City Council Action Update City Council Action Update MONDAY. .TUNE 22. 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Work Session: The City Council presented the Maple Leaf Award to outgoing Planning Commissioner Kurt Papke and discussed appointing Tom Doll to the Planning Commission to complete the remainder of Kurt's term. City Code Amendments: The City Council acted on the proposed City Code amendments list below as follows: 1. LED LiS!hts: Approved as outlined in the staff report as part of the Consent agenda. 2. Farm Animals: Approved as outlined in the staff report. 3. Yard Re2Ulations: Approved with an amendment inserting the phrase "and other encroachments may be allowed". Appointment to PlanninS! Commission: The City Council appointed Tom Doll to the Planning Commission to complete the remainder of Kurt Papke's term. MONDAY. JULY 13. 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Boulder Cover Final Plat and Development Contract Extension - PlanninS! Case 06-10: Approved extension until August 1,2010. Revocation of Conditional Use Permit for Nick's StoraS!e & ParkinS! - PlanninS! Case 08- 10: Item tabled until September 14, 2009 to enable the applicant the opportunity to provide a resolution for all outstanding issues. The minutes for these meetings can be viewed from the City's web page. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us.click on the "Quick List" pull-down menu, then click on "Agendas and Minutes". g:\plan\forms\city council action update. doc