Wetland Delineation & Technical Report 10-26-07 ?Lr,,,," 68-0.-1 \" o I ()<l <J TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 TECHNICAL CRITERIA .......................................................................................................... 1 Vegetation ............... .... ............ ......... ....... ................ ........ .......... ................ ......................... I Soils ...................................................................................................................................2 Hydrology .......................................................................................................................... 3 Wetland Delineation and Technical Report WETLAND AND SAMPLE PLOT DESCRIPTIONS Wetland Descriptions ...... ..... ......... .................................................. ....... ...... ..... ................. 3 Wetland I ............................................................................................................... 3 Wetland 2 ............................................................................................................... 4 TABLES Table I. Wetland Habitat Dependence of Plants .............................................................. 2 8301 Audubon Road CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 4 FIGURES for Figure 1. Vicinity map of the subject property using the USGS Shakopee 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Mr. David Stockdale 8301 Audubon Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Figure 2. 2003 Aerial Photograph ofthe Subject Property (www.lmic.state.mn.us/chouse)with overlays of the Carver County Soil Survey (www.lreosoatialdatagatewav.nrcs.usda.lrOv) and the National Wetland Inventory (www.datadeli.dnr.state.mn) Figure 3. 2003 Aerial Photograph of the Subject Property (www.lmic.state.mn.us/chouse)with estimated locations of delineated wetlands and sample points (WWC GIS) By APPENDIX A. Field Data Sheets Michael B. Whitt Certified Wetland Delineator, PWS, CWB Wetland and Wildlife Consulting, Inc. October 26, 2007 I delineated three wetlands, one wholly-contained, and two partially-contained, on property owned by Mr. David Stockdale located at 8301 Audubon Road located in the NWl/4 of the SWI/4 Section 14, T 116 N, R 23 W, City ofChanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. I completed this delineation on August 8, 2007. This delineation was necessary because Mr. Stockdale intends to subdivide this piece of property. Mr. Stockdale had his Surveyor locate my boundary flags the week after I completed the delineation. I have included three figures in this report but all features in these figures are approximate locations and not based on survey data. Figure I is a vicinity map. Figure 2 depicts the soils survey data and the National Wetland Inventory data overlain onto the 2003 aerial photograph. Figure 3 depicts the approximate locations of the three delineated wetlands and the sample points overlain onto the 2003 aerial photograph. I obtained all quadsheet-Ievel data from the Minnesota DNR Data Deli site (www.deli.dnr.state.mn.us). I" obtained the aerial orthophoto from the Minnesota Geographic Data Clearinghouse (www.lmic.state.mn.us/chouse). I obtained soils survey data from the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway (www.datagatewav.nrcs.usda.gOv). I generated all site level data using ARCView GIS (Version 3.3). I have included data sheets as Appendix A, and these data include specific, technical information observed at sample points. I have included all relevant wetland information in the narrative descriptions of each wetland including classification, number of flags, and sample point numbers. that more than 50 percent of the dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC on lists of plant species that occur in wetlands. The wetland habitat dependence of some plants are further narrowed by using a positive or negative sign after the indicator which identifies plants on the higher or lower portion of the range, respectively. A F AC- plant is not a hydrophyte because it occurs less than 50-percent of the time in wetlands. I assessed dominants using the 50-20 Rule detailed in the 1987 Manual. Introduction Table 1. Wetland Habitat Dependence of Plants Indicator Obligate Facultative Wetland Facultative Facultative Upland Upland Abbreviation OBL FACW FAC FACU UPL Wetland Frequency of Occurrence >99% 67% - 99% 34 - 66% 1% - 33% <1% Soils. Hydric soils are those soils thatformed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (1998 NRCS Field Indicators). The following criteria reflect soils that meet the hydric soils definition. Technical Criteria 1 All Histosols except Folists Definition. The CE (Federal Register 1982) and the EP A (Federal Register 1980) jointly define wetlands as: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under nonnal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. 2. Soils in Aquic suborders, great groups, or subgroups, Albolls suborder, Aquisalids, Pachic subgroups, or Cumulic subgroups that are: a. Somewhat poorly drained with a water table equal to 0.0 foot from the surface during the growing season. or b. poorly drained or very poorly drained and have either: (I) water table equal to 0.0 ft during the growing season if textures are coarse and, sand, or fine sand in all layers within 20 inches; or for other soils (2) water table at less than or equal to 0.5 ft from the surface during the growing season if permeability is equal to or greater than 6.0 inlhour in all layers within 20 in, or (3) water table at less than or equal to 1.0 ft from the surface during the growing season if permeability is less than 6.0 in/hr in any layer within 20 in, or I delineated wetlands described in this report using 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (hereafter, 1987 Manual) combined with Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (Version 4.0, March 1998). The 1987 Manual (Part II, paragraph 26a) defines wetlands: The technical approach for identification and delineation of wetlands (1987 Manual, Part II, paragraph 26c) requires a minimum of one positive indicator from each of three parameters: vegetation, soils, and hydrology. Areas that meet these requirements are called jurisdictional wetlands. The three requirements are dominance by hydrophytic vegetation, presence of hydric soils, and presence of hydrology. Each of the three parameters are described below. When delineating wetlands, I record information onto a hand-held tape recorder, and then transcribe this information into reports when I return to the office. 