PC Minutes 8-18-09Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 18, 2009 6. Structures shall not encroach into any easement except for the driveway connecting to the private street access. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: ZELLNER VARIANCE: REQUEST FOR A SETBACK VARIANCE ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R) LOCATED ON ND LOT 1, BLOCK 1, WESTERN HILLS 2 ADDITION (7461 LONGVIEW CIRCLE). APPLICANT: RICHARD & CHANIN ZELLNER, PLANNING CASE 09-12. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Laufenburger: Alright, thanks staff. Start with you Tom. Any questions for staff? Doll: This is just kind of a learning thing for me. Corner lots, are there typically, are they equal setbacks? You know usually there’s a side and a front. Aanenson: Yeah, we consider the front, the true front is where your front door is, but when you’re on a corner lot you have a 30 and a 30 so you have two fronts and then you have, so this would be, this side would require 30. This side would require also that, and then 10 and then. Generous: It’s 10 on the other. Aanenson: 10 on the other. Generous: You have two sides and two fronts. Aanenson: Right. Doll: I have no further questions. Laufenburger: Okay. Kathleen, how about you? Thomas: Um, no I don’t have any questions. Good with it. Laufenburger: Dan, any questions? Keefe: Yeah, you know just so I’m clear on this. If I’m looking at the color coded, yeah this one right here. The blue box has, is in the encroachment. If you go down to that corner. Aanenson: This little triangle piece is what’s in the encroachment. Keefe: Yeah, is there an eave on the existing building that is causing that? Aanenson: No, that’s the existing garage. 8 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 18, 2009 Keefe: Yeah, and but it’s got a roof on it right? Aanenson: Yeah, Keefe: But it’s got a roof on it right? Aanenson: Yeah, I do have a picture of the house as it sits now. There is an eaves that comes over that but that wouldn’t count today. The 2 1/2 foot setback does not count today because you can encroach in the side yard but the foundation’s still over. Keefe: Yeah, so the blue box as we’re seeing it right there is the building, right? Aanenson: Correct. Correct. Keefe: Okay. Aanenson: Yeah, it’s bigger than just the eaves. It cuts through the corner of that. About 17 square feet. Keefe: Okay, so really all they’re talking about is just taking a building, that same building going up like that. Aanenson: Yep. Yep. Keefe: And then the, and is the roof configuration on the proposed similar to what it currently is or? Aanenson: It will have the same pitch. Over the front of the house. It will take that same pitch over the top of the garage with two windows. Keefe: Yeah, and so it’s no more than it is today in total is it? Aanenson: Not really except for the second story. Keefe: Except for the height. Aanenson: And the eaves are going a little bit further into that. If you look at the orange, this is a little additional encroachment. Keefe: And is that more because it’s. Aanenson: It’s a foot and a half, right. Keefe: An architectural feature related to the scale of the building kind of? 9 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 18, 2009 Aanenson: That’s correct. That’s correct. Keefe: Alright. Thank you. Laufenburger: Kevin, any questions? Dillon: No, I have no questions. This seems pretty simple and straight forward. Laufenburger: Alright. Mark? Okay. I do have, staff has there been any, has there been any feedback from any neighbors? Aanenson: Yes we got some calls and explained to them what the variance was for and nobody objected to the variance. We did have a couple calls. Laufenburger: Alright, thank you. Is there an applicant for, is there an applicant present? Step up to the podium. State your name. Richard Zellner: I’m Richard Zellner, 7461 Longview Circle. Laufenburger: Welcome. Chanin Zellner: I’m Chanin Zellner. Laufenburger: Chanin, welcome. Richard Zellner: We have nothing really to add. You know entertain any questions you might have for us. Laufenburger: Okay. Any questions for the property owner and applicant? How long have you lived there? Richard Zellner: I’ve lived there since 1992. And then we’ve just been married for a little over a year now. Laufenburger: Happy anniversary. Richard Zellner: Thanks. Laufenburger: I guess no questions. Thank you very much. We will close the public hearing portion and bring it back to the commission members. Any questions or comments? Mark, start with you. Undestad: No, I think it looks good. Laufenburger: Kevin. 