CC Minutes 9-14-09 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 2009 Council members toured Camp Tanadoona and the new public works facility prior to the meeting. Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha and Kate Aanenson PUBLIC PRESENT: Janet Kinney 3608 Grove Street, Edina Kathy Mandy 6210 Near Mountain Boulevard Kaitlin McGee 1411 Mallard Court Maureen Walsh 3945 Hillcrest Road PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong: Good evening and welcome to everybody here in the council chambers and those watching at home. We have a few minutes later start than usual. We were out on a tour this evening. A couple very nice assets of the city. Camp Tanadoona and the new public works building so we got a little bit delayed in our tour but we appreciate you waiting for us and your patience as well. Let me start with the council, ask if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda. If not, without objection then we’ll proceed with the agenda as distributed. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated August 24, 2009 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated August 24, 2009 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated August 18, 2009 Resolution #2009-65: b. 2010 Street Projects: Approve Consultant Contract and Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study. d. Nick’s Storage & Parking, 1900 Stoughton Avenue: One Year Extension of Conditional Use Permit and Interim Use Permit. Chanhassen City Council – September 14, 2009 e. Approval of Joint Powers Relating to eCharging Services, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (Chanhassen Prosecution Services). All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: LIVE IT! YOUTH SUMMIT, OCTOBER 10 AT CAMP TANADOONA, CARVER COUNTY HEALTH PARTNERSHIP. Maureen Walsh: My name is Maureen Walsh and thank you Mr. Mayor and members of the City Council for allowing us to make a brief presentation tonight. I’m part of an organization called Carver County Health Partnership and the Youth Development Action Team Planner and have had the privilege of working with youth and adults led planning team to convene the th county’s first ever youth summit this coming fall on October 10. Just brief background on Carver County Health Partnership for those of you that aren’t familiar with it. It is a 10 year, nearly 10 year old non-profit organization, community based organization that just received it’s 501C3 in the last couple years and has really been an excellent convener of the county stakeholders in addressing, bring resources to the table and addressing issues that affect the health and well being of residents of the county and in the last year a group of stakeholders identified youth development and youth engagement as an issue that they wanted to work at over the next couple years and young people actually were the group of stakeholders that wanted to kick off and infuse some energy into the county by having a youth summit. Kaitlin McGee is a senior at Chaska High School and she is a resident of Chanhassen and she is a leader on our planning team. One of the people that has been with the planning process from the very beginning so she’s going to just provide some, an overview of the event and answer any questions the council may have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Kaitlin McGee: Thank you Mr. Mayor and the council for allowing me to be here to present to you tonight. Just to start off I’m going to give you a background, an overview of what the summit actually is. It’s called our Live It Youth Summit. The goals and purpose of our summit are to inspire and educate youth towards action in their communities, their country and even beyond that. As a result of this action more youth and youth of diverse backgrounds and life circumstances will be actively engaged in their communities. They will have meaningful roles in their community and will feel valued and they will feel more connected to adults and other youth in the county. This will be very beneficial to youth within the county because when they feel like they have a voice and they have a role they feel valued by their community and they are moved to care more about their community and to be more actively involved within it. The youth summit theme is, as I stated before is live it and that’s an acronym for some of the traits that we hope youth will get out of the summit. It stands for leadership, inspiration, voice, empowerment, innovation and teamwork. At the summit both youth and adults will be participating and hopefully they will become inspired toward action through hearing youth engagement ideas from others in the county and the larger metro. They will learn strategies and 2