1994 05 20 . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, May 20, 1994 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes dated April 22, 1994. 2. Visitors Presentation. 3. Update on Goals and Objectives / Joint meeting with City Council. 4. Update on Senior Center Activities. 5. Update on Senior Housing. 6. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). 7. Senior Commission Comments. . Adiournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORT A TION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT. 120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. . . . . CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22, 1994 Chairwoman Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Albin Olson, Mark Littfin Sr, and Selda Heinlein MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara Hedla. ST AFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director and Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Bernice Billison moved to approve the Agenda, Albin Olson seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROV AL OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 25. 1994: There was a correction on page 1. Selda Heinlein was absent. The minutes were approved with this correction. VISITOR PRESENTATION: No visitors were present. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1994. a. Presentation from Store to Door. Dan Siterella. Siterella stated that he purchases groceries from Cub Foods and brings them to the home of the owner. He pays for the purchases himself and brings the receipt to the customer. He charges $5 minimum or 10% of the bill, which ever is greater. Commissioner Littfin asked him if he would conduct his business at Festival for Chanhassen residents. Siterella stated that he would unless instructed otherwise. He also stated that he will not purchase alcohol nor tobacco. He left references with staff. b. Update on Ure:ent Care/reports from Hedla and Howard. Howard stated that there will be no change within the next year at Cross Roads due to unavailability of Doctor's hours. There are Saturday hours in Chaska and Sunday hours in Prior Lake for Cross Roads. This service will be necessary in the future however there are no immediate plans to implement the service. Chanhassen Medical Center and Waconia Hospital do not have any plans to provide Urgent Care services at the present time either. Chanhassen Family Physicians is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 8:00 p.m.. They are looking at being open some hours on the weekends. 1 . 4. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES. Howard stated that there will be a trip to Halasik, a Twins game, a Carver County Trip, a Luau on the 1st of May and there will be door prizes. 5. MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL The Senior Commission decided to discuss the following items with the City Council at their joint meeting which will take place on May 2, 1994. 1. SENIOR CENTER: Staff and the Senior Needs Commission actively searched for space for the senior citizens to meet In July, 1991, the storage space on the lower level of City Hall was identified as a possible interim location. The space was renovated using HRA funding. The center is highly utilized and provides quality service to the senior population. . 2. TRANSPORT A TION: Southwest Metro Transit is an opt-out transportation system which serves Chaska, Chanhassen, and Eden Prairie. The system utilizes Dial-A-Ride, (a door- to-door bus service). Express buses leave Chaska, Chanhassen, and Eden Prairie during the morning rush hour to take residents to Minneapolis and express buses leave Minneapolis during the evening rush hour to return resident back to their respective communities. Reverse Commute is also available which provides the opposite function of the Express Buss. The system is growing rapidly to accommodate deferent clientele. Staff worked closely with the administrator of Southwest Metro Transit to improve service for seniors. Saturday and evening services are now available to accommodate senior needs. This is an ongoing goal and there will always be room for a better public transit system. 3. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL / SENIOR LINKAGE LINE: A third need identified in the Senior Needs Study was information and referral to serve the community. Staff worked with the Senior Needs Commission and prepared a Senior Services Directory. Unfortunately, some of the phone numbers were outdated as soon as the directory was published. This prompted the Senior Needs Commission to think of other means to provide accurate information to the senior community and staff was directed to research alternatives. In January, 1992, the Senior Needs Commission had a meeting to identify and establish goals. The implementation of an information and referral service was identified as one of its highest priorities. On March 17, 1992, staff began working with Ms. Julie Bentz, West Metro Senior Linkage Line Coordinator. The Senior Linkage Line is an information and referral operation, organized by Senior Resources and authorized by the Minnesota Board on Aging. The Senior Linkage Line Network is a network of sites offering information and referral services for seniors in the Metro Area as well as State wide. . 