1995 02 17 . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1995 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Ap,proval of A~enda .7. 8. . 1. Approval of Minutes dated December 16, 1994 and January 20, 1995. 2. Visitors Presentation. 3. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). 4. Update on Senior Center Activities. 5. Update on Senior Housing. 6. Set Goals and Objectives for 1995. Approval of Bylaws. Allocation of Community Development Block Grant. 9. Request to start an AARP Chapter in the City of Chanhassen. 10. Senior Commission Comments. Adjournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT.120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 16, 1994 . Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Mark Littfin Sr., Selda Heinlein, Barbara Headla, Sherol Howard, and Albin Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Non. ST AFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II. APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Bernice Billison moved to approve the Agenda, Barbara Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 21. AND NOVEMBER 18.1994: Albin Olson moved to approve the minutes with no changes, Mark Littfin Sr. seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes. VISITOR PRESENT A TION: There were non. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES . The Senior Center will be had a party last Saturday, December 10, 1994. There is a trip scheduled to Lake Malacs. There will also be a Saturday evening special. Dinner will be served from Le Ann Chin. UPDA TE ON SENIOR HOUSING. The commission was informed that the City is working on funding options. The commission was satisfied with the progress that has been made with Frank Dunbar and how the design of the building is evolving. UPDATE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLLl. Sharol Jackson, Senior Linkage Line Public Relations Person, presented the commission with mugs carrying the symbol of Senior Linkage Line and CHORE Program. The Commission was informed that there will be regular visits to neighboring Senior Centers within Carver County to advertise the CHORE and SLL programs. New magnates were distributed to the commission by Kitty Sitter advertising SLL. Twenty businesses have joined the CHORE program. 1 . . . . Senior Commission December 16, 1994 Page 2 SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. The Senior Commission wanted to see a Senior Alert/Medical Alert. They also requested staff investigate a Carbon Monoxide Alarm. Kubitz moved, BilIison seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion earned. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin Al-Jaff 2 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 20, 1995 . Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Bernice Billison, Mark Littfin Sr., Selda Heinlein, Barbara Headla, Sherol Howard, and Albin Olson. MEMBERS AB SENT: Non. ST AFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II. APPOINTMENT OF NEW SENIOR COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR: Sherol Howard was reappointed as the Chairperson and Bernice Billison was appointed as the Vice Chair. APPROV AL OF THE AGENDA: Bernice Billison moved to approve the Agenda, Barbara Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROV AL OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 16. 1994: This item was tabled until February 17, 1995. VISITOR PRESENT A TION: Shari Bork with Ridgview Hospital, a nutritionist, spoke to the Senior Commission about eating habits and explained the value of the different food groups. . UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES Fred Prince was appointed as the Chair Person of the Advisory Board. On February 4, 1995, there will be a Bingo/potluck. UPDA TE ON SENIOR HOUSING. On January 19, 1995, the Carver County HRA, City of Chanhassen staff, and Seniors of the community met to discuss Senior Housing. Staff informed the commission that the City is working with the County on funding. If the City funds the Senior Housing project, we will exceed our bonding capacity, therefor, the County was asked to bond for the project. UPDA TE ON THE CHORE PROGRAM AND SENIOR LINKAGE LINE (SLU. The Senior Commission was informed that staff is working to obtain additional funding to increase the Senior Linkage Line staffs hours. SET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1995: This item was tabled until February 17, 1995. 1 . . . . Senior Commission January 20, 1995 Page 2 APPROV AL OF BYLAWS: This item was tabled until February 17, 1995. 1995 MEETING SCHEDULE: The schedule was approved as proposed with one exception. The March 17, 1995 meeting was changed to March 24, 1995. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were non. Kubitz moved, Billison seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carned. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Sharmin AI-Jaff 2 ~ <l' ~ ...... " lY'\ 1I\ 4 .. Cd .... ...... e ~ (J) en .... .... "'" -...Jl 0 >. .., ( ..--j ..c: f'f) ~ (J) en .j.J lr, rY) .Q .., en ~ ..c: en +J ..--j ~ .j.J .j.J en .., U) en to (J) ..c: Cd H ::> en (J) r-i~ ..--j 01 ~ H ..--j :;j r-i Cd :;j Cd en to ~ ..--j 0' lt1 (J) ~ 0 en..--j U Cd (J) U~ ~ ~ 01 (J) 1-1 QJ lt1 H U ~ " (J) ..c: s:: u QJ .r! 1-1 rx.. ~~ ~ ..~ .j.JH .., ~ .d U 1-1 rx.. tH tH o 0 'O(J) H '0 :;j +J s:l QJ 0 0 0 (J) ~ QJU) s:: 0 0 QJ~ r-i..--j en U QJ en OlQJ 01 ~ ~ (J) lt1 Cd :;j (J) .., s:: ~ (J) 0 lt1 1-1 s:: (J) (J).j.J +J+J "'0 tH+J ~ Cd ~ +J .., .Q .QCd o 0 (J) (J)Cd'O~..c: ~ tHOl .j.J e e'O 88 ~'O ~.., (J) (J) .j.J :;j s:: >. '0 o s:l Cd :;j .. :;j I (J) ~.r! en I ~ tH QJ .r! s:: Z(J) Zo >t ) (J) ~ ~tH ~ ~ 0 .., ~ 1-1 ~ .., .j.J .j.J r-ir-i o s:: (J) 0.., '0 (J) 0 s:: U 1-1 QJ'r! 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Laketown Waconia Mayer Watertown Young America o <6 (please specify): f 6vU__L f~C1~ 5 UrdC-(\..t-"-cvv\,-, I I I Total Number of Calls: 3~ 7/93 A~ . [Il CARVER COUNTY HRA 500 PINE STREET N. SUITE 300 CHASKA, MN 55318 Telephone (612) 448-7715 Fax (612) 448-6506 CARVER COUNTY HRA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1995 1108 VilLAGE ROAD, LAKE GRA..CE APARTJ\!IENTS CHASKA, MN 1:00 P.M. AGENDA ~J~J~/~ ~ ? 6.>' 1r~ ~ -II'. ~J ? ,L C... I. CALL TO ORDER . II. APPROVE i\1INUTES OF PREVIOUS J\!IEETING III. FINANCIAL REPORT IV. MHFALOANS a. Rental Rehab V. PROGRAM REPORTS a. Transitional House b. Cologne Watertower c. Benton Meadows VI0HANHASS~~~ VII. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS a. Employee Benefits c. Bookkeeping d. Office Space VIII ADJOURN . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 To: Senior Commission From: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II Date: February 15, 1995 Subject: Goal and Objectives for 1995. At the beginning of each year, the Senior Commission sets a list of goals and objectives that they wish to pursue. The following is a list of go at have been carried over from 1994. The Commission is encouraged to add on new go this year. 1. SENIOR CENTER 2. TRANSPORTATION 3. INFORMATION AND REFER KAGE LINE 4. SENIOR HOUSING abilitating the Train Depot. 5. E PRESERVATION: 6. 7. SENIO at Public Buildi 8. 9. TREE PLANTING along the entryw the Senior Center to block the wind. 10. WHEELCHAIR RAMP leading to th 11. SENIOR GROCERY SHOPPING. 12. SENIOR NEWSLETTER EXPANSION. 13. COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATION with neighboring Senior Centers. a. Cooperative Communications. b. Coordination of Events. c. Transportation Coordination with other Senior Centers. . . . . . . SENIOR COMMISSION CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY-LAWS The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Senior Commission to facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354, Minnesota State Statutes annotated. Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities 1.1 The Senior Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council in addressing the special needs of the people over 55 living in Chanhassen. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council. 1.2 The Senior Commission will consider and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the special needs of seniors in the areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.3 The Senior Commission will make recommendations to the City Council regarding funding for special services to be provided for the citizens over 55. 1.4 The Senior Commission may propose needs studies of this age group where necessary and make recommendations to the City Council according to the results. 1.5 The Senior Commission will coordinate services with other governments and private agencies for this age group. 1.6 Public Hearings. The Senior Citizen Commission shall hold public hearings on issues regarding special needs of seniors in areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.7 Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Senior Commission may, as they deem appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised solely of their own members. Section 2 - Meetings 2.1 Time and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the third Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the City Council Chambers, 690 Coulter Drive, unless 1 otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members. Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 12:00 p.m. which may . be waived at the discretion of the Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting. 2.2 Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by the Chairperson, or in her/his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or any other member with the concurrence of four other members of the Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members on the first Friday of the month. Notice of all special meetings shall be posted on the official city bulletin board. 