Administrative Section ADMINISTRA TIVE SECTION If DEPARTMEN10F NATURAL RESOURCES " Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Rood · St. Paul, MN · 55155-40 September 3,2009 Re: Aeration Insurance Requirements Dear Permittee, Last year the 2008 State Legislature made a change to the State Tort Claims law, Minnesota "Statutes 3.736, which identifies the insurance requireinents for the state. The Tort Claims law increased the liability requirement to $1,500,000 for claims arising on or after July 1, 2009. Similar changes were made to the municipal tort claims for cities and counties. Because these insurance requirements also apply to the state's vendors and contractors, it was thought they would also apply to aeration permittees. However, upon further review of the Tort ClaimS and the Aeration Rule (MN Rules 6116.0030 subpart 7),it was determined that the aeration insurance requirement would remain at $500,000 for those permit holders that are not state, county, city, or other government agencies. As a reminder, aeration permittees are required to provide proof that they are financially able to " meet liability that may arise from the presence or op"eration. of the aeration system. Please mail " your insurance certificate or bond to 'the regional fisheries office prior to operating the system. If you have further questions, please contact me at 651-259-5087. Sincerely, ""40~ MZyn Danks Aeration Safety Program Division of Ecological Resol;ITces Department of Natural Resources c: Steve Enger Regional Fisheries Managers www.dnr.state.mn.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER C) PRINTED ON REO'CLED PAPER CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF 10% POST-CONSUMER WASTE If APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE AN AERATIONSYSTE~ IN PUBLIC WATERS F0893 067 IIfPAII1IIEIITOF . NATUlAL IIfSOI.llCES FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Mail completed application to: Departmentof Natural Resources, Regional Fisheries Manager, located at this address: o 2115 Birchmont Beach Road, N.E., Bemidji, MN 56601 o 1201 East Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 P121200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 o 261 Highway 15 South, NewUlm, MN 56073 I Aeration Permit Fee Waived: J( YES o NO FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY I . County(ies) Susan D.O.W.# Township Carver Range Section( s) 10001300 .116 23 13,14 Name of Person and Organization (if First Name Last Name Telephone Number applicable) requesting permit City ofChanhassen Todd Hoffman 952 227-1129 Mailing Address (Number, Street and/or BQx Number) City State Zipcode 7700 Market Blvd., PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Name of Operator or Contact Person (if First Name. Last Name Telephone Number other than permittee) Dale Gregory, Park 612 490-4401 Superintendant Address (Number, Street and/or Box Number) City State Zipcode 1591 Park Road Chanhassen MN 55317 Purpose of Installation: T o provide a refug~ forfishpopulatioIis in the event bf1oW.()xyg~~ levels~ Location of System (Include shoreline address if applicable): Lake Susan Park, 903 Lake Drive East. Aerator will be located 50 - 100 yards east of the public access. Description of Authorized System (Brand name, number and type of diffusers, air capacity of blowers or compressors, size and capacity of water pumps, length of air or water lines, depth of diffusers, anticipated number of open water areas, etc.) One(l) Portable pump & baffle, 7 l/2hp. Will equipment such as air lines and diffusers be left in the lake as a permanent installation? DYES Special Provisions (Deparlment Use Only): None Proposed Operating Schedule: o eration will commence when low ox en levels threaten fish 0 ulations. ~ NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: All permittees, except