1994 12 16 . . << FILE . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 16, 1994 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes dated October 21, and November 18, 1994. 2. Visitors Presentation. 3. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). 4. Update on Senior Center Activities. 5. Update on Senior Housing. 6. Senior Commission Comments. . Adiournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORT A TION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT. 120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. . . .. .. CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1994 . Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Mark Littfin Sr., Selda Heinlein, Barbara Headla, Sherol Howard, and Albin Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Non. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner n. APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Bernice Billison moved to approve the Agenda, Barbara Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROV AL OF MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 21. 1994: This item was tabled until December 16, 1994. VISITOR PRESENTATION: Byerly's sent a representative to the meeting to explain services available at the store catering to senior citizens as well as other members of the community. The availability of employees to pack groceries and deliver them to the car. The representative also explained the different items available at the store. . UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES The Senior Center will be providing two inexpensive activities. A trip to the Art Institute and a tour of KSTP. Christmas Open House will take place on Saturday, December 10, from 1 :00 p.m. to 3:00p.m. The November Saturday dinner was canceled due to lack of attendance. At the last soup lunch only 6 people attended. UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING. The commission requested that the senior housing building should have water softer in the hot water only. The commission was satisfied with the progress that has been made with Frank Dunbar and how the design of the building is evolving. UPDATE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLL). Kitty Sitter reported that a 16 member delegation with AARP from Washington D.C. will be visiting Chanhassen to look at the operation of the CHORE program. This delegation is connected with the Health Reform issue. New magnates have been ordered to publicize SLL. There will also be a video tape made 1 . . . . . Senior Commission September 16, 1994 Page 2 that would show how SLL operates. Twenty businesses have joined the CHORE program. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were non. Kubitz moved, Billison seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin AI-Jaff 2 If' CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1994 . Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Mark Littfin Sr., Selda Heinlein, Barbara Headla, Sherol Howard, and AIbin Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Non. ST AFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner ll. APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Bernice Billison moved to approve the Agenda, Selda Heinlein seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROV AL OF MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 16. 1994: The minutes were approved as submitted. VISITOR PRESENTATION: Bob Murray with Festival Foods presented a summary of services available at the store catering to senior citizens as well as other members of the community. The availability of employees to help pack groceries during peek hours, and the introduction reduced fat items. The commission requested the introduction of Senior Parking spaces in the parking lot. Mr. Murray said he would look into it. . UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES The Commission reported that at the next Senior Advisory Board meeting, new members will be appointed. There will be a Saturday night special dinner. The theme is Chines and the food will be ordered from Lean Chin. October 20, 1994 was the first time soup was served for lunch at the center. It was ordered from Millie's Deli. On November 8, 1994, there will be a shopping trip to Woodberry to the outlet stores. December 10, 1994 will be the annual Christmas Party. UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING. Barbara Montgomery congratulated the Senior Commission on the progress they have made with senior housing. The commission requested an additional meeting to outline what should be incorporated into the proposed senior housing building. UPDATE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLL). Kitty Sitter reported that Warren Wolf's article appeared in the paper and was positive. She also reported that she will be accompanied by an intern and they will visit all Senior Centers 1 . . . . Senior Commission September 16, 1994 Page 2 within Carver County to publicize SLL SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were non. Littfin moved, Olson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin A1-Jaff 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN /r:L . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Acti~n b" {'!!v t ~",lr"'.!l':!Itffi' MEMORANDUM !~~,c, - : It"'" 7',w (). 1J.J.., _: "----.?-.-V~ FROM: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II ~~;:-~.'-, .'" ..-'.-..-..---------- ~;':>- -:J~:~~-il:= Da't'".:.. ,j(.:. ...:,"; >, '.~>,.<::if TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager D;;'~~" -. - . . ~ - .....-------- ;"l :';::.,;1";;' DATE: December 7, 1994 __L2. rz. .q'; SUBJ: 1995 Agreement Renewal of Senior Linkage Line In 1989, the City of Chanhassen conducted a SeQ.iCJr Needs Assessment Study. One of the needs identified in the study was information and re~ rP services for the community. . On June 1, 1993, Carver County Senior ag~ Line formally started operation out of Chanhassen. The Senior Linkage Line is aninfornlJ,tion and referral operation, organized by . Senior Resources and authorized by the Miqiresota ~ Agency on Aging. The Senior Linkage Line Network is a network of sites offerig.g informatio'J:1 and referral services for seniors in the west metro area. The Senior LinkageJ,-ine provides!~rvices county wide only rather than individual cities. same as the originar~greement reached on May 25, 1994, Board of Commis$ioners on December 20, 1994, for The following agreement, which will appear before the approval. Senior Linkage * to the city. * The City will provide the following: * ** ** * Local Promotion of the program through city newsletter, local paper, flyers, etc. A computer to install the information on, which is part of the Senior Center. Telephone equipment, which is part of the Senior Center. StaffNolunteer Time. The city committed to staffmg the phone from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Monday through Friday by using volunteers through the Senior Center. . . Don Ashworth December 7, 1994 Page 2 ** Office space, which is available in the Senior Center. ** Note: All these facilities and equipment are dual purpose and are otherwise available to support Senior Center functions. The County will provide the following: * * * * * Salary for Carver County Senior Linkage Line Site Coordinator. Pay installation and monthly phone bill for a Toll Free 1-800 number. Reimbursement for mileage, 30 miles round trip per week at $0.25 per mile. Pay postage for mailing to each senior in Carver County. Provide volunteers and staff coverage of Senior Linkage Line phones from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. five days per week. Participate in county wide publicity for the Senior Linkage Line. * . The program has been operating since June 1, 1993. It is a successful example of a joint project that required cooperation between the city, county, and the state. As shown in the enclosed attachments, Chanhassen is the foremost user of the program. Due to the positive experience and the success of the program, the Minnesota Chore Corps requested a partnership with Senior Linkage Line. Chore Corps is a State of Minnesota demonstration project, designed to maximize the independence of older people by providing community services to elderly persons in their home. An example of these include but are not limited to, maintenance and cleaning. There is one minor issue with the program that can be labeled as a technicality rather than a problem. The county agreed to reimburse the city for items outlined under County Commitments. This means that bills would have to be paid out of a city-fund before it gets reimbursed for the amount. The problem occurs in that funds are being disbursed from the senior account to pay these costs. While they will be reimbursed by Carver County, public accounting practices do not allow these funds to be re-deposited back into this account. Rather, the reimbursement must be put into the City's general fund. Thus, without some correction, the senior account will be running a technical deficit. Attached you will find a copy of the agreement between the city, county, and Senior Linkage Line/Senior Resources that will be used to continue the program. The Senior Commission fmds this program extremely valuable and beneficial to the senior population and supports the continuation of this program. Staff is seeking City Council approval to enter into the agreement on behalf of the city. RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to enter into an agreement with Carver County and Senior Linkage Line/Senior Services to operate the Senior Linkage Line. This Don Ashworth December 7, 1994 Page 3 agreement will be contingent upon Carver County Board of Commissioners' approval of the agreement The agreement shall commence on January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995. . . . . ~ '.C .. U C'. ,e. c.= = ~ = 0 0 U Eo- t rI:l ~ ;l .. ~ U U . ~ ~ .. ... rI:l ~ ... 0 ...;l = ~ ~ ~ CIol - t: 0 t: . N E-<OE-<<...;ltn 00 N - ~ 0 - lI"l N 0 0 N 0 N - 0\ 0 ZO>?'~ - - N - - OUE-<?'~ ~ lI"l N - tn~Q.?'~ ~ \0 - - - <::>e,:,?'~ 0\ lI"l N N ~::>...;l?'~ - - ~ - - ~::>Z?'~ ~ N ~ N - 0\ ::s<><?'~ 0 - ~ - ~ <Q.~?'~ r-- - ~ N N ::s<~?'~ - - - - - ~~~?'~ 0\ ~ - - - ~<Z?'~ 00 ~ - N - O~U?'~ r-- ZO>?'~ r-- - - OUE-<?'~ 0 - - - tn~Q.?'~ 0 N N - <::>e,:,?,~ ~ ~ - - - >> ~ = ~ '5 ~ 8 ~ 5 8 ,$ J ~ J ~ 'c cd ! j ::> ~ e,:, '~ = OIl ~ ~ i ~ ~ ... i ~ ~ '0 ~ .~ U U U U ::t: ::s > ~ CALL AND REQUESTS FOR SENIOR LINKAGE LINE FROM JUNE 1993 TILL OcrOBER 1994 1993 1993 1994 1994 CALLS REQUESTS CALLS REQUESTS JAN 22 28 FEB 22 24 MAR 20 27 APR 39 40 MAY 33 34 JUN 17 19 44 51 JUL 17 23 28 29 AUG 16 19 56 64 SEP 26 28 36 38 OCT 21 28 40 42 NOV 17 17 DEC 10 10 SENIOR LINKAGE LINE PROGRESS 80 60 40 20 o JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC . . - 93 CALLS B 93 REQUESTS - 94 CALLS I I c::J 94 REQUESTS . . . . SENIOR UNKAGE LINE NE1WORKISENIOR RESOURCES MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This memorandum contains understandings between Countv of Carver and Citv of Chanhassen (Provider) and Senior Resources, an organization authorized by the Metropolitan Council Program on Aging to develop and coordinate the Senior Linkage Line Network, a network of sites offering information and referral Services concerning services for seniors in the West Metro area. This agreement begins on ~aJ:t. 1, 1995. and terminates onQec. 31, 1995 Now, therefore, Senior Resources and the Provider agree as follows: I. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED A The Provider will operate the Senior Linkage Line (SLL) site as a telephone information and referral service for older adults, their family members, service providers and others needing service information. B. The Provider will utilize the computerized resource file provided by United Way of Minneapolis Area's First Call For Help under the terms of the agreement between Senior Resources and United Way. c. The Provider will utilize additional resource information concerning services specific to the Provider's SLL area. D. The Provider will answer calls and give referrals to all appropriate services in the area and the county, providing follow-up calls as needed by the caller. 2. OPERATIONS OF THE SLL SITE A. The Provider will operate the SLL site at Chanhassen Sr. Citizen Center serving Carver County. B. The Provider will staff and operate the SLL site from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Provider may, but is not obligated to, operate on holidays observed by the Provider's agency or organization. C. The Provider will provide resources for ongoing operation of its SLL site. These resources include but are not limited to the provision of appropriate space, a computer, phone and phone line, office supplies, staff and/or volunteers to answer the SLL line, and supervision of the site. D. The Provider will follow the National Standards for providing information and referral services. A copy of the standards is attached. Attachment I 3. RESOURCE INFORMATION A The Provider will use the resource file from the United Way of Minneapolis Area's First Call for Help (FCFH). This file will be updated periodically by FCFH. Training will be provided in its use by Senior Resources and FCFH staff at the time of start-up of the SLL site and as needed thereafter. . B. The Provider will not, under any circumstances, transfer the resource file from the SLL site to any other part of its organization or to any other organization. Doing so would be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and revocation of the resource file from the agency. The resource file is the property of the United Way of the Minneapolis Area's First Call for Help and is to be used only for the Senior Linkage Line program, unless another usage is authorized directly by the United Way. This file is trade secret information under Minnesota Statutes 13.37. C. The Provider will gain a comprehensive understanding of area programs and services which may not be included in the FCFH resource file and will be responsible for informing FCFH of these services as well as additions or changes in those services. 4. REPORTING AND MONITORING A The Provider will use tracking tools, data collection, and reporting formats as designated by Senior Resources and will provide a report to Senior Resources by the fifth of each month for the preceding month. B. Senior Resources will monitor the program periodically with informal and formal site visits, providing technical assistance, consultation, and advocacy as needed or requested by the Provider. . C. Senior Resources will hold periodic meetings of staff from SLL sites to exchange ideas and address concerns related to the program. 