PRC 2009 05 27
MAY 27, 2009
Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Jeff Daniel, Glenn Stolar, Steve Scharfenberg, Scott Wendt, Thor
Smith and Elise Ryan
Tom Kelly
Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
APPROVAL OF AGENDA:Stolar moved, Wendt seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Stolar moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the
verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated
April 28, 2009 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a
vote of 6 to 0.
Daniel: Discuss the findings of the project tour that we just got done doing with Todd, which is
fantastic. I think as you said Todd, it gave us a great idea as far as what we can look forward to
in the future. What are some of the things that are going on right now with this year’s funding
for our CIP, as well as touring the new school which will be I think just a tremendous asset for
this community. I mean not only the school itself but the athletic facilities from a recreation
standpoint. It’s just unbelievable so is there anything more that you want to talk about with
regards to our tour today?
Hoffman: For the record so we have our comments down, I would suggest we just go through
and do kind of a rapid fire round. So start with the four different projects and just ask if
individual commissioners in that, both Commissioner Scharfenberg and Ryan can also talk about
those particular projects. We have the maps. They’re in order. We looked at the, first of all we
looked at Pleasant View Road just as kind of setting the stage. You know where can you in the
community build a trail and where is it just really not possible and for those of you familiar with
Pleasant View, it is on our comprehensive trail map. People talk about it, but there are many
issues to be dealt with on Pleasant View Road really before an 8 foot, or a 10 foot off street trail
gets built so we drove that on the way to 101. The extension of 101. Then we transferred down
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
to the south half of the city. Pioneer Trail. Bluff Creek. We stopped at the high school site. We
took a look at a section of trail recently completed, excuse me on West 82 or on 82 Street,
and then we ended up at the Lifetime/Arboretum trail so Chair Daniels if you would just go
through. Call for rapid fire comments from all the members and we’ll get those in the record.
Daniel: Absolutely. Well I think the first project obviously we want to take a look at is
Highway 101 and the Pleasant View Road trail segment. I think we’ve pushed that out, Todd is
that in next year’s CIP plan?
Hoffman: That is not.
Daniel: It is not.
Stolar: It was pushed beyond.
Daniel: Pushed out even further, okay. I guess for the comment that I have a quick question,
while it’s on my mind. I thought the original budget was from Pleasant View to Vine Hill. Now
and I see another extension that goes off from that little, where it S turns and it crosses Pleasant
View and then goes along Pleasant View for about 1,000 feet or so. Then goes up 101. Is that,
was that the initial, is that what the budget will cover or is that additional?
Hoffman: The initial estimate was for just the 101 section.
Daniel: Okay.
Hoffman: The same group, Brauer Associate that is doing these schematics will be coming up
with some harder estimates and we contracted with Brauer to do that preliminary work so you
could do better budgeting so I don’t have the answer for you today but it will be coming here in
the next month or so.
Daniel: Okay. Any other comments? Elise.
Ryan: I do not.
Daniel: Thor.
Smith: Not at this time.
Daniel: Glenn.
Stolar: Nope.
Daniel: Steve.
Scharfenberg: No.
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Daniel: Scott.
Wendt: No. Just great to see it for looking down the road. It was a good tour.
Daniel: Okay. Excellent. Well I think it will give us a better idea when we have a final, more
serious discussion maybe even next year in the CIP because there has been a tendency on any of
these projects, whether it be Pioneer. Obviously Pleasant View, I know the one we have for the
Pleasant View to the 101 trail, I think each year as we analyze these, I think it will give everyone
a better idea as far as what we’re having a discussion on. Moving on to Pioneer. I think we’ve
had a lot of discussion on this, as far as prioritization. I guess we’ll start with Steve. Is there
anything more since, any other questions that you may have on this?
Scharfenberg: Well it’s a section that ultimately you’d like to see done. To complete that loop
because there’s going to be people coming down Powers now that could go left along Pioneer
and get all the way up to take to 101 and go to the LRT. You can go right now, but I think
people eventually are going to want to go left but I don’t just, I don’t see it as a big priority at
this point to get that section built. It’s something, it would be nice if you can get it done but I
don’t think it’s a high priority.
Daniel: Okay. Scott.
Wendt: No. It’s easy to see what will be down the road but, like we talked about on the tour a
little bit, you can ride on the shoulder. People do that quite a bit now.
Hoffman: That’s a good note. Steve if you want to take a look at that. There is a white line and
about a 6, 4 to 6 foot shoulder there so.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Hoffman: So people who want to make that, especially by bike but also by jogging can do that
Daniel: Glenn.
Stolar: No comment.
Daniel: Thor.
Smith: Just to reiterate what Steve said. I agree that it would be a nice trail to have but
something that is probably not going to take place for quite a while.
Daniel: Great. Elise, anything you’d like to add?
Ryan: I’m good.
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Daniel: Okay. Moving on to the Bluff Creek trail, and I think this is one that next year Todd
correct is going to be, is currently planned for CIP? In our CIP budget.
Hoffman: Yes.
Daniel: Elise, I’ll start with you. I think one thing to comment on this, are you familiar with this
particular section of road?
Ryan: I am, yes. Yep.
Daniel: Yeah this is, I think as Todd pointed out, something that is a necessity both from a
safety standpoint. I think that’s one of the reasons why we prioritized it in our last meeting. In
our last CIP meeting. And number two, it will give us another direction access route into the
LRT. Really at the end of the LRT which is, I think will be very beneficial for the community
down here so, especially on the south side of the city. And so I’ll start with you Elise. Any
comments on this?
Ryan: No, again just getting familiar with all of it.
Daniel: Thor.
Smith: I think it’s going to be great to have it connected to the LRT. And nothing else. Just to
make it safer on that road. It’s very treacherous for pedestrians and bicycles.
Daniel: Glenn.
Stolar: Yeah, to echo Thor’s comments. To me the big thing is the safety now and by
connecting it to the LRT you now get quite a bit of access to there so it will be, I think this is an
important one.
Daniel: Yep. Scott.
Wendt: Yeah, just getting down there again kind of confirmed in my mind it was a good move
that we left it where it was.
Daniel: Steve.
Scharfenberg: No.
Daniel: Okay, excellent. And again I think Todd, you know to this in the CIP, at what point do
we start getting, getting the design firm and everyone involved with regards to plans for this
because I assume that we’re getting close to that.
Hoffman: Well next month you’ll be reviewing some cost estimates and starting back in in the
2010 CIP budgeting process so we’ll start that whole prioritization list again and you’ll see those
cost estimates from Brauer as a part of that report.
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Daniel: Okay, and once the cost estimates are finalized we’ll make the recommendation to the
City, to the council and the council can make approval for it.
Hoffman: Yep.
Daniel: Okay, great. Alright and finally it looks like we have here the proposal along Highway
5. This is the Arboretum section of the trail which we didn’t, unfortunately kind of ran out of
time on our tour but nonetheless we’re very familiar. I think the benefits of this particular
section of road and what it will provide both connecting from Century Boulevard out to Highway
5. Or out to Highway 41 along Highway 5. And then from there connecting to the Arboretum.
Scharfenberg: That used to, actually Chairman Daniels. Could I just get some clarification on
the map?
Daniel: Sure.
Scharfenberg: What segments 1, 2 and 3 represent.
Hoffman: Sure. At the top it starts at the entrance to the Arboretum in the upper left hand side.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Daniel: Going from west to east.
Hoffman: Yep. Kind of real squiggly going through the Arboretum, and that’s by design that as
this trail leaves the intersection of 5 and 41 and starts to enter the Arboretum, the designers
envision that you start to feel like you’re in the Arboretum instead of just being right in the ditch
so, and for the benefit of all, staff has met twice with the Arboretum and this design and we’ve
met and on the phone, or talked on the phone. Met in person and then we sent this plan to both
the Arboretum and Lifetime Fitness. We met with the engineers at Lifetime Fitness. They
overlaid the section of trail which is at the bottom on Lifetime’s section. The bottom piece in
front of Lifetime. They want to make some adjustments. We concur. As you see it there today
it really goes through a lot of their existing landscaping to try to bring some curves into the trail
but we’re going to keep it down lower. They’re all in favor of the trail. They support it. They
would like to have two connections into their property. One at the north building and one at the
future, or one at the west building and one at the future east building. And then the middle
section picks up, I don’t have a copy in front of me but I think it’s halfway between the two. Are
you following me Steve?
Scharfenberg: Yeah. Yep, I’ve got it.
Hoffman: So Lifetime people are in support. The Arboretum is in support and both, Pete Moe
who is the Director of Operations at the Arboretum and their intern director are fully supportive
so, they’re already sending those up to the Board of Regents for an initial discussion and then
we’re also we’re getting the Arboretum…out on the west side and north parkway so. They
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envision this as a regional trail section through the Arboretum. From Minnewashta Parkway
with an underpass, through the Arboretum, back out onto Highway 5.
Scharfenberg: So would this, Todd would there be some safety issues at 41 where they would do
some things with the lights like, what I’m thinking of is you know a lot of the intersections now
here at 5 have the, you know it times it out 1, 2, 3, 4 so people cross it. Would we do something
like that at that intersection?
Hoffman: Yeah, the City pays for that. We would probably do that as a part of the project. So
those timed lights on the state highway are paid for by the city. We would incorporate those at
that time.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Stolar: I can’t remember Todd, does 41 have the trail going north from 5 then?
Hoffman: Yes it does.
Stolar: And so they would cross two ways of the street because it’s on the east side, right?
Hoffman: It’s on the east side.
Stolar: Right. So they would have to just cross twice to get to that trail then too if they wanted
to go off.
Hoffman: Yep. If they’re coming from the north they would cross Highway 5 and then cross.
Stolar: Cross 41, yeah. Okay.
Daniel: Scott.
Wendt: No comments.
Daniel: Okay. Thor.
Smith: No comments.
Daniel: Glenn back to you. Anything?
Stolar: No.
Daniel: Elise.
Ryan: No comments.
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Daniel: The only question I have Todd is what would be the probability of applying for an
underpass when they reconstruct 41 there? At 41 and 5. I assume that they’re going to be
changing that intersection. I mean when they level that out and when there’s construction at 41.
On the south side. Would that make sense at any point to consider applying for an underpass to
avoid, you know to avoid at least the south side residents as they have to you know cross. At
least you only have one section you really could focus on crossing.
Hoffman: That’d be a great idea. Initially I think it might be a little short with grade but we’d
have to take a look at that. You could bury it in from one side on the other side.
Daniel: I mean if they had to dig it up anyway so.
Hoffman: Much more pleasant to cross underneath than.
Daniel: And that’s exactly my point, especially those at Lifetime. Maybe one continual pass as
far as part of the exercise routine and maybe it might be something they might be interested in
help funding or contributing to along with the Arboretum too.
Hoffman: When we talked to Lifetime they were excited for really three big reasons. Their
patrons or their customers would utilize it on a daily basis. Their corporate people would use it
for lunch time, after work, before work, and then their employees want that live in the Lake
Minnewashta area and Victoria area, want to get to work by bicycle and right now it’s
challenging so they see it for transportation, recreation, for their business. They couldn’t have
been more pleased and it was a good reception to receive. Sometimes you, you know they say
we’re not interested. We don’t want to wreck our berm. We don’t want people on our property
and the Arboretum, they had a real change in philosophy. They said this is our culture. People
are coming to us and telling us that they love the Arboretum but we hate that we have to drive
our vehicle onto the property every time we want to come and visit, and they believe that their
patrons, their customers, their members are willing to bike 10, 15, 20 miles to the Arboretum to
experience the Arboretum because of the fact that yes, they don’t want to take their car every
time they go to the Arboretum.
Stolar: When we do this, eventually couldn’t you get all the way to the LRT then? Would this,
if you go through all the trails could you get, Bluff Creek and this one.
Hoffman: Yep.
Stolar: If you get Bluff Creek and this one, someone could actually come from Hopkins and go
to the Arboretum.
Hoffman: One missing piece is on, once you go up Minnewashta Parkway, you hit Highway 7.
You would have to cross at grade there and then you’re on Church Road to.
Daniel: Yep, and then once you cross Church Road it’s just 2 blocks down. There’s the LRT.
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Hoffman: Yep, but what we want to do there is finish the trail on the south side of Highway 7.
There’s a section between the LRT bridge that goes under Highway 7, the culvert. Then loop
that back in the south side of the ditch back to Minnewashta Parkway. Then you can come
underpass, onto the trail. Underpass at the Arboretum. Through the Arboretum. All the way
under Bluff Creek. Down Bluff Creek where we just were and onto the south LRT. If you
would build this section of Bluff Creek, and that starts.
Stolar: That’s an amazing.
Daniel: Is that Chanhassen’s property though or is that Victoria’s?
Hoffman: It’s an interesting intersection. Minnewashta Parkway is in the city of Victoria. The
City of Chanhassen initiates and champions much of the improvements there because of our
residential nature up and along the parkway, so we’ve met with Victoria on three occasions now.
The church is in favor of it. The church on the corner of Minnewashta Parkway and Highway 5.
We’re starting the appraisal process on their property. The underpass will take a chunk of their
property to plunge it underneath Highway 5 at that point. The Arboretum is willing to give up a
significant portion of property on the south side to allow for the underpass to come out on their
side. And then for the interim you would travel on that gravel road which formerly was
Highway 5.
Daniel: Yep.
Hoffman: The gravel road that goes through their property. And then you come into the
Arboretum. And then they’re willing to take on their master planning process once we deliver
those two sections and start to incorporate their trail system through their property so people can
either choose, okay am I going to the Arboretum? Am I going up to a bike rack or am I going to
go through and they’ll plan for both of those type of movements through the Arboretum.
Daniel: Okay, excellent.
Stolar: So in these designs are we going to have a picture on some point, I can’t remember if
that was in the 2030 comprehensive plan. Is it in there that it shows all the?
Hoffman: It’s in there. It’s small but we can compliment that. Refine it a little bit and bring it
into your June meeting.
Daniel: Jumping ahead here Todd, is it from along Highway 7 from Minnewashta Parkway to
the LRT? Is that Chanhassen or Victoria?
