PRC 1996 06 25Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
June 25, 1996
At 7 p.m. members met at city hall to depart for the site visits of Villages on the Pond and Prairie
Knoll Park.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairwoman Lash. Members present:
Fred Berg, Ron Roeser, Frank Scott, Jan Lash, Jane Meger, Jim Manders, Mike Howe. Staff
present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor; Jerry
Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; Sonja Rippe, Park & Recreation Intern, Erik Donnelly,
Facilities Supervisor.
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
Public Announcements: None
Visitor Presentations:
David and Mary Dezellar, 1731 Woodduck Lane, Excelsior, MN 55331, Pheasant Hill
Park: Mr. & Mrs. Dezellar discussed with the commission their concerns regarding parking
and traffic on Woodduck Lane. At the conclusion of this discussion, the Park & Recreation
Commission recommended staff' forward the issue to the Public Safety Commission for
Robert Schnesse, 641 Lake Susan Hills Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Prairie Knoll
Park: Mr. Sclmesse discussed with the commission his neighborhood's continued interest in
seeing Prairie Knoll Park developed. The commission determined that it would consider the
purchase of playground equipment in 1997 and directed staff'to grade and seed the flat area
within the park site to accommodate a future play structure.
Approval of Minutes: Commission Scott moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to approve the
summary minutes of May 21, 1996 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Eagle Scout Project, Mike Bott, 7490 Tulip Court, Chanhassen, MN 55317,
Construction of Foot Bridge at Curry Farms Park: Mike Bott was present and gave an
overview of his proposed Eagle Scout project. Upon completing their discussion, Commissioner
Roeser moved and Commission Berg seconded the approval of the foot bridge project at Curry
Farms Park as a 1996 Eagle Scout project to be performed by Mr. Bott.
Proposal to Designate Field No. 4 at Lake Ann Park as Lions Field: The proposal includes
the following points:
· Field No. 4 will be designated "Lions Field."
· The field will be lighted.
· Spectator seating will be enhanced.
· An entrance monument and "Lions Field" sign will be installed.
The Lions Club will contribute $100,000 towards these improvements. (Note: The
contribution of the $100,000 would be staged over a defined period of time and would be
contingent upon continuation of charitable gambling.)
Upon conclusion of discussion, Commissioner Meger moved and Commissioner Scott seconded
to accept the proposal to designate Field No. 4 as Lions Field and to recommend the city council
accept the $100,000 contribution from the Chanhassen Lions Club and transfer $30,000
designated for contingency items at the Chanhassen Recreation Center to the Lake Ann Park
Ballfield Lighting Project. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Consider Proposal from Minnesota's Magic Midway, Inc., 4"' of July Celebration: A report
was presented to the commission. Mr. Skip Reinke of Minnesota Midway was not present. The
commission tabled any action.
Old Business
Townhomes at Creel{side, Conceptual and Preliminary Planned Unit Development
Approval for a Medium Density Residential Development on 7.03 Acres; Rezoning of
Property from A2, Agricultural Estate to PUD-R; Preliminary Plat of 24 Lots and 10utlot
and Associated Right-of-Way; Site Plan Approval for 24 Townhome Units; and a
Conditional Use Permit for Excavating and Filling with the Flood Plain: Upon concluding
their discussion, Commissioner Meger moved to recommend the city council require the
following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for the Townhomes at Creekside plat:
Add conditions
Commissioner Roeser seconded and all voted in favor and the motion carried.
Annual Review, Use of Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit Route as a Snowmobile
Trail: Members of the Chanhassen Snowmobile Club were present. Upon concluding
discussion, Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to recommend no
changes in the operation of the Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit route as a snowmobile
trail. This used to be governed by a 30 mph speed limit and an 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., 7 day per
week curfew.
Program Reports: The following program reports were presented: Youth programs, adult
programs, senior programs, 1996 Centennial and 4th of July Celebration.
Administrative Presentations: The following administrative presentations were made:
· Lifeguard Olympics at Lake Ann Park: Commissioner Roeser moved to approve the event
at Lake Ann Park. Commissioner Manders seconded and all voted in favor and the motion
· 1997 Budget Preparation.
· Director's Report.
Recreation Center Revenue Report
Commission Member Reports: Commissioner Berg inquired about the operation of the batting
cage at Lake Ann Park. He inquired about the potential of installing historic messages and
information concerning road names and points of interest on street signs within the City of
Chanhassen similar to a program operated in Concord, MA. Director Hoffman to contact
Concord, MA and report back to the commission.
Commission Lash moved, Commissioner Meger seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting
was adjourned.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director