5. PROMOTION A The Provider will assist in implementing the SLL promotion plan designated by Senior Resources. Additional promotion for individual sites will be welcome if it promotes the overall Senior Linkage Line network and is approved by Senior Resources prior to implementation. B. In its local promotion efforts, the Provider will acknowledge the collaborative effort of area service providers in the development and support of the SLL site in its local promotion efforts. 6. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT A The Provider will facilitate community planning and network development among the service providers and other interested organizations in its service area for the purpose of enhancing the provision of information and referral services in the entire area. . . . . 7. APPLICABLE LAWS A The Provider shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations including, but not limited to the following: 1. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This act states in part that, ". .. all recipients of federal funds, whether in the form of a grant or a contract, review, and if necessary modify, their programs and activities so that discrimination based on handicap is e1iminated." 2. Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act states in part that ". . . programs receiving federal funds must provide services, facilities and benefits on a non- discriminatory basis for use by older people regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin." 3. Affirmative Action. The provider shall comply with federal, state and local affirmative action and equal employment opportunity principles. B. In addition, the Provider shall not discriminate against any employee, client or organization on the basis of creed, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, age, ancestry, political affiliation or affectional or sexual preference. TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT A If the Provider fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner obligations under this agreement, Senior Resources has the right to terminate the agreement by giving written notice to the provider of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. B. Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the other party thirty days before the date of termination. C. If the agreement is terminated, it is the responsibility of the Provider to return the resource file to the United Way of Minneapolis,tFirst Call for Help immediately. D. Memorandum of Understanding between County of Carver and City of Chanhassen is attached. Attachment II Senior Resource 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite 130 Minneeoolis, MN 55413 Provider By._ By: I I .~__ . - J Its: Date: Its: Datel: . - ..., ~- - I ...~ BL.6 .- I - ....\.........,-- ,,~...- ~ Date: Attachment I National Standards for Information & Referral 5TA.....DARD 1: CLASSIFICATIOS SYSTEM The I&R service shall use a classification system based on standard service terminology to facilitate retrieval of service information, to increase the reliability of planning data, to make comparison and evaluation processes consistent and reliable, and to facilitate national comparisons of data. Crit~ri8: 1. The I&R service shall move toward the use of nationally accepted standard service definitions. Z. New I&R services shall adopt an existing national classification system, such as United Way of America Services Identification System (UWASIS II), or a modification thereof. or the Loss Angeles Info-Line Taxonomy, rather than devise a new classification system. 3. I&R services may develop variations in the classification system to adapt it to the community's si1.e, nature, and organizational needs to make the system more specific. These adaptations shall nOI change the basic structure of the classification system or the related service definitions. I. FUNCTIONS OF THE I&R SERVICE Functions that shall be performed by the I&Rervice. 5T ANDARD z: RESOURCE FILE The I&R services shall develop, maintain, and use an accuraLe, up-to-date resource file that contains information on available community resources and that produces detailed data on service providers in the area. Procedures for checking accuracy of referral sources shall be developed to avoid liability. Criteria: 1. A profile shall be developed on each organization and agency that shall include (but not be limited to): · Legal name, common name, or acronym · Address · Telephone number . . . Hr:P 1 '? '-< -; =, . . Hours and days of operation . Ser\1ces provided . Eligibility requirements and intake proce- dures . Area served . Branch offices . Known barriers to accessibility (e.g.. not located on a bus route) and restrictions on facility ~ · Auspices . Fee str\lct'U!"e . Name and title of intake worker(s) . 2. The profile also may include: . Documents requ1red by the organization for application (such as b1rth certIilcates) . Cost of service (the phrase .sliding scale- may be sufficient) . Length of "ome on the organization's waiting list . Name of the person (Intake worker) who will as5lSt the client . Name of the orgaruzarlon's adm1n1strator . Identification of local or national organiZa- tions with which an agency may be afW.1- ated lout whose title or acronym does not indicate this affi11at1on 3. The 1&R service shall publish crtterta for the inclusion or exciusion of agencies and programs in the resource file. These crlter1a shall be uniformly applied. 4. The resoUl"Ce file shall contain an alphabetical list of all public. plivate. and voluntary orga.niza- Cons included in the system (including all related acronyms or abbreviations) and shall Include a rderence to the more det.a1led information con- ta1ned in each orgaruzation's profile. ~. The resource files shall contain a service- category or problem-category file with exr.enstve cross-references. 6. Agencies shall be indexed in the resource file by geograph1c or political subdtvtstona. 7. The resou.rc:e file shalllnclude a contlnu1ng procedure for responding to 1nt.er1.m information changes. . 8. The resource file shall be totalJy updat.cd. at least annually, either by surveys or on-stte ViS1ts to organ1Z<1t10TlS listed in the file. F" .- 9. A procedure shall be in place to determine ac:<:uracy of referral source listings to avo1d l1ability. STANDARD 3: INQUIRER DATA COlLEC'IlON The I&R seIVIce shall estabUsh and use a system of collecting and organiz1ng inquirer data for appropriate refenal and to identtfy gaps In service. Criteria: 1. The inqu1rer data collecUon and reporting methods shall facil1tate the analyses needed to support: . The human-service needs of inquirer'5 . Management information needs . Community needs assessment . Community plann:1ng 2. The data collected shall prov1de enough tnfonnation on inq'l11rers' needs to identify: · Gaps in serv1ces . Insufficient resources . . Level of serv:ces requested . Trends of unmet needs . Socioeconomic and demograph1c data . Profiles of the inquirers served 3. The data collection method shall proVide enough Information about the inquirers to resolve their problems. 4. Appropriate secw1ty precautions shall protect and keep confidential the: data collectJon forms and allinqu1rer information. (Precautions shall conform to statutes in place Within the commu- nJty,) The pubIJc shall see onJy aggregate data. 5. inquirerS have the right to withhold informa- tion not directly relevant to resolution of their problems. 