CC Minutes 6-8-09 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2009 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, and Terry Jeffery PUBLIC PRESENT: Gary Bhojwani 3301 Shore Drive Al & Mary Klingelhutz 8600 Waters Edge Peter Johnson PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong: Thank you everybody and welcome. Appreciate everybody joining us here this evening as well as those watching at home. It’s nice to be back. It was good to see my chair open when I walked into the council chambers this evening but. Councilwoman Tjornhom: It’s all your’s. Mayor Furlong: But my thank you and appreciation to Deputy Mayor Tjornhom for covering the meeting for me 2 weeks ago. With that I will ask if there are any modifications to the agenda. Any proposed additions or amendments to the agenda? If not, without objection we’ll proceed with the agenda as distributed. At this point I’d like to move forward. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated May 26, 2009 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated May 26, 2009 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated May 19, 2009 Resolution #2009-46: b. Accept Donation from KleinBank for Summer Concert Series. c. Approve Support Letters and Resolution for Federal Funding Applications: Chanhassen City Council - June 8, 2009 Resolution #2009-47: 1) Pedestrian Trail Underpass at TH 5 and Minnewashta Parkway. Resolution #2009-48: 2) Reconstruction of MN 101 from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail. Resolution #2009-49: 3) Reconstruction and Widening of Lyman Boulevard from Audubon (North Leg to Powers Boulevard. d. Approve Preliminary Plat Extension for Liberty at Creekside. e. Apple Tree Estates, 8600 Waters Edge Drive. Applicant: Plowe Engineering, Inc., Owner: Aloysius Klingelhutz. 1) Final Plat Approval. 2) Approve Development Contract. f. Approve Contract for School Resource Officer, Chanhassen High School as amended. Resolution #2009-50: g. Lift Station #24, Wet Well Rehabilitation: Approve Quote. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, with that one motion it will reflect, we handed out the one change in there and that’s. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Under item, which one was this? Todd Gerhardt: F. Mayor Furlong: Item 1(f) there was a technical correction to the agreement dealing with the employment status of the school resource officer. I think that was distributed but that was just a technical clarification from what was distributed during. Okay. With that, as part of our items this evening on our consent agenda that we just passed, one was to accept a donation from KleinBank for our Summer Concert Series. We have a representative from KleinBank here this evening. If you’d like to come forward and just introduce yourself at the podium. Say a few words. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: PRESENTATION OF $2,000 CHECK FOR SUMMER CONCERT SERIES, KLEINBANK CHANHASSEN. Greg Lovell: Sure. Be happy to. My name is Greg Lovell. I’m President of KleinBank Chanhassen. I’m delighted to be here this evening. We’re very happy and pleased to be able to offer our support again for this year’s summer concert series. We hope that everyone here and your families and other residents of the community enjoy the series again this year. We’re very proud to be a part of it so Mr. Mayor, thank you. City Council members, thank you very much. Mayor Furlong: Now can we bring this to the drive thru? 2