2.3 Attendance. The Senior Commission members shall attend not less than 75% of all regular and special meetings held during a given calendar year and shall not be absent from three consecutive meetings without prior approval of the Chairperson. Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement shall be cause for removal from the Commission by action of the City Council. Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies 3.1 Composition. The Senior Commission shall consist of seven voting members. Seven members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the Council. 3.2 Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven members to the commission for terms of twe four aFld tlKee years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the charge of his/her duties take an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office. All members shall serve without compensation. . 3.3 Quorum. Four Senior Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting. Section 4 - Organization 4.1 Election of Officers. The first meeting in January of each year, the Senior Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall elect from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by voice vote. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the same proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Senior Commission before the next regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the next regular meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote. 2 . 4.2 . Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from it's own membership and perform other such duties as ordered by the Commission. The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions. Section 5 - Procedure 5.1 Procedure. Parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary procedures except when motions are before the Commission. Section 6 - Public Hearings 6.1 Purpose of Hearings. The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the Commission to develop a rational senior issue recommendation for the City Council. 6.2 Hearing Procedure. At hearings, the following procedures shall be followed in each case: . . a. b. The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard. The Chairperson shall call upon staff to present the staff report. Required reports from each city department shall be submitted to the Senior Commission before each case is heard. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his/her case. Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information regarding the particular proposal. Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other corrumsslOners. There shall be no dialogue among the Commissioners, giving information regarding the particular proposal. (The Senior Commission members may ask questions of persons addressing the Commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member for any other purpose then to question may be ruled out of order.) After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each case, the Senior Commission shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision. The Senior Commission, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for written comments for a specified period of time. The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all of the parties of their rights of appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Senior Commission. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3 6.3 Schedule. At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to begin each case at the time set on the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing prior to the advertised time listed on the agenda. Section 7 - Miscellaneous 7.1 Senior Commission Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission unless, when initiated and presented by the staff and be placed at the end of the agenda. 7.2 Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by unanimous vote of the members present. 7.3 Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Senior Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting. 7.4 Review. At the first meeting in January of each year, these by-laws shall be read and adopted by the Senior Commission. Adopted this _ day of ,1995. Chairperson 4 . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II DATE: February 15, 1995 SUBJ: CDBG Allocation . It is that time of the year again when the Senio ission reviews the year's CDBG allocation and makes their recommendation to the Cit ourl>'l. The requests have to be submitted to Hennepin County no later than March 10, 1<.95. Our share this year is $50,196.00. Staff '<)recommen g the following funding schedule: 1. $2,500 to the South S 2. ior Center Operation 3. provements. Sojourn Senior Da as submitted a request to allow them to....~~~~ se a bus. The request was received after . eSenior Commission may make a recommendation to the of the funding to Sojourn Senior Day care Center. Attachments . 1. 2. 3. 4. Memo from Hennepin County Office of Planning Development. Notice of Public Hearing. Letter from Sojourn Adult Day Program dated February 8, 1995. Letter from Senior Community Services dated January 31, 1995. .~ ~Memo . Recycled Paper DATE: January 17, 1995 TO: FROM: Urban Hennepin Coup-ty Cooperating Communities . /TMI1r Barbara Hayde<;t'Planning Supervisor Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development SUBJECT: 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM Accompanying is the 1995 Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program planning packet. The following items have been included to assist communities in the process of selecting activities for CDBG funding. Program Development Schedule Planning Allocation by Community Countywide Priorities for Housing & Community Development Sample Notice of Public Hearing Sample Resolution Request for Funds Form List of CDSG Eligible Activities . The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has informed Hennepin County that the Urban Hennepin County CDBG entitlement grant for 1995 is $3,748,000. This represents a slight (2%) increase from the 1994 funding level. In addition, $58,962 from the Contingency Account has been added into the planning allocation. This account contains funds recovered through Year XVIII that were uncommitted and unexpended. All cities that have had funds recovered have been notified. As in previous program years, the formula for determining the planning allocations is based upon your community's share of the Urban County total population, people with incomes at or below poverty level, and overcrowded housing units. Poverty data is a double weighted factor in the formula. All data has been derived from the 1990 U.S. Census. CONSOLIDATED PLANNING This is the first year the CDBG Program is being developed under the Consolidated Plan process. HUD has instituted this new process as a replacement for the independent planning and submission for the CDBG, HOME and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) programs and the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). The Plan is intended to guide communities in the preparation of a comprehensive vision of housing and community development. Using a separate RFP process the County is currently requesting proposals for the use of $1.537 million in HOME funds and $133,000 in ESG funds. All cities will receive a separate notification for the HOME program. Only private non-profit organizations providing assistance to homeless persons are eligible applicants for ESG funds. . . . . COUNTYWIDE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES Below is a summary of the countywide high priorities. The priorities were developed using the results of the survey of participating communities (surveys were received from twenty-six cities representing more than 85% of the Urban County population), 1990 housing and demographic data, and comments from housing providers and advocates. HOUSING Rental and Supportive Housing- planning, site acquisition, related infrastructure for development of new units and rehabilitation of existing units for low income households (less than 50% of median income). Homeownership- planning, site acquisition, related infrastructure, downpayment assistance for low income first-time homebuyers and rehabilitation of existing units occupied by low income households. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Neighborhood redevelopment/revitalization, senior centers, removal of architectural barriers/ADA compliance, lead-based paint abatement, and planning activities to address housing and community revitalization needs. PUBLIC SERVICES SeNices to senior citizens, disabled persons and youth; child care assistance and transportation seNices. A detailed list of priorities by type of activity is attached. Countywide community development priority needs were identified by combining the survey results by categories of need. While most communities prioritized housing needs similarly, there was a much greater range of priorities for community development needs. At the community level, what is a high priority in one community may be a lower priority in another. The countywide priorities should be used as a guide when you consider the use of COBG funds to address local needs. The County will consider the relationship of proposed projects to countywide priorities in the evaluation of projects for COSG funding. If you propose to use COSG funds for a project which does not have a high countywide priority you must clearly explain why the project has a higher priority in your community. Local studies, capital improvement plans, local needs analysis, etc. can be used to establish this. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Public Hearing- Prior to March 10th each community must conduct a local public hearing and pass a council resolution on the proposed use of funds. The public hearing notice and resolution format are attached. A Copy of the public hearing notice, the minutes from the public hearing and a copy of the council resolution must be submitted as soon as possible following the public hearing. Project Proposals One Request for Funds form must be completed for each proposed project. Please don't put more than one project on the same form. Hennepin County staff will review each project for COSG eligibility, program benefit and relationship to countywide priorities. Requests for funding must be submitted no later than March 10, 1995. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ADMINISTRATIVE OBJECTIVE No more than three activities should be undertaken in one community and each activity should have a . budget of at least $7,500. For cities receiving less than this amount, only one activity should be programmed. When funds are committed jointly with other participants to carry out a single activity, these limits do not apply. Communities are strongly encouraged to develop joint initiatives to address mutual needs by consolidating their resources. LOW/MODERATE INCOME AREA BENEFIT HUO allows Urban Hennepin County COBG funds to be used for eligible area benefit activities in census tracts where the percent of low and moderate income persons is 37 percent or more. This is an exception to the requirement that a majority of persons in an area must be low and moderate income. Maps were provided last year to communities with qualifying census tract block groups. Please contact your COBG representative if you need a map or have a question about eligible low/moderate income area benefit activities. FUNDING PUBLIC SERVICES Funding public services at the community level and maintaining compliance with HUO requirements at the County level continues to be problematic. Program income that can be applied to public services cap is projected to be less than last year. The problem of declining program income along with the HUO's method for calculating compliance could have very serious implications for public service funding in some communities. This situation will have its greatest impact on communities that are currently allocating significantly more than 20 percent annually to public service activities. In 1995 we will continue to provide communities the flexibility of using 20 percent as a guide for . funding public services at the community level. However, if the County program exceeds the 15 percent cap budgets will be reduced as necessary in communities where the public service budgets exceed 20 percent of their COBG grant amount. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Affordable housing for very low and low income households continues to be a significant need in suburban Hennepin County. Affordable housing appropriate to the needs of different types of households have been identified as high priorities for the use of HUO resources in the CHAS and in the Consolidated Plan. Activities are encouraged that will develop or improve housing for low-income households, persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, persons with disabilities, families with children and the elderly. The COBG program is an important resource to assist communities in addressing the critical need for affordable housing. AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING As recipients of HUO funds Hennepin County and each subrecipient community has agreed to affirmatively further fair housing. HUO has initiated measures encouraging recipients to become more pro-active in addressing conditions that create impediments to fair housing choice. As a potential condition to receiving future funds HUO expects recipients to undertake specific activities that will serve in furthering fair housing choice. COBG funding for fair housing activities is an eligible administrative expense. For the benefit of the Urban County Program the Hennepin County Board set aside 10% ($50,000) of its administrative budget for the FY94 COBG and HOME programs for fair housing activities. Examples of possible activities include fair housing choice outreach, counseling and referral services, training and education . programs, and enforcement of fair housing laws and ordinances. Oiscussion is currently underway with local fair housing organizations interested in providing one or more of the activities listed above. If you have any questions, please contact your COBG representative. Enclosures . . W ..J ::J e w :I: o )-(1) I-z z< :J..J 00. Oe Zw -I- 0.< we z_ z..J we :I: (I) z e o It) en en ~ . ::t~H :r:OH I I .::::':::1::::::::'1 .... e: Cll E Jg .. e: 0 e: '0, 0 W Cll 0 It) m M (J) I/) M (J) .... 0) - .... I/) * - ~ e: .. 0 Cll Cll e: .... Cll 0 e: :E .. - cu 0 0. 0 ::::l ~ e: e .. 0 0 .. e> z cu .... I/) 0 :2 ::::l ::> (5 0 0 ::r: (J) LL .... e: Cll E Cll E 0 C I/) e: 0 w ro '0, 0 I/) Cll ,.: It) 0 m (J) 0. M (J) e I/) lit .... 0) - - a. e: ~ 0 L- .. .E Cll e: Cll 0 .... :E .. I/) cu Cll 0. 0 ::::l ::::l ~ 0- e .. Cll 0 0:: e> z ~ I/) 0 ::::l => 0 0 0 ::r: z LL Cll .... cu o e: o '(jj I/) 'E .0 ::::l (J) ro I/) o 0. e a. Cll I/) => "0 Cll I/) o 0. e a. e: o I/) 0) e: .. 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Cll I/) ~ ~ I/) e: => ,Q - e: "0 ro e: 'E It) ::::l Cll (J) 0 Cll ,2 E .0 (J) e: U I/) 0.. ::::l cu 0 E e: (J) .... .... 0 e: .0 ,e: 0. 0. 0 Cll Cll L- 'a. e <( 0 I/) => .r; E ::::l Cll a. - U 0) Cll ::r: .... .0 0 L- e: N .... Cll ::::l e: e: .E ';:: ';:: 0 e: .- (J) e: ~ ro 0 .... Cll .. e:,5 Cll 0 Cll Cll =0 "0 E 0 e: 0 ::r: "0 0 W .... ,- 0) I/) ':;: Cll ::r: ::::l=> 2 Cll 0 O)Cll 0 0) Cll .r; <(::r: .... 0.. oD It) "0 &:m .... e: 0:: ,!!l ,2 'E ~ .. "Eo E '0:1' (J) Cll Cll :0 :0 .0 (J) 'm I/) ::::l It: cu- ,.... 1/)0) Cll ::::l ::::l ::::l M .... :E O)e: 0 :E cu a. a. 0 e: CI) 0 .... .... - e:'- (J) ml!! ~ 0 I/) -I:: Q) I/) ,2 e: >.e: ~a. e: e: e: ro cu Cll ro :0 ~ cu ....cu cu ,Q Cll:E I/) I/) 0: e:- 0: ro 0 ';:: e: ::::la. e:"O .. Cll ::r: 0 ::::l"O ::::l ::::l Cll 0. a. e: 0"0 N cu .... I/) 0. 0 "0 0- "0 ';:: 0 cu Cll ,2 ::::l e ::::l U"O Cll UCll U~ Cll 0 ~ :E;e :0 0 a. ~LL .... .... e:= .... .r; .. 'c e> e: Cll cu e: cu cu e: ::::l ... :2 ,_ 0 :2 - E 0 E ::::l a.e> 0) 'a. (j) ,- "0 0.1/) ::::l ::::lm 0.= z ~ E I/) e: Eo Cll- (5 Cll 0 Cll e: (5 <( cu ro :a e:o. I/) e: I/) e: 0 I/) L- 0 O)E ::::l Eu e: E e: e: e: e:U e: 0 0) => e 0 0 0 e: => 0 o 0 ::::l 0_ Cll 0 0 Cll 0 Cll_ 0 L- ::r: a.u ...JLL LL Uo ::r:u U ::r:u ::r:o U ::r:a. PLANNING ALLOCATIONS 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COBG PROGRAM 1995 . Community ALLOCATION Brooklyn Center 270,083 Brooklyn Park 553,188 Champlin 81,512 Chanhassen 50,196 Corcoran 23,781 Crystal 152,441 Dayton 21,556 Deephaven 14,178 Eden Prairie 193,258 Edina 204,554 Excelsior 17,160 Golden Valley 117,124 Greenfield 7,529 Greenwood 3,180 Hanover 3,678 Hassan 11,850 Hopkins 166,417 Independence 15,882 Long Lake 11,311 Loretto 4,027 Maple Grove 158,493 . Maple Plain 10,830 Medicine Lake 904 Medina 14,479 Minnetonka 187,175 Minnetonka Beach 1,864 Minnetrista 20,895 Mound 72,239 New Hope 182,816 Orono 23,918 Osseo 26,167 Richfield 276,638 Robbinsdale 94,351 Rockford 20,651 Rogers 4,347 Shorewood 17,996 Spring Park 12,500 St. Anthony* 22,131 St. Bonifacius 8,274 St. Louis Park 312,471 Tonka Bay 8,000 Wayzata 30,446 Woodland 1,672 TOTAL 3,432,162 . Hennepin County 374,800 Total Allocation 3,806,962* * Includes $58,962 recaptured funds. . URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY Five Year Priority Needs Summary ... Small Related Cost Burden > 30% High High Medium Cost Burden> 50% High High Low Substandard High High Medium Overcrowded Medium Low Low Cost Burden> 30% High High Medium Cost Burden> 50% High High Medium Substandard High High Medium Overcrowded High High Medium Cost Burden> 30% High Medium Low Cost Burden> 50% High Medium Low Substandard High High Medium Overcrowded Low Low Low Cost Burden> 30% Medium Low Low Cost Burden > 50% High Medium Low Substandard High High Medium Overcrowded Low Low Low Renter Large Related . Elderly Owner :::::.:'::.,!:!I:::"::::::::::"':'.::::::::::::illli,1~li!::'::...::i::::i::.::::.:i".::.:...i!:il.j:!j:'::::':'!::.:'ill!~IIII!~:.::::.:j.::.j.J:I:'lill!~~jjli,JI!I!1"i~lIi::::'.:i,'I':::::: Assessment/Outreach Medium Medium Medium Emergency Shelter High Medium Medium Transitional Housing High High High Permanent Supportive Housing High High High Permanent Housing High High High . - - ::::'::illllll~lllpllJ.I:!:llllli:!:iii:iiiii:i::ii:!::!::!:::!:!~!!~:il:il:l~::i:::i:l::il:i:i::ii:i:i:i:ii!:i:i:ll!:l:li::::li::::::::i:i:!:::i:i:i~:li:lil:l:i:i:::i:::i~i:::i:::i:::l:l::l::l:l:l:i:i:i::: Senior Centers High Youth Centers Medium Neig hborhood Facilities Med ium Child Care Centers Low Parks and/or Recreation Facilities Med ium Health Facilities Low Parking Facilities Low Other P ublic Facilities Low :!,,;,'lliFIIIIIIII::~~IIIIIIIII':::i:::i:::~::i::::::::::~:i::::::i:i:!::::::::.ii:::i:i::::::::::::i:::::!:::i::::::i:~:::::::::::::::::il:ii:::l:::::::::~ Solid Waste Disposal I mprovements Low Flood Drain I mprovements Low Water I mprovements Low Street I mprovements Low Sidewalk I mprovements Low Sewer I mprovements Low Asbestos Removal Low Other I nfrastructure I mprovement Needs Low !:.i::ilq!!I~i:!~i~RIJ.p~'!I!I!~."ii:::.::~:~:~::::~i:l'~::.:::::':::i:.:':::::'~:::i'::i:i.:'!ii:i:!::~i.::!::':::':~:.:.~::'ii:i:::::::!:.:::'!::::::::::::.:.:.:i:::::'..:i::i"i:::i:.:...:.~:~i:.:i:.~~'! Sen ior Services H igh Handicapped Services H igh Youth Services H ig h Transportation Services Hig h S ubstance Abuse Services Low Employment Train ing Low Crime Awareness Med ium Fair Housing Cou nseling Med iu m Tenant/Land lord Counseling Med iu m Child Care Services H ig h Health Services Low . - - Other Public Service Needs Med ium :1.:II:ell!;!ligl::IIIII::::::i~i:i:::i:l:l:lll:l:l:l:i:i:i:i:i:i:i::::l::l:l:::::::i~::::I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::/:/:::::i:::::/:l:l:i:i:i:i:i:1:1:1:lii:/:i:::l:l:/:/:::i:::i:::i:::::l:l::: H ig h ::::::::IIIIIII:::lllmlll~i:illll!llllll:l:BII/:i:il:::I:I:::/:/:/:::::!:::::I:::/:::/:::::!:!:1:11i~ Low ':::::::III~lllli_II::IIII"lll:IBlillll_l:IIIRI:!!::::!:!:::::/~::::::!:!::. Low .::::::.:llllglll!