1995 03 28 Agenda . . . FILE AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1995, 5:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 5:30 p.m. - Site Visits - Please arrive at City Hall before 5:30 p.m. 1. Southern Chanhassen a. Tree Preservation b. Bluff Creek Golf Course c. Bluff Creek Watershed 2. Power Hill Park 3. Lake Ann Park 7:00 P. M. - Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF AGENDA (Commission members may add or delete items at this time) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS APPRO V AL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes dated February 28, 1995. Note: Due to technical difficulties, the tapes of the last meeting were blank. A summarized set of minutes from this meeting will be submitted at the April 25th meeting. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Citizen Request for Park Improvements (Basketball Court and Sand Volleyball Court) at Power Hill Park. 3. Chanhassen Athletic Association Proposal to Install Batting Cages and Ballfield Lights, Field No.2, Lake Ann Park; Chris Polster, CAA President. 4. Recommendation to Establish Task Force, Proposed Parkland Acquisition and Development Referendum. . NEW BUSINESS 5. Land Development Proposal: Site Plan Review for a two story building (Richfield Bank and Trust) with a total of 12,166 square feet on property zoned PUD and located at the southwest corner of West 78th Street and Kerber Boulevard, Lot 1, Block 3, Burdick Park Addition, Richfield State Agency, Inc. 6. Land Development Proposal: Preliminary plat to subdivide 1.14 acres into 2 lots on property zoned RSF, and located north of Melody Hill and north of the Minnetonka Middle School, 2220 Melody Hill Road, Golmen Hoff Golmen Addition. 7. Land Development Proposal: Rezoning request to rezone 16.34 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential to RSF, Residential Single Family, preliminary plat of 16.34 acres into 19 single family lots and a variance to allow a 50 foot wide right-of-way located south on Lake Lucy . Road (1471), Pointe Lake Lucy West, Michael Byrne. 8. Program Reports: a. February Festival Evaluation b. Easter Egg Candy Hunt c. 4th of July Celebration Entertainment Contract, the Hi-Tops d. Senior Mens Club Project COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 9. a. Summary of Community Center Tours, Becker, New Brighton and Maplewood. b. Director's Report. 10. Administrative Section . ADJOURNMENT . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission $ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 20, 1995 SUBJ: Site Visits Please arrive at Chanhassen City Hall prior to our site visits. This field trip will involve site appropriately. We will be visiting Power Hi park which could accommodate a basketball will drive through Lake Ann Park to inspe Athletic Association is seeking your appr lights at this location. p.m. on the 28th to allow time for all of tion on foot, so please dress inspect the only location within the sand volleyball court. In addition, we you will recall, the Chanhassen allation of batting cages and ballfield I can understand that the 5:30 p.m. scheduling. However, with the n other choice. t time may pose Jiculties for work and family :00 p.m. start time fi} regular meetings, we have no . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director //Y FROM: DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Citizen Request for Park Improvements (Half-Court Basketball and Sand Volleyball Court) at Power Hill A group of residents from the Power Hill Pm;i neI Recreation Commission during Visitor Frese/lations from the group, the commission selected t ace thi The following report has been prepared t ssist the c orhood approached the Park and February 28, 1995. Upon hearing tern on the March 28, 1995 agenda. mission in reviewing this request. Response to II Power Hill Park Fadr February 28, 1995: Please referen accompanying report. Where ap Request/Feed~~ck" Narrative Distributed on e attached copy the narrative and the riate, responses have n provided. Power Hill Park Five Ye apital Improvement Progr , 1992-1996: The Five Year Capital Improvement am for Power Hill Park is attached. Appropriations for a half- court basketball a volleyball court have not been allocated in the CIP. Year 1995 contingency fu be utilized to make these improvemen The Site: As shown on top of the hill at the park. In refer of placing a small picnic shelter at this locati beyond 1996." Such a picnic shelter would of the hill. Planned appropriately, all three f volleyball, would fit on this site. lan, a relatively small flat spot IV r ') does exist on recall that discussions te In the denotation "picnic shelter dvantage of the views offered from the top ties, i.e. picnic shelter, basketball and Park and Recreation Commission March 21, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff's only trepidation in recommending that these facilities be constructed on this site revolve around its secluded nature. The site is severed from the main entrance of the park by a "bottleneck." It should be noted that the entire design of this park is a "shoebox" fit. Very little street frontage was acquired for the park at the time this subdivision was platted. As such, all of the existing improvements at the park are positioned in rear yards. Whether or not the city should continue with this practice is a judgement call best left to the commission. Your site visit on Tuesday night will allow you to view first hand what is difficult to describe in written word. Staff awaits the direction of the commission in this regard. c: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent . . . or- . rl ~~~~ 'Z ~ I i ~~ ~~l lt1~" ~~::.~ ~~~ ~m ~!I: ::::::::: I ~ u ,~ ro .,.0 ~ "'C Cl) ~ Cl.) ~ ~ "- ~ ~ LO .~ rJJ. 0> - ~ Cl.) LO C\I ;:$ - C\I ~ c::r Q.) Q) ~ ~ 0 0 .~ ~ ~ .~ u ro ~ 'E co 0 CO ~ "- CO 0- c: Q) en en CO ..c: c: co ..c: 0 . . . . . 1d N . @. '^ .~ :. ~ ~~~ ~m ~::::: :::::::~ f~l~~: ';:::;:::. 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U U H tf) Q) c.S ~ C'j :::~ ~ ~ (1) ~~! .~ C'j J:;:J m ~ ~ -- _1 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~::~~: c= ~ r./J. :t Q.) ~::~::: Q) ~ ~ Q.) 1::$ ~ ~ U '.:.:-; ~ ~ ~~1~l~ 00 ~ \j ~ -:.:.:.:. 0 0 ~ ~l~i 0 0 I/:II!' ~ 0 0 ~ ~ Z ~ N Z A A A A . A . 1.0 Q) (J) - 1.0 Q) C\.I - ~ C\.I ~ .... . ~ ....... ~ :::::;::: bl) '"0 :.:.;.:.; ~ 0 ::::::::: ~ ~ Ed :';':':" ~ -:.:.:.:. ~ :-;';',': bl) ::::::~ .;.:.:.: Q) Q.) :-:.;.:.' ~ I ~ ~ ~ 0 0 a Q) ~ co 0 Q) ~ ~ i::s 0 ~ .}:::::~ .-a r./J. ~ mll 00 *'::~~ ~ I - .~ 0 dd bl) 00 ~ .~ J:;:J Q.) Q) Ed ~ Q) ~ Q.) ~ "E ~ ~ co bl) ~ .~ 0 ~ ~ ~ Q) al .~ C'j a .~ ~ Q) ~ 0 ~ , ~ 0\ '- Z co .: (j ~ ~ u ~ a- c: A A A A A Q) . en en co .c: c: co .c: () . . . Comments regarding Power Hill Park Facility Request/Feedback Request for Basketball Facility (Page 2): An additional request for a sand volleyball court was referenced and will be included as a component of this request. High Demand for all Around Recreation Facility (Page 3): Lake Susan Hills West neighborhood (Powers to Audubon) is also serviced by Sunset Ridge Park. This park, although further developed than Power Hill Park, is also not complete. All season sport (Page 5): 3 season sport. (Minnesotans are tough-but not that tough!) $309,600 Park Assessments ($1200 hse) (Page 5): Park dedication fees for Lake Susan Hills West are collected at 50% of full rate. At present, this equates to $450 per household. Initial phases of development were assessed at a rate of $212.50 per household. The park dedication fee has since been raised annually or semi-annually to the present rate. At an average rate of $350 per home, approximately $90,000 in park dedication fees (based on the 258 houses referenced) have been collected from this neighborhood. In Lieu of Tennis Courts (Page 5): A tennis court was shown on the original concept master plan for this park. A policy decision by the commission later removed a tennis court from the plan. Money was never allocated in the city's capital improvement program for a tennis court. Plenty of Space on Hilltop (Page 8): One area exists at the top of Power Hill Park for the construction of a basketball court and volleyball court. "Plenty" in this context describes an area of approximately 100' x 200' in size which was graded flat during initial development. This area can accommodate the facilities requested. Positive attributes of site: Relatively level, access available from the park entrance road. Negative attributes of site: Surrounded by residential lots (rear yards), site is somewhat secluded. No Tennis Courts (Page 12): Previously addressed. Mostly Weeds (Page 12): See response from Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent. Poor Surface (Page 12): See response from Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent. 20 ft. tall & 10 in. (Page 12): (Circumference) Trees were acquired as a donation, city paid moving costs. Mud Hole (Page 12): The "hole" for the playground was excavated at the time of final grading and seeding. This was done in anticipation of the future installation of play equipment. With this work being done, major earthwork/excavation will not be necessary prior to the equipment going in this summer. No Feedback (Page 12): The letter referenced was received from Ed and Mary Kraft, 8711 Flamingo Drive on December 22, 1993 (see attached). The letter was included in the administrative section of the Commission's packet on January 25, 1994. I recall phone conversations with the Krafts regarding their interests/concerns. I apologize for not responding in writing to this inquiry. . . . . . . CITY OF CHINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: March 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Power Hill Seeding Power Hill was finish graded in the summer of 1923 with grass seeding taking place in the fall of 1993. Soil samples of the park indicategthe>soil was lacking nutrients to establish a good stand of grass. A starter fertilizer was lics.ed afJhe same time of seeding to correct this problem. In the summer of 1994, the seed ""as not growing very well, therefore, we slit seeded the park with an all purpose grass se~d. This. &eed is the same grass seed used in all neighborhood parks. At this point we alssiihcluded Po~er Hill Park in our fertilization program consisting of three applications .fl,year. The fertilization process can take as long as five years to bring the soil nutrients ba~~ to the level they should be. Along with the fertilization program, we also need ag~quate rain fall to establish a good stand of grass. If you have any other question~ircgarding the seeding at Power Hill, feel free to contact me. CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent ;//11 FROM: DATE: March 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of Power Hill Parking Lot To keep the cost down in the park budget, the cc)~struction of Power Hill parking lot was done in-house by maintenance and park personl!~l.iWe have done much of the construction in many of the parks within Chanhassen. This.pas~flved the residents of Chanhassen a substantial amount of money. The equipmenti'!lsed t)y our maintenance department is older and the quality of workmanship suffers beca:Q~e of this. The Power Hill parking lot does . have small vibration marks in the surface.]}1ese marks are caused by the packer, which is very small for this type of project, but the..marks should not affect the longevity of the parking lot. We have a larger packer approved in the r~~5 budget which we should have later this year. The larger packer shoulgitake care of thi~type of problem in any future projects. I was not real happy with e finished surface of this parking lot either, but considering the amount of mone~ii.. ved, the project was e~pnomical, the final result satisfactory, and the parking 10 ill be serviceable for marty..years. . . ! . . . ~#./Y 7 December 22, 1993 Todd Hoffman Park Board 690 Coulter DR Chanhassen, MN 55317 Todd Hoffman, Park Board, To Whom It may Concern, After living in our new residence for just over one year we continue to be enthusiastic about our new home, Chanhassen, and the "possibilities" of our neighborhood parks. We live just across from the Power Hill Park. This was a key ingredient in our decision to move to Chanhassen and to this location. One concern we have is that, to our knowledge, there is nothing planned for kids as they mature. At least from my perspective, a basketball court is desperately needed. I have 4 boys aged 6 to 11 and there are numerous other kids in the neighborhood, both boys and girls, who would take advantage of basketball facilities. These are also facilities which, I'm sure, would be shared with the adult population base. We have to have a vision in our planning such that the necessary facilities will be available when the age base demands it. I.E. by the time the budget permits a toddler play area, many of the kids will have outgrown the need. The toddler age bracket is one which is also easier to satisfy right in ones own back yard more readily. Our neighborhood has a more difficult challenge in satisfying basketball facilities than normal. Being on a large hill with mostly sloping driveways prevents safe use of personal basketball facilities (balls in street). I have been approached by several neighbors who suggested donating a portion of neighborhood adjoining property and sharing the cost of installing a basketball court. While initially this seemed like a good solution I have three primary objections. 1) Liability. In today's "suit happy environment" it would place an unacceptable burden on the property owners. From my perspective, this alone eliminates this as an option for consideration. 2) Cost. Plans for park facilities were a major selling point when we purchased our new home. It would be unfair to have RECEi yr::D ,!! f'. \, '/" '\0(\ 'j' ~) ~-'.. ~___ 1:. - oJ':'; C!IY Of CH!\~~H/\S:;E.;'{ to incur the additional cost burden when these facilities should already be in the plans and are represented in the property tax base. 3) Space. The size of lots are becoming more and more limited. To help control this as a society, we need to be more dependent on community facilities. This was planned into our neighborhood, now we need appropriate actions taken to make it happen. The Power Hill park has a perfect area for basketball facilities. This is where we need the Park Board to take action in a leadership role. If cost is a concern in the short term, I'd suggest installing poles and baskets on the existing parking lot as an interim solution. We need basketball facilities much more than we need a parking lot at the current time i.e. the hill has been blocked for sliding purposes (which is another cause of disappointment). I'd personally even be willing to lead a neighborhood effort to install them if that will help reduce labor costs. If we are to give our kids a fair chance, keep them occupied, and therefore productive and out of trouble we must provide facilities such as this. It is a much preferred solution to incurring significant cost of controlling crime and rehabilitation type programs. I speak from experience, we moved from Brooklyn Park and this type of environment. Please confirm receipt of this letter, inform us of planned directions, and let us know how we can participate to insure badly needed basketball facilities are installed at Power Hill Park. Sincerely, Ed & Mary Kraft 8711 Flamingo DR Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: Home (612) 368-3375 Work (612) 828-7841 . . PS: We are disappointed that the Power Hill Park planning process seems to have been placed on hold. After attending a Park Bo~rd meeting on it last winter and participating in a ne1ghborhood survey, we have heard nothing. . . . . J! I , . .. t ~ ~ ~ f ~~ ~ ~ . ~ !1 ~ ~ \l. ~ ! 