Administrative Section Administrative Section 77 eade^" "'f'/^^^'^^ x .' _'. ____.}i' ,c;j:Y<L::'::2 ',''''>..,,''o':.w./, ;",>,;--;"\.-;<:",:<,,,3 '0",< . n~ ,._;;.: ...."...-:_;.< r"'_' _..-;.,_ ...:;... ."., ~__ ".,...,_ _.d..-.,._ ",,,_., ,'^ , '^'^ '.'. 'Uc',__" _,'.n".'" u.,......H..Hu .. ,. ."". , " ., " " ,___._...._ -,'u, ". _ ._,P.,_,',._....', .... .".".. " .,. . CREATIVE PLANNING ENABLES LAUNCH TO INDEPENDENT LIVING March 17th was moving day for 42 year old Mark Anderson who was excited to get the keys to his very first apartment after living with family for 42 years. Although Mark's parents had always hoped that their son could live on his own, it tookjust the right mix of natural and government funded supports to make it happen. Knowing that they would not be able to care for him indefinitely, Mark's parents decided that with the help of REACH, it was time for the big launch. Markand his family wanted the move to be by choice rather than necessity, and at a time when his parents would still be able to help Mark make the transition. So, after Mark received a section 8 rental voucher, a safe, mainstream apartment building close to his job and managed by trusted family friends was located. Mark Anderson moved into his awn apartment in March. Mark's successful move was possible due, in part, to independ- ent living services funded by the DD waiver and offered by REACH. In addition, a network of natural supports including family, friends and a sympathetic employer were brought together to support Mark's goals. Working together, these multiple supports made all the difference in Mark's ability to live on his own. According to REACH Director of Community Living Education & Training, Mathew Smith, Mark's launch has been very successful. "Mark's parents had a lot of understand- able fears," says Smith. "But so far, Mark has exceeded all our expectations. He is very organized and has proven to be very adept at keeping his house clean, managing his finances, and doing his own laundry." His staff at REACH meets with him each week to workon skills such as personal safety, budgeting, cooking and shopping. His family's Continued on Page 2 'G;"Y<:' ~j<i-:-'; ;~;,?;'<: ; .. Rock for Reach... page 2 M I-d .. Fall Programs...pages 3 - 7 ore nSI e .. Bowl A Thon Highlights... page 9 QWEST GRANT (;ALLING ALL , Qwest CEO lor Minnesola. John Slanoch (second Irom leff). along wilh Qwest employee Gary Greb (cenler) presenl granl check 10 Mary Perkins (second Irom righl). Becca Slenzel (Ieff) and Cyndi Bade (right). What: A Rock Band for Wii Tournament Why: To raise money for REACH Where: The Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis When: Sunday, Sept. 20 from 2:30-6 pm The Qwest Family and Work Develop- ment Fund awarded REACH a grant in the amount of $6000 to be used for Staff Training Curriculum Development. Thank you to the Qwest Family and Work Devel- opment Fund, Qwest CEO John Stanoch, Qwest employee Gary Greb, and Reach staff Deb Cranston for making this grant possible. Get your band together and start practicing! Spectators of all ages invited to come watch the fun. BUY YOUR TI(;KETS NOW! Rules, details, and reQistration online at: www.reachforresources.ora Mark Anderson. continued friends who own the apartment building and his employer keep an eye out too. Although Mark receives government assistance in the form of the waiver for supported living services and a Section 8 voucher for rental assistance, he pays all the rest of his living expenses with his own wages from a restaurant job. And Mark is thrilled with his new apartment and with living on his own. "My favorite t,hing is the pool and the balcony," he says. Mark's story is an excellent example of how a creative personal plan that combines coordinated, multiple supports pulled together under an agency like REACH can keep many individuals from needing traditional group home placement. Offering choices and working in creative ways means more options for families and more options for individuals with disabilities to live a truly independent life. 2 Fall 2009 c e u es EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone (952) 988-6728 fax REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseling, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information & referral. ---------------------------------------- Counseling & Education Counseling Reach for Resources specializes in work- ing with people with developmental dis- abilities such as mental retardation, down syndrome, autism, and mild to bor- derline cognitive difficulties, and their families. We believe in a friendly, suppor- tive, person-centered approach, and in setting personalized goals for each cli- ent. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, MHP, Medica/UBH, Ucare & America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling options call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 or email Irivers@reachforresources.org WHEN: FEE: ARMHS For Adults With Mental Health Disorders and Mild Cognitive Impairments REACH for Resources offers Adult Rehabilita- tive Mental Health Services (ARMHS) that can help you successfully live on your own in the setting of your choice. An ARMHS case worker can teach you skills to: . Cope with stress, fear and anxiety . Find safe, affordable housing . Find a job and learn job skills . Manage your money . Develop a healthy lifestyle . Learn to use community resources Support Group Young Women in Transition (Ages 18-30) This group provides an opportunity for women with borderline to mild cogni- tive disabilities to talk with other women about their concerns and experiences regarding relationships, sexuality, grief and loss, or other topics of interest. This therapeutic group will meet one evening per week at the Eisenhower Community Center in Hopkins. If you would like to be a part of the group, an intake is required. Call Lisa at 952- 988-4177 for more information. REACH OUT Life Skills Support for Adults with Disabilities Reach Out is a private pay in- home support service for adults with disabilities who want to live independ- ently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assistance programs. Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Housing . Employment . Managing Finances . Health & Safety . Socialization . Transportation . Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Check Ins . Crisis Support Reach Out is tailored to your individual needs and offered at an affordable per session fee. Partial or full scholarships may be available based on family income. Call Mary Perkins at 952-98-4177 for a Free Preliminary Assessment : Did You Know? REACH is also a SILS ! and Waiver provider. If you are ! looking for a worker who can meet l..~~.~.r...~.~.~~.~.,..~.i~.~...~.~..~...~.~.I.I!......,,""""""..".."..".."..~ 3 Youth Programs (Ages 5 - 12) Nature Discovery Get to know the world around you! Each week we will talk about a differ- ent nature theme and spend time exploring out- WHERE: Westwood Hills Nature Center St. Louis Park WHEN: Mondays Sept. 14-0ct. 5 TIME: 4:30-5:30 pm FEE: $25 Resident $30 Non-Resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Bowling Join us for fun, non-competitive open bowling. You will bowl two games each week North WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 7 TIME: 12:00-2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 14 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 WHEN: TIME: FEE: 4 Kid Fu Fun martial arts programs for kids. Come learn the moves of Jackie Chant Registration Notes and Information . Residents of our consortium cities are aiven orioritv in reaistration. Non-resident reaistrations will be held until one week before the start of the oroaram. . If you are a new participant in On the Town, call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for information and to schedule an intake interview. . Please Note: Participants may only reg- ister for one social program per quarter. . Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! . If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person. . You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with schedules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the progra m. Fall registration begins Aug 14 Winter registration begins Nov 30 NOTE: REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN IF YOU CANCEL 1 WEEK OR LESS BEFORE THE PROGRAM BEGINS! Session 1: Tuesdays Sept. 15-Nov. 3 Bass Lake Shelter 5450 Northwest Blvd., Plym. 5:30-6: 15 pm $56.00 Resident $64.00 Non-resident WHERE: TIME: FEE: Wednesdays Sept. 16-Nov. 4 Chanhassen Rec. Ctr. 2310 Coulter Blvd. TIME: 6:00 - 6:45 pm FEE: $56.00 Resident $61.00 Non-resident Session 2: WHERE: Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Family Yoga Open to ages 5-21 This class is designed for children/teens with disabilities and their parents to learn yoga together. Increase attention span, focus, muscle tone and flexibility! Siblings welcome too. All children must be ac- companied by at least one adult. WHERE: St. Louis Park Rec Center 3700 Monterey Dr. WHEN: Tuesdays Sept. 22-0ct. 27 TIME: 5:30-6:30 pm FEE: $50 for parent/child pair $55 for non-residents $20 for each additional person Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Teen Programs (Ages 13 - 21) WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 7 12: 00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 per week Program Minimum 5, MaJCimum 10 Active Adventures Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowl- ing. You will bowl two games each Make friends while participating in fun outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, BBQs, outdoor crafts & more! WHERE: Various northwest metro locations WHEN: Thursdays September 17-Qctober 29 WHEN: TIME: Evenings FEE: $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, MaJCimum 20 TIME: FEE: West Girls Club West Teen Explorers WHEN: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays Sept 19-Nov. 14 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident This club is designed for girls ages 13-17 who are independ- ent in their personal care and want to meet new friends and have fun! Make new friends while trying new ac- tivities. This is a weekly social group that give teens the opportunity to go to con- certs, restaurants, movies, plays, sporting events, shopping and more! WHERE: Various west metro area locations WHEN: Tuesdays, Sept. 15-Oct. 27 WHERE: WHERE: FEE: One Saturday per month, in Sept., Oct. & Nov. Various locations TIME: 6:30 . 8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, MaJCimum 20 TIME: FEE: WHEN:, $30.00 Resident, $35.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, MaJCimum 10 Plus $3.00 Week Program Minimum 5, MaJCimum 10 Social Seekers Social Seekers is a fun, age appropriate program for teens and young adults with Asperger's Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism. Weekend Ventures WHERE: WHEN: The Depot Coffee House in Hopkins WHERE: Mondays, Sept. 14-Nov. 16 WHEN: EIin Lutheran in Robbinsdale Thursdays, Sept. 17-Nov. 19 Join us for a wonderful weekend get- away. We will spend Friday evening through Sunday morning at beautiful Camp Kingswood in Mound, MN. Hiking, campfires, Frisbee golf, chal- lenge course and more! For ages 15+ WHEN: September 11-13 FEE: $350 for entire weekend For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4176 TIMES: 4:00 - 5:30 (ages 12-14) TIME: 4:30 - 6:00 pm (ages 15-18) 5:45 -7:15 (ages 15-18) WHEN: Wednesdays, Sept. 16-Nov. 18 TIME: 5:30-7:00 pm (ages 19+) FEE: $210.00 for 10 Sessions. $10 discount if you pay by check or cash. Price includes 3 to 4 community activities in addition to the 10 regular sessions. Returning participants should contact REACH to register. An intake is reauired for new participants. Please call (952) 988-4176. 5 Adult Fitness f~ Relax. gain flexibility, and get in shape at this great program. Adult Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week North WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 7 12:00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week WHEN: TIME: FEE: WHERE: Earle Brown 6440 James Circle N. Brooklyn Center Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 7 3:00-5:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Week WHEN: TIME: FEE: Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 19-Nov. 14 TIME: 9:30-11 :30 am FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 Yoga for Adults (ages 18+) WHERE: St. Louis Park Recreation Center 3700 Monterey Dr. St. Louis Park WHEN: Tuesdays Sept. 22-0ct. 27 6:45 - 7:45 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for details TIME: FEE: Walking Club Keep that body moving and enjoy the community! We will walk at various in- door and outdoor locations. WHERE: WHEN: Various Locations Mondays Sept. 14-0ct. 19 6:30 - 8:00 pm The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort between REACH for Resources nd the Northwest Consortium and West Consortium of cities. The Northwest Consortium consists of: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Plymouth and Rob- binsdale. The West Consortium consists of: Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and St. Louis Park. For information and registration pro- cedures, call Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and need to add a $8 to the registration fee for Northwest city programs and $5 to the registration fee for West city programs. 6 TIME: FEE: $25.00 Resident $30.00 Non-Resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Adult Social Programs On the Town I On the Town II A social group foryoung adults, ages 18 -25, who are independent and would &ke to e>eplore ther community. Meets twice per month. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs WHEN: EvelY other Friday evening Beginning Sept. 18 TIME: Varies with activity FEE: $20.00 Resident $25.00 Non-resident Plus additional acfivity fees Program Mininum 5, Ma>i'num 15 A social group for adults, ages 26 and over, who can access the community independently with mininal supervision. Two Saturdays per month. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs WHEN: EvelY other Saturday evening Beginning Sept. 19 TIME: Varies with activity FEE: $20.00 Resident $25.00 Non-resident Plus additional acfivity fees Program Mininum 5, Ma>i'num 15 Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro) are social programs for adults age 18 and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to participant ratio is 1: 10 Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 30 (for each program) Club West Wednesday Night Social WHERE: Various west metro WHERE: CIYSfaI Community Center (and locations other nearby locations) WHEN: Wednesdays WHEN: Wednesdays Sept. 16--Nov. 4 Sept. 16--Nov. 4 TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident $48.00 Non-resident Plus adcfrlional activity fee Plus additional activity fee Dances Join your friends and groove to all the latest hits! . FRIDAY DANCES BLAST FROM THE PAST DANCE! WHEN: Get out your 80's gear, 70's disco style, 60's hippy groove, or 50's fun. Dress in an outfit from any decade you choose and prepare to dance the night away with friends and maybe even win a prize! October 16 November 20 St. Louis Park H.S. 6425 W. 33rd St. WHERE: TIME: 7 - 9 pm FEE: $5.00 at the door WHERE: Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave. N. WHEN: Friday, November 13th TIME: 7 - 9 pm FEE: $5.00 at the door Co-sponsored by Project Soar Weekend Ventures Join us for a wonderful weekend get- away. We will spend Friday evening through Sunday morning at beautiful Camp Kingswood in Mound, MN. Hik- ing, campfires, Frisbee golf, challenge course and more! For ages 26+ WHEN: September 11-13 FEE: $350 for entire weekend For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4176 Join friends from all over the metro for an evening of fun. Bring a date or come as a group for a very special fall dance. DANCING! REFRESHMENTS! PICTURES! Don't Miss This Great Event! WHEN: TIME: WHERE: Friday, Sept. 25 7-9 pm Minnetonka High School 18301 Hwy.7 $7 pre-registered or $8 at the door. Pictures $2 Semi-formal or formal. Don't forget a corsage or boutonniere for your date! COST: ATTIRE: Pre-register on page 81 Co-sponsored by REACH, Windows of Op- portunity, ARLE, Project Soar & YMCA Access 7 Registration Form-Fall 2009 Advance payment is required for all programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure a spot in the program(s) of your choice, mail in payment and registration form as soon as possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities receive preference in registration. Registration is then open to non-residents of the consortium cities one week prior to the start of the programs (unless program is full). Registration Begins August 14, 2009 ~ Name: Gender: Birth date: Address: City: Zip Code: Work Phone: Email Home Phone: Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone: Please Check ALL That ADDlv DISABILITY DIAGNOSIS: 0 Developmental Disability (MR or unspecified) Level: Borderline Mild Moderate Severe (circle one) o Autism 0 Aspergers/PDD 0 Cerebral Palsy 0 Down Syndrome 0 FAS 0 Prader-WiIIi 0 Williams Synd. OTBI OADD/ADHD o Emotional/Behavior Disorder 0 Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder 0 Mobility Impaired 0 Blind/Vision Impaired 0 Deaf/Hearing Impaired OUsesWheelchair OOther Disability or Mental Health Issues OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS Allergies/Medical Cond.jSpecial Diet.: Photo Waiver: My photo may be taken at Reach programs and used for promotional materials, unless I check below: o No, I DO NOT wish to have my photo used. Social Worker: Parent(s)/Guard ian(s): Home Address: Parent(s) E.Mail: Annual House- 0 $0 - $24,999 hold Income: 0 $100,000 - $124,999 Social Worker's Phone: Parent/Guardian's Phone: City: Parent(s) Cell or Work Phone: _ Zip: 0$75,000 - 99,999 0$175,000 - $199,999 0$25,000. $49,999 0$125,000 - $149,999 0$50,000. $74,999 0$150,000 - $174,999 o $200,000+ I, the undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered for the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources shall not be liable for any claims, injuries, or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out of, or connected with, the activity. On behalf of myself and the participant, I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources, its agents or employees, from any such claims, injuries or damages. I have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HIPAA. I have read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. Legal Guardian: Date: 0 Youth Programs Resident/Non-Res 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Doyle's $35.00/$43.