2. Schematic Design/Construction Cost Estimates for 4 Trail Projects CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director 11 DATE: August 25, 2009 SUBJ: Schematic Design and Construction Cost Estimates for the Following Trail Segments: . Highway 101 NorthIPleasant View Road Trail Connections City Project #PK&T -029 . Bluff Creek Drive Gap Trail City Project #PK&T -083 . Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail City Project #PK&T -084 . Hwy. 5 Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum City Project #PK&T-098 The city's Comprehensive Trail Plan includes a handful of trail segments exceeding one-half mile in length that have yet to be completed. In February of 2009, the City retained Brauer and Associates, a land use planning and design consultant to study four of these segments. Our goal was to prepare schematic design documents for each of the future trails in addition to an estimate of the probable construction costs for each segment. This work was initiated to create a starting point for future conversations with the large number of partners and review agencies that are involved in completing trails adjacent to state and county roadways. On Tuesday evening, August 25, representatives from Brauer and Associates will attend your meeting to provide a detailed review of the proposed trail schematics and their probable cost estimates. You will find the proposed alignments to be well planned and exciting to view. The estimated construction costs will likely not lead to the same level of excitement. The estimated costs are significantly higher than the numbers currently listed in the Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Plan. These findings have caused me to recommend that you modify the timeline proposed for all four trail segments, one more dramatically than the other three, to allow for additional sources of capital funds to be sought (Item #4). We look forward to presenting this important trail planning work to the commission and remain committed to working with you to complete these future trail segments. g:\park\th\cip\brauer trail report.doc Chanhassenis a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow I ~RAUER & AsSOCIATES, LTD. LAND USE PLANNING AND DESIGN 10417 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD SUITE NUMBER ONE HOPKINS, MN 55343 TEL: 952-238-0831 FAX: 952-238-0833 August 10, 2009 Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Schematic Design and Construction Cost Estimation for the following trail segments: · Highway 101 NorthIP1easant View Road Trail Connections City Project #PK&T-029 · Bluff Creek Drive Gap Trail City Project #PK&T -083 · Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail City Project #PK&T-084 · Hwy. 5 Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum City Project #PK&T-098 Weare pleased to present the enclosed schematic design plans and cost estimates for each of the trail segments listed above. It has been a pleasure working with you and the City of Chanhassen on this project. All of us at Brauer & Associates, Ltd. are excited to see the City of Chanhassen plan ahead for these important trail connections and look forward to using them in the future. Below is a summary of the estimated costs for each segment. Detailed breakdowns of costs associated with each trail can be found in the enclosed documents. Trail Proiect Description City Proiect # Est. Proiect Cost Highway 101 North/Pleasant View Road Trail Connections #PK&T-029 $ 402,391.12 Bluff Creek Drive Gap Trail #PK&T-083 $ 387,069.30 Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail #PK&T-084 $ 1,041,200.94 Hwy. 5 Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum #PK&T-098 $ 715,842.80 Total Estimated Cost $ 2,546,504.17 As you know, the schematic design plans were prepared based on the aerial photography / GIS basemapping provided by the City, which is adequate for planning and schematic design, however, is not suitable for detailed design / preparation of construction documents. As such, we have included a 15% contingency in the cost estimate for each ofthe segments to account for basemapping inaccuracies for these projects. Obtaining detailed field surveys (property & topographical) for each of the trail segment project areas is imperative and will minimize estimation and construction errors related to the following items as you move forward with the projects: 1. grading 2. extent of retaining walls & fencing 3. ROW space / acquisition 4. wetland delineations / mitigation / etc. 5. storm sewer improvements 6. utility relocations RECEIVED AUG 1 2 2009 CiTY OF CHANHASSEN Page 1 of2 We have contacted both Carver County and MnDOT in attempt to obtain any related preliminary feedback from them prior to completing the schematic designs for these trail segments. Both indicated that they will not provide detailed comments until a full construction document package is submitted for review, however, the schematic design alignments we have prepared are similar to the trails adjacent to each segment. Brauer & Associates, Ltd. hopes this information will aid the City of Chanhassen in budgeting and further planning for these trail segments. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part ofthis project and look forward to working with you again in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Brauer & Associates, Ltd. H\DOCS\2009\09-05 Chanhasson Trai/sICes! Estimate Let/erdoG Page 2 of2 - Schematic Design Estimate Highway 101 North / Pleasant View Road Trail Connections City of Chanhassen, MN (City Project #PK&T -029) Units Lee:end: LS = Lump Sum, SF = Square Feet, SY = Square Yard, EA = Each, LB = Pound, PAIR = Pair LF = Lineal Feet, FF = Face Feet, CY = Cubic Yard (in place measure), TN = Ton, GAL = Gallon, AC = Acre No. Section 1 - Highway 101/ Pleasantview Road Trail Section Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid Qtv. (In Dollars) (In Dollars) I Removal and disposal of all vegetation, pavement, etc. for construction 1.00 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 2 Earthwork / grading operations - complete, including surveying & staking 1.50 AC $15,000.00 $22,500.00 3 Export of earthen material - complete 750 CY $5.00 $3,750.00 4 Erosion control/construction fencing 2,000 LF $2.00 $4,000.00 5 Furnish and install 12" RCP Class III - complete 750 LF $30.00 $22,500.00 6 Furnish and install FES with rip-rap basin - complete 3 EA $900.00 $2,700.00 7 48" catch basin 4 EA $2,200.00 $8,800.00 8 Traffic control 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 9 MNDOT concrete B618 curb 2,200 LF $12.00 $26,400.00 10 Furnish and place Roadway Asphalt Paving (patching) - complete, including 1.5" 250 SY $28.00 $7,000.00 wearing course, 2.0" non-wearing course and 6" class 5 aggregate base 11 Line striping / crosswalks 4 EA $150.00 $600.00 12 Furnish and place 10' Wide Asphalt Trail - complete, including 2.5" wearing course 2,600 LF $28.00 $72,800.00 mixture over 6" class 5 aggregate base 13 Infill bituminous pavement between trail edge and retaining wall (approx. 3') 615 LF $8.50 $5,227.50 14 Concrete pedestrian ramps with detectable warning plate 5 EA $1,000.00 $5,000.00 15 Modular unit retaining wall 2,400 FF $30.00 $72,000.00 16 Chainlink fencing for retaining wall 312 LF $24.00 $7,488.00 17 Restoration (seeding with blanket or hydro-mulch) 1.00 AC $10,000.00 $10,000.00 18 Grading easements for construction 0.15 AC $40,000.00 $6,000.00 19 Relocate fire hydrant & traffic signs 1 LS $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Subtotal: $304,265.50 15% Contingency $45,639.83 15% Design & Testing Fees $52,485.80 Construction Estimate Total: $402.391.12 Brauer Associates, Ltd. Schematic Design Estimate ~N .... ' ~(f"~"'." . 1 ~ ~ ~. 4"' 'SI-i ~ "p-...-_.--j EXISTING TRAIL '. 1 . I ~ ~ ~ ,oS;'"' ISO~ , f;;zz t: 0 Cl Cl _..---, .,' !;:::<: I -:.~ ~~ ,,~ ~ ~, I ~~\'b---~~ .J-.; '" ,.' I -, C ~ ~:<:O E"OS; <E"z ~ S~~. '"'"~ ~:c!;:: J :;l'"<J> '2:,0 \:l ~~~ ~O~ Vl ~ Q o ~ .. C'l ~ ~ ri f:- = ~ ~ > < ~ - ":I I:"" ~ ~ Z ~ ;; ~ := 0 > = .. 0 :d 0 ~ ... po fIJ -g. ~ n' C'l Vl :: (/J 0 ~ t"l ~ po ro ! 0 0 Vl 0 '.:\ i- ;d ~z .. :;: ~~ tllt"z~~i C/l cn>..........tTli<J> :<:. ;d 1=1 d >..... ~ EI~~ s,.,; 1~~1 ~'".~- f rIU~. 'lll~~~i~I..~~~ ~~1 !I, ~ 'I t"'r ,II ll.i _ ..:..=--".... -- -L-. ,.,- ~~ tll> ,'" F On __:-..4 f SOl a. . . . .. . . .p . ~ iiI1i,;j~" ..,...___~ :..-,:;:. ~...~ ......~.'I." ':Cf;;~~" ~J::!;;1;a2l:::::!~~E; ...~ ~> ~ ;;1 . '" '" ~ >- ::: Vi 0 :c c: ~~' ~~ ~ 5rrl:;O~>?~cn ~~!It . ~ ~, a >-F;d:::~~:<:::: 1.'1 .~ ~ ~t..,-~~ ,or~r2 1_ ~ ~ _...._1 ~.:......-:.~~...- .J ~ N gl I Highway 101 North / Pleasant View Road Trail Connections I I '" ;1 I City of Chanhassen, MN - City Project #PK&T-029 Schematic Layout I I Vl ~ (") ..., o z C'l ~ ~ ri ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!C ~9 ~~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-. ~ ~l~a;~.~~. ij- :.'.' ~;\;):: :c 11; ~ /' 2 J; ,..... Al~ ~'"II .1 ~ d ~': .'. 0,']> .J. , d"', -r;'1 \ ~ Ilf(~ ~ ' ,Z ~ 1......\ _ ..~ II ~~. I _'I- ,:>~~~ . -n..;' . -. '\ ). I .. ., - I "..." OJ' ::l '" .~ "dra: ~~ 1 C.! ~. ~. /J p;...:> 3 _ _ ,~ ~~13 ~ ~ (" ~.,jl_.....':'....:!...- - - -~ f: 10::: '" I .. ' .' Ir' 'Z!o.,. ~_>- .. p ~ "m" ". . ~I;: ......... ~~'~I~ ~~~ ,,= ~~~ It: ..~ ~ . z ot'..:.. ~ ..' Iq ~ ......." "'~ , ,- ;.io ~ ..", ~ l. lll~.,.:." i ""~_. ~. P 'l' 1.-\-' . .. ~,A~ ,~, ..... I> ~y~~~ L.~' ~& 1:L.~ ~: ~'0- /0/ ~ I ~ ::t, \..... '- ~ -.::: ,., z ::----je ---- '~ ~~~ . ~~ I~FI ~ ,",,<J><J>>- ~~.~ "~--t~~~~ ":1=+ ~~~~~r~- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 4. ~:J~t. ~-' ~~~~J- :: ~ ~ : ;j I ~ '-~ t'T1 I~__~ 8 '" z 1': I ~,I:I!o ... IllI . = i- <J> ::: I ' "'.::::.. I~ - -- 1lJ..