1. l ~[_~T=_-S-FOI_ - /00 ' )( ~O() , Hoisington Koegler Group lnc. 7300 MctlO IlouItntd I Suil< l2l Minneapo1is,Minncsoa ll439 (612) 83l-9960 ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ';'":P' ',;-; V. -\ SJ~A~ - - - POWER HILL PARK Master Plan Chanhassen, Minnesota mlIl flO - ~ U.cIE8"'--1 . Pl...i_uo.tin FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . Park Name: Power Hill Park Address: Flamingo Drive Acres: 18 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1996 General Improvements, 15,000.00 Final Grading, Seeding Entrance Road & Parking P lay Area Trees 2,000.00 . Picnic Shelter Beyond 1996 TOTALS: .00 15,000.00 2,000.00 .00 Notes: 25 . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN :3 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 March 15, 1995 Mr. Chris Polster, President Chanhassen Athletic Association 8020 Hidden Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Chris: Director's Note: Mr. Polster will appear before the commission on Tuesday, March 28 to make a formal presentation. TH (3-22-95) Enclosed for your information and use is a lett ..........~pm Mr. Craig Gallop of Sports Technology, Inc. This letter represents a singll-larp!ofessional opinion of the proposed lighting of Lake Ann Park Field #2. A preseRtatioR;,from the association regarding this issue in addition to your request to locate batting~~ges w1Win the park has tentatively been scheduled for the March 28 Park and Recre~tion Coriilnission meeting. Please contact me to confIrm this schedule. It will assist the cppimission if.~y information or requests you have be forwarded to them prior to the meeti!:1g: To accompllsh this, delivery of your materials would need to be made by Tuesday, M.ilfch 21. I have also enclosed a copy of the commission's 1995 Park Acquisitio!:1~nd Development ~pital Improvement Program. You will note that $10,000 is earmar~~to assist any potentiar)!~ghting project for Lake Susan; however, no monies are cOI11I11}~ed to Lake Ann Park for tij~s purpose. Thank you for conti!:1ll-ediefforts in working to meet the recre~~ion needs of our city. Please contact me if you reql.lirefurtherinfo1'111ationQrguidanceinHiis regard. Sincerely, ~rY Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:k c: Park and Recreation Commission Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor r r ..)1 II 5'" ! 1 '~i :.3;7"~lsil".l1&~'no-..-!l~ZU ~,.,-t!n......--~___--..ltft:IW_"""""":J8E~' -.r.P~~~_ Craig Gallop ~"'''lf('~ Sports Technology, Ine. P.O. Box 27231 Golden Valley, MN 55427 612/533-2030 . Harch 13, 1995 Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Hinnesota 55317 Re: Lighting for Little League Field. Dear Todd, It was nice talking with you regarding the proposed lighting of your Little League facility. It is my understanding that the program is not a sanctioned Little League. The only reason that this has importance is that there are special programs available to sanctioned Little Leagues which are available by National Little League. Other- wise, all lighting criteria would be the same for sanctioned or non-sanctioned programs. I would recommend lighting the field to the same requirements directed by Little League. This would be for 50 footcandles of lighting on the infield and 30 footcandles of lighting on the outfield. It would also include the use of steel POI. rather then wood poles. I would recommend lighting the field using the !'fusco Light-Structure system. This would provide for years of maintenance-free operation. The Light-Structure is backed by a 7 year warranty on equipment and a 2 year warranty on lamps. The Light-Structure is a factory assembled, factory wired and factory aimed lighting system. I have provided costs for a turnkey installation. Hmvever, if some or all of the installation can be done with volunteer help, I would reduce that portion of the project. The cost of lighting, steel poles, installation and underground elect- rical system for lighting the field to 50 footcandles infield and 30 footcandles outfield is $40,424. An alternate would be to light the field to 30 footcandles infield and 20 footcandles outfield. This would be a turnkey cost of $33,550. However, it must be noted that National Little League will only approved new fields lit to 50 footcand- les infield and 30 footcandles outfield. This could come into play if the league ever wants to be sanctioned by National Little League. I am also enclosing the Guidelines for Little Leaque Ballfield Liqhtinq. This contains excellent information on ball field lighting. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. . nce rG:j)f)OIi ^ cra: ~ RECEIVED MAR 1 4 1995 . enclosure: In,~ependent Representati~ for: ~ll Y. OF CHANHASSEN museo@ LIGHTING. INC. . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN '-/- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -$ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Recommendation to Establish Task Force, Proposed Parkland Acquisition and Development Referendum a variety of steps in exploring a rluum. To further this effort, it is p s, open spaces, trails and natural ounei A suggestion for the composition of The Park and Recreation Commission has com proposed park acquisition and development refl recommended that the commission recomme resources task force be appointed by the cit such a task force follows: Eleven members t ~ .-,.c . CITY OF OiAM-IASSEN BASE MAP 4 -l ---1 ----t I -l "0.-- -1 ."--~j i -; 5 - wr, NGlNEERING DEPT. HA1HlSSEN E C RCVISeD JAN, '"' ~~ I ~ ;>J:-:":_~ 6 I ~ , 'YO ~ 0 T I I-.....J K"'-l "'u' L.HND .. =~R/W :-:-~~= =::=ART ~~ 7 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 3.28.95 PC DATE: CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k ~ s - STAFF 'REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review for a Two Story Building (Richfield Bank: & Trust) with a total of 12,166 sq. ft. on property zoned PUD I- Z <( LOCATION: U :J 0- APPLICANT: a.. <( Southwest Comer of West 78th Street and Kerber Boulevard Lot 1, Block 3, Burdick Park Addition Richfield State Agency, Inc. 6625 Lyndale Ave. South Richfield, MN 55423 Hickey, Thorstenson, Grover, Ltd. 6950 France Ave. South Edina, MN 55435 . PRESENT ZONING: PUD, Planned Unit Development ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N . West 78th Street S - PUD E - Kerber Boulevard W - Target ~ ~ W I- - C/) COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of City Center Park and Chanhassen Pond Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: . This development will connect to the City's Comprehensive Trail Plan via the downtown pedestrian sidewalk system. On-site connections to the sidewalk plan will be reviewed by the Planning and Engineering Departments. Richfield Bank & Trust March 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the city council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and trails for Richfield Bank: 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. c: Robert Generous, Planner I Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer . . . . I ~ ~ t ~ 8 8 E F ,I"'T" I~ I \./- -'-.1 T T 2 g ~ i g 8 g 8 :11 '&.-!II L~L'C "o( \\ T I (I I I JMII "I '"I .. 0 8 g 8 ~...~. .!7:JI / '" . '.~fif' I · 7 · -I 0 .. '" ~ -' '" r ~,~,,;.l,.1 't-JI iA'E H A "'~"""' ''"">:!':5l= -- 1= , "~1 "" f-< ~ J4,~~ :-- !---zl~ II II\'(' /I -f il5Illll -..- ; I ~;~' .. ~ Ir ~hb: '" -4Jf'7trrr's~ !<hI" ~~~. )~ I-!!I~.g: ~ ~~:. ,.m ~~ '-' ~ "" I1J:WI ~~ :IfJ. J.;f I ':I ,,~;;::) . (! '" ..- -., ~, U!. bf:-P 1'- I) ~ w ;/.). ~.' . ~ ~;:'f- I'~' HILL ii _ . ~ r- ~~"I . ~~'-n ,,-,, t. '." "'\~ ~ 'U.: 6400 '~' . .~ ,"~' _ ".,>wY-. N. =- i'. .;- it'~"- i=1 . ' :'!" ~ ""'VX/' p:,' ,- "" .. _ . . H OJ . r;;r .. ~,~....->( No )fl., -- ' _ D\ \ ~:j~:_ ~ ~ ~ ':"lol' ~~",~~;" / d: ~ ': LAKE w:r i~tI: I~ ~\I~_' i. ,. ~\f{(Jl ~~~~. jl d. rP.1 Ii ~~ ~_. :'Ii, LOTVS~ · ~ i--~'..~ 6 "~~.. ~'~. ~~~' ~ r---~,,~t'r !llJljj .... ~ .;::"ii" IYA ~ . . SHORES 'vu , i .,-,.:.-f.' I 1~ .~"'\{U . . ",,,".'" . ~ ... ' ,_.. '" ,nil ... !$. ~ '" ~=I.I " ~ \. I' 'ARK. ~. 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'" r.<'" . . i :J -- " .. _ ~. . . ,V;. l. i>-"-'-=" _, .~ f Hie, ", HSH LAKE ' ~~____A"-;:--~ I _ .ID:;...~ ,~ . 1fT' ,x ffi\\\\"'WI.'~~ ~u.", ~__I.- I-"",~, :, ._ .~. t'iti"""Jt~ !)~~ ?-~.'-j J,..l' ~llli .~ "^~./ ~r~. -- f .I' !.-.,:T.ITT. Ir-' l-=::.J~! y,~. ~ '\L..- #0. . ~ ;'''~,~;;;f ~)V I 0 0 \ ...... I' I')~' '~ .' fr...d :tl~r,:~"~.i l -,w- - -=+:..-::;:; 8600 . >~. i It ~ .. 0) I . :'\ 'Sf, ..- - --~ 1"',\'1. 2\" ... A"();. ..,.1 I '<0' . \.. p~C posEt _..----i--~~ _ -' ...___ I! 8700 6200 6600 6700 6800 6900 - 7000 . 7'00 1 :l ~ K 16 t1 f II=" 1- D ~t-JK l' -rr\lYcT r.1l~N\IM;!lHI UINNF!l,)TA" L e HICI<EY. THORSTENSON.l.. GROVER, L TO. ARuHITECTS "A~ ....."'~.. ........... ....~.. . . . . II ~Q I ! L ;=4 D III 1Wf.... 1 -f- , I ( , I ~ ~ fo- I .... o. I 0 ~:L. !~!!~ nil .... N I ~~~~ Sili , fol A ..SIIa: , i' CD . f i i c e-li~~ .. r= ~ c::> .. ! z C~ ! C"> , I n 0 c::> 100 I ,., z I ! ~ , c ~ I '" ! B f'1 z U> , -I fq ... Ii '" , So I U> -I :.l , f'1 f'1 ,d .... I ;;;1; III f VI. ~ , I - -ig .., 1m) II "8_ <;: ) eUll ".:a~ Z ... ;3' ~ pll !I V> i .....bE: .-~ i iii sms "_ !4 ~~!l' ~liJi ii U -["I'MJ..(CTS'""U'f Il\SI-~4 '-,"-" 100123 It.. CST RICIfIB.D BANK & TRUST -81E lUll e tmY, TIIOIS''''''' .....u. -81E CRllAlOl )> OWIHASSEN FACIUTY .w:NIY IW' ARCHITECTS -81E NOlES .......MW.... 1_....... 14 .~ra_ . -..L NEW BUILDING .(XJ)f tf'(l .-..---... -.....-....--.--. ......-....-----..-..-.. CHANHASSEN, I.ltlNESOT A - -.-.-.--..--. . I- Z <( u :J 0- n. <( . ~ ~ l1J I- - (f) . C:, PRC DATE: 3-28-95 PC DATE: CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k $ CITY OF CHANHASSEN - STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 1.14 acres into 2 Lots LOCATION: North of Melody Hill and Minnetonka Middle School, 2220 Melody Hill Road APPLICANT: Greg Golmen & Junie Hoff-Golmen 2220 Melody Hill Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Dave Crook DeMars Gabriel Land Surveyors 3030 Harbor Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RSF, Residential Single Family S - Office/lnstitutional (Minnetonka Intermediate School) E - RSF, Residential Single Family W - RSF, Residential Single Family COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: This site is located across the street from the Minnetonka Intermediate school. The school site does contain open space for leisure play in addition to play equipment, tennis courts (2), and outdoor basketball. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This site will gain access to a future trail link on State Highway 41. Golmen Hoff Golmen Addition March 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the city council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and trails for the Golmen Hoff Golmen Addition: 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. c: Sharmin Al-laff, Planner I Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer . . . ~ t Inn ~. ;. tn' ~ ~ (;) o r- ~ r'T1 :2: t , I i I I , V , / ',- / I <ft. / I ./ ~ , I - (0 y' ~ (.1 1(\ I UJ \: I ; i J! I; ~ / f I : // \ .... ..,ze4.15 N20Il'37"E \ T ... .. . .v... I ! I I ,rq / :::: ..., / :.c / r / II' I ;' I /' 11, I / / 21 / ~) I .0 / ~ I n1! ~ \ I I _I~"~ ~-~ I ,j C1 OJ) ~> 1'-1 C1 I::; ~~ l 1\ ~ t. ." t ~J ~. r:,',~ y :_~ ! ~ I \ '!Ij05tr"fA~T COR' LOT ~~:~~~~I(:C,~fS LA~~ / / 1) :0 ITl :r r- o ~ ~ ~ :0 -< EAST Lfll4E284.IS N 2-,1'31-E ' I OF Loro . (;) o r- ~ IT1 :2: 11 r- 1> -l l> o S2 -i <5 :2: I , r " .."'; i .. \ i ~ ~f ~..!! " z Cl I ... \ n 0 ... i , 8 ... 0" rtt if III: 0 i .. " ~ ! . f co ! lI' , .. to ....0.... .. :II - I it j " .. ..."...r- -< ~ ! ;r ... ~ ~ f ... II.. 0'" 0 % -< " S f . ~ : 1: li~; 0 % I .. . iii ~ Ii! & .. i s : : : n ~ ii 8 ! J ~ i i : ~ ...; ~!tl 0 -< I I . i ~. ! ~ir z 0 ~ ! f " ! .. ~ I I ! ~ ~lt -< .. .. t t i .. g .. < .. : in & . g I i r! I: c: ~ !1 ~ 8 co co g i r ;. if ~ I : i trf! ~ ; ! ! u 0 ~ ~ g l s ! .. ~ ~ : i ! & i ..If= :;0 z ~ i n ~ :II i : I .. [ ! Sf . n1 " U 0 I i . o ~ .1 -< ~ ~ s ~ "'~I. l> t ~ i ! ~~:I " . :;0 ! ! i ! J. n1 i i r f~ ;:~. 0 ~ ~ : t s -It 1 - ~ ! . a=. . i ~ !~Ji . 1 CoISlQ (;) ., i .1 iUt 0 i ::n :;0 : t!J:1 rTI i U~I Gl I "r " . it ~ g '!Ii ;:.. Gl 0 r ')@j~- :J l.@v ""; ~ ~c ~ . · . '-~'~ : ~ f-- .~ H f") ", ~ .~l L_,\ '11 /! ,- -0 '/,,~ ". .......- -- ~ o 6 , L1 ~ ~I ~Yr::i i~ '~i ~ ~ % ~ J-. i""" co IIl!ii: I.Jl ~ J r~ .I, P"'- St. - '-t= J ,-- ~ ~ .~ ~~~ ~"" ). "'C' ", -~. - t~ tf~~~ (y--,.--.....--- . ':=: -. r~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ '. .\ ~\' -_, i._._ ~ 1;=-1 )...0 j, ~ j/o ~ I: A ~ .. ""'t' I( ~ .'; '; ~ YOSEAl/L-1: -of J~ J\fli ' IJ:xJ ' 11 ~ ~ W_~ ~ :. 0..... .//.. :;; 1-61 )' 1 ~ t' --J( ~ ~~ r il1 ~ .~I ,. "'( ~ (. ~ ~~ C ::ti " ~. ~ .!l J~ . _I-'~,_ II, \.J"" . "". ~ .. , ~ oft " <::I rv,...;::::: ~~~- '" .. \ r- e '-1 ~ ...... ,r--r.QJ H l.Ilr1,J 'I '"" T ~ ~ ~ ,<; ~I~. /-- '/'lL'J :r · ~\5~ ,,~.. _ ;j\~ I.S... _L:'" In> . __ , _. ...... ". .....,. """. 'l~""" ' t,...,.,.,tt:""" '.,,'.,',... ..v ;-... ~ r r\.-, ,,~ _ / ; 0 :b f . . .....;;;;rt. . "}i:/ ~ '. ~J ,~ I --; i .l> -c ~ 11 ---11 ~ ~ ~~Ii -..... - ~ ~ i - J ~ ~Jt('^ ....: . ~~~~ ~~ f--- /: ,.....~-.s1'''~..,. ~~ , ;;~~~ - V -.---- ...~:;, .,,-.~..[, , ~ ~ ~ , ~ . "-- - ~ <Vii >> D o ~I - ,... ~ ll. ~ ~ ~ '" . .... ~.q b ~ /'~ ~ ..... i":::::;:,.J' ( Ii. II?) jJ jJ -...;;::-.. ~""''''''O' ',. Z2800 .. "'.~ ~ . ~ '---2700 D .~"' (ID,\ ~ ~W~ '8':::" [~ ~~ fJJ{("~ -C- ~ ~ ~. ~ ~2600 , ,..- r ~ ~Lj ~\ '"__ , ~. ~2500 2400 ~ ~~300 c>O . J!: -.J~ ...,.. ./ / ;b, --2200 I- lit 2100 " odb 0 . !:: ~ j 0)11; 1't -/900 ::: r/SOO -/70C ;;; ~ -J6oo , ~ /500 -/400 .., ^...... . .... z <( u :J a.. Q.. <( . ~ ~ lLJ ~ - (f) . PRC DATE: 3.28.95 7 PC DATE: --- CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k /if CITY OF CHANHASSEN STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Rezoning request to rezone 16.34 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential to RSF, Residential Single Family; Preliminary Plat of 16.34 acres into 19 Single Family Lots; and a Variance to Allow a 50 ft. wide Right-of- Way LOCATION: South on Lake Lucy Road (1471) APPLICANT: Michael Byrne 5428 Kimberly Road Minnetonka, MN 55435 Coffin & Gronberg 482 Tamarack Avenue Long Lake, MN 55356 PRESENT ZONING: RR, Rural Residential ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N . Lake Lucy Road S - RR (Lake Lucy Peninsula) E - RSF, Residential Single Family W - RR, Rural Residential COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of Curry Farms and Pheasant Hill neighborhood parks. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Lake Lucy Road is identified as a trail route in the City's Comprehensive Plan. A major reconstruction of Lake Lucy Road was completed in 1986/87. Prior to the commencement of work, however, a lengthy debate over the type of trail (on-street vs. off-street) to be included in the project was entertained. As commissioners are aware, the trail component of the road was installed as on- street bike/walk shoulders. , Point Lake Lucy West March 28, 1995 Page 2 . These extended shoulders lie on both sides of the road and are separated from the traffic lanes by a painted white line. Signage and additional symbols painted on the asphalt surface assist in the identification of this trail route. Time has proven this approach to be satisfactory for adult bikers and walkers; however, user groups who by their nature (children, families, elderly) have less control over their environment are at times intimidated by it. I bring these opinions to your attention to solidify the commission's present position of advocating off- street trail systems. With an eye to the future, I asked the city engineer if an on-street trail was to be constructed, would additional right-of-way be required. He informed me that as a part of the platting of any "new" subdivision's, sufficient right-of-way is being set aside to accommodate any future public improvements. An off-street trail could be among these. RECOMMENDATION In light of the aforementioned information, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and recreation for Point Lake Lucy West: 1. Full park and trail fees be paid per city ordinance in lieu of any land dedication and/or trail construction. . . o o 0 0 8 g o 0 0_ ~ (7) co ~rJ- _ i ~\~, T CITY Toc ~ '\ ~~ ~" WR;Ift.o!I(OEHN~".l -41 .!:II " " ~ "'" Mt, ATE SI ;xiI ./ c 'QJ ~ -. k~ ~.l' Oa I I:z: I JJ^-< I '...F1 I LI~ Ir u ~~...... 