Hoffman: That is, Chanhassen, you can see up on the top side. Mostly all Chanhassen.
Daniel: Oh, okay. We have about 100 yards of Victoria and that’s about it.
Hoffman: Yep, and then you’ve got a chunk down in Victoria.
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Daniel: Yep.
Hoffman: We go to the church, so the big white square there on the south side is that church that
sits and then you would have to continue on into Victoria.
Daniel: Ah it’s only 200 feet. Not even.
Scharfenberg: So Todd, just you had mentioned that Board of Regents has to what give approval
for this?
Hoffman: Well they’ll be involved primarily when the transportation enhancement grant goes
out to the feds, they want to make sure that all the governing bodies are on board. City Councils.
Board of Regents. Carver County Board of Commissioners and so the letter of approval, the
letter of support will be coming from the Board of Regents so staff is just starting to bring in the
conversation so when the time comes for the letters of support they’re writing.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Daniel: Want to have any discussions on today’s meeting at all? Or these visits. The high
school as well, absolutely.
Hoffman: Stopped at the high school fields.
Daniel: And you said that they had to ship the field back. Or the turf back to Texas. They re-lay
it out?
Hoffman: Back to Georgia. The heat will stretch it. Because it sat here all winter and shrank.
Scharfenberg: For the practice field?
Hoffman: For the stadium field.
Scharfenberg: For the stadium field.
Stolar: …field had it’s turf out.
Hoffman: Yeah they did. Most of it down so it was in place and then also an update. The, all
the fields had not been planned to include soccer lines and as a part of our agreement for our
contribution of $600,000 for the high school, the stipulation agreement said if, when the fields
are built per the plan, which included soccer, then our $600,000 so we contacted the school
district and what they had done is a coaching meeting and talked about okay, well what do we
want to put here on these fields from a school viewpoint? But if we opened up those 3 fields at a
community level, Jerry and I had this conversation, and the soccer clubs went out and looked at
the property, they’d be scratching their heads saying well where are our lines? Where is our
access to these fields? So there’ll be 4 sets of lines. Football will be white. Boys and girls
Lacrosse will be yellow and blue and soccer will be black, and those lines are all sewn into that
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
artificial turf. And so the stadium field and the 2 practice fields will be all lines for all those
different activities. And Jerry brought up a good point when we were talking about the stadium
field is the only one with lights so if you’re going to have some kind of a soccer, got any events
in the evening or a tournament you’re going to need those lighted stadium fields. And obviously
playing in the stadium field is going to be very unique. Special. Fun for community groups as
well as school groups when you can get them onto that field, and there’s no reason not to use it
because it’s artificial turf. That’s what it’s goal for. It’s for continuous use throughout the
season and throughout the different sport seasons.
Daniel: Just like Minnetonka does with their main field. I mean that thing is used year round so.
Excellent. Is there anything else Todd you’d like to cover?
Stolar: A quick question. Are they going to have a dome on the field?
Hoffman: No dome. No plans for a dome.
Stolar: But it’s compatible for one if they need it later or?
Hoffman: No. Not necessarily. It was never planned or initiated so there would probably be a
multitude of design issues that would not be met.
Stolar: I know this is a bad time to be asking it but I just thought about it because you were
saying out at Minnetonka and they use it year round because they have a bubble on there and you
know throughout the winter, it’s used.
Hoffman: Yeah. No bubble here.
Stolar: Alright.
Daniel: That’d be ideal. Alright, let’s move onto reports.
Ruegemer: Thank you Chair Daniels. Lake Ann is really heating up with activity out there as
many of the commissioners saw tonight as we were kind of going past Lake Ann on Highway 5.
There’s, all the ball fields are being used on a daily basis from soccer to softball to baseball.
Lights are working out great out there. There’s a lot of activity out there. Games are starting at
5:30 and going all the way through, a lot of times til 10:00 at night so great number of
participants and residents really getting a lot of use. Not only at Lake Ann but also all around to
our park system. Pretty much every field that is a ball field in town is being scheduled right now
for baseball, soccer, softball, lacrosse, all of the above so it’s been extremely busy in our office
with everything kind of getting going for the summer. From the Lake Ann concession building
operation, boat rental opened up last weekend. So we were open. I had a nice weather wise
weekend for Memorial Day so it’s kind of a nice way to kind of kick off the summer. We’ll be
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open up weekends this coming weekend and then after this weekend we’ll be open up 7 days a
week for the rest of the summer til August 16. For that. We’ll be open up currently at 11:00 to
7:00, which is our normal hours of operation out there. The concession building. And that will
also then be the lifeguard hours out there on a daily basis so we’ll coordinate again with the
lifeguards too with our concession staff to open up and close bathrooms on a daily basis out there
for that so it will work out really good. Picnics have been very busy and…is starting to get into
it. We’re coming upon our graduation season. A lot of people are really starting to you know
find our park systems very compatible for doing graduation parties so people are kind of getting
out of their houses and doing multiple family graduations so 2, 3, 4, 5 families are doing it all at
one time at Lake Susan or Lake Ann. At Hilltop. That sort of thing and just kind of a constant
stream of people coming through a portion of the day so that’s been extremely popular for
graduation parties. They already started last weekend for grad parties and will go through, well
roughly about the second or third week in June when we kind of wrap up with that. A lot of
companies coming back for picnics. I think the largest one we have right now is scheduled for
Hilltop and that’s in that 300 to 400 range for employees coming up here so Hilltop is really
starting to kind of pick up steam for popularity for getting up there. People are really starting to
kind of figure that it’s up there so it’s becoming extremely popular with that. So daily basis it’s
emails, it’s phone calls. A lot of activity with that and a lot of demand for that so. Then again
the commission was involved with the beach contract. That ultimately did actually get approved
by City Council. We will be opening up the beach on, officially with lifeguards on June 13. If
the residents or other people are certainly that use the beach prior to the lifeguards, they’re
certainly welcome to do that now but it just means that would happen. People are already
starting to find their way and migrate down to the beach already since it has been kind of getting
nice and a lot of activities starting to really pick up there and as soon as school gets out too, it
will be extremely popular down there so, just a lot of activity out there and looking, really
looking forward to another great season. It’s a great park and I’m just thrilled to be a part of it
and scheduling and you know going out there on a daily basis. It’s a wonderful park that we
have in our system.
Scharfenberg: What’s the lake temperature right now?
Ruegemer: Well I know it’s about mid 60’s I would think probably right about right now. 64,
65. And it’s increasing every day.
Hoffman: Fine for a brisk swim.
Ruegemer: I know my kids were tubing last weekend so. I did not but they did.
Daniel: Oh I had nephews of mine swimming out at Big Stone and God bless their hearts. I still
had waders on fixing the docks and that was up to my knees.
Ruegemer: I’m sure we’ll get out this weekend.
Daniel: Alright, any questions for Jerry on the summer schedule, summer plans with regards to
the shelters or Lake Ann?