~:llllllill:~llill::I////:i//:i:i:i:1:::I:lii:l:l:iii:::::::l:l:l:liiii:i:::i:::::l:::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::~i~::I:::::!:::::::i:l:i::~:~ Commercial-I ndustrial Rehabilitation Medium Commercial-I nd ustrial I nfrastructure Med iu m Other Commercial-I ndustrial I mprovements Low Micro-Business Med i urn Other B usinesses Low Techn ical Assistance Low Other Economic Development Needs Med iu m !::~::i'glll'.:I~MIIIII::::lllllqIMIII:.:IIIII'::::i:::::':::':'::::':,:':I~'~I,:,::::':~::'I,:,:'::::::I:i':::.!:..:::":: Energy Efficiency I mprovements Med iu m Lead Based Pa i nUHazards H ig h Code Enforcement Medium ::':':'llilJ,igl:::::~:~::~:~:::::~:::::::~::'::::::::::~:~::'~::::::'::::::::::::::::::::~.:::i:!i.:':.:.:.:::~::~::::.:::::~:::::::::::.:::.::::~:~':.:.i.::::::~::::I:::l:':.:!:'::~::I:::::.:'.":::::~::I::.::.::::::::,:'I.i::::,',:,::"':::::'~:~::I::.::',::,:! Med iu m . Definina Need levels: The level of need is defined as follows: Hioh priority: Funding for these activities will be heavily pursued during the five year period. Medium priority: If funds are available, activities to address this need may be funded by the city during the five year period. low priority: The city will not fund activities to address this need during the five year period. No such need: The city finds there is no need or that this need has already been substantially addressed. . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNlY COMMUNllY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM . Notice is hereby given that the city of in cooperation with Hennepin County, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, is holding a public hearing on _' 1995, at p.m. in the The public hearing is on the housing and community development needs and priorities of the City and Urban Hennepin County and the City's proposed use of the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program planning allocation of $ In addition, during the July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 program year it is estimated that no additional or ($ (choose one)) program income from locally funded CDBG activities will be available to the city. The city of is proposing to undertake the following activities with 1995 Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds starting on or about July 1, 1995. Activitv Budqet Subsequent increases or decreases in the community planning allocation or the budget of any funded activity by the greater of $10,000 or 50 percent of the activity budget or change in activity location, beneficiary, or purpose is considered a substantial change and pursuant to Urban Hennepin County policy will be subject to the amendment process. . For additional information on the priorities, proposed activities, level of funding and program perfor- mance, contact the city of at or the Hennepin County Office of Planning & Development at 541-7080. The public hearing is being held pursuant to MS 471.59. Publhrng.not . . . . RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of , through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of has developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it, and held a public hearing on , 1995 to obtain the views of citizens on local and Urban community development needs and priorities the City's from the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Hennepin County housing and proposed use of $ Development Block Grant. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of approves the following projects for funding from the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for review and inclusion in the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program. Proiect BudQet ADOPTED: the , 1995 day of By Its And Its ATTEST ResolutLfrm 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COBG PROGRAM REQUEST FOR FUNDING (Use one form per project) . A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Community: 2. Project Name: 3. Contact Person/ Phone No. B. PROJECT DATA 1. Funding Request $ 2. Is this request to fund an existing CDBG funded project? _Yes _No 3. Leveraged Funds: Amount $ Source (To what extent does project leverage additional public or private funds/firm commitment?) 4. Project Location: Address (Attach map.) 5. Project Description: (Describe the project in as much detail as possible and identify what, if . any, alternative funding sources have been considered for this project) Citywide 6. Urban County Priorities: Using the list provided identify what priority(ies) the project will meet. (Note: If proposed project is a low Urban County priority you must explain why it has a higher priority in your community) . . . . 7. Anticipated results/accomplishments project will have. (ie; number of persons/ households to be assisted/served, number of housing units to be rehabbed/built, etc.) 8. Implementation Schedule: (For the time period 7-1-95 to 12-31-96 identify the major project tasks to be performed and when they will occur) Task Date Month/ Date 9. Budget: (Specify total project budget by major project component--Le., administration, planning, construction, acquisition, direct grants, public service.) BUDGET/SOURCE OF FUNDS Component CDBG Other (identify) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Project Budget $ $ Total Project Budget $ Requfund. frm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM . Notice is hereby given that the City of Chanhassen in cooperation with Hennepin Council, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, is holding a public hearing on Monday, February 27, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The public hearing is on the housing and community development needs and priorities of the City and Urban Hennepin County and the City's proposed use of the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program planning allocation of $50,196. In addition, during the July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 program year, it is estimated that no additional program income from locally funded CDBG activities will be available to the city. The City of Chanhassen is proposing to undertake the following activities with 1995 Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds starting on or about July 1, 1995. Activitv Budget Chanhassen Senior Center Operations $18,000 . South Shore Senior Center $ 2,500 Chanhassen Accessibility Improvements $29,696 Subsequent increases or decreases in the community planning allocation or the budget or any funded activity by the greater of $10,000 or 50 percent of the activity budget or change in activity location, beneficiary, or purpose is considered a substantial change and pursuant to Urban Hennepin County policy will be subject to the amendment process. For additional information on the priorities, proposed activities, level of funding and program performance, contact the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 or the Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development at 541-7080. The public hearing is being held pursuant to MS 471.59. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP, Planning Director 937-1900, ext 118 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on February 9, 1995.) . . . . Sojourn TEL: 612-471-5084 PHM LK MTKA HOUSING F'.02 February 8, 1995 Sffourn adult day program City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: Kate Aanenson Dear Ms. Aanenson & city Council Members, Sojourn is a community based adult day program, an alternative to nursing home placement, in it's tenth year of serving the frail and elderly and their families in West suburban Hennepin County. Our continued growth indicates the increasing need for this se~vice which allows the elderly to remain living independently in their familiar community. Sojourn has been awarded a 25 passenger Wheel Chair equipped vehicle from the Minnesota Department of Transportation to be delivered by the fall of 1995. The Minnesota Department of Transportation grant for this vehicle covers 80% of it's cost of $38,000, with a 20% match of local funds. Sojourn respectfully requests that the city of Chanhassen make a generous contribution toward the $8,000 local portion due for this vehicle. The residents of the City of Chanhassen would be able to offer the vehicle to both the public and private groups of its citizens for group use. We sincerely hope that the city of Chanhassen will strongly consider our proposal and continue to support Sojourn's efforts to serVe the older residents or the community. Sincerely, Sally Grathwol Hebson Executive Directo~ ..........11',...,.............................. SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 111, Minnetonka, MN 55305 541-1019 FAX 541-0841. BOARD of DIRECTORS Tom llcen President January 31, 1995 Daralyn Peifer 1st Vice President Kate Aanenson, City Planner City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Marty Gurltz 2nd Vice President Bob Zagaros Secretary Dear Ms. Aanenson: Ryan Schroeder Treasurer Senior Community Services is requesting $ 5,170 for the 1995-'96 fiscal year from the City of Chanhassen to support the Southshore Senior Center. This would amount to an increase of 3.4% over our request of last year, the same overall percentage increase in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds that is due the City. In the current CDBG Year, Chanhassen allocated $5,000 to support Southshore, and for that we are very grateful. A budget is attached including the amounts requested from the other cities. Please convey our request to the members of the Senior Commission who our representatives will look forward to seeing on the morning of February 17. . Walter Levesque Past President Bob Miller Member-at-Large Carla Pavone Member-at-Large Lucille Crow Karl Dansky Robert DeGhetto Leonard Kopp Chanhassen, along with the other cities that support the Southshore Senior Center, has continued to provide a very valuable service to its elderly residents. Dining, transportation and the meeting with friends, helps maintain the independence of the Center's participants in their respective communities for as long as possible. Jim Fisher Alison Fuhr Tad Jude John Nelson Senator Gen Olson On behalf of the seniors, who are the real beneficiaries of your funds, many thanks for your past support. If you have any questions, or if the City Council would like to have an informational presentation, please let me know. William G. Weiler John Young . Sincerely,- ---''- ,/ -=YLJ~~ /j'/.