Administrative Packet
Administrati ve
Park and Recreation Department
The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to our
quality oflife. For this reason, the City ofChanhassen places strong emphasis on parks, open
space, trails and recreation.
Mayor and City Council
Park & Recreation Commission
Tom Furlong, Mayor
Vicki Ernst
Bryan Litsey
Jerry McDonald
Bethany Tjornhom
Jeff Daniels, Chair
Tom Kelly, Vice-Chair
Glenn Stolar
Steve Sharfenberg
Dan Campion
Paula Atkins
Thor Smith
Scott Wendt
J anuary- December
Park & Recreation Director.. ....... ....... ....... ..... ...................... ......................... ............ Todd Hoffman
Recreation Superintendent....................................................................................... Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor................................................................................................ John Stutztnan
Recreation Center Manager............................................................................................. Jodi Sarles
Senior Center Coordinator ...... ................... ................ ............. ...... ................. .......................Sue Bill
Lead Facility Supervisor ......... ....... ............ .................. ..................... .......................... Tom Knowles
Park Superintendent.................................................................................................... .Dale Gregory
Park Foreman ............. ......................... ..... ....... ........................ ........... .... .... ................ Dean Schmieg
Park Keeper/Light Equipment Operator-Downtown ............................. ................ .......Charles Eiler
Park Keeper/Light Equipment Operator-Downtown.................................................Bradley Morse
Heavy Equipment Operator. .............. ............ ......... ......... ..................... .............. .... ........... Jim Theis
Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator ................................................................ Jerry Chalupsky
Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator ................................................................... Robert Heinen
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Chanhassen Recreation Center
The mission of the Chanhassen Recreation Center is to offer quality, affordable fitness and
recreational opportunities that meet the needs and interests of the Chanhassen community. The
Recreation Center also provides program and meeting space for government and school activities
as well as rentals for the community.
This multipurpose facility allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities, tournaments,
leisure programs, meetings and party rooms. The Chanhassen Recreation Center also serves as a
key information and registration site for the city parks and recreation programs.
The Chanhassen Recreation Center has been offering programs and rentals since the building
opened in 1995. The Chanhassen Recreation Center operates under a joint powers agreement
with School District 112. The site hosts both the Chanhassen Recreation Center and Bluff Creek
Elementary School. The city ofChanhassen is responsible for 24% of the facility's utility and
operational expenses. School District 112 maintains the interior of the building and the city is in
charge of the exterior maintenance. School District 112 utilizes Recreation Center rooms at no
The Chanhassen Recreation Center employs 1 full-time Recreation Center Manager, 14 part-time
Facility Supervisors, 1 part-time Dance Coordinator, 3 part-time Dance Instructors, and
4 Aerobics Instructors.
Facility Schedule
The Chanhassen Recreation Center hours are:
Labor Day-Memorial Day
Monday-Friday, 5:30 am-1O:00 pm
Saturdays, 8:00 am-8:00 pm
Sundays, 10:00 am-8:00 pm
Memorial Day-Labor Day
Monday-Friday, 5:30 am-9:00 pm
Saturdays, 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Sundays, Closed
The Recreation Center undergoes an annual, 2 week maintenance and budget shutdown in
The Recreation Center utilizes the City of Chanhassen web site, the quarterly Chanhassen
Connection community mailing, school flyers, preschool flyers, cross program promotions, City
ofChanhassen business mailings, Craig's List postings, email blasts, community events, mobile
signs, and the Chanhassen Villager for marketing.
Budget Summary
The Chanhassen Recreation Center serves thousands of participants each year through the
Fitness Center, Aerobics/Dance Studio, Gymnasium, and meeting rooms. It also serves as the
host site for many of the city's recreation programs and special events.
. 2008 Actual Recreation Center Total Revenues (includes room rentals, fitness, personal
training, dance, and Recreation Center activities categorized as Preschool Sports &
Preschool Activities, Youth Activities, and Adult Activities.
o $231,044.21
. 2008 Actual Recreation Center Expenses
o $319,949.52
. Net loss $88,905.31
Major Facility Maintenance
In 2008, three major facility repairs were performed at the Recreation Center totaling $6,702.13.
. Repair of Modernfold Gym Door
. Replacement of Water Softener Controls
. Gymnasium Lighting Replacement
2008 Chanhassen Recreation Center
Adult Activities
Youth Activities
~ ~~..';_:~J
Concessions &
Room Rental
12% Fitness
Preschool Sports
& Activities
$ 20,667.10
Personal Training
2008 Chanhassen Recreation Center
Youth Activities
Adult Activities Rec Center
$15.572.22~ $1.398.43
Room Rental
Personal Training
Preschool Sports
Capital Improvement Program Funds
The Recreation Center utilized 2008 Capital Improvement Program Funds to update fitness
equipment and lobby furniture.
In January, the Chanhassen Recreation Center replaced fitness equipment and received the
following items totaling $10,547.85:
. 2 Star Trac upright bicycles
. 1 Star Trac recumbent bicycle
· 1 Life Fitness Treadmill
In July, the original Rec Center lobby furniture was replaced totaling $17,414.51:
. 4 Worden Settees
. 14 Worden Chairs
Total Capital Improvements:
Recreation Center Fitness Operations
The Chanhassen Recreation Center operates the fitness, open gym and aerobics programs on a
drop-in basis. No membership is required; individuals may pay a daily entrance fee or purchase
a punch card to utilize the facilities. Thousands of visits are recorded yearly.
The Chanhassen Recreation Center operates 8 fitness classes weekly. These range from Step
Aerobics to Body Sculpt. The Recreation Center employs 4 instructors to facilitate the classes.
Fitness Revenues (Aerobics):
Recreation Center Operations Revenues (open GymlFitness Ctr):
General Facility Usage
The Chanhassen Recreation Center is utilized for many of the Park & Recreation Departments'
events as well as other public meetings or trainings. District 112 also hosts many meetings and
activities at the Recreation Center. Thousands of people visit the Recreation Center annually for
a variety of programs, meetings, and special events that are offered here.
Rental Usage
The Chanhassen Recreation Center facilities are available to the public to rent during facility
hours. The Recreation Center has four meeting rooms, a conference room, gymnasium, and
fitness center available for rental.
Recreation Center Total Rental Revenue: $22,801.03
Chanhassen Recreation Center 2008 Non-Revenue Hours:
(Usage by: City of Chanhassen, School District 112, Carver County, Hennepin County, CAA,
CA YBBA, CTSA, CA YV A, National Weather Service, Naval Academy, and University of
Total Non-revenue hours: 10,371.5 hours
Special Events Hosted at the Recreation Center
. Barnyard Boogie
. Bluff Creek Elementary Beach Party
. Bluff Creek Elementary Fine Arts Night
. Bluff Creek School Play
. Chanhassen Rotary Breakfast with Santa
. Carver County Sheriff' s Awards
. Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative Awards Breakfast
. Chaska High School China Earthquake Relief Banquet
. Penny Carnival
. Chaska High School Extra Curricular Activity Banquets
. ChanJam 08
. Daddy/Daughter Date Night
. Easter Egg Candy Hunt
. Fall Fitness & Fun Fest
. Winter Dance Showcase
. Halloween Party
Chanhassen Public Meetings and Elections
Primary Election, General Election, Lyman Boulevard Meeting, Public Safety Meeting,
Community Gardens, and Contractor Training
Recreation Center Adult Activities
The Chanhassen Recreation Center offered 48 programs for adults in 2008, with over 200 people
participating. A variety of programs were offered throughout the year. Traditional programs
such as Yoga, Pilates and golfwere complimented with the new programs of Women on Weights
and Zumba@.
The Recreation Center Manager is responsible for managing, contracting and marketing these
services. The Recreation Center strives to provide quality, affordable programming to the
Chanhassen community.
All of the adult activities are contracted with area service providers. The Recreation Center
negotiates a percentage of the proceeds for the advertising and Recreation Center usage.
New to the Rec Center in 2008 was the Holiday Challenge. Sixteen area residents participated in
the Challenge. The goal was for participants to maintain their weight between Thanksgiving and
the New Year. On average, participants lost approximately 1.5 pounds. T-shirts were given to
all who participated.
The 2008 total revenue of Recreation Center Adult Activities was $15,572.22 with expenses of
Youth Programs
In 2008, the City of Chanhassen' s youth programs had many successes. With over 200 programs
offered, we had over 3,352 participants ranging in age from birth to seventeen throughout the
year. Our programs are categorized in one of the following six categories: Summer
Playground, Carnivals, Preschool Sports, Preschool Activities, Youth Sports, and Youth
Activities. The programs are under the supervision of the Recreation Supervisor and Recreation
Center Manger, while some were partnered with the Senior Center Coordinator.
All programs were marketed throughout the community in several different aspects. Primary
points of marketing are the Chanhassen website, quarterly Chanhassen Connection, Maple Leaf
insert in the Chanhassen Villager and school flyers. Other new tools utilized in 2008 were bi-
weekly program press releases in the Chanhassen Villager and program E-Blasts to those in our
database. Both new tools have been received well by residents and staff considers being
successful marketing as program numbers have begun to increase. In addition, feedback and
program evaluations from the community also help us find new ways to market and improve our
This year the city's youth programs were highlighted by several programs in varied longevity.
Daddy/Daughter Date Night continues to be one of our most successful programs with 81
couples enjoying one ofthe two evenings. Total revenue generated was $3,119.00 versus
$2,992.48 in expenses. New in 2008 were the two sessions of Introduction to Woodcarving
classes. One class was offered during spring break and the other during the summer. These
courses were supervised in collaboration with Sue Bill and John Stutzman. Total revenue
generated was $431 with very minimal expenses since the instructors donated their time allowing
for almost total profit from the program fees. The spring Flag Football class, which was held at
the Recreation Center after school, was very popular this year with 29 participants and people on
the waiting list. Total revenue generated was $948.00 versus $170.00 in expenses. The three, 3rd
Lair Skateboard camps, two during the summer and one over MEA break, continue to be very
popular with over 50 participants enjoying these camps and the Skate Park. Total revenue
generated was $7,570.00 versus $6,056.06 in expenses, both accounted for the in self-supporting
programs budget. Lake Ann Adventure Camp continues to be a favorite as a week-long day
camp with our playground leaders as camp counselors. We offer two separate weeks for this
program. Total revenue generated was $11,806.26 versus $4,162.33 in expenses. The Summer
Discovery Playground Program, our most popular program, featured twenty-two sessions with a
record number of 473 participants for this eight-week program. Total revenue generated was
$16,471.48 with $34,950.76 in expenses.
Total revenue for 2008 youth programs was $66,121.23; while expenditures were $97,965.71.
This totaled a net loss of $31 ,844.48.
Staffis committed to offering a wide variety of high quality youth programs at affordable prices
for our residents. We are always looking to develop and update old programs while responding
to community needs by adding new cutting edge programs.
The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers additional programs and activities for youth. Youth
programs are divided into three categories at the Recreation Center: preschool activities,
preschool sports, and youth activities. Preschool activities include the Tot Time Sweetheart
Dance and Barnyard Boogie, two programs co-sponsored by both the Parks and Recreation
Departments of Chaska; and Tot Time Fun, holiday themed activities for preschoolers and their
parents. The Barnyard Boogie is an annual event that includes a petting zoo, craft activities,
dance and refreshments for preschool children and their families. A total of 358 preschool
children participated in all of the activities. Revenues for the combined preschool activities for
2008 totaled $6,207.84 with expenses of$953.99.
Recreation Center Preschool Sports served 696 children in 2008. The Recreation Center
contracts with Ridgedale YMCA to provide a variety of sports throughout the year as well as
contracting with Little Tigers for preschool self-defense training. The programs continue to be
popular for children. Total preschool sports revenues were $14,465.26 with expenses of
Youth programs range from physical activities including Tae Kwon Do and Dodgeball to the
analytical game of chess, as well as the safety certification program of American Red Cross
Babysitter Training. The Dodgeball program was a new activity developed in the fall of 2008 in
conjunction with John Stutzman. The program was offered after school for elementary-aged
children. It was a popular program with 31 children participating. The revenue was $634. The
program was supervised by John Stutzman and Jodi Sarles. Seventy-four (74) children received
their American Red Cross Babysitter Training Certification through the Recreation Center
courses. Program revenues were $3,290 versus expenses of $2,960. A favorite youth program at
the Recreation Center is Tae Kwon Do. In 2008, 147 youth participated in various levels ofTae
Kwon Do and the Summer Day Camp. The Tae Kwon Do revenues were $15,473 with
$9,283.80 in expenses. The total revenue for 2008 Recreation Center Youth Programs was
$28,938.50. The total youth program expenditures were $15,351.00. The net gain totaled
The Dance for Fun program completed its thirteenth year at the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
It is a full service dance program for ages 3 - adult. This program is accredited by the National
Dance Association and is taught by professional instructors. Classes offer dance instruction in a
supportive environment with a focus on the student's self esteem and personal development.
The dance season culminates in an annual Spring Recital. New for 2008 was the Winter Dance
Showcase. Classes range in style from ballet and tap to hip hop. There are also competition
teams for the children as they advance their skills. In the summer, camps are offered to
introduce children to dance. Dance Coordinator, Miss Nicole Kochar was named Chanhassen
Magazine's Best Instructor of the Arts in 2008.
Classes offered: Kinderdance 1 & 2; Ballet/Tap; Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical; Combo 1,2 & 3; Pointe;
Modem; Dance Line Prep; Hip Hop; and Competition Teams: Starlettes & Shining Stars.
Participants: 235 (Spring), 70 (Summer), 239 (Fall), 209 (Winter)
2008 Recital Tickets: 1108
2008 Winter Showcase Tickets: 411
Staff: 2 Dance Coordinators, 3 Dance Instructors
Dance for Fun Expenditures:
Temporary & Seasonal Wages $55,836.22
Retirement $7,777.49
Consulting $1,899.04
Total Expenditures $65,512.75
Dance for Fun Revenues:
Rec Center Dance Operations $67,078.98
2008 was a year of growth and program expansion at the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
Continuing to work with the Recreation Supervisor and the Senior Center Coordinator to grow
and expand program opportunities for children is a top priority. The commitment to quality,
affordable programs is a focal point for the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
Chanhassen Senior Center
The Chanhassen Senior Center is located on the lower level of city hall and offers programs,
activities and services for people 55 and older. Our mission is to establish a setting which is
inviting and improves the quality of life and use ofleisure time for older adults. The service area
is primarily Chanhassen, but we do welcome residents from all surrounding communities. The
Senior Center hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with
special programs offered in the evening and on some weekends. The Chanhassen Senior Center
has been providing service to seniors since July 4, 1992, and has gained a reputation of being a
leader for senior services and addressing the ever-evolving issues that face seniors in our
community. The Senior Center is staffed by a part-time coordinator. A Senior Advisory Board
meets monthly and advises the coordinator on Senior Center programs and services. Volunteers
provide weekly office assistance and support of daily programs and special events, making a
wide array of programs possible.
In 2008, the Senior Center offered many successful programs and activities. While there is no
annual membership fee at the Senior Center, a program fee and/or activity fee is charged to cover
program costs and materials. Additional revenue is generated by daytime rental of the Senior
Center, the coffee fund, the recycled greeting card program, memorial gift and program
sponsorship donations. The 2008 revenue was $33,724.29 with $31,504.29 in general revenue
and $2,220.00 in donations. Expenses for Senior Center programs were $25,742.60.
The Senior Center and its programs are marketed throughout the community in a variety of
different ways. The primary points of marketing are the Chanhassen website, the Chanhassen
Connection, the Senior Center quarterly newsletter and the weekly senior news column in the
Chanhassen Villager. Additionally, program information is sent to area churches, the
Chanhassen Library, Chanhassen Senior Housing Units, District 112 Community Education and
is also available on our local cable television channel 8.
Senior Center Programs
Leisure and Educational Classes and Programs are offered regularly to provide current
information, meet the interest of older adults, and fulfill their desire for lifelong learning. In
2008, 452 people participated in the 27 classes offered at the Senior Center. They include: AARP
55 Alive Defensive Driving, Augsburg College of the Third Age (Music of Social Change;
Culture and Technology; For Better-Or Worse, Why We Love to Hate Politicians; and Our New
Religious Neighbors) Blogging: What In the World Is It?, Decorating for Small Spaces, Estate
Planning, Medicare Part D, and one-on-one computer instruction.
Weekly and Monthly Activities are offered and include: bridge, bingo, card making,
CHAN-o-laires chorus, Congregate Dinning, community speakers, Cribbage, defensive driving,
Donuts with the Deputies, Foot Care Clinic, Golf, 500, Hand and Foot, Health Insurance
Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Nintendo Wii, and Women's Club.
Special Events are offered throughout the year and include: Breakfast with the Mayor,
December Holiday Party, Annual Lake Ann Picnic, Ladies Tea Lunch, Dinner and Concert in the
Park, Lunch Encounter Program offering monthly themed lunches and entertainment,
Chanhassen Celebration of History and the Arts, and a Veteran's Day Celebration. In 2008,682
people attended these events.
Health and Wellness: Senior specific health and wellness programs and services are offered
throughout the year to meet the needs of our older adult population. In 2008, 609 people
participated in these programs. Programs are offered at the Senior Center and Recreation Center.
Exercise classes include EnhanceFitness, Tai Chi and Line Dancing. Health and Wellness
programs included: Carver County Healthy Living Education Series for Seniors (classes included
What's Age Got to Do With It, Nutrition & Exercise to Relieve Arthritis, Naturopathy &
Nutrition, Stand Up and Be Strong, and Assistive Hearing Devices), Congregate Dinning, Meals
on Wheels, Foot Care Clinic, Health Insurance Assistance, Health Screening Fair and a Flu Shot
Nutrition Programs: The CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Program offers the Meals on Wheels
and Congregate Dinning programs at the Chanhassen City Hall and Senior Center.
Congregate Dinning offers a hot, nutritious meal served Monday through Friday at the Senior
Center for persons aged 60 and older. The program requests a $3.50 contribution, but no one is
denied a meal ifthey are unable to pay. In 2008, 398 meals were served.
Meals on Wheels offers a hot, nutritious, home delivered meal to Chanhassen seniors in need.
The service is available Monday through Friday to seniors aged 60 and older. The program asks
for a contribution of$3.50, but no one is denied a meal ifthey are unable to pay.
Senior Center Newsletter: The Senior Center Newsletter is published four times per year. It is
mailed to over 600 households and agencies in Chanhassen. The newsletter includes programs,
schedules, and information on upcoming programs, trips and events. Other articles include
community events and senior safety information.
Trips: Day trips occur on a monthly basis and travel to theatres, landmarks, community casinos,
restaurants and museums. One-day trips are offered jointly with The Chaska Lodge and Eden
Prairie Senior Center. In 2008,274 people traveled on 12 day trips.
Extended trips are offered on a quarterly basis. Tours are provided through R & J Tours and
Riley's Travel Easy Tours. The Senior Center gets a 5-10 % commission for each traveler. In
2008, the Senior Center, along with The Chaska Lodge, planned and coordinated its first
overnight "mystery trip." Forty-four (44) people attended.
Senior Center Clubs: A variety of clubs offer a format for participants to share common
activities and interests:
Women's Club meets regularly on the second and fourth Mondays ofthe month from 9:30 to
11:00 am. This energetic group of ladies has interesting speakers, crafts, special group outings,
community volunteer opportunities and helps with Senior Center special events. We have 24
Book Club meets the fourth Monday of the month from 1 :00-2:30 pm at the Senior Center. The
group consists of 14 members and has lively discussions of new and classic books.
Bridge Club meets every Monday from 12:30 to 3:30 pm to enjoy 24 hands of party bridge. All
levels of players are welcome. We have 82 members.
Woodcarving is a mixed group of25 men and women that meet every Wednesday and Friday
from 9:00-11 :30 am. Novice and experienced carvers join together to practice their skills, learn
new techniques, and socialize with others who share their love of woodcarving. A woodcarving
workshop is located in the lower level of the City Hall building.
CHAN-o-laires Chorus is a group of 33 men and women who meet every Tuesday from 12:45-
2:15 pm. Throughout the year, the group sings at various retirement facilities, special events,
nursing homes/assisted living homes, and community events.
Golf Group is a mixed group of 14 men and women who play on Wednesday mornings from
May through September at Red Oak Golf Course in Mound at 9:00 a.m. This group invites men
and women of all skill levels.
The Senior Center Advisory Board advises and makes recommendations to the coordinator on
matters relating to social, recreation and educational programs and classes at the Senior Center.
The board consists of 8 members who are elected and serve a two-year term.
Intergenerational Programs: In 2008, several intergenerational programs occurred at the
Senior and Recreation Centers. The Goddard School offered opportunities in the school for older
adults to read to children. On two occasions, Godard School children came to the Senior Center
to do arts and crafts projects with Senior Center participants. Two youth woodcarving classes
were offered and were taught by members of the Chanhassen Woodcarving Group and
supervised by John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor and Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator.
The Grand Times Together program was introduced, offering special holiday themed programs
for grandparents and grandchildren. Recreation Center Manager, Jodi Sarles and Senior Center
Coordinator, Susan Bill planed and promoted these activities.
Partnerships: Partnerships are an integral part of the Senior Center programming and are vital
for several reasons. Partnerships heighten awareness of the Senior Center, provide financial
support and assistance for programs, strengthen the center's programming by utilizing local
resources, and develop special relationships with community organizations.
In 2008 the following partnerships occurred:
. KleinBank of Chanhassen sponsored the Augsburg College of the Third Age Program.
. Community Bank Chanhassen sponsored the December Holiday Party.
. Chanhassen Lion's Club sponsored and hosted the annual Lake Ann picnic.
. Hair for Guys and Dolls provided the entertainment for the Ladies Tea lunch.
. MAAA (Minnesota Area on Aging) provided grant monies for the Enhance Fitness
program instructor.
. AARP (The American Association for Retired Persons) provides instructors for the
monthly defensive driving classes (8 Hour & 4 Hour programs offered).
. MAAA (Minnesota Area on Aging) provides the monthly health insurance counseling
program. A state certified counselor provides one-on-one counseling services to
Medicare beneficiaries at no cost.
. MYNA (Minnesota Visiting Nurses Association) provides the annual flu shot clinic.
Two nurses and two volunteer registrants are provided to administer the shots at the
Senior Center.
. Carver County Public Health and Scott/Carver /Dakota CAP, Inc. provides the
Healthy Living Education Series for Seniors. A Health Screening Fair and five
health-related education programs were offered at the Senior Center by this program.
. The CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Program offers Meals on Wheels and Congregate
Dining Program.
. The Chanhassen Library provides joint programming opportunities.
. Carver County Historical Society sponsored the Carver County Veteran's programs in
. Chanhassen Historical Society for the first Chanhassen Celebration of History and the
. Goddard School for arts and crafts project for the Women's Club
. Friends of the Chanhassen Library for participation in the Barkus parade and book
. Carver County Library System for annual tax assistance for seniors.
. The Chanhassen Senior Center and the Chaska Lodge meet four times a year to plan
monthly day trips and overnight trips. Together we split the cost of the trip
expenditures. This partnership allows both communities to get maximum
participation for each trip.
. The Eden Prairie Senior Center for quarterly casino trips. This partnership allows
both communities to get maximum participation for each trip.
. Summerwood of Chanhassen for partnership on special day trips and events. This
partnership allows maximum participation for these trips.
. Americlnn - For the senior Open Swim program.
. Chanhassen Villager for the weekly publication of the Senior News column at no
. Schools of Eastern Carver County Community Education for publication of Senior
Center programs in their quarterly publication at no cost. The senior center offers
space for community education classes.
Community Events
The City of Chanhassen takes great pride in promoting "community" through special events.
With the generous support of area businesses, the City hosts four marquee special events
annually. These events include February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July
Celebration, and a Halloween Party. All ofthese marquee events have longstanding traditions in
our community. Residents have been enjoying Feb Fest for fifteen years, the Easter Egg Candy
Hunt and 4th of July Celebration for twenty-five years, and the Halloween Party for twenty-four
years. All of these events are made possible through the generosity of the donations from the
local business community. In addition to these marquee events, the City hosts other events
including ChanJ am, KleinBank Summer Concert Series, Dave Huffinan 5K Memorial Run, and
the Tree Lighting Ceremony.
February Festival: The 15th annual February Festival was held on Saturday February 2 on Lake
Ann. This is the first of our four marquee community events each year. The event provides
Chanhassen residents with an opportunity to celebrate a "good old fashioned" Minnesota winter
as a community. A variety of activities are provided for participants, such as ice skating, a
S'mores cookout on a roaring bonfire, literary bingo, medallion hunt, raffle, sledding hill, and of
course the highlight of the event, the ice fishing contest! City staff drilled over 800 fishing holes
for the contest. Overall this one day event drew an estimated 1,200 participants and spectators.
In 2008, 1,275 tickets were sold and 65 fish were caught and weighed. Ticket sales generated
total revenue of $6,375 for the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce which they generously
donated to the City's special event sponsorship program. Total expenses for this event were
As with many community events, this one was generously supported by donations (both cash and
prizes) to our special event sponsorship program from our local business community. In
addition, we had many non-profit organizations help with different aspects ofthe festival. The
Friends of the Chanhassen Library organized the Literary Bingo and the Medallion Hunt. They
also provided the prize for the Medallion Hunt. The local Boy Scout Troop sold bait and S'more
kits that could be roasted on the bon fire. A class from Bluff Creek Elementary School joined
the festivities by creating and distributing fish ID cards and contest rules on a lanyard with nail
clippers. Lastly, the Chanhassen Rotary Club volunteered to sell concessions at the event. A
large debt of gratitude goes out to these groups for their support of this event.
Easter Egg Candy Hunt: The Easter Egg Candy Hunt was held on Saturday, March 22, 2008
at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Over 500 children and parents were in attendance despite
the significant amount of snow on the ground due to the early Easter date. This continues to be a
safe and fun event to offer to the families of Chanhassen. Event activities included musical
entertainment, candy distribution, coloring contest, and prize giveaways.
Staff contracted with J. Shawn Sweeney who provided the musical entertainment for this year's
event. He performed for 45 minutes prior to the egg hunt. This was the second time Shawn has
performed at our event and once again he did a great job and was very easy to work with.
Volunteers from the Chaska High School Key Club helped and were a tremendous asset with
setup, cleanup, candy distribution, and wearing the bunny costume. The Key Club continues to
help with many city events and is greatly appreciated for their time and service.
Total revenue generated by the admission fee for this event was $684.00. Total expenses, which
included candy, entertainment, and general supplies came to $1,673.71. The City of Chanhassen
also received donations from Toy World for the coloring contest prize and the golden egg
giveaways. Byerly's also donated 30 killer brownie gift certificates to the event.
4th of July Celebration: On July 3 and 4, 2008 Chanhassen had a milestone celebration with its
25th Annual 4th of July Celebration! This celebration is the cornerstone of our year-round series
of community events and embodies small town living at its best with two full days of activities
for the whole family to enjoy.
Throughout the two days, a variety of activities were offered to commemorate this special
anniversary. Events began at 3:30 pm on July 3rd running until 12 midnight, and they resumed
again at 11 :00 am on July 4th through the fireworks which began at 10:00 pm. The schedule of
events included: Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, The Taste of Chanhassen,
carnival rides, live musical entertainment, pony rides, skateboard competition, family games and
contests, prize drawing, kiddie parade, free-throw contest, Tae Kwon Do demonstration, adult
and kids fishing contests, treasure hunt, softball tournament, classic car show, and of course the
July 4th parade, street dance featuring Casa Blanca Orchestra (CBO), and the fireworks!.
Several new activities were added to the celebration this year. We had live music from local
high school bands after the parade in City Center Park to draw people back to the carnival rides
and the Taste ofChanhassen. We also had live music in the new Parkview picnic shelter and a
mini carnival with games and inflatables at Lake Ann prior to the fireworks. Lastly, a softball
tournament hosted by the Chanhassen Lions was added at Lake Ann Park on July 5 and 6.
An estimated 10,000 participants per day enjoyed the activities over the two days. Highlights
from the activities were the tent dance on July 3rd and the parade and fireworks on July 4th.
During the tent dance, we had the ChanJam Champions "Karmel" from Chaska High School,
open for CBO with a fun half-hour set. CBO then played a five hour set, which was an
additional hour in honor of the 25th anniversary. During this set, Mayor Furlong presented the
band with a key to the City to thank them for their eleven years of performing at the event. This
year's fireworks show was contracted through Melrose Pyrotechnics, and was an excellent
display and a great finale to this milestone event. The fireworks were set off at 10:00 pm over
Lake Ann and lasted for approximately 22 minutes.
The parade was very well received this year. The Chanhassen Rotary took the lead in
organization of the parade, but had support from the City ofChanhassen. With the theme of, "A
Celebration of Community and Independence: Party Like its 1984!," it was a great tie in with the
theme of the celebration. The parade included bands, floats, fire trucks, classic cars and local
celebrities. The parade consisted of approximately eighty entries.
The Chanhassen Rotary also brought in local food vendors for the Taste of Chanhassen. With a
total of 13 vendors, there was a wide variety of food and beverages served both days.
During the events of the two days, the city contracted with several different vendors for various
activities. Fees received from those contracts, as well as t-shirt sales, prize board revenue, adult
fishing contest registration, mini carnival and family games, profits totaled $11,372.75.
Expenses for services, tents, tables, chairs, advertising, garbage services, and supplies totaled
$69,193.45. These costs were covered by budgeted amounts in the 2008 general fund as well as
generous donations from local businesses and organizations through the special event
sponsorship program.
Halloween Party: The Halloween Party was held on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center. Approximately 600 children and parents were in attendance at
this annual event. This continues to be a safe and fun experience to offer Chanhassen families.
Activities available during the two hour event include live entertainment, trick-or-treating, scary
rooms, carnival games, photo opportunity, face painting, hayrides, and refreshments.
Several different groups helped bring this event together in conjunction with city staff. The park
maintenance staff was exceptional with their help in creating the scary rooms, while the Chaska
Key Club provided volunteers to help with candy distribution, scary rooms, and games. We also
contracted with Maund Entertainment for face painting, Ken Theis for hay rides, and Igor's
Players provided the live entertainment. Total expenses for the event came to $3,235.54 with
total revenue of$1,330.00.
Marquee Special Event Sponsorship Program: The City of Chanhassen is very pleased with
the annual support we receive from the local business community which allows us to have
successful annual community events. This program reaches out to the local business community
seeking once a year support in the form of financial assistance, merchandise gifts, labor, or other
personal resources. 2008 was a notable year as we had 64 total sponsors and received
$35,950.00 in total support, with $25,180.00 in the form of cash. These donations were used
towards February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and Halloween Party
ChanJam '08: Chanhassen's newest event, ChanJam '08 was held Friday, April 11 at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center. We had success with this battle of the bands for students of the
four high schools serving the Chanhassen community. We had a total of 8 bands participate,
with over 300 people in attendance at the event. Winning bands were invited to play at the
Chanhassen 4th of July Celebration and the Minnesota State Fair.
The city contracted with Joe Scott and Partners in Entertainment for the sound, staging, and
lighting. They provided a very professional show. Expenses for the event totaled $1,375.14
with revenues of$I,582.00.
KleinBank Summer Concert Series: 2008 marked the fourth year for the City of Chanhassen's
summer concert series. The program featured eight different bands from a variety of genres,
including folk rock, concert band, Celtic, and children's music. Each concert consisted of an
hour-long performance in City Center Park Plaza beginning in early June running through July
and was free of charge to the public. The average attendance per show was approximately 200
In 2008, staff secured KleinBank as a financial partner for this event. Their donation of
$2,000.00 cut city expenses in half. In addition, rights to sell concessions were contracted to a
local vendor, Sweet Surrenders, in the amount of $150.
Dave Huffman 5K Memorial Run: The ninth annual Dave Huffinan 5K Memorial Run was
held on Saturday September 13th. With approximately 200 people registered to run, participation
was down slightly in 2008. Staff attributes this low attendance rain on the day of the event.
This event features a 5K run through the streets of Chanhassen, but also has 2 fun runs for kids,
free to kids ages 4 - 11 years of age. Additional title sponsors were Houlihan's Restaurant and
AmericInn Chanhassen.
Proceeds of the event are donated in the form of three scholarships to charitable groups. The
2008 scholarship recipients were the Minnesota Vikings Children's Foundation, Boy Scout
Troop #330, and Chanhassen Area Chamber of Commerce Educational Foundation.
Tree Lighting Ceremony: The Tree Lighting Ceremony was held on Saturday, December 6,
2008 in City Center Park, featuring a bonfire, carolers, refreshments, live reindeer, official
lighting of the park, and a visit from Santa Claus. Approximately 150 children and families
enjoyed this fun holiday tradition.
Staff partnered with the Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce, with significant contributions
by Nancy J. Lipinski of Lipinski Accounting & Tax Services, LLC and Mark Halla of The
Mustard Seed Landscaping and Garden Center. The City of Chanhassen incurs almost no
expenses for this event.
2008 Capital Improvement Projects
The 2008 Park and Trail Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included eight items, ranging in
cost from $3,000 to $317,000, and totaling $669,800. Here is a brief description of each ofthe
upcoming projects.
Carver Beach Park Fishing Dock Extension - $3,000: The existing dock is too short to allow
fishing past the weed line. This project will either extend the existing dock or provide for a
separate extension to permit anglers to fish unobstructed by aquatic vegetation. This initiative
will be completed in time for the extended dock to be put back in the water for spring.
Trees - $5,000: This annual allocation of dollars has traditionally been utilized to fulfill tree
planting or transplanting opportunities that present themselves each summer. This allocation is
in addition to any dollars specifically earmarked for planting trees and those dollars specified for
landscaping in construction projects.
Picnic TableslPark Benches - $6,000: This annual allocation of dollars for picnic tables has
been utilized to purchase the second shipment of picnic tables for the new Parkview picnic
shelter at Lake Ann Park. Last year's allocation was also used to purchase 'new tables for the
Recreation Fitness Equipment - $10,000: This is the first allotment in a three- year plan
totaling $30,000 to purchase new fitness equipment for the Recreation Center. We anticipate
that the three new machines ordered this year will arrive in the first quarter of the year.
