1993 04 13 Agenda . e e . ~ FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE WORK SESSION TUESDA Y, APRIL 13, 1993, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. Work Session, Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Task 1: Review Goals and Policies b. Task 2: Facility Inventory c. Task 3: Recreation Demand and Need .~ ~ . C ITV OF CHAHHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ;1! FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: April 9, 1993 SUBJ: Work Session, Comprehensive Plan A. Task 1: Please find attached a copy of current stated goal of the City of Chanhassen in regard to recreation and the policies ..~ tified to accomplish that goal. Please review and edit this document to enable a discussi on a new version of this section of the plan to be drafted. For your information, Itnave l:l;~ched a copy of the City of Maple Grove's Comprehensive Plan policies. e ~ B. Task 2: Park staff will be c Tuesday and Wednesday, April the plan will be performed ad for review. The coordinat' update process. ng out the<:J993 Park and Facility Inventory next and 14. Upa~ting the inventory information found in istratively and OJ:ought to the commission at a later date of graphic inforrnarion will be on-going throughout the C. Task 3: 1. Demand~Page 23:.Regional survey information is available for inclusion in the Need$::~ssessment and Opinion SurveY0cQJ;lducted PX the department I s not comprehensive enough, nor did it represent a random sampling, and thus appropriate for inclusion . Ian. The last official surveying of the co regard to recrea s conducted in 1987. Is it the desire of the commission to. uct another? The recommended time line for this type of survey is every fi ars. 2. Need, Page 34: I would like to hear your preliminary thoughts in this area. Inventory numbers will further assist you in assessing needs as would an updated survey. A comparison of the numbers listed in the plan (numbers which now are in excess of 5 years old), and the number of facilities currently available will allow the commission to track progression. e ~ t.J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e e e Park and Recreation Commission April 9, 1993 Page 3 3. Land Use Based Need: A va ety of maps will be presented to the commission on Tuesday evening allowing for an open discussion to be held. Topics will include the MUSA Line, pr osed developments, future land use, densities, geographic boundaries, etc. Task 1 - Review Goals and Policies e Review and update recreation goals and policies to reflect changes that have occurred. The goals and policies should reflect Chanhassen's vision of what its park system should be in the next 10 to 20 years. Task 2 - Facility Inventory The inventory of existing park facilities in and around Chanhassen will be updated. Inventory information will specifically include regional facilities and existing municipal parks within the City of Chanhassen. Graphics in the current plan such as the inventory of existing park facilities (page 12) will be updated. Task 3 - Recreation Demand and Need The Demand and Need sections of the existing plan will be updated to generally include the following: A. Demand - Where available, updated local and regional survey information will be added to the plan. B. Need - In order to assess general park needs, population ratio standards and specific facility standards will be reviewed. Standards will be applied to anticipated populations in the years 2000 and 2010. e C. Land Use Based Need - Chanhassen's current parks serve the existing developed portion of the community. As the city continues to grow, additional parks will be needed to provide recreational opportunities for new residents. This section of the plan update will specifically focus on projecting needs within the undeveloped portion of the community that lies within the existing MUSA line. In order to determine need, development densities and uses will be examined based on the adopted future land use plan. This analysis will result in a detailed identification of park deficiency areas. Task 4 - 2000/2010 Recreation Plan The Recreation Plan will be updated to generally include the following: A. General Observations and Recommendations - Update as appropriate. B. Existing Parks - Update to reflect all changes such as the possibility of limiting tennis court development to community park facilities. e e e e c Proposed New Parks - Based on the Need information developed in Task 3 (C), provide specific recommendations for future park sites within the existing MUSA line. Recommendations on new parks will include specific locations as well as total acreage requirements. This information can be used by land owners and developers in preparing site plan submissions. D. General Rural Use Area Recreational Resources - Future land use has not been defined within the General Rural Use Area. Correspondingly, it is impossible to designate specific future park sites within this area. Therefore, the plan will identify major recreational resources within the General Rural Use Area (Non MUSA). Such resources may include but not be limited to tracts of mature tree cover, unique vistas, and other natural amenities. Task 5 - Trail Plan The Trail Plan will be amended to include future park sites and other recreational resources that are identified in the Recreation Plan. Project Schedule Task 1 :l~~:]::!!!::i:f:::1 Task 2 ::lj:iiijri~jj~~j~ijlfj~jr~]ii Task 3 :f~mriiififIf,11rf1f~fi: i~il~Jji~lli Task 4 fi'Jf1f]lw@II~~ff@rl TaskS _mIl: r.1i~~~1I . 1 2 Months 3 4 X Park and Recreation Commission Meetings (2/91) New residential development should be discouraged from encroaching upon vital natural resources or physical features that perform essential protection functions in their natural state. . Housing development methods such as PUD's, cluster development, and innovative site plans and building types should be encouraged to help conserve energy and resources used for housing. Property and code enforcement policies which encouraged the maintenance and rehabilitation of both owner occupied and rental housing should be encouraged. The City should continue to ensure non- discrimination in the sale and rental of housing units. Citizen participation in developing plans and e implementing housing programs is encouraged in redevelopment, rehabilitation, and in the planning for future housing. RECREATION GOAL The Ci ty of Chanhassen will provi de recreat i ona 1 open space areas which will reasonably meet the outdoor recreati on needs of the communi ty' s residents. POLICIES Provi de park and open space facil i ti es that emphasize accessibility and use by Chanhassen residents. Coordinate the expenditure of local funds for recreational open space with the schedules for 10 e (2/91) e the prOVl s 1 on and development of other municipal services. The city should update and adopt the recreation open space element of the comprehensive plan at 1 east every fi ve years. An annual assessment of programs, identified needs, and the capital improvements program should be conducted. Negotiations for the acquisition of recreational open space areas shoul d be based upon appraisals by qualified appraisers. Reasonable efforts shall be made to acquire land by negotiated purchase before utilization of the power of eminent domain. The 1 ocat ion, des i gn, use and impact of recreation facilities should be compatible with and enhance the environment of both the site and surrounding area. e Abandoned right-of-ways should be reserved and preserved for public use if they can be utilized for recreational purposes. Encourage the cooperative effort between the school system and the city in the acquisition, development and usage of recreational lands and facilities. Provide open space ares which assist in the conservation and protection of ecologically sensitive areas. Provide a recreation system that integrates manmade facilities into the natural environment of the area. Develop a park and open space plan which is consi stent wi th and compl iments the overa 11 1 and use plan for Chanhassen. e 11 (2/91) Provi de a system of nei ghborhood parks whi ch are centrally or conveniently located within the area they serve and where possible, are integrated with school facilities. Encourage citizen participation in the planning for and development of park and open space facil i ti es. e Continue to seek assistance from community groups in the planning and development of recreation areas. Provide a balanced park system which includes neighborhood parks, community parks, special use facilities, schools, and private developments; all interconnected by a linear trail network. Where possible, neighborhood park lands should be planned for, prior to development to insure ~ that future facility demands can be met. ~ The location of neighborhood parks should be identified in areas that do no require the crossing of major thoroughfares by small chil dren. The planning for recreation and open space within Chanhassen should concentrate on total environment programming rather than emphasizing facility programs. Recreation activities will be designed to appeal to all age groups. UTILITIES GOAL Provi de pub 1 i c sani tary sewer, water, storm water, electrical, natural gas and communication service to all urban density residential developments and all non- residential, commercial and industrial uses in 12 e . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ J . . GENERAL OUTREACH POLICIES A. Provide comprehensive park and recreation programs and facilities for the broadest spectrum of Maple Grove residents. B. Implement parks and recreation administration and operations based on Parks and Recreation Board and City Council policies, procedures and ordinances. C. Recognize the conflict and mediate fairly in matters in which Maple Grove special interest groups seek to achieve iesults which may not serve the hest interests of the community in general. D. Encourage public awareness and input on all aspects of parks and recreation. E. Coordinate planning with adjacent communities, school districts, County and State agencies to produce the highest level of services and facilities and eliminate costly duplication. F. Maintain public facilities and services according to generally accepted standards of performance and recognize that different levels of maintenance shall be provided depending on the intensity of use and purpose of the site. G. Identify and implement programs which meet community needs for nature interpretation, historical preservation and cultural enrichment. H. Govern useage of all public parks and recreation facilities to insure control and proper use so that all tesidents may enjoy them for leisure time activities. I. Utilize the talents and skills of volunteers, City staff and consultants, as needed, for the provision of parks and recreation services. J. Provide recreational opportunities (facilities and programs) for special populations (including the young, aged, handicapped, etc). K. Develop and enforce park rules and ordinances to preserve the facilities, natural resources, and health and safety of the citizens. 25. GENERAL FINANCIAL POLICIES A. Monitor and apply for County, State and Federal grant programs consistent with Parks and Recreation Board and City Council policies. B. Accept land and/or cash park dedications as needed pursuant to City Code, Section 350:33, Parks, Open Space and Public Use. C. Utilize cash in lieu of land from park dedication requirements for acquistion and developmen~ with special emphasis on neighborhood parks. D. Prepare and maintain annually a long-range Capital Improvements Program and Budget. E. Use financial mechanisms available to the City for park system acquisition, development, redevelopment and operations as authorized by the City Council. F. Endeavor to finance, in general, the administrative operations of parks and recreation through the City General Fund. G. Assess fees and charges for specialized recreation programs when participants benefit directly. H. Assess rental fees to qualified groups who utilize community park facilities for leisure time activities when these groups charge or collect admission fees for activities. I. Assess a general administrative non-resident fee to all non- residents each time they participate in Maple Grove recreation programs excluding cooperatively sponsored events, general admission activities and swimming programs. GENERAL LAND ACQUISTION POLICIES A. Review and submit recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council on all parks and open space land acquisition matters relative to the City Code, Section 350:33, Parks, Open Space and Public Use. B. Acquire parkland and open space where a specific park or recreational need is identified. C. Accept donations and gifts for parkland and open space to meet needs identified and determined by the City Comprehensive Parks System and Recreation Plan. 26. " - I JJ . - ~ e L. Accept gifts and donations for park facilities and areas if they are free of obligations or impacts which limit later use (by a condition of the gift), offend other segments of the community, or which come with a hidden or delayed price tag for development, operation, or maintenance which can't be justified as being in the City's best interest. GENERAL RECREATION PROGRAM POLICIES A. Provide and encourage participation in recreation programs designed to meet the leisure time needs and interests of the citizenry. B. Coordinate recreation programming with the needs of community residents and those related services as provided by the Parks and Recreation Board, Athletic Associations and civic groups and organizations. C. Require all organizations and associations using parks and recreation facilities for youth or adult athletic programs to adhere to the Bill of Rights for Young Athletes and other sportsmanship policies as adopted by the Parks and Recreation Board. D. Provide when possible, public recreational leisure services to the needs of special populations, i.e. the elderly, the physically and mentally handicapped, the disabled and the disadvantaged. e E. Provide resident preference for the utilization of recreational services and programs in Maple Grove held at park facilities under municipal management and operation. F. Accept gifts and donations for recreation programs and supplies if they are free of obligations or impacts which limit later use (by a condition of the gift), offend other segments of the community, or which come with a hidden or delayed price tag which can't be justified as being in the City's best interest. e 28. I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I I J . I I I - i I . . . I .