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Stolar: Just one question on the shelters. Or thought I had a couple weeks ago. Do we have
anything where if a shelter isn’t reserved they get a discount rate? Something to consider for
next year. A discount rate if you call like by, you know afternoon the day before it’s unreserved
we’ll give you a discount on it. So that way you still make some revenue on it but people kind of
a last minute plan and it’s open. We get something.
Ruegemer: I know a lot of people do kind of keep tabs with that and call frequently just to see if
it is open, and a lot of times if it is open then they’ll forego the, even the fee or even the
discounted fees, they’ll take their chances and go out there and then use it for free.
Stolar: Right, but this way like if it’s 200, what is that, $200 to rent that on a weekend?
Ruegemer: It varies.
Stolar: But like let’s say it’s $150 or whatever and this way they can still reserve it but they’d
get it for $50 if they want to wait that long, but they can then still reserve it. Something to think
about like I’m thinking like super saver fares or whatever they do in the air. You know if we
have empty spaces and you want to wait and risk it, that’s up.
Ruegemer: That’s something we can certainly consider when we review the picnic fees.
Wendt: Has the stairway there been.
Hoffman: The plans are set for just having some staff conversations about which stairway,
should both go in? Should we wait til the fall? So there’s some conversation at a staff level. But
the plans are done.
Daniel: Okay.
Ruegemer: Thanks again. There’s a number of different programs that we have going to the
field trips. Preschool and youth programs. The family events. We have over 90 different
programs and sessions for this coming summer and it ranges from camps to craft classes to
summer concert series to swimming lessons. The skate park’s got some competitions. A lot of
different things. I think one program that’s not on here is we’re doing an outdoor movie night
out at Lake Ann and that is in cooperation with M&I Bank and the Miracle Kids Foundation or
Miracle Kids Triathlon in the city. We’re all going to all partner up with that. M&I is going to
take care of all the kind of the taking care of renting the movie and the movie screen. Miracle
Kids will be taking care of all the volunteers of selling concessions and a lot of those type of
things. We’re kind of partnering with that. The city’s providing, we’re going to be doing it up at
Hilltop picnic shelter. Up on top at the new shelter and they’ll have concessions and different
things going on with that and you know it’s been kind of a successful program in other parts of
the community. They’ve been doing 12 throughout M&I’s kind of bank or branch areas or
regions and they range anywhere from 200 to 800 people last summer for that so Lake Ann’s a
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great place to hold that so I would think we’d get anywhere hopefully in excess of 500-800
people for that so.
Scharfenberg: Do you have a date for that?
Stolar: When is that?
Ruegemer: It is Friday night, August 7. Still trying to finalize the time. It looks right now
probably start the movie around quarter to 8:00, 8:00. Judging by the sunset times.
Daniel: How big of a screen?
Ruegemer: It’s big. I want to say it’s 20 feet. 20 by 30.
Daniel: No kidding.
Ruegemer: It’s one of the bigger ones that they have. It’ll be a front projection versus a rear so.
It’ll be a really nice. So the only thing that’s, we’re partnering with that and we’re providing the
location for it. Then we’re also going to help promote it on our city web site and through our
program fliers and different things going on so it’s a great partnership.
Scharfenberg: Great idea, yeah.
Daniel: Absolutely, and I mean especially at, I mean Lake Ann makes complete sense too. I
mean sound, any sound that will be going on basically absorbed by the trees in the area so I think
that’s the one thing from a nostalgia standpoint really do miss is the drive in movie theaters.
Hoffman: Back to the drive in’s.
Daniel: That would be the most close I suppose in this area without having to drive out to Lake
Elmo or Cottage, gosh even those Cottage Grove to see one of those so. Excellent. I think that’s
a fantastic idea.
Ruegemer: A lot of different programs this summer.
Scharfenberg: You do. There’s a tremendous amount. People can’t say that we don’t offer stuff
for their kids to do. I mean it’s, as you look through that, my kids got it in the flier this week
from school and I went through that and it’s amazing all the stuff that you guys got. It’s
Ruegemer: That’s been a very successful thing for us is to market through the schools with that,
right before the school gets out. We do a nice promotional piece for that. Email blast has been
great for us. Get more information out. Little to no cost to the city with kind of our email
distribution list out there for upcoming programs so very successful and.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Stolar: Do you do that at a personal level where they can say I would like to know about a new
programs? Like people can register on the web site to get email updates?
Ruegemer: Yep. For promotional they can check a box and so. So yeah, John and Jodi have
really been working hard at this and I have a few programs in here but those guys are really the
programming staff. They do a wonderful job. Sue’s doing a fantastic job with senior programs.
They are not listed on here but you can see I think back here that Sue’s extremely busy. Does a
lot…a lot of different programs and trips and that so there’s a lot of things for people to do here
and we’re certainly trying to look at how we can improve and certainly trying a lot of new
Ryan: Jerry.
Scharfenberg: Oh no, go ahead Elise.
Ryan: I see that swimming lessons, is it swimming lessons in the lake as well or is it just?
Ruegemer: That’s swimming lessons in the lake.
Ryan: In the lake, okay.
Ruegemer: Yep, at Lake Ann.
Ryan: At Lake Ann, okay. Just Lake Ann?
Ruegemer: Yes.
Scharfenberg: Is that summer music series posted on t he web site yet?
Ruegemer: I believe it is. It should be. Yep.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Ruegemer: Klein Bank is really one of the title sponsor for that again. It’s going in front of City
Council next week. Was that last night?
Hoffman: Next meeting.
Ruegemer: Next meeting. To, for City Council to accept the donation check for that so it’s been
a great partnership and Klein’s extremely happy to be involved with that. We love having Klein
involved with that so it’s been a lot of variety of music again this year and it’s going to be
starting up here soon.
Hoffman: And the Lion’s Club is going to sell concessions during that series.
Scharfenberg: Excellent.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Daniel: That’s fantastic. Alright. Are there any other questions for Jerry or Todd on this? No?
Ruegemer: Adult softball just kind of keeps chugging along out at Lake Ann. A lot of, trying to
incorporate double headers as much as we possibly can into the league. Those are extremely
popular and that and, it’s been proven that teams are certainly willing to pay more to have
multiple games per night so the highest that people would pay on Monday night in particular in
$850 to play and that’s 28 games so people are happy to pay it and they love having those games.
We’re partnering again with Eden Prairie, the City of Eden Prairie in our Tuesday night women’s
league. We combined almost 10 years ago now with them. I think it’s been 10 years. With that
and all the leagues started the end of April and will be going to about the first part of August and
will be completed with that so. We’re kind of holding our own. We’re down a little bit in
numbers this year but Thursday night it seems like in particular we’re down about 4 or 5 teams
with that. I think we’re, our teams are kind of aging a little bit on Thursday nights. Kind of with
you know the kids activities are certainly I believe take over in certain cases and I think adults
are having to make some hard choices and I think they’re making the decision to be with the kids
so I think that’s part of our problem. I think with the economy, I think that’s a little bit part of
the problem as well that people are having a hard time paying for it, for the league fees and
sponsorships are down with businesses sponsoring teams a little bit so I think that’s all part of it
and hopefully that will rebound in the future. Friday night continues to be, the format of it is
good. We’re playing, instead of every night, every Friday night with single games, we’re doing
every other night. Every other Friday night with a double header so we’re still getting the same
amount of games but they’re playing every other Friday night so they can still have every other
Friday night off to go out of town or do other type of things. That seems to be pretty popular
with the teams that are playing. It really works out good with you know the 4 of July and
Memorial Day that it really works out great on the calendar that those are off Fridays so we don’t
have to skip so that really works out great and on the flip side there is, right now it’s on Friday
night. We can make those up on the off Friday nights so it’s a win/win for everybody so.
