697 JAMES D WILSON ETAL 5730 YANCY AVE NEW GERMANY, MN 55367-9327 JAMES M & TERESA A BYRNE 700 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 JOHN E & CYNTHIA N HART 951 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8609 KAREN KAY HENRICKSON 9651 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8605 KURT W PAPKE & 1131 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8613 LESLIE L O'HALLORAN 710 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 PAMELA A O'NEILL 9550 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8681 PAUL T ANDERSON & 9380 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8201 ROBERT & CHRISTIN E BOECKER 610 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 ROGER A & KIMBERLY A LEE 600 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRANSPORTATION ST PAUL, MN 55155-1801 STEVEN J & SANDRA R KADISAK 810 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8673 THOMAS M & CHERYL L JESSEN 9570 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8681 TIMOTHY J LOWE 601 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 LORI L LARSON 1051 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8611 PAUL D & CAROL L PAULSON 9250 GREAT PLAINS BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8641 PETER A & JERIL YN M SCHWALEN 1001 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8611 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8201 ROBERT A & ELIZABETH K HAAK 770 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8671 ROGER G NOVOTNY 560 PINEVIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8697 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRANSPORTATION ST PAUL, MN 55155-1801 THEODORE B & KAREN K HASSE 630 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 TIMOTHY A & DAWNE M ERHART 9611 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8695 WADE W MARSHALL 9441 GREAT PLAINS BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8607 MAGDY A & JUNE L EBRAHIM 521 PINEVIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8697 PAULJ&CHERYLLOKKESMOE 9650 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8688 PETER A DIRKS 900 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8608 ROBERT & BETTY WOLD 731 PIONEER TRL CHASKA, MN 55318-1157 ROBERT F ERLER & 9600 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8605 RONALD L & KOLLEEN M BROWN 9650 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8605 STEPHEN J & COLE EN M WILKER 621 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 THOMAS J & SHARON L MESCHKE 9701 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8637 TIMOTHY A & DAWNE M ERHART 9611 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8695 WAYNE 0 & GAYLE D WENZLAFF 1181 HOMESTEAD LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8613 WENCES M HORAK ET AL 9700 FLINTLOCK TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8637 WESLEY & CAROL DUNSMORE 730 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 WILLIAM F & MARY E HEINLEIN 721 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603