3. Soils that are frequently ponded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season, or 4. Soils that are frequently flooded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season. Vegetation. A national interagency panel has prepared a National List of Plant Species that occur in wetlands. Listings of plants and their wetland habitat dependencies are compiled in the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands (Reed 1988). The 1987 Manual requires The hydric soil definition is difficult to apply in the field, and therefore, wetland delineators use field indicators of hydric soils which relate to the criteria which in turn relate to the hydric soil definition. Field indicators of hydric soils in the 1987 Manual have been superseded by Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (Version 4.0, March 1998). The field indicators are based on the fact that: Nearly all hydric soils exhibit characteristic morphologies that result from the repeated periods of saturation and/or inundation for more than a few days. Saturation or inundation when combined with anaerobic 2 microbiological activity in the soil causes a depletion of oxygen. This anaerobiosis promotes biogeochemical processes such as the accumulation of organic matter and the reduction, translocation, andlor accumulation of iron and other reducible elements. These processes result in characteristic morphologies which persist in the soil during both wet and dry periods, making them particularly useful for identifying hydric soils. these plants was yellow foxtail that is a very common weedy annual. Non-dominant plants were upland. Soils were not hydric. I did not observe any secondary indicators except for the F AC- Nuetral secondary indicator. Hydrology. Hydrology is often the most difficult of the three parameters to evaluate because some wetland types may only display hydrology for a short period of time. Areas with evident characteristics of wetland hydrology are those where the presence of water has an overriding in- fluence on characteristics of vegetation and soils due to anaerobic and reducing conditions, respectively (1987 Manual, Part 1lI, paragraph 46). The minimum hydrologic requirement is inundated or saturated to the surface continuously for at least 5% of the growing season in most years (50% probability of recurrence). These areas are wetlands if they also meet hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soil requirements (HQUSACE, 7 Oct 91 and 6 Mar 92)(1987 Manual, Part 1lI, Table 5). The 1987 Manual also permits identification of two secondary indicators of hydrology as evidence of saturation to the surface. Secondary indicators include oxidized rhizospheres within the uppermost lO-inches, undisturbed soils in Aquic moisture regimes, and a predominance ofhydrophytes in the FAC neutral test. WETLAND 2 Wetland 2 occurred in the northeastern portion of the property and extended off the property to the east. The USGS Topographic map reveals this area as a low spot adjacent to marsh (Figure I). The aerial photograph appears to reveal wet meadow type vegetation (Figure 2). Furthermore, the National WetIand Inventory mapped a Palustrine, emergent, and seasonally- flooded wetland (PEMC) and soils consisted ofa Cordova-Webster which are hydric soil types (Figure 2). I utilized two sample points to locate this wetland and the delineated boundary extends off-property to the east and to the north (Figure 3). This wetland is Type 2, Wet Meadow on the subject property but it grades to a Type 3, Shallow Marsh to the east. I placed Sample Point 3 in the south portion of the property in the lowest portion of a reed canary grass area. Dominant vegetation was 100% hydrophytic. Soils were hydric based upon the Redox Dark Surface indicator. The plot also met two secondary indicators to meet the hydrology parameter. WETLAND DESCRIPTIONS Sample Point 4 did not meet any wetland parameters. WETLAND 1 Wetland 1 is entirely contained on the Stockdale property. The USGS Topographic map does not reveal obvious topography that would create conditions favorable to wetland development such