Daniel: Excellent. Are there any questions?
Ryan: Jerry.
Daniel: Go ahead.
Ryan: I’ll be real quick. For the women’s league on Tuesday night, have you found that you
have more use of the fields here than in Eden Prairie with the construction of Pioneer Trail?
Ruegemer: We are, we’re playing all the games here this year with the construction of some of
the fields in Eden Prairie, and that was the first time. We always played either at Round Lake or
at, on Lake Riley Park down there so we’re going to do that for this year and then we’ll go back
again to play at both next year so.
Ryan: Okay.
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Daniel: Anything else? Well I do have actually one comment and I guess it’s one question
regarding men’s softball. And part of it has to do with just feedback as we’re, as a team I’m
recently participating in, in the league now as we moved over from Victoria, we’re just looking
for some clarification on the beer on the bench rule. And the option of at least maybe not being
penalized but you can at least not drink. You can drink a beer but not on the bench but behind it
at least. Can you give us an explanation of that?
Ruegemer: No beer during the game.
Daniel: Not at all?
Ruegemer: No.
Daniel: When did that change?
Ruegemer: We implemented that rule last year.
Daniel: Really? And that’s because.
Ruegemer: A little more focus on the game.
Daniel: Oh, we had some problems I take it?
Ruegemer: We have in the past.
Daniel: Okay. So no more making your kids make beer runs like I had to do as a child?
Ruegemer: Yesteryear is gone.
Daniel: I just wanted to make sure, as a member of the Park and Recreation Commission they
certainly my team mates challenged me on at least asking the question.
Ruegemer: Yeah that was, that really was enacted last year because it seemed like a lot of the
focus was turning towards the beer versus the game.
Hoffman: Suggested then that the smart talk that goes along with drinking beer should be after
the game and not during the game and when you’re not drinking beer during the game a lot less
smart talk’s going on.
Daniel: Okay. See now it’s officially on the record. I can tell them I’ve done my due diligence
and now I know. Okay, good. That’s all I have for that Jerry. No actually it’s been fantastic for
us. We’ve had a lot of fun.
Ruegemer: Hopefully your season has been going good so far coming over from Victoria.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Daniel: Yeah. Actually the biggest adjustments have been the field lengths for us older players.
The depth walls have been going from 280 to 300, but what has actually been really a pleasant
surprise is the ball. Going from a real soft, mushy ball that we had to use over there because of
the shorter field to a harder ball which has actually made things a little more exciting to be
honest with you so no, it’s been a lot of fun. A lot of fun and the competition is really good so I
mean we thought for sure we were going to be slaughtered and actually we’ve been semi
competitive so that’s good.
Ruegemer: In the blue division.
Daniel: Yeah, in the upper division too. Thanks Jerry. Well trust us on that. There’s night and
day difference between what we were hitting back then to now. It was like kitten ball I guess
now in comparison so but no, we certainly do appreciate it and as I said, if somebody participates
in the league now on Thursday night…so that actually I do want to comment on and say that
we’re looking forward to continuing through the season here, just to see how we can handle them
with the double headers. Some people not nearly as enthusiastic about them as maybe others so
we’ll find out. It’s been years since we’ve done that. I think that’s about it. I suppose from an
administrative standpoint we want to talk about the veterans monument and the June bike tour
that Tom Kelly had put together for us.
Daniel: I think moving on Todd you know I’d like to hear some comments obviously from you
and Jerry about the monument. How things went.
Hoffman: Thanks Chair Daniels. I just want to say briefly and then hear from commissioners as
well about their thoughts for the park and moving forward with the veterans monument. This
was an effort which started over 2 years ago and then was a year in construction following the
dedication, or the ground breaking ceremony last Memorial Day. In rough numbers
approximately $75,000 in kind contributions were donated. The electrical work. The hardscape
paving. The retaining wall. All the site coordination. All the site hauling. Trucking.
Landscape materials and then about $75,000 approximately in hard costs, the cost of the stone.
The cost of the lighting materials. The cost of the cranes. Some of the other machinery. Large
machinery that was brought in so you’re looking at about $150,000 investment brought together
by, the American Legion with two volunteer committees. The volunteering construction
committee and then for the dedication ceremony a volunteer dedication ceremony committee so
wonderful effort. Our whole goal from the beginning was to bring the community together and
have them complete a project for City Center Park that the Legion can be proud of. That the
community can be proud of. As you witnessed part of the dedication ceremony was the
American Legion Commander donating or dedicating back the monument to the people of
Chanhassen through the mayor and the Chanhassen City Council, and so now it is officially the
property of the citizens of Chanhassen and we will maintain it in perpetuity and if there’s any
other capital improvements, the Legion will come back and finance and raise funds to pay for
those future capital improvements. Things as additional monuments. Additional signage.
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Additional story boards and so, and those will be, I think those, you know as you meet as a
legion board over the years, when people go to the monument it’s interesting now but you can
add you know different things about different conflicts that we’ve been involved in or the
different people of Chanhassen that fought in the wars and it will allow people to stop and spend
a little bit more time at the memorial or the monument. Right now about half the people that
walk between the parking lot and the library make their way over there to see it because it’s new.
So that is what the, that’s what it’s been about and in the future the Legion will come up and they
will take charge of the ceremony and it was going to be back I think at noon now instead of at
5:00. They will go to all the cemeteries…with their color guard. They do a service at each one
of the cemeteries. St. Hubert’s, the public cemetery out on Galpin Boulevard and then this very
small Leech cemetery up on Minnewashta Parkway and then they’ll come back down here and
they’ll do their ceremony, public ceremony at City Center Park. So that’s for the Legion to
organize and coordinate and again for them to maintain that ownership and that pride
surrounding the monument so. Jerry coordinated all the logistics on the event that day. They’re
the professionals. They do that all the time, our department for special events so we call on Jerry
probably a few months ago or so to bring in tables, chairs, port-a-potties, those type of things.
All the sound systems and they did a great job so thanks for coming out. Interested to hear what
your viewpoint was. Being coordinators we’re always, we can’t quite tell an honest perception
of how the public reacts so it’s interesting to hear from you as well.
Daniel: Elise, do you have any comments?
Ryan: Yes. First of all congratulations. It was spectacularly done. It was fun to go and see the
families, people of all ages. People that were, you could tell extremely touched by the
dedication. The words that were said. From a personal level, having grandparents served in the
various wars as well as my husband being in the air force, it was a very moving experience for
him as well so appreciate that on behalf of my family. But I just thought really from everything
that you did, you pulled together just a spectacular program that we really enjoyed and I think the
City of Chanhassen would be, is very proud and should be very proud. The one thing that I was
a little surprised at was that we didn’t get any more press in the paper for such a big dedication
and a new monument, that it wasn’t in the Star Tribune even as today when they, I think it was
yesterday or today when they were highlighting something that took place in Chaska so I was a
little disappointed that you know for all your hard work that, and the turnout that we had, that
there wasn’t any more response from the media. And I don’t know where that comes from or
how that happened.