- . ~ .1..-_ __:.,. __~ -.~.~ It.._ _ L....- HWYIOI '--- Ii ~urn ~s p.s, I ~I it i! ~ -i III I 104'" bre~rBtvd., Sui1(' #1, t1oplin~ M.... 553-43 .-------- Tel. (952) 23B-08J1 Fa~. (952) 23B-08J3 I ~rauer & Assadates, Ltd. , I I Land Use Planning and Design I I I I : ....~e n II i '~ Schematic Design Estimate Bluff Creek Drive Gap Trail City ofChanhassen, MN (City Project #PK&T-083) Units Le2end: LS = Lump Sum, SF = Square Feet, SY = Square Yard, EA = Each, LB = Pound, PAIR = Pair LF = Lineal Feet, FF = Face Feet, CY = Cubic Yard (in place measure), TN = Ton, GAL = Gallon, AC = Acre No. Bluff Creek Trail Section Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid Qtv. (In Dollars) (In Dollars) 1 Removal and disposal of all vegetation, pavement, etc. for construction . 1.00 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Earthwork / grading operations - complete, including surveying & staking 4.00 AC $15,000.00 $60,000.00 3 Export offill- complete 750 CY $5.00 $3,750.00 4 Erosion control/construction fencing 6,300 LF $2.00 $12,600.00 5 Furnish and install 12" RCP Class III - complete 150 LF $30.00 $4,500.00 6 Furnish and install FES with rip-rap basin - complete 5 EA $900.00 $4,500.00 7 48" catch basin 2 EA $2,200.00 $4,400.00 8 Traffic control 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 9 MNDOT concrete B618 curb 60 LF $12.00 $720.00 10 Furnish and place Roadway Asphalt Paving - complete, including 1.5" wearing 15 SY $28.00 $420.00 course, 2.0" non-wearing course and 6" class 5 aggregate base 11 Line striping / crosswalks 1 EA $150.00 $150.00 12 Furnish and place 10' Wide Asphalt Trail - complete, including 2.5" wearing course 4,100 LF $28.00 $114,800.00 mixture over 6" class 5 aggregate base 13 Infill bituminous pavement between trail edge and retaining wall (approx. 3') 200 LF $8.50 $1,700.00 14 Concrete pedestrian ramps with detectable warning plate 2 EA $1,000.00 $2,000.00 15 6" thick concrete apron pavement 520 SF $7.00 $3,640.00 16 Modular unit retaining wall 700 FF $30.00 $21,000.00 17 Restoration (seeding with blanket or hydro-mulch) 2.50 AC $10,000.00 $25,000.00 18 Land acquisition for ponding 0.10 AC $100,000.00 $10,000.00 19 Grading easements for construction 0.60 AC $7,500.00 $4,500.00 20 Relocate traffic signs and light pole 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Subtotal: $292,680.00 15% Contingency $43,902.00 15% Design & Testing Fees $50,487.30 Estimated Project Total: $387.069.30 Brauer Associates, Ltd. Schematic Design Cost Estimate i: 'M H -. 2EG~T. #2.t~ltA.;CH LIN ~ SEGMENT!3. a.. ~ ~ ~ ~L,-I" ,'. I ~ ~':v" ;-1 {r ~ -'\t-- - -'<l' ,I, ~ I 1IIiI,.l:( T I ~ t ~.~ '!II ~ , ~ '" _:1 ;Ii ~ .. 1.1) i ~'~~~<~ :: i, ~ 'C ~:'. I' .. r : " l; 'J (.oW. ~4 ~ .f~ ~. .;,~ ~ .,. ". ::l;!jCl ~i:S; ~~~ ~~~ ",,0 Ell ~~ _ J ~ ~~ ... i ~~ . '" ~,. '. ! , I ~~~. I l '. I' ~ ~'''.~' of; ! ~',''1~ L~~ .,1, I S I ' ~. ( . I ~. I ~\# f,' I ~)'''I' ." ~l/ ... :;11i1 \ >" \ ~\'" \I ~g\ \ .~~ /If 0 > ~...... ~..., .' '. ~ .1 ~ Q \ \ .: .'1'.. ~..~!ii \ .'~ .. ':'J~~. ~~, \~. _ 1 '~P\:-:1'~ ,- tJ ~~~ , -- g~o tii,..~ r:1:c~ ~~~ ~2~ ~~ ~~ z d . . i ~ . . . ju ~ ; , .: '.' '. '. " .' ,., ':'l ,./i I Q .,0 ~, ~ , "0 ,~ .. ' lJl' o !R~ if-, .~' ,.