~m~" '~: y I.J3enjamin F. Withhart Executive Director . Benjamin F. Withhart Executive Director & C.E.D. A United Way Supported Agency .... t.-' ".. .,_~_.___ . . . SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES - SOUTHSHORE SENIOR CENTER - 1995/96 BUDGET 1/31/95 EXPENSES Personnel Center Coordination 23,298 Cook 4,430 Van Driver 5,023 Taxes & Benefits 6,550 Sub-total Personnel 39,301 Dining Program Food & Supplies 12,800 Professional Fees 549 Supplies 440 Phone 1,664 Postage 355 Space 4,000 Insurance 1,270 Equipment 96 Printing & Publications 775 Travel 737 Van-Insurance/Gas/Repairs/Maintenance 5,500 Conferences & Training 412 Memberships 85 Misc 122 Depreciation 1,679 Program Support 7,113 TOTAL EXPENSES $76,898 REVENUES Senior Community Services United Way of Minneapolis 14,805 West Metro Coord. Transportation (1IIB) 3,200 Van Donations 1,200 Agency Self Support-Contributions/grants 1,913 Volunteers of America Title mc 12,800 Calvery Lutheran Church (partial) In-kind Space 2,932 Sub-total 36,850 Southshore Cities Chanhassen 5,170 Deephaven 9,556 Excelsior 8,964 Greenwood 1,640 Shorewood 10,986 T onka Bay 3,732 Sub-total (CDBG requests) 40,048 TOTAL REVENUES $76,898 MRP - --~ ~ --~ --~~ - ~ -- Bringing lifetimes of experience and Imdership to SCf1'C all generations. . To: Kitty Sitter.. Coordinator Senior Linkage Line 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen. t.AN ')')) 17 . - - '-' Duke Hewi~ February 0, 1 99S. ~ )A-"-' -- ~ 4 ./' )rv'- ~ ,..,.. I" 7~ ~ ^"u-:v'V i ") ~y,). -. y_ (D'f'IL,' , ~. L-i"-' O)t" ~-tZ.I~ -L (~\I\...-. ~ ~~f,I=~~ c M. A. "Duke" Hewitt Volunteer Specialist - Chapter Organization 124 S,E, 5th Avenue St. Joseph, MN 56374 (612) 363-7462 From: Da t.e: Kitty. I have tried tJ;) get you by phone but. I have not been able to reach you. ,.iilhen "'/'.re spoke.. you seemed to think that there "'Nas an }~ul1~RP Chapter in Chasta. There is none. . The closest one is in Minnet0nka. If t.here ....qere tV.lO or three ~rsons there interested in t.alldnQ "'Nith t' v '-' me about the purpose.. prospect) and procedure in iorming a chapt.er there I ....^lould be most happy to arrange a date t.o be there. Thank you for your interest in this matter . American Association of Retired Persons 601 E Street, :-\,W., Washington, D,C. 20049 12(2) 434-1277 . . . MRP - -~ ~ -~ --~ ~ ~ -- Bringing lifetimes of experience and leadership to .,erve all generations. M. A. "Duke" Hewitt Volunteer Specialist - Chapter Organization 124 S.E. 5th Avenue St. Joseph. MN 56374 (612) 363-7462 To: Kitty Sitter.. Coordinator Senior Linkage Line 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen. MN 1)1:) ') 17 . - - .... Duke Hewit~ February 8, 1995 From: Date: ~ --~v -- <-" ~ / ' iV\..)./tJ '7~ ' ^ J\~V\.-; t't~. , () mrVL~Y'" Iv ~'o "--~". \~ v.t. > uv-rC ., . .~1,^--- ~ ~~-fof:~k'-S Kit.t;;.. I have tried to get you by phone but I have not been able to reach 'lOU. , 'iNhen V>le spoke.. you seemed to t.hink that there ';,blaS an A..a~RP Chapter in Chaska. There is none. The closest one is in Minnetonka. If there v.,rere t.V.lO or three persons there interested in talking 'with me about the purpose.. prospect.. and procedure in iorming a chapt.er there I ';,hlOuld be most happy to arrange a date to t)e there. Thank you for your interest. in this matter American Association of Retired Persons 601 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20049 (202) 434-2277 - AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1995 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of A~enda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -s. - Approval of Minutes dated December 16, 1994 and January 20, 1995. Visitors Presentation. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). Update on Senior Center Activities. Update on Senior Housing. Set Goals and Objectives for 1995. Approval of Bylaws. Allocation of Community Development Block Grant. 9. Request to start an AARP Chapter in the City of Chanhassen. 10. Senior Commission Comments. Adjournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT.120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. <:l .., -..Jl .~ .. Cf.l ~g ltl Q) UP::: 4-l4-l o 0 r-ir-i ltl ltl +J+J o 0 E-iE-i ~~ ..c:l..c:l +J+J d d o 0 )::):: +J I-l g (J) 0:: :> r-i ..cl +J ~ o ~ (! H ~ ltl ..!<:: ~ ..-1 o-:l I-l o ...-j ~ (J) 00 \n \J ~) 1- )-~ cL.: <t .3 ....; ...) ?d. ~~ f3 Q) >< , ..cl.. +J(J) ~+J 0..-1 ~oo ...... tV) 2 -- ~ ..cl r-i 0'1 ltl ;j I-l 0 I-l I-l Q) ..c:l.. "4-l +JH 'OQ) o-:l (J)I-l (J)OO Cf.l U ;j Q) ...-j ~ 4-l+J":>m Q)m'Ol-l..c:l I-l'..-j (J) Q) +J I-l'..-j Cf.l I-l 0.. 4-l I-l (J) o...-j '0 (J) r-il-ll-l~..c:l r-i 0.. (J) ;j +J mo..:>oo U~ I1l o~ ::1'0 I(J) :J (J) o ~ r-i r-i+J o 0 I1lZ 1 In rf) tV) 0'1 ~ ...-j '0 ~ (J) 0.. 0.. ;j I ~ o r-i r-i o I1l r-i ...-j m :> m Q) U I-l ;j o Cf.l Q) I-l ~ ~ o ~ ..!4 o Z :>1 4-l ...-j U (J) 0.. 00 ~ <Y) .. H H 00 I-l Q) ..c:l .jJ o o .jJ '0 Q) I-l I-l Q) 4-l Q) p::: Cf.l Cf.lr-i Q) ltl ...-j I-l U I-l d Q) Q)4-l 0lQ) ltl I-l 4-l0l o d .r-! I-l :> Q)...-j ~g Z I-l \n 1 - - I" ..00'1 , ;j ~ Cf.l ..cl Cf.l ...-j +J .. +J Cf.l ~. :>1 r-i .. I-l ...-j 0.. U Q) Cf.l m:>1 Ol;j ltl~Cf.l (J) ~~ (J) Q)U (J) ~d r-i::1d , U Q)O U ::r: ~ U...-j 0.. tJ1 0 I-l 0'1 ~ Ol..cl ...-j 0'1 (J) ~:>.. Q) I:: 1XI...-j:>1 +J ~ m m 0.. .. :> ~ r-i '0 m...-j I-l I-l 0 +J U U ..-1 I-l , '0 , I-l...-j m ~ +J (J) r-i (J) m U (J) 0.. ltl :> ;j Q) Cf.l Q) .jJ (J) 0.. +J Q) Cf.l I-l +J U :>...-j U I-l ..-1 Cf.l ..cl Cf.l .r-! 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(J) ~...-j ;j ~ ltl (J) Q);jCf.lIllO;jUo..+J~I::;jCf.lCf.lOl'O'O..Q+JUOo..Cf.lr-iltlCf.lr-i(J)~..c:l Q)'O m ..cl 0 I:: ~...-j 0 0 d (J) (J) (J) I::;j (J) ;j (J) (J) I-l...-j 0 ~ +J z~u uu 1i:.l1Xl11l::r:::r: Ho-:l::E:~OZO:: OOO::E-i8~~~ 0 .jJ d Q) ...-j r-i U o .jJ I-l ~ ~ :J- r-l - ltl U 4-l o .~ ..c:l Cf.l d Q) o :> (J) ...-j ..-1 Cf.l '0 .jJ +J;j r-i m 4-l ltl 0 ..-1 ...-i r-i r-i 0.. ..cl Q) Q)Q)OO U 0:: 000:: '0 r-i ..-1 ..cl U "d ~ m I-l c.!> l- ~ - N'\ - tJ'l ~ ..-1 ...-i .Q ..-1 00 I-l (J) ..c: +J o , ~ ~ o ~ ..!4 ~ :::> ~ H H CIJ o .jJ '0 Q) I-l I-l (J) 4-l Q) P::: "d ~ Q) ..-1 I-l I1l I-l Q) ..c: +J o ~ ~ o ~ ..!<:: ~ :::> :>1 U ~ Q) 0'1 ~ ~ :>1 r-i ..-1 I:: m I1l , '0 ~ Q) ..-1 I-l I1l 00 - o-:l o-:l 00 I-l ..-1 m I1l (J) U I-l U ;j ..-1 0 ~ Cf.l ...-j (J) ...-i 0:: U , ..cl U ~ '-n ..cl U , +J :>1 ~ U ....-1 ~ . I-l Q)0::1ll 0'1. ~Ill r-i ltl U o ...-i I-l Q) ..c: +J o '..J ~ .. ~ o r-i (J) ..0 IXI 00 :::> IXI U H I1l I1l o 0'1 ~ ..-1 +J m ~ ...-j "d I-l o o u I-l m (J) :>1 Cf.l ..-1 ..c:l +J Cf.l r-i r-i m U 4-l o I-l (J) ..0 I:: ;j .. Z (J) +J r-im m'O +J o 0 8+J - ~ >< .-f!. () ~ 1 ~ ~ .~ u ~ ~ o ..-1 '0 ltl P::: ~ o ..-1 +J m +J ~ (J) Cf.l (J) I-l III I-l (J) r-i r-i m U +J m Q) 0.. (J) 0:: . ~ 8 Cf.l ..-1 ..c: +J Cf.l +J Cf.l (J) ;j tJ1 (J) I-l 4-l o .. I-l (J) (J)+J ..om 1::'0 ;j Z 0 +J r-i m I-l .jJm o (J) 8:>1 '-.9 ~ 0- ... lI'I .... ... .... .... Ln Q) ~ ..-1 o-:l (J) tJ'l m ..!<:: ~ ..-1 o-:l I-l o +J ltl U o o-:l Q) I-l m U I-l Q) "d r-i Ii:.l ~ ~ o ~ ..!<:: ~ :::> , I-l Q) ..c: +J o I-l 00 Q) +J m +J 00 <:;f ...A't\x.w.,.. '.-\ CARVER COUNTY - Month JAtJetAt<.{ fq'95 . Geographic Origin of Caller/Consumer Dahlgren New Germany Hamburg Norwood Hancock San Francisco /:J- Hollywood Victoria C:, Laketown Waconia Mayer Watertown Young America Benton Camden I Carver Chanhassen Chaska J I Cologne Hennepin County o Scott County . I Other Counties <is (please specify): cJ R.CLW)~ / f)til.t, f~Ll~ S ufLk-Y\..t'--cLJv\../ Total Number of Calls: 3b . 7/93 . CARVER COUNTY HRA 500 PINE STREET N. SUITE 300 CHASKA. MN 55318 (f Telephone (612) 448-7715 Fax (612) 448-6506 CARVER COUNTY HRA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1995 1108 VILLAGE ROAD, LAKE GRACE APARTMENTS CHASKA, N1N 1:00 P.M. AGENDA . 1. CALL TO ORDER ~Jt1J~/~ ,;:::;------- IJ 'f ~'^- ~/ D~~ ~ ~ #<<-,) ? II. APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS NIEETING III. FINANCIAL REPORT IV MHFALOANS a. Rental Rehab v. PROGRAM REPORTS a. Transitional House b. Cologne Watertower c. Benton Meadows ----- -' VI. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS a. Employee Benefits c. Bookkeeping d. Office Space . VIII ADJOURN ---... \ _..,-P-- . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 To: Senior Commission From: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II Date: February 15, 1995 Subject: Goal and Objectives for 1995. At the beginning of each year, the Senior Commission sets a list of goals and objectives that they wish to pursue. The following is a list of go at have been carried over from 1994. The Commission is encouraged to add on new goal this year. 3. INFORMATION AND REFER / SENIOR 1. SENIOR CENTER . 2. TRANSPORTATION 4. SENIOR HOUSING 5. E PRESERVATION: abilitating the Train Depot. 6. 7. SENIO 8. TREE PLANTING along the entryw 9. the Senior Center to block the wind. 10. WHEELCHAIR RAMP leading to th 11. SENIOR GROCERY SHOPPING. . 12. SENIOR NEWSLETTER EXPANSION. . . . 13. COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATION with neighboring Senior Centers. a. Cooperative Communications. b. Coordination of Events. c. Transportation Coordination with other Senior Centers. . . . SENIOR COMMISSION CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY-LAWS The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Senior Commission to facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354, Minnesota State Statutes annotated. Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities 1.1 The Senior Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council in addressing the special needs of the people over 55 living in Chanhassen. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council. 1.2 The Senior Commission will consider and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the special needs of seniors in the areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.3 The Senior Commission will make recommendations to the City Council regarding funding for special services to be provided for the citizens over 55. 1.4 The Senior Commission may propose needs studies of this age group where necessary and make recommendations to the City Council according to the results. 1.5 The Senior Commission will coordinate services with other governments and private agencies for this age group. 1.6 Public Hearings. The Senior Citizen Commission shall hold public hearings on issues regarding special needs of seniors in areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.7 Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Senior Commission may, as they deem appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised solely of their own members. Section 2 - Meetings 2.1 Time and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the third Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the City Council Chambers, 690 Coulter Drive, unless 1 . . . otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members. Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 12:00 p.m. which may be waived at the discretion of the Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting. 2.2 Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by the Chairperson, or in her/his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or any other member with the concurrence of four other members of the Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members on the first Friday of the month. Notice of all special meetings shall be posted on the official city bulletin board. 2.3 Attendance. The Senior Commission members shall attend not less than 75% of all regular and special meetings held during a given calendar year and shall not be absent from three consecutive meetings without prior approval of the Chairperson. Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement shall be cause for removal from the Commission by action of the City Council. Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies 3.1 Composition. The Senior Commission shall consist of seven voting members. Seven members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the Council. 3.2 Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven members to the commission for terms of .fwe four aad tlK-ee years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the charge of his/her duties take an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office. All members shall serve without compensation. 3.3 Quorum. Four Senior Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting. Section 4 - Organization 4.1 Election of Officers. The first meeting in January of each year, the Senior Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall elect from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by voice vote. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the same proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Senior Commission before the next regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the next regular meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote. 2 4.2 . Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from it's ~wn membership and perform other such duties as ordered by the Commission. The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions. Section 5 - Procedure 5.1 Procedure. Parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary procedures except when motions are before the Commission. Section 6 - Public Hearings 6.1 Purpose of Hearings. The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the Commission to develop a rational senior issue recommendation for the City Council. 6.2 Hearing Procedure. At hearings, the following procedures shall be followed in each case: . . a. b. The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard. The Chairperson shall call upon staff to present the staff report. Required reports from each city department shall be submitted to the Senior Commission before each case is heard. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his/her case. Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information regarding the particular proposal. Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other commissioners. There shall be no dialogue among the Commissioners, giving information regarding the particular proposal. (The Senior Commission members may ask questions of persons addressing the Commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member for any other purpose then to question may be ruled out of order.) After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each case, the Senior Commission shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision. The Senior Commission, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for written comments for a specified period of time. The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all of the parties of their rights of appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Senior Commission. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3 . . . 6.3 Schedule. At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to begin each case at the time set on the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing prior to the advertised time listed on the agenda. Section 7 - Miscellaneous 7.1 Senior Commission Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission unless, when initiated and presented by the staff and be placed at the end of the agenda. 7.2 Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by unanimous vote of the members present. 7.3 Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Senior Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting. 7.4 Review. At the first meeting in January of each year, these by-laws shall be read and adopted by the Senior Commission. Adopted this _ day of , 1995. Chairperson 4 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II DATE: February 15, 1995 SUBJ: CDBG Allocation ission reviews the year's CDBG allocation . The requests have to be submitted to . It is that time of the year again when the Senio and makes their recommendation to the Cit Hennepin County no later than March 10, 1 g the following funding schedule: 1. $2,500 to the South S Senior Center. 2. associated with the ior Center Operation 3. provements. Sojourn Senior Da request was received after may make a recommendation to the Senior Day care Center. se a bus. The enior Commission of the funding to Sojourn Attachments . 1. 2. 3. 4. Memo from Hennepin County Office of Planning Development. Notice of Public Hearing. Letter from Sojourn Adult Day Program dated February 8, 1995. Letter from Senior Community Services dated January 31, 1995. . .~ ~Memo Recycled Paper DATE: January 17, 1995 FROM: Urban Hennepin Courty Cooperating Communities /fMJ1r Barbara Hayde~Planning Supervisor Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development TO: SUBJECT: 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM Accompanying is the 1995 Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program planning packet. The following items have been included to assist communities in the process of selecting activities for CDBG funding. . Program Development Schedule Planning Allocation by Community Countywide Priorities for Housing & Community Development Sample Notice of Public Hearing Sample Resolution Request for Funds Form List of CDSG Eligible Activities The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has informed Hennepin County that the Urban Hennepin County CDBG entitlement grant for 1995 is $3.748,000. This represents a slight (2%) increase from the 1994 funding level. In addition, $58,962 from the Contingency Account has been added into the planning allocation. This account contains funds recovered through Year XVIII that were uncommitted and unexpended. All cities that have had funds recovered have been notified. As in previous program years, the formula for determining the planning allocations is based upon your community's share of the Urban County total population, people with incomes at or below poverty level, and overcrowded housing units. Poverty data is a double weighted factor in the formula. All data has been derived from the 1990 U.S. Census. CONSOLIDATED PLANNING This is the first year the CDBG Program is being developed under the Consolidated Plan process. HUD has instituted this new process as a replacement for the independent planning and submission for the CDBG, HOME and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) programs and the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). The Plan is intended to guide communities in the preparation of a comprehensive vision of housing and community development. . Using a separate RFP process the County is currently requesting proposals for the use of $1.537 million in HOME funds and $133,000 in ESG funds. All cities will receive a separate notification for the HOME program. Only private non-profit organizations providing assistance to homeless persons are eligible applicants for ESG funds. . . . COUNTYWIDE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES Below is a summary of the countywide high priorities. The priorities were developed using the results of the survey of participating communities (surveys were received from twenty-six cities representing more than 85% of the Urban County population), 1990 housing and demographic data, and comments from housing providers and advocates. HOUSING Rental and Supportive Housing- planning, site acquisition, related infrastructure for development of new units and rehabilitation of existing units for low income households (less than 50% of median income). Homeownership- planning, site acquisition, related infrastructure, downpayment assistance for low income first-time homebuyers and rehabilitation of existing units occupied by low income households. COMMUMTYDEVELOPMENT Neighborhood redevelopment/revitalization, senior centers, removal of architectural barriers/ADA compliance, lead-based paint abatement, and planning activities to address housing and community revitalization needs. PUBLIC SERVICES SeNices to senior citizens, disabled persons and youth; child care assistance and transportation seNices. A detailed list of priorities by type of activity is attached. Countywide community development priority needs were identified by combining the survey results by categories of need. While most communities prioritized housing needs similarly, there was a much greater range of priorities for community development needs. At the community level, what is a high priority in one community may be a lower priority in another. The countywide priorities should be used as a guide when you consider the use of CDBG funds to address local needs. The County will consider the relationship of proposed projects to countywide priorities in the evaluation of projects for CDBG funding. If you propose to use CDBG funds for a project which does not have a high countywide priority you must clearly explain why the project has a higher priority in your community. Local studies, capital improvement plans, local needs analysis, etc. can be used to establish this. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Public Hearing- Prior to March 10th each community must conduct a local public hearing and pass a council resolution on the proposed use of funds. The public hearing notice and resolution format are attached. A Copy of the public hearing notice, the minutes from the public hearing and a copy of the council resolution must be submitted as soon as possible following the public hearing. Project Proposals One Request for Funds form must be completed for each proposed project. Please don't put more than one project on the same form. Hennepin County staff will review each project for CDBG eligibility, program benefit and relationship to countywide priorities. Requests for funding must be submitted no later than March 10, 1995. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ADMINISTRATIVE OBJECTIVE . No more than three activities should be undertaken in one community and each activity should have a budget of at least $7,500. For cities receiving less than this amount, only one activity should be programmed. When funds are committed jointly with other participants to carry out a single activity, these limits do not apply. Communities are strongly encouraged to develop joint initiatives to address mutual needs by consolidating their resources. LOW/MODERATE INCOME AREA BENEFIT HUD allows Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds to be used for eligible area benefit activities in census tracts where the percent of low and moderate income persons is 37 percent or more. This is an exception to the requirement that a majority of persons in an area must be low and moderate income. Maps were provided last year to communities with qualifying census tract block groups. Please contact your CDBG representative if you need a map or have a question about eligible low/moderate income area benefit activities. FUNDING PUBLIC SERVICES Funding public services at the community level and maintaining compliance with HUD requirements at the County level continues to be problematic. Program income that can be applied to public services cap is projected to be less than last year. The problem of declining program income along with the HUD's method for calculating compliance could have very serious implications for public service funding in some communities. This situation will have its greatest impact on communities that are currently allocating significantly more than 20 percent annually to public service activities. . In 1995 we will continue to provide communities the flexibility of using 20 percent as a guide for funding public services at the community level. However, if the County program exceeds the 15 percent cap budgets will be reduced as necessary in communities where the public service budgets exceed 20 percent of their CDBG grant amount. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Affordable housing for very low and low income households continues to be a significant need in suburban Hennepin County. Affordable housing appropriate to the needs of different types of households have been identified as high priorities for the use of HUD resources in the CHAS and in the Consolidated Plan. Activities are encouraged that will develop or improve housing for low-income households, persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, persons with disabilities, families with children and the elderly. The CDBG program is an important resource to assist communities in addressing the critical need for affordable housing. AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING As recipients of HUD funds Hennepin County and each subrecipient community has agreed to affirmatively further fair housing. HUD has initiated measures encouraging recipients to become more pro-active in addressing conditions that create impediments to fair housing choice. As a potential condition to receiving future funds HUD expects recipients to undertake specific activities that will serve in furthering fair housing choice. . CDBG funding for fair housing activities is an eligible administrative expense. For the benefit of the Urban County Program the Hennepin County Board set aside 10% ($50,000) of its administrative budget for the FY94 CDBG and HOME programs for fair housing activities. Examples of possible activities include fair housing choice outreach, counseling and referral services, training and education programs, and enforcement of fair housing laws and ordinances. Discussion is currently underway with local fair housing organizations interested in providing one or more of the activities listed above. If you have any questions, please contact your CDBG representative. Enclosures . . W ..J ::J e w :J: o >CI) I-z z<( ::J..J 00.. Oe Zw -I- 0..<( we z_ z..J WO :J:CI) Z o o It) (7) (7) ~ . ~Ir""'(J 8 :~rr:t'rl I !:::::'::f:"II ,:,:,:::,:,:,:,:,:,:1 Illillllll! r::OJ lli:'li'iil I :lllliilliiil!:!!ill! ::';::';"""",,:,! iJ:QJ ,::::: ..... :::1 - c:: 0) E 0) ~ ~ ,~ 0 r:: W C) 0 0) 0 10 al M m I/) CO) m - - ..... I/) C) 419- - ~ c:: 0 ~ 0) 0) c:: - 0) c:: 0 - :E ~ - lU 0 0. 0 :J ~ c:: e ~ 0 0 ~ (!) Z lU - I/) 0 :~ :J ::> (5 0 0 I en LL. - c:: 0) E 0) ~ 0 ~ I/) c:: c:: m '6> 0 w 0 I/) 0) ~ 10 0 al m 0. CO) m e I/) lit ..... 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E 5 C::(!) - 0 ~(!) ,- - :!2 ,- "t:I ,_ 0 :!2 :J E z C) :Jal 0.0) 0.= 0.1/) <( ~ E I/) c:: Eo 0)- (5 0) 0 0) c:: (5 lU m:J :0 c::o. I/) c:: I/) c:: 0 I/) ~ 0 O)E 0 0) o 0 c:: Eu c:: E c:: c:: c:: c::U c:: 0 ::::> e 0 o 0 :J 0_ 0) 0 0 0) 0 0)- 0 ::> ~ I o.u -ILL. LL. Uo IU U IU Io U Io. :::;:::::;:::;:::::::::::::;:: ................................ ......... ::'::';':;:::;:;'::'::':: ',:::::",:::,:,:;'" .":,,.:." .:.:.....................:.:... .::.... :;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;::::::::::::: Ilililiiii.;i PLANNING ALLOCA liONS 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COBG PROGRAM . 1995 Community ALLOCATION Brooklyn Center 270,083 Brooklyn Park 553,188 Champlin 81,512 Chanhassen 50,196 Corcoran 23,781 Crystal 152,441 Dayton 21,556 Deephaven 14,178 Eden Prairie 193,258 Edina 204,554 Excelsior 17,160 Golden Valley 117,124 Greenfield 7,529 Greenwood 3,180 Hanover 3,678 Hassan 11,850 Hopkins 166,417 Independence 15,882 Long Lake 11,311 Loretto 4,027 . Maple Grove 158,493 Maple Plain 10,830 Medicine Lake 904 Medina 14,479 Minnetonka 187,175 Minnetonka Beach 1,864 Minnetrista 20,895 Mound 72,239 New Hope 182,816 Orono 23,918 Osseo 26,167 Richfield 276,638 Robbinsdale 94,351 Rockford 20,651 Rogers 4,347 Shorewood 17,996 Spring Park 12,500 St. Anthony* 22,131 St. Bonifacius 8,274 St. Louis Park 312,471 Tonka Bay 8,000 Wayzata 30,446 Woodland 1,672 . TOTAL 3,432,162 Hennepin County 374,800 Total Allocation 3,806,962* * Includes $58,962 recaptured funds. . URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY Five Year Priority Needs Summary . - i,:'::i:i:iiii:::::::::::114:::::::::::::::~::i:~ li,::::i:i::::::::::::I':III:::i'::::::,::::,' ... ... . :::':::::'::::iiliil~::::~:::: :=::;:;=:=;:;::.:.::;=:.:::::::.:.;:;.;.:::.:::.;.;=:=;:;:;: Cost Burden > 30% H ig h H ig h Medium Cost Burden > 50% High Hig h Low Smal I S ubstandard High High Medium Related Overcrowded Mediu m Low Low Cost Burden > 30% Hig h H igh Mediu m Cost Burden > 50% High High Med ium Renter Large Substandard H igh H ig h Medium Related Overcrowded H igh H ig h Mediu m Cost Burden > 30% H igh Medium Low Cost B urden > 50% High Medium Low Elderly Su bstandard High H ig h Med ium Overcrowded Low Low Low Cost B u rden > 30% Mediu m Low Low Cost Bu rden > 50% H igh Med iu m Low Owner S ubstandard H igh H igh Medium Overcrowded Low Low Low j,:::jj:::j:j::l:fI,ml_~:'IIB:sllll:~:~II:III:~:jj~"~~:::~:: ii.jj:i::i.i::ii:ljl.i.::i:.i,:i~i,i'l:l:.:i::':i'i:::::.::~:~,:::,:j':ij,j::'i:iii'.ii.iii'iiii',':::::':"iiiiiii,i,i.:.:j':II~~llll'::lllli,iillll~ii.i,i'i::iiii.:iii::i'iji'iiijiiiiiiii:ii:i.i:i::jiji.iiii::i':~:,iil'iii:i.liii.ii,:i::i,jii:ii:iiiiiiiiiii::::I::!:!i:ii:i ........... ". . d. ... _. ..... _.. _ ... ...... ........ :;:;=;=;=;=;=;=:=;=;::.:::=:::.::;.;.:.:::::.;::::.:=;::.;.:=;::.;=:=;.::::::::;.;:;.::;::.:.;:;::.:.;:;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;::.;.:.;:;.;.::;:;.;.;:;=;=:.:::.;::.;.;.::;.:.:.;:;.;.;::::.;.:::=;=;:;:;:::::::;: i:i:"'::::::~:::i:,,::::.jjj::~:,~,::j'~:jj::::jjltll!~~':::jj:.':'~:'::':ij:,.j:::'l'::'~:'i:ii:l,iil:i:,'j"l,l:illi~ij,~~~lIijl~~',i,j:i:ii:iiii:i::I:i!~;I!~~i.11ill!ll.iil.i'iiil:.:::i,iii:ijiii!ili Assessment/Outreach Medium Mediu m Medium Emergency S helter H ig h Med ium Med ium Transitional Housi ng High H igh H ig h Permanent S u pportive Housi ng H igh H ig h H ig h Permane nt Ho us i ng H ig h H igh H ig h . . - - 1::1':"1111:::1111111:1:111111:1:111:1:::::::1:::::::1:::1:1:1:::1:::::::1::11:::1:::11:::::::,::::1::::::::::':::':'::::::::::::::::1::::.::1:::::::1:::::1::':::':::::':::::.::::::::1:::':1':::'1,1:::1' Senior Centers H ig h Youth Centers Medium Neig h borhood Facilities Med ium Child Care Centers Low Parks and/or Recreation Facilities Medium Health Facilities Low Parking Facilities Low Other Public Facilities Low ::..I:::"IFlllmlllll:~'lIIRIIIIII:::~'~':i:'~:::I::.:':'~ii'~':ii~:II.I:I:I:::::~::i~l~i~.:I:::::,:':':I~il:l::.i::::.:'~i~i:i:'::::~::'i::,:':::l::::::::::~' Solid Waste Disposal I mprovements Low Flood Drain I mprovements Low Water I mprovements Low Street I mprovements Low Sidewalk I mprovements Low Sewer I mprovements Low Asbestos Removal Low Other I nfrastructu re I mprovement Needs Low ........................................................................................................................................... ::::::.It1ame::.4S~V(B.g::Nilj~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::':::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::: ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................,.......... .. ..............................................................................,....................................................................... Sen ior Services H ig h H andicapped Services H igh Youth Services H ig h Transportation Services H ig h Substance Abuse Services Low Employment Train ing Low Crime Awareness Med iu m Fair Housing Counseling Medium TenanULand lord Cou nseling Med iu m Child Care Services H ig h Hea Ith Services Low . . - - Other Pu blic Service Needs Medium :1:::~::lli!.I!.I~II:illlll:~:::::::!:l::!j!:!::j!:!:j!!!jjj:!!!:::::::i:::::!:lj!:l!!jj::ji~::::ii::!lljlj::l:j::::::::l:~:jl:lj!:::::::::::~::::!j:j~:::::::~::::::lj:ji::::::i::::ljl.i!j:~::~~::::':::j!:!:ljj: H ig h :i::jll:.IIII::~I~IIIIJli:illlllllllll:i:.lj::::::~:::~:j!ll~!:::i::::~~::::~!'!~:~:~:::::~:::::::j Low 1:::~!::III~IIIJI_lli:IIII'-ll~:I_IIIIIIIi'.llllj:::::~:::::':~:'j:j::::::::' Low .::l:i::lillllll:::IIII_llli:lllll:::::i:i:i~i~l!!l!!l:::!:::::::::::!j::!:::::::i:::i:::!~::::::::i::~i:i:i::::~:::::::::::i::::::::::::::::i:i::~::::!::':: Commercial-I ndustrial Rehabilitation Medium Commercial-I nd ustrial I nfrastructure Med iu m Other Commercial-I ndustrial I mprovements Low Micro-B usiness Medium Other B usinesses Low Techn ical Assistance Low Other Economic Development Needs Med ium i:i:i~"IIII:.:I.III_I:I'IIIIIIIIIII..illlll:::~::':::~:::::::::i:i:i:i.i~I:::,:::::'..:.~I':.I:i~I~I~I::~.'1il:I:.:I:':: Energy Efficiency I mprovements Mediu m Lead Based Paint/Hazards H ig h Code Enforcement Med iu m .............................................................................................................................. ......... ....................................................................................................................................... : : :::::~:.gJliN~i~.:::::::::::::::::~:~!::::j~::::::::::::::.:.:~:::::.::::j.!..:::::::.:j:::::::~:::::::::.:~:~:::.:::::.:::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::~::::~:~:~:i:::::i:.::::::::::j::i:::.:i:::::::::.::~:..:.:::::.:::.:..: : : : : .. .. .. .. Med i u m .. .. ................ . Definina Need levels: The level of need is defined as follows: Hioh priority: Funding for these activities will be heavily pursued during the five year period. Medium priority: If funds are available, activities to address this need may be funded by the city during the five year period. low priority: The city will not fund activities to address this need during the five year period. No such need: The city finds there is no need or that this need has already been substantially addressed. . . . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the city of in cooperation with Hennepin County, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, is holding a public hearing on _' 1995, at p.m. in the The public hearing is on the housing and community development needs and priorities of the City and Urban Hennepin County and the City's proposed use of the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program planning allocation of $ In addition, during the July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 program year it is estimated that no additional or ($ (choose one)) program income from locally funded COBG activities will be available to the city. The city of is proposing to undertake the following activities with 1995 Urban Hennepin County COBG funds starting on or about July 1, 1995. Activity BudQet Subsequent increases or decreases in the community planning allocation or the budget of any funded activity by the greater of $10,000 or 50 percent of the activity budget or change in activity location, beneficiary, or purpose is considered a substantial change and pursuant to Urban Hennepin County policy will be subject to the amendment process. For additional information on the priorities, proposed activities, level of funding and program perfor- mance, contact the city of at or the Hennepin County Office of Planning & Development at 541-7080. The public hearing is being held pursuant to MS 471.59. Publhrng.not . . . RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of , through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of has developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it, and held a public hearing on , 1995 to obtain the views of citizens on local and Urban community development needs and priorities the City's from the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Hennepin County housing and proposed use of $ Development Block Grant. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of approves the following projects for funding from the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for review and inclusion in the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program. Proiect BudQet ADOPTED: the day of , 1995 By Its And Its ATTEST ResolutLfrm . . . 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COBG PROGRAM REQUEST FOR FUNDING (Use one form per project) A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Community: 2. Project Name: 3. Contact Person/ Phone No. B. PROJECT DATA 1. Funding Request $ 2. Is this request to fund an existing CDBG funded project? _Yes _No 3. Leveraged Funds: Amount $ Source (To what extent does project leverage additional public or private funds/firm commitment?) 4. Project Location: Address (Attach map.) Citywide 5. Project Description: (Describe the project in as much detail as possible and identify what, if any, alternative funding sources have been considered for this project) 6. Urban County Priorities: Using the list provided identify what priority(ies) the project will meet. (Note: If proposed project is a low Urban County priority you must explain why it has a higher priority in your community) . 7. Anticipated results/accomplishments project will have. (ie; number of persons/ households to be assisted/served, number of housing units to be rehabbed/built, etc.) 8. Implementation Schedule: (For the time period 7-1-95 to 12-31-96 identify the major project tasks to be performed and when they will occur) Task Date Month/ Date . 9. Budget: (Specify total project budget by major project component-Le., administration, planning, construction, acquisition, direct grants, public service.) BUDGET/SOURCE OF FUNDS Component CDBG Other (identify) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Project Budget $ $ Total Project Budget $ . Requfund.frm . . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the City of Chanhassen in cooperation with Hennepin Council, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, is holding a public hearing on Monday, February 27, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The public hearing is on the housing and community development needs and priorities of the City and Urban Hennepin County and the City's proposed use of the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program planning allocation of $50,196. In addition, during the July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 program year, it is estimated that no additional program income from locally funded CDBG activities will be available to the city. The City of Chanhassen is proposing to undertake the following activities with 1995 Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds starting on or about July 1, 1995. Activitv Budget Chanhassen Senior Center Operations $18,000 $ 2,500 South Shore Senior Center Chanhassen Accessibility Improvements $29,696 Subsequent increases or decreases in the community planning allocation or the budget or any funded activity by the greater of $10,000 or 50 percent of the activity budget or change in activity location, beneficiary, or purpose is considered a substantial change and pursuant to Urban Hennepin County policy will be subject to the amendment process. For additional information on the priorities, proposed activities, level of funding and program performance, contact the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 or the Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development at 541-7080. The public hearing is being held pursuant to MS 471.59. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP, Planning Director 937-1900, ext. 118 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on February 9, 1995.)