1994 07 15 <. . ~(~ AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDA Y, July 15, 1994 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of A2enda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . . Approval of Minutes dated June 17. 1994. Visitors Presentation. Midyear update on Goals and Objectives. Update on Senior Center Activities. Update on Senior Housing. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). Senior Commission Comments. Adiournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT. 120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. -, CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 17, 1994 . Chairman Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Albin Olson, Mark Littfin Sr, and Selda Heinlein and, Barbara Headla. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. ST AFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Albin Olson moved to approve the Agenda, Bernice Billison seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROV AL OF MINUTES DATED MAY 20. 1994: The minutes were approved as submitted. VISITOR PRESENTATION: There were non UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING. The Senior Commission directed staff to compose a letter in support of the site located north of Barleys and west of Kerber Boulevard. Staff was also directed to gather site data for the conumssIOn. . UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES. The commission discussed price tags associated with some of the activities offered at the Senior Center. It was suggested that the prices be lowered. It was also suggested that the agenda be posted at the senior center. UPDATE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLL). Kitty Sitter reported that the South Shore bus will be picking up seniors in Chanhassen to take them to Target. Operation Innovation judging results have not been released yet. The CHORE Core should be established by the end of summer. U.S.West does not have any emergency system telephones for seniors at this time. 1 . . . . Bloomington has Senior Olympics now. Duluth will have it on July 12 to 16, 1994. A new radio station, KDUZ, will air a program called second wind. This program is targeted toward seniors at 12:00 a.m. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were none. Kubitz moved, Bernice seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin AI-Jaff 2 MONTH -. JUN 93 * JUL 93 AUG 93 SEP 93 OCT 93 ~OV 93 ~EC 93 JAN 94 FEB 94 MAR 94 APR 94 MA Y 94 JUN 94 CALLS REQUESTS 17 19 17 23 16 19 26 28 21 28 17 17 10 10 22 28 22 24 20 27 39 41 33 34 44 51 * June was a 2 week operation. Other months were full month operation II) 'x ~ >- SENIOR LINKAGE LINE CARVER COUNTY SITE 60 ~ " :1 :~.. ,11: :x .:-:.; ~ ...... ~~ .~.1..f.~~.. ::~: . ,.:. :~:- ft ':~' ~~~~ ::?. ~~~ ,~ "" ,..:.: ;.... ~~ ". t ~:~.;:,~::.f::~::: l: ~~. ~l ~~~ :.:.:::~:.:., .:::. ~.:::.':: :~~. . ~ :.:.: :~\ ::; 40 20 ~~;~~ :::1~ I ::~ I :.:.:. ~:;~~~ :.:-: ~;~;~; :~~. ...... ;::::: .;.;.; ...... ...... ...... :-:-: 1~11~ ...... ;:::;: ...... :.:. :::::: .;.:.; :.:.:. :::::: .:.:.: ~:;: ;:::;: ~:::: :::::: ...... -:.:.. ~~~~~~ ;:;:;: ~l ... ;::::: ... ::~~ .. JUN 93 * AUG 93 OCT 93 DEC 93 FEB 94 APR 94 JUN 94 JUL 93 SEP 93 NOV 93 JAN 94 MAR 94 MAY 94 . o . CALLS Ei1m REQUESTS