those operating an aeration system in protected waters without public access, where the permittee owns all land riparian to the protected water, or all of the possessory rights to the land riparian to the protected water, or has leased all access rights to the protected water, and state agencies subject to the State Tort Claims Act or municipalities subject to the MurHcipal Tort.Claims Act, must provide proof that the permittee is financially able to meet any liability that should arise from the presence or operation of the system. This shall be done by: a. posting a bond for $1,500,000; or b. providing a certificate of insurance for the current period of operation. An insurance policy.of $1,500,000 combined single limit (minimul11) coverage must be in' effect while the system is in operation during all times any portion of the lake is ice'"covered. An insurance binder is adequate until a certificate is issued, at which time the certificate must be delivered to the. appropriate Regional Fisheries Manager. Should the policy be cancelled before a scheduled expiration date, the Commissioner shall be notified at least ten days before such a cancellation. You need to provide proof when you apply, but your permit (if granted) will not be valid for winter operation until stich proof is received. QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EXCLUSION You need not provide proof offinancial responsibility it. 1) You own all land riparian to the protected water; or 2) You own possessory rights to the land riparian to the protected water, or 3) You have leased all access rights to the land riparian to the protected water; and 4) The p,ublic has no access to the protected water. I affirm that I have met the requirements of 1-3 listed above and there is no public access to the protected water described on this application for aeration permit. I I Applicant Signarure I Date IF THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A NEW PERMIT, DO NOT.BUY ANY INSURANCE ORAERATION . EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE DISCUSSED THE PROJECTWITHTHE REGIONAL FISHERIES MANAGER. UPON RECEIPT OF A NEVV APPLICATION FOR INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF AN AERATION SYSTEM ON PROTECTED WATERS WITH PUBLIC ACCESS, THE DNR IS REQUIRED TO ISSUE PUBLIC NOTICE AND MAY CONDUCTA PUBLIC MEETING TO ASSIST IN DECIDING WHETHER TO ISSUE, DENY, OR MODIFY A PERMIT. Date ~;;Z~ Regional Fisheries Manager Signature Date. I Regional Wildlife Manager Signature Date . Regional Trails & Waterways Manager Signature Date ;~~~~rr~~ 1 .~~' 1~~IM 0 , (~ ~ )~:)' ~ It: ~ .'! \! '1--.1., ~\ ~ ~-" ~' 5 ~- ~ '\ ------..---."ID 71 t; ~ < :g ~ ~" :- [Wi jJ >e1 J I OJ ~ I:=}-J i\ '..., /7 ___ ~ Ut ~~ ~U ~ : IrT /I -< ~ i\ A ;!e I \ U~~I!I .M.-.JO .' ,.11 ~~~ l\ ~~" {\f.::iU~).~ tIJ J ~" I j,1 \- ~ - I 1 ~ ~m~ \. '\ J.{'-- 1),/.; . ~ \ ~ i ] '-'I iB!,. l "- ~ ~\IIJW \~~:;J~ IL i 0: -i?e\' ,r ~..~ ~ 1- ~J.,.-..; r ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~.,-' (f) 1/ "~ ~ ~ ~I ^'1.. .... ~. I ~ti I~~~\ ',,1<iRr. '~~;: ~~.,~'" ~ ~~~~ _ ~~_ ,~ '-'-(/Y.... i1lr---'), . ~ ~~~ Sj ~-L-~"7 /.. 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I r, >=193 I~ n 1L4flTH~ ; ~:?c;!L I 0 '" 1:: " ~B-el vi 5 ~~..g~o E __ "0 Q) +'" ~ o ~ Q) ~ .- m m ~- z--< f- '--. !!l ~ <ll -'" in CO ~ C <ll (;; :.:: C <ll <ll 1'- (5 ::J C> Z t,!! o . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT of NATURAL RESOURCES 1200 Warner Road, 81. Paul, MN 55106 Fax: 952-826-6767 July 21,2009 City of Chanhassen Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 ,,~c~\'J~Q Cl -t 1.~~~ U\.. tJ ). ~ ~\,\~SSt.