4. 2009 Lake Ann Park Concessions/Boat Rental Evaluation CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952,227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952,227,1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952,227.1170 Finance Phone: 952,227,1140 Fax: 952.227,1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952,227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952,227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952,227.1130 Fax: 952.227,1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952,227.1300 Fax: 952,227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952,227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us if - MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation rrtL Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation superintendent1D 14 September 15, 2009 1\ FROM: DATE: SUBJ: 2009 Lake Ann Park ConcessionIBoat Rental Evaluation Lake Ann has been a very popular destination for our community for many years. Beach and other park users enjoy the services the city provides at the concession/boat rental area. This summer proved to be challenging because of the cool temperatures. We recorded over 20 days this summer that the concession stand was closed or closed early, which definitely affected our ability to provide services to our park users. Hopefully next summer we can rebound with warmer weather. The Lake Ann ConcessionIBoat Rental Operation is reviewed on an annual basis to see how we can improve our customer service and increase revenues. Prices for equipment rental and food are reviewed so that we may determine what the market is willing to pay, while maintaining a wonderful community asset. General Comments: . Continue to use a smaller number of vendors to simplify the operation. . Slush puppy machine, which was very popular and had a higher profit margin, should continue. . Look to increase a marketing campaign to increase sales and activity. . The "meal deal" (hot dog, chips, and soda for $3.50) was very popular again this year. . Keep menu items simple - quick point of sale. . Continue to operate with less staff whenever possible. . Close concession and boat rental operation at 6:00 p.m. after August 1. . Go through all the boats this winter to ensure they are in good working order. . Review and update policy and procedures manual. . Review and replace food equipment to make sure it is in working order. g:\park\concessions\2009 concess & boat eval.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Total Boat Rentals 2008 2009 Paddle boats 233 267 Canoes 120 113 Row Boats 25 22 Row Boats wrrrolling Motor 33 39 Totals 411 441 Listed below is the breakdown of expenditures, supplies, and revenues for the 2008 and 2009 Concession Sales and Boat Rentals: EXPENDITURES Concession Hours and Wages 2008 2009 Concession Hours (not dollars) Concession Wages 706.25 $5,944.00 $5,944.00 605 $5,204.50 $5,204.50 Total Wages Supplies Total Supplies $3,565.34 $3,546.93 $1,414.84 $1,783.97 $746.62 $566.09 $5,726.80 $5,896.99 $5,944.00 $5,204.50 $5,726.80 $5,896.99 $11,670.80 $11,101.49 The Watson Company Midwest Coca Cola Cub Foods Total Wages Total