1993 03 23 Agenda e , FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1993, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. e 8. e Approval of February 23, 1993 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Visitor Presentations Land Development Proposal, Planned Unit Development, Prairie Creek Townhomes Approve Purchase of Play Equipment, Sunset Ridge Park, Phase II Establish Agreement for Vending Privileges in City Parks; Non-Profit Organizations Establish Senior Center Rental Policy and Fees Approve Lake Ann Park Day Camp Administrative Presentations A. Results of Adult Softball Organizational Meeting B. Proposed Conference/Community Center, Verbal C. Establishment of Next Work Session Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan D. Workshop for Board and Commission Members 9. Commission Member Presentations 10. Administrative Packet ~ e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 3~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Note: No formal action on this item is necessary. TO: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: March 11, 1993 SUBJ: Prairie Creek Townhomes The Park and Recreation Corrunission will not review this land development proposal until March 23, 1993. The following comments are being forwarded to you to enable your report to be submitted to the Planning Corrunission. The development of Prairie Creek Townhomes is subject to the following conditions in regard to parks and trails as listed in the Lake Susan Hills West PUD Agreement. Parkland Dedication of land for park purposes is not required of this development, in lieu of land dedication. Park fees will be assessed at one-half of the rate in force upon building permit application. At present, this fee is one-half of $600.00, or $300.00 per unit. Trails As specified in the PUD Contract, the dedication of a 20-ft wide trail easement parallel to Powers Boulevard, and extending the entire length of the property, is to be dedicated to the city. Further, that the applicant shall construct an 8-ft wide bituminous trail per the attached city standard within this easement. The placement of the trail may fluctuate within this easement. Landscaping may be installed within the easement, but only on the east side of the trail and not within lO-ft of the trail surface. Final alignment of the trail must be field staked for inspection by the city prior to construction. n ~ J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ArrAcHm~NT ~ 7 City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 ~ e Date: February 19, 1993 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner Subject: Subdivision and site plan to create 27 townhome lots on property zoned PUD-R, Planned Unit Development Residential and located directly east of Powers Boulevard adjacent to Lake Susan Hills PUD, Prairie Creek Townhomes, Jasper Development. Planning Case: 87 -3 PUD The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on February 17, 1993. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. e This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on March 17, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than March 8, 1993. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments ~N Dept. of Natural Resources Q; Telephone Company (NW Bell or United) .:..~a. City Engineer b. City Attorney c. City Park Director '-' g,. Fire Marshal ,e. ,Building Official ........ 6 Electric Company (NSP or MN Valley) Ci'Watershed District Engineer 10. Triax Cable System 3. Soil Conservation Service 11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson 4. MN Dept. of Transportation 12. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ,__13. Carver County __a. Engineer b. Environmental Services 14. Other e 6. . Minnegasco ~ f~ .- " -1:A~ ---" 1"-----"'- --1",. '. r- DG . h ~ '. BOULEVARD · ~\.:I p~ i1~ " ~~~~~ ~ - ::; I l' """'-.. ~ i i . . ~. ~ I( ./@ t -u . ~ ,-',< _II) .__ ,< Ir~~\ ~y~ .--, ~. _ "'r--- ~ - ~. ,ad )'.( I __---='~. DR"', '(,- ~-- ""., , f'( = "'"'" '\ j ..... \~ /," ..,.~ p~Cl:-q~_ P I '1 \;.~ I '." /" " ~.., \-:J.' · ~ M' c,''' &. ~ \l ze/'/ ~, <( ~ I J iTi: K~ ~'1 . ~ -.J >t ....... ~~~.~:r , .~ . h'.' . . . 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 19, 1993 SUBJ: Approve Purchase of Play Equipment, Sunset Ridge Park, Phase n e The 1993 Park Acquisition and Development CIP allocates $14,000 for the purchase of a play equipment expansion at Sunset Ridge Park. The fIrst phase of equipment was purchased from Landscape Structures, Inc. through Earl F. Anderson (EFA). As such, I requested Mr. Dave Owen with EF A prepare a proposal for the purchase of the Phase n equipment. Phase II was included in the original design of the overall play structure as shown on the attached diagrams. In meeting with Mr. Owen prior to his proposal submittal, it was made clear that it was the city's desire to comply with all Americans with Disabilities Act mandates and U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission Playground Safety Guidelines. The proposal submitted dated March 16, 1993 contains, in addition to the Play Booster play structure, the items necessary to ensure compliance with the aforementioned act and guidelines. First, please note an error in the proposal. The item "46 fin. ft. of 4" X 6" Redwood timber for expanded area" totalling $124.20 should read "6" x 6" at a cost of $184.00." Unfortunately, this added equipment in addition to $972.78 in sales tax, and $315.00 in freight leaves us $2,253.68 over budget To correct this overage, I worked with Mr. Owen to amend the proposal. By omitting the track ride, the decks and poles associated with it, and the sales tax and freight due on this item, the cost can be cut by $2,484.55. The resulting total for the Phase II equipment and associated supplies would be $13,769.13. Approval of the purchase of the equipment and supplies as presented minus the track ride is recommended. e .,. t J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington. MN 55431 Phone: 612-884-7300 MN WATS: 1-800-862-6026 Ft(X:612-884-5619 Complete consultinll. d.silln. layout and installation services. . Park and Playground Equipment . Site Furnishings . Bleacher and Stadium Seating . Scoreboard . Floating Docks . Nature/Boardwalks . Traffic Control Signs and Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Marking Products . Sign Post Mounting Systems .. . Architectural Signage _ QUOTATION Date March 16, 1993 . City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Dept. Attn: Todd Hoffman, Coordiator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 {. Your Ref. No. Sunset Ridqe Park Phase II per (288201) . TERMS: Net 30 Days 0 To Be Arranged 0 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH 1 Phase II Playbooster Playstructure componen s (not including accessible area) 2 Tire swing support posts per relocation of the swing 100 1 Phase II Playbooster accessible add on includes decks, posts. 6 Tuff turf tiles: 2~" thick, at accessible area 80 I Gal Adhesive for Tuff turf tiles 50 , 46 lin ft. 6" x 6" Redwood timber for expanded area 46 lin ft .CJ;~x 6" Redwood timber for expanded area 297 lin ft. 4" x 6" Redwood timber cap added all sides I 4.00jf 2.70jf 2.70jf [Installation prices based on prevailing wages. SUBTOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT INSTALLATION DYES o NO TOTAL TOTAL F.O.B. Factory 0 Shipment approx. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. , . .,- WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMP~YER ;;.d81,)1 after receipt of order. 7 ( _ J J I), 7' 'i IJ Vl,' '- Destination .0 6 Weeks By t Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 Phone: 612-884-7300 MN WATS: 1-800-862-6026 F~:612-884-5619 Complete consulting, design, Ilyout Ind instlnltion SlNlces. . Park and Playground Equipment . Site Furnishings . Bleacher and Stadium Seating . Scoreboard . Floating Docks . Nature/Boardwalks . Traffic Control Signs and Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Marking Products . Sign Post Mounting Systems . Architectural Slgnage e QUOTATION . City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Dept. Attn. Todd Hoffman, Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Date March 16, 1993 Your Ref. No. Page 2 Sunset Ridge Park . TERMS: Net 30 Days 0 To Be Arranged 0 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Add alternate rcdf - Phase II at 72" Deck Arch roof style - metal Add 860.00 e Square shed roof style - polyethlene Add (choose one style only) 830.00 Note: Does not include installation. timber to be picked up at EFA DYES o NO SUBTOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT INSTALLATION TOTAL Installation prices based on prevailing wages. e F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination w WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Shipment approx. 6 Weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. ~~~Y (Ql~ By E <>: ..11 x~ ~ de ~~ _~~ ~i5~ .r ~~8 c5 .>i ~ '\' ~,,~ ,,8 a: c ~ - . 1l :: ::J ~~~~~c ~c~ o~~ ~~m ..,,~,,~oc_~~ _ ~ cOoco ...ow ~...:' o~c ~e~~ lOll..... . . . .. al "'-'1Il.r ~ c:: 0 6 6....... .~ N<CONEO . -CD ......O"'9""~ _..:II&: g I'1f). '" - ~ ~~ 1- . 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N o o <( -----~~ "- " \ \ \ e r I I / / / ./ /' - "........:.:....~- ~I- <z UW o~ -Ie: W;j Q:o ~w " ~z o~ ~~ wX Q:W W U <( u.. 0:: ;:) If) " ~z z~ w~ ;;;!~ If) Wo O::t- . N o o <( Chanhassen, Sunset Park Existing Equipment, CP0309AO, C28820E CODE E,F ,H,J,K,M,N,Q,R,S REF 7.2 7.5.1 E,F, 7.5.1a E,F,J 7.5.1b C,O, 8.5.3 C,O, 8.5.4 C,O, 8.5.5.P2 C,O, 8.5.5.P3 C,O, 8.6.P5 H,I 9.1.3.P6 H,I 9.1.4.P1 H,I 9.1.4.P2 H,I H,I 9.1.4.P3 9.1.5.P2 9.1.5.P3 H,I 9.1.5.P4 P 9.2.2.P2 P G 9.2.2.P3 9.2.4.P5 K 9.3.6.P1 K 9.3.6.P2 K 9.3.6.P3 K 9.3.6.P4 DESCRIPTION Protrusions and projections, should not be capable of entangling clothing. Particular attention to top of slides. No protrusion should extend beyond the face of any of the three gauges listed on page 5, figure 1 of CPSC guidelines. Entrapment, area between 3.5" and 9" up to a 9" diameter is not permitted. Fixed piece of equipment, requires replacement. Adjustable piece of equipment, requires field adjustment. Guard Rails for pre-school age children are required on platforms 20" to 30" high. Rails at least 29" high with a maximum opening of 23" space to deck. Guard Rails for school age children are required on platforms over 30" to 48" high. Rails at least 38" high with a maximum opening of 26" space to deck. Protective Barriers for pre-school age children are required on platforms 30" high and over. Rails at least 29" high with a vertical infil!. Protective Barriers for school age children are required on platforms 48" high and over. Top surface should be at least 38" high. The space between decks exceeds 9" an infill is required to reduce the space to less than 3.5" when the height of the lower platform exceeds 30" for pre-school and 48" for school age equipment. At the entrance to the chute there should be a means to channel the user into a sitting position. This may be a guard rail, a hood or other device. The average incline of the sliding section of a straight slide should not exceed 30 degrees and any change of the slope of the slide chute (wave slide) should not allow a child to lose contact with the sliding surface. Straight slides with flat open chutes should have sides with a 4" minimum height extending along both sides of the entire inclined sliding surface. The sides should be an integral part of the chute, without any gaps between the sides and the sliding surface. All slides must have an exit region that is essentially horizontal and parallel to the ground and a minimum length of 11". All slides that are no more than 4' in height, the exit region should be no more than 11" from the protective surface. All slides over 4' in height the exit region should be at least 7" but no more than 15" from the protective surface. Single-axis swings should have no more than two per swing bay. Single-axis swings should not be attached to a composite structure. Minimum clearance between the seating surface of the tire swing and the uprights of the Supporting structure should be 30" when the tire is in the closest position to the support. Vertical sliding poles are not recommended for pre-school age children. Sliding poles should be continuous with no protruding welds or seams along the sliding surface and should not change direction along the sliding portion. The horizontal distance between the sliding pole and any part of the structure should be at least 18 inches. All points on a sliding pole at or above the level of the access structure should not be more than 20" away from the e ."' e e Chanhassen, Sunset Park Existing Equipment, CP0309AD, C2882DE e 11.0.P3 P 11.1.3 G 11.1.4 R,S 11.1.6 a 11.2 e e edge of the structure. No-Encroachment Zone, additional 6' area beyond the fall zone is required except for spring animals, adjacent swings and decks under 24" in height. Single Axis Swing, requires a minimum exit area of 2 times the height of the pivot point to the finished grade. The recommended fall zone of 6' from the perimeter of the swing structure, fall zone may overlap an adjacent swing structure. Multi Axis Swing, requires minimum distance (radius) of 6' plus the dimension from the pivot to the top ofthe seat, fall zone " may overlap an adjacent swing structure. Spring Rocking Equipment, the fall zone should extend a minimum of 6 feet from the "at resr perimeter of the equipment but adjacent spring rockers with a maximum seat height of 24 inches may share the same fall zone. No-Encroachment Zones extend beyond fall zones as required for each individual piece of equipment and will be no closer than 12 feet and can not overlap as certain fall zones may. NOTE: This list has been prepared to assist the user in the collection of information needed to evaluate the condition of existing playgrounds and cross reference the letter codes to specific equipment on detail plans and by no means should be interpreted as the CPSC guidelines in it's entirety. ~ lli.l:!J W """'~ W ~1t ~@S~ 6 ~ c.L- ~ ~ I ~...J 2SP ~[!illJ &iJ [1!b~ @2J ~&iJ [}= = g ~ r.l~l5 ~fElD <. Lo. ~~ ""------........." ,,/' \ I \ I , ) .\ ' \ " \ I I I I , I , , \ \ I \ I __~..J \ \ \ ',............- ~ ~~ "'''' ~-::' 2...... Foil li~ F,. III 82 ,...-- I I I I I I I I I I I I L__ ---., \ \ , \ '...... z+ . o I . ~ ........ ~ .q: (j (j) ----......... .",-- ..... , , I , I / I I , \ \e /'-'''''1 ..., ; I , \ I \ , Y ~: JI" 1\ I "... "" I I '......, I I I I ,-- '... I \ ,," ", I -----.......... ,," \ I ,,-- ',,\ \. ,," / \ '" ," \ ' I \ ...~ __, \ I ,_ I I I I I I I \ I I I \ I " I \ I _----'...... 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'V' \ I"~ } I \', ,.. \ I \ " _" \ r I 2/-~-- } \ J ~ I \ I / \ I ----.... / '- "' / ' 1" " .I 'Y ^ / "~ ....'" \ / I....., __ \ I ___ \ / I \ I I \ I I % I ' I ~ ~ J \ I S! I \ I I \, / \ -......... / ' ',/ ' " ./ " 'X,. If '.....--- - '-', \. , \ \ \ ~~ \ ~i \ io--l J J I / / / ./ , ;-- ,.. , r- I / CoL-. / d .; , -- ,- ./",,~ a', /'" .' ! , , \ \ \ , I , I , I )( I \ \ \ I , , I I I I ~ ~~ -l00::: wO::o >lL..(D <( t lL.. ~~o <(Ie. w: 0 ll....rf- Ii i R ---., \ \ \ \. , , '.... ; ~ e Chanhassen, Sunset Park Existing Equipment, CP0309AD, C2882DE , CODE QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION e A 12 Existing 118" Post Aluminum (for 42" Deck) B 4 Existing 104" Post Aluminum (for 28" Deck) C 3 Existing Square Tenderdeck Assembly D 1 Existing Long One Piece Tenderdeck Assembly E 1 Existing Pipe Wall wlWheel, 8 Rails F 1 Existing Vertical Ladder/28" Tendertf Ctd Tan G 1 Existing Tire Swing wI 2 Posts, 1 Crossover .., H 1 Existing Double Poly Slide (for 42" Deck) I 1 Existing Curved Slide/42" Deck J 1 Existing EI Slide w/Panel/42" Deck K 1 Existing Wave Polel 42" Deck L 1 Existing 90 Degree Tunnel w/Panels - No Posts M 1 Existing Loop Arch I 42" Deck N 1 Existing Suspension Bridge 114",28" Decks 0 1 Existing Loop Pole I 42" Deck P 1 Existing 2 Place Belt Swing/4 Posts Q 2 842-4300 Super Scoop R 1 843-4010 Horse, Alum Spring Rider S 1 843-4140 Turtle, Alum Spring Rider T 1 e e e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN s - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator TH-/-t,-", March 19, 1993 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Establish Agreement for Vending Privileges m City Parks; Non-Profit Organizations Under current time constraints, my ability to elaborate on the need for a formal vending agreement as outlined above is compromised. The basics are: 1. The city administers a park system and the annual Fourth of July and Septemberfest celebrations. 2. The Lions, Rotary, Jaycees, and Snowmobile Club participate in Septemberfest and Fourth of July. 3. Further, the Chanhassen Athletic Association would like to begin sponsoring concessions at the ballfields in Lake Ann Park. Any profits which these groups realize are retained by the respective organization. In the past, some of the groups have chosen voluntarily to make a contribution back to the city to help offset costs associated with these events. 4. A policy should be enacted standardizing these contributions. Staff is recommending that a minimum contribution level of 15% of gross proceeds from all sales be established. I will comment further on this issue on Tuesday evening. #. ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Dawn Lemme, Program Specialist U~ . FROM: DATE: March 19, 1993 SUBJ: Lake Ann Adventure Camp This summer I am proposing to run a day camp at Lake Ann. Although this is still in the planning stages, I would like input on this new program prior to doing any promotion, hiring of staff, etc. e I would like to offer 3 two-week sessions with each session having one overnight camp-out on the second Thursday evening (optional). Session I Session II Session III June 28 - July 8 (Monday - Thursday) July 12 - July 22 (Monday - Thursday) July 26 - August 5 (Monday - Thursday) Camp would run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and on Fridays there will be an optional field trip. Each day will include crafts, games, sports, swimming, canoeing, tennis, snack, songs and more. Children entering Grades 2-6 may participate and the cost will be kept under $100.00 which is about $12.00 per day (4~ hours). Lake Ann is an ideal location for this camp, and camp has been designed for those children or parents wanting more than a two-hour per week playground program for the summer. Please let me know if you have any suggestions in regards to this program. e n ~.1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7 --- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dawn Lemme, Program Specialist/Senior Coordinator DATE: March 18, 1993 SUBJ: Senior Center Rental Policy Attached please find the proposed senior center rental policy and fees format. Due to the newness of the facility, I have recently had requests to rent the center. As it stands, community groups such as the Knights of Columbus and the Rotary Club have used the center, but now some individuals want to use it for bridal showers, family gatherings, etc. I would like to continue to allow the community groups to utilize the center for free, but to fill out a reservation form. The individuals, however, should pay a fee and go through a similar procedure as reserving or renting one of our park sites. Your approval, along with the Park and Recreation Commission's, is necessary in order to put this procedure into use immediately, as requests are already in for April. Thank you. #. ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER SENIOR CENTER FACILITY e RENTAL POLICY 1. Senior Center/Senior Citizen activities have fIrst priority in the use of the center. 2. Those renting the facility are responsible for cleanup and returning the center to its original order. 3. Equipment and decorations brought in to the center must fIrst be approved by the City of Chanhassen. 4. Adult supervision is required for all rentals. 5. Keys will be issued to the contact/approved person, and must be returned immediately following use of the center. 6. A damage deposit of $100.00 is required along with the other fees, and is due three weeks prior to the date of your reservation. Damage deposit will be mailed back to you within a week following your reservation, provided no damage is done to the site. 7. Reservations for the Senior Center may be made no more than sixty (60) days in advance. e SENIOR CENTER RESERVATION RATES: There are two rates for the reservation of the Senior Center. Resident Rate: 50% of people using facility must be residents of Chanhassen. Non-Resident Rate: Less than 50% of people using facility are residents of Chanhassen. Resident: $lO.oo/hour Non-Resident: $ 15.00/hour OTHER RULES OF USAGE: 1. All city policies, state ordinances, laws and fire codes pertaining to the use of public facilities must be observed. Drinking/possession of intoxicants on city property is prohibited. Use of tobacco products is prohibited inside City of Chanhassen buildings. e e e e Senior Center Facility Rental Policy Page 2 2. Applicants are liable for personal injury and property damage. 3. Senior Center must be vacated within the scheduled time of usage. 4. Facility rental is subject to cancellation if there is just cause. e CITY OF CHANHASSEN JtJ-, ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor ~ I./z... March 19, 1993 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Results from Adult Softball Organizational Meetings Wednesday, March 10, 1993, was Chanhassen'sannual adult softball organizational meetings. The anticipated number of teams were not as high as I once had thought. The total number of teams to date is the same as last year. e The Industrial League has a new name and will be known as the Corporate League this year. The Corporate League will play Monday evenings, and will have 16 teams in the league. Currently 17 teams are interested in the league, with 5 of the 17 being new teams. The league may expand to 18 teams depending on the availability of Lake Ann Field #1 in relationship to the AAU baseball program. The numbers for the Women's League dropped from last season. A total of 7 teams were present at the league meeting compared to 9 teams last season. The league will continue to play on Tuesday evenings at Lake Ann Park. The Over 35 League will play again on Wednesday evenings, and will implement a few changes this season. The league will be split into two divisions, an upper and lower. The split division was necessary in order to create parity in the league. The competition levels between some of the teams varied too significantly. Physical injury was a concern with this league as well. The league is classified as Over 35, however, a large percentage of the league players are in their 40s and 50s. Individual's reaction time is not quite as good as they think it might be, so the change was inevitable. The Over 35 League will have one team where all the players are over 50 this year. This team will play in the Chanhassen league and will probably participate in the Over 50 state tournament on August 27-29 in White Bear Lake. e The Mens Open C and D Leagues will have a capacity of 20 teams and will play their games on Thursday evenings. Currently 21 teams are interested in playing in this league, so whatever teams turn in league fees by March 19 will receive first consideration. n t J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Todd Hoffman March 19, 1993 Page 2 The Co-Rec 11112" program will have three divisions of competition this season: Mixed A(B, C and D classes. The new program will make an attempt to classify teams and players in their respective class. For example, if a player is playing for a class A team in Eden Prairie, their team in Chanhassen must also be classified as A. Chanhassen's Co-Rec League will likely have teams in every class mentioned above. With this new rule implemented, there was a bit of confusion at the league meetings. Another meeting will be held soon to iron out all the details for the Co- Rec League. Chanhassen's softball league fees are $365 and are due on Friday, March 19 by 4:30 p.m. Initial league rosters are then due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 26. e e e 8p. Workshop for Park and Recreation Board Members "Building Community Spirit and Pride Through Park and Recreation Services - - A Board Responsibility" Program e t<f:PTA RECRl..1 ~\~~",p..K ASSOC/",,"~91t 'r'~O 1/01- Saturday, April 17, 1993 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Shoreview Community Center * * e (See map on reverse side) Registration Fee - $7 (Includes lunch and beverage break) * A tour of this new center with integrated comment on how the center has contributed to raising community identity and pride. Gerald Haffeman, Director Shoreview Parks and Recreation Festivals and Special Events and the part they play in building community spirit. Eric Blank, Director Parks and Recreation Plymouth Marketing Recreation Services Who are you serving? Who are you not serving and why not? Barbara Fisher, Research Manager, Hennepin Parks Sponsored by MRPA Board and Commission Section ------------------------------------------ Workshop For Park and Recreation Board Members * Registration Form * Name Address State/Zip Agency City Day Phone e For more information call 920-6906 or 1-800-862-3659 Please enclose workshop fee of $7 per attendee. Make checks payable to MRPA and return with payment to: MRPA, 5OO5W 36th St, St Louis Park, MN 55416-2661. 3= II) C") c .- ... o .. o Shoreview .>- Community Center 4600 Victoria 96 96 CD o .- 0: Not to scale. e e e Office of Court Administrator GREGORY M. ESS 448-1201 Fax 368-1546 ~ "''t~'~f\~ ~ . , CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE e' 600 EAST 4TH STREET CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 COUNTY Of CAQVEQ TO: ('~ DD ('~ FROM: Rita A. Worm, Screener & Collector DATE: 2-/0-q3 IN RE: Restitution file #: ClrvU~-J.o{)h.YI /~~ , To Whom it May Concern: ~ Please find enclosed, our check # ~~ in the amount of $ (0 () . ()[) , representing restitution collected in the above entitled matter. Please contact me at 448-1201 if you should have any questions. cc:file --r>l CI1..AC') 3Cl03 , Enclosure 01 , jOt1-1off(A~ p RECE~ \lED e Affirmative .Adam / f.t{utzl Opportunity fmplo.)Jer Prin16l on R<<ycled Paper FEB 1 8 1SS3 CI r'Y m CHI'.!'!,"", ...:~~:;.\. ! . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: J 0 Ann Olsen, Senior Planner Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 1-" I J.:- f FROM: DATE: March 18, 1993 SUBJ: Lake Susan Hills West 9th Addition In response to the inquiries from the Planning Commission regarding park and recreation issues relative to the development of Lake Susan Hills West 9th, I will schedule a second review by the commission on Tuesday, April 13, 1993. I will read the minutes of the March 17 Planning Commission meeting in reviewing their concerns. As discussed this morning, the configuration of Outlot E and the suggestion of swapping Prairie Knoll Park for a portion of treed propeny included in this proposal will be addressed. Any other issues identified from the minutes under the jurisdiction of the Park and Recreation Commission will be addressed as well. My preliminary reaction on these two issues are: Configuration of Outlot E: The configuration of Outlot E has been mapped on the city's base map since 1988. The park's shape and boundaries were identified as a part of the initial PUD application and subsequently transfers to the base map. Alterations to the outlot's configuration and size will not be considered unless a formal request from Argus Development requesting such is received. Swaooing of Parkland: At first glance, I understand why this suggestion was made. The acquisition of treed propeny in exchange for the open property of which Prairie Knoll Park is comprised seems enticing. However, if this were to be given serious consideration, one lobbyist group (the save the trees group), would be countered by a second (the save the park group). I will, however, bring the issue before the commission for their reaction. pc: Don Ashworth, City Manager n ~., PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator 11 TO: ]0 Ann Olsen, Senior Planner DATE: March 10, 1993 SUBJ: Lake Susan Hills West 9th Addition The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the aforementioned preliminary plat on Tuesday, February 23, 1993. The staff report presented tolhe commission is attached. The primary focus of discussion that evening centered on the preservation of trees. A group of residents residing in the Chanhassen Hills area were in attendance at the meeting. Councilman Wing also was present for the discussion. A representative of the applicant was not present. e As indicated in the staff report, action taken by the commission was a formality, but confIrmed the conditions of the PUD Agreement in respect to parks, open space, and trails. Upon the conclusion of discussion that evening, the following recommendation was unanimously approved: The Park and Recreation Commission recommends the Qty Council require the following conditions of approval for the Lake Susan Hills West 9th Addition: 1. Dedication of Outlot E to the city; 2. Construction of an 8-ft wide bituminous trail along the west side of Lake Susan as indicated on Attachment B, Segments D and E; .. p",~'-O ., 3. The construction of an 8-ft. wi,4e bitUminous trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard (CR 17) as indicate4. Q~Attachment B, Segment B; and . ~~;/~\": 4. Park fees are assessed at one-half of the rate in force upon building permit application. All trail fees have been waived as a part of the development of Lake Susan Hills West. e ft ~J PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER ! . e e Ms. Jo Ann Olsen March 10, 1993 Page 2 In addition, construction of trail Segments A, C and F as payment in kind for the right by Argus Development to encroach on park property for ponding purposes is being required. As you are aware, I have spoken with Mr. Ron Isaac in this regard, informing him that the encroachment issue cannot be solved by simply altering property lines. The configuration of Outlot E, as documented on the city base map, is to remain unaltered. Robert E. & Doris M. Lol!g 8629 Chanhassen Hills Drive North Chanhassent MN 55317 . February 26, 1993 Planning Commission City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Gentlemen: On Tuesday, February 23,1993, we attended the Parks & Recreation meeting with the purpose oflearning more about the plans of the Argus Development Company and more specifically the grove of trees on the east side of their property butting up to the water shed area of Lake Susan. The following are our comments and thoughts regarding the meeting and the future of Chanhassen: 1. The PUD goes back to 1987, but that does not mean that it is written in stone, and that changes cannot be negotiated. 2. One of the Parks & Rec members said in so many words that it is their property, and they can do what they want. To me this was a totally incorrect statement. Government is continually telling, us what we can and can't do. If this statement were true, I could have as many dogs and cats as I wanted without a license; I could build a home without any restrictions, permits, inspections, etc.; I could build my home where I wanted without worrying about setbacks and being within so many feet from the lot lines; I could add an outbuilding without getting permission; I could forget about shoveling and mowing. The list is endless. Unfortunately I am not able to do any of these things without some government body approving or disapproving. Government has even been known to condemn homes and property for highways. etc. e 3. We all believe this developer has a right to develop this property, but it should be for the good of the community. 4. This developer is not from Chanhassen. He is from Farmington. He will not have to live long term with the changes he has made in Chanhassen. 5. Chanhassen does not have a lot of treed areas, and it would be ~ shame to destroy this stand of trees just to develop a few more lots. 6. The trees marked for destruction are old hardwoods with some estimated to be as much as 200 years old, and it will be many generations before replacement trees would reach this magnitude. If these trees were diseased, everyone would be rallying to save them. Unfortunately these are healthy trees, and no one seems to care what happens to them. 7. Weare all becoming very aware of our environment. If we remove this stand of trees what happens then? Besides the changes to the contours of the land with dozing and grading, we will have soil erosion. What happens to the soil that the developer removes to build the roads, etc. There is a R r .... ..., ~"-. , ~t;~:-~'~, ,~;- e ~A . . c' lCO~ f~! fJ. ~. , ...!.J. c'r ..,,1, l' L:r L..I-'h."r,,' - ,', " \.....,..,_... /' ,./ . e e protected wetland at the base of these trees, who is to say that he will not dump some of this dirt in this wetland. Eden Prairie recently had such a problem. 8. This area is also the home for much wild life - birds, pheasants, squirrels, woodchucks raccoon and deer. These animals adapt well to suburban living, and they like to eat shrubs, flowers, gardens, etc, Since we have taken away their natural habitat and food source are we then we going to kill our wildlife and further destroy our environment to save our newly planted trees, shrubs, etc. 9. Treed lots are just as valuable to the developer as they are to a prospective purchaser. Treed lots in our area sold for considerably more than the barren lots. I am also sure that the home owners purchasing these lots would rather look at trees than the back of someone's house. 10. It is rather interesting, before our agenda item was presented to the Park & Rec Commission, there was a slide presentation on a nearby area that was concerned about their park and recreation area A special note was made of one lone tree. This is what this Argus property will be like if we let them continue on their designated path. The purpose of this letter not to stop the development of Chanhassen, but to start developing it in a more responsible manner. We hope that the Chanhassen Planning Commission and the City Council will look at this project as to how we can protect the area trees and wildlife, and still develop this area with minimum damage to Chanhassen's natural setting. Sincerely, ~~ Robert E. Long ~?J7~ Doris M. Long / dlIBE6/do c: Chanhassen City Council Parks & Recreation Committee - School District ll~ ~4. ~ ee ;aJ<... IJ~ . Office of Administrative Kathleen P. Macy, Ph.D., Director 110600 Village Road Chaska Minnesota 55318 612/368-3603 Services . ~.IJ;I;.-'V -tL. IL If /0 ?:JJ (;.,/....J - r:jlvt$ oj -/. .u yo 10.' /&..1;' r" .,..., .f~ Y' .....r- - Y.... ... .J ,,,oJ Q. t/JwI- ~Q."'I.....J.+-1 yelA" tJk - ~ . . , )~,..~;~ e,J..., - ; .~. .~; '. t1. o>-pJl .J Dear Todd. ~ '.. ,.~., ( ...:.. r .. Thank you for your contribution to a STFTF recommendation that was described by the Board of Education as "creative", "elegant" and "better than we could have hoped". It would not have been possible to have arrived at such a creative conclusion had you not participated. The cooperation and collaboration among individuals and our communities is a testimony to the commitment to learners and learning in District 112. Presently. the administration with the help of staff and parents is beginning work on the implementation of Option VIII. To that end: 1. Jeff Preiss is working on negotiating the arrangements ~ for the construction of the ECC annex with the City of ~ Chaska. 2. Susan Hagstrum is working with the staff at the ECC to create a Pre-K. K, 1 program for the 1993-94 school year. 3. Susan Hagstrum is working with the staff at elementary buildings and the Chaska Middle School in designing a program for sixth graders. 4. 1 will be working on smoothing out the details (ie., is there a way to move all first graders from CES to the ECC; is it best to move EU 6th graders into CMS; how shall staff be selected or choose to be at alternate sites) 5. Greg Shank is working out the details for Early Childhood Family Education programming, and school age child care issues. 6. Diane Timmers will be working out the details of a lunch program to be offered at the ECC. 7. All of us are answering questions about the recommendations and trying to incorporate good suggestions (ie., if we bring EO kindergarteners in to the ECC should we keep them together in the same class; maybe we should provide for foreign language exposure for 6th graders as an alternative to shop and personal life classes). e Serving the communities of eastern Carver County through eQual opportunity in employment and education f . 8. District 112 architects are drawing preliminary sketches of the annex and we are learning about the restrictions of the DNR and how close we can build to Lake Grace. 9. Jeff Priess will be working with the bus company on routes that minimize time on the bus and cost to the District. 10. Betsy Bralts is busy framing the materials for the K-12 alternative educational program (Option VII). District 112 was notified recently that we were one of the recipients of the initial $5,000 planning grants for the Community Learning Projects. This is further evidence of the quality of the educational programming offered by the District and recognized throughout the state. If you have any ideas about this effort please contribute them to Betsy. It is a busy time. Yet, 1 am heartened by the positive energy that is and has been generated by people engaged in "making lemonade out of a bushel basket of lemons". As a part of the Short Term Facilities Task Force you spent many evenings working on behalf of District 112 students and citizens to the exclusion of your families and friends. Please accept these two tickets to a United Artists Theatre. With these 1 hope you will be able to spend an evening or afternoon with a special person and maybe--just maybe, make ammends to those who gave up their time with you. Enjoy a few hours for your many hours of effort. e Thank you once again for your work. You will never be recognized enough for the efforts you expended on behalf of children and citizens of District 112. Sincerely, Ene. e MAR 10 '93 09:41 BRW INCo t-'.':::: .' March 10, 1993 pJd I YJ,P~ ~p~ ; fl~(~ /1",( f116v . of" /. <If) IIV' cr . RE: Trunk Highway 101 Trail Neighborhood Informational Meeting Dear Resident: The City of Chanhassen is currently considering the construction of a bituminous trail along the west side of Trunk Highway 101 (TIi 101) from South Shore Drive to Pleasant View Road. Since resident input will be an important part of our further consideration of this project, the City is requesting your attendance at a neighborhood informational meeting for the project. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m.1)n Wednesday, March 31, 1993 at Chanhassen City Hall. The e meeting will include a brief presentation of the proposed trail construction and will provide time for residents to ask questions and voice their support/ opposition for the project. We hope that you will be available to attend the meeting and help us in our further evaluation of this project. If you otherwise have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to call me at 937-1900. Sincerely, an' OF CHANHASSEN Charles D. Folch, PE City Engineer CDF/jal cc: Jon Horn/BRW, Inc. File 1480A91 e , . ~~ ~ Q.I~~ ~-c~ ~ :l ~a..~CC ...CI;,/ e . C> Q.I.- 0 ~ ell::l I '1 Q.I.... ~...~. ...:v, e.t -ca. =c-tn=__ .m -C. f ~ l(l C> C 8 'Q.I 0 ell .. m S QIl >..~ ... .- .c .c.c Q.I ~ ~ ~ t.c Q,ES~c1J: ii Q ~v, Q.I ~!: S QIJ Q.I ea "' ell.5 "2 cii . .c "C... =' ....c .:s Q.) ~w ~ m ...:- Q.I m i( ell >..rr..c _ -; a.: E 'i :::: 't:l ~ i .!!: <: ~ ~ :!~~t'C5c;~E:;:Ci:: =- ~ >. ... ~ c;: I- :: .~ S rr. 111il~<]=~].~C:Et..I :I.!!!~ ;;:~'t:lrr...5 ii5'C I iI_.v, "E ~ e :1-- Cl.i . ell .:Jt. a..' O.:Jt.'t:l r::' C> s,u.5 r:: ~ c~ ~>'C> 11....< C -.....-......". r::.... E I- .- Q.I:- - Cl.i r:: II!!: E' Q.lCQ.I.cCl.iCl:Q.I.c... . Q.I.c C> ~ rr..c c.::c Eo- 0 Cl.i oS:! v, m Q.I... rr. 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It's a Boy........ DANIEL TODD HOFFMAN PROUD PARENTS: Todd and Liz Hoffman / PROUD SISTERS: Claire and Hannah e BORN: March 17, 1993 7:22 a.m. WEIGHT: 9 Ibs. 1 oz. LENGTH: 201f2 inches It's a keeper!! e I ' . e e MEN'S CLUB 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. 1 st & 3rd Mondays of Each Month The spring meeting dates for the Chanhassen Senior Men's Club are as follows: March 1 Approximately 15 people in attendance. March 15 Meeting and project work will take place at the Chanhassen Public Works Building, 1591 Park Road, Chanhassen, MN., in the sign shop. Club will begin working on the construction of bluebird houses for Lake Ann Park , aided by Charlie Eiler of the Parks Staff. For directions or questions, contact Dawn at 937-1900. Anyone interested in participating in this program is welcome (no experience necessary). Time: 9:00 - 12:00 noon. April 5 Regular meeting. Some birdhouse assembly may be done. April 19 Speaker on getting your vegetable garden ready. May 3 Regular meeting. May 17 Speaker to be determined ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TWINS vs. YANKEES Wednesday, May 19, 1993 "Take me out to the baIlgame..." and leave the driving and parking to us! Ride in luxury on a motor-coach bus as we travel to the Metrodome to watch our Minnesota Twins play the New York Yankees for a 12:15 day game. This trip includes reserved seats in section 115 of the lower deck (nearest to the bus drop- off location for ease in walking), a famous ballpark hot dog and a soda. Co- sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center and District 112 Community Education, this is one trip you will not want to miss! Pre-registration is required by April 26, 1993. Fee: $ 22.00/person, includes coach bus, reserved ticket, hot dog and soda. PICK-UP LOCATION Chaska Co-op Chanhassen Senior Center LEAVE 10:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. RETURN 4:15 P.M. 4:00 P.M. e . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . - . . . . . - . . . . - . - . . . - - - . . . . . . . . - - . . - . - . . - - . - . . $ 22.00/PERSON TWINS TRIP A TWI9310 NAMES OF PEOPLE ATTENDING: ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE #: AMOUNT PAID: o CHECK IF SENIOR CITIZEN (OVER 55) RETURN THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO THE: CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 e . e e GOURMET ROOM HENNEPIN TECH LUNCH AND TOUR Wednesday, March 24,1993 11:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Meet and return from the Chanhassen Senior Center Minimum/Maximum: 10/25 MENU CHOICES (PLEASE CHECK) All entrees are served with vegetable, potato, salad, dessert, and beverage (choice of coffee, tea or milk) Entree o Walleye Pike o Cajun Shrimp o Lemon Chicken o Crepes filled with chicken and mushrooms o Pork Chops o Filet Mignon o Beef Stroganoff Fee (includes bus, tip is on your own) $7.45 $7.45 $6.75 $6.45 $6.25 $7.45 $7.45 March 24 --------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- AGOU93 10 GOURMET ROOM Name: Address: Phone No: City Zip Total Amount Paid: $ Return this form with payment to: Chanhassen Senior Center 690 Coulter Drive