'I' ;;;- -- . ..... \ ~.yd..v ":"110M '01 F u; t ~ ~,6~n IJCREfsTvrh ~ '... I (2 t/.'\ L.-----: 1 :; < C"j p..) . ....--~ ...-- LODV CI C UR lOGE : .( IR o o ""' E c 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 10 ~ It) CD T 0 I T #1 I N T --- WI I( , ~ 2 I&J en o )- :!~~ ~~ L ~) ~'I'(~~Kl. -' TO YI=i nf ~ ON'~~~ J~ ~~,... I-..~ ~ .~ W~ WrJ~~T~ V ":\' ~ ""-j -~,' lA '\\" 'It..:; ....,p ?f CT!J. ~,I [.,.. ENo Q 'Y~.-I'\'T L' I L.. , ,:) ~ .~ <~ ~~ ~ Ie \ ~ ---t:: / oZ, t- r~ ~ ill :!~ ~ -- ~~ ~ '-=:::, LY/ I I ~ ~ ~ - p~~ ;~-~i~= ~~ '::>K 3 j r- ~ I- C w~ .\. - 0::...... /u '~A fA,/ / .....GREENWOOD SHORES PAl?K r1 I~ ~;; 1 I II -=:II;>;'" r- ~,~, ~r 63~ . \ ~HE ill.. '= ST ~ ~~ l ~ PHEASAN HILL ... PARK :~"~ r-nLJ PAR. I r:: C,. LA~~ ~ f--- o lC s.,.~( v-{ OUIY Y vO:> ~ '- LAKE I . RR ." f\... - - .r"\LAKE 0::' - ",I t:.') HJ;RRI ,sON ~ ~~ i II 1/ ~ I.q s o Q:) J- ~ I j ."..t.... t:~,J~; .....\ ;~...... l .,.:-' \. , : : ; . . : "'J.i l ,-" . ~t..... [II ILl/', '" z II~ th t1 ,? n. I - 'j?, ~ f--. ~ J) .q [~I.3i lNII; u sn~ ...l.D.,"111 I I I~->-- ~~ tt:J - ~ -- // /- ,,:/ I (: I' ~" \\~\ \ ~.,c ) I \ ,'^ I K\. ~'\ >( .x ~x :, ~,\ , 'R BEACH ~ . ^ GRI(UNo.......... ~~.~,..J l,:.-< >& --l2 b>>l~ ;')< ~ d /, .r-~- /'~ .~ ;\ ,\ '\ , ,-~ \ -~ LAKE ANN ,I.tEAOOW GREEN PARI(, RSF 5'1 )......1, . .1 , . ..... ".... RD ! " A - -4 ~ ....:-- - R4 LAKE. ANN PA'f?K . r . ".--,.--..~ -...' --: r) ..'.~ I ~ '-:-j t t ~ f :! : '.. :.1 i i, ;~; f \.. ,;' 'u II: . \ 'I. I :1 " a.i I ~ I i: i! ~ ~ " '0 ~ ~i: .. <"1-::' ~Q~ J O ~Ill: I!! .Am _ ~,... (/) ! C- c: z .. . ~c... 0 ::D ~.,~. -< <cnal5 ~ ~<Z ~ =Oz :D.. . Zo z~ ::. 1m l-fl"Uf!IiIllWJm it (" '11I.1"t'I".1 '"rl ')&Jfl " 'f . ' . Of !Jtf'~lfl fj'hn'j " lilfl!~n!1 HHmh J~ !,ll ('j Jfh:f'h: tlllLhJ= ill-iii i L . I i!I""Hi ('hefh' ~ . ~ Ifihfl~J !lif~Jlf J ~ PI!WI~ HHhl:( i J h' If I'r'p ~ . . hi'IH,: :hPI",i! i ',. '3 '11 If I II/III( H,,(,:- ~ I 4 '" Ir .. i lAKE lYCY - -..... ". '" \ \ \: ) )' ./ /' z" o i2 ~ mz < en-l ~ ~m o ~~ o .~ i ~m ~ en r :< me ~ Po Z jI.)< z ~ C 1m <a<c: Vb m m o icn ;! ~ ~ . . . ". ~!) : ;.. i }!~ ! 1 ~: -1\ ; :0' . m ; 1m, If i mzl I 1~ ~ ~ :l~" =!U~ W~I!::!. .11 il:o !!d1t.l!i' iii, i~!' ~~f'~li' ;11 ,.il t..., ~ ; ," 0 ..... ~ ..'; " . .. ~ .;. =1:: ~~ !!- :rt i~~ ~~.:. . ... "0 o Z -t-t 21m 01:1 ~ ~z~ z<m omr- "!j c: -<00 ::D-< -<~ m rn -t .:t: ;..:- I --. . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN gCL - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 1~ DATE: March 23, 1995 SUBJ: February Festival Evaluation Winter Diving Demo: Dive Shop VI did a gr b demonstrating techniques and answering questions. People seemed to flock ~oug their demonstration. They did not charge any fee for the demo and it was a fun~aditi9P to the event. A diving demo would be fun again either by Dive Shop VI or by the arver unty Water Patrol who also expressed interest. lub did an outstanding job this year uire the city's assistance throughout r food preparation. The food lines he Lions will be contacted again Food and Drink Concessions: The Ch assen Lion selling concessions. They were organy;~ and did not r the entire process. They did use 4 sters from the city moved quickly and I think people re generally pleased. for the 1996 concessions. The Colonial Churc as a good will ges itage Square provided free hot c oa, coffee and hot apple cider articipants.enjoyetl the free beverages. Ice Fishing Con fishing contest was a major component aga year. The first problem was to fin n7~~gg~.cg;~~~ization to sponsor the i g)contest. The Chanhassen Chamber committed to sponsori tanG ed the day. The application process was long and full of red IS process delayed the printing of the tickets which were out on the streets later th cipated. The Chamber has agreed to sponsor the tournament again next year and pplication process will start in November. The fishing area was enlarged and 1500 holes were pre-drilled. The layout seemed to flow very well this year. The configuration of the prize board facing the prize table worked well. Mr. Todd Hoffman March 22, 1995 Page 2 . Recommendations for 1996: Have fish results sheets ready to fill in after the contest for the prize giveaways. Have a speaker somewhere in the middle of the contest allowing people to hear results. Consider eliminating individual fish categories and go top 1-25. Keep prizes around the same amount of $6,500. Dog Sled Demonstration: People enjoyed interacting with the dogs and listening to information given about the dogs. I would recommend keeping the dogs as far away from the fishing contest as possible so the people fishing won't be bothered by the dog activity. I would consider Moon Shadow Kennels again as well as look to other dog sled companies. Open Skating: For the second year in a row, skating conditions have not been good as the warm weather destroyed the ice. The maintenance department did a fantastic job putting the trees and twinkle lights in for decoration. The rink should be tried again next year. Bon Fire: The bon fire should be started by at least 2:00 p.m. It took a while for the fire to start. There was a lot of water around the base of the fire and maybe we could build up around the fue so people wouldn't be standing in deep water. S'mores Cookout: The Chanhassen Elementary School Student Council did a great job again this year making the s'mores. They were super organized and were a great addition to our event. . Fireworks Display: I heard many comments from people who thought the fireworks display was wonderful. A lot of people watched the fireworks from their decks, cars and all areas of the city. The performance went off without a hitch. Snow Sculpture Contest: Lack of snow prohibited this event from going. Shuttle Bus Service: A record number of passengers (1,142) rode the shuttle bus this year. Southwest Transit and Tom Juhnke did a great job of coordinating the shuttle service. One suggestion is to announce the shuttle hours more frequently. Southwest indicated they would love to provide the service again next year. The second annual February Festival was another successful event. With the unseasonably warm weather, an estimated 1,500+ people attended. It is my recommendation that any activities after the fueworks be eliminated next year. The past two years after the fueworks virtually everyone left the event to go home. Also, with the warm weather, the moonlight skiing and skating rink were in no condition to be used. All the rest of the events appear to be well-received, making February Festival another fun community event. . f 4. . . . PROGRAM EVALUATION FORM Program NameyJ1A.ttto Quarter Program was offered: r~ (j9q~) SU F w SP Number of Sessions Offered: Code No: . Total Number of Participants: Length of Class (minutes) Length of Class (weeks) Meetings/W eek: Class Fee: Should this program be offered again? Comments on program: REVENUE r~~. x $ No. of Participants Fee sh,.,,!, $q)e5 = Fee x $ No. of Teams Donations x $ Refunds Fee = II <g /.80 175". tJCJ = = qO Total /3:S-~ . t:(p j()j_ P.}5"- '-1110 - H>cu.!> CAve 11ci.~ phofo 101- J4> - 4130.. dJlW Ba.Jt-'l-~ S Lt.vbt- <f- J1SSoc.. , ~ h d0-v lcu,VT\I ~ Srv V)<.o' EXPENSES ~ p;:a..et. Sf"rT.S r-::e S"tt'vlJ t A. Salaries ')r)W'1i'1hJrl-rc... J rTfft:rS Contractual Service~: B. 1. Bus Rental 2. Miscellaneous Services 3. 4. 5. C. Supplies: 1. Craft/Program Supplies 2. Equipment 3. Tickets 59,3/ - S'1.3/_ ;;'S5-o. )~- 7qrf, 7.s- 33t./,C,o 71, fig- L/ [,07 33oif,4> ,;JZ{~ 3. (!)t.':/ ~ Q ~ 7, L/ ':) Total "'- AMOUNT BUDGETED ACTUAL ) TOT AL REVENUE 1 L S/. 9.0 T )7S1 TOTAL 'EXPENSE ~/~ BALANCE iCVJXJctJk~ Total 372i5. 12.J 7]:. 343 ?, ;; ,;x};),.,; 75':t 5qCJ~/b. shlrT Sqk5 . 13S(..QO ~(347.; IfqqO.3_ . . . . CITY OF CHINHISSEN gb 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor lK DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Easter Egg Candy Hunt Chanhassen's annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt . at Chanhassen Elementary School. The East activities: Egg Coloring Contest, Entertain Hunt. sc duled for Saturday, April 15 at 9:00 a.m. g andy Hunt will include the following , Co ing Contest and the Easter Egg Candy This year's entertainment will feature ''lUll the Juggler. Bill has a very entertaining show and is an absolute bargain for $150. 'ibe working on etting a portable stage and wireless microphone for the performance. The Easter flyers have been some time next week. School Districts 276 and 112 * See the flyer i . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 8~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 9-tR / J....- FROM: DATE: March 22, 1995 SUBJ: 4th of July Celebration Entertainment Contract, The Hi-Tops The issue was debated last year whether it was e to look for another band other than the Hi-Tops for the 4th of July Celebration. Disc~,sidi~ at the Park and Recreation Commission meeting indicated that the Hi-Tops were doin~ia gr~~.t job and that "if it isn't broken, don't fix it!" With that in mind, I have tentatively booked !:he Hi-Tops for Monday, July 3 from 7-11 p.m. The Hi-Tops compensation wo Id be $1,40, which is an increase of $50 from 1994. It is staff's reco for the Hi-Tops 7-11 p.m. In the event of severe weather and a c ellation, the H This provision is a common practic mong entertainers popular band like the Hi-Tops, it' irtually impossible t the show has never been canc and we have had a tent event of a rain shower. ops are requesting half the fee. this day and age, and with a chedule a rain-out date. To date, cover the band stage area in the that the Park and Recreation . ssion approve the contract rm at the 1995 Fourth of July Celebration on Monday, uly 3 from Attachment: 1. Contract with the Hi-Tops IENGAGEMENT CONTRACT I 1. PARTIES: The parties to this contract are: ~q'E 1 ARTIsr. PURCHASER: John B. Krumm (name of leader) The Fabulous Hi-Tops (name of band/acVgroup, number of performers) 4028 France Avo. N. (address) Itobbinsdalc, Minnesota 55422 (city, state; zip code) JerTJr Ruegcmer, Recreation Supervisor (name) City of Chanhassen (business name, if anY) 690 Co~lter Drive, P,O. l~OX 147 (address) Chanh!1f>sen, Minnesota 55317 (cit y, state, zip code) . 2. PURPOSE: This contract sets forth the terms and conditions for an engagement In which the purchaser employs the artist's professional services as a musician/musical group. 3. PURCHASER'S DUTIES: Purchaser agrees to employ the artist for professional services as a musician/musical group. Purchaser agrees to the terms and conditions of the engagement and compensation for the artist as set forth belo~ in paragraph eleven. 4. ARTIST'S DUTIES: Artist agrees to provide professional services as a musician/musical group and to perform the engagement according to the terms and conditions as set forth below in paragraph eleven. The agreement of the artist to perform is subject to proven cancellation for sickness, accidents, riots, strikes, epidemics, extreme weather conditions such as a blizzard which would make travel inadvisable, Acts of God, or any . legitimate conditions beyond their control. .5. ARTIST'S WARRANTIES: Artistlleader warrants that the individual band/group member. working this engagement have given him/her the power to bind them to the terms and conditions of this contract. Each musician may enforce this engagement contract. 6. PURCHASER'S WARRANTIES: Purchaser warrants there will be no recording, reproduction or transmission from the place of the engagement in any manner or by any means whatsoever without written consent of the artist. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Artist is an independent contractor and is not an employee of the purchaser while rendering as a musician/musical group. 8. LIABILITY: Purchaser agrees to indemnify, defend and hold artist harmless from and against any and all claims, costs or liability for damage or injury to any person or property during artist's engagement, including time of set-up and take-down. 9. RESCHEDULING: Artist and purchaser reserve the right to reschedule engagement date 60 days prior to actual engagement. lU BREACH OF CONTRACT - ARBITRATION OF CLAIMS: In the event purchaser fails to pay artist in accordance with this agreement, purchaser shall pay artist all sums due plus all damages incurred as consequence of the failure to pay including all attorney's fees, arbitration or court costs, filing fees and disbursements. In accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, the parties will submit any claim, dispute or controversy involving the musical services arising out of or connected with this contract and the engagement covered hereby for a determination. Said determination shall be conclusive, final and binding upon the parties. In connection with the foregoing, the parties do hereby consent to either arbitration through the American Arbitration Association or the judgement o. the court having jurisdiction. If any of the provisions hereof are determined to be void by a court, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force. (CONTINUED) . IENGAGEMENT CONTRACT I ~'E2 11. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: . (A) Name and place of engagement: Gity of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota (Purchaser agrees to ensure that six to seven separate 20 amp. circuits will be available to provide adequate electrical power.) ,Terry Iluegemer 937-1900, Ext. 126(Office) (B) Contact person and telephone number for set-up Eecrc<1tion Supervisor 61~3-S93l(Pager) (Please allow two hours set-up time and one hour take-down time.) h 76-2 ORG( !fome ) (C) Dates, starting and finishing time of engagement Monday, .July 3, 19?5 (7:00-11:0Op.m.) (Artist will provide three hrs. of programmed sets of mUSIC. Requests will also be accepted.) (D) Type of engagement (specify whether dance, stage show, banquet, night club, etc.) IndepenrlrJOce Day r.elebrRtion - stace and (lance show (E) Compensation (amount, terms, when payable) $1,b50.00 by check il'!l!''l8rliately aft.er the engagement. (F) Commission to agent Hone . (G) Additional provisions In t.h(~ eve nt of severe ami threatening weather vlh0rcby the perf0rmance cannot be -10n8, the rainout fee will be naIf the amount ($725.00). The HiTops' Federal I.O. number is: 41-1637492 Please sign and date both copies and return one completed copy to: Retain one completed copy for your records. John Krumm 4028 France Ave. N. Robbinsdale, Mn. 55422 FOR TI-IE ARTIST: 3/ It \ 1) FOR THE PURCHASER: DATE D: DATED: C~b.~ .SIGN{V SIGNED: v... 1.11 1114'" . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN gel - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commissioners FROM: u~. Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor/Senior Coordinator DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Senior Men's Club Project I am pleased to be writing a memo on this ye Chanhassen Senior Men's Club has completed for Lake Ann Park and woodduck houses for ring Men's Club project The revious spring projects-blue bird houses ssen Parks. This year the group has opted to make 8 I11Q e wooddj!ck houses and 12 bat houses. This project will take place at the public work~"shop on Mo~day, April 3. All supplies will be bought under the park and recreation bugget, but the ac al manpower will be the seniors assisted by one of the park maintenanstaff. Following this project, I will be su Magazine for recognition. NRP A Friends of our Parks Attachment: Me b Members dated Marc , 1995. CITY OF CHINHISSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Men's Club Participants FROM: Dawn Lemme, Senior Center Coordinator Marlin Stene, Co-Chair, Men's Club Larry Klein, Co-Chair, Men's Club DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJ: W oodduck and Bat Houses to coordinate another "Friend of the e construction of 8 more woodduck ks. . The Chanhassen Senior Center Men's Club Parks" project this spring. This year's proj houses and 12 bat houses to be placed in The construction date is: April 3 at 8. a.m. in the Pu .c Works Shop. Those of you who have power screwdrivers and hamm are asked to plea bring them that morning for use during the day. Enclosed please find an ar . project for the club is looks like another great ate. Thanks! Reminder: The n refreshments and to listen speaking on eating healthy. . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN tJa- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor "b+' DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Community Center Tours On Thursday, March 9, Todd Hoffman and I v and Maplewood to tour their community recr~~tion informative, and the guides were the manag~rs or pieces of information on things not to do, 'rigs the to the towns of Becker, New Brighton nters. All three tours were very tors so we were able to find out other ould do differently, etc. Information on fees, scheduling, hours 0 peration, fa more was collected and is being look.. at comparativel recreation center. Both Todd and I QuId be happy to s thoughts at the March 28 meetin . ty maintenance, programming and s to how we can operate our e with you our observations and . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1b. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission # FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 20, 1995 SUBJ: Director's Report-In No Particular Order 1. March 13, 1995 City Council Meetin a. 1995 Park Acquisition and D~ye 0 ent Budget Amendment: The city council approved the 1995 bud.>et ame dment as recommended by the commission. 1) $80,000 for the ~.~... dows at Lon'i cres trail; 2) $12,000 for the~penandoah Ridge~~ail; 3) $50,000 for b eld irrigation at tl\~..Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluf eek Elementary Scho b. Commissio pointments: Fred Berg an the co on for three year terms. That terms! . Sounds like a prison sen im Manders were reappointed to es two consecutive three year 2. Chanha tour it in April. report for further info. it! We will n Lemme's 3. Highway 5 Northern Access Boulev d Cross your fingers! With a little luck the city will be entering into a cooperative; eement to build the first section of this roadway. This section would "pick up" at the intersection of West 78th Street and Powers Boulevard and travel west to Lake Ann Park. This will allow the existing Highway 5 access to be closed. Construction may commence later this year; however, it is more likely that the project will be initiated in 1996. Park & Recreation Commission March 20, 1995 Page 2 . 4. Speaking Engagement, Chanhassen Rotary Meeting, March 15, 1995: Wade Wacholz of the Chanhassen Rotary invited me to speak to the Rotary regarding the commission's discussion of open space preservation. The message was well-received and the Rotary seemed receptive to the idea. 5. Annual Park Inventory: Many of the Park and Recreation Department full time staff members will be conducting the city's annual park inventory on April 10 and 11, 1995. The goals of the inventory are: a. Update the annual park inventory manual; b. Discuss relevant 1995 capital improvement projects; c. Discuss other needed and/or future projects; d. Visualize the future. A site visit is made to each of Chanhassen's parks during this inventory. 6. 1995-The Year of Big Projects: 1995 is bringing with it many progressive projects, i.e. proposed park acquisition and development referendum, the opening of the Chanhassen Recreation Center, the completion of the Comprehensive Plan update, the hiring of two new full time Park Department employees (one park maintenance heavy equipment operator and one downtown maintenance person). In addition to these items, planning for the city's Centennial Celebration has kicked in to full gear. Chanhassen's 100th birthday will be celebrated throughout 1996. . 7. 1995 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association State Conference: The MRP A annual state conference will be held in St. Cloud, Minnesota on November 1, 2 and 3, 1995. Both Dawn Lemme and Jerry Ruegemer will be assisting the MRPA in planning social activities at the conference (both are St. Cloud alums). Cindy S. Walsh of Arden Hills and I will be acting as co-chairs for the conference. Please check your calendars for availability on any of those days. 8. West Lake Minnewashta Park Acquisition Effort, Harstad Companies: Approval of a preliminary and final plat of The Oaks at Minnewashta, a Harstad Company project, seems imminent. Recent negotiations with Harstad Companies have assured that the park, as located by the Park and Recreation Commission, will be a component of this plat. 9. Potential Stockdale Neighborhood Park Acquisition: Mr. Stockdale did take the opportunity to stop by my office within the past two weeks. He assures me that our acquisition efforts are not in vane; however, a personal dilemma has not allowed him to devote his attention to this possible land sale. . . ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION . . z -< ~ o o ~ o~ ~ ....0 bT:J · ........c ~ o · ........c c ~ - ; L! -:I ~.~ < ; it! ;- ~ Ei :U~ i: =: = ~ ;:l.. "i:"'::;: ~ ~'B< ~ ~~i .~ ~'~i ~ ~.~~ < ----. 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HENNEPIN PARKS Memorandum March 13, 1995 TO: LRT Community Representatives FROM: Karen Bowen, Director of Operations, Hennepin Parks SUBJ: Spring Update As we wind down the Southwest Regional LRT Trail's flISt official winter season and prepare for its first full spring/summer/fall season, it seems a good time to assess where we've been and where we're going. I hope you'll reserve 9:30 a.m.-noon on Thursday, April 6, for a meeting in the Hennepin Parks Board Room, 12615 County Road 9, in Plymouth. We'll distribute the new LRT Trail map, discuss kiosk information, and share plans for the proposed June 3 dedication ceremony. This memo is being directed to original contact personnel. If you are not the appropriate representative for your community, please contact me at 559-6701. Thank you. . cc: Bob Gove Del Miller Les Bundrock Ron De V alk RECEIVED ;1iAH 15 1995 CITY OF CHANhA::.::.~/11 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 March 10, 1995 Mr. Leo Hermes Industrial Waste Manager Metropolitan Council Waste Water Services Mears Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street S1. Paul, MN 55101-1634 ) Re: Proposed Liquid Waste Disposal Site - Dear Mr. Hermes: . I have had the opportunity to circulate yo....,..',..,..u...",..r recent lette.'.'.r... and sketch regarding opening a liquid waste disposal site in Chanhassen tOA~ppropriate dtX staff for conceptual comments and feedback. The general response am~,~~t'staff was rese~~d. Both the City Manager and Park Director raised concerns regarding J,~is proposed locatioq:,in relation to a major trail corridor which will be located along the e~~fsrde of Park Place andf~~tended north under Trunk Highway 5 to Lake Ann Park and othe~'i~itf trail corridors. There ~~.. also plans for development of the open space in this area fora,',Cfty park. Concerns were alsBiraised regarding potential leakage or spill into the a~l,~~~p:~I~nd~rea. It ""ould be safe ay that the site will have some challenges to try ana;)f~solve'to;,bbtaitf;'aPProYal At this point it is' It for staff to give more of a de Imtlve revl.N.",Ppinion without more detailed information. fth,~~!:t~~~olitan Council Waste Wate~~~~~~~siwishes to continue to pursue this or any other disp~saP~lielocaY~n i~;i~h,~h~~e~i:the'piah~ing Director informs me that the proposal would need site plan ~pproi~~l fiomth~"'Planning Commission and City Council. It is recommended that you contact~Tf~~~fAanenson, Planning Director (937-1900, ex1. 118), to obtain all of the necessary site plan sq!?mittal information. A more detailed review and analysis can then be made. However, ther~-is no guarantee that this site location will be approved. I wish to make one point of clarification regarding your letter which indicates that the MCWS and the City have been allowing one septage hauler (Swedlund) exclusive use of a MCWS . . . . Mr. Leo Hermes March 10, 1995 Page 2 manhole as a temporary disposal site in the past. As I have stated previously, the City has not given any hauler, nor has the authority to give any hauler, permission to be discharging into the MCWS interceptor. Sincerely, ~/~ ~ <----- Charles D. Folch, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer CDF:ktm c: Don Ashworth, City Manager Jerry Boucher, Utility Superintendent Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Bob Golden, MCWS g :\cng\charlcs\lcttcrs\hcrm cs HennepJDOppQgoynty ],lme, M. Bl1l1rc), Cl1l1nty Administrator . n!f.' l'1 ~ It l.,::~ MAF 0 E: 1995 March 2, 1995 CITY Of- CI1AI'~hASSEN Todd Hoffman,Parks Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Hennepin County Bicycle Transportation Plan Dear Mr. Hoffman: Hennepin County is beginning the development of a county-wide bicycle transportation plan aimed at clarifying our role in the planning, design, and construction of bike accommodations. I would appreciate your assistance in providing information for this process and I would like to hear any comments or insights you have regarding how the County's efforts could best supplement . your local bike initiatives. We currently believe there is a need to examine ways of linking your local bikeway system to an overall regional "backbone" bike transportation system which would serve travel needs beyond your City's boundaries. To this end, the County has been supporting planning efforts of a number of organizations which can later to incorporated into our final document. We are currently involved with bike planning efforts that are underway at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, in the northwestern portion of Hennepin County with the Northwest Hennepin League of Cities and at a number of locations elsewhere in the County. The inventory of existing bike path and trail facilities such as yours will be used to develop a draft base map which identifies the existing and planned backbone system and links which may be missing. Once the map is produced, we would like to discuss our findings with you and interested residents of your city. We will keep you informed and involved as our planning process continues. At appropriate times during the study, a newsletter will summarize our progress and project status. An open house or forum will be hel d duri ng the pl an development to offer opportunities for review and comments on our findings. Department of Public Works 320 Washington Avenue South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343~8468 (612) 930~2670 FAX:(612) 930~2513 TDD:(612) 930~2696 Rec)'Cled PlI. . . . We have retained the consulting firm of Barton-Aschman Associates to assist us with the bicycle plan. Barry Warner is the project manager for the firm. The Barton-Aschman team also includes two sub-consultants, Suzan Pinsof and Tim Springer. Although the County staff is handling much of the coordination during the plan, we would appreciate your cooperation if our consultants need to contact you directly. We are particularly interested in any information from your city related to existing, planned or desired bike facilities especially those which might have regional significance. Any additional background you could provide concerning the locations of major activity centers (schools, parks and commercial areas) or typical bike trip origins and destinations would be helpful. I am enclosing some background information on our plan including the study scope and some brochures which give a brief synopsis of the plan. Please circulate the brochure among your city staff for review and comments and if possible also make some available to residents who may be visiting your offices. I can provide you with additional brochures if needed. Thank you for your assistance. I will keep you informed of our progress in the months ahead. Robert H. Byers, . E. Senior Transportation Planner RHB:gk Enclosures . SCOPE OF SERVICES EJuiwIT A 11-21-94 PROJECT OVERVIEW The Hennepin County Bicycle Transportation Plan is being undertaken to address what the County's role should be in providing bike planning services and in deSigning and constructing bike accommodations. The County believes that there is a need to establish a safe, convenient bicycle transportation system throughout the County. There is a need for an overail plan to address ways to connect municipal loop trail systems, regionai park trails. and state trail facilities to major activity centers such as public facilities. schools. and commercIal areas. The County is in a unique position to accommodate biCYCle transportation by utilizin~ ItS extensive roadway facilities and li~ht rail transit :omciors which provIde routes across CltV lines. The County is the level of jurisdiction that :5 best able to provide ior a 'primary or trunk-type bicycle transportation system. Traciitionally, Hennepin County has had a very limited role in bicycle planning and construction. The role has included the signing and striping of certain County roadways as designated bike routes. Bike paths have been included as part of proposed new projects, and the County has budgeted some funds to assist municipalities with construction. However, maintenance has bp.t:!n a responsibility of the individual cities. . The plan must be cOn1;J:-ehensive and integrate County, municipal, park, and state facilities. It needs to provide an '-lverall unified vision of how to accommodate the transportation needs of bicyclists. The bikeway plan will help guide decisions for accommodating bike travel and provide a systematic approach rather than reacting to isolated case-by-case project needs. The pian needs to include a variety oi important elements: · Recommendations for any necessary changes to the traditional description of the County role. the historical context of the County's role in bicycle planning, and actions aimed at achieving goals and objectives. Primary agency responsibilities need to be identified. · A provision to actively obtain public input and participation concerning the direction for County involvement. plan Contents. and philosophy. · .-\n accurate inventory of bikeway designations on the County road system and information on the bicycle trail syStems adapted b;.-' individual municipalities and by Hennepin Parks. . Goals. objecti....es. and design gUidelines ior the identi!1cation and imoiememation of a . . "primary' bicycle tranSportation system. . Bartora'A3clamall AraOCIGt4!a. inc. 1 Hellllepill Count" Bic"cte TranapOrlaADII Plan /""\ I /' IA/// Henneoin County Aorpomon+ Mft nf' . ~ ...._ . Task Product A technical memorandum including suPPOrting map that identify the type, location, and overall evaluation of existing major bicycle facilities. In order to coordinate with other County map publis~ activities, an intermediate delivery date for the draft bike facility map will be approximately 6 months from the date at" project initiation. A general determination of exis~ levels of bicycie facility usage based upon existing counts or corridor estimates. Review at" existing County and city street standards as they pertain to existing and future bicycle routing. Client Involvement Hennepin County staff ',\;u aSSIst the consulting team by providing baseline information inc1udin~ inventory data, a summary or proposed trails. and existing standards for consuitant review. TASK 2: NEEDS ASSESSl\1Er-.'T Objective To identify clear understanding ot" who CUITently uses area trails, their needs, and . aspirations. Discussion A general profile of existing and potential users will be developed using both existing standards and local input. A. A general user profile .....-ill be developed that deSCribes existing bicycle users, their destinations. and desired routes. B. User trends su~gestin~ specific needs relating to parking facilities. lockers, showers, and other amenities. C. Input from Bicycle Advisory Committee. D. Summary of nationaL state. and local trends regarding bicycle use. Task Product A technical memorandum summarizing the various types of bicyclists in the Hennepin County area. the types or bicycle accommodations required to meet user needs. major issues or concerns expressed by iDeal bicyclists. and a deSCription or potential bicyclists and their unrnet neeas. . Client Involvement Assistance in assemblin15 lIU"onnation. review, and comment on task product. IIi/lilli/pm CO""I~ Bicycu TraIl6portGd411 Plan /);;/,J./f Barton'Mehman Auoclau.. inc. 3 Discussion . Existing public safety records of bicycle and motor vehicle conflicts will be examined to help understand trends and patterns. TIlls examination will seek to provide: A. General locations or types of incidence. B. Cyclists age or similar demographics. C. Contributing causes of accidents. Task Product A memorandum summarizing the general location at" bicycle accidents, the general age breakdown of accident victims. and general contributing causes of bicycle accidents. Comments pertainin!; to high accident locations, and recommendations for improvements in these areas will be made. Cliene Invoive1TU!ne Assistance in gathenng accident information data for review and comment. Review and input of task product. TASK 5: IDENTIFY MAJOR BICYCLE ORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS. EXISTING AND POTENTIAL . Objective To identify principal bicycle origins and destinations within the Hennepin County area. Discussion Logical bicycle and origins and destinations will be identified within the Hennepin County area. LOgical concentrations may include: A. Residential areas. B. Retail centers. C. Employment centers. D. Community facilities including schools and churches. E. Recreational and entertainment areas including park and open space facilities. Task Product A map showing the location or existing and potential major destinations ror bicycle users. A supporting technical memorandum that prOvides a summary explanation of the methodology used in arriving upon these identifications and a general assessment of existing facilities to accommodate this r.eed. . Barioll.lUchman A.r.oc.a.w.. inc. 5 HellneDl1I COulIty Bicvcie Tran.portati4,. Plan j} '. /VI.. Henneo;n Count.v A"''''oom''~.. u_ . A. A. summary of findings. Review County transportation plan. Metropolitan Council land use plan. and other relevant regional plans. B. Major strengths and weaknesses. Task Product A memorandum summarizing the consultant's finding regarding the existing bicycle system and its facilities in the County. The memorandum should. at a minimum. describe the exist~ bicycle transportation system in the County and describe its relative strengths, weaknesses. opportUnities. and constraints. Client InvoiveT1U!nt Review and comment on task product. TASK 8: RECO:\1l\1E!\~ED BICYCLE I:\IPROVEl\1ENTS - SHORT- AND LaNa. RANGE Objective . To identify specific facilities or linkages and their prioritization. Discussion Facilities or linkages tl1at are key for development of a primary bikeway system will be identified with a hierarchy for their implementation. Specific components will include: A. Identification of on-street lanes. B. Key bike routes. C. Roadsharing design options coordinated with road improvements. D. Off-street bike paths or independent routes. E. SuPPOrt facilities including park-n-ride. trailheads. F. Facility coordination. G. Suriace material identification. H. General cost estimates. Task Product A technical memorandum of recommendations for short.range lone to three years' and long- range i.!nprovements for bicycle facilities in Hennepin County. The memorandum will include a map and deSCription of facility improvements and agency responsibility. General cost E3timates will be included. Client InvolveT1U!nt . ReVlew ana comment on task product and its distribution. Barton.J!UchmtUI ...u.oe.aU.. inc. 7 Hllllllltpill COUII'Y Bicyci4l Tran.porltUi.D1I PltUI ; . Client Involvement Review and comment on task product. TASK 11: IDENTIFY POTENTlALFUNDING SOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Objective To identify public funciin.!; measures for bicycle system implementation. Discussion Funci.in.l; is a key ingredient of the success of any bicycle system plan. Traditionally, monies have not been made available in abundance to provide for bicycle improvements or corridor ril;Ilt-oi'-wayacqwsition. This task ,",U identIfy potential public fundin!;' sources and 5tratel;ies for the impiementation of bicycle facility improvements. Funding recommendations will relate directly to improvements identified in Task 8. Tcuk Product A technical memorandum summarizing recommendations for potential sources offll1'1rling or for recommended bkycie improvements. . Client Involvement Assistance in summarizing existing funding sources and the County's budgeting process. Review and comment on task product. TASK 12: RECOMl\1El\~ PROGRAM FOR INCORPORATING BICYCLE PLANNING INTO LOCAL COMl\IUNny DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Obj '!ctive To rievelop recommendations regarding how to integrate the bike planning process into other County processes. To develop methods to coordinate the County planning processes and plans of municipalities. park boards. and state trail facilities. To identify individual agency responsibilities with regard to bike planning. Discussion A. number of subtasks will be completed: A_ Identify local public oiIicials and staff members who are involved with decisions regarding bike planning. Recommend measures needed to integrate the bike planning process into other County processes involved with design, construction and maintenance. . B. BCJTtiJn."uchmanA6.ocia.u.. Inc. 9 Hennepin County 8icycie Tran.portatiDn Plan /I. 1/ Un"",","~.... rf'll............ I' _ _ __. . Discussion The planning process and its task will produce summary memorandums that will ultimately become chapters within the final planning document. The final document will be a reproducible report with text and graphics that are camera-ready originals. In addition, text portions of the document will be made available in WordPerfect, Version 6.0. Task Product Camera-ready final document. Client Involvement Review and comment on final document. TASK 15: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/PROJECT MANAGEl\1ENT . 1\IEETING ATTENDANCE AND BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITrEE INVOLVEMENT Objective To solicit meaningful public input providing project oversight and comment to the bicycle . planning process. To provide ongoing project management. Discussion This task is compriseci of three elements that collectively provide project oversight and public participation and input. A. A Bicycle Advisory Committee tBAC) has been appointed by Hennepin County representative of various bicyclists and trail users within the County area. The BAC will serve as liaison to bicycle advocacy groups and provide project review and guidance to Hennepin County and the consultant team. Presentations at three (3) regular meetings during the planning process will provide opportunity for progress updates and group discussion. B. Forty.six municipalities exist within Hennepin County plus other intersecting agencies such as Hennepin Parks. These agencies and integral to developing a realistic, implementable bicycle transportation plan. The assistance and input will be sought by: . An initial survey ~ with County staffs assistance) to determine existing bicycle lanes and trails, planned or potential routes or corridors, design standards, and corulict areas. Providing to local staff and elected officials a newsletter informing them of the project's progress. Three copy ready newsletters will be produced during the planning process for County reproduction and distribution. . . BtIrlon..uchlnGll = c ~~ ~ ~ =~ = J-4 C C U ~ = = = ~ .- ~ - ~J-4~ QJE-4 = QJ =- =~ .- == t.5 ~.~ ~ ~ 'O"''o~-- -. = C.) -.: 4U "O'oCJ"~ ~.. ~ = = .. .::.: 1J ~ = .. ~ = .. ." ,Q = ~ ell = ~ - = .. "3.2 .. =o=CJ-~ -:: u _ -. " -e =..~t:CJ.. ~o~=.s o~=c._'o c...:c 0 = = .. = ~=.c =11'- o=e.c~ z: -~~~-.!2~ 5 = ~ t < .5 C .. ~ - ~ .. ~ ." 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';---.., ,'V\\'c\"'-lk ..l\;~c(\/'r\_:Y\'\A..,~ c'- lL, "'\.L\i\..~ ( if ~ .\ ~ dU\Jt~~,~~~ri1ilw .J~~\Y~ (/ . . Youth Commission Minutes March 12, 1995 J. Straus house. . Those present: Bob Kraemer, Matt Kearney, Jason Thompson, Cathryn Campbell, Kerry Holtmeier, Kristin Jendro, bert Mueller, Phylliss Lindstrand, Susan Hurm, and Jeanne Straus. Informal introductions. Welcomed Christina Osborn. Approved minutes as amended. Change chairs of Penny Harvest to Bob and Cathryn. Also, acknowledge Phylliss Lindstrand for taking notes. Motion CathrynlSecondJason. Reviewed Governor's proposed cuts to Community Ed funding. Encouraged everyone to write at least one letter to a key legislator to object proposal to cut youth development funding. Matt & Kerry are in charge of making elementary schools aware. Cathryn will talk with Dr. O'Connell to see if social studies teachers could ask students to contact legislators. Matt talked to Dr. O'Connell about compiling a good survey to give to parents and students. Purpose: leading into .community meeting". (a.k.a. speak-out.) Matt, Bob & Dave meet for follow-up with commissioners about the curfew surveys. Jeanne, Kristin, Christina, and bert will meet and talk about leadership training. Jeanne will talk to Susan Terzich-Welsh. Kathy is re-scheduling Loaves & Fishes for some time in April. . Bob & Cathryn will find out when · Just Because Week" is. The City of Carver, CEAC, and School Board reports have been given for this quarter. Discussed the YC application process. Should it be the same? Possible 2 year terms vs 1 year terms. Should we open up the opportunity to middle schoolers? Table till next month. Not enough exposure. Matt and Jason will co-chair the April 1 0 presentation. Exact times not known yet. Will be working with Virginia and Albert Lea. In April, everyone bring a friend and snacks. Enviromental Week is April 17 - 21. Could emphasize flower beds, passing out seedlings to plant at new elementary school or the new high school. Lori will chair. Christina will help. Cathryn agreed to check out landscape opening at high school. Dr. Dale Blythe went over the results of the Search Institute Survey. Reactions: alarming statistics. Cheating. Theft. Motion to adjourn: Motion/Kraemer and Second/Holtmeier. Meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm. Respectfully submitted, Bob Kraemer, Secretary . RECEIVED i~K 1i\'K) '} n 199r~ J~!t-. i-~ ,,' oJ CITY OF CHMIlI"'",::>~t.I\i CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 6, 1995 Ms. Phyllis Bofferding 620 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Phyllis: Thank you for your note. The city would be plsi~ed to install an additional blue bird house at Chanhassen Pond Park. The care you afforq,tHsblue birds and their houses at the pond is to be commended. The park staff was a bene~ictd~;pf your caretaking while conducting our annual park inventory last April. Standing o~:the h~~, very near to the site of the new house . we watched 3 or 4 blue birds vie for territory; It wa~;a beautiful sight! Look for the house to go up within the n~~t month. ~f- ~ Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Dir . TH:k pc: Dale Gregory, Par iip~pntendent Park & Recreation Comrmssl . . \J1 c- o- - T" / j ~ d E . . z W :I) '...l; 'j) ..,.,..,. u; :t ~~::.~ m .:.:: .~I-_" r- 7 > c.c :( ~...~ -r L'I.J 00 '...di LJ::: cL- UJ <t: 0 ~~ ~ >- r- U> ~ ~ ..;:S 1j~ I~ I I \ -> ~ 1 \, \\,1 I ! ( / j ~ ~ D v....,; '\ ~\\ 3 :;~~ -t (j )( C '\ \. t:> i1 ~ 1 - ~ i~ L: -.L ~ ,~"Q.l f) -H ,< cd .~ l' IJ ,j 0,{ "'I ~-V'I i j '1:3; \:S \) ~-~ -1 -f 5'03 ~ -t'r:5-Yd j.:f . ~ tl.. 3~~ 0 ~~ I ~~ ~ ~ + ~ 3 f 2 ~ j .t ," -<7~ 1 ." -1 ~ ta 3 ~ 2 3 ~t { ~ 13 ~ ~-' i. '1 ~ .c -0 rr-J i ~ -<lcP ~ _ J ] ~-i -(07 f~ .! ~_:::r ' ~:3 ~ In ~ o d ()O :s -~ i ~ i: ~ 11~. .:r VI ~ -\7 . }d --~ ~~3 ~ ~\J ~ 5/'i Vl ---/-/ -u - ~ ~ :]~~ ~ ~ ~ ') ~- 5 j ~J~ en ~C) ~ ~; J >- ~ ~ ~ j J(/J C 3 ~ -~ 9 ~ ~ < ~ ~ , -.J) N J) ~ ~j-t) . .. . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE - P.O. BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 -FAX (612) 937-5739 March 6, 1995 Chanhassen Elementary School Student Council c/o Ms. Kitty Sitter and Ms. Fran Hile 7600 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Council Members: Thank you for hosting me at your meeting of ~ Wary 21, 1995. I enjoyed having the opportunity to speak with you. Your long lis~)gf iqyas for helping manage Chanhassen Pond Park is an indication of your enthusiasm in t~ng on this project. Below please find a tabulation of your ideas and my response to..each. P!yase note that your lists were condensed to avoid duplication of similar ideas. Y ouYvill also r1gte that those ideas which can be carried out by students are highlighted witlian asterisIq *1. Pick Up Trash: I encourage/~~ch classroom t09~ganize a field trip to Chanhassen Pond Park this spring. Trash/clean-up should be ~!!cluded as one activity of each trip. 2. Install "No Littering':/~igns, Install "Pick-up Aft~r Your Pet" Signs, Install Signs wit~i~;)rk Rules: Park rule signs are~~cated at each entrance to the ark (see attached map). The rules listed on each sign are: Park Hours: 6 a.m. . p.m. Ic:IesRestrlcted to Roadways and Parking Areas Only ..' Glass Containers Prohibited Alcoholic BeveragesR.tstrlttect ~~nned JJee~pnly .' . No Pets Allowed}!; Snowmobiling on Designated Trails Only Help Keep Your Parks Clean, Please Not Litter 3. Add Trash Cans: Trash cans are not currently maintained at the park. I will discuss locating a trash receptacle at each entrance to the park with Dale Gregory our Park Superintendent. If Mr. Gregory also believes that this is appropriate, he will have the trash receptacles put in place. Chanhassen Elementary School Student Council March 6, 1995 Page 2 . 4. Install Recycle Bins: Currently all trash collected from city parks is separated at our central collection point and recycled. However, for ease of operation, recycle containers may be purchased in the future. 5. Construct a New Bridge: The existing bridges were constructed by local boy scouts as Eagle Scout Projects. The bridges are weathered and aging, but remain in sound condition. The main bridge will eventually be replaced with a wider and much stronger bridge capable of holding a pick-up truck. This future replacement project will cost approximately $15,000. Other future improvements will include widening and blacktopping of the main trail from Laredo Drive to Sierra Trail. 6. Install Fences: Fencing detracts from the overall beauty of our parks. However, if some form of permanent separation between public and private properties is necessary, fencing is often installed. 7. Install Rocks in Erosion Areas: Several large erosion areas do exist within Chanhassen Pond Park. Erosion intensifies the pollution of the pond through increased water runoff. This excessive runoff carries high levels of nutrients and sediments into the pond. The city's Surface Water Management Plan has been developed to help stop this type of pollution. Look for improved management of storm water runoff entering the park over the next two summers. . 8. Install Wood Chips on the Trail: The majority of rain water entering the pond must cross the trail on its way to the pond. Wood chips would be carried by the water flow into the pond. 9. Mow Grass: The city mows the trail and entry ways to the park. The remainder of the park is intentionally left to grow naturally. 