as a depression but the wetland is very small (Figure I). The aerial photograph does not reveal any obvious footprint of the wetland also because it is so small but the large area offill material deposited from construction to the east is apparent (Figure 2). Furthermore, neither the National Wetland Inventory map or the Carver County Soil Survey reveal wetland at this location (Figure 2). This wetland is located along the north side of the driveway and along the base of the hill created from the fill material deposited on the western property boundary (Figure 3). This wetland is Type 2, Wet Meadow habitat. WETLAND 3 Wetland 3 occurred along the eastern property bounary and extended off the property to the east. The USGS Topographic map reveals this area as a low spot adjacent to marsh (Figurel). The aerial photograph reveals the area as a wet meadow adjacent to an apparent excavated marsh (Figure 2). Furthermore, the National Wetland Inventory mapped a Palustrine, unconsolidated bottom/emergent, and semipermanently-flooded wetland (PUB/EMF) and soils consisted of Klossner muck, a hydric soil type (Figure 2). I utilized two sample points to locate this wetland and the delineated boundary extends off-property to the east (Figure 3). This wetland is Type 2, Wet Meadow on the subject property but it grades to a Type 4, Deep Marsh to the east. I sampled a wetland and an upland location to assist with wetland boundary determination. It was difficult to place an upland sample point due to the amount of disturbance from the driveway on one side and the fill on the other side. I used consecutively-numbered pink flourescent pin flags to identifY the wetland boundary. I used orange pin flags to identifY sample points. Most of the line was characterized by a boundary where sedges and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea, FACW+) transitioned to Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis, FAC-) and several broadleaf, weedy plants. Sample Point I was the wetland sample that was dominated by 100% hydrophytes. Soils were hydric based upon the Redox Dark Surface indicator. Hydrology was only present based upon a low landscape position and the FAC-Neutral test. I observed that the area had likely received fill, probably from erosion, because there were plant and woody debris at approximately one foot beneath the surface. I placed Sample Point 5 in the lowest portion of a reed canary grass area. Dominant vegetation was 100% hydrophytic. Soils were hydric based upon the Loamy Mucky Mineral indicator. The plot also met two secondary indicators to meet the hydrology parameter. I believe that this area was likely wetter before the pond excavation that is likely pulling hydrology away from this meadow area. I place Sample Point 6 on the hillside to the west of the wetland. Dominant vegetation was 50% hydrophytic, but this does not meet the requirement for dominance by hydrophytes. Soils were not hydric. The plot did not meet any wetland parameters. Sample Point 2 was upland. Dominant vegetation consisted of 66% hydrophytes but one of Conclusion I delineated three wetlands on the subject property. Mr. Stockdale is aware of requirements that protect wetlands and that this delineation must be reviewed by the City of Chanhassen as the local government unit. The primary, initial reason for this delineation was to obtain information 3 4 to assist with a subdivide and potential sale of property. It is not known at this time if any wetland will be impacted. I labeled all sampling points on orange pin flags. I flagged wetland boundaries with