1992 05 18 Agenda r . 7:00 p.m. FILE AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1992 - 7:00 P.K. Meet at City Hall by 7: 00 p.m. to car pool to Carver Beach Park and Lake Ann Park. CALL TO ORDER 8:00 p.m. 1. Approval of April 14 and 29, 1992 Minutes 2. Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat - Bluff Creek Estates - Keyland Homes 14456 Burnsville Parkway Burnsville, MN 55337 3. 4. e 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e Carver Beach Park; Vehicle Parking Lake Susan Park to Rice Marsh Lake Park Trail Construction Arbor Day Celebration Summer Recreation Programs 4th of July Celebration Update Commission Member Presentations Administrative section and Presentations e e e C ITV OF CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 15, 1992 SUBJ: Minutes Due to a misunderstanding of meeting dates caused by the change in meeting schedule, the April 14 and 23 minutes will be forwarded to the Commission when they become available. ft ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1- , . It .J- Z <t o - ..J .0. 0.. <( e ~ ~ l&J I- - (f) e ^ CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: May 19, 1992 CC DATE: BOPPMAN: k ;:t" STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat of 61.45 acres into 78 single family lots and one outlot: Rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate to RSF, Residential Single Family: and Wetland Alteration Permit for development within 200 feet of a wetland, Bluff Creek Estates. LOCATION: Located south of Highway 5 on the west side of Audubon Road (see Attachment #1). APPLICANT: Keyland Homes 14456 Burnsville Parkway Burnsville, MN 55337 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estates ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - lOP, Industrial Office Park S - A2, Agricultural Estates E - A2, Agricultural Estates W - A2, Agricultural Estates COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies the majority of the site as lying within the service area of Power Hill Park, and as being on the service area fringe of Sunset Ridge Park, and the new park acquired in Stone Creek. However, the railroad alignment to the north, Audubon Road to the east, and a lack of trail and street connections present barriers to free access ~o these parks (see Attachment #1). COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Trails which are identified by the Comprehensive Trail plan in the area of Bluff Creek Estates are also depicted on Attachment #1.. Two north/south corridors are identified on or abutting to this parcel. They are the Bluff Creek drainage turf trail, and the Audubon Road off-street bituminous alignment. Bluff Creek Estates May 19, 1992 Page 2 II BACKGROOND This item was ini tially reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission on January 28, 1992. The information presented to the Commission that evening and the corresponding minutes are attached. This item was s'cheduled for additional review in February, but was subsequently removed from the agenda. Since the Commission's initial review of the proposal, the city has finalized the acquisition of the 8.6 acre park site in the Stone Creek development. PARK The City has the ability to acquire approximately 3 acres of park property (comparable to Greenwood Shores Park), or a portion thereof, if we wish to. If acquisition of developable parkland was pursued, however, the city would forfeit all or a portion of the $39,000 in park fees which would be generated from this development. I do not advocate the pursuit of park property in this case for three main reasons: The portion of this site on which homes would be constructed lies wholly within the park service area of Power Hill Park, and partially within the service area of Sunset Ridge Park. The new park in Stone Creek, once connected to Bluff Creek Estates via trails, will also be utilized to some extent. The barriers to travel mentioned earlier impact these service areas to a degree 1 but future trails, and additional residential street construction will lessen their effects. However, increasing vehicular traffic along Audubon Road will off-set these improvements somewhat. 2. Outlot A, as identified in the preliminary plat, is comprised of 19.7 acres of property wholly within the flood plain of Bluff Creek. Via a trail connection being provided by the applicant, this area will meet a variety of desired open space needs. 1. e 3. The number of individual park sites operated by the city is relatively high. Acquisition of an additional small park site would perpetuate this phenomenon. PARK PROPER'1'Y UCOXNBlCDA'1'ION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation 'Commission recommend the City Council require full park fees be paid as a condition of approval of Bluff Creek Estates. Fees to be paid at the time of building permit approval in the amount of the park fee in force at the time of building permit application. e e e e Bluff Creek Estates May 19, 1992 Page 3 TRAIL As mentioned, the preliminary plat identifies the western 19.7 acres of the site as an outlot. This entire area is below the 100 year flood elevation and will contain a portion of the Bluff Creek Corridor turf trail identified in the city's Comprehensive Plan. This outlot extends to the east in a bottle-neck fashion, abutting proposed Road E, allowing for pedestrian access from the residential street. The second trail associated with this site is the proposed Audubon Road off-street alignment. Through consultation with the city's engineering department, it has been determined that no additional right-of-way is necessary if this trail were to be constructed west of Audubon Road. TRAIL RBCOIDIBNDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreati~n commission recommend that the City Council acquire ownership of Outlot A, allowing for continuation of the Bluff Creek preservation corridor, and require the installation of an 8 ft. bituminous trail surface from proposed Road E to the rear of Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 3 as a condition of approval of this plat. In consideration for this, it is recommended that the city give full trail fee credit to the applicant. I ~NN ~ --- .Ar~~~ 'f'-"', f( "<It "-- \ .::; ~ " - --.'!! .. - - -... -.. l~.!r'~ r,~ ..... lli ~I \~ ~lr,e ~... --..-;;. ~ ~~- ~ ~\)W -. " SCHOOL SITE', ~ l~ ~.. \" . ~ \ \ \TN ~ OD A 7 '" II.~/ --"'')J. . ~~ -Af~ : ...... I I /\. ' J: .. h, 12. ' , 0 '" I ~ ~ ........ 'l,:)" ) j ~.~~ -....:Jt-. . ____~ J -..-. 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -$/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator January 23, 1992 Pending Subdivision Reviews a. Bluff Creek Site b. Hans Hagen Homes DATE: SUBJ: This item was prepared to afford the Commission the opportunity to look ahead at above mentioned potential developing sites in Chanhassen. Both sites are proposed single-family developments and are adjacent to or in close proximity to the recently reviewed Chanhassen Business Center (see attachments '1, '2, and '3). The impact of these proposed subdivisions in the areas of fees, parks, trails, trail corridors, open space and natural resources is significant. Portions of the borders of both sites include areas designated for trails. The Bluff Creek site contains property through which the Bluff Creek Corridor Trail will travel (see attachment '4). Both sites are isolated from existing neighborhood parks, however, the Bluff Creek parcel is partially within the service area of Power Hill Park (see attachment '5). To date, only preliminary discussions have been held with the owners and developers of these properties. Upon receiving a preliminary application of subdivision, these items will be brought back to the commission for detailed analysis. n '- ~ PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\.;: U) ~ LU ~ :E ~ 0 :z: z LU ~ C :z: U) z c :z: f 11 JIll ,l . .- ,\\~,\~~ --:\.--_ .._--.;;.:;!J, ...-.. . , '\\\\~ -. ~- ~-=. ~"\\\'u 1~"" . .. ~ \" . .... . - .. ~ .'..:. ~ ~.. ..11'''' I' / 1/ I I l....', ., ~.... I ., .... _ ~. I "./ / \ J .,'--.......1 \ .,~II._I, j-"'- ,. ~;-;./ ( )II,.......-~'.......\,' \ \l/~''''''''' _-_...=.~ '/ ----.:' , II/~---...\:." '. I\;'J'~-- .....t:- , " ~ "1.' ,\-, \ fi(,~'y ....~ 'M ". , '. ',-"'-... ," