1995 07 25 Agenda . . . File AGENDA PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDA Y, JULY U; 1995, 5:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 5:30 p.m. - Site Tours. Please arrive at City Hall before 5:30 p.m. A. Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School. Harstad Site (Minnewashta Boulevard) Curry Farms Park 7:00 p.m. - REGULAR MEETING B. Recognition of Dave Huffman, Retiring Commissioner; Mayor Chmiel. 1. Approval of June 27, 1995 Minutes. NEW BUSINESS 2. First Annual Review; Use of Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit Route as a Snowmobile Trail. 3. Proposed Subdivision Review: Preliminary plat request to subdivide 6.55 acres into 4 single family lots and variance request to Section 18-57(0) that allows up to four lots to be served by a private drive on property located at 6225 Ridge Road, north of Pleasant View Road, James and Karen Meyers. 4. Proposed Subdivision Review: Preliminary plat approval subdividing Lot 3, Block 1, Sunridge Addition, 11.27 acre parcel into one lot of 2.62 acres and an outlot of 8.65 acres on property roned RR, Rural Residential and located at 8950 Audubon Road, Marlin Edwards. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None. PROGRAM REPORTS 5. 4th of July Celebration Evaluation., Septemberfest Preview. ( ,j(/(VIA i\ '- ) a. b. ADMINISTRA TIVE PRESENTATIONS Director's Report. YlAJ ~ 2nd Quarter Park & Trail kevenue Report. Chanhassen Recreation Center. . 6. a. b. c. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS 7. a. b. c. Retirement of Dave Huffman. Task Force and Advisory Board Updates Other Business ADMINISTRA TIVE PACKET ADJOURNMENT I I . I . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN A 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission /4 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: July 20, 1995 SUBJ: Site Tours I hope you are not tired of si te toursl Chanhassen Recreation Center . I guarantee we can now drive to the site. Remem all those design/development meetings with the architect? You will be delighted with the r~~ults of your investment. Harstad Site The buildings situated on the park property are slated fO~.demolition. The commission, and others, have expressed an interest in possibly preserving the round house. The barn has also been characterized as a sturdy buil<:ling worthy of under the right circumstances. Demolition of the two story yellow house is not being Curry Fanns Pa to decide upon touring It is your call, Curry Farms Park is lite lly"sinlQng." A large area encompassing rightJield of the park's ballfield has been sinking since thepaik'scre~tion'......M~~.~~ ~2t.:x.terisiveiIilling operations have been carried out over the years in an attempt.~o f~~the hole to no avail. You can still catch frogs in ankle deep water all summer long in~~Curry Farms Park outfield. This situation has brought the future of this ballfield into qu~~tion. The park plan may have to be altered to accommodate this unstable ground. Staff needs your insight and guidance. . In addition, we will inspect the infamous Curry Farms Park asphalt "goat" path. It's future is also in question. . ,CITY OF CHANHASSEN B 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission 1~ \J/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: July 20, 1995 SUBJ: Retirement of Commissioner Huffman . As the commission is aware, Commissioner H~'ff>i is leaving town. What do you think- should we "kiss him or kick him?" Seriously,;.upon>~urviving the longest appointment process ever recorded by a commission member, Daye has b~~n an outstanding commission member. His outspoken and up front demeanor put him right iqto the thick of things over the past 15 months. Dave was willing to "dig in," displaying this Cittribute by working on the Bluff Creek Design Team. He also was not afraid tqi'stick to his gups" as displayed during the proposed referendum process. The City of Chanhassen would liketo acknowledge Park Huffman's contributions. MaycmDon Chmiel will present Appreciation at 7:00 p.m., just prior to the commencement Commission meeting.>.{\"fond farewell" cake will also be Recreation Commissioner David with a Certificate of the July 27 Park & Recreation with those in attendance. c: Mayor and City COuncil Don Ashworth, City Manager . ~ . CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA nON COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 27, 1995 Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Jan Lash, Jane Meger, Ron Roeser, Jim Manders, and Fred Berg MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Huffman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the April 25, 1995, May 8, 1995 and May 23, 1995 Park and Recreation Commission meetings were approved. CONCEPTUAL REVIEW. DEVELOPMENT OF 'STOCKDALE' GALPIN BOULEVARD PROPERTY. JMS COMPANIES. . Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. (Taping of the meeting began at this point in the discussion.) Meger: I guess I would just ditto some of Todd's comments as far as, I really don't have a problem with the name. I mane I could see...JMS Park or something like that but I'd be much more interested in seeing the grading done and the naming of the park going right along with that. Lash: I don't really have too much of a problem with the name either. The only problem I picked up on is that I thought it could possibly be confused with Meadow Green Park. Andrews: My only comment is I'd like to see this park happen and I think we're on the brink of having it happen and I don't want to blow it. As far as the name goes, I guess it's not so much that I don't like the name but I don't like it to be a condition of the sale. I guess I like the developer to have faith that we'll be wise and do the right thing and be cooperative but not as a condition. I think that's just kind of posturing point more than anything but as far as paying to have the grading done. I don't know what that would cost but I wouldn't want to see this thing fail because we couldn't find way to agree on that point. Meger: Any idea what the cost would be? . 1 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Hoffman: No idea but we would investigate that, and we now have on staff a heavy equipment operator and if we have the cost and it was $8,000.00, we would allow, most likely allow or recommend that that money be budgeted to allow that construction to happen. If it's significant more than that, we'd look aLso we have options to look to in the future in regards to grading. I hope to have answers for you as far as what the costs would be. Andrews: I have one other question for the developer and that is, Todd had mentioned that the degree of completeness for the park being rough graded, seeded, paved, maybe some open areas leveled for volleyball or whatever. If that was the level of completion that you were anticipating, or was it something more than that? Jeff Schoenwetter: That's exactly what we discussed. So that anyone looking at it could have a visual concept of the park. Andrews: Okay. I think that's as far as we would normally take it so. A misunderstanding of terms more than of actual end result. Can we have a motion on this? Manders: I just have one question, and maybe it's for Todd. In terms of access to the wetlands area, and I realize that this probably doesn't connect up with that, but is there any concept in terms of trail access through this park, or how does that fit in here? Is it just intended to link up to this road or what would happen? . Hoffman: Yeah, the interior trails is intended to hook up with the roads so we have access to the 17 lots. We did investigate the possibility of running the Meadows at Long Acres trail up and around and then connecting this southwest corner. There's a large wetland in this area and also we have the bottom of the hill at the back of these lots...before we hit the park. In lieu of that, the trails simply come out south of these properties to Galpin Boulevard and connect back up to the park. This is not a good option. Andrews: Okay. I wanted to make a comment about, I guess what I'd call item 6 which in your recommendation here you start out with an addition, a proposed trail easement located between Lots 14 and 15, shall be 20 feet in width and so forth. I guess I'd want to see point 6 being that that easement is actually paved prior to buildings be constructed. Again, what we've seen in the past is once people have their houses and then when we come back and say we'd like to pave that easement between your house and your neighbor's house, they come running in here and they don't want the riff raf and the berm peepers, as they've called them and the people that hide behind trees and all, you know whatever other terms but they don't want that trail there because it's changing the status quo. We'd like to see that easement paved so it's obvious and known to all that this is a linkage to the park and to our trail system. 2 . . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Jeff Schoenwetter: We'd agree to that. Andrews: Somebody want to make this as a motion then? Can we summarize the points Todd, or do we have to read them all in for the Minutes? Hoffman: You can state them that they're as written or changed. Items 1 through 6. Andrews: Well I'll give it a shot. I move that we accept staff recommendation subject to the following changes. That we accept point 1 as written. Accept point 2 as written. That point 3 be that the City would do that at unit cost rather than at developer cost with the option of having it be an in-house project, if it's to the City's advantage. Lash: Could you clarify that for me? Andrews: What I mean by that is, that the City would pay for the grading that the developer would incur, or that the developer would do. But if it was to our advantage to it in-house, that'd we have the option to do it ourselves. Lash: Why would it be to the City's advantage to do it? Andrews: We now have a heavy equipment operator on. Lash: I know. As opposed to them doing it at no cost to us. Andrews: Well it's not to our advantage to give that away. Lash: Right. Jeff Schoenwetter: We aren't willing to do it at the present... We're losing money that we're paying for that per acre, plus you've asked us to incur all the soft costs, management fees and operate that as a service to you. We feel that's a reasonable contribution but we can't, without even know what the city's grading plan looks like, this could be a $2,000.00 item or it could be $12,000.00 or I suppose it could be $100,000.00, depending on what the city's plan looks like. Andrews: My motion is that we. Lash: Okay, can I, I just want to clarify this because if you get it, then I'm not going to know what to do anyway if I don't know really what you're. Keep going and then I'll make my comments when you're done. 3 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Andrews: Okay, thank you. I have to ask Todd a question. Why are we waiving the fees? Lash: That's my question. Andrews: Is that a work off against the purchase price? Hoffman: Correct. Purchase price was higher than $24,000.00. ...to administer the engineering costs and that work. Andrews: Okay. Point 4 would be as written then. Point 5 would be as written. The additional point 6 would be that the trail between Lot 14 and 15 shall be shown as an easement and paved prior to construction of any buildings. And that's my motion. Meger: Second. Andrews: Motion has been made and seconded. Now, is there any discussion? Lash: I guess what my question was, and it's been answered but with the fees waived, I was thinking that the opt of waiving the fees was that we were getting grading. In the original plan that we had, we were purchasing outright this parcel at $24,000.00 an acre and that we . were incurring that cost. We're incurring that cost now plus we're waiving $20,000.00 in fees. What I was thinking is, I want to make sure that we're getting, that we're recouping the $20,000.00 in fees that we're waiving in some manner and my original thought, in the recommendation, was that the grading was the opposite of the $20,000.00 in fees that we're waIvmg. Andrews: Your response to that was that the cost was actually more than $24,000.00 so we're. Hoffman: Yeah. $20,000.00 will offset a variety of things. The additional cost, the way we purchased the land. However, in my...did not consume the whole $20,400.00 but then you can split that cost between the grading or administration grading or the administration of the... which side of the line do you want to come down on and how do you want to negotiate that. Andrews: Well this $20,000.00, I tell you we don't have a good handle as where that's going and what it's doing I guess. Hoffman: About $10,000.00 of it is going to additional land costs. And then...probably $40,000.00 project by the time, with $50,000.00 in parks by the time we're done with 4 . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . installation of the parking lot and those type of things and then we take a look at... administration. Andrews: So that works about a wash then? Hoffman: Yeah, pretty close. Andrews: Okay. Hoffman: ...you have and it's...added cost. Andrews: Any other questions or comments? Andrews moved, Meger seconded that the PaIK and Recreation Commission I~commends that the City Council approve the proposed FOI~st Meadow plat with the following conditions: 1. The park be platted as an outlot in the general configuration shown on the proposed plat. 2. The city shall compensate JMS Companies $24,000.00 per acre for the outlot at the time . of the sale. (The same compensation offered to Mr. Stockdale.) 3. The City would do the mass and finish gmding for the outlot pel' the city's plan at unit cost mther than at developer cost with the option of having it be an in-house project, if it's to the City's advantage. 4. All park and trail fees shall be waived for Forest Meadows. (These fees total $20,400.00 at the current rates.) 5. JMS Companies shall administer all work relating to the construction of the park's trail loop, trail connection to Fawn Hill Road, entry road and parking lot. The city shall pay unit prices for the materials consumed in this construction. JSM Companies shall assume all "soft" costs associated with this work. JMS Companies shall secure a minimum of three competitive bids for this work. These bids shall be submitted to the city for review prior to selection of a contractor. 6. The tmil between Lot 14 and 15 shall be shown as an easement and paved prior to constlUction of any buildings. All voted in favor, except Commissioner Lash who opposed, and the motion caIlied. . 5 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . LAKE ANN PARK BATTING CAGE OPERATIONS. Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item. Roeser: Okay, this $1.25 for 20 balls. Now if somebody brings a softball team out there and CAA has got 10 girls that want to practice, do you charge them? Ruegemer: It was my recommendation, I guess I'm kind of going, I'm agreeing with Jan to a certain degree on that. As far as kind of stemming from the gym's method of paying for the recreational facility. I guess I agree to a certain point about that philosophy. This is a...amenity that really is for the residents of Chanhassen and our youth organizations and I want the full intent of the CAA to use that and it's my recommendation that we let the youth organizations use that at no charge. Roeser: With no charge. But if I want to come out there and hit 20 balls, I have to pay a buck and a quarter. You're just talking about then individual people going out to hit balls . would pay a buck and a quarter but if someone wants to bring their team out, a CAA team. Ruegemer: Adult teams would pay. Roeser: The adult teams would pay? . Ruegemer: Yes. Roeser: It's the kids teams that wouldn't. Okay. And how are they collecting the money? It's not a machine where you put the money in, is it? Ruegemer: That's an option for future reference. If we would like to have this coin operated, there is I believe an upgrade on this machine that we can purchase additional equipment for that to make those coin operated. Berg: Something more for our snicker fees to hit. Roeser: Do you think you'll get it open this year anymore? Ruegemer: I'm not overly optimistic to really to get this, I would look at it more like the Spring of 1996 to have this fully operational. Really at this point it's...hasn't even began to put together the system. 6 . . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Roeser: Maybe you should have them set it up and let the CAA practice with it for the rest of the season and not set it up for the public or something. Ruegemer: Before the season's going to be 3 weeks long so we're really kind of...calendar of the baseball season. Lash: I have a couple of questions for Jerry. Which nights of the week does CAA play? Ruegemer: Every night. Lash: They play every night. Ruegemer: Yes. And the fields that, you know for instance that they're not using Fields #2 and #1, any open fields that I have are...adult program, they're using out at Lake Ann as well. Lash: But that they're actually scheduled games? They are? Meger: Would it be unreasonable, rather than having someone on staff running it to, for a program like you talked about with a training program where you let the organized sports people, let them know that we're running a program on how to operate the equipment and then they have access to the key and you have to have a trained person on site. Does that take care of our liability or? Andrews: It probably makes it worst. Ruegemer: Yeah I guess, that would really need to be, I know how the District program works and if that is the case, we would need to go through an extensive program of training for that and also as far as it relating to a key, just with our current Lake Ann situation. I'm not a big advocate of giving a key to everybody to that site. I don't want a lot of keys floating around so that if the Commission would choose to pursue that, that application for the operation of the batting cages, I guess I would make that a person like we do sometimes a training session than I wouldn't... coach. I'd like to have a select type of people that are going to be... Manders: What do some of the other cities that have batting cages, how do they handle those? Ruegemer: That, I did not check at all. I certainly can. The operational batting cages...more private. 7 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Roeser: I think Eden Prairie has a private one don't they? Ruegemer: Yeah. Roeser: Where you go there and pay your money. Andrews: I personally feel that three paid staff people there is a joke. Manders: Yeah, I do too. Andrews: I think you could have one person. there over seeing the operation of those that have been trained and that one person then would have the ability to run a machine for somebody who does drive up and say I just want to take my whacks. Somebody feed me the balls but I guess I think we need kind of a combination of we train or certify or whatever, that certain organizations have people that are trained and that we will have a staff person there to supervise. You know if they don't come and say I'm so and so and I'm on your list of people, then they don't operate the machine. Lash: That was my idea too but I was even thinking maybe a couple of nights, I was thinking if CAA only played 2 nights a week of just totally blocking it out for CAA, and then . we wouldn't have to hire anyone those nights and then if we had a list of people who were trained to use it, they can use it those nights free of charge but yet we're not paying somebody to stand out there and watch and then have it open to the public 2 nights a week or something. Andrews: Yeah. We could still do that. Lash: I have a problem with incurring a whole bunch of money on this thing. We should think this through. Andrews: It could be a real shrewd deal by CAA. They pay their equipment costs on a one time deal and then we incur the labor costs forever. But I guess my preference would be to see one staffer supervising those that have been trained and if nobody's there that's trained, then that one staffer would run one machine and that's it. Berg: The School Board is, or not School Board. Community Ed is thinking of when they have building monitors or whatever, that's what they are. If there's a special usage, they're hiring someone. They're paying them. It's not a volunteer type of thing. I'm sure that has to do with liability and the cost or replacing it and repairing the material. I have a question about the hours of usage. Do you think that's enough? 8 . " . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Ruegemer: From 5: 3 0 to 8: 3 O? Berg: Well if, it sounds to me like CAA's tying that up 5 nights a week. Basically you've got 5 hours on a Saturday morning. Ruegemer: Yeah. Some of my thought process behind the hours of operation was to really try to get, really to utilize, you know if we already have a staff member on 1 and 2, I tried to hit the key times. I didn't want the batting cage to be open all day. That type of thing. 5:30 seemed to an obvious choice with a lot of games starting at 6:00, 6: 15 in that timeframe. And then the second game potentially starting at 8: 15 under the lights. ... time having the batting cage open during certain portion of times where I feel... Andrews: One answer to that might be, if a group came up and said, we're a baseball group and we want a machine, they could do like building monitors, which is okay, if you want to use the machine at a different time, you pay the cost of the staff person to be there. Lash: Yeah. Hoffman: ...time earlier as well. 5:00. But I don't see any other time that would be necessary . Berg: And maybe CAA gets so many kids that there's not going to be that great of need. Andrews: We can deal with it. Ruegemer: If the Commission would like to see any type of change to the hours, those are... (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) Andrews: Can we have a motion please on this one? Roeser: What was that? What do you need a motion for? Andrews: Well I think he's looking for a motion as to what our policies would be here. Are we going to come back on this? I mean if we're just going to train and prepare, this is premature but. Ruegemer: Just to have a basic hours of operation, fee schedule. If we are willing to do something this summer. A staff person...what would you like to do...? 9 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Lash: So next year, if we were to have somebody there at $7.00 an hour, every night and on Saturday, what's that an annual cost then? We need to build into our budget, right? Andrews: One-third of what he stated. Meger: $1,365.00. Ruegemer: That was based on 15 hours...Roughly 15 to 17 hours. Roeser: What if we just make a motion that we don't open the batting cage to the public this summer at all and then just plan it for next summer. Then we'll have time to talk about it. If there's no little time left, when will they get it up, do you think? You have no idea, right? Ruegemer: Yeah. Roeser: It could be August. Andrews: It could be the end of July before it's ready to go. Berg: I like Jim's suggestion of letting it be a training session. Training time. . Roeser: Let CAA use it for training or something like that. Andrews: Training our operators. We'll get them through a lot more willingness now than we will in the spring. However, you're still looking for some direction for telling, here's what's going to happen or may happen or looks like it's likely to happen next year. This will be back on more agendas I'm sure but. Berg: I would move that we recommend to City Council, we don't have to do it to the City Council do we? That we adopt staff's recommendations regarding the use of the batting cage, items 1 through 4 with the stipulation that they will be reviewed regularly. Andrews: Did you want to have 3 staff people or only 1 staff person? Berg: One staff person. Lash: And that CAA provide training? For the coaches. Andrews: That organizations wishing to use it would have people attend training sessions. Is that acceptable? 10 . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Berg: That would be fine. Andrews: I'll second that I guess. Roeser: What exactly is it that we said Jerry? Ruegemer: Basically points 1 through 4. City provide staff, there'd be one staff person to supervise the area. Also, just an addition. Item number 5, groups using the batting cage need to go through some type of training session to... Andrews: And I don't know if this is part of a motion but I guess a comment would be that we foresee that the actual operation would not start until '96. Unlikely to start in '95, put it that way. Any more discussion? Berg moved, Andrews seconded that the following recommendations for the operation of the batting cages at Lake Ann Park, with regular review and evaluation by the Park and Reueation Commission: 1. The City will provide one staff person for supervision of the batting cages at a rate of . $7.00 per hour. 2. Hours of operation shall be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays between May 1 and July 31. 3. The fee be set at $1.25 for 20 balls. 4. The first option for use of two of the three batting cages be given to our local youth organizations, i.e. CAA, Minnetonka Girls Softball, Chanhassen Girls Softball, etc. and that the fee be waived for youth athletics. This will keep one cage open for the general public. 5. The batting cages are expected to begin operation in the summer of 1996 with the remainder of 1995 being used as training sessions for people in organizations wishing to use the batting cages in the future. All voted in favor and the motion canied. Hoffman: Just to clarify. These type of items are rule setting. They're under the full jurisdiction of the Park Commission. They're not by city charter in need of City Council approval. . 11 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . PROGRAM REPORTS: A. 4m OF JULY CELEBRATION. Ruegemer: We're coming up on the annual 4th of July celebration. We've all been eating, sleeping, breathing 4th of July these last couple 3-4 days. We have been really trying to attend to the daily...details of the 4th of July celebration to make sure everything's in place. I tried to guess everybody's sizes here too so if I'm off, you can exchange it. So just work on that. Did everybody get a brochure in the Villager and the Herald? It's just another one for FYI for you. Basically if you look through the July 3rd, all scheduled events are one side. July 4th are on the other side for easy reading pleasure. Everything should be highlighted. All the details are in there. That did go in the Villager and the Herald last week so everybody, that hit 8,600 homes last week. The Villager is going to be having a two page ad in this week's paper called the Schedule of Events. In that...so we're just busy putting together prizes and that type of thing for the prize board and the fishing contest. Everything else here so everything is on line. There's a lot of things to do and a lot of details to take care of so, we'll be working on that quite extensively. ...has been involved in that so that's the process and the process is going forward. Andrews: Alright, great. We're looking forward to another successful 4th of July. . Lash: I see you increased the Water Wars, since that was so popular. Andrews: 5(b). Ruegemer: Well, okay. Sorry, since this is..J do have volunteer sheet... Roeser: Is there going to be a booth? Is there going to be a booth at the trade fair? Ruegemer: Yes, there is. ...trade fair for the Park and Recreation so, big hit last year so the Park and Rec Commission would like to do that again. Andrews: Like I said, 5(b). Ruegemer: ...question/answer type of situation for you guys to be in for exposure. Manders: ...for this park referendum, you know educational opportunity. Andrews: Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. It's too bad that task force isn't further along with some sort of brochure handout or information. It would be great. 12 . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Ruegemer: What we have, I do have the shifts for that. Roeser: I've got to be in the centennial booth so I don't know. Ruegemer: In the trade fair, we had just a couple. Really 2 people I think would be suffice for that shift from 4:00 to 5:30 and then 5:30 to 7:00 for that and then if the Park and Rec Commissioners would like to just kind of carry over into the...area, we also have shifts for that as well...7:00 to 8:45, 2 people. And 8:45 to 10:30. We'll talk about that after the meeting. Andrews: Jan, I have to go so you're in charge of this. Lash: So do we have any volunteers. Ruegemer: Do you want to take care of that after? Lash: Oh, you're going to do it after the meeting? Okay. I had one question about the free food. Just like an answer. Who's paying for the food? . Ruegemer: The HRA. Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Lash: Believe it or not, people get kind of worked up about that. I mean you'd think they'd. Roeser: They sure stand in line. Lash: No, I know. They like the free food but they bristle at the thought that their tax money is paying for it and people from all over the whole metro area coming out here and eating. So I've heard that from several people. Hoffman: ...the last 3 years we've been balking at the fact that we're going to charge and we said, well if we're not going to go through with it, maybe for the Centennial and then... Lash: Okay. I just wanted to have an answer. B. SUMMER DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND. Lemme: The next two are mine and they're program reports. If you have any questions. I just wanted to inform you about what's going on in the programs. We're...The only thing that's really highlighted is...going really well and we're excited about it...both boys and girls that are helping on site. ...feel comfortable with our staff/child ratio but... . 13 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Roeser: When they get old enough, they can apply for those jobs. Lash: Do they get some kind of cudo when they're done? Lemme: Yeah, we're working on some type of a...some type of recognition. I don't know if it's t-shirts or what, but we're working on it. Manders: Something good for their resume. Roeser: Yeah, that sounds good. Berg: Super idea. C. TENNIS PROGRAMS. Lemme: Again, this is an informational for you. Tennis is going strong this year...third year. And Junior Tennis Team is doing great so again, it's just an informational... Lash: Any questions? Thanks Dawn. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: . A. LIFEGUARD OLYMPICS. Ruegemer: Thanks Jan. John Raby, with the Minnetonka Community Services requested the beach at Lake Ann again for the Third Annual Lifeguard Olympics. I know a lot of you have seen this in the past and it has been improved in the past. The day would be Sunday, July 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Lake Ann. They're expecting quite a few teams again from across the metro area. It's a nice way to show people our park and I know it's a nice setting for it. A lot of people enjoy that. And I was concerned about lifeguards on duty. John has agreed to have guards on duty during the competition just in case the general public would like to come down and use the beach. John informed me that really a lot of people that are coming down just enjoy watching the competition so, it hasn't been real busy swimming time during the Olympics but he assured me that there will be somebody on staff, or on duty to staff the beach during that time. So it's my recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission approve the Lifeguard Olympics for the Third Annual on July 23rd. Berg: So moved. Meger: Second. 14 . . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Berg moved, Meger seconded that the Park and Recl-eation Commission approve the Third Annual Lifeguard Olympics being held at Lake Ann on July 23, 1995 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. All voted in favor and the motion canied. B. PERSONNEL NEWS: Hoffman: Lots of big news. That's all I have. Lash: Okay, congratulations Dawn. C. 1996 BUDGET PREPARATIONS. Hoffman: The 1996 cycle will start here within the next month. We have two jobs before us. That is to update the five year CIP. Our current cycle is 1992 to 1996. We need to update that to 1996 to the year 2000 so...and then we'll be taking a long, hard look at the 1996 capital improvement program. I can tell you that there is significantly more revenue that past years has been generated in park acquisition and development. That's...We're not going to jump from $150,000.00...but I can tell you that...certain that we will have generated in excess of that... Lash: Is there any discussion or comments on his projection of when to do this? Do you want to do it in July? An extended meeting or schedule a separate meeting in August? Manders: Is it possible to get through it in a single meeting? Lash: No. Berg: I'd personally like to see a separate meeting. Lash: I would too. And I know I won't be here on the 25th meeting. D. DIRECTORS REPORT. Hoffman: The Park Task Force...is this Thursday morning. 7:00 to 8:30. All the resident applicants have been confirmed and... A date for the referendum has been set for I believe October 17th... Lash: Will that be after Oktoberfest? We would be able to use that weekend as kind of. Okay, good marketing. 15 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Hoffman: Thefts taking place at the Lake Ann concession stand...following up that. Lake Susan Park, Chan Hills Trail project is underway. The excavation costs were very high. Thus we're taking those over in-house...first portion of the contract... Roeser: That will be an extensive section of trail by the time we're done. Hoffman: Yeah...Lundgren's $80,000.00 segment as well. Staffing has been addressed again. Erik Donley is with us. Dawn has changed her shift schedule. We replaced Dawn's duties in the Senior Center with Kara Willems. And we've added two full time park maintenance people to the Park and Recreation Department. And the Park Commission will be in much better shape to be able to get work done in the future. Goose removal. Thank goodness... Vacant land. It never ceases to amaze me that it's becoming more scarce and more expensive every day... The Prince Community Center. I'm interested in... Berg: We really can't be sure how long that's going to last... Roeser: When they start parking on Highway 5, that will blow up in somebody's face. Lash: Well it's not a rec center. What they want to do is have it be a night club thing. Hoffman: Correct. They first applied for a non-alcohol night club. A night club is not allowed in the commercial/industrial... A recreation center is. . Berg: Gets them off the street. Hoffman: Powers Boulevard trail connection is an expensive piece. The trail segment from the corner of West 78th, right down here, and then on the east side of the road, up to Saddlebrook is in jeopardy. It's coming at the tail end of the project. Again engineers, they want to build their roads but the trails come at the tail end. The trail was added to this project mid-way and then the embankment was in question along that piece of road. They didn't want to build the trail without doing some soil testing and...so they've done it over the last 12 to 16 months. What they're saying is we can't guarantee you the trail's going to stay there. Well, maybe that's... The trail will still cost, at the low end, $100,000.00. At the high end, about $550,000.00, depending on which option you take. The City Council discussed additions and alternates to this work last night. They're not pleased to be spending money at the tail end of the project sO...any advocate work that you can do is appreciated. I'm convinced that... Future soccer complex, I believe we talked about...soccer complex on the Teich property. That is being looked at as part of the land acquisition. They would like your preliminary thoughts and opinions regarding this proposal. If you want to... 16 . . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Berg: More power to them. Go for it all the way. Roeser: It's flat. I can say that for it. They won't have to do much with it. Except keep it dry. Berg: It takes a lot of the pressure off of us if it happens. Hoffman: We have a Fall Conference in St. Cloud. Again we've always budgeted for attendance by commissioners. If any...you'd like to come up for half a day or... The financing is available for you to do that. Land donation. The O'Shaughnessy property is still pending. Mrs. O'Shaughnessy...nurturing that along. Item E, as far as the Administrative Presentations would be the appointment. Can you believe it, another appointment to the Bluff Creek Advisory Council...and you're aware, Bluff Creek Corridor is a two fold project. One being recreational elements, the trail construction and second being the actual water resources which are affected by the and contribute to the Bluff Creek drainageway. Diane Desotelle is working with the Department of Natural Resources, and...another agency in this effort. In that park and recreation land acquisition, trail development, land preservation...condemnation in the corridor. Involves land acquisition in the corridor. They see this commission as key to that Advisory Council. They will kick off with a meeting in late July and then meeting time in the duration of that task force will be discussed at that time. Diane Desotelle has asked that I request the commission to appoint a member to the Bluff Creek Advisory group. Manders: How does this differ from the thing that Huffman's on? Hoffman: Dave was on a charette. He was a charette design task force. That's one of the preambles to this. We had Jim and Jim on the task force already. Dave won't be around... we're down to 3, that I see. Meger: No idea about how long. Hoffman: ...task force. There may be a full time staff member coming in from the DNR to head up this task force and they have to get their work done. All the...so I asked for that information. Roeser: W eliI'm hiding behind the Centennial Commission right now. Which is a couple meetings, 2-3 meetings a month at least. Lash: Well when will we be getting some kind of word on. Hoffman: On Dave? 17 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Lash: Yeah. Hoffman: Well he still has... Lash: Well is he going to be coming back? Is he giving us a notice or what do you think is going to happen here? Roeser: No, we can't appoint him if he's not here. Lash: No, I know but what I'm thinking is how long is it going to be before, if he leaves, how long before we would fill the vacancy and then do we sucker that person into it. Hoffman: That's at the Council's discretion. Lash: That they would appoint someone new? We'd just run without a person until appointment came? Hoffman: When Dave left,... Lash: Well I know, but I thought they'd automatically want to fill it...I'm not up for it. . Meger: I'm just hesitant because we don't know the duration. Berg: Take it for as long as you want to. Meger: Put me down. Berg: That leaves only one person without a commission position, right? Lash: I have a question on, way back to the task forces, you said the appointments were made last night. Are you at liberty to. Hoffman: Say names? Lash: Yes. Hoffman: Well, if I remember them. Manders: Anybody from Power Hill? 18 . . . . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 Hoffman: Graupmann, Van Sant, Quilling, Blackowiak, Potts, and one more. Blechta... COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: Lash: Are there any commission member presentations? Berg: I just had a question. What happened to our Music in the Park series? Did I miss it? Lemme: We decided due to financial reasons, to give it a rest for a year. People being served proportions of their dollars spent... Berg: Okay, thanks. Lash: Any other Commission member presentations? Roeser: Yeah, I was wondering. I was looking at the mess they've got out there. They're talking about all the vandalism. Under age drinking. Glass containers. Dogs. Is the possibility coming soon that we're going to have people actually patrolling the park? I know Public Safety does. The policemen rarely get out of their cars. I mean is there ever going to be a time when there's going to be someone walking the parks...a little more than what's being done. Now Paula had Cub Scouts down there on Tuesday night and they had just a riot between 3 teenage girls and some poor guy. They're running around the thing. Swearing at the top of their, and all the little Cub Scouts are running around watching this going, oh it sounds like there almost should be someone in that park all the time. Ruegemer: Yeah that was, the Carver County Sheriffs Department was called in on that and people did get arrested down there. Erik was out there when that happened and he's the one that called the police. Roeser: I think we're getting to the point where almost. Ruegemer: Lake Ann is really changing. Taking on a different appearance really as far as, I don't want to say loitering but there's a lot more people hanging down there for lack of a better things to do, but it is certainly changing down there with everything... Roeser: Yeah I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be wise to have, maybe just in the evenings or from 4:00 on or something. It's getting a little bit spooky out there it seems to me. The few times I've been out there. Also, people drive awfully fast in that 20 mph speed limit. Lash: Any other commission member presentations? 19 Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Berg: If we're looking for a source of revenue, we should make a cut with Public Safety at Lotus. I took some kids there a couple days last week. Holy mac. They could drive by every 15 minutes and ticket people. At Carver Beach. The big beach. Just amazing. Hoffman: They ticketed people and somebody took every sign within a block and threw them in the lake so... Roeser: They took the signs that were down there? Berg: No parking on the grass. Hoffman: The no parking on the grass signs. The no parking... Roeser: I also talked to somebody that uses that beach and wondering why or if it wouldn't be a good idea to have a sign just...that tells people that they're swimming at their own risk. Hoffman: There are already. Roeser: Are there, because there is a drop off... ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: . Lash: Any other commission member presentations? Let's go to administrative packet and I had one question Jerry with the letter to the Rotary. What's going on? Ruegemer: Oh, what's going on with that? Lash: Yeah. Ruegemer: Just let me...community picnic portion. The concessions and I guess the community picnic portion of the 4th of July celebration was opened up. I guess solicitation was...service organizations to...portion of the celebration. The picnic portion of that. Whatever civic organization was willing to take that portion of the celebration on was given the rights to use the concessions for that evening. The Rotary was active in that but was looking for some type of compensation from the city to perform that service for the community picnic. The city was, this year was in no way of...were willing to take on the portion of the community picnic. Therefore they were given the rights to sell concessions for that night. Lash: The Rotary did it in the past, didn't they? 20 . Park and Rec Commission - June 27, 1995 . Ruegemer: Yes. In '93 and '94. Lash: Okay, thanks. Dawn. Lemme: I had one other little piece just came my way today. There's a meeting tomorrow night called the Summit. I'm not totally sure yet if I can decipher if this is just a first meeting and there's going to be a series of them or what they had in mind here but this is to take a look at the shared athletic facilities in the Minnetonka School area...It says, we also thought it would be appropriate for each city or School Board to send one elected official and one appointed official to this first meeting. I'm the city official I guess, so I'm looking for someone who would like to...and it says we will have you home for dinner. Lash: Okay, this is it. I can do this one. Roeser: I almost said alright, I'll do it but boy, you beat me to it. Lash: And what they're going to say is they want to send people who live there to come and use our fields, right? Is that what they want? . Roeser: You'll be home for dinner. Be home to make dinner. Lash: So this is tomorrow night already? Lemme: Yes. Roeser: It's in that old Administration Building in Excelsior? Lemme: Right. Lash: Okay. Any other comments on the Administrative Packet? Can we have a motion to adjourn? Berg moved, Roese.' seconded to adjoum the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion canied. The meeting was adjoumed. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Nann Opheim . 21 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: July 25, 1995 3 PC DATE: ~. CC DATE: --#/ HOFFMAN:k //1" I- Z <( () :J 0- a.. <( . ~ ~ W I- - (f) . STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat request to subdivide 6.55 acres into 4 single family lots and variance request to Section 18-57(0) which allows up to four lots to be served by a private drive. LOCA TION: 6225 Ridge Road; North of Pleasant View Road APPLICANT: James and Karen Meyers 6225 Ridge Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - City of Shorewood S - RSF, Residential Single Family E - City Parkland W - RSF (Ridge Road) COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The site is adjacent to park open space which is acquired during the platting of The Summit at Near Mountain. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The Comprehensive Trail Plan does not identify any trails which abut or traverse this property. This small subdivision was brought to the Commission's attention due to its proximity to existing public lands. Encroachment issues (private to public) are fairly common under the circumstances that exist at this site, e.g. heavily wooded and secluded. The applicant is requested to inform representatives and/or future owners of THE new households of the existence of the public land. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and recreation for Meyers 2nd Addition: 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. c: James and Karen Meyers Bob Generous, Planner II . . . l \\ . ....~:.:- 000000 Eo 0000 000000 00 0 (I) ..... CD It) ~ ..., 0 _ 0 g CD ~ rv T OF ~;;"~ T - $1 JrLAC LAiG Cll]ON I..=.-JAS ;,J! I I" II CI"~L1 ~A5Ir !;}LL' _ " I.o~ LAKE-"':' ~~ ~y~. Et4tW ~n1 I~ J.Q6 -' 1 f-lT ~~Il.~ow./" ~' . ~ ;rll.t: IClJ ::II l \ K ~ .,...~ '.!.j" ~ldPI ~r 63';1 0 \ ~n", ~~,;a5Jd-_/. \1 \ Jill", ~'"' Q...t:i'1\.. ( ~",,-,..~ ~~~J,LbST ~ \ljj ON'Jl- 'R;- \~J j' ~ ~ ~~ ~\i: , nf.il /~~ }.rr- ~ - " ;:]( P IE. AN "M:; o ~\~r3P,~v ~';x/ ~ Ct'RH't I LL~ ={ ':::: / ;:::. VZ\ ... \, . ........~~I.-~Ow..:,~( FARMS~ 1m ~ ~ ,.... lJ -~~ ,~~ - I 'r~~J, _ PAHK- _ .....::-:i'A' ./~~...., ) ~ r-- ~ L \I. ~~ . PHEASANrr ,-:. , -..ok. .~~~\.\.~~ ;'.. ~ -I.- f .', ,.Cf< HILL 2 LIs\rJ~fT~ y~~ ~ C(oL.J Ii """I r- ~ '"' ~ (R PARK 1&1 ~~ ./~" ~ tar 0 t; i\" '~ ~ c(~ve- r"h ,J,l ~ ' ~ ,HI IS ~ ~ g:] I ) Fi Ut. J r ~,~ ~l.\l\\:\~' Cy LANE l lU Y ~;. 0 Rl ~ :BI[[ " )-.... 1'1l=";' .~ 7'!i ~ '\. ~ ~ ~ ~~" ,/11 II I I' ,.-; \1 \ I J ~~/'; .~ 1\ dfJj' IllI"\.Iln ()ool'~ :::::: f'7Zh..JJ )f)~ - . I -- J I I I 14J~~f 1ft. '- lC CAR IE'H BEACH If! - l 1 LL b 'f P1IJJ' 8~ , PLAvGHOllNo..... ,~/ III ..:i E$TE~ to IIp-.. 1;~PA S'l"€,( - ............. /%'V .. SHENlNOOll1i Ii I '~~ . '1 rill j c,' OUI? l? ~ ~ CIRCLE kl A Iijr'- fJ:::. /ltlf. r ~ v~ IP _ ~~ 1'- _ ~ . . _~ if'I.\~...\-~g L~ capo.!! _ I- I ler L,; ~ \1\\ ,,;; ~~.-.~,~ I d = >- ~,~~' . ,. " '\,~ ~ l" ~ ~~ ~ Ii .~~ ,II. I .1t ~ ,'~ F" ~l\ ~) ~. ~IV ~J; :) OJ ~ /~ ~~!Iv~ M1 I ~ :9"'''''''0/__= ,:Pjt~ 7' ~ ""r ,"v.... ~ ~ '\~ i o. /}.r-::;Y -- i ' ~ l ./ '1l.JJ r{ " ~ '~qao. !'. LA K E Lye y .:~ ~ _ - -[\u..J V. I ~~lfW"W~ \~ ~,'/.-;:r _ ~ ~ 'r (\~ ~~~ '-":..::::- ( ~~ - \-h O;:-~ ""ll \..!,\ - URY , .,... _ ~:! z - ....... - ~ CIill-l )~ . I- '" . LA l\ .>, ~~ ,~'~l ~~.Y... u ICA '-~ - ~\-' r~ ~Il~~~ ~ ~.~ /. ~;/ :-., I I \~ I$-J ZPIl It.llll. o~.r" . ,-- '/ "-\, "GREENWOoo r\'(/,rTT \~ ~,.! L~~~ #.~~ SHORES ~U1J.I/~ \L/~..r.; eff/ . II. PARI __ ~ -':"1 . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH PRC DATE: July 25, 1995 Li PC DATE: T CC DATE: \ - HOFFMAN:k .g I- Z <( u :J a.. CL <( . ~ ~ W I- - · (J) I. STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat approval subdividing Lot 3, Block 1, Sun Ridge Addition into one lot of 2.62 acres and an outlot of 8.65 acres. LOCA TION: 8950 Audubon Road APPLICANT: Marlin Edwards 8950 Audubon Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: RR, Rural Residential ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RR, Single-Family Home S - A2, Lyman Boulevard E - A2, Audubon Road W - A2, Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: This site lies directly within the Bluff Creek Corridor. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This site lies at the Crossroads of three future trail linkages; Audubon Road, Lyman Boulevard and the Bluff Creek Trail. Park & Recreation Commission July 25, 1995 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY . The applicant is proposing a simple lot split creating a 2.6 acre lot around the existing home site and an outlot of the remaining 8.6 acres of the property. The outlot by definition is considered an undevelopable property until it is further subdivided. At that time, the property owner would need to provide the city with topographic data and wetland delineation prior to receiving final plat approval. The applicant has expressed interest in selling the outlot to the city for open space. The applicant and I have discussed this interest in a phone conversation. BACKGROUND The property was platted as part of Sun Ridge Addition, Subdivision 87-25, approved on October 19, 1987. PARK AND RECREATION REQUIREMENT OF THE SUBDIVISION 1. The applicant shall dedicate a 20 ft. wide trail easement outside of the right-of-way for Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard. Park and trail fees are not required of this subdivision. No new buildable lots are being created. THE FUTURE OF THE OUTLOT This subdivision will create an outlot of 8.65 acres. Some of which is designated as wetland, the . remainder exists as grass and crop land. Is the Park and Recreation Commission interested in pursuing acquisition of this outlot? Both parks and the Surface Water Management Program (Le. the public) would be benefactors of this acquisition. I do not have an estimated land cost. A TT A CHMENTS 1. Letter from Marlin Edwards dated June 12, 1995 2. Location map 3. Trail easement 4. Photo copy of an aerial photo 5. Survey . -I 1 ~el ~:..v.J - I'" ~~ \ . . / 111/7i7..I, II, t-.~-J ~ _ ~~~......... c,~\~S I .1 L-.. a.: ~~, ~ ~ '1 ~ - L I I" ~ .,. r ;.~.~.. ..J ~...\~,~ /... ~CJ-'QCj~ . ~ 1.1100 . ~II,m A . -7.::i;,~t, s~~~~~ Q AV~'lJ}-~vtL~ I LS ~j~~~ ~ r.L. ,::1 ~ " " r( I . r~lm: fdr11/tl ~ PARK r _llll...l ~'"~ '" ~rn .......,'y) -U~ ' ~ ~"1/1 IT T /U ......c:;-~ ~ -- 1.r /~ ~m~R rt ~~ ~ V J/rT--;;;:'1'; ~~~~ ,1/7\1\ I I~Gj r 11'a ~ ~~ : E~l~~7& It "" T() ~ . ~'Qv -1M~~ ~./':<' -i' t< A DE!: r\ k$>~"'" RTH7~ <---:,,< ,'l __, ~ .,., ,4~n~I1!!'~' \'PARK l..J0~' :> -u - fJ-1:ff/t=J . 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I \ t ,~___: ~ ~,__---- ~~..f-'- m"" /11 ; I ~ ~ "" '~ <., - ~ .. -I" i !t--, 1'0 :"l I;: . .--~ . IOTE: IMAGES 'OF OBJECTS NOT AT GRO,UND LEVEL MAY BE DISPLACED. . 200 I 400 600 ~ 800 I 1000 FEET I ALL RIGHTS DOCU MENT M. ANY MANNER C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . . . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Bob Generous, Planner II Steve A. Kirchman, Building Official~ct.~ July 7, 1995 95-12 SUB (Marlin Edwards) TO: FROM: DATE: I was asked to review the site plan proposal stamped "CITY OF CHANHASSEN, RECEIVED, JUN 19 1995, CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT." for the above referenced project. ISTS Sites. Chanhassen City Code requires that two ISTS sites be located and shown for each lot. The location of an alternate ISTS site should be . determined by a Carver County licensed ISTS site evaluator and approved by City staff. Analysis: Recommendations: The following condition should be added to the conditions of approval. 1. Show the location of an alternate ISTS site. This must be done before final plat approval. g;\safety\sak\memos\plan\edwards.bgl . )-1 I - ~~ ~:~..lt.'_L ---.J rTj -, . ~1\1!7h111 t- ~ "'\\Rr:l~ \ ~\~S \ . ..,..,......\. I ~ - F~ c:,\ I . ~ -- ---L: - cou ~ '-. I J ~ ~ l t~ I JE 0" 0 c ~-D:,'Ii- ~ ___ 7 ! 'r! ( /It. rP ~fLll f~lf ",sff3JiW ~ liP ARK ~/![I rj!)':'I{':) ,~- TJl[ ~~ J ~A/ \/,'IT4~H-":;;~ .\ y/./ -- --i:. /l~ I....L..!JJ ~II ~ {.:' VALLEY /Q a }- J::f --<! ~ ~ i &'~~~~fl ':-:~~~) , 9l ~~" ~ ",.. ~.JVLay~~ I~~N~EV'Q' 11~ ,~ ~ H P A EJ I \)\:^ . \ ..~. 1 JA ~"<Z .& #P' I 'c ,\_\ 1/ "''I T.\:" , .:.~,'x;: -r ~,' ~ 1[- -~I'-'''''' 01-- o t ~ 900 0 ~ ~ (j~ll;ti';) iE?JTJj '. T 1 "c~-::;U r"'~:i> L Y M W - ~ r/-[OCA'~I ~ "'- - (C.R.IS) - II .0 9200- ~ o -~ - 9300 3800 ..-.'r.... ! ,...,>. t .'&.-/ ........."... "...'.. i...____.l /...1- r....:...) L,..-...I ...., ~ '--~ ,/- A'~q, / / ~, .J ---./ ~t-. / /...... I l..... /1'... ,,' ~ ....1--- ... 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: July 20, 1995 1\\ FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor SUBJ: 4th of July Evaluation MONDAY. mLY 3 Trade Fair . A total of 40 businesses participated in this years fair. I will recommend to the Chamber that the tent size be increased to 40 x 100 year. With the trade operating at capacity, little room was left for aisle The Park and Recreation Commission booth was well received. Water Wars The water wars game was a bi~.hit again this year. The increased participation. W.ater Wars would love to come bring a double gam~i~9peOple wouldn't have to wait in revenues totaled $97.20. weather Monday evening again next year. They would long. Our 15% of the gross Face Painting Two face painters were hired this year: The people will be hired next year. and 1-2 additional Carnival Games . The Minnetonka Honor Society helped staff the booths for the carnival games. Their contributions helped greatly. The games are popular, however new games should be added next year. Games should be added for older kids so they have a chance at winning a prize. We will seek an organization to coordinate the carnival games. Chanhassen Lions Club Concession and Beer Garden The Lions maintained concessions throughout the evening. The event was so successful that the beer and food ran out before the street dance concluded. Overall the Lion's were pleased with the $2,000 + dollars they generated. . Community Picnic The Lion's planned and ordered enough food to serve 2100 people. It was not enough Moon Walk The Moon Walk is always popular. I will schedule again. Kiddie Parade The Kiddie Parade is getting bigger and bigger every year. An estimated 800-900 kids and their parents participated. Dataserv donated 500 can coolers to hand out to the kids. As the parade increases in numbers, additional volunteers are needed to ensure the safety of the people participating. Scott Harr, Public Safety Director, has been a major asset to our department in coordinating public safety personnel. Horserides . The Eden Prairie Horseman's Saddle Club provided the rides again this year. The hockey rinks are a nice place to have the rides. The boards work out well to confine the horses. The only negative is the wet conditions which often exists in the rinks. The horse rides are popular and will continue. Additional horses are needed to shorten lines. Street Dance The Fabulous Hi-Tops performed again this year. A bigger area in front of the stage is needed for a dance floor. The Ziegler generator provided enough electricity for the Hi-Topps requirements. TUESDAY. JULY 4 Softball Tournament Not enough teams. Try again next year. Adult Fishing Derby Overall registrations were lower than last year, but the regulars enjoyed the tournament. This years new bass category had mixed reactions from a couple of the participants. They felt the . smaller prizes for the bass category wasn't fair. Since Lake Ann is a catch and release lake . . . for bass, every contestant was given a ruler to measure the bass and were on their honor sy stem to report the length of the fish. A few people in the bass category elected not to accept their designated prizes and put their name in to be eligible for the door prizes. I believe that is their choice if they would like to do that, and overall people were happy with the tournament set up. However, additional ideas will be sought out to improve the contest. Kid's Fishin~ Festival A record 140 kids registered. Expanded boundaries are needed to incorporate more people. It would be convenient to have weigh in stations; one by the pier and one by the boat access to make it more convenient for our participants. Sandsculpture We had very detailed entries again this year, making the judging harder. The sand sculpture area should be expanded next year to give the participants more room. Cyril Paul Band The rain didn't dampen the spirits of this uplifting band. The band set up in the pavilion and played for the crowd. They are a great band and I would book them again. Treasure Hunt Playground staff did a great job again this year on the clues. Will continue. Rollerblade Demonstration Cancelled due to the rain. Will definitely be back again next year. Family Games Keep having a lot of prizes and keep down by the beach area. Hula Hoop and Limbo A crowd favorite. Prizes for everyone. Inner Tube Relays The rain dampened this event and not many participated. Everyone won a prize. Try again next year. Music in the Parks Billy Scherer from Hoffman Talent Agency performed a wonderful show in the pavilion. He had a great range of music and was very talented. I would consider him for other events. Fireworks The launch site worked out good again this year. The fireworks show was delayed because of the rain. Many people were unhappy and left before the show started. However, when dealing with explosives it was better to delay the show than to rush and create an unsafe show. We will continue to close off trail entrances and increase patrol through these areas. Other than the delay, the fireworks were worth the wait. The finale was one of the best I've seen. Next year the 4th of July is on a Thursday, and I suggest the following schedule: Wednesday, July 3 Street Dance, Trade Fair, Carnival Games, etc. Thursday, July 4 Family Fun Day - Lake Ann, Fireworks, Fishing Contest, Derby's, etc. . . . ( . 1995 4TH OF mLY FINANCIAL REPORT Supplies Chanhassen Bait and Tackle Target Y oungsted's Goodyear Signsource Andon, Inc. Oriental Trading Company Cabin Fever Sporting Goods Merlin's Hardware Sally Distributors AMC Sales Real Gem Jewelry & Awards U. S. Toy Company Festival Foods GT A, Inc. 1000.00 (estimated) 273.15 211.94 153.89 145.95 127.90 111.83 106.02 55.65 30.54 24.00 23.25 17.42 lQ.11 2292.31 . Contracted Services Banner Fireworks 10,500.00 M. A. Apparel 2,748.36 Hi-Tops 1,450.00 Kind Design 885.36 Cyril Paul Band 875.00 Hoffman Talent Agency 500.00 Fun Services 327.25 Maund Entertainment 120.00 Signsource 55.00 Little Caesars 48.60 17,509.57 Promotionall Advertising Mid America Printing 1,891.65 Southwest Suburban Publishing 928.60 Minnesota Sun Publications 315.53 Victoria Gazette 75.00 . 3,210.78 l Tents/Chairs Skyway Tent Rental 2.806.28 . 2,806.28 Total Expenses Total Revenue 25,818.94 1.387.42 24,431.52 . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN fob 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director ;# DATE: July 20, 1995 SUBJ: 2nd Quarter Park & Trail Revenue Report . The city is in the process of implementing ne'YcoijIputer software. June closings are not yet available. Look for a six month revenue report in August. . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN ht!- - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor D.\[, July 20, 1995 FROM: SUBJ: Chanhassen Recreation Center . The clock is ticking down to the opening of th~\):"{~creation Center. The interior of the building is looking great. Carpet and tile are iti, th~. gym and dance/aerobics flooring is in, as well as lighting fixtures and shelving. Soon t()arrive (this week and next) are tables, chairs and other community room furniture. Bids are in f6~exercise equipment and I am currently comparing prices and quality along with endurance. Overall it is looking more like a recreation center as each day passes. Employment advertisements will be out this week in local and metro area newspapers and August 1 in the MRPA Job Bulletin..] also plan on mailing job listings to colleges and universities, and to those who have expressed interest overthe past few months. Other areas currently being worked on have to do with ensuring the cOrnPuter sy stem is up and running, policies and procedures, hiring. fall instructors and ordering equipment. The doors are expectedtobeopenonSeptem1Jer.~andJwould hope to begin a majority of the exercise anqii~g~Pfogr(lrnstlJ.~.\Vee1c f9Jl9\VWg'i()~~m.~~1l1s,usepf~.l(.~.!~.~~ equipment, and room rentals wiJliP~~i~ immediately. A grand opening celebration is sch~quled for October and a special Charihassen Recreation Center promotional brochure will go out in early August. I look forward to hearing the commission's the facility! and suggestions following your tour of . . ADMINISTRATWE SECTION . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN / . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Erik Donley, Park & Recreation Intern DATE: July to, 1995 SUBJ: Lake Ann On Monday, July to, I was contacted by Jon ~a Ie. from Minnetonka Community Services. He informed me that picnickers have contacteclhim.<'\Vith complaints of stolen food at Lake Ann Park. Apparently while coolers have been leftllpattended, thieves have stolen the food . and left the empty cooler behind. Jon believes that th~. teens that we have had problems with in the past are responsible. I just wanted.to bring this 10 your attention. c: Mayor and City Council Park & Recreation Commission Scott Harr, Public Safety Director . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Dale Gregory, Parks Superintendent Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Mike Wegler, Streets Superintendent FROM: Jill Sinclair, Forestry Intern John Rask, Planner I DATE: July 19, 1995 SUBJ: Compost Site Alternatives . The honeymoon is over. Bandimere Park hopefully be on to bigger and better things in the very near future and saying so long to its little tagalong partner, the compost site. Therefore, a new home needs to be found for compost in Chanhassen, some place that has enough room for the ultimately expanding service, easy access, and a very long lease. In hopes of solving the problem, we'd like all of us to meet on Thursday, July 28 at 10 am for a brainstorming session. Please let either Jill or John know whether or not you would be able to make it at that time. . ~ Survey on Outdoor Skating Rinks in the City of Mound CITY OF MOUND .' The City of Mound Parks and Open Space Commission seeks public input on the use and maintenance of outdoor skating rinks. Your valuable input will assist the commission in formulating a recommendation to the City Council. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Simply circle your answer and write comments in the area indicated at the bottom of the questionnaire. Thanks for your assistance. . 1. Would you and/or your family use a public outdoor recreation skating rink? Yes No J \~ ~1f)(} / l / f'f~' 2. What site for a recreational skating rink would be most convenient? A Mound Bay Park B. Westonka property behind the Pond Arena C. The previously used site behind the Grandview School D. Other 3. What facilities would you like to have at a recreational rink in the near future? Please circle as many as apply and add additional comments Warming House Wind shelter Concessions Restroom . 4. How important is young adult supervision of the rink and facility? Please circle one Not important Somewhat important Important Very important 5. Would you support a skating rink that charged a nominal users fee? Yes No 6. What hours would you use the facility? Weekdays Weekends Week nights Weekend evenings 7. How important is DAILY maintenance for the rink? (This could include plowing, brushing, skimming and application of a fresh sheet of ice.) Not important Somewhat important Important Very important 8. Please add any additional comments. Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Please fold this sheet into thirds with the return address showing, tape or staple bottom and drop in the mail. Or, you may fax your response to 472-0620. IRDI B R W INC. Pl,mning T ransporta tion Engineering Crban Design Thresher Square 700 Third Stred So. ~Iinneapolis. M:--; 53.H5 612/370-0700 Fax 612/370-1378 .er aukee ~Iinneapolis Orlando Phoenix Portland San Diego Seattle . July 12, 1995 Mr. Mark Jay Jay Bros., Inc. 9218 Lake Drive N.E. Forest Lake, MN 55025 ~~ i= g"'}p~l:r;,,) 2 ~= .,;....t 'tJ~:l..~ j u ,_ .~ :'. 1995 elr' ur '-......i\iH QC:(:c~.' ..;, ,. d''4,o'~L-l ~ RE: CSAH 17 Wetland and Pathway Improvements Yuma Drive/Lotus Ravine Water Quality Project City Projects 93-29 & SWMP 12A . Dear Mr. Jay: A preconstruction conference will be held for the above-referenced project on Tuesday, July 18, 1995, at 2:00 PM at Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive. Your project manager and! or job superintendent(s) should attend this meeting as well as any or all of the subcontractors that you feel necessary. An agenda for the preconstruction conference is attached for your information. Please call me at 373-6479 if you have any questions. Sincerely, JWc. /~ Gr~own,PE Project Engineer GSB Enclosures cc: Charles F olch/ Chanhassen Diane Desotelle/Chanhassen Todd Hoffman/ Chanhassen Dale Gregory / Chanhassen Jim T eis/ Chanhassen Phil Gravel/BRA Jon Horn/BR W Scott Coozenoy/BR W File 3023AOO /VelTE 70 CC-4"~//55"/~/f/E,cS.. ~/ ~ /.A::'4'/~ / 0 C/72t/f/#~:re.A/ &-/~J- ?'~/41'.? $6 ?b~//",d 6"/?, B.,&- /~-?:J-~~,~8~~ ~ AGENDA . CSAH 17 Wetland and Pathway Improvements Yuma Drive/Lotus Ravine Water Quality Project City Projects 93-29 & SWMP 12A Preconstruction Meeting, Chanhassen City Hall July 18, 1995, 2:00 P.M. 1.0 Introductions 1.1 Owner's Representatives 1.2 Contractor's Representatives 1.3 Project Designers/Inspectors 1.4 Others 2.0 Scope of Work 2.1 CSAH 17 Wetland Excavation 2.2 Bituminous Pathway 2.3 Yuma Drive/Lotus Ravine 3.0 Scheduling/ Coordination/ Supervision . 3.1 Correspondence 3.2 Construction Staking 3.3 Construction Materials Testing 4.0 Permits 4.1 Riley/Purgatory/Bluff Creek Watershed 4.2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4.3 Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 4.4 City of Chanhassen 5.0 Payments/Billing 6.0 Miscellaneous 6.1 Erosion Control 6.2 Barbara Court Properties 6.3 Tree Clearing 7.0 General Comments 7.1 Chanhassen 7.2 BRW 7.3 BRA . 7.4 Jay Bros. Ci!yof INVER GROVE HEIGHTS July 3, 1995 ~t" ~E~v;:r:, 1."It"~: . "" L~.., ~ 1Ii.ez V.""-' {"l ........ Todd Hoffinan, CLP - Director Chanhassen Parks & Recreation 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ,\,. "igqL ..l ~..! I . C~lTY \.ir '_)~-iJ ." ...,/.::~" Dear Mr. Hoffinan: I am delighted to inform you that the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Awards Committee has selected your Annual Sponsorship Program and your "February Festival" to receive an MRPA Award of Excellence for the Volunteer Sponsorship and Programming Categories respectively. . This year, the Awards Committee granted the Award of Excellence to fifteen projects which include the following: :11_llJlltj~l!*~~f:!:iliM:~::tt~llij::j:j::~j~II.III1f~:j~~jjij:~~ri~l~j:il::IIIE.IlB._~j~:~~:~:~:~jii:jj~ljjj:!:!j:~:~j~:j:j~jj:j:~j~jj:j!ji City of Chanhassen City of St. Paul City of Shoreview City of New Ulm City of Chanhassen City of Eden Prairie City of Brooklyn Park Volunteer Sponsorship Programming Programming Programming Programming ProgranuPlng Programming Annual Sponsorship Program Lake Phalen Children's Canoe Camp Teen Conditioning Club Intergenerational Camp February Festival Leisure Discovery Days "Halloween at the Haunted Historical Farm" City of Brainerd Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Facilities Facilities Doris A. Kemp Park Community Center "Northern Lights": A Winter Wonderland at Oak HiIl Park Community Center Kiwanis Park Sliding HiIl Shelter "The Bridges" Golf Course and Practice Range MiIls Field Memorial Park Project "Play Forest" City of Champlin City of Maple wood City of St. Louis Park Facilities Facilities Facilities City of Becker City of Hutchinson City of Moundsview Facilities Facilities Facilities . 8150 BARBARA AVENUE · INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, MN 55077 TELEPHONE (612) 450-2500 · CITY OFFICE FAX (612) 450-2502 · POLICE FAX (612) 450-2543 In July, August or September, a member of the Awards Committee will come to your Community to present your Award of Excellence before your City Councilor Park and Recreation Commission. Please let me know (at 612-450-2588), when and where you would like the award presented. Please call soon so we can arrange for this presentation by one of our Committee members. If possible give us 2-3 possible dates so we can arrange for a presentation on one of the days suggested. . If you feel it is appropriate, you may wish to invite a member of your local press to the presentation to take photos. The benefits, of course, are that it provides visibility and recognition to your project and agency, and it also creates an awareness of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Again, Congratulations, on your wonderful accomplishment! Si~~QMj\ Marcie Padgett, Chair U MRP A Awards Committee . . . . . Ballmeisters Proposal to Chanhassen HRA Proposal The Chanhassen lIRA investigate with city staff the types of assistance that would be legal and sensible to help germinate a business inviting family participation, and is particularly attractive to middle and high school students. The following type of business has a relatively high risk without financial support from the community. Proposed Business Description Ballmeisters, Inc. is a locally owned business operating in the old Frontier Center warehouse behind Maytag in the dinner theater complex. The facility contains 22,000 square feet of space, 17,000 of which is under a 20 foot ceiling. It offers a variety of sports and leisure activities featuring: 1. 3 permanently fixed batting cages, and two available on demand during peak times that are converted from other uses. 2. An indoor wifIleball stadium, the first known. 3. An arcade consisting ill11}r. of sports related arcade games. 4. A restaurant that operates during hours mostly used by teens and featuring entrees from local restaurants who make the food that is delivered to Ballmeisters. . 5. A sporting goods and sports apparel retail area. 6. A daytime use facility for stay at home parents and day care providers to help fight cabin fever in the winter while students are at school. 7. WifIleballleague play for people of all ages. 8. A rock climbing wall 9. A golf driving range and virtual reality computer golf course. 10. Athletic instruction in baseball, softball, basketball and other sports. 11. Overnight lock-ins. 12. Open facility for indoor baseball/softball tryouts during inclement weather. Mission To offer sports and leisure activities that facilitate physical and social development among our youth. Desirable development results from strong parental and community support for their special needs. That support is realized through activity participation, respect for privacy, and financial supplements. Operations . The hours are: During School Monday to Thursday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Sunday 12:00 am - 10:00 pm Summer 10:00 am - 11:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 am - 11 :00 pm Staffwill consist of 1 operations manager working 40 to 50 hours per week, one adult facility supervisor working at all times, and student attendants working at various tasks. Key Advantages 1. Location is in a retail area with an industrial price tag. 2. Accessible from 9 communities by three major highways. 20,000 kids aged 7 to 18 live within a 10 minute drive. More than 1,000 kids are in easy biking or walking distance. 3. Virtually no competition in the market area, certainly none in Chanhassen. 4. Strong community reacreation program (CAA) for easy marketing. 5. Blends well with TIF development proposals for family entertainment area. 6. Several restaurants within minutes offacility. 7. Public safety officers and emergency personnel within minutes of facility. . Keys to Success 1. Relatively low overhead 2. Versatility of space easily converted to a variety of activities. 3. Constant use. 4. Safe and wholesome environment and clientele. 5. Quality programming. 6. Community respect for the needs of middle and high schoolers. Strategies for Success 1. City assistance in delivering an affordable opportunity for youths in particular. 2. A nicely finished and lighted facility. 3. Wholesome and safe activities. 4. Cooperative marketing with city park and rec. 5. Strong relationship with church youth groups, and other youth organizations. 6. Employ high school age youth. 7. Strong business community involvement. . . Red Flags 1. Youth oriented businesses yield very stingy success rates for profit businesses. 2. The business must be inviting to teens, not their permissable habitat. 3. The wrong element is invited for conversion reasons, but not for take-over reasons. . . " CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 July II, 1995 Ms. Jane Meger 405 Highland Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Meger: IE' ,Y4#~~/~ h 77E~ The first meeting for the development of the Bluff Creek Watershed Plan will be held on Tuesday, August 8, 1995 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 tQf at the City Hall Council Chambe~. Please make every effort to attend since we will be s<;h~duling future meeting dates and setting the agenda and goals for the project. Your support and input on this project is much appreciated. I am looking forward to working . with you to provide a plan for City Council that will provide natural resource enhancement and protection within the Bluff Creek Watershed. Please me at 937-1900, extension 156 if you have questions. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~~Z{ Diane Desotelle~~:gt Water Resources Coordinator c: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director SWMP-IE g:lengldianelbluffcklsteerl.let . .. "'l!'.:, ,~{..:-:. 0>.<0' I" , J;', .' f-. .,j.'; no $;,.. .~-:.,. . 'In ~. ( .;. <;i ,,~ /~~:.~~'~.~;;~. .''- ..~~ ":'~'~ .y :..: .... tJ' :" . '.':,..>=, :.~.; .<~ l) c,::.;, i: >, '~'.i> ..,. -;:;. fo.c:,..:e._','-:~',-;~; -;,:;: '~..' "', .;' ,',,, V-'. ,'",'0 ,,,," :';. 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'..:. .,..~.~~'.-:::...-:~~\1.~~~:t~~~J~f,\g~;.; , '~ te.I)J.lI~(i?~pY~.[i-'. 5 t ~;;[/XgtirJ6eA:,1 , "SU~y~}~~cffl ~{r;,'" "'" """':~.>-J.'\ --'_____d_~~:.:2.\ -:.'":. :i;';.; ;~~~~~' . ;-l~;"':~~. ..-" . ",'.1", , \:'~ . ~ r. -. Facility Supervisors Location: Chanhassen, Minnesota Salary: $7.00-9.00 / hour Description: Permanent part-time positions up to 32 hours per week. Responsible for the daily operations and supervision of the newly built 23,000 square ft. Chanhassen Recreation Center featuring a gymnasium, community meeting rooms, conference room, fitness and aerobic/dance rooms and locker areas. Duties include customer service, computer scheduling and registrations, program/room setup and takedown, ordering, light maintenance, and others as assigned. Requirements: Degree or currently working towards a degree in Recreation, P .E. or related field is preferred. Strong com m unication and organizational skills required. Deadline: August 4, 1995 Contact: Applications may be obtained through the "Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. or submit resume to Dawn Beitel, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. 612-937-1900 x144 ',,~, ,Special thanks tolhe sponsors of ~,~t-).. _. . Chanhasse.n's 1995, GOLD Businesl'-l.. ,rl Acroloop MotiOl1"C6llh-ol Systems, Inc.; Americana Community Banlt;.-Clanhassen Medical Center; DayCo' Concrete Company, Inc.; Edina Realty; J & R Radiator Corporation; Mich.~i:J. Leonard, DDS; Merlin's ~ce Hardware; PMT CoipOration; Ridgeview Business Health Services; Ridgeviei~~orts & Healtb Medicine; Riviera Lounge ana Restiul~t; Roberts Automatic Products; Scott & Associates, Inc.;"SiW' Source, Inc~; SuperAmerica. ..' "' -'" :,+ {~" . Individ';a4':~1 , Business Anh L~ Oriental Cuisine; Brown's Amoco; Brown's Tire & Gray Fo!: Iuteriori OIif Auto; €ameo Clea"ersi Carlson Travel NetworklCbanbassen Tr,"vel; qiaAhassen '+qaerican Legion Auxiliary Post 5JI0; Cbanhlis!ielt Bait & tackle; Chanhassen Kitcben & Bath; Cbanhassen Snowmobile Club; Country Suites by Carlson- Chanhassen; Holasek Greenhouses, Inc.; Holiday Stationstorej Indp.'pendent Brokers Realty; Ivan's Sinclair & Auto Repair, J~ sOOttyBuilcler6; Miles Lord & Associates, Law Office; Merit HVAC, Ioc.; Minnesota Landscape Arboretum; Travel Agents International; Wendy's Interna- tional .. It.. ,.~{"'. \.~. '. , . CoT'pfirate . ('.' . Byerly's; InstantWeb CompaniesiPillsbury Bakeries & ,I<'ood Service' , . . ':: '. BtuillcSS , Chanhassen American Iigion Post 580; The Cbanbassen Bank; Festival F~s; Triax Cabievision . Individual , Accelerated,Conmlting Services, Inc.; Cbanbassen Child Development Center; Darrell Rodenz Accountingffax Services; Hair for Guys & Dolls CONTRiBUTING Corporate Chanhassen Dinner 1:heatJ:CS; Northern States Power Co. , ,~:.: ~./rl.~tfl~' ,q ..~ 1 '" ~\~ ~~' :.:::,'(,;-$ -,;;~~~!",.., .....{'-........'..j-&~.c... , .-".;,- . 1 ~ SI~VER '~k ~< \ """.. ,a"o,0 ~i"~ ~.,,;~ ..~~if' COrporatt:jl Rosemollnt, Inc. .Ur;; : .):~ Business :.1 Emerson EMC, L~~IJ~I,awn & Garden . '~G~BRONiE 'i"I' Corptiirli(e . DataServ, Inc.;' RtcImond Products, Inc. nr;:.r; . t:~ ";':' \,'- ,( '\:1 (.' , ~'.:,. ':;'1.::1 "l ,;.u l. i' (l The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department , . apprecIates your support! I JIll JIll JIll""" "-I ~j 'I . .. . ":~""r::: .~... ~1:r..:.1:~~: J .. .\....;~': ;'.}o:. ". 'f;:' . .... .' ,;'~-"l:-:".~...~.~'>''-''''~' :. ,- ~ ..~,.. ... . 1". <t~~ ~;:"~"~-.,,,, '-"'<:;~7::y'7;:~_::~:',<"~~~";" :.:." +", ~':", ;ii~~l:::~'iF1~~'~\~~'~#~k~""~f,i~~~F'~~"" , , .'.. 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'~."ti,.;'''Ii-.w~~~~~!<y~~' ~AA~;;(".:' ,!""'",,P' " ,Pett\~'ttiefl:s'-.:;. j ~pp e O'~ .,1 -'e"'~ Ie' a'''c.-=e' ".;r , _~iR tt.ii.",~~,~~.7 'L'",~..:. .c," ',' f 'r iI I.;.., -,'. 1:1 IIf~""";t.r"(1''\'' ,..~if.:1i""'.\""""";"';""""~"<":"" " ; ~'.' ,~~.;.:::,..', ,,~, . ,,'>:,;-,,:.' ,;t':::';f:};~~',;;':'~.:i'1:n":\,V.;',,: I,::.' ;...~;;;i!/j<~tiY~:~):.;:~2{~{~i~~~'i:;...vagrancyJ:;;':y:~.,{.~ lltmeilt to studeiltSleads to.~hland i awar'df '>oacoHtr'~f : ~~~_... _.A_ .JE;%.lc'Y,!]~~~;;V>;:i;<L . . .lk)';'.,!';;: ... rl~~11~ ^ .;..9..; '" .: ;'~ ." !~';i ';i ,y; , " "Ii . "-":>,"1 ,,;:] ~ I . ':,.,' " PLAY6ROUND WEEKLY July 17 - 21 ~uper ~urnrner ~afety - I .' ,j (hanhauen Park & Recreation Diicovery Playground ~tatf Aik your Tiny-Mite about: Aik your Dyna-Mlte about: * MeiiY finger painting * ~ummer iafety * Red lights & green lights *(reating meuy pmten * ~pecial ~iiton * Exciting iafety gamei Thh week we had ipecial vhitol1 at the playground! (hanhanen firefightel1, along with paramedin nopped by to teach Ui all about important mmmer iafety meamres. We were able to tour a fire truck and ambulance, and depending on the weather we may have been lucky enough to run through the water! What a great way to learn about iafetyube iure to aik your child what hebhe learned! **Next week at playground we will be doing quite a bit of painting iO pleaie dmi your children appropriately. Thank you!! Wedneiday Wing Dings continue thii week with the exciting Animal Adventurei ~how. Please join m at 1 p.m. out at lake ~Uian for approxi- mately 45 minutei ofintewting animab including time to interact with them! The following week on July lb, our lait Wing Ding of the iummer will be the popular mini-carnival at Gty (enter Park (located at (ity Hall). Thii event will be full of gamei and priZei for everyone to enjoy! " '-J I Our ~uper Event thii Thul1day ii a trip to Playworki Oimbing and fitnen (enter in Prior Lake for an afterno,m of playing fun! This event o com $11 and will include piua and pop for all partlcipann. We will leave (ity Hall at 11:30 p.m. and return at 4:00 p.m. The following week, July 27, ii ur popular trip to Bunker Hilb Wave Pool in Anoka. Thh exciting event will take place all day ai we leave from (ity Hall at 8:45 a.m. and return at 4:15 p.m. The COit h $lb.50 which includei lunch and two houn for tube rental. Thii event is filling fast, so please regiiter soon! further infor tion is available by calling (ity Hall at Q37-1Qoo ext. 144- If any of you are interested in spending more time with our energetic playground sta[ you will want to register for our wonderful day camp which takei place at Lake Ann. (amp is the week of AuguStl4-18 and h open to children entering 6radei 2-b. The days will be filled with gamei, cram and lake attivitiei including canoeing, swimming and boating. Also included is an optional camp out for all partlcipann. Pleaie call Q37-1qoo ext. 144 for more information on lake Ann Adventure (amp. . Elizabeth Aaron Julie ~. /:" ............. Ma. rgie Anne Kjenten .,~ -" ~ J "1 .. ... JLW- ~q) lqq5 :'", . -:-'.: . ""'!'!"~';';j~:r.o_~_,..,_..";r"'H'~'" '_':-' Thu~day, June 29. 1995 - Chanhassen Villager - Page 19 H!ln;.mi,~'gJ~.UP" .,)' ,,' :<:;'~/':'1":'::' ~J,. < ,;> :."..r' ,":.'; THE BANJO DANCERS, who are Clayton Schanilec and Corey Moh,an, provided lots of entertainment at last Wednesday's Wing Dings at Lake Susan City Park. They sang songs; danced; and taught the audience how to do ham boning. (Staff photo. by Kathy Nelson) . "',', ' . ."\. , ~ .0, ---