Corrective Deed to Outlot B ....... ~ ~ l';) ~ \ In ~ ,;. QUIT CLAIM DEED .CORRECTIVE DEED. to correct Document 180182 orlglnaiiy recorded August 19, 1986 COrjlondiIlII Of ~ 10 CoqloralloII or PIitlrlenII, No deI1nquent !axeS and transfer entered; CertIIicat8 of Real Eslate Value ( ) filed ~ required ii~~-~== ~./:.I~ bV4 ~~ STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 1.65 Dale: July 2, 1997 (lll58IVlldfor~daIa) FOR VAlUABlE CONSIDERATION, 8-T Land~. a corporallon &n:Ier \he laws of MimeSota, Grantor, h8Ieby conveys and quiIcIainS to lotus lake Estates tbt\eownIf$ AseocIatian. Gfanlee, a non-profit corporatioll under the laws of Minnesofa, mal property in Carver Counly, MlnI\eSOtll desCribed as follOWs: This Quit Claim Deed I, re-recorded to cIwnge the following Iegaf desCription: That part of 0uII0f B, lotus Lake Estates. Carver County, MInnesola. according to !he recorded plat thereof. 'M1ich lieS $OUlheItf of 1he foIowing descrIled fine: CJI'Cl_.q at the most westerly comer of Lot 31. Block 2, 01 said lotus .. Estates; II:ll!IlCe (ft 8l assumed tl8aJi'lg of North 61 degrees East, along the nUflfm..sterly Ii'ie 01 said Lot 31, a dlstance of 145..01 feet to the mOst norlherIy comer of said Lot 31. said point beI1g lIIe pok'lt of begmi1g of !he ~ to . be . . . desCriled: Ihence North 60 de!1ees Wesl, 194 feel. JOOI8 or less to the sl10reIhe of lotus lake. lIld said line lIIere telmlnatlng. Total conslderallon for this tmnsactIon is leSs ttlan $500.00. 1IlgeIler'-'81l'ie1ed1l11'n1!and ~~ti1flNlb, SliIjeet1o"~exospIlcr.s; ,~ ~ ~M'~O . .~ "'1>4~O ,,~, ~ <-, ~ q...,. By~ . "q" <I' -,-- lis Assistant VIce .,~~~ tOv-.. ,,(' "" .' e., A~' {JJ ~ .'. MtOeeclT8It~Hn STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPtN) 8-T LAND COMPANY The foregoing Instnment was ad<nofAedged before me on July 2. 1997, by Rebecca Jo Hoogenalckel'. tie Assistant VICe PresIdent of 8-T LAND COMPANY, a COJpOI'&tion under the laws of tKmesota on behalf of the corporallon. 8J. --_.-- HENNEPlNCOUNT'I _t . ......... THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY; iH Land Company P.O. Box 637 WayzaIa. MN S5391 ~~0p~ ~~g7 u..~J m..uSS3'=t i ~L-32 SignelIn of PeIson TakilgAcllnooldedgemelt Tax SlldemenlS for IIIe ceaI pRlpfIfty dGsCflbed In this ilIaInInBnt $flOIIlIllle senl III (Include __ aiIIl addnlss 01 Gtalltee): lotus Lake Estates Horo.eowners Association PO Box 63 Olanhasllen. MN 55317 ~ ~ C' :t ~ ~ ".~" "0-- 4- .f) o s;. +- ---- 0' :r.'. . L_J - --(p " '. . . .....,.,...... '.:):' ,~: ;..;.... .. ", ..... .'.. .' . ..: ;: I,'.~. ~" . "~" . . ,-.:. ,',-.,': --.-----...--..-----..--.--. "-.-- --.. -~~_.._._. ....~-~_.__. 213005 STATE OF MINNESOTA CARVER COUNTY RECORDER (AbstfactDepartment) Filling Fee: /9 :S'O Copy Fee: Check No: /lIf tJ f( Cash Fled Q> if 1 fJ tl /9f11 at cJ.'IM~ Carl W.. Hanson Jr., County Recorder 4v/iitltt ;j.J;tmjy Document No: -. ......., .' . . ". .' .-,:. ~.." " ";" . ... . ...... ",' "i" "'..,", ";'"...,,", ;.. . . "w. . ''1~;'' .:f_..... .....? ,:~. .'~' < '1~,~..., <.~:.."" ...... ":",,<;-- jl .-'~'; .).~ .. ...... .... . ......~,' 1..",,- . H.'.. '" ... . _r ~ .~.. ~~~.~~ '\~"';.'~-.;~~&.MII'fHti<lfj.~"N;.,;,:.::.;j' .~.'?