=~ , ''''''',. .j8. r _\~<$' \~ " . r 1 ... ,- "'d' '. ,"" . ~ (JJ :'1 (j -i o '7. (;') ;;:::: ~ ?i i:.... :: ,.. ~ ,., ::: ~ ~ ~ ;: ~ ~ l ~. ~ ......... " d~ ~= {;;en ::l~ z> o~ c;:: Ci m I ~~J >"" -< '-- ;,fo - . ,,- ~:}...~:. ri: 2!: 10....'-... 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JJ , ;.- i ~~2l2l ~ 3?";Qi >c~ ~2~ ..6 ~ ~ ~t~ 4L...... ~. z ~ .~ :;: " I \: '. .. ~ '~1 ;Q 0' 2~ h ~~ ::J~ ~~ >;!j ~b '" m I Cl ~~ . Zt""tj.__ ---:;jgjti Iilf;l~ ~1~ Ec~ rJl ~! ~ Bluff Creek Drive Trail Connections City of Chanhassen, MN - City Project #PK&T-083 Schematic Layout f i ~{~iP ~ ~ 11.J I II Hi == ~ ~ "" ~ ~ ~ = := ~ ~ ~ ;: CIJ ~ I:'l :: ~ ~ ! . ... _.~ ~... 't' . . 6.6 ~'.l'; . '" . .,,, -, ~~I " ,,~i ", J tit ~:~j~ ~~~~"'l \ U , 8ft \ flf!J' . '~ 'ifi' 'j. l~":" " ./, 'jii:' '. IJ ~. ".'tl-/1 -;l " \," 1t. ~. I t,'. \ ,iL,1il , 1 ,~J m ~'~, r " I \ ,~. \ >~ ...~ ::J~ Ciq: mn 1\ ~ ~ ~ 8<;i g~ I, ~;!j ,,> . - c C:;ll II t""m ~~ '" \ , \ u n ..~ ~~ II II I \ \ ,_\ I liz! n~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~U '\ ",>~ gSZ o~~ z~_ ~\ ~ . ~, \ \ u = ~~."'~ i .~ ! ! I' I 10417 bCt"kic. Blvd.. Suite Ill. Hopkins. M~ 5534] Tel. (9521 238.(8) 1 rax. (952123&0833 ~rauer & Associates. Ltd. -[ lAnd Use Planning and Design - Schematic Design Estimate Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail City of Chanhassen, MN (City Project #PK&T -084) Units Lel!:end: LS = Lump Sum, SF = Square Feet, SY = Square Yard, EA = Each, LB = Pound, PAIR = Pair LF = Lineal Feet, FF = Face Feet, CY = Cubic Yard (in place measure), TN = Ton, GAL = Gallon, AC = Acre No. Pioneer Trail, Trail Project - Description of Work Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid Qtv. (In Dollars) (In Dollars) I Removal and disposal of all vegetation, pavement, etc. for construction 1.00 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Earthwork / grading operations - complete, including surveying & staking 2.50 AC $15,000.00 $37,500.00 3 Import of common borrow - complete 1,500 CY $8.00 $12,000.00 4 Erosion control/construction fencing 9,000 LF $2.00 $18,000.00 5 Furnish and install 12" RCP Class III - complete 900 LF $30.00 $27,000.00 6 Furnish and install FES with rip-rap basin - complete 4 EA $900.00 $3,600.00 7 48" catch basin 5 EA $2,200.00 $11,000.00 8 Traffic control 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 9 MNDOT concrete B618 curb 1,000 LF $12.00 $12,000.00 10 Furnish and place Roadway Asphalt Paving - complete, including 1.5" wearing 200 SY $28.00 $5,600.00 course, 2.0" non-wearing course and 6" class 5 aggregate base 11 Line striping / crosswalks 1 EA $150.00 $150.00 12 Furnish and place 10' Wide Asphalt Trail - complete, including 2.5" wearing course 4,500 LF $28.00 $126,000.00 mixture over 6" class 5 aggregate base 13 Infill bituminous pavement between trail edge and retaining wall (approx. 