6. Data collection forms shall gather at least the following 1n.fonnat1on: . Family name. address. telephone number . Name of tndMdual for whom sevtces an: sought if other than caller . Problems presented by inqWrc' and problems as assessed by tr.llned staff or VOhUlt.eer . Serv1ce nceded-<>rgan1zaUons to which Inqu.1rer 'WaS rd"em.:d too,... :-; .1.:< ':<,;;: 1.:1,; c::: =,t.IjJ.'.'r<: r-~t.=,J~II_Ir<:l.t.::, . Nature of request (i.e.. Infonnat1on or rderrali . Meti-:od of contact v.rtth I&R service (letter. telephone. walk-tn) . Referral source to I&R seMce (newspaper. 'tV. frtend. etc.) . follow-up results. including whether client receIVed servtces . Source of income STMmARD 4: DATA ANALYStS AND REPORTING The I&R service shall establish and use a system- atic method of collecting and orga.n.tz:1ng da~ that prov1des support for community planning activi- ties and advocacy. nus support shall consist of statistics. data analysis. and relevant documenta- tion on service use. cl1ent characteristics. unmet needs. gaps. and duplications in services. Criteria: 1. The I&R service shall be responsive to spec1ftc requests for data to support community planning functions and advocacy. 2. The 1&R service shall be responsible for comp1l1.ng timely data for community planning needs and advocacy as outlined under the data collection section. 3. The 1&R service shall offer its analyses and assistance to relevant deciSion makers in the assessment and planning of human-servtce deltvery and advocacy. STANDARD:5: TRAINING The I&R service shall provide traln1ng available to pajd and volunteer staff. CriteriA: 1. The 1&R sef'<1ce shall provide tratnIng for staff and volunteers. 2. Owing orientation it shall Wonn the staff and volunteers of the role. purposes. and function of the 1&R service: the role of the governtng body: and the administrative strUcture and policies of the service. 3. Tr.l1n1ng for the I&R speciaUsts shall include: . Preserv1ce trainJng in interviewing tech- niques and attitudes: Ustening skills; commun1cations: proper telephone usage: assessment techniques: lnf'onnat1on-gtvtng and referral procedures: follow-up: data F' ~ recordin~: maintenance of records; org('Jll- zatlon or" the classification system: use ot" resource fi!.es: and techn1ques for handling calls from lonely. suiddal. despondent. or angry inquirers. . On-the-job tra1n1ng which requires a sequential program of increaslng levels of re5ponsibillt1es in handling inqu1r1es (begtnn1ng with observation and ending with full responsibility for handling inquir- ers). . In-service training fOCUSing on refining and updat1ng staB's infonnation and referral skills. Topics shal1include in-house operating procedures. areas of interest in the human-serv1ce field. conunun1ty services. personal skill development. assistance in maint.a1n1ng objecttve atti- tudes toward the inqu1ro"s needs. and use of services. 4. An J&R service shall arrange for regular professional consultation for the entire staff when the service's supervtsory staff does not have the n~sary expertise. . STANDARD 6: PROMOTION The 1&R service shall help establish and maintain a planned program of actMties to increase cormmm!ty awareness of I&R services and their . objecUves. Criteria: 1. 1&R services sha1ltmplement publicity plans only after evaluating available resources for handling the resulting volume. 2. The I&R service shall use vartous methods to publ1d%e infonnation and referra.l. including: · Personal contact · Speaking engagement · PubUc-semce announcements or listings · Radio · PaId advertisements · Television · Feature articles · News stortes · Interv1ews · Newsletters · Telephone directories (multiple listings in blue pages or in white pages under -infor- mation and Referral- and appropriate . yellow-page l1.st1ngsl 7 . . . . Displays . Printed matenals such as brochures. posters. telephone stickers. and business cards. 3. The 1&R service operat1ng as part of a larger organ172.t1on shall coordinate Its publicity and public-relations actMt1e5 with those of its sponsor. 4. 1&R services shall publicize their services to spedal-need groups in the community. such as foregn language groups or the vtsually Impaired. IS. The 1&R service shall encourage other com- mun1ty sa-v1ces to promote and use I&R resoW"Ce5. 6. I&R services shall use all publicity techrUques as frequently and regularly as resources penmt. 7. The adm1n1strator of each I&R service shall c:va1uate the effecttvene-r.>S of Its promotions. 8. Staff (paid and volunteer) shal11mprove public relations by communicating regularly with community-service providers. government om- dals. and pLanning bocties in various community actMt1es. ' STANDARD 7: ACCESS TO SERVICE Each I&R service shall continually try to help all per50IlS reach the information and referral services they need as easily as possible. Criteria: 1. The I&R service shall coordinate Its service delivery with other'l&R services. community agencies. and sim1lar orgaruzat1ons to avoid duplication and to encourage service 1ntegration. 2. It shall cooperate with other I&R services to publlctz.e infonnation and referral availability through a variety of media. 3. It shall provide to the client. at l1ttle or no cost. tmmed1ate. cUrect. client access to the 1&R specialist. 4. Groups and tnd1v1duals that have spedal needs shall have ban1er-!ree access to an appro- priate I&R setv1ee. 5. An 1&R service that focuses on spedal groups shall refer 1nqu1rerS to a generic 1&R service or another specialized I&R service when appropriate. 6. The I&R service shall. upon request. act a5 a resource and offer consultat1on to organizations on available conununity resources. 7. The 1&R service may make infonnation on conununity-rc:source systems available to public and prtvate organiZations through contracts or other working arrangements. 1b1s tnfonnation may be supplied through consultation. tra.1n1ng. workshops. semmars. telecommunications. directortes. data banks. or bulletinS. 8 MI 1-.. ..~. _0'_' .~" ~....._ _'~l '........'1 '. '-'~_"'."_'l ,'._L..._' STANDARD 8: INFORMATION GtvnlG The I&R service shall provide information about hwnan services to inquirers. nus information can range from a lim1ted response (such as an organization's name. telephone number. and address) to detailed data about community service systems (such as e.'Cpla1ning how a group intake system works for a pUtlcuIar agency). agency polJdes. and procedures for application. Crit..crla.: 1. Inquirers shall be gtven accurate and perti- nent information. 2. The I&R service shall encourage the inqui.rt:rS to c:ill back 1f the infonuatlon proves Incorrect. lnoppropnate, or insuffictent to l1nk them wtth the needed services. r. I . II. CLIENT SERVICE DELIVERY FUNCTIONS Functions essential for providing information and referral, including brief . individual assessment of need and a blend of information, referral, and advocate support, in order to link the person to the appropriate service. STANDARD 9: REFERRAL GIVING The I&R service shall provide referral servtces for Inquirers. These consist of assessmg the needs of the tnqu1rer. evaluating approprtate resources. Indtcatlng organiZations capable of meeting those needs. helptng callers for whom services are unavailable by locating altemattve resources. and act1vely participating 111 l1n1dng the inquirer to needed services. Criteria: 1. 'frajned staff (paid or volunteer) shall make an 3.SSe5Smcnt of the tnqu1rcr's needs. 2. The staff shall assist the inqu1rer In identlfy- Ing the appropriate organtzatlons that provide the necessary servtces. . 9 . . . Hr-.