10. Install Picnic Tables: Two picnic tables were installed along Kerber Boulevard overlooking the park. Other acceptable picnic areas offering convenient access and groomed turf (mowed) are not available within the park's interior. 11. Need Warming Shelters for Skating: Many residents use the ponds in their neighborhood for skating each winter (an estimated 20 to 30 each year). The city is unable to provide warming houses for each of these locations. *12. Plant Flowers, Plant Seeds, Plant Tree: Planting trees offers the best return on our investment. Ms. Sitter and Ms. Hile are organizing a spring tree planting project with the help of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR). The tentative project date is Saturday, April 29. . . . . Chanhassen Elementary School Student Council March 6, 1995 Page 3 13. Feed Animals: Wildlife management in public park systems does not typically include wildlife feeding programs. The vegetation found in the park offers a wide variety of natural food sources for the birds and animals who live there. *14. Install Bird Houses: Blue bird and wood duck houses are maintained within the park. These houses mimic the birds natural nesting locations-typically old trees for wood ducks and old fence posts for blue birds. These artificial nesting boxes are necessary since the majority of the old trees and fence posts once found in Chanhassen have been removed. If the school has access to nesting houses which they could donate, the city would be happy to place them within the park. 15. Rake Leaves: All the leaves which fall in Chanhassen Pond Park are left undisturbed. Decaying leaves are an important part of the natural life cycle found at Chanhassen Pond Park. *16. Submit Articles to the Villager Reminding People of Rules: This type of reinforcement of rules which our society must follow is invaluable. Classes should again consider writing letters to the editor after completing their field trips to the park. 17. Clean the Water, Keep Oil Out of the Water: Again, the city's Surface Water Management Program is working towards cleaning up the city's water resources. Some elementary students may have participated in the signing of storm water catch basins throughout the city. These signs, which were spray painted on the street covers of the storm water system, remind people not to dump oil or other pollutants into this system. *18. Conduct an Animal Object Survey, Look at Leaves: These educational projects can be carried out during your field trips to the park. Again, thank you for your interest in Chanhassen Pond Park. Your partnership in maintaining and managing this natural resource is to be commended. I look forward to working with you this spring. Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman, CLP Park and Recreation Director TH:k Chanhassen Elementary School Student Council March 6, 1995 Page 4 . Enclosure: Park Map pc: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Chanhassen Villager Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Diane Desotelle, Water Resources Coordinator . . i . \. --~-~ ,,~. .- ~/ ------ ~-~----~ . ~-- - -~-~~ ...--' . ,---. . .. -- ~~ ~ ) rue: '-', nltK', j?p~E~ j/~ NOTE All d.mel"lStons and facIlity locatIons are aCPfO Key: [fjPlcniC Ar.as @ Sellong Arel. $ The tollowing are suggelted I' . gener.' guide. Mssive DI'" .rea accommOdating the observation of plants and wildlife in . natura' ,nvironment. tTIONS: PJant matefl.ls should be installed to encour.ge wildlife by providIng both habitat and food aources. PLANT SPECIES EI. :.r" White Pme eal,m Fir Red Cedi' Norwly Pme Spruce SwitCh;'.'. Big Slu.stem li11le Bluestem Indian;r..s S'de04l01' Gramme Sire" Aspe" Willow Hackbe", Cherries Olk . Red Mulberry "mur Chokecherry Black Cherry S.rl;'ic.b.rr~ WilDLIFE BIrd Soecies WILDLIFE Ph...lnt Butt.rfli.. CATEGORY PLANT SPECIES Fruit & Berry Pllnts Sand Cherry American Plum GrIPe. Pheasants Mallards Oeer Rabbits WoodChucks Fa" Fruits Red Osier Dogwood Mountain Ash Buttalob.rry Co.onea...rs Robin C.rdin.', Chickad..s Finche. Wood Duck. Ph....nts Win..r Fruit. BI.Ck Chok.ch.rry Red Splendo, C'lblPple Euonymul Sumac Bird Speci.s Butterflies Be.s MOlhl Nu', & Acorns Olk Butt.rnut Bl.ck W.lnu' Shagb.rk Hickory Wood Duck Ph....n. M",,",d. SQuirels O..r ~t Robin Bluebird Cardinal WoOdpeckers ....... ..-........ ....... ,.., SHELTER: In,,"" wood duck hou.... CHANHASSEN POND PARK MASTER PLAN a. . .. i . I ~ili;. ..1~i; ...;;,:;. ... . iiI--i ~ ~ ~ ... . ..~-- l-r..~ :SIERRA rp. . \ .. ..... ........, .. , "."'i. ., CIl ~ ;: POND .. ..;..... .0"1" .._, ., '" -' .; .!: ;- ~../ .~f ! :. f; . .'..------- ., ~ o ... --' ., TRAI ... PURPOSE: ESllblish I GENERAL RECOMMEND. CA TEGORY Conifers Grasses & legumes ~ Oeciduous Fruit & Berty PI.nll \ ...-...-"- / ~ ':':;::':- ~:;:;~ =------ --.....- . . . Minutes of Youth Commission Meeting Monday, February 20,1995 Early Childhood Center North Conference Room ;1.,,';.:. 1(;r"rl li ;, I:;.J..., (:1;Y UF CHF\l\;h}~:";2~:!,! Next Meeting Sunday, March 12, 1995 5:30 pm Remember CEA Workshop 2-5 pm- 3/12. Dr. Dale Blyth of Search Institute speaks 2-3pm about results of survey given to District 112 students in grades 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11. YC meeting at Jeanne's. 454 Ridge Court, Chaska. (1 block NE of Community Center) The meeting was brought to order at 7: 10 by Chairperson Lori Wellens. Those present included Susan Hurm, Bert Mueller, Kathy Wellens, David Kocka, Phyllis Lindstrand, Lori Wellens, Jason Thompson, Matt Kearney, Kristin Jendro, Pat Donnay, Dr. O'Connell & Jeanne Straus. Christina Osbern also attended. Attendance question was ? The agenda was reviewed and approved as typed. The minutes were reviewed. MotionlKocka, Secondffhompson to approve the minutes. Motion passed. Thanks to Kathy and ? for bringing pop, crackers, snacks. Old Bwdness 1) Dr. O'Connell, CHS Principal, fielded several questions from YC youth members. a) What are the pro's and con's of weighted grades. Response: No schools in the Lake Conference currently use weighted grades. Draw backs: Who determines the weightedness of classes? Is a relative issue. Grading systems actually vary from teacher to teacher. Weighted grade often encourage less effort if a B in an advance placement class is treated as an A when compared to other classes. Creates moral issue with staff. .Some colleges would prefer all high schools stay away from weighted grade system. Colleges do look at the individual classes taken. More research needs to be done on the topic. From this discussion, the issue of ease in dropping classes at CHS was discussed. That issue is being addressed and will be different for the coming school year. For our information: The four class presidents serve on the CHS Site Council along with parents, teachers, & administrators. b) Dances. Why the strict restriction on how students dance? The CHS administration needs to be aware of skits/dances for liability purposes. Reason for questions/concerns voiced to students in planning Winterfest c) Issue of "hospitality" in CHS. Several support staff members do not make CHS students feel welcome, in fact have disgust when addressing students and accusatory to both students and parents. Seems to be a general lack ofrespect of students, who are the "customers". Staff should be 1) Helpful 2) Positive 3) Good Listener 4) Greet students warmly 5) Say "How can I help?" 6) Be cheerful and uplifting. 7) Smile 8) Address students (and adults) by name as a . show of respect Internal customer service training is ongoing, according to Dr. O'Connell. He is aware of the need. d) Talked about the possibility of offering students an opportunity to talk about their concerns. Host a separate forum for parents and students. Format similar to spaghetti dinner? Concerns such as block scheduling. What will be happening at the new high school? Opportunity for student input? Use written surveys, poll students. Focus groups - involve deans, nurse, Dr. O'Connell. Dr. O'Connell will work with us in developing questions for a survey. Sub-committee members in developing survey for parents: bert, Lori, Matt, Kathy, Susan and Jeanne. Suggest using parent surveys at parent conferences. Students still felt a need for "open discussion" opportunities for high school students. Encourage student involvement on the site council. e) Talked about concern for poor grammar/spelling seen on curfew surveys completed by CHS students. Would like an opportunity to talk with curriculum committee. 2) Curfew Surveys. The feedback from the Carver County Commissioners regarding the surveys included: 1) Survey was too long. 2) Shocked at language, spelling. 3) Commissioners will not use the results in making a decision on a county-wide curfew because they do not feel students understood the proposal. Youth Commission response: 1) We operated according to an imposed deadline, limiting our success. 2) Were not allowed to re-word the proposed ordinance. 3) . County Commissioners should take into account the students' responses when deciding on a county-wide curfew. Bob Kraemer and David Kocka will follow-up with the commissioners. Bob, Matt and Dave will meet to put together a summary of the curfew results. 3) Leadership Training for high school clubs/organizations such as Student Council, YC, Key Club, CHS Honor Society. Jeanne, Kristin, Christina, and Bert will bring groups together to talk. 4) Loaves & Fishes. Kathy Wellens announced next day of Loaves & Fishes as March 7. Kathy will re-schedule due to conflicts. 5) The Student Mentorship Program Committee will meet again soon. The CHS Student Council and the Target Leadership groups are also interested in getting the program started. Matt is Chairperson of this committee. Suggest not using "Welcome Wagon" as name for mentors hip program. Subcommittee includes: Matt, Lori, Kathy, & Jeanne. 6)) Values Week. Kerry Holtmeier was in charge of getting students to help out at the ECFE Family Fun Day at Jonathan on Sunday, Feb. 19 between 2 - 5 pm. Expect a good turn out. 7) Penny Harvest Project: Hope to sponsor it before the end of the school year. Bob and Kerry will chair. Could raise monies for the Battered Women's House in Shakopee. Purpose of fund raiser will be determined at the next meeting. , . . . 8) Quarterly Reports Remember to schedule a March presentation. Remember to inform agency of your desire to continue serving or to resign. ASAP! New Bwdness 1) Darroll Bussler, Mankato State University professor in Community Education, called and asked the YC to help co-present at the MN Youth Convention, April 10 at the Earle Brown Center on the St. Paul Campus. Matt and Jason will co-chair. Encouraged Phyllis to complete the scrapbook by April 10. 2) The results of the Search Institute Survey "Profiles of Student Life" are back The results will be announced to the public on Sunday, March 12 at the CEA sponsored workshops at Chaska Middle School. Lori will serve on a sub-committee dealing with the survey results. 3) Bring a friend to the meeting in April, not March. Motion Kathy Wellens/Second David Kocka to ask Christina Osborn to take Shannon Dilks position on the Youth Commission and the CEAC. Motion passed. Announcement: Matt Kearney has moved. His new address is: Matt Kearney 832 Oriole Lane Chaska MN 55318 Same telephone number. New Business Upcoming Meetings. · Mar 12 Sunday · April 3 Monday · May 1 Monday · June 19 Monday Hope this new schedule helps those who have been unable to attend due to prior committments. We would like to see everyone at the next meeting! March 12 treats: Will order pizza for supper. Please buy a Youth Commission t-shirt! Payments in $5 installments is fine! Environmental Week will be held in April. We need to start planning. Events could include writing campaign to manufacturers about cardboard recycling, shopping with middle schoolers to compare buying in bulk vs buying individually wrapped, class competitions or school competition (ChaskalShakopee) in car pooling, Recycling Tree, getting off junk mail lists, class competition/one week of recycling, speakers. Need a chair. Flower Bed Update: Five groups have agreed to adopt flower beds in the front of CHS. Band, . Art Club, YC, F.F.A, and Kathy W/friends. We need to schedule a Saturday when all adopters get together to plant/weed in the spring. Kathy will chair. Mini-Grants. Committee members: Kerry, Kristin and Jason. They will begin writing the criteria necessary for grant applications to be used by high school groups to use in applying for mini-grants to follow-throught on new ideas/projects. Kerry has agreed to chair. She will call the fIrst meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, B(?l.. IT a.:mGl, Secretary . &~-t lhue//er I .::JeClV);1e . ~~~~ ~ /.2 th ) .' . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 February 24, 1995 Mr. Dean Schmieg Park Foreman 15950 Heather Drive Carver, MN 55315 Dear Dean: Thank you for taking the initiative to assume addiponal responsibility in the area of play equipment inspections and record keeping. FroIIlQur discussion of yesterday and in talking with Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent, I und~rst~d you are in the process of developing a realistic and thorough check list sy stem. I cOlJ:lplim~~t you on your efforts in ensuring that our playgrounds are maintained as safe environments'for recreation. Si~' TH:ns cc: Mayor a Park and tion Commission Dale Gregory, P~k1supy~~p~ent Personnel File .. >>,." NOTICE f'1ECEIVED OF "; 'r_. . METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ~fIA!< J, ;) 1995 PUBLIC HEARING C:Tr~.t l.itr\!'JH' A(:C' ;" . 1"1'-'VEN Regional Recreation Open Space Policy Plan Amendment Regarding Regional Recreation Open Space Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Calendar Years 1996-2005. 1~ . t'\\ · The Metropolitan Council's Community Development Committee will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the Council's Recreation Open Space Development Guide/Policy Plan regarding its regiopal recreation open space capital improvement program (CIF) for Calendar Years 1996- 2005. (March, 1995 Publication No. 78-95-022) The hearing document is available from the Council's Data Center at 291-8140 or 291-0904 (TIY). The hearing document is also available at public libraries in the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The CIP may affect the standards for determining projects of metropolitan significance in the Metropoiitan Significance Rules. PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION When and Where: Monday, April 24, 1995, at 12 Noon as part of the Metropolitan Council's Community Development Committee meeting Conference Room 1A, Mears Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota . Who is Being Notified: County, city and township key contact people Selected state and federal organizations Regional recreation system implementing agencies Interested citizens and community organizations How to Participate: 1. You may attend the meeting and offer oral or written comments. You may register to testify in advance of the hearing by calling Ellie Porter at 291-6312 or 291-0904 (TTY). Upon request, the Council will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. 