Hoffman: I think it’s probably just because of the, there’s a large amount of Memorial Day news
that comes out and so they select however they select. Channel 5 and 9 were thought to have
been on their way that day but their news desk again, they could tell them to go to 1 in 50
dedication ceremonies or Memorial Day ceremonies so they didn’t show up. You’ll see great
coverage in the Villager tomorrow.
Ryan: Okay. Well congratulations. It was great.
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Ruegemer: Yeah I did see Jay Crawford at a Chamber function this afternoon and it will be I
think page 2 it will be in the Villager tomorrow. Tomorrow. And one of the nice aerial
photographs from the fire truck. Going down.
Ryan: That was cool. That was very cool.
Ruegemer: So he was pretty excited about the picture so.
Ryan: Alright.
Daniel: Thor.
Smith: I wasn’t at the dedication ceremony. I wasn’t back into town then but the monument
itself I think is a testimony to the volunteers that the city has. Just the people that have given
their time and their crafts, doing their craft and their profession to complete it is I think a
testament to the residents of Chanhassen and a dedication to the city so I think it’s a great
monument. I think it looks awesome.
Daniel: Glenn.
Stolar: Same comments as Thor. I unfortunately was out of town also but when today, that
started our tour this afternoon and this evening, I thought it was a very wonderful monument and
from what I’ve just heard from Elise, sounds like it was a great event also so thank you.
Hoffman: There’ll be a DVD produced which will….checked out, you can watch the event.
Stolar: Thank you.
Daniel: Scott.
Wendt: Just a very exciting day…good job. Saw you running back and forth. I was kind on the
periphery chasing our two little guys around and saw Jerry dart in and out of the crowd a few
times. Saw Todd walking around. Very exciting. As a veteran myself it was, just couldn’t be
more excited about it. A lot of excitement from the, I think it was the historian, the teacher. The
speech he made. He was really jazzed up so it was.
Hoffman: Could you hear it?
Wendt: …I don’t know, it was good. And the emotion from the Lieutenant Governor’s speech,
she was picking up a little bit of issues speaking so, very good. Great day.
Daniel: Steve.
Scharfenberg: My hats off to Jerry and Dale’s staff. As Elise and Scott indicated, I know you
guys worked really hard to get that set up. It was a great venue. It was you know just, took a lot
of pride in what went on that day and the community coming together to celebrate such a
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
wonderful event so again I echo Elise’s comments. I wish we had a little more press. I saw
Richfield dedicated a new monument that same day and they got, I saw that they were on at one
of the stations but just a really nice thing to see that it started with a dedication from a year ago
and where they were and how they got to where they are today with the financial support of
leaders within the community and people donating their time together to put together such a nice
venue. It will be I think something that will be celebrated for years to come so very well done.
Wendt: How many people do you think were there?
Hoffman: …said 1,000. There were 750 chairs on the bricks and picnic tables and the bleachers.
Ruegemer: There were 200-300 extras.
Scharfenberg: My wife’s comment was how do you plan for this? For more people.
Hoffman: It’s really an estimate of the energy that you feel around the event and then you pick
up where we left off with 400 people last year. I think we had 200 chairs and we drug every
chair out of city hall and again, if you were there for that event, it’s not like 3 of us were all in
the chairs. The entire crowd went into city hall and ended up…sat down for the ground breaking
and then afterwards the entire crowd picked all the chairs up and put them back. Just that in
itself was the, just a testament to the, just how people are willing to help out and build the
community and that’s really, I’ve been telling people, that’s what this is about. This is about a
symbol but it’s also about bringing the community together every Memorial Day now with their
local legion to talk about what it means to honor your veterans. To talk about what it means to
be in the military service and to remember what that’s about. You know Mr. Cwodzinski, his
speech, it went into some of those points, you know as did the others that day but when he
started hollering at us that this was not about, you know this was not about a pat on the back.
We don’t owe these people a pat in the back. We don’t owe these people a debt of gratitude and
just people in the audience were like what the heck is he talking about here, and his point was,
we owe them everything that this country has and so I, did Richard say, he wanted a copy of the
speech. I don’t know if he’s going to run some of it.
Ruegemer: He did say he’s going to run portions of it tomorrow.
Hoffman: Yeah so, he requested a copy of Steve’s speech…
Ryan: And they don’t know who’s idea it was, the picnic at the end was really nice. I wasn’t
able to say because I had grandchildren who now one of them is sick but it was a really nice
touch and I think just with it being Memorial Day and a nice dedication, I don’t think you know
people might have been anticipating having a picnic afterwards. And if they just showed up and
I just thought that was a really nice touch because it made it a real good family feel and just let’s
all celebrate together so I thought that was a really nice end to the dedication. Very nice.
Daniel; Thanks Elise. You know and as our family rushed home from our vacation because we
wanted to come home and see this and got home. Changed. Headed out and as I was going
down Kerber Boulevard I’m seeing family after family after family along Kerber and it reminded
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me just like it was with, that we have on July 3 when everyone’s rushing up to, or going up to
the 4 of July celebration. Then I had to kind of cut over on Santa Vera or Santa Cruz. Go over
you know down Saratoga. I had to wait a couple minutes and family after family after family
crossing over on Laredo past Saratoga as lines of people are walking down with their family.
Not just individuals, so right then and there it told me that there was something special going on
and when we had a chance to pull in and park. You could hear just a small murmur of the crowd
and you walk up and you could just see the ocean of people. It was fantastic. I mean you
couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. You know the breeze certainly did help. The skies
cleared open for everyone and all I can say is, even the subtle touches such as red, white and blue
chairs really added to the whole moment so I mean you guys really did a fantastic job of
planning this. I know Todd when we sat down and Steve you were there as well, when we talked
about the initial dedication but the ground breaking ceremony a year ago, just the little details
that we put into that but I think certainly the thought that was given to every little detail. The
picnic tables too as you mentioned Elise with the picnic and I want to say officially, and I know
they’ve heard it a lot but Kenny Larson and his whole crew over there as far as the picnic and
Millie’s Deli, they moved within 15 minutes 600 people through that line just like that. I mean it
was just amazing. They did a great job and hopefully they were able to generate a lot of
donations too.
Hoffman: There was $1,000 in food donations and I think they had about $400 at their donation
Daniel: Okay, great. Well we emptied our pockets so whatever we had left in there as well just
so we could donate, and does all that money end up going towards the dedication? It is, okay.