~: 1';4 . .~.:; U ( . .::::. ~lt...l-t.ll_)t":: t(~=,I.....iLI~:I...t..=, S. Where appropriate. 1t shall make direct contL.ct for the inqu1rer With other agency staff through three-way call1ng. not1ftcation of the inquirer's forthcoming contact. or schedullng of appointments. 4. It shall refer to an advocacy organJzation or negotiate on behalf of the mq\.l1rerS to ass15t them in oota.in1ng a needed sc:rvtce when they cannot effectively represent th(.m.selves or when they have a complaint about a sc:rv1ce. ST-^MlARD 10: FOUOW.UP 1&R services shall follow up referral case5 to detenn1ne the outcomes. Add1t1ona.! assistance in locating or using services may be necessary, Criteria: t. Follow-up shall be canied out 1n refe:rral cases. 2. Follow-up shall consist of contacting the organizations to which a referral has ~ made, and/or contac1::1ng the inquirer to find out if the service is being provided and tf the inquirer 1S satisfied with the I&R serv1ce. 3. This follow-up information shall help correct resource file tnformation that may be lncorrect. 4. If serv1ce has not been prov1ded. the I&R serv1ce shall docum.ent the follow-up results so that it C3I'l1nte:rvene and use the information in making future referrals. STANDARD 11: ADVOCACY {INTERV'ENTlON The 1&R serv1ce shall offer advocacy on behalf of an indMdual qr a group of indMduals when "-, C. r. '-I needed services are not being adequately provided by an organization within the cormnunity's serv1ce delivery system. Criteria: 1. Advocacy shall consist of actions taken Within organ1zationall1m1ts to obta1n needed serv1ces for an 1ndMdual or group of indMduals when needed services are not being adequately provided by an organization of the community's established serv1ce-deUvery system. 2. Advocacy/intervention'shall be taken on behalf of: . INDIVlDUAUS)-lntcrventlon on behalf of an tndMdual to ass1st in esta.bl1sh1ng el1g1b1llty for and in obtal.n.ing a needed sc:rv1ce when indMduals cannot represent themselves effectively. lndMdual advocacy efforts seek to meet indMdual needs Without attempting to change soda! institutions. . GROUPISj-Intervention on behalf of a group of lndMduals (including organiza- tions and service prov1ders) to obtain a change in the availability of de1tverv of essential human services. Such advocacy may include the collect1on. analysts. and d1ssetn1r1ation of data on human-service needs. 3. AllindMdual and program advocacy efforts shall include the Involvement of the indMdunls and argan1zations concerned and shall be consis- tent with the policies estabUshed by the govem1ng body, 10 STANDARD 12: AUSPICES The auspices under which the 1&R sel'Vice oper- ates shall ensure the achievement of I&R goals. Criteria; 'Joe I&R services that are functions of incorpo- rated non-profit orgaruzations shall have the folloWing characteristics and responslbillces. 1. The constitution and bylaws of non-profit corporations shallmclude but not be lim1ted to: . A statement of the gavem1ng body's re- sponsibility for the lbnnulation and imple- mentation of general policy . A defin1tion of goals, purposes, and ObJec- tives . A definition of the scope and area of service . Qualifications for membership in the govem1ng body . Procedun,"5 for selecting members of the gO\'ern1ng body . Terms of office for members of the govern- ing body r.:" . III. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Structure under which an I&R service must operate. . · Voting procedures for members · Guidelines for det.en:nJ.n1ng the frequency of meetings . Designation of lines of authOr1ty and communications · Methods for amending the corporation's ,constitution and bylaws · A statement of the responsibilities and duties of the corporation's administrator and serv1ce staff · A statement of compUance With the eM! Rights Act of 1964 and With all other federal. state. and loca1laws that safeguard dv1l r1ghts · Appropriate standing comm1ttees · A statement of asset disbursement in case of corporate lJqu1dation 2. The governing body of a non-profit corpora- tion shall have certa1n characteristics and respon- stbilit1es. . 11 Hi'l., J.::' :-,-.:. 1':'11 . ~-::' :.;.t.,I~';' i-.t.=".'I_Ii',',_.~,=, . ClL~CI'ERIsnCS-The membt. jp of the governing body shall: . Be broadly representattve of the geographic area and shalltnclude representattves of constltuent groups within the service area. as o;vell as professionals. bustness. labor. government. educatlcn. finance. volunteer. cMc groups. and health- and soctal-serv1ce consumers: and . Serve without pay and accrue no financial benefit as a result of membership in the govemtng body. However. members may be re1mbwud for out-of-pocket costs incurred. . RESPONSIBIU!1ES-The goven-.1ng body shall: . formulate pol1des to ensure coordination among 1&R providers; . Provide for an annual evaluation of 1&R act1V1ties: . . Promote the I&R system throughout the community: . Assist in procurtng finandal and technical assiStance for the service: . Be responsible for contracts. for adopting and operating an annual budget. for rnatnta1ning financial records. and for providing an annual audit by an indepen- dent certified public accountant: . Adhere to "Standards of Accounting and Report:ing for Volunta."Y Health -md Welfare Organtzations": . Employ an adm1n1strator and give that person the authority to manage the dally afla1rs of the service. according to estab- lished personnel and corporate polides and practices: . Encourage other service agendes. groups. and systems to help provtde adequate 1&R services: . Meet at least ~uarterly as a general body: . Maintain minuteS of all offidal proceed1ngs that any intereSted party can 1nSpect: . Be responsible for estabUshlng and imple- menting appropriate publicity. public rel:1tiO.1.s. and market1ng: . Determ1ne. With staff. the range of ind!- vidual and program lnterVention appropr1- ate for persons scek1ng help from the service: and . Prepare. wtth the staff'. an ongoing program to use: 1&R experience to support c:ommu- ruty planning. fUnding. coord1nat1ng. and dellvering health and social services. . ,..... .iU 3. The advisory co. jttee of the incorporated non-profit service shall have cert.a.1n characteris- tics and responsib1lltles. CHARACTERISI1CS- The membership of such an advisory corrumttee shall: . Be broadly representattve of the geographic area and shalllnclude representa.t2VeS of constituent groups within the service area. as well as professiOnals. business. labor. government. education. volunteer. cMc groups. and health- and social-service consumers: and . Serve Without pay and acaue no financial benefit as a result of membership on the advisory committee. However. members may be reimbUrsed for out-of-pocket costs Incurred. RESPONSlBIUTIES- The advisory comm1ttee shall: . Advise and assist the govem1ng body In formuIat:1ng polides and practlces: . Advise and assist the gavem1ng body in coordinating services and coope:raong with other 1&R provtders: . Advise and assist I&R staff in fonnulating and impl!mc:nting goals and standards: . Promote the 1&R system among community organiZations: . AssiSt in procurlng financial and technical a.ssi8tance for the sezvSce: . Develop the n~~ry committee structure to accomplish its goals: and . Assume other dutles as delegated by the govern1ng body. . 1&R sert1i.ces that are ~ oj federal. state. or IDeal goucmm.ent stuzlllume the follawing elu:lnlcteristtc:s a.nd raponsibiUtics. 