Recreation Center Lobby Furniture - $18,800: The existing furniture located in the
Recreation Center lobby is original to the opening of the building. Twelve years later the
furniture has been subjected to seven-day-a-week use and thousands of pop and coffee spills.
This allocation will replace all of the existing furniture within the lobby with the exception of the
coffee tables. Again, we hope to have the new furniture delivered in the first quarter of the new
Lakeside Trail (Lyman Boulevard) - $60,000: Sienna Corporation and the City of Chanhassen
entered into a development agreement governing the development of Lakeside. One of the
conditions of this agreement was that Sienna constructs an 800 foot section of pedestrian trail on
the north side of Lyman Boulevard. This $60,000 is to reimburse Sienna Corporation for the
costs of the materials required to construct this section of our public trail system. This trail was
completed last year; we anticipate that Sienna Corporation will bill the city for this work in the
near future.
The Preserve Trail and Bridge - $250,000: Like the Lakeside trail, the Preserve trail and
bridge project is governed by a development agreement. Ryland Corporation has graciously
worked with the City to effectively design and build a public and private trail network within
their housing development referred to as the Preserve. This allocation of park and trail
dedication dollars has been set aside to reimburse Ryland Corporation for material costs
associated with the "public" trails within their development. Nearly all of the public trail
alignments have been graded with over fifty percent of the asphalt surface in place. The bridge
necessary for the crossing of Bluff Creek was delivered and installed last November. You can
anticipate that this work will be completed in the spring with a ribbon cutting ceremony being
scheduled in Mayor June.
Arboretum Business Park Lot 12 Trail- $317,000: This project will construct the final
segment ofthe much anticipated Chanhassen Nature Preserve trail loop. When complete this
trail will travel over two miles in a circular pattern around the headwaters of one of the major
branches of Bluff Creek. Steiner Development is currently working on finishing up the design
and engineering work for this project. They will solicit bids for the trail project in February or
March with construction to commence at the onset of the spring construction season. This
section of the loop features a pedestrian bridge and over 2200 lineal feet of trail. It is anticipated
that this work will be completed by the fall of 2008.
Adaptive Recreation
The Adaptive Recreation Program is a cooperative effort between the cities of Chanhassen,
Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, St. Louis Park and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency
serving individuals, ages 7 to adult, with developmental disabilities in the west and northwest
metro area. Programs include social/recreation groups and educational programs.
The City of Chanhassen served 48 children and adults through our recreation and special event
programs. The annual adaptive recreation contract amount fluctuates up or down based on the
number of participates. The contract amount for 2008 is $3,900.
Adult Athletics
The City offers a variety of adult athletic activities. Our goal is to create a healthy lifestyle
while promoting positive competition and social interaction with other adults. The City takes
great pride in providing quality athletic facilities that ensure safe indoor and outdoor playing
In 2008, the Park & Recreation Department had 70 teams and over 1,000 individuals participate
in adult summer and fall softball.
The addition of the new ball field lights at Lake Ann created new playing opportunities. The
lights allowed the Monday night double header league to expand, and therefore increase revenue.
Although the double header leagues have higher registration fees, they remain very popular.
2008 Softball expenditures
2008 Softball revenues
Outdoor Ice Rinks and Warming Houses: The 2007-08 ice skating rink season operated from
December 14,2007 to March 11,2008. This year's locations included: City Center Park, North
Lotus Park, Roundhouse Park, and the Chanhassen Recreation Center. We also had a pleasure
rink with no warming house at Chanhassen Hills Park. During this period, the warming houses
were open a total of 90 days. Warming houses were closed a total of 7 days due to high
temperatures, low temperatures, and poor surface conditions. We hired a total of 14 rink
attendants to staff the warming houses.
The total expenses per day for ice rinks and warming houses were $657.41. Below you will find
the details of the expenses and rink user numbers for the season:
Rink Expenses
Temporary and Seasonal wages:
Equipment Rental: (warming houses)
Rink Maintenance:
$ 3,283.41
Warming House Use - Number of users through winter
City Center (1 pleasure rink & 1 hockey rink) 1,932
Recreation Center (1 pleasure rink & 2 hockey rinks) 4,316
North Lotus Lake Park (1 pleasure rink & 1 hockey rink) 2,445
Round House Park (1 pleasure rink) 810
Skate Park at City Center Park: The Chanhassen Skate Park was open from mid-May through
mid-October. It provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than forty-eight inches, for
skateboards, bicycles, and in-line skates. This portion of City Center Park continues to be a very
popular place for residents, mostly those under the age of 18. For the 2008 season, staff
recorded over 6,800 participants using the facility.
Park Maintenance staff continues to maintain the equipment and the park. We supervised the
daily operations ofthe park along with three attendants, which totals approximately fifty-five
hours of supervision each week from May 23 to September 28. The attendant was responsible
for educating users about skate park rules, reporting issues within the park, daily attendance, and
general supervision of the facility. Temporary and seasonal wages for the attendants totaled
$7,684.50, with a total of745 hours recorded.
Beaches: The City of Chanhassen contracts lifeguard services for Lake Ann Beach with
Minnetonka Community Education. This longstanding relationship dates back to the 1970's.
A total of 19,000 swimmers enjoyed the city operated free public beach at Lake Ann Park from
June 7 through August 17.
2008 Beach contract totaled $28,490
Swim lessons at Lake Ann Beach
Session A, June 16-June 26: 24 students
Session B, July 7-July 17: 20 students
Lake Ann Beach is seeing an increase of rentals for submersible baptisms.
Lake Ann Watercraft Rental and Concessions
Total Boat Rentals
Row boats
Row boats with trolling motor
Concession Hours & Wages
Concession Hours
Concession Wages
Total Vendor Supplies
Total Expenditures
Net profit
Picnic Shelters
$ 3,615.41
During 2008, the City had three separate picnic areas available for rent. The Lakeside Pavilion
and the Hilltop Shelter at Lake Ann Park and the Lake Susan shelter at Lake Susan Park. There
were a total of 95 pavilion rentals with an estimated 10,000 users.
Picnic Site Allocations
_lake Susan Shelter
. L.Jkcsidc Pavilion
. HilltopShcltcr
Canoe Rack Rentals: Chanhassen has canoe racks located at Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus
Lake. A total of 30 spots are available for rent between April and October.
22 racks rented @ $45 = Revenue $990
Park Maintenance
The Chanhassen Park Department maintains 34 parks and is also responsible for the downtown
business district. This is all done with 7 full time employees and 14 seasonal employees. We
currently have a total of 843 acres of park land, 460 acres of natural preserve land and 383 acres
of developed park land. The 2008 budget was $834,800 which covers wages, supplies, operating
expenses contracted and capital.