3') 1,250 LF $8.50 $10,625.00 14 Concrete pedestrian ramps with detectable warning plate 2 EA $1,000.00 $2,000.00 15 6" thick concrete apron pavement 1,030 SF $7.00 $7,210.00 16 Modular unit retaining wall 5,400 FF $30.00 $162,000.00 17 Chainlink fencing for retaining wall 1,100 LF $24.00 $26,400.00 18 Restoration (seeding with blanket or hydro-mulch) 2.00 AC $10,000.00 $20,000.00 19 Trail corridor, ponding & mitigation land acquisition 2.55 AC $100,000.00 $255,000.00 20 Grading easements for construction 0.05 AC $5,250.00 $262.50 21 Relocate mailbox, traffic signs & utilities I LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 22 Aggregate surfacing for driveways 40 TN $15.00 $600.00 23 Guard rail/cable 1,050 LF $27.00 $28,350.00 Subtotal: $787,297.50 15% Contingency $118,094.63 15% Design & Testing Fees $135,808.82 Estimated Project Total: $ Brauer Associates, Ltd. Schematic Design Estimate ~- ------------ ------------------ , ~ '-'" ~ ." =~~ i",; \. '- , "- '\.( , . "1.' ';,." , " '.~ '\'f1:~,,- l). l \- , I I :: " I l1 '~"i" I \ "~..\ '~"\1 ~ -' "" \ :.~ ~ ' ::~ \r "'.'. I '}. - . '. \ ' : ~~ ':] \~ > ,,'i~.' ,or, '0 r ---, I , I . , i , ." o Z m m ;;0 -l ~ . r- J ., , , .. " [/l ('l '" i5" \ \ 'l @"~ 1.; ~ " ~ ~ ;;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i . -;:; I '-- "'~I"> gju;~ ~::lm -c.. .,,~::j v; ~. ~d o ~.\,.- :;. ~' . l.HwY 101 /:"'J ~REA T PLAINS BLVD. ~\ /- - ~ o , o rJl ~ (j -; o '% N C"l ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ h ~~ d ~~ ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RIGHT..()F-WAY -------------- ~: l"fl-~- o ';1] I I z I~ ~. to ~ -#fiif, ~ ~tf _ h-:i : ,'."( ~ ., ii~l ~ ~ V .~ ;; I " ,,' .....~ Ir~i I: ,,~~ ,;I~ i1.~ m r- " :~ . '" t\/T . "'z 1">'" f' ~ ~ ~ ' l.~~..~." U f~ ~~ !~ ~ 0'" ~V' I ~ , ~ l F II L{ '" \' ~ ~ ~ f~~ ~ ~ r';~~ ~ II~U ,!!h I " i \ -- .I i. . i i . " /1'";:::;'6 "'k .;(. ;;.-./ 1 a I"> .......,; '\i t-..-;:~~.:tii:it&, o.g ~ 1 7fj: . ;..o;",,-i". ~1~;~ > V) :::0 ." 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"':/i!-rI ~ ..........s .. </' . ") ,/I /,.. 'x ' . ,,;'. ,,-(. J ' /-,..J- .? ,-, ,J /,if' ~ - j I:: - 11 ~ , ~>'t'~" : Vi:i',., .., ""1-'::' . 4 ..,; / I;" ... ~2~1 ~Ur ~~g I", _:;. lad: ~ ~8~1 I ~ ~ X.., I ;6~ ' b # " v ~ = I ~ /~ .JI "j '--:::.- l '4 1.,<" I / , I ~ " ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ (J) Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail H Ii fW .~.~"e" ~ I I 10417 hooloorBIvd, Suite Ill, Hopkin. MN 5514.) ::T (0 ~ . Tel 19521238-0831 Fall 19521236-08)3 !l City of Chanhassen, MN - City Project #PK&T-084 ~rauer & Associates, Ltd. 'It I j pI II~ ~ Schematic Layout II m 4 Land Use Planning and Design Schematic Design Estimate Highway 5 Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum City of Chanhassen, MN (City Project #PK&T -098) Units Lel!end: LS = Lump Sum, SF = Square Feet, SY = Square Yard, EA = Each, LB = Pound, PAIR = Pair LF = Lineal Feet, FF = Face Feet, CY = Cubic Yard (in place measure), TN = Ton, GAL = Gallon, AC = Acre No. Highway 5 Trail Project - Description of Work Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid Qtv. (In Dollars) (In Dollars) 1 Removal and disposal of all vegetation, pavement, etc. for construction 1.00 LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00 2 Earthwork / grading operations - complete, including surveying & staking 5.00 AC $15,000.00 $75,000.00 3 Export of earthen material - complete 750 CY $5.00 $3,750.00 4 Erosion control/construction fencing 8,000 LF $2.00 $16,000.00 5 Furnish and install 12" RCP Class III - complete 375 LF $30.00 $11,250.00 6 Furnish and install FES with rip-rap basin - complete 12 