1994 08 23 Agenda . . . AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1994,7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 7 :30 p.m. - Call meeting to order. ROLL CALL FILE APPROV AL OF AGENDA PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Visitor Presentations: Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review of items prior to consideration. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Selection of Vendor; Pheasant Hill Play Structure. 3. Item Deleted ** NEW BUSINESS 4. South Lotus Lake Park Operations. 5. Program Reports: a. Touring Teens b. Fall Softball c. Co-Rec 11/12 inch Class C State Tournament; Lake Ann Park. 6. Commission Presentations. 7. Administrative Packet. ADJOURNMENT The following item was published and subsequently deleted from this agenda: 3. Land Development Proposal: Rezoning of 39 acres of property zoned A2 to RSF; preliminary plat to create 60 single family lots and 7 outlots; wetland alteration permit for mitigation of ponding areas; and conditional use permit for alteration of areas within a flood plain on property located north of Twin Cities & Western Railroad tracks west of Bluff Creek and east of Timberwood Estates and Stone Creek, Heritage First Addition, Heritage Development Company. . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: /)/ Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 3, 1994 SUBJ: Selection of Vendor, Pheasant Hill Park Play Equipment On July 18, 1994, I solicited proposals from three>play equipment suppliers for the provision of play equipment to be installed at Pheasant ~lPark. Earl F. Anderson and Associates and Value Recreation submitted proposals. Minnespta-Wisconsin Playground chose not to bid. I called Mr. Todd Layman of Minnesota-Wisconsin Playground after the submittal deadline to make an inquiry. Mr. Layman felt that their~hances of being awarded the job did not warrant the effort necessary to submit a proposal. To .assist the commission in selecting a vendor, I have dissected the proposals, focusing on criteria: 1) Does the proposal meet the specified standard requirements?; and 2) How equipment is offered in each proposal? Update: August 8, 1994 Dave Owen of EFA elected to stand pat on his proposal for (Ile provision of playground equipment for Pheasant Hill Park. Mike KCl'rth finalized his changes to the Value Recreation proposal and submitted final dOC\lID.entsQn Wed.J1esd~y.A.l1gust..q.....::I'h~aWlc~~ product list has been updated toreflrct changes in Value Recreation's proposal. .................. ...r:; 1;t" Park and Recreation Commission August 8, 1994 Page 4 EF A Footnotes: Cannot meet delivery specification. EQUIPMENT OFFERED Phase I EFA Value Recreation Transfer module Yes Yes Approximate square feet of 100 ft. 100 ft. deck area Number of play structure 20 21 poles (Note: Heights vary) Slides 3 total: 4 total: 1 slide winder, 72" deck 1 jet slide, 60" deck 1 tube "L" slide, 52" deck 1 jet slide, 72" deck I spiral slide, 72" deck I tube "s' slide, 72" deck 1 1900 slide, 36" deck Swings 4 total: 2 total: 1 accessible bucket 1 accessible bucket 1 standard bucket 1 standard bucket 2 belt Track Rides 1 None Climbers 2 total: 6 total: 1 loop arch 1 spiral 1 chain ladder 1 chain ladder 2 deep rung arch 1 pipe climbing rung 1 tree climber "Deck Connector" Horizontal ladder Ring bridge and loop ladder . . . . . . Park and Recreation Commission August 8, 1994 Page 5 Other Equipment Fire pole 1 steering wheel panels Driver Panel Tic Tac Toe Panel 2 Deck ladders Stegosaurus climber Phase IT EFA Value Recreation Transfer Module Yes Yes Approximate square feet of 65 ft. 65 ft. deck Number of poles 10 14 Slides 3 total: 4 total: 1 accessible curved slide, 1 spiral slide, 72" deck 40" deck 1 tube slide, 48" deck 1 accessible double poly 1 jet slide, 48" deck slide, 40" deck 1 wide slide, 36" deck 1 accessible tunnel slide, 40" deck Swings 1 tire swing 3 total: 2 belt 1 tire Climbers 2 total: 2 total: 1 step ladder 1 deep rung arch 1 loop arch 1 chain ladder Other Equipment 2-900 crawl tubes 1 steering wheel 1 'talk tube set 1 crawl tube 2 super scoop diggers 2 spring animals 1 accessible spring 1 talk tube set platform with hand hold 1 window panel 2 age appropriate signs 1 Tic- Tac- Toe panel 2 spring animals Rubber Matting including adhesive: 140 sq. ft 140 sq. ft Phase I ~ sq. ft. 130 sq. ft. Phase IT 235 sq. ft 270 sq. ft. Total \ Park and Recreation Commission , August 8, 1994 . Page 6 Wood Border 640 lineal feet, treated pine 656 feet, 6 x 6 treated pine 320 lineal feet, redwood 328 feet, redwood (both: 6 x 6) Size unspecified Including hardware Exclusive of hardware Sale Tax Included Included Delivery Included Included The Park and Recreation Commission is charged with selecting one of these two proposals for Pheasant Hill Park. . . . Earl F. Andersen, Inc. August 1, 1994 To: From: Re: City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department Todd Hoffman, Director David Owen ~O Earl F. Andersen, Inc. Pheasant Hill Park Playground Proposal Attachment Please note the following items regarding our playground proposal: 1) . Compliance with CPSC Guidelines, ASTM Standards and ADA: It is our opinion that this proposal conforms to the CPSC Guidelines, the ASTM Standards on Accessibility and the ADA. We believe we "go the extra mile" by offering accessibility to the rocking, swinging, sliding, and climbing sensations to those with disabilities, as well as a talk tube that is accessible. Both playstructures provide accessibility. CPSC recommends age appropriate equipment, as well as signs stating age appropriateness, which are included. A maintenance manual shall be provided as well. 2) Delivery: We can not guarantee delivery of equipment by September 26, 1994. The manufacturer has generally been needing 8 weeks to deliver most items. 3) Product integrity, value, reliability: The City of Chanhassen has a long and successful track record with both EF A and Landscape Structures, Inc. and should know that these criteria will be satisfied. Thank you. 'RiK'~.(~ . 9808 James Circle. Bloomington. MN 55431 · Phone: 612-884-7300 · MN Wats: 1-800-862-6026 · Fax: 612-884-5619 "Equal Opportunity Employer" Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 - Phone: 612-884-7300 MN WATS: 1-800-862-6026 FAX: 612-884-5619 ~te consulting, design, IayouI and insIaIIation seMces. . Park and Playground Equipment . Resilient Safety Surfacing . Site Fumishings . Bleacher and Stadium Saatlng . Scoreboards . Floatlng Docks . NaturelBoardwalks . Traffic Control Signs and Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Marking Products . Sign Post Mountlng Systems . Architectural Signage . InteriorlExterior Custom Signs ~ . QUOTATION City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Dept. Attn: Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Date August 1. 1994 Your Ref. No. Pbp~~nt Hill Park Playground Phase I Plan #G3441D . . TERMS: Net 30 Day. iI To Be Arranged 0 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Phase I Playeround Equipment 320 Ln Ft 3 High Timber border to include: 2 - 6" x 6" treated pine 9.05/ft $2,896.00 timber; 1 - 6" x 6" construction grade redwood timber and hardware. 1 4 Belt Swing unit, 8' height, heavy duty 5000 series with $984.00 2 belt seats; 1 tot full bucket; 1 molded bucket seat for accessibility. 1 Tuff turf Tiles for accessible swing unit, includes: $1,360.00 8 - 3-112" tiles, beveled edges, comers and adhesive. . 1 PlayBooster Play Structure Phase 1,5-12 year olds $13,030.00 Aluminum Posts, Tenderdecks 1 TuffTurf Tiles for accessible playstructure, includes: $499.00 4 - 2-112" tiles, beveled edges, comers and adhesive. Installation prices based on prevailing wages. SUBTOTAL $18.769.00 SALES TAX $1,219.99 DYES o NO FREIGHTS Paid by- EF A INSTALLATION Not Included TOTAL $19,988.99 F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination IJ Shipment approx. 8 Weeks after receipt of oreler. f NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. By David Owen . Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 Phone: 612-884-7300 MN WATS: 1-800-862-6026 FAX: 612-884-5619 Complete consulting, design, layout and installation services. . Park and Playground Equipment . Resilient Safety Surfacing . Site Fumishings . Bleacher and Stadium Seating . Scoreboards . Floating Docks . NaturelBoardwalks . Traffic Control Signs and Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Marking Products . Sign Post Mounting Systems . Architectural Signage . InteriorlExterior Custom Signs QUOTATION City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Dept. Attn: Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Date August 1. 1994 Your Ref. No. Pheasant Hill Park Playground Phase IT Plan #G3441D . . TERMS: Net 30 Days iI To Be Arranged 0 . QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Phase II Plavground Equipment 1 Playbooster Play structure, 2-5 age appropriate $8,965.00 1 TufITurf Tiles for accessible spring platform and playstructure $1,070.00 includes: 2-1/2" and 1-1/2" thick tiles, beveled edges, corners and adhesive. 5 Independent Play Items including: Horse Tuffrider, $2,195.00 Turtle Tuffrider, Wheelchair Accessible Superscoop, Superscoop and Spring Platform. 1 Tire Swing Unit $1,242.00 2 Age Appropriate Signs $506.00 Installation prices based on prevailing wages. SUBTOTAL $13,978.00 SALES TAX $908.57 DYES FREIGHTS Paid by EF A o NO INST ALLA TION Not Included TOTAL $14,886.57 . F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination IKl WE ARE AN EaUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Shipment approx. 8 Weeks after receipt of order. ~a NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. . /1' _ Please write for confirmation after that date. By ~ ~ David Owen PHEASANT HILL PLAYGROUND To; Chanhassen Park and Rec. Todd Hoffman Park Commission (VALUE ) REcREATION INC. RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT August 10, 1994 . P.O. Box 607 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 937-8192 Fax 937-5031 It is the opInIon of Playworld Systems and Value Recreation that our proposed design conforms to the CPSC Guidelines, ASTM, and ADA standards. We also meet all specified design requirements. Our design offers accessibility to both playstructures and a slidihg~event on each. The swing and one spring animal are also accessible. . Thank You, '11~ i(..db. . , ,j -QUOTATION (VALUE) -RECREATION INC. RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT PROJECT PHEASANT HILL PARK LOCATION Chanhassen P.O. Box tlJ7 . Chanhossen. MN 55317 Chonhossen (612) 937-8192 Fox (612) 937-Em 1 CUSTOMER Mike Korth CONSULTANT Bill Janahosky DATE 8-16-94 CONTACT Todd Hoffman PHONE 937-1900 We are pleased to offer the following quotation: PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS PLAYMAKERS (5" Posts) Design for school age area. CHALLENGERS (3~"Posts) Design for pre-school area. PHASE 1 includes: -Playmaker playstructure, exclusive of the spiral slide and track glide. -Tiles for two rubber ADA pathways. -Stegosaurus Climber -One swing set section (ADA) challengers -Three rows landscape timbers,6"x6",top row redwood. -Safety Sign $20,000. . PHASE 2 includes: -Pre-school play structure Challengers -Remainder of playmaker playstructure(sp.slide, 'track glide) ,-Tiles for pre-school ADA pathway -Tiles fdr the extension of the swing set path to make the spring animal accessible. -One spring animal and choice of either a second spring animal or E-Z Digger. -One swing section, two swings. -Tire Swing Challengers -One 6' bench in-ground mount treated pine ... $15,000. *It is the opinion of Playworld Systems that the referenced designs meet CPSC, ASTM, and ADA standards. Accepted by Dale . Prices are firm for 30 days. subject to review thereaner. Our terms are net 30 Please allow ~ to 2 weeks for delivery after receipt of order and architectural approval should it be required. Standard manufactured design, specifica1ions. and construction apply unless noted otherwise. If we can be of other assistance, please feel free to contact us. RlF( 922 Mainstreet Hopkins, Mn. 55343 (612) 933-0972 fax: (612) 933-1153 ASSOCIATES LTD. . ~ /" .. ~. NOTE: In light of this correspondence, Item 3 has been tabled. August 17, 1994 TH Ms. Kate Aanenson City Planner City of Chanhassen 6900 Coulter Avenue Chanhasscn, MN 55317 RE: 39.S Acre Heritage Single Family Development Dear Kate: . Upon review of the staff report prepared for the above mentioned site dated PC date August 11, 1994, CC date September 12, 1994, the staff report recommended approval of this preliminary plat based upon a nUmber of conditions. The applicant requests this item, scheduled for hearing before the PlanningCom.rnission on August 17, 1994, be tabled so that the conditions which were raised can be adequately addressed. Sincerely, RLK Associates, Ltd. ~E~~ John Dietrich cc: Lloyd Grooms Jeff Gardner . · Civil Engineering . Transportation · Infrastructure Redevelopment · Landsoape Architecture . Construction Management ~ . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN L(- - - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Iff FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 18, 1994 SUBJ: South Lotus Lake Operations In response to Mr. Melby's concerns which he(liscussed with the commission on August 8, 1994, the following items have been initiated; The chain link fence separating the park and Mr. Melby's yard will be extended towards the lake. A private property sign will be posted at this loc~1ion. The boat access entrance gate is being repaired fOf:j'einstallation. The Public Safety Department, in cooperation with tij~ Carver County Sheriff's Department, will. be asked to assume responsibilities for operation of the gate. If the me know. please let pc: Jack Melby, 40 Hill Street, Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Al Wallin, Carver County Sheriff ~~GE~V:j q,j(" --7- / r :;?ZJL-- /L#,5~J{~1 /r//f/.:t/ ;//,j 11".. ,......, 'I' ;'\ · t3/9A-y' ....~~ ~\J , '1C~!"I4 \__ J . , .:t~,~. To: : .~ lqq4 .' .'-'...... " July 28, 1994 i"Ii ',' (j~ C ;";;",r:ASSC\ ....... I, ~ ,-. . . Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Members, James Andrews, Janet Lash, Fred Berg, James Manders, Ron Roeser, Jane Meger, Dave Huffman From: Jack Melby 40 Hill Street Chanhassen MN, 55317 I have been a resident of Chanhassen and have lived at this location since June, 1976. During the planning process for the public access and park, the city said it would accomplish the following. . Build a park that was more attractive than the existing property and cabin. . The city said it would monitor the use of the park, in that it would not allow alcoholic beverages, no dogs without leashes, wild parties overuse of the parking and launch facilities, control parking and control park and access hours. WHAT HAS HAPPENED: . The park is used for people to walk their dogs, most of which are not on a leash, and do their toilet in the park and my yard. On occasions the park is used by party goers, mostly teenage drinkers. When calls are placed to the sheriffs office by reside~ts, they usually respond quickly. Citizens are expected to monitor the park and call when perceived abuses occur. If the park had more controls, there may be fewer nuisance calls to the Sheriff e /C/}I) Park hours are not being enforced. (10:00 PM - 6:30 tu AM). A gate at the top of the access used to be locked #' during those hours. The park access is being used year ~ t,1 round by fishermen, ATV users, snowmobilers and in the "'" j ~~I summer months, jet ski operators, fisherman and ~~ Jh'~V' . recreational boaters. We are constantly being awakened VV f"f~~U at all hours of the night by fisherman and recreational ~ tOV1 boaters (between 10:00 PM and 6:30 AM.) In the winter / AlP' 5' ,tl' time, fishermen use the access round the clock, 7 days t'~.~ ~ a week. There is no relief from the noise trucks and '~Jt)O ~ "f, /,./ cars. There are city ordinances that state residents of nv ~.~ }fl(f Chanhassen cannot mow their lawns until after 9:00 AM Jf/ r ( fJ and not at all on Sundays, but it is ok to rev up /lk' tifl' ~t' marine, truck, snowmobile, j etski, ATV and car motors I' (/ (I (~ . all hours of the day and night. The South Lotus Lake etAi qr~'l'{l~'?' gflF ~'1A . , . Park and boat access in the middle of a neighborhood. The people in that neighborhood need some quiet time. Many times a weekend, I have to ask trespassers to leave my property. In doing so, I expose myself and my property to potential angry retribution. The City Of Chanhassen must do more to protect my privacy and my property. I would like to buy a newer boat and dock but will not until there is some assurance that it will be more difficult for people using the park to get to my property. There have been attempts to steal my motor from my boat, attempts to set my boat on fire, large bric-a-brac rocks thrown at my boat and dock and constant trespassing by park and access users. The park now consists of very little green space, an 80 yard drainage ditch, a pump, a picnic table, a dock and an outdoor toilet. I don't believe the city met its objectives when it said it would make this an attractive park and access. The park and boat access are not, by any stretch of the imagination, friendly to the neighborhood. . The monitoring of the park is almost non existent. There is a park and recreation employee on duty during most weekends. I stopped and talked to a gate monitor on the 16 or 17 of July. That person was checking boats for Eurasian Millfoil before entering Lotus lake. The lake is now infested with Millfoil and the attendant should have been checking boats leaving Lotus Lake to avoid spreading Millfoil from Lotus Lake to other lakes. The park is now the repository for major city surface water drainage system from both Chanhassen and Eden Prairie. Surface contaminates of all kinds are being drained into the south end of Lotus Lake and directly to my beach. I and my family are afraid to swim and use the lake because of those run off contaminates and the infestation of Eurasian Millfoil. The lake bottom has turned to muck from run off silt and the water is fouled by stagnant water and contaminates from surface filth. . The access has allowed a large number of people to have access to Lotus Lake. During weekends, traffic is too heavy. When the weather is favorable, there is a constant stream of people waiting to get on to Lotus Lake and a constant stream of people leaving the access. The pressure on the lake is relentless and the access users don't follow safety rules. I believe you must reduce the traffic allowed through the access. Those of us that live on the lake have a right to use ~ Lotus Lake and to use it in relative safety. The lake is too small (only 240 acres) to permit the kind of traffic the access allows. You have done Too much to Me and my family with the noise from the park, trespassers, filthy water run off, ruining my privacy and exposing myself and my property to unnecessary harm. The city needs to fix these problems. I don't know what your plans are to correct the Millfoil or over use problems, but I suggest you effectively control the access by locking the access at night, (year round) and charge an access fee to all users of the park access, after all, they brought Millfoil to the lake and they should contribute to the solution of that problem as well as the maintenance and policing of the park. .f~~ ~ ~ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN Stt- - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 1 R Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor August 18, 1994 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Touring Teen Evaluation The Touring Teen Trips did not take off like I bad hoped they would. The St. Croix canoe trip didn't have a single person register and the Trout Air Trip had 2 people register. Both of these trips were cancelled. However, the Beaver ~ountain Water slide did go with 11 kids. This number was well below our minimum, bQt we felt it was important to offer an . opportunity to the kids. Programming for teens in the summer has proved to be difficult. Advertising for this program was done through our city newsletter; articles \in the Villager; and flyer distribution through Minnetonka Intermediate SchOOl, Chaska Middle School, the 6th grade class at Jonathan, and Grades 6-8 at St. Hubert's. With this infotIDation distributed in all these areas, registration numbers should have .l>een higher. A few of the kids that attended the Beaver" Mountain trip suigested trips to Bunker Hills Wave Pool, the Minnesota Zoo, ValleyFair, or even a movie~ Our department feels this age group is in desperateneed()fprogr~g de~ite tbelow\ttltnout and other types of programs will . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 5h -- ---:" 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: 1K August 18, 1994 SUBJ: Fall Softball Chanhassen's Fall Softball League will be startipg next Thursday, August 25. Interest in fall softball is down this year with only 8 Men's open teams participating. The Women's and Co-Rec Leagues had very little interest for the.secopd straight year and will not happen. The Thursday night Men's League will play (louble headers from August 25 to September 22. Games will be played at Lake Ann Park at 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. with a 55 minute time limit. Teams enjoy the Fall League because of the relaxed atrr.psphere and because it's an opportunity to play a few more gam~before the snow falls. . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH s~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: R Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: August 18, 1994 SUBJ: Co-Rec 11/12 Inch Class C State Tournament Chanhassen will host the Co-Rec 11/12 inch Class C state tournament at Lake Ann Park August 26-28. A total of 43 teams will participate~ which is one of the largest Co-Rec C state tournaments ever. Games will begin on rrid~y evening and will be played on Saturday and Sunday. Lake Ann Park will be very busy next weelcend. should make this tournament very exciting. tournament from our adult leagues. will be a lot of good teams which will have three teams in the The Co-Rec tournament will give us/~chance to are going to enjoy themselves. Lake Ann Park. I know the teams . ADMINISTRA TIVE SECTION . . ~'- 1 . C\J I' t s .... M I al 1I1 Z ~1 i 0 * .... Z ! * ~ E: - a: !I 0:: l ~ Ul I z....a: ~$~~z I OrlE:..:tu.j J iJ) - c: .... 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CD fjt~iIJm u ... . f!;J~O~;~Br.>-; ~l '" ." .1~5j.c: J!.J5 -8. ~, li:il~8~l5:g.! 1 .... }~~iJ~~.~li!i!~~: j'li '" 't:i"!1 ("'8 ~ 1i110f\. tJ ~ ,i5j.!fi S.Ii- .- J:g! .! 0:, J~JljJlii~!i8.r~i - Ii B!; 11';j-El Is i:i ~ c u (I) (I) l'J .d c ~ U u ~ . ' i!lC:"" 'C::li . ".aJ!Qil Iic8 1 ~ CD,,- .:" - 'j i < Ii 8. i i ~ ~ ca'" . - i.J.I~ fj"'fii (I) ~~ >- ~ Jj l.Jj 1~lj1 C · CD ca 8~.f ~:5 ~fl o '5 ~ E jhnl 'U!:I8l .!! 0 1:: .C ~ 2! ~ -;;~.'" i f ~ ffl~ .. · 0 ~ ....<.. "'~."'.' ... ......~~. 1iI1il Oca CD == 0 ic3 i.~.ijQ..~ ; Q CD ... Ii 1 ~ &~ B l!! . E . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 July 28, 1994 Mr. James Hofer, President Red Cedar Cove Townhouse Association 7098 Red Cedar Cove Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. Hofer: I am in receipt of a copy of your letter addressed to the City of Chanhassen Planning Commission dated July 25, 1994. Future correspondence regarding these issues should be directed to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. I am happy to respond to each of your nine questions, but would like to preface my answers with some general comments. I am aware of your Association's interest in this project as I have fielded questions from your members at public meetings and in phone conversations. The fmal configuration of the park and its size (8 acres) have been confirmed, but ownership has not been transferred to the city as of this date. Upon closing on the property, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission will initiate the public process of planning for the development of this neighborhood park. All members of your Association are . invited to participate in this process and will receive appropriate notice of the public meeting being held. Now, back to your specific questions: 1. Is the city planning an environmentaljlnpact~yprior to construction of the park? No. 2. How will the park be patrolled after dark?,?Will it be lighted? a. By routine patrol or through di$patch. b. Unknown at this time. 3. Does it make sense to build a park with lake front separated by a street? Similar parks (Waconia) have safety problems. Mr. James Hofer July 28, 1994 Page 2 . The commission is pondering the same question and will be addressing this situation during the park planning process. 4. How will parking be controlled? Parking lot and signage. 5. How will the park be cleaned and maintained? We have observed that the city is less than effective in this task. a. The park will be assigned a park maintenance standard including turf care, fertilizing, litter control, pruning, disease and insect control, snow removal, lighting (if any), surfaces, repairs, inspections, rest rooms, and any special features. b. I am interested in discussing this allegation with you. Please call me direct at 937-1900 ext. 121. 6. How will park users summon emergency help if needed? Public phones are not installed in neighborhood parks. In the event of an emergency . requiring a 911 call, a variety of scenarios typically occur: a. Another park patron or passerby calls from a cellular phone. b. Help is summoned from an adjoining residence. 7. Will the city provide improved fencing for our property to deter trespassers? Unknown. 8. How will traffic problems be handled? Traffic problems are not anticipated. Traffic counts generated from this neighborhood park are anticipated to be less than the traffic which would be generated if single family homes were constructed on this site. 9. How does the city justify the need for this park with the regional park just across the lake? This park is necessary because the next closest parks are Cathcart (across Highway 7) and Minnewashta Regional Park. The regional park is approximately 3.5 miles away from the new park site. The city's standard for neighborhood park density is "within . . . . Mr. James Hofer July 28, 1994 Page 3 one-half mile of every residence." The regional park and the new park also fall into separate classifications and satisfy differing park needs. I hope this information answers your questions. If you are in need of additional information, please call. Sincerely, .~#~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:k pc: Mayor and City Council ,.park and Recreation Commission C ITV OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 July 28, 1994 Mr. Robert Lawrence Reisgies 15600 Clearview Drive Minnetonka, MN 55345 Dear Mr. Reisgies: On July 3, 1994, you were party to a hit and run accident at North Lotus Lake Parle which resulted in damage to the park's ballfield backstop and turf areas. The damage to the backstop has been repaired and by this letter I am requesting restitution for this damage. The following costs were incurred in making repairs: TOTAL $144.00 14.40 3.20 1.52 5.70 18.00 39.60 2.74 .88 .44 60. . Sixteen hours labor, Parle Maintenance x $9.00 Ten 1%" rail ends x $1.44 Two 3" x 1%" clamps x $1.60 Four 3" tension bands x $.38 Six 3" dome caps x $.95 200 aluminum ties x $.09 One 3" x 12" Schedule 40 pipe x unit Two C-rail sleeve x $1.37 Four 5/16" x 2lh" bolts x $.22 Four 5/16" x PA" bolts x $.11 Three hours administration/word processing x $20. ~ 55317 within Please remit payment to the City()f Oumhassen,690~u1terDrive,Chanhassen, MN 14 days. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director pc: Deputy T. Koehler #850 Scott Harr, Public Safety Director i.-Fark and Recreation Commission . LsOT'" RECRl.1 ~~~~\l.1{ ASSOc/,.t9\- t-~ }"/~ Minnesota Recreation and Park Association . 5005 West 36th Street . St. Louis Park, MN 55416-2661 Phone: 612/920-6906 . Fax: 612/920-6766 . Toll Free: 800/862-3659 .................................. l-J r.- ~ . .~. ~ :\: !-:.~ . . '. .. " . t: -..,.. "'-..: ,:..,.,0 ~ 1-.....'... . ~.. 199i ( : ; ~ ',: ~) f '.... . -'.. ,"r\,,-,,:,,;"" July 29, 1994 Jim Andrews Chair Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Commission 690 Coulter Dr, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Andrews: I just wanted to thank your Commission for allowing me a few minutes at your recent meeting. It was clear to me from the meeting and a quick tour of your community that the Commission is doing an outstanding job. You have an emerging park system that you can be very proud of now; it will serve your community very well into the future. It is energizing to people like me to see the level of commitment volunteers like you are willing to devote to the community. Thank you. YRurs tru~y, \\ U f >i+-v' a()'CtJ.,ML~ {OlYG~rban EXecutive Director JGjwsk cc: Todd Hoffman, Director, Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department ~ Printed on recycled paper with soy based ink. BRANCHING OUT AUGUST, 1994 PRESIDENT'S ME .. .ANNE LUSK (VT) "Carpe Dien" means "Seize the Day." But sometimes there are better days to seize than others. This is one of those days to grab. Parks and Recreation can move to the fore- front nationally because it has been proven and acknowledged that having recreation facilities and activities lessens crime. (see page 4) We should not sit by and hope for better fund- ing in the future. We should take advantage of this moment and build countless recreation facil- ities, repair innumerable parks and institute a legion of athletic programs. We should move in lock step, arms intertwined, both recreation pro- fessionals and citizens, to create this new recre- ation infrastructure in America. So what exactly do you do, a Citizen Board Member, in this call to action. First, you could investigate what funding is available related to crime and recreation. Some of the money is still pending in Congress which gives you a good reason to call your Congressman and ask him or her to hustle the Legislation. Other recreation funds are available and your application could document a relation- ship to crime, maybe giving you a better chance of acceptance. Second, you could help existing programs which are related to crime. You might fmd out what recreation is being offered in. yourcommu- nity and create a scholarship fund so everyone can participate. Third, you could go into a less-well-to-do area and help them submit grant applications for recreation programs or facilities. Many people in the low income areas don't know funding exists and, even if they knew, the process for applying for grants is just too overwhelming. With your knowledge of recreation you could help them. The moment is now. This day is the best. Work to lessen crime. A Publication of the NRPA ember Branch ~ ~~ (7 ~DI ~'1. LEO DAUWER TO PRESENT ARTZ INSTITUTE AT CONGRESS Nationally noted trainer and consultant, Leo Dauwer, will conduct the Bob Artz Institute for citi- zen-board members attending the NRPA Congress in Minneapolis in October. Dauwer, who has wo. extensively with both appointed and elected boa and their chief executive officers will conduct the Institute Friday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. He will also conduct two additional sessions in the afternoon. He has over 30 years of experience as a school superintendent, college instructor, and public speak- er. He is a senior consultant and president of Dower Associates, a Massachusetts corporation specializing in providing training and consulting services for state, county, municipal and town governments. He presented two well-received workshops at the 1993 NRPA congress in San Jose and a recent Florida Recreation and Park Association Conference. His presentations are pragmatic, effec- tive and often quite humorous as he brings partici- pants to look at how they do their jobs as citizen board members and administrators. For more details on the topics and content of his sessions refer to congress section on page three of this newsletter. f, 1\,. 0 ~"'"'I "~'f 0.. .. .. 11/ .,. A. l/l . . NRPA Conrress for Rec:rution and Parks OCTOBER 12. 16. 1.8". C-BMs SPEAK OUT The following is reprinted from a 1993 issue of he Federal Way City Herald, Federal Way, WA. SOUND OFF 'Nuclear Tactics' needed at times The city manager has a problem with me. Telling the truth is the perfect defense. My issue with City Hall strikes at the heart of free-spending attitudes. No apologies are offered for saying it like it is. The city manager dislikes it, but he now agrees with my position that commissions should be given information "before-the-fact." City Hall has a hidden policy of ignoring its own citizen review ordinances. Commissions are legislat- ed to act as advisers to the City Council on city pro- jects. They act as public input in the planning process as a "checks and balance" system on bureau- ratic proposals to protect the people. The city administration admits this citizen input process has been "trampled on." Expedience was given as the excuse. This city manager has promised to put all commissions in the planning process "before-the-fact." City staff may want to push aside citizen input because it is more "expedient" in accomplishing their personal goals, but this is absolutely the wrong philosophy to follow. This city's administrative policy violates its own ordinances. Every taxpayer in this city has a stake in this issue. It is absolutely wrong to let a few bureaucrats fight Council/Commission reviews of proposed expenditures of your hard-earned tax momes. The outcry from City Hall and the deflation of the truth are to protect the lifestyle of a select few. My crime, as they see it, is having the guts to say it in public. "Rushed city projects" can have problems. "Fast- tracking" construction leads to "short-cutting" public input, compromising public review "before-the-fact." mbition can give away to abusive decisions. I believe that will be the case on the new senior center satellite parking lot. City administrators ramrodded that project without the usual review procedures and now controversy is brewing over the inconvenient long walk for seniors. My issue is with bureaucratic hidden policy that kept most details of this project secret. In less than a few years, most of these city administrators will have moved on to other jobs and leave us citizens with the bills of the aftermath of problems from their credential-building decisions. The city manager is charged with spending our tax dollars and now that the ordinance violation issue has become public, I sincerely hope there is no more obstruction to citizen reviews. To Park Director Joe Stevens, as an individual, I can apologize to the discomfort he may have felt. To the actions of preventing commission advisory on acquisitions, operational impact, facilities, pro- grams, etc., I will not. The city manager has accepted responsibility for the director's methods. So this latest chapter in biz- zare City Hall relations has publicly defined the "who" in this city problem. Effecting change at City Hall sometimes takes an explosion. It is said I blasted city staff for refusing review information. If it takes nuclear tactics to dis- lodge bureaucratic procedures, so be it. Moving beyond the issue is a positive direction... policy change, time and education from surrounding cities will empower the Parks Commission to grow into its advisory role for the good of the community. JACK SUCHY Member, Federal Way Parks and Recreation Commission PROFESSIONALIZING A PROFESSION As past president of the C-BM Branch, I followed the evolution of NRPA's efforts to develop an accred- itation process for park and recreation agencies. As a citizen with policy and oversight responsibilities in my community, I was a strong supporter of accredi- tation. I thought it would give us a "state of the art" yardstick against which to measure of our agencies. As you know, the Pilot Agency Accreditation Program is underway, and I have the privilege of serving on one of the teams of visitors to a candidate agency. I am now more convinced than ever of the bene- fits of accreditation. It was obvious that the orga- nized self analysis done by the agency we visited had led to improved procedures, improved depart- cont"d p4 f, 11.."'0 " .. c....- -_~.. ., .. ;,-_. '.'....., .:- (."I:'[..4h;'.~~~\ O((~~'.\' Proposed Schedule for C-BM Delegates (Details are available in June issue of Parks & Recreation Magazine) Tuesdav. October 11 (Pre-Congress Institutes) * Survival Strategies for Recreation and Human Services :;: Institute for Women Managers :;: Cultural Diversity :;: National Playground Safety Wednesdav. October 12 (Education Sessions) 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. :;: The Dynamics of Non-Verbal Communication :;: Successful Staff Empowerment OPENING GENERAL SESSION 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. SPECIAL EVENT - MALL OF AMERICA 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesdav. October 13 (Education Sessions) 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. * Washington Update on 103rd Congress * Using Benefits in Parks & Recreation to Gain Public Support C-BM Board of Directors Meeting 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. (Education Sessions) 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. :;: The Citizen Lobbyist: Working Through the Maze * Financial Accountability in Park & Recreation Agencies EXHIBIT HALL GRAND OPENING RECEPTION 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Friday. October 14 BOB ARTZ INSTITUTE: GOOD BOARDS JUST DON'T HAPPEN 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. (Education Sessions) 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. :;: Changing Roles in Park & Recreation Decision Making * The Benefits of Agency Accreditation :;: Successful Partnerships: Park Maintenance & Citizen Participation Fridav. cont'd (Education Sessions) 2:00 - 5:15 p.m. * Commissioners/Board Members: What Makes Them Work * Board Members: Working Together * Challenge: Can Your Agency Be Distinguished/Accredited? EXHIBIT HALL: MIX, MUNCH AND MINGLE 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. APRS SPECIAL EVENT 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. (separate ticket required) Saturday. October 15 HEALTHY STRIDES WALK 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. (Education Sessions) 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. * Working Better Together * The Perfect Board Meeting C-BM LUNCHEON & BUSINESS MEETING ( included with registration) (Education Session) 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. * Out in an Hour: Exceptional Meeting and Presentation Techniques CLOSING GENERAL SESSION 3:45 - 5:30 p.m. ALL CONGRESS CLOSING SOCIAL 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Bob Artz Institute: Good Boards Just Don't Happen Conducted by Leo Dauwer this Institute will illus- trate the hallmark characteristics of outstanding boards. Participant involvement will help to demonstrate the various examples and means by which boards can exhibit collective wisdom and community leadership. Several hallmark factors of outstanding boards will be offered to the partici- pants for their reaction. Participants will leave with an understanding of the concepts of "Sphere of Influence" and "Arenas of Activity." Survey Identifies Opinions/Needs in Combatting the Crime Issue . During the spring of this year a survey was dis- ributed to 1000 park and recreation agencies in the southeast to identify opinions and actions related to the growing issue of crime in our com- munities and ways that parks and recreation was or should be involved. Two hundred responses were received. The survey was conducted by students of the Physical Education and Leisure Management Department at Columbus College (GA) under the direction of Dr. Michaell Taylor, Professor. Here are some of the results of their survey: · Eighty-six percent believe there is an obvious difference between the crime rate in specific areas of their city or county. The general feeling is that the areas with structured activities, adult pres- ence, police protection, and less "hanging out" are representative of distinctly lower crime rates. · Forty-one percent have started additional pro- gramming to help slow and deter crime. This is to supplement other community programs such as neighborhood watches and added police presence. . Fifty-eight percent felt that crime in their area ccurred "less frequently" due to the availability of recreation. Eighty-nine percent felt that imple- menting new programming would be a positive incentive to keep crime down. · Most respondents stated drugs and alcohol were the main contributors to the crimes committed in their cities and countries. · Six to Twenty-five year oIds are the majority of .~.""01'A.'.'/)...,I;.__,.. NATIONAL RECREATION ft. -;.; AND PARK ASSOCIATION 'L .,.:;' C-BM Branch 1-""" "...,~ 1285 Parker Road ...,. ,,0' . Conyers, GA 30207-5957 the participants in most of the programs of the responding agencies. Although programming is available for all ages, those individuals and groups falling into the eleven to eighteen year old group is being most heavily targeted. · Some of the most frequent suggestions to types of programs and activities that could be implemented included: after school programs, neighborhood day camps, cultural programming, MASH VAN (Mobile After School Hours Vans), scholarship programs, attendance incentives, and keeping facilities open past 6:00 p.m. · Some of the greatest obstacles that programmers have encountered have been: public awareness con- cerning the value of recreation, lack of support from city hall, lack of funding, high unemployment which limits family financial support for some programs that have fees, lack of interest by parents. continued from page 2 ments of the city, improved employee morale and teamwork, and improved focus on plans for even fur- ther growth in their agency. Our visit seemed to add and reinforce those bene- fits. In addition, I returned with a briefcase full of ideas to share with my colleagues in Fairfield. This year's NRPA Congress will undoubtedly have a lot of information about the status and future plans of agency accreditation. I encourage all professionals and especially my C-BM colleagues to take time to learn more about this exciting new step by NRPA. Sterling Uhler Past President, C-BM Mayor, Fairfield, OH Editors note: Mr. Uhler participated on the visitation team for the Roseville, MN Park District. non-profit U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 100 Conyers, GA 30207 ~~ ~ ~, \(;~~.. ;,J- ~ \A/ o e--. ~-tr-,.; ~, eo .... ~ \" C~ ./t .';' ~J. ~ -:> J7 '1'cj t, 1-- Cl-IANHASSEN PARK &c REC COMM 690 COULTER DRIVe CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Minutes Youth Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 20, 1994 Early Childhood Center North Board Room . The meeting was brought to order at 7:10 pm by Vice-Chairperson Phyllis Lindstrand. Attendance was taken using the new form. Those present included Phyllis Lindstrand, Jason Thompson, Lori Wellens, Natalie Rossini (at 7:30 pm), Pat Donnay, Rich Lambert (at 7:35 pm), Cathryn Campbell and Jeanne Straus. Agenda was accepted as typed. Motion/none Second/none to approve minutes of June 23rd meeting. (No quorum) New members Pat Donnay(Adult representative from District 112 School Board), Cathryn Campbell (Youth representative from District 112 School Board), and Jason Thompson (Youth representative from the City of Chanhassen) were welcomed. We took time to introduce ourselves to each other. Approving the minutes was tabled until enough members are present to vote. Old Business. 1. Site for Youth Commission R~t"'at Jeanne will contact th(City of Chanh~d the City of Victoria to confIrm one of the sites for . the August ~ Retreat. .)1 2. River City Days (July 29-31) was discussed. TheYC will host a booth for the purpose offundraising. Pillsbury Bakeries & Food Services has donated 200 large muffins for the YC to sell. The three volunteer shifts have been f1lled. 3. Tabled discussion on reporting back to the Chanhassen Park & Rec Commission regarding student input on teen activities in the new facility. 4. Motion!Lambert and SecondlLindstrand to accept minutes as written. Motion passed. 5. The youth position on the Community Education Advisory Council was discussed while Lori Wellens was out of the room. It was agreed that the three applicants - Lori Wellens, Krystal Peterson, and Courtney Jacobsen - would be asked to be interviewed during lunch on the day of the retreat The selection will be made that day. Five minute candidate presentations will be scheduled with a question/answer period following each presentation. 6. Committees for retreat: Nice gifts to new and outgoing members: Natalie Session: Leadership Styles - Lee Ann Session: Team Building - Tony Schiller Session: How to run an effective meeting - Jeanne Food: Jeanne and? ? ? ? ? ? ? Gag gifts - Lori and Jeanne . NEW BUSINESS '. 1. Judy Colby, coordinator of senior programs in Chanhassen, shared an idea for an intergenerational project between teens and senior citizens. Teens could help seniors with spring cleaning, lawn mowing, etc. Seniors could be resources to teens on term papers and speak in classrooms. Jeanne asked the youth members present to share their thoughts on this type of project. Comments were positive. Judy Colby will be contacted to come and address the group at a future meeting. 2. The Annual Report must be completed as soon as possible. Please write a maximum of one page on the following topics to be included within the Annual Report Holiday Gift Drive Natalie Environmental Week Lori Loaves & Fishes Lori Spaghetti Dinner Lori Rake & Walkathons Natalie Crime Expo Phyllis Values Week Jeanne Youth Service Directory Jeanne St. Catherines Leadership Farrah MCEA Conference Shannon MSBA Danyelle Please complete and send to Jeanne by August 5. . 3. Natalie infonned the Commission of the openings on the Minnesota Youth Advisory Board, which she has served on for the past two years. Youth Commission members are encouraged to apply. Natalie and Jeanne will take care of getting application forms and make them available at the retreat There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. MotionlWellens & SecondIDonnay. Respectfully submitted, Xte) Lori Wellens, Secretary July 27, 1994 Matters for future dificufidnn. 1. Surv~y of youth about teen activities. Present to Chanhassen Park & Rec. 2. Mentoring new high school students. 3. A Paint-A- Thon 4. Age limit for Youth Commission members. 5. Grant writing to Womens Defense Fund and to Arts Council 6. Need a City of Carver Adult representative . 'fe IJ1 a J /0'15 I-/~.T Maljory Adams Arlene Bomer Betsy Bralts 3115 Autumn Woods Dr Chaska Middle School Research & Dev. Chaska MN 55318 . Shirley Broers Cathryn Campbell Carol Deaner 1 City Hall Plaza 415 Lakota 5631 Zumbro Drive Chaska MN 55318 Chaska MN 55318 Excelsior MN 55331 Molly DeB ower 812 Oriole Lane Chaska MN 55318 Shannon Dilks 110104 Arboretum Way Chaska MN 55318 Pat Donnay 8109 Dakota Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 Mik~~y PO B 258 Carv r N 55315 Lois Fiskness Volunteer Coor - Sch Todd Hoffman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Kerry Holtmeier 8524 Great Plaine Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 Susan Hurm 8542 Flamingo Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Kristin Jendro 1720 Church Lake Blvd Victoria MN 55386 Shirley Karls Box 36 Victoria MN 55386 David Kocka 1801 Victoria Cir Victoria MN 55386 Nancy Kracke . Rich Lambert 17446 Vergus Ave. Jordan MN 55352 Charles Lawler 2192 Grimm Road Chaska MN 55318 Louise Lehner 8649 S. Fahway Pt Victoria MN 55386 Phyllis Lindstrand 34 Carole Lane Chaska MN 55318 Danyelle Mannix 133 Crosstown Blvd Chaska MN 55318 Gay Mattson Program Co or. Farrah Merchant 1614 W oodstone Dr Victoria MN 55386 Lee Ann Olinger 1841 Victoria Circle Victoria MN 55386 Patricia Plekkenpol 316 Broadway North Carver MN 55315 Natalie Rossini 6800 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 Greg Shank Community Ed Dir. Edie Smith Box 3 600 E 4th St Chaska MN 55318 . oLV>J Carly Sorscher 841 Hidden Lane Excelsior MN 55331 Jason Thompson 41 Hill St Chanhassen MN 55317 Kathy Wellens 14025 Co Rd 43 Cologne MN 55322 . Lori Wellens 14025 CoRd 43 Cologne MN 55322 Stephanie Young 3860 County Rd 140 Chaska MN 55318 . . Mayor Don Chmiel 7100 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 August 2, 1994 Dear Mayor, First of all, I would like to laud the efforts of those responsible for the continuous development and improvement of the Chanhassen City Parks. A quality park system, well planned and expertly implemented, is obviously a priority in a growing community like Chanhassen. . However, I would like to point out a significant defect in the park system. One that could be detrimental to the enjoyment of 3 parks, and worse, is a serious potential safety hazard. This defect is the W.t ~ control .1m Kerber Boulevard. Allow me to elaborate on a few points: 1. The speed limit on Kerber is 40 mph all the way from W. 78th Street to Powers Boulevard. This is certainly inappropriate considering all the adjacent property is either recreational park land or residential developments. When Kerber was a two-lane county road cutting through farm and pasture land, the speed limit of 40 mph was quite appropriate. But Kerber now qualifies as a "parkway", and speeds of 40 mph pose a definite hazard to the users of the adjacent park land and walkways, and also at the entrys to several residential developments. 2. Even with a speed limit of 40 mph, traffic at times travels much faster on Kerber, up to 55 mph. Kerber is not a "through highway" but rush-hour travelers use it as such. Powers Boulevard, a quarter-mile to the west, and with a speed limit of 50 mph, should be used when motorists wish to reach Highway 5 quickly. Even though Powers is a through road, note that as you travel north on Powers, the speed limit is cut to 30 mph where it enters a residential section of Excelsior. An improved traffic control method for Kerber, and hence downtown Chanhassen, should include some specific steps to avoid routing high volumes of high-speed traffic through what promises to be an excellent and attractive city center. 3. There are no stop signs or marked crosswalks (except at Chan Elementary) to allow pedestrians, bikers, and others safe access between the parks and the residential developments. This becomes especially dangerous when you watch the high-speed passing of turning cars in the right (parking) lane. . As a citizen of Chanhassen, proud of efforts to make this an excellent community, but seriously concerned for the safety of park users and pedestrians, I would like to propose the following: A The speed limit on the entire length of Kerber Boulevard be lowered to 30 mph. B. Stop signs and crosswalks be installed at each intersection along Kerber Blvd., to control the speed of traffic, and to allow safe passage of bikers and pedestrians to and from sidewalks and parks. I believe these proposed items fit very well with the efforts already underway to make this city corridor a peaceful, pleasant and safe improvement to our city parks system. I encourage the members of the city council, and others involved in city planning, to recognize the issues I have raised as serious, and to take the actions within their power to address those issues before a tragic accident occurs. Thanks and Regards'--.i/)/PJ F ~ John F. Connelly I 900 Saddlebrook Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: ~383 (JLl: ~i-J, ~~ . . WILLL\M M.-\KEL\. . Government structure The Elk River cit)' council has established a four-year term for the position of mayor. Ordinances Preston has passed an ordinance regulating tobacco advertising in the city. It limits advertising to two small signs that list only the brand name, description, tar and nicotine content, and any warning labels required by federal law. It does not allow any logos, pictures, or figures on the signs. The ordinance also restricts in-store advertising on clocks, clothing, and elsewhere. The city modeled its ordinance after one Brooklyn Center worked on se\'eral months ago, but has not yet adopted because of concern over legal challenges from the tobacco industry. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such ordinance adopted by a Minnesota city, and possibly the first adopted anywhere in the United States. Preston was on the cutting edge of tobacco sale regulaiion once before in ] 988, "hen it was the first city in the state to . te sales fr . ar and recreation oters in Lakeville approved a 75 million bond issue for new parks Funds raised .' finance restorations and improvements to many of the city's parks and trails, and will build 7.5 miles of new trails and a 50-acre athletic complex for baseball, softball, and soccer. All are projects the city's park and recreation task force recommended. Residents of Woodbury also voted in favor of a bond issue for park improve- ments. Proceeds from the $7.8 million bond issue will improve 14 neighbor- hood parks, buy more park land, develop an 80-acre recreation complex with a \'ariety of soccer and ball fields and other facilities as well, and build an indoor ice arena and field house. The improvements will cost a total of $9 million. -.~ -.0. ACTIVITIES Lakes Shoreview has completed installation of a lake augmentation pipe project, designed to allow release of water from the Mississippi River into Snail Lake, in eastern Shoreview. Maintaining Snail Lake's water levels has been problem- atic for decades, the result of an unusual seepage problem allowing water to leak out through a seam in the peat lake bed. Until now, regulatory officials have allowed use of groundwa- ter to maintain a sufficient lake level because of the uniqueness of the problem. Fire protection The La Crescent city council and the La Crescent town board have approved bylaws for ajoint powers agreement for administration of the city-township fire department. The new bylaws delegate nearly complete authority over person- nel matters to a seven-member joint powers fire board made up of city and township representatives. The city council retains final authority over dismissal of firefighters, however. A 1988 joint powers agreement between the city and township established both the city-township department and the . . towers board. The agreement expires' 1998. The Bla e.Spring Lake Park. Mounds ~ ew fire department, which has pr oed fire protection to the e cities as an independent contrac- tor, has entered a new and different contractual agreement with the cities. Although still an independent depart- ment operating under contract, it will function more like a municipal department on budgeting and financial matters. The department has turned over its property, including equipment and buildings, to the cities, which in turn will lease the property back to the department. The agreement specifies that the department will serve as the sole source of fire protection for the cities over the next 10 years. The volunteer department is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Law enforcement In the latest round of federal funding for community policing programs, four Minnesota cities received funding. Columbia Heights received $368,383, Moorhead received $351,567, and St. Paul and Minneapo- lis both got around $750,000. Each city will use its grant to hire additional police officers. The U.S. Justice Department supplied the grants. Local funding will provide matching dollars toward improved community policing efforts. VVaterlVvastewater In May, Paynesville put on line two new production wells. Each well is rated to pump 500 gallons per minute. The cost of this project was $]28,000. The city is presently involved in a $1.6 million infrastructure sewer rehabilita- tion project. Funds for this project were a $300,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Transporta- tion and a $498,000 loan from the Farmers Home Administration. Finally, a pre-aeration treatment pond is planned for late summer to handle BOD loadings from local industries. The estimated cost of this project is $600,000. Public works Cosmos had a special election in June, with voters approving two closely related questions on the ballot. One question asked to amend an existing ordinance regarding the designated use of the city's public works reserve fund principal. The second question asked whether $75,000 of the principal in the fund could be used for a purpose other than that for which the fund was established. The city pro- posed to use the $75,000 to promote economic development. Minnesota statutes require a city with a public works reserve fund designated toward a specific improvement to hold an election on the question of using the funds for some other purpose. Transportation In Stillwater there's a new trolley service. Two trolley cars provide a shuttle service between a parking lot at the city's north end, where parking is plentiful, and the south end, where parking is a problem. The two trolleys CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 937-1900 . PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs. we ask that you take 8 few minutes to answer the following questions. and give us your suggestions. Thank you! C'. ~ .- Program Title:"~i ~ h'1()"u v, -? i....... )c.~L (\.../~ Sessionn-ime:Scs<-; ,)Y\L)9 - I [i I Date: 7ft L( . '8 je/ Participant is 8:3 Location of Program: S.{ /-...-1. 'of C~h \. Teen Adutt (PJease circle one) Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) ~.-. Overall impression of the program \:2) 2 3 4 5 . (1' Program Location , ) 2 3 4 5 ~ " Program Time 1 2 3) 4 5 ~ Program Length ( ..... 1 2 \~ 4 5 '-..:::: Class Organization (1) 2 3 4 5 ~ Instructor CD 2 3 4 5 What did you/your child like most about this program? What improvements cO.lJld be made to better this program? ('(llI'.L +; 11'1 e -<;.-{ /1 (Ct~ fLnC{ nI'\C;("{ a{)"""-15 , (over) . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 837-1900 PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions, and give us your suggestions. Thank you! &nd ~\...; Program Title: ,3y(. dol r~Sessionmme:j(r:')()-113Q Date: <i? II M _ Participant is a:<9 Teen Adult (Please circle one) Location of Program: ~ &t1\.,Ct/) Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) . Overall impression of the program 8 2 3 Program Location 2 3 Program Time GJ 2 3 Program Length ffi 2 3 Class Organization 2 3 Instructor 0 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 Wh~t did you/YQur child like most about this program?WtD.-aduA ~ -iY-J {L1)11 r-o 0.1' ~.u/J~ What improvements could be made to better this program? M'(\f; . (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas for future programs? J\)(J -"- ~W The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department is always looking for program ideas, and instructors willing to teach. If you have a special talent. or would be willing to teach. a future class, please give us your idea with your name. address. and phone number below. Again, thank you for your input. . . . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 937-1900 PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions, and give us your suggestions. Thank you! Program Title: Su \'V\x\t'U..v Date: ~'2~~qL{ Stn'S.CA.--h I.~~ Session/Time: J -10 IlllJ\rSL,:l'1i lL~ )I"'T)(S'i>U~1 Participant is a~ Teen Adutt (Please circle one) ScX\lOY lk location of Program: Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) . Overall impression of the program 2 3 4 5 Program Location 2 3 4 5 Program Time 2 3 4 5 Program Length 2 3 4 5 Class Organization 2 3 4 5 Instructor 2 3 4 5 What did you/your child like most about this prC?gram? Sou cLlA~ ~Y\ - . ~:~_~1 ~'\)J/o/. . d;"rQ..:h~.- ~au:tl ;;~ e r1 ,I- v. (%), :X-.+'t~V1'\' ~ f-b k.:i.~ - , fA,"';:) ~ ~'11(1~ What imRrovements could be made to better this program? (Ji tt,t-~ Vi U I~j /J /Y.2 It-nr \.f+z~ Lf M ~~Y1 /J \ , . (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas for future programs? J\~i ~J1!.:rP ~~ lfJr /Jtft;. ..leb- O Additional comments: ( ..)f ~ JuA. r ~u _ ci- <S1lf- !- W,,( h'7 Jo R PI f' ~j . The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department is always looking for program ideas, and instructors willing to teach. If you have a special talent, or would be willing to teach a future class, please give us your idea with your name, address, and phone number below. Again, thank you for your input. . . . . . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 937-1900 PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions, and give us your suggestions. Thank you! Program Title: ~ u""",,~_{' Su\ ;:[gJ/<m s SessionITime: J ~"" 'l.~() ~"':;W^ Kl:30 Participant is Q Teen Adutt (Please circle one) Date: <g'- \ Location of Program: ~Vf"\\a {" (' e..V\:hev Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) . Overall impression of the program \D 2 3 4 5 \b Program Location 2 3 4 5 Program Time ~ 2 3 4 5 Program Length Qj 2 3 4 5 Class Organization Qj 2 3 4 5 Instructor (b 2 3 4 5 f What improvements could be made to better this program? \Y\~\k.ctk- .,\- wlA~ ~~~. . (over) CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 837.1900 . PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions, and give us your suggestions. Thank you! , ~ i ~ ~ I ,/i/~/.I' /' s1 (/ Program Title:-'\f""':;Lii ~1l~ U' Sessionn-ime: '-1 -;~ Date: Participant is ae Child /) Teen Adult ~ (Please circle one) . I: Location of Program: ~'v<..t! ~~ 1 Good Averaoe Fair Poor 1\) (Please Circle) Overall impression of the program 2 3 4 5 . Program Location 1 \ 2 3 4 5 Program Time 1 2 3 4 5 Program Length 2 3 4 5 Class Organization 2 3 4 5 Instructor 2 3 4 5 What did you/your child like most about this program? What improvements could be made to better this program? . (over) . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE: 837-1900 PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions, and give us your suggestions. Thank you! Program Title7lW\.m.,~'DI'l<Y"~eSSiOn/Tlme:."jtv~~~ q- /0 Date: ~ It//q~ Participant is a: ~!V Teen Adult I I (Please circle one) Location of Program: ~ uh~ ~ - f~ / V-- Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of the program CD 2 3 4 5 . Program Location cD 2 3 4 5 Program Time d) 2 3 4 5 Program Length (1) 2 3 4 5 Class Organization @ 2 3 4 5 Instructor C) 2 3 4 5 . (over) Do you have an:;-estions or Ideas lor lu;ure programs()( / ad( ~ (~. - td/'J7'~ . The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department is always looking for program ideas, and instructors willing to teach. If you have a special talent. or would be willing to teach a future class. please give us your idea with your name. address. and phone number below. Again, thank you for your input. . . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COUl T~R DRIVE CHANHASSEN;. MN 55317 PHONE: 837-1800 PROGRAM EVALUATION (~~ L:=::: In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions. and give us our suggestions. Thank you! 'l-It{.-Q4 {.hrll '6 -Y -44 Program Title:s..~( essionITime-:rJ\ u r.<f'tfl ys (t: ~(. -II: 3(1 (9 Participant is a: ~ Teen Adult (Please circle one) Location of Program: ,~\\\'c( (-t {l ~.pr Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) . Overall impression of the program 2 3 4 5 Program Location 1 2 3 .. 5 Program Time 1 2 3 .. 5 Program Length 1 2 3 .. 5 Class Organization 2 3 .. 5 Instructor 2 3 .. 5 What did you/y,o.ur child like most about this program? \.hb~~~he. "~5J'f.IA!~lt' j" ~e (' ;3'" '1Ie- I!~~I ,.., 10 I (,,/ -f () (l (119, { , What improvements could be made to better this program? ~'y 41'\("\ 4-(, I" ~ 1, "'I '1./ ~ C b_~ fP" ~ i bV\ ? . (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas for future programs? The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department is always looking for program ideas, and instructors willing to teach. If you have a special talent, or would be willing to teach a future class, please give us your idea with your name, address, and phone number below. Again, thank you for your input. . . . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 PHONE: 937.1900 PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to better serve our participants in our recreation programs, we ask that you take a few minutes to anSW6i the following questions. and give us your suggestions. Thank you! Program Title: \S{ l/r) (riP J" ~ fl 50+ mJ-5 Sessionrrime: JD; 30 - 1/...3 0 Date: -/-~iJ 0- J.-f Participant is a:~ Teen Adult , \ (Please circle one) J Location of Program: L ('pnlf e )p n I Oy Excellent Good Averaoe Fair Poor (Please Circle) . Overall impression of the program 1 @ 3 4 5 G) Program Location 1 3 4 5 Program Time 1 G) 3 4 5 Program Length 1 G) 3 4 5 Class Organization 1 ~ 3 4 5 Instructor 1 G) 3 4 5 What did you/your child like most about this program? She II/cet; v.h.tJ rm#s.. i'l J-t r} )I'))f'~ -J.jl.{/r; t7)OJlJr! . (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas for future programs? Additional cO!!1ments: f T #;62J. 9/7+ Y!1e Ipr:?/1P/ (j)(/ 5 ~C)l rjPtf1J I i.J.) 1M +hp (p 111 fd /lifJ /) The Chanhassen- Park and Recreation Department is always looking for program ideas, and instructors willing to teach. If you have a special talent, or would be willing to teach a future class, please give us your idea with your name, address, and phone number below. Again, thank you for your input. . . . . 1i h y. Jv1 "-te S REMEMBER WDEN... . ***************************************************************************** Suggestions for the rest of the summer: ~&o OY\ Ovnab.u~e WlXl~1obseyv" Vi.1,v,'OU$ ~hOtpPSI c..otovs, ~;2..e~ ,~ptc"eS... bY"~ a., n.ornt'm~ b~ box: a.to ~ (Tn a...ole fvo~ m'" t.. CQ.vo>nSJ v..,i'vt: J C4:1~ ~ J j 0.. v< o\- ~o )(.es ) * u.se .fahVfc" YflA'v\t /puf+ pa.v,c W\ fta ~, !h~, t-!"'i~~5".. * Mette ~0t.W' own ~ bl?Ie., ~oltA Cft',,- , I ~ v-t" 0+ . \r~/'tC J"~ to '8fAlI~ w~t.Ir) C),neL c~~a.te. btA.bble,S &.<.ol~ blAbble maJtev$ mrA.de b~ ~/!bnq ,^-,'ve hO^8.f ~. -*.JAo.~ a.. l?oo~ ~ CreClte tOltages tA,/1:h ht>l,(J~no)~ ,-ternS. vy n(}..,- /v\I\:,e S REMEMBER WDEN... . . ***************************************************************************** Suggestions for the rest of the summer: ~..MfA JLe., va.ses J pt'~~" e ~o.l\~' I j ewe ,.,y #-~;... mu.c~ W1o~e DU t:-- t7f Pa..pferr"Mocj"e.! (Past'e o.l'I~ Ylew.!pa ptr) fa~ct ~c,. p.e. ~ '12. cl.1. p +lOlA,,~ a. I ArrJf!. SPrrDnfu.( ".r ~a It- , , ~p of WQ't:;ttv: * CnoOSt 0-. {J;,e~e.. fw- a.... rJ..rMj o.(\e(.... revo( v~ Q.,l( food. J ().c-t"i'tll't""f~, CL~e! , laYlB~e o.yow--d- -the.. {J..,emt". *' Cv(a-te a.., boolC- a ~-t fj0lA.1 il1c/fAd,t'r:g PI', tu,Y~SJ ~~ottS ,Q.net.. Q... lISt:" t:)r ~vt)v"6r..! (fOod, mov,.e~...) . )j}.A().~ stzl /;:"()'nav'1 &,t,/t;)., Sto.~PSI YnarU~ fa.,iYl ts... OVl pl&1.In CO'Olj'~(JL. paper: J ~ P I ~ cay-eX) ~ ~cuL ~ Go 0"- " Ba. k-L,., . . . August 8, 1994 Dear Parents:: We have survived our fIrst CHILLY day of Adventure Camp! Your children are great - we had a lot of fun with them! We began our day by collecting nature objects to decorate our thought books with. These decorations will go on the cover of our little books, along with our picture, and will be filled with our personal thoughts of Adventure Camp throughout the week. We started our cloud chart this morning, and will be looking at cloud formations and recording how the sky looks three times a day. We sang some songs, played kickball and painted hats today, too! We played sand volleyball, ate banana boats for a snack, and fmished by deciding what colors we wanted to dye our string for tomorrow's craft - weaving! We're looking forward to another exciting day tomorrow - and hopefully a warmer temperature. Tomorrow is "Favorite-Team" day. Wear your favorite team on t-shirts, shorts or hats. Thank you for returning the camp-out and emergency forms with you child today. If you have not done so yet, please send them with your child tomorrow. We were off to a 2feat week of adventure camp today. Hopefully we'll be able to canoe and swim tomorrow if the weather permits! (We were unable to do these today.) Thank you! See you tomorrow! Your Adventure Camp Staff, Mary Nelson Elizabeth Weber Jessie Coffee . August 9, 1994 Dear Parents:: Well, another chilly, rainy day at camp today, but we still had a lot of fun! We began this morning by playing a game to see how water pollution occurs. This was a fun, visual way to see how a lake, such as Lake Ann, can be contaminated by people. We charted the clouds throughout the day, which turned out to spell RAIN by the end of camp. We also played soccer, started our weavings, and played a memory game. The lifeguards were with us part of the day talking about water safety and canoeing. We didn't go into the water today, but, hopefully, we'll be able to tomorrow if the weather permits. . For our snack, we ate dirt and worms--mmm yummy! Tomorrow the kids are going to have their choice of playing either t-ball or tennis. If your child would like to play tennis, please send a tennis racket with them. Also, if your child has a fishing pole, please send it with him or her; we'll be fishing throughout the week. If he/she does not have a fishing pole, we have about 8 here at the Lake Ann Concession Stand. (This is where your child can safely keep his/her pole all week.) Tomorrow, please have your child wear the hat that they decorated on Monday. Please send raingear and warm clothes with them also so our planned activities can take place rain or shine. We still need tents for the campout on Thursday night. Please let us know if you can donate yours for the evening. Thank you. Despite the gray skies, we've been having a wonderful time at camp so far. See everyone tomorrow! Your Adventure Camp Staff, Mary Nelson Elizabeth Weber Jessie Coffee . . Dear We really packed in the activities today! We started this morning with a visit from Jill, a nature specialist, who did some nature activities with us. We also went on a nature walk along the trails of Lake Ann park. Some kids found worms to put into the worm farm that we created at the end of the day. Despite the cool weather, we went canoeing this morning - what a fun time! The life guards also taught us more about water safety. We started out pinatas today and will decorate them on Friday, after they've dried. We're continuing to work on our weavings, also. So far, they look great! We ended the day with Chex Mix for a snack, and a choice for fishing or games. It was a fun-filled day. Tomorrow's campout will begin at 7:00 p.m. You will need to pick up your child at 3:00 p.m. and bring . them back. If we need you to bring a tent or help, we will call you tonight to let you know. Mostly everyone wore the hand-painted hats that they made on Monday.! Thanks! They all looked very nice. Tomorrow is summer celebration day. Wear your favorite accessories of summer, such as sunglasses t-shirts...(or in our case this week, your favorite summer sweatshirt and jacket) Things to bring to the camp out: *Sleeping Bag *Flashlight *Swimsuit *Towel *Change of clothes *W ARM clothes for sleeping *T oothbrush!foiletries *Your brightest colored shirt for Friday's Fiesta Day! Thank you! See you tomorrow! Your Adventure Camp Staff, Mary Nelson . Elizabeth Weber Jessie Coffee . August 11, 1994 Dear Parents: Something unique and wonderful happened at camp today - THE SUN CAME OUT!! We took full advantage of this and did as much outside as possible. We swam in the lake and ate our lunch in the sun. It felt great! This morning, we continued to work on our weavings, played scatter and dodgeball, and made waterscopes to explore the lake water. We learned interesting information at water safety and actually tipped over in our canoes. We made beads for necklaces or bracelets, had a choice of canoeing or fishing, had free swim and finished the day with orange/purple cows for a snack. . Tonight's camp-out begins at 7:00 p.m. We will meet at the Lake Ann Shelter. Remember to send all items your child will need for overnight and for camp tomorrow. (That includes lunch. ) We'll see most of you at 7:00 p.m. tonight, and the rest of you tomorrow! Thank you. Your Adventure Camp Staff Mary Nelson Elizabeth Weber Jessie Coffee . . . . August 12, 1994 Dear Parents: It's hard to believe the week has come to an end. We've had a lot of fun doing crafts, games and sports, water activities, nature activities, and making treats. We hop your child has enjoyed the Adventure Camp and will be back next year. Last night's campout was a great success! Everyone arrived around 7:00 p.m. to set up the tents. We played sand volleyball, capture the flag, and parachute games. We ate hot dogs and chips, went on a night walk with flashlights, played flashlight tag, sang songs, and roasted s'mores by the campfire as we watched the stars. We then went to our tents and retired for the evening. Thank you to the parents who helped out -- it was much appreciated! This morning we drank hot chocolate and ate oatmeal and scrambled eggs made on the grill. The kids had the choice of either fishing or exploring the lake on paddle boats, and then we began camp as usual at 9:00 a.m. We finished our pinatas today, had canoeing and water safety instruction, did the limbo, and broke a fancy pinata at our afternoon fiesta. The kids chose their own ice cream treat from the concession stand for a treat and wrote the last entry in their Thought Books. We had a great week at camp! The staff thoroughly enjoyed all the kids that participated! Thank you for sending your children to the Lake Ann Adventure Camp this summer! Have a great school year. We're looking forward to seeing you again next summer. Your Adventure Camp Staff Mary Nelson Elizabeth Weber Jessie Coffee CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 r;; ;= r- .' . l . "''\ r1~\:'~;r 't{ L:) PICNIC EVALUATION ., ,. ~'109 _: :' , , , ,'j J, , , ,,' ...J '+ en Y VI :""""~h,l:,S. In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~. StMfA lorY R-uvrv.' t1-+-- Picnic Facility: PtJftV/W , Excellent ~ A veral!e Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility LY 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations Q 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills. etc. G 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic CD 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 (j) 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 c3) 3 4 5 Was facility clean cY 2 3 4 5 . 5'h,'e:f N::,' t , 'J " f) Comments: F:J.ttl~,--j Y0.J4 P.M1j S'J'i.-e of s~ ItMJJ/ /! ch!/; (~f rJY &u.Y C/l,f+'f :.-ro Ply-I- (loLL :.to O/Uv.'v ,,(T)k, /d..ftUl~ (J.Y\.dARr Da1~ fu,//17Lt'1 ~a.v '~Ic_ f' 4J,!~ (l.f ouV t'aA.{A( Fa.u..-f. ~ O1v ~h.u- Ooff' .fu.l\m/ ~ PtiA/r/'J ~ I , ,1',' 1/ I " ..J... v ' 8t~t'':;.r r-;:/\1 1\/ c' ""'u I~-t r"A1~7 ~.oa..cL.. {..Ih.ev-t' ~ ~'4n.... vJ(J) w/v'C-,,- WItJ Fvu. sfvlIV../I~S<-' What did you like most about your picnic facility? 'lrt.~,-1'" V I f>>J I P"'" V A. f-L/ I -" What amenities would you like added? ~h.,~K1/ ~ - w.v. ~..,b rtA" 1"' ~ . dr",7 f'r ~~~ I , _ .I, /;/.prfyivo.L- tOtv//..P-1f II IJ.H".. r4//lA rrLlhl af-'~ It.= ;: ~ ~_~ " . T Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? :I:fnr1 R... ())~ ~ f/.JJ~Af(}'A-:Jr ~ tU'C1J/1\-f'vvO~hCH - r(UIV/:'! Pw (L2.{) -wq.7f ;-4 , . Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great d1Y! . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 R'" r: C .. I, " ','r' '-'. - :r-. ,'.. , . 1Ilia ..... illl~') PICNIC EV ALUA TION L :!~ " f< 19Q4 .....-.... . .' . -...J. CITY OF CI-)'"\iVr:.o;~. In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) Prrvi (lC+i"n TfA(' hMI~ ie.S Picnic Facility:'pa.rkvi eLL> Excellent Good A veral!e Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility 1 <D 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 1 W 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills. etc. 1 (i) 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 <D 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 cD 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 CD 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 ~ 3 4 5 . Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility? , Plp_rI t-y C'} t: ' fr}o rn. tV .'c.e. V(') {I P. Y b ~ II C.OI.l.r-\' I , _ if What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? i Ilht"" f"I T 5 f-..a..r PI'" rI by on +.,h (> F r j d n y before +-h~ pirf'\,c. to Cht!(K -f-h;ngc. (){Lt' J the. I>'"r(~rlf' llf- +he. en+ra.nt"p rl"\ll/t1f"\'+ tell mt" IJJt\p,rp thp Pl1rkv!l'"ul fa.~ili~'i Wtlc;..-n: ~o.uld b, f'\i('~ lP -the~ -hY,k' f'I +:>1"'..\. rY\,nuh.., +n lenrn IJlhpf~ fh~ rlIP~'H~f'\t -t(]C'dlfIPs Ore CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE. 937.1900 R r ,.. ,. , t, ':~ :-~, \I... \.:t~ If .....J .~. I ". -. .- 199.1 '. :. -' .~ I '" : . PICNIC EVALUATION C'7Y ('-.- . ! ....sr U-Y". v '-j A ~ Sf: fv In order to better serve panicipants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(OPtional)!fmE/flCthJ ~4~G. Picnic Facility: I~ ~ Excellent Good A vera2e Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility (j) 2 3 4 5 ."'<"'" Q Did facility meet your expectations 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. ([) 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 52 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 0J 2 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 2 3 4 5 .Was facility clean Q 2 3 4 5 Comments: 7 H/7l? J- ~/ .L;{~./lJlhJ ~' ~ //L/I't-J /k t::./'; I cf~ . ( . What amenities would you like added? ~f'~ ~qJ ~ ( ~/n?m/~ What improvements could be made to better the facility? . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE. 937.1900 PICNIC EV ALVA TION . In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) Picnic Facility: ~ ~ A..vrJ QALJ~ \\ ~'" Excellent Good A veralle Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility (] 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 1 @ 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. (i2 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic Q 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 @ 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 2 a 4 5 Was facility clean 1 @ 3 4 5 . Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility? L-o~ 4v ~ What amenities would you like added? at improvements could be made to better the facility? , , 4L- Hl;;.Cl=..ivED . AUG 1 ~i 1994 CITY OF CH^NHA~::lt.i\i CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 . PICNIC EV ALVA TION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(OPtiOnal~../. f.Z12(7 Picnic FaciliK~~ Excellent Good A veraee Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility 1 2 Did facility meet your expectations 1 2 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 2 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 2 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 2 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 2 .was facility clean 1 2 Comments: f)/~/ ~tL-- /;' . J:/~ - / 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 What did you like most about your picnic facility? -- What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION . In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional)~O~\\\ Am~\~ Picnic Facility:~(t i\\J0 ~i\i(Ult0 Excellent ~ A veraee Fair Poor (Please Cirde) Overall impression of facility S 2 3 4 5 a. '1)id facility meet your expectations 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. CD 2 3 4 5 Q Procedure for reserving picnic 1 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 2 CD .4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 2 3 G 5 Was facility clean (2) 2 3 4 5 . Comments: . What amenities would you like added? {L; iJYlllf.P .fXLUrb,,- 1J){)ed/JJ, JaM ~ {, {i( ^ ./ 1.('I J A- J--I { :- (' iM-e 2f -VLt';-- What improvements could be made to better the facility? . Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? . Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE. 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION . In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~~('t).)5 v.> 0 rt\~ Picnic Facility: Excellent Good A veraee Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility CD 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations (0 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 U) 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic lJ) 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee G) 2 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) @ 2 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 2 3 CD 5 . Comments: T wAS A, DNE: 0 What did you like most about your picnic facility? - INti:. ~AI<~ I g~-AT~ , What amenities would you like added? JJ 0 ~ improvements could be made to ~r Ibe facility? ~~ C,\ C \.. P. (<1, \..1'L on ALu}J\\tUuM I tfJC- I Bfi:.JVOS . ~""""",,,~,_'-~"~.1,,.~.~-' --~~-'~.t....::r"",~O\!h"'!3F.c:i', - CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE. 937.1900 . PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~e~/v.,% liu.,illt' L,/o,.picnic Facility: 8ea~1 51 clliI:.- / Excellent Good A vera2e Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility @ 2 3 4 5 tr;" Q Did facility meet your expectations 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. CD 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 6J 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 2 tfJ 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 (f) 3 4 5 .Was facility clean 6) 2 3 4 5 What did you like most about your picnic facility? What amenities would you like added? t~.J: -::tt:./ f ~ . What im rovements could be made to better the facility? ~ ' " JUl 29 1994 CITY OF CHAI" L.. ~J 'A.'::l.'::lt./\J CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EV ALVA TION . In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(OPtiOnal)~.va~ 7~--1PicniC Facility: ~ l//aU Excellent Good A veralle Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility (J) 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations (P 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. cP 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic ~ 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee CD 2 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) 1 6J 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 CV 3 4 5 . Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility? tf'-au What amenities would you like added? a ~ff~ ~ What improvements could be made to better the facility? . ~~~ Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. r. . ._.,..'~~. Have a great day! . . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE. 937.1900 PICNIC EVALUATION R,......r"l~1':":"\ PLi:"~';"d. '..\1'.......0 br'fl 1'1' ..~. 1994 .",lJ[':t . ell Y vr \.-11t'\i'VrlASSE~ In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities. we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~VA- Picnic Facility: Excellent ~ Averaee (Please Circle) Fair Poor Overall impression of facility (Y 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations 0) 2 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills. etc. CY 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 0 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee LV 2 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) (j) 2 3 4 5 . Was facility clean ~ 2 3 4 5 Comments: OM~ f 1219r,", Jt A4JJ ~ I a g~ ~ /Ck-< t~4. I /I L What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE Glr.'<'i,~.'; ,",''\ CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 n...\.6;";.. b'" PHONE - 937-1900 J l.I!_ ? f " ~' . PICNIC EV ALVA TION CI1Y 01" (;'1/'"\", ,r".._~,. Overall impression of facility (0 2 3 4 5 Did facility meet your expectations CD 2 3 4 5 Were there enough:~, etc, cD 2 3 4 5 - r\,~ Procedure for reserving picnic CD 2 3 4 5 Picnic Reservation Fee (0 2 3 4 5 Parking Fee (Lake Ann Only) () 2 3 4 5 . Was facility clean cD 2 3 4 5 Comments: ili' ? ~I Vl' () i/'\ p'\^! 0.1"1.\/") "0 '^ .. 1'1 /' 01 r~ t1 \ \, What did you like most about your picnic fac ty . I U "".:1 i" ~~ - .,. _!.J ~ C!::2 J _1:: ~ { . What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? . Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? --/Zr;;. . ()U.f' DH'V1I',/l I \Af n 5 ;:) ~ f' LC) if r (I. e. s S . Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! /l?o./~ ,-,/71.L/J1~1.f!)~~ J?-cc.F;'1 0' rr:- __tb oJ) 1 J:N po;Jr .ffa/-l ".pc cdJ ~tJrW; J;Mc! ~ uc GUt! ~ J4(J . U/ . . . . . ~ CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUL Y 26, 1994 Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Jane Megers, Jan Lash, Jim Manders, Ron Roeser and Fred Berg MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Huffman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor and Michelle Braun, Recreation Intern APPRO V AL OF AGENDA: Andrews: Are there any additions to the agenda that anybody has at this time? Of course we're free to add items later. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: PRESENTATION OF MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION AWARD OF EXCELLENCE. LAKE ANN PARK PICNIC/RECREATION SHELTER. Hoffman: Chairperson Andrews, members of the Commission. Tonight we have among us some distinguished guests from both the MRPA. Our Executive Director, John Gerben and from the city of Shakopee Park and Recreation Department, Mark McQuillan. Mark works on the awards committee for the MRP A Award of Excellence and the City of Chanhassen was fortunate enough to be recipient of that award in the category of facilities for the Lake Ann Park shelter. With that I'll turn it over to Mark. Mark McQuillan: Thank you Todd. Appreciate this opportunity to appear before you tonight to present you with what we think is a very prestigious award in our profession. As Todd eluded to, I serve on the MRP A A wards Committee and I think this is about the third or fourth year now I've been on this committee and it's a really interesting perspective to see a lot of different projects and programs and facilities that are presented to us for awards and it's gaining a lot of popularity. It's getting more difficult every year to try to judge. We'd like to give everyone an award and establish this criteria and it's really difficult sometimes because I think really the recreation movement is really catching on and the benefits of it that, I don't want to steal the thunder from John who's here to talk a little about the benefits. The MRPA Awards Committee presents awards for facility, programming, volunteer 1 sponsorship, and demonstration. The projects are submitted to the committee early in the year and generally under the criteria that they have to be completed the year prior to the presentation to the committee. It's my understanding that your Lake Ann picnic shelter project is actually almost 10 years old from it's very beginning when it was first initiated. I think one of the things that stands out as far as to the committee on this award was the fact that the persistence that your community has to make sure that this became a reality. I think that's something that you should be commended for. In addition to that, we want to present an award and so it's, and I'd like to maybe ask your Chair, Mr. Andrews, if he'd like to come out and do you have a picture. It says the Award of Excellence, which is presented to the City of Chanhassen for the Lake Ann Park Picnic and Recreation Shelter for setting the standard of excellence... recreation and parks...services, 1994 and it's presented on behalf of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. I would also like to now ask that John Gerben, who's the Executive Director of MRP A come forward for a short presentation. John Gerben: Short? Todd mentioned that I would give about 30 minutes. Actually he threw me off right at the beginning when he referred to me as distinguished. I absolutely didn't know and I've gotten further thrown out that usually when I do a presentation, I'm used to people leaving the audience but never walking in and sitting down as a part of the audience so if I'm a little uneasy, that would be why. The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association is a professional organization of parks and recreation in the State of Minnesota. It's not a State funded organization. It's funded by a membership that's funded by the members that we have here and we're pleased that 3 of our professional members are from Chanhassen. We also have agency memberships and corporate sponsorships and all this kind of fits together through the membership fees. Through our recreation and sports commission that sanctions softball and youth events and State conferences is how our association operates. The purpose of our association is to further the parks and recreation efforts throughout the State that we hope improves the quality of life for everybody in Minnesota and certainly by trying to encouraging communities like Chanhassen to continue to develop a fine park system with things like the Lake Ann shelter there, certainly encourages us that the message is being received by the communities and that in fact the quality of life in the communities throughout Minnesota is improving. And I would venture to say that without the outstanding park system that's emerging in Chanhassen, I wonder what the quality of like would be. I wonder what some of the attractions to this community would be. It's been very clear in a number of studies that have been done that a strong park and recreation system in your community is an attraction for people to come there and to live there and to be involved. It's one of the things that help you become a community through parks and recreation department that does a lot of your festivals. It does a lot of your special events and gives us that chance today in what is becoming an increasingly fragmented society where everybody's looking after kind of their own interest, for a chance to come together and be a community. Kind of like the old days and what it used to be and it seems to me that Chanhassen, in looking at their plans and what they've done, is very cognizant of that fact. That you want those ideals that were around from years past. You want to be able to manage the growth. You want that sense of community in a strong park and recreation department. A strong park and recreation commitment certainly helps that occur. What I have for you is really just two things outside 2 . . . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 of my additional congratulations on winning the award. I have a fact sheet about our Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Just in case anybody is having trouble sleeping at night, I'm told that by reading this you won't have that problem any longer. It does point out a few things of our association. The other thing that we have is a reminder about the benefits of parks and recreation and we put together this poster that explains some of the benefits to it. We encourage you to hang it up somewhere prominently. Either one of your recreation facilities or perhaps right behind the Mayor as a reminder that when you're seeking support for some of your endeavors, that you can point to the poster and say, I think that's point number 3 which justifies this request for support. So if I could Mr. Chair I'd be, I'm going to have to see how this goes on brick. But I'd like to present you with our benefits of parks and recreation poster. This is the handy carrying size. Andrews: Thank you very much. John Gerben: Thank you. Andrews: I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the Park Board. Both current members and our former members and also for our Park and Rec staff. You know the City Council has given us the support we've asked for and the citizens as well so we feel fortunate that we have been able to complete this project and hopefully we can continue to strive to improving our park system, so thank you very much for the recognition and we're more determined than ever to win it again. So thank you. John Gerben: If Mark and I leave, will you still have a quorum? Andrews: Thank you very much. That should be good for a year end bonus Todd, right? VISITOR PRESENT A TIONS: None. CARVER BEACH PARK. HEAR REQUESTS OF PAULA AND LOREN VELTKAMP. 6774 LOTUS TRAIL. Todd Hoffman gave the staff presentation on this item. Loren Veltkamp: Well they did shorten up that parking. Paula Veltkamp: Thank you for that. Loren Veltkamp: I want to thank everyone for that. Last time we were here we had a list, I don't know how many items were on it, maybe 12 but I've reduced it now to 4 and I've been 3 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 talking with people about it. You know people really didn't want to see the parking reduced there, even though the residents that I talked to and the people in the city were quite adamant about keeping that parking there. I don't really care about the parking. The issue that I came out with originally was just the noise issue. You know we felt the noise had gotten to a point where you know, it is better now. Although on Friday we had a real bad day and then on Monday, yesterday it was bad. The weekend was [me. Saturday and Sunday people...no problem but I can't figure it out. It makes no sense to me. There's been no fighting on the raft at all, which the kids were doing every day at about 4:00 they'd come down and fight on the raft for 2 hours. That was very noisy but that hasn't happened one time since I've been here before so it is better but there's still some problems. And then since you've shorten the parking, there's been a couple instances of people parking where the sign used to be. I think they're probably just going in and thinking there's still a sign there but there's not. So I called on that and one time there was 2 cars and they were completely outside of the signs and I doubled checked because one time I called and the car wasn't all of the way outside of the signs so they said, it doesn't count. So I thought okay, you know you can have this one but this time they were clearly both out and when I called, nobody came out and I called a half hour later and I think I called 3 times. Now I think the second time I called, she said somebody went down to look at it but they didn't see a problem. I said whoa. Two cars in front...I told them it was a black Mitsubishi and a gray Buick or Chevy. So I don't know. There's still a problem with parking but the parking's not an issue to me. It's only the noise because that's what enters my residence you know so. I've only got 4 copies of this so I'll give one to Todd and kind of spread these around up here. The noise problem, I guess reducing the parking is not what the people in the city want but I was hoping we could install a sign that said something like quiet zone, which was what somebody brought up last time. That would be probably pretty much take care of the problem because then I feel like I can go across street and say, you know can you please keep it down and I won't have to call the city enforcement because they're pretty late in getting down there anyway. So if we could have that, that would probably solve the noise problem I think and I would be willing to go across the street and ask people to... I would also like to have a sigh that says no fighting on the raft There's a lot of fighting that goes on in the spring anyway and I think that from the city's point of view, it probably is dangerous because I've seen kids fall on the raft and when they get pushed they don't always land in the water. And the main source of noise is in fact daycare. On Friday we had 7 adults. Now wait a minute. Last Friday we had approximately 3 adults in the car and about 16 kids and the kids were all in the water at one point. At one time and it was exceedingly noisy. Berg: Excuse me, what time was that? Do you know, about what time of day that was? Loren Veltkamp: Friday. Oh, I'd say early in the afternoon. There were people there from about 10:00 to 7:00 on Friday. It was really a very busy day. 4 . . . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Berg: Was it the same group do you think that was there yesterday? Around early afternoon. I was down there about 1 :00 or so and it looked more like families but I wasn't, I'm not able to tell. Loren Veltkamp: I can't really tell. I don't know. They come down with an ice chest in the back of their van. Paula Veltkamp: It's usually a woman with 4 children and they range in age but they're all are between oh I would say about 4 and 8. So maybe conceivably they could have. Loren Veltkamp: There was one teenager there and she was like 16. And I think there was... I don't really know. Berg: Okay, it looked more like families amongst that group yesterday. Loren Veltkamp: It could be. Yeah, it could be. You know 3 big families coming in with 16 kids. I don't know. But that's the main source of noise right there. I mean I guess if they're families, then no problem but if it is in fact daycare, you know then maybe we should put a sign up that says no daycare because that's for sure noisy. And it's not a good place for daycare for sure. But if an adult comes down there with 5 kids and you know, one's on one side of the beach and one's on another, there could be an accident. So I don't know, that's something to think about I guess. I'd like to have a sign saying no shouting, screaming, or excess noise. I think that would spell out for people you know what they shouldn't really do when they're that close to a residence. The other problems are kind of obvious. We talked about those last time so I don't see any point of getting into those again, except the illegal parking problem. I would like to see, you know the little posts that they have in city parks? You know that line the road so people can't park. If you put those in front of the beach, and it tends to be another problem with illegal parking. ...removable because the guy that plows got to get through so you drop them in...and you pull them out in the fall. This would cost you a couple hundred bucks. I'd never have a parking problem again and neither would you. So I think that's a pretty good solution. The sign costs you, you know $50.00 and I think that'd be the end of this problem. Lash: Why do you think there wouldn't be a parking problem if we put posts going in the beach? Loren Veltkamp: Wouldn't be? Lash: Yeah. 5 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Loren Veltkamp: Well if you bring them out into the road, see people have to pull off the road to park where there's grass and it's all one smooth shoulder. So it's very easy for them to park anywhere along and you have people you know stopping in front of the park. Emptying their stuff out and then they slam their doors and then they go look for a parking spot. Then they come back and they load their stuff up there so they use it for loading on and off and that's a lot of noise because the kids are running around and you know, you got this, you got that. That sort of thing. And other than that you just have people parking right on the park and that's been happening all summer long. The fishermen do it. Everybody does it. And it happens in the winter too because...people coming down to ice fish or something park there so. We probably can't have the posts in the winter because of the plow but if you stick those posts in, I think that would really take care of it in the summer. I don't really care about the winter because the windows are closed and it doesn't matter. It's pretty inexpensive. I think that really takes care of it. If there's a sign out there that says..and I'm bothered by noise, I can go down there and talk to them. And I will. I won't call the city about it because I don't like calling the city... Andrews: One of our later agenda items is our capital improvement budgeting for next year. I don't see any reason why these items can't be discussed at that time. I'm only speaking for myself here. I don't these are very, these are reasonable requests to me and don't appear to be all that costly. Does anybody else have any comments to add to that? . Lash: Since I was not here...and I didn't really feel comfortable commenting on it since I hadn't been here for the full presentation but I read over the Minutes and I went down over the weekend and drove by it so...and I happened to be there Saturday night and I was pretty surprised because there wasn't a soul down there. It was beautiful on the lake there. I mean it was in the evening right after dinner and it was beautiful and there wasn't a soul down there. But there were a couple of things that I wanted to point out and one being, I think it's already been addressed. That the parking has been tighten up because it was supposed to only be 3 spots with 1 indicated as handicapped. So that would allow for basically 2 cars most of the time, which is pretty minimal. And I was also curious, is there a typical park rules sign down at that beach that we have at most of the rest of the beaches? Loren Veltkamp: Yeah there is. No dogs. No this. No that. Lash: Okay. Because we have a standard sign that we put in all the parks. Loren Veltkamp: Yeah, it's the same sign that you've got over at the Greenwood Shores Park. Lash: Okay, so I'll go check on that. And then I just wanted to point out a couple of things 6 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . to you guys. One is that we still certainly consider this to be a neighborhood park. You know you said you wanted it to be returned to a neighborhood park and it is a neighborhood park and that's the designation that it will always remain. And I just want you to be comfortable knowing that if you have problems with it, we're here to help you to solve problems with your neighborhood park. We're not, we don't mean to be working against each other. We should pull together when there's problems so I want you to feel comfortable when you do have problems, to come because we are here to help you. And we want to help to enforce the rules and I'm wondering did Public Safety start to doing more regular patrolling Todd? Hoffman: I contacted Scott Harr and again, as far as regular patrols, that's as available basis as far as responding to the calls. Obviously there they get a deluge of park calls and parking and Lake Ann on the grass and South Lotus Lake...so they are, they definitely have an attitude about park complaints. Scott is working with the Carver County Deputy Department in that regard. In fact they are looking to us to come back and try to make signage more simplified and... Lash: I know one of the ideas was just for a few weeks at least to really beef it up at say 10:30 or whatever to try and make sure to curtail any evening activity that was going on. . Paula Veltkamp: ...we have a light outside our house too. Big spot light and we flash them on. Any teenagers on the raft are gone in a minute. There's no privacy at all so. Loren Veltkamp: ...we just hit the halogen...but I've honestly, I've never even heard it at night. Lash: The problem that we're going to have is that we cannot control people's behavior. You know we just, there's nothing that we can do. We can post signs until we're blue in the face and not control people's behavior. Loren Veltkamp: I know. I don't really expect the city to do it and I don't really want the city to do it. If the city puts up a sign, then I can go down there and ask them to be quiet and I'm sure that will be enough. I don't think people like to disturb people in their residence. I don't go over to their house and make a lot of noise. And I can't drive around... my stereo loud at night. I don't bother them. They shouldn't bother me. And I think people understand that. Lash: Well then another thing is that some of your requests or some of the concerns for some of the things, basically I'm the senior member on the commission now and was here when we had residents from this area in requesting the buoys and the raft and different kinds . 7 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . of things that went in down there so it's kind of hard now, just a few years later to have people coming in and there's a lot of problems with it. You feel like geez, we just spent all this money to try and make people down there happy and put in what they wanted and now people aren't happy with what we did and you know and want to have it removed. It puts us in a tough spot. Loren Veltkamp: I realize that now. I didn't the first time but I began to feel that people really liked the raft and even though they don't visit the property, they really want to have the parking down there in case they want to. Paula Veltkamp: I find it interesting though the people that requested those things moved out. Loren Veltkamp: They got the raft and they got the parking in and then he moved. Lash: His property value probably increased. And then there were some other, there was one reference to the agreement between your neighborhood association and, as far as mooring boats and things like that and I'm interesting if you have a copy or if one of your neighbors has a copy of that agreement that would help us to understand what the initial, or original intention was. . Loren Veltkamp: I just heard that word of mouth. There are some older residents still around, so I don't think that there is any paper. Andrews: The Council went through this process reviewing moorings quite extensively. I'm in another neighborhood on the lake that had some difficulties with that and that's an issue I'm sure has been reviewed thoroughly over the last about 18 months. And if there was a document, it would have had to been produced and word of mouth wasn't going to work. Because there were so many conflicting statements about you know, somebody said 5 boats. No, it was 10. No, it was 3 and it was neighborhood versus neighborhood. One neighborhood said we want boats but we don't want their neighborhood to have boats and so it got to be, well unless you can prove it with some sort of historical document, then word of mouth wasn't going to work. So that would be an issue you would have to take up with Council if you really want to do it. Lash: But if there is some kind of agreement, it would be, it would actually be beneficial just to have it on the record for future. So if you can... Loren Veltkamp: I'll ask around. 8 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Manders: I have a question pertaining to a comment that was made about later evening activity. And you indicated that you didn't seem to think there was much problem like after 10:00 or after 9:00. Loren Veltkamp: Not where we are. Not where we are but I'll tell you, on either side of this I think there might be. Manders: That's what I'm wondering. Do you recognize that or do you notice that at all? Loren Veltkamp: No, I don't but people who, people to our left like the Gundersons, they're right in front of the fishing dock and there's a lot of people that go down there at night to fish. Now we have some night fishing in front of our beach there because I think people like to go to walleye because it's sand in there. So there's some walleye fishing in front of our place at night but it really hasn't bothered me so I have no objection to it. Now they are bothered because of I don't know, I guess there's been people taking out canoes at night Banging the canoes...them up and the dock out there is aluminum so when people walk on it, it makes noise and that can wake them up because their bedroom's right in front of the house. So they've got some problems. And then the people at the south end have complained to us, just when we were talking to them out walking the dog, about people in the woods drinking. Because see there's no woods in front of our place. It's just a narrow strip. So there's no place for them to hide so they're not going to drink there. Plus we have our halogens so I don't think they're going to drink... But the people on the south end have complained to us about it. Lash: ...and when you said south end, are you talking about the south end of this beach or the other beach? Loren Veltkamp: The other beach, yeah. The south end of the park. The main beach. Andrews: What I'd like to do is discuss your request as part of our capital improvement discussion which is a major item for us later tonight because most of these issues would relate to spending a little money for a sign or some posts or some minor improvements and that's exactly what we're going to be talking about here probably in about an hour. Loren Veltkamp: I could get my money back in one summer by not having those...! mean I know they don't like that. I've talked to them. I know they don't like to be running out all the time checking up on this stupid parking. Paula Veltkamp: I had a question about the handicap parking. There was one time I called and there were two people parked...but they didn't ticket it, or maybe they didn't get them... 9 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . they would fine one person and the car that stayed. And I called back and asked, well why wasn't there a ticket issued and the response was that it doesn't really look like it's illegal. And I don't know what makes a legal handicap and what doesn't but she said, a lot of the times you just can't ticket people because it's not official. So I don't know if there's some way to make that more official. So people don't abuse the handicap area. Lash: How is the handicap parking designated? Hoffman: With a sign. Did you call Carver County or the City? Paula Veltkamp: I called the. Hoffman: Dispatch? Paula V eltkamp: Yeah the dispatch. Hoffman: Again, each individual deputy will have a different opinion when they're writing tickets. Whether or not it's justified or not so...there is that perception. If there is, what problem them have with it... Paula Veltkamp: There was one time in the handicap, a couple of teenagers down there once. The teenagers were talking back to the police and they were saying, well why do you...so that was it, they got a ticket. . Lash: ...just shooting their mouth off. Paula Veltkamp: And I got the feeling that the police really don't want to ticket down there because they don't want to create bad PRo I don't know. Maybe even a legal handicap wouldn't give them...way to ticket anyway so I don't know if that would make any difference. Loren Veltkamp: That's the point you know. They don't want to come down there and get on people's bad side when they're just sitting out at the beach. Berg: I just had a couple things. One has to do with signs and I'll wait until maybe a more appropriate time to talk about that. The other thing that concerns me a little bit is requests for not allowing certain groups to use the beach. Loren Veltkamp: Oh daycare? 10 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Berg: Yeah. I personally have a little bit of a problem with that. Andrews: I do as well. Berg: I don't think: we can seriously think: about closing the beach to certain groups of people. That's my own opinion. Andrews: I think: we ask for proper behavior but we don't determine what group is allowed. If they don't behave properly, then we deal with it but we can't decide what groups are eligible. I agree with that. Thank: you for your patience and we appreciate the chance to work with you. LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. PRELIMINARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 46.5 ACRES INTO 36 RURAL SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND ONE OUTLOT. HALLA'S GREAT PLAINS GOLF ESTATES. LOCATED SOUTH OF COUNTY ROAD 14 (PIONEER TRAIL) AND WEST AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 101 (GREAT PLAINS BL VD. ). Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: Thank: you Todd. Mr. Halla, if you'd like to speak to us about this issue, we'd be happy to hear more from you. Don Halla: I don't know that I have any pros or cons to it one way or the other. The decision that you folks have to make with regard to it. One correction I will say that it is approximately 56 acres on that side of the property. Not 25 to 30. We originally had the 35 lots located on the west half of our property, somewhat in configuration that you see...resulted from having 2 1/2 acre lots. Being asked to make it down to roughly half acre lots and now we're back to 2 1/4 acre lots. And we're back to using the whole property again. So the city has been moving us around from one way to another way to another way, depending upon who's planning. Excuse me, who the City Planner is at the time and the... As far as we have an interest in it as a park, that's something that you folks have to make a decision on and move accordingly. One way or the other. I know that part of the thing has been told to us in the past why we've been jockeying back and forth and yes, there was a desire for a park on this site. Yes, we really want to buy the nursery on the other side to expand the golf course. Nobody wants to be up front. Basically just want to have us go back and forth trying to meet different criteria from different individuals to prevent the development. And one way or the other development's going to happen. This plan that we have today I think: is horrible city planning. I have a daughter who's a landscape architect out in Baltimore...and I can say that the way we are right now with what to do on this third go around now doesn't serve the city 11 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . well as far as tax money goes. As far as concentration of homes and so forth. When you're using as much land as what's being used. We're playing the city game. That's all I can tell you. And as you can see what some of my feelings that I'm expressing here, that I'm...but we're doing what we're asked to do and we'll continue to do so until it gets approved. I don't think there's anything we can't improve on this one. We've gone full circle from where we started and trying to meet them at every angle that they ask us to do and... Andrews: Okay. Todd's recommendation is that the Park Board table this until August 9th so we can have our last chance really to take a look at this property as a potential park site. Knowing how short land is going to become, I guess I'm asking you if that would be a suitable or would it fatally impair your project that we could table it to August 9th? I think at that point, as a commission, we would be able to make some sort of decision. Are we going to really pursue this or not Nothing's going to get built this fall I don't believe. Even with the fastest processes of the city I don't think they can get things done that fast but do you think we would be able to ask for your indulgence through August 9th? Don Halla: We asked for delays and being forced to do what we're forced to do. It's the city who's pushing us. Not us pushing the city. So I'm just not going to let the city figure a method out that they can prevent me from putting lots on my property and having it subdivided. The city's got to come to grips with what they're trying to do. We said that we . wanted to let the land basically sit and not develop. We already have a 2 1/2 acre preliminary plat approval on it. We're being forced to go back and forth on this other...so it's the city who's in the, forcing us to do something. And I'm just going to do what I have to do and make sure that I can put lots on there according to what was approved earlier. Whatever that means, if you want to delay it and not rule it against me, I could care less. But I'm not going to do anything that's going to jeopardize my getting the number of lots on there so I can get value out of my property. Andrews: I guess to ask a question. Are you saying that you have no interest in potentially selling this at a fair market value as park property? That's kind of what I'm. Don Halla: It depends upon what you call fair market value for park property. Andrews: Well that would be your decision obviously. You're the current owner so you decide what's fair. Don Halla: We have a preliminary plat approval of this property for the same, I believe the number of lots that are on it now. 2 1/2 acre lots and that's basically what this is in size. 2 1/2 acre lot development. Just a different configuration than what's already done. 12 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Manders: Just to reconfirm the east portion of this property is how large? Don Halla: The area that you see with the lots on it is 46 acres. The area that you show as a big section on the bottom right hand... Lash: And the ones on the west side? Don Halla: The west side is another 46 112 acres. Plus 2 112 acres that's already been subdivided. It's just under 50 feet. It's 49. 8 or 9. Total. Andrews: Does that plat show the proposed straightening of the highway? Is that what that ghosted in line is there? Don Halla: If it ever happens, yeah. This right through here is for the straightening of the road. And that easement has been already granted. The trail easements have been granted. The widening of 101 has been granted. The city has all those easements and so forth on the understanding that we were doing the subdivision of the property. We've met all their requirements. Hoffman: Just to clarify, there is 46 1/2 acres on each side of the road there? Don Halla: 46 1/2. My brother owns 10 acres on the south there that shows as future development. It's not my property. Lash: But you own 46. Don Halla: I own 46. Lash: So we can forget about the 10 because that's not your's. Don Halla: That's not mine. If you needed more land, there's probably another 20 acres available to the south. But our property was all graded for the nursery purpose so it was made into a pretty level site. There's enough for drainage across it and... Andrews: Well as usual the pressure of development is much quicker than our ability to deal with it, it seems as a city and as a Park Board. As a Planning Commission. As a Council. The pace of development is just always surprising to me. We're already reacting rather than anticipating it seems. I feel as a Park Board that we should accept Todd's recommendation, which is to table and look at this and make a decision. You know either we're going to pursue this or we're not. I think it deserves discussion. There's going to be very few pieces 13 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . of property that are potentially suitable for an athletic complex in the southern area of the city and I guess I feel it'd be irresponsible to not take a serious look at it. I make that as a motion to the board here if somebody wants to second that. Manders: I'll second that. Andrews: Okay, we'll move that this issue is tabled and will be on the August 9th meeting date. Andrews moved, Manders seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission table action on the Halla's Great Plains Golf Estates land development proposal until the August 9, 1994 special Park and Recreation Commission meeting, at which time this item will be discussed. All voted in favor and the motion carried. LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: ED AND MARY RYAN TO REZONE 37.92 ACRES OF PROPERTY ZONED RR. RURAL RESIDENTIAL TO RSF. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY. PRELIMINARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 37.92 ACRES INTO 52 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND A WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT LOCA TED AT THE INTERSECTION OF GALPIN BOULEVARD AND PROPOSED LAKE ROAD EXTENSION. 6730 BOULEVARD. SHAMROCK RIDGE. . Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: I have one question and that would be, is there any potential north/south trail that would connect somewhere internally in this big section of land that we should be looking at a potential trail easement on that western edge of this property. Hoffman: There will be a north trail heading off this extension into the Minnetonka Intermediate School but that's farther on down the line. As far as south, you run directly into some wetlands. Some years ago there was an extension of the trail. The trail system up along the interceptor, the Lake Ann Interceptor which is very close to the south of this plat but that has since been removed and it's been...instead of going cross country, that will come...and Lake Lucy. Andrews: The property directly to the west of this has not yet come in, is that correct? Hoffman: No. Andrews: It makes me nervous not to consider, even though we have no plan at this point to 14 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . have any trail there, to not have a potential easement on that. On the western border that could coordinate with the develQpment on the Highway 41 end that might provide us some connection. I mean it seems like whenever we say we don't need it, then we come back later and geez, then we wish we had taken something or thought about something. Lash: Are you talking about on the western edge? Andrews: The western edge of this development. Lash: Running north and south? Andrews: Yep. Is there any potential value to any connection. Roeser: It doesn't reach TH 41 there then, right? Andrews: No, no. But I'm saying there's another big chunk of land that will come in some day over there and would there be any value to having a north/south connection trail. Would it connect up to any other east/west trail that would be of value to the south of this or to the north of this. Because you're talking a huge. . Lash: There's going to be a trail on Galpin and there's ultimately going to be one on TH 41. You're saying just something somewhere inbetween those two. Andrews: I mean how wide is this? Is that like a half a mile? A mile? It looks huge on the map. Hoffman: I didn't notice that anything...but it's difficult. Andrews: I retract my question. It's only about 1,000 feet from the middle to the edge. So that's not really a hinderance to ask somebody to walk 1,000 feet to a trail. So I don't think that's necessary. Never mind. It just looked a lot bigger than that on the map. Any other discussion? If not, a motion. Manders: I'd move that we accept the staff recommendation and approve this proposal. Andrews: Is there a second? Roeser: I second. Manders moved, Roeser seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend . 15 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . that the City Council require the following conditions of approval in regard to park and trails for the Shamrock Ridge plat: 1. Full park fees be collected per city ordinance. 2. An 8 foot bituminous trail be constructed parallel to Lake Lucy Road. This construction to be incorporated into the Lake Lucy Road Extension Project. The developer shall be reimbursed for the cost of said trail from the city's trail fund. 3. Sufficient county road right-of-way/easements be maintained along County Road 117 (Galpin Boulevard) to accommodate possible future trail construction. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Andrews: Item 5 is the CIP work session. Now the work starts. Hoffman: If the Commission would like to entertain completing the rest of the agenda. Andrews: Yes, let's do that and then come back and kill this one at the end. . PROGRAM REPORTS: A. 1994 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION EVALUATION. Ruegemer: Would it be helpful for the commission for us to go through each event or do you want, I take it everybody's had a chance to take a look at the evaluation of the 4th of July celebration. Is there anything that isn't covered in the evaluation itself that the commission members would like to touch on? Andrews: Yes. I guess I was just curious why you felt you'd like to change from the Hi- Tops, being that people seem to like them so much. Lash: That's what I had on mine too. Ruegemer: I think what we're trying to do is I guess with our department we're always trying to move on. We're always trying to create a new look or create maybe a new experience for the celebration. The Hi-Tops have been playing around here for 7 or 8 years. We felt that it's time for a change. To give this celebration, we just celebrated our 10th anniversary. Maybe now it's time to look for something else. 16 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Andrews: If it ain't broke, why fix it. Lemme: Well there's a lot of great bands out there though. Lash: Yeah, well I think the White Sidewalls are great but it's not like it's going to be a drastic change...type of music and I know the White Sidewalls are expensive and I think they get booked up pretty far in advance too. Andrews: Yeah, I guess I had the same question. It seems like we're just looking at basically the same style music. Why change the name of the band if the music's going to be basically the same. If we're going to make a change, I guess it would make more sense to me to look to a different style of music and I guess I feel that I would not recommend a change of style. I think what they play is easy entertaining type of music. A lot of people can dance to it and have fun with it and it doesn't get too rowdy or too crazy so. Lash: And you have a different style of music...! guess I'd be willing to look at some different alternatives. If you want to show us some different prices and stuff. I think for the price... Andrews: We'll look at it. Lash: I have a question on the water wars. I know that was really popular and when I was in line and watching, I heard somebody say well we could just, why couldn't we just build one of those. That wouldn't be hard to build one of those so is that a possibility that we could just, the maintenance guys over the winter build a couple of those things. Ruegemer: Yeah, we took pictures of the water wars. Lash: From all angles. Ruegemer: And we even had a citizen say he would draft something up on his CAD system so that's being looked at for a winter project. Lash: That was real popular. I thought that was great. And then I had one other question. A comment that I had directed toward me was the sand sculpture...and someone suggested to me that we either come up with more effective age brackets or have like just a kids one and a family one or something so that it's not as, you know we have like I can't remember. It was somebody who was in it and he said, gee I feel guilty because... Lemme: I heard that too and people had...more competitive category versus a family 17 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . category and then also to really separate off the areas so that people aren't stepping on each other's sand sculptures and I think that would be easily done. Just with that... (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) B. SEPTEMBERFEST PREVIEW. Lemme: We could block off areas so people could..Jt might be difficult but we still thought...We're looking at maybe getting some more civic organizations like the 4H or something to operating them. Whatever the Lions Club does not sell. If they want two booths... Roeser: When is it going to be? Lemme: September 24th. Lash: That'd be kind of fun. If people brought their pumpkins. Andrews: Will the new store be open by then? Is that what they're targeting? Ruegemer: Byerly's? . Andrews: A year from then? Is that what they're shooting for. Hoffman: They want to be open for Thanksgiving but it's more realistic before Christmas. Berg: What are you thinking of doing with the teen dance? I mean besides the obvious. Having a dance for teens. Hoffman: They didn't warm up to this idea very well but the nighttime activities just slow me down so we said if we needed a daytime when people would come out in the morning, you know 9:00. Bake sale. Farmers market and everything and wind this thing down about 4:00. We've got tents and tables and all this investment out there. I said if we bring in an $800.00 band or could use some of this local stuff and what's the number one thing teenagers want to do is hang out. It's also an age group which we miss in our city. My staff, my other staff partners they just don't know if that will do it. So we want to hear from you. Will that do it? If we just have a tent there and we have nobody else there but teenagers and we just throw this rock band up in the center of the city for 3 hours during the evening, will they show up? 18 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Berg: Add one other element and you've got a better chance. Lots of food. Hoffman: Pizzas. We talked about that. Lash: Prizes. Andrews: Pizzas would do it. Lash: I mean almost like your teen dance that you have at the middle school, only it would be outside and any age but. Andrews: I think that'd be a cool idea. I think kids would really like that. Berg: My first thought was to agree with Jerry and Dawn and say, oh. But we've been talking since I've been on the board about we don't do anything for teenagers and I think we could, I think we've got to try. Lash: And it might be scary. Manders: Where does this happen? Up here at the city center. Hoffman: Right here. Andrews: I think we need to do something like you give every kid like a coupon for 2 slices of pizza and he gets into the dance. Lash: You wouldn't even have to have a band. What if we just did a DJ thing again? That seems to be very popular. Berg: Do a DJ with some lights. Lash: It wasn't somebody who was just totally obnoxious and you could still have some adults there. Andrews: I think we ought to really target the teens here. I think that's a good idea. I think a DJ may be better than a band because if you haven't go the right kind of band, you've got a bad deal. Hoffman: We thought about that. We'd go talk to the Youth Commission. If there's somebody hot out there... Let them pick their own band. We're not the ones to pick it. 19 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Ruegemer: We could just contact a new DJ services this morning so. Manders: I understand that they've got a new guy at KDWB. Hoffman: Yeah. Lash: Well we probably don't want him. Andrews: Alright. Hoffman: Anything else? Berg: In anticipation of one of these things, make sure Minnetonka finds out about it too. The teen dance. Andrews: I was going to get to that later. c. MID-SUMMER REPORTS. Ruegemer: This is just really an FYI. Just bringing to the commission's attention how we're . doing with parking revenues. As of, just for conversation sake, I just threw in the totals at the end of June this year versus the end of June last year. That's where we're sitting. The July report should be corning in roughly in a week I suppose but here's where we were at as far as the end of June so we are far ahead as to what we were last year. I believe that's directly related to the nice weather that we've been having. We've had a couple crappy summers and, two years in a row and everybody's just pleased as punch that we have decent weather and they're corning out and using our parks so. Manders: This isn't year to date, it's just the month of June? Ruegemer: No. Just from early May to end of June so. Lash: And that used to be what it was for the whole year. Ruegemer: Right, and as we wrap up the summer we'll have a final report on revenues that will reflect.. Lash: Hopefully we can have a discussion at that time about this procedure. Andrews: Pardon me? Oh, about the gates? 20 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Lash: Yeah. When he does the year end thing. Ruegemer: Just another topic of discussion too is with the picnic evaluations coming back, the groups that have been using the park, probably 9 out of 10 have been coming back that we do pay fees to facility and felt that the parking fee was over...on our part. Hoffman: Gouging. Ruegemer: ...some of those picnic evaluations were enclosed in the Admin Section but more come in every day so we'll tally those at the end of the season and take a look at those. Andrews: Alright. Ruegemer: Item number 2 is, this is mine as well. It's just another FYI for you. Picnic has also been overwhelming this summer. We've been going through a lot of picnic conversations on a daily basis. As of today, I probably as of today, I've probably had over 80 since I've written the report so they just keep coming in. Again, this is at the end of June of this year in comparisons to last year. This year is $3,749.13 as compared to last year at $1,900.00 so we're way ahead. Projections as of last year and we should have no trouble reaching the goal of $5,000.00 for picnic revenues. Lash: So if we take parking and the picnic shelters, can we raise that money to buy the Halla property? Ruegemer: That might be difficult. Hoffman: An acre. Ruegemer: So just a FYI for you and I just included, just to bring you up to date... Andrews: Alright, let's move ahead. Let's quickly get through the, do you need to talk about the concession stand revenue? That's up too so. Item 7, special meeting date August 9th. Let's move on to item b. Second quarter park and trail revenue report. Hoffman: We need to catch with Dawn on the Lake Ann concession. Andrews: Well it's all there. I mean pardon me but if we're going to get through the CIP we're going to be here until midnight. If that's okay. I read through these and they're pretty self explanatory. 21 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: But I have a question on August 9th one just in regard to the selection of vendor for the play equipment. I noticed that the vendors, that the substitutions were sent to and it seems to me in my recollection, one of the vendors on that list we've had a little difficulty with in the past. I was just wondering if there's some more reason why we need to continue to send out to that vendor or should we try someone else? Hoffman: We could expand that list. The vendors which are on the list are really in order local vendors. The person who we've done a lot of business with and then a person who we've done some business with who's... If that's your criteria, if you want to eliminate that one due to past experience, that's at your discretion. If you want to direct me not to send this to the vendor, you could certainly do that. Lash: Well I'm just speaking for myself but if I've had a bad experience with someone in the past, I probably would not go and order from them again. I think it's sort of a waste of our time and a waste of the vendor's time and we might want to go find a different vendor if we want to send out 3 bids. Find somebody that we think would be more satisfactory. Is there anyone who. Andrews; Well I think that's great. I mean why, we have had a problem and I forget which one it is but I wouldn't want to do business with him. I mean just why bother. We've had a very unsatisfactory experience with a lot of fmger pointing back and forth and I just don't think we need to deal with that. . Lash: And I think we were very clear originally when we placed our order that if it did not work out, that this was, this would be his shot and if you blow it, you blow it. And he blew it and I meant it when I said that so if you have any questions about it... Hoffman: We'd like to start the review...but I can let that person know. Berg: Jan, what park was that again? Lash: That we had the problems? Berg: Where we had the problem? Lash: Was it at Herman Field? Hoffman; Carver Beach, Herman Field. Andrews: Okay, let's move on to, let's delete him from our considerations. I don't think we 22 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 need a headache. B. SECOND QUARTER PARK AND TRAIL REVENUE REPORT. Andrews: It's great to see those kinds of numbers. Hoffman: To be honest...obviously are driving that are Byerly's, the apartments and multi units you see going up over here. The industrial you see going up over in the...and a healthy amount of residential single family as well so it's a combination of factors that has led to this revenue increase. But again, it's all good news but it's going to go away fast. C. CONSIDER CHANGING 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION TO A SUMMER FESTIV AL. Braun: Alright, this is pretty self explanatory, if you read it. We're considering changing our annual 4th of July celebration to a summer festival and more than likely prior to the 4th of July. We just need to know your comments. Andrews: Why? Hoffman: It's a combination of factors. The attendance is flat and the population continues to increase. We have, fIrst of let me preface my comments by saying we have no problems continuing with the tradition. We just want to explore giving the community the most bang for it's buck and a lot of people are out of town. They have plenty to do on the 4th of July. They don't need another activity scheduled on their 4th of July weekend. However, we also recognize that a lot of people consider this their 4th of July weekend and their tradition so if you move it away, you're going to taking away their tradition. But they also have the opportunity to join in with the summer festival. So that is the sole reason behind it. There's no hidden motives. It's just a consideration. We spend $25,000.00 on our festival. Should it be on a weekend when we think we can deliver to most of the residents. The picnic didn't have any more people than any other year and I'm just anticipating that we should have more people. We had a 3 day weekend this year when people leave town. On a 3 day weekend next year. The 4th is on Tuesday so many people will take advantage of that 4 day weekend. They'd like to be in town but they're going to be up north or visiting relatives or doing other things so that's the only consideration. Lash: I guess what I, my original thought too was why I like it, I like it the way it is. Although I can see in the last couple years it's been convenient because it's been falling on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. It's always working around the weekend but next year 23 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . it's going to be Tuesday. The next year it's going to be Wednesday and then how are we going to do these 3 days worth of things when the 4th is on a Wednesday or something. It's going to screw everything up big time. So I guess what I would be willing to look at, if it falls on a weekend, keep it the way you've been doing it. If it falls mid-week, maybe have it be the weekend before or the weekend after. Just because I think you'd have a higher attendance rate. I don't even know how you'd do it. I don't know how you did it in the past when it was in the middle of the week. How did you do it? Hoffman: Just split it off. Lash: Did stuff on the weekend and then just had some stuff the 4th of July. Hoffman: The tradition has always been that the fireworks have always been on the night of the 4th, no matter when it hits. Many times the family games were that same day. Just the thought process related to being a day off and then the weekend activities still went on. Lash: So you had like the fishing contest and the dance and all that on the weekend. Hoffman: Yeah. On the weekend, on a Saturday night or Friday. Just food for thought. We think we have a very strong tradition going for 10 years but always changing towards the . most bang for the buck. Andrews: I think we have a long line of people here, if we try to change it, and certainly have not had a line of people here asking us to change it. Lash: Well I look at people who have a family, or not a family but have a tradition of doing something away, still have that tradition. And if we take away the 4th tradition that's been built here, I mean there are some people who have now made that their tradition. If we take that away, then they have nothing to do and then they've got to start looking for something. Berg: I'd like to see us extend our energies towards increasing the numbers of people. Look at it from that angle instead of changing it. Look at ways to get more people here. What those are I don't know without doing some thinking about it but. Lash: I think there's a very healthy turnout considering the fact that it's a holiday weekend and a lot of people are, or a holiday and a lot of people do leave. I think we have a very good turnout. I don't know that I would want to see 15,000 people. I mean that's pretty... Andrews: Well we've got new facilities coming into the city too. We have the new school property. Maybe as that becomes ready, that becomes part of the festival. Maybe there's a 24 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . soccer tournament or another ball tournament out there for a different age group or whatever so I think we'll be able to expand what the city offers as we have more facilities to offer. Berg: And I think it was the case with us too. It takes people a while once they move into a community to get used to the kinds of things that are traditional in the community and if we start jockeying the times around, all of a sudden that tradition is gone. Maybe we should just give these new people some opportunity and time to get into the community. Get settled down and oh, this is what we do in Chanhassen on the 4th of July. Lash: Well and if you don't know anybody in town, to go to something like that isn't really very fun. So your first couple years maybe people don't take advantage of something like that but as you get to meet more people through different activities, and you hear more about it... Manders: Personally I don't have a problem with this idea of trying to establish this summer festival idea. I wouldn't mind that. Then I could take advantage of some other 4th of July activities someplace else. I don't necessarily want to pass on this but then that would open the ballgames up. I can see the pros of doing a summer festival and for people to get together and mingle, certainly they have that option this other week. It doesn't have to be . that 4th of July week. My views. Hoffman: The only reason that that came to mind. My neighborhood was virtually empty on the 4th of July weekend. There was nobody home. And then you have 6 or 7 other competing events going on in neighboring communities so, only so many people can show up. So for that sole reason, I fully support the tradition and all this sorts of things but in 1996 the city will celebrate it's lOOth birthday celebration as well so then you'll be forced to consider if you want to play that on the 4th of July weekend or the park commission will most likely be charged as the organizing group for that centennial celebration. Whether you'd like to do it on a separate weekend. Andrews: I think it makes more sense to look about building on either side of this rather than changing the core program that we now have because tradition is important I know for the kids especially, whenever you make changes, kids seem to be really sensitive to those things and they don't want to see, they don't want to see anything taken away. As the city, and I guess I was thinking here as you were talking, what are some things we could do to create more attention. Maybe we have a Tour de Chanhassen the weekend before. You know a bike trip around the city to every park or park scavenger hunt or something like that. Just to create some activity the weekend before or the weekend after. If it falls in the middle of the week. Something like that. We could talk about it more but I guess I'm reluctant to say let's scrap the 4th of July and look at something else. I think we should leave that alone . 25 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . and build around it. That's my opinion. Are you looking for formal direction here? Lash: If there's a centennial celebration, I think that's just one more party we'll have. D. APPOINTMENT TO DISTRICT 112 COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD. Braun: Basically...Community Education Board is looking for someone...position and is there anyone willing to apply for that position? Andrews: Is there anybody that would like to have the job? Lash: Didn't Dave say something about it. Andrews: I notice in your note here that you say that if one of us does not volunteer, that you're asking us to find somebody. That in itself would be a project I think. There is no one here that's interested in doing this? Hoffman: Councilmember Mark Senn sits on the Minnetonka Advisory Board. Berg: So? . Hoffman: It's just that it's not unusual that the community education look for other city officials to come down and get involved because we work so closely together that they would like representation and direction from local units of government. Lash: He's on the 112? Andrews: 276. Berg: Who was on this before? Hoffman: There has not been an official Chanhassen representative and they're actually adding this position. Lash: What about some of the strong candidates that we've had applying for a commission member appointment? Megers: Like Chris Sones? 26 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Andrews: He's in District 276, isn't he? Berg: No, 112. Andrews: He's in 112? He'd be a good one actually. Hoffman: He's in this district and he works in the Hutch district. Andrews: An interesting perspective. A lot of knowledge. Berg: And his wife teaches in this district. Megers: Okay, I nominate Chris. Andrews: Well being that we have no volunteer tonight, and I'm certainly not willing to volunteer Dave Huffman without his being here, as much as we'd like to. I think Chris Sones would be a good one to contact to see if he might be interested. If that is unsuccessful, I would say then we need to put something in the paper that somebody with an interest in park and rec activities that would be interested in serving, please contact you Todd. And try to move ahead on this. This is an opportunity for us to have more input in coordinating programs and developing programs and we should try to take advantage of it. Berg: And if we go through all that and we don't have anybody, let us know so we can talk about it again. Maybe somebody will change their mind. Ruegemer: I have one more real brief Administration Presentation. We're talking teen dances again here. We're still planning on doing some this winter. We had some, we did two this year. October 28th and January 13th. The October 28th is going to be for 6th grade only and then what we're going to do is do the 7th and 8th graders together on the January 13th date. In meeting with the different agencies that are sponsoring the programs, I guess we're having a little bit of a logistics problem as to how to check people at the door. I know you guys wanted to do different age groups. That type of thing. I guess what I'm looking for is maybe some direction or some comments maybe as to how that might be successful as far as. Andrews: Kids don't have school ID's do they? Ruegemer: ...and we talked about different things and possibly selling tickets through lunches like a couple days before. I know that kids are going to lose them by the time they get there. We'll maybe do like a registration form that they would turn in that night from a parent or a 27 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . guardian. I guess that's basically what we're looking for. Is some direction. Possibly some ideas that you may have. How to stop some of those problems, solutions which we really haven't had in the past. Just as far as age separation, that type of thing. I know it's easy for the middle schools. They hold parties right after school to do that but when we're in a different situation and that. Lash: What if you have a sign-up or some type of registration. Ruegemer: Like a checklist at the door? Lash: Right. Then you have a checklist and you just come. Ruegemer: We had talked about that in October and it really isn't a problem but once you get into December and it gets a little bit colder, we do have quite a bit of a line at the front door and we're just looking at things as far as speeding up the process when it comes to that point. We had talked about that...and we had talked about maybe do a selling tickets during the lunches and then creating a list at that point and just cross reference it. Would that speed up the process? That's what we're trying to look through is some situations or scenarios that would ultimately separate those two as we try to plan things from the standpoint where we would have possibly might not have girls or boys basketball game at home that night where . we would have maybe some of the older kids coming over and trying to crash. We've always, we're trying to take a look at different things and plan these accordingly so if there's any suggestions out there, we'd welcome those. Berg: Is there any way you could have representatives from the two schools, like they used to run the old elections way back 100 years ago and identify the kids? Ruegemer: As far as having a teacher? Berg: Teachers or deans. Ruegemer: We had talked about that, you know how possible is that to get a teacher on a Friday night to come out. Berg: Well if you offered to pay them something. They wouldn't do it for free. Ruegemer: Well that's one of my problems too. If we have an unlimited budget here, I have no problem, we can pull this ahead. But we have to look at things financially as well and we haven't really made a ton of money on these but we haven't gone in the hole. 28 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Manders: So you really think that 7th and 8th graders are going to want to go to a 6th grade thing? It's like, it seems to me that they wouldn't even want to, but I don't know. Andrews: I think that the ticket idea probably would handle about 99% of the problem and it doesn't matter what you do, if somebody's determined enough, they'll find a way to get around it. I mean you could use parents, permission forms but they could sign those themselves. Tickets, they could give them to their buddies or take them from their enemies or whatever but you could just deal with those people on an individual basis and hope that we catch most people. I think that's the best way to do it. Maybe have different colors so that each party so that the kids don't keep them or exchange or try to swap them or whatever. Berg: And I'm sure you will have thought of it too but remember the 6th graders are all over the place now. Ruegemer: Yeah, we talked about and what we're going to do is going to do a little campaign..J guess going out to the Chanhassen site. Going out to Jonathan and the middle school. Andrews: Minnetonka. Ruegemer: Minnetonka. There was talk about this is maybe an opportunity for all those students to get together with their peers. That they might be in separate locations but this is way for them to get together. Andrews: A rumble. Turf war. Hoffman: Have we considered holding these at Minnetonka? Or do they do their own? Andrews: They do have their own. It's paid for by the school district, not by the park and rec department. The school pays for it. Okay, okay. Ruegemer: Are there any comments regarding...Thank you for your time. Berg: Thank you for breaking them up. Lash: Yes, I appreciate that too. 1995 PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) WORK SESSION. 29 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Andrews: Let's move back to item 5 and hit the Capital Improvement Program here. I noticed that Todd you made a note here that I was going to expedite this, lead us through the brainstorming. I didn't bring my calculator tonight so I'm not able to keep a running tally of where we're going here with that so do either you or Jerry have a calculator. Okay, good. Last year I know we had used the target figure of $150,000.00 as a reasonable CIP dollar figure and it appears as though that's probably a little conservative. Would you agree? Hoffman: It depends on how much you want to bank roll for these land acquisitions or do you want to spend. Andrews: I think well, we're going to have different opinions on that but why don't we just go through it and we'll wish list it first and then see where we stand. That's usually what we've done in the past. Sometimes we've come in with our wish list at a reasonable number and then we can just go with it. Let's start out with Bandimere, which appears to be just continue as is. Just as a point of interest. There is a group that's potentially going to approach the city about joint funding of some grading improvements at Bandimere to make it suitable for ballfields or soccer fields in particular. At this point it's strictly just a concept or an idea and we'll see where that leads but it may be an opportunity for the city to get the park partially improved or completely improved at no cost to the city. And I'll talk to Todd more about that later but there is a group of people that's thinking about trying to do that. . ...you can still cut ballfields out of it. We've been wanting to get it graded for years anyway and it may give us a way to get it done. I have no idea where this could lead but I think it's something that let's take a look at. See where it goes. Hoffman: Another parent talked to me. Had no idea that you were on the same track so it's being discussed. Andrews: Chuck Reinstra? Hoffman: No. Andrews: Oh okay. Hoffman: They were looking at some land in St. Bonifacius. Andrews: Yes, that's the same. I've heard about that one too but that's about 20 miles outside of town and that's not going to cut it. People aren't going to drive 20 miles for soccer practice. Hoffman: ...endowed with some money. 30 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Andrews: Well the league has some money and they have the proven ability to raise some money in the last couple years. We've collected some large sums of money for programs so I don't know where it could lead. I don't know how much it could cost. But the league is even talking to Minnetonka School District about helping them improve Minnetonka Middle School West to put in more fields there so they're exploring any options because to be quite honest, the soccer program is at a breaking point as far as fields go. Field space goes. It's a matter of do they cut the program or look for some communities to cooperate so something that may come down the line. Lash: And I'm assuming Todd if there's anything that's been requested through your office... Hoffman: It's all hearsay right now. Andrews: Bandimere Heights Park. Is anybody aware of any requested improvements for that park? None. Let's move on. Bluff Creek requires nothing at this point. I'm trying to refresh my memory. Was there an access road or a parking space discussion in the past years about this one? Manders: How does this tie with that rail? That Bluff Creek rail thing or is that just not even connected. Hoffman: Not connected but now there's a connection made with that Riley-Purgatory watershed acquisition. They purchased a chunk of land there. Lash: And I'm assuming they just did that to just preserve it. Hoffman: That's what they're indicating. Andrews: Okay, Carver Beach Park. Lash: Is the south one or the north one? Manders: This is the beach. Hoffman: This is the linear park. The beach. Both beaches. Andrews: Condition of the rafts and docks and so forth, anything we have to look at there? Hoffman: No. The condition of all the .equipment there is in good repair. The play equipment is new at the south beach location. The buoys...bench. The benches which will 31 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . need to be replaced or repaired at the south location. Andrews: Okay we had a request tonight for some potential signage, a couple litter baskets, a no picking flowers sign which I don't know. You could put up enough of those, you won't be able to see the flowers. Also this idea Todd, I don't know how you felt about this idea of removable posts to block people temporarily using the grass and beach area as an unloading zone. Do you feel that's practical or advisable? Hoffman: No. Lash: Can you explain why? Hoffman: Removable posts are logistically difficult. They're not, it's not a $500.00 item. It would be more complicated to engineer and would prove to be both... Andrews: It may be nice trophies for the kids too. Hoffman: Placing obstructions anywhere, not just on the shoulder of the roadway but in the interior of the roadway. In places where liability is an issue. We cannot maintain a city roadway and then place an obstruction within it. So I would think our engineers and our . public safety people would have some great concerns with that. In short, for the advantages, which you're hoping to obtain. The...which you'd be creating in my opinion, would far outweigh that. Lash: Do you have any projects over the different options? Something that would do the same thing. Hoffman: To place park bollards and a chain in this park system have not traditionally been maintained. I've seen in other park systems where park bollards line every park road in some of their community parks. Chaska, or excuse me. Shakopee' s park there and the oaks just to the north of town had bollards. And/or boulders. Now boulders could be placed at this specific location to hinder the ice fisherpeople from driving on and off the lake in that location. That's been done but as far as eliminating, pulling out parking and short of putting an obstruction out in the roadway, you're not going to eliminate that. So even if you put bollards on the roadway line, people can still pull over to it Andrews: How about a couple of litter baskets and some sort of signage that this is a residential, I mean that is a tight area down there and also with water, there's a lot of sound reflection and is there someway we could at least put one sign in the area to keep it down. 32 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Manders: Some kind of a noise. Berg: I'm really arguing with myself with that one. I have a real problem with telling kids on a beach that they have to be quiet. Lash: I do too. Manders: And 1 :00 in the afternoon. Berg: And how are you going to enforce it. Andrews: Well maybe it doesn't have to say be quiet but it might say you know, be sensitive to the residents or something like that. Lash: I mean kids will read that sign on the way in and it will be in their head for about a tenth of a second and when they get out on the dock and in the water, it will be gone. Manders: But all he's asking is for the sign so he can go down there. That's all he's asking for. Lash: ...get his house egged and every other thing if he's down there too much allover the kids. You know I mean, it's a beach. It's a public beach. Kids go there. It's noisy. I mean I just don't, I mean I feel sorry for him, I do but I don't know how we can control people's behavior on a public beach. They're not doing anything that's illegal and this is like the no smoking in the parks. We're going to say no screaming in the park? Pretty soon we're going to have a sign that says, no fun allowed. I mean I just don't know how we can do it. I do not know how to solve this. Berg: I don't think a sign would do it anyway. It's just like the speed limit. We all know what the speed limit is but well, I can only speak for myself. But Jan's right, it's going to go in one ear and out the other. They're going to be out there playing on the raft, oh I wasn't supposed to say that. That's not going to happen. Hoffman: We do have somewhat of a similar sign along the trails at Rice Marsh where it says trail abuts private property. Please respect. Roeser: Yeah, that's really a good, that's a good sign. Hoffman: We have a neighborhood park, or neighborhood beach, please respect the adjoining properties. Something to that nature. 33 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: Something like that. That's good enough. I don't look at it at all as being a cure for the problem. I don't. Andrews: No. It just gives us a little teeth if we have a problem that just has to get solved. And I don't think it's to that point. Hoffman: In speaking with Loren, before I talked with him he just was not willing to go and talk to the youth that were there about their conduct. And I said, I do that all the time and I do it more often than not. Testing my authority not as a park director but as an adult figure. So I'll do that when I'm in the parks and 9 times out of 10 they'll respect the adult figure in asking them to turn down their music or pick up their glass or pick up that bottle that you just threw down. So I think you'll find that successful. He still, as you heard tonight, feels uncomfortable that without some kind of signage backing him up, that he feels uncomfortable with that. If we put something to the effect, if you have any wording or if I can come up with some proposed wording for you, we can do that. Place it in that location. You could have given direction to the teenagers on the grass and that's...and he obviously is not want to be placed in that position but he's purchased a home which is in that position, thus he has put himself into that position... Berg: He's really looking for more trouble than he knows. I commented to my wife too this weekend when we were down there. What person in their right mind is going to start going down and hassling these kids? . Roeser: I think the daycare thing is a little bit of a stretch too. When we start telling what kind of people can come down there. Lash: That was why I asked the question, does this park have the sign that all the other parks have about littering and dogs and parking on the grass or whatever. Because that's basically the rules that we worked on for a long time to come up with some consistent rules that we thought needed to be enforced for everybody's benefit in all the parks. And granted different parks have exceptions but the problem is this person's home is so close. Andrews: And we can't change that. Lash: We cannot change that. Berg: And one of the times, I went down there a lot in the last 3 or 4 days. Half a dozen times and one of the times, right next to the sign, I don't know why they didn't tie up the dog right on the sign. They don't look at the sign. And if they do, rules, again I'm only speaking for myself, are for everybody else. There were numbers of cars that were half over 34 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 the line in terms of where they were supposed to be. They were in the handicap spot. Signs just aren't going to do it Lash: Well I did read a lot of the residents commenting about how they pick up litter while they're walking their dog. Berg: Where they're not supposed to be. Lash: Right. And they're all saying, well we police that. I mean we police that. We're down there walking our dogs and we pick up the litter. Andrews: Let's do the litter baskets. Can we do that one? Lash: Actually I noticed one comment in the last thing that somebody requested and I said, oh that wasn't. It was the other one. Not the mini one. The other one. The south one. That was where... Andrews: How much do those little mesh litter baskets kind of like what they have on golf courses or whatever. You could move them where you need them to be or whatever. Is it a few hundred bucks a piece or something? Hoffman: If you want just a standard park barrel there, I can get them in. Andrews: About $100.00 a piece or so? Hoffman: We don't even need to put money in for the park barrel. Andrews: Alright, let's move on. Berg: Oh, I have a question about Carver Beach, the south one. I made a note that, do they have pea gravel in the play area? Hoffman: Not as of yet, unless. Not when I left last Tuesday. Berg: Okay, is that budgeted already? Hoffman: Oh yes. Lash: But could we move the benches? You said the benches are in need of repair. Could we move that to '95 instead of '96? 35 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: Yep. Andrews: Let's do that. Okay, Carver Beach Playground. Lash: So wait a minute. What kind of a decision are we going to get back to Loren on? Hoffman: Signage. Andrews: Let's do the respect the neighbors. Roeser: See what you can come up with Todd that would... Berg: That was a pretty decent one over there by the Rice Marsh. I like that. Andrews: Alright. And we're doing park benches and the city will come up with a couple of baskets for us. Alright, let's move on. Carver Beach playground. Looks like we're in real good shape there. Any comments that, or any other items we may need? Hoffman: Oh the fence, I know that Dale Gregory, Park Maintenance Foreman has recommended that some fencing be looked at. Replacement. There's holes in that fence. It's been there 20 some years. . Andrews: How long of a fence is that? That's going to be some big bucks then. Is that a wood fence or a chain fence? Hoffman: Chain fence. About a $10,000.00 ticket probably. Andrews: Let's put it in and see where we end up here. Hoffman: I'll come up with a more conservative figure. We'll review... Roeser: We're talking '95 now right? Andrews: Yep. I should be adding this up as I go here and I'm not. Let's move on to mini park. Hoffman: ...for that basketball court and we're grading the play area so we'll grade the basketball court and the play area this year. What will be in that play area is a swing set, which is...every day so if you'd like to add, my visualization for that site is not a continuous play apparatus. Just a slide... '95 or '96. 36 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Lash: What's there now? Hoffman: There will be a basketball court and a swing. Andrews: Is a swing ADA okay at this point? Hoffman: Yep. Well ADA, no. CPSC, yes. Not accessible. Andrews: Does that mean we have to bring this up to ADA then to provide access then to the swing? Since we're improving the area. Hoffman: That's been our policy to date, yes. Andrews: Do we need to add a budget item for that then? Lash: I wouldn't do it. I don't think it's worth investing that much money just to put in a slide. Berg: You're not getting much action down there. You're not getting much requests for anything on that one, are you? Lash: We did have a request last year but I would rather invest the money in Rice Marsh Lake and make that better than to spend a bunch of money in this. Andrews: Oh I agree. This is just the wrong spot. Hoffman: You could argue under the guides of ADA that where we take it You can put down a swing and slide in the spring and if that would want to be contested, then you could point to Rice Marsh Lake as conforming to our accessibility... Lash: And could we get by with that? If we could get by with that, that would be my... Hoffman: I don't know if you can get by with it but I don't know if you're going to get pushed on the issue either. Andrews: I just don't think that's a great location to develop. I mean it's very isolated. Manders: I wasn't under the understanding that every park had to have ADA access as long as there was some acceptable replacement to that. 37 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: Every location and development needs to have like opportunities. Manders: At that location. Hoffman: Well, yeah. Again I was going through this with the neighborhood... Andrews: I think we're getting on thin ice on this one if we don't do it right, it will bite us. I don't want to get nailed for a bunch of money. What's the consensus? Do we want to put the money into this one or not? Manders: Just don't put anything in there. Lash: I vote for that. Andrews: Where we're at right now is we've got pea gravel and a swing and a basketball court. That's where we're on line right now? Hoffman: Right now the swing's on turf. When we regrade the park, they're putting a new pipe through there as part of that street project. They're going to grade the park for us. They're going to put the basketball pad in and then create a play structure and traditionally when we grade that pea gravel area, we make it large enough for what we anticipate in the future so I would ask for some direction. Would there ever be a chance because? . Andrews: Yes. Hoffman: Okay. Andrews: Make it big enough to accommodate potential future development. What do we need to put in for that then, anything? Do we need to put some money in for the pea gravel and border for '95 then? Hoffman: Yeah, it would be. Andrews: Several thousand or? Hoffman: Yeah. Border wood's the most expensive. Andrews: What do you think they are, $3,000.00? $4,000.00? Hoffman: $3,000.00. 38 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Andrews: $3,000.00, okay. Alright, Chanhassen Hills. Play area expansion is on line for '95. Based on how our budget's been blown on every play structure we've touched lately, do we need to up that? We've tended to go over budget or have to cut items in order to get what we want lately. Hoffman: Depending on, that may be a typo. That should be in '94...We awarded that Andrews: Okay, so we can skip that at the moment. Berg: That is a beautiful park. Talk about a classic neighborhood park. When those trees get developed. It's just beautiful. Lash: Have there been requests for anything else?.. Andrews: Chanhassen Pond Park. It looks like we're in good shape there. Any comments about Chanhassen Pond Park? Lash: How much repairs... '96. Have we got a liability...for it? Hoffman: There's liability and then also to advance the condition of the stairway and the trail. It would be our recommendation at some point to continue the asphalt to where it ends up Laredo. Take the stairway right out and just asphalt that all the way down to the bridge. And then continue to asphalt the other side of the bridge out to the steps which is there right now. It's used fairly heavily for access to the school and...at some point in the future replace the...which is currently there...We're talking about a series of trail improvements. If you recall the...a little farther north that connects Carver Beach to this area. That's all in a line of trail systems for people in those neighborhoods to use that. . There are times when you see heavy use on that particular section of the traiL..but the reason the stairs went in in the fIrst place was because they were having difficulty maintaining the gravel because of washouts. It would be the present project, blacktop in front of it. Take the stairs out. Put a contract in for that and. Andrews: Any guesstimate on numbers? Hoffman: Approximately $10,000.00 for the trail. Pheasant Hills cost $8,000.00 this year so. Andrews: This is a more difficult area? Hoffman: A little more. 39 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: ...extend trail or whatever. Andrews: Let's put that in. Manders: What was that observation platform? I guess just an item of information. Hoffman: What was it? Manders: It was a stand that was built as a Boy Scout project right there at the top of the stairway. So you could walk up there and look out over the park. Lash: Right off of Kerber. It was a pretty view from up there. Hoffman: It came off of Laredo. Lash: I thought were was one off of Kerber. Andrews: Move to City Center Park. Just to give commission members a running tally, we're at $25,000.00 so far. Lash: Did you put this for in '95? . Andrews: Yeah, I moved the $10,000.00 in to '95. So we're at $25,000.00 so far. The warming house is not listed here as a potential project. Hoffman: Or the hockey rinks. Andrews: Nor the hockey rinks. Where are we going with that? I mean is that, are we going to wait until there's some ultimate master city park redevelopment or are we going to try to do this on a piecemeal basis? Hoffman: It's been the thought process to date to let those things, maintain them as on an as needed basis until such time when City Center Park and the City Hall expansion becomes a reality and that will be it. Manders: Is the sealcoating on the tennis courts or what is that sealcoating for this year? Hoffman: Not necessary. That money we put into sealcoating, the material which you see is the seal coating has not been done along Kerber but there was an overlay done as part of the paving management plan for 1994 to receive the overlay. So this money will be shifted to 40 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . sealcoat on the trail. Lash: What about the tennis courts. That usually needs maintenance. Hoffman: Yeah, there was talk of maybe maintenance this year or next year... Andrews: It always bothers me that here we are talking about our capital improvement program and the majority of the money is going to maintenance. Curry Farms Park. We have a play area expansion, $5,000.00. Again, I look at that number and it concerns me that it looks like a very small dollar figure. Lash: That barely gets, unless we already have all the border and the pea rock in there, that's about all you're going to get. Andrews: That's not going to get much. Hoffman: Can't even get the access through ADA. Berg: That seems to be an area that gets a lot of use too. . Hoffman: A lot of requests. Andrews: Again, we're at $25,000.00 so far and we're quite a ways through this already. I think we should hit, if we're going to do these kinds of projects and get in there and do the work, we ought to do them right. Lash: Because if we have to put in border and pea rock and everything, I don't think $15,000.00 would be out of line. Andrews: I don't either. Lash: By the time you put in the border and the pea rock. Andrews: $15,000.00's going to be a real ordinary phase I nowadays, unfortunately. Hoffman: I can't even handle a Phase I. In talking to the vendors the $20,000.00 to purchase the border wood, get the ADA mat, all those things. $20,000.00. We used to talk 10 to 13. Now we're talking 15... Chan Hills, that is a typo. That was a 1994 improvement...wasn't completed so it.. . 41 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: So you didn't have that.. Andrews: I'm lost here. Where are we now? Roeser: Chan Hills? How we'd get back there? Andrews: Chan Hills, okay. The 13 is '94? Hoffman: Correct. Andrews: Okay, so we don't need that in our '95. I did not put that in so we're okay. Greenwood. Do we need to do anything there? I think we're okay there. I was going to make the comment, do we need new no parking signs but I think we're okay with that. Herman Field. Lash: We need to discuss the tennis courts. Berg: I was going to say, I'm sorry. I'm drifting. Back to Curry Farms for just a second. They have I think 5 picnic tables down there. It looked 3 of them were in really rough shape. I don't know if we want to take a look at perhaps replacing a couple of those. . Lash: Have you been going around to every park? Berg: Yeah. I decided I better do that. Lemme: Some of those picnic tables have been moved from other places. When there's a playground...shift so I don't know where those... Andrews: Do we need to look at this getting some more tables for our inventory. Yes we do? What does a picnic table cost? $300.00-$400.00 a pop? Hoffman: Three or less. Andrews: How about 10 of them? Is that enough? 20 of them? Lash: There goes our whole budget. Andrews: No, that's not that much. 30 tables, $1O,000.00? Do that many? Hoffman: I don't know that we. 42 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Ruegemer: We need to do a lot more...we need additional tables there. Lash: Our playground sites, couldn't we get by with just benches? Ruegemer: As far as the craft projects and. Andrews: They're nice to have too. I mean I've been to a few of the parks and it's just nice to have that place to set things down. We'll come back to that one at the end here. We'll see what we're tallying up because we may want to hit that pretty big. Herman Field. There was the comment about the tennis court. Who was that? Lash: That was me. So is this. Hoffman: That went in. Roeser: It's up? Lash: How about the basketball hoop? ...so is that basically done except to add the playground? And that's all they wanted? . Hoffman: It's not all they wanted but that's. Andrews: All they're going to get. Hoffman: Those were the high priority list. The playfields and the picnic sites. The playfields, the ballfields and the play structure. Andrews: Lake Ann. Lash: I see on the suggestions from the suggestion box, and I was the one who took the suggestion from the woman and I was just there the night before I came when there was... to install bleachers at Lake Ann for the kids fields or some other type of seating. It does get to be pretty uncomfortable when you're at Field #1 and you're sitting behind the backstop on that hill. Is there something that we could, is there some kind of, build in something or tier something or would that be just astronomically expensive? Hoffman: Anything we did there other than what we have would be a major initiative. Both from the standpoint of accessibility and inability of pouring concrete for bleachers. Andrews: You'd have to rip it all up again too which it seems like every time we get it nice, . 43 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . back in again. Hoffman: It's one of those issues that it's always there. People are always coming at you about...how it was created in the fIrst place was an amphitheater type seating on the hillside. If you were to do a full sized bleacher, you're talking something which is more diffIcult... Lash: When you're sitting there for about 2 1/2 hours, it's just not comfortable. Andrews: Lake Ann, do we have any items there that need to be considered? It looks like we're in real good shape there. Alright, let's move on. Lake Susan. Hoffman: Jerry, did you have some comments on Lake Ann? Ruegemer: I just thought, I've been receiving comments this summer with our fIeld shortage situation we have been playing other games, baseball games, softball games, that type of thing on Fields 4, 5. Whatever fIelds might be available that night. Jan, have you experienced anything with foul balls coming out in sitting behind, like on the hillside type of thing? I take comments and calls from people who have gotten hit with foul balls. Stray foul balls. Lash: Coming from the new fIelds? Hitting into the old fIelds? . Ruegemer: Anywhere, yes. Up on like fIelds 4 and 5... Lash: I've had it happen on Field 1 also and I haven't been bothered at all. Ruegemer: I was just wondering if you on the commission would like to see any type of extensions on the backstop that would cover over. That would reduce that scenario possibly. Lash: Is that the foul balls that are coming? Are they coming over the backstop? See if I ever have to be aware of any, they're ones coming down the fIrst base line and the third base line. Not the ones going over, not that many go over the backstop. I don't think. Hoffman: We've had one extremely concerned person that thought we were horribly negligent. Andrews: It does sort of put a fInishing touch on the ball facility to have that protection. It would be nice. You can't watch in all directions. You just can't. When you're on a ballfIeld, the balls coming off of your diamond are easy to catch, especially if you're on the base lines. But one coming over the back, I mean you have no idea it's coming at you. 44 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: Other ballfield complexes have considerably more both in terms of fencing backstops and netting. Andrews: Again, I would need to ask any kind of a dollar figure that would help us there. Hoffman: I can come back with one. Andrews: How many ballfields are in that complex? Hoffman: Six. Andrews: I bet you'd be talking a couple thousand a piece, at least. We need to put something down just to give us a number to play with. 15? Hoffman: 30. Ruegemer: Another element too would be possibly looking at Field #3, possibly fence replacement and possibly posts realignment...severely bowed out from people leaning against that for fly balls. . Lash: The back fence then? Ruegemer: The outfield fence line, right. We had looked at that last year, or two years ago and I think at that time it was about $10,000.00-$12,000.00. Andrews: That comes out of maintenance doesn't it? Hoffman: ...speaking of maintaining it, which traditionally has been taking a front end loader in the very early spring and popping the frost heave posts back down into the ground, that's about all the maintenance. We have discussed with the City Council a maintenance budget and we will be doing that again this year. Andrews: I don't want to put that in there because we'll get hung for a $50,000.00 bill on that and that should not be coming out of capital improvement. Lash: Are you talking just fence material? The posts are already there...? Hoffman: No. The poles... Andrews: Pull the whole thing out and do it over again and that would be a huge project. . 45 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Very expensive. Hoffman: The park and the city...maintenance and replacement budget, just like vehicles and autos have to be replaced. Andrews: We know what other cities do and they do it differently. They have a maintenance budget for those kinds of items and those are not coming out of their capital improvement fund and that to me is not what the capital improvement fund was intended to do. Hoffman: I've preached on that for a long time...a1most successful last year. Andrews: Well if we budget it, we'll never get any relief. Berg: Right. I think we have to dig our heels in and say here's a need. We weren't able to fund it out of our CIP. We've got to do something different. Hoffman: ... we did this last year... Lemme: Todd, there's some items possibly even with just additional canoes and that kind of thing. The money... '93 that are not... . Hoffman: Yes...budget it in '95. Lemme: ...use of canoes is really increasing... Hoffman: Tonight was intended as your brainstorming session so as you get through it and we see where you're at, we'll be plugging in all our suggestions and comments. We have a running list. Andrews: Come back again. Hoffman: Yep, rather than... Andrews: Should we put in like a $5,000 catch all for some of these. That will take care of some canoes. Cash register. Couple boat or two. I guess that's, we don't need to be specific here yet but let's do that then. I'll write that in. We're at $45,000.00 so far so we're still very conservative at this point. Lake Susan Park. A track ride in the budget. Oh, that was for this year. Did that get done? That's done. Okay. Lash: We had the ballfield lights last year and they're not there right? 46 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Andrews: That was going to come out of HRA though wasn't it? Hoffman: The HRA...they would like to see a commitment from perhaps the Legion or the Athletic Association to put those in and there is not a major initiative out there...to see these lights go in. They're not banging our door down. Lash: At Lake Susan. How about at Lake Ann? I hear them all time for out at Lake Ann. Hoffman: As an initiative out of our department, they're out of the park department. ...commission to go ahead and light more fields, either at Lake Susan or Lake Ann, I think we need to look at that. As these future needs change, Lake Ann is going to be the site for the lit complex in the city. Andrews: Be one of them. And the school property will be another one probably. Hoffman: The cost has also increased significantly from...was put together. Costs for lighting at Lake Susan are up around $100,000.00 or better. Lash: You're saying the HRA is willing to fund it if the CAA and the Lions and other people will help to fund it? Hoffman: They'll consider it, sure. Roeser: But it's baseball lighting, isn't it? We're not talking softball lighting here. Much more expensive. And if there's no demand for it, there's no town baseball team. Actually there's only one, the Legion baseball team is what uses it. And they haven't been asking for it have they? Ruegemer: There's other groups out there Ron that are certainly using Lake Susan. The different associations. Lash: Babe Ruth plays there. Ruegemer: Yeah. Minnesota Valley and Chaska District baseball just started a new program this year... Andrews: We need to, we'll discuss this as this money has a sunset to it. If we don't take it by a certain date, it's gone. Hoffman: HRA? 47 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Andrews: Yep. And I also am not sure if they could spend it at Lake Ann, even if they wanted to. It's outside the district so we're fairly limited. Hoffman: My point being is that Lake Susan is a ballfield and has some major potential...but we do not see any grassroots efforts that you see in the other towns. Victoria is investing $300,000.00 and the Lions...by the time they get done, they've got half a million dollars into one ballfield. That's coming from an initiative of local groups. Other small towns you see that as well. Chanhassen is a different community...whereas families are busier. The volunteer efforts in the form of grassroots organizations are...not available but they look to the city to provide more of the financing. More of the coordination and the organization. If you would like that to be your role, you could simply play that role. Berg: Have they been asked? Has the CAA been asked if they'd be interested? Hoffman: Not formally, no. But informally yes. Lash: I mean I have heard from quite a few different people in the CAA that they'd like to see more fields lit. When they say that to me I always say, we don't have the money so I think that they probably have heard that enough times now where they're figuring well what's the point of continuing to ask when they're always being told we don't have the money. . They've offered, in the past they've offered to help do fund raising. They've offered to install them themselves and they told me that and I brought it up, I was told no. We couldn't allow that because of liability things so I think that there's been interest. It's probably mainly at Lake Ann that I've heard about it but I think at Lake Susan, that's going to happen in a couple of years because as our population is growing and there's not the population in that age bracket yet that they really need to have it at Lake Susan. But in the next I guess 2 or 3 years, that age population, now that it does enough to form these new leagues that are starting, it's going to be in that age bracket and then there's going to be a demand and they're going to need to be playing 2 games a night every night. And that would be the only field that would be regulation for Babe Ruth. Hoffman: It's just a point of economics. $100,000.00 is a heck of an investment and if you're going to play a couple hours of lit ballgames, 4 nights a week for 3 months, what does that come out to. So if you don't have unanimous unilateral support for $100,000.00 investment, then that's something that... Andrews: However, the HRA has got money they don't know what to do with. Lash: Yeah, it's not like it's our budget money. I'd be more hesitant if it was $100,000.00 off of our budget. But if we can get some other sources to pay for it, then eventually we 48 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 won't have to when the need is there. It will be done. Hoffman: Okay...HRA budget for '95. Berg: Well then approach the Legion. Approach CAA. Andrews: Which HRA, that's the downtown HRA district? Hoffman: Correct. Berg: And they could decide if they want to spend it someplace else. Let's give them the opportunity to spend it on lights. Roeser: A lighted ballpark would really be nice. A baseball park. Andrews: I'm just trying to help them with their problem. Lash: Well I know that the need will be there in a few years and if we can head it off, for once, and not pay for it. Andrews: That's 100 grand that we save. Berg: It will be $150,000.00 when we need it Andrews: And that will be $150,000.00 we can spend on something else. Manders: The other question I have on Lake Susan is, is trail access on, I don't know what side of the lake it is but going up to that development. The trail kind of dead ends. Is there access? I know there's a kind of foot path type access down to the trail but there isn't really no paved access into that development? Hoffman: There will be. The developer of Lake Susan Hills West is on the itch to do that. They're just grading... Roeser: So they will be connected to Lake Susan by a trail? Hoffman: All the way down. Lash: That was one of my questions I got on the 4th of July from somebody. Roeser: Yeah, that's one you hear a lot of. Maybe we'd like to be. 49 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: Actually the Chan Hills is more difficult. We have the beaver dam and then we dug it out 3 feet and then we drained the pond and then we had a resident call, where did our pond go. The beaver had it dammed up to such a point where the trail that was grubbed out was becoming the new canal for the creek so we had to lower that down to get, complete the trail to Chanhassen Hills it's becoming more and more complicated. Andrews: Let's move on. Hoffman: One thought about either Lake Susan or Lake Ann or any community park if you will. The city has many nice play structures but we do not have a destination play structure. Many of the park systems. Andrews: Like a Chutes and Ladders kind of deal? Hoffman: Chutes and Ladders. Starring Lake. Those are a highlight of many park systems. We have 27 parks. We do not have at Lake Susan is one alternative location. The current system there is very large but it's not something that's dramatic. Andrews: We're talking huge dollars though for those. Hoffman: Yeah, big dollars and if you want to look at that. If that's even an interest. . Andrews: That's a potential alternative to lights. You know you put 100 grand into one of those deals. Hoffman: So that's something to think about either on this site or Lake Ann, we don't have a great spot for it or it could be for a future park in the city. As far as that poster, one of them says economic activities. If you want to generate some economic activity, have a destination playground in your city and you'll get a lot of economic activities. Field trip after field trip after field trip after family car load go to these destination playgrounds. And then they picnic here and they purchase their products and that in that particular city or location. Roeser: Put it in City Center Park then. Then we could get it downtown. Lash: ...some kind of distinctive topography to build into and I don't see that in most of the things that we have. Lake Ann does but that doesn't look to me to lend itself. I know I mentioned for Power Hill I wanted to try and do something but that's a neighborhood park so we don't necessarily want to have car load after car load of families... Hoffman: Yeah, you're right. Starring Lake has that island and that is a big problem. 50 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: Chutes and Ladders. Andrews: Let's move on to Meadow Green, which has nothing. Megers: How much money are we at? Andrews: Right now our running total is at $45,000.00. Berg: Is that bleacher that we have marked there for '93, is that the one that's in already or is that budgeted for the other ballfield? Hoffman: Second ballfield. Berg: Okay, good. Lash: And if somebody needs to say that on the 4th of July too. It's so wet at the southern field that they need to have some bleachers. Is that where this is going? Hoffman: Yes. . Andrews: Anything more for that one? Let's move on to Minnewashta Heights. We do have a play area refurbishment planned at $7,000.00 and again, does that need to be bumped up to be more accurate as to what we'd anticipate? That seems awful low again. Hoffman: I don't know that, I'll have to take a look at that. If that's necessary. We've done a lot of things. Being forced to go ahead and do the compliance with CPSC. We've done a lot of refurbishing out there... Andrews: I'll leave it in and we'll see where we end up. It would always be nice to have you come back and say, we had $7,000.00 budgeted that we didn't need to spend. North Lotus. We've got a hockey rink scheduled. I guess is there anything that can be done with, I don't think there can be anything done more for parking there. The neighborhood is over run with cars whenever there's an event there, which seems to be frequently now. Berg: Where's the skating rink going in relationship to the parking lot? I couldn't figure that out. Andrews: Just down below it. Berg: The next tier down. . 51 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: But then the hockey rink will replace the skating rink. So you'd be forced to put the skating down in the ballfields. Andrews: You could put the skating down, there's another level down from that. There's a second step down to the east. It's not really being used much right now. Roeser: Is there a warming house that goes with this too? Hoffman: This year we'll be putting in a skating rink and electrical service and then we'll ...satellite warming house. Andrews: I know one thing that before we can put lights up, we'd better have a neighborhood hearing I mean because I think there will be people that are going to come screaming. Lash: I thought it was just like one. Andrews: One light. Okay, just a skating light in other words. Roeser: Oh, it's not a lighted hockey rink? . Lash: No. Andrews: Okay, that's different. That's not a problem then. Berg: Will there be a light in the parking lot as well? Didn't we talk about that once? And then running power off of that to the skating rink. Is that what we had talked about? Lash: Well there was a request for a light in the parking lot down there and we decided to skip it or something, didn't we? Hoffman: It has to be two lights. One at the parking lot and one at the skating rink. Andrews: That would be adequate for skating. Lash: So you're saying before we move on in '95 to the hockey rink with lights, we'd have to have a neighborhood? Andrews: No, I was thinking these flood. 52 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: Well if you have a hockey rink with lights...and that's coming next year. Andrews: We're not talking a lighted hockey rink. We're talking a hockey rink and also a light to provide this minimal amount. Lash: Well that's this year. A skating rink with a light. Next year it's a hockey rink with lights. Hoffman: I was only speaking to what the program is for '94. Andrews: Okay. Needs a neighborhood hearing, yeah. Yeah, I would love to see it. We need something somewhere. $25,000.00's not a lot of money. The one advantage to that particular park is there's really only one house even close and it's sheltered by trees and shrubbery. It would be possible to light the rink with little overflow directly into houses. Lash: But we need that meeting before we... Andrews: Well I guess we have to gut check here and say, do we really want to do this. I know we've talked about doing it. I think there is a need. . Berg: Well we've already trimmed down from I think 4 or 5 potential hockey rinks down to this one. Andrews: And there was 1 or 2 and we were going to try it and see. Berg: It was going to be Meadow Green and Carver Beach. Lash: And that was just skating. Berg: I thought that was hockey too. Lash: That was with the warming house. We had about 8 of those spread around and we trimmed that way back to just 1 up there. Andrews: So we need to add that $8,000.00 back in or is that now budgeted through? Hoffman: It's still in there. Andrews: Okay, so we need to look at the $25,000.00 for a hockey rink. . 53 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: What kind of a feel are you getting from... Hoffman: As far as neighborhood... Andrews: We have nothing. Lash: No, I know we have nothing. But is there. Hoffman: Absolutely...scenario trying to maintain a pond. Andrews: Fox Hollow's doing the same thing. Hoffman: Then you get into... Andrews: It's a lot of money and I'm not a hockey person but I think it's something that, I think we've got to do it. I think it's an area that. Hoffman: It's something we can look at. Lash: Well and it's a natural to put it there because if you're already sending a crew out to . maintain a skating rink, they mig~t as well maintain a hockey rink too instead of having them at two separate locations. Andrews: Another thing we talked about, if you want to make this into more of a multi-use rink, would be to consider putting some sort of a surface on it for Rollerblade. There is definitely, I'm speaking personally here but boy there'd be people that would just go crazy to have a place they could play roller hockey in the summer. Manders: That's the strategy we're planning on at the school. Hoffman: We dropped that because it was an $80,000.00 item. Roeser: Yeah, I wouldn't consider putting it there. If you're going to put it as a Rollerblade rink, it would be better if you put it in a city center park or somewhere. This would be kind of sticking it into a neighborhood. Andrews: Too small. The other option was, they will get used by the soccer leagues. By the little 8 year olds and 6 year old groups. They play those little half hockey rink games. It will get used. 54 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Lash: Well for $25,000.00 isn't even... Hoffman: I need to investigate lighting and material costs for a rink which would most likely we would build ourselves and install and... Andrews: With the $25,000.00 we're at $77,000.00 so far which is still pretty good. Pheasant Hill Park. We have nothing on our plan for that. Lash: Let's scratch the double tennis court right off there. Andrews: Yeah, that's not consistent with our plan. Lash: We don't have to put basketball in would we? Andrews: Power Hill Park. We have a play area budgeted at $18,000.00. That seems like a fairly good number in this case. Do we need to look at upping that at all? Hoffman: 22 would be better. Lash: What was the $2,000.00 for? Andrews: Prep work? Hoffman: Prep work. Lash: And then I know this is slated for beyond '96 but I don't even know if it's realistic to put a picnic shelter over there. I mean I just can't imagine that anybody would ever invest, knowing what a picnic shelter costs, that we would ever spend that... Hoffman: You want to put one in the middle of Lake Ann before you do anywhere else. Lash: So could we just scratch that so people... Manders: One point of curiosity up there with the parking lot that was put in. Was that problem ever corrected? It seemed to me that it was not real well done the fIrst time. Hoffman: Dale Gregory...superintendent has talked to me. It will be corrected by... Chris Sones was in this afternoon talking with Gary and he stopped by my office to get an update on Power Park. They're having their neighborhood picnic. 55 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Manders: Is that hill going to be open this winter? That was a hot item I know. Hoffman: If we can make arrangements with the adjoining property owner for runoff. He don't know if there's sufficient property or not for a runoff. So we need that Not that it would be a problem. Andrews: Why can't we get this stuff done the right way? Hoffman: It was acquired 8 years ago as a remnant parcel. It's...people are really convinced that this is, if they want to make this a real neat neighborhood park and all it is is two holding ponds and a remnant piece of land which we're...it was not designed for a park. Andrews: Alright We're trying too hard in other words. Prairie Knoll Park. Lash: That was one that somebody said something to me. Yeah, at the 4th of July. They wanted to know when that playground...and I thought we had discussion not too long ago about just skipping that altogether and leaving it natural. Hoffman: Yeah, it's just a piece of land out there that, the concept master plan for the trail from Dove Court to Powers Blvd and a play structure. And on that side of the road you have a play structure at Lake Susan being the largest one in the city, so whether or not you want to invest in that or if you want to make it off the master plans. Part of the 1995 cleaning house will be an update of those park master concepts so we get a chance to take a... . Andrews: Good, then let's do it then. We'll revisit that one. Hoffman: There's nothing in it for '95. Andrews: Rice Marsh. Anything we need to add there? Nothing. South Lotus. We've poured plenty of money into there, in my opinion. That's another BRA project wasn't it. Lash: Shouldn't it say tennis court? Andrews: That was HRA. It's in. It gets a lot of use. Sunset Ridge Park. We have nothing scheduled there. Right now we're at $99,000.00. Park rules signs. Do we need to add a little bit there for next year, do we have some inventory or? Hoffman: Wait for inventory. Andrews: Picnic benches. We said we'd get back to that one. $10,000.00 will get us what, 56 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 about 30? Hoffman: We were at about 30 at $300.00. $10,000.00, yeah. Andrews: Is that going to make, is that going to help us? Is that going to get us to a good spot? Lash: What is we said $12,000.00 and that includes benches too... Andrews: Sound reasonable? Let's do it. Boy Scout project, do we have any takers this year? Hoffman: None this year... Andrews: I'll leave the $500.00 in there just because we don't want to deny somebody. Hoffman: ...$10,000.00, it would be very nice. The problem is, at a minimum we're going to work with 10 to 15... Lash: How come we don't bring...tree farm. Hoffman: The tree farms out there growing...take a bunch of trees out and put new ones in. Andrews: If Mr. Halla develops his property, hadn't he mentioned a willingness to let us pluck some trees out of there or was he going to move those himself? Or are they too big? Are they too big? Ruegemer: They won't be giving any trees away. Berg: I got the impression that the city was making him develop that. Andrews: That's kind of, I was having trouble reading what he was trying to say. I had a couple items that were not listed here that I thought should be discussed. One is that the city, or the Park Board has offered matching money to District 112 for putting in some playground equipment that they've never come and taken from us. District 276 has an interest in doing some grading to, that they have a football field up at Minnetonka Middle School West. The track there is, I don't know the word I heard was it's illegal or whatever. They can't even use it anymore. They want to regrade that parcel so they can put two soccer fields in. Those fields are used by Chanhassen residents and by a large number of those. I guess I'm wondering if that's something that we would have any interest in participating in at all. 57 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Another issue I had was the Highway 101 trail, which is my pet issue. It's the one I want to keep pushing because if it doesn't get pushed, it's never going to happen. And last year we had put in $15,000.00 to that fund. I guess I would like to see the Board consider kicking in some sort of money there to show that it's a continued interest. And then we have the new school and several new parks coming on line that are going to be hitting us for big dollars. Lash: Can I, I need to always clarify in my mind how this works. This money is still sitting here, right? Andrews: Yeah, these reserves. Yeah, they're sitting there. Lash: So if we wanted to add to it, we could do that. Andrews: Yep... Lash: Now for the general fund reserve, and the land acquisition west of Lake Minnewashta, how much, will those two figures be totally depleted by the time we're done with Stockdale and the Lake Minnewashta West parcel that we're getting? Hoffman: Most likely. The land acquisition west of Lake Minnewashta, whether you have . general fund reserve. How far that goes in, depends on what point we are in the year end expenditures and revenues. But it will be hit. Lash: And new school site furnishings, that's just for like the lobby area and that kind of stuff that we need to do when it's new. Hoffman: There will be a ton of things going on. Lash: Is that going to be an adequate amount? Hoffman: No. Lash: So what's more realistic? Hoffman: I don't have an answer for you. It depends on, the City Council will be funding a variety of things out there for furnishings. What works best...and benches. There's no play structure budgeted anywhere for the site for the city portion. The city park portion. So once you start spreading these things out. Andrews: I'm not sure that's a good place for a play structure. 58 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Hoffman: It's always thought that the siblings to do while the parents are with the other kids so it's the same concept as Lake Ann. Lash: City Center too. Andrews: We could certainly, we're at $121,500.00 now. Last year's budget was 150 and that was very conservative and I don't know, however the people feel. I think we ought to be a little more aggressive this year in our budgeting but I think with all these different reserves, yeah. We could go through the rest of what we have coming and we should designate some money. Hoffman: When it involves land acquisition west of Lake Minnewashta what I'll do is, $225,000.00. Andrews: But we're hoping the city will be helping us there, aren't we? I mean the Council will find it's own money to help us there some. Any suggestions how we'd like to allocate here? I guess I'd suggest that we look at maybe $175,000.00 as a number? Does that sound reasonable? Does anybody have another suggestion? Manders: What I'd like to know is what number we think we're shooting for and then we can deal with these remaining reserves in terms of splitting them off. Lash: We can't just pick a pie in the sky figure and say well we had $150 this year. Let's bump it to $175. It has a lot to do with what's coming in and what the City Council's going to approve. Andrews: Well we've got 300 coming in already this year. I mean we took in double what we thought we would take in. The year before we took in less than what we thought we'd take in. So we had almost a 100% increase in one year. And we're going to be more than 100% increase in one year. Hoffman: It's all basically...two major, Byerly's at $65,000.00 and the apartments behind Byerly's which were a total of over $100,000.00 by the time it's done. Lash: Well I'm just saying, we don't have a lot of money to spend. We can't look at that and say we've got lots of money now because we're going to be with, what if we do get tapped for some of this for Minnewashta. I hate to take it all in one time. Andrews: That goes in the general fund reserve? The excess that will come in this year goes all into the. 59 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Hoffman: It goes into the park acquisition and development fund. Andrews: Which is just a general fund? Hoffman: It's a capital improvement fund. Lash: But it's our fund. Hoffman: Absolutely. Andrews: Where does that show on this fund 410 then? Is that anywhere? Is it a separate item or? Hoffman: It's a separate budgeted item. Andrews: And it has no money in it now or? Hoffman: No. It has... Andrews: I guess that should be shown here because that kind of paints a different picture of . what the future could be. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't put money in there. I think we should but. Hoffman: I can get you the sheet...somewhere. Andrews: Well knowing that there's $400+ thousand dollars in that. And it appears as though we're going to probably contribute somewhere in the neighborhood of another $150,000.00+ to that fund. Not including costs of the Minnewashta Park acquisition. That's an unknown at this point still. Hoffman: It's...and that's $30,000.00. You're going to write the check within the next 3 months. Andrews: I guess my question Todd would be, are we allocating only the dollars that we receive over the 1995 year or are we allocating the excess collected this year plus what we receive next year? Hoffman: You have the discretion to ask the City Council to do whatever you like. Andrews: Okay. Boy, you don't make this any easier. 60 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Hoffman: You can say hey, we've collected another extra $200,000.00. We'd like to spend it all this year. Or you can say we'd like to be conservative and we think there's going to be a lot of other things coming up in the city and we want to be penny pinchers and that's the line you've taken. Andrews: Well I think that's the best way to do it because if you spend it, you don't have it when you need it. Hoffman: You've been, made it possible to go ahead and purchase this land west of Lake Minnewashta. You guys have been conservative since you built the Lake Ann shelter. H you would have blown that money every year, you'd be begging to get that money for that. Andrews: We're talking about Mr. Halla. Lash: And that's really how we've been able to do almost anything. Hoffman: Build it up and spend it Lash: Because we could never get a big ticket item... Andrews: I guess to make things simple, I guess I'd say we're in the $150,000.00+ position cashflow as of this year. You can take $100,000.00 of that right off the top and say, put it in the general reserve. You know we don't know what we're going to do with that. I mean anybody could propose alternatives here. We could go on all night saying well why don't we put it here or there but general fund gives us the ability to designate it anyway we want it. I mean we could designate it all to the general fund and just divvy it up later when we know what the final numbers are. Lash: Well I don't know that the City Council would. They're going to want to see why we're asking for x number of dollars. Andrews: Yeah, you're right. I mean if we don't designate some of it, Minnewashta's a good example. I mean we could designate another $75,000.00 toward that project without any problem. Hoffman: Then you could designate $100,000.00 or $50,000.00 for initial levels in 1995. Lash: Right, that's what I'm thinking. I have a list of some things that we need to designate money for too so we need to think of all these different things that just as we've been talking, obviously we need to bump the new school site thing. I don't know how much but it's going 61 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . to be probably at least double that. And then your, at Minnetonka, we have demand for soccer fields and if Chan residents have access to that, if we want to contribute to that, I don't have a problem with that. We have the Minnewashta park that's going to be minimum that we'll want to do out there is grade and seed it right away. That's a chunk of coin. And then the Halla property and Bandimere development. Maybe we need to start just like we did with Lake Minnewashta. Just each year designate a park and the same thing with TH 101. You know bump that each year by however much we possibly can until we fmally get it built up to where it looks like we're serious about it and we can at least get support behind us and maybe get help from somebody else to help us do it. But it's the only way we're going to move on. Andrews: Let's start at the top. Try to see if we can come up with some numbers. Lake acquisition west of Lake Minnewashta. We know we're $75,000.00 short there. Is it responsible to assume that the Council will pick up any shortage? Hoffman: We have a grant application in for LA WCON. Andrews: That's very speculative, correct? Hoffman: Very speculative, yes. . Andrews: Alright. I propose that we allocate $75,000.00 of our surplus towards that project. Manders: We're going to need it. Andrews: Yep, we're going to need it. I mean that's a minimum we're going to, we know we're going to need that. Lash: Is Stockdale done? We don't need to worry about that anymore? That's a done deal as far as money. Hoffman: To fund the purchase. It's coming right out of this fund. It's not even on here. Lash: Okay, so we need to add that on here. Andrews: How much is Stockdale? Remember him. Hoffman: I've got a figure here for you. $150,000.00. Andrews: Well that's one of those we do some now and some later I think or totally on to 62 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 that one. Lash: How much do we have to pay this year up front? Hoffman: We did that about 3 years so it'd be $50,000.00 a year, was at least...proposal. Lash: So we can cut it to $50,000.00. Andrews: They could take 50 now? Hoffman: Yes. Andrews: That would leave us, now you said we have about $300,000.00 in cashflow this year to date? Or is that projected? Hoffman: To date cashflow you have the exact number there. It's 300 and some thousand. Andrews: So we're going to even have excess of that. Hoffman: You're going to total out at $350 to $375,000.00. Andrews: Okay. I guess I would say that we have approximately another $50,000.00 of excess cashflow for '94 that we could still allocate somewhere else before we dip into our projected regular $150,000.00 cashflow projection for next year. So we could pick another 50 to go someplace. We know that the school site's going to demand dollars. Hoffman: I'm just laying low right now for who's going to purchase. We know tables and chairs and that type of thing, that the City Council will purchase. As far as recreational or... that's all going to add up. So we're going to have to have some money there. Andrews: Why don't we double it to $30,000.00. Manders: At least. Andrews: That's $15,000.00 more. That leaves us with $35,000.00 more left. Lash: Should we add another $5,000.00 to TH WI? Andrews: It's a token but yeah, I think we ought to do that. That leaves us with 30. This speculative, possible proposal to get somebody to grade and possibly help us improve 63 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Bandimere, I don't know if we want to allocate or even consider allocating any money toward that but that could be a real nice arrangement. If we could find somebody that's willing to take half that on or most of it on. I don't know if you'd want to consider putting anything in the budget for that. Lash: What do we have left? Andrews: We've got about 30. Out of excess cashflow. We haven't even talked about really the, we're sitting at $121,500.00 for '95. So we've got about another 30 to allocate for '95. Lash: I was looking at that $50,000.00 price tag right off the bat for the Stockdale. Andrews: Yeah, we're going to be hit for that for 3 years in a row. Lash: And that hasn't come out of that yet. Andrews: No, no. I've put that in. That's figured in. Lash: That is figured in? Stockdale. Andrews: Yeah. So we've still got 31. . Roeser: Put it in Bandimere then. Hoffman: Yeah Bandimere. If this other thing doesn't come through. Andrews: We're going to need it someday. Roeser: Yeah, it's going to happen there. Hoffman: Something's going to happen there and right now the last figure, hard cost figure was $800,000.00 to develop Bandimere Park per the concepts which were in the drawings so that's a million dollars easy. So if you go to a referendum, if you do this open space referendum and you tag the development Bandimere on there and you say, the city Park Commission's got $250,000.00. We need $750,000.00 more, that's going to get you a lot farther than saying, we just haven't planned for it. We've owned it for 5 years...so if you start chunking away some money, it's going to look better. Andrews: That leaves us with about $30,000.00 more in our typical year planning. We've been kind of staying at the 150 level for the last several years. $30,000.00 more roughly. 64 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: How about the Minnewashta property out there. Is that going to be coming soon enough that we would want to have that graded and seeded. Hoffman: Not this year. Graded and seeded next year which would be '95. Lash: That's what I mean. Hoffman: ...'95 item. Lash: So how much would we need? Hoffman: It depends on how fast you want to push it in. Lash: Face it you know, we can't drag our feet on that one. I mean that's been so long in coming and they're so short out there that once we get that property, we need to try and at least move forward a little bit each year on it. Hoffman: The last similar contract for a parking lot grading and seeding was at Herman Field. That was $50,000.00. . Andrews: Let's kick 25 into that one. Does that make sense? That leaves us with about $5,000.00 of slush and. Lash: What if, for this Minnetonka West Jr. High. Andrews: I think we can stay out of that one, to be honest. I think between the District and the soccer clubs or whatever, I think they'll find a way to get that one done, if it's really meant to be. To be honest, I think if I were going to try to push something that made sense for the city of Chanhassen, I'd be trying to convince them to put money into a joint project at Bandimere. Because if you could get some, if you're going to get the equipment up there to start the level, you might as well keep going as far as you can. Lash: But $5,000.00, that's pretty lame. Andrews: Yeah I know but it's, if you've already got equipment up there, $5,000.00 more could make a big difference you know as far as the number of soccer fields you could get. It could be 1 or 2 more just to have that one more day or two more days worth of grading done. I guess I'd just propose that we tuck the balance away into a general reserve. Hoffman: What did we just put in Minnewashta development? . 65 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: $25,000.00. Andrews: Actually I'd like to see that $5,000.00 go to Highway 101. I guess I think that's a pretty minor commitment to say that we're going to go from 15 to 20 but. Hoffman: Maybe that's something where having that in the budget is a good issue. The trail is not going to wag the dog out there. The road is going to have to happen in order to put the trail bed down so our best avenue is to continue to lobby the county and... Andrews: I was at a meeting with some county officials and it's the same old story. You know everybody says talk to the guy over here. Although the State is coordinating meetings. They're talking about planning so maybe something's fmally going to move on it. I know several of the people that are in charge of the projects are nearing retirement so maybe they're hoping to go out with some sort of an accomplishment. I don't know. Lash: What about Stockdale? Is Lundgren grading that for us? Hoffman: No. Lash: So...over there, we need to bump some... . Andrews: We put 50 in. That's just to buy it though. Lash: But we only have $5,000.00 left. It's not like $5,000.00 is going to. Andrews: Throw it into the reserve and we'll find something. Lash: That or we should bump it back into the school thing. Hoffman: We're talking about $5,000.00 now. Andrews: Just put it in the reserve. We'll spend it someplace. Hoffman: We'll rehash this and put together...establish tonight and see if there's anything left after that... Andrews: Thanks everybody for helping to get through that quickly. 66 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: Andrews: Are there any Commission Member presentations at this time? Berg: I've got one. The old Red-E-Mix site. The old cement site. Is anybody else concerned about the fact that it's turning into a car junk yard? Andrews: Yeah I am. Berg: I mean we're talking about what people's impressions are when they drive into this city. Why are all those junkers out there? Hoffman: Close to the Hanus building? Berg: Yeah. Well, quite a ways from it actually. Hoffman: Yeah, out there on Highway 5 right now. Down farther. It's part of the arrangement for the construction or reconstruction of that whole district. The HRA made a deal where they could store those on an interim basis while the...construction. The same question's been asked at the City Council. Berg: Because their numbers are multiplying it seems. Hoffman: I'll ask one of the Council members. Last night the City Council reviewed some sketch plans on what that would look like. It seems that they're warming up to the idea of having that as an open space. Walking trail, park like setting. The budget is about $160,OOO.OO...1andscape and walkways and greenery. That type of thing. So the thought process of whether or not that should be some sort of commercial is pretty much gone by the wayside. You'll see it be an extension of that trail overpass as it comes down through there. Roeser: How about the trail? Is that going to be completed? The one going to Eden Prairie and the one going toward Chaska. Hoffman: I had two points of interest. That has been put on hold by the engineering. Water Resources department They would now like to complete a detention pond in the far eastern reaches of the city of Chanhassen. As they did that street plan, they said we're going to do the pond and then they said, no. We're not going go do the pond so that pond is out of the program. Now they're saying that we would like the pond so the engineering department is now going through the DNR permitting process to get permission to dig that pond this winter. ...backing down with a huge backhoe down that trail alignment this winter so if we... 67 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Roeser: What about the one towards Chaska? The Hennepin County park one? Lash: Yeah, that was my question too. Did that go to Council? Hoffman: ...and they've cut the new alignment to go around the Deafenbaugh and they will be putting some gravel down on that so it will be a gravel trail but it won't be blacktopped until next year. The bad news there. As far as the other trail that Chaska...their City Council and our City Council budgeting. We drafted a permit agreement with the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority and the City Council approved that last night. It was carried over to the county's meeting this morning. As far as I know, they approved that and we have a formal agreement with the contractor to come in and perform the work prior to September 1. Roeser: When? Hoffman: Prior to September 1. It would be...you can't get people off of 212 so we're putting it in there and we're effectively barricading it to upgrade it. Roeser: That's fine. What I was worried about was those guys stopping us somewhere along the line. Lash: What about our lack of vote or whatever you want to call it from the last meeting? . Hoffman: On the snowmobile? Lash: Yes. Hoffman: 3 to 3. Lash: Has that gone on? Hoffman: The City of Eden Prairie has positioned themselves that they will not move until we move. So they're not going to say yes or no to the snowmobiles to make our job any easier. Lash: But if we move, it may make an impact on what they decide. Hoffman: From what I hear City Council's going to send it right back down to me. Lash: But they haven't made that decision yet. 68 . . . . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 Hoffman: No. That will be on an agenda, City Council agenda for August 22nd so everybody will make the big preparations and they may just say, 3 to 3 on the Park Commission. Roeser: Oh, they don't know about that yet? Hoffman: Well not officially. The Mayor knows about it and he said that from a personal level... Andrews: That's fine. I mean we did what we could do. Lash: Well we need to have a full commission. Andrews: Any other? Lash: I heard, and I don't remember where I heard this but I heard it went to Chaska and that they said that they would approve it so. Hoffman: Well it's going to the City Council on the 8th of August. Their Park Commission said... Andrews: I just had one issue that looking at the revenue reports for Lake Ann and the number of comments from people who have used the park about the parking permits, I just want to comment that my position is shifting and I'm looking forward to discussing that later this year because I think again, I think Jan you're kind of shifting too with me. Lash: Yeah, but I'm still waffling I guess. I could live with a compromise. Andrews: I guess one of the concepts I had is when any mailing goes out to the Chanhassen residents like the sewer bills or whatever. Whatever every citizen gets, is to send them all a sticker and say every citizen gets in free. Lash: Dave and I kind of kicked that around on the 4th of July...won't get into this but we were wondering if maybe a solution would be that if you're a resident you get a permit. If you're not a resident, you pay a non-resident fee for a permit or you pay a daily parking fee. But does that then even pay to have someone be sitting in the booth checking and that kind of stuff unless the non-resident fee is adjusted. Andrews: But I think we'd probably have somebody in the booth there anyway. At Lake Ann at least to watch that park. 69 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . Lash: See I look at the revenues and I think well, it's something you know. But yet I don't, and the other thing is we've eliminated kids...have a permit Maybe we need to say if somebody's rented the shelter and they've already kicked out money for the shelter, if they're coming in for that, then they're eliminated but you know pretty soon you start eliminating enough different groups that it doesn't warrant even continuing at all so. Andrews: We'll talk about it more but I just, reading those comments just kind of, I'm kind of shifting from the get all the revenue you can to we've got a nice facility. The people of Chanhassen deserve to use it and I don't think, I personally don't think the citizens should have to pay to get in anymore. Manders: Typically we're making up the different for non-resident usage by the fees we're charging for them to use it. Hoffman: Philosophically something to bounce around. You can go out and use the city's lakes, park system. This discussion has gone on for years and years and years. The City of Minneapolis pays to maintain that thing yet the entire 7 county metropolitan area enjoys it. So here we're talking in a microcosm of what they're experiencing and they don't think they can any longer justify the amount of dollars they've put into the city's lake trails system for all of us to go to enjoy. If we want to...non-residents, the City of Minneapolis may... . Lash: Yeah but there are a lot of places that you do have to pay. To get into Hyland, you have to pay and that's just basically...fee or whatever. Hoffman: City parks, except with the exclusion of beaches, it's all regional where you have to pay. Lash: So what's the... Andrews: Any other presentations? Hoffman: Issues on the trail and that we have some lobbying for. The City Council, they'll eventually make the decision. The stretch of trail just west of Byerly's along Powers. So you go from the new extension of West 78th. Right down the west side of our front street here and you go up to Saddlebrook, that's where a road should not have been built. It's bermed up so if we convince them that we needed to put the trail alongside there so they extended their fIll section to do that and now they're fearful that that is...so they're effectively surcharging the old material which was underneath there and it's going to...putting in a $60,000.00 retaining wall and $20,000.00 pipe rail, there's about a $10,000.00 bill to do some tests where it's a 90 day test where they put some pipes down to test how much that is 70 . Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 26, 1994 . moving. And so it was decided today at a staff meeting to go ahead and do that because that's... That trail was to be done absolutely June 15th of this year. And now it will not be done by June 15th of next year. The costs are mounting up to you know $150,000.00- $170,000.00. Now to do that section of trail down through that area so that's a big buck item but it's a major thoroughfare. You've got Powers Blvd coming down here into your downtown. Lash: And who's having to pay that? Hoffman: That's their project there. The Powers extension and West 78th Street extension. Powers extension coming up onto Highway 5. So that's a project cost of the roadway but it will become an issue before the City Council if you would like to expend those kinds of dollars. I said absolutely. You did it to make the road. It involves excavating back down and putting in a geotextile grid material every...would even be necessary. So they put this grid material down and they compact it underneath and then need to fill upon that...It's all expensive construction but if you put in a road in the middle of swamp, you have to... There's always pressure. You know this road project, the road. Well absolutely, you have to build the road. But trails are still put off to the side without...justify $150,000.00 for a 2 block, 3 block, 4 block stretch of trail. . Andrews: Well keep us posted on what the whispering in the hallway is on that. Any other presentations? Any highlights? Or we need to approve the Minutes. AFFROV AL OF MINUTES: Roeser moved, Megers seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated June 28, 1994 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Lash moved, Berg seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Nann Opheim . 71