The park department maintains 23 soccer fields, 20 youth baseball/softball fields, 4 youth/adult
baseball fields, 3 adult softball fields, 2 football fields, and 17 tennis courts. We also maintain 3
fishing piers which are located at Lake Ann, Lake Minnewashta and Lake Susan, 5 additional
fishing docks in various parks, 6 public beaches, and 3 rental picnic areas. Other recreational
areas maintained include: 8 sand volley ball courts, 21 basketball courts, a skate park, a sledding
hill, 4 hockey rinks, 6 family rinks, 25 parks with playground equipment, and 70 miles of
bituminous bike trails. A community garden is also maintained by the parks department.
Park Improvements
Lake Ann Park
. New park shelter installed
. New lights on three ball fields and soccer field
. Graded and reseeded areas in construction zones
. New roof on play equipment
. One new memorial bench installed
. Redid infields on two baseball fields
Chanhassen Recreation Center Park
. Built an additional ball field
. Installed player benches and bleachers at ball fields
. Rebuilt retaining wall and planted new bushes around dinner theater sign
. Landscaped ends of pedestrian bridge
. Planted three bush beds on main street
Carver Beach Park
. Extended fishing dock
Bandimere Park
. Reseeded soccer field #1
. Rebuilt infields on baseball fields #1 and #2
North Lotus Lake Park
. Installed memorial bench
South Lotus Lake Park
. Installed new concrete boat ramp
. Landscaped boat landing and installed water gardens
Lake Susan Park
. Rebuilt the infield on the baseball field
Boy Scout Projects
. Handrails going down steps to beach
. Planted trees near playground
. Installed three benches and pavers along Kerber Boulevard
Sentenced to Serve
. Pioneer Cemetery - raked leaves and removed buck thorn around cemetery
Pioneer Cemetery
. Worked with contractor to install new entrance archway
. Landscaped around new entrance
Park Entrance Sign
. Built and installed park signs at Curry Farm Park and Sugar Bush Park
. Restained 8 existing park entrance signs
Picnic Tables
. Stained and assembled 35 picnic tables
Jobs Contracted Out
. Lotus Lake Park
Installed water filtering ponds and rain gardens to filter runoff water before in
enters Lotus Lake
Rebuilt and black topped trail to boat landing
. Downtown
Contracted weed spraying and fertilizing of entire downtown
. Trails
Installed new trail (4/1 0 of a mile) through nature preserve
Installed new trail (3/1 0 of a mile) through Liberty of Bluff Creek
Hoffman, Todd
Hoffman, Todd
Monday, July 13, 2009 9:22 AM
'Helen Hollands'
Sarles, Jodi; Gerhardt, Todd; Hokkanen, Laurie
RE: Chan Ree Center
Thank you for your nice note - I will pass your thanks onto the staff at the Rec Center. It
was announced today that CNN Money Magazine ranks Chanhassen as the #2 best small town in
America - customer service like that sure helps!
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
77ee Market Blvd, P.o. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Hollands []
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2ee9 9:19 AM
To: Hoffman, Todd
Subject: Chan Rec Center
Hi Todd,
I just wanted to let you know what great staff you have at Chan Rec Center. We booked it
last night for a soccer team end-of-season party and we could not have had a better
experience. Melissa and her Qad (sorry I didn't catch his name) set the room up really
nicely for us with all the equipment we needed, made great suggestions, assisted with hiccups
and just had such a helpful attitude. It took all the stress out of organising the party.
Thank you very much to them both!
Helen Hollands
Team Manager
CCUnited Dynamite Girls Ull Soccer Team
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952,227,1100
Fax: 952,227,1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952,227.1180
Fax: 952,227,119G
Phone: 952.227,1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952,227,1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952,227.1120
Fax: 952,227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952,227.1400
Fax: 952.227,1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952,227,1130
Fax: 952,227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952,227.1300
Fax: 952.227,1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227,1125
Fax: 952,227,1110
Web Site
June 25} 2009
Krista Danner
Ridgedale YMCA
12301 RidgedaJe Drive
Minnetonka} MN 55305
Dear Ms. Danner:
Please accept this letter as our formal notice that the City of Chanhassen is
terminating the preschool sports consulting agreementbetween the Ridgedale
YMCA and the City of Chanhassen effective August 31]2009. Full compensation
ofthe 2009 Chanhassen Recreat,on Center preschoolt-ballprogram will be
made prior to that date.
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Jodi Sarles
Recreation Center Manager
CC: Todd Hoffman
Jerry Ruegemer
J.J. Lurken '
Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
BUilding Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
231 0 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
June 12, 2009
Mr. Bill Weckman
Interim. County Engineer
Carver County Public Works Department
11360 Highway 212 West
P.O. Box 300
Cologne, MN 55322-0300
Re: Application for Transportation Enhancement (TE) Funds for the
Southwest Regional Trail Connection from Chaska to Victoria
Dear Mr. Weckman:
The City of Chanhassen has been contacted by Carvyr(Jo~ntYfegarding support
of the County'sapplicj;ltionfor TE fllnds for constru?tioIlalldl~ndacquisition for
the Southwest Itegi~nal Tl'ailConl1ectio.n bet",~enth~citiesofChaskaand
Victoria. We understandthatthe proj~ctworkstocr~ateapavedtrailbetween the
two cities.
This letter and serves as the City of Chanhassen's support of Carver County's
Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
g:\park\th\trail\draft letter of supp6rtd6c
Chanhassen is a Community for life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
,~ 71:'jKC' ~<
District Health Council School Board Report
May 2009
The District Health Council was formed from the District Wellness Policy, adopted May 25, 2006.
The role of the council is to monitor, review, and propose revisions to the wellness policy and
serve as a resource for its implementation.
The District Health Council addressed the following during the 2008-2009 school year:
. District Health Council newsletter. We continue to publish a District Health Council
newsletter. The newsletters are posted on the district website and include nutrition and
physical fitness ideas for families and a feature called "What's Cool in a 112 School."
. Birthday/celebration requests. "Birthday and Celebration Request" is being offered
at CRE, BCE, CES, and VES. Parents who wish to bring in food for their child's birthday
can request food for a fee through the school's foodservice staff. They can choose from
a birthday cake ice cream cup, sherbet, pretzels, applesauce, fresh sliced apples with
caramel sauce, orange juice, and milk. The food items are peanut free and less than 30
percent calories from fat.
. Flu Shot Clinic, November 2008. The District Health Council offered apples along
with health and wellness information for individuals getting a flu shot in November.
. Wellness Committees. CMSW and CRE have wellness committees implementing
activities for both students and staff. The council is following the activities these
committees are implementing so that ideas can be provided to other buildings.
CMSW has initiated the following:
- Diabetes Awareness Month in November that included a walk, diabetes facts
on announcements, and an informational video featuring CMSW students who
have diabetes.
Staff versus students dodge-ball.
Staff Wellness Challenge, staff accumulates points for activities they participate
in. When they accumulate 30 points per month, their name is eligible for a
prize drawing.