EA $900.00 $10,800.00 7 48" catch basin 6 EA $2,200.00 $13,200.00 8 Traffic control I LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 9 MNDOT concrete B618 curb 500 LF $12.00 $6,000.00 10 Furnish and place Roadway Asphalt Paving (patching) - complete, including 1.5" 60 SY $28.00 $1,680.00 wearing course, 2.0" non-wearing course and 6" class 5 aggregate base 11 Line striping / crosswalks 6 EA $150.00 $900.00 12 Furnish and place 10' Wide Asphalt Trail - complete, including 2.5" wearing course 6,100 LF $28.00 $170,800.00 mixture over 6" class 5 aggregate base 13 Infill bituminous pavement between trail edge and retaining wall (approx. 3') 1,200 LF $8.50 $10,200.00 14 Concrete pedestrian ramps with detectable warning plate 8 EA $1,000.00 $8,000.00 15 Stamped / colored 4" thick concrete paving in islands 3,900 SF $7.00 $27,300.00 16 Modular unit retaining wall 4,000 FF $30.00 $120,000.00 17 Chainlink fencing for retaining wall 850 LF $24.00 $20,400.00 18 Restoration (seeding with blanket or hydro-mulch) 3.00 AC $10,000.00 $30,000.00 19 Relocate traffic signs 1.00 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal: $541,280.00 15% Contingency $81,192.00 15% Design & Testing Fees $93,370.80 Estimated Project Total: $715,842.80 Brauer Associates, Ltd. Schematic Design Estimate Highway 5 Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum City of Chanhassen, MN - City Project #PK&T-098 Schematic Layout ~N - - - ~ ;] > ~ OJ> .. ,: > F [IJ ~ ~ ii: l'P. ~ 'It N 0<-3 "TlmiC _:::tl:-:1 ~~~ -3",,,, >0'" t"'_> \:Zt"' ::l-3t"' ='" 0",,,, Z::ol'" mr:-:: t"'< oS; ~~ ::l0 s:i;Z "'0 ~I ..... il U !]I~. 1 I D n !"~ ~. · ;; I I ,.' ~j j "r , I j I \ ,~ .:>;. J " .q - , -...~ I ! } ? u<o- l" d. ! I '\ "'- " , t. i" ~ ...... 1'/1 : . . ..;;;. f . ...... .,- r,: I 'k~ I; f ~ I \ ;~ ; ~ s; t"' I I (~\ ~j' J T ~ !l{ I \' I \ \ ~ I, , I I \ I 11 l ,/ f f "' , y' f: .~ l ~ ,~ " f ;;:: ,. l~ < '" 0 -3 ~ I II , ,1 j ~ I I I I I I J_'"C I~~ ",0 >'" :!8 l:;j:;: ~'" F~ , 1 I ! I I~ t1 I I I I a , . I I I. I : . 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I I land Use Planning and Design ~ z , ~ ~ " ); nti ~ !1t..~ l~!, ~ Il'~ !I'm ~ 2".~ 1 0417 ExcelSIor Blvd, Surte '1, Hopkins MN 55343 Tel (952) 23&-0631 FiJI. (952123&.0&33 ?lY't)olt":-":lJ 0 ? ~ ~ ~ , . i ~ ,.--=-- ~ -'---11:;6 -'----, " IZ;'; j", - ~. r:J I _ ~ ,1 _ _ JSEGMENHLMATCH LINE _ _ J ~ , i ~SEGMENT#4 :' ,~'~I ~ '\\\ , 4\ ~, ' :] i ~' I ,~ ~ :l J , ,~ "'mr - - ~ ~ ;;- < 'J> , := ~ 2: :r. ~ :'l ::: ~ :-: .., i!: . 3 . . ~r~ ,. l' ,,3"'" IlS' .~t~. . . :<: Ei ~ -< '" , 'f\', Il,';: l:.,! ~aI r4lP!. '~ 't::) IR' a 4 I 'al2 ~. ~, .I : , 4 .1 ... ..", ~ ~ ~J Pi 7; !n~m '\\ ...1. ' . ~~:' a>;~ ~~r,._\ ti ~ .~ :,>,j ,~ !. ~ 1t, .. ~ J.: ~t. '" .4,,,...t . .. ~ : '.J~l I 'r' / l~ui>r. .. .-/' ___ ~ , ~I I.-- I ..... I ,. .I,. P:::. I I I r.! I : ~. [Y~'< '. ~~4~~ 6~ I , J:~ . I :<: c;' ~, ~ I '" . CENTURY BL YD. : , . . ..-..- tit ....- ~ ~ . ~ . '-' S2 ~ "0 ::; (i' if; (') ~ (5'" ,..... r--.\ - - I aiE~M~NH; MATCH LIN;: I~SE(!MENH3 ~ n -; o ';I. .... 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III I lQ.l17 Exct!l)ior BW., Suitt! #1, Ho~ins.MN 553.$) _ -z... 1,1.(9"'236-0031 f~, 195212'6.0033 ~rauer & Associates, Ltd. 4 Land Use Planning and Design