Original Deed to Outlot B It {y- ..'4 <;j+ "\ ,... ~i~i;.lnbtntutt, .Made thil..................Jlt.h......................................d4y ot.......~.~.n~......................., 19.?.4......, ;;"...;..Jb:I..J..~1.!g...c.Qmp.~I:ty.............................................. ............................................................................................................................ ~ration. under the law8 ot the State of.............Mi.Il.OgS.9.:t~.................................., pa;rf;g of tM ji.rst part, and i'/iLotus Lake Estates Homesowners Association. a non-profit corporation fl(lCIIl~*1l0e- under the law8 ot the State of... .......... .M.inneso:ta.........................................................................., party of the ,econd part, .... .itn~'ttfJ. That the s{f.Ul party of the p;r.t part, in. ~tion of tke sum. of ....:...,............................... ... ...Q.ne.....<.$.1...00J....O.o.ll.ar..JUl.d...o.th.er...Qood....and...~aluable...cons.ider.ati.orf)OLL4R8, .'<1 it in hand paid by the saUl party of the second pari, tk6 reufpt wk6reof i8 'lurelTg. ac1onowledted, dou Mr<<;y Grant, Bar~ain, Sell, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, U. 8f.UJC6880'/"B and asst4M, Forever, aU the tract..... or parceL...... of land lyin~ and belnl mthe County of.........................Car.V.er.............. Mlit 8ta.te of .Winnesota, dc.scribed (UI follow8, to-wU: Commencing at the most westerly corner of Lot 31. Block 2 of said lotus lake Estates; thence on an assumed bearing of North 61 degrees East. along the northwesterly line of said Lot 31. a distance of 145.01 feet to the most northerly corner of said Lot 31. said point being the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 60 degrees West. 194 feet. ~ore or less to the shoreline of lotus lake. and said line there terminating. ;n e. \-0\0.\ c..Dnside1'C~.~IOt\ -;~(1::h~ ~C\rt:. fer crf' ~('{~('\-\j ,~ '" 1000 0" \e~s . ".,.. DoIIIr STATE MANDATED AI Fee..... 1.to.]!;abt ant! to JJolb tVt 6amt. Totether wi.tk au' tlu heredita.ments and appurtenances there- unto belontf,nt or in. anywise appertaining, to the said party of the seoond part, i,t.s SUCC68801'S and tUsijn.s, Forever. .-Ind the saUl party of the first part. for itself and Us successors, itoes CC1Ven.ant with the said party of the 8eCond pal1;, i.ts succe8Sors and tUsigns, that U has not made, done, executed. or suffered any <wt or thing whatsoever w1tere1Jy the abOl:e described premises or any part thereof, now or at any time here- after, shall or may be imperileit, charged or incumbered in any manner whatsoever,................... .................... .4nd the title to the above J!ranted premises Q.gainst all perSOM lawfully claiming the sa-nu from, through or u1cder it, e.>:cept ifemtr, i,f any. hereinbefore mentioned, the said party of the first pari will Warrant and Defend. 1ft' Q;e'timon!, mbtteof, Th.e said first party na3 caU6ed thue presents to be executed in ittr corporate name by its.................. President dllY&ltM..... .................. .........lb1l'l1@(rt>>~)t)tllj(M:X ~~~ tk& day and yeaJ' first above written. --- ~,JLANOC~fl!,yd?/J ......l)~. . /J By ilJ.........~f.DI....t<v ..l..( William B. Van Nest Its., President in, Presenu of t ...............( I ............................................. J 1".. D "'" ~. % t:J ~ .a.... } o ~ D +- W ~tatt of .minnt~ota, C'tmnty of . Henn~p:i n S.:'. I his.. ...1.1t~ day 0/... -The forcfioi'n!f tll.ldru.,1'iu~llt /Uj<.' i._tf,.4'n(lJ;'lu/~Ji'd bl,/ort.' JUl' June . If} e4 "y William 8.. V.an Nest. President ."-'..\U ,il 'n. H lR UK ,v~r:'-:T, nn r. or OH'lCEK. OK .\.GE:-il) lilld hy B-T land Company p.,-.'I:'.!! ('I' ullln,M t;R ,0. ,;L",I, lIB!; or OtJ-HTK Ot{ A("'.~n oj' l:'~n" 0' COY.NH1.-\ no;>.,' ,,,(',.;:qlWI.[DGI~{;) a.... . Mi nneS.9tli tSr."-fE OR FL~n~ OF L"{,fJRP{IK:\IIO~1 ...,~~ _",ell t<:,. I"". IIIII'''''.-',U,'_>, t ,j"i.....,. M. I ....'?LOyE~ ~ tj..< .!~~" NOT_ - r"",......OTA .. :..~~~~ V.,. .C C:;:'iH-fY ; I ~~" t My Conm""",()n €Kp""" Aug. e. 19116 ! ~"""'H'#.''''''#H###.J.''-t-~... ~~........~_....._~. ...1 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAfTED BY J!::L _la!l_d...C.~l11!>aI1Y ~Q~5_ _~.~_a)'zata Blvtf:me) Wayzata, MN 55391 (Add,..,) ... N ,; ;0; ~ ... .'I . t ~ .$ :II Q II ~II ~ I' ~ g, t; ~l < Eo' ~81 ~sl <1:1 ~.g ~ f Qffif ~ ~ull sg ./ _ I ....:01 q.;', t- -",;:" o ~. ... ..g ttj ... Q Q lA ~ ~ ~'i '" v-s o~ ~i 'E~.l<:= a: Gl"C 0 &&I s~srg a ~.o"E a: Co: OQ)Oo i8~ i~~~ ~i~ 10 ~ II!-o.:' zi~ . :5S:Cl ;:, 5u.> fJ ~~<l) 3l:1) UOl- :e:c.;J'O u.&&IZ GlGl-c:>>1id O~S :. o.S.... .-= ~~U g'.e~~, ~ u: =!!='E u. LLc&'; 8 o :c lU_ 0 1-3:0 ." ,'urporElll<w. UI/ tJd/(tI/ 0/ the corporation. "---\\\.. -~ ~.~1Y~\J\)"-. "I(;~, r':Rt or~~;-'~I~~l~;~~~~.~r.~~.~.r.~T) HUt'E- ORiL\NJ.:) ri.~ "'t . ~~ J !i I C I d :I~~ ... I 0: I C i u. I > .0 x YJf7M ..'~ ~ ..... ,::1 ...." . ~ , - ~,J' .... ;:... ~~ "2- - ~ f~ ~" ~ ~ -~ ..:::- .% .- ..:.::;: '" ,~ t'> ~ t ~~ ../4e''-{tt~~J~'''- 1 / -; !_......./ :; ~~ ~ ~. 'iI ~ ~_. ..... Q,; il C;. .... ~ ~,.~~ ~ " I.... ~ ;:" .;~ '-' ~ ..... ;:: ::: % '-- % .... - .~ -::: ~ ~ -- ~..... ~~~ ~J.. ~ ". ~ ::---. '::;. ~ ~ "':; %" .~ ,.; /'.i' ~. ;~~ ~<) j~ s;. s:- .:;,. :;. ''If ", ,~'- ~')' ~ ::.... ;J ,j / ~3'~ C? ~ : -{js;- j;~ -} ...{ ~ C". ~C' "-.; (. i~'~ ',d 9 c { -:~2? / . . ~. (: ..)