Pennies for Patients, staff versus students basketball
Staff and student pedometer challenge starting 4th quarter.
Healthy Hints on announcements.
CRE has initiated the following:
- 12 Days of Fitness in December. Students completed 12 days in December of
making healthy choices (Le., eating, exercising). Parents could initial a
calendar that students brought home.
- Staff step challenge with pedometers donated by St. Francis Regional Medical
- Mammo Party at St. Francis Regional Medical Center. CRE staff members were
treated to massages, manicures, munchies, and music, in an effort to have
women get their annual mammograms.
- Jammin' Minutes lead by school nurse, Tara Cliff. Jammin' Minutes are a one
minute exercise that can be done anytime during the school day. The one
minute exercise is done each day during morning announcements at CRE.
- During NationallY Turnoff Week in April, CRE students were encouraged to
participate in other activities while reducing screen time. A calendar for
parents to initial was sent home. Those who participated were eligible for
raffle prizes including games and outside activities (sponsored by PTO).
. Worksite Wellness Advisory Committee. Carver County has a Worksite Wellness
Advisory Committee representing employers in Carver County. Kristi Juaire and Laurie
Zebell are representing District 112. The purpose of the committee is to develop a
network of people with a vested interest in employee health and wellness; serve as a
foundation for sharing resources and ideas; provide feedback to Carver County on
development of an upcoming wellness event sponsored by Carver County Public Health.
Topics discussed in 2009 include: an on-site farmers market, fruit and vegetable
challenges for staff, vending in the workplace, stress in the workplace, and
health/wellness screenings.
. District Intranet Site. A prototype has been developed for a District Health Council
intra net site. The site will serve as a resource for district staff to obtain ideas for
promoting student and staff wellness. See attached.
. Snack Vending. Snack vending machines at CHS meet wellness policy guidelines;
ninety percent or more of all items will contain 35% or less of its calories from fat per
serving, 10% or less of its calories from saturated and trans fat, and 100% of chips will
be baked. We are continuing to work with Midwest Vending to research products they
are able to stock in the vending machines and students will purchase. We will be doing
some student taste tests with new products in May. Vending machines at CHS are off
during the time that lunch is being served.
Snack vending machines at the middle schools will be modified over the summer to
meet wellness policy guidelines. The vending machines at the middle schools are off
during the school day.
District Health Council Members
Judy Amrhein
Ryan Carlson
Tara Cliff
Nicole Deutsch
Melissa Hanson
Sue Harberts
Kelly Harris
Helen Hollands
Todd Hoffman
Kristi Juaire
Dana Miller
Ryan Muelemans
Anne Peglow
Sally Stuckey
Andrea Sweeney
Diane Timmers
Laurie Zebell
Suzi Tripp
Facilities/Field Scheduler, Community Education
Physical Education Teacher, CMSW
School Nurse, CRE
Carver County Public Health Nurse
Assistant Coordinator, Community Education
Community Education Coordinator
Physical Education Teacher, CHS
Parent, BCE
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Director
District Health Services Coordinator
Principal, PRMS
Physical Education Teacher, VES
Food & Nutrition Training & Support Assistant
School Board Member
Parent, Chanhassen and CMSW
Food Service Supervisor
Human Resources Benefits Assistant
Parent and Paraprofessional, CRE
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
, Recreation Center
231 0 Cou~er Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
, Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
('t' A..IJ"'''' ~ ,d/.' /C A #?, '
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June 11,2009
Ms. Sara Svenby
St Hubert's Catholic Community
8201 Main Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Sara:
Thank you for contacting the City of Chanhassenregarding your Summer Stretch
program. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and the children of St.
Hubert's Church, and School. It is our understanding that approximately
20 children in grades 6, 7 and 8 will be participating each day. City staff met to
discuss potential projects for your group and arrived at the following project
Wednesday, July 8th - Chanhassen Recreation~~!~f~~.Summer Clean Up:
The group '-\'Ul spend the morning sprucing up the,{';t2f the Chanhassen
Recreation C~iit~h\NteetRecreation Center Man,';' .", the
;~;;:~~::~~Z4~~d~~~3. .. ........ i1~~~:ated at
2310 Coultet~()lnevard. ,,' ,~<>., ;d';, "i'>;~?"'" "
. I.... """,__ ., .' C~{t<:~".~:'~~'
inspired the creatiOl1bftheCitY~~Cd~"", ,
Jill Sinclair, Environnien~~l,R~~()urc,~~;"
garden' s frontga~eiai:9::?{;)'a.rt11,to'pr':""
.". ,'-,' ,-.,-..: " .,.,- " ..._,.....:.....
that the water and anythingelseenteringthe$~di~jps"fJt)WS dire(jilyinto our, '
natural resource environments. The.oldadage,'~0~i"?t~jte - out of mind" does..
not apply here. Krista Spreiter, NaturaIResotlrce:s,~eChnician will meet you at St.
Hubert's to review the program and lead YOllout tolhe selected project site.
Chanhassen is a Community for life - Providing lor Today and Planning lor Tomorrow
Ms. Sara Svenby
June 11, 2009
Page 2
Wednesday, July 29th Lake Susan Park Trail Clean Up: The Lake Susan to .
Rice Marsh Lake trail is one of the most widely utilized segments of pedestrian
trail in the city. The trail provides direct access for St. Hubert's Church and
School to some of the city's most spectacular natural resources. Mitch Ulrich, our
Park and Recreation futern will meet you at the school at 9:30 a.m. to lead the
group on an adventuresome clean-up hike of the trail leading from the school to
Lake Susan Park. You will return to the school using the sidewalk along Lake
. Drive - cleaning up along the way. Some students should wear knee high boots to
permit clean-up of the lakeshore of Lake Susan.
Again thank you for your commitment to completing service projects within the
community. We hope these projects sound exciting - we look forward to working
with you!
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
c: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician
Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Coordinator
Mitch Ulrich, Park & Recreation futern
g:\park\th\st hubert's summer stretch 2009-] .doc
7700 Market Boulevard
POBox 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100 .
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation .
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110 .
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
{ ,IJ.;'7C ~
June 11,2009
Ms. Jolaine Jennissen
St. Hubert's Catholic Community
8201 Main Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Jolaine:
Thank you for contacting the City of Chanhassen' to arrange volunteer community
service for your youth group. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and
the children of St. Hubert's Church and School. It is our understanding that two
groups of approximately 25 children in grades 9 ~nd 10 will be participating. City
staff met to discuss potential projects for your group and arrived at the following
project assignments.
Friday June 19,2009 - 8:30 a.m. t()11:30 a.m.
Group #1: Please meet at the fountain in City Cenret;~~k at Chanhassen City
Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard. This group will wo#~,:,~!'rlj;<:ity staff to clean and
spruce up Ci~yCenter Park and the City Center P'''';''''''.J,'~:mpreparation for the
wood chip mulch. lbisigro'\ip,will;m:sQ.lj:
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
c: Chanhassen City Council
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing lor Today and Planning for Tomorrow