10 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 18, 2009 Dillon: You know I don’t. Laufenburger: Going to change your mind? Dillon: No I don’t. The only other thing is, and it’s not a topic for this but I’m wondering if at some point we should, is there a way like really simple things like this, do they need to come to the Planning Commission? I mean it’s a topic for another day but. Aanenson: We can look at that at a work session. Dillon: Sometime I think that is, and we have an off line session we might want to talk about that. Aanenson: Sure. Laufenburger: Dan. Keefe: No. Laufenburger: Kathleen. Thomas: Looks good. Laufenburger: And Tom. Doll: Looks good to me. Laufenburger: Alright, I’ll entertain a motion then. Keefe: I’ll make a motion the Chanhassen Planning Commission acting as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals approves Planning Case 09-12 for a 4.1 foot front yard setback variance for an addition above an existing non-conforming structure located on Lot 1, Block 1, nd Western Hills 2 Addition based on the staff report and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Action. Laufenburger: We have a motion. Do we have a second? Thomas: Second. Laufenburger: Kathleen, thank you. Any further discussion? There being none. Keefe moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission acting as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals approves Planning Case 09-12 for a 4.1 foot front yard setback variance for an addition above an existing non-conforming structure located on nd Lot 1, Block 1, Western Hills 2 Addition based on the staff report and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Action with the following condition: 11 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 18, 2009 1. The survey for 7461 Longview Circle must be revised to include the perimeter drainage and utility easements to ensure that the proposed improvements will not encroach into the easements. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. AUTO MOTORPLEX SITE PLAN AMENDMENT: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN PERMIT 2006-23. APPLICANT: BRUNO SILIKOWSKI, PLANNING CASE 09-13. Generous: Thank you Mr. Chairman, commissioners. This is an amendment to an approved site plan located at 8200 Audubon Road. The amendment is to permit the inclusion of decks on the exterior of these storage facilities. It’s planning case #09-13. Audubon, or Auto Motorplex, they’ve changed their name since the original came through, is a condominium style development where individuals buy units and belong to this association. As part of the development they have a club house, museum building located on the, in the central portion of the site but on the east side of there’s a large open space on this property. The intention of the facility is to permit high end car owners to be able to store and work on their cars and be around other car enthusiasts. That was part of the original promotion of this site. At that time they were talking about having the club house and the museum where the members would meet and they were having to also talking about events where they’d have the cars come in and little shows on the site and this development has been evolving from the original approved site plan and right now the developer, or the owner is requesting that we amend the site plan to allow them to put two types of decks on this site. The D decks are the larger decks. They can be anywhere from 8 to 14 feet projecting out from the building and they would be on the side of the building so they could be just that one unit or someone could buy two units and they could go along the whole end. That would be located on the west side of one existing building and on the north sides of four buildings, two of which are there and two of which would come in the future. On the west side of the property these are unbuilt buildings. They would have smaller 6 foot wide decks. Part of that expansion there would also the developer would like the option to allow them to have roofs. The questions we have for the Planning Commission, ultimately City Council, is this expansion or extension of the use consistent with what was approved for the development and the use of it as a storage facility. Now when you come into the site, this is looking down, you can see the background. There’s the Stone Creek development across the open space. This is approximately a quarter mile away from the club house building. I should say on that first one, on the north side of the building that would be one of the areas for one of the decks to be located. And additionally along that whole edge. Yeah, there’s a door already there and I think they have a nailing strip on. But we held them up from going forward for Planning Commission and City Council review and approval of that as being consistent or not. Again as you’re looking down this site is lower than the easterly portion of this site. Those are the two additional buildings locations that will develop in the future and they’re on, building that one building on the left side. You can just see the middle of it. There’s a small area where they put some balconies. Now we’ve made the distinction a balcony is treated more as an architectural feature. It adds interest to the site. It allows them to step out of their unit and look down at the cars below or the activity, but it doesn’t provide a real space for them to sit down and have a social gathering. 12