4. The acMsory committee of a scrv1ce that is a function of a federal. state. local government. or Intergovernmental organization shall have eerta1n characteriStics and responsibilities. CHARACTERISTICS-The membership of such an advisory conuntttee shall: . Be broadly t'epf'C5Cntattve of the geographic area and shalllnc1ude leprcscntatWes of constituent groups Within the: aerv1a:: area. as v.oell as professionals. business. labor. government. education. volunt.ccr. cMc groups. and human-service consumers: and 12 . Serve Without pay and ace U.e no financial benefit as a result of mc:mbeT'Sh1p on the a.cMsory committee. However. mc:mbenl may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket costs incurred. RESPONSIEIIlI'IES- The a.dv1sory comm1ttee shall: . Advise and assist the g~ming bodies 1n formu.lat:lng polides and practices: and . Assume other duties as delegated by the govc:rn1ng body. STANDARD 13: STAFF I&R service staff shall be competent. ethical.. qua.l.1fied. and suffident in number to tIDplement ser....ice policies. Crlter.a: The I&R a.dm1n1strator and service staff shall have certain respons1b1l1ties. duties. and qualifications. 1. Adm1:'11stratlve responsibilities include the following: SEm1CEAD~~~nON . Formulating annual service goals. objec- ttves. and workplanB: . Detem'.1ning the numbt..' offull-tlme. part- time. aad volunteer staff necessary to meet the standards and ait~ to tmplement the poll des of the governing body: and to carry out the dut:es of the I&R staff; . Ensuring that all corporate polldes are implemented and maiIltaJned: . Prepartng the annual budget based on an assessment of the c:urrc:nt and projected needs of the service and the information and referral needs of the community: . Providing the governing body with the information nece<'...saIy for service evalua- tlon; . Ensurtng that J&R service deUve:ry complies v.1th d.CCepted standards: . Ov~eeing office space and facilities. includ1ng the phone systems and answer- ing service: . Encouraging part1dpation in local. state. and national professional organizat1ol15: . Developing and maintaining a m:ord- keeping and reporting system which adequately tracks client conr."ct while complying 'OIw'tth standards of confidential- ity: and . Assisting in ...~..:urtng adequate financing for the service. 5rAFF SUPERVISION . Select1ng the staff'. desa1b1ng staff dutles. and implementtng personnel polides as established by the gove.~ ~ . Provtd1ng for continuJng staff orientation and t:ra1nJng: . Superv1s1ng 1&R staff' in formulating workplans. organtz1ng and ass1gn1ng tasks. tmplementtng programs. and monitoring output.: . ProvtdJng for qua11ty staff supe:rv1Sion and annual per50nnel evaluatlons: . Providing tnsurance protect1on for the service staff; and . Contract1ng for necessary technical assis- tance and temporary staff. . VOLUNTEER RElATIONS . Design1ng and adm1n1ster1ng a program for volunteer management tncluding rec:ru1t- ment. screen1ng. supervision. t:ra1ning. recognition. evaluation. and development.: and . Staffing volunteer J&R comm1tt.ees. COMMUNTIY RELAnONS . EstabUsh1ng and adn:1Jni.stering ongotng public education programs on I&R avail- ability and value to the community: · Providing serv1ce-generated statistical data for d\s.c:l'mitlat1on upon request.: and · Partidpating in professional organ1zat1ons and conferc:ncrs dJrectly related to informa- tlon and referr<. . I&R PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT' . EstabUshJng and ma.lnta1n1ng a cooperative relationship With organ1Zations provtd1ng essent1al human services: . Overseeing the implementation of these standards: . Establlsh1ng contracts v.1th other programs to purchase 1&R serv1ces and data; . Provtding leadership and resources for cooperative work With other J&R prov1ders: · Overseeing the publication of dJrectortes or other mater1als: . Fonnulat1ng. admtn1stertng. and partidpat- Ing in resource data coUect1on. storage and . 13 . retrieval systemS. service Ident1fication systemS. and client data systems: and . Partldpating in regional planning and serviCe coordination for Information and referral. 2. ServIce staff respons1b1llties shall constst of: . Ma1nta1n1ng an up-to-date resource me: . Prov1d1ng adequate tnfonnation and referral to allmqu:trenl while respecting their confidentiality; . Following up on all referra1tnqu1r1es and on other inqu1r1cs as needed; . InterVen1ng when necessary to make needed setV1ces accessible to all pmlOns: . Collecting data on inquirerS and maintain- Ing confidential. accurate. and up-to-date records: and . Contributing Ideas and communicating new Information to colleagues. . 3. Adm1n1StratlVe qual1fications shall reflect optimum standards of.performance in carrytng out pollc1es. supervisory responsib111t1es. and delegated duties. These duties and their perfor- mance 5t:.ndards shall consist of: . Working v.1th the govem1ng body or advi. sory committee to operate 'Within pre~ scribed gwdelines. to communicate e1fec- tlvely (orally and in wltt1ng). and to relate professiOnally to the governing body or advisory commJttee: . Employing the staff. which requireS the ab1llty to understand J&R serv1ce needs. the ability to hire capable service person- nel. and the ability to clartfy job roles and ltncs of communication: . TrJ..1ning and supe:r....1s1ng the staff by providing competent staff supervision. necessary consultation services. and an approprtate t:ra1nl.ng program; and . 0perat1ng the service on a sound basis. which requJIes: -Establlsh1ng rapport and work1ng rela- tionships with other 1&R services within the system and with the sta1r of other community organlZ.atJons: -Developing and work1ng within a budget: -Developing a clear and conc1se annual summary statement of the actMtlc:s and scope of the service: -Developing and using necessary record- keeping and reporting systems that shall be evaluated annually: . -Maintatning an accurate resource me of organiZations and scrv1CcS: and -HaVlng enough technical ex:pert1se to handle automation of serv1ce. 4. Service staff quallfications shall ensure that the staff is competent to support the poUdc:s and procedures of the service and me(.t relevant perfonnance standards. nlelr duUes and perfor- mance sWidards consist of the following: . Provid1ng adequate information and refc:rra1 to alllnqu1rerS. wtuch requ1res: --Responding to each 1nqu1m' in a non- Judgmental manner: -Communicatmg effecttvely with1n the seIV1ce and With other organtzations SO'V1ng the community: -Inter'r1ewtng inqu1n:TS and accurately assessing the1r problems to prov1de approprtate referral; -Using the resource IDe effectively: -Keeping inqu1re:r information confiden- tial: -<Nercoming exiSting communication barriers (I.e.. hearing smpa1red. forogn- language speakers): and -Accurately recorcUng and tabulating statistical data for the reporting system used by the I&R 5eMce; . FoUowtng up inqu1ries by pe::rs1stlng in getting needed services for an tnqu1rer. STANDARD 14: VOUlNTEERS The I&R service s.hall1nvolve volunteers to en- hance the program's serv1ce del1very. /, Criteria: 1. The 1&R service shall consider volunteers as Wlpald staff membenJ. 2. The I&R service: shall screen volunteers and select those capable of perfonn1ng essent1al duties. 3. It shall provide volWltee:r'S wUh wrttten Job dcscrtptions out.l1n1ng needed sk:1ll.s. duties to be perfonned. and lines of superv1slon and commu- nlcatJon. 4. The I&R service shaD designate a coordinator of volunteers. 