1992 04 14 Agenda . . FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CI1Y HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat: Stone Creek Hans Hagen Homes, Inc. 941 N .E. Hillwind Road Suite 300 Fridley, MN 55432 Charles W. Plowe Consulting Engineer 9180 Lexington Ave. NE Circle Pines, MN 55014 2. Park and Recreation Commission Schedule for Attendance at City Council Meetings. 3. Commission Member Presentations. 4. Administrative Section. It tI . C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -#I FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 10, 1992 SUBJ: Stone Creek Subdivision Proposal, Hans Hagen, Inc., Owner and Developer The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item on March 24, 1992. The report presented to the Commission that evening is attached for your review. As Commissioners will recall, action taken that evening was to table the Stone Creek development item, and request that the developer, Hans Hagen Home, Inc., identify suitable area for an active park site, to accept this land dedication in lieu of park fees, to require the necessary right-of-way on the east side 'of Galpin Boulevard and the north side of Lyman Boulevard for future construction of a bituminous trail, and to require payment of full trail dedication fees ($167.00 per unit for each dwelling). A series of subsequent steps have been coordinated to facilitate the Commission's request. Commission action was discussed at a staff level among Park and Recreation and Planning Departments. Kate Aanenson, Planner II scheduled a meeting with representatives of Hans Hagen Homes for Monday, April 6, 1992. It was at this conference that the Commission's request was formally presented to Mr. Hans Hagen. Mr. Hagen's initial reaction was that an alternate site could potentially be identified, but not in the location shown in the Planning Report (see attachment). His primary concern was the expense of utilities which would be left unused at the perimeter of the proposed park site. However, he agreed to develop an alternative plan showing a park in the general vicinity, benefitting from both the treed and cleared properties in that area. Discussion was also directed towards the potential of modifying the configuration of the initial site to better provide for the various desirable components of a neighborhood park, i.e. size, visibility, street frontage, mix of vegetation types, usable land for active recreation, etc. It was concluded that this option may be viable as well, and that Hans Hagen Homes, Inc. would prepare two plan alternatives depicting the potential park sites. n \. ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission April 10, 1992 Page 2 The resulting alternatives; Plan A--the original site expanded to approximately 8.6 acres; and Plan B--the new site totalling approximately 5.4 acres, are attached. Each site has unique characteristics, some of which are summarized below. Alternate Plan A Acreage was increased from approximately 8 acres to approximately 8.6 acres, Contains approximately 50% developable land; Offers approximately 225 feet of street frontage; Contains a pronounced creek drainage; Contains a mix of vegetation types; Offers an opportunity for a good sliding hill, a 16% slope over 125 feet (drops 20 feet over a distance of 125 feet); Provides for a mix of recreational uses; Is approximately 3.2 acres larger than Alternate B; and Opportunity for visual observation into the park is somewhat limited. Alternate Plan B Acreage is approximately 5.4 acres; Contains approximately 50% developable land; Offers approximately 425 feet of street frontage; ~ontains a watershed, but no pronounced creek basin; Contains a portion of a wooded wetland; Contains a mix of vegetation types; Offers an opportunity for a sliding hill, an 11% slope over 175 feet (drops 20 feet over a distance of 175 feet); kb . ./ - . . ~ . Park and Recreation Commission April 10, 1992 Page 3 Provides for a mix of recreational uses; and Opportunity for visual observation into the park is better than Alternate A Staff Comments The Commission's desire in identifying an alternate site has been fulfilled with Alternate B. However, the applicant's desire to use the original site resulted in his offering that the two lots on the south side of the site be eliminated, thus creating an improved park site with greater visibility and access. The utilization of this area as park would also release the applicant from the necessity of creating an outlot, and from using private sewage lift pumps for the houses which would be built in the cul-de-sac. By eliminating Lots 12 and 13, Block 1, as shown on the original sketch, the park site is significantly improved. However, the majority of the park facilities, the sledding hill being the exception, would still most easily be developed below the foot of the hill and would necessitate grubbing and clearing of trees and brush, and some grading activity. Conclusion The applicant has been reasonable in addressing the Park (,lIld Recreation Commission's desires. Although Alternate Plan B could be improved by modifying the western boundary to incorporate additional open lands, the offer by Mr. Hans Hagen to expand Alternate A to 8.6 acres by eliminating the two lots at the south end of the park results in a proposal which is more desirable than Plan B. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council accept 8.6 acres of parkland as shown in Alternate Plan A in lieu of payment of park fees, and require full trail dedication fees ($167.00 per unit) for the Stone Creek subdivision with the following conditions of approval: 1. The park property boundary be surveyed and marked in conjunction with the surveying activity in adjoining developmental phases. 2. The applicant shall grub, clear and grade the park site per grading plans and specifications prepared by the city and provided to the applicant. The city shall finish grade and seed the park site. 3. Erosion control shall be installed by the applicant as specified in the grading plan at a cost to the city of $1.75 per lineal foot. Maintenance and removal of the erosion control materials will be the responsibility of the city. Park and Recreation Commission April 10, 1992 Page 4 4. The applicant shall provide sufficient right-of-way as specified by the City Engineer to accommodate the future construction of a bituminous trail along the north side of Lyman Boulevard and east side of Galpin Boulevard. Attachments 1. Staff Report dated March 24, 1992. 2. Alternate Park Site as Depicted in Planning Report. 3. Alternate Plan A 4. Alternate Plan B. 5. Alternate Plan B, Photo Copy of the Aerial Photo. pc: Kate Aanenson, Planner II Paul Krauss, Planning Director Charles Folch, City Engineer Hans Hagen, Hans Hagen Homes, Inc., 941 NE Hillwind Road, Suite 300, Fridley, MN 55432 ~ - . """ . . 4 I- Z <t U :J ~ a.. <( .a ~ 3 w I- - (/) . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 24, 1992 CC DATE: . HOFFMAN:k /1TT,IIC/l#/~/Vr-# / STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Rezoning property from A2 to RSF and Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 81 acres Into 141 Single Family Lots and 8.2 Acres of Park Area on Property Zoned A2, Agricultural Estate LOCATION: Located North of Lyman Boulevard, East of Galpin Boulevard, and South of Timberwood (see vicinity map) APPLICANT: Hans Hagen Homes, Inc. 941 NE Hillwlnd Road, Suite 300 Fridley, MN 55432 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - A2, Agricultural Estate-Large Lot Home Sites Including Tlmberwood S - A2, Agricultural Estate-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad E - A2, Agricultural Estate W - A2, Agricultural Estate-Galpln Boulevard The Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan identifies this proposed subdivision as being located In a park deficient area. The site lies outside the service areas of Sunset Ridge Park and Power Hili Park as shown on the vicinity map. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan currently Identifies a trail along Galpin Boulevard as a Phase III (2000-2010) addition. The plan also Includes the future Bluff Creek Trail Corridor which parallels the eastern border of this site. The railroad underpass allowing this trail to bisect the tracks lies just to the east of this property. Park and Recreation Commission March 24, 1992 Page 2 PARK LAND: Ie In preliminary dlscusslonl with Mr. Hans Hagen, It wal apparent that the unusual flag-shaped area of this property lying on Itl northern edge may be desirable for park property. In one of the Initial plans, this area wal divided Into three lots to be serviced by extended private drives. As noted on the site plan, the maximum amount of park property that the Commission could request under current ordinance II 5.64 acres (141 lots x 3 persons per home + 75 persons per acre of land = 5.64 acres). The area preliminarily shown as potential park II approximately 8 acres. A copy of the aerial photo of thll area Including topographical Information Is attached. The copy identifies the approximate boundarlel of the flag-shaped land area. The creek drainage flowing through thll area dominates the lite with two relatively flat knolls being located on either Ilde of the creek. However, the necesllty to cross the creek makel access to Itl