2 . Facts on how to provide an information and referral service in Chanhassen were discussed. Ms. Bentz, with her Advisory Council, was supportive of the idea; however, staff was informed that Senior Linkage Line provides services county wide only rather than to individual cities. The Senior Needs Commission and staff began working on gaining support for this program county wide. Numerous meetings took place with seniors, city planners, administrators, senior citizen center presidents, church pastors, and community leaders of cities in Carver County to demonstrate to the County Commissioners the need for this service. The program has been in existence for almost a year and has increased from about 19 requests to 30 requests per month. It is a successful example of a joint project that required cooperation between the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, and the State of Minnesota. As citizens continue to use and trust the system, the program continues to grow. To keep the cost low to the city, existing equipment and facilities through the Senior Center, are being used. Volunteer staff run the phone lines and City staff is available to provide guidance. 4. SENIOR HOUSING: The fourth need that has been set as a goal for the year 1994 is Senior Housing. A feasibility study was conducted that pointed out a need does exist. Thirteen sites were identified and analyzed, and one must be selected. 5. CHANHASSEN HERITAGE PRESERV A TION: Rehabilitating the Train Depot. . 6. CHORE CORPS: This is a program designated to provide services to help seniors remain independent and take care of themselves by assisting them with tasks that have become too tough for them to manage on their own. A $50,000 grant was awarded to Mid Minnesota SAIL to pilot this project of which Carver County will be the main demonstration site. Senior Linkage Line is working in partnership with Chore Corps. 7. SENIOR PARKING at Public Buildings. 8. URGENT CARE FACILITIES. 9. TREE PLANTING along the entryway into the Senior Center to block the wind. 10. WHEELCHAIR RAMP leading to the Senior Center. 11. SENIOR GROCERY SHOPPING. 12. SENIOR NEWSLETTER EXPANSION. 13. COOPERA TIVE COMMUNICATION with neighboring Senior Centers. a. Cooperative Communications. b. Coordination of Events. . 3 c. Transportation Coordination with other Senior Centers. . ~ UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING. Aanenson stated that at the joint meeting between the HRA and City Council, the Senior housing issue was discussed in detail. There was a presentation done by Denbarr. The conclusion was that they wanted to see further investigation on Sr. Housing Financing and alternatives. 7. UPDATE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLL). Howard stated that an informational meeting was heid to explain the role of the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (MAAA). She also stated that the people present were very competent and had high qualifications. The other alternative is to have a joint powers agreement between the seven county metro area to facilitate the program. This is the favored alternative by the communities but the ultimate decision lies with the Metropolitan Council. 8. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were non. 9. SENIOR EXPO . AL-Jaff asked for the names of the commissioners that will be attending the Senior Expo in order to make reservations. All will attend with the exception of Commissioner Littfin. Kibitz moved, Bernice seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin AI-Jaff . 4 Chanhassen Senior Center S Senior Day- Americana Comm.Bank Friday, May 20 from 1 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 pm... All Seniors are invited to corne and enjoy an afternoon featuring: *CHAN-o-laires . performance *Bingo wi th Cash Prizes *Refreshments RSVP to... Americana Community Bank by Wed. May 18 at 937-9596 Flyers and poster with more _formation are available at e Chanhassen Senior Center Hello Seniors! This spring has been a busy one at the Chanhassen Senior Center. We've enjoyed many activities and trips such as Irish Night, Hawaiin Night, Around the World Trip, Gourmet Room and Planes of Fame Museum Trip, Mens and Womens Clubs, Sweatshirt Making and Crafts, Plant Buying, Get to know your County Trip, Movie Day, and more. We also had legal and tax assistance