1"" Hi,., J. =- ::'-.:. 1.;..11. .::,,=. ='~I 'tJ.. ....Ir-. r-.~=I''''''LIr:..._t..=, 5. The I&R service shall provtde orientation and refre5her traID1:ng when necessary to stimulate and tncrease volun~ sk11ls. 6. The 1&R service shall supervise volunteers to ensure proper performance of their assignments. 7. The 1&R service shall evaluate volunteers regularly and ma1:nta1n approprtate records of their services. 8. The 1&R service shall try to re1mburse ...olWl~ t.eers for out-of-pocket expenses when resources are ava1lahle. 9. The 1&R service shall provide approprtate lnsurance protection. 10. The 1&R service shall recognize volWlteers for their support. time. and effort. STA.llfDARD 15: FINANCING Finandng shall be sufficient to provide adequate service and maintain these standards and atteria. Criteria; 1. The 1&R seMce shall operate on a sound financial basis accord.1.ng to acceptable accounting practices. 2. The ser.1ce shall adhere to Sta.ndard.s oj Acr:au.n1ing and Reporr:irl9Jor Volunuuy Health. and WeVare OrganizaIions. 3. The administrator. wttb the support of the board and a.cMsory commtttee. shall rnaiI1Wn t-' . 1,:: proper flnandal records. draw up an annual budget. project future needs. explore and encour- age t1nandal development and support for con- tinuance of the program. :1nd part1dpate in saving resources to avoid dupl1cation and to cut costs. . STANDARD 16: F.ACIL1TIES I&R services shall proVide faciliUes which allow them to operate adequately. Criteria: 1. The I&R service shall provide enough space to ensure conBdent1al tnt.erv1ewing. 2. The (&R service shall equJp 1ts offices wtth a telephone system that incorporates the most recent cost-effident and effecttve technologtcal developments. 3. The I&R serv1ce shall equip 1ts offices with suffiCient desks. tables. chairs. supplies. and locking ftllng cabinets. 4. The I&R service shall use offices free of architectural barr1ers to the physically handi- capped and the elderly. . 5. If the I&R service is designed to serve walk- ins. the office shall be aceess1ble by public trans- portation. have available parldng. and be near the population the program is designed to serve. . 6. The I&R service. t! not ava1lable on a 24-hour basis. shall proVide for an aT1.S'OolC11'1g System when staif is not present to provide callers wtth the number and office h0UI'5 of an organization that wtll proVide serv1ce 1n an e%Ilergency. . 1~ . . . M:- -:. J.:- ~..:' t.t, . .:.,:;. ..='t-l 1":' '...'r':. r-...~,=.,..,II_lrr..._.~=1 STANDARD 17: COOPERATIVE PROGRAM DEVELOPME.~"T Where an I&R service is a part of an I&R system. it shall continually develop I&R serv1ce progr..uns related to commumty needs. e.x1stlng resources. and actMt1e5 of other I&R services. Crit~ 1. Each I&R service shall identify community J&R needs. 2. It shall maintain current Information on other J&R se:rv1ces and their actMties. 3. It shall develop priorities for I&R program development. 4. The I&R sen1ce shall pa.rt1dpate 1n cdstlng cooperatiVe l&R efforts. e. It shall serve as a ~t for new cooperattve service arr.mgcments. r. .1.04 IV. COOPERATIVE RELATIONSHIPS Responsibility of the l&R service to the I&R system. 6. It shall participate and assiSt in the deds1on- mak1ng process on 1&R Issues. STANDA:RO 18: COOPERA11'V'E DECISION MAEING Where an I&R service is a part of an J&R system. it shall encourage and partidpate in cooperatlVe planning. tmplementation of pol1des. and S\1&- tained development of fund1Dg sources. Criteria: Methods to promote cooperatlon sha1lmclude. but not be lim1ted to. the following: 1. The 1&R service shallldcnt:1fy polley dedstorunakers (formal and Snfonna11 and all po65ible sources oC funding (actual and potential). 2. It shall Connulate collecttve polley recommcn- datlOl'13 and Implementatlon strategies. 3. It shall develop strategies to ensure and encourage current. contlnued. and futw'e sources of funds. 17 H~'.Io.;,: 1.;+ .~..:: ~~ll'; ~.~ :,:.i:,I'tl r..,I~: ~~L=,I..,ILIt-'~I.-,~::, .t. The 1&R serv1ce shall estabUsh and maintain re.lationsh1ps '\l.1th pollcymakers and !uDders. 15. It shall communtcate policy recommendations to appropriate audiences. 6. It shall partidpate in commu.n1ty plann1ng efforts. us1ng relevant referral data. ST.ANDA!ID 19: COOPERATIVE FUNCTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Where an 1&R service 15 a part of an I&R system. It shall establish and maintain formal and infor- mal cooperattve arrangements With other 1&R sc:rv1ces to m1nim1Ze duplication and improve service deUvery. Criterla: Areas of cooperation shall include. but not be Umited to. the follov.r1ng: 1. Class1fk. . tjon Syster;n . Each 1&R service shall use a classification system baseC on standardtz.ed service terminology and each 1&R system shall adopt and use a single classification system. 2. Resource File . Each 1&R service shall cooperate in main. ta1nJ.ng comprehensive. accurate. and up- to-date information on avaU,1ble conunu- nity health- and sodal-service resources. . Each l&R service shall appropr1ate~ d1v1de information-gathering tasks and oversee the regular and systematic exchange of resource file information. 3. inquirer Data Collection . Each 1&R service shall cooperate to identify changing commu.n1ty needs and to respond to them in a timely and appropriate fashJon. . 1his cooperation shall be regular and frequent to ensure imroed1ate response to suddenly chang1ng eommWlity needs (e.g.. spec1aJ outreach efforts to the recently unemployed. victims of natural disasters. etc.). 4. Data Analysis and Reporting for Planning . Each I&R service shall cooperate to deter- mine service gaps. dupl1caUons. and other inadequacies in available health and soctal- resource servlC:es. 1-'. .:) . All I&R services shall shan: the systematic collection and comprehenstve analysiS of data. and. shall provide the results to community plann1ng bodies and policymakers. 3. Tl'a1ntng . Each I&R service shall cooperate to provide training and consultation for both 1&R per..;onnel (paid and volunteer) and the personnel of othc:r related publ1c and voluntary agencies. . All r&R services shall cooperate in semi. nars and traJn1ng act1v1t1es. and exchange current Infor.nation on 1&R services. . 6. Publ1c Relations and Marketing . All I&R services shall coordinate their publicity. public T, .ations. and marketing tD intensify general awareness of tnforma- tion and referral. . nus coord1na.tlon shall emphasize the availability. quality. and need for commu- nity I&R services. 7. Access to Serv1ce . The I&R service shall cooperate to make Information and referral available tD everyone in the community. · It shall encourage cooperative service arrangements such as after-hours coverage and linked telephone systems. · It shall explore tnnovatiVe methods of delivering comprehc:nstve 1&R services. . STANDARD 20: COOPERATIVE' /aDMINISTRATIVE ~OCEDtTRES Where an I&R service Is a part of an J&R system. it shall use appropriate adm1n1strative procedures to tmplement cooperative arrangements. Criteria: Procedures may include. but :lre not J1m1ted tD the follOwing: . 1. I&R services may use cooperative fund1ng such as sUbcontraCUng. subscrtptions. or lees for service ammgements. 2. They may share facilities and equipment. 3. They may share staff (paJd and volunteer). 4. I&R servtces may share accounting. legal. purchasing. and man.asement assistance. . 18 . . . t:: r,-. .. = ='.:' 1_', . ,-..:' ...:'~r 1~ '.,'~. r.t.., =,'..':_;1"..'