Excellent. So I mean like I said, you couldn’t have asked for a better day. The Lieutenant
Governor did a fantastic job speaking. Steve Cwodzinski, he did a great job as well. Everything
just worked out fantastic and I know Gary couldn’t have been, Gary Boyle, the Commander of
the Legion couldn’t have been any happier so I mean the monument itself certainly will be, will
be there hopefully as long as we’re, well beyond our lives as well. I think it’s something that
future generations should come over and observe and we all remember being there that day, but
as far as that day went, it couldn’t have gone any better. So all I have to say is just thank you
very much. You guys did a fantastic job and to the, and certainly as Steve had said, you know a
pat on the back certainly is deserved for the City of Chanhassen for all their, and as well as all
the other volunteers from both the Legion. The choir from the school. I don’t know Steve if you
got involved with that at all or not.
Scharfenberg: Not this year.
Daniel: But again everything turned out perfect so thank you very much.
Hoffman: The imaging is wonderful. You’ll see it come out on a variety of formats so it’s
available. It was a beautiful day for images. The colors. You don’t see the wind in the pictures
so it comes out great. Other than the flags. The flag looked beautiful.
Daniel: Well excellent.
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Daniel: Geez, that’s coming up in a month. I’ve got to get my bike fixed. Well we’re talking
about our ride and it looks like Tom has got that map printed out. I think we’re all in favor of
that. It’s what, a 10 mile, 11 mile. 11 mile trail run.
Hoffman: Yep.
Daniel: Bike ride.
Stolar: What was the date again?
Hoffman: Looking at June 18. A Thursday. Does that work? For most June 18, a Thursday.
This will be open. Park and Rec will take the lead in planning. We’ll sit down with staff
members from planning, engineering, who else is going to be involved? Environmental
Commission, Planning Commission, Council, and Park Commission so an invitation will go out.
We’d like to use your group as, there’s two ways to do this. It’s just the bikers show up. Leave
and come back and then do some kind of event. Or the bikers show up like about 6:00 and then
families and others that aren’t biking come at 7:00 and then everybody meets back. So if you
think we have the energy to make it a family type picnic. I know it’s a tough time of year for
that to happen. We will do that. Be glad to do that, but if not we’ll just go with the more of the
generic bike, just a pure biking event for those who show up. So your thoughts on that are
Daniel: Elise. Or anybody want to comment?
Ryan: Can you clarify that Todd?
Scharfenberg: I think the thought was Elise that we would, we’d all, everybody, whoever’s
riding in that, including the other commissions would have a picnic after the bike ride.
Afterwards and all families would be invited of the different commissions to get together and do
something at 7:00 at Lake Susan.
Ryan: Okay. Or not having a picnic.
Hoffman: That’s event’s going to be at Lake Ann.
Scharfenberg: Oh at Lake Ann. I thought we were ending up at Lake Susan.
Hoffman: Yeah, that’s what the routes says and, only if we go to the 17th. Jerry’s trying to
make so much money he booked it.
Scharfenberg: Oh he booked it already…this all depend on it’s availability.
Ruegemer: Yeah, the 18 is booked at Lake Susan already and Lakeside so only the Hilltop
shelter would be open that evening.
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Hoffman: And plan the route so we just start the route at Hilltop. Unless you wanted to go to
the 17, a Wednesday and then you can start at Lake Susan if you have that preference.
Ryan: Well for me in terms of a picnic or not a picnic, with family, my kids will be in bed so I
mean I love family events and love to meet everybody’s family. My family will be sleeping.
Daniel: You know really I don’t think, I think either day will be fine. Either Lake Ann or Lake
Hoffman: They’re on the same route.
Scharfenberg: I think I’ve got a commitment on the 17 so I think the 18 will be…
Stolar: I think that was the same that I had on my calendar.
Hoffman: Like to go to Hilltop?
Daniel: Yep.
Stolar: It will be nice because we haven’t actually had our event at the Hilltop yet.
Daniel: No, give a chance for us to.
Stolar: Unless Jerry books it… Are you expecting us to give you a check now so we can reserve
Smith: Wait til the 17 and then reserve it. Get half off.
Daniel: Was Tom just trying to actually make this look like a Chanhassen maple leaf?
Stolar: Oh yeah, that’s cool. I just want to know who’s riding through Lake Ann though. You
notice we’re going through the lake here.
Smith: No, that’s Lake Ann Park.
Stolar: It is a maple leaf, you’re right. It is. If you look at the outline.
Hoffman: What we’ll do is we’ll invite families, spouses to the bike ride as well so if your
family or spouse wants to come to the bike ride, we’ll all meet. We’ll leave. Do the route and
then we’ll have some kind of a gathering afterwards with a small picnic.
Daniel: Excellent. And you know Todd, will there be some things that you want to have some
families bring? A potluck style or dessert or chips or anything like that.
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Hoffman: I’ll work on that and then we’ll send out a formal letter so we’ll send out an invitation
to all with the details.
Daniel: Great. Great. Excellent. Alright, is there anything else Todd you want to cover on the
administrative packet?
Hoffman: Just let you know that on the tour we will have a couple three presentations and so
we’ll stop at specific points. Talk about natural resource issues. Talk about planning issues.
We’ll talk about park issues so there will be an educational component to the tour as well, which
gives us a chance to stop for 10 minutes.
Daniel: Take a break.
Hoffman: I mean our tour tonight by vehicle was one thing but there is truly no better way to
understand planning issues than to get out you know on the pavement. We’re going to be doing
crossings as a group and it really just hits home on what does an underpass mean at a busy road
for a crossing versus when we all have to stack up and cross in traffic. Because as you all know
those people on the road really don’t care that that’s the City Council and the Planning
Commission. You’re just a bunch of people that want to cross the road and they were there first
so we’ll feel those things in a true sense as we’re out touring.
Daniel: Also the other comment I want to make is, the senior news. The senior group. Put
together. It’s fantastic. I had a chance to read this the other day as well. Certainly I encourage
all the commissioners to review it and take a look at it and boy there’s just a lot of.
Hoffman: It’s a group and if you’re ever interested, Sue will accept you as chaperones so if you
ever see a trip in here, there are some wonderful trips and she’ll accept your volunteerism to
chaperone and you’ll get your trip paid for and you’ll be able to attend with the seniors so if
you’re ever interested to volunteer and we’ll work you into the program.
Daniel: Is there a sponsored Alaskan cruise?
Hoffman: There’s some mystery trips.
Daniel: Okay.
Hoffman: That’s kind of like a grab bag. They were playing bingo today and you could have
played from the upstairs because when they holler, when they call bingo they call it pretty loud.
Hoffman: Always a time to bring up local issues. Elise and I communicated on some issues and
so either email or bring it up at this point and I complimented Elise on, you know that’s what
park commissioners are for is to talk to your neighbors. Hear what their concerns are. Hear
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what their input is and you can always bring that back to staff so we can continue to improve on
the user experience out in our community. We talk about it all the time. As many programs as
we promote, as many programs as we sponsor, by far the largest group of users out there, we
don’t touch on a daily basis. They come to our trails. They come to our parks. They utilize the
service and they go home at night so we need that feedback from commissioners and make sure
that we continue to do a good job.
Stolar: Todd one thing I spoke to Jerry about in the van. I was out at Lake Ann for a baseball
game with my son playing over there and Todd was out there, Todd Neils and. Or Neils. I went
out with him to see the concession stand. First of all got a feel for how small that really is.
Hoffman: Very small.
