1995 11 28 Agenda . . "'. File AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMM.h.>lJu.n'l TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1995,7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items at this time. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Summary Minutes, October 24, 1995. 2. Proposed Residential Plat: Request for preliminary plat approval of8.35 acres into 12 lots, one outlot and associated right-of-way; variance for street grade of 10%; variance to wetland setback of20 feet for Lots 11 and 12; property is located on the east side of Yosemite at the Chanhassen-Shorewood city limits, John Knoblauch. The project is known as Knob Hill. 3. Proposed Residential Plat: Request for rezoning of222,580 sq. ft. of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate to RSF, Residential Single Family and preliminary plat approval into 7 lots. The property is located on the east side of Galpin Blvd. just south of Lukewood Drive, Dempsey Addition. 4. Proposed Residential Plat: Request for preliminary plat approval of 8.9 acres into 9 lots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 7505 Frontier Trail, Lotus Glen, Ted deLancey. OLD BUSINESS - None . 5. PROGRAM REPORTS: a. 1996 February Festival b. 1995 Halloween Party Evaluation 6. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS 7. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS a. Jan Lash, Recipient of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Board and Commission Award. b. Directors Report c. 1995 Capital Improvement Program d. Budget and Revenue Report e. Postponement of City Project RA-492, Ice Hockey/In-line Skating Rink Improvements; Chanhassen Recreation Center, North Lotus Lake Park f. Item Deleted ** (Recreation Center Gym Rental Fee Establishment) . g. Recreation Center Fees 8. Administrative Packet e- . . . . ..L SUMMARY MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1995 6:30 p.m. The Commission members participated in a site tour of the Stockdale/JMS Property. 700 p.m. - CALL TO ORDER. REGULAR MEETING Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Fred Berg, Jim Manders, Ron Roeser, Jim Andrews, Jane Meger, Jan Lash and Frank Scott. , ,'\ ,'It''l Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; and Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor. Public Present: JMS Companies, 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN 55J17; Tom Rocheford, CMS Investors, 2575 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55114. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of August 22, 1995 Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Manders, seconded by Commissioner Roeser. All voted in favor. PROPOSED PLAT Preliminary plat of36.6 acres of property into 3 lots and 2 outlots; site plan review of two 64,000 sq. ft. buildings; wetland alteration permit; and vacation of an existing right-of-way and utility easement on property zoned lOP and located in the southwest comer of Dell Road and Hwy. 5, CMS Corporation. Tom Rocheford ofCMS Corporation presented the proposal to the commission. Upon the conclusion of the commission's discussion, Commissioner Lash moved to recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regards to parks and trails for the CSM Corporation plat. Full park and trail fees to be collected per City ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. Commissioner Meger seconded the motion and all voted in favor. SUMMARY MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1995 PAGE 2 . PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. NORTH BAY. ROTTLUND COMPANY. Commissioner Andrews moved, Commissioner Lash seconded to forward the following motion to City Council. Regarding the preliminary plat of North Bay by Rottlund Homes, the conditions of approval regarding parks and trails be amended as follows: *Delete references to Outlot C being dedicated to the city as a requirement of obtaining PUD status. * Add the following condition: Outlot C (1.2:1: acres) shall be acquired through a reduction in park dedication fees. City ordinance allows the a~quisition of 1 acre of parkland for every 75 new residents. Calculations are based on 3 persons per single family dwelling. Upon accounting for the acquisition of the 1.2:1: acres, the remaining fees shall be collected per city ordinance. . All commissioners voted in favor of the motion with the exception of Commissioner Manders. The motion passed 6 to 1. Commissioner Manders felt the city should continue to require the dedication of the outlot as a requirement ofPUD approval. PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. FOREST MEADOW: JMS COMPANIES. David Sebold and Jeff Schoenwetter spoke on behalf of JMS Companies. Following commission discussion, the following motion was made: Commissioner Andrews moved and Commissioner Meger seconded that the city pursue acquisition of the Forest Meadow Outlot under the following terms and conditions: 1. JMS shall be compensated $26,000.00 per acre. . . . SUMMARY MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1995 PAGE 3 2. Full park and trail fees shall be waived. 3. JMS shall be entitled to remove up to 13,000 cubic yards of fill material from the outlot. 4. JMS shall restore and seed the outlot. 5. JMS shall be responsible for silt fence installation. The motion carried on a 4 to 3 vote. ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAKE ANN PARKING PERMITS. SECTION 14-59 OF CHANHASSEN CITY CODE. . This item reviewed a second time at the request of the City Council. Following discussion, Commissioner Andrews moved, Commissioner Scott seconded to: Retain the current gate system and establish the 1996 parking rates at the following levels: Daily Parking Pass Seasonal Parking Pass - Resident Seasonal Parking Pass - Non-resident $ 2.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 All vehicles, with the exception of those transporting participants and/or spectators of sanctioned/organized youth events, 17 years of age or under, shall be charged a parking fee. SEPTEMBERFEST - TO BE OR NOT TO BE Based on the observation that the money being invested in Septemberfest could yield a better return, Commissioner Berg moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to recommend that Septemberfest be discontinued. All voted in favor and the motion carried. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13.1996. WAS ESTABLISHED AS A DATE TO MEET WITH THE WEST MINNEW ASHT A AND STONE CREEK NEIGHBORHOODS TO . DISCUSS THEIR RESPECTIVE PARK PLANS. Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Meger seconded to adjourn the meeting. . . . . I- z <t U - .-J a.. a.. <( . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: Nov. 28,1995 PC DATE: CCDATE: ~ STAFF REPORT --- HOFFMAN:k ~~. Preliminary plat approval of 8.35 acres into 12 lots, 1 outlot, and associated right-of- way; variance for street grade of 10%; variance to wetland setback of 20 feet for Lots 11 and 12; Knob Hill PROPOSAL: LOCATION: East side of Yosemite at the Chanhassen/Shorewood limits APPLICANT: John Knoblauch 16921 Weston Bay Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 ~ ~ W .... - C/) . PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of Pheasant Hill Park and Curry Farms Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Yosemite Street is not identified as a trail route in the City's Comprehensive trail map. Powers Boulevard to the east and Galpin Boulevard to the west are identified as trail corridors which link to Shorewood. Residents residing in Knob Hill will be required to walk1bike on- ~treet to access Shorewood or the Lake Lucy Road on-street trail. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - City of Shorewood S - RSF, Residential Single Family E - RSF, Residential Single Family W - Yosemite Street Park & Recreation Commission November 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and trails for Knob Hill. 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. c Robert Generous, Planner IT Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer . . . z o . Jclp - ~ ~~ '~,/.~~~it:A { 'Q{.).)rI ~ ' I I J'~r'L.;:: < rt 21~ ...;), +i0.0'/ !..~~-'~.-:..~- 'i .r ~ , ,;~I " V, 1..1J1'r" ~/F ' , Ai:t': ,I Fj~ !-:. ; ~~lt~,~~~~i:~ ~f~{~j'. ~;:~ ,J ~Jflj:!~ ~ . 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I- Z <t () :J a.. a... <( . ~ g w .... - (f) . PRC DATE: Nov. 21, 1995 PC DATE: CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k -# 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for rezoning of222,580 sq. ft. of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate to RSF, Residential Single Family; and preliminary plat approval into 7 lots; Dempsey Addition LOCATION: East side of Galpin Boulevard, just south of Luke wood Drive APPLICANT: Timothy Dempsey 8241 Galpin Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RR, Timberwood Addition S - A2, Agricultural Estate E - RSF, Minger Addition W - Galpin Boulevard COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The city's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of the "Stone Creek" parkland, Bluff Creek Elementary/Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the future "O'Shaughnessy" parkland located southwest of the intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Residents of this new addition will access the new off-street trail being constructed along side Galpin Boulevard via Lukewood Drive. Park & Recreation Commission November 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and trails for the Dempsey Addition. 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu ofland dedication and/or trail construction. c: Robert Generous, Planner II Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer . . . ~ 1J:~} r. '\ _c, \--~ .'---~ q, 1 '1:~.:' : ~~"'\',~:,~~} I i Ov" -~ I .-) , \~ / 'J\.CJ1~ 'I . , 1 "- /"'-,) ...~'), T i ....... ~;:.;r~:I'-:::i- dA\:10; ~ h \ . LI U'.? Ill.. ,.\~ ~ .""'1'""1:::' "lIIIl ~~.1-11 Q. LL..I l.. -'l 8--.. '.uY "'u' 'V' _ f\I,,"',. ~J \ -......-.. ~ " ',,-/.:1 .; I l)) .. \ 'i I I " I , t. T ~ DRIVE ..' . . ~b.- . .... / ...;.J (... ~ - POND ~ '\. - HIGHWAY """"'/ ~OND ~ - ./:'1 /', fA.. ~':.>! ! (,':~\.POND C:.:'.'J \.J LV LYMAN BLVD. - I I 0 , 0 0 0 co ,... C\J N 8700- 0 0 0 0 0 0') ,.., C\J 8800- - ~ ~ "'" ~ \'- ~ 0 ~U"A \.~ ~~ ~..: k~kj~ ~; If.. rjRIDGq;.~7t ;~.;' ~!g f-;:.::-5J ~:i ' ) I l~\ ~ ~~ ~ l~~ h.~ _1 lUll, Jicou~~ 0 Z u~ \~ I """~, C. R NE E"st '" ~!J ~ ' \ 0: T ~r t~ ' '/ ~\"- \( ...., VT~i[~ 0 \ , <:1 ~, I~' ~~ 0 '.I <\'\.~ IJ..Llrr., / t( q U~A~~ ~~ ,.::: . , ~ ST~ H....... Y, % 7~' ~ ,iE ~, r:;.~.(( ~ D\,; ,lAI(I' H ..,.. ~ m K ~ L...-::( Id - ~ I,PARK . C ~o llo"F/ V TUT~ ,. u. :> . Loetc/;,( O^-- ~ 1!..r~ ."". ~ Pil lL/'. '~1" fJ;1 ~.-I.l ~ /1 1/11/ r I I ( C. R. '8) .....:J i...~, ': " ; :-: " i ... '- 'J" .' -..: t...... I ! I I ~ ........ r\} ~ \ -~ -., ..... ~ ;;;, ...... Q:' &. -- - 01 , LIER BLVD --::::::- ~ A2 r-- p VO ~ c - -. ..:= , . / '/::. ~ ~- I \ \.RS'W~ PARK '2J~"\ :> \/~/~~~~~; ~r t-<':>::-, '<ol J' L " {,.. . I- Z <( u ::J a.. 0- <t . ~ ~ w .... - (f) . CITY OF CHANHASSEN STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: PRESENT ZONING: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: PRC DATE: Nov. 28,1995 PC DATE: CCDATE: . _ - HOFFMAN:k -;::f'f' 4 --- Preliminary plat approval of8.9 acres into 9 lots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family; Lotus Glen COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of South Lotus Lake Park, City Center Park, and Chanhassen Pond Park. 7505 Frontier Trail Ted deLancey 7505 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 RSF, Residential Single Family N - RSF, Residential Single Family S - RSF, Residential Single Family E - RSF, Residential Single Family W - Frontier Trail COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This site is not in the vicinity of any city trail systems. A portion of Frontier Trail was upgraded a few years ago. The stakeholders in that project determined a trail or sidewalk was not in their best interest. Future residents of Lotus Glen will be required to access city trail . . . Park & Recreation Commission November 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regard to parks and trails for Lotus Glen: 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. c: Robert Generous, Planner II Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer . . . -r.o , I 11 29 51 12 II I~ r " IZ ~. ~ ~;o '0 , ... i_ ..... .. 00. ;- ~ :.j .; \.~~ ... ;- . s 17 10 o .. ... a PART OF LOT 16 ..,. f 0: . T ......0 ::J- ~ ....,,t,,,.. :.u - 1'H -n..,.,. G;1 1'" ,. In. IU IlK' '00 ~ - ~ ROBERT C, AMORUSO ~8 oor "0. .'''Sl J .. '.....r..... o. .. ,.,. ....".'0 ~ OftC .('.,\,. -. -".,... ..J <( a: .... o 0 . .. '3 000 i. = . ',.1- ai 5 0 _ .... ~ R !~ ! 51 . . ..., -..'.c_ : "" .n.,.: l.'. ,. ~ .. ,., Z~, .:- .,(....t.. SftW(NSI" ..IIO,flIllS - ~f". '" .)...1. e.T" Of' eMA.... .sr.. .. '~..~ JI' ", .. ,,~ -. ...~ .... =.g~~ :"'u" .. .0 20 2 . . D J "veDlle_ = DOC ..0 tJ:i~' IU.. . OO.......D aoe' Ie ..: .. ...."., : .: D., -(\.,.) - II. .. 3 .. . .. ....".0.. ~ .. . - :: U, - ...rt"... w. e w. '" .. .. . , ~ .. .: - !! It- ~ . I: . O. '..I" .. .. 0.. 1I't., ~ 0(1' ~... .1." ...1 W, ..0 S CUlt. 00... MOtt.. DOC I". I.J.I' .. ... -.. -. a~ 0 .. - ... .. ... s: ! 4 ... 100 ... , 100 ..,. . , 7 , -."0"1 .. .CMUr...... en "0 '11" "l' ~ 14 c( . ~ .' . . .. . .. 77TH, ST. I I ~ 6 Of 'I' 'II "1 J "I ~ .. 6 1 3 :i 10 2 9 8 4 5 LOCATION MAP ,CHAN, VIEW .-:l~J ~ ~.,'t,1:' II tI2 )"R. t..~ :i I ---.~~.. ........--......., t_ ~ ____ 'UM "'n'"" 4 '" Westwood . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN S-a-. - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor .~ K. . November 16, 1995 I I FROM: DATE: SUBJ: 1996 February Festival Preview . Chanhassen's third annual February Festival be Saturday, February 17, at Lake Susan. A tentative schedule of events will i~ii \i.e an ice-fishing contest sponsored by the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, cross-~9untfk' fun ski, ice diving demonstrations, dog-sled demonstrations, a huge bon-fire ,%~Jh a sigtore cookout, food and concessions, and a snow-golf tournament sponsored by.the Chanhassen Jaycees. The fireworks display was eliminated ~~pm this yeal'~~ celebration. This move was necessary in order to reduce a portiol\}jf our expendiwres in the 145 recreation budget. The fireworks display was a nice addition, however, the elimination was necessary to balance the 1996 City Budget. My time has been spent thisyveek working out the manydetails of February Festival. The application for the lawful. gambling license will be mailed this week. The gambling license, as you ~2~,isnecessary in order to hold the fish~f tournament. The fishing tournament is considered/a raffle atldtherefore you need a gambling license from the Minnesota (JampUtlg 13oard../The.c::;h~I1hassetl.c::;hall1befgf.CgIlpllerce. has agreed to sponsor the tournament again this year. Letters have been sent to Roberls.Al.lt()mati~ Progg~~~t12t11P~kaIld Rosemount to inquire about the possibility of using their parking lots for spectator parking. I anticipate hearing from these companies soon. Southwest Metro Transit has been contacted regarding the free shuttle service. Last year, the shuttle service worked out great and we would welcome them back with open arms. . My goal is to have publicity out on the streets earlier than in the past two years. I would like it out by January 5 to ensure a successful event. I am working daily of February Festival. I will have another progress report in December. . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN Sh 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 1~ DATE: November 16, 1995 SUBJ: 1995 Halloween Party Evaluation The 1995 Halloween Party saw an increase i~>~~gistration numbers compared with last year. This year, a total of 400 kids were pre-if~~tered and more dropped in the night of the party, bringing the total with kids and p~fnt~.~o well over 600 people. Registrations started slow and picked-up the last 3-4 day~befor~the party. One theory for the slow beginning was that people were unsure of.JJie change in location. Moving the Halloween Party from the ..~Jianhassen B;l~mentary School to the Chanhassen Recreation Center proved worthwhile.tiThis year, wet~ceived more positive comments from people about the party than in atiy other year. Th~party took on a new format. The community rooms in the recreati9tiicenter were broken{jown into individual rooms. The rooms were used for refreshments~ games sponsored by the Chanhassen Jaycees, cartoon movies and a haunted room. The juggler/magician performed in the gymnasium. The individual rooms were nice because we could separate each individual component of the party. This created the opportunity participants to go through the different rooms at their own ace. At times the roo crowded, but people were generally in good spirits. A combination of park and recieil.tion c011Ul:1issi~~~~~'~f~i8rs;citYstaff and high school students made up the team of volunteers. lJiit tJie jackpot of volunteers by speaking with Laura Scanlon at the Chaska High Schoo1.iLa distributed flyers, made announcements and found ten extra volunteers. Without h lp, I would have been short volunteers. She did a great job and I certainly plan on contacting her for other events needing volunteers. General Comments . Keep the Halloween Party on the Saturday before Halloween. . Set party time at 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. or 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation November 16, 1995 Page 2 . . Re-establish touch and feel hallway. . Expand haunted room and get new props. . Eliminate cartoon movies. . Serve cold apple cider instead of hot. . Keep prize drawings for parents. . Book recreation center the Friday before for set-up. . Purchase more non-scary decorations. . . . . . PROGRAM EVALUATION FORM Program Name J q q _s If aijt-a>{[~v p(y~ ~-' Code No: Quarter Program was offered: SU F w SP Number of Sessions Offered: Total Number of Participants: Length of Class (minutes) Length of Class (weeks) Meetings/W eek: Class Fee: Should this program be offered again? Comments on program: REVENUE x $ = No. of Participants Fee x $ = No. of Teams Fee = Donations x $ = Refunds Fee d' ) ) ./' Total C)LJe (' ~ EXPENSES . . A. Salaries ) of - ) 1-);;;- 43cD Contractual Services: ..D;"arnlf~.J T. R~\(..Q u,l/!CJ W fft 1.br--ifJe Total :f.- ~.;u - spc!:.'5<-yr>f) . ~- etj /Yf..7 d,': J. II 1 ;;L:) D F1.z}:~ - ,'-- 5f.c>iV-:C'{'('cfJ 13 ~ 13 kJ er/2J '5 'tJ 'f, /40 14~ B. 1. B us Rental 2. Miscellaneous Services Mew. ndJ CYl.Wr-'ti"firH1'lt'-t1 / 3. M6denJ .s-'L.lVlD PIC:.turf~ 4. 5. to/-ILI!;- ~ 4}~ Supplies: Total ~c~:f;Jf50 1. Craft/Program Supplies 2. Equipment 3. Tickets TC~(~lr-, (:CHI~J / ~C;7i.;V..,t'.:;' 8'(j er 1~.J '.- f-"-'c:klt'.5 R-:jf'l/Cd ~t.J..5 ~L~ BLn' Id iv1f/ &-<I)kr- prePS Chwlrt CI )tiY- - preps Or \'111' ()l\ IS P t 2: ;c. It (j CJ c;J. f;I3 i 73. ~ '3 "f) ci. ?3 rtf,76 /Q,/)6 I.S-. DC) c. Total q c;?fr; ~ 3/ . AMOUNT BUDGETED ACTUAL TOT AL REVENUE dJ TOT AL EXPENSE II 7.), 3 / BALANCE - J/ 7;).3/ . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission 'ilf FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: November 21, 1995 SUBJ : Jan Lash, Recipient of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Board and Commission Award The City of Chanhassen is proud to announce t~~t P..)ilc & Recreation Commission member Jan Lash has been named the recipient of the Minn.esota ~~creation and Park Association Board and Commission A ward. Commission members representthe largest population of our professional association. Jan is one of two commissioners statewide to be selected for this honor in 1995. Jan will accept her award at the associatigJ.l's annual awarqs banquet and annual meeting on December 1, 1995. Additional information regarding Jan's award is included in the administrative packet. Congratulations Jan! You are a deserving recipient. .--- of . . . CITY OF CHIHHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ..A' / Todd Hoffinan, Director of Parks and Recreation .r II r FROM: DATE: November 22, 1995 SUBJ: Director's Report Happy Thanksgiving! Staff members of the artment wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season. Jan's award is the best news I have to council will give her a bonus? I wonder if the city Welcome again to Frank Scott! city council on November looking to working with you. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS The following agenda items ar 27, 1995: I. fri:riation of 2.3 5 Acres of Residential>. . and Described as Outlot F, sideAdditi()n;~ity()f>ChanbassenVS;iHeritage Development. 2. blishment of Lake Ann Park Parking Chanhassen City Code. 3. Approval of Real Estate Puichas~ greement, Outlot A, Forest Meadow, JMS Companies. The cover memorandum for each of these items is attached. OPEN SP ACE TASK FORCE The failure of the District 112 $2 million levy has the task force on edge. To "test the waters" they are bringing in Decision Resources or another firm to conduct a poll in January/February. The targeted vote date is the presidential primary in early June 1996. Park and Recreation Commission Director's Report Page 2 . Prior to committing the resources necessary to complete all nine app~aisals, the task force ordered one be completed. The results of this appraisal will guide future actions of the task force. Initial word from the appraiser is that there will be a sizable discrepancy between the appraised value and the landowner's opinion of value. 1996 BUDGET The department's 1996 Operations Budget is tentatively set at $1.1 million up from $.79 million in 1995. The majority of the increase is attributable to the $300,000 Recreation Center Budget. The break out on a fund by fund basis is: Fund 141 Fund 142 Fund 143 Fund 144 Fund 145 Fund 146 Fund 147 Fund 148 Total: Park and Recreation Commission Park and Recreation Administration Recreation Center Senior Center Operation Recreation Programs Self Supporting Programs Lake Ann Park Operations Park Maintenance $2,200.00 $63,500.00 $284,000.00 $24,000.00 $167,000.00 $90,000.00 $70,500.00 $390,000.00 . $1,092,000.00 Fund 410, the commission's capital improvement budget is set at $299,000.00 . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN Ie.. - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Actlorl ~ City AdmInistrator Endorsed- / 7)G<Jft frlOCi~BL Rej~terl r:r:e-..JJ..:. ?'2--:5.T DMB SuvmiI-!cd to CCinJil:5sion TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director ;/ ~ ...... D~!c """'--;;);0 Council- __... !.l- d. 7- 'J S FROM: DATE: November 20, 1995 SUBJ: Condemnation of 2.35 Acres of Residential Land Described as Outlot F, Creekside Addition; City of Chanhassen vs. Heritage Development A resolution authorizing condemnation of the a!~relIl~ntioned property was approved by the city council on February 13, 1995. The staff report presented to the council on the 13th of February and the resulting minutes are attached. By this resolution, the city attorney's office was authorized to commence eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 117 to acquire fee title of the property. Petition papers were filed with the District Court Administrator on July 7, 1995. A condemnation hearing date of November 16, 1995, was established. Revie'Wof ValuationJ Appraisal Process The city's initial offer of$30,000/acre was consistent with other transactions being made within the city. The Oaks at Minriewashta plat and the Forest Meadow plat are two comparables. Both of these projects inClude the acquisition of park landi Ii excess of what could be acquired through the city's dedicat!sm ordinance.' Like the Heritage plat (Creekside), both plats at point in their developmenfidentified the parkland as platted home sites. At present, the city holds a signed purchase agreement for The Oaks at Minnewashta parkland priced at $30,000/acre. The purchase agreement for.the Forest Meadow parkland is on the council's November 27, 1995 agenda priced at$2(j,000/acre. To qualify these comparables, Swenson & Associates was retained by the city 10 prepare a limited appraisal/consultation report. The cover pages of this report dated December 7, 1994 are attached. As of November 25, 1994, it was Mr. Swenson's opinion that the subject 2.3 acres was valued at $27,000-$29,000 per acre. Future assessment costs which are not reflected in this value would also be assumed. 4~W~^~~_VAA>.l.;i< ."-~~,~ '" ~,..;~t~.t:.~ "'. ,,\,;~'<,,:: Mr. Don Ashworth November 20, 1995, Page 2 - ..,.. ,'. ...~ ~ Since that time, the months of December, 1994; and January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October, 1995 have passed. The court hearing date of November 16, 1995, was established and a full appraisal was ordered by the city attorney's office. In the resulting appraisal, Mr. Swenson's opinion of the current "as isu market value of the 2.3 acres is $198,000 ($86,000/acre). It appears the passing of time has crippled the city's ability to acquire this property. This past September, I again took the time to walk the property. This visit reassured the city's position--this land and the experience it affords is worthy ofpreservation.___ Unfortunately at $86,000/acre the price is too high. Recommendation It is the recommendation of this office that the condemnation proceedings on Outlot F, Creekside Addition be terminated. Note: The trail outlot allowing th~ construction of the Bluff Creek trail remains intact. . . . , . . . CITY OF L:t CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 AdiO!1 by C:;:y Adm:r.;'?~i'2\Or ( T.:;W..H' (.,do!~,ed----- MEMORANDUM Don Ashworth, City Manager A( Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director -I/" M"JG;ii3d-------- TO: ~"i<..),):L-- .::q fft- ..~:~_. &;.. a,J _ P'::;.t~._..~- , v)7: :~b;r:~tl:!~ to Com(rtis5lon FROM: --[,;;"$-::-: '.,. .;:;;;rt; C~~n;. _.!J-'k7...1,~ --- DATE: 'November 20, 1995 SUBJ: Establishment of Lake Ann Parking Fee, Section 14-59 ofChanhassen City Code City Code Section 14-59, Parking Permits reads: "No person shall leave or park any vehi?le on~ny public lands or grounds adjacent to or in the neighborhood ofEake ~Park during the months of May, June, July, August and September of each year without having attached to the vehicle in a conspicuous place a perniit for that year. Such permits for the parking of automobiles or other vehicles or conveyances on public lands or grounds adjacent to or in the neighborhood of Lake Ann Park shall be issued by the city to any resident or real property owner of the city upon payment to the city of a permit fee in the amount established by resolution ea9h year. Such permits shall also be issued to any person who is not a resident of tl1e city or who does not own real property the city only upon payment to the City of a permit fee in the amount by resolution each year." To comply with~!M.~fiection of the City Code, staff asked .the Pa1"1<.6LRecreatiog..~:~mmission to review the existiriggatS...R~gfam and fees. The commission reviewed this iss~~.~n August 22, 1995. Upon the conclusion of the discussion that evening, the following motion was made: "Commissioner Manders moved, COInmissioner Meger seconded that the Park & Recreation Commission recoInInend the city council discontinue charging an entrance fee for Lake AIlp:Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously." The city council was presented with this recommendation on September 11, 1995. Upon conclusion of the council's discussion, the following motion was made: I Mr. Don Ashworth November 20, 1995 Page 2 . "Councilman Berquist moved, Councilman Mason seconded to direct the Park & Recreation Commission to review the Lake Ann Park parking permit fees within a 60 day time period looking for an equitable resident/non- resident method of raising revenues from Lake Ann and/or the rest of the parks within the community. All voted in favor and the motion carried." This motion and an accompanying staff report was presented to the Park & Recreation Commission on October 24, 1995 (the staffreport dated October 18, 1995 is attached). On the evening of October 24, the commission held a colorful conversation attempting to discover a perfect solution to the Lake Ann gate program. They concluded that in order to generate revenue in an equitable manner, the current gate program should be continued. RECOMMENDATION "Commissioner Andrews moved, Commissioner Scott seconded to retain the current Lake Ann Park gate attendant and parking permit program. It was further recommended that the 1996 fees be established at the following rates: . Daily Parking Pass $ 2 Seasonal Parking Pass-Resident $ 5 Seasonal Parking Pass-Non-Resident $15 All vehicles, with the exception of those transporting participants and/or spectators of sanctioned/organized youth events, 17 years of age or under, shall be charged a parking fee." ATTACHMENT 1. Staff report dated October 18, 1995 c: Park & Recreation Commission . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN q - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Action I1y City Admlnlrtnltnl Endof!ed ,/ P wA MEMORANDUM t:.cdifirc TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager--;/,,'/ Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director / /f Rcie.d..:d ~ [L: ,_._jl:.~ ~. ~. 'J 5'. D;,;" ::;k-:;'tt2d to Commission FROM: "~~~;7-:-::'''cd to Council /1- ')"'") - c;,.":"'" 0*.1 c." __.. _. h_. ..~__ DATE: November 21, 1995 SUBJ: Approval of Real Estate Agreement, Outlot A, Forest Meadow, JMS Companies On October 9, 1995, the Chanhassen City Companies for Forest Meadow: the following approvals to JMS 1. Final plat approval of 18 single family lots and property from A2 to RSF. reading of an ordinance rezoning the 2. Approval of a development contract and construction plans and specifications, Project 94-18. The specific motion made that evening follows: "Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Mason seconded to approve the final plat for 18 single family lots and the final reading of an ordinance rezoning the property from A2 to RSF for Forest Meadow, JMS Development; and to approve the DeveloplIlent Contract and Construction Plans & Specifications, Project ~~!!~as set forth in the staff report alll~Il().~~..!() ().~lete theit~~~ relating to the211tl2t which are yet to be resolved between staff and!;lle applicant. All voted in Javor and the motion carried unanimously." JMS Companies appeared before the Park andRecreation Commission on October 24, 1995. Following the discussion between the commission and representatives of JMS, the following motion was made: "Commissioner Andrews moved and Commissioner Meger seconded that the city pursue acquisition of the Forest Meadow Outlot under the following terms and conditions: Mr. Don Ashworth November 21, 1995 Page 2 . 1. JMS shall be compensated $26,000 per acre; 2. Full park and trail fees shall be waived; 3. JMS shall be entitled to remove up to 13,000 cu. yds. of fill material from the outlot; 4. JMS shall restore and seed the outlot; 5. JMS shall be responsible for silt fence installation. The motion carried on a 4 to 3 vote." Since that time, a flurry of activity revolving around a purchase agreement has occurred. The copy which is attached was last edited by representatives of JMS Companies and has been signed by Mr. Jeffrey M. Schoenwetter, the president of JMS Development Corporation. This agreement meets the terms requested by the commission with the exception of the seeding. Section 8.1 specifies that, "Buyer shall complete seeding and mulch work on the property." It is my experience that in most instances when the "seller" completes finish grading and seeding, the city's park superintendent is unhappy with the quality of such work. In other words, the city would save a few thousand dollars if the "seller" seeded the outlot, but the odds are high that the city's park crew would redo the work. . RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the city council approve the attached real estate agreement between the City of Chanhassen and JMS Companies. Said agreement describes the sale and purchase of Outlot A, Forest Meadow in the amount of$129,220 ($26,OOO/acre). ATTACHMENTS c: Jim Walston, Campbell, Knutson, Scott & Fuchs JMS Companies Gary Eidson, Fabyanske, Svoboda, Westra & Hart . . . . AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1995. 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING. 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER (Pled~e of Alleeiance) ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. City Council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the Council packet for each staff report. 1. Accept Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements in Highlands on Lake St. Joe, Project 93-31A. a. b. Consider Reassignment of Development Contract for Powers Place and Powers Place 2nd Addition. c. Approval of Bills. d. City Council Minutes dated November 13,1995 Planning Commission Minutes dated November 1,1995 Park & Receation Commission Minutes dated October 24, 1995 e. Condemnation of2.35 acre of Residential Land Described as Outlot F, Creekside Addition; City of Chanhassen vs. Heritage Development. f. Establishment of Lake Ann Park Parking Fee, Section 14-59 of Chanhassen City Code. g. Site Plan Amendment Request for a 9,400 sq. ft. Addition to an Office Warehouse Facility, 7600 Quattro Drive, Microvision Corporation. h. Approve MnDOT Program Fee Reimbursement. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS . Council Procedures allows for the presentation of items. If action is required, the item will be tabled to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review of items prior to final consideration. 2. Future Public Safety Commission Planning, Bill Bjerhjelm, Commissioner. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. CSM Corporation, Southwest Corner of Dell Road and Highway 5: a. Request to Vacate an Existing Right-of-Way and Utility Easement on Property Zoned lOP. b. Preliminary Plat of Approximately 36.6 acres into 3 Lots and 2 Outlots; Site Plan Review of Two 64,000 sq. ft. Buildings; Wetland Alteration Permit. . . AWARD OF BIDS 4. $4.5 Million General Obligation Bonds, Series 1995C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. Designation of Official Depository for City Funds. . . . . NEW BUSINESS 6. Sign Height Variance Request to Allow a 7% ft. High Entry Monument Sign to be Located at the Intersection of Landings Drive and Minnewashta Parkway, Kenneth Durr. 7. Sign Variance Request to Allow Two Monument Signs, 761 West 78th Street, Richfield Bank. 8. Conceptual Planned Unit Development for a Mixed Land Use Development of Commercial, Office, Single and Multi-Family on Approximately 66 Acres Located South of Highway 5 Between Great Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard, Villages on the Ponds, Lotus Realty Services. 9. Approval of Real Estate Purchase Agreement, Outlot A Forest Meadow, JMS Companies. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 10. a. Galpin Boulevard/Coulter BoulevardfrH 5 Intersection Improvements, Project No. 93-26A. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS ADJOURNMENT A copy of the staff report and supporting documentation being sent to the City Council will be available after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. Please contact City Hall to verify that your item has not been deleted from the agenda any time after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. . . . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7e- - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission A/I Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director / IV FROM: DATE: November 21, 1995 SUBJ: 1995 Capital Improvement Program The attached check list will inform Program (CIP). Those items not checked off below. status of the 1995 Capital Improvement line drawn through them are discussed 1994 Hold Overs 2. Install Play Area Expansion, Hills Equipment was received in scheduled for spring of 1996. Priority Work Unrelated to Improvement 1. Install 7. School r made it to the top of the list. Request will be re-evaluated in 1996. This work was completed as a part with BorSon. 8. Install signage at "Open" Beaches: As a part of our "Loss Control" efforts, signs informing the public that lifeguards are not on duty at certain beaches were contemplated. The debate over whether to sign or not to sign resulted in the following decision. Signs (4ft. x 4ft.) stating, "Attention-No Park & Recreation Commission November 21, 1995 Page 2 . Lifeguard on Duty" will be placed at Greenwood Shores beach and the two beaches maintained at Carver Beach Park. 1995 Capital Improvement Program CIP Work 2. Install Play Equipment, Chanhassen Estates Park: The purchase of a second phase of equipment for this site is budgeted in 1996. Complete installation of both Phase I and Phase II will take place in 1996. 5. Install Park Benches and Signage, Carver Beach Park: The signage addressing parking regulations was clarified. The installation of park benches along the wooded trail was determined to be an unwise investment. They would end up destroyed and in the lake. 6. Install Boardwalk, Herman Field Park: The allocation of $6,000 would not cover the cost of a superdeck boardwalk. Park users are not busting down my door looking for this amenity. Rather than "blow" the budget, the purchase was not made. . Tree Planting 1. Greenwood Shores - $600: The old oak tree near the beach is still hanging on to its last breaths of life. When it is dead and gone, replacements will be installed. Additional Asphalt Work 6. Complete Asphalt Trail; North Lotus Lake Park: This work is programmed into the Finley Brothers Construction Contract and will be completed next year. As Time Allows 3. Reconstruct Center Island, Holding Area, South Lotus Lake Boat Access. See above. . . . . Park & Recreation Commission November 21, 1995 Page 3 Fall Work 1. Move trees at Lake Ann Park Entrance. 2. Move Trees from Northern One-Quarter of Tree Farm. This work was scheduled in preparation for the installation of the future access boulevard. We are uncertain if the large spruce trees will be salvageable due to their existence on a steep slope. I will continue to explore saving these beautiful trees as the frontage road project progresses. Other Potential Work 1. Removal of Play Equipment, Lake Ann Park Beach. 2. Install Play Equipment, Lake Ann Park Beach. This Community Development Block Grant Project did not receive approval from Hennepin County. c: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Dean Schmieg, Park Foreman ~M;---~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director March 20, 1995 1995 Work Schedule as of Marc , 1995 1994 Hold Overs . ~ 2. ~ 7 1. *- ~ ~ ~ 8. Install basketball pole, Chanhasse~"JIills Park. Install play area expansion, Cha9~assen Hills p~..? Install play area expansion, No~ Lotus Lake Pai~. Install bench(es) and picnicles, Pheasant Hill ~~k. Install half-court basketba hanhassen Estates Park. \'>". 95 Capital Improvement R ogram Install hen Complet Repair er trol, Progress Valley Mini-Storage. ~ . Complete trail res ratiQ!!,,~~!g~~g~gce and city portion of..~~H~~~ egional LRT trail. Complete routine maintenance'ima,cl~r-uI:)~!<~~~!l!l~aiklGreenwood Shores trail. Provide routine maintenance and c1ealliup,J..:ake Susan trail (west side). . ~ ~ 81111fields. Install signage at "open" beaches. I 1995 Capital Improvement Program CIP Work / Install play equipment, Power Hill Park. . '. . . Mr. Dale Gregory Mr. Dean Schmieg March 20, 1995 Page 2 2. Install play equipment, Chanhassen Estates Park. ~ ("'n~lil8 pI..] ..u\>u "'^puli~~Vll, ~un7~1..~P~k tIf'! Install tire swing, Bandimere Heights Park. 5. Install park benches and signage, Carver Beach Park. 6. Install boardwalk, Herman Field Park. ~. E"...yl_k- Ludu_!tf!in~ d8E1igR IiRd iRlllnll, l.nk.c.. .\...... P~l. Slwlur fRil8r). Tree Planting (To be coordinated by Jill Kimsal) 1. '* Greenwood Shores - $600 Lake Susan Park f" ,(\(\Q Chanhassen Hills Park/Highway 212 berm. Asphalt Work Items 1-5 are reprinted from a memo to Dale Gregory dated February 27, 1995. / Lake Ann Park Public Lots (new addition only): Program will sealcoat "new" lots. City to patch where necessary. ./ / ./ / Lake Ann Park to Greenwood Shores Trail: City to cut and patch trail to facilitate installation of drain tile, install drain tile, patch trail where necessary and install gravel shoulders. The shoulder areas shall be excavated and backfilled with compacted aggregate. City to complete prep work to extend trail from its current northern terminus to Utica Lane and install blacktop. Program will follow with sealcoat of entire trail. Lake Susan Park Public Lots and Entrance Road: Program will sealcoat, city to patch where necessary and perform other miscellaneous prep work. Lake Susan Park to Rosemount Clear-Cut Trail: Program to sealcoat, city to patch where necessary and perform other miscellaneous prep work. Powers Boulevard Trail from Saddlebrook Curve to Saddlebrook Trail: City to remove 80 ft. section of trail to facilitate the removal of field approach "hump." Reconstruct trail in this section. Program to follow with sealcoat of entire trail. Additional asphalt work: 6. Complete asphalt trail, North Lotus Lake Park. ~ Asphalt Greenwood Shores Lift Station parking lot. Mr. Dale Gregory Mr. Dean Schmieg March 20, 1995 Page 3 . Other potential work involving asphalt: yI!'!" Complete trail connection, Lake Susan Trail to Barbara Court. As Time Allows ,/ ~ 3. ~ i. ~ ;,.- Complete picnic table assembly. Clean-up and restore Lake Ann Park maintenance building area. Reconstruct center island holding area, South Lotus Lake Boat Access. Remove and replace outfield fence, Lake Ann #3. R allL. v nd (1,1.1",,,, e:~ V\...~ ~~Cl\".I. '!Cly!;1UUnU lem;c. Remove and replace Carver Beach ballfield backstop. Remove miscellaneous erosion control. Install miscellaneous playground benches. Fall Work 1. 2. Move trees at Lake Ann Park entrance. Move trees from northern one-quarter of tree farm. . Other Potential Work 1. ~ 3. Removal of play equipment, Lake Ann Park beach. Install play equipment, Lake Ann Park beach. Complete Lake Ann irrigation project. Construct North Lotus Lake hockey rink. Construct Chanhassen Recreation Center hockey rinks. This work schedule will be updated as necessary. Revised copies will be made available as necessary. . ~ . . III ... ClI tIl C... C .....:1 00 C 0 CU ..... -' u tIlCClI<C tIl OJ > III EOJ OJ .J:Q)...JU C... C m m ... CO .c......o...... u en _ (lJ """CO .....OJ o E 0 OCL. >-02 ClI .....CLL.N U :IE: <C '" N o ~ ... III l/'I 0- ...... N N ...... ~ ~~ ClI OJ Cl'" III III c..C L. OJ .0 E :I 2 ... C :I o o o <C >- .0 "C OJ ... L. o en L. OJ .0 E :I 2 ... C :I o o o <C C ClI .~ "C :I tIl~ ... 0 C C :1- o o o <C <C L. o u. ... OJ Cl "C :I CO tIl > III :I ... o <C l/'I 0- 0- ~ ...... o ~ "C o L. ClI c.. ..... II o II II ... II C II OJ II o II L. 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II II II II II II II II II II 4IY II II II 011 011 II o II lI'l II 0- II , II 0- II lI'l II II II II II II II II II II 4IY II II o o o 4IY o o o 4IY o o o II lI'l II -0 II I lI'l lI'l ~ 0- M .... 4IY 4IY o o o " a; 4IY II 1"'1 II .... II 0- II , II .... II -0 II II II II II II II II II II 4IY II ....,11 " en w en ~ ...., CIl OJ '- ::I ... en w u '" ~ o en Cl :z - u :z <C :z u.. '" w ::c I-- o "tl C OJ 0- X w '- OJ "tl C ~ ...... '- OJ > o OJ :J C OJ > OJ '" III ... o I-- . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1e. v........ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission // FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: November 21, 1995 SUBJ: Postponement of City Project RA-492, Ice HockeylIn-Line Skating Rink Improvements; Chanhassen Recreation Center, North Lotus Lake Park Remember mid-October-it seemed as ifwinte d never be here. Then the third week of October arrived and we experienced above nonJial precipitation and below normal temperatures. These weather conditions delayed site preparaJion activities for Project RA-492. Finley Brothers did push to get gravel placed at the RecreatigvCenter, b~t freezing temperatures prohibited the placement of asphalt. I did not wish to jeopardize the quality of the finished project by placing asphalt on a frozen unstable surface and called the projec(off. As a result, hockey boards will not department is considering RA -492 will be closed out for 1996. available at these two sites for the 1995/96 season. The areas as open skate rinks as an alternative. Project with a new completion da~e being established in June of . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor Df, '.lv FROM: DATE: November 22, 1995 SUBJ: Recreation Center Fees Now that the Chanhassen Recreation Center has Q~~n operating for almost 3 months, we have had a chance to evaluate our pricing policies. In;Ba~!cular, we have found our corporate/ commercial rates to be out of line in compariso~Jo o.~er locations providing similar space and services. There are three areas that I would lik~to propose pricing changes and/or additions to: A. Gym Rentals: During the initial process of setlWg fees for the Recreation Center, it was determined that non-profit youth athletic associations serving Chanhassen residents and School Districts 112 and 276 sho~~9 receive free ~~e of the Recreation Center gym when available. This was obviously a good policy and sQfar balancing all the different groups has been challenging, but seems to be working. Wh~t was not established at that time were rates for groups (outs!<ieof those mentioned) wanting to rent the gym during any non-scheduled times. After reviewing fees set by oth~~; community/recreation center type facilities, I propose thefollowing, using our already sefcategories A, B & C (see attached). Catego $30/hour A (excluding th athletics assns. & School Districts 112 & 276) B $35/hour $40/hour C $40/hour $45/hour Keep in mind that priority would be given to residents over non-residents if asking for the same space. Zz) Mr. Todd Hoffman November 21, 1995 Page 2 . B. Punch Cards: Response to the punch card method of attending open gyms, aerobics classes, and fitness rooms has been positive. People enjoy the convenience of only paying for what they use. However, we are still receiving many comments from the work force who does not live in Chanhassen, but spends a good part of each working day within the city. By not including these people under our resident rates, I believe we are limiting a large group of potential users, and the accompanying revenue stream. Many of those who work in Chanhassen are already showing a desire to become part of the community through participation in the special events and the sponsorship program. Companies that are building here are some of our biggest taxpayers, and therefore are participating in the essential funding it takes to operate the Chanhassen Recreation Center. My experience thus far is that the Chanhassen work force does not pose a threat to the center through overuse or by taking up space that should be available to the residents. On the contrary, they could become regular users of our facilities during off peak hours. This balance was overlooked initially, but makes for a good fit and can only benefit the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Therefore, I propose a corporate rate for the purchase of punch cards. Chanhassen businesses, corporations, or school districts purchasing 1-9 cards for their employees (either to give away as part of their wellness program or to sell back to them) may do so at a 10% discount/card. Those that purchase 10 or more cards may buy them at the resident rate. This program will stop the flow of money that is currently escaping Chanhassen. Under the present system employees are actually disincented to patronize the center. We should be encouraging them to work and play her~a great community concept! . C. Community Rooms: Increased rental of our beautiful community rooms has great potential provided a few changes are made to draw in businesses during the weekday/day time hours. Currently the user groups during this time are the city (free), school district (free), churches, and an occasional private or corporate function. The business/corporate community has shown much interest in the community space available and has indicated they would like to use the facility on a regular basis provided the fees are more competitive with other facilities within the proximity of Chanhassen. With that in mind, I would propose that Category C be combined with Category B; thus encouraging a balance of day time and evening rentals. For example, business/corporate meetings during day time hours, and private and civic rentals in the evening. In addition, I would propose a 20% discount to Category B/C groups for renting rooms four hours or more. This incentive, in my opinion, will keep traffic flowing through the Recreation Center, increase customer satisfaction, and generate revenue during the day ~~. . . . . . Mr. Todd Hoffman November 21, 1995 Page 3 One other change to incorporate involves the small conference room. Because of this room's proximity to the school gym, the noise factor has made this room less desirable. I feel prices should be changed to match that of the community room (without a kitchenette) until the situation can be resolved. Staff recommends approval of items A, B, and C, as well as fee changes for the small conference room, as stated above. Director's Comments: Dawn and the other members of the recreation staff have worked very hard on this proposal. The department hosted a meeting with corporate citizens to facilitate their input. Quite frankly, the corporate community and their employees feel they have been alienated from the city by the current fee policy. I understand their frustrations. I commend Dawn and her efforts to find a balance in the program. Our mission is not only to serve the residents, but to do so in a financially responsible manner. In our zest to protect resident interests, we have alienated our corporate/business community and closed the door on a significant revenue source. I fully support the recommendations brought forward in this memorandum. TH (11-22-95) i . RENTAL PRICES . Effective 'September 5, 1995 CATEGORY A: Civic, Church, Non-Profit, School . CATEGORY B: Private CATEGORY ,C: Business/Commercial... . '. WEEKDAYS: Monday 6:00 am thru Friday 6:00pm' . WEEKENDS: Friday 6:00 pmthru Sunday 8:00 pm All prfces ~re per hour and per individual room. For more information and reserva(ions please call, the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641. COMMUNITY ROOM .' . , WEEKDAYS A B C Resident $5.00 ~IO.OO $20.00 . Non-Resident $10.00 $20.00 $40.00 ' WEEKENDS ,. A B C Resident $10.00 $15;00 $25.00 Non-Resident $15.00 $25.00 $45.00 WEEKDAYS, A B C Resident $7.50 $12.50 $i5.00' . Non-Resident $12.50 $2.5.00 $50.00 WEEKENDS A B C Resident $12.50 $17.50 $30.00 Non-Resident , ~17.50' $30.QO $55.00 CONFERENCE ROOM WEEKDAYS . Residen~ Non-Resident WEEKENDS' Resident Non-Resident ,A B $7.50 $12.50 $12.50 $25.00' A B .$12:50 $17.5q $17:50 $30.00 C . $25.00 $50:00 C' $30~00 $55.00 . . . DEAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL; THE BLUFF CREEK ELEMENTARY STAFF IS VERY EXCITED ABOUT THE USE OF, AND PARTICIPATION IN, THE CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER PROGRAMS AND FACILITIES. ONE POINT OF CONCERN TO~OM~_STAFF MEMBERS ARE THE NON-RESIDENT RATES FOR STAFF WHO DO NOT LIVE IN CHANHASSEN. IN COMPARISON, THE CITY OF CHASKA OFFERS ALL DISTRICT 112 EMPLOYEES RESIDENT RATES AND AN ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT OFF OF THE RESIDENT RATE FOR MEMBERSHIP. WE FEEL WE ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE CO~MUNITY, PROVIDING LEADERSHIP AND POSITIVE ROLE MODELS, AND WOULD LIKE TO S ARE IN THE CONVENIENCE AND QUALITY YOUR FACILITY OFFERS. WE WOULD LIKE TO PROPOSE THAT BLUFF CREEK ELEMENTARY STAFF RECEIVE A DISCOUNTED RATE COMPARABLE TO RESIDENT RATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. 1; Z- 1~-{'-e)--l.-j ~ Of". ~ -/ Mi1~tMzJ ~a.~ ~~0:~,~<::C Y1~ 67/ULft{)y ,f)1JiJ.i;;:i'Toi~ ~ ,/ea F2. Q / ~. ~.. ~((._ily).'.. (L..~.''''.,.) a#k/t51ft~/4Pt"e- ~;. /;/ · '~'fK,r~6Yt-Y~Uil~j;/j ,'- ct~ VL~ IZ~ 1/~ SINCERELY, . I}1f~UC~ ~. ~ .S~ n " ,") '. . 7. / (, { . ~ I, .' I<.~ -? 1''- / // , / ~LLt<fl,{.:! ~;tJU/L/' /!lnc,:c !(j):t;ttJ ~fj'eL1'~ ~ , t'fECEHffD . goA.n, lfA,o.n, g)e.c~ 'f, 'f 995 "~I' ~.,~, ,.. C1L~~~..:~:.j,.- ,__J fQ/I"tKe,~~Ke.o.,., \"11 Y Ur \jiir',J\,r'Ir'..:'-...n:"! at' 4-Um.e..k, ~~cuuL~tAe,~~ 4tf~ t.n,a.wr, ~ 5"L-1995 ~~~f~j.u4L~~ 5"L,- CIJWA · ~~. :f/UU1.Cg,g)~~vWA.cArJ~ . ~ffi~Jtud, . g)~~~. ~~ · ga.c~~~ . ffi-uL~ · fficuvuLcuuL~~. g~/fi1f 9> aH:r ffi~ - -~--- · ~~p-e.cu.t~ . ~~~ . cuuL u.LuuI.u.c. f.R.e., u.:r · ~o.nun:rg~~ · 9'e.....-~"'" =tf....."Fu.eda;y"""""'<..e.L.....k~~ ~ . ~~a.nJ,~P~rn.a.k,k,~cuuL~Uo.n. (!n,~ ~tAe,c1ai 4- ~ l4, uu.~ 5"k ().It, rn.aL- tfw/ Um.e.. k, ~ U44 . Ci~of INVER GROVE HEIGHTS October 25, 1995 Janet Lash 7001 Tecansch Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Lash: On behalf of the 1995 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association A wards Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the 1995 MRP A Parks and Recreation Board and Commission Award. This award is a tribute to your years of dedicated service and leadership as a member of the Chanhassen Parks & Recreation Commission. Your care and commitment to Parks and Recreation is exemplary and a credit to Minnesota Volunteers. . The MRP A Awards Committee would like to present this prestigious award to you at the Annual MRPA Annual Meeting to be held Friday, December 1, 10:30 a.m., at the Maplewood Community Center, 2100 White Bear Avenue. (See attached preliminary schedule). A complimentary lunch will be provided for you and your immediate family. (Additional meals may be purchased.) The selections include fish, meat or a vegetarian dish. We need confirmation on the meals by November 17th. Please notify the MRPA Office at 920-6906 with the exact number of reservations you wish to make. Feel free to contact me directly at 450-2588 with any questions you may have. s~~ E?~cf' Marcie Padgett MRP A A wards Committee Chairperson . 8150 BARBARA AVENUE · INVER GROVE HEIGHTS. MN 55077 TELEPHONE (612) 450-2500 · CITY OFFICE FAX (612) 450-2502 · POLICE FAX (612) 450-2543 C ITV OF CHAIHASSEI . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Ms. Janet Lash, Vice-Chair Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission 7001 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jan: Congratulations on being named the recipient o~..~e.~RP A Board and Commission Award. This distinguished honor is awarded to individu~s who have contributed significantly to public . policies, financing, and delivery of high qualityrecrea.tion and park services. The success of the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission for the past six years is due in large part to your dedication, and integrity. Your work has enriched the lives of the people ofChanhassen. I have enjoyed working with you as a commission member and I am extremely proud to have you recognized by our state association. The rest of the department and I look forward to sharing in your excitement at the awards luncheon on December 1. Sincerely, IT '---%Lt-j . ". Todd Hoffman, CLP Park & Recreation Director . /' J 1/1 . / ' /" ;;tN' · l1c.'O /. /f'll//- ' ~ tJ~ ,/1/);/ /' '1;1/6 ~J./..;'~ /ff tlV , {; tJ P ,#.,(/~'?:rI 1/' tPi;! &,41'1 ;' - .j'IP /E~j, Again, congratulations! You are a most deserving recipient of this award. TH:k cc: Mayor and City Council v Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Dave Clough, Superintendent, Chaska Ind. School District #112 . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15,1995 Ms. Marcie Padgedtt Inver Grove Heights Park and Recreation Dept. 8150 Barbara Avenue E. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Dear Marcie: Thank you for your coordination of the MRP A A wards Committee. Here is the information that you requested for Ms. JanetLash. Miss Janet Lash, Vice-Chairperson Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Jan Lash is everything a city could ask for in a volunteer Park and Recreation Commission member. Her commitment is not to a single issue but to all of the issues. Jan is faithful to her position, has a flair for direct communication and is a talented negotiator. Her down-to-earth, no nonsense style is refreshing. Jan tells it like she sees it and makes her position on a subject perfectly clear. Residents of Chanhassen can count on Miss Lash to represent their best interests. Jan's work does not end in the Council Chambers. She is also a dedicated volunteer at all the department's specia~events. Jan is currently engaged in her si':{th year of service to the commission. She Was appointed by the Chanhassen City Council in 1989. The City of Chanhassen is Pf8P.~JO see Janet Lash recognized as a recipient of the I 995M.JY>A Park and Recreation Board and Commission Award. . Sincerely, ~#Ac:^- Todd Hoffman, CLP Park and Recreation Director c: City Council Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor ~ DATE: November 16, 1995 SUBJ: 1995 Tree Lighting Ceremony Chanhassen's Tree Lighting Ceremony will holiday tree is located on the corner of carols, refreshments and a visit from Santa Ceremony. Byerly's and Caribou Coffee cider for the Tree Lighting Ceremony December 4 at 6:00 p.m. The Blvd. and West 78th Stre~t. Holiday be included at the Tree Lighting the cookies and the hot apple . Hope to see you there! . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor ;/fJI ~ November 16, 1995 1\ ! FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Breakfast With Santa The annual Breakfast With Santa will be SunclaY, December 3, from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The community event is being spgnsored by the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, Chanhassen P~rks and Recreatign, atl~ the Chanhassen Rotary Club. This year's celebration will move from ChanhasseIl Elementary School to the new Bluff Creek Elementary School. The menu will include all-you-can-eatsausage and pancakes, coffee, juice and milk for the wonderful price of$3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children 12 and under, and children under three eat free. Santa and his live reindeer will be present at the pancake breakfast and will be available for collecting Christmas wish lists. We are hoping to serve over..700 . FOUND BICYCLE CASE NUMBER 95-17437 Date _of RecoverY:_H__ _Time___of Recovery:__ November__12,__1995 0750 hours Location _of Recovery_:_____ Meadow __Green_Park___ Chanhassen, Minnesota (Off Pontiac Lane) 55317 Complainant: Janice Marie Lundquist 804 Buckingwood Court Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 H-470-9447 W-934-8328 On November 12, 1995 this officer was dispatched to 804 Buckingwood -Court in the city of Chanhassen, Minnesota. The call was regarding a person at that address who found a bicycle in Meadow Green Park in this city. (The park is lo~ated off Pontiac lane). ,i 1~1I. J~ I arrived and advised me that everyday. Today bicycle. Lundquist asked me to alert the city of Chanhassen to possiblity install some type of lighting in the park area. Lundquist states her townhome over looks the park and she sees alot of unusual things that go on there at night. - She feels that some lighting would deter this type of activity. spoke with Janice Lundquist. Lundquist she walks through the park nearly she found a yellow Schwinn 26" mans . The yellow Schwinn was tagged and will be taken to the State Street shop for storage. The serial number is GC040596. I forwarded a copy of this report to the city park department. Deputy D. Schmidtke #848 ASSI~ POLLOII-UP r I Y.. I I No DISPOSITlaI I I 10 Arrut ( ) 20 Excwp Cl.ar-Adult ( ) 30 Arre.t-Ju....ll. ( ) 40 Exc:ep Cl.ar-Ju. I I SO Otber Excwp C1Mr I I 60 Other D18po-lo&811 I I 70 Unfounded . Carver County Sheriff's Dept. Chaska, Minnesota ~~ z , 0,,", ''-.1 Q Offense/Incident Report . Date Reportedi 1-1::J-9~ or- Time: 07 SO Offense Address PC4.r K 0 1St: m eo..dow &,.. -e.,4Z. ~ F Date Occurredll_/~_ ~-.s- Time: 07S0 No: r~l=r:- PotUf; 0.. G L ~ ""<. ' F Offense/Incident (as reported): Apt: I City: (> k d hCl ~ C',.. ) IS~,J Zip: E 6~317 N F"t.4n J 1> i C...I ~ I e Phone: (HI I Phone: (B) S E I Grid: OA50 Beat: I NWC: C Complainant's Name & Address Sex Race DOB Age t J. (Last) . +- J (First) L (Mid~le) F c..- O .ta.1f'\. ,,..,,;C .:r n.,,; c p rIY'\ A ,. I e~ M/F 7..~-"(.. M No: , 5t: Hgt Wgt Hair. Eyes p Roq "BtA~K,t'\'" I .Jbod C. 0"'- r + L APt: CitY:(1 ho U h:;'.~s.ef\J IST~..> I Zi~3 Ii Victim: Y/N A NO I Phone: l/'/O - , '1'17 (H) I Phone: 931/- 93=> g (B) N T Comments: R Reported By: (Last) A 16"",., (First) I (Middle) Reported To: D,. S' LJ IHO~L '" E c:::-........ n DJ: p Bodily Injuries: Y /N 0 No: 15r. IV/ ~ R Transported to: T E Apt: City: ST: I Zip: Transported by: 0 B DOB Ph one: (H). Phone: (B) Describe Injuries/Condition: \ y V Vehicle volved: fI/N I Veh Yr. I Make Model I Style Next of Kin Notified: (Name, Date, Timel t AJ~ C Color I Lic 5t I Lic No. Vin No. L Veh. DISpOSItion (Towed/LeU At Scene) Keys Disposition E Record Codes: p S -= Stolen R z ~ecovered L . Lost F . Found D . Damaoed E :: Evidence I ':: Impounded SI( = Safekeeping T = Towed R Item Record Oty. Property Type Brand, Make or Model Name Description Serial Number Value Number Code Manufacturer and Number (Color, Size) 0 I L_ I nt' (',,~I e.. q,l,.,' fJ..J F;.on4-,~ r cOc., , I "'1.._ \10Lr) G~o~O~~ c.....",1( p -- E I R .- T y Property Disposition U I: ,I ~.I_ ~~~Al 4n s~Ae St" S~o.o 11- \~-9S- Total Value t.4..^ "" Suspect Name: (Lastl (First! I (Middle) Sex Race DOB I Age I Hgt I Wgt Hair I Eyes " '1'\1\.1 .Q M/F S Addless No: 1St: S/M/T: U S Apt: City: 1ST: I Zip: Victim's A D Slranger D D Spouse G 0 GlrUrtend J D Nelghoor Relationship B D Relallve E D X-Spouse H D Landlord I( D Employer p Phone: (H) Phone IBI To Suspect C D ACQualnlance F D Boy'toend I D Tenanl L D Employee E Veh Yr I Make Model I Style I Color C Vehicle M D Customer 1 D Unknown Involved Y/N tJO o Add'l Suspect N D MercMnl 9 D Other T Lie St Lic No. Vin No, D Add'l Witness o D Oll,cer Comments: W Witness Name: Witness Address 1St: stl IIFirst) iMiddle) No: t-JfA- Apt: City: 1ST: Zip: E S I IDOB Phone: (H) I Phone: IB) S Rep~n~fficer D ~ 'd t-rQ 9\J~ DiViS~ +", I Reviewing Supe:-visor 10 Rank Name Rank .D Name. ... I 10 Assisting'Dtficer Division Page---L-OF --2. Pages Rank Name 10 CCSO 069 ~VOLUME'IX'l- ~. , ~,.:: ..-iAi~ "';'-~;~~.t~ ;:~:>~,'~;e,,'..4.:~;>4.-\"~~.;:Jcf.2;t..it;l;:':;:}j~ . ,. <': 1(':' ~~:~:;~:.,-\-<.. '~:- ',,/' ""~~'3;~~s:'c:,~", _ ._" . -, ~:.::~~:~ - ;::~~ - , ~_: _ ~:-~~: ';":, ; , PUBLIC FACILITY .,..:., : ',.. -. "-.'. ....::y., ',' '. , '.' .:-:.~ ',~: ::;:,v-:.":\-~': ISSUES ;;S<~~"~~::--"~'~'i.;t-. ;,:;>:';!< :"'USAGE.",\;'~.L, '- :')"':;' ,::;;..;;,,"'.:.:..,'.. ,,};. ~'.{~.u>,~~!"W""';~~l- ~ ',~,:i~, . '~.""r-:''''~-~'''''' '"?*- -~~ r~~~}'!.~;:"::"~"': "'":~~t!i~:~.::::~~ !:~~: ,,;::z.~\ ~OO~~~" ~:'':''~'''''''H-''~>il>~t~.,._.. -::,",~~"~:'':~~'I'~::;",.:",'':"J;!:. ~..,.~,....,__ ~~' ,.~:~ -:;:r~or-~~:;t:~::"'~~:Y'~~'-:::r- ~1~"~~~$-~.::::~~~~: ~~...:--;~- f~-=: .i: .: J"-~~~~~.~~~~_~~~~i~~5~~'~~,::::: . ~~, . ' '''.. --~:"' ~ ~. ~~f:..;~;:,~~.~r.. . '~'~'":~~~ '" Due'~~to~~:the~;'~g~~wth ~in ~', "~~Joint~~meetings:,' 'ha~e -- ~,-,. ..----- " ~ - "'~:7~ '_ __ :::~~ . program numbers and recently been',' held - ,-, limited facilities~,~;. the behN~en the..,staffs of t~e. . Chaska Park Board has . cities o(Ctlanhassen and. CHASKA UONSCLUBl ' started the discussion of -Chaska.-A 'purPose -"of . . GRANT!,' . \ how to best acco'mmodate these meetings was ...to' Chaska residehts.+'~~ discuss public' facility usage including gymna - siums and fields. Neighboring cities' and ,townships will ,b,e informed of the service pres~9tly ,provided by the . City' of Chaska. Discussion will be held as to how they. may be able to participate in area programming. ~"",,,,,,...,,.... ~ ~-.'''' ..::......; ,-. The new Chask~ 18 hole golf course 'will be avialable-- for play during, the summer of 1997. A juniors golf program will be an important part of the new city facility and the Par 30 golf course. It was agreed to that a mission statement should be drafted that highlights the intent of local municipal governments in meeting the leisure needs of their residents. CHASKA YOUTH ,r BASKETBALL . ASSOCIATION r- '_:' -~:~::;;~;:'.-, ,":"A:.~ ';..b." "Approximately 400 boys", and girls have registered: for play in the' Chaska youth basketball program for the 1995-96 season. Their annual tournament- fund raiser has been sche- duled for the weekend of Nov. 11 & 12. ~. Applications are' now being accepted for $500 grar:tts to _ Chaska youth ' groups~ .'2 Eligibility requirements' for 1995-96 specify efforts must be made' in the areas of coaches certification. statement of purpose and a year end evaluation.' Complete information may be obtained by calling the Chaska Park. Recreation and Art Department at 448-3176 x1. HAPPY THANKSGIVINGI ~~) ... . ,;'f:,,"'fr:icif; Chas Grou .".~.".#?&\~~-t~~~'~<l< . ....,.,>'1; ":"~l!J0,!~~~~,..,~t..~.".,s~OQlct ._:<..",~~~li~~.~<!t~? -3176'}(2 . .... .i'. ...... . ,C)ver300 yo~are. reglsered.Jor,J.2';~lJg ,Je.~ms r:ar~,,,encourag~d .:.to,7...,' opt,h~rn~~tlng m ,. .,;;,;~~~!".~. play' in' . the' 'Chask8; commiiriftY:,~~":utiliZe~~' city',:,CoN'Chaska :. Cable ~~~d~i~~d~\,;i\"):~tf . 'HC?Ckey,,~.,:'.e.ssociatio'" '; i' 't~c~h~()109Y."~$~~)'ci~m~?1~'~t:9~;,X~j'c~~Sk.~,!lrest~lri9 ,Club';>ii':'i~\ .;.'t~.?,!2,t<;.t. ;.Zf. pro.gram.",\~~ . league games can be broadcast' Call Sue .N.els,c>n at, 36&-9,404for:::}~'" ',:;i':.' .J.,:ti'?'.:~.:~;;'.~~;; .. .,. ,,'(viaequipmEmt:'made available ath. more :',: inforrnatlon.".'.'Wresfting'" > . :,.iiC ,'" .The CCi:f~,:Willh()sftournamen "-""no"~ 'charge,through. the', cable:" 'sign-lJpJan:' 11. & 12: -6:00':'8:30i ,. ,;;~ ;"':'-:,~':__:"':-- "'._-:"_-,-""~~""I-C'~'';'';''''':'''':':',-''''''i-'''''''' '-'"';-,-,_>,'~'''-~.'''''~~'':'''~r''' -...._~ '~Y"-:';' "'.,~-."f,'r..._.:-""',,,,~-,:, ~"", .':':'.'.--' "",-\. ..'\' ;-- ":"'- '.-".-.- " '""-,,,', .," '";i~2;';,'.} the ':'.W~f!kends" ..ot7: November',":studi9s:::, l1lese 'games ,can . then;,. p.m. af theChaska HighSChe>ol ,.:,:;~, " .",~~<> '~.f..:'.I.'~~.~:';;&.t.F.:'...~,..~~.,~,t.,~.'~.~~.-;~,~. .' -c........... ' ....~.;~~~..~. :!'bei:broa~cast '. On: "~~~If!__.charin~(,~;:.~~m.:.:_.-. .;.I....~.~bt:.~;,'~.:..;';~~~-.;-~.-5t..~c. :?r..,.~ti~~~~1".:~..~.;~~....~.~....~;' '. <:';::~; '.....~:t;,,--"'''.,.-'..;.;'~'''::''''>~'-:.....,':, t~ ~,~,.,,~.,~ "-:-:,";;,,_~:-__,, ',' 32., Copies of these game tapes ,~_>._,~'....y_,.. _'__"~"Y;:"'~' ,~.. .~.. " ':"':..,:;::', :_-: :.,:,::';:;'.; _..;,~'_.,:' ._1....,.'.;1;"<< .:..-:The~City-Ltof ;cha.s~#eCently; -=:can.~,be~ ma.de,~at~a ",_min.im~I;-__~.Cl1asl<a_GlrlftSQJtbilILAS.SOC~~":. ....,. applied for' a. "MightY Ducks chCirge.. '< ..... .J.-:,.,.:". : Call " . -- Patty.'.' . ToUackson""" af .. ., ---- -. Granf' In the amount of $90,000. . .... "',.,. .... . .; .448-2939 to be informed of initial .. ,:.:~:~ An announce.,. .ment issc~eduled This ,is".'an:,.iexcellenCVtay' to '96 meeting. . . .-' ..> for December,:'.-18."'~~"LoCal showcas'e~;;your association .. matching doiJars ""are made activities. Please. call' Jor Chask~.. Youth". Baseball available through the CCHA and.. 448-3176 ,~x1 for'. more Association (Ages,9-12) ; '.. City of Chaska and will allow.,for information..;,'Call MikeOr~n'at44.8-51d3'i<?"be dehumidification .equipment~nd .. '.' , " informed of initial '96 meeting.' . new .tocker rooms: Any bleacher expansion . . is contingent' con ,. School District #112 participation. . , .. :~, " --, . ....;;' ~:.r. Chaska District . Baseball Assoc. (Ages 13-15) " . Call Bill Taylor at 448-S799 to' be' .informed of initial,'96 meeting? .' , "":~--~~~:""-:~?~~!2~:~ ..j,}"" CHASKA ATHLETIC .. 4SS0CIA liON MEETING .... SCHEDULES' '" ~___. ". __ '.. _0." ___'..'". ",-"--""-,_.,~,~-",,,,,,"- ',',,' '. ...., ~ ;".,. ,- . .. -. .- Chaska Youth Basketball AssocIation. . Call Joel Jansen at 368-4172 for more information. Chaska Figure Skating Club Second Tuesday of each month at . ,the;.. Chaska Community Center. 7 p:};n. .... ~. . ..' Chaska Community Hockey Assoclatiofl'" .. . Second Monday of each month Cit the Gh~~~~<~~~;ion. '7 p.m. ~l .' ,-- .'. .,~ , .,," -.',.".-"',~,, ;"""', . .( " ,"":t- __,," . , " " ,,'-. _ /: Chaska Park, Recreation ~d Ait DepartmenL~.~" . " )661 Park Ridge Drive Chaska, MN 55318 . ,.-,' p, ..... oA.~:-Y-'~'-'~ BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE . PAID Permit No. 7 Chaska. MN , 553'8 ,....,.. ,.-1,. -" ~, -: ',.- . ~ " :, ':. TODD HOFFMAN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN. 55317 . , OCT-19-1995 13:10 IIll1I B R W INC. Planning Transport,lt(Otl Engineering Urban D,,~isn Thresher Squnrl' 700 1l1ird Street So. ~1inneilpolis, MN 554"15 612/370-0700 f<lx 611/370-"1378 T)"nver tvlilwaukee "Mi.lneapoli5 Orli\mk. Phoenix Portland 5an Diego Seattle BRW 612 370 1378 P. 01/01 Memorandum . DATE: Octobe.r 19, 1995 TO: Diane Desotelle/Chanhassen t-Todd Hoffman/Chanhassen Mark Jay/Jay Bros. Scott Coozenoy/BRW FROM: Greg Brown/BR W RE: CSAH 17 Wetland and Pathway, CP 93-29 A walk-through inspection was conducted on October 18, 1995 by representatives from the City of Chanhassen and BRW, Inc. regarding the above referenced project. The following are the items of work identified in the inspection to be completed prior to final project acceptance: L Complete sodding around pathway corner at the base of Barbara Court Hill and around the warning sign at Barbara Court. . 2. Remove miscellaneous lath remaining on project site. 3. Remove miscellaneous debris Qeft by others) site including snow fence located near beginning of pathway. Contractor will be due additional compensation for this work. f. Locate existing outlet to southern Lake Susan Hills storm pond and clean if necessary. 5. Adjust riprap at outlet of existing CMP culvert under pathway near Lake Susan Hills Drive. 6. Clean sidewalk area adjacent to Lake Susan Hills Drive for inspection. 7. Topsoil areas adjacent to reconstnlctecl pathway_ 8. Seed all topsoiled areas with seed mixtures as identified in the contract. 9. The bituminous mat in the reconstructed pathway area is less than 3" thick in some areas. Contractor and Engineer need to discuss measures to correct this condition. If you have any questions about this list please call me at 373-6479. File 3023A80 . TheStRlul . . ~h'n1hl.'f' of Th..... Sr. P.w] Cl)IIJP.lllil'''-: St. !'.llll hr\.' .HIlII\ 1.Irilll.' Ilhllr,11Il'\.' Cllllll~.ll1~' Sr. P.wl ;\h.'rll1r~ In'ln''1I1t"l' (:HlI1p.lll~' \t. !'.Hd (;u,lrdl.lll JIl\Ur.lllll' C01l1p.lllY Tl1l'St. P.1ll1 11l'l1f.lllll' COlllp.lI1Y Th\..' Sr. ('.IlI) II1'lIr.l1l1.:I.' (:Ol1lp.lll~ tIt" l1hnl\I'; ~[. 11.lll! l'rl'l'L'n~ .11:.1 (',bl1.l1ty ell.ULllll'l' (:tlllll,.lll~ . r. P.nl1 hrl.' ,llld C,l'll.llry 111'lIr.llkl.' (:t\]lI!'.lll~ Sr. 1',lUlln.ll'llllIHY 11l'Ur,lllll' ('l'lJ\!'.lIlY Sr. P.nd I1bllLUII.'l' ("l\J:11'.lIlyof :'\:onb D.1I..llC.1 St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company 3600 W 80th St.. Ste. 400 Bloomington. MN 55431.1080 Telephone 612.893.5700 Facsimile 612.893.5983 Claims Facsimile 612.893.5980 612.893.5978 October 18, 1995 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and courtesy extended to me and Tony Wilson and Michele Baron from the Populus Group, St. Paul International (UK). The three of us appreciated the chance to meet with you and discuss the City of Chanhassen's park and recreation system. All of us were impressed by the level o( commitment to providing quality park and recreation facilities for the citizens of Chanhassen. I personally was impressed by the generosity of time you gave to our guests from the United Kingdom. Thank you again for everything. Also as we discussed, I will again be working with the city on loss control issues. Therefore, please feel free to call me at 893-5916 if you have any questions or concerns. I am more than willing to help in any way I can. $cSincerelY, ,/:~: -:---... .,/ . ~-?_- ,-:'-:;;? , ~.~ Kevin Oak, ARM Senior Loss Control Representative Loss Control Services cc: Todd Gerhardt, City ofChanhassen Dolliff, Inc. Bob Goede, St. Paul Companies Greg Langan, St. Paul Companies LCS File RECEIVEO OCT 2 0 1995 OITY. OF 1"........ ~H~~ M^Sf:.. ~ ~Z ~ November 6, 1995 TO: Mighty Duck Ice Arena Grant Contacts FR: Representative Bob Milbert Paul D. Erickson Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission MINNESOTA AMATEUR SPORTS COMMISSION 1700 - 105th Avenue N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 Phone: 612-785-5630 Fax: 612-785-5699 . RE: UPDATE: 1995 MIGHTY DUCK GRANT PROGRAM AND 1996 MIGHTY DUCK GRANT PROPOSAL ~ Four statewide public meetings will be held as follows: 1. Thursday, November 16, 7:00 p.m. Moorhead Sport Center 324 - 24th Street S. Moorhead, MN 2. Monday, November 20,6:30 p.m. National Sports Center 1700 - 1 05th Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55449 3. Thursday, November 21, 7:00 p.m. Portman Park 46th & McCulloch Duluth, MN . 4. Monday, November 27, 7:00 p.m. All Seasons Arena' 301 Monks Avenue Mankato, MN /0 The purpose of the four statewide public meeting is three-fold: 1. Update on ice time crunch. An update on recent statistics will be available on ice arena usage/demand in Minnesota. 2. There will be an update on the current $2.9 million grant program. The Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission Board has already made policy decisions on the size of grants (approximately $250,000 for new and $50,000 for renovation per applicant) and that grants should be awarded generally by the eight congressional districts. 3. The MASC seeks citizen input on its plan to seek additional monies from the 1996 Legislature. Due to the great demand for this program the MASC members are interested in expanding the current program. .-- . RECEIVED -NO\ll :1 1995 CITY OF CfltANHASS~ An Equal Opportunity Employer . . . Earl F. Andersen, Inc. November 9, 1995 Mr. Todd Hoffman, CLP Park & Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: Thanks for your letter dated October 9th regarding your personal efforts in working with your state Representative Tom Workman, and state Senator Ed Oliver to obtain a temporary exemption from competitive bidding as it relates to purchasing playground equipment. I recall you telephoned me from the State Capital parking lot in May when you were working on this. We fully _ understand your frustration. You and your staff spend a lot of time working through the process determining what best fits the needs for a park and then all the information is frequently not a factor in what you, as an expert in Parks & Recreation, know best fulfills the cities needs. If there is any way anyone of us can help in this process when you are working with your local legislature and others, please let us know. I believe we may be able to contribute some information that is helpful. We look forward to working with you as the process develops and moves forward. S '~erelY , \; 'lJ.'J\i) ar en Anondson resident WA/cam RECEIVED NO'! 13 1995 CllY OF C~ANHASSEN 9808 James Circle · Bloomington, MN 55431 · Phone: 612-884-7300 · MN Wats: 1-800-862-6026 · Fax: 612-884-5619 "Equal Opportunity Employer" t P.O. Box 113 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Chanhassen Community Leaders... I am contacting you on behalf of the Chanhassen Athletic . Association (CAA). The CAA is a volunteer organization, consisting mostly of parents, whose goal is to promote youth sports opportunities for the children of Chanhassen. We would like to share with you our goals-and would like to ask for your help in accomplishing these goals. The CAA has been in operation for nearly 20 years. We now find ourselves trying to expand our programs to keep up with Chanhassen's growth-the number of children involved in CAA activities has increased dramatically over the past few years to over 1,000, primarily in grades K-6. These include our fall soccer program, winter basketball leagues, and baseball and softball in the spring. These are not "elite" programs benefitting only a few...these are broad-based programs providing opportunities to children of all talent levels. As you are driving past one of Chanhassen's parks and see groups of children involved in one of these sports, you have witnessed the CAA in action. It is our belief that participation in youth sports provides our children with many benefits-it teaches a healthy lifestyle, demonstrates the value of teamwork, and promotes self-esteem through individual and team achievement as well as the sense of "belonging" from being part of a team. . expand the opportunities we provide. Some of our current goals and accomplishments include: · Expanding opportunities for older children-grade 7 and up. With cutbacks in school programs, many kids are left out if they are not one of the "best"...our goal is to fill the void for those other than just the elite. · Getting more action and less watching...keeping team sizes down so that more can participate · While we want to offer opportunities for more than just the-elite young athletes, we also recognize that the better athletes have special needs as well...we try to offer those opportunities through "tournament" teams which get some of the more committed athletes together for a few extra opportunities to participate in some Metro-area tournaments (usually starting in grade 5). · Upgrading equipment..,for example, this past summer the CAA raised funds and constructed some batting cages at Lake Ann park. The CAA is run by volunteers such as myself, along with all of the parents involved in coaching and coordinating the programs. The city provides us with fields and courts, and each child pays a participation fee to help cover the cost of uniforms, equipment, coaches certification, mailing costs, etc. We have traditionally relied on donations from local businesses and civic organizations to help purchase and upgrade the equipment and facilities...these are considerable in a growing organization. This way, the participation fees are kept at a reasonable level so that all Chanhassen youth have an opportunity to participate. The CAA is not only content with "keeping pace" with Chanhassen's growth...we would like to improve and . What we have accomplished so far would not have been possible without the financial support of the business community and civic organizations. Likewise, our future goals will not materialize without your help. We ask for your support and involvement in any way possible. I have listed some possibilities on the enclosed sheet. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Feel free to call me to discuss any of this. Sincerely, Tom Quammen CAA Ways & Means Director 443-3466 (Home) 474-1725 (Work) . I would like to help the Chanhassen Athletic Association (CM) promote youth sports opportunities for the children of Chanhassen in the following way(s)... (Note: Make checks payable to "City of Chanhassen CAA"-your contribution is tax-deductible). Remit To: CAA, P.O. Box 113, Chanhassen, MN 55317 . D IN-HOUSE LEAGUE SPONSORSHIP: $2,000 Each BOYS BASEBALL BOYS BASKETBALL o 10/11 Year Olds 0 5th & 6th Grade o 12/13 Year Olds 0 7th & 8th Grade o 14/15 Year Olds o 16/17 Year Olds Note: Some girls programs are held jointly with Chaska and are not part of this fund-raising. GIRLS SOFTBALL 012 & Under o 14 & Under o 16&Under We would like a three-year commitment for the in-house (all Chanhassen) leagues to make use of the jerseys with company names on them. Approximately 60 uniforms per league are required. Your name will be in CAA publications to district-wide residents, all tournament brochures, all newsletters, all registrations forms, as well as the jerseys. o TOURNAMENT TEAM SPONSORS: $500 Each BOYS BASEBALL BASKET BALL . 10 Year Olds 11 Year Olds 12 Year Olds 13 Year Olds 14 Year Olds 15 Year Olds 16 Year Olds GIRLS SOFTBALL 12 & Under 14 & Under 16 & Under GIRLS BASKETBALL o 7th Grade o 8th Grade Again, a three-year commitment would be needed. Company name would go on approximately 12 uniforms. These teams will travel outside of Chanhassen to various cities for their tournaments. Promotion for sponsors will be generous as well. D GENERAL DONATION o $250 0 $100 0 Other Any general donation to the CAA will help to cover costs for the General Fund. The General Fund covers some of the costs for the lower age groups (kindergarten through the fourth grade). The number of children in these grades is increasing rapidly... this growth requires more equipment-helmets, bats, balls, soccer goals, etc. Your generosity is appreciated. D FACILITIES FUND: Amount = $ . A special fund is used to improve the sports facilities in Chanhassen. Many of these projects benefit the city at large, including both youth and adult sports. Current projects being considered include: . New Soccer Goals-for grade K-2-approximate cost is $4,500. . Baseball Field Dugouts-approximate cost $5,550 each (8 needed) . Baseball and Soccer Field Lights (to extend the length of time facilities can be use)-approximate cost $50,000 each (2 needed) . .Pitching Machines with Generators for both League Play and Batting Cages-approximate cost $2,000 each (7 needed) . Scoreboards-approximate cost $12,000 (4 needed) Company Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone #: c ~"""- .. Office of County Auditor Carver County Courthouse 600 East 4th Street, Box 1 Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2184 Phone: 361-1910 442-4468 446-1722 Fax: 361-1025,361-1581 RECEIVED OCT 2 6 1995 Mark Lundgren County Auditor CARVER COUNTY Laurie Engelen Deputy County Auditor . << . v ...." t vr.l,..nl-\ll,......... ~. '.: . ,n"''::>'':'1\! October 24, 1995 Mr. Todd Gerhart City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 Dear Todd; I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you . and the City of Chanhassen for the use of your Community Center for our Metro . Auditors meeting. The facility is a beautiful addition to your city and we receiv~d numerous comments as to its aesthetics and practicality. Please pass these comments on to the staff that is involved with the facility. \Sincere~, .-p 0. ^"-<---L~r Mark Lundgren Carver County Auditor . Affirmative Action/Eifllal Opportunity Employer Printed on 10% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN . RIVER FALLS Mailing Address: 410 S. 3rd Street River Falls, WI 54022-5001 Office of Cooperative Education and Internships College of Agriculture, 223 Ag Science 715/425-3368/3378 FAX 715/425-3785 , - ~ -~ -_. -'., r~: - - .. ..; October 10, 1995 (...;: I ~-" ,. . '. ,J-.._,.....~__; \.' Mr. Todd Hoffinan City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: . I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for participating in our Internship Program. We appreciate your help in educating and introducing our students to a working experience and environment. It has been a pleasure working with you. Please contact me at 715-425-3368, or, Jean Morrow, if we can be of further help to you. Thank you again! Sincerely, .' . //J 'IJ2~ :=I(atib/J!/C~ ~.~~K- Mike Kaltenberg & Eric Sanden Faculty Coordinator, Natural Resources Coop Ed & Internships! Agriculture . MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Kara Willems, Senior Center Coordinator October 25,1995 Senior Center Activities Update The older adults of Chanhassen have shown a real interest in activities taking place at the Chanhassen Senior Center, with high to moderate participation levels. Since accepting the Senior Center coordinator position in June, I have found myself to be more settled and busier than ever! I have continued to run the programs that take place at the Center and have also added a few new programs to the list. I have -kept track of the we have had at each activity and trip since June 19th to the prcsent date. I have averaged these numbers out and share them with you. Relwlar Monthlv Activities Bridge Book Club Craft Class Bingo Woodcarving Cards Bowling . 12 people 9 people 6 women 22 people 7 people 21 people 8 people Men's 11 men Women's 9 women Joint Men's & 13 people Womcll's Club (Kathy G.~ 1 meeting) Movie of the Month 8 people Sandwich Luncheon 19 people Senior Exercise 7 people Trios & Soecial Prol!rams Flu Shot Clinic Pancake Benefit on the 4th Redwing Boat Cruise Tri Defensive Driving Refres er Old Log Theater Tri Norvold Sisters at Em New Fogey Follies Orchestra Hall "Radio Days" Volunteer Yard Raking sponsored by Local Girl Scout Troops Little Falls Craft Fair State Fair Trip Fort Snclling Trip Minnesota Loons Baseball Game 2 people (Jslntfrlp between Waconia and Chaska Com. Ed.) 2 people (J8~n~.t.rip with Chaska Com. Ed.) Cancelled due to SW Metro Transit Strike Cancelled due to participation levels Recorded Number of Visitors at the Center June August . 400 358 July September 312 575 . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Chaska High School Ms. Sharon Nelson 1700 Chestnut Chaska, MN 55317 Dear Sharon: Thank you for speaking with me today regarding the City ofChanhassen's rink attendant positions. Here is the advertisement for the joband a description of the position: The Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department is seeking applicants for rink attendants. Employment is available from mid-December through mid-February. Flexible hours and shifts available at $6.00/hour. Apply at the City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Contact Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900, extension 126. If anyone has any questions, please call me. Sincerely, 1 L6 R~;~~,- Jerry Ruegemer" Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Mr. Dan Hansen 1561 Lyman Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dan: Congratulations! You have been selected as onee!~he rink attendants for the 1995/96 season. Flooding of the skating rinks will begin the firstc:puple of weeks in December. A targeted start date is Saturday, December 16, if the weather cooperates. I will be scheduling a staff training in early December....ALL policies and procedures will be gone through at that time. . Congratulations again on being selected as a rink attendant. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126. . Sincerely, () 1Jj))J\ '\ iiVJJ.t[jr---- ,j "I Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supepri JR:gmb . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Minnetonka High School Mr. Jerry Engwall 18301 Highway 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Dear Jerry: Thank you for speaking with me today regarding eCity ofChanhassen's rink attendant positions. Here is the advertisement for the joband~description of the position: The Chanhassen Parks and RecreationDepartnient is seeking applicants for rink attendants. Employment is available from mid-December through mid-February. Flexible hours and shifts available at $6.00/hour. Apply at the City ofChanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Contact Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900, extension 126. If anyone has any questions, please call me. Sincerely, 1~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Mr. Jake Notermann 1450 Arboretum Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jake: Congratulations! You have been s_elected as one ;et;fhe rink attendants for the 1995/96 season. Flooding of the skating rinks will begin the first pouple of weeks in December. A targeted start date is Saturday, December 16, if the weather cooperates. I will be scheduling a staff training in early December. ALL policies and procedures will be gone through at that time. . Congratulations again on being selected as a rink attendant. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126. Sincerely, 'l~ Jeny Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Mr. Dave Pankratz 8694 Chanhassen Hills Drive N. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dave: Congratulations!. You have been s~lected as one of the rink attendants for the 1995/96 season. Flooding of the skating rinks will begin the firstfouB1e of weeks in December. A targeted start date is Saturday, December 16, if the weather cooperates. - I will be scheduling a staff training in early December. ALL policies and procedures will be gone through at that time. Congratulations again on being selected as a rink attendant. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126. Sincerely R 1,ftr'l\ "....J......'..,4,.. ," ~ ^~. . ____) ,'."'.'.." ~.....'.'...'v."v.......V?f' .............'.. fl..... ..."'^'^"-....................... \..-.-" '.'. ~ Jerry Ruegemer.:...... >- Recreation Supe~!,~()r JR:gmb C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 16, 1995 Ms. Katie Lash 7001 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Katie: Congratulations! You have been selected as one)~Uhe rink attendants for the 1995/96 season. Flooding of the skating rinks will begin the first,~o~ple of weeks in December. A targeted start date is Saturday, December 16, if the weather cooperates. - I will be scheduling a staff training in early December. ALL policies and procedures will be gone through at that time. . Congratulations again on being selected call me at 937-1900, extension 126. rink attendant. If you have any questions, please Sincerely, 1ua Jerry Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb . . . . November 16, 1995 Mr. Jason Treberg 1020 Saddlebrook Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jason: C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Congratulations! You have been selected as oneg!~he rink attendants for the 1995/96 season. Flooding of the skating rinks will begin the first couple of weeks in December. A targeted start date is Saturday, December 16, if the weather cooperates. I will be scheduling a staff training in early December. ALL policies and procedures will be gone through at that time. Congratulations again on being selected as a rink attendant. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126. Sincerely, 1t'i-<1 I l...../ ') t.,t. ~ f; r\,LlC~/rY"-^- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb CITY OF CHANHASSEN /1<. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager 1R FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJ: February Festival Ice Fishing Contest, Approval of Gambling Permit Application The Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce presently has Board approval to SpoI1sOr1he February Festival Ice Fishing Contest on Saturday, February 17. at Lake Susan. The Chamber will be listed on all promotional material as the sponsoring agency for the contest. The Park & Recreation . Department will organize and operate the contest and all other scheduled activities. The Chamber of Commerce needs a resolution from the City of Chanhassen allowing them to sponsor the contest. The resolution is required to comply with Minnesota Gambling Control Board regulations. Last year's resolution is attached for your reference. RECOMMENDATION Approval of a gambling permit for the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce to sponsor the annual February Festival I~e Fishing Contest is recommended. Ifapproved, I will forward the resolution to the Minnesota Gambling Control . . . . C ITV OF CHAIHASSEI 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 NordicTrack Ms. Heather Atherton, Contributions Manager 104 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Ms. Atherton: The Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce and the Chanhassen is busy, planning our third annual February Festival on Saturday, February 7 at Lake Susan Park. February Festival is anticipating over 1500 participants again this year. The 1996 February Festival Ice Fishing Tournament prize package is being arranged. Last year, NordicTrack donated a Challenger NordicTrack exerciser for the ice fishing tournament. We would like to include a NordicTrack exerciser as a major door prize again this year. Your consideration for this request would be appreciated. Please feel free to contact me at 937-1900, extension 126, if you have any questions. Sincerely, n /)/4~\ 1 i.ufyd '1}NA2.. '--.J Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Southwest Metro Transit Mr. Tom Juhnke 8080 Mitchell Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear Tom: The 1995 February Festival saw a record numberofpassengers (1,142) ride the Southwest Metro Shuttle Bus. Currently the 1996 F ebruary Festival scheduled for Saturday, February 17, is being . developed. As part of that development, the City of Chanhassen was wondering if Southwest Metro Transit is interested in providing the shuttle service again this year. Last year you did a great job in coordinating the shuttle service and we would be pleased if you would provide this service again this year. Please let me know by Friday, December 1, if you would like to become involved with February Festival again this year. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900, ext. 126. Sincerely, (8.... 1/v {j)~~ ~\;-U'.'.'...'..' '...I.....I....~................,.........,.............'..................t/~}\&'\....;. C'.,..",,>.. ""-",4.,<:.:.'.::0:-,':;:;,.:., I _..,,'_:,\:_,; Jerry Ruegemer '. ..... Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Roberts Automatic Products Attn: Mr. Bill Roberts 880 Lake Drive Chanhassen,MN 55317 Dear Bill: . It's that time of year again when the City ofChanhassen is thinking about our Annual February Festival. This year's celebration will be held Saturday, February 17, at Lake Susan Park. The event will include an ice-fishing tournament, cross-country fun ski, dog sled demonstrations, s'more cookout over a huge bon fire and much, much more. In the past two February Festival Celebrations, you were gracious enough to allow the City of Chanhassen to use your parking lots for spectator vehicles. We would like to inquire about the possibility of using them again for this year's celebration. The City ofChanhassen will provide you with a certificate of insurance releasing you from any liability. The same arrangement used in previous years will be implemented again this year. I hope the City's request can be granted. Please call me if you have any questions. I can be reached at 937-1900, ext. 126. If! do not hear from you, I will contact you by December 1. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /J1i. \C)!~.^, . 'l..lSI' \'lLl~. V; :1"). '- (.j ~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor . JR:gmb C ITV OF CHAIHASSEI . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Rosemount, Inc. Mr. Gary Selinsky 8200 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Gary: It's that time of year again when the City ofChanhassen is thinking about our Annual February Festival. This year's celebration will be held Saturday, February 17, at Lake Susan Park. The event will include an ice-fishing tournament, cross-country fun ski, dog sled demonstrations, s'more cookout over a huge bon fire and much, much more. . In the past two February Festival Celebrations, you were gracious enough to allow the City of Chanhassen to use your parking lots for spectator vehicles. We would like to inquire about the possibility of using them again for this year's celebration. The City ofChanhassen will provide you with a certificate of insurance releasing you from any liability. The same arrangement used in previous years will be implemented again this year. I hope the City's request can be granted. Please call me if you have any questions. I can be reached at 937- 126. IfI do not hear from you, I contact you by December 1. Thank you for YQ Sincerely, f~ l' f./ ~ \ ltll~'i~'v~'- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Empak Ms. Maureen Grimes 950 Lake Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Maureen: . - '-..'...-.'." It's that time of year again when the City ofChanhassen is thinking about our Annual February Festival. This year's celebration will be held Saturday, February 17, at Lake Susan Park. The event will include an ice-fishing tournament, cross-country fun ski, dog sled demonstrations, s'more cookout over a huge bon fire and much, much more. In the past two February Festival Celebrations, you were gracious enough to allow the City of Chanhassen to use your parking lots for spectator vehicles. We would like to inquire about the possibility of using them again for this year's celebration. The City ofChanhassen will provide you with a certificate of insurance releasing you from any liability. The same arrangement used in previous years will be implemented again this year. I hope the City's request can be granted. Please call me if you have any questions. I can be reached at 126. If I do not hear from you, I will you by December 1. Thank you for YOUf"consideration. Sincerely, 1~ R:,;~f;1VA- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor . JR:gmb C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Fred and Judy Prinz 408 Santa Fe Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Fred and Judy: - On behalf of the City ofChanhassen, I wouldlike to thank you both for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. Over 600 kids attended this year's party; although, I'm sure it seemed like more at the refreshment table with all the little ghosts and goblins. . Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedules to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, 1[M .0 Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:ns ~,~ YiDtl I I~ ~~~j~lf . . . . November 7, 1995 Al and Marian Olson 406 Santa Fe Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Al and Marian: C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I woul~. l>~ to thank you both for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. Over 600 kids attended this year'sparty; although, I'm sure it seemed like more at the refreshment table with all the little ghosts and goblins. Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedules to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, 1 gvCJ- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~rvisor JR:ns /~~ - ) tlC~\J'~ Q) CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Jennifer Parsinen 830 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jennifer: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would.li!ce to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600.kidsand parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your corrnnunity involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, 1J.~ ~Ll,~t~"- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~:ryisor JR:ns . . . . November 7, 1995 Ms. Anna Westin 29 Chatfield Court Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Anna: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600..ki9~ and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your cOIllmunity involvement. Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, 1 b RLlt~Vh(~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~f\'isor JR:ns CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7,1995 Ms. Jessica Wigg 8023 Dakota Avenue Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jessica: On behalf of the City of Chanh.assen, I would .li~e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600kids and parents attended the paity. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, 1~ QLC~ Jerry Ruegemer "- Recreation Sup~IYisor JR:ns . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Heather Hercules 3070 Red Oak Circle Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Heather: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I wouldlii<:e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600~d~ and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your coriununity involvement. Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sin?]' () , /~ \,\,L~~rN^- Jerry Ruegemer "- Recreation Sup~rvisor JR:ns CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Katie Lash 7001 Tecumseh LaIne Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Katie: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I wouldli~e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 60qldd~. and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your corrimunity involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, () 1~ '~1~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~ryis()r JR:ns . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Megan Miller 34 Chatfield Court Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Megan: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I wouldJi~e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600.kids and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special ~ventsdepends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your c01l1Illunity involvement. Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, ~ 1'tJ ~tLv~~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:ns C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Holly Hammond 225 Cardinal Lane Chaska,MN 55318 Dear Holly: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I wouldli~e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600 kids and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, n 11~ 1~{LfL?hmr::-- . ,j Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~ryisor JR:ns . . . . November 7, 1995 Ms. Marya Fischer 1310 Broadview Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Marya: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I wouldJi~e to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600.1dqs and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. sin.IA.el , '/~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~rvisor RH;'~"",~ JR:ns CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Angela Clay 6580 Augusta Road Chaska,MN 55318 Dear Angela: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 60~~ids. and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special ~vents depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, 1itJ ~~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:ns . . . . C ITV OF CHAIHASSEI 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7,1995 Ms. Sherry Ingram 4960 Co. Rd. 10E Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Sherry: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would Jike to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600 kids and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special eyentsdepends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your coriununity involvement. Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, () I~ ~l~~~V0 Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~ryisor JR:ns CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1995 Ms. Rachel Davies 1490 Sunshine Circle Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Rachel: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would. like to thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween party. A total of over 600.~ids.and parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's specialfventsdepends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time from your busy schedule to help with the Halloween party. Sincerely, 1~RtQ~.nL^- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:ns . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 15, 1995 Dear Volleyball Enthusiasts: An adult winter volleyball league is now forming. Games will be played at the new Chanhassen Recreation Center. Leagues are now being formed for men's (Tuesdays nights), co-rec (Wednesday nights) and women's (Thursday nights). The winter season will begin in January and run through March. All leagues will follow Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association rules and guidelines. League fee will be $200.00 per team for ten weeks 6fofficiated volleyball. League fees are due by December 15, 1995. Interested individuals should call me at 937-1900, ext. .126 for more information. Sincerely, 1l{i)) R · . ^ cJ 1 /L,U,~00rrv~ Jerry Ruegemer ..-./ Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Chanhassen American Legion Auxiliary Attn: Ms. Ellen Defferding 7228 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ellen: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for your recent donation of$50.00 for the Halloween party. A total of600 kids and their parents attended the party at the new Chanhassen Recreation Center. The evening was filled with fun that included trick-or-treating, face painting, games, juggler/magician, haunted room, hayrides, prize giveaways and refreshments. . The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great sponsors like you. We truly appreciate your commitment to the kids ofChanhassen. Sincerely, /1-C?j &;~ Jerry Ruege~;~> .." . ... . Recreation Stipe JR:ns . . . . C ITV OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 8, 1995 Chaska High School Attn: Ms. Laura Scanlon 10700 Chestnut Street Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Laura: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for finding all those volunteers for our annual halloween party. You really came thl"ough for us in a pinch. The students that volunteered were mature and responsible and performed all tasks asked of them. It was nice to see so many young adults take a sincere interest in their community. The overall success of our special events depends on the support of volunteers. I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put forth for the event. If you know of any students looking for additional opportunities, I have a bowling party on Thursday, December 28, at the Chanhassen Bowl. The bowling party is open to children 1-5 grades and will be from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. A total of 15 volunteers would be great if you know of any kids. Thank you again, Laura, for all your help! Sincerely; ') 1{~\ h{lkt~"1"1''- Jerry. uegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Festival Foods Mr. Bob Murray 7900 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Bob: On behalf ot the City of Chanhassen, I would like. C),thank you for sponsoring the entertainment at our annual halloween party. Over 600 kids ~~ th~!r parents attended the party. . The overall success of our department's special eventS depends on the support of great sponsors like Festival Foods. We truly appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for all your help! Sin~:.,\ .1~!o Jerry Ruegemer Recreation -(/;:..~... .;, .~ j J I C Lu\cLU~ v. . I ~~0 if:~. U (LQU "GjviJ,'y~, ! JR:gmb - . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Caribou Coffee Mr. Bob Molnar 615 North 3rd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 Dear Bob: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik~to thank you for sponsoring the entertainment at our annual halloween party. Over 600 kids atid their parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great sponsors like Caribou Coffee. We truly appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for all your help! Sincerely, 1'f'!;- Jerry Ruegemer Recreation iU:.J~ ~~i~~/\\} bobo JR:gmb - C ITV OF CHAHHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Chanhassen Jaycees Mr. Duane Eischens 8460 Ibis Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Duane: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik ~"fhank you and the rest of the. Jaycees for all your hard work with our annual halloween party; Oyer 600 kids and parents attended the party; however, at the time, it seemed like more. . The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great community groups like the Jaycees. We truly appreciate your community involvement. If you are still interested in doing a sno~golftoumament February Festival, you must finalize plans soon. Let's talk in the next week. Thanks again for all your help! Si/1Y.' !~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor dJ........ .............................................................................. J'^')' t ~ .r1,:'/':i j .... (~L'~" 'Y '\ (.~I . ,(1;- ! ' j..-J . ~ l- ',v)A A.............. ("> ( tj GVtIY\Q.; u JR:gmb . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Byerly's Mr. Art Miller 800 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Art: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would liketcfthank you for sponsoring the entertainment at our annual halloween party. Over 600 kids and their parents attended the party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great sponsors like Byerly's. We truly appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for all your help! Sincerely, /)-, I/'()).- . - ) IR . Jerry uegemer Recreation Supervisor I) . rTtj{t)'.~ \J r 1i~V;A:U~ 1/4fl j JR:gmb - CITY OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 John and Margie Rask 2645 Garfield Avenue South, Apt. 204 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Dear John and Margie: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik~tQ thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween Party. Over 600 kids and parents att~tid~~ this year's party. The <?verall success of our department's special events depends on thesripPQrt of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . . Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, -1.-[[u);- [ ) Je . Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb . . . . November 9, 1995 Ms. Kara Willems Mr. Rob Wickenhauser 10470 County Road 153 Cologne, MN 55360 Dear Kara and Rob: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 "" On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik~ t~thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween Party. Over 600 kids and parents at~~nded this year's party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, /)/11.:"" I.w..... ~ ! / I . ,--. Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:gmb . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Ms. Jill Sinclair 6373 Quartz Avenue Mayer, MN 55360 Dear Jill: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik~p~~ thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween Party. Over 600 kids and parents att~9-d~~ this year's party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on thesupp()rt of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. . Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, , 1 i.J;~ ' VJ(J Jerry Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb . . . . C ITV OF CHAKHASSEK 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Ms. Sharmin AI-Jaff 489 Chan View Ave., Apt 201 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Sharmin: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would lik~~~. thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween Party. Over 600 kids and parents attend~d this year's party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the .support of great volunteers like you. We truly appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, ../l10i, ' / ~v,tf" I I , i Jerry Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 9, 1995 Mr. Frank Scott 2730 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Frank: On behalf of the City of Chanhass~n, I would lik~,!~ thank you for volunteering at our annual Halloween Party. Over 600 kids and parents att~ed~~ this year's party. The overall success of our department's special events depends on the support of great volunteers like you. We truly . appreciate your community involvement. Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help the children of Chanhassen. Our special events wouldn't be successful without your assistance. Sincerely, /lli~ I"C) Jerry Ruegemer Recreation JR:gmb . . . . November 8,1995 Mr. Charlie Eiler 7000 Shawnee Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Charlie: C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all.the hard work with the Hall_oween party. Our department and the City is very lucky tohave a creative dedicated worker like yourself. I don't know where you come up With your ideas about Halloween, but they sure are fun. Thanks again, Charlie for always being there for our special events. They certainly wouldn't be as successful if we didn't have your help! Sincerely, /J ./Ucy Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Sup~,:r;visor P. S. Next l~ ~,.\ I j j"/,J ~ f/ v t{ '--'-- . \ / Cf~r L I' f l^ - /,J ~)\ . 'I ,-u-- .. "-",,,' j C) let me fill up the B-52! C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 8, 1995 Mr. Brad Morse 1108 Village Road Apt. 24A Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Brad: I wanted to take a minute to thank you for allth~hard work with the Halloween party. Our department and the City is very lucky tdhav~a creative dedieated worker like yourself. . Although you haven't been with the City that long, you understand and know what it takes to make a special event successful. Thanks again for all your hard work. Sincerely, /) ~lJ.0- / -lr/ ' (../" Jerry Recreation " I l' j Jt,"\ '\ 'i/U~,j ~"". / t ~ I'Ci& ).- II ( " v P. S. I told Charlie I would fill up his B-52. Bring yours too, we'll make it a 2 for 1. . . 6"'''''''''' (~t=:.) '1;.", 'l; ,. ,., . January 1995 Vol. 16 Issue 1 Wfiispering Jfope . by Sue Orsen Soft as the voice of an angel breathing a lesson unheard .. hope. with a gentle persuasfDn. whispers her comforting word. She is like an angel descended upon tl1e fine city of Victoria. Her voice can be soft as an angel's. but also as raucous as one in a bar room brawl. Her words are persuasive because tl1ey are TOOted in the soil of truth and reality. They are intoxicating because they are brewed with love. They are invigorating because of high energy content. And they are also comforting. since they give hope. She is Janie Jasin -- flamboyant. effervescent, splendiferous showman. She is also one of us -- someone who needs affinnation and love, a person self reliant only to a point. a person with quiet times. She is Janie Jasin -- an only child. a wife. a mother, a recovering alcoholic of 19 years, a divorcee, an entrepre- neur, an anist, an author. a motivational speaker. She loves her children. her mother, her friends. her home in Victoria. She loves animals. small towns and genuine folk. AlI of the above. and much more. has enabled Janie to speak to groups in the corporate and noncorporate world. to energize tl1em. uplift them. and give them a message of whispering hope. Whispering Hope. 011. how welcome thy voice. making my heart in Us sorrow rldoice. . She was born and raised in Milwaukee and the vicinity thereof. ftMy parents wanted more children but since one was Catholic and one was Lutheran, they weren't eligible to adopt children," explained Janie. ''TIley were very exci ted about having me, but were very concerned about spoiling me, so everything they gave to me belonged to all the children in the neighborhood. This included candy, toys, and other gifts." Her father. Henry Felker. now deceased, was an active. athletic. enthusiastic man who swam and skied into his sixties. "He was a well res- pected man in the furniture and appliance business," said Janie. "It seemed like he could do anything." Her mother. Pearl Felker. now living at Auburn Manor in Chaska. catered to her husband and daughter. Today she has Alzheimer's. a disease that wearies Janie. as well. and that has prompted a book called "Pearl's Harbor." Janie has written several books in addition to her stage and speaking engagements. "My mother and father encouraged my corny showmanship."laughed Janie. "I was always doing shows and musical skits in our garage or our yard for the family and the neighborhood. My parents must have bought me twenty record players! They were always getting filled with grit from sweeping the garage. But money from the shows always went to muscular dystrophy or polio campaigns." Janie attended Catholic schools. including Mount Mary College. an all- girls school in Milwaukee where she majored in art and speech. Her artistic flair is part and parcel of her speaking programs; her props. her photography. her creative spark help bring alive her message. When Janie was fourteen years old she met Jim Jasin. "His friend lived across the street from us in Wauwatosa. Wisconsin." said Janie. "He was fixing his car and he was very evasive so I chased him and chased him -- until he caught me. He was a very elusive man. and very cute. He looked like Frankie Avalon." Janie and Jim Jasin were married in a big marble church in Wauwatosa in February of 1961. She was 21 years old. "We immediately moved to the State of Virginia where Jim was an electrical engineer in sales. He called on power companies and sometimes he came home with a big ham or a rocking chair. That was the nature of people in that area. It was so much fun in the beginning." Janie worked as a social director in a nursing home in Virginia and then in a maternity shop "where I could get my clothes at a discount." she said. And With her daddy in 1948. I!:! & ~~ <( ;0"." 0: 0- .2: :S~:;H j;s s,r: C ~N ....! - ~i t3 :gt ~ ~~1 o .ft ~~i!i .. IC _-.:I cr j!:.lls~~ ~ she also worked at a paint shop "where I had so much fun helping choose and coordinate colors." But. said Janie. "mostly I was pregnant." Three children -- Jeff. Janet. and Joe -- arrived within the first few years of their marriage. "Jeff and Janet were born in Virginia; Joe was born in SI. Charles. llIinois." said Janie. "How I loved SI. Charles! We had our first little house there on the Fox River. I told the children that every time the paddle wheel boat went by we would ring a bell for them. They loved that. and thc SI. Charles Belle came to expect it." The move to SI. Charles had been prompted by her husband's job change. And Janie dug in and made herself to home. "I wrote children's plays and was into volunteering -- including the Oean Stream Committee. I was Hip Hip Hooray. Clean Stream!" she laughed. "We really had a good time. I'd bring the children with me -- I think I must have been crazy! Then I had Joe. a With her mother in 1948. Janie)asin. - wonderful big baby. "I loved SI. Charles. I was really enmeshed in the community -- but it had been a ghastly drive to work for Jim -- like driving from Victoria to the other side of SI. Paul -- so he said we had to move. Well. my heart was broken. Wait till the darkness is over. wait till the tempest is gone. Hope for the sunshine tomorrow. after the shower is gone. "And Jim said, 'We'll go to a place where the sky is blue and the water is blue and we'll never have to leave!' So we did. We moved to Minnewashta here in Minnesota. "I always thought that women should go where their men go," said Janie. "It's been a di fficult problem since the beginning of time -- to live where you are happy and also can make it economically," Their home on Lake Minnewashta was beautiful. but it was not easy for Janie to integrate into that community. "Contrary to what other people say," said Janie. "I found Minnesota to be a very difficult place to make friends. Everyone here already has friends. And I didn't have good communication skills at that time. I was 30 years old. I had three children. I was lost and alone. and I was surrounded by rich people. "But drinking seemed to help. I grew up with drinking; Jim and I drank; and all the neighbors drank so it was nothing new. But here the bottle automatically came out at5 o'clock. And the neighbors seemed to like me better when I was drinking -- or I liked myself better when numb." Her husband became very involved in outdoor activities offered in Minne- sota. including hunting. fishing. and camping. As his weekends became. thusly filled, Janie would pack the kids Ccntinuea on page tnree. January 1995 - The Victoria Gazeue - Page 3 and suitcases in the car and visit her parents in Wisconsin. "I needed com- panionship," she said. Suffice it to say, their lives grew apan. But Janie found another source for companionship -- and her brewing talents -- at General Mills. "I was a tour guide there from 1970 to 1971," she said. "I would tour people through their kitchens -- and then someone suggested I should teach and promote their counter-weight classes. "All of a sudden, here was an outlet for creativity, flamboyance, showman- ship. It was so exciting. Six thousand people went through the classes that I taught personally. "And 1 met Frankie Finch at General Mills. She was a remarlcable lady who wrote exercise and activity books. I was mesmerized by her because she was fit and dynamic and musical and had a good family. She would tell me, 'Janie, you've got to be out in front of people: and so she created that vision for me. She believed in me.. war is over," he had stated, "so go now and make your own fortune." Then when the nf{Jht Is upon us, why should the heart sink away? When the dark midnf{Jht Is over, watI:hfor the breaking qf day. With the special support of friend Frankie Finch. she hit the road for her first speaking engagement in Canby, Minnesota. Frankie provided piano accompaniment for the program and Janie did the talking. Still elated about that engagement, Janie said that after the show one fellow came up to her and said, "I had a great time. I couldn't tell if I was in a bar or a church.. And Frankie had said, . Janie, they just loved us. Someday you'll be doing this in New YotX. . Janie and Frankie split the $35 check and drove home with smiles, encouragement, and other engagements that stretched from Blue Earth to Janie with Frankie Finch. if in the dusk of twUf{Jht. dim be the region afar, wUI not the deepening darkness brf{Jhten the glimmering star? In 1976 Janie received treaonent for alcoholism. "That's when 1 learned to look at myself and become very honest:' she said. "I saw who I was and what my talents from God were. The moment I got out of treaonent I got down on my knees and cried and prayed. I was like a newborn. I was calm and receptive and filled with gratitude. I really wanted to make it." Then Janie received "the call" to speak at a technical school. "I was scared," she Whispered. "I told the man 1 had just been in treaonent, and he said, 'It sounds like you're finding your- self,'" Her life outside the home was be- coming fulfilling, but the rift at home -- between husband and wife -- had grown too wide, in spite of marri age counsel- ling. "Both partners need to be totally honest with each other to make a marriage work," said Janie. She and Jim divorced in 1981. 'The best thing about divorce for me was that I stopped depending on a husband to make my choices and make me happy," said Janie. "I also learned the value of friendships. I learned how to pay bills and buy tires and call a service repair man. I took Iinle biny baby steps -- one at a time -- and I survived. " Janie believes that the roles of husband and wife were established on "Day One" with the cave people and Adam and Eve. "A man's role is to protect and give strength," she stated. After the divorce Janie and the ~hildren -- ag~~ 1.2;. 16, an~ 1 8 a~ that Bemidji. The good words spread and soon coIpOrate clients were calling on Janie to speak to their employees. "Pressure from women is how these coIpOrate men came to call on me," ex- plained Janie. "Women had heard me and began telling their husbands that they should hear Janie Jasin speak, that I had a message. It was almost like the Blessed Mother at the wedding. 'Make the wine now, dear. Make the wine.' "And the men listened. You have to remember there were not many women in business then. It was awful. I couldn't even take out a loan in my own name." Today Janie's speaking engage- ments stretch from Sun Valley, Idaho, to Memphis, from Vancouver to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, from Minnesota to Virginia. What's the name of her business? Creativity No Limits. Explained Janie, "I was creative and God has no limits." Her message? "All things are based on affinning another person. Self esteem and behavior are improved when people are affinned. For Christians, that would lead to Christ-like behavior." Janie continues to take classes on self esteem to strengthen and enhance her message; and she also takes mime and comedy improvisation. "The learning is ongoing," she said. "No one was able to give that affir- mation to me except Frankie Finch:' said Janie, " -- not my father, not my mother. Frankie Finch was an instru- ment of peace in my life ... and so is Father Elstan at St. Victoria. He allows the good to come forth." Whispering Hope, 011. how welcome thy voice, making my heart In Ife: c:n.,.,..m" rp'n;f'p . Janie and her children G-T): Jeff, Janet, and Joe. How did Janie come to make a home in Victoria? "My house was for sale in Minnetonka ... and I was out walking my dog in Carver Park when 1 heard church bells ring. I followed them to St. Victoria. I walked through the beautiful cemetery, and 1 gave the dog a drink from the St. Francis bird bath. "Then I saw an Open House sign for Green Crest, so 1 went in. Darel Geske was so helpful, which is a big reason I bought this lovely place." Janie's beautiful townhome over- looking the Deer Run Golf Course, provides spacious living and working quarters. Creativity No Limits and its accompanying computers, file cabinets, and other office equipment, occupy the lower level of her home. Every nook, cranny, and wall of Janie's home is adorned with special photos and snapshots of her children. "My children are so precious," she said, "and I love them dearly. They are a big part of my life." Oldest son Jeff, 32, lives in Minneapolis. What does he do? "I don't see Jeff very oftcn, but I'm always happy to know that he's alive." Daughter Janet, 31, and husband Paul Quarberg live in Excelsior and are expecting Janie's first grandchild on January 6th so excitement is high at this time. Janet works in the field of invesonent and finance. Youngest son Joe, 26, is in the wireless communication field and is also "an entrepreneurial soul who lived in Japan for a while and found out how wonderful America is." Added his mother, "Every friend he has is from another country. We call him Global Joe." Joe lives in Minneapolis with Krystin. "He's a Downtown Man." Janie compares each of her moves -- from Wauwatosa to St. Charles to Minnewashta to Minnetonka to Victoria -- with enrolling in a new high school. "I found it really difficult to move because when you first get to a place, you walk the halls alone," she said. "I'm in my junior-senior year in Victoria now. It takes that long to senle in -- and for people to know that you're real. Otherwise you're a transient." Janie Jasin is real, about as real as anybody you'll ever know. She's the real person who is dogsiuing Carmen Sohns since the family home in Victoria -burned down. She's the real person who lectors at the St. Victoria Catholic Church and enjoys Coffee Sunday. She's the real person who is donating one of her computers to a Chaska student with muscular dystrophy. She's the real person who displays a photo in her office of a little boy whose dad is in jail. She's the real person who gets excited about refurbishing downtown business districts in small communities. And she's the real person who -- since she was a child -- can get on stage and make you laugh and think and cry and walk out a better person. She's Janie J asin. "I think God has given me an opportunity to do as many shows as I want," she smiled. . Soft as the voice of an angel, breathing a lesson unheard -- hope, wUh a genUe persuasion. whispers her comforting word. . . FREE MOVIE & POPCORN Tuesday, October 31 st 1 :30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. . " Roommates"- Starring: Peter Falk & D.B. Sweeney . Bring a friend and come enjoy this free event! ! ! #!"",1J#A/C/8 · . . ~I//I.",r ~,A/. '!'f"-'!".""",~-r-""'~ /' ~,r/~> ~~~>-"" " ~A~ t. 1'6 . - "KP1"7" A'~p~ / . -1l4r /~ . /I~,e~/'1/.J~/ / 7~4~ 1/ · ~.~.......~.._,.. -.r..- 5 fIN IJ""'~ ~ ",rp/ ... . "LAUGHTER" Life's Best Medicine . The Chanhassen Senior Center invites all women and men in the community and surrounding communities to come and join Janie Jansin, a Humorist & Entertainer, to laugh, crym____ and develop hope in the future for the better understanding of Alzheimer's Disease. Janie J ansin is an energetic, enthusiastic woman of the 90' s who walks and talks optimism, hope, life and sells ideas from her heart. Janie's speaking career has found her traveling all across the North America continent for Qver 20 years. Janie is a local resident of Victoria and hopes-to see everyone there! Men and women are encouraged to bring . friends and family members who haven't attended the Chanhassen Senior Center before. Come and the see what the Center has to offer! Men's & Women's Club / Joint Meeting Monday, October 30th 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Note: If anyone has additional questions regarding this program or wishes to attend, please call Kara at #937-1900, ext. 145. Thanks! I hope to see everyone there! . . . . Chanhassen Senior Center Hinckley Grand Casino Trip Friday, November 10, 1995 Join us as we travel to Hinckley's Grand Casino Gaming Center. Lunch will be on your own at either the Casino's buffet line or at the Grand Casino Grill. Pre-registration is needed for this trip. Registration forms can be picked up at the Senior Center. If anyone has questions regarding this trip, please call #937-1900, ext. 145. Ti me: Meet/Return Chanhassen Senior Center 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fee: $2.00 / person (includes coach bus transportation, rolls and coffee on the bus). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2.00 / person Hinckley Grand Casino Trip November 10, 1995 Name: Phone: Address: City: Zip: Amount Paid: ~HN C~4/' ~e/J r ~ I f1/~~ ? <. ~ ~ ,11 6. · V ~PJ J "..--- ~ J. ~ ~1J17t ., . Menu .. . . Roasted Chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, dressing, . vegetable, coleslaw, dinner roll, cranberries, carrot and c~~ery sticks" apple ri.~gs,~p!S & mints, coffee, milk and pumpkin bars for dessert..,:., ... . Pre-registratio'nis. desired..... cost of the meal doesn't. . . . need to be p'aid until the'night of the.c1inner. Anyone" ._-.-.-.- . - ". _."~ -., :.--.. 7".--..,---'----.-.......-."'~. -~" - .C _~. -_..._..~'_-.._' P' "~' --'-""_ ..".~.~: _ __~_--.,_._~~_. ._..":'._'_.o....~.u..__. ._._.-'_<.,__~.,.. ..:. _ _ . wIshIng toupay ahea~.,~f time is. welco'me to do ,so. . . ..~.' ". .. . ;i..~' '<-~ :-.- ".'"':,' . . . Ellingson Car Museum Tuesday, November 21 Take a walk down memory lane. Enjoy an interesting collection of over 100 vehicles dating back to the early 1970's. The collection includes cars, trucks, motorcycles and memorabilia. After the museum tour we will go to Clarabelle's Ice Cream Parlor, for a treat and coffee. There are limited seats available, so register as soon as possible. Fee includes transportation and museum admission. Ice cream treats are paid on your own. Cost: $11.00 / a person Meet/Return: Chanhassen Senior Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ellingson Car Museum Trip / November 21, 1995/ AELL95 10 Name: Phone: Address: City /State/Zip: Fee Paid Return completed form with payment to: Chanhassen Senior Center, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (Check made payable to City of Chanhassen) ""C o ~ ~ ~ ~.: ~ u.~ ~ c i-. 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(.) .Uj.a; !3 t1.l .... ..... llS rn I-< ~ .E ~~.g .E~t'i; ~ :a ~.! ~ ~ f'-}..c g~ = f'-} 00. f'-} =~ 'Os:: ~d~6.cb o llS 2.S 2llS s:1. -5ll ""'.....""''-'llS t1.l .... 8. ~ 8..~ to ~l ~~ ~~. :I:llS !30"C~UJ llS tii rJ.l (.) d.::= Cl) ..!drn Cl) .llS=bO d llS . bO~ l'I.l ~ d o..r::Cl)d.-4Cl)ollS ~~taE!*bOC1.l~ d=rnOMaCl) dF-: l'I.l~oS '"' ><0 rna~ ........., ::l 0 0 ::?Jrnj:,lJ)"C,-~Cl) Cl)~~~'OO~s:1. ..r::tii~OC1.l~6'o~ E-< 9 llSl:Q 0> ~"C ~ 1h\~~rae 01l\~ - . CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER OPEN GYM SCHEDULE BASKETBALL(B.B.) AND VOLLEYBALL(V.B.) FAMIL Y SUNDA Y...NOON-3PM(B.B) ADULT MON-FRI...6:30-8:30AM MON,WED,FRI...11 :30AM-1 :30PM(B.B.) TUES,THURS...11 :30-1 :30PM(V.B.) MON...5:30-10:00PM(B.B.) TU ES, WED, THU R...5-6PM(B.B.) SUNDA Y...1 O-NOON(B.B.) SUNDA Y...6-8PM(V.B.) . YOUTH 1ST-5TH TU ES, FRI.. .3:30-5 :30PM (B. B.) SA TURDA Y...8-1 OAM(B.B.)- THROUGH 12/2/95 ONLY YOUTH 6TH-12TH TUES,THUR...6-10PM YOUTH 6TH-9TH FRIDA Y...5:30-1 OPM YOUTH 10TH-12TH SA TURDA Y...8-1 OPM(B.B.N.B.) TO PARTICIPATE IN AN OPEN GYM, SIMPLY PURCHASE A PUNCH CARD OR PAY PER VISIT. SCHEDULE RUNS THROUGH12/22/95. . CALL 474-0641 FOR MORE INFORMATION.