PRC 1996 02 27Park & Recreation Commission Minutes Regular Meeting February 27, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Andrews. Members present: Ron Roeser, Jim Andrews, Frank Scott, Jane Meger, Jan Lash and Jim Manders. Members absent: Fred Berg. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Jerry Ruegemer. Visitors: Scott Molencamp, 8137 Dakota Lane, Chanhassen Mike Korth, 6971 Nez Perce Dr., Chanhassen Jack Jensen, 8480 Pelican Court, Chanhassen Public Announcements: None Visitor Presentations: Scott Molencamp, Jack Jensen, Mike Korth and Jim Andrews spoke to the commission regarding the need for additional athletic fields within the City of Chanhassen. Additional discussion revolving around this topic occurred during the review of Item 7, Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project and Item No. 12B, Revised Field Reservation and Distribution Policy. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of January 3, 1996 were approved as presented. At this point in the meeting, showing respect for the visitors present, the commission elected to move Item 7, Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project, Barton-Aschman and Associates and Holden and Associates to the beginning of the agenda. Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project, Barton-Asclunan and Associates and Holden and Associates: Following the discussion of this item, the commission confirmed that it is their desire to light both fields 5 and 6 at Lake Ann Park. To accomplish this, the commission asked that a report detailing potential sources of additional funding be brought back to them at their March meeting. Potential sources of funding discussed included the Chanhassen Athletic Association, the Victoria and Chanhassen Lions, the Chanhassen American Legion, and the commission's reserve fund. Request for preliminary plat approval to replat 39.17 acres into 4 lots; Site plan approval for two 74,077 sq. ft. and a 92,770 sq. ft. office industrial buildings and a vacation of a drainage easement on property zoned lOP, Industrial Office Park and located south of Highway 5, west of Dell Road and south of Lake Drive East; First Industrial, L.P., Chanhassen Pointe Business Center: A motion was made by Commissioner Roeser and seconded by Commissioner Scott to collect full park and trail dedication fees per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Motion unanimously approved. Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 4.45 acres into 9 single family lots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located to the east of Highway 41 and adjacent to Melody Hill Road, Melody Hills, Springbrook Corporation: A motion was made by Commissioner Lash and seconded by Commissioner Meger to accept full park and trail fees Park & Recreation Commission Minutes February 27, 1996 Page 2 for 8 lots (the existing home is exempt) per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Motion unanimously approved. Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 11.8 acres into 23 single family lots located on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located west of Stratford Ridge and north of The Oaks of Minnewashta, Oak Ridge of Minnewashta, Greg Hahn: A motion was made by Commissioner Lash and seconded by Commissioner Andrews to accept full park and trail fees for 22 lots (the existing house is exempt) per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Motion unanimously approved. Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 1.6 acres into 3 single family lots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located on Orchard Lane, Linqulst Addition, Steve Linqulst: A motion was made by Commissioner Andrews and seconded by Commissioner Scott to accept full park and trail fees for 2 lots (the existing house is exempt) per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Motion unanimously approved. Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 1.22 acres into 3 single family lots located on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 8508 Great Plains Boulevard, Slather Addition, Ted Slather: A motion was made by Commissioner Andrews and seconded by Commissioner Meger to accept full park and trail fees for 2 lots (the existing dwelling is exempt) per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Motion unanimously approved. City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Expansion; Matching Funds, Chanhassen Elementary Parent Organization: Following discussion of this item, Commissioner Lash recommended that the city council designate up to $7,500 in matching funds for the purchase of a Phase II playground expansion at the Chanhassen Elementary/City Center Park west playground. These dollars to be drawn from Fund 410, Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Reserve established for this purpose. By this action, the council shall amend the 1996 Park & Trail Acquisition and Development Budget to include this expenditure. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrews. All voted in favor. Pauly's Building: The commission discussed the potential reuse of the Pauly's building as a youth center as a follow up to a visitor presentation by Mayor Chmiel on January 23, 1996. It was the commission's opinion that in the absence of a concerted effort by the youth themselves to facilitate such a center, the city would have a difficult time facilitating this program. The commission directed staff to continue investigating potential backers for the project. At this point in the agenda, the Commission moved to Item 12b. Revised Field Reservation and Distribution Policy: The commission participated in a lengthy discussion and conversation with members of the audience regarding this subject. At the conclusion of this conversation, the commission directed staff to apply a variety of test cases to Park & Recreation Commission Minutes February 27, 1996 Page 3 the revised field reservation and distribution policy presented to them that evening. Following this research, the commission requested a follow up report at their March meeting. Five Year Capital Improvement Program: The commission made a variety of amendments to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program after which Commissioner Andrews moved and Commissioner Scott seconded to recommend that it be forwarded to city council for approval as drafted. Motion unanimously approved. Program Reports: Daddy/Daughter Date Night February Festival: Commissioners suggested additional events such as a medallion hunt, ice sculpture, and touch football be considered for next year's event. Recreation Center - January report. The Hi-Tops: Commissioner Lash moved, Commissioner Andrews seconded to approve the contract with the Hi-Tops for the 1996 Fourth of July Celebration with the following amendment: Any rain out of the entertainment be moved to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Director's Report. Commission Member Presentations: The commission requested that a Lake Ann Park batting cage operational plan be presented to them at a future meeting. Reports on the Bluff Creek Task Force and the Park Referendum Task Force were presented by Commissioner Meger and Commissioner Manders, respectively. Commissioner Andrews asked that a report detailing the potential government grants which are made available to municipal organizations be presented to the commission at a future meeting. Adjourmnent: Commissioner Meger moved and Commissioner Roeser seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director Park & Recreation Commission Minutes February 27, 1996 Page 4