north cumbersome. Areas louth of the creek are Interspersed with mature conifers and deciduoul trees, open grassy glenl, and ar..s of small trees and brush. The remainder of the lite can be described al a typical mature hardwood forest. Upon walking the lite, It II my opinion that clearing a portion of thil land to accommodate an open field would be Ihort- sighted. If It Is our desire to maintain an open grasl field to accommodate traditional neighborhood park facilities, the park should be located somewhere in the agricultural field. The decision to set aside a natural land area as park versUI the development of a traditional neighborhood park Is a philosophical one. The opportunity to acquire "natural" land masses as part of subdivision review II not available In many cases. The forfeiture of $70,500 or a portion of that amount In park fees Is also worthy of consideration. Under the current plan, the applicant Is offering approximately eight acres of land when only 5.64 can be required. Presumably, If the Commission wishes to require land for park In the open field area of thll plat, this would not be the case. The construction of ball fields and preservation of ope~ space to the north of this site in conjunction with a school site II also a possibility. The merits an deficienciel of the options available need to be considered by the Commission. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation Is being forwarded to the Park and Recreation Commission. Staff will be glad to join In the discussion next Tuesday and Is hopeful that a recommendation can be formulated by the Commission to be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council. TRAILS: The preliminary plat Identifies two trail segments on the interior of this plat; one bisecting Timberwood Drive and the proposed park; and one bisecting Blockl 6 and 7 adjacent to a large holding pond. The trail along Galpin Boulevard as identified In the Comprehenlive Plan will be placed on the east side of the road at the time of construction. The City Engineer and Planning Department have been notified as such and will require the additional right-of-way necessary to accommodate this trail. Any recommendation by the Commission should Include this as a condition of approval. The need for interior trail segments will be unclear until the park issue is resolved. As such, I will not expand upon the necessity, desirability, or cost of these proposed trail connections. However, If these or other interior trail segments are determined to be desirable, It Is recommended the applicant construct the trails with their cost, as determined by the city in consultation with them, be deducted from the trail fees. I would encourage Park Commissioners to drive by the site and, If possible, tour the area on foot prior to next week'l meeting. Permission to access the property has been granted by the applicant. ATTACHMENTS . Vicinity Map Preliminary Plat Sketch Plan Aerial Photo including Topographical Information Trail Plan it ~ ~ON I I I ~ @::fl' ~ o LAKE ANI @ z ii: C( AN T ~ L I o o ,.. N 8700-, , POTENTIAL SCHOOL Z NE:'? , I \ ' cGLYNN R (C,R.18) () z . . i ~ E: I.. . (/) 0 z :;; ~ O(/)~~~ ~ (J)~ :E: : ~ >-.C=":' 'I ~;~= ~ C a: ;.i'" ::>o:~~]: " . ~ 0 ci~~~~"t u.i~;5~~ :e:.. -- ~ N , ~ r<1 <t ~ ~ l() SS ~.!l l() ~,0t \ I, ',~...... ~ '" \i ~ .~ ~ ~ ... " ~ ~ * ~ ~l~ . \:ii' . Cl \; ~~ '" V:) ~;,; ~ ~ !:..";... ! H~ in: .~~~ .Hj !~~! .: r li t iie:: . .. 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: .~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 9, 1992 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Schedule for Attendance at City Council Meetings Acting on the Commission's approval of attendance by Park and Recreation Commissioners at City Council meetings, the attached schedule has been prepared. To reiterate, Commissioners need only attend their scheduled meeting if a park and recreation item is on the City Council agenda. I will confirm with Commissioners if attendance is necessary, and also will forward a copy of the agenda and information pertaining to the subject item. This arrangement has been implemented in the past and was renewed by the Commission upon receiving an inquiry from Councilman Wing in this regard. o . PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1992 A'ITENDANCE SCHEDULE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION A'ITENDANCE TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Date April 27, 1992 May 4, 1992 May 18, 1992 June 8, 1992 June 22, 1992 July 13, 1992 July 27, 1992 August 10, 1992 August 24, 1992 September 14, 1992 September 28, 1992 October 12, 1992 October 26, 1992 November 9, 1992 November 23, 1992 December 14, 1992 Larry Schroers Work: 559-0379 Home: 474-0760 Jim Andrews Work: 884-9156 Home: 937-0516 Wendy Pemrick Home: 445-4711 Fred Berg Work: 448-8620 Home: 474-8394 Randy Erickson Work: 470-4086 Work: 470-4086 . . Representative Jim Andrews Fred Berg Randy Erickson Dave Koubsky Jan Lash Wendy Pemrick Larry Schroers Jim Andrews Fred Berg Randy Erickson Dave Koubsky Jan Lash Wendy Pemrick Larry Schroers Jim Andrews Fred Berg . J an Lash Home: 474-3814 Dave Koubsky Work: 448-9393 Home: 368-3308 . ( i \ -. . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 25, 1992 Ms. Joan Ahrens, Planning Commission Vice Chair 6601 Charing Bend Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Joan: Thank you for attending the March 24, 1992, Park and Recreation meeting to discuss municipal golf courses. I believe the discussion was positive, with the end result of gaining the support of the Commission, and recruiting two members for the Golf Committee. I will be forwarding correspondence to the City Manager in regard to the Commission's motion to recommend the City Council pursue a Golf Course Feasibility Study. I have enclosed the results of a Golf Course Survey conducted by the City of Maple Grove. Terry Just, the Director of Parks and Recreation, requested we use this for information purposes only. Presumably, if we wish to publish the information contained in the survey, we could contact the represented agencies seeking permission to do so. I am also returning your location map, which was left with the Commission. Again, the members of the Commission who would Uke to serve on the Golf Committee are: Larry Schroers, Chairman 1020 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Work Phone: 559-0379 Home Phone: 474-0760 Dave Koubsky 1311 Lake Susan Hills Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Work Phone: 448-9393 Home Phon~: 368-3308 Joan, I look forward to participating in this planning effort. Please contact me to discuss this matter at any time. Sincerely, -~~~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator pc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planner II Park and Recreation Cowission \..1 PRINTED ON REC'YCLED PAPER .. 1-- ~I .. .,......, 4~.' i ;t~~i'~i ~ ~ ~ !;'~~ ~&~ ~i_" !=~'e:i'fCoI,'i~~~iF.; .~'~. ~i- ,~-g-;~~.-:. -':.~- ;':r~ g_-r~ .. -.>=.\:S 0... (; Y'~"O &,o-.n'-c 0 a 8 f (jt 2. - >- 5 ,,. :r--:;l;' ~ 3 is) - :c m ... '0 .t C. i~5i-:,~!~~~'&.~.<~~1 Pl-i.aat!i-.-I....i~~i;GOi~OI CD ~ a.!~:,'_. 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S S; 0.;' A>"O ~ !l a .' ;;.~. -::I. e: r-:o;I. g:c' & E;;:~' n .... a 'i '.:c = " . . I ~~~ :~'~l~~s. ~1~&.~~_' ,_' ~_il ~~s:i~ _J~f~~~tt;~~~~_7~~:S' ~.. ;>- ..J j .: - .- -'" .., ':!ini~J':;':.':~ .~.~ i! l~.:a -- "'::: :;~ ~ ...~ -~--..-,,,...... ~"_. . .... - ..~:-...... ~ ',~ '~-~'.' ~.._'":;. 1"__ ...~_ .... ) - Pa-b .. m :.(:1D- · .... < 0 !~ ~ 8 f Y'~~t'E~~~':'~H;~~,'='~!~' 1 :i' C -. :~ .:.~:t-"-i:~! . ... ~.~~-i:~ . ~ . I '. ( ... , ~ , ' t. CITY OF CHANHASSEN R SIDENT AND LOCAL BUSINESS TREE SALE \. ;:; '. >'! ~.~ . . Spring 1992 Flr.t Annual The Chanhassen Tree Board (part< and Recreation ComrnIasIan) and the Chanhassen City CooocII are pleased to otr.1hiI whoIeaaIe tree program . In cooperation with ~~ LOTUS . LAWN. CARDEN supplier of trees and local . full iervIce Lawn & Garden Center To order treel, limply vlllt City HIli between Aprile and May 4,1992, betwHn I'a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or call 837.1100 for In order form. Used car only new cars. We: are lots() .. . ~.;. \,. ..-~ '- Trees available 8.M AP1 ANYONEI Category 2 , Price Per Tree: $75 6' Amur Maple 6' Japanese Tree Ulae 8' River or Whitespire Birch 6' Black Hills Spruce 2" Crabapple. Red Splendor, Snowdrift or Pink Spire 2" Seedless Ash 2" Greenspire Unden Category 4 . Price Per Tree: $130 12' River or Whitespire Birch 3" Seedless Ash' _ 3" Greenspire Unden 2.1/2" Hackberry 8' Black Hills Spruce . Category1 Price Per Tree: $60 J 5' Amur Maple 5'Japanese Tree Lilac 6' River or Whitespire Birch' 1 1/~" Seedless Ash. 1 t/2" Hackberry 1 1/2" Greenspire Linden 5' Black Hills Spruce Category 3 Price Per Tree: $100 10' Alver or Whitespire Birch 7' Black Hills Spruce 2-1/2" Crabapple - Red Splendor, Snowdrift or Pink Spire 2-1/2" Seedless Ash 2" Hackberry . 2" Honeylocust 2" Sugar Maple If OUIS is I\() cars, it's cb rate. Good I loan on \JSel or newer. If in a used ca because' thi! for a limited WIlli VA YOUR RA It ~ your Value I In addition; . free rninimtl numerous 0 maintainina $6,500 or .. UmI d 3 IrMa per INIOn. No w.rrantv on trHa due In ............... m-. WeIght d baIJec:I ancI bIlgged IrMa wi! exceed 300 1bI. DelIvery IIIUbjec:t to wuIher condIIIonI and aV8bbMy. .112% ..... tu .. payable. DelIvery to can.Ide by city: $5 per trM 0eUvery and __ MrvIce by LoIuI Lavin and Garden: $75 per -. Treea wi be dllIYnd by tie ClIv an F.... AprI17 and 24. and May 1 and" cay wi! call to conlInn dII&' . . ,r" LoU Lawn and Gilden wit call to maIce deI\.wy andlnalallan arrangementl . you chooIe IhII opCIon. The be.t time 'to plant. tfH wa. 20 rea,. ~ol The .....;'~~2tJ~-'!~,,~,. .;;. ,,,4 :l ECI , .-.... \ l UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA \ Twin Cities Campus April 1,.1992 Women's Intercollegwte Athletics 250 Bierman Field Athletic Building 51615th Avenue S.E. Minneapolis. MN 55455 61l-624-8oo0 . 4 Fax: 612-624-8018 Todd Hoffman Park and Rec. Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen MN,55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman: I am writing to you regarding the University of Minnesota Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Department and WCCO Radio Hometown Day salute of student-athlete Katie Walker. We will be saluting Katie and the city of Chanhassen on April 25 at 1:00 pm, during the softball game at Bierman Softball Complex when the Gophers host Northwestern. We would like to invite you to be special guest of the women's athletic department. At this celebration, we would like you to be recognized as representative of Chaska High School and KATIE WALKER - CHANHASSEN HOMETOWN DAY! The celebration is one of thirteen WCCO RADIO HOMETOWN DAYS, a . promotion designed to salute some of Minnesota's finest student-athletes. During its inaugural year of 1989-90, WCCO Radio Hometown Days honored fifteen student-athletes from thirteen Minnesota hometowns, and brought over 7,000 fans to the U of M Twin Cities campus. I am looking for some help in the spreading of this promotion. I hope that you will be interested in working with me on this. I will be looking foward to hearing from you on any ideas that you may have for creating community involvement. Feel free to call me at 624-4319 if you have any questions. I w11l be in contact with you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Sincerely, G'-.J~....j'''' ~~~"''-- Ann M. Thompson Promotions Intern ~"::'C,,:.:J '!~-;J APR 0 8 18~1 . CITY. OF CHANH~.;),-... ( .. ~. . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 April 1, 1992 Minnetonka Community Services Attn: John Raby, Aquatics Supervisor 261 School Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear John: I wanted to check in with you regarding the 1992 Summer Beach Program at Lake Ann Beach. The City of Chanhassen will supply the beach with lifeguard chairs, complete boundaries, safety boat and oars, satellite, lock box, rake, telephone and a megaphone. All of these items w.ill be in place and in working order before the beach opens. Over the last 3 years, total cost to the City of Chanhassen has risen 38% to provide the beach service at Lake Ann Park. It is very important that we keep beach expenditures below $17,000, for the summer of 1992. The figure of $17,000 may seem low, but I know that working together we can obtain the same beach services as in the past. Give me a call at your convenience to discuss the upcoming 1992 summer season. The Lake Ann picnic shelter is scheduled to begin construction approximately April 8th. The front of the shelter building will be completed by the time the beach is opened for the summer. Safety fencing will be erected to isolate the construction area. There will be machinery, construction supplies, etc., Yisible from the beach area after the beach is opened, but it will all be contained within the safety fence. Completion of the picnic shelter will be August 28, 1992. I have enclosed some Lake Ann shelter pictures for your information. If you have the Lake Ann swimming lesson schedule complete, please send me a copy. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 937-1900. I look forward to working with you and Minnetonka Community Services again this summer. Sincerely, n 1L(j 1"1t~~ Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:ns ft '-., PAINTED ON AECVCLED PAPEA EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION .. ~ .. !. !=\:.~- W m\llll~lO~~- J=-IM[@I~~~ I~~~~~~I~I~"""" , _. ~l_,~_.:!\"':.~.~:_./ " ..,.7::'<',;", . ,'--., ....:.', INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 112 . 3/' 8/ <1 "2 ~~V~, ~~~t;~~ -rIo. ; tt:.- ,:.. . ~~~ ~ ~. ~~ !L.:-f;, ~~~:;E:#ut . P4I-7 u,,!~ _-11~. . f\ ~ . I r .... ~rVing the communitieS of. P CARVER' CHANHASSEN . CHASKA . EAST UNION . VICTORIA . -:_', ~,-:",;";.:~."...~~--:!,.._.r._ ".-;,~-'-""""'r-~.