MARCH 26, 1996
Park & Recreation Commission Interviews--5:45 p.m: Park and Recreation Commission
candidate interviews were conducted. The following candidates were interviewed: Joni Nelson,
8610 Valley View Court; Richard Corwine, 7600 Erie Avenue; Michael Howe, 2169 Stone Creek
Drive; Jay Matrani, 7150 Derby Drive; John Rowan, 407 Cimarron Circle. At the conclusion of
the interviews, Commissioners Andrews, Berg and Scott recommended that Commissioners Lash
and Roeser be reappointed to their positions, and that Michael Howe, 2169 Stone Creek Drive, be
appointed to the vacant position. Richard Corwine and Joni Nelson are also considered worthy of
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman Andrews. Members present:
Ron Roeser, Jim Andrews, Frank Scott, and Jan Lash. Members absent: Jim Manders and Jane
Meger. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Amy Sievers, and Kong Hwong.
Scott Mollencamp, 8137 Dakota Lane, Chanhassen
Chris Polster, 8020 Hidden Court, Chanhassen
Approval of Agenda
Public Announcements - None
Visitor Presentations - None
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Commissioner Scott and seconded by
Commissioner Berg to approve the minutes of the February 27, 1996 meeting. All voted in favor.
New Business
Report from Ballmeisters, Chris Polster: Chris Polster, 8020 Hidden Court, Chanhassen
requested that the commission authorize the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department to act on
the behalf of Ballmeisters Athletic Development Corporation to secure gym times from School
District 112. At the conclusion of this discussion, a motion was made by Berg and seconded by
Andrews that the commission formally authorize the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department
to act on behalf of Ballmeisters Athletic Development Corporation in trying to secure gym times
from School District 112. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Election of Commission Representative, Strategic Plan: Commissioner Scott indicated that he
would be available on April 16. Staff is inquiring with Commissioner Manders and Berg
regarding April 2.
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
March 26, 1996
Page 2
Make Recommendation to City Council, Park & Recreation Commission Appointments:
This item was discussed and a recommendation made upon conclusion of candidate interviews.
Revised Facility Reservation and Distribution Policy: Upon presentation to the Commission,
Commissioner Andrews moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to approve the policy and ask
that it be reviewed on an annual basis.
Program Reports: Reports on youth, adult and senior programs were presented to the
Administrative reports were given on:
The recent Lion's Club donation of $15,000;
City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Expansion;
Matching Funds, Chanhassen Elementary Parent Organization.
Lake Ann Park Batting Cage Operational Plan.
Selection of 1996 Fourth of July Celebration Fireworks Vendor: Commissioner
Andrews moved, seconded by Commissioner Lash to recommend Banner
Fireworks as the vendor of the 1996 Fourth of July Celebration fireworks display.
Introduction of newly hired Recreation Supervisor.
Commission members made the following presentations:
Ron Roeser - Centennial Committee
Frank Scott - Park Referendum Task Force
Fred Berg - District 112 Community Education Advisory Commission
The Commission also asked that staff forward a letter to Lundgren Brothers Construction
regarding the future lighting of Bandimere Community Park.
Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Scott seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director