2. You may submit your written comments which must be received by 4:30 p.m. May 8, 1995 to: Arne Stefferud Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street S1. Paul, MN 55101 Questions: Call the following Council staff: Arne Stefferud, 291-6360 or Ellie Porter, 291-6312 or 291-0904 (TIY) . . . . OVERVIEW The Metropolitan Council has revised its regional recreation open space capital improvement program (CIP) for Calendar Years 1996-2005. This document contains an analysis of the regional park capital improvement projects against Metropolitan Council funding priorities as well as the priorities of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission. Based on that analysis, projects are prioritized under separate categories so that similar projects are compared against each other. For the 1996-97 period, projects are proposed to be funded with anticipated revenues from the Minnesota Environmental Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR.) If that revenue source is not appropriated, the Metropolitan Council would request bonds be issued by the State of Minnesota in 1996. This state revenue (Environmental Trust Fund or State bonds) will be matched on a 60/40 baSis with bonds issued by the Metropolitan Council in 1996 and 1997. Another proposed revenue source is federal Intenllodi11 Smface Trajjspurtai.ion Efficiency Act (ISTEA) grants for trail projects. The 1996-97 portion of the elP proposes $35,199,800 for park capital improvements from the following revenue sources: $20,271,300 of Environmental Trust Fund and 1996 State bonds $12,998,300 of bonds proposed to be issued by the Metropolitan Council as a 40% match to state funding. $1,931,200 of ISTEA grants which are proposed to be matched with State funds on a 80/20 basis. The funds would be used as follows: $4.55 million Env. Trust Fund money, $2.388 million of 1996-97 Metropolitan Council bonds and $1.931 million of ISTEA grants for park acquisition/development projects that were not funded from 1994 state bonding and 1994-95 Metropolitan Council bonding (pages 1 to 4). $2.67 million of 1996 state bonds and $1.78 million of 1996-97 Council bonds for land acquisition (pages 5 to 8). $4.722 million of 1996 state bonds and $3.148 million of 1996-97 Council bonds for park redevelopment projects (pages 9 to 10). $7.923 million of 1996 state bonds and $5.282 million of 1996-97 Council bonds for park and trail development projects (pages 11 to 13). An additional $400,000 from the State and Metropolitan Council respectively is proposed to repair the Lake Byllesby dam in Lake Byllesby Regional Park (page 14). For the 1996 Legislative Session, the Metropolitan Council will request funds from the State of Minnesota by project category--acquisition, redevelopment and development. And, if necessary, system-wide projects if no funds are appropriated for that category in the 1995 Legislative Session. If less funds are provided by the State of Minnesota in 1996 for a project category, a reduction will be made only in that category by fully funding projects in priority order until all funds are allocated. Unfunded or partially funded projects would be the basis for requests for Minnesota Environmental Trust Fund appropriations for the 1997 Legislative session. CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 8, 1995 Mr. Don Kelly' Tonka United Soccer P.O. Box 205 Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Don: It's time to look ahead to our spring facility n<if\ I need your association to submit a list of starting and ending dates for fields and facilit~~s de~Fed for spring/summer 1995. To be most effective in scheduling these fields and facili~~s, it'~~\ very important that your request be . completed soon. Enclosed is a facility policy 'that w~~ developed by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission that will give facility priority"lo Chanhassen residents and teams first, versus distribution to an organization as ~'}Vhole. Ple~~e look over the policy thoroughly before completing the facility applicati~Rs:' Applicatioii~tmust be completed and returned by Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Be sur~,to include the cO~Ylct person for your association who will be scheduling the facilities. Also;lnclude their maill' address and a work and home phone number. Sincerely, 1~.. (L~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k Enclosure . . . . March 8, 1995 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Mr. Dave Steinkamp South Tonka Little League 1026 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dave: ,t>.::- i'/,,:,)~:_,,\ It's time to look ahead to our spring facility n~d~;< I need your association to submit a list of starting and ending dates for fields and facilit~$~ d$s~ed for spring/summer 1995. To be most effective in scheduling these fields and faciliqes, itl~. very important that your request be completed soon. Enclosed is a facility policy that w~s developed by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission that will give facility priority to Chanhassen residents and teams first, versus distribution to an organization as ay/hole. Plea~e look over the policy thoroughly before completing the facility applicati~R;: Applicatiort~must be completed and returned by Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Be sur$}to include the cOI!,act person for your association who will be scheduling the facilities. Also include their mailing address and a work and home phone number. I have included some Sincerely, 1lU,t\ Jerry { uegQr Recreation Supervisor JR:k Enclosure CITY OF CHANHASSEN · 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 8, 1995 Ms. Diane Anderson Tonka United Soccer Association 3441 Lowell Street Wayzata, MN 55391 Dear Diane: It's time to look ahead to our spring facility n~~ ~;f I need your association to submit a list of starting and ending dates for fields and faciliti~~ d~~ired for spring/summer 1995. To be most effective in scheduling these fields and facili~~s, it!~\ very important that your request be completed soon. Enclosed is a facility poli~~ that w~~ developed by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission that will give facil!ty priority;,to Chanhassen residents and teams first, versus distribution to an organization as ~(}Vhole. Ple~~~ look over the policy thoroughly before completing the facility applications; Applications must be completed and returned by ;6:}:f' ',;::::))- Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Be sur~Fi6 include the cor:t~ct person for your association who will be scheduling the facilities. Also*lnclude their mailing address and a work and home phone number. . I have included some facility. request forms for your convenl~nce. Sincerely, 1~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k Enclosure . . . . March 8, 1995 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Mr. Dick Brown Chanhassen Legion Baseball 2630 Ckchard Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Dick: It's time to look ahead to our spring facility n~ s. I need your association to submit a list of starting and ending dates for fields and faciliti~~ d<;~ired for spring/summer 1995. To be most effective in scheduling these fields and facili~~s, it'I~.. very important that your request be completed soon. Enclosed is a facility policy that was developed by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission that will give facilitY priorityJo Chanhassen residents and teams first, versus distribution to an organization as ~.,}Vhole. Ple~~f look over the policy thoroughly before completing the facility applicatioIls. Application~/ must be completed and returned by Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Be sw:g,to include the CO~!fct person for your association who will be scheduling the facilities. Al~~lnclude their maili~g address and a work and home phone number. . ..... <::>~:,/:.;:\:/: I have included some fac~!Hyi6quest forms for your converii~nce. Sincerely, 1 -to Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k Enclosure CITY OF CHAHHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 8, 1995 Ron & Sue Williams Chanhassen/Chaska Soccer Club 110115 Friendship Lane North Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Ron & Sue: It's time to look ahead to our spring facility n~ ~7', I need your association to submit a list of starting and ending dates for fields and facilitij~'s d~~p"ed for spring/summer 1995. To be most effective in scheduling these fields and facili~~s, ie~~ very important that your request be .- completed soon. Enclosed is a facility policy'that W'~s developed by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission that will give facilitY priority"!O Chanhassen residents and teams first, versus distribution to an organization as ,;~hole. Ple~~r look over the policy thoroughly before completing the facility applicati~J1s.' Applications must be completed and returned by Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Be surr.~ include the coi:i~ct person for your association who will be scheduling the facilities. Also1nclude their mailing address and a work and home phone number. I have included some facility request forms for your convenience. Sincerely, 1h() Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k Enclosure . . 1995 SUMMER JOB LISTINGS FOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR Plans, directs, and coordinates recreation activities associated with Summer Discovery Playground program for ages 4-11. Supervises playground leaders, all outings, and special events related to the playground program. (Approx. 35 hours/week) SKILLS: Strong leadership skills. Ability to plan, organize, and conduct recreation activities, ability to supervise and work harmoniously with playground leaders, must inspire others, and show enthusiasm and understanding of children. Motivation, dependability, and creativity a must. Previous experience in recreation or teaching is preferred. STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 5-August 25, 1995 SALARY: $7.00 - $7.50/hour PLAYGROUND LEADER . Leads recreational activities associated with Summer Discovery Playground program. Under the supervision of the playground director, helps plan activities such as crafts, games, and sports for children ages 4-11. (Approx. 30 hours/week) SKILLS: Enthusiastic, genuine interest in children, ability to lead activities and inspire sportsmanship, and work harmoniously with fellow employees. Dependability and motivation a must. STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 5-August 18, 1995 SALARY: $5.50/hour TENNIS SPECIALIST Plans, coordinates, and instructs a comprehensive tennis lesson program for youth and adults using curriculum guidelines of the United States Tennis Association. Also responsible for the coaching and coordination of Chanhassen's USTA Junior Tennis Team program. (Approx. 25-30 hours/week) SKILLS: Ability to effectively instruct, plan, and organize pre-beginner to intermediate levels of tennis. Must be enthusiastic and understanding of others, willing and able to handle various skill levels, age groups, and sizes of classes, and promote good sportsmanship techniques. Motivation and dependability a must. Previous experience preferred. . STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 5-August 18, 1995 SALARY: $7.50-$8.00/hour TENNIS ASSISTANT Assists Tennis Specialist/Coordinator with lessons and with Junior Tennis Team participants. Approximately 10 hours per week. . SKILLS: Should have tennis team experience. Must be energetic and flexible with good people skills. STARTINGIENDING DATES: Approximately June 12-August 18, 1995. SALARY: $5.50/hour. GATE ATTENDANT Responsible for supervision of park users, gate building, park facilities, and selling of parking permits. Opens and closes park gates, records daily attendance, and inspects water craft. SKILLS: Should possess strong people skills with an ability to communicate with the public. Capable of submitting required reports, and balancing daily cash receipts. Dependability and flexibility a must STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately May 6-September 4, 1995 SALARY: $5.50/hour . CONCESSIONAIRE Responsibilities include coordinating rental agreements for boats and other recreation equipment, dispensing food and drink, operating a cash register, general upkeep of the concession building and taking daily inventories. SKILLS: Motivated and flexible individual with strong people skills. Able to deal with public effectively and professionally. Some physical work and lifting required. STARTINGIENDING DATES: Approximately May 13-September 4, 1995 SALARY: $5.50/hour The City of Chanhassen is an Equal Oportunity/Affrrmative Action Employer. For further information on any of the jobs listed, please call 612-937-1900. . . . . Around the World in a Day Friday, April 7 It was so wondeifullast spring, we're going to do it again this year! Join us as the stage comes alive with color, costume, dance and song at the 0' Shaugnessy Auditorium with an hour performance by the Ethnic Dance Theater. Enjoy a beautiful variety of folk dances from around the world. And, in addition to an H U n-Ameri- can" lunch, we will also stop at Buon Giornio's Italian Grocery and Ingebretsen's Scandinavian Center. The bus will leave the Chanhassen Senior Center at 9 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. The $25 fee includes coach bus transportation, lunch and peiformance. For more information, call 937-1900 ex!. 144. Registration Form .............................................................. Name: Fee Paid: Address: Phone: Register by March 7,1995 Return completed form and fee to: Chanhassen Senior Center 690 Coutler Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department offers... In-Line Skating Mini Camps ~ Saturday, May 6 ~ Lake Ann Park This program is being offered by the Easy Stride Skate School. Fundamentals of in-line skating will be taught through activities and games including roller hockey. Learn stopping techniques, rules of the road, proper use and maintenance of equipment. Protective gear included!! YSKA95 10 Grades K-2 YSKA95 11 Grades 3-5 YSKA95 12* Grades 6-8 * This session will be mainly roller hockey. 9:30-11 :30 a.m. 12:00-2:00 p.m. 2:30-4:30 p.m. MinIMax: 15/50 per session $13/with skate rental (include shoe size) $11/no rental In-Line Skating Registration Form Questions? Call 937-1900 ext. 144 Head(s) of Household: Address: City & Zip Code: Home Phone: Alternative Phone & Name: Participant's Name Birthdate Code Number Fee I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity(ies) and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforemen- tioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, hislher participation in this activity. Return this form to Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Parent, Guardian, or Participant Signature: ., Dale: . . . The Chanhassen Senior Center presents... Exploring the Arts Tour April 20, 1995 Expand your horizons! This trip includes stops at the Guthrie Theater for a backstage walking tour, time to browse at the Walker Art Center, lunch at the Minnesota Grille for home- cooked specialties, and last but not least, a visit to the Holy Land Exhibit to look at religious artifacts from the Holy Land. Meet/Retum: Chanhassen Senior Center Time: 8: 15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fee: $23/includes coach bus transportation, all admissions, and lunch Pre-registration is required by April 10. Registration Form Exploring the Arts Tour April 20, 1995 Name: Fee Paid: $ Address: Phone Number: Return completed form with payment to: Chanhassen Senior Center, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 If you have questions, contact Dawn Lemme at 937-1900 ext. 144. CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EASTER BASKET DELIVERY FORM . Dear Parents: The Easter Bunny will be making basket deliveries to the children in Chanhassen on Wednesday, April 12 both in the morning and afternoon. If your child is between the ages of 2 and 5, they can look forward to a personal visit from the Easter Bunny, complete with a basket of goodies just for your child. Please be home during the time slot you sign up for, as ONLY ONE ATTEMPT to stop by to deliver a basket will be made. To participate, just fill out the form below and return it to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation office. In order to receive a basket delivered by the Easter Bunny, this form MUST be returned by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 6. Forms received after this date will not be accepted. Please fill in the following information so the Easter Bunny can find your home as quickly and easily as possible. Must be a Chanhassen resident Thank you. (PLEASE PRINT) Parent/Guardian Name: Child's Name: (First) (Last) Age: Address: City, State, Zip: Please give directions to your home from the nearest MAJOR road Birth Date: Home Phone: Work Phone: . Describe your home (color, one/tWo story, noticeable car, tree, mailbox): FEE IS $5.00 PER BASKET TIME SLOT FOR VISIT TO YOUR HOME (please check one) YEAS95 10 9:00 . 11 :30 a.m. (50 registrations maximum) YEAS95 11 1 :00 . 3:30 p.m. (50 registrations maximum) Registrations will be accepted until April 6 or until maximum numbers have been reached. For more information, cali 937-1900 ext. 126 or 144 The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department presents the... 12TH ANNUAL EASTER EGG CANDY HUNT . AND COLORING CONTEST Saturday, April 15, 9:00 a.m. ~ Chanhassen Elementary School Playground . . Name: (Fint) (Last) . Phone Number: COLORING CONTEST Children four years old through the 5th grade are invited to color the picture of the bunny on the opposite side of this flyer. Pictures will be judged on originality and neatness. Artists may use crayons, pencils, ink, markers, glitter, etc. Prizes will be awarded to the winner in each age category. Completed coloring entries may be dropped Offe at Chanhassen City Hall before Saturday, April 15 or bring it along to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt on Saturday, April 15 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Pictures may not be turned in to any of the area schools. The Easter Egg Candy Hunt is sponsored by Local Businesses e . . . Grade CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CHANHASSEN CITY HALL 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900 . 1. LEAGUE ENTRY FEES (All fees payable to the City of Chanhassen): Women's League Corporate League 35 and Over League Men's Open League Co-Rec League $410.00 $410.00 $410.00 $410.00 $410.00 The league entry fee pays for Dudley Blue Thunder softballs provided to each team, umpire fees for regular season play, awards, tournament fees, park stickers, and registration with the United States Slo-Pitch Softball Association. 2. DEADLINES AND IMPORTANT DATES: a. League Entry Fee Due: Returning teams from 1994; Wednesday, March 22,1995, by 4:30 p.m. New teams; March 23, 1995 starting at 8:00 a.m. (Failure to turn in fees by this date will ieopardize your team's chances of participating due to the demand for field space.) $100.00 forfeit/conduct fee due with league entry fees. A $10.00 late fee will be assessed to all teams failing to pay by their scheduled time. . Due to lack of playing fields, leagues may have to be trimmed. Teams that participated last season will have first choice in playing. Failure for existing teams to turn in their league fee gives the opportunity for new teams to play, forcing the previous teams out of the league. b. Rosters Due with league fees, Wednesday, March 22, 1995 - existing teams, Thursday, March 23, 1995 new teams. (Rosters must be signed by each team member and turned in with the team entry fee). All infonnation on roster mIW be complete. c. Final Rosters Due: Friday, June 9, 1995, by 4:30 p.m. (Any changes on the roster must be done by this date.) NQ players may be added after this date. Rosters: 1) May not exceed 20 players, including a player/manager. . 2) C01:porate League: Roster must be on company letterhead and signed by personnel manager. All team members must work for the same company. . . . 3) 35 and Over Lea~ue: Roster!IlllS1 include player's date of birth and driver's license number. INSURANCE: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department DOES NOT provide any insurance for this program. Individuals should check their personal insurance for coverage. Liability and/or accident insurance may also be purchased through the United States Slo-Pitch Softball Association. CHANHASSEN SOFTBALL POLICIES . 1. Player Eli~ibility a. All 1988 players who are on file on the 1988 rosters at City Hall can continue to play in the league, provided they have played every year since 1988. b. Any new teams which enter the league must meet the new eligibility requirement of having all players live or work within the physical boundaries on Chanhassen with the exception of four outside players being allowed. c. Any non- resident (grandfathered in 1988) who discontinues to be a rostered player will not be allowed to re-enter the league unless that person accounts for one of the four outside players. d. Grandfathered players may switch teams in the league and teams may change sponsors if the above guidelines are still fulfilled. e. Any new players entering the league !ll.Y.S1 provide proof of residence and/or work location. This includes a copy of a current drivers license or paycheck stub listing the player's and company name. Any grandfathered player whose work or residence location is questioned, !ll.Y.S1 provide proof of one or both. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE RULES WILL BE CONSIDERED. . 2. A~e Requirements Graduated high school seniors, who are 18 years old or above may, participate in any of the adult leagues with the exception of the Over 35 League. 3. League Restrictions Players may only play on one team per league. 35 and Over League players must be at least 35 years old, by December 31 of the current calendar year. NO EXCEPTIONS. 4. General A. League Ball: The official league ball for all Chanhassen leagues is the Dudley Blue Thunder. No other balls will be allowed for play. . . . . Chanhassen Softball Policies Page 2 B. Specific league roster requirements: 1. Corporate League All players on the team must be full-time employees (35-40 hours per week) of the company and be on the payroll no later than March 1 of the current year. Employment must extend from March 1 through the end of the season. Employees that terminate employment after March 1 are no longer eligible to participate on the team. An employee who is temporarily or permanently laid off m~y not continue to play in the Corporate League, even if they return to work. If an employee is laid-off or terminated during the softball season, it is the manager's responsibility to let the League Director know immediately. Final rosters must be on company letterhead and signed by the Personnel Director of the company. 2. Over 35 League Date of birth and driver's license number must be included for all participants. 3. All Leagues Managers are to fill out the front of the roster completely and have each player read, fill out, and sign where indicated. Rosters are limited to 20 players including the manager and coach. C. Rain Out Procedure: Games canceled due to inclement weather will be rescheduled as time becomes available. All games not made up during the regular season will be rescheduled at the end of the season on the designated make-up night. If the first game is rained out, the second game is cancelled automatically. 1. For up to date information regarding rainouts, etc., call the Chanhassen "Leisure Line" at 962-9000. D. If your umpire does not show up at your game, the team managers have 3 options: 1. Do not play the game and have it rescheduled. Chanhassen Softball Policies Page 3 . 2. Team managers agree to play the game with no umpire; game results are final and official. 3. Managers agree on a samaritan umpire; game results are final and official. Please call the Park and Recreation Department at 937-1900 ext. 126 to report how the game was handled. E. Score Reporting Procedure: Your umpire will carry out the duty of recording and turning in game results. F. Park Stickers: A sticker will be required when you enter the park for your games. Stickers are provided with each team's registration. G. The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department requests: 1. Park your vehicles in desi~nated parkin~ areas. NOT on the grass or other designated no parking areas. 2. Do not take glass containers or bottles to softball complexes/fields. . 3. Respect private and public properties. 4. Police YOUR litter and any other you see. 5. If you have a player dropped from your team, contact the Park and Recreation Department to have his/her name crossed off your team roster. 6. Leave your do~ at home; remember, no pets are allowed in any of the City parks. . . . . IN-HOUSE RULES & REGULATIONS Official U.S.S.S.A. rules will govern play. 1. For the first game only (6:10 p.m.), a five (5) minute grace period will be allowed from scheduled game time. If a team does not have nine (9) players to start the game after the grace period, the game is forfeited. There will be no. grace time for the second game. All games will have a 70-minute time limit. No inning shall start after this time. The time limit begins at the start of your scheduled game time. Game results are final. Your umpire MAY give you a warning if you are approaching this limit, but is not required to do so. Game can end in a tie. 2. ALL games are eight (8) innings. Games can end in tie. 3. 3-2 Count Rule: 1st ball batted foul after 1st strike and courtesy, the batter is declared automatically out. 4. A team may play with nine (9) players without the 10th position being an out. 5. Number of Players (Choose 1 of 4 options each game). TEAM MANAGERS MUST REPORT THEIR CHOICE OF BATTING ROTATION TO OPPOSING TEAM'S MANAGER AND THE UMPIRE DURING THE PRE-GAME UMPIRE/MANAGER'S CONFERENCE. Option 1: Teams starting with 9 players: 10th position is not an out. Must have a pitcher and a catcher. May increase to no more than 10 players. Starters may leave the field and re-enter once. Subs may enter the game, but cannot be "benched" and then re-enter. Option 2: Teams starting with 10 players: May drop to 9 players without the 10th position being an out. May not increase to 11 or more players. Starters may leave the game and re-enter ~. Subs may enter the game, but cannot be "benched" and then re-enter. Option 3: Teams Batting Round Robin (11 or more player): If a player is injured, your team can drop to ten (10) players. If a player is ejected from the game, the game is a forfeit. All players on the bench must be rostered and must play. In-House Rules & Regulations Page 2 . All players arriving after the game has started must be immediately rostered and must play. Players my discontinue play .2nlx if they are injured or if they leave the park. May drop to as low as 9 players without the 10th position being an out. Free substitution is allowed, but players must retain the same batting order. Option 4: Teams using an Additional Hitter. A team may insert an additional hitter (AH) into their line-up. The batting order must remain constant, however, any 10 of the 11 players can take a defensive position. If AH., but failure to declare such a hitter prior to the game, prevents th~ use of an AH. in that game. When the AH. is used in the Co-Rec leagues, a male and female AH. must be used. If any player is injured and unable to play while using the additional hitter, the game is a forfeit. If you start with eleven (11), you have to finish with eleven (11). 6. Twenty (20) Run Rule in effect after four (4) innings, Fifteen (15) Run Rule after five (5) innings, Ten (10) Run Rule after six (6) innings. 7. Tie Breaker: All ties in season standings are broken by comparing head-to-head competition, and then the total runs scored against the team(s) that are tied. . 8. Game Forfeiture: Forfeiture of one (1) game during regular season puts your team on probation. Forfeiture of two (2) or more games will result in your team being terminated from league play without receiving your league entry fee back. Proper notification must be given to Park & Recreation office if your team is going to forfeit a game. 9. If a team forfeits any playoff games they will be out of the current year's playoffs and the next season's playoffs. 10. If a player is ejected from the games, manager is also ejected. If teams do not have the required number of players after the ejection, the game is a forfeit. 11. If a player is ejected more than two (2) times from a game for improper conduct, that player will not be allowed to play the rest of the season. 12. If a player is ejected from a game, the player shall not play in his/her next scheduled game also. 13. A player who is caught throwing a bat will automatically be ejected from the game. 14. Profanity Rule - Any player caught using profanity, a team warning will be given. The . . . . In-House Rules & Regulations Page 3 second occurrence will result in that player being ejected from that game and his/her next scheduled game. 15. Each team pays an eligibility/forfeit fee at the bel:inninl: of the season, which will total $100.00 The check will not be cashed and will be returned, provided your team does not have any violations. Any team that forfeits a game without proper notification to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department will pay $25.00 per forfeit. The fee for improper conduct per occurrence will be $25.00, and must be paid by your next scheduled game. This dollar amount must be received by the Park and Recreation office prior to the next league game. Failure to pay the forfeit fee will result in the loss of the $100.00 fee. The same fee will be paid for ineligible players and improper conduct. 16. Eligibility Protests: The protesting team must first prove their own eligibility and then prove opposing team's ineligibility. To prove eligibility, teams must match valid Minnesota driver's license to team rosters. Protests made on eligibility may be made prior to player entering the game OR during the game, but not after the game. The Park and Recreation Department reserves the right to pursue any player eligibility questions. If team rosters are not available, have each team member sign their name and turn the signatures in to the Park and Recreation office for investigation. 17. All players must carry identification and have it available for presentation at all games. Allowable I.D.'s include: Valid Minnesota Driver's License Social Security Card If a player is checked and cannot present identification, that player must sign their name and address on a piece of paper, and give it to the umpire to turn in. Verification then will be made about eligibility. If they fail to do so, they are ineligible to continue play in the league and the game in question will be forfeited. 18. Continued Participation Due to Injury. Bleeding or Open Wound: A. A player/substitute, manager, coach, trainer, bat boy or other team member or umpire who is bleeding or who has an open wound shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until the bleeding is stopped and the wound covered. 1. If treatment can be administered in a reasonable amount of time, the individual would not have to leave the game. The length of time that is considered reasonable is umpire judgement. 2. If excessive time is involved, the re-entry rule would apply to players. In-House Rules & Regulations Page 4 3. If there is an excessive amount of blood on the uniform or if a bandage becomes blood soaked, in the judgement of the umpire, the uniformlbandage must be changed before the individual may participate. 19. Drinking alcoholic beverages in prohibited while a team is playing the game. This includes managers, coaches, players and players on the bench. Violation: Forfeiture of the ~ame. 20. Managers, coaches and players shall NOT make disparaging or insulting remarks to or about opposing players, managers, coaches, spectators or OFFICIALS. Violation: Ejection from the ~ame. If player continues after being ejected, the team will forfeit the game. 21. Ejected Players: Any coach, manager or player ejected from a game shall be declared ineligible until she/he is reinstated by the League Director, or the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department. Any coach, manager, or player ejected from a game during tournament play will be prohibited from participating in any remaining games in the tournament. This includes sitting on the bench. . . .