1994 10 25 Agenda
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1994, 7:30 P.M.
APPRO V AL OF THE AGENDA (Commissioners may add or delete items at this time)
Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is
required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and
review of items prior to consideration.
1. Establish proposed speed limits and hours of use for snowmobiles on the Southwest
Regional Light Rail Transit route.
2. Land Development Proposal:
Rezoning of 49.9 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate to R4, Mixed Low
Density Residential and preliminary plat of 49.9 acres into 92 twin home lots and one
outlot, located north of Highway 5 approximately 1A mile on the east side of Galpin
Boulevard (CR 117), Lotus Realty Services, Lake Ann Highlands.
Lars 1. Conway
4415 Freemont Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55409
Brad Johnson
Lotus Realty Services
P.O. Box 235
Chanhassen, MN 55317
BRW, Inc.
700 3rd St. So.
Mpls., MN 55415
3. Establish an agenda for the work session with the city council in regard to a proposed
park, open space and trail acquisition and development referendum and park and
recreation goals.
4. Program Reports:
Senior Center
Summer softball
Fall softball
Halloween Party
5. Administrative Presentations:
a. Winter newsletter changes
b. Neighborhood ballfield and weekend reservation policy.
6. Commission Member Presentations.
7. Approval of August 9 and September 27, 1994 Minutes.
PRC DATE: 10-25-94
Rezoning of 49.9 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate to R4, Mixed
Low Density Residential and preliminary plat of 49.9 acres into 94 twin home
lots and one outlot, Lake Ann Highlands
North of Highway 5, approximately 1A mile on the east side of Galpin
Boulevard (CR 117)
Brad Johnson
Lotus Realty Services
P.O. Box 235
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Lars J. Conway
4415 Freemont Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55409
A2, Agricultural Estate
N . RSF, Residential Single Family (Windmill Run)
S - Highway 5
E - A2, Agricultural Estate
W - CR 117 (Galpin Boulevard)
This site lies within the park service areas of the new elementary school site and the proposed
Stockdale park site. Access to these locations are currently restricted by road/highway crossings. In
the future, Lake Ann Park, although it lies just outside the park service area for this development,
will provide a variety of recreational opportunities for the residents living here via the new parkway
trail system.
!J1'At; nuu rUbUUUJU~
October 25, 1994
Page 2
also fronts on CR 117 (Galpin Boulevard) for an approximate distance of 600 feet. A trail
will parallel this alignment in the future, extending from Highway 5 (in the vicinity of the
creek) north. Additional right-of-way may be requried to accommodate this future
construction. I will ask the city engineer to render a decision in this regard and make this
right-of-way a condition of approval if it is necessary.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the city council
require the following conditions of approval in regard to parks and trails for Lake Ann
1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or
trail construction.
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Park and Recreatien Cemmissien
Tedd Heffman, Park and Recreatien Directer -rl-l /-k-
Octeber 21, 1994
Establish an Agenda fer the W erk Sessien with the City Ceuncil in Regard to.
the Prepesed Park, Open Space and Trail Acquisitien and Develepment
Referendum and Establish 1995 Park and Recreatien Cemmissien Geals
The city ceuncil discussed the cemmissien' s receIlIll1endatien to. censider a 1995 park, epen
space and trail acquisitien and develepment referendum en Octeber 10, 1994. The minutes
resulting from their discussien are attached fDr YDur review. As YDU can see, upDn
cDmpleting their discussien, the cDuncil decided to. defer this issue to. a wDrk sessiDn with the
cDmmissiDn. The meeting has been set fDr Wednesday,NDvember 9 at 5:30 p.m. at City
Hall. This issue has been the subject Df severallDcal editorials and made headline news in
the OctDber 13, 1994 editian Df the Chanhassen Villager attached articles).
To. set the stage far this wDrk sessian, I am requesting the
specifying the infarmatiDn which YDU wDuld like staff to.
establish an agenda
fDr presentatiDn to. the city
On a secDnd iss\1e, the nDtiDn.of gDalsetting has~1l;4isc~~se4.e.llIl1.1Wereus ~casiDns by
the cDmmissian and city cDuncil. In the past, staff members have prepared ljsts.of persDnal
gDalS which reflect their jDb requirements. and respDnsibilities. The CoI'IlIIlissiDn has Dther
gaals and shauld clarify thDse far the benefito.f the cityc;ouncil.and the city's residents. By
establishing a propo.sed 1995 capital imprDVet1'lenFpro.gram (CIF), the cDmmissio.n has
identified a variety Df gaals far 1995. What is left to. cDmmunicate are thDse gDals which are
nat tied directly to. the CIP, i.e. referendum, rec;o.nstructian o.f City Center Park, etc.
UpDn hearing YDur camments, staff will prepare bDth an agenda and a set Df 1995 Park and
RecreatiDn Cammissian gDalS fDr presentatiDn to. the city cDuncil Dn Navember 9.
October 10, 1994, City Council Minutes.
News Article, The Chanhassen Villager, October 13, 1994; "Council to Hammer Out
Park Referendum" by Dean Trippler.
Editorial, The Chanhassen Villager, October 13, 1994; "Pursue Park Referendum Task
Force" by Dean Trippler.
Editorial, The Chanhassen Villager, October 20, 1994; "Park Referendum, What's the
Plan and What are we Buying Here?" by Tim McGee.
City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994
Councilwoman Dockendorf moved, Councilman Wing seconded to approve the request by the Southwest
Metro Trail Association to utilize the Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit route as a snowmobile trail
with a speed limit not to exceed 40 mph, an annual review, and additional details regarding curfews and
enforcement to be worked out at the next Park and Recreation Commission meeting. AU voted in favor,
except Councilman Senn who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 4 to 1.
Mayor Chmiel: Todd, you will get back and let us know too as to what's transpiring on this.
Todd Hoffman: We'll forward the action of the City Council to Hennepin Parks and we'll take this back to the
Park and Rec Commission...
Mayor Chmiel: I just wanted to mention something before we go into that one, which I think we should
probably have a work session on this to take into consideration some of these acquisitions and the referendum.
And I think along with that, at that particular work session, I think we should work that out so we can as well
have them bring their 1995 goals in with that so we can combine those two things, or maybe even three there
might be. All in one ball so we can move from there. So with that Todd, if you'd like to just touch on that.
Todd Hoffman: I'll require about 5 minutes... Mr. Mayor, members of the City Council. I would like to just
explain on behalf of the folks in the audience how we reached this point and why the Park and Recreation
Commission... Over the past few years, ask the Council, the Planning Commission, anyone in this city has seen,
we are increasingly more aware that the City of Chanhassen has to be visionary and proactive in the area of
open space acquisition and preservation being with all the development that is taking place in the city. A
number of lost opportunities for acquisition of open space continue to mount as the pace of development
quickens throughout our city. However, the more exciting issue is the number of opportunities remaining.
Those are what the Parle and Recreation Commission needs to see and to take advantage of. The Parle
Commission initiated an update of the recreation section of the Comp Plan nearly 2 years ago due to the rapid
pace of development in order to assess the city's future in the areas of park, open space, trails and other
recreational facilities. Ironically that efforts been put on hold a number of times due to the pace of development
reviews which both staff and the commission... However, the commission quickly determined through a detailed
study of the vacant lands remaining in Chanhassen, that without some action being taken, the future of our open
space system would be jeopardized in the city. We looked at the lessons learned in other communities farther in
and we also looked at their victories which other cities have attained over the years as a part of the inspiration.
The Commission openly acknowledges that a major land acquisition effort will require the support of the city's
residents, the City Council, and other community organizations. It is clear that the commission unanimously
advocates a referendum, but they are not positioning themselves to jam it down anybody's throats. On the
contrary, the Park Commission and staff stand ready to administer a referendum explaining the present status of
development in the city and how the future of parks and recreation stands to benefit or be harmed by that
development. Clearly none of the individual groups named, citizens, City Council members, Park and Recreation
Commission, staff members, other civic organizations, can accomplish this initiative alone. However, united all
those groups can help secure the city's future of the city's natural resources. At this time I'd like to present the
City Council with a framed copy of a page from the October 29th, 1969 Chanhassen Maverick newspaper.
Appearing on that page is an advertisement from a citizen group advocating a park referendum in 1969 in the
amount of $250,000.00 to fund the initial acquisition of portions of Lake Ann Park and to complete other park
City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994
improvements. I'll put a copy of that on the overhead as well. This is a document that we dido't just happen to
have lying around. It came in...one of the neighbors who works for the city of Chanhassen parks department and
thus we recall the referendum of 1969. After passing that referendum initiated the legacy of the city's most
cherished park, that being Lake Ann Park. I wonder, without that action being taken what that park would be
today. Perhaps more residential development in addition to highway business on Highway 5. At the request of
the Park and Recreation Commission, that fIrst park referendum occurred 24 years ago. If we peer 24 years into
the future of the city as we talk tonight, or maybe even 10 or 15 years into the future, the opportunity for setting
aside a separate park at Lake Ann or Bluff Creek or a Bluff Creek preservation District, or a large tract of land
for recreational fIelds or to preserve a large stand of maple forest will be gone. The city's Park and Recreation
Commission does not want to look back 20 years from now and say they did not try to save some of the city's
landscape in the change. They recognize such an effort will be a tough sell just as it was in 1969 but they also
remind themselves, as we look back and reflect how wise it was to invest $250,000.00 in 1969, to do something
good for the community, so too would future generations look back on a successful referendum of today. The
recommendation which the Park and Recreation Commission forwarded to the City Council in this regard was a
motion by Andrews and seconded by Commissioner Lash to recommend that the City Council investigate a 1995
park, open space and trail acquisition and development referendum of a scope yet undetermined and to proceed
to appoint a task force to initiate this process. I'm sure the members of the commission here this evening would
be willing to amend that motion to work in the Mayor's comments that this be brought down to a work session
instead of being appointed to a task force at this time. That motion was approved unanimously. At this point
the members of the Park and Recreation Commission are here this evening if they would like to comment in this
regard. I would like to welcome them to do so.
Jim Andrews: Mr. Mayor, members of the Council. I appreciate this opportunity to enthusiastically speak in
favor of this concept. I made some notes here this evening about why we need this referendum. Todd made a
comment about active versus reactive and in the 5 years, I think it's been 5 years that I've been active with the
Park Board, I think that most of our actions have been reactive rather than active or proactive. Typically our
annual budgets run about $150,000.00 a year. Most of those budgets are completely absorbed with ADA
upgrades and maintenance and do not provide us with the necessary dollars to preserve lands. Usually what
happens when developments come in we're presented with the leftovers and the tidbits of usually undevelopable,
isolated or too small to provide a true preservation parcel. There are some other issues that again make it
necessary for I think a referendum to create a larger capital fund. One would be to develop Bandimere Park.
We have 33+ acres that to this point we have not been able to do anything with and...such as this to continue to
benefIt proaction on that property. We also have, as Todd mentioned, areas of trees and the Bluff Creek
corridor. All of these are unique assets to our community and if we don't take action to preserve those, they
will become asphalt, concrete and manicured lawns. We also have other park improvements which require large
amounts of money. One is the new park planned for Lake Minnewashta. The Stockdale property, which is a
property that we're looking at purchasing. We would have no funding to develop that And the Park
Commission has been attempting to identify properties south and southwest which would serve future populated
areas of Chanhassen so we need to look at acquiring sufficient parcels there for active areas. Other areas of
need would be trails. Highway 101 being one, and other key segments that have been missed or inadequately
constructed. Another issue is the equipment We have the new school property which will be coming on line
which will require improvements. There are other parks in our system which have either no equipment or
adequate equipment and as you've seen with some of the budget items that have come across your tables, the
cost of the equipment is unbelievable. We used to be able to put up a very nice play structure for well under
$10,000.00. Now we're faced with a situation where if we touch a park, we're usually looking at $20,000.00,
$30,000.00 or $40,000.00. As each neighborhood comes on line and again as I mentioned under a funding
system that we now have, we're taking out of one pocket Robbing Peter to pay Paul and really as a park
City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994
commission, we do not have the ability to preserve right now. All we have right now is the ability to maintain.
So to me this is a very, very important issue. I again, agree with what Todd said. That is that 20 years from
now people will be looking back at this time as an opportunity to preserve some beautiful parts of Chanhassen
and if we fail to take action now, that opportunity is lost. Thank you very much.
Mayor Chmiel: Thanks Jim. Fred.
Councilman Mason: We've got to get the name on that sweatshirt changed Fred.
Fred Berg: I've been working on that.
Mayor Chmiel: It starts out with the right two first letters. Or three.
Councilman Mason? Sorry. I'm sorry.
Fred Berg: There's really nothing I can add that hasn't been stated by Todd or Jim. I just wanted to be here
tonight to demonstrate my strong support for the motion that we passed onto you folks. You know the need.
We don't have to tell you what that need is. Hopefully you'll see fit to at least get together in a work session or
appoint a task force to at least investigate what we think is a very great need so thanks.
Mayor Chmiel: Good, thank you.
Jim Manders: My name is Jim Manders. I'm a member of the Park Commission and briefly stated as what was
already stated by Jim. That there are many areas that we need funding and consideration for but to me if you
break it into two pieces. One being the outfitting of a lot of these facilities. We're short on that, but that's an
issue that can be dealt with further down the line. To me the key issue is preservation. If we don't deal with
the water corridors and the land needs when they get developed, we don't have to worry about outfitting these
places so it's preservation that I'm most concerned with.
Mayor Chmiel: Thanks Jim. I know that was one of the discussions I had with Mr. Hoffman today in regards to
some of those concerns and some of those properties that will eventually be brought into the MUSA line. That
working has to be done between developers to make sure if we need something a little bit bigger, to work two
parcels or two developers together so we can get one parcel for those kinds of parks. Jan.
Jan Lash: I guess that's the key issue for me too and I've never been a supporter of a referendum. Of us
pitching for a referendum because I know that a lot of people in the community are not receptive to increases in
their taxes. Actually most people aren't receptive to that. But last winter we crawled around on our hands and
knees in this room where Todd had supplied us with big aerials like that of the whole city and we crawled
around and tried to look for spots that we could earmark that could be used that hadn't already been platted out
or spoken for by some developer. And we came up with about I think the most 3 spots that we thought could
even be up for consideration and that's kind of like, I think 1 or 2 of them are already gone. So we, that really
drove home to me the need to at least be able to acquire some property for future use and if we don't do
something now, it will all be gone and like Jim said, there's nothing we'll be able to do about it and we won't
have to worry about trying to have money to outfit it There won't be any land. Now unless there's some way
that you guys can stop all the developers."land, you know that's up to you.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: No it's not, unfortunately.
City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994
Jan Lash: I know and that's what's really hard. It's really...ru1es and it's out of control and the only thing we
can do is try and look out for the future. So I think that means we need to get some money to get some
property and then try to move forward so I guess I'd like to see us at least have some message from City
Council that you're open to us investigating some possibilities and trying to get fInancing for some of these
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, thank you. So with that, can we have a recommendation back to the Park and Recreation
to sit down with them and discuss this proposal as well as also looking at their 1995 goals and I think we could
probably do this sometime maybe in November. Early part. Somewhere in that particular time.
Councilman Wing: I don't care about their goals. I want to have a work session to discuss this item.
Mayor Chmiel: Well rather than to have another one, I think we could work two into one rather than just that
one. I'm just trying to free up your evenings. So if someone would make a recommendation.
Jim Andrews: After consultation with the other members, I volunteered to speak for them. I personally feel
that this issue deserves separate attention...! would recommend that it be given that
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. I appreciate that Jim but with the amount of meetings that we go through, I'd like to see
this put the two together and yet still address both of those particular issues.
Councilman Wing: Well Jim, just make sure this is first.
Mayor Chmiel: That's right. Put your goals second.
Councilman Mason: I think we can work the two out and I understand what you folks are saying but I do think
if this comes frrst, I bet your goals will go pretty quick. But I defInitely, this defInitely needs to be take a look,
it's not even 10:00 and I can't talk. Well, yeah. Let's do it. This needs to be looked at and I too share the
concern of all the park commissioners that have spoken tonight on parkland in the city of Chanhassen.
Mayor Chmiel: Good, thank you. Is that a motion?
Councilman Mason: Sure. That it go to a work session.
Councilman Wing: Second.
Mayor Chmiel: It's been moved and seconded. Discussion.
Councilman Wing: I'm not sure if this is in order.
Mayor Chmiel: Try it.
Councilman Wing: I want to be on record as saying that I strongly support this. Of all the tax dollars that I
spend and have taken from me, that is used for good purposes and bad and if I ever take a hit in taxes or the
city has to raise my taxes, this is so long term to the future of this community that this is one item that I want to
support. Kind of like a charitable contribution if you will. I watched the argument over Bluff Creek and what's
happened down there. I watched the Lake Lucy watershed, or the Lake Ann watershed disintegrate under
City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994
housing and I said, why dido't the city have the foresight to buy that. So from Lake Lucy all the way down to
Lake Ann Park, that watershed stayed open. Well now there's, well it's all paved over now. And then Lake
St. Joe. One of the big pictures at home is my family on our bikes with the sun coming up on Lake St. Joe and
the hill in the background. Now I just checked with staff a couple weeks ago and that hill is gone. It's all
houses. You know what are we doing? What a mistake so what we're doing here is no longer forward thinking.
It's reactive. We're either going to preserve the land and some of the amenities, or it's going to be gone.
That's the decision and I'm not saying that we're going to vote to save the land and the amenities but I just want
to be on record as saying I am very enthusiastic about this and if you're going to raise my taxes, this is where I
want them raised.
Mayor Chmiel: As long as you're going to write that check for $250,000.00, we'll accept it.
Councilman Wing: Anyway, thank you for letting me make that comment.
Councilman Mason moved, Councilman Wing seconded that the City Council will hold a work session to
discuss the 1995 Park, Open Space and Trail Acquisition and Development Referendum. All voted in
favor and the motion carried unanimously.
John Rask: Thank you Mr. Mayor and Council members. My name is John Rask. I believe I've met you all at
one point or another but it's probably been a while. This beachlot is a part of a Minnewashta subdivision. I
believe you saw this last, it received fmal plat approval on March 28th of this year. At the time of the
subdivision approval, Outlot A was guided for a recreational beachlot. However, no formal application was
submitted at that time so that's why the applicant is here before us this evening. I'm going to just briefly go
over a few of the improvements to be constructed on the beachlot and give you a general overview of the
beachlot. There already has been a pond constructed on this site. This pond was constructed for storm water
management purposes. The applicant has proposed that a fountain be constructed in the center of the pond. A
gazebo has been proposed towards the center of the lot. Staff has recommended that a gazebo not be allowed as
Section 20-263 prohibits structures on beachlots. This item was talked about extensively at the Planning
Commission. The Commission agreed with the staff's interpretation. However, they would like to see this
Section of the Code amended to allow for gazebo type structures on beachlots. In addition there's a toilet
facility proposed on the beachlot. It will be screened from view with a fence screen and landscape plan as
shown on the site plan here. Service contract has been provided. The applicant will be required to get an annual
permit and remove the chemical toilet from this site on an annual basis. All requirements of Section 20-263
must be complied with also. The applicant proposes one dock with a maximum of 3 boat slips. Access to the
dock will be provided by a paved surface trail. The whole area will be sodded and an irrigation system installed.
The proposal also calls for 4 canoe racks to be located between the pond and the lake. All the natural vegetation
as shown on the site plan will be preserved and additional landscape plans will be added, at least in the number
shown on the plan here. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 21st to review this
beachlot. The commission unanimously recommended approval of the conditional use permit subject to the 5
conditions. I guess in general the applicant has demonstrated the proposed use to...requirements and standards of
the ordinance. The beachlot preserves the natural vegetation as well as provides additional landscape to buffer
the site from surrounding properties. Staff believes the beachlot will serve as an attractive entrance to the
subdivision and is thus recommending approval of it. We're here to answer any questions.
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d October 13 1994
Page 4 _ Ch.nh....n VlII.ger - Thurs ay. .. .
Pursue park referendum task force
The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commis-
sion's push for the formation of a task force to
look into a referendum for the city's park system
shouldn't be met with stiff opposition.
If you step back and see how Chanhassen's
open lan4 is being gulped down by developers,
you know that the city's opportunities for captur-
ing some of the natural beauty that enhances the
livability of an area are dwindling fast. It is time
for action on the part of the city. and none too
For homeowners who have invested heavily
into their properties. well equipped parks and open
spaces with trails can be seen as only a benefit
and an asset when it's time to sell and move on.
Granted. the scope and cost of the referendum
has not been determined. But a task force - com-
prised of citizens. business and government mem-
bers alike - devoted to investigating the issue is
a good first step in gaining public support for this
important decision.
DeaD Trippler
~ ()~ - (O-~O-1~
~Park:referendum .,.
. What's the plari and what are we buying here?
By Tim McGee . ," ..' ~mission must ad quickly to
Th~ park behind our home is . . ..' keep ~e~ of the game. My .
beginning to take shape. I appr'CCl_ question IS whether the board IS
ate the park board's ability to prepared to ad quickly. Acting .
preserve space in my neighborhood quickly is much more than deciding
\ for a park. And now that the board what dollar amount to put forth to
. is forming a commission to ask us the residents ofChanhassen.
for more money to support such . What is needed here is a detailed
endeavors, my farst reaction is to plan. What land is targeted for sale?
support them in their efforts. . What are the plans for the land once
There is a small voice from it is purchased? What's the timeta-
within, however, that says, "Hold ble for development of those IlUlds?
on. What are they asking for?" These are questions which should
I've been to one meeting of the Tun McGee be answered, must be answered,
I Paries and Recreation board. Our before the question of how much it
neighborhood was invited to discuss It seems to me! costs is asked. While I, personally,
the future of parkland behind our would support a detailed plan for
homes. The meeting began at 7 p.m. not require money were tabled until building parklands in our communi-
and it became apparent that our the board could receive "more ty, I w,ill not write a blank check.
neighborhood park was not first on information." . It seems to me that giving the
the list. I, along with a large . I left the meeting feeling park board enough money to act is
contingency of homeowners tTom cheated. While part of my displea- not enough to provoke action. The
the neighborhood, waited until after sure was with being invited to a board I saw in action was a board
9 p.m. until that for which we were meeting in which there was no way unable and seemingly unwilling to
invited became the topic of discus- to make a decision on that which we take action. We need to see what
sion. . were discussing, part of it also was a actions they plan and how and when
After a spirited debate between displeasure with the process. I they intend to implement those
neighbors and board members, the watched a board examine issue after actions.
discussion was tabled. We were told issue and not come to any decision My advice to the commission
that the decision on what sort of whatsoever. With each issue, the formed to study the referendum: get
. park would take shape wouldn't board either needed more time, your information in place now,
need to happen right away an~ay more information or more money. I before you ask for my money. The{
because the money wasn't avaIlable truly believe the discussions on each only thing worse than asking for 4
for another.three to five years. I had issue would have been shorter if the money is not having a clear plan fdr
seen many ISs~ come before the board had the ability or the incUna- it once you get it. '. : .
pro dW evenms and had not seen lion to say, "OK, let's go with it" or '
the board act on a single occasion. . "No, we won't support that." (fim McGee is a Cba.hase.
While many seemed to be issues of Todd Hoffinan, director ofparks resident and reaular columDilt for
available fUnds, even those thal did and recreation, has said that the tile JIUl.,U.)
. ,', ".,
. ~ .
, ...
, ,...4....
~. ~,.,..~
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor rp'it
October 18, 1994
Senior Center Activity
An update on senior activities will be a monthly report for the commission beginning this fall,
so you can keep in touch with what happens .in the~ower level of city hall.
Septemberfest: This activity went well with over $500 being raised by the seniors to help
offset costs incurred by supplies used, buses hired or special projects.
Lutheran Brotherhood Grant: A $400 grant was donated by this group for use at the
senior center. Because they want their grant used for a permanent object, the Senior Center
Advisory Board has approved the building of an entertainment center for the television and
VCR equipment pieces.
Senior Chorus (CHAN-o-Iaires): This group has grown to approximately 30 seniors and
they have been practicing on Fridays in the senior center and performing once a month at
various senior complexes. centers, and atc;hurches.<Theyare..feally.getting organized and
have appointed each member to a committee for costumes, music, set up, refreshments, etc.
Saturday Night Specials: Southern "Night was the. Qctoi:>er..speciafand22 seniors attended
this southern style meal with entertainment.
Miscellaneous Programs:
Has 10-12 participants.
In September we showed the "Pelican Brief" and had 12 people. The October
movie is "Big."
Mr. Todd Hoffman
October 18, 1994
Page 2
Men's Club:
Had Dick Mingo as speaker this month, who is a Minnesota
Twins Clinician.
Women's Club:
Had Paul Marvelous from the Carver County Historical Society
as a speaker in September.
Harmony Trip:
Amish country was seen by 11 of our Chanhassen seniors. This
trip was run in conjunction with Waconia and School District
112 Community Education Departments.
Cribbage Tournament:
Had 6 entries. All had fun. Gift certificates were given as
Ongoing Activities:
Bridge, Card Club, bingo, crafts and wood carving are all running smoothly and open to new
46 ,
(612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
October 18, 1994
1994 Summer Softball Evaluation
The Chanhassen summer softball program increased by one team over last year to 68 in 1994.
With our current facilities, three out of five nights were operating at full capacity. The other
two nights at Lake Ann are being fully utilized ByChanhassen's youth league and our other
Chanhassen adult leagues.
Comments received from evaluation forms were reviewed and will be discussed throughout
this memo. It is beneficial to review each league separately. I will start with the Corporate
League and then continue with Women's, Over 35, Men's Open and Co-Rec.
Corporate League
The Corporate League had the maximum number of teams again this year (16). This league
had teams on the waiting list. Had we had more facilities available, the league could have
grown, creating additional revenue. The league switched to an extended season instead of
having an in-house tournament this Year. The majority oftheeyaluations .favor~d the
extended season if the last game of the season had counted. The last regular~son game
was organized for teams to play teams who had similar records in the .finalstandings. For
example, Team #1 played Team #2andTealll #3 Played T~#4,etc. If teams would like
the last game to count to keep interest levels .up, lhave no problem with that. The extended
season will be reviewed again next season.
Women's League
The Tuesday night Women's League decreased by one team again this year. The league
consisted of seven teams, which was smaller than I had hoped for. I would like to see this
league increase, but in a way it is nice to have the extra fields available on Tuesday nights to
Mr. Todd Hoffman
October 18, 1994
Page 2
accommodate the rapid growth of our youth associations. I will certainly try to increase the
league next year.
Over 35
At the annual league meeting, this league elected not to have two separate divisions as they
did last year. Having one division with 13 teams was appealing because teams could play
against the teams they have been playing with for many years. The league elected not to
purchase state tournament berths because the interest level for attending the state tournament
has dropped. To replace the state tournament, a pool play tournament was offered instead.
The teams enjoyed the idea of the tournament, but were not thrilled with playing multiple
games in one day. The tournament can continue next year, but only if their season is shorter
to accommodate the tournament games. I believe that for the most part everyone was
satisfied with the league.
Men's Open
The Men's Open League had 16 teams this year, which was the-maximum allowed. The use
of Lake Ann #1 was eliminated for adult softball and will be used exclusively for youth
baseball. This league also enjoyed the extended season versus the in-house tournament.
The Co-Rec League had 16 teams this year and played in two separate divisions. The league
increased by 5 teams over last year and currently the league is at its maximum number. The
level of play in the upper and lower divisions was very competitive. The Chaska Bell team
from the upper division went on to take first place in the Co-Rec State 11/12 inch tournament
hosted in Chanhassen.
General Comments from Evaluation Forms
Eliminate fees for parking at Lake Ann.
Make rain out games up during the 4th of July week and other week nights versus
having them on weekends.
Liked extended season.
Players would like lights added to Lake Ann Fields.
Keep Leisure Line.
Keep plaques - would like individual trophies.
Implement an over 40 League instead of Over 35 League.
Need to find more reliable umpires.
!ic,ltf It 5UM)i)tr 5:J!rbC?/)
Participants in each class
Length of class (in weeks)
Length of class (minutes)
Meetings/W eek
Class fee/session
6g' "tz'clW6 x 370,[v x = dfts~, t-C
#I of participants fee/class #I of classes/yr.
. A. Salaries (Includes Prep Time)
staff x $/hour x hours/week x
weeks x #I of classes/year =
staff x $/hour x hours/week x
weeks x #I of classes/year =
staff x $/hour x hours/week x
weeks x f of classes/year =
t A. Total Salaries: $
B. Contractual Services:
u. W\ P i l--r .>
STatr:' Bt'r7lV
Svtnc.:HNJ f?e'
l{ W.p;'re CoD"iJI
LeJ5~rt. L,~e.
'hI >sc:. 54FP/)("f.
r-r .:;, ~ I ..:> c-'
IltIC, ~o
I () g?J/ tD
'f{J/e-, CO
73>-' lCJ
.~ If ~S3, 5v .
1. Bus Rental:
buses x
cost/bus x
4# of rentals/year -= S
2. Miscellaneous Services (Account for 'Whole Year):
Rental Equipment:
l B. Total Contractural Services: $ I
1. Craft Supplies:
5tfiOq 1/,5
. ~~rti5/A'tJ~{Jf..s
Dt-/ (l.lrV &ilflkitJ)
'f >tff 0~ _
i-J 4o~. 3/
~ql, 517
4 d5". t:('.
C. Supplies (Account for Whole Year)
$ .!:> 1./ (). 7, i &"
2. Equipment:
3. Tickets:
participants x
cost/ticket x
times/year =
I C. Total Supplies: $
70S-dO, [KJ
I~ 974, ~8
1- 9515'. 3~
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
October 18, 1994
Fall Softball Evaluation
The Fall Softball League played only one night this year-- Thursdays. The Men's Open
League had seven teams which was down from last year when the league had 15 teams.
Every team in the league played ten regular season gll111es and then 2-3 games in the in-house
tournament. All games had a 55 minute time limit with a 3/2 no courtesy ball count. This
worked out good because we needed to hustle and get the games played when darkness
became an issue. The league gave teams a chance to get more games in before they hung up
the softball spikes for the year. Teams. that played enjoyed themselves.
This year the Co-Rec and Women's Fall League didn't
but I will continue to offer it again next year.
enough interest to form a league,
So fTbcl ) J
SU @ W
Participants in each class
Length of class (minutes)
Class fee/session
Length of class (in weeks)
Meetings/W eek
REVEJ\VE .p J57S, tJo
7 '~j(l;n!?-diCr x f:J.3S [f) x
t of panicipants fee/class f of classes/yr.
A. Salaries (Includes Prep Time)
staff x $!hour x hours/week x .
weeks x f of classes/year =
staff x $!hour x hours/week x
weeks x f of classes/year =
staff x $/hour x bourslweek x
weeks x f of classeslyear -=
t A. Total Salaries: $
(). MP/ re.5
~ 'h~ f>fr Jh.5
.5ftT)("h"~IV A>t:;;,
UWlf) Ct,"'CrJ'
01 (!)G\ . t:LJ
7 (!) . ():)
B. Contractual Services:
4/ (, 1-/3 .s7.?
1. Bus Rental:
buses x
cost/bus x
4# of rentals/year = $
2. Miscellaneous Services (Account for Whole Year):
Rental Equipment:
~ B. Total ContracturaJ Services: $ I
5Y(;/t; It 4d3 too
C. Supplies (Account for Whole Year) . t9wa fiQCtlt!..5 I d~'t.V
1. Craft Supplies: /f 3 ,({;C
2. Equipment:
. 3. Tickets:
participants x cost/ticket x times/year =
I C. Total Supplies: $
:J; /57~- (10
- I;), /0
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
1994 Halloween Party
October 18, 1994
Chanhassen's Annual Halloween Party is scheduled for Monday, October 31 from 7:00-9:00
p.m. at Chanhassen Elementary School. A fee Qf$2.00 covers all scheduled activities. The
time was switched to 7:00 p.m. because the Coriununity Education Mter School Program will
be in school at least until 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. Having the later start time will allow more time
to get the party ready. The party will include trick-or-treating, a hayride, refreshments and
plenty of fun.
A letter was sent to all of our special eV~I1t sponsors to ask for volunteers. Volunteers are
needed for set up, clean up, refreshments, registration, greeters, costumed characters, hayrides
and more. I have received a few phon.e calls from sponsors that would like to volunteer, but
we need more. I'll be making phone calls to gain more volunteers. At our next Park and
Recreation meeting, I will ask coriunissioners if they to assist us in preparing for
this annual event.
(612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor D.~
October 17, 1994
Winter Newsletter Changes
As you may be noticing, each newsletter has been gradually changing in some way. The last
four newsletters have taken on a new look and a similar theme, use of three columns, more
photos and a different style of type.
The next four newsletters present a different challenge in that more will be done in-house.
With the computer capabilities we have at the city now, almost all of the layout can be done
with the assistance of a designer to help ~jth the cover and outside help with photo scanning.
Of course, printing is still an outside job and always will be.
The real challenge is in presenting an interesting "community newsletter," not just a park and
recreation brochure. Coming up with new ways to write tije same article each year or season
is difficult, not to mention finding time to write new articl~~1
Because the newsletter is in a transitional stage, I would welcome suggestions from anyone as
to what they would like to see <in this newsletter or future newsletters. For the spring
newsletter, I will. be asking for one representative frogteacl:1deparunent in a
newsletter meeting in. order to get a better handle on what is C()rrrln.gup. thing I will
be asking for is photo opportunities from each department.
Hopefully the changes that will occur in the
improve readability, generate interest in city
decrease outside costs.
series will be ones that will
increase program registration, and
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
October 19, 1994
Ballfield Reservations Policy
As discussed at the last Park and Recreation meeting, the commission directed me to develop
a policy for reserving ballfields on weekends and permitting use in neighborhood parks for
organized sports. First of all I will address practices and games at our community parks, and
secondly, the elimination of smaller neighborhood parks for organized sports.
It is staff's recommendation that:
Lake Ann Park may be scheduled for practices and games by non-profit organizations
who provide services to youth under 18 years of age on weekends on Fields Nos. 1, 2,
5 and 6 depending upon availability. Lake Ann Field Nos. 3 and 4 will not be
scheduled and will be kept available for park user~ and picnickers.
Lake Susan Park may be scheduled by non-profit organizations who provide services
to youth under 18 years for practices and games on 'Weekends but not between the
hours of 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. These blocked-ollt times were established in order
to serve the requests and needs of our scheduled picnics and general use of the park.
Looking at scheduled.activities inneighborh<X>dPBJ"~.it..~~tafC~ r~c()~endation
that until the n~w Chanhassen Recreation Center outdoor facilities ar~pomplete, that
the Park and Recreation Commission allow the use of scheduled.games and practices
in the neighborhood parks Of Carver BeachPark<andlijceMarsh Lake Park. The Park
and Recreation Commission will review the..availability of the new recreation center's
fields during early spring of 1996 andi.make the decision at that time to allow or
discontinue the use of these two neighQqrhood parks for scheduled activities. If the
grass at the new fields is established enough at that time, eliminate use at Carver
Beach and Rice Marsh Lake Parks.
This should give the Park and Recreation Commission the information they need to finalize a
policy as it relates to these two issues.
AUGUST 9, 1994
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Jan Lash, Ron Roeser, Jim Manders and Dave
MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Berg and Jane Meger
ST AFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director
Andrews: Are there any additions to the agenda that need to be made at this time? Todd, for
your information I've asked Mr. Melby to present his letter here at the Visitor Presentation.
Andrews: The fIrst thing on our agenda tonight is Visitor Presentations. We have received a
letter from Mr. Melby who'd like to come forward at this time and.
Jack Melby: Good evening. I'm not sure if...but I guess I just wanted to address the letter
that I wrote to you dated July 28th of this year. As I said, my name is Jack Melby. I live at
40 Hill Street. I've been at that residence since 1976. June of '76 and I've witnessed a lot
of the changes that have occurred with the city. The thing that, the change that has impacted
us the most is the public access. During the planning stages and during the City Council
meetings, etc. all the things that were planned for that piece of land. One of the things that
wasn't planned was that drainage ditch. It's about 70-80 yard drainage ditch...and during that
process they also said that the park would be relatively policed. In other words, the rules
were going to be similar to 10:00 at night, the park would close and it would open at 6:00 to
6:30 in the morning and that has not been the case. We have recreational users using that
access pretty much round the clock. Saturday mornings, 4:00-5:00 in the morning it's not
uncommon to be...almost every Saturday and Sunday morning with recreational boat users
and... In the wintertime we've got snowmobilers and fishermen and so forth and so on with 4
wheel trucks going up and down that hill so we have constant use of that access and constant
interruption to our lives. Some of the concerns have been mentioned in the letter. People
that use the park, they have easy access to my property. I am constantly on weekends asking
people to leave. I don't know what happens during the week because both my wife and I
work and I'm not so sure what happens during the week. There have been attempts to
burglar my boat. There have been attempts, all kinds of rocks thrown at it. Things like that.
As I mentioned in the letter I'd like to buy a new boat but I don't feel comfortable doing
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
that or getting a new dock until I have some assurance that I can...On that same side of my
property there's a fence that goes part way up the property and all park users use that hill in
the winter time and use my yard as their run up for sliding. And I don't mind that so much
but I worry about if someone gets hurt and if there's any liability on my part. I don't mind
kids playing there but I certainly don't want them to get hurt and me being liable for their
injuries. So I think you're aware that there are ordinances. For example I can't cut my grass
on Sunday. It makes too much noise. And I can't cut my grass before 9:00 on Saturday
morning. And I've been told that..but the access is open to...round the clock. So I'm hoping
that you'll pay attention to the rules down there, or any public access. This access it not out
in the wilderness, it's in the middle of a neighborhood. The use there is constant. On a nice
weekend, when I would like to go out and use it, I don't. What I've done, 5 years ago I
bought a place up north. Here I live on a lake but I can't use it. I have to drive 4 hours to
go up north and try to get some peace and quiet. I'd like to use the lake that I live on and
pay taxes to do so. I don't know if I've covered everything in the letter. I think I have. I
think I mentioned the key points that I'm concerned about. The ditch is a real sore spot with
me. That wasn't part of the original plan. The city now is running all that surface water into
that ditch and supposedly there's general filtering that takes place. I think we have all
become familiar with a lot of things that are on the surface that gets washed into the lake.
That's going right into my beach. All that water is going directly into my beach. There's
another runoff just to the east of me where the city of Eden Prairie now is running all their
runoff under Highway 101 and down into Lotus Lake. So we get a double whammy but I do
know this. The silt from the runoff has turned my beach into muck and I'm also blessed now
with milfoil. I'm sure I was the fIrst one that got milfoil because of my close proximity to
the access. Some time ago I talked to a young lady...access and I just asked her what her
function was and she said she checked boats for milfoil before they're allowed to enter Lotus
Lake. Well I suggested that she check them before they leave. I think it's too late now to
concern ourselves much with milfoil. It's there and it's beyond belief. It grows something
fIerce. So that's what's happened. To me that access has been open we have constant noise
from it. Round the clock noise. The general idea of policing that access, none of those ideas
have taken place so I'm asking you to pay attention to that. I would like to see my property
a little bit more protected. I'd like that fence extended. I don't know what that's going to do
but I'd like to, like I said earlier, buy a new boat, put up a new dock and I'd like some kind
of idea what to expect from...sliding down there. Am I liable if there's any injuries? I would
guess that's a possibility. I guess that's it. I'm just getting too much and I'd like you to
consider all the things that are they say on the signs down there. No dogs. Or dogs on
leashes. People come down there and they use the park to walk their dogs and a lot of times
they come over and use my yard...!t just gets to be unlimited access, unlimited usage. We're
getting too much abuse there. Now that you mentioned...but I used to be nice when I asked
people to leave and that didn't work. Now I'm not nasty to them but I'm not nicely asking
them to leave. That works. However, that concerns me. What kind of retribution am I
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
going to ~et or is it possible...going to come back at night and really...my boat. They've tried
a couple tImes. Would that really happen. Or throw rocks at my house or whatever. Kids or
adults would do. So I think we've taken our share and we need some help from you guys or
from the city. I don't know who all shares all the responsibilities. When I talk to people,
well the city's got this part of that thing and Park and Rec's got this part of that thing and
someone else has got this part of that thing. Unfortunately for me we've got all of that thing.
Thank you.
Andrews: Thank you. With the agreement of the rest of the commission I'd like to put this
on as an agenda for September, Todd. Is that alright. Were there any other visitor
presentations at this time? Please step forward and state your name for the record please.
Lash: Jim, before we move on. Mr. Melby, I'm assuming you'll be here in September.
Jack Melby: Yes.
Lash: Okay. If you have any ideas of your own that would be possible solutions for us, I'd
like you to let Todd know those so he can see those before...
Jim Ostenson: My name is Jim Ostenson. I'm with Tandem Properties. We're the
developers of Mission Hills project. ...tonight as a result of the meeting we had with the city
today. City staff. I think for informational purposes to let you know what was approved by
the City Council, as requested by you. At the time we were going through our preliminary
plat approvals there was discussion as to what kind of park facilities were being provided in
Mission Hills subdivision. It's basically a townhouse subdivision with just a few, about 16
single family lots with private roads, private utilities in a townhouse area and we had
proposed a private park in there as well. And it was suggested by both yourselves and the
Planning Commission that it be moved in size to 1 1/2 acres. We did that and the
preliminary plat was approved by all the commissions, including the City Council and the plat
that you see is the one that was approved. Todd, do you want to point that out? It's kind of
a lineal. It's along 86th Street and goes all the way over to our private drive. Where it
indicates tot park is actually where we would put a play sculpture in for small children. In the
larger area to the north is where we would look at having play fields, possibly volleyball
facilities, horseshoes, whatever might go in there. The plan that was approved includes a
pond which is basically a NURP pond adjacent to the wetlands. It was approved by the City
Council. We're coming back to you tonight to let you know that that NURP pond is in the
park area. The NURP pond is approximately .3 of an acre and again is the same plat that
was approved by everyone else. We wanted you to be aware of that also. The staff today
asked that we look at, I guess I'll say reconfiguring that pond. Seeing if it can be down
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
sized. We had shown it larger on some earlier grading plans and that we had come back with
a plan that's this size. We had another design, if we can get that overlay Todd.
Lash: Before you do that, can you point out where the pond...
Hoffman: It's the dashed line.
Jim Ostenson: It's that dashed line right there. It's adjacent to the wetlands.
Lash: Which leaves how much acreage?
Jim Ostenson: It would leave then 1.2. Slightly over 1.2.
Lash: Is that including the tot park?
Jim Ostenson: Yes.
Lash: So that's about, what would that be? Less than an acre.
Jim Ostenson: Well I would say it would be at least an acre. At least an acre because it's .
smaller, much smaller portion to the pond. We wanted to have the play sculpture to the
south, you know further away from the wetlands and that the area there would be a field area.
We have reconfigured the pond to be more parallel to 86th Street. It has the same amount of
capacity in that but we felt that it would make for a more contiguous park. Todd had just
informed us before the meeting that the staff prefers the other configuration instead. That's
new to us but I guess we'll talk to him about that. But the area that is south of the wetland,
as we show it there is, it averages, it's 220 feet across on the north. Just to the south of the
NURP pond and at the bottom part, it's 180 feet across and it's a distance of 150 feet deep.
So it's basically 50 yards by 70 yards, which is a substantial area and it would have a
volleyball court and several other field oriented recreational activities that could be there as
well as having an open area.
Andrews: I have a question. Are these townhouses, do they have ownership of property or is
there no private properties at all, common ground?
Jim Ostenson: It's all common ground. Like all townhouses.
Andrews: So the area that you're talking about is from the foundation line or from some
property line.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Jim Ostenson: This would be part of the common area. The people own, correct me if I'm
wrong, Dennis Marhula with Westwood Engineering, our consultant is here tonight also but
the way all townhouses are platted, the people own the land directly underneath them and that
would be the case here too. This would be common area that would be owned and
maintained by the homeowners association. It's not a separate outlot
Dennis Marhula: When we measured the acre and a half, we did not measure to the
foundation, if that's your question. We measured to 20 feet from the foundation.
Andrews: Okay, that's why I was asking.
Dennis Marhula: It provides quite a bit open space before we...
Andrews: Right, that's exactly why I asked the question. Very good. That's why I asked
the question. I figured people are going to have barbecues or a swing set or something out
and we don't.
Dennis Marhula: The acre and a half is not measured from the foundation.
Andrews: Okay, thank you for that.
Jim Ostenson: So again, we just wanted to make you aware of that. Again, as you request
this plan that was approved and that we'll be grading the development and getting it
Lash: I guess I have a question how this could have gone and been approved by all the
commissions when it wasn't approved by us and then it went on to City Council. I mean
you're basically telling us this is the way it's going to be and you're letting us know as a
Jim Ostenson: No, I don't think so. Or I'll let Todd speak. It's my understanding this is the
plan that was approved by you.
Hoffman: The clarification that I certainly can make. Once when I don't recall that you saw
this at your...meeting when you went back. You saw the old plan and the acre and a half still
was not indicated at that time is my recollection.
Andrews: That is correct That's what happened.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Hoffman: You sent them back and said, show the acre and a half. If you do that, that's our
condition of approval to the City Council. So something very similar to this plan came
before the City Council so we're assuming that the applicant is showing the 1.5 acres of open
space. Now whether or not that included a pond at that time, was unclear. So now they're
coming back and saying in fact that was just disclosed before the meeting that it did include
that pond but then it still does not meet your condition of approval which is to add 1.5 acres
unless you would allow the pond to be in that 1.5 acres. So just because of the fact that this
went before the City Council and was approved, the condition of approval was still that it
requires 1.5 acres of land.
Huffman: So at this point there's still not 1.5 acres of land.
Hoffman: No, there is not. So the pond was much greater today in the meeting at 9:00 this
morning. We met with staff. The City engineering department, planners and the applicant
and the applicant's consultant. So the compromise at that point was to be that I would
recommend that this is a compromise situation. The pond was reduced by 50% and then it
would be included within a park. We have 1.3 acres of park space of dry land and then .34
acre pond on the site. So it's not dry property but then again, I..would simply turn that
compromise to you and whatever your decision, if you decide to accept that or not.
Andrews: All I can say is that as a commission member that this has been a frustrating
project for us to deal with. We've made our request known but this year and last year
thinking that in both cases those requests were understood and yet now for a second time they
come back with a response that it doesn't meet what we ask for and now basically what
you're asking us to do is to say well, the horses are out of the barn. It's too late and my
feeling is that I still would prefer to see that 1.5 acres because I think it needs to be there for
a project of this size. If there were to be a compromise given, I would say that no credit for
parkland should be given for the pond area. That pond area is strictly at the convenience of
the development.
Jim Ostenson: I don't think we're receiving any credit.
Andrews: For the pond. So the reduction in area would result in.
Jim Ostenson: We aren't receiving any park credit
Andrews: Oh pardon me. That's right, it's PUD. PUD, pardon me. I stand corrected on
that one.
Lash: And this is a PUD?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Hoffman: Correct...reduction in the trail which skirts the wetland...the commission that they
would try to develop.
Jim Ostenson: I mean this has been equally frustrating for us. We've gone along each step
thinking we're doing exactly what's planned for us.
Huffman: Well we got into kind of a discussion about that too last time and I obviously have
not been here through the whole process but we're going to be talking about another piece of
property down supposedly south of Highway 212. Cutting people off. Moving people out.
Chopping people up. The reality is, if I'm not mistaken, and I know all my rules and regs
but we have what, 1 acre for 75 people in an area. I mean that's supposedly.
Lash: Yeah, that's our guideline although I do think that we already had made some
compromises and concessions given in the nature of this development. Although to the best
of my recollection, and I was here from the beginning, I think we were fairly clear in the
beginning what we were looking for and I know specifically in June we were very clear when
we said we wanted 1.5 acres. And I'm frustrated with the fact that this plan has gone to the
other commissions, been approved and gone to City Council and been approved when we
very clearly stated we wanted 1.5 acres and we are not getting 1.5 acres.
. Jim Ostenson: But this shows 1.3.
Lash: Which is not 1.5.
Huffman: And it's not all land.
Jim Ostenson: 1.3 of land.
Huffman: Which is still not 1.5.
Lash: I mean I know it seems like a negliable amount to you guys but we already felt like
we had reduced what we normally would want considerably when we came down to 1.5 and
so I think we already felt like we had compromised about as far as we were willing to go on
this given the fact that it is a PUD. And the frustration is that it keeps coming back, clearly
not what we have asked for.
Andrews: I would assume that engineering requirements, you had to put that pond
somewhere near that wetland because that's the natural collection area for the water.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Hoffman: Well the pond, it would be engineering's preference to see it relocated and not
even on this site but it does change the plan and that's where the horses are out of the barn
and...changes to the plat. They want to get going on their project.
Jim Ostenson: We had 7 ponds originally and they asked us to reduce it down to 3. We're
at 4 and the runoff's and the calculations I guess, seem to be satisfactory with them. One
thing that's happening too is that the city has decided that they may not want to make some
permanent storage pond I guess and as a result the ponds that we thought were going to be
temporary...morning or in the last couple days are now going to be permanent. So that's
another change that has happened since the City Council approval.
Andrews: And none of those would give you the possible alternative of taking this, this
particular pond storage water and putting it one of these other now permanent sites? No.
Dennis Marhula: One of the concerns that...is obviously recharging that wetland and
maintaining the integrity of the wetland. So we aren't trying to...as much water into that
wetland as we can through the pond. Our understanding from earlier discussions were that
there would be major ponding facilities to the east of this site which would take care of the
ponding and the storm water treatment for a good portion of this site and to all this other
property to the east. And there's been some change in thoughts and philosophy...which will .
have an impact on what we are required to do on site. And part of that is the need for a
pond in that general vicinity to maintain the recharge into that large wetland and maintain the
integrity of that wetland. There will be recharge from the pond from the area to the east of
that wetland and of course to that commercial area will also act to help recharge that wetland.
So it's felt like this location is required as well. So to relocate that pond to some other area
on the site and change the drainage patterns really, it's not an option.
Jim Ostenson: One of the other things that has to happen too is that, and there are more than
just park issues that are involved in the site obviously and the City Council, one of the
reasons...planning was done and the approvals were granted is that it's providing alternative
housing and more affordable housing for people which is something that Chanhassen wants
and for us to go back now and redo the plan. Take out units. We have the same amount of
improvement costs and everything else, and the cost.
Huffman: Why should people who want affordable housing be denied that extra park area
also? I mean we also want affordable housing and we also want those wonderful things,
where are they to go? They have potentially 212 on the south side. They've got 86th.
They're cut off with TH 101. Where are they going to go? I mean I understand the City
Council's also been known to throw some good things out there for all of us.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Jim Ostenson: These people are, I mean they're paying full park fees. We're given no
credit. We're providing a private park and we're installing all of our own private play
sculptures and everything else. There's no city assistance or anything that's going into this
Huffman: When you go and you're gone in 5 years from now and that becomes our park and
we take it over and those kind of things, absolutely.
Jim Ostenson: I don't know that it is.
Huffman: Well, I'd like to prepare for that.
Lash: Will the maintenance, that's a good point though Dave. Will the maintenance and the
upkeep be paid by some type of a townhouse association?
Jim Ostenson: Right. Exactly. Just as their streets are plowed and the garbage collected and
everything else.
Andrews: Todd, you had a point.
Hoffman: Yeah. The other side of the story is off site potential permanent ponding, even if
it was to be developed in 5 or 10 years, you would still have a temporary pond located smack
dab in the middle of this open field and they would be here before this evening asking for
that to be approved to be there for 3 or 5 or 10 years. So it's not that it's.
Andrews: We need to accommodate the water on this project basically.
Hoffman: Yeah.
Andrews: Can you put Alternative B back up there again please Todd?
Lash: And then I'd like to hear your reasons Todd for, I think I heard somebody say that
there was some preference to one plan over the other plan.
Andrews: Does B allow a slightly more level site?
Hoffman: They both do..,fairly level. Engineering department has a preference on the second
Andrews: Which is B?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Hoffman: Yeah...more linear to the wetland so it's not.
Andrews: Okay this is what, alternative A is what engineering prefers?
Hoffman: Correct.
Andrews: I think Alternative B provides more usable play area.
Lash: Although I look at Alternative B as blocking access off of 86th Street.
Dennis Marhula: There is a trail system in between the two ponds. A trail along 86th Street
that would allow access from 86th Street.
Lash: Just to the east?
Dennis Marhula: There's a trail system between the wetland and the pond in that strip.
Jim Ostenson: Do you want to draw that in Todd so we can point that out.
Hoffman: Are they proposing that that trail go down along that pond?
Jim Ostenson: Yes. And all the way down... And then it also goes along 86th Street
Lash: Okay.
Andrews: Well we need to move ahead on this. I don't think we are being offered an
alternative here that we like to choose. My personal preference, if we must choose one, is
Alternative B which moves the ponding area closer to 86th Street. I think it provides more
usable area and I would move that the Planning Commission reluctantly approve Alternative
Hoffman: To the City Council?
Andrews: To the City Council.
Lash: Can we just discuss the difference between A and B? I guess I don't understand why
you think that B provides more usable space.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Huffman: Does that also keep balls and things and bodies from going up towards 86th Street
if you've got the pond up there. Does that give you more buffer from that part of the road
too. Does that work better in that area?
Jim Ostenson: Well I agree that it gives more contiguous space. A wider space to have
recreation if you have the pond up along 86th Street. Plus I really think it's a nice kind of
amenity for the whole subdivision and streetscape.
Andrews: I just think that a 50 x 70 yard piece is more usable than 100 x 50 yard piece.
That's my only reason for preferring it. That and I think if there's the possibility or more
"city" property being used as ponding area, if it's closer to the street. It gives us maybe
another 10 feet that we can save and I'd like to save every piece that we could. But I
underline, this is reluctantly that I do this. I really feel that this shouldn't have come back. I
think the pond water should have been accommodated on the site elsewhere but I don't think
there's an alternative here.
Manders: I guess one comment that I have on this is, I'm not suggesting that there's a lot of
options but with the, this being whatever it is, .3 acres, is there !tOme consideration for other
compensation for that such as inclusion of play structures or something in addition to the park
that could maybe offset that somehow?
Andrews: You're already doing it.
Jim Ostenson: We will be putting that in.
Manders: But in addition to what's going in there to compensate us for that third of an acre.
Jim Ostenson: Well it's a private park.
Manders: Well I understand that but the point is what we're attempting to accomplish is to
provide recreational facilities for that area and given the space isn't there, is there some other
means of accomplishing that?
Lash: And what is your plan for equipment to go in there? Did you have a dollar amount?
Jim Ostenson: I think it's, not really. No.
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Lash moved, Andrews seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
to allow the 1.54 acre association park to include .34 acre pond. All voted in favor,
except Huffman who opposed, and the motion carried.
Todd Hoffman gave the staff presentation on this item.
Andrews: Now Mr. Dietrich, if you'd like to add any comments.
John Dietrich: Thank you. John Dietrich from RLK Associates. We're the site planners and
landscape architects for Heritage Development on this 39 acre parcel in the Bluff Creek
corridor. Mr. Dobbs from Heritage had hoped to be here. I do expect him to be coming in
shortly so I think he'll be here... I'd like to mention that Todd's recap of the events, we have
been discussing with the city over a number of items regarding how this plan and plat should
layout and one of the, I believe critical items is the discussion that had hoped to take place
at the City Council and Commission level. When we originally came in with the proposal
that we were looking for concept approval of a planned unit development and modifications
on the lot size in order to have a greater amount of green space, park dedication areas
available. It was felt that there was a non-receptive atmosphere for a reduction to the lots
size in order to allow the planned unit development to come in because there were lots that
were previously, we had more lots, 56 lots versus the 50 lots that are on the preliminary plat
as shown in front of you. The site design, as it is today has been resubmitted as a
preliminary plat and not as a planned unit development. It has been submitted with the
reduction in lots and was designed to meet all the city codes so that the land could be utilized
and be sensitive to the trail corridors, wetlands and as a roadway connections that are
necessary between the Chanhassen Corporate Center and school area and Stone Creek
subdivision that's south and also respect the increase in size of the lots that are in the
Timberwood Estates residential area. The intent was this property would be submitted
according to code so that it would have more sensitivity to the land surrounding it while at
the same time trying to put in a single family residential development that would have lots of
a size, an average size of 19,800 square feet. Maybe if I use the overhead just quickly. As
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
previously shown, the 39 acre subdivision currently owned by Heritage Development and
abuts next to the Timberwood Estates and is adjacent to the school site that is currently under
construction. There is the comprehensive plan that identifies a trail corridor moving north to
south along the Bluff Creek corridor and that has been incorporated into the site development
and it has been incorporated at a minimum of a 20 foot wide corridor for portions of the trail
and in other areas it does expand out wider where it is adjacent to wetlands and adjacent to
ponding areas. I'd like to just briefly point out the Year 2000 land use plan that identifies
this area and has a distinct residential single family development is the clear space underneath
and we have outlined the 39 acre Heritage site as it would fall within the official land use
planning map for the city. Identified is the Bluff Creek corridor and open space that is
adjacent to the site of primarily along the east side of the site versus the long linear area of
the 39 acres which does guide this site for single family residential development at a density
of 1.2 to 4 units per acre. The proposal in front of you of the 15 unit subdivision identifies
an average density of approximately 1.4 units per acres. So that's at the very lower end of
that residential single family development. The preliminary plat was submitted with a site
plan, grading plan, utility plan, landscape plan and a tree survey which did include the
number of trees that are located on the southern portion of the site. Primarily oaks, maples
and basswood. The plan as it is designed looks at taking the roadway from the Stone Creek
subdivision and coming through the site in a meandering fashion that has incorporated a
number of the comments that were received when we were looking at the planned unit
development process of a meandering roadway. Of not lining up the lots in a regimented
fashion along the western edge of the site. Trying to work with the topography as well as we
can. It is an undulating, rolling hill site so there will be a fair amount of grading in order for
the lots to be produced. In addition, there is a wetland on the southern end of the site and
this entire area has also been identified as a wetland as well as the area between the property
line and the outer edge of this green band all the way along has been identified and
delineated by wetland biologists as the edge of the delineated wetland. The proposed area
outlined in green is 2 acres. For a 50 unit subdivision, the requirement is 1 acre per 25
residential lots which equates to 1 acre per 75 anticipated residents. We have identified the 2
acre parcel as it would meander and go along the wetland's edge and also go with between a
delineated wetland and a ponding area so that it would be removed from the rear of the
residential lots. In addition, once it would cross that one arm of Bluff Creek, it would be
within the wooded wetland. Within the wooded area which upon walking the site, it would
be the lots that are developed there are deep. We would anticipate the lots would be designed
so that the maximum number of trees would be retained and that trails would meander along
some of the nicer, more wooded areas of the site. We would like to make a point that we
would be more than happy to look at different locations for the 2 acres of park property
versus the linear system that we have set up. If the 2 acres were to be taken say down in this
area, as Todd had mentioned, we would be willing to do that. However, that would then
prohibit the trail within that 2 acre parcel running along the outer edge. So we want to be
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
able to have the 2 acre where the city would deem it would be to their best interest. Perhaps
it would be best down in this location next to the wetland and the ponding area which we
would anticipate would become city owned or city controlled property according to their
ordinance already. There is a sidewalk that is currently proposed along the west side of the
roadway for the entire length of the property and once we would arrive at the joint property
line between Stone Creek and the Heritage parcel, a trail could run down from the roadway
and cross the roadway and make access to the pedestrian tunnel that is under the railroad
tracks. So there is an opportunity to have a trail come straight up through the roadway as it
is now designed and meander along the roadway. This is basically...what is on the overhead
where we've identified the two wetland areas that are to remain on site. The green is the 2
acre band of proposed parkland dedication that would... this trail within it. It would be
running within the woodland area here. It would then come into the wetland area and there
are additional areas in this delineated wetland and back of the lots and ponding areas so that
the trail is not strictly within a 20 foot corridor. In this area it's between a wetland pond. It
does wrap the rear of these homes here. It does come a little bit closer. But then as it moves
to the north, again it bows out where the trail area and it would be 40-50 feet. We'd also
suggest potentially at this location that the trail cross the creek and come up along the north
side of the creek. The slopes are very severe and then along this back side and I think a trail
would be very difficult to have an opportunity to grade that...As a conclusion, we are asking
that the Park and Recreation Commission consider our request for a preliminary plat with the
design as we put forward. We will be flexible in locating the 2 acres of park dedication as .
necessary. The wetland and open space. The wetland and ponding areas will become the
additional property of the city and that would total approximately wetlands on the site are 5.3
acres. The ponding areas are about another 2 1/2 acres on the site. So with this parkland
dedication of 2 acres, the wetlands and the ponding area are close to 30 acres of area or 9
acres of area that would be controlled by the public, not including the public right-of-way
bisecting the site and traversing that. It is our hope that we '11 look at this, discuss it and
we'll be able to render a decision so that we may move on towards the Planning Commission
and City Council.
Andrews: Thank you.
John Dietrich: Thank you.
Andrews: Todd I have a question, which I think I already know the answer to. To my
recollection every development that's come to us with a trail proposed has been given as an
easement, not as a parkland dedication. Am I correct in that recollection?
Hoffman: In this type of application, correct.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Andrews: Okay.
Hoffman: ...city would have a trail as a park.
Andrews: Yes, but normally in a development when we're, the one I remember most recently
is the Lundgren development where we asked for a trail along the southern border of the
development. I don't believe there was any park credit given for that trail. There was an
easement requested and granted that would connect a large portion of that property with other
trails and that was done as an easement, not as park credit.
Hoffman: Correct. There is no history of trading park dedication for trail easements. The
trail easements...recent ones Stone Creek. It's an easement situation. All the new
Andrews: I have a question for Mr. Dietrich as well. This has been to the Planning
Commission already?
Hoffman: Conceptually.
Andrews: Is it true, or am I correct that the Planning Commission also preferred to see the
road at least make some contact with the Bluff Creek corridor to provide a variation and
experience or view or did they have that preference, do you recall?
John Dietrich: The Planning Commission has not had an opportunity to look at this concept
plan that Todd had presented. What the concept plan was produced when we...on site visit
which was just amongst staff and the Planning Commission has last seen this subdivision
when it was a concept PUD back in March. It had 56 lots proposed on it. Through
modifications it did receive concept PUD approval from the City Council with a total lot
count of 53.
Andrews: Okay. Are you saying that it's impossible to provide any roadway near the Bluff
Creek corridor? That it's not economically viable or just not easy or.
John Dietrich: As we move closer to the Bluff Creek corridor, one of the concerns of the
applicant was the amount of return he would have on his property in terms of the concept
plan that was presented that would provide an open view for the entire area. However it
would not have any walkout lots that would also face the wetland. So there were a number
of considerations that Heritage Development was concerned with in terms of the return of the
lots as they would be proposed under the concept plan which the concept plan, I'd like to
point out, had lots ranging anywhere from about 12,500-13,000 square feet up to some that
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
were 20 so they were much smaller and the concern that we looked at for was on the
Planning Commission and City Council was the size of the lots. They did not seem to be in
favor of a reduction below the 15,000 square feet.
Lash: Are there the same number of lots on both plans?
John Dietrich: No. The concept plan had approximately...
Lash: And you have 50?
John Dietrich: We have 50 on this plan, yes. Without...park.
Lash: So essentially...
John Dietrich: With the lots being all at grade without walkouts.
Lash: So you're saying the prices that you could charge per lot would be reduced.
John Dietrich: Substantially.
Hoffman: ...presentation made as part of the city charge was that the applicant, their desire to .
see the compensation made...profit margins...big profit margins...and the city paid the
difference and that was not acceptable... Again, the Park Commission should certainly
concentrate on the park issue, the trail issue. That as part of the road you can make a
recommendation on how you feel. The Planning Commission will deal with that directly.
Andrews: I'll speak my piece first. I guess.
Lash: Maybe we should check and see if there's public comment.
Andrews: Oh, pardon me. You're correct. Is there someone from the public that would like
to add to the discussion here? Alright, now we can move on. To me to see the application
presented to us with the trail being shown as parkland is, I hate to use the word but it's an
insult to me. We've done that for no other development in the city that I'm aware of and the
way it was presented was almost as though, well if you take away this trail then you're not
going to get something. You're not going to have the trail and the park. You're going to get
one or the other and I don't see that really as the issue here. We can still ask for an
easement for a trail yet still pursue the parkland on that heavily treed southern portion of the
property and the original desire was to do that. My desire, after seeing the property today, is
at least as strong as it was then. You know Todd's proposal or compromise that the road be
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
at least shown at some point making a contact with a view to the creek I think is not asking
too much. I think the original design concept shown on the floor there shows that contact
made almost along the entire property. That in itself may not be economically viable or it
may create two much, too many walkout lots to be lost, which I understand are more
desirable and therefore more profitable, but perhaps a shorter contact along the Bluff Creek
corridor may be possible where only 3 or 4 lots might be impacted and I think that cost to the
project would not be as severe. So my preference would be to see that we, that this be sent
back and that a fresh attempt made. I don't feel like there's really been a serious attempt
made here to really consider that alternative in my opinion.
Hoffman: Yeah...is that stand of oak trees...oak trees and that would be one location that
would be beneficial to push the road down below the oak trees as we discussed...the applicant
to save those trees and... That would be the maximum location to provide that property...
Andrews: Any other comments?
Lash: Well I would have, I appreciate the presentation. I think it was done very nicely and I
thank you for that. I also appreciate the way that you were resp~ctful of the Bluff Creek
corridor, although...it is not something that we would grant park credit to but that would...trail
easement cost. So I would...that what we would need to require of this development is an
easement along the Bluff corridor and a combination of the acres, .11 acres on the southern
portion and to make efforts to get the roadway to be in conjunction somehow with the
corridor...and also to preserve that. I'm not sure...
Andrews: We were down there tonight and just the impact of the property, it makes you feel
like you're in a wilderness down there.
Lash: It's a beautiful site.
Andrews: It's a beautiful site and I hate to see trees mowed down. We also were in the
Stone Creek project, which is a heavily wooded site. We drove by many lots that had not
been built where the trees were magnificent Drove about a block and a half further on the
same identical treed lots where houses had been built and there's probably about a 90%
eradication of any living thing on those lots. So when a developer comes in and says we're
going to be environmentally sensitive. We're going to preserve these treed properties. I
mean the reality is that under the best of circumstances we're probably going to see at least a
70% loss of tree canopy down there and that's why we're trying so hard to save a very rare
piece of heavily wooded property left in Chanhassen and that's why we're, it's important to
us. And the Bluff Creek corridor I think is going to be a centerpiece of our city in the future
and I think what we're asking the applicant to consider here is to really put a touch of quality
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
in this property which I think, when all things are said and done, will actually allow the
developer to perhaps command a higher price for his finished properties. To have a view
overlooking that Bluff Creek area, both now and perhaps 20 years from now when the city is
fully developed, is going to be a rare gem of our community and I don't see that it would
make this project impossible to proceed.
Lash: And to have the roadway, we wanted the access points, so many more people can
benefit from that view as opposed to just the homeowners who live right along it that
therefore I feel that it's going to increase the property values of the people who are...normally
wouldn't have access to that view at all. Whereas now they will. If they drive that route in
and out of their home...they'll have that opportunity. And he did say that there would be
significant grading, didn't you?
John Dietrich: Yes I did.
Lash: So there must be some ways. I mean you guys are pretty smart about how to do this.
I would think you would be able to figure out how to do some grading and still accommodate
the walkout lots or partial walkouts.
Huffman: I guess it's one of the big concerns is that the Bluff Creek corridor which the city
is just now, and the commissioners we're just now dealing with is sort of Minnewashta to the
Minnesota. The whole corridor and as you are trying to develop beautiful areas with great
lots and...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion and a portion of the meeting was not
taped. The following is a summary of the motions made.)
Lash moved, Huffman seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission table the
Heritage First Addition preliminary plat and that the applicant come back in 2 weeks to
address the concerns of the Park Commission. All voted in favor and the motion
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Lash moved, Huffman seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that
the City Council require the following conditions of approval in regard to park and trails for
Brendon Pond:
1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land acquisition and/or
trail construction.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Manders moved, Roeser seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the
City Council collect full park and trail dedication fees for Perkins and Taco Bell, to be
collected at the time of building permit issuance at the rate then in force. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
(Taping of the meeting began again at this point in the discussion.)
Resident: ...and there's no place for the kids. They all tend to congregate on the road. And
with the number of people traveling to the golf course and with that narrow road, there is no
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
parking. And if we have to go to park at Chanhassen right here so the kids can play in so I
would like to see a development of that park in that southeast corner for the future.
Lash: You're talking the southeast corner.
Resident: Right.
Lash: Well personally I would like to see that too.
Resident: I mean it's a unique area where you have this morning at 6:00 we had a buck and
doe and we have pheasants. I mean we've had those type of areas are very few and far
between in Chanhassen.
Lash: The problem that we're having is that we don't have any money to purchase it so
we're in a position where we can't offer to buy the property and he has the right to develop
his property so our hands are basically tied. And even if we all agreed that we wanted to buy
it, we don't have the money.
Huffman: We have the park that we want to give you at Bandimere and we desperately
would like to do that.
Lash: And we don't have the money to develop that either.
Huffman: That's 1 112 million dollars. When we come to everybody it's going to be in a
big referendum again.
Resident: What we need to do is work with the city itself...and if you look at our parks right
now, the way they're being maintained. We had...we could not use. The overall maintenance
of our parks is declining. The trees are being planted which is super. The lack of
maintenance of these trees within the city are not being addressed. We're putting all this
money to trees and putting all this money into trails and nobody's taking care of them. You
know...Whether it's a 1.5 acre pond or 1.2. Who's going to check if it's a .3 difference in the
Huffman: We do.
Resident: We need to look at all these issues...I'd rather see a quality park than quantity and
maintain what we have.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Lash: Well I'll start this out for you. A year ago we sent out a survey to all the residents in
Chanhassen and the survey...the quality of the parks, and maintenance and what they'd like to
see and what would they like more...and how much they would, if they would vote for a
referendum and how to provide the services and...overwhelmingly no. They would not
support a referendum. They would not look to pay any more monthly towards their taxes to
have these different things so that sounded pretty loud enough to...people want to see these
things happen but they don't want to pay for it and that's the position that we're in right now.
Resident: Is it a matter of...
Andrews: We don't have the money.
Lash: We do not have the money. And I know that our City Council has taken pride in the
last I don't know how many years...of keeping the budget under control so that there's not
been a city tax increase in 6 years or 5 years or whatever time, I'm not sure. But when you
continue to have your parks going in and your streets going in and everything's growing but
your keeping your tax base the same, I mean common sense is going to tell you that
something's going to suffer along the line. They can't spread the money that thin and then
keep up the quality of service to everyone.
. Resident: ...how are these parks being maintained and where is the money coming from?
...into Chaska, I go into that town and how nice that little city park looks and how the
surrounding City HalL.and it's just amazing how they can do that..
Huffman: Well we have needs here. We have a library that's totally inadequate for the city.
And people it's going to cost a lot of money. It's not going to cost a little bit, it's going to
cost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's an issue. They're adding onto
the City Hall. We have people coming in everywhere. You've seen tonight, you had an
opportunity to see people, we've got developers coming in...and we're arguing about 3/10 of
an acre for a park. The day they're done, they're gone. You talk about the homeowners
association and things like that. We will own that park 5 years from now. And for us to
have to deal with those issues, we're dealing with it constantly. As Jim and Jan said, there's
nothing in the coffers. How do you deal with that?
Lash: Quality versus quantity. There's a finite amount of property out there that's left, that's
available for development or available for park property. Then we don't know for sure how
many years but in the near future there's not going to be any property left for us to...so I
think our philosophy now is to find the property if we can. We can always develop it later
when the property's gone but once the property's gone, we're never going to be able to go
back and get property. So we're stuck in a spot now where we're trying to put a lot of effort
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
into acquiring property for the future and worrying about how we're actually going to be able
to develop it and have it be a real quality place a little later as the monies are coming in and
there's no property left to spend it on.
Manders: That's exactly the same point that I'd like to make is that the monies that we do
have are directed towards the acquisition of park space and if you think about the cost of
parks such as west of Lake Minnewashta, what it costs to acquire a few acres out there, it's
just phenomenal. As we'll be talking about later on, the cost to outfit and furnish these parks
is equally large and by the time we get to this quality issue of how well they're maintained,
the monies are gone just in acquiring them. But at least we've been responsible enough to
provide that space.
Lash: You're getting kind of crash course in economics that you didn't want to hear. Just to
give you an idea...but our yearly budget is roughly around $150,000.00. That includes
maintenance and acquisition and development of parks and everything that goes on.
Resident: ...additional staff and we look at 5 year capital budget..is that a different budget
Hoffman: At the benefit of the hearing, the park commission is aware that...this past year the
administration of park maintenance was by the public works and city engineer. So that .
person not only was responsible for park maintenance but street and sewer and water, etc so
the allegiance was split. I recognized that deficiency in the operation of the park system.
After that we corrected a change and as of January 1 of this year, park maintenance is now...
the other general park functions. That relationship will mature and it will make it much more
easy for me to be an advocate back to City Council and as a part of the 1995 budget, I will
be requesting that we hire 2 more full time park maintenance employees. One for the
downtown and one for parks in general and that the maintenance budget be beefed up
considerably...We are obviously off on a tangent but...
Huffman: I will say this for the staff of the park department. There's none fmer. They are
outstanding. They work hard. They are diligent. They are very aware of economic
constraints but if you had a chance to come up for things like the 4th of July picnic, the thing
on Lake Susan during the middle of the winter. You can't keep it from thawing, the lake
starting to go on you but there is none fmer and just from my limited time and exposure,
these gentlemen and women on the department, they are working hard for you. They've had
problems in the past. This group is good. And I'll tell you what, they're self hustlers too. I
mean they are doing well.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Resident: I think unless you've got...having someone give you compliments for that
Huffman: Now I've got to say this. There's nobody, Mr. Hoffman's sitting right over there
and he can't hurt me so I can say anything I want to about him. He does a great job and I
don't say that just because I'm sitting here because I don't get anything for it. But he does
an outstanding job and the staff does a good job. They will do everything for you. They go
above and out of their way to make sure everything's done and we may be just a little pittely
commission, which is what a lot of people may think but there's a lot of work and effort that
goes through these people put up with and we love to hear from you because that reaffmns,
are we doing the job we need to do. Are we getting things accomplished so this is.
Resident: Just my frustration is, when you live out there, you might have the 2 acres or 1
acre that we're living on but in that particular...neighborhood, we just don't have all the kids
tend to congregate...in the street and I think if anybody lives in a neighborhood within
Chanhassen, they'll see that happen. And why that is, I don't know but good developers and
a number of developers...
Huffman: If we had our city golf course, we could sure have a lot of solutions taken care of
Andrews: We have to get back to the issue here. We'll be discussing.
Hoffman: I apologize for that. This is the second go around to address this one issue but
from that plat we have 36 lots...any direction as far as neighborhood parks but the thing that
this is a location for acquisition of a neighborhood park and you will be dealing with outside
of the bound of the park dedication and...
Lash: Just for my curiosity. Why don't you just show me where you are.
Resident: ...Creekwood. I live...
Jim Engle: I'm Jim Engle. I've been a homeowner in Chanhassen and specifically in
southern Chanhassen since 1986. ...and I currently reside at 9251 Foxford Road which is in
Lake Riley Woods development. ...in the Lake Riley Woods development. I think there's
about 40 some children that currently live there now and...! would suspect the number of
children probably will increase and Mr. Halla's proposed development plans for some 36 lots
so there will be a number of additional children there. That whole area is sort of expanding.
I would commend you for your efforts in terms of trying to acquire parkland. I hear enough
about the subject that Chanhassen's development in general and the parks in particular, I paid
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
$35.00 for the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and I appreciate the comment about how you
don't have money and I guess I'm up here saying what I have to say only because I think it's
important that you hear it and it's important to start the ball rolling about being able to do
community park in southern Chanhassen. The only park that's being looked at south of
Pioneer Trail is Bluff Creek park which, as was pointed out in the plan, isn't really, will
never be a developed park. It's really a water drainage...They do have, you know Bandimere
Park is there but that's near Lyman Blvd north of Pioneer Trail and then as you correctly
pointed out, as the development occurs, it's unlikely that there's going to be additional land
that's going to be coming available very often. You also have a nice network of trails and
things that are planned to be down there. So whether it's, I mean I would love to see a
neighborhood park in the Great Plains Golf Estates but if it's not there, I would just at least
encourage you, as development continues to keep your eyes open towards locations of parks
in the future for ways to do a lot of what is talked about in terms of the plan. I appreciate the
difficulties that you have and that people like to have these things. They don't necessarily
like to pay for them. Thank you.
Andrews: Unfortunately we have to deal with reality, which is this plat and this time which
is a time of our pockets being emptied with several ambitious land acquisitions. I think we
need to move ahead here. Are there any comments from the audience? If not, are there any
commission members that would like to make a comment or amotion?
Huffman: Mr. Halla, do you want to put a park in for us?
Lash: We can call it Halla Park.
Don Halla: Actually we do have...playground structures in our main nursery that are open for
anybody to use.
Huffman: Do you want us to move them over? You have the world's largest tree mover
don't you? What can we do to alleviate some of the concerns? I mean that's obviously
you're going to, you have your desires and things you'd like to do too. Is there something
that I mean, something you can help us with here?
Resident: I think I'm looking after...grandkids...
Don Halla: You know there is an area...ta1king about there right next to your house. It's an
unbuildable site. That certainly could be made into a park right there. That would...not
crossing the road to your area.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
The resident and Don Halla were having a discussion at this point that was not picked up by
the microphone.
Roeser: Well one of the things we're going to be discussing soon is the referendum, right?
Andrews: Yes.
Roeser: It's coming up I think later tonight and probably along into the next couple months
so these things will be talked about I'm sure.
Andrews: Back to reality though. We have to deal with this plat, the proposal. Accepting
full fees does give, provide us with dollars for potential acquisition. Also a referendum, in
order to buy enough land to be a usable neighborhood park, we need 8 to 10 acres minimum
and we do not have that cash in hand right now so in my opinion, we do not have an
alternative. I'd think to take one lot or one acre basically puts us in a position of a totlot in a
density such as these proposals, I don't think that makes any sense. You know for us to put
up swings and playground equipment with such limited density just is not cost effective for
us. It costs us $50,000.00 to put in a totlot minimum with the cost of land and the
. Lash: Not only that, that goes against our own guidelines of having minimum acreage. We
have basically set guidelines so we don't end up with a whole bunch of little 1 acre sites all
over Chanhassen...
Roeser: I move we recommend that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the
City Council approve the preliminary plat of Halla's Great Plains Golf Estates with the
following conditions of approval with regard to park, open space and trails. A 20 foot wide
trail easement be dedicated to the south of Pioneer Trail extending the entire length of the
proposed plat. Park and trail fees be paid in full per city ordinance in lieu of land acquisition
and/or trail construction.
Andrews: Is there a second? I'll second the motion. Any further discussion?
Manders: I understand our financial problems in this regard but I'm thinking back to when
this piece of property came into consideration earlier this winter and how enthusiastic we
were at that point in time thinking about just the layout of that particular land and the
location primarily and limitations that we're encountering in terms of ballfields and such and
saying well, we've got to plan ahead a little bit and what we're saying is that well, that was
good at that time but reality soaks in and I can accept that maybe reality is soaking in but
we're effectively saying that we're going to forego this opportunity without any further
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
consideration and this idea of a referendum is not even being considered here and if that's the
way everybody else thinks, I guess I can agree with that. But are we really saying that?
That any other land acquisition.
Andrews: My reason for seconding is that we have a 30 acre plus parcel of land less than a
half a mile, or about a half a mile away that we have no money to develop and it seems to
me to be much more cost effective to develop land we already have then to buy another piece
of land that we cannot develop. We also have the problem of fair treatment to a landowner
who has come to us with a proposal that in all respects meets city requirements. Basically I
think our options are either to put up the money and buy it or give it our limited
recommendation and best wishes so that was my reason for seconding.
Lash: And I know the one thing about it too Jim is I mean I was the one probably who was
the most enthusiastic about...position that we can't...reality bites. We can't guarantee that we
will have the money. We can talk until we're blue in the face about a referendum. We can
put a referendum out but until a referendum passes and we have the money, we can't in all
honestly go out and make an offer on this property.
Roeser: Yeah, and in the meantime Mr. Halla sits on his property wanting to develop it
which we can't.
Lash: And that's not fair to him. Now I mean if he wanted to be a really nice guy he could
Don Halla: But you realize I'm being forced by the city to develop on one hand. On the
other hand I can understand you wanting me not to...It's kind of like, either do it now and...
Roeser: I like the nursery down there myself.
Huffman: I know the Big Woods. We talked about that for a long time...the two major
differences about that. They were going to cut those woods down forever. Yeah, we have
Bandimere. How soon can we get that money...it doesn't matter where you plant, they're not
going to grow back. And two, that was backyard conversation for a year and a half. I mean
that was not the fIrst time that referendum had come up and it was the second or third time
and so it was conversation hot and heavy. Everybody knew about it. Everybody was aware.
You may have heard us talk about the Bluff Creek charette tonight. I joined this commission
what, in May. Never knew there was one. So yes, we understand what you're saying. YesIwe want to get there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Andrews: Item 7 on our agenda tonight is discussion of a potential future referendum. We
recognize that we need to raise some substantial capital for things like the Bandimere
Resident: ...development and you talk about the watershed and how close that is, that
development is to the Minnesota River. I think the lack of sanitary sewer in that area is an
illustration of that whole area...
Roeser: Okay, we have a motion on the floor.
Lash: And we have a second.
Andrews: Okay, I'll call the question then.
Roeser moved, Andrews seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Halla's Great Plains Golf Estates with
the following conditions of approval with regard to park, open space and trails.
1. A 20 foot wide trail easement be dedicated to the south of Pioneer Trail extending
the entire length of the proposed plat.
2. Park and trail fees be paid in full per city ordinance in lieu of land acquisition
and/or trail construction.
All voted in favor, except Manders who opposed, and the motion carried.
Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item.
Lash: One quick question. The new packet that we got, you're saying the drawing...is this
the new plan?
Hoffman: No.
Lash: This is the old one.
Hoffman: Yes. The new plan would be in the back.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Lash: All the separate pages.
Hoffman: That's what we received to date...Do you want to go now or do you want to ask
staff any more questions about the process to date?
Andrews: I'm so tired, I just want to go home. Let's hear what you have to say.
Value Recreation Representative: Well I know on the original proposal that Bill gave them a
plan based on our past experience. We had never come up with a plan that...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Lash moved, Huffman seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission table action
on the selection of vendor for the Pheasant Hill play structure for 2 weeks. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Andrews: ...what do you really need to do here Todd? I think we're probably unanimous in
feeling that this is something we need to pursue. What steps do we need to take to start a .
process rolling.
Hoffman: ...and ask the City Council to authorize the process and ask them to make a
decision on how they would like. Typical it's a task force...put back on the Park
Commission, the task force with members from the Park Commission, City Council, Planning
Commission and members at large from the community and that would be their next step if
they chose to authorize at least the investigation of a referendum and for more land
acquisition and development. And that would probably...
Andrews: As part of this recommendation to the Council I would assume you would write
some document laying out the need. Bandimere, trails, some open space acquisition and
probably some reserve building really for development of other parcels that we may acquire
Hoffman: Yeah. In fact before I would do that I would bring that, I would like to bring that
back to the commission. To set aside, put some numbers on all the acreage which we have
and I have no idea what it would...We have the Bluff Creek land. We have some other
acquisitions to take a look at and how high that gets before taking that type of information
back onto the City Council, we may want to put some parameters on that. That would be a
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
maximum of $3 million per acquisition. $2 million for construction. $1 million for trail
Andrews: How big was the Eden Prairie referendum?
Huffman: That was the Big Woods.
Roeser: That wasn't that big was it.
Huffman: That was only like, I believe less than $2 million.
Andrews: Yeah, I think we do have to come up with a number and I do think we have to
have some plan as to what we want it for.
Lash: I think what Todd says...at least to start it is to make a list of everything that you can
think of.
Andrews: And we'll start cutting it down.
Lash: With ballpark, estimate of how much he thinks it will cost and then we'll start picking
it apart. And I don't want to be so quick to say that we're all unanimous and that we need to
go ahead with a referendum. Personally I don't want to go through with a referendum but I
feel that we need to offer it. We put out the survey. It came back. People don't want it.
But it's the only way we're ever going to do anything and I realize that.
Roeser: Sometimes with refeI1endums and things like that, you have to keep hammering away
at people too.
Huffman: The other thing is you have to be very, very specific about what you want. I
mean to come to me and say I want $3 million for some general construction, ain't no way. I
want Bandimere. I want Minnewashta. I want the Bluff Creek charette. I want 5 things that
we are going to lose if we don't get them now. I mean you have to put almost a desperation
edge on it.
Lash: And we can't, it's got to be something that is going to fill a lot of people's needs.
You can't say we want $2 million to develop a park property down south because people out
west aren't going to...it's got to be something that's going to fill the most people's needs.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Andrews: You need regional appeal and you need the complete projects. You can't have
we're going to buy a piece of land and we're going to take it 50% of the way. It's going to
have to be, we're going to do it. It's going to be done and ready to use.
Huffman: You appeal, you go to every ball club and say you need parks. We need
Bandimere because we're going to put 5 fields in here. We're going to go to Minnewashta.
You don't have a park out there. We have everybody in southern Chanhassen now at
Bandimere. You have to go for very specific appeals because the trail issue got voted down
here 3 times in a row because it was this nebulous idea of what, you know what do you
mean? What is it? What are they doing? And we shot it down. Lost, we were lucky and it
got shot down the first time by what, 20 votes. The second time by...It was a weird,weird
deal. People don't want nebulousness. They want something very specific. And especially
when you're talking about parks, you're talking about the toy as opposed to a need. We need
a school. You want a park.
Lash: Well the timing is right because the school district is, or Chaska School District has
just come out and said there won't be a referendum in '95. So if we're ever going to go for
it, this is the year. There probably will be one next year or for sure the next year.
Hoffman: And you look at $4 to $6 million...and $45 million for the school district so your
idea of the need versus the want, and whatever it ends up to be. If it's $100 per household
per year...
Huffman: I tell you want. I'd rather also go for the throat than go for let's just get $1.2. I
mean let's go for $10 million or whatever the number is but go for it and lay it out there
because if we get it, you're right. In '96 something's going to happen. '97.
Roeser: You look like you almost have to complete Chan the way it's growing. You've got
to get it done because all of a sudden it isn't going to be there. The property's not there.
Lash: I'll tell you specifically the comment I heard this weekend, because I brought it up.
We had our neighborhood picnic and I said, guess what we're going to talk about Tuesday. I
don't have an opinion but I want..feelings but this is something we're going to discuss. How
do you feel about it and the comments that I heard, and you hear this all the time. People do
not understand and sometimes I don't understand this, is with all the people moving to town,
why isn't there enough money with all the businesses and the people and the new houses
coming in, why isn't there enough money to just pay for this? Why do we have to keep
paying for all this stuff and I know that's the mentality?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Huffman: Because we don't have the Carlson Center. We don't have those businesses. We
have individuals living here.
Lash: Maybe there needs to be...pull that together, we need to try and explain that to people
because they just don't get it.
Hoffman: As a prelude to that I can feed an article to the Villager...significant growth we're
seeing the amount of money that it's bringing in but when you talk about us bringing
Lash: But people don't understand where our money comes from and they don't understand,
they don't know the whole picture so we need to go out with education.
Huffman: I think it should be like a weekly frontal attack in the Villager. Not just an article
every once in a while. I mean it should be something we should hammer.
Hoffman: The task force will go through the entire thing. The public, I mean you've got to
persuade the public. Let's all get together. If we get in this together, we can make
something happen...anti trust of government is at an all time high so you've got to deal with
that. You've got to go out there and...
Huffman: What would help from our perspective too is also maybe responding to some of
these issues that people have when they come before us. I mean if we have South, you know
Lotus Lake. Here we do respond to the public. Carver Beach. We do respond to public.
We do have some ways of coming back and saying, yes. We do instead of just saying we
want more.
Lash: Well the other thing is, tonight's a perfect example with Mr. Anderson and he'd like to
see this and he'd like to see that and they assume we should have enough money to provide
all this type of things and we don't. It's an education for people to realize that we have very
limited funds and we can't provide half of what we would like to provide and the only way
we can do it is through this. If they want it bad enough, they'll vote for it.
Andrews: I think it'd be real interesting to do a comparison between Eden Prairie and
Chanhassen. That's what we're compared against all the time. Eden Prairie has all the trails,
how come you don't have any?
Roeser: ... we come up awfully short compared to Eden Prairie.
Andrews: But their budget is probably 10 times what our's is...Do you need a motion?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - August 9, 1994
Hoffman: I need a motion to approve the concept at least.
Lash: Another thing that as...
Roeser: I so move whatever.
Huffman: Second.
Roeser moved, HutTman seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City Council approve the concept for a future park/open space acquisition and
development referendum. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Andrews: Are there any commission member presentations tonight? Is there a motion to
Manders moved, HutTman seconded to adjourn. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
SEPTEMBER 27, 1994
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Jan Lash, Jim Manders, Ron Roeser, Fred Berg, Jane
Meger, and Dave Huffman
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer,
Recreation Supervisor; Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor; and Michelle Braun, Recreation
Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item.
Andrews: Before we move on to asking people from the audience to speak, I'd like to just
take a moment here to again emphasize or re-emphasize what Todd said. If you have spoken
at our prior meeting ar..d you wish to speak tonight, I wish you would keep your comments to
an absolute minimum and summarize your position. I would not like to have a verbatim
recitation of all the details, facts and figures because I don't think we need those. We have
those in our packet for us to read, which we all have done. If you are speaking for the fIrst
time, please do feel free to come forward and state your name and address and state your
viewpoint regarding this issue. At this time I'd like to ask if there's anybody who wishes to
step forward and speak.
Brad Blomquist: Hi. My name is Brad Blomquist. I'm the trail coordinator for the
Chanhassen Club for the year '94-95.
Huffman: Quick question. Have we heard from you before?
Brad Blomquist: No.
Huffman: Okay. I mean I'm not trying to be rude about this but we've had 17 pages of this
and Leroy's done an outstanding job and unless there is something brand new. And again,
I'm not trying to be rude but we have heard from everybody. And I apologize for this but.
Okay, but do you understand what I'm saying though?
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Brad Blomquist: Okay. I won't hash over what I think is.
Huffman: Because a lot of it's been hashed over. I mean I'm serious. And I'm just saying,
we've heard a ton so, I want to listen to it but we've heard.
Brad Blomquist: Okay. I'll skip a couple items then.
Huffman: Thank you. Skip a lot of items.
Lash: Stick to the new stuff.
Huffman: Yeah, because we've heard it.
Brad Blomquist: Has there been any discussion whether or not this is going to be designated
snowmobiling only, or not designated for cross country skiing?
Andrews: No. That has not been determined.
Brad Blomquist: Okay. I guess if it was designated for snowmobiling, I guess that's what I'd
recommend. I mean if people want to cross country ski, they can cross country ski but it .
wouldn't be designated as a ski trail.
Andrews: I don't think we're considering to designate it a ski trail but I also don't think
we're here to restrict it to snowmobiles only. I don't think that would be, I can't speak for
everyone but I don't think: we could support an exclusive use situation here. I understand
what you're saying though. But our intent is not to make it a groomed cross country trail,
no. It's not. It's not going to happen.
Brad Blomquist: Okay. But yeah, if it was a designated ski trail, then that would be a whole
new ball game because that's kind of what I wanted to clarify.
Andrews: No, our intent was not to designate.
Brad Blomquist: Okay. That's all I had.
Andrews: Thank you.
Lash: That was great Brad.
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Huffman: Thank you. No, we want to give you that opportunity but honestly we've got 17
pages here and a 2 1/2 hour City Council meeting and if you've got something new, we'd
love to hear it.
Brad Blomquist: There is really nothing new.
Huffman: Alright. I'm not trying to cut anybody off but we've got reams of stuff. Thank
Andrews: Thank you. Is there anybody else who wishes to speak? Is there anybody on the
commission here that wishes to state their viewpoint or any comments at this time?
Berg: I've got some quei>tions. Maybe because I wasn't here when we took the initial vote.
Maybe my questions have been asked but I guess I have to ask them of the snowmobilers
and/or the neighborhood folks who are here. My fIrst one. What is the closest the trail is to
a home? How close is the nearest home to the trail?
LeRoy Biteler: I can address that. I'm LeRoy Biteler. I'll speltk for our club. It's
diffIcult... to figure that out. As I mentioned in the letter, there is no home that could be
legally any closer, to the best of our knowledge, than 80 feet from the trail. If I were to give
you an estimate, I would say most of the homes are 200 feet plus away from that trail.
That's being very realistic.
Huffman: But we don't know.
LeRoy Biteler: We don't know that, exactly.
Hoffman: Here they are. Those two are about the closest. This one and this one.
Berg: What's the scale?
Hoffman: This is 1 inch equals 100 feet. So 150 feet then.
Berg: Next question then in relation to that. The sheet that you gave us on the decibel test, I
don't recall. Was it 50 feet that these were tested? These 10 machines were tested. 50 feet?
LeRoy Biteler: Ah yes it was.
Berg: Okay, the closest is 80 feet. Can you give me the approximation of what the decibel
rate would be? How does it drop? Does it drop proportionately per 50 feet?
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Andrew: No, it's expentionally.
LeRoy Biteler: It's what?
Andrews: It's expenetionally. So it would be twice the distance is 1/4 the volume.
LeRoy Biteler: And if you look at the first information, piece of information, letter on
decibel range contained in the Minnesota State Educational brochure. It says on there, clear
over to the right, after every so many distances it doubles or something like that. Do you
have that packet with you?
Berg: Yes.
LeRoy Biteler: Okay. I can show you that if you give me a second. This piece right here.
This is what you want to read. That's the only one I have. You'll have to read that
verbatim. I think that will help answer your questions.
Berg: Well when I saw this, it didn't make any sense to me either and it doesn't make any
sense as I'm looking at it now. Maybe you can interpret it for those of us who aren't used to
looking at such.
LeRoy Biteler: Okay. Let me get a copy.
Berg: Here, you can ha\'e this one back. I've got mine too.
LeRoy Biteler: Well I think you need to look at that while I interpret that. Let's take a look,
look prior 1972, the bottom of the page. Snowmobiles traveling at 20 mph had a decibel
rating of somewhere around about 80. Do you follow that off to the left? At 10 mph it had
a decibel rating of around 72. That's machines in 1972. I think we can jump, if you
understand that, you codd jump right from 1975 and look at 20 mph. The decibels were
about 73. There it is. At 10 mph in 1975, snowmobiles from that vintage were 65. If you
took that vintage of snowmobile at full throttle, decibels are by law not to exceed 78. Most
of them we see out there today are 75 and older.
Berg: Most, 90%?
LeRoy Biteler: I'd say 90%. Sure. That's almost 20 years old.
Berg: I don't know if you know the answer to this one but these 10 machines that were
tested, were they in pretty good shape? Were they pretty fmely tuned?
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
LeRoy Biteler: Absolutely.
Berg: And assuming that not every snowmobile on this trail is going to be as finely tuned,
what's the ratio then? How much decibels can we except if the machine is not tuned
LeRoy Biteler: Boy, that's like asking how many automobiles have poor mufflers on them?
Berg: A lot? A little? Could I tell the difference if I was up in a home 80 feet away?
LeRoy Biteler: I'd say you may have 10%.
Berg: Okay. I think that's all the questions I have at this point.
Manders: I didn't have any questions but I had a couple brief comments.
Andrews: Okay.
Manders: My primary concern with this decision is a safety concern, and that's all I have to
Lash: Safety for who?
Manders: Safety for the people on the trail and the crossing roads. So whomever's on the
trail and where they cross roads is, there's no, I mean it's Bluff Creek is the one I'm thinking
of that you can go straight through that and that could be a real accident potential there.
Depending on how it's set up.
Andrews: Any other comments? I have none.
Berg: I have a couple comments in addition to my questions, if I'm not out of order.
Andrews: Please.
Berg: My concerns are the curfew. I'm not sure that the 10:00 is something I'm comfortable
with. I'd like to see if we move to allow this open to snowmobiles, I'd like to see us talking
about a reduced speed limit through that area. Again referring to the decibel chart. I noticed
that on the newer machines, 4, 6 and 7 in particular, there's a considerably drop off in decibel
level when drop from 40 to 20 and I would be in favor of seeing that type of speed limit
there amongst these homes and have it well posted so there's no doubt about what it is that
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
we're expecting. And I have a question about the enforcement. To me the enforcement is
just as important from the safety point of view and the noise point of view. Is this
enforcement only going to be on complaint only or can we expect that there will be regular
patrol, if there is such a thing, on this trail. Is there now any type of patrol system on these
trails or is just if someone calls in with a complaint?
Hoffman: ...club members might be able to speak more eloquently to this.
Lash: I know there are DNR officers out occasionally.
Hoffman: Yeah, they set up an occasional check point but I would say the majority of the
enforcement is on complaint.
Andrews: My question r~garding enforcement would be, who's responsibility is it? I mean
this is a Hennepin COUJ1ty project in Carver County being passed over to Chanhassen. So
who's going to be responsible for enforcement?
Hoffman: City of Chanhassen.
Lash: So if the snowmohile club were to cooperate with the enforcement, would they, I mean
they're citizens, they would not have, I'm assuming they wouldn't have the authority to
actually ticket anyone or do anything like that. Would we be able to provide public safety .
officers who could actual1y ticket people or how could we see that that enforcement is,
especially initially each season when people need to be reminded that there are restrictions.
Who would have the authority to actually give citations?
Hoffman: A licensed police officer for the city of Chanhassen or Carver County Deputy or
an official from the DepLrtment of Natural Resources.
Lash: And do you think that we could get cooperation from them to work with the
snowmobile club to provide enforcement each season?
Hoffman: I'm sure there- would be cooperation...
Andrews: I guess one poL"t would be there that if a disturbance, you know it may not be a
snowmobiler so let's not say that but if somebody you know riding a mini-bike through there
in the summer, by the time an enforcement officer could get there, that person could be miles
away. Same would go wit.h snowmobiles. H somebody calls at 3:00 in the morning.
Park and Rec Commission - September 27. 1994
Huffman: We're going to have the same issue regarding, we've got dogs running through the
Andrews: Yeah, I mean it's hit and miss at best.
Huffman: We can argue that 50 ways. You know it's in many cases everywhere.
Lash: Do you have more?
Berg: Well my concern I guess is not with the snowmobile club. I wouldn't want to create
that impression. My concern is with the road snowmobilers out there who aren't going to be
affected by the rules and regulations of the snowmobile club that seems to be pretty
conscientious. I guess my only last thought would be that if we can't be sure of the type of
enforcement that we thi':J( ~s appropriate, then this should be an issue that is looked at every
Andrews: I had the same idea. That this perhaps could be looked upon as a conditionally
renewable privilege if gnntect. Any other comments?
Lash: My only comment th=t I had was that in forming my decision for tonight, I used our
mission statement as my guide and just for the record, for anyone, any of the residents.
Either snowmobile cluJ.:, members. I think they need to be aware that our mission is to
provide quality recreational opportunities for all citizens of Chanhassen in a financially
responsible manner while preserving natural amenities and I used that as my guide.
Andrews: I'd like to hwe a :notion.
Huffman: I'd like to tn?ke a recommendation, if it's alright, that the Park and Rec Board
recommend to the City COlm:i1 the Regional Light Rail Transit Route running through
Chanhassen be made aV2;lable to snowmobiles during the winter month. No other motorized
vehicles will be allowed. Signage, hours of use, speed limits and other enforcement rules will
be worked out with the De~artment of Safety officials. City officials and other pertinent
folks after City Council approval.
Meger: I would just add to the motion too that we put it on a one year trial basis.
Huffman: I remove my l~otion then and somebody else is going to have to say that. I want
to get this thing done a~d if we keep going back and forth, back and forth, what will
inevitably happen is thz.c we will have more developments come in here and it will be gone in
3 years. I would like to see this really be put down. We're not asking to go through
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
neighborhoods. They'r~: not asking to move them through other areas and it will turn into
Eden Prairie. I would really like to see this happen. We could put enforcement, we can put
speed limits and signage but if we keep putting conditions on everything in terms of a year's
time and a year's time, a year's time, we're going to go to these battles time and time again.
Andrews: Okay. For the record then, that amendment is rejected by the maker of the
motion. Is there a second to the motion as it was originally stated?
Roeser: I second it.
Andrews: Okay. With a second. Is there any further discussion of that motion?
Huffman moved, Roeser seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City Council ~:prrove the Southwest Metro Trail Association's request to utilize
the Southwest Region~! tight. Rail Transit route as a snowmobile route during the
winter months. No other motorized vehicles will be allowed. Signage, hours of use,
speed limits and other enforcement rules will be worked out with the Department of
Public Safety officials. All voted in favor, except Berg, Manders and Andrews who
opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 4 to 3.
Hoffman: It will. go to ',~ity Council on October 10th.
Andrews: Thanks for rl~i 1~ bere to make sure this didn't go deadlock again.
Hoffman: Mr. Andreu,,;:-. I have nothing to add to the report. I'm waiting to hear from the
commission in this regard.
Andrews: Does anyboc'y have any comments to add to this? If not, Todd do you need a
motion to support thi-; 'coT:mendation?
Lash: Wait a minute. I know I don't know what's going on. So we're just asking for them
to say yes to a referendum when we're not putting down clearly what it's for and how much
it's going to cost?
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Hoffman: Asking them to consider to investigate in 1995 which would include all of those
other things.
Lash: Okay. So we're jl:st asking the City Council for what? To approve us to think about
Hoffman: The recommend....tion is to recommend the City Council investigate a 1995 park,
open space and trail acquisition and development referendum of a scope yet undetermined and
proceed to appoint a task force to expedite this process.
Lash: You ultimately want them to appoint a task force to put together a package.
Hoffman: Right. And if you do not approve of that recommendation, you can pull out the
task force part and just af:k that they investigate a 1995 referendum. They may, if they do
not feel totally comfort"b~E' with that, then they may ask that those facts, figures, numbers, be
drawn up but it does ta~:f: a considerable amount of time, effort, to do that. So if you
know...don't have the ~0n~ensus to go forward, I'm not going to put that time and all the
other city officials...necessary to pull those things together to work prior to having a vision
sort of agreed to.
. Andrews: I strongly su:p'1rt a task force because it will broaden support. Make it more
likely this may pass. TfJ m::rrc people that are involved with the concept, I think the more
likely it is to deve1cp r,;.lr :10~.
Lash: Now I would wa"t th~ task force though to work through us, whether it has Park and
Recreation Commissio:1crs on it or not. I was here when the task force for the community
center was working and that was just a separate task force and we had no, I really felt like we
had very little or no input into it and it just went from the task force to the City Council and
I think if it's somethin~ that 2ffects us this directly, which it does, it needs to come through
us first. So if they're 'i:)l tr8cking with the direction we want to go, we want to be able to
have some control over trrm before it goes on to City Council.
Andrews: Perhaps we could si;ate then that the task force, the City Council would ask the
Park Commission to fO~':;l a t'lsk force of citizens and park board members. That would help
take care of that.
Councilman Wing: I want ~o bear what was discussed before...
Andrews: This idea of a f:>ferendum?
Park and Rec Commissio!l - September 27, 1994
Lash: I believe it was i:-l the Minutes.
Andrews: I think it was, yes.
Lash: I think you know Dick to tell you my own personal feeling. I think there was
unanimous support and I think we're sort of feeling like we're in a position, or I feel like I'm
in the position that we can either ask for this and try to accomplish some things that we
would like to see get aCile, or they will never get done because we just do not have the
funding to do some of l!~e thir:gs that we would like to do and this is the only route that we
have to do it. So it's SO:it of a pinch. I don't like the idea personally of a referendum but it's
the only way that I can see that we can get it done.
Councilman Wing: \Vp.~l it's not a maybe. It's an absolute. The problem is this referendum
with the gravity appeaJ's tc br...south end because we're putting the pressure on increased
rules and development "~2ndards and quality and...everybody's really running your staff's to
get under the line and I'\~ ';e ~.alking about re-Iooking at the comprehensive plan. So there are
going to be some majo:':'h'1:1f-es...Well for instance, the Ryan's out here on Galpin.
Gorgeous rolling and i~'~: rcming into a real wall out there because the road's going through
and the development is gJing to destroy that land as the land develops. We're all of a
sudden waking up to th~ fact that every time we approve a development, we kind of smile
and put a stamp on it ,1d ;:;0 out there 6 months later and it's a disaster...That hill was .
supposed to be preser\'ed. It was one of our landmarks. And development occurs. We're
not even up to think t~?t thev're preserving our land. Look at what they did at that hill
behind Byerly's...so 6:" ::md :eferendum is the greatest gift we can give our community. I
support it very enthusl?stic111v. If you want to raise my taxes $300.00 a year, I'm... That's
the only thing we've g:,+ lef~ to give to our community so I'm totally in support of that.
Maybe my point I'm saying 1.S, I think it's been a really, if you're enthusiastic showing by
showing up at the COl1,'sil meetings because when Planning shows up or 2 or 3 or 4 people,
it's Council and then the~' come up to the podium and they say well here's the game or here's
what we did and here's wh~' we did it. Oh. Oh. Or somebody says, well we're going to
with this alignment of tne rmd and then they come up and say, excuse me. Here's the facts
and all of a sudden. i: h:':,,,,~ everything on line so what I would ask you to do, if you support
it and if you're enthUS1?S1"1c. 'c)e there and speak up. Be there and support it or be there...
Here's where all tht> v'cd< oxurs and all the taking occurs and then it gets up there but
you're not there to ca1J... get off track and everything so I think there's a little bit... And
once I heard that task h::.-ce, well why are you afraid? One of the...task force to look into the
facts and numbers. an:' then make a determination so I at least want the enthusiasm up to that
point to get this thi!1g "fi j~ad center. I'm really excited about it. I'm really pleased with
what Todd has done...
10 .
Park and Rec CommiSSlOl1 - September 27, 1994
Andrews: Thank YOll. Do Wt need to have a motion here to restate that the recommendation
should be to have a task force formed through the Park and Rec Commission? So I so move.
Lash: I second.
Hoffman: Can you ch:.rify for me?
Andrews: I'm moving :hat our recommendation would be that the City Council authorize the
Park and Rec Commissi Y1 'to :orm a task force to be comprised of citizens and Park Board
members to investi:~(ltC'. vih'.'re 9.m I reading here from.
Roeser: Investigate the 1995 park, open space.
Andrews: Open spac~ ~ rrd tmi' acquisition and development referendum of a scope yet to be
Hoffman: That !:ypic?r:' is !b'~ City Council, in a referendum type of process, is the body
that sets, establishe-- the t~iSl( force. I don't know if we want to given that discretion, they
will certainly want to...\YfO you would like to see on it and then it's a very good idea to have
the recommendatiom ,:,f t:le ~:ask force be presented by the task force Chairperson before the
commission before it go:~s back to the City Council but I think the Council would like to
have that authority to g'l ah'~2d and appoint the task force.
Andrews: If that were to be the case, then I would recommend that the Park Board be well
represented on that 13S\ fOc'ce
Huffman: Is it pos:;i'Jle to have the leader or the head person a park board member of that?
So that's who's pre-semil';: jt ard that's who's leaving it and that's who's keeping their
thoughts up front.
Hoffman: Again, in the democratic process, the task force should establish who the chair
person is of the task force.
Lash: As long as they come back to us first, I don't care. I don't care who's on it and I
don't care who the CblJc' ryerson is. As long as everything comes through us fIrst.
Andrews: Yeah, I agree with Jan. I don't want to have it be like that community center
when the first time we saw it was after it was already drawn up and they had hired a
consulting architect a:':.J It'S JLl(e, geez. It'd be nice for us to get a chance to get our two
cents but.
Park and Rec Comr,ussi ~)n - September 27, 1994
Berg: But on the orher side of the coin, you don't want people saying well look at all the
people on the Park Cor{:mission who were on this task force, including the head. It's been a
set up deal before we ever got started.
Lash: That looks like c. rai!roading effort going on.
Berg: Right, because t11e/:-e going to assume everyone on the Park and Rec is in favor of
Andrews: I'll just try !0 ':vaJk the fence here. I'll just again restate that the motion that I
made is that the City Council appoint a task force and that they give due consideration to
proper representation by the Park Board and that they ask this task force to bring it's
recommendation to the p::,rl; Hoard for review and comment before it is presented to the
Lash: Second.
Andrews moved, Lgs~ seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City CouncH ~ppoint a task force, including proper representation of Park
Commission members. to !fsestigate a 1995 park, open space and trail acquisition and .
development refenfJJIJ j11 I)f C\ scope yet undetermined, and that the item be brought
before the Park and F~ecreationCommission for review and comment prior to
presentation to the CVy Council. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Todd Hoffman pre~':'T':ed th~ staff report on this item.
Lash: So we're 10sing :-h3! upper :riangle on the left but we're getting a little triangle on the
Hoffman: Correct.
Huffman: And people's back yards will move up right against the park in that area?
Hoffman: Yep. As de":.",:c:ed on the other handout you have in your packet.
Berg: Right up to the par1.dand or right up to the berm?
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Hoffman: It's up to ill:: ~erm...with the extra parkland so you get back lots...to the front
property...original CO~1i':~p, yell would have is 6 rear lot lines... So the fIrst couple of...is
whether or not the Par:, and Recreation Commission feels comfortable with a neighborhood
park. A neighborhood of 5 acres in size. The comprehensive plan states that 10 acres and
above and 25 acres specifically and where the city would like to place these neighborhood
parks in reference to ~:jzc...statistics. Less than 6 acres in size, the park would be smaller
than Curry Farms Park. 'Those of you who have been at Curry Farms can visualize that. And
at present the city maintains...for neighborhood parks smaller than Curry Farms...
Andrews: Isn't NOTt> L,:t::s 8bout 8 acres'!
Hoffman: North Lo!',:s Llk~ Park is 14.
Andrews: 14, okay.
Hoffman: So that 15 the: Frst issue. A second issue concerns the...of Lundgren Bros
acquiring and locating ;j teT"m that they would construct on the two properties, wholly or
partially on the city 1'31\ ~T",)DC:'"ty and Mr. Lundgren has directed that in his letter to the
commission so befC';~ ,~u W'1ight I've asked you for action in those two areas... Is the park
size acceptable to the ?2..~!: ,:l!lJ Recreation Commission. Second, what direction would you
like to take in regards to...Lundgren Bros totally or partially locate a berm in the property in
the city's parkla:1d. Ar>; yet this map shows the approximate location and their map shows,
is actually a better ref'res?!1tation because this map shows it on private property and their map
shows it being located. ';1~ DTepared by Lundgren Bros, within the park property. The question
at hand is, is this c0Dsh'u.:-tioD of that berm for the public good as a whole, to separate the
park from the neighh'w'. (~; i~ it for the betterment of the individual lot owners.
Andrews: I have a C'OVpip qlleti,)nS about this berm. It appears as though the hill, or that the
elevation is droppin~ from the northwest to the southeast. Is there any defInition of how
large, how tall of a b~'f'~. waul d be necessary?
Hoffman: I don't 1::-~ie"t \V~ s00ke about a specific height 3:1 slopes on the side. Yeah,
we're going to be "r ttG l--()tt0ITI of a bill. The bottom of the back yards. So it was discussed
that this...so you C,l,l',~" s'~einto the park. It's just a physical barrier.
Andrews: I guess I h,";:. P. cO'Jple of comments. One would be, if you have a walkout lot
that's running dO'NI1 iLt0 the ~Jark and you had a berm at the bottom, it creates some
interesting runoff iS~.~l:'~ a!;('l)t w11ere the water's going to go. I made sort of a comment in
jest here to Mr. Huffrrc-.[ z.bout, that I would have no objection to a berm in our property if
we could put our pm",=:,[' lots c.n their property. But I guess I feel that the bluff or the berm
Park and Rec Comm; ~., i O:i - September 27, 1994
itself has no, adds no ,!:,l'-~e to our park and we're looking for an active play area. I think it
reduces our play area s~: I personally am against locating a berm on park property.
Lash: I'd like to bac k Uf to the fIrst issue of the overall size. What was the intended or
original size?
Hoffman: 6.4 acres.
Lash: And we have w~(.t now? Ko, I mean when we first started this whole thing. Is that
what it was? I wa~ th;T~kin.rr it W2.S like 8.
Andrews: I think: "'e 'N:re in ;:he 6 range to start with.
Berg: Didn't we ado -~;n:gs like a pump house and something like that too? It was larger
than 6.4 when we fITst siarted.
Hoffman: Yeab. I c:n'~ot recall the exact number. If we were talking about 7 acres. In the
area of 7 acres.
Lash: Okay, so it e(l,e'" OF. 3~ 0.4 and now we're down to what?
Hoffman: It'd be (':~ J;';. ;~ady 5.1, 5.1.
Lash: And that's just because of this corner going and then the other little comer being
added on so we're Josi;--,'! ')','er9:1 in that. And why is it that we should give up that comer?
Hoffman: It's the attachment we have in your packet indicates how the cul-de-sac, the
residential cul-de.sac -\\,:111;~ rC'nfigurated and in order to allow the construction...
Lash: So are you ~;/.:.t',:;nd I gJess I'm confused why someone, a developer if he has a
map that shows where the park is supposed to be, would then put a cul-de-sac in a place
where his lots won't fi~ 'Where his lots end up being on part of the park property. If this
was designated before 1:1:- bi.d that out. I guess I'm confused why he just went ahead and put
lots on our park property. I mean granted, it's not our park property yet but that was the way
it was designated on tl:. m~,p.
Hoffman: The plan as a concept, their concept for the residential layout happens to layout
nicer if they chop thet ('rr-'ner off of the park property.
Park and Rec CommjsS[8n .. September 27, 1994
Lash: So do we haw', T mean can we say no? We're not willing to accept losing this comer
and losing more when 1;: was lower than what we initially wanted to start with.
Andrews: I think one thing to remember here is that Mr. Stockdale had an interest in seeing
that western portion so':; off and not become severed as a piece of developable property. One
of my concerns would he if we made this undesirable to the point where Lundgren wouldn't
develop it, then we lose the whole proposition. I know what you're saying Jan. I mean if
you straighten up ti-,e roc:.d on the Song side of the property and went straight down, you
could probably elimiflat~ <.:lxing our comer of the park out there.
Lash: You wouldn't even have to straighten out the road. All you'd have to do is eliminate
two of the lots.
Commissioner: Put :lle :o-;d around tr.e other way.
Lash: Well the par\-: v::'" :1<;0 ::i gh up to the street and those two, you just wouldn't be able
to build on tl;,ose t\\'0 lrts.
Hoffman: DeveIc'rer~c C J!1'r like not using their street signs which they built and paid for and
put utilities along, they like to put houses along there. ...ask for it. They might even pay for
the street. Pay the a~sc'.;lT'ents on the street frontage. There's no doubt that the residential...
if you wanted m,JTf :j;~,r: 19t" i;1 the park,
Lash: Well I look 'H th,:, -:omer that we're losing as being more usable space than this little
jet out by the street I -':~a'1 I just don't see a use for that. You know when you take out
part of our open pl~y fj.~ld~, and you have a little comer up along the street, I guess I'm a
little lost for what we v, r;'J.ld me that for.
Hoffman: It should he "111 ?ddi'ion to open space. The larger triangle being lost in this
concept is, in it's pl'(>,>~.i state, a hill side. And so unless you have a large area around it,
which is...you're not going to be able to,..open space.
Lash: I guess it's ~{in.i 0': the prip.cipal of things. That's my frustration. Given the fact that
he had the area of '~he ; :>;-;, a'ld they chose to layout the development this way, which
infringes on the pa"k pr .'ry;:r~y. I guess is kind of setting a precedent for me to say to
developers, it's okay for you to lay it out the way you want it and if it takes some of our
park property, th:l1';; ok,"'. We'll jPst work around it and that's okay. And that's not okay. I
think when somethi::": e-t8blished, then it's established and they need to make their
development work 3f(~1~;ld that And i: that means making a street bend the other direction,
or that means eliminating two of the lots or whatever and if he chooses to put his street there,
Park and Rec Com;"lis,jml - September 27, 1994
why should we have tD pay because then we'd have frontage on the street. That just doesn't
even make sense to me. They did this after we laid out the park.
Andrews: The plat to the north was already approved.
Lash: Yes.
Andrews: So the streer curving there, there are certain laws about how fast you can make a
curve and thing~ like :;~c,t" SJ ~.O just say, why can't they just straighten that out. In order to
do that Lundgren' S f,c';ng ~l) t-ave to go back and have the plat all redone which would incur
costs, which I can guaL,ltee you they would want us to pay for.
Huffman: Or put it in .:,c value of their houses.
Andrews: No, they'd wa:1t us to pay for it because those have come up before. Mr.
Stockdale, you have .~:Y" ~etti;,!? Oh, resting your hand. So I'm not sure that we can just say
arbitrarily that we ',: r~ . Y~ll TO straigbten out that road and have it miss that comer.
Berg: I guess I ag!,~.t \":~t> Jan to a certain extent though too. We're talking a principal here.
They did know wh3t t,:) looked like before they submitted this request Is that not correct?
I mean had they <;e~: t1 >? .
Andrews: I gue~s the 1)0~r.t !'m making though is the Song property was an approved plat
before this was eve".' """.:>/ t"ought in any kind of form to Lundgren Bras to work with. So
that road was alr,="ad~ -~'q; g:~er1 with the curve turning towards the south.
Lash: No, the road tc> +1.!? n xth would have already been approved.
Andrews: That's '''rx ["'1 s2,ying. The road coming down from the north already had a turn.
Lash: But it stoppd ri.('.ht, yon can see right where it stopped. It stopped right there.
Andrews: That's rir':t
Lash: So I mean to );If. ihis falls under the category of this should not have to be our
problem. You know. ) mean they're the ones who are developing this other chunk of
property. They kne'N ,,'I:-::-e the park was going to be. They knew where the property lines
were. So they have the guys with all of the degrees on how to lay this stuff out, so you
figure out how to 12.Y it out without putting it on our park property. Because if they do it, if
this developer does it this time, what's going to stop the next guy from doing it? It's going
Park and Rec Commi~si"ll - September 27, 1994
to happen over and ever. Word gets out that that's okay. You can do it however you want
and we'll just roll over and take it.
Huffman: May I ask <;, .:~uestion? What is the amount, our usage or whatever, of the park
possible to go here.
Hoffman: How big a :t-.iLC,.
Huffman: For our gf:i~'~'al ;'.:':':T.u]a that we use. How big a park do you look for on this site?
Hoffman: We'd like tc i:e 10 acres or above.
Huffman: Ane we're :,rc~ldy giving away 50% off the top.
Hoffman: Corre::,
Huffman: I cton'~ ~":.1': ;; ~~;:';'C~ 2' all. I think a berm's a wonderful thing separating a back
yard from a 10 acre pa.'I\ I wouldn't have a problem with that. But why are we getting, I
mean we're goinf ':;~ 1.:',,-:" pr,-,l;le!"'1'l with the Rottlund development down on Highway 101
with that swamp park '!"wr;~rlere. Why are we giving up park space? I mean we're talking
. about trying to g~t ;' fe' :',,;\':-:dum to save land in Chanhassen. I want 10 acres.
Lash: Well I cto~'t tl'j,)' \'e can get 10 acres.
Huffma!1: I kn(lV! p~<;,]; .;:::-:1:, l)ut I mean that's enough.
Lash: But we sett]f'Ii, u'" c.lr:,.~dy settled for 6.4.
Roeser: I thougl-tt, ~T(':'rl, a'!ree with Jan. That's what we did talk about was the 6.4 acres
and why, I don't unders.;;.nd eirher why all of a sudden they stuck more lots in there except
they saw that he~l thi;', ';e could make some money on these lots. Better than what we can
up on the road.
Hoffman: Again, W[,o.~ tne c01.1ID1ission needs to remember, we're not in the driver seat here.
We're a part of the l:rN'tSS \yh:h included the City of Chanhassen, Mr. Stockdale and
Lundgren Bros and tha'" Jmle triangle sticking out there makes the remainder of this property
somewhat irregulmhr ~>(ned. 'Nhich would be difficult if you were the person sitting down
and drawing a potel',;:,] rial Cl: it. ...you would have some irregular areas on the plat. This,
from a residential ~ht. i~ ~~kes good sense what they've done. Now if you want to change
the configuration and ~'iiJ1 try to get 6.4 acres of park, that would be an approach that you
Park and Rec C0mm~ ;:,,;i:>1 - S ~,p:ember 27, 1994
could certainly take. To ~;ay that this right angle square is exactly what we want to see, may
not be the position that we would like to take.
Dave Stockdale: ...I'd just like to say a few things about what I recognize as the history of
how it got to thi~ P')j,,',:'vlayhe..,but this all started out I'm sorry, Dave Stockdale.
Lash: You live jus\. tc t~;~ north? Is this your homesite?
Dave Stockdale: Yes.
Lash: Okay. Just wan::c to be sure.
Dave Stockdale: P,;r;:~;-l. T',~ been sitting back watching things happening around me.
Across the street ana ~o the north and I was sitting in on one of the Park Commission
meetings when a b;s ~ ,:'~ ':'~S -:};e pri'/ate park that Lundgren was proposing and... the
apparent need to further upgrade for a park in the area. And there seemed to be a stumbling
block with t~e LUPc[f :il'S iand...
Hoffm2.r: HoVl hig ji' i,') It':. smaHer than this. We measured it in feet
Dave Stockc.c.le: H:,lf >1, -l'?vbe?
Hoffman: Yeah
Dave Stockdale: A """-;y, I kind of stuck my neck out and said well I'd entertain the concept
of possibly putting the park next to my house if in fact the rest of the land had some
marketable vahe to j;. ; fl'] T0ctd and I started dialogue. At that point I wasn't sure what the
needs and the space w~re. You know be it 10 acres or 2 acres or 6 acres. So I kind of set
that out for di~cussif)n 1 ')t I CCI rer:1ember 6 acres being kind of a minimum as a early
conversation. Hov,. ',vc ended up with the rectangle I don't remember if that was generated by
something I drew or so,,;',ething Todd drew but that kind of just sat there for a while. And
then the fact that Lundgren had said, well here's conceptually what the city is talking about
doing. At that tim"" I rl:'1't think we had in fill of what the park, what the playground area
would be and an thlr We j!.lst had... Obviously we weren't looking at the...as an issue at that
point. We were just :oo".:n~~it 6.4 acres. I went to...and said here's what's left. See what
you can co with it and ';et Lick to me and I think basically he just, I don't think it was lack
of respect for the c j~~, c.~ much as developers do, optimizing their efforts to get the maximum
return, and so he :::arr.,. ,';;CKl,ith the slash across there. There's some logic to that in my
mind since it's f')110\,,11]" the natural contours. That triangle is in...significant area, in three
dimensional reaEt)" ? :;1 dng h]] that mayor may not have the value that it does for city
Park and Rec Commissi"n - September 27, 1994
needs for what they wan~ for the park. I understand the...the fact that you have, what's the
word for it, sorry... Y (>ti i :ave ideals that you go for in the parks. It looks to me like, more
than acreage, it seems ,iKe you need to satisfy the needs for the space that you want for the
neighborhood. And '.vL.neI or not the option that's created now does that, is to be
determined. It seem~ jike...it does. Yeah. it's an odd shape and it's less than 6 acres. I
personally am open to c ;;:icus. My overall property is... 19 acres. What I've had drawn there
is that new angle wl'u;.l-, oasi"':ally what my personal home status, that's the maximum
encroachment be fort;' it tar;s"o impact my land. You know what my home, so what happens
beyond my homestec,( i::l"t '.E\rDportant to me singularly as it is... But the problem is, it
seems like it's s0me"i;- ,'L~ inbo-?t\'Je{>n. Inbetween doesn't work. It's either something similar
to what Lundgren h::;:, ~';'.e ;0 make it work for them or it doesn't work for them at all and
then we're back to J-~\f.!ajr., T got the impression you weren't after large acreage, just
because you 'Neren'7 1)[:' '!lir\g:or a ballfield being formalized in there. ...trailland and all that
but it seemed Eke :::'.' ' ,']i';'t aL't~r real formalized space.
Lash: Can I ask ~u.'~ ;L. t,) l~~ir,'! '.:'5 up to date on one part of this deal? So who owns.
Dave Stockdale:' '.~":' ,,: ..'Ie:
Lash: You still OYV" -f it')
Dave S tockcble-: Y P,
Lash: Okay.j,nri <) ".'"' Tn"'" :: Dllfchase agreement out to you now for the park site laid out
as it's shown?
Dave Stockdale: I tJ-ii': t's vague.
Hoffman: Acreage to ll,~ determined.
Lash: Oh, okay. Ami t:';e.n you have a purchase agreement with Lundgren Bros to buy the
other p0'tion?
Dave Stockdale: \Jub2:1y... Yeah, it's complex because I can't, from my point of view I
need to sell parL.len,)'", ,n'! r:cv/ the other part was falling so Todd...Roger Knutson and my
attorney got together a:<l tried YO hammer it out and that's when these issues started to come
into the forefront Vln~;::. m~)bably says it's a good reason to...
Park and Rec Comm~s:;icm - September 27, 1994
Berg: Help me with m;.' memory too, if you can. Wasn't there something that was stated
earlier from Lundgren E.-os that they had a minimum number of acres they needed to make it
so that they would devchp. Or wasn't that ever stated.
Dave Stockdale: I (',m' ~ rem~mt-/"r hearing that one.
Andrews: I never he<:.h: t:,U ;1ere.
Dave Stockd:!1e: l:11i]":!: !o.~:'5tiC'llly something along this line where they get dual access.
The road is...
Lash: Okay, that kind of changes my position. I mean I guess I was more under the
impression t'1at we ";,~~,, "Jrthe:' forward in this process and that these things had been
decided and already cu. and dried and then Lundgren was coming in and.
Dave Stockdale: N.), i; 'i net 'chat.
Lash: Right.
Dave Stockdale: It' 5 )".lc...wcrk that's in the middle somewhere.
Lash: Net thr.! kir:.d C' ~',-~ff ibe~n't happen. Because it does and that's why I get so
frustrated when I see tl :..; stuff because I know I've seen it before.
Dave Stockdale: No, ~ d,1n't think they were absolutely stepping on boundaries that were
already :-e.d lined. 1 am o::;en to however you want to approach it but ultimately I think, as
you said, it's probably accurate at some level, if it gets too small then...
Andrews: I guess one ld'~a that ,iust came to mind for me would be, it appears that most of
the property on the \\',:-i."T er1~Te ':hat we had wished to have is quite sloped. One of my
ideas as an aJtern(!tive ";i,)ll~d be to try to see if the city might be able to come to an
agreement with you Mr. Stockoale personally, at such time you decided to sell your house
voluntarily, that yet: IT j:~j-;t s-eJ] i! to the city so the city could then recover that flatter front
portion ta add to the p"'~'~ rr')j)l~rty at some later date.
Dave Stockdale: 'With rny homestead?
Andrews: Yeah.
Dave Stockdale: Ha',~ Y('11 betD ont there?
Park and Rec Com;',;}';";;'i1 September 27, 1994
Andrews: No.
Hoffman: I don't know that tl.1e city would want to.
Andrews: J don't kr')w ,~Jther.
Hoffman: Unless t}-,ere's a real striking issue to go ahead and buy some of these houses out
and we can...
Andrews: Now how Lluch, it l:::>oks like you've got a fairly good slope there along Galpin
there, right?
Dave Stockdale: Y~a]-,. ','a!'"...pretty good incline to it and that...
Andrews: So you ~i' l~f 'ike 0:" ~ Ettle knoll?
Dave Stockdale: Ye::h, my house is on a knoll and what's limiting that new angle is there is
a wetland pone... The":'~ a p:1'o right in here...otherwise that w€>uld be an option too. I'm
not sure that that v;'ouL~ fit. J can't judge that... I mean I think if the city really wanted
to...go for it, I don't ne,\\' if chat's a possibility or not. The only other thing I'd say is, I'd
like to kno\v what c'i:\,(,' Y, :his ~s going because I've got other people who are hammering at
me to make some ueCbJflS.
Manders: I've got one::pestion for you. Am I to understand then that you're basically in
favor of this ccnfi;"l:;~.~icl~ tt <It's laid Ollt? Or not.
Dave Stockdale: It \VI. .':;. for 'Tie..
Manders: That'~ ,"l'.~T c '.\'<1:1t;:>r1 ~o blOW. Okay. Because I mean you're as much in the
drivers selt as aflY: x.: .
Dave Stockdale: R:~}!t. \1y only concerns are that it doesn't encroach so much on my
homestead that it "101::1t:':" my n::ivasy and that it doesn't encroach so much on the non
homestead leftovers tl-?~ it makes it a dead zone. So beyond that I'm pretty flexible. It
seems to me that jf (lcrr:"1e is 2f' issue, again I'm sure Lundgren's pretty creative and they
can figure out some wav, 1 don't think this triangle works for them at all. Just because it
cuts right in~o tl.1e f0:"rl :0. nrl if...ga;ning more acreage for either an absolute reason or for a
special use. They c.': ""nlJably address to that more than...
Park and Rec Commi~',Jii~r; - September 27, 1994
Andrew~: I guess tal:' ,~:;~,.mcl1':s I'd like to make is that what we're trying to get here is
some active play area. In my opinion, for us to buy acreage that's on a sloped hillside,
although it may be ni~e fer sliding and it may look nice, you know we are buying the
property. It's not goir.g to be deeded or given to us as any kind of a dedication. I personally
don't feel that's a wi";,,, :nvest:nent for us. Just a comment. So I guess, although I would
support having more lu,yJ. it appears to me that's not a viable option here. With that being
the case, I would be 'k:;ling :0 take this as it's proposed. That's my statement.
Lash: The site it~e:"
Andre'.vs: Yep.
Lash: Are you inclurlirl' thf' n':"rm?
Andrews: Oh. I'd 'V1Ct!;f' t-~r:n en sClmebody else's land.
Lash: Yeah. I WOl1 j :j':'~e with that.
Berg: You're accepti'lL. I'm not sure. 6.4 or 4.9?
Andrews: Well th~~ rrr:-~os:11 i;<; ~hcwn here by Lundgren to me I think is the best alternative .
that we can hope for wn,l this Darticular piece of land.
Huffman: But the berm is not on park property. That runs in their back yards.
Andrews: The berm is a'~ the convenience of Lundgren and therefore should be on their
Huffman: And thE'.! (1~,::; not count as park property, is that what you're saying?
Andrews: That's cone;:t
Hoffman: That's a ScQcrate issue from this.
Andrews: If they want CJ build a berm on their property, that's their decision.
Dave Stockdale: Kif;(. "I 0ff the record. I don't know what it's going to do...
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Lash: They think i: wi, keep people from running into people's yards. But I look at it as
being more of a bench to the residents than the park users. Right. If they want a berm,
that's fine but not on the park property. So do we need to do a motion?
Andrew~: Yes we do.
Lash: Okay. I would move .hat we accept the alteration to the original park configuration as
shown on this dra\vi:<. ~jtlt that we would deny the request for the construction of the berm
on park property
Meger: 1'd second.
Andrews: Any fllrtll~r discussion?
Lash moved, Meger ~c~0!lded tbat the Park and Recreation Commission accept the
alteration to the (lrir:L~' pr:.rl~ t'onfiguration on the Stockdale property as proposed, and
deny the request by L',rdgren: Brothers Construction for the construction of a berm on
park property. AI1 '7:'t::d in favor, except Huffman and Berg who opposed, and the
motion carried wit h ~ vote of 5 to 2.
Lash: Would you ""';:' C0mment on your.
Berg: I'd like t:' hc\Yf ;+ 70 h:JC1~ te Lllncgre, BIOS and work at a new configuration. I'm not
happy at all with ~i.\';,.(, 'on hch to "I park 1:.l]at's already too small.
HuffmRr': 1 f'.ecor.d P';'-.'
Andrews: Okay, noted.
Dave Stockdale ask.:lJ a '~~uesticn that could not be heard on the tape.
Huffman: No, Wh3+ T'r-rJ 10;!')C! i~ now basically I'm voting principal. I mean there were
enough votes to Jet it:;,iTY. Therefore I can throw my no vote in and it means nothing. I
mean seriously, in ',:,ll' that'~: what it means. I'm voting principal here because I would
like to see 10 acre~. J \\<ould like to see a big park. I would like to see an area that is park
deficient foUow tre ?liide2ines that have been established. There's been a lot of things that
have done before this potnt. I'm way too late in the process. I'm not going to stop anything
that I don't reall)' 1Z'!')\':.'. BUT you know, you did a very nice job. Do you want to be on our
task force. No, I mean our votes are, yes we'd like to see something and Mr. Berg spoke
eloquently here au: it':: ;'2r~r.e.
Park and Rec Commiss:ul1 - September 27. 1994
Andrews: Todd, who eWES the l,Jroperty directly adjacent to the south? Is that Swings?
Hoffman: ...single fal,;j~y residence.
Dave Stockdale: ...
Hoffman: Very cUlio_~s ,~bOLt what's going on. Probably not going to sell.
Andrews: Alright, '.'':'1) ,;o'Jd. Let's move on.
Hoffman: Everyone bs...referred to this building as the community center. That including
the...put on the Sigll ,t,']>. ;.:. W3S phced at the construction site. Then we started receiving the
calls, you're finally buik'.ing :11at community center... Upon discovering what's in it, they're
not excited anymore. T\ey're:n fact disappointed so we need to refer to this thing
apprcpr:atd:'. I lxI:~ ';' L, l C~i\nrafSCn R.ec:reation Center is an appropriate name for it. I .
would thiak tter! tht~ .~.: Y.,' lw:pl~ v.;cul~: nickname it the Rec Center. Kids want a rec
cente: (!lei W,,"- .\.::tn' d u' l'l~nt;'.1 a 1: i~ th' ccm:nission has other ideas, I'd be very open to
hear them...
Lash: I think that'~ ':t ,,':1i cl~ar. to the point name, although. But... Okay, I guess what I was
kind of think.:ng over '..- ': '.vef:Il:-:1d, and I don't feel real strongly about this but I want to
throw it out. I just thc).:;ght it f'l;ght make it convenient, I mean who knows what the new
element1.ty is goino t,) b. --;:Tll'd 1l1timate1y but maybe it would be convenient if it had a tie
in with the mm':' sf tr.;:- ~'':''1'e''lt"T'l jP':t :or geographical reference. So if we do end up with
a comrnunity C~r:tf:- f'\"il.'':U)' ::1 ~ll(l:her part of town, it would be, you know say the
elementary was calleo, 1 have no idea. Say they called it West Elementary or Galpin
Elementary or somethi n g iike that. The name for the rec center would have also a tie in with
Hoffman: If it's Galpin :t could be Galpin Recreation Center. Bluff Creek Elementary,
Bluff Creek Rec"eatio'l:-:-nter
Huffman: 'Ve're nClt -. :.jn~~ 'IJ: nrrr-e OT') this thing forever are we?
Hoffman: Sure. '!(n ':-l~ g(,ing tc put it on the wall.
Park and Rec Comr[:.i::,sicm - September 27, 1994
Lash: I guess thats \\.L rm, I c;on't know that I'm real comfortable putting a name on.
Huffman: We can caP : !l~Kt. Where are you going? Next door.
Lash: The gym.
Hoffman: The enti;'.> ,\..~ol C::str:ct...Bluff Creek Elementary. The City of Chanhassen Bluff
Creek Recreation Ce:'.~':': 0, Ch:mhassen Recreation Center?
Roeser: Is that what: the ~;cl1JO] is going to be called?
Lash: No, no. We rav,~ no idea.
Roeser: So we don't Ic'() \v. Bllt it's not impossible to change it. What you're saying Todd
is you want sl)m~tr;"" ~ ~ -, ~,~ fe::- ~') this so when you're talking about it, you're not referring to
it as the commlmh' ,.r.'J:,~" b'l: a~ a recreation center.
Andrews: h that a 'T,:)t~C."?
Roeser: Yeah. Tha::'~ h<:ic21'V my motion. I think that's what we should do.
Hoffman: I th~nl~ \\;';"~ \"11] ,^<l'.:lS an hterim name and postpone the official name of the
building until thf' ~,,:,l,n(' ;" n."'l1~d,
Lash: Yes.
Hoffman: Or do you ,','art to go fIrst?
Lash: They aren't going to care what we name the rec center. They'll choose what they
want so,
Berg: Yeah, and we i' ;,arre it the same as the school, then it eliminates all questions as to
where it is.
Lash: 'VeIl, and if we den'! like the name of the new school, we can go with whatever we
want but.
Andrews: Make a motion.
Park and Rec Commission - September 27, 1994
Huffman: I make c proposal that we refer to the place as the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
Roeser: Second.
Berg: Would you acce:}~ a friendly amendment that it would be...on an interim basis.
Lash: Until the nai11::rlt; c~. the elementary school. Are you accepting that amendment?
Andrews: He did aJr~2rly.
Huffman: Yes sir.
Huffman moved, R('('~('r "ccop.d\~d that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City CouncH GfficiaHy name the new city recreation building being construction
at the intersection of ~~::gh"'ay 5 ~nd Galpin Boulevard as the "Chanhassen Recreation
Center" on an inte::im basis until the District #112 names the new elementary school.
All voted in favor :!1t1rl the motion carried.
EST A~l...IS1'-1.294/95_~~KA TING RINK PROGRAM.
Jerry R1Jeg~m.eT)fl' ,~'1tl'r:! tr~ ~tnff report on t':1is item.
Andrev'~: Whrr ' '\ l"~i' ;; '1" tc b!~ 11 light pnt in at North Lotus? One like the street light
type thing
Ruegemer: I know Lk> ';e going to work up there presently and Todd would have to address
that. Hopef:111~' ~h~:'C' \~ ~'IJ..i. b~. .
Andrews: That's wh?~ '''e were !}Jing ta do this year, yeah. Okay, any other comments?
Hoffman: I.~ ther~ ;Jfl:/ ,.,t~1?" l')cC'(ons? We've often heard from residents in other
neighborhoods that want n rink and the standard answer is that this is reviewed on an annual
basis by the Park Com~l1i,sion. They've approved this. You're not going to get one...next
Lash: So who's asked for one?
Hoffman: Power PJli\. Las askea for one. Curry Farms Park has asked for one. Pheasant
Hills Park h~s askeci for c "C".
Park and Rec Commis:-icIn - September 27, 1994
Huffman: What is ~;. ';: '~S', of putting one in?
Hoffman: It's lato; .iL;;
11 '':~
,u. v 1"....
Andrews: And shor ',,~
Lash: Well if we lOJ;';' ,.~ the l'equests, how about Chan Hills, haven't they asked for one?
Hoffman: .:"Tot thRt ! 'T', ~:Pe~'...
Lash: And tbar (n~,: " 'or:' Hill, maybe we need to discuss. The rest of them, Curry
Farms, there's one ire C,c;er Beach. There's one at North Lotus. The same for Pheasant
Hills. There are scri:f~ ~c, ,i:-ly close there but there are none on the south side of TH 5.
Huffman: W:mld "r1' t"' :'('f1~thj:r1g that would fit into a referendum? If they did not have
access to one again H,lS year, that might spur the thought. Or it just doesn't make any
Hoffma;l: N::>, it' <; , :tue geti'1g i~;~,ue. What do you want your people to be doing.
Spending time TI:?kl:1[ '-:~ or doir:g other things. It's an allocation of resources.
Manders: Is there &1,) l~ICa or numbers on usage of the existing pleasure rinks? I mean is
there one of these ~~? ;'-~1~!~~ could be pl1ased out just due to low usage.
Hoffman: MinnewaSht3 T-leights has always been discussed if that should be phased out.
That discussion con-:.e,':.,.p,..
Roeser Well C01"C'1'~ 'V'~ 9fhrd Fke addi:!1g a new one every year?
Hoffman: Sure.
Roeser: You know }lrt one down at Chanhassen Hills.
Huffman: What d0.~~; ;. :'vst us fer doing that? ...explain me the difference on the ones you
do versus the one we d., n0v'n at Rice Marsh Lake. They bring the dozer down. Clean
circle the digmona <".It, l' ~~n .W~. Thev put water on the ground.
Hoffm?,": Tl1~y're -r,C", than you think.
Huffman: But they',e c':"7"stan!ly sweeping and water.
Park and Rec Con~L:~s:;~c;n - September 27, 1994
Andrews: I think we:':e.:l one south of Highway 5.
Lash: Yes. I would b'~~ cp~n to either Power Hill or Chanhassen Hills. I guess I would like
more information from you Todd as to which one you think would be more conducive to a
rink and would h2v'" b':'t'er access and have good topography and also the population there.
If you think there are more homes in one area than the other.
Hoffman: We'!c g')i:::'. t() have to de".l with them separately because people from Power Hill
aren't going to run over to Chan Hills to use their rink. They're going to get in their car and
drive...so what we' :'(':(Yr':.'<:sir.(11~, we'1] try to provide walks out to our neighborhood use.
In Chanhassen Hills Yol' can probahly do it. The access there is off of the trail. Off of either
the parking lot, tha. t-'.;1. tP",mgh the p2rk, past the playground and up the hill and onto the
ball dizmond. So if'S r.:';r "eal convenient to get there. Power Hill, there's really no location
there. The location ill: neighborhood should be at Sunset Ridge Park and again, access is
a problem. At the currtm time we're looking forward to the point when the road goes
through anC we hav,,:, " 1"'2rking lot 2nd we have access directly into that spot which...Sunset
Ridge Park for a fm~~re ice sheet, ",tether it be hockey rink or winter skating. So the
appropriate place ir. the.' r;'~;8hborhood, which is Lake Susan Hills, is at Sunset Ridge. If we
start doing t1:1at tl1:'; ye:lL it's problemafc to chive up and down to.
Andrc\:>/s: It's ;3]SCi lire'!: to Like awa~1 a rink once you've started it.
Lash: I gueso;; I'd b~ r.Tfo..l ~8 ~~ntertalnip.g that putting one in at Chanhassen Hills this year
and then if Sunset Pid~"? was reC',cy next year or the next or whenever, that's maybe, I'd try
one there. I Jook ;]f 'l'~u~ ;i": l,eing f:u enough apart that, and they don't have easy access to a
rink like a 10t of th~ .)t" f'f pe: ),;,1,:, do.
Manders: The other t}-;i ng with Power Hill is that probably is more along the lines of the
sliding !1iH that WI; ".~ i,. ::1 tr: '1ki;lg about a:1yway.
Berg: I rave a C1.H>tlO:' 'bJl,.t POWf:"s though. Is that the park that I asked you about that
most of it's up on 111':" ~il1. J recogn;ze that. Then there was that other parcel down below.
Would 3 skating rirk :,~;;] th:re?
Lash: It'd be hard to~'e.. to.
Berg: Thef';"s a !n,:l r' ",t inl,: ~t.
Park and Rec Commis,jcm - September 27, 1994
Hoffman: There's J tr:.... ~ inbetwecn two houses and then it drops off. It's such a significant
grade that driving a trucK back out of there would be kind of difficult. Or very difficult. And
then in essence he woulJ be flOoding the rink in the back yards of 10-15 people. So the
skating rink would oeL their jack yards.
Lash: Actually I wasL' ~ even thinking about access for the truck. I was thinking about
access for people.
Roeser: The t,n:ck'"... tu ,;~": t!1e[.~ t~ough.
Lash: Ye1h, I k;1'J", ;, ,U '~V;."; for people it would be tough. Is there a way that we could
put one ;n at Ch",..,l-., ',n ~,~:r:l1( th;~ "p"r')
... . -" ".l.:.l.. . .}. '.. , . ~ ,.:l ,__, oI't.....~. .
Hoffmai1: I.llletp:;r?.:..+.ec.lt.f.eretomorrowandtakealookatit.lt.s probably a 3:1
grade r;,ght at t1-.::t ben)' so we rr:ay have to take...!'ll give Dale the discretion to make that
decision whether or nct ''-ceil' trunk will service that location. Once they get up there, they
kill the gras~' ':In b<i. ',i," ,]j:,'::, '" ot~~; lccation and then seed it next spring with a new
lawn grass.
Andrew~: Let', try'')'': :'l:\t :J'~t t'S l:.aow if it's not possible.
Lash: And ~);en k~,>" ,!'."irj ':';: ~l_:\lSe~ Ridge one as a future.
Andrews: Lefs ~')"e :'-, Prcg::"IIT' Reports on Lake Ann Park and Concessions and
EquipJ:1ent Rental
Hoffman: Was thee ,;,~,'iol1 on number 67
Roeser: Do we need ,. Tlotion?
Hoffman: Yeah...
Lash: \Vell I wC".lJ:': n1'" 'C th:lt we approve the skating program '94/95 as submitted by Jerry
with the amendmem war We WOUld investigate installing recreational or pleasure skating at
Chanhas5en Hil15.
Berg: Second.
Lash moveri. Berg s~concleu that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the
1994.95 skating pro~ram as proposed with direction to staff to investigate installing a
Park and Rec COln:-.1i~.).,)r:- September 27, 1994
pleasure skating rink at Chanhassen Hills Park. All voted in favor and the motion
Lemme: Ch2inra'J;\ 10 !xrE':n~.lisiQP~~<;, ~tem 7(a) and 7(b) are both mine and they're strictly
informational s.) if Y(ll.':iI',~ any questions, I'll...
Andrew';: PJI~:hc"t' 'j': ~1nestions on items 7(a) or (b)? Hearing none, let's move on item
Ruegemer: Thank yo,-~ Chairman Andrews. This is going to be a review...we just finished
our bus~' se2SW'] ?f'e1v,;, :t's :;.!!;.:' to look ahead again. It'd be nice to make some sound
decisions regarding :~;': .)95 outdoor facility usage for next summer and it'd be nice to take a .
look at some pC'1ic!es Td pr,:;'.:~dures for next year get ironed out before too long here while
theY'f/: ::<11 f:e~'1 i"" ;', -:')'\ <,',; r~e1ilGD,' 'V:e did take a look at the CAA, or Chanhassen
Athletil..: A':Dciati~ll" ":,)p'.'lr.... Gi1~'S ~(JZJnn program. Those type of uses are certainly
goinf '0 ir.C'f(,~-t. For next year I think we need to be proactive in this...take a look at some
of those uses. \Ve've :-dshed over the neighborhood park issues before and then we all know
what a can of W0f1llS tr1 l~ is hetwecn cars parking, privacy, that type of thing. I think it's
importallt as a (,c~l1rn' ,"' 'Jr. ~h2: W~ take a look at that type of use again and make a sound
decisicr. in re~::iics 0" .:l, \Ve also need to take a look at reviewing weekend use for such
areas as ("Jf comnwni:',)c:b ,;:r{~ 'J<;e for soccer practice, baseball practice, girls softball
practire:, and t!'0Sr> ";'; ;' '. ~~c;, \"e ",HI fe~ some, a little bit of a breather. We did get
additioml fi.elds ('11< li,' ,".f l,:"}f;, '.Jmn:~~:- r.eas:m. if the grass is developed by that time.
We'lll{~ow that after ;v:':t Y-::I after tbe planting season. How that comes along but we need
to make some ~l ,1It ;:~L-l~esls to get tc that point in order to better serve our residents. We
need to take 1 Jock P.t -~:ght(lrlY)orj use for such ages. For instance 4th grade for T-ball.
For 2nd and 3rd gr~do -r;ftb;E p~ogram. Ri:'gball. Pee wee programs. Those types of uses
that wC'lIe! hav;, ;:, r:'. ;\ ., ;r,- 'j~e (If probably 2 or 3 months during the course of the summer.
We did t,,!(e a JreI;'~ ',:'; i. ,~'Jr, al10 also we took a look at the issue on practices during the
weekenc\s. We h(ld v: Pid; BroW:l come h1 from the Chanhassen Legion program with such
a request. J kp().v t.:),. "':"l:-;\'<~~.,';' be coming again next year again. I think it'd be in the
30 .
Park and Rec Commj~,i()ll - Seotember 27, 1994
best interest of t;ie leE 1}];S,;;JC!1 CD lCl,(e a look at that. Make a sound decision. If we want to
take a lOClk ~t enk"::U. ~l,~" To cO certain degree limiting hours such as we do with Mr.
Brown, or eli,r,inatl ,fJ ~ u'ic ,Ltogethei", or to,..because I know with the increasing populations
with those youth a~.'iOcLt;oIlS, ~he::e's going to be increased time and stress put on our
facilities, You kno..\ c\.:T~n:ly lhey are gaing for the most part 5 days a week, you know first
come, fIrst serve Oil S:'.b';:':'YS :'or practices and that type of use so the fields are getting a lot
of use during tho>;,( 2, 3 ~'..::.trs during the summer. So we need to take a look at that.
Possibly reviev/ing:;.i. .., ::;: crne, filst serve policy and then taking a look at some of those
issues ':h3: aros( ;1\.;' . ::, TX' ~Lr:llel-, !t might make sense to limit those uses to our
Chanh<.'J~'l COlTI1,;'~:r::: ';: ,.','J~' w;tr: :he r.bt:ndance of parking and being able to
accommcdate tl1.;,(": :, r~ ;,?S, ; b1JV' picnics might be an issue. I know we need to take
a look at that 31:d ; f 'N~ ];fe-:i to...I've ?lw1Y~, IT:Bde that available to people at Lake Susan. If
somebody doe5 sd" 1.,',,:: '~:"7J;.:', T 2)WClYIi men~ion that there is a possibility that Mr. Brown
might be there ane ).,;. .::'>~ d.1T:r~,; that scheduled practice time so that's just the policy
issue tr:-Tl~, It ceTt": ;', " u; 1~,(~ '''r:':'f.<>d ~hrc'llgh in that case. So if the commission, it'd really
be ver:! i'11r:"~t''::. .\. 1 \(.~: " t S'.:'illP' of th')se issues and get that resolved while it is still
fresh in C"lf r."\ppw,' f"'" 'he -:V': rT'1m~r. We can discuss that type of policy for next year.
Andrevlc: TJ-12I'J",)' , ,;,,,rL. ~() n1:' lik~ YOll have really several different issues here that
need to ~e real! wi'h. '}1"r~ rr.en 1J'Y -=,Tchlems with the field reservation with the ball team
that came in tre"e'1
Rueger"er: Mr. Prr.",,'t
Andreu'~: Ye<:,
Ruegemer: Chaf1j;;I'('i~'''7 '\01".;' tlnt I'm aware of.
Andrew~: Obv T <i!-:!~, ~ tr.;'ll( there would be and I'm surprised. I guess one comment I
would make and thj~, I,; (;'ilv Ll-l.;;ed on my expenence with soccer this year, which has been
almost 5, or ') da~'s (1 "II.'':'K. I would predict that soccer next summer will probably grow by
at least 30%, Fielrl sn:!"" tbs tal] there ha<;; been as many as 18 teams up at Middle School
West at ont ~;ght. Jt". qoin? to be a real cru!1ch so we are going to be forced to deal with
this issue of priontiljli~, and reservmg space, One observation I'm making is that these fields
just can't ria )dle L~~" ,r;::, ,,1-ley ',e' [:ettmg and I think we probably need to stick to our
guns and say that Thert. '.!t certain times that we're not going to reserve for organized teams.
I m~an the "itlds illT [)-,1f2. lJc'>U'('y-:-d and ':..1cy'1l be of no use to anyone if that happens.
Lash: I \Vou~ri DUO ,} :'I~'~l CO'''l1m{:r,ts J~::-ry t;lat we would look at limiting weekend practices
and gam~~i to (3 ,:tr.a:"': .'r-; 1-F:: :,)t IDllfs, a'3 we did with the Legion, so there wasn't a conflict
Park and Rec ComnlS'i"11 - September 27,1994
with people m&king rc,:~::v aLions for those facilities. And also allowing activities at the
community parks and 1:(: a:: neighborhood parks. If you want to review the fIrst come, fIrst
serve policy, I'm gnho 1:;~; thrJw om an idea. I don't know if it will fly but if it was a team
who wanted to hav..: :; -; ;-,1gcing scheduled time, that you would put out into all of the
literature at regiStr8,ti'1 ,'imc th1t ;f they \Vant to book every Saturday or every Sunday
afternoon or whatever" ~L~)' would hc:.ve to have all their requests in to you by a certain date
and you'd knew fy,r} C;,?;:.':' wantd to have a scheduled practice and then you could look
at that and try and Cgc:L out how you can spread that out equitably so everybody gets a little
time imt~ild of ;T' ,r, ;: ,IC':'rlf~ ~e~ting a :ot of time. And then if there was one shot request
that say (One t~::m ,;' '-:t :: 'Ill" UT' C\":: time :tnd tney want to try and get in a quick practice, that
would be an <l fir:,: ('-'~'. fi~<;~ ~:c"'e b:"s~~ on something that you could fInd that's open.
Andre'l!~: I g1]~S~ I'd 1>;", t) ':t'f ce;-:.?i"'" T guess the term I'll use is blackout times when, that
we would no~ re-:e::-'.'t' " ;,ce {i"r:\ 'ct.
Roeser: I t:t1ink SCl;.:i;',i~ ~~e r~;:;' ta do th2t. Really. With use of the park, you're leaving it
open f0f ?e)pk ~r;:: j ',' \"~1-' ,n :,;d: ~1p p'11es or people that want to use the park. I don't
think there should he> ,':n:ril'l'?:1 ry'"actices in the park on Sunday.
Andrew~: J gut'S"! ," :n _ ')~, prc-h'nch tir post dinner time is prime picnic time and I feel .
that W~ shou].j S'1Vt. ~nl ~;'''''''e f('1" Dirk up or the walk in public.
Lash: Okay, or norn t~_ what's ihe lJsual rental time for the park shelters?
Ruege1T)e!: For ~",~ sh 'C''':, ;t'df Dery~nding on what size of the group but typically set up
is no eRrlier than i ,);()!, :1:- i J :0:) ?..ffi. Depen:is on what kind of a group. A lot of times it's
11:00 or noon until 5:(:..' [IT 6:()[i.
Lash: Sc ~1:! wt:' ~1i': 7"" ~Lmg, "Ie viouldr,'t '1che.dule anything between noon and 6:00 and
then that would K:L: [~Jjl1c;d:;.'/itn.
Ruegemer: We have i c :ake a look at too what park you're talking about.
Lash: V/t'l1 if yo],; "'C;J:l,l:li; ,t Sus~m and Ann.
Hoffman: That's on,; i,l..dc;o. I don't think you'd ever see 6 pick-up games on Lake Ann.
At a mJxirnt'n; f:e'ri", _ 'Ii (; :,::"t th:- grcl;p tlse because the people are coming...
Andrews: That's fine. You couid give us some guidance there but I think we should have
some fields tbat iu~,. :;':',' :wt rt;'s~rved for thof.e periods.
Park and Rec COlvn'~ <11, ' Se:W:mbei' 27, 1994
Lash: Or mayb~' y"~ ,~1 WL:: D. jf you want to try and pick up on Jim's comment about
allowing the field ~'Jme ("!JW;l tir'y; or recovery time. Maybe you want to come up with a
schedule where you 11i;) fop it every other weekend. You know 1 thru 3 and then the next
weekend it's 4 thru~. :: GO,,'t know. I'm just throwing out ideas here.
Ruegemer: ...the fi;ls . ,l:3, 31e b~illg used during the weekend would be number 1 and
number 2...for tJ<it ;() '1, ~2, lG the 16 age baseball program. They're not really coaching
into the...
Andrews: Tr,e0.e') ::: ,C:':ClT Lr. seeing are the soccer fields. Right in front of the goals.
Unfortunately C(\2C:-l~, Crp", j'ive e.lm!;~ sen~e to pick up the goals and move them away
frOr:1 the gamc~:a; ~J~' " ;;"cl ye': ('an run J ve:-:-y effective practice out anywhere in grass. I
think that's somethin~: ' ,:LC th~ ~ity needs: to work with on the soccer program. Give them
some dir:ctio:1 h~C1' <';1':; ':..:.: (L~<,tro~!ing a game field for no good reason and the fields
just cannJt t:;>l-Cf the l'c' j:'!,,: f'.1t tJ:ey're getting from these soccer programs. It's just
Hoffman: ""'':' '<:'-3:" .' ',:- 1\:n PRrk wit~ tl,e irrigation that you, and the fertilization
schecll:1e tl-J.:::-e is iu;',
. Lash: Well if WF: t",..y, on: ')T~ cf those times to you, does that give you some guidelines
to wriv I"J c. pCi1;:'," ': \..' "'c ";;,~,I; 'J' ;is?
Ruegemer: Yes.
Lash: T guus I '.r;-"i~T'1j I or '/ery "ITor.;ly about not scheduling the neighborhood parks
for::)ff."'~r;~d S')OJ1'. ,L",( r~1':' ottler thing that's going to happen is.
Huffman: Are yon t.1'C.11 cr 'Jl:'0']i iirtie J<jrj" m:"!d everyone too?
Lash: Everyone.
Huffman: I'd like to se,:; it gar_e. Every one of them out. And the insidious reason for that
is, we c.1oC'o,;t force iU " ; ,::c:"', J w~_nt the referendum to go through. People have to feel
there j,' ? '1eec in tr;,,> ~'c,:lllmmit)' and if they say oh gosh, we can go down the neighborhood
park. 1'<0. That's nm t;;e use for that park.
Lash: What we're '1t.;!:' ;s pJ~:ing a banciaid on a problem and then people won't vote for
the referendum.
Park and Rec Com::l1S'(',:J ' Sep'emher 27. 1994
Huffman: ...salved or n-:t ar:d 1 want them out. And have them call me. You know I've got
2 little kids too.
Lash: You know aa0 ;:: may only be 2 or 3 months out of the year but that's the only time
that peopl'e repl]y e',f', '\;m;, t;:, li't" rl']e park ~myway.
Huffman: That's wher. I can gCi down to my park on Tuesday night and I can't go there.
Shorten it. Make it sl'i;)'t.
Roese!': \Ve do sched\~~: tt.e'11 for games though, right? Neighborhood parks, you still do
Lash: Yo. Rice' ~,f)F:
Andrev'~: Kor~h 1.8~',' "C'" do.
Huffman: Yeah. W,~'-;1 ;'m sa:,'i'1g is g::me altogether. Create a shortage.
Lash: And as soon as :he new elementary opens, I really think is a goal we want to get it out
of Rice \1arsh total:y,
Ruegemer: I'm tryng ~'-' (b tiLt from year to year but just with the increase in numbers,
Lash: YVell when \T ~.' 'h"~f? new fi~Jds, that !leeds to be looked at.
Huffmair Oh, I 'JM,c:'"':'~I:L1d :J-.ar hut ! mean if we keep making little solutions here for them
to acccn;nor!?te, \\ ? 're nc: going to get a referendum passed. I mean if they don't perceive a
need to have this, ','e11::;;-; we Tec.l1y want to add so much money to our, well we can go to
Rice Mar~h. '.Ve c: '. 1-.:,':, p1:l> 'IG';m t!:.ere. Or we can go wherever.
Manders: I think that l~ more of an education issue. I understand where you're coming from
on neigl:~')orh()()d U<;'''T'' ~'lt 2 lot 0f peonle are going to say that that park sits there empty and
nobody uses it. And they're te~l1flg us that we can't use that park. Why do we need a
Roeser: Oh GO, w:,,'-.\~ ~:l~t "2.ying we wcn't schedule.
Huffman: Yeah, you C2.11 go down there and play. If you want to take your two teams down
there 2.'ld prr,':i:ice.
Park anci j{ec Commiss~8r - September 27, 1994
Mande~'~: But fer SC~1~.'u)ing ;::;rI;ose~, I mean they're going to be talking like that.
Huffman: I can gu,1't'J.lliee you Tuesday at 5:00 to 6:00, from 6:00 to 7:00, from 7:00 to 8:00,
three T-ball gan1es. b ~'o''Jtel;' r.ct.
Manden: And they're ;!':"1irg to come back to you and say, well you're asking for more park
Huffmn'1: It'f, a ne' ,:+:,J':v'd ",::'k.
Mande;"~: Ar.d th?"~; ,; t I''11 get!ir;? at. There just needs to be more education. And not
be so blT1t Sly:')'.?t ~;(1Y> ~"8t\'(;1l ('an't use it, because they don't understand why.
Andrev.";: I thin',,-: "::' Y d a ITI)Iion to do this. This is a dramatic change from what we've
HoErr,.": Y\"ar. T ,,",,1:J li\r'" .", ,'dd SO'11e comments as well. As far as Rice Marsh or
Carver Beach and T:'1Jyt:e, North Lotus Lake Park, the Park Commission has the political clout
to clo~e !ho,,>t;> ievm, '/~~~:;')" Gre:,"" Prk which, if you take a look at it, is additionally
being L'~ed b;;,?i-:-Js S(.~.>,11 J ""leaf' trat'~ j12St their home field. That's their home practice
field. That's where t!1:-:: play their games and a park which is a large neighborhood park,
was laic1 out ell, ':'arll~.e ,', If ; ,,', C'l;;'r want haHfields, which now in neighborhood parks,
we're not building bal1f;eJds. Take the ballfield out of Rice Marsh or take it out of Carver
Beach. Shan of dO~:1g i:11:n. nc putting in new ones, which is good if you don't want that
actually to h?upen, V,-",)W G-e~rj, that'" going to be a real nightmare.
Huffm:m: v Ol~ ~3~! th:, t', :;: b; g:!~" nark.
Roeser: T1at'~ ~J let t..-i.:;:".
Hoffml.1."': 'Ne 11l'r:} L" iJ.;r;t a:'e'v cf :h~~,e, pick and choose. If you want to take the
neighborl1Clocl parh ';"",.1 ,:'je1:Meadow Green is classified as a neighborhood park within the
city cf Cha:>hY'\e'1.
HU"frrc.Y1: ~;Yel1 hIlt it;') r rmming in tre wrong direction. I'm saying let them bleed to fmd
out what the real need i". 1 mean yes, that's drastic. I'm asking is that too drastic. I mean is
that some :l}ir: g rhot '\I'} ! ,~. are .u~t going to scream...
Lash: ['m r,('t ~(yil~; 1': Fe r,~(~d ~) aiter what we're doing now. I'm saying I'm not open
to e}:par.'~;n[' i~ :1ry fn..t"(;:' thv we ~lready have because all that's going to do is encourage
Park and Rec Commis~j()n - September 27, 1994
that to happen more ar;c more. Pretty soon it will be scheduled in every neighborhood park
and it's not Wh3t th~q '~'e int~nded for.
Hoffman: ...over your head. And it's always been the intention of staff, because we've heard
the direction from t'le " ,:',1l11i-;sion to, through...get out of Rice Marsh, get out of Carver
Beach and get out of the neighborhood parks. But each time we bring on additional fields, if
you want to take theni ~.'-,o.y, fiLe. If you want it to happen through attrition,then you have to
wait until the ne'.\' ~C>:" :' '::'0IH~S in.
Berg: 1 thinl: we h;y~' 1:--e 'iC'r:' specific. Instead of saying neighborhood parks, be specific
with the park that v:<;: GOel't want this activity going on any more because it would be an
absolute sin to quit ::,11)';:1/ sof'ball at Meadow Green,
Roes~r: Meadmv C'e;'" ye?~ Tb::tt'~ true.
Lash: 'Nell and (lg:>:". ,'?;1~ ~~~ 'Jp more for that. I mean it's got the large parking lot.
You know Rice MalsliiCs no pIece to park.
Huffm';',:1: Iil all the J~','lh(\~~~ va~j~,
Lash: Right. So tbjt.' r~e(in 1:13t'S a nightmare situation and I'm not exactly, Carver Beach. .
Manders: Abcut tll(> '.,,'W \\::iy.
Lash: OJ.. a:!, the:c':~ ;.;;,1': rC't ~::>Iking ~et up there either. You know and right now it's been
kind of a I)top gap rne:l~''f~ t'or a few years ",nd it's filled the bill and it hasn't been too much
of a pT'oblelL
Manders: Jt's :1ot ~'oi(j -' to get ?ny better.
Lash: Right t\1J:3:: thee '-,ev;fi~ljs come on, if we can get it out of those two particular areas
where trere's a parkmf, cJ!"oolem and get it onto new fields, fine. But I'm not interested in
star.ing ~~e pnbJems -'1 '!~:1:'r r-~?r(~',
Hoffman: Ckay, ki~Vt Jt'~n a" Civer the board.
Lash: So okay, J tl'hk- i ,~ii" ~;l1r::"!1arize how I feel.
Roeser: \V0u'rl. yr:-l r"'",~
Park and Rec Co:nJ;:~',:,-,'J - Septe:nber 27, 1994
Andrews: And I'd like:o summarize how I feel.
Lash: Okay. That we \,,'culd not allow any scheduling of neighborhood parks for organized
sports, other than tt.e ,\L~'('. t:1at are being scheduled currently, and I think we named those
three. Th,H th~ COfnIT'l):Pty P:1TKS would be scheduled and I don't know, what did you guys
think of the idea of ;"'J<'!,2. ':n ::. :Tq1j~St to Jerry ahead of time if you want an ongoing
permaner,t time. I-k'd i.~Ve to C0i11e up with a schedule. I think that's reasonable.
Andrews: '/es.
Beq: krry, do y.)U (o1~'.: :cll'rf. g(~in~ to get more requests than you have parks?
Rueger(t~.: l:'!)f F:e.
Berg: FC'- p:re-orc\ ;~j~(' "r;e-.
Ruegemer: For th,,:; cor "1UL ;TV park?
Mander~: Ye:lh.
Rueger~':"": ~I; t.h ~a~', :i;:-Y'Vf b~e:1 gcing out there anyway and having practices. I can see
that as we go TlllOll} 'L.!. LU\\'llley' f<::' talking about the new district wide program for next
year so J WOl1!rl 1T 6--: ' f: :lj:~11er numbers next year so it's hard to gauge how many requests
we're going to get...
(There was a tape ch:m,,~e at this point in the discussion.)
Manders: They kiT.: c;f wi;~ g n, isn't t.f],at easier?
Huffma,'.: C'T net; ).' .:. '~'.
Hoffmc.!1. And if they !lave to call the schedule in on Monday for the following week or by
Tuesday for the followir.~' wee.k, then you can bet that if they make the reservation, they're
going to he there,
Lash: So jlEt stickN;t~l 'h;: first I;O[:1e, first serve? That's what we've had.
RuegeTT'er: T thl-,~ ':,).- 1/3s;;"Jing, just to have, they can do that...
Ho:~Jm2"": Just to 1,;)'/1: '"::sfI'!af,ons.
Park and Rec Comr.li~~;ian - September 27, 1994
RuegelT.~r: Tb: :.:'t1':. 1".: Jf tLt~ we~k, like Monday or Tuesday they can call for that
Saturday. If you v.' ~n:. t,' elin:i:llte the Sunday use, I'd certainly...
Hoffman: Right now v t' . re taking no reservations at Lake Ann. Except Dick Brown, who
came in this sp:ing. S ~ what lerry is aslGng, that people would like to reserve for games and
Ruegemer: In very di:'e ~traits in the past we've used that as a game for rain out make-up,
that typ'~' of .hing. ':.. ;r. <:"! ;;1:.,:" to pern~it that for game use. Primarily it's been used for
Lash: Okay. S;J th':':1 v'~.:. ! \"Ot:lcl say is in the community parks, that we would allow
scheduled gam':':s and':',:('tic~s not, \"e c~rne cp with not the hours we wanted.
Andrews: Black om k)~cs.
Lash: 01"ay 'vith . )"- '.:: f:"(' ',:':'-:r lJlf)C'kp.d out for Lake Susan and should we just say half
of Lcke Arm?
Roeser: Two haU;:::(.'r1's
Hoffman: Fields ~ ailG "L
Lash: Okay. and Fiel~'~ :\ ::'.1id 4 for Lake Ann.
Huffm:m: May 1 ,,~,/~ a cuestioi}? The three parks, three little neighborhood parks. What was
your recommendatior. :;~Te!
Lash: Tbat that woulcl ':ontinue until the elementary opens.
Huffman: What haDpe:-,s if we stop it this year? What's going to be the repercussion? I
mean if we look at it c'1d Vi": s<-:y no.
RuegclTe: 1'm ~Jc :tl,,1 c b~' Lrr.;i.mg !:ids that can participate in sports. I don't know if
you decided. to co pJS.~"I:' a split season.
Hoffma:l: Rice MaT'lh pav~: ~1~W mwy nights a week?
Park and Rec Cell': ,~",." .. St::p>:n~ber '27, 1994
Ruegemer: I believe i r -,ias :2 this past year. In the past they've done 4 but they've tried to
eliminate some of those with the Coulter fields right down here and then try to shift some
people around...
Hoffm21"': 6 nights
~"Ii VJlijd(' c': ~:appecr !Jer week.
Huffman: And j'ealisti;';;.Ll:y, is there anyplace to put them?
Ruege~e: ~n ~ hi\; c,~~':-~!a,d,
Huffrr..an: l\e got ,1 1", :1 through my back yard, thank you.
Ho~fm2':': '201.]te" r .~ ~ .'lrv :dlf'l~ two.
HufffT1::'''': B1.:~ in T(:~'j~) : mfUT if we z~p them, there's no place for them to go?
Hoffm;:,':: "V~:1 th,"'.' ,. ~t:":l: 'C)meW;1ere else.
HuffJT12T": 131]t they'll :' ~n:::r. th;:~'c;; the point. They'll crunch. They won't be...
Roese'-: Well T)1,2yi
'. :~;.,(' ~,1'1:"h i.s a crunch to begin with.
Huffrr.::"': Ye.1h y~." ~ 0: k:'l" OfCe' they get up to the field, I mean it's a disaster getting
in and out. Once the kids on the field, they have room to run.
Hoffman: Currently we re initiating an investigation into a site at Rosemount for
priv3te/pub~ic p?;tnt"~i;h f()~ me Of green space to the west of their building. At DataServ,
to the east of tl1eir b'.lJ \.Er:g 3ne then eventually at Instant Webb but that one would require
some gradi.ng. Tre ~":-ce Df'O;1'f' \."ant more space and the only place to look right now is to
private ~Jnd w'lich ','e.. ..lei ..se...
Huffm2.r: ..,vote fer t1: referc~dt:.m.
Berg: Dav~, I third:; i; ',\~, f0 :~1,.t way, we might be working counter productive to ourselves.
We m:g!1t crunch t(', ~r ~ ')o;nt that th,:,y feel like, to use your words, they got hammered and
they might no: wan~ t,: ; nv~stjga:e ?!lY flJrther than finding out you took ball away from my
kid. Ane i.t might work ;,.., COllT1t~r ~U'l)('ses for what we're trying to do.
Lash: And I don't w::'n" to hu!"t kids in this process.
Park ane Rec Comilri~J~'i(n .. S~ptelrlber 27, 1994
Huffma::: No. I dc,,'t ',!,mt Ie slam them but I also somehow want to point out very clearly
that we've got a probkrn and ',his is...
Andrews: I think the sOlution is that all officials of the various organizations, you know
Chanhassen Athletic (.r "onb Unitei or what~v~r, that I think a memo should go out that
those fields will no 10;' ger be used once the school properties are there so do not expect that
we will :1ave additi()r,~,; ~;dc~ srace. You're going to have substitute field space so they can
continue to look for a!t"'rpate 'T'lce because I think the assumption will be that no only will I
retain Rice !v1ars', r' '..' I"I ' ~ct 3 -:nare fields to use.
Berg: That's a readY good point.
Hoffm","': Scmet!'~"lr':I:': :,", thnk about's that, as you look forward to the potential
referensllm, the date ",.~ '1a\'e nn! iC.el1tificd...additionalland for ballfield space other than
poten~';llly 2.l0ll? P;<;h\,. i' S. 1.1,) to ~he north there. The Fleet Farm property or else
altern2tely the HLlh f1~,,=.n~r~,;, r!0wn to the south but as we look forward and begin to push
, .
people 3raurc) '}, teJ 'i;: ;"'f' t1.f':' em gc, we'd better be in line to provide the space. When
you say get out of here, and yeu go somewhere else. Bandimere would be that location for
another )-15 fields ~,~:: "I:",':~nd \:-:::It, we're probably coming up short of community ball space.
Anrir~\~'~ : 'Nell \?" ~ 1',,";' i! h:'ccme~ more obvious to our citizens.
Lash: Se given th 11 '.-,: ::-:r:':ltic'IJ Jerry, do you want to write up a policy and we can review
that on 'j ft:l'.1:'"e me~t''i~.
Andrews: Yeah, brm~ it 1)3ck pie3.se. If you would please tell us what Ian said then we can.
We're g~,ing to mo'.':' ,'f' .'\dr:lhistrative Presentations. Do you have enough to go on there?
Ruegemer: YE,all D>' "nr r~"ke e motion then?
Lash: Yeah, 1 g:ll~(:"} , J.:1rl call.
Huffman: Second.
Lash moved, Huffr-mn sen.Hiefl that th(' Park and Recreation Commission direct staff to
bring back a policy regarding scheduling fields for games and practices which would not
allow any sched'.llinJ :,~ nei~~bhorhood ~arks for organized sports, other than the ones
that are being Sdh'dl.k(. ctirrently, and the community parks would allow scheduled
games :1nd practi('fC'S ,2" '-?nt Oi' Sunday from noon to 6:00 at Lake Susan and on Fields 3
and 4 at Lake Am.. ..\ii vot-eJ in favor and the motion carried.
Park and Rec Cor:..r:"'si('[' ~el)trmber 27, 1994
ADMI:'\ISTI< ~T~Pt .' ".ESEr:T l.lIOKS:
A. TR.{dl__~=n;~;:~~?_,,~TI~"; rU:PORT.
Todd Hoffman upci;',',:d 'he cCJnl'lissiol1Jn t!1is item and asked for any questions.
Andrews: Hearing ~,lC'.~ " Je"s ;iDve on to item 8(b).
Mane,c",: J "~cPt ~. , - -'i,', rll' :Hi;'~h:l' 4.
AndJc' /:: Y \jH > ''', ~. _ ~; ,'~
Manders: JU'It ;;1~:; :::.: . __~ ~!" T Jf:;n I thirJ<: it's great but how does that factor in with the
Hoffman: Frontag~ ro;!,";?
Manders: Yeah.
Hoffma;;: it Will p.ll[: ,y V\i:GLY or partially...
Manders: That mig:ll L':: a 01..lL:n of years down the road.
Andre\":: Y e::;!; tr:eY'~'t.'.alking 2000 now so. The proper term is access boulevard.
Mance:':: A:,d tl-,..:., d',..: ,-,tLu .;i~ilg, I dlOught this was a real interesting, informative
LAJ{f~_., Uf!.:.\J:'LL'::...~~'~,.:, _~.1:1;~i,'.J./~~l?_~
Todd Hnffr.1an up:!?te(' '!-e Ccml11i:;~jon en this item and asked for any questions.
Ma'1c'e-~': ':'.;"1,:: is ::;:;~.;:'~r P~),1d ,ce,~ that w~' went on the site visit?
BeT';: V,'bc",:,'j iLo ,(, :'~ tJ~'
Park and Rec Com;mssion - September 27, 1994
Hoffman: The bea\/~l,', 1,":'11t 1-1 ,~1c other end of the lake and went up the creek which, the
bridge that goes over tc Lake Susan Park. They dammed that up almost to the level of the
bridge. Backed up Lh~ ".:':L1 \vater retention pond and flooded the trail on the...
AndreN:,: Th~y dG1"",'~i:'~(, ,'lJsy heavers fer nothing.
Roeser: Briri6 the:-L ,~.;,:l to ILc~ Mar~h.
Huffm? I3rhg ':h(" ~ ; ':c"." W,;,: could use them.
Hoffman: .. m;e l~ Cfi-~.. ;;::~ ~!o~,;':cs ~G hoth J';ln and Fred for helping out at the Septemberfest
celebration. An idea Lh8~ Da",:n came up with on this park and rec trivia. It was a real kick
and YO'} will 'pe it:u:' .I(1.1:t !';~;-n-re '::fle9rations. You spin and wheel. They get to win a
prize if they can name. nswer a trIvia question. Jan and Fred...tell us about your
Berg: 1. W:'.! i' 1-....'1
Lash: 1t was.
Berg: W~ 1-]10 (\ lCi ~.< ...., I "t "If kin:;;,
Lash: 1\ 'vas -re2l',>'sti:1g 1 tPink a lot of people thought it was kind of educational too.
Yot: know whether they knew tte answer or not, they ultimately got the answer. We
accepte~ fir,,:., sc':~()r ~. ", c'd an ewer. After much prompting usually they could get it but I
think they lear:1ed some thmgs mat they didn't know before and I thought it was really fun.
Hoffman: Excellent ?\:C:, l.n conclusion I would like to let the commission know that
MichellE:' Br>U:l is ""in::: ,~dc,wn her t;me with us as a Recreation Intern. Michelle has
perfoITJed excellent Vv",,'; for we Oty of Chanhassen, at a very reasonable price I might add.
Before 1e:w~'r sh~ \II::: ~..:, car,eluding a very exciting project for both the city and the
depaltment. That ~clrc ' glns~,.r' fu]! mlor pG'rk, recreation and trail brochure. About a
$1O,0f1000 print iol:> \V ' ':1 win ~?ke y;bce in January-February of 1995. It will show the
city's rarks and dty ~':i(.b. '-N::'.~re ~he future trails will be and describe our park system. It
has some nice pictures \Ve have a local citizen who volunteered through solicitation in the
newsletter to t[!ke ':}110:. ,:"'1i:,::,hs. Vie 11?ci a pro:t~s)ional photographer who's doing that for
free. Tt..illf,s aye c;o.n~i'- ;': +o~~ther ?~d Mi~helle did a good job with that fmal project...
Anc',rew<:: Thank v ~\ .
Park and Rec Conr,,;,;',)'n - S,'ctl'mber 27, 1994
Huffman: Are yc~ g:.,> " .::; s';",y in tht park area now after watching all this?
Braun: Y \..iU be~ 1 Cia
COMIVHSSIO:,\T 1\1"-:.',/, t'~R PH F:~EJ\'TATIONS:
__..._~_________ ___"-H_'. '__'~ ._.~_:.._._._______
Andrews: Are there sri' comrrilssion member presentations this evening?
MaedeL: Thr~e L':jf'^ ,';, T"l~'y":e ,~:fferent, more informational questions. First one is on
Power Hill sliding ,'r~;u, Is that guing to be open this year?
Hoffman: It VI ill bc)/';. The gr2ss looted very nicely. The...is that the people will be
runnl'l,: ~ll: :-1+~ fl' ,',' . .,J)C " .,:, 'C; ,g;'ii J 0on't fault anybody... when the cornfield
which is at the boturn ,);' :he SllCLg aill comes in for development...for this runoff. So we
will he ,~on(lon:1.'? tre'''~::s',;''':; '-:0.:' t'::;.~...
Mance'"': Ohy, ~ ,(1 ,::i~,:+;CT :', '1"';e seen some literature on Bandimere. Using that for
soccer .Cje,d Sp:Kl' tit> ..<[", 1 \ :~,)' r.a/pening?
Ho~frn2"": "Jc
Mande --: 'Ll'~rl;~, j: ."I;~U :;~,,':f:r actIvit:, ~htre?
Hoffma:l: No.
Mander:: 1 dirn"" ;,.. i'e?:, 'A;:~ D.1t,
Ho,":D"c"': ...the sOC:,," ()i'ga:;i?:3tlon.
Anen''.', ': Ch',~ L \, ;' ;,
Hof~m:>,,: Chuck R~in~,.i":i came i:1... They thought there might be some money available to
go ahead and grade th;{t 'hin.!.? out and huild soccer fields there in the interim. When you get
right ri()'v;:} tc: i '" )('; '.' ~, '; grs i,.' ',i':2S for the interim. It either works or it doesn't. At that
time we initiated tll: :-: ",'ussions.., ,
Manders: And ther. the J ast comment was on Lake Ann pavilion. I don't know if that was in
one ('f 1.lie l),l'.'L;f~~: :i' ":.;g~ l';: thRt pEvilion end potential misunderstanding as to who has
it reserved and who can :lse it. Is there a possibility of putting a sign or something up there
as to who [,[-" it l'C ~,\~T' ;' ; ')" is -chat not necessary from your point of view?
Par1r an,l Rec Cor:;; " Ii - S;:,p:er-.~)er :;7, 1994
Hoffmrn: Th:,"<?'~, ",p ct:h. tro] dc.wn below.
Mander:c: Ir. terms C):' " '1'.; has~: for that day.
RuegerT'~r: Fer all :...,. ':': <des
Hoffman: Yeah. So 2. ~;>e;son can walk from the parking lot into the upper level and saunter
right in the rniddleJf ,; I/?scrved picnic.
Manders: But I L1il1k :"!eir only comment was, that there was something there that they had
reserver th(~msl.:'l"fs (" ,:0'1, :f :'~a'.''' there, that's fine.
Rueger- ~r: .Tin;, to :.' ,',":l1?': yLestion tl)O as part of the 1995 budget process, we did
budget tor anod1c ~.~gn I, IK'UilC on the wall of the pavilion to try and prevent those
cornments 1.;1 the ft: ~~W'.
Andrews: I gues~, :0 fe,' ('v\! ;."1 on that. That pavilion there. Are all the construction repairs
and loo~;e ends an c:;'ci ,) or; ttlT fi:ir.l1i' On the new park shelter.
Hoffman: The new parK shelter. All the, it's all constructed. We've used it for 2 years.
The cOT'ty2.ct l,~s .., ";' '."i",'"8C :'1' ' $1 f).onooo on the building and the ball's in their court..
La~h: T ,va", '~i')nJ~;;'-:!. if there was anything, besides what we talked about Septemberfest.
Just to give a quicK ( \,::,:-v;ew of how you think it went. Overall.
Ho:fm,n: You'll f' ..;: ':'er...Jj U'lY (;)f'ijmi,;~ioners can make it... What we're doing is
inviting everybody in ':~ see, because nUT comments from the Rotary and Lions is that they'd
like to ~ee it go back t;) the t'/ening. r he<U"d some comments from some residents that they'd
like to go back to ~':f;;;l':,?S. \Ve~r(}urht the eve:lings were pretty slow last year but... The
other js:;~'~s, we tlY ~,~ ;,:.ge ::v: ~c things so pecple can come out and try to take everything
in at orc':'. M~"bc "ki"~ the ','if(mg approach. Maybe we go from 11:00 in the morning until
11:00 at night :md )Ie; ,'jf1er c!-cose if you want to come out for the morning events or
evening events. \Ve'j like to hear from you because we had a steady crowd in my opinion
but the": Wi~S ?Jl if.' :\j 'ct to :ake in.
HuffmQ'~: There w::' ~ {~ ~() ;l,w:1ther i~si~e that day.
HoffrreH; Ye:Lh.:'-:e 'I' l~-r J,"T~.
Lafh:\Vell i: W1~r 'r ill,., it W"~l.
I. '
Park aH(l Rtc Comin"::,:):~,n - S epte;l1ber 27, 1994
H rf. '1/" ..... . \., -
UI rria.;;: vytl" It i/:".' , i ;jU ,H,U sm:ny.
Lash: 1\10, but it W,j.~ ,', .liT;j, 17red and I had on sweatshirts and we were kind of hot actually.
It \vas a little on the Lll;ddy sick in some places but I thought the new activities were
wondel hI. T just fl.:,-!.., ,t YO', "(>(; son1e gre1t :reas and I think it was what, about I :00 and I
turned to Fred and I sad, boy this has really died out Everybody left and we turned around
and laded at the cr:J~. ,..-:;,;;s 'iLG t~en; vias like a thousand little kids working there just like
crazy and they werer;'t ~"-.vjng :1 word so that was very popular. I mean I thought it was very
well at1cr:.dd ~he ri., \ ,,1' ," 2, T\t~ybe we want to try and keep it open during the dinner
hour. Yeu know T~l"'-l~:~" to ~et back up there again before 5:00 to get in on some of the fun
my~e1f .!T:d it \V~:S':;-~:f i k; c.~ the stuff W?S closing down well before 5:00 I think
because th~:'e wa~ r 0 ;r' ;'t:c 1J:, ti'ere, But T gness I was mostly curious about the teen dance
and hO"'1 'hal few ,;n +:-."~ -.\ >' ;crt Clf tl-Je hig change,
Ruege""-(',:: ..r:rl)r3~~:;~f'~ (J\ :x~)pk. 50 to 60 people were there. Some parents were
there. Fnjc'yed the !;ii ~:;r- ,,<; Wf'l1 2". ch::1p~roning. That type of thing but like Dawn said, the
kid\: ttn' ",pre :he-' ,J:,' ,. ,.:: "'lcd 'i:!1'~ I thj'1k Dominoes seemed to enjoy, have an
OPr!)rtt.;:1ity ~(;O 'IS t ~':~' :-:;r! eY< O~]!' SlJomor p~ogram... From a programming standpoint, sure
it wa~.'J" ~hC' p,,,,t ".,:<j ,.:-e'1(>'d -rrognm we've done but I guess we're there to provide
differel~t r)Pl"O!"upil:~' f("- hct~ 0+<;:11 age,. So we're certainly going to try to keep
prograr;;minf! f;)r !e: 'v : s \Vf~'r;:, ':'ot g::-ing to give up...but looking through the course of
the summer wIth tl}l~ te _ J trips :il1Q Ihis type of dance, it's a hard age to program for but...
Andre\\s: 1 hovv' cl,m('f.,ll1.ce trat. it r'12Y t2ke yOU a year or two and the word getting out
that thPt 'VR" ? 1',1': 1, -, :1" 'f"'1' nn.r. ,,'m'll get more the next year and kind of more the
next yerrT,
Lash: \V~1J it'lC'Pl-:-'" Ii., nr: tl~:::~th or hly and the past Septemberfests, that kids stay.
Adults ~'!ay ('nel k;d.' <:+q "nd i w;)n~e~ if beceuse it was designated as a teen dance, that
that's j,::'t 2. ~'_lrI. 0:1 c' >x,1:~~:;rl::. l\':..w I have t~e teen to interview on this and I guilted her
the most I could to w:",- ,- ('f to go and she went for 10 minutes and left because nobody was
there. ,'\ad I sa!rl ""he'.! WUJ Id ;: t3.k~, and I asked a bunch of her friends. What would it take
to pet ":))1 fp w:W' ,1 . -' 1;2;~ 'Nh"t If we had Bingo at night, because they usually like to
play B;n20 anG we (c,ir-.f:C (:tnout that. 'You can't do that for money. You can do it for prizes
but they're very lilhte.l >, wh'1t they would accept for a prize that would make it worthwhile.
Ym. kw'w I m~,\.n !:'e;' -:'il1~t :J r~;)l1~' hard gr~np to try and figure out, and they can't even
verh:::Ji7c wt2.t it ,;ve.:.;-.. ;,:e.
Hoffman: M3le teen:~i~'"' can"'::>! da~1rI~ unless they're on their bike...
Park aL~ Re.:: Ccnr: ': ,~):- Scp!cr.1bcr 27, 199~~
Hoffm:n: Is L'1.at tLe :;;;.:-le, 3 guys that Vvere cruising around for the July 4th Celebration too?
The same 3.
Berg: And th~y \vf"'C ,',;t litt1'- k;d~ J rr:ean they were 6th graders. There's not a junior in
that higr. ',,:;rccl tha-'~;("'l;l1g re' C'or'e up ;;.nd go to a dance with a 6th grader. That's what's
scaring off the kicb J '::4)1~ed to, that" s one of the reasons.
Hoffma:'c: I heare, mli:: ': ':0 $ome parents...
Lash: But then the b:~> doc't \vant :0 come. I mean that's one of the fears is that it's going
to be too overly supervised,
Ho~fnj'), ': Yi-1f': ":hCl"2:~: ')~c.t ;, c'.:n':'~pr of havipg a tent which is almost...exclusive to teens.
So it'd be like.. lc; ~,"r ',1 ~.;c y,),', c0uId have the whole festival going on just as we have in
the past, and set er ;; ':~";2rate ~ent where l,1.e disc jockey and... Other comments from the
Rotary \':as r"t.. TJ:;t: 'J,.e cl;,~ beer frClm the snowmobile people that they did no better
than any other year bL L~ c;:tuff tlu1t \ve offered did well financially.
Lash: \Vell m<1yt,e "<' If.'cd to think about something, try to continue the old way at night
and then also trving W i "wirle ~Gmething for teens. I think if teens are going to come, .
the:y'r~ r~oir.~ ::' c,>,' . ".p-:'(' (ks;gna:':":i teen or not and maybe we even used to have a
better LL,"1':(l'. t wlxT id l't,\ iy;,eq: my k~c~; always went before.
Lemme' La~t yen 1/,' j,(' a [.'1 ~al 1xl!1d and we have probably 100 people were there.
Lash: ]"ast ye3r?
Ruegemer: Y~2h IJ:;t ~"T:- T 'pent ~]5(]O.OO for that great band and you have to weigh,
yO'.."ve ':rnl tJ t:.'I,,:,' .:' ;,.. :!;'::: 1:; i, '1.'C'~th it to spend that kind of money and get a bad
turnO'.L T1;;:t's '-",n'" ';" 111';Ull]'lt':,~)- J'e' night thing, this isn't going anywhere. The Lion's
even commented 1a-;':, tv'v is tnis dead. Why are we doing this?
Hoffman: We're a ch,'::-)ng a c:o"nmunity. We do not have, this thing does not have a
ingrain\;d r:adition in 'L!ji;: ;,;ity of Chanhassen. We had a couple of people who said man, I
didn't expect this...this is really hick.
La~h: llcv sh~dr, ~ ,,'.f '~~:-; ia ~~di.1~ tr..:n.
Huffman: Is th~ t"t' y.-:,'Ier lime \:'i: ':'lace to talk about the $5.00 fee to the entrance to Lake
Park 2r.d Re'.: CJ;m~c.j~,~,)l1 ., SqteE-:'Jer 27, 1994
Lash: ~"c.
Andrews: Not yet.
Lash: '1~h~lt wjll be in .; ,~uaf\'.
Andrews: Okay. r ,r ~,.jL one more here.
Ruegenl~r: Are V~, ;"':.';c.'.r: tn~ piClic evaluations?
'--' .. - ..
Huffm,m: ~C' 'T',L;clt' s .i.~;t some little tiny nugget in my brain.
Rueger! tT: "We \\'C'.~ 7 '. '..":1. hose too. Every picnic evaluation would come back
referenc~_ng the parkir.;~ ~.~~
Andrew::: Thnr \ii LV '::r1:r,,~ '::' '.vhat, Decerr,ber? You've got that one booked in.
RuegeIT,e;': Yeab.
Lash: January.
Anc;rew~.: I [e..;~iVe(i :: .;"ter froll, somebody quite young, and I can't. It says Dear Mr.
Anc',rew\. My mOlT v,c,"t jet me ride too far on my bike because there is not enough space,
spelld 'pase, en !l' , ;'~.< f~:~ ~\il~::S, ~') I Jm a~:dng if you could make bike trails going to
places "l!Cn ,i5 L;,.\.:~ . ,..: .. ,. ;}::,;l:;t:: Clad to Charhassen Elementary School. I live on Lake
Riley P :;de'y :mi ,~ljj ~ ,)'.': ',he ot::cr kids in my neighborhood would use the paths too. But
anyway. i~'s just b:J~i:.,.:..> a cornmert a:,out again, the TH 101 corridor being a problem for
kid", to tr3veJ safely. "I; os hap;.>ens to be to the south but the same issue.
Huffm:.:': V':he~'t'" :;;.' 'e;-h.:';;c: b+_I.,~e'.)
Hoffm,['1: Tl-te -:-011"'('.'
Ber;?: I\nd 'r:;rk \\ '1'( ::' ~c "1:1~ '-:":;:>(I:-'sibJe for getting rid of all those cars. That was nice
to s':"e,
Andrews: Any other pr.:sentations?
APPRQV A!~...Q~~_~E..~{t)~S:
Park ar,-: Re:: C0(T..:ll'h';: ~)c.Jter:,tcr::, 199'<,
Lash: 1 believe the m:~<I1:,~ Minutes from July 26th were approved already previously.
Hoffmc.'l: I'll checlz.
Lash: T th~l1k ~t'~ iIi'''' -: 3--d Mir.1Jt~~ th1t V7~ :nproved them. I think so.
Hoffman: Yep, ycu're <ght. August 23rd only. August 8th are still outstanding.
AncJews: A:1Y CYTeC'Cf, .~ te, 4.:1RP~,t, aclditions, corrections or deletions to August 23rd?
Berg movec... M~:!(;r sE'.;onded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation
Commission meeti:q~ S1<:..,ed AllgU~t 23, 1994 as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion (':;~rrjeG.
Roeser mo~rerl, V::,~b 'if("JndeC to :Jdj,mrTI tLe meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The meetin~; i":lS adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Submit:ed by Tcdc: 'f l'~:.n
Park 2;:rJ R~:;:'t.'~ ~i:)', l' ";":n ~
Prepar~(J ~y "T. m; : 'i'" .;