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling ParkTav $35.00/$40.00 0 Kid Fu Session # $56.00 / $61 or $64 0 Family Yoga (# attending_l $50.00/$55 (+$20) 0 West Teen Explorers $40.00 / $45.00 0 Nature. Discovery $25.00 / $30.00 0 Active Adventures $40.00/$48.00 0 Girls Club $30.00 / $35.00 Special Events 0 Ghostly Gala (# attending_) $8 indo / $6 group 0 Fall Formal (# attending _> $7.00 ea Fall 2009 Please mail completed form with payment to REACH at 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 0 Adult Programs Resident/Non-Res 0 Adult Bowling Doyle's $35.00 / $43.00 0 Adult Bowling Park Tavern $35.00 / $40.00 0 Adult Bowling Earle Brown $35.00/$43.00 0 Adult Yoga $40.00/$45.00 0 On the Town I $20.00 / $25.00 0 On the Town II $20.00 / $25.00 0 Club West $40.00 / $45.00 0 Wednesday Night Social $40.00/$48.00 0 Walking Club $25.00 / $30.00 Program Total: $ Donation to support REACH programs (optional): Total Enclosed: $ $ o I have a Waiver AND I have made arrangements with the County for Reach to bill them directly for my recreation programs. (If not. YOU must pay for prOQrams when reQisterinQ) 2009 BOWL-A- THON The annual REACH Bowl-A- Thon on May 2, 2009 raised $11 ,656! Thank you to all of our wonderful bowlers, sponsors, volunteers and New Hope Bowl for making this a great event! Top Women's Bowler: Jenny Heveron Top Men's Bowler: Tim Thompson Top Team: (L-R) Adam Barbetta, John Terry, Joey Schaffer, Jason Dahl EVENT SPONSOR LARSON' KING A St. Paul-based national litigation firm serving businesses and individuals in dispute resolution and various business advisory roles. Larson King provides outstanding trial lawyers serving both defendants and plaintiffs and offers comprehensive, quality legal services throughout the country. 2800 Wells Fargo Place, 30 E. 7th SI., SI. Paul, MN 651-312-6500 Luncheon/Prize Sponsors Sharon & Jon Andresen APA Medical Equipment Stan & Amy Baratz Bell Mortgage Barb & Dave Kleist Lifetouch Inc. M~tro Sales ParamounfReal Estate Corp. RSS Networking / MJS Security Beth & Lee Stenzel Steve & Marcia Crist Fab Babz Hopkins Elks Lodge Margaret Jerdee Jan Kaul Sally Klemp Gayle Moltz Lisa Rivers Judy Sa Isid 0 Kari Scha mber Tonia Shupien Loretta Solinger Shannon Spafford Ann Van Sickle Russell Wolden General Sponsors Barb Armour Steven Bona RJ Callahan Rosemary Callahan Top Teen Bow ler: Gretchen Lubotina First Place Pledges: Joe Parker Second Place Pledges: Jessica Carvell TITLE SPONSOR f'.1:cGe>Ll.Sh McGough Companies offers a comprehensive range of real estate services including development, construction, and facilities management McGough prides itself on quality craftsmanship and high-integrity partnerships with all of its clients, 2737 Fairview Ave. N., Sf. Paul, MN 651-633-5050 LANE SPONSORS Patrick Boley Bremer Bank Jim & Cyndi Bade Dean-Superior Vending Co. David & Margaret Duxbury Chad Ellman Tim & Piper Garmon Hammer Ben HirschjCoBank Hoffman & Swintek Osseo Lions Club Mike & Mary Perkins Primus Law Office Welsh Companies In Kind Sponsors Bell Museum of Natural History Boston's Restaurant Bryant Lake Bowl Buffalo Wild Wings Jessica Cermak City of Sf. Louis Park Cub Foods Trish Curioz Guthrie Theater Jet's Pizza The Jungle Theater Mann Theatres Metro Athletic Supply Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota. Timberwolves Minnesota Twins Minnesota Vikings Mueller Familuhmres . . ~ .. Old Log Theater Ordway Theater Cameron Paulson Natalie Rother Sf. Paul Saints Santorini Taverna & Grill Matt Smith Snuffy's Malt Shoppe Spasso Stages Theatre Company Subway Sunsets Target Three Rivers Park District Timberlodge Steakhouse Walker Art Center 9 ,..:* --'J' Address Service Requested NON'-PROFlT US POSTAGE PAID LITTLE FALLS, MN PERMIT NO.9 1001 Highway 7 #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 11111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111II 4*1*******SCH 5-D1GIT55317 TOGO HOFFMAN ClTY OF CHANHASSEN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317-0147