provided right in our Senior Center. Thankyou to everyone who has helped plan or shared ideas-we appreciate you! We are looking forward to a full summer as well, and hope to see many new faces as people return from those nice winter and spring vacations. Remember, you need not be a Chanhassen resident to par- ticipate in our programs.AII are welcome. Corne visit us or call 937-1900 x145 for de- tails on what is coming up. Defensive . . Drl.vl.ng Casino Night We had a full house in April and will be offering another course through AARP this Fall. Dates will be posted at the senior center when finalized. Don't forget June 4,is our next Saturday Night Special. Blackjack, Craps, and more Casino Games from 6:00-8:30pm at the Chan Senior Center. We play with chips,no money.Refreshments are served. $7.00/person Mriv;m"...........lc:: ""-"0,..-..,.-..,1 n ,./~ /~ /---- ~ . # <C_~__/ .~---._.~ WE'RE CELEBRATING OUR 1ST YEAR IN CARVER COUNTY AND WE'RE GIVING YOU A PRESENT!! It's a new free service from the CARVER COUNTY SENIOR LINKAGE LINE Next time you call us, ask to hear "The Bulletin Board". Our friendly and helpful staff will playa recorded message for you that may include * a health tip * a joke * an historical fact * current happenings at senior centers in our county * and other tidbits we think you'll find interesting. The "Bulletin Board" is only available during staffed office hours of M-F, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., but you may call anytime with your questions and leave us a message. And of course, our regular confidential service continues which allows you to speak directly to our staff about information and connections to senior services near you. . /"1 In Carver County call: ~Ll~:l;) 937 -0095 or 1-800-278-8089 MINNESOTA ZOO (Apple Vaney) and DUNDEE NURSERY Tuesday, July 12 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. $8.00/person, includes coach bus transportation, admission is free that day Meet/return: Chanhassen Senior Center ORCHESTRA HALL - SOMMERFEST - TALES FROM THE VIENNA WOODS Friday, July 22 9:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. $26.25/person Strausse's "Die Fledermous Overture," Offenbach's "Overture to Orpheus in the Underworld,"Brahm's "Hungarian Dance No.6," and more. Time for lunch, a fashion show and browsing on the Marketplatz. Meet/return: Chanhassen Senior Center CEDAR LAKE FARM Tuesday, August 9 9: 15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. $21.00/person njoy a visit to this farm where you can go for a pontoon cruise, hayride, old fashioned 4-wheeled bike ride or stroll through the farm buildings or by the lake. Delicious BBQ chicken dinner will be served. Meet/return: Chanhassen Senior Center MINNESOTA STATE FAIR Tuesday, September 1 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. $9.00/person - Includes admission and coach bus transportation Meet/return: Chanhassen Senior Center --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chanhassen Senior Center Trips - Summer 1994 Sommerfest _ $26.25 , .,. 'r:v' MN Zoo_ $8.00 Cedar Lake Farm _ $21.00 State Fair $9.00 Name ~ess . ~ form with payment to: Phone Total Amount Enclosed $ Chanhassen Senior Center 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 . . . Chanhassen Senior Center The Best of Lerner & Loewe "Loverly " at Orchestra Hall on June 10 Eighteen fantastic seats have been reserved for this unforgettable musical performance from the song writing team of Lerner & Loewe. My Fair Lady, Camelot, Gigi, Brigadoon, Paint Your Wagon, and all the best songs from those musicals. Performance is by the Cabaret Pops Singers and the Minnesota Orchestra under the direction of David Bishop. Fee: $29.00 includes ticket and transportation ALLL9410 TIME: 10:00 a.m. -1:45 p.m. MEET/RETURN: Chanhassen Senior Center MAXIMUM: 18 people ----------------.------------------------------------------------..-------------------------.------------------------- --The Best of Lerner & Loewe Registration Form- Name: Phone: Address: Amount Enclosed: $ City/Zip: ALLL9410 Fee: $29.00 Please mail or drop off registration form and payment to the Chanhassen Senior Center, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. For more information, call 937-1900 exL 145. . . . j, j, j, j,j,dij,j,~ Chanhassen Senior Center and District #112 Community Education St. Croix River Paddleboat Cruise Tuesday, June 21 Join us for this daytime adventure and lunch cruise on the Taylor Falls Princess. We'll enjoy a fully guided tour of the river and a delicious chicken dinner with all the fIxings. Following this 2 hour cruise, a stop at the Antique and Art Emporium for shopping or browsing will top off the day. MeetlReturn: Chanhassen Senior Center - 9:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. Fee: $25 (includes cruise, dinner and coach bus transportation) Pre-Registration required by May 20. St Croix River Cruise - Tuesday, June 21 Name(s) Phone $ Amount Enclosed Address Return form with payment to Chanhassen Senior Center . ~ .. . '. ,.'.,...,'..... ,..,.".:.:i\"..,':.'.,~.,.... '..,....7. ;t'J,i.,:..,",\6.. 9... Q.}C.". .oUltc!r~. Dri......., 'v,. ,:~,,;. . .....'. '. '.,.,....." .'.',. .' 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( E , f t ~. f fi; k } '; J .ri 1 1 i. :rWOLOCAL SENIORS, Helen Nielsen-Eckstein, left, and Fred Prinz, right, answer the phones for the Senior J '-'in1utge Line, a data base ofinfonnation relating to senior citizen concerns. Kitty Sitter, middle, is the coord i- f nator,oftbe program run out of the Chanhassen Senior Center. Other volunteer phone operators include Betty Bragg and Lola Kagol. (Staff photo by Dean Trippler) Don't know where to turn? Senior Linkage Line has the answers D ( ) 2 ! iJ ;, 'I By Dean Trippler In the basement of Chanhassen City Hall, at the Chanhassen Senior Center, a friendly voice is there to help those with senior-related problems and questions. Up for nearly a year now, the Se- nior Linkage Line is a high-tech data base run by volunteers who are con- cerned and willing to help out fel]ow senior citizens and their families and friends. Kitty Sitter, who is the coordina- tor of the program, said there are three senior volunteers and one paid aide who man the telephones and take up to 30 calls each month since the line opened last June. The callers may be local seniors, those with elderly par- ents or other agencies searching for answers or at least a point in the right direction in finding answers to basic questions. Calls have been for medi- cal information, chore services, trans- portation, adult day care, legal issues, tax assistance, defensive driving classes - anything related to grow- ing older or having a parent or loved one grow older. "We determine their needs, and once we find out what they're look- ing for, we'll do the research ti}rou&h our data base," Sitter said'o'fth'e"c6rrt: puter that lists hundreds of agencies and programs available for senior citi- zens. After fmoing out where seniors or family members can call for their 'particular need, the staff at the Senior Linkage Line relays the information. A follow-up call is usually made to find out if, in the end, the initial ques- tions were answered. An enhancement due to debut soon on the system will be a bulletin board feature. A pre-recorded mes- sage on health tips, jokes, and senior events will be accessed by calling the Senior Linkage Line and asking for the bulletin board. That service is set to start sometime this month, Sitter said. "We really want to have someone talk to a caller in person," Sitter said of the lack of voice mail on the sys- tem. "We want to keep that human element, and we're trying to be more than the Yellow Pages. We're trying to get the personal touch in it." Another new feature of the Senior Linkage Line will be a partnership with Chore Corps, a group of private businesses that offer volunteer ser- vices for seniors, such as raking yards, washing windows, etc. No date has been set for that alliance, though. "We got involved because of se- nior requests," Sitter said of the data base service. "The seniors are con- cerned about each other and want a ,service like this." Sirriihirly, the volUnteers at'the Senior Linkage Line get a satisfaction from helping others. "Seniors can get a lot of help in a lot of different ways," said Helen Nielsen-Eckstein who answers phone i ~t '( I , I calls for the Senior Linkage Line, "It's satisfying to know you're helping somebody." And for Fred Prinz, a volunteer, I the same can be said. I "I'm giving back to society a I litt]e," he said. "I've got the time ., now." The Senior Linkage Line is a co- ;,1 operative effort of Carver County 1 Social Services and the city of ;II Chanhassen. The city provides the n space within the Chanhassen Senior 1 Center and equipment, while the ! county distributes funds to project I from the Minnesota Board of Aging. 1 The Senior Linkage Line is a program ' ( of Senior Resources and the St. Paul t United Way made possible through a grant from the Metropolitan Area .,,1 Agency on Aging, under a plan ap- .',1 proved by the Minnesota Board on .[.1 Aging. "il Sitter said the data base is updated" every two to three months. The coor- ):1. dinators of the program keep in touch i:' with other service providers to ascer- 1) tain what services are needed by se- niors. ~il "People think (the Senior Linkage 1 Line) is o. nly for senio.rs, but. .we en- " courage friends and family to call, too," she said. ',.. \dl . You can reach the Senior Linkage 1 Line by calling 937-0095 or 1-800- 278-8089. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 1(; z~ p.m. Monday through Friday. .,~ ~.