Supplies TOT AL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Total Revenue $15,286.21 $12,884.50 Total Expenditures NET PROFIT $11,670.80 $3,615.41 $11,101.49 $1,783.01 g: \par k \con cessi ons\ex penses&re v en ues09 .doc Lake Ann Concession Sales Summer 2009 Total Daily Sales Food Sales Boat Rental Sales Tax May Sales (101-3638) (101-3635) (Divide by 1.06875) 5/23/2009 $85.50 $30.99 $49.30 $5.21 5/24/2009 $101.50 $48.36 $46.95 $6.19 5/25/2009 $141.50 $29.58 $103.29 $8.63 5/30/2009 $33.75 $31.69 $0.00 $2.06 5/31/2009 $185.75 $67.37 $107.04 $11.34 May Totals $548.00 $ 207.99 $199.54 $ 33.43 Total Daily Sales Food Sales Boat Rental Sales Tax June Sales (101-3638) (101-3635) (Divide by 1.06875) 6/1/2009 $20.75 $19.48 $0.00 $1.27 6/2/2009 $3 $2.35 $0.00 $0.15 6/3/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/4/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/5/2009 $39.50 $13.62 $23.54 $2.34 6/6/2009 6/7/2009 6/8/2009 $311.75 $151.88 $140.85 $19.02 Closed Early 6/9/2009 $256.34 Closed Early 6/10/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/11/2009 $103.00 $30.99 $65.73 $6.28 6/12/2009 $68.00 $40.38 $23.47 $4.15 6/13/2009 $180.75 $61.74 $107.98 $11.03 6/14/2009 $421.25 $181.92 $213.62 $25.71 6/15/2009 $142.25 $92.49 $41.08 $8.68 6/16/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/17/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/18/2009 $105.00 $70.42 $28.17 $6.41 6/19/2009 $56.00 $31.46 $21.13 $3.41 Opened Late 6/20/2009 $394.25 $177.70 $192.49 $24.06 6/21/2009 $26.50 $1.41 $23.47 $1.62 6/22/2009 $400.25 $273.94 $101.88 $24.43 6/23/2009 $205.25 $132.63 $60.09 $12.53 6/24/2009 $110.50 $66.20 $37.56 $6.74 6/25/2009 $252.50 $190.61 $46.48 $15.41 6/26/2009 $343.75 $241.31 $81.46 $20.98 6/27/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 6/28/2009 $109.50 $102.82 $0 $6.68 6/29/2009 $57.50 $25.82 $28.17 $3.51 6/30/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed June Totals $3,350.75 $ 2,165.51 $ 1,237.17 $ 204.41 Total Daily Sales Food Sales Boat Rental Sales Tax July Sales (101-3638) (101-3635) (Divide by 1.06875) 7/1/2009 $57.50 $16.39 $37.46 $3.65 7/2/2009 $149.25 $69.47 $70.18 $9.60 7/3/2009 $149.00 $23.39 $116.02 $9.59 7/4/2009 $1,089.75 $809.12 $210.52 $70.11 7/5/2009 $645.70 $282.29 $321.87 $41.54 7/6/2009 $183.75 $134.50 $37.43 $11.82 7/7/2009 $171.80 $109.29 $51.46 $11.05 7/8/2009 $177.25 $1 21 .40 $44.44 $11.41 7/9/2009 $118.25 $77.89 $32.75 $7.61 7/10/2009 $249.25 $191.11 $42.11 $16.03 7/11/2009 $297.75 $161.64 $116.96 $19.15 7/12/2009 $281.50 $130.53 $132.87 $18.10 7/13/2009 $180.00 $121.64 $46.78 $11.58 7/14/2009 $73.50 $68.77 $0.00 $4.73 7/15/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 7/16/2009 $43.25 $26.43 $14.04 $2.78 7/17/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 7/18/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 7/19/2009 $460.25 $280.70 $149.94 $29.61 7/20/2009 $120.00 $84.21 $28.07 $7.72 7/21/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 7/22/2009 $212.00 $118.83 $79.53 $13.64 7/23/2009 $214.50 $135.20 $65.50 $13.80 7/24/2009 $118.00 $96.37 $14.04 $7.59 7/25/2009 Closed Closed Closed Closed 7/26/2009 $413.00 $246.09 $140.35 $26.56 7/27/2009 $138.00 $94.04 $35.09 $8.87 7/28/2009 $187.00 $53.33 $121.64 $12.03 Closed Ea r1y 7/29/2009 $128.50 $68.77 $51.46 $8.27 7/30/2009 $41.00 $19.65 $18.71 $2.64 7/31/2009 $177.50 $100.58 $65.50 $11.42 July Totals $6,077.25 $ 3,641.63 $ 2,044.72 $ 390.90 Total Daily Sales Food Sales August Sales (101-3638) Boat Rental Sales Tax (101-3635) (Divide by 1.06875) 8/1/2009 $11.50 $10.76 $0.00 $0.74 Cold WeathE 8/2/2009 $239.50 $121.17 $130.99 $17.34 8/3/2009 $207.00 $142.22 $51.46 $13.32 8/4/2009 $156.75 $104.56 $42.11 $10.08 8/5/2009 $204.00 $153.45 $37.43 $13.12 8/6/2009 $166.25 $141.52 $14.04 $10.69 8/7/2009 Closed - Rain 8/8/2009 $65.25 $34.39 $26.67 $4.19 8/9/2009 $231.00 $99.18 $116.96 $14.86 8/10/2009 $148.00 $101.05 $37.43 $9.52 8/11/2009 $193.25 $162.11 $18.71 $12.43 8/12/2009 $258.00 $208.65 $32.75 $16.60 8/13/2009 $218.00 $175.91 $28.07 $14.02 8/14/2009 $262.25 $189.24 $56.14 $16.87 8/15/2009 $427.00 $338.71 $60.82 $27.47 8/16/2009 $120.75 $38.13 $74.85 $7.77 August Totals $ 2,908.50 $ 2,021.05 $ 728.43 $ 189.02 Total Daily Sales Food Sales (101-3638) Boat Rental Sales Tax (101-3635) (Divide by 1.06875) 2009 Totals $12,884.50 $8,036.18 $4,209.86 $736.76 2008 Totals $16,187.87 $10,464.15 $4,822.06 $992.49 2009 Lake Ann Concession Vendor Expenses Expense Code - 101-1540-4130 Midwest Coca Cola Date Pd Invoice Amt 5/21/2009 $ 794.19 6/4/2009 $ 297.15 6/11/2009 $ 211.41 6/25/2009 $ 545.21 7/2/2009 $ 963.31 7/17/2009 $ 271.67 7/23/2009 $ 316.17 8/6/2009 $ 147.82 Total $ 3,546.93 Date Pd Invoice Amt 5/19/2009 $ 275.42 6/9/2009 $ 290.92 6/30/2009 $ 871.35 7/14/2009 $ 346.28 The Watson Company Total $ 1,783.97 Date Pd Invoice Amt Cub Foods 5/22/2009 $ 40.60 5/23/2009 $ 8.99 6/1/2009 $ 9.99 6/12/2009 $ 20.49 6/18/2009 $ 22.63 6/22/2009 $ 25.96 6/25/2009 $ 56.33 6/28/2009 $ 15.38 7/3/2009 $ 79.62 7/5/2009 $ 21.49 7/9/2009 $ 34.16 7/12/2009 $ 55.56 7/22/2009 $ 31.63 7/26/2009 $ 17.99 7/31/2009 $ 16.89 8/2/2009 $ 28.01 8/6/2009 $ 33.69 8/14/2009 $ 39.62 8/15/2009 $ 7.06 Total $ 566.09 Total Food Vendor Expense 2009 Totals 2008 Totals $ 5,897.80 $ 5,419.83 2009 Lake Ann Concession HourslWages Pay Period Hourly Wage Hours Total Lindsay Budin 5/16-5/29 $8.00 3 $24.00 5/30-6/12 $8.00 10.75 $86.00 6/13-6/26 $8.00 6.75 $54.00 6/27-7/10 $8.00 28.25 $226.00 7/11-7/24 $8.00 17.75 $142.00 7/25-8/7 $8.00 8.25 $66.00 8/8-8/21 $8.00 22.75 $182.00 Total 97.5 $780.00 Leah Burfeind 5/16-5/29 $8.00 7.75 $62.00 5/30-6/12 $8.00 8 $64.00 6/13-6/26 $8.00 32 $256.00 6/27-7/10 $8.00 48.25 $386.00 7/11-7/24 $8.00 16 $128.00 7/25-8/7 $8.00 18 $144.00 8/8-8/21 $8.00 21.5 $172.00 Total 151.5 $1,212.00 Jake Weber 5/16-5/29 $8.00 4 $32.00 5/30-6/12 $8.00 17 $136.00 6/13-6/26 $8.00 18 $144.00 6/27-7/10 $8.00 34 $272.00 7/11-7/24 $8.00 13 $104.00 7/25-8/7 $8.00 20 $160.00 8/8-8/21 $8.00 7 $56.00 Total 113 $904.00 Zydowsky, Tom 5/16-5/29 $9.50 11 $104.50 5/30-6/12 $9.50 34 $323.00 6/13-6/26 $9.50 44.5 $422.75 6/27-7/10 $9.50 52 $494.00 7/11-7/24 $9.50 32 $304.00 7/25-8/7 $9.50 47 $446.50 8/8-8/21 $9.50 22.5 $213.75 Total 243 $2,308.50 I GRAND TOTAL I 605.00 I $5,204.50 _ ________ __""___ _ _~__. ~___. ..__~'_____ ________ _______ ______.. ..J