sequentially-numbered florescent pink flags with the words, "Wetland Boundary - WWC Inc." This report is intended to accompany other materials for plat approval. I welcome any questions regarding technical details of this report, and I also affirm that the material in this report represents my best professional judgement: Michael B. Whitt, Certified Wetland Delineator, Wetland and Wildlife Consulting, Inc., 6600 Century Lane, Prior Lake, MN 55372, wwc@integra.net Figures Digitally signed by Michael B. Whitt DN: cn=Michael B. Whitt, c=US, o=WWC, Inc, email=wwc@integra.net R~~~?~.: I attest to the accuracy and integri\y:bf this document Date: 2007.10.26 08:17:52 -05'00' 5 Scale Equals 1 :12000 o 2000 500 , o Scale Equals 1 :4000 500 1000 1500 Feet , 4000 Feet N W+E Carver County Soil Survey CW Cordova-Webster complex (HYDRIC) GL Glcncoeelay loam, Oo/~I% slopes (HYDRIC) HM Hamel loam (HYDRIC) KB Lester-Kilkenny loams, 2-6% slopes (NON-HYDRIC) KC2 Lester-kilkcnny loams, 6-12% slopes (NON-HYDRIC) PM Klossner muek ((HYDRIC) N W+E S National Wetland Inventory PEMC Palustrine, emergent, sc.",nally-flooded PUB/EMF Palustrine, unconsolidated bottOIDClOCrgcnt, scmipcnnancntly-floodcd S Figure I. Vicinily map ufthe subject property using the USGS Shakopee 7.5 Minule Quadrangle Figure 2. 2003 Aerial photograph of lhe subject properly (mvw.lmic,slale.mlLus'chouse) wilh overla)'s of the Carver County Soil Survey (www.geospatialgateway.nrcs.usda.~o\') and the National \Vetland Inventory (www.daladeli.dnr.state.mn) +~-~~+~+~+~-~~+~+~+~-~~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ ~I '!I 'it '11 'll '!I '11 ~I ~( t 'it '11 ~I 'II 'V '[I f ~I ~I 'II '!I ~, ,It ~/ 'II ~I 'it ~, '11 ~, 'l' "I "I 'II '!I 'll 'it '!I 'V '11 ':' ~I '!I '11 ~I 'II '1' '[I 'It ~, \" 'II WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM Project/Site: Audubon Road Date: August 8, 2007 , Applicant/Owner : David Stoekdale County: Carver II Investigator: Michael B. Whitt State: Minnesota ,; Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Ves Plot: 1 '" Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No USDA LRR: M , Is the area a potential Problem Area? No I VEGETATION Number Percent N""" Strata Indicator I 30% River b_ (Sdrp..f1.>IodIJs) H OBL 2 30% Reed caul')' If'" (PJulhlrlI.'lIndJ...,) H FACW+ 3 15% lImtyard ar'" (Jl-'" cr..,.uf) H FACW 4 10./. Aau.lnllW....~-V.u.) H FACV l 19'.4 Norrow-1eIf .IIIIU (Typ/uf IUIIlISti/oIl11) H OBL 6 5Y. wUlowweed (PoIy,tHIl11n IoptuJtlj'tllhIlII) H FACW+ 7 5% Sudur willow ~1Jd4.,,) H OBL 8 ~W. CarlydockUf_crllp/8) H FAC 9 10 11 12 Total no 50:20 Rule: Doml...t pt..a eq." #1. #1, ad #3; In'DROPHYTIC REMARKS: SOILS Depth Color Texlllre Color Classes 0.-18. 18YR3I1 Fbte .udy s1Ity day loam 7.5YR3I3 Few, a.e. l.lIlt 10".14" 18YR2I1 FiIIe IUdy dly PIeces .r woody debril& pint .....riII 24.-32. 2.5/N Fbte ...dy day 7.5YR4I4 M..y, RIedl.... dlstiaet 32......2" 5Y4I1 FiIIe IUdy dly 5Y6n c~ medbua, proudaeat Hydric Soil Indicators: lJ Organic a Sulfidic Odor . Reducing Conditions .. Redox Features NRCS: F6---RedoK Dark Stuface REMARKS: home HYDRIC bIIt profile .Iso appears to Ilftc beeII diu.rbf:d based oa buried materlal.pproUmately 0IIe loot heaeatll tile ,..... ra.. HYDROLOGV Field Observations No primary ladlcaton observed Prinwy Indica_ !J Inundated 0 Saturated 0 Water Marks 0 Sediment Deposits 0 Drainage Patterns (] Other Secondaly Indicators o Oxidized Root Channels _ FACNC\lU'al Test . Low Landscape Position a Other REMARKS: HYDROLOGY PRESENT baud oa preseKe oCtwo seeMdary ladkaton ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+*+~-+*~-~+~~*+~+~+*+~~~+~+ , 'I' ~, , ~, , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' ~, , ~', 'I' , 11\ ~, , 'I' , 'I' , ~, ,~ ~\ 'I' , 'I' ~, , 11\ 'II , 11\ ~, A, , 'I' '" ~I ~, , 'I' , II' ~, , 11\ 'I' , ~, , ~, , 1[', ~, ~" ~, ~, ~\ ~'. ~, , 'I' ~, _ -:f- _~-:E-_~-:E- ~~+~~~ /~~+~+~+~~~+~+~+~+~~~+~ '!I ~I '!I '!I 'll ,[, 'V ~, 'V '[I '1/ 'V ,It ~/ ,[, ~, 'I' '!I ,Jt '11 'V ~, ~I 'k 'V '[I ,1/ ~/ ~I ~, '!I '!I 'V ~, ~I 'k 'V '[I 'V ~I '!I 'II '1' 'I' ~I \" ,II ~/' 'It 'I' \" \" WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM I,' , I~ , II' , 'I' Project/Site: Andllbon Road Date: Angnst 8, 2007 , Applicant/Owner : David Stockdale County: Carver 'I Investigator: MIchael B. Whllt State: M1nnesotl / Do Nonnal Circumstances exist on Ihe site? Ves 1- 2 I Is the site significan1ly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No M Is the area a poten1ia1 Problem Area? No USDA LRR: VEGETATION , 'I Number Pcr<ent Name Strata Indicator , I 35% LMeIMak Hdee (eMa IilcllStI'is) H OBL II 2 35Y. Yellow ro.taU (.I'm... g""') H FAC , 'I 3 35% CUIdIcold,orod (.I'oIUl/go """"'/$) H FACV 4 15% C.rIy dock (8- crispls) H FAC ~ l 20Y. YlrTow(A..m....m.j'oII_) H FACV 6 21% I(-.ky bhNar'" (poo p""'Mis) H FAC- ,; 7 15% A_"nllWeed(A_III~) H FACV II 8 15% e.... tltlsde (ClnllUff IUWlUfI!) H FACV 9 15Y. 80"-." oqolnel.taU (Skollkm /oystrlx) H FACU , 'I 10 5% Co..... dudeUOII (T~1Im tlJJklHk) H FACV \I ~ 12 'I Toll! 228 50:20 Rule; Do...... plgb equl #1, 1#2, _ad #3; HYDROPHYTIC REMARKS: , II , ~, I', 'I' , I' , 'I' , ", , ~, 'I' , ,~ ~, II' , ,~ ~\ ,~ , , ~, , 'I' 'I' , II' , I,' , 'I' SOILS DepIh Color Texture Color C,-, 8..... 18YR312 Coane ..ady day loam 8".11" 18YR313 Coarse WIlly clay loam Hydric Soil Indicators: 0 Organic 0 Sulfidic Odor a Reducing Conditions a Redox. FeatureS NRCS: Noae REMARKS: 7nItDe fIOt HYDRIC HYDROLOGV Field Observations Ne primary ..dlcaton observed Prinwy lndi.-. o Inundated a Saturated 0 Water Marks o Sediment Deposits 0 Drainage Patterns o Other Se<ond<uy lndi.-. a Oxidized Root Channels (] FAC.Neutral Test Cl Low Landscape Position 0 Other REMARKS: No prlmary or ,ec:oadary ladleaton observed , 'I' , I" , ~, , 'I' , 'I' 'I' , II~ I~ , tl\ ~, ,~ ,~ ,~ ~\ ~, ~\ ~+*~*+*+~+~+~~~+~~~~~+*+~+~+~+*+*+*+*+ .....-,_-:::....-:E-_-:::....-:E- _-:::.... -:E- _-:::....-:f- _~ -:Eo _~ -:f- _~ -:f- _*- -:f- _~ -:f- ,~ ,!, ,~, '1' ,!, ,!, ,~, ~, 'l' \1' ~, ~, ~( ~, ':' ~, ~I ~, 'l' '1' \l' '!' ,!, '1' \l' ,!, \1' ~, \l' ~, ':' ,~, ~I \!, \!, ,~, \1' ~, r ,!, 'I' '!' \!' ~, ~I ~, ,II I '!' \!I ~, ~( ~, o ", ~, o II~ 'I' o 'I' I 'I' , I'::;, I' I 'I' o I' , 'I' A\ 'I' o 'I'. 'I' o '1\ 'I' WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM Project/Site: Audubon Road Date: August 8, 2007 Applicant/Owuer : David Sto<kdale Couoty: Carver Investigator: Mlebael B. Wbitt State: Mlunesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes 1- 3 Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical SilU41ion)? No M Is the area a potential Problem Ared! No USDA LRR: VEGETATION Number Percent N.... Strala 111di..... I '88% Reed.....-y gnu (!'/uiJMlaIll',-",) H FACW+ 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Total 100 50:20 Rule: Domiullt pbI.a eq.aI #1; HYDROPHYfIC REMARKS, , , 'I' o ", , ", o ~, II' o 'I' ", ~, ~, o I" , ~', 'I' " , ~, o II' , ", SOILS Depth Cok>< Texture Color Classes 0"-11" 18YR2I1 Clay 10... 7.5YR4I4 COIUI........ pcoIRiaeat 7.5YRS/6 Commoto, fIae, ...om_ 12".1Z" 1.5Y 1.51t Clay 10YRSlI Few.fIae,pro....n:t Hydric Soil Indicators: 0 Organic D Sulfidic Odor . Reducing Conditions . Redox Features NRCS: if: Redox Dad SIIrface REMARKS: home HYDRJC , II' , 'I' , II' , ", , ~, ~, ~, ~\ ~". 