EC 2009 04 14
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
April 14, 2009
Members Present:
Denny Hansen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Bill Fouks
Members Absent
: Rose Kircher
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
March minutes were approved.
Elect Chair/Vice-Chair
: Commissioners nominated Bill and Denny for Chairperson. Beverly
was nominated for Vice-Chairperson. The commissioners voted and the Chairperson will be
Denny and Vice-Chair, Beverly.
Review By-laws:
commissioners didn’t have a chance to preview the by-laws. They will
review them before next meeting and make any changes then, if necessary. The commission
voted to change the meeting time to 6 pm and update the by-laws to reflect the new time. The
vote for a time change was unanimous.
Discuss Arbor Day work plan:
Suggestions for the children’s craft included making a rain
guage and planting a seedling. Jill will compile the ideas and send them to the commission for a
final review. Bill, Denny and Beverly plan on attending the event. JR is a maybe. Bill
recommended having information about the Emerald Ash Borer available at the event.
July 4 planning:
The commission talked about any problems that occurred last year. The main
one was running out of candy before the end of the parade. Jill said the cost of the candy is high
and would like to find cheaper prices if more candy is needed. Bill will check availability at
Costco and Jill will talk with the parks dept to see who supplies candy for their events. Idea for
float theme, “you’re free from having a perfect lawn”.
General Discussion
Bill will look into the possibility of combing Carver County Days and Chanhassen Day.
Jill will schedule a tour of the water treatment plant for May 12.
The Arbor Day poster contest presentation is April 27 and commissioners are needed to
help with the presentation.
The joint meeting with the City Council is scheduled for May 11.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair