1992 02 11 Agenda FILE . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL WORKSESSION Tuesday, February 11, 1992, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Chanhassen Main Fire Station, 7610 Laredo Drive 7:30 p.m. Call to Order 1. site Plan Review, Americana Community Bank . 2. Work Session: City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Needs Survey 9:00 p.m. Adjourn NOTE: A Commission photo will be taken prior to the meeting for inclusionin the City of Chanhassen spring Newsletter. . r . I- Z ~ o :J 0. Q.. <t . ~ ~ W I- - (/) . i Feb. 11, 1992 ' CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: CC DATE: ;1/ HOFFKAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: preliminary plat to replat Lot 7, Block 1, Crossroads Plaza into one lot and site plan review for a 7,268 sq. ft. (2 story) buildinq for Phase I and Phase II consistinq of 4,200 sq. ft., Americana community Bank. LOCATION: Located at the northeast corner of West 79th Street and Market Boulevard (see attached vicinity map). APPLICANT: Americana community Bank' 300 Main street West Sleepy Eye, Minnesota PRESENT ZONING: BH, Business Hiqhway ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - BG, Business, General; Rail line S - BH, Business, Hiqhway, Future Entry Monument E - BH, Business, Hiqhway, Vacant W '- BG, Business, General, Pond COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within the service area of City. Center Park and the future Central Park area. Acquisition of additional public open space on this parcel is not reasonable or d~sirable. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This property lies within the downtown business district and, as in the remainder of the downtown, pedestrian sidewalks are to be installed where appropriate. A seqment of sidewalk f . . . Park and Recreation Commission February 11, 1992 Page 2 currently exists along the western border of the property, an additional segment is to be constructed by the applicant. A trail fee credit for construction of this sidewalk is not applicable. Businesses locating in this district utilizing the benefits of tax increment financing are to pay full park and trail development fees. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require full park and trail fees for the development of the Americana community Bank. Note: An application from Americana community Bank to build on the northwest corner of Market Boulevard and West 78th street was reviewed by the Commission on July 23, 1991. ATTACHMENTS: Vicinity Map Proposed Plat site Plan Building Design . - ,..ICW) l'I 411:I" 0) . 0 0 z z - - f . .1 en "L."1"1.~0 o~'- . at ~1T'"1[3 Q () Q ILl at. $ . ""; ~~T'M. t;"r.. ~\ s ~ ~ CIr' w ti - o o z UJ :e ~.~W ~U)~ ~~2 -:>> CD ~ N" .~~ ...Oz~ ~o:9; CD an c-) an 10 . VICINITY MAP N.T.S. ,N . \en ...... \~ !:! ~ . c 0 . ii - 1 . 0 a:: r . . . -i " -i :a1 0 " 0 ,-I ~ . m 0 ri " i E L.I ! .-;- . :=-; ~ I ~ 'j I: .. ~ ... ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .. ; u If;,' H: :,. · .". · t! ~p fl' i;i ~ z!i ~ ~ ~;: ii~ ~:. i ~i . h': ': 3"' l.~! l Q: 'f. ~ ,,; -ij I ~~ ri " _& _ ;;.! t ..., ".. ;h ~~ i -;;1 ~ ...-: I::. :.:. ::-= c~ . .. _, __ __ :1; ~~ - ;,i ~ $ .' I ~ -. 6.- ;i t: Aarnerkilli comnuvty ... ; "' It ii .. ;J<./ It I' ..' .. .. ,;. . ill :~~.... ;~i '..II~ .. .. ,j . ., Ii H ... : ;if .. .re! :~ ~c i: Ii ! \ \ .;. \ \ \ -- - .... .... :;: .. :.; . ..t .. .... " \ ":'. ~;. \ '.;~ X. I,:::' .~, \?:~ ::', , "'. f.:~- ...., '.' , .. ~\ s. \.. \ I \ ,.. -", i KRJ MSQaIftS I':" '.0.__ UlIIll UIIIIE. _ - --- ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ g .... ~ C ~ r -:: I ic; 0.., ?'l;= . ,., z z i 00 r i i j I f I ':iT t__..\ (' /' ./ ., \\, ,./" ' . ' \ .t,. .\ -:. . / /~. ; . 'd' \ ~. 'If I Jf I · i~."iiiilli~ I _ "~~~~ ~ '11 ~ !!.~rii!'"~;!!~~i~ __- ~~.~"\~~;J~l 'i III I-II ~1~;I~i~IJ~it~~ 7 ;.,// M... ~".../:. /~:- ',..0 \ I "" I !.u~ ~ '"""~"",, "', , \~\ hi' .~'I'iH ~ ~,'__'~~' t 'ff ~1' !J' III ..' ~I - ~ ~ ~ ~1 il. . ' '~~.i~~~' ~ · I I 511 - ~ \ \~. _, ,~,,'V~0'V~~ \~. - ~ \ i,,:",f' !;:~. - ~'\' . ~ -. , ,-, ~ ii' \ ;~---- =.."1 Z !,"< ~~_ %/'Ji>' " , ~ t.-- . oM · / " i . ~ . . .-" ---- .\ \ ~ ..A .~ < (; z ~ ~ z ;., .. ...... ... ,:. ' "'~~r::: == -=--: =.:~....:..., I:::':~ =:-~:::~ ASSOCIATES KRJ_ ...o.~~ __ UIlC ~. :i - I -~- . -4 I ~ I ! ~ ~ . c ~ 1-"- : , / -ti:'- , , It' I ,I I " I "':".ir - I 1/ If ~ _.'r B f / "r.. _. . ! c -4 % \ I . : t : I . 1 ~ l I , .~ j I J_wu' z ' 0' :Il' -4' %: rn, ,.. rn' <. ~ i5 z: . ,. , ~: ~ :. 4t 'i l ~ -- .,l ~'t_ :. :i.:: I, , . 'I ~...- f:' ~: ,- -- - ij . ~ IOU MSOQArES ..0,__ " ... UlIl&, - - :!< - " . . . ~ CITY OF , CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator r\-\ l.v-.~ February 7, 1992 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: . Park and Recreational N~eds Assessment Attached are copies of Park and Recreation Needs Assessment Surveys from the Cities of Chanhassen, Plymouth and Shakopee. The surveys are similar in regard to the type of questions asked; however, the Chanhassen survey was conducted by phone whereas the Plymouth and Shakopee surveys were mailed. Each asked questions concerning demographics, park and recreational facilities, ....and recreational programming. The Plymouth survey was written with the intent of receiving information mainly on the quality of park and recreation programs. The Shakopee survey is extensive in some areas, but includes a large number of open ended questions. The survey conducted by Chanhassen in 1987 was both comprehensive and concise. Interspersed in these surveys are miscellaneous questions used to gain information on particular concerns to each city, i.e. Chanhassen-- community center and funding; Plymouth--special needs; Shakopee--funding, philosophy and comparison of agencies offering park and recreational services. It is important that each Commission member thoroughly review each of these surveys. Questions of interest should be noted, and those questions you feel are ambiguous, open ended, or not important, should be crossed out. This will allow the Commission to work towards a consensus of the precise questions which need to be asked. Other items of discussion will include the format of the survey, distribution techniques, number of surveys to be distributed, evaluation techniques, and what action will be formulated in response to the results. It is interesting to review the responses received in 1987. When comparing the results to the direction development of park and recreation facilities has progressed, you will find that the two do not coincide in many areas. Bike paths, walking paths, jogging trails and hiking trails ranked Nos. 1,2,6 and 7, respectively. I would anticipate a similar response this year; however, we are now only beginning to make the long climb towards realizing the ft. ~~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission February 7, 1992 Page2 establishment of a functional trail system. Not surprisingly, facilities the city is deficient in received high ratings, and those facilities which exist at some level received lower ratings. This scenario also held true in the progn~mming section, although to a lesser extent. I join in the Commission's enthusiasm over the prospect of formulating a consensus of how the Chanhassen community perceives its park and recreational facilities, programs, and opportunities. However, my belief that the Commission has the integrity and will to react to the impending survey results, taking actions in areas of need excites me more. Attachments: Chanhassen 1987 Survey and Results Plymouth Survey Shakopee Survey t . . . , . CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION SURVEY RESULTS May 5, 1987 PURPOSE OF STUDY: The following survey was commissioned by the Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Committee in order to determine the specific needs of the local community and their expectations of the city's parks and recreation system. METHOD: The survey was developed in the form of a telephone script. Each survey took approximately seven minutes to complete. Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Committee members, city staff and several other volunteers assisted in conducting the survey. Two hundred and nineteen households, (219) out of a total of 1490 available (listed in the 1986 Cole's Directory), were surveyed. . TOPICS ANALYZED: The major topical areas covered in the survey included; I. Household and personal information. II. Facilities. III. Programs. IV. Indoor recreational community center. V. Funding. VI. Trail system. CONCLUSIONS: Household/personal information: The household information recieved. from the study indicates a good representation of the population. The distribution in the length of time living in Chanhassen is evenly spread over the choices and by far the vast majority live in single family dwellings (85%). Compared with recent statistical data available on Chanhassen the average household size is slightly larger (1985 estimates 2.86/people per household vs. the surveys 3.12). Personal information on the specific interviewees indicate a representative mix of both males and females. The most common age of interviewee was between 35 and 59 years old (55%), with the majority working full time (64%). . Facilities: The results of the series of questions asked concerning facilities have been arranged in a descending order in relation to the "TOO FEW" response. The top seven responses, all having a "TOO FEW" frequency of over fifty percent deal p~imarily with the trail network, including: paved bike paths, walking paths, and jogging and hiking trails. The other three top ranking facilities which over fifty percent of the population surveyed felt there are too few were; swimming pool, open air shelters, and fiShing docks. . Programs: The section in the survey dealing with specific programs was designed as a two part question1 first, to ask if the household would be interested if the program was available, and secondly, to determine if the household was currently actively utilizing such a program. The results have been organized in a decending order in relation to the "YES" responses to the first part of the question. Another ratio has been added which is the percent increase in participation over current participation in the specific program. This ratio may be significant in making specific program funding decisions since it represents the potential increase in participation for either existing or future programs. Indoor Recreational Community Center: The responses to the question dealing with the.community center were quite positive with seventy nine percent of the population surveyed answering "YES" when asked if they thought the city needed an indoor recreational community center. The programs section of the survey also lends some support to the community center in relation to possible facilities and programs offered. It appears that swimming, tennis, and areobics facilities ranked high enough to warrent consideration in the . planning of the center. Funding: Parks and recreation funding was dealt with in two specific questions. The first question took an indirect approach which not only supplied funding information but also information as to the relative importance of park services provided. The interpretation of the results of this question are arranged in descending order in relation to the "MORE" option of the question (which referred to spending more vs. the same or less on that specific service). The top response, with sixty five percent answering yes, dealt with the improvement and enlargement of the trail network. Two other services also received a fifty or more percent positive response rate including 1 physical improvements to enable specific programs (with fifty three percent), and organized recreation programs (with fifty percent). The second question in the survey dealing.with funding took a more direct approach and asked wether or not certain methods of funding were acceptable. User fees, with an eighty percent positive response rate, was the only method of the three options available to have a fifty percent or better response rate. *Note - Grant Scholen of the.Metropolitin Council conducted .a study on user fees entitled "Fees and Charges in the Regional Recreation Open Space System" in February 1987 which should answer any implementation or establishment questions concerning . user fees. t . Trail system: Information concerning the trails in Chanhassen can be analyzed by drawing on two specific sections "of the survey; facilities and funding. In both sections the trail system finished with the best results in relation to the other questions in the section. SUMMARY OF RESULTS: The following is a detailed list of the frequencies and ratios of the responses to the survey. SUMMARY OF RESULTS CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT [I. HOUSEHOLDSJ * How long have you lived in Chanhass~? FREQUENCY % 6 3 (1) Less than 1 year. 66 30 (2) 1 to 5 years. 52 24 (3) 6 to 10 years. 69 32 (4) 11 to 25 years. . 25 11 (5) more than 25 years. 1 0 (6) I do not live in Chanhassen. TOTAL 219 100% * How many people live in your household? NUMBER FREQUENCY % 1 25 11 2 52 24 3 53 24 4 60 27 5 21 .10 652 7 3 1 TOTAL 219 100 *Average household size - 3.12 * Do you have any children in your househ01d? [under 18J NUMBER FREQUENCY % 0 48 22 1 90 41 2 57 26 3 20 "9 4 2 1 5 2 1 . TOTAL 219 100 *Average number of childeren per household - 1.29 t I I . * How could your residence be described? FREQUENCY % 187 85 (1) Single family house. 3 1 (2) Mobile home. 13 28 (3) Multi unit dwelling. (apartment, townhouse, duplex) 1 0 (4) other * What [VI. PERSONAL] is your age? FREQUENCY % 3 1 (1) 17 or under 64 29 (2) 18 - 34 122 55 (3) 35 - 59 30 15 (4) 60 or over 219 100% TOTAL * Do you work full time'or part time?, FREQUENCY % 140 64 (1) Full time paying job 39 18 (2) Part time paying job 4 2 (3) CUrrently no paying jOb 16 7 (4) Homemaker 2 1 (5) Student . 18 8 (6) Retired 219 100 TOTAL * What city do you work in? CITY FREQUENCY % Chanhassen 62 28 Eden prairie 19 8 Minneapolis 19 8 Edina 15 6 Minnetonka 14 6 Bloomington 7 3 st. Paul 8 4 OTHER 31 14 TOTAL 219 100% * Was the respondent? FREQUENCY 103 112 % 47 51 (1) Male (2) Female' . .. . ~ . [II. FACILITIES] * TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW FREQ % FREQ % FREQ % (1) Paved Bike Paths 4 2 67 31 148 68 (2) Walking Paths 3 1 75 34 141 64 * (3) Swimming Pool 4 2 87 40 128 58 (4) Open Air Shelter 3 1 96 44 120 55 (5) Fishing Docks 5 2 105 48 109 50 (6) Jogging Trails 2 1 108 49 109 50 (7) Hiking Trails 3 1 107 49 109 50 (8) Racket Ball crts 5 2 111 51 103 47 (9) Camp Grounds 3 1 117 53 99 45 (10) cc Ski Trails 3 1 118 55 98 44 (11) Indr Tennis crts 7 3 118 54 94 43 (12) Playground Equip 0 0 129 59 90 41 (13) Ice Arena 5 2 127 58 87 40 (14) Wght Lftg Equip 6 3 126 58 87 40 (15) Neighborhd Parks 3 1 132 60 83 38 (16) Natural Areas 4 2 133 61 82 37 (17) Boat Launches 14 6 124 58 81 36 (18) Nature Centers 3 1 138 64 78 35 (19) Tennis Courts 3 1 142 65 74 34 (20) Golf Courses 4 2 143 65 72 33 . (21) Picnic Areas 0 0 148 68 71 32 (22) Skating Rinks 3 1 148 68 68 31 (23) Beaches 4 2 154 70 61 28 (24) Baseball Fields 8 4 167 76 44 20 [ I II. P,ROGRAMS] * (% increase in participat~ ~ast 12 months] Would your household ~l Does your household participate in: . >J..~ ~ currently participate? YES NO oI"t. YES NO FREQ % FREQ % % FREQ % FREQ % "* Open Swimming 144 66 75 34 26% 85 38 134 61 Aerobics 127 57 92 42 34% 62 28 157 71 Indoor Skating 125 57 94 43 40% 54 24 165 75 Swimming Lsns 105 47 114 52 37% 48 21 171 78 Softball 102 46 117 54 28% 58 26 161 74 Tennis (lge/les) 101 46 118 54 43% 40 18 179 82 Racketball 101 46 118 54 32% 52 24 167 76 In~r Run/Trk 100 46 119 54 41% 42 19 177 81 Ba all 93 42 126 58 31% 49 22 170 78 Indoor Tennis 92 42 127 58 53% 28 13 191 87 Soccer 78 36 141 64 27% 45 21 174 79 Little Lge Bsbl 76 35 143 65 45% 29 13 190 87 Weightlifting' 71 32 148 68 210% 46 21 173 79 Yth Gymnastics 68 31 151 69 48% 24 11 195 89 Chldrn Dance 60 ,27 159 7~ 45% 23 11 196 89 . Martial Arts 55 25 161& 75 64% 12 5 207 95 Yth Hockey 53 24 166 76 74% 8 4 211 96 Adlt Hockey 41 19 178 81 ;37% 19 9 200 91 . * What park do you most often PARK FREQUENCY Lake Ann 136 Carver Beach 7 City Hall 6 Greenwood Shores 3 Lotus Lake 3 Chanhassen Est 1 Lake Susan 1 Chan Hills Park 1 No Response 61 TOTAL 219 use in Chanhassen? % 62 3 3 1 1 .5 .5 .5 28 100% [v. COMMUNITY CENTER) * Do you think that the City of Chanhassen needs an indoor recreational community center offering such facilities as a swimming pool, tennis courts, racketball, a gymnasium, meeting facilities, or an ice arena? . FREQUENCY % 172 79 (1) YES 47 21 ( 2 ) NO TOTAL 219 100% . [IV. FUNDING) * For each of the services please indicate if you think we should spend LESS, the SAME, or MORE for each service. LESS SAME MerRE FREQ % FREQ % FREQ % (1) Improvement and enlargement of trail network. 10 4 65 29 144 65 (2) Physical improvements to enable specific programs [ballfields-pcnc ars-bchs]. 10 4 92 42 117 53 (3) Organized recreation programs [more activities like swmmng lessons, little league etc). 7 3 102 46 110 50 (4) Acquiring additional park land. 25 11 92 42 102 46 (5) Park supervision and police surveillance. 6 2 130 59 83 37 (6) Landscaping and maintenance of existing parks. 8 3 153 69 58 26 . " . * Do you feel the following method is acceptable to meeting increased costs? YES NO FREQ 42 164 189 % 19 74 86 (1) User Fees (2) Increased taxes (3) Reduced Services FREQ % 177 80 55 25 30 15 ~ST OF SOURCES USED 1. Oatman, Dorothy, "1985 Population Estimates and Trends in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area", Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area, May, 1986. 2. Scholen, Grant, "Fees and Charges in the Regional Recreation Open Space System", Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area, February, 1987. . 3. Scholen, Grant, "Reservable Group Picnic Facilities in the Regional Recreation Open Space System", Metropolitan Council of the Twin cities Area, December, 1985. 4. "Leisure in the Twin Cities Area", Metropolitan Council of the Twin cities ~rea, Survey, February, 1984. 5. "Leisure in the Twin Cities Area", Metropolitan Council of the Twin" Cities Area, Survey Results, unpublished, February, 1984. 6. Mott, William P., "1982-1983 Nationwide Recreation Survey", U.S. Department of the Interior and National Park Service, April, 1986. . 7. "Minnesota State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan", Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Volume 1, March, 1984. 8. "Minnesota State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan", Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Volume 1, April, 1984. 9. "Minnesota State Comprehensive OUtdoor Recreation Plan", Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Volume 1, 1985. 10. Smith, Charles K., "Metropolitan Recreation Demand Study Summary Report, 1982 On-Site Su~eys", Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area, May, 1984. 11. "Recreation Plans", City of Chanhassen, CUrrent Edition. 12. "Breakdown of Financial Data on the Eden Prairie Community Center", City of Eden Prairie, 1984-1985. 13. Johnson, Bradley, "Proposal for Chanhassen Community Center Project", CHADDA, October, 1986. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS 1. Mike Liddecoat, Carver County Park Director. 2. Grant Scholen, ~arks Planner, Metropolitan Council 3. Tom Redman, Chaska Parks Director 4. Marty Jessen, Hennepi~' County Parks Department .. . . . Hello! My na::le" (your name], and I am workin; wit" Chanhassen' sPark and Recreation, ar-.::lent. We are doin; a p~lic _ .rest s\J--vel en the ci~y's pa: ,~ and recreation needs. I would like to ask you a ~ew ques~ions which will qreatly help in definin; ~e future direc~i=~ of eu: ci':y's park and recreation'facilities. Do you have a few mi:-:u-:es to ansver some questions? . 1- (1) (2) (:3) (4) (S) (6) (I. HOUSEHOLDS] How lonq have you lived in Cbanhassen? Less ~~an 1 year. 1 to 5 years. 6 to 10 years. ],], to 25 years. more than 25 y.ars. I do net live in Channassen. 2. How many p.opl. live in your household? (1) _ (writ. n~.r) 3 . Do you have any children in your householc!? [under 18] (1) no (2) yes (how many?) (3) _ (writ. nWlll:ler) 4. How could your r.sid.nc. b. d.scribed? (1) Si~~~. fa~ily house. (2 ) He.u_. ke...e. (3) Multi unit dwellinq. (apartment, townhouse, duplex, etc) ( 4 ) O~'ler (II. FAC!Ln'!ES] S. I will read of! a list ot r.cr.ation tacili<:i.s and for each one ~lease t.ll me i! you think there are either TOO MANY, JUST :::;OUGH, or TOO F~.. ad.quate faciliti.s of that kind convenient t= you. Please answer :or your household ev.n if you are not interest.d ~~ a pa:~ic~lar facili-:y. (1) B.aches............TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO F!:W . (2) Boat Launches......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO F!:W (:3) Paved bike paths...TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO r:;w (4) Camp qrounds.......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FE~~ (S) Walkinq paths......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO F!:".. (6) Tennis c=u~s......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO ~~ (7) CC Ski trails......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO ~. (8) Natural ar.as......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO F!:".. (9) Fishing docks......TOO MANY JUST ~10UGH TOO n~~ (10) Joqqinq trails.....TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO ~~ Ooes your HOUSEHOLD think th.re are: (11) Golf c=urs.s.......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO n:. (1:2) Picnic areas.......TOO MANY JUST Dl0UGH TOO ~~y (13) Hikinq t:ails......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO n:.; (H) Nature c.nt.rs.....TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO F!" .. (15) Skatinq rinks......TOO MANY JUST E.'JOUGH TOO F-" :,..'4 (16) Bas.b~ll ti.lds....TOO MANY .roST ENOUGH TOO Fr.~ (17) Playqro~d Equip...TOO MANY JUST Dl0UGH TOO n~~ (18) Ic. ar.na..........TOO ~~Y JUST ENOUGH TOO Fr.. (19) Open Air Sh.lt.r...TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO Fr.~ { (20) Neiqhborhood parks.TOO MANY .roST ENOUGH TOO n:"1'I (21) Rack.t ball courts. TOO MANY JUST DfOUGH TOO rr.. (22) Swi:minq pool......TCO MANY JUST DOUGH TOO l'rl'l (23) Wht liftinq equip..TOO MA1fY JUST ENOUGH TOO Fr.. (24 ) Indoor t.nnis crts.TOO ~'JY .roST ENOUGH ~OO l'rl'l . [III. PROGRAMS] The next question d.als with proqrams. 6. I,will read you a list of activiti.s, and tor each a~ivity please ;nd1ca~e w.~~.r or not you would participat. if ~~. ac-:ivity we~.o~.ered 11'1 ~~anhassen, th.~ weth.r or not you currently pa..1c1pate. Aqa~n, let m. rem~nd you that you are ansverinq for your household. . W~uld your hous.hold par-:icipat. in: (1) Open swi=minq in pool......YES NO (2) Swi:=inq lessons...........YES NO (3) Ma~ial ar":s (kar~t.)......YES NO (4) Aer=~ics...................Y7-S NO (5) ~~i:=r.ns car.ce.class......Y7-S NO [Past 12 lIon~~sJ Do.. your hous.hold currently particira~~? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO (Ei) You~~ 9:~nas~~cs...........~S tlO YES tlO (i) Basket~all.......... ....YES tlO YES tlO (8) 'l'ennis ( leaque or l~ .Jns) . YES tlO YES NO (9) Sof~all...................YES NO YES NO (10) Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES NO YES NO Aqain keepinq in mind your entire household. (ll) Lit-=~e leaque baseball.....yES NO YES NO (12) Yout~ Hockey...............YES 'NO YES NO (13) Adul~ Hockey...............YES NO YES NO . (14) Racket~all.................YES NO YES NO (15) Indoor tennis .............YES NO YES NO (16) Weiqht littinq.............YES tlO YES NO (17) Indoor runninq/track.......YES tlO YES NO (18) Incicor skatinq.............YES NO YES NO 7. What park do you most otten use in Chanhassen? (write out] (v. COMMt1Nrl'Y a:~] 8. Co you t:ink that ~~e City of Channa..en needs an indoor rec~.ational c===~ni~y center otfering such tacilities as a swimminq pool, tennis ccu~s rack.~all, a qymnasium, meeting facilitie., or an ica arena? (1) YES '2) NO (c'=l~entJ ( IV . FUNDING] 9. Next I will read a list ot major .ervices provided by the parks depart~ent. For each of the services please indicate if you thir~ we should spend LESS, the SAHE, or MORE tor each .ervice. L S M (1) L S M (2) L S M (3) L S M (4) L S M (S) L S M (6) Orqanized recreation proqrams [more acti~ities like swimminq le.sons, little leaque etc]. Acquirinq additional park land. Physical improvements to enable specific proqrams [ball fields-picnic areas-beaches] Improvement and enlarqemant of trail network. LandSCapinq and maintenance of existing parks. Park supervision and police surveillance. . 10. Park and recreation operatinq costs are increasinq. 'l'here are qenerally three ways to meet these increased costs: REDUCED SERVICES, INCREASED 'l'AXES, OR USER FEES. Do you feel the ~ollowinq me~~od'is acceptable to meetinq increased costs? (1) Reduced services (2) Increased taxes (3) User fees (4) Other [specify] 11. (1) (2) (3) (~) 12. (1) (2) (J) (~) (5) (6) YES YES YES NO NO NO [VI. 'l'he last questions are What is your aqe? 17 or under 18 - 34 3S - S9 60 or over PERSOtlAL] personal in nature directed toward you. Do you work full time or part time? Full time payinq job Part time payinq job CUrrently no payinq job Homemaker Student Retired 13. What city do you work in? [write in] 'l'hank you for your participation in the parks sUrvey, your input is greatly appreciated. Goodbye. [14. (1) ( :n . . Was the respondent?] Male Female Ce:=ents or particu13r circumst~nce.: .~ Dear Plymouth Resident: The Plymouth Recreation division is conducting a survey to assess the quality of programs through Plymouth Park and Recreation. Your comments on the strengths and weaknesses of our programs will be used to help us improve our services. Questionnaires are being mailed to a systematic random sample of Plymouth residents to ensure a representative response. Your comments are important to us. YOUR RESPONSES ARE IMPORTANT EVEN IF YOU HAVE HAD LITTLE OR NO EXPERIENCE WITH OUR PROGRAMS. Thank you for your assistance. Mary Patterson Superintendent of Recreation Instructions Please participate; it questions. Return your 27. should take ten minutes or less to answer the completed survey in the enclosed envelope by January The information that you provide is CONFIDENTIAL. Your name will not be used in any way. The number on the return envelope is there 80 that we may check your name off the mailing list when your survey is completed and returned. Your response now will save us follow-up costs later. i. If you have questions about the survey, call Mary, Nancy or Donna at 559-2800 x 266, or stop in at: Plymouth Park and Recreation 3400 Plymouth Boulevard Plymouth, MN 55447 I. In the past year, have you or a member(s) of your household participated in program(s) sponsored by Plymouth Park and Recreation? Yes _ No, because 3. Think back to your experiences with park and recreation programs. How would you rate. these .programs and their instructors/supervisors on: (circle one number for each question) 2. In general, how satisfied are you (your household) with experiences provided through Plymouth Park and Recreation? (circle one) The overall quality of the instruction/supervision. ~ ." 4-1 o 0 c:: o 0 IV Q.c C..-l ~ >-~~"'>-IV ~O..-lO~t) IVOroOIV>C >Q.c~C>laJ If yes, continue to question 2. If. no, skip to question 8. 1 234 5 6 The extent to which the programs met your expectat ions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 . I Very dissatisfied 2 Moderately dissatisfied 3 Slightly dissatisfied 4 Slightly satisfied 5 Moderately satisfied 6 Very satisfied The participant to instructor rat 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~. The convenience of the loca- tion. 123456 The,convenience of the time. 1 234 5 6 -1- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE 4 Would you recommend Plymouth Park and Recreation programs to others? (Circle one) I Definitely not 2 Probably not 3 Not sure 4 Probably yes 5 Definitely yes Why do you feel that way? 5. To what extent did you encounter problems in the following areas? E II E- . II~ - .... C ~II~'- _-OA. '" ~ '- -OA.'" - '- ::I D.A.'-O D. 0- C _ c: '- - II ....Een o 0 zzcc Getting accurate information on programs. 0 1 2 3 Registering for programs. 012 3 Refunds or transfers. 012 3 5a Why did you rate any of the above as "serious?" 6. In order to cover the cost of processing credit card purchases. we might need to charge an additional $1-$3 per program fee (not including team sports). Knowing this. would you like to have the opportunity to register by ~. through the mail, or in person and charge the cost to your major credit card? (Check one) Yes No 7. Please circle how much. you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. . II '- . C1l . '" . '" '- - C1l CI C >'11 >. -11- - C1l '- _ C1l c: C1l '- iii c: o '" .. II 0 Plymouth park and recreation '- '" ::I ... ... .. ... II C1l" programs meet the needs of my enClzcen household. 1 2 3 4 5 Plymouth park and recreation programs are a good value for the price. 1 2 3 4 5 Most instructors/supervisors are sensitive to the needs of indi- vidual participants. 1 2 3 4 5 The staff in the park and rec- reation office are generally helpful. 1 2 3 4 5 The facilities are physically attractive. 1 2 3 4 5 The park & recreation staff ;s concerned about the safety of participants. 12345. 8. We participate in recreation programs offered through: (Check all that apply.) Hennepin Parks Private clubs YMCA/YWCA Schoo Is Church Scouts. Ca~pFire,. etc. Youth athletic associations Other (list) 9. What are your primary sources of information concerning Plymouth park and recreation programs? Please rank in their order of importance those which apply to you. ("1" would mean first, "2" second; and so forth). Local newspapers Local cable station Plymouth on Parade School fliers Word of mouth . Direct mailings ____ Other (explain) -2- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE 10. On which day of the week is it most convenient for you/your household to participate in recreation programs? Please rank your top three choices beginning with one (1) for your first preference and so on to three (3). . Adults School Yr Summer .!Q.Y.!b School Yr Summer Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 11. At what time is it most convenient for you/your household to participate in recreation programs? Please rank your top three choices beginning with one (1) for your first preference and so on to three (3). Adults School Yr Summer .!Q.Y.!b School Yr Summer --fore 9 am___ m-noon oon-3pm ___ 3-6pm 6-8pm After 8 pm '. . -3- 12. Please rank the top three amonf, the following indoor facilities (1-3) in order of your preference for program locations, with #1 being most preferred. ____ Armstrong High School Birchview Elementary Greenwood Elementary Oakwood Elementary Parkers Lake Pavilion Pilgrim Lane Elementary ____ Plymouth Middle School ____ Sunset Hill Elementary ____ Wayzata East Jr. High ____ Wayzata High School ____ Wayzata West Jr. High Zachary Elementary Other 13. Please rank the top three outdoor facilities (1-3) in order of your preference for program locations, with 41 being the most preferred. ____LaCompte Playfield, 10795 Old Co. Rd. 15 ____Oakwood Playfield, 1700 Hwy 101 ____Plymouth Playfield, Co Rd 18 & 36th Ave ____Plymouth Creek, 3625 Fernbrook Lane ____Ridgemount Playfield, 12000 Ridgemount Ave ____Zachary Playfield, 4355 Zachary Lane ____Neighborhood Park (name) 14. In your oplnlon, which three groups most lack recreation activities in the Plymouth area. (Please rank the first three in order. Place "1" in front of the group most lacking, and so forth.) pre-school children elementary children junior high children senior high children adults families senior citizens single people single parents special populations-handicapped other (please specify) GO ON 1~ NEXT PAGE . 15. I (my hous~()ld, would more programs offered Park and Recreation in (please check all categories) ...-4 >-. o ~ o ttl .c .c ~ bC () c:: ..-I tIl Ql = ~ ~ . ~ ...-4 ~ r;l.. ~ .. Arts and Crafts Drama Dance Music Fitness/We11ness Individual Sports Sports Instruction Team Sports Outdoor Appreciation Sid 11s Performing Arts Social Interaction One Time Special Events Trips Other Please explain "other" I ike to see by Plymouth these a,eas: appropriate tIl c:: o .c ..-I ClO tIl...-4 ~ ..-I tIl ~ ttl III = ~ 0 ..-1...-4 ...-4 ..-I ()::l . ::l c:: Ql Q. ~"O Ql Q.O tf.l < tf.l tf.lr;l.. 16. Do you or does a member of your household have an impairment which requires special recreation services from Plymouth Park and Recreation? (Check one.) Yes No 16a What would that impairment be 17. Does the prohibit recreation Yes No lack of a babysitter your participation in programs? (Check one.) 18. How many following household? people in age groups Persons over 55 Adults High school aged Junior high aged Elementary aged Pre-school~rs each live of in the your . 19. If you have children ages 5-18 living at home, what school(s) do they attend? . 20. In what quadrant of the City do you live? (Check one.) Northwest-N of Hwy 55, W of 494 Northeast-N of Hwy 55, E of 494 Southwest-S of Hwy 55, W of 494 Southeast-S of Hwy 55, E of 494 21. What is your current marital status? (Check one.) _ -Single Married Divorced/Separated Widowed 23. What is your age? (Check one.) 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65 & over 24. What is your sex? (Check one.) Hale . Female If you have further conunents about your experiences, or additional suggestions, please write them below. Thank you! If you wish a personal response to any concerns you have expressed~ please fill in your name and address below. . . -4- VI VI \.0 -.J ..0 CD ... en ill ", ~ "" ..0 "" i ;; ~ - a ~ ; I I ~ ~ 8 i ~ ~~32S3~~~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~~~?~~~r~~~~~?~ ~~r ~~~~~~~f~~~en3~~~%fzz~~:~n~nnr~en~~:>tn1 ~~ 7~!~lai.;i~I"11~g' ~ar581!~~~ ~i~~~~~~ ~ .~ ~J ~~ ~ ~.~n~ ~o.~~~ ..~. 5i .7$~ ~ ~~...s~tn "" S. ~~~~~ ~~.~~~ ~~.Y, tntnss~r ~ ~~"-tr:gIIS~~!t::,~' ~ '~5~~~~.~n::":.rrr~~... .~~~l=...~~' ~~~ ~ ~ll~~ I I I I~ g"'~E==1 a'" n ~.5~~~ i2 ~, ~ i~~ ~ !.~~~~ ~ Ii' I = z · ~ .. · I =-...~ :1" W t :I ~~ ~ "lI ~ 11:1 . · ~.... r;l'" ~ ~~e..,.ii...~ ~8Q,.,. : 1 i 1 ~1...~~ .~ a.~i l · · · ~ ,::'21::'2/:. ~ 88 ~ ~ ... · ~ a i II e ~ ~ ;z QI ~ '. . i I ii 111/1'11111111111111111111111111111111 i~ 111111111111111.1111111111111111111111/ .~. ~ . 1111111111111111111/ , 1I1I , r , 1/1111/1 , II i~ . fl~ 'I 11111 11111 11111 I! /1111111/111111111111 [ ~II 111111' III! 111111111111/111111111111/1 ,- . ... ... .... 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