'I' ,~ ~, ~, 'h ~, ~, HYDROLOGY Field Observations No primary "dJcaton obKlrved Primary Indicators o Inundated 0 Satursled Q Water Marks a Sediment Deposits a Drainage Patterns IJ Other Secondary lodi_rs o Oxidized Root Channels . FAC~Noutral Test . Low Landscape Position 0 Other REMARKS: HYDROLOGY bated.. twe teeOadary lacIleaton , I,' ~, **~~-*+~+~**+*~~~-~-~*~-~-~~~-~~~+~+*+*+~~~+ +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~~~~~+~+~ \~I 'I' '!' ~I \l' \!, \V ~, 'II 'y \!, '!' '~I ,!, 'y 'y ~I '!' '!I 'I' ~I ~, '[I \1' ,~ ,!, 'y ,[, \l' \!, ,~ ,!, 'l' ~, \ll '!' 'y 'y '~I ~, ~( '!' ~I ~, ,II ~/ ,It ~,' \~, '!' '~I ,!, WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM '1\ 'I' , 'I'. 'I' o 11\ 'I' ", 1,'" I' , 'I' ~ o ", , I' o 'I' , I', 'I' o " , 'I' , I' ~, , I' , 'I' , I' , 'I' I' 'I' , " o '" , I' , 'I' " , 'I' , I,' 'I' 'I' o 'I' o /1\ -1'1\ 'I' , 'I' , ~, ,~ Project/Site: Audubon Road Date: August 8, 2007 ApplicanVOwuer : David StO<kdale Couuty: Carver Investigator: Mlebael B. WhItt State: Minnesota Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes 1- 4 Is lbe site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No M Is the area a potential Problem Area? No USDA LRR: VEGETATION , Numbe< P....., N.... Strata Indicator , I 50"" G.rIk._ (Amon. of/kJn4Ih) H FACW+ 1 40% StIr doc (A.rcti1Uff 1lUn1lS) H UPL , l 31% Reed a.ary grass (PIt""'lIrlltulJmlce8) H FACW+ 4 38"" Co_ bllCktIaon (It.IlaauIM atM..) H FAC- I 5 ISe;. VJr&lala.......r (P._Iss". frUnqoJf"u,,) H FAC- 6 Box eWer (AUt 114""') S FACW. , 7 c..... _..... (Il/luYu"-) S FAC. , 8 BarNk (QllncllS 1IUU.:I'OC4IJNl) T FAC- 9 I 10 11 , 12 I Total 16i!W. 50:20 Rule: Domiu.t pIa.is equl #., 1#1, 1#6, #7. #18, NON~HYDROPIIYTIC REMARKS, " SOILS Depth Color Texture Color Classes 0".11" leYRVl ....m 11".18" 10YR:!I1 C1ay1eam Hydric Soillndicators: lJ Organic a Sulfidic Odor a Reducing Conditions 0 Redox Features NRCS: No.e REMARKS: Profile uot HYDRIC by NRCS FIeld IlNllcatotprotoeols but IIllydrk by 1987 MllnlUd HYDROLOGY Field Obsel'vati.ons No primary iIIdlc:aton observed Primory lodioators CJ lnundatod 0 Saturated 0 Water Marks IJ Sediment Deposits 0 Drainage Patterns o Other Socondory IDdi...... o Oxidized Root Channels 0 FAC-Neutral Test IJ Low Landscape Position IJ Other REMARKS: No appareat HYDROLOGY , '1\ ", ~, ~, ,~ I~ , 'I' ~, , ~, ~, , , , ~_?-~--;'-~_?-",;::-""'...;::- ..... ...:::--,-..;:,.-,--;::-.;:-+.:;:- ... ,- ...;::_ ~- ~_ -3- ~_ ~--:;:_ ..:;:-~_ -3:--:;:_ ..:;:-...;::_.;:-..;::_..:;:- ~_ ..... ~I -~ --*" -~ -;f -~ -;f _*" -;f _*" -;f _*" -:Eo _~ -:Eo _*" -:Eo _*- -:E- _*" -:Eo _*- -:E- _*- -:E- _*- -:E- _*- -:E- _*- -:E- _*- -:E- -:E-- -:E- -*- -:E- -*- -:E- I ':' WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. 'I' ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM ,~, 'I' ~, ~, '1' Project/Site: Audubon Road Date: Augost 8, 2007 , Applicant/Owner: David Stockdale County: Carver 'I' , Investigator: Michael B. Whitt State: MInnesota 'I Do Nonnal Circumstances exist on the site? Ves Plot: 5 I,' , Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? No USDA LRR: M , , Is the area a poleotial Problem Ared! No I ~, ~, 'V ~, ~, ~/ ~, ~, 'll ~, 'll ~, 'll '1' ~, ,~, 'll ,~, '!I \~, ~, 'l' 'll ,], 'l' ,], ~, ~, ~( ~, '!I ~, 'I' \~ 'v ~, ~, ~, 'll ,~, ~( ~, '!I ,!, 'l' ~, ~, '1' , ~, VEGETATION Number Percent N""" S_ Indicator I 89% Reed caary gr.... (P/uUMIs IU'''~) H FACW+ 2 ...,. Glut gold....... (SoIIbgo g1g_) H FACW 3 4 , 6 7 s . 