PRC 1997 05 20Park & Recreation Commission Minutes May 20, 1997 A special meeting of the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission was held at 5:30 p.m. to conduct site visits of the Lake Susan trail, Prairie Knoll Park, Instant Web soccer field, Park Place cul-de-sac, Galpin Boulevard parkland (Forest Meadow Outlot A), Autumn Ridge trail, Stone Creek Park, Creekside trail, and proposed Gateway development. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Commissioners Lash, Howe, Manders, Roeser, Meger, Frank, and Berg. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisors; Nathan Parr, Facility Supervisor. The agenda was approved as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The April 22, 1997 Park & Recreation Commission minutes were approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS DETERMINE PARK, TRAIL, AND RECREATION CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 48.99 ACRES INTO 54 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT, LOCATED NORTH OF HIGHWAY 5 ON THE EAST SIDE OF HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH OF LAKE LUCY ROAD; HIGHOVER ADDITION, JEROME CARLSON: The staff report was presented to the commission regarding park and trail conditions of approval. Mr. Donald Peterson representing the applicant also made a short presentation. Following discussion of all pertaining issues, Commissioner Meger moved that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the following condition of approval pertaining to parks and trails for the Highover Addition: 1. Payment of full park and trail fees per city ordinance in lieu of parkland dedication or trail construction. 2. The identification of the power line easements as a trail corridor. Said trail to be maintained in a turf condition. Motion seconded by Scott. All voted in favor and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS ANNUAL REVIEW, LAKE ANN BATTING CAGE FEASIBILITY REVIEW, CHANHASSEN SKATE PARK: After a discussion between Josh Peters and the commission, action was tabled until the July meeting. At that time staff is to present a comprehensive feasibility study on the construction of an aggressive skate park within the City of Chanhassen. Park & Recreation Commission Minutes May 20, 1997 Page 2 PROGRAM REPORTS: The following program reports were given: a. Spring Dance Recitatal b. 4th of July Celebration c. Recreation Center Monthly Report ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: The following administrative reports were presented: a. Lake Ann Park Sununer Season b. Sununer Newsletter c. Park, Open Space, and Trails Special Election COMMISSION MEMBER REPORTS COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director