1995 04 21 . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDA Y, APRIL 21, 1995 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Agenda 1. Update on Senior Housing. 2. Visitors Presentation. 3. Update on the Chore Program and Senior Linkage Line (SLL). 4. Update on Senior Center Activities. 5. Update on AARP Chapter in the City of Chanhassen. 6. Senior Commission Comments. . Adiournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900 EXT. 120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. . aNNESOTA .H2RE C2 R PSSM INTRODUCING MINNESOTA CHORE CORPS Please allow us to introduce East Metro Minnesota Chore Corps, a demonstration project within the East Metro Seniors Agenda for Independent Living (SAIL) program. In addition to the East Metro Area, Chore Corps is currently being piloted in Carver County which is part of Mid-Minnesota SAIL. SAIL brings counties and the Area Agency together to conduct joint planning in order to assist older persons to remain independent. Chore Corps is specifically designed to develop additional service options for persons able to pay for services. It is an association of qualified providers offering services and products that people purchase at market rate. Chore Corps targets businesses and organizations not traditionally involved in the delivery of aging services for membership. In short, Chore Corps is a public/private partnership between government and the private sector. . Vendors are screened by Chore Corps staff and a local advisory committee appointed by East Metro SAIL. Vendors must maintain appropriate insurance and licenses and submit references. In addition, all vendors are required to attend a training program about working with the mature consumer and agree to abide by seven principles of behavior. Chore Corps is accessed through Senior Linkage Line. Based on an informal assessment Senior Linkage personnel refer callers to the Minnesota Chore Corps database or the Senior Linkage database. We are excited and encouraged by the enthusiastic response we are receiving from businesses, older persons and their families. We invite you to post the enclosed flyers introducing Chore Corps to potential users in your area. If you would like further information, please contact Minnesota Chore Corps at (612) 641-8612. RECEITVED East Metro Regional Office .0 University Av. W 5te.300 51. Paul, MN 55104 b17 6418612 Fax 641-8618 '......I!I'i Ln- C:}--i/\',.:r"i!, .)'::'.1"" Chore Corps Services 1-800-333-2433 . . . MRP f?fCEIVfO 1995 -- --~ ~ -~ -~~ ~ ~.".....- vi" C'"1 j ,; . '~.I:!\jl"1AI..:S'r- , "" I:. bJ Bringing lifetimes of experience and leadership to serve all generations. M. A. "Duke" Hewitt Volunteer Specialist - Chapter Organization 124 S.E. 5th Avenue St. Joseph, MN 56374 (612) 363-7462 Date: March 27, 1995 To: Shar min Al- Jaff, Planner City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, p, O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553117 From: M. "Duke" Hewitt v i-' Sharmin, I am enclosing a few brochures, 3 Great Reasons to join your local Chapter which might answer some of the questions posed by the Commission. I do appreciate the time and consideration you offered us on Friday, March 24th. If there are any questions that I can answer or any way that I can serve, don't hesitate to contact me. Enclosures: Press Release, stick-ups and Church and Community Bulletin suggestions if the Com mission decides to hold an organizational meeting. American Association of Retired Persons 601 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20049 (202) 434-2277 . Press Release i~nnouncing the Formation of a Nevi ~4ARP Chapter FOR 11.H,.lEDIATE RELEASE COr-.IT ACT: PHONE: (DAY) (DP.l TE) AARP CHAPTER NOlN FORlvlING . ~i:.~ ni€<€<ting ,.\1ill be tl€<ld [day and date J at [tit"ne J at tlie [location} to discuss organizing a. <Jiapter of tl1€< Am€<rican Asso(iatio!1r!1 of R€<tired P€<rs()rlS (AARP) in tile Cllanl1assen ar€<a. Everyone age 50 or <)lder is in\!ited tc. attend. AARP cliapters Off€<f tn€<mtiers opportunities for conununity leadersllip and volunteer service, as ,.yell as a chance to ni0€<t one anotller and atten(j culturE!.l an(1 otll€<r outings. Cllapters also help !)ro!iwte irnporta:t1t informati<)n on sueli tc,pics as llea.1tll care, financial security, consumer protection.. crir!1e prevention.. employment and retirenlent long-term care, and the special needs of c.lder persons and 111inorities. For rnore infonnati(in contact at (tel.) . .. 4\1A~m. Organizing in Chanhassen . Those interested in forming a Chapter of American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) in Chanhassen are urged to attend a meeting to consider such plans. Meeting Date At O.Clock Invite a friend to this meeting . . News Release: For Church and Community Bulletins AARP Chapter Organizing in Chanhassen Those interested in the organization of a Chapter of American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) are encouraged to attend a meeting to consider these plans for the Chanhassen Area. . The meeting will be held at on 1995 Invite a friend to attend this meeting with you. . . """.. ....1, " i ~,....--.......~~> ':;'. .,...'..... .. C Q.cs.O(j ..CO..OOO ..'ca.~OGO . . C { . . . .f"'"l, "'="> fe' .