_=-=' Acceu to Service: All methods used to make Information and referral available to potential inqUirers and accessible to specialized popula- tions such as the elderly and the physIcally handJcapped. AcceMible: Without physical. cultural. financial. or psychologtcal barriers to sav1ce. Adequate ProTWoll ot Semces: The perfor- mance by the service tn meeting the needs of all tnquirerS conslstent with the National Standards for Information and Referral. Mvocacy /InterftlntioD (IndlvldlULl): Interven. tion in behalf of lndMduals to assist In establJsh- tng e.1J.g1bility for (and tn obtaJn.l.ng) a needed sc:rv1ce when tndMduals cannot represent them- selves effecttvcly. lndMdual advocacy efforts seek to meet IndMdual needs Without al1empt:1ng to change sodal institutions. Mvocacy /Inten'C12tion (Ciftrap): Intervention in behalf of a group of tndMdual5 (tnclud1ng organi- zation." and service prov1der.s1 to obtain a change in the availil.b1l1ty or delivery of essential human ac:rv1ces. r-'. 1 t, GLOSSARY . .Area ot Scrricc: The pr1mary geographic area Within the 1&R System. AsaesnDent: The process of ident1fy1ng. analyz- ing. and prtortt1%ing an 1nquJrer's needs. Bona Fide AgeDcy: A legally constituted public or prtvate organ1zatton rendering health and social services. Cl....lA...tioA System.: A system to categor1.ze available human services in a standard manner to s1mpUfy retrieval of service information. to tn- . crease rel1ab1l1ty of planntng data. to make evaluation processes conststcnt. and to fadlltate natlonal compansons of data. Data eoUed:ton: A systematic process of record- Ing and ma1nta1ning essent1alinfonnation. Eue:atlal Human ~ces: Those services that help Inquin:r.l meet bue needs of food. shelter. and physical and mental health. Evaluatlon (Prop-am): A systemaUC pJ"tX.'CiS of rev1ew1ng serv1ccs provided by an agency In 19 relation to its objecttves and stan...ci1"ds in order to 1IDprove ovcra.U operation of the 1&R system. En1uation (Staff); A systematic process of revle'Mng the work of ind.1v1dual staff members of the Infonnation and Referral Service in accor- dance with their job dc:scr1ptions to provide feedback on the indMduals' performances and to tnaintain a high level of quality in service delivery. Applicable to paid and volunteer staff. Follow-Up: A process of cont2cttng the inquirerS and the organtzations to which they were referred to det..ern:Une the outcome of the referral. Add!- tlonal a.ss1stance to the inquirer in locat1ng or using needed serv1ces may be a part of the follow- up. Information and R.efcrra1: An organ1zatlon or part of an organization whose primary funCtion is to l1nk people in need with the appropriate setV1ce designed to eli11:iinate or alleviate that need. Information Giving: The process (camed out by a paid or volunteer staff perc-....on) of providing basic and detailed 1nformatlon to the inquirer. In!annation and Re!cnal Speeialist: A paid or volunteer statf person adequately trained and proficient in the direct provision of inIonnatlon, referral. and follow-up in service tnqu1r1es. Information and Referral Synem: The struc- ture and process link:lng people In need v.rith the appropriate resources wtth1n an area. The 1&R I .. I system tnvolves relAuonships among national, statewide. regtonal.local. spedaUzed. and gener1c 1&R services. These relationships are character- ized by a hJgh degree of tntegratlon. collaboration. and cooperation among I&R services. . 1Ilquirer: Any person or organization seeking assistance from the system. IIltcnentlan: A special service provtded for cl1ents when the agencies that ind1cate they provide the sc:rv1ce5 fall to provide them. Also known as advocacy. R.efClftl G19inl: The process of asses.'1ng Inquirer needs and suggestlng appropriate resources. Acttve partldpatlon In link1ng the inquirer With needed services may include the paid or volunteer staffs scheduling of appoint- ments. three-way caWng. or negat1ating for the inquirer. R.esource roe: An organ1zed. cross-1ndc:x.ed IDe of information on services and programs 1n the area covered by the system. Service: The 1&R program. Staff: All personnel. paid and volunteer. needed to support and carry out the intent of listed standards and a1ter1a. . Volm1tec:r. An unpaid indMdual providing service or advice. . 20 . . . Attachment II COUNTY OF CARVER AND CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This memorandum contains understandings between County of Carver and City of Chanhassen in the operation of the Senior Linkage Line, an information and referral services for seniors in Carver County. This agreement begins January 1, 199 and terminates December 31, 199. Now, therefore, the County of Carver and the City of Chanhassen agree as follows: I. COUNTY RESPONSffiILITIES City of Chanhassen will provide space, equipment, volunteers and staff oversight for successful operation of the program. See Attachment n for detail. 1. The County will reimburse the city an amount not to exceed $10,462.00. 2. The County will provide the City of Chanhassen with Title V participant(s) to be utilized for 25-30 hours per week to staff the Senior Linkage Line. 3. The County will recruit and refer potential volunteers to the City of Chanhassen to be utilized to staff the remaining 5-10 hours per week plus cover for any time the Title V participants are on vacation, sick or not available to work. II. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To operate the Senior Linkage Line. (See Attachment n for detail). 2. To provide space and equipment for the Senior Linkage Line. 3. To hire and supervise a Senior Linkage Line Coordinator. 4. To select, train and supervise the volunteers. 5. To train and supervise the Title V recipients. REPORTING AND MONITORING III. The City will provide to County copies of reports to Senior Resources. IV. TERMS OF AGREEMENT Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the other party 30 days befoTe~date of termination. 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CI:l (;)._ ~ ~ ~ 1:3 '2 ! 1:3 = cfF~oQ.Q.oM - CI:l ... ~ .Ill! ~ ... & ~ CI:l "0 ~ l:: ~ ~ 8 N - ~ - e ~ rs c o ..c c. ~ c ;:J ~ CI:l oW C ;:J c>3 ...... o ~ I t:: CI:l ... ~ ... 11 c = ~ ~ . . . as c ;:J ~ CI:l oW C ;:J ... o 's ~ ~ ... ... ..E .e- ,- ,~ i c.. ~ "C 'i .e- c = 8 ,5 ~ CI:l c.. 'I:) 'f Cll Q. . " . . . Attachment II-B In regards to the proposed Senior Answer Line for Carver County, the City of Chanhassen agrees to provide the following equipment and help in order to be a part of the Senior Linkage Line Program. Computer Equipment: We already have a computer in the Senior Center. Supplies: For the Chanhassen site, we can provide paper, pens, desk, copies, wastebasket and file space. Telephone Equipment: We have a phone already installed, and the city will pay the cost of the Chanhassen service. Promotion: We can provide local advertising through the Chanhassen Villager, flyers, City newsletter, etc. However, Carver County will need to provide additional county-wide promotion. StaffNolunteer Time: We would be able to commit to someone manning the Chanhassen site phone from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon on Monday through Friday; however, from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m., we would expect the county to provide volunteers. City of Chanhassen will contract with County of Carver to employ Coordinator of program and provide staff oversight.