Stolar: Very small. I don’t know, we might be able to fit in it Thor. I’m not sure if two of us
could, but I was looking at it and I was asking Jerry, if you look at the pavilion around it, that’s
covered and has the beans there, which seems to be exactly what’s holding the one side together,
we can maybe in a much cheaper fashion build an extension of that onto one of the other sides
and cut out some of the pavilion there. Because we’ve got a whole bunch of space there that’s
not really used, so I was asking Jerry maybe that’s something the engineers might want to look at
and see is there a way to do that. When I was talking to Todd about it I said you know if we do
something, if it can be done which I don’t know if it can. You know that’s something where,
you know if we get the materials, you can get a group of people there. You put in the footings,
you know if the footings are in there, just put in the bases and you start hammering and you’ve
got double the size. Very easy, cheap way to do it.
Hoffman: Yeah.
Stolar: That you know because we know that we’ve pushed the replacement of that way out and
so that might be an interim solution that could be relatively inexpensive and as we spoke Jerry
with the engineers not having a lot of permits coming through right now, maybe it’s worth a look
to see is there a quick, short term solution we could do for that, to expand either the storage or
the ability to use the concession.
Hoffman: Yeah, sure.
Daniel: Well I have a comment regarding concessions and I certainly understand what Todd
Neils and his group are trying to do. I’m glad you brought that up Glenn because I know like for
example South Tonka, even at Freeman Field, they have a little, it’s just a, it’s a box. They
generate a lot of money out of that little box.
Stolar: I’ve worked in that.
Daniel: Yes.
Stolar: And let me tell you, that’s twice as big as what they have at Lake Ann. And I thought
that thing was small but you know, that they had room for a refrigerator. Two microwaves.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Because they did microwave popcorn and two refrigerators. That’s what it was. There were two
refrigerators, two microwaves and then storage behind it. Or no, they didn’t even have storage.
Well storage was combined with baseball. So even if you double that size you might have
enough room for something like that and yeah, at Freeman they generate a lot.
Daniel: And that I think that would even be acceptable to Todd and his crew.
Stolar: Well when, I talked to him about that.
Daniel: Yeah. I mean something of even that size. We’re not looking at, I mean the initial
design that we had, that came up out the architectural firm was great but at half a million or
$400,000 to half a million dollars, you know it would be hard, especially in this time to justify
that cost but we make simple modifications Todd, something like that. We could at least, maybe
while we’re out there on June 18, when we go out to Lake Ann, we can go up and take a look at
that facility and come up with some ideas. We could utilize that time.
Hoffman: I think what we have right now is 5 pies right?
Stolar: Yep, exactly.
Hoffman: And we’re utilizing one of them. So you have an opportunity to, so right now as you
come in the back, when you come in the back we’re only using one pie.
Stolar: Right, and that’s what my thought was going straight up, either that way. Yeah, exactly.
Hoffman: Either this way or this way.
Stolar: Right. And you just, you could fill that in and I mean it’s just filling a frame. I mean it’s
more complex than that but it’s not a huge because it’s just replicating what is currently there
and creating another slice of the pie.
Daniel: There’s power out to that isn’t there? Adequate power?
Hoffman: Oh I would think so…
Stolar: That’s where the lights come on. Well half of that’s the lights. Half of that one is.
Daniel: Oh okay. And so I guess running two refrigerators wouldn’t be necessarily draining on
the overall electricity…the lights on Field 4 go off.
Hoffman: We only have a full counter here and this counter was cut down because of the light
boxes that are in here. So you could take that across and you would expand that.
Stolar: Right, and bring the counter out to the front there. And now you’ve got, you make the
original pie storage, and then you’ve got some room there.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Daniel: Well I do know that, especially Jerry on Thursday nights, I mean that thing is constantly
being used for grilling and barbequing you know before and after. Primarily after games,
especially for a lot of those teams that have to 6:15 game…
Hoffman: That’s a great idea. The footings are all the same.
Stolar: Right, that’s what I thought. And we were looking at that and it was like, I think it’s all
the same and it’s just some bases and then put the wood up on the side. How much would it
cost, plus if you get volunteers to actually do the work from the various associations.
Daniel: I was going to say you know, where the picnic tables are on the left hand side there, it’s
virtually empty on the other side. It’s just not used so that’d be a great idea.
Hoffman: Everybody sits on this side…
Stolar: And I think you still even over on that side could see over at the playground.
Hoffman: Yeah. You can still see through and it just makes a nice…
Daniel: You could put two doors. One door going out one way towards the little league field
and the other going towards softball so I mean as long as you have the room to put a couple
refrigerators, a microwave stand and.
Stolar: Have you been to the Freeman Fields?
Hoffman: Yes.
Stolar: It mean it’s just a little shack.
Hoffman: Yeah.
Stolar: You have room to turn around which you don’t have here in this one.
Hoffman: Not yet, but that’s a great idea. Good thing to investigate.
Daniel: And you know again, Todd’s group has some money that they…
Hoffman: Well there are plenty of contractors involved in youth sports.
Daniel: Oh yeah, and I know they’d be willing to, if he’s able to generate the right donations.
Hoffman: If you get the materials.
Stolar: It’ll go up.
Daniel: It’d go up quick. So maybe that might be a fantastic compromise.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Hoffman: Yeah. And that’s what you were looking at as a part of your capital discussion is you
know we don’t have, and the council is very supportive of anything, joint partnering with
communities out there. They would back it.
Stolar: Yeah.
Daniel: Great idea.
Ryan: I have one more thing and then there’s no way to segway from concession stands to
Lifetime Fitness but I do have a question in terms of our relationship with them. They’re
obviously the backers of the Lifetime Fitness Triathlon that takes place down at Nokomis and
since they’re headquartered here in Chanhassen and they sponsor a lot of these mini-triathlons
and what not, I mean we have great lakes. Great trails. Has there ever been any conversation
about having them do something locally?
Hoffman: They’ve been talking about that.
Ryan: Have they?
Hoffman: Yep, starting some local events here and these conversations that we’re having about
the trail system is starting to further those conversations at their level so what we’ll, we’ll just be
a supporter like any other group so when they want to promote some kind of events in
Chanhassen then we’ll be there to support those activities. They’re talking about bike races.
Two different, adult and youth so.
Ryan: Okay. And do they work with you guys with any of their programming? Like with, not
at all? They keep totally separate.
Hoffman: Many of our programs providers that were at the rec center or at the Chaska
Community Center are also now at Lifetime providing those programs. Tae Kwon Do and some
of the aerobic instructors and some of those classes…
Ryan: Okay. But just I mean obviously for indoor facilities but looking at you know the wealth
of outdoor facilities that we have and you know they’re encouraging with outdoor races and
running and kind of that cross training with outdoors, I was curious to know if they got in touch
with anybody within the city to do something.
Hoffman: Commission Kelly can speak to that. He’s in one of their running clubs. Their
running clubs are out on our trails.
Ryan: All the time, yeah.
Daniel: Alright, well I think that’s about it. Let’s see, motion to adjourn.
Park and Recreation Commission - May 27, 2009
Smith moved, Wendt seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim