1995 08 08 Agenda . . . 6:30 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. File AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING TUESDA Y, AUGUST 8, 1995,6:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Report from the Park Task Force, Chair Person Kronick Power Hill Park, Citizen Request to Reconsider Commission Action of May 9, 1995 Work Session 1996 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Pro gram . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Jay Kronick, Chair, 1995 Park Task Force Jane Quilling, Vice-Chair, 1995 Park Task Force Todd Hoffman, Secretary, 1995 Park Task Force DATE: August 2, 1995 SUBJ: Preliminary Findings and Recom ndations of the 1995 Park Task Force . The 1995 Park Task Force received its full complull.ent of members on June 26,1995. Since that date, three regular meetings of the Task .torce h~.~ been held. Members also participated in a tour of potential project and acquisition sites. The Task Force, upon completing introduqtory exercises, has begun to focus on its work. Background material compiled during th.epast 12 months has assisted the Task Force. These materials represent the "referendum" work completed to date by both the Park & Recreation Commission and City Council. Like/the commission and council, the Task Force has focused their attention on three issues: 1. The acquisition of open lands. 2. The construction of multi-purpose trails. 3. The development of Bandimere Community Parkland. is further defined by the following a. b. Preservation Preservation of Acquisition of land for s future community parkes). c. The deliberations of the Task Force revolve around a general premise: . The City must remain an active force in the development of our community. Park & Recreation Commission August 2, 1995 Page 2 ,/ . To that end, the 1995 Park Task Force is proposing to forward the following preliminary recommendations to the Chanhassen City Council on August 14, 1995. 1. Regarding the acquisition of open lands: To accomplish preservation of the Bluff Creek Corridor, pursue acquisition of the following parcels: Parcel 2 A Size: Greater than 40 acres. Land Owners: Degler, Degler, Peterson, Chaska Investment CorporationlWallingford Properties, Jeurissen and Laurent. Parcel 2B (a newly identified property) Size: 8.65 acres Land Owner: Edwards To accomplish the preservation of wooded lands, pursue acquisition of the following parcels: . Parcel 1 A Size: 30-40 acres Land Owner: Fox Parcel 1 B Size: 15-20 acres Land Owner: Chaska Investment CorporationIW allingford Properties To accomplish the acquisition of land for future community park use, pursue acquisition of either the combination of Parcel 3C and 3D or the combination of Parcels 3E and 3F (newly identified properties). Parcels 3 C and 3 D Size: Approximately 80 acres each. Land Owner 3C: Peterson Land Owner 3D: Chaska Investment CorporationlWallingford Properties Parcels 3 E and 3 F Size Parcel 3E: 67.3 acres Land Owners: Dean and Lois Degler Size Parcel 3F: 80 acres Land Owners: Gayle and Lois Degler . . . . Park & Recreation Commission August 2, 1995 Page 3 Parcel 3 G (newly identified property) Size: 5:!: acres Land Owner: Hanson 2. Regarding the construction of multi-purpose trails: It is recommended that the following trail segments be pursued: a. Powers Boulevard north from Santa Vera Drive to the City of Shorewood. b. Highway 101 north from South Shore Drive to the City of ShorewoodlMinnetonka border. 3. Regarding the development of Bandimere Community Park: It is recommended that this item, at a cost of approximately $1.2 million be included as a stand alone referendum question. In addition, the following recommendations are being made: 1. The referendum voting day be targeted for Tuesday, October 17, 1995. 2. The city attorney's office be retained to negotiate all purchase options and purchase agreements. It is the unanimous opinion of the Task Force that any and all purchase options be in place prior to the referendum being held. c: All landowners listed ,- rk' i '~~ ~" ' · 0 0;' ,,, . ., .:.. i J 1'"".., ,. : :...:,,! l' > ~ . . \ --in -/,' _~j~. '.''''' 11 ,L ''-lit ill i i .; 'j f'F"" "'".~"" ,.." . . ",- ".' I ' \1 Jl(. ~ ~t~~~~lJ":-~~" m'i \:~t~~~ ~ L~j 'W ' f i.: , ~ ' '5r-"""".-.. ' ........,.. ". ," / '.." ' ~' '._~,' ....., ~ \\\1 q,,$} '>;';~~~ ~:f:jr;;~~;:\\~)~>:~~"~ :-"-1l:'~ (t\ I:! , .. 111!'4 ~.,,'\ ,'1' . . , . . ,.' \, . '.' -".' ,.'" .~ +.\---'ll-- r: 0-;c~~<'J.,U'L" :;\:.:~t p:,"'r .' ;\f;' ,:~hJ,' ti: ; '.~'" ..........~t ," .;;-...,,~~ {---...j' ", ,..,..-"",\ ':.-\' ". ''-'' ".~., ,\'. .-.' ,', ,. .... . ......,; .,. "........ . Oil> .... .. . . "''' ...~ I ; \:-T....., I' ;;;:;;',:.'''' };;:.. 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(.~> (...;:,...~.~.:...::..../.~..~ . ,.::", . :.....~~..^;.:..~.:,:..:.:.~......:::~;::~;:.:;.:.r ':},:.:::::';'::~:::, ... :: );..f v}7~\ ..:-.;.-' ... ".;. ':: .'. ,'d:" iJJ.,..:;' ::,..,::c;.... .....~;::.I. ,';,. [,'i ;ii~".. ..,"' '_.~ I"..,.,.,.;.;.;.;.;.;;;; ;;;.;.;.".,.,..............................; ;.~'!I. d" . ~i ... x 0.... ~ ? .;,t~~~ ",' " \<0 " . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Commission .-$ TO: Park & Recreation Commission DATE: August 3, 1995 SUBJ: Power Hill Park, Citizen Request to Reconsider Commission Action of May 9, 1995 Power Hill Park was the topic of conversation a our Park & Recreation Commission meetings this spring. . 1. February 28, 1995: Ed Kraft, 8711E<go Drive addressed the commission regarding park facilities at Power.Hill Park. Mr. Kraft's specific request was for the construction of a basketball court and a sand volleyball court. Commission Action: Staff wa~. directed to place the issue on the commission's March agenda. 2. March 28, 1995: The attaChed report dated March 21, 1995 was submitted to the commission. Commissio OOon: Commission Lash moved, Commissioner Andrews seconded ark & Recreation Commission direct staff to draw up a plan to .... .t for final approval that would show a basketball court be located as c ible to the parking area/playground area and cost estimates for benc es nd picnic tables on the upper area. All voted in favor, except Berg, who opposed and the motion carried with a vote of 5-1. 3. April 25, 1995: The attached staff repqd<dated April 21, 1995, was submitted to the COmmISSIon. . Commission Action: Commissioner Lash moved, Commissioner Berg seconded that the Park & Recreation Commission direct staff to draw up finalized plans .. August 3, 1995 Page 2 . for an expanded parking lotlbasketball court, posts and chains for Power Hill Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 4. May 9, 1995: The attached report dated May 2, 1995, was submitted to the COmmlSSlOn. Commission Action: Commissioner Huffman moved, Commissioner Lash seconded that the Park & Recreation Commission approve the attached plans and specifications for Power Hill Park basketball hoop and parking lot improvements, including authorization to spend contingency funds not to exceed $5,078.86. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Subsequently, on June 25, 1995, Ray and Julie Garver, 8704 Flamingo Drive presented a petition to the commission regarding the commission's action of May 9. Specifically, the petition requested that no additional parking stalls be added to the park. A fmal copy of the petition, which is dated June 7, 1995, was submitted by Julie Garver on August 3, 1995. A copy of the petition is attached. Staff offers the following responses to points raised in the petition. 1. "We feel that the need for parking during the summer months does not justifY the $1,256.40 expenditure." . Staff Response: Providing reasonable access to public facilities is the responsibility of the city. It is staff's opinion that the estimated investment of $1,256.40 to construct 5 parking stalls provides reasonable access at an economical price. The city has invested a great deal in the acquisition, planning and development of Power Hill Park. I do not classifY this expenditure as an incidental expense, but $250 per parking stall is a good buy. 2. "We are all aware and understand that any person visiting the park during the summer months would then need to park along Flamingo Drive." Staff Response: Flamingo Drive is 350 feet away from the entrance to the park's new playground. This is 3 times the distance from the proposed new parking stalls. It is reasoned that an investment of $1,256.40 to reduce the distance between the park's designated parking area and the park's main attraction (the playground) by two-thirds is an appropriate action. Staff is of the opinion that the hardship of spending $1,256.40 does not equate with the desire to triple the distance between the playground and available parking. Furthermore, elimination of the stalls would eliminate the ability to perform a turnaround maneuver upon arrival at the proposed gate. If the new stalls are eliminated from the plan, a "T" area would need to be retained to allow for turning maneuvers. . . . . August 3, 1995 Page 3 3. "We believe that the true usage of Power Hill Park will be during the winter months, hence the name of the park." Staff Response: Power Hill Park is open to the public 365 days per year from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 4. "We also feel that additional research be performed before any unplanned and budgeted improvements be made to Power Hill Park." Staff Response: The subject of additional improvements at Power Hill Park has received an unusual amount of commission time and review. Staff does not concur with the labeling of these efforts as unplanned. The contingency in the Park & Recreation Commission's budget is in place to accommodate just such requests as the Power Hill basketball issue. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the commission confirm its action of May 9, 1995. c: Ray and Julie Garver . June 7, 1995 To: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Re: Improvements to Power Hill Park We, the undersigned, residents of the Lake Susan Hills development want to thank you for your time and efforts with regard to the request to add basketball equipment to Power Hill Park. We are very excited about the playground equipment that is scheduled to be installed in the near future. We understand that an additional five parking stalls are proposed to be added to the existing parking lot. We also understand that this cost is approximately $1,256.40. We propose that the additional parking stalls not be added to Power Hill Park. We feel that the need for parking during the summer months does not justify the $1,256.40 expenditure. We are aware and understand, that any person visiting the park during the summer months would then need to park along Flamingo Drive. We believe that the true usage of Power Hill Park will be during the winter months, hence the name of the park. . We also feel that additional research be performed before any unplanned and budgeted improvements be made to Power Hill Park. We want to be certain that all residents truly understand the reasoning and cost behind any additional improvements. Name Signature . Address /VoltJ.d~J;()d~_ _~ _mm___#t~__~1./!Zd-:t4-flt!fi~.l. uJ 1{{t!f..'Lt/C.Uf rJ_ __ i1Jilkftl.tktf2 _ X?//3_ _ ~(:~~ '::'5-'_ P'< --1~!(j~~-r~~-_87?::~/1~!'~o Ae_ Lh - J yJ ~ - -lJ[-~ J <0~0~<?:::-:- _ ((~O!J) ':'.."-,~ 'z ~ _ f!. . 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U ~ rJlI ~ all :oc c: ,g ... c: ii "0 = ~ o . i &"' .......~~ :r.!~ i -;.. .., i .01 ..... . = =~ 3 : ".. .-;i:l J. .ll.';::- 0:;. ~. lI~: ......0.5 H:lI ] 2-MaY-95 , , I i : i , Power Hill Park Alterations : : I I I I , I I I I ! , I I , Preliminary Cost Estimate - Concept Plan dated 512195 i I I I , , i i I I I ! , I I Description , i I , Qtv. Unit: Unit Cost: I Subtotal: ! : , I ! , I , ! I ISlte Pavmg I I : I I j I I i I Bituminous PavinQ I 1 1,296, SF : $0.90 I I $1,166.40 I , Saw-cut Existino Pavement : i i 90' LF $1.00 ! I $90.00 ! , i , Pavina Sub-total ! I : I ! , , $1,256.40 I I : , I I ! i I , I Site Improvements , , i I ! I I , I I , i , Double 1 l' Steel Gates ! I 2: LS ! $450.00 : I $900.00 ! I I Steel Lock-Down Bollards , , , LS $80.00 ; , $160.00 : -- I 2: I I , I Wood Bollards , , : 71 .LS $100.00 i I $700.00 ! I I ! Basketball Standards ! ; '- 2i each ! $6?0.00 ; , $1,300.00 : ---------r--- , -- Fiay Court Paint S:rlping : : 1; LS I $100 00 I I $100.00 ; I Site Improvement Sub-total ! i i I ! I I I $3,160.00 I , I I T , I I i ! ; , , Sub-total i , I I I I , $4,416.40 I I Continoency- 15% I i I I : I I , I $662.46 ! ! ! I I i I I i i i I 1 I : I I i , I I .....- i I Total , : 1 , i I $5,078.86 , I , i , I I I I I , I I I Pri~_~ass_ume Cit.Y....!..~bri~ and/or : I ! , I , i j ! , , installation of improvements. ! ; ; : ! rv; "\. r . . . '. C ITV OF CHAHHASSEN ~ - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJ: Citizen Request for Park Improvements (Half-Court Basketball and Sand Volleyball Court) at Power Hill Park . A group of residents from the Power Hill p~? neig~~orhood approached the Park and Recreation Commission during Visitor Presentationspn February 28, 1995. Upon hearing from the group, the commission selected to/place this[item on the March 28, 1995 agenda. The following report has been prepared to/assist the cotnrnission in reviewing this request. Response to "Power Hill Park Facil}~y Request/Feedb~;ck" Narrative Distributed on February 28, 1995: Please referen~~'the attached cOPY9;t the narrative and the accompanying report. Where appropnate, responses have.geen provided. Power Hill Park Five y~~~. apital Improvement progriw, 1992-1996: The Five Year Capital Improveme~!/!/,ogram for Po\Ver Hill Park is attach~\ Appropriations for a half- court basketball aridsand.volleyball:courthavenotbeenaIloeated in the CIP. Year 1995 contingency fundsCQllld... be Jltilized.JQ maky,t:l1ese imprQvements... . . . .,..','.'.."",--......-,.,_,_,___.'..,_.,....'w:. ...:.-.-:,_:::_::,:,:,,_,:,:.::/,:,'_'_:;"i""';:;:,:,"'i-'-.-,\-,.::;::--:',:;;:-":\.:;i' The Site: As shown on t eparkgl.~.~,~relatively small flat spot(10Q:..:x.200') does exist on top of the hill at the park. In referencingthe.five(;::~~S;!p.,YQU will recall that discussions of placing a small picnic shelter at this locatisn rr~ulted in the denotation "picnic shelter beyond 1996." Such a picnic shelter would ~<t.advantage of the views offered from the top of the hill. Planned appropriately, all three fa~ilities, I.e. picnic shelter, basketball and volleyball, would fit on this site. . Park and Recreation Commission March 21. 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Staffs only trepidation in recommending that these facilities be constructed on this site revolve around its secluded nature. The site is severed from the main entrance of the park by a "bottleneck." It should be noted that the entire design of this park is a "shoebox" fit. Very little street frontage was acquired for the park at the time this subdivision was platted. As such. all of the existing improvements at the park are positioned in rear yards. Whether or not the city should continue with this practice is a judgement call best left to the commission. Your site visit on Tuesday night will allow you to view first hand what is difficult to describe in written word. Staff awaits the direction of the commission in this regard. c: Dale Gregory. Park Superintendent I . . . T'"" '. x :=~ ~~ I~ ~~ Il;l ::::;~ l<tii 1II11 1.:11-1 ~ U ,~ cd ,.r:; Ea "'0 Q) (l) ~ ~ ~ --.... ~ ~ .~ r.rJ. ~ (l) & H (l) 0) ~ ~ C 0 .~ ~ ~ .~ U cd ~ 1.0 Q) - 1.0 N - N . "E Ct1 o CO ~ L- eu a. c (l) en en Ct1 .c c Ct1 .c o / . . . ~ C\I . . ~ .r ~ :~~~ '" :.:.: III I m:~: ~~~f~: :::=:::'. ::::::::: :.:.::. c .~ ~ .~ u cd ~ ~ . 1.0 N - N .:.;.:; lil:11 liI~' If:% %1 ~~ ~::~ I ~~ II ~:il I;~ , u ~ ~ cd ~ ~ Q) ,~ Cf) cd ~ ~ c.8 ~ Cf) Q) ::1 c::r Q) ~ A "'C ~ ro o en ~ ~ co a.. c ~ . ..c: c ro ..c: () '. . . . . . (/) "'0 +-J c:\S (/) 0 (l) ~ ~ "'0 (l) .,......c (l) ~ ~ ~ ~ .,......c . ,..... ~ (l) ~ ~ ~ "'d (l) ~ o o ~ "'d o c:\S ~ A ~ d ~li :?i ~ o o . ...-l ~ Q.) ~ u Q.) ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o 0 ~ c:\S < N rJ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ,....-.1r:/l < rJ) (l) , . (l) ~ ~ "'d c:\S c.8 ~ ~ ~ (j.8 a .5 ~ S ~ ~ Q.) .,..... 0 Qo~~ . · ...-l 0 ~=-=o~ b.OU,....-.1N ~ ~ A A A ~ .~ I:: I r':' ~.:.:.:' 0':':':'" ~n: II'!:. i :.:.;: I 1'"." I ~; ~~ ~~ ~I I~~ ~~ ~"<l ~::~ ~@ ~..." ii::::~ ~~ -- M (/) I.() en - I.() C'\I - C'\I "C L- eu o CO .::t::. 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Illil: "'d (t) lli.*' (t) E--1 A (j) Q ~ ... r-. = Q ~ QJ ~ ~. := ~ rI).~ = Q ~~ ~eIJ ~ = =:a ...... ~ e ~ Q A 00. l.O (j) - l.O N - N "0 ~ ro o co ~ ~ ro a. c OJ C/) C/) ro ..c c ro ..c () Q) ;;> .~ 1d .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ '0 o o .-s o ,.0 ~ .~ Q) o ~ . " " ~I f:1!~~ N I :::.:. :.... ;:.:. :~;". . :;::::. ~ . - LO C\I - C\I I':..:. I~i :~~ ~~ ~ ~ l:.. ~,:~ ~ C'. ~. C'.~ C'. ~ CO g ~~~~~= ~~~~~ A A A A A A "E ro o co oX: L- ro a. c: ~ . ro ~ c: ro ~ o . ~ ~ . t/'J ~ ~ 0 CZl ~ 8 ~ Q.) ~ ~ l Q.) U U $ tI) Q.) tS ~ <1J cd ~1 ~ ~ ,.0 .~ cd 01 s= $-..c ..- ..:~: ~ 0 ~ N ~ i~ c= ....... ~ :t Q.) ~ Ii d) ~ r./J. ~ Q.) :;~ ~ ~ $-..c -0 ~ () .... ~ .;.:. CZl 110' 0 0 ;:j C'd 0 0 0 0 ~ ::;:::::: Z ~ ~ <"'l ~ Z . A A A A ! A LO 0> Q) - LO C\I Q) - C\I ~ ~ .... ~ ~:~=~:!. . ;:j :::;::::: bl) ~ :::::=:; ~ 0 <.;.:.:. I!ill '"'0 ~ Ed ~ bl) Q.) Q) ~ ~;:~; '"'0 ~ fi<l "'d 0 f.~W 0 0 I~~ Q.) cd ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ;i Q.) 0 ~ ~~ ~ rJ:J. ~ CZl ll'" ~ l~ - 0 ~ rJ.) ~ 1~ ,.0 bl) Q.) Q.) "E Ed ...0 Q.) 0 Q) ~ co .~ $-..c ~ 0 bl) ~ ~ ~ ~ Q.) co .~ cd a .~ ~ ~ Q.) ~ 0 L... ~t ~ 0\ co Z d u ~ Q.. ~ ~ c . Q) A A A A A f/) f/) co ..c c co ..c () . . . Comments regarding Power Hill Park Facility Request/Feedback Request for Basketball Facility (Page 2): An additional request for a sand volleyball court was referenced and will be included as a component of this request. High Demand for all Around Recreation Facility (Page 3): Lake Susan Hills West neighborhood (Powers to Audubon) is also serviced by Sunset Ridge Park. This park, although further developed than Power Hill Park, is also not complete. All season sport (Page 5): 3 season sport. (Minnesotans are tough-but not that tough!) $309,600 Park Assessments ($1200 hse) (Page 5): Park dedication fees for Lake Susan Hills West are collected at 50% of full rate. At present, this equates to $450 per household. Initial phases of development were assessed at a rate of $212.50 per household. The park dedication fee has since been raised annually or semi-annually to the present rate. At an average rate of $350 per home, approximately $90,000 in park dedication fees (based on the 258 houses referenced) have been collected from this neighborhood. In Lieu of Tennis Courts (Page 5): A tennis court was shown on the original concept master plan for this park. A policy decision by the commission later removed a tennis court from the plan. Money was never allocated in the city's capital improvement program for a tennis court. Plenty of Space on Hilltop (Page 8): One area exists at the top of Power Hill Park for the construction of a basketball court and volleyball court. "Plenty" in this context describes an area of approximately 100' x 200' in size which was graded flat during initial development. This area can accommodate the facilities requested. Positive attributes of site: Relatively level, access available from the park entrance road. Negative attributes of site: Surrounded by residential lots (rear yards), site is somewhat secluded. No Tennis Courts (Page 12): Previously addressed. Mostly Weeds (Page 12): See response from Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent. Poor Surface (Page 12): See response from Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent. 20 ft. tall & 10 in. (Page 12): (Circumference) Trees were acquired as a donation, city paid moving costs. Mud Hole (Page 12): The "hole" for the playground was excavated at the time of fmal grading and seeding. This was done in anticipation of the future installation of play equipment. With this work being done, major earthwork/excavation will not be necessary prior to the equipment going in this summer. No Feedback (Page 12): The letter referenced was received from Ed and Mary Kraft, 8711 Flamingo Drive on December 22, 1993 (see attached). The letter was included in the administrative section of the Commission's packet on January 25, 1994. I recall phone conversations with the Krafts regarding their interests/concerns. I apologize for not responding in writing to this inquiry. . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: March 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Power Hill Seeding . Power Hill was finish graded in the summer ofJ 993 with grass seeding taking place in the fall of 1993. Soil samples of the park indicatedthe.soil was lacking nutrients to establish a good stand of grass. A starter fertilizer was used atJhe same time of seeding to correct this problem. In the summer of 1994, the seed was not growing very well, therefore, we slit seeded the park with an all purpose grass seed. This seed is the same grass seed used in all neighborhood parks. At this point we also included Power Hill Park in our fertilization program consisting of three applications ..a year. The fertilization process can take as long as five years to bring the soil nutrients back to the level they should be. Along with the fertilization program, we also need adequate rain fall to establish a good stand of grass. If you have any other questions regarding the seeding at Power Hill, feel free to contact me. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent #?II) FROM: DATE: March 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of Power Hill Parking Lot To keep the cost down in the park budget, the construction of Power Hill parking lot was done in-house by maintenance and park personl'leLW e have done much of the construction in many of the parks within Chanhassen. This.hassaved the residents of Chanhassen a substantial amount of money. The equipment used by our maintenance department is older and the quality of workmanship suffers because of this. The Power Hill parking lot does have small vibration marks in the surface. These marks are caused by the packer, which is very small for this type of project, but the.II1arks should not affect the longevity of the parking lot. We have a larger packer approved in the 1995 budget which we should have later this year. The larger packer should take care of this type of problem in any future projects. I was not real happy with the finished surface of this parking lot either, but considering the amount of mone~~aved, the project was e~onomical, the final result satisfactory, and the parking lotwill be serviceable for many years. . . . . . "t? #-/9' 7 December 22, 1993 Todd Hoffman Park Board 690 Coulter DR Chanhassen, MN 55317 Todd Hoffman, Park Board, To Whom It may Concern, After living in our new residence for just over one year we continue to be enthusiastic about our new home, Chanhassen, and the "possibilities" of our neighborhood parks. We live just across from the Power Hill Park. This was a key ingredient in our decision to move to Chanhassen and to this location. One concern we have is that, to our knowledge, there is nothing planned for kids as they mature. At least from my perspective, a basketball court is desperately needed. I have 4 boys aged 6 to 11 and there are numerous other kids in the neighborhood, both boys and girls, who would take advantage of basketball facilities. These are also facilities which, I'm sure, would be shared with the adult population base. We have to have a vision in our planning such that the necessary facilities will be available when the age base demands it. I.E. by the time the budget permits a toddler play area, many of the kids will have outgrown the need. The toddler age bracket is one which is also easier to satisfy right in ones own back yard more readily. Our neighborhood has a more difficult challenge in satisfying basketball facilities than normal. Being on a large hill with mostly sloping driveways prevents safe use of personal basketball facilities (balls in street). I have been approached by several neighbors who suggested donating a portion of neighborhood adjoining property and sharing the cost of installing a basketball court. While initially this seemed like a good solution I have three primary objections. 1) Liability. In today's "suit happy environment" it would place an unacceptable burden on the property owners. From my perspective, this alone eliminates this as an option for consideration. 2) Cost. Plans for park facilities were a major selling point when we purchased our new home. It would be unfair to have BECEt VED ., (' ,'. ,', ;/' '\OC\'j' ~)~',.~.. (:.. ..).:.; CITY Of CH.".~;H/\S~t::.;'{ to incur the additional cost burden when these facilities should already be in the plans and are represented in the property tax base. 3) Space. The size of lots are becoming more and more limited. To help control this as a society, we need to be more dependent on community facilities. This was planned into our neighborhood, now we need appropriate actions taken to make it happen. The Power Hill park has a perfect area for basketball facilities. This is where we need the Park Board to take action in a leadership role. . If cost is a concern in the short term, I'd suggest installing poles and baskets on the existing parking lot as an interim solution. We need basketball facilities much more than we need a parking lot at the current time i.e. the hill has been blocked for sliding purposes (which is another cause of disappointment). I'd personally even be willing to lead a neighborhood effort to install them if that will help reduce labor costs. If we are to give our kids a fair chance, keep them occupied, and therefore productive and out of trouble we must provide facilities such as this. It is a much preferred solution to incurring significant cost of controlling crime and rehabilitation type programs. I speak from experience, we moved from Brooklyn Park and . this type of environment. Please confirm receipt of this letter, inform us of planned directions, and let us know how we can participate to insure badly needed basketball facilities are installed at Power Hill Park. Sincerely, Ed & Mary Kraft 8711 Flamingo DR Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: Home (612) 368-3375 Work (612) 828-7841 PS: We are disappointed that the Power Hill Park planning process seems to have been placed on hold. After attending a Park Board meeting on it last winter and participating in a . neighborhood survey, we have heard nothing. . ~ " \.:. i . ~ ~ n r i . . ~~ 1/ f . ~ I ......~_.._) r._.. !' ,. " ~ i ~ Hoisington Koegler Group lnc. 7300 M,tl" IlouInanlI Sui" III MilUlOpOlis, MillllOOQ l14l9 (61l) 8ll.9960 POWER HILL PARK Master Plan Chanhassen, Minnesota -~dUHlE.t_~.P1".'.IlIOcIt... j . ~- ~ ~ ~ )\ ~ /-P' ','I VJ ~J~L mll1 gO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Power Hill Park Flamingo Drive 18 Neighborhood Improvements General Improvements, Final Grading, Seeding Entrance Road & Parking Play Area Trees Picnic Shelter TOTALS: Notes: 1992 1993 15,000.00 1994 1995 1996 2,000.00 .00 15,000.00 2,000.00 25 .................................... ..................................... .................................... ..................................... ................,.....,.................................................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ..................................... .................................... ..................................... ......................................................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ........................................................................ .................................... ........................................................................ ........................................................................ .................................... ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: jjj1~~i~~~~~~~j~j~~~~1~~~jjj~jj~j~j1j~~~j~j~~~~jjjjjj~jj~~~j~j~~~~~~j~~ .................................... .................................... .................................... ..................................... .................................... .................................... :;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................... :.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ..................................... .................................... .................................... :::::::::::::::::~;~Qlg:::::::::::::::: Beyond 1996 .00 . . . :'. C ITV OF CHANHASSEN :l 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission // FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: April 21, 1995 SUBJ: Citizen Request for Park Improvements; Power Hill Park . The commission considered this request on Ma~~~:;.28, 1995. Following citizen input and commission discussion, the following two moti~ns'")"ere made: 1. Lash moved, Andrews seconded thatthe Parkand Recreation Commission direct staff to draw up a plan to submit for final'approvalthat would show a basketball court to be located as close as possible to tbe parking area/playground area, and cost estimates for benches and picnic tables on t~e upper area.. All voted in favor, except Berg who opposed, and the motion carriedwith a vote of 510 1. 2. Lash moved, Meger seconded to direct staff to prepare a plan that will address the drainage problem in the lower area and making the. path usable. All voted in favor and the motion carried." In response to the ;t!r,~tmotion, the, following infonnation is provided: r'l0!))FY;.p)?7..r."'.!'..,..)............!.'.';..)r.!....'T)7.")' The attacH:'" rkplandepictstwoan~asthafcolllda.cc()m1Ii()date a ba~~~tball court. Site location 6. l:A~~g~~cent to the play structure. This 10cati~H.~ollld require the removal of trees and 'some signi~cantsite disturbance and grading. Location No. 1 would also result in the "bottle neck".~rea!2f the park being "cut off." T+',}::::::!:"::Y Site Location No.2 is on the n0l1hern.!~ed of the "flat field." This location is south of the "bottle neck" area. This site wouia:h'ot require tree removal or site grading. This location would also result in a better layout of park facilities. . Park benches and picnic tables for Power Hill Park can be supplied through the commission's 1995 budget. A line item of $12,000 is included in the budget for picnic tables and benches. Park & Recreation Commission April 21, 1995 Page 2 Stakes delineating the two basketball areas have been placed. As time allows, you may visit the park to inspect this staking. We will also be visiting the site on the 25th prior to the meeting. Regarding the second motion, Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent, is investigating a tiling operation for the northern play field. A report will be presented to the commission at your May meeting. Note: A letter received from Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Premo, 8712 Flamingo Drive, regarding this issue is attached. Attachment: Park Plan c: Residents present at the March 28, 1995 meeting. I- . . . ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ..... 3' 5' -' .~ '"\. J I~: ,)., 1:;'- -+. ."~ .: s .} 00 ~V ~ , ' \; ,11\ ~. -',' (b"" .Q, "'~ . ,,'0 0 . ..1.' f" l.,'1.~ ~., . ~~ :::,- ~ ...,. <::..:::::- ~~. ~~ ~~ --..~ ~~ c-. .~ ~~ ~~ f.?_ '-:- ~- o c.. ..... ~ 0..)... " ~~ ~~ I:: ' ~~ ~~. ~'" ~ ~ ...,,::. '" ~ "'- ~ ~~ ~-- ,~ ~ ~. ~ "" - ~,.. I ~ o w fvWl w'O I.IJ 0 ~" ~ z. OC-A <' O~ " <:I~ \!I~ -...] ii , <0 \ \ / ! I 710. o(? ~ M" tJd 4''''~ I q'l -I~ I' ..... ~ <-I -1.1\ I, ~,: ""I' ,. ---/320.0/ --- 7 ~~ '1ll~~) ~~ -111 ~I{J t ~~ 11' ~(O }t) :::;. ~ S \~J ~ v\l~ ~ ,~//4 /;/;~ of,4 A1W4 ,,[' /;~ NJV;4 0/7 StlL. 23 ..... L ~ 0~ /V-. r /21- / /.. // ..(< ~ \S' "\-. . ::::- ~, ":> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s I ~ a. ... '>.:l.;rs,jo', ~ /Sj ~ , It, ..... "" ::!> ~ , ::::... ~, '"' A. ~ ('~ s :;b)... ') '1<'.>. ~ ,;~ '" ~.". ~ , tit.; ,,\"-'l .~ ~ ~ ~~"'~ ~c..~ ...P.......>. ~ ~ () ,"'O~' ~ C9 -:.>.-:::- J .... '0 0 F, ^~ . "". "L :..> _" I"V "'" I, ,''%.- ~ I ~ ~ 0;. "6~...." ::- ~. '" <> -,.., ~ ~ ~ }- " l::l: ~'> :;;. ,~ } '" ~ ~ ~' l:l.... l\ \:. ~ ;: <:I ~ ~ ~ ~ I:: ~ ~~ ~... .~~ , , s- '/ .s::..9,. ;:Y. s J > ~, ~-, ~ ".. -t.' .,. . 'l- -::- ....' .... -- '"X c,..... " (' -'" - )...- ~,,, :#- S \T E. , S \TE '#:2 " "....~. '" ' ~"(\ "Z- \'" ~~ \\s-\ ~ ~ \ ~~. \ ('0 ~ So -z.. \ \-",.;. \ -z:.. ~ \~.- , - -. '" ~~ \\...~, ~ \ '\" \ C> ,~ . ~~ \,0 . ~ ~ 't.. ~ ~ ~~J ~ : I -l\..i~ ~!:.. <: v. <: ~ ~ : ~ "V:. ~ I I ~ 1.'1 .~ r: (;- () QO L- ei 0 (- : lj' (' '-'::' oS- ~s <S",,9 o . '''b ~- <:> 0-. , "2- ....1 c) l\l~ ~~ ~ ~' I . tt)' ~S63_ " <,76. "- .... ..........."'6.~ -. ~ " \ \ , '" '1 .0" O~ cP 000 ~ ~ / 00 \ ,/ t,. ?o $.00 ~I \j' ........, " - 0-..-- ~ April 12, 1995 . Todd Hoffman Park Board 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Hoffman, Park Board, to whom it may concern: Our response pertains to the letter sent to us by the City of Chanhassen regarding Power Hill Park. Chanhassen is a growing neighborhood, and we would like to see the community grow in good spirit with one another. Our house backs up to the property of Power Hill Park. As homeowners we have already paid taxes and do not want to incur further costs. There are many small children in this neighborhood between one and six years of age. It is important that the children in our community have a safe and protected place to play. In consideration of a basketball court, we think this idea may be factoid at this point in time. There are basketball courts in the area, and perhaps this would be better placed in a future time slot. Basketball would exclude many children at this time. If parents want to fund the monies for this project the idea needs to be taken to the community at large, and if it is a feasible idea, then these parents can fund the project if no monies are available at this time. Otherwise the project should be put on hold for further recommendation. . At this time it seems more plausible to set up a playground area with jungle gyms, swings, sand areas, etc. Both young boys and girls will benefit from the interaction as a community. With the excess of sand on the Chanhassen roads, young children now make sandboxes in the roadways to play in, and this could be a potential hazard for children and vehicle drivers. While we do not wish the park to lay fallow -- we think some detailed research should go into effect as to what is needed at Power Hill Park. Long and short term goals are needed. Such as tennis courts for the adolescents, which adults may also use. The community needs to be represented as a whole, making the park usable to everyone with their different agendas. RECEIVED . i-HT JJ19~~:) CITY 0:-: C:-L'\!'1\1'\.', ~tn .. . . 2 At the same time, the park commission must consider other areas of concern also. There needs to be time frames to keep noise down for those whose homes border the park, and make sure that homeowners are also protected from abuse by those who disregard the rights of homeowners bordering the park -- such as littering, and animal waste left in private yards, and not using proper pathways into the park. A fence needs to be erected to separate the park traffic from violations to homeowner property. Our yard is now being used as a short cut pathway to the park. Please be assured we want our community to work together, and get the best use from Power Hill Park, and provide a safe, happy atmosphere for children of all ages to play. The com...munity should be notified about any projects regarding the park, and we feel no particular group should dominate the outcome. The community needs to vote on matters regarding the outcome of any projects set for Power Hill Park. Thank you for taking the time to note our concerns on this matter. Sincerely, ~'J::Xt-. ~ ,/!}w lJ,~l /J.Jffi1..< , Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Premo 8712 Flamingo Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 1..-:""~ i i~' ~-1 . t. ,Jz........ DATE: May 2, 1995 SUBJ: Approve Plans and Specification uthorize Expenditure of Contingency Funds; Power Hill Park Basketb,~J}d Parking Improvements . Please find attached a report from Bruce Chamberlainof Hoisington-Koegler Group. I retained Mr. Chamberlain to prepare a repc>rt on the aforementioned project the morning after the commission's last meeting. I will be providing a report of his findings as he will be out of town on May 9. RECOMMENDA TION Approval of the attached plans for Power Hill Park basketball and parking improvements including authorization contingency funds is recommended. ATTACHMENTS.:. ~;... Report from HGA and Plan Sheet Letter from Kyle, Jon and Matt Hurm dated April 26, 1995 c: Residents present at March 28 and April 25, 1995 Park & Recreation Commission meetings. Bruce Chamberlain, Hoisington-Koegler Group Dale Gregmy, Park Superintendent . . . . Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. mil raD May 3, 1995 Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: Enclosed, please fmd the plan and cost estimate for Power Hill Park alterations. As we discussed, the plan includes striping for two half court basketball areas, hopscotch and four square on the existing parking lot as well as installation of a gate, bollards and added parking. The Yz basketball courts are opposite each other to allow the possibility of full court play. The basketball hoops, however, will be at different heights; the easterly hoop will be the regulation 10 feet and the westerly hoop will be at 8 feet for younger players. The overall length of the court is approximately 67 feet, much less that the standard 84 feet. The gate will need to be fairly substantial structure, constructed of steel tubing with welded construction and significant footings. There will be two gates which meet in the center of the driveway. The gates can be locked open using two lock-down bollards positioned at the sides of the driveway. Access to the parking lot will be further controlled by placing wood bollards along the pavement edge. The bollards will allow bike and pedestrian access but restrict vehicular access. Five parking spaces (1 handicapped) have been added to the park along the existing entry drive. There are a few small existing trees which will need to be removed to accommodate the parking. The cost estimate enclosed for roughly $5,000 assumes that the City will provide all the labor necessary to fabricate and/or install the components. If Contract labor is used to do this work, the costs would obviously be significantly higher. As I mentioned earlier, if the Park Commission directs Staff to proceed with the work, we can pull the construction details for the various components together fairly easily. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ~t~ Bruce L. Chamberlain, RLA Park Planner Enc. M:\CHAN HAS\9 5 -7IPIVRH I LL LTR Land Use / Environmental · Planning / Design . 612) 835-9960 · Fax: (612) R3'5-3160 I I I Preliminary Cost Estimate - Concept Plan dated 5/2195 I -f--=--= . 2-Mav-95 Power Hill Park Alterations I Unit cost! i Subtotal' -- $0.90 $1.00 ------- -------- $1,166.40 $90.00 + $1,256.40 I I I Wood Sollards I ! 7 LS I $100.00 1 $700.00 I ~~~~~!ba~~~nd~_jl LI -J1-- 2 eLasc~-h, $$61-?000..000--0::--I----~1$,3100Qo..PoOoTI -------------. Play Court Paint Striping 1 1 Site Improvement Sub-total I I i I I I $3,160.00 -1--U-- I I! ! I I I I -1-------II---------r--$4~41-6~40--- I !! I I ! ! $662.46 I I j I I I i -.--.----------.---.--r-.-----------~----.--.-----..;.----'--'-'-'-'-'-'-'---'-'r-'---'!--'-'-'-'-'--'-'--'-'--'--.-,-..-.-.--.----.-.-~-.-.-._._-.-_.- Total ! I I i I! i $5,078.86 I 1 ! I I I ! Pri~_~_~~~_~me City f~bri~~!l~~_~~loL__l-~-----+---J----------------L--+-----------------L---------___________ installation of improvements. , !, ,I I, ! Site Improvements Double 11' Steel Gates Steel Lock-Down Sollards I __~ ---.-!:~l-~45_~.00 I J__~~Qo.<?O-L IT 21 LS I $80:oor- 1 $160.00 I Sub-total Continoency- 15% . . . ..'G:: 0 -CU.... .= S CU .... ~ .!!l,::: oS I< CJ lIJ."",+' ,:::1: ...... CU . o~s:; m+ol Q) tJ CUI:;. 1 ~cuoS~ 'C S "'" oS CU CU Ol ;. ~ -~Q.)QJ < "",I:,.Q OlCO 'C ;><. d :::=:::(0 J..l cu QJ ,g><~cu:5: CU,.Q ,::: 0: CJ _1>.1: !:;CX)~:::..om I:cu~~'C'::: O,.Q oS cuU (J rn~<<1~ ~.3..d ;.~ 0 b l1J ~:= E t' ti;e~~u rn ~ E-< o Z Ol en_= 'CCUI:'C .!~::>~ "'CJ- as..... 1:0- .CJO oS,.Q cu I:'i: . 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I 'co CO ......... l"- I -f--' U OJ (j) I I o(/)w f- c;:jW::)f- 0 ..JwIO<(WO t::Jf-u::)~rn::2: f-(/)<(Zo...o(/) (/) f-- I f-~ Of-o a <(of-(/)z (/)~f-U 000::) <((/) ..J~ : ~O""""'WWO::: ~o...o...~~~o <t ~ '-V <t ~ o Z Z W Z 0...0:::~ OOO~ OIIW WU(/)W Z f- f-<((/)(/) f- <( 01"- : ~oo<x) (/)I"')W......... : <( f- If) "<t <( ~ .........ouo 1"'): O(/) l"<t~ N......... : . xl"')(/)NW . f-~f- CoO:::~ <( .........OOZ..J I"-\.J....rnoo... 0- ..t/l-8 ..ll W rn ::) f- ~ W W f- (/) "<t ......... ~ x o (/) If) ::: o I -- -3 II (j)::: N OJ~ -f--' -- o I L:l__ -' I a.. o >- U1 I < April 26, 1995 . Mr. Todd Hoffman and the Chanhassen Park Commission City Hall 690 Colter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman and Commission Members, I am a 13-year-old boy that lives in the Lake Susan Hills. I was glad to hear that you are planning to put basketball hoops in Power Hill Park. I would like to ask that you put the baskets where it would be possible to play a full court game. If possible I would appreciate it if you could also add lines for our boundaries and free throw lines. I would also ask you to make the hoops adjustable so that both little and big kids can play. . Thank you for listening to us kids. Kyle HURM Jon Hurm Edit Hurm JMa tt 1f)utm . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director A TO: Park & Recreation Commission DATE: August 3, 1995 SUBJ: Work Session; 1996 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) . The commission is always offered the fIrst oPP9~ty to develop the annual CIP. I am recommending a $150,000 to $200,000 limit on<lQ~6 "hard costs." "Overhead" expenses such as staff costs, legal services, fees for seryice Will account for an additional $40,000 to $50,000. If the commission fails to identify ptojectSfor these dollars, staff will offer its opInIOn. The format of your work sheets is for the 5 Year CIP. Although the 1996 CIP is your number one priority, the 5 Year CIP needs attention as well. . . CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 . WORKSHEETS . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Bandimere Community Park Address: 9405 Great Plains Blvd (TH 101) Acres: 30 Class: Community Improvements ~ ~ 1.aaZ wa 19.9.9. TOTALS Notes: Concept Master Park Plan prepared in 1989. 2 . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Bandimere Heights Park Address: 9290 Kiowa Trail Acres: 3 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ ~ 1m 1.aaa ~ Play Area .00 8,000 Refurbishment Tire Swing 1,500 TOTALS: 1,500 8,000 . Notes: Extensive regrading and site work was initiated in the fall of 1991. Work was completed in 1992. . 3 . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Bluff Creek Park Hesse Farm Road 21 Open Space Improvements W5. ~ ~ ~ ~ .00 TOTALS: .00 Notes: To be incorporated into the Bluff Creek Preservation zone. 4 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Carver Beach Park Address: 6891 Lotus Trail Acres: 8 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1aa5. ~ ~ .1.aa6. ~ Park Benches 2,000 Signage 200 TOTALS: 2,200 Notes: 5 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Carver Beach Playground Address: 900 Carver Beach Road Acres: 3 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ ~ 1m ~ lla9. TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 6 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Chanhassen Estates Mini Park Address: 55 Lake Drive East Acres: 1 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ 19a6. JJm 1.9.a8. ~ Play Equipment 3,000 TOTALS: 3,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 7 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Chanhassen Hills Park Address: 8579 Chanhassen Hills Drive South Acres: 8 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ ~ 19.aI ~ ~ Trees (Hwy 212 3,000 Berm) Play Area Expansion TOTALS: 3,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 8 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Chanhassen Pond Park Address: 7500 Laredo Drive Acres: 16 Class: Open Space Improvements 1.9.a5. ~ ~ .1a9.B. 1.aa9. Trail Work 16,000 TOTALS: 16,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: ~ . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Chanhassen Recreation Center Improvements ~ m2 1..9N ~ w.a TOT ALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 1"0 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: City Center Park Address: 710 Coulter Drive Acres: 10 Class: Community Improvements ~ 1.aa6. .1..9.9l ~ N9..9. TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: Configuration of park is subject to change dependent on the outcome of Central Park Master plans. 11 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Curry Farms Park Address: 1300 Stratton Court Acres: 6 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ 1.9..92 ~ ~ 1.aa9. Play Area Expansion 3,000 TOT ALS: 3,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 1"2 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Galpin Boulevard Parkland Address: Acres: Class: Improvements 1.a9.5. ~ ~ ~ ~ TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 1-G . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Greenwood Shores Park Address: 7110 Utica Lane Acres: 4 Class: Neighborhood Improvements .taa5. ~ ll9l. ~ ~ Tree Replacement 600 Trail Addition 4,000 TOTALS: 600 4,000 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 1"4 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . Park Name: Herman Field Park Address: 2591 Forest Avenue Acres: 13 Class: Neighborhood Improvements .19.9.5. ~ .19.9l .19.aa ~ Superdeck 6,000 Boardwalk Play Area Expansion Beyond 1996 TOTALS: 6,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 . Notes: *These improvements are scheduled to be completed in 1993. 1"5 . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . . Park Name: Lake Ann Park Address: 1456 Arboretum Blvd (Hwy. 5) Acres: 98 Class: Community Improvements ~ .1a9.2 m.z ~ .taa9 SHELTER Cash Register 750 Canoes (3) (1 ) 500 Paddle Boats (4) (2) 2500 Life Jackets (20) (10) 200 Canoe Paddles (10) (10) 200 Shelter Landscaping 3,000 Boundary Buoys 1,200 Concession Stand Alarm SUBTOTAL: 8,350 GENERAL ~ .1a9.2 m.z ~ 1.9a9 Safety Fencing 10,000 Picnic Shelter (Parkview) 50,000 Ballfield Restroom & Beyond Concession Building 1996 SUBTOTAL: 10,000 50,000 GRAND TOTAL: 18,350 50,000 1'6 Notes: Lake Ann Park is entering a stage of final transformation to a "full service" community park. The installation of services, i.e. phone, electric, sewer, water will allow the future construction of a group reservation picnic shelter at the parkview area, the construction of a permanent shelter at the ballfields, and other improvements. 1-7 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Lake Susan Park Address: 903 Lake Drive East Acres: 27 Class: Community Improvements ~ ~ .19..9.I ~ ~ Ballfield Lights Contribution 10,000 Archery Range Targets Trees (Oaks) 2,000 TOTALS: 12,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 1-8 . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Meadow Green Park Address: 921 Pontiac Lane Acres: 18 Class: Neighborhood Improvements lla5. 19.aQ ~ 1.aaa. ~ Play Area 20,000 Refurbishment TOTALS: 20,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 . Notes: . 1"9 . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Minnewashta Boulevard Parkland Address: Acres: Class: Improvements .19.9.5. 1.aa2 ~ ~ .1a9.a TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . Notes: I . 20 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . Park Name: Minnewashta Heights Park Address: 6220 Dogwood Avenue Acres: Class: 2 Neighborhood Improvements ~ 1a9..6. .1.aaZ .1.aaa. ~ TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . Notes: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: North Lotus Lake Park . 21 . . . Address: 295 Pleasant View Road Acres: 18 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ .19.a2 .19.aZ Naa 1m Hockey Rink with 30,000 Lights TOTALS: 30,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 22 . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Pheasant Hill Park Address: 1720 Lake Lucy Lane Acres: 11 Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ 1a9.6. ~ . .19.9.9. Play Area Expansion Beyond 1996 TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . Notes: Park Master Plan approved in 1991. . 23 . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Power Hill Park Address: Flamingo Drive Acres: 18 Class: Neighborhood Improvements .19.9.5. 19.a6. 1a9l. .19.illi .1.9.a9. Play Area 22,000 Trees Picnic Shelter Beyond 1996 TOTALS: 22,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 24 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Prairie Knoll Park Address: 1124 Dove Court Acres: 4 Class: Neighborhood Improvements .1aa5. ~ ~ .19.aa wa Play Area 10,000 TOTALS: 10,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: The access trail to Prairie Knoll Park from Dove Court will be installed by the developer to the rear of the lots which it bisects. 25 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Rice Marsh Lake Park Address: 8119 Erie Circle Acres: 30 (90% wetland) Class: Neighborhood Improvements ~ ~ 1aaZ 19M .19.a9. Play Area 7,000 Refurbishment Picnic Shelter Beyond Replacement 1996 TOTALS: .00 7,000 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 26 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: South Lotus Lake Park Address: 7610 South Shore 7 Acres: Class: Community Improvements ~ ~ 19li ~ ~ Play Area Expansion 14,000 TOTALS: 14,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: '2:7 . . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Sunset Ridge Park Address: 1364 Lake Susan Hills Drive Acres: Class: 10 Neighborhood Improvements ~ .1.a9.2 ~ ~ lli.9. TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 28 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Stone Creek Parkland Address: Acres: Class: Improvements ~ lli.6. .laal .taaa lla9. TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Notes: 29 . . . . OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Improvements lla5. we. 1m lli.6. ~ Picnic Tables, Benches 12,000 . Signage 2,000 Scout Projects 500 Contingency 10,000 Recycling Containers 10,000 Trails TOTALS: 10,000 . . 31