10 II 12 Telal 1"''' 50:20 Rule: DoIIIlu.t plub equl #1 ad #1, HYDROPHYTIC REMARKS: , 'I' ~, , 'I' , 'I' , 11'1 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , ", , 'I' , 11\ 'I' 'I' ~, , 11\ 'I' , ~, 'I' ~'l 'I' +, 'I' , 11\ 'I' , 'I' ~, SOILS Depth Color Tex... Color Classes 0"-6" 2.!IN Macky loam Hydric Soil Indialtors: .Organic oSulfidieOdor oReducingCoaditions oR.edoxFeatures NRCS: Fl: Loamy~ckyMlaeral REMARKS: Prome HYDRIC , 11'. 'I' ~'. 'I' ~\ 'I' ~\ 'I' HYDROLOGV Field Observations No primary iacIiuten observed Primary Indicators o Inundated lJ Saturated 0 Water Marks lJ Sediment Deposits 0 Drainage Patterns 0 Other Secondary Indicators lJ Oxidized Root Channels . FAC-Neutral Test . Low Landscape Position 0 Other REMARKS: HYDROLOGY preseIlt based 011 twG secGIldaI'y iadkaton. LIKk of prt.ary IIMIkaiton may be beeaue of adjacNt po" eseava. dOD tIIat 0ttVI at a lower clev." (Scope.... Effect) COIIIbf.ed ....tIl tile dry eeacIitIoIU oI.UIIDeI' 2097 , 11\ 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' ~, ~- ~- ?- ~- ?- -3;- '::';:-...;:- ';:-...;:- -;:..- ..... ~- -;:..- ...;:- -;:..-...;:--;:..-...;:-,-..... -;:..- ...;:- -;:..- ..... ~- 'I' -<C -~ -<C -~ -*- -~ -<C -~ -*- -~ -<C -~ -*- -~ -*- -~ -*- -~ -<C -~ -<C -~ -*- -~ -<C -~ -<C -~ -<C -~ -*- -~ -*- -~ -*- -~ -~ -~ , 'i' WETLAND AND WILDLIFE CONSULTING, INC. 'I', ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM ,~ t ~ '!' 'I' 'II ,~ 'V ~, 'll ~, ~, ~, 'V 'I' '~I ,!, 'll ,~, '~I ,~, 'V 'I' ~, ~, 'i' ,!, ,:1 \1' ~, 'l' 'll \1' 'II ~, ~, 'I' 'V ~, 'V ~, ~, 'I' 'll ,~, 'll ~, 'll ~, 'II \!, 'I' ,!, Project/Site: Audubon Road Date: August 8, 2007 , Applicant/Owner : David Stockdale County: Carver 'I Investigator: MIchael B. Whitt State: MInnesota , 'I Do Nonnal Circumstances exist on the site? Ves I""' 6 I Is the site significantly disturbed (Alypical Situation)? No M Is the area a poleotial Problem Area? No USDA LRR: VEGETATION Number P"",.. Name Strala Indicator I 75% a..........,. gnu (Pho/MU ",.-....) H FACW+ 2 ..% c..... Koklearocl~ ctfudmsls) H FACU 3 40"" K....<ky bIoegr... (_ pnIIeMb) H FAc. 4 W,. Glut golde.rod r,s.tidIIgo g1g-l H FACW , 25% FIeld 8IbIt (MeIIIIuI tunllSia) H FACW 6 11% Ikar dot: (Ardl881 ....) H UPL 7 s . 10 II 12 Total 240% 50:20 Rule: DomlMat pIuts equl. #1 ad #1, NON.fIYDROPHYTIC REMARKS: SOILS Deplb Color Texture Color Classes 0".12" 10YR3Il C..y...... 12".20" 10Ylt 2/1 Clay 19Y1t4l1 COIDlDOll, medllllA, dlstbad Hydric Soil Indicatonl: 0 Organic lJ Sulfidic Odor 0 Reducing Conditions 0 Redox. Features NRCS: No.e REMARKS: Profile HYDRIC by 1987 MIIIUIIIl b.t does IIOt meet ..y ladlator la tile NRCS FJeld ImlJctdqn HYDROLOGV Field Observations Ne prilury u.dleaton obIerYed Primasy Indic-' o Inundated lJ Saturated 0 Water Marks 0 Sediment Deposits 0 Drainage Patterns 0 Other Se<oodmy In<licaton o Oxidized Root Channels lJ FAC-NeutraI Test 0 Low Landscape Position 0 Other REMARKS: No HYDROLOGY pnlellt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,+,+'+'+'+'+'+'+'+'+ -;:..- ...;:- -;:..- -3- ~-~-,- .... ":"-...;:- -:;.- ..... -;::.- ...;:- , 'I' 'I' , , 'I' J" ~\ 'I' , 11\ 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 'I' ~, , 'I' , 'I' ~, , 'I' ,~ 'I' , /1\ 'I' , 'I' , 'I' , 11'. 'I' , II'. 'I' , 'I' ,1\ , 11\ 'I' ,~ , 'I' , 11\ 'I' , 11\ 'I' ~, , 'I' , 'I' ,~ , 'I' 'I' , 'I'. 'I' Appendix A Field Datasheets 500 , o Scale Equals 1 :4000 500 1000 Feet LEGEND Sample Point // Wetland Boundary N W*E S Flgure 3. 2003 Aerial photograph of the subject properly (www.lmie.slate.mlLuslehouse) "ith estimated locations of delineated weiland and sample points (WWC GIS)