~ c\\'( Or C\-\ Dear Mr. Hoffman, The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is excited to partner with the City of Chanhassen to rehabilitate the fishing pier on Minnewashta Lake. Our records show that DNR and the City of Chanhassen established the Minnewashta Lake fishing pier in 1998 with a cooperative agreement. Jhe cooperative agreement enabled the state to buy and install the fishing pier while the City of Chanhassen developed the accessible parking and pathway, and handled the daily operation and yearly maintenance. The timeline of the agreement is "perpetual" and will still be in effect once the repairs are complete. The DNR is committed to helping the City of Chanhassen to continue to provide an accessible fishing pier that increases fishing opportunities, especially to meet the needs of children, the elderly, people with disabilities .and those without a boat. To assist with the repairs, the DNR has agreed to purchase a new section of pier to extend the existing pier. The;;. . has agreed to provide a majority of the labor. The Qi.;'fiCt will also be responsible for ensuring he accessible parking and pathway meets current ADAptaIldards. . r'/ Otfl {;l The multiple benefits that the Minnewashta Lake fishing pier provides to the public justify the investments that both the DNR and City.ofChanhassen are making to provide a safe and convenient place to fish for many years to come. Please let me knowifI can be of further assistance with this project. I can be reached at 651-259-5875. Sincerely, fU.;U~ Vicki Robinson Assistant Area Supervisor Cc: file DNR Information: 651-296-6157, 1-888-646-6367 . TTY:.. 651-296-5484, 1-800-657"3929 www.dnr.state.mn.us An Equal Opportunity Employer Who Values Diversity ~ v . v...... ,. "..~ ........"- V'OJ'oJ "T",,","ToJ .....:>. u. I IL un,.."n"'~~l:1'l ~ OOL/OOL . PARADE APPLICATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN Note: An applicatIon for a parade shall be filed with the City of Chanhassen. Please aI/ow at least ten (10) business days for applica.tion process before the proposed date on which it is to conduct the parade. PARADE APPROVED; 8 NO SIGNATURES: DATE SIGNED: DATE APPROVED: 1--<2 -6 LJ Chanhassen Lt: NOTICE: This applicatIon Is not to be c;onl1trnec/ as authorizing any parade over such $treet$ and hIghways as am under the!urfsdldlon 0' the MInnesota Commlsslonsr of Highways, filnd filS to those, psrmiSlliOn must be obtained from the propsr and appropriate agency or offIce of ttls State 01 Mlnn9Bots. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION IS HEREWITH SUBMITTED TO THE CrN OF CHANHASSEN 1 . Title of event: 2009 Chanhassen High School Homecoming Parade 2. Date and time when event is to be oonducted: Fridav. Ootober' 9. 2009. 4:30 n.m. 3. Name, address and phone number of the person and organization seeking to conduct such parade and be responsible for its conduot: Jim Swearingen. Chanhassen Hlah Sohool. 2200 Lyman Boulevard. Chanhassen. MN 55317 Phone: 952-556-3512 4. Route to be traveled, the starting point and the termination point (please enolose a route map): Chanhasssn ~9mentarv School to Chanhassen Elementarv School (see attached route maD). 5. Dave Huffman Memorial 5K Run 2009 Race Results AGE GROUP NAME HOMETOWN TIME Overall (Men's) Antonio Vega S1. Paul 14.56 Overall (Women's) Jessica Berchild Chanhassen 19.58 13 U (Men's) Brett Erickson Chanhassen 23.11 13 U (Women's) Kayzee Martin Chanhassen 24.55 14 -19 (Men's) Joe Traxler Victoria 23.24 14 - 19 (Women's) Ali Wolpern Montgomery 22.13 20 - 29 (Men's) Antonio Vega S1. Paul 14.56 20 - 29 (Women's) Heidi Dittberner Bloomington 25.24 30 - 39 (Men's) Mark Nelson Shakopee 17.03 30 - 39 (Women's) Jessica Berchild Chanhassen 19.58 40 - 49 (Men's) Kirt Goetzke Plymouth 18.04 40 - 49 (Women's) Renee Schubbe Chanhassen 24.20 50 - 59 (Men's) Michael Bielmeier Chaska 21.39 50 - 59 (Women's) Kerry Krepps Orono 25.28 60+ (Men's) Curt Goke Eden Prairie 23.32 60+ (Women's) Judy Cronen Lakeville 26.39 Wheelchair (Men's) No Entries Wheelchair (Women's) No Entries