~ ~ .' '- ~ ~~. C..J\.._J ....._". "" ..JC ".~OQ QBO ..ec ..600 {;) 0 01 .. r'" ~. ... ,. F'l .no.' nr~ rl . ' ~ u ~ '0' ~f \..Y \.,,' ~~'.J' ....J '. /vteu: 3~fCf 'I;;' :at .a"~~~:~:/bf1 County.comrnit~~fUn{j$ to Senior Linf(~g~Line' By Kathy Nelson' "~efgr6\Jp"wantstheir own pro- . The Carver County Board" of gram. Severalofthe different referral Comm issioners approved a memoran- programs are link~d to grants that fund da of agreement and understanding for theiroperations~' : :_, . .. . . the Senior Linkage Line for 1995. \. ....epmmissionerUrsula[)imlersaid With Tuesday's approval came a com- 'she understood. the, Senior .Linkage mitmentto provide $1O,4620(coun- Line wanted to en'lelge as the largest ty monies.,. 'referraJsystem in the county; ",r: However, Commissioner Tracy." Bork mentioned some of the Iim- Swanson pointed out the county board .,itations facing the Linkage Line, pri-' needs to be sure the Linkage Line ismarily with staffing. A. call line for used by residents throughout ,the .help with abuse, for.example, would county. ". .'. ' , . create the need for professional staff, The Senior Linkage Line is a da- not volunteers, to field those calls. tabase for senior citizen services run 'Commissioner John Siegfried from the Chanhassen Senior. Center. asked about regional or joint resource Community Social Services Di- prograins thro!1ghout the metro area reCtor Gary Bork agreed with her th~tCaryerCountyc~uldgetinvolved comment. While the Linkage Line's, WIth: ..... .. ........ ' overall usage is up, users tend to be . .' ,B~r1("'saidsome' United Way or- those in or near the Chanhassen area. ganizations, along with Dakota Coun~ "When I met with them in Decem- ty, are working to set up some kind of ber, I told them we need to do more . combined database. Again; this type outreach in the rest of Carver Courity. of system not only requires a mainte- . I said I was very disappointed in the nance of the database.. ~utalso trained concentration of phone calls from one people who can access theinforma- community ... Our original intent, tion.,>: .;"~f~ ;"l', when We set itup,was for a county,. ",~;.Getting back to the Linkage Line wide project," Bork said" '.'-. specificalQ:, Swanson noted that it He added that the Linkage Line is does allow elderly residents or sons expected to give another report to the and daughters of elderly residents ac- county board in June. These. issues cess toinfolination/i}i'L.< 1"":' could be raised at that time as well. Bork said that giving information Swanson reiterated that the coun- tends to be the easierpartof the pro--- .. ty board should look seriouslfat how . cess, but following up anq helping the money. is used, making sure it is residents pursue the resources is a bit well spent.. , . harder. He said that more staff would There was also some discussion be needed to follow up with callers, about setting up a broader database helping them through the process and for several different groups in the making sure they repeive the resourc- county. Bork said that tYpic~II~,.each es they need, - / I ,'. r? ~vJJ' ~- \ ~ if ~~ . . r"-"~'"'-" ," ..... ..,.q I . ..' .r ~~UAL CARVER COUNTY . SENIOR CITIZENS' EXPO DA Y MAY 5,1995 ~ 8:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 501 West 78th 51. Chanhassen, Mn 55317 Features of the day: · Workshops & Demonstrations: · Keeping Yourself Safe In Your Home · Eat Well, Feel Good · The Civil War · Maintaining Your Independence · Walking for Fitness · Neighborhood Safety · Traveling Tips · Preparing Your Home For Sale · Looking for Work as a Senior · Comfortable Dressing for Spring · Stretch and Flex · Funeral Planning · A Sit-Down Lunch · Exhibits · Entertainment (CHAN-o-Iaiers - A Senior Chorus Dick Riese, Strolling Minstrel - Sponsored by: Carver Co. Community Education Dept. MN extension Service of Carver County City of Chaska Recreation Dept. Carver County Community Health Services Carver County Social Services Auburn Manor Rldgevlew Medical Center S.A.I.UChore Corps. Rldgevlew Medical Center Westvlew Acres Senior Linkage Line Carver Co. Senior Advlsorv Board · Door prizes f~lllI.lls.f.Ii.Qlf:t:f:::tt ~:~:::j;~~i:i~bljEI~~II.g:il:~:i:M:~ ::::::I:::~:~I:i:ii::~:iii::iiiii;:~::~;ii:::::;it:j;;iii::!!::;~~iii{.!~i:::;!~:~:t Return the registration form together with your fee to one of the following Community Education Departments: District #110 Community Ed. District #112 Community Ed. 24 South Walnut St. 110600 Village Road Waconia, MN 55387 Chaska, MN 55318 442-6610 368-3688 District #108 Community Ed. District #111 Community Ed. B~3~ B~938 Norwood, MN 55368 Watertown, MN 55388 (Care-givers are welcome to attend I) 467-2609 955-0208 .......................................... = Name Phone Number = I Address City Zip I tl - Yes, I WIll be attending the Senior Expo Day ($10 enclosed) : I need transportation For more information = I = * I require C.A.R.T. handicapped transportation Call 442-6610, 368-3688, I * I live in Chaska or Chanhassen and will call 467-2609 or 955-0208 I - Dial-A-Ride for transportation-944-7126 I .1 * You must pay an additional cost C.A.R.T. and Dial-A-Ride. .1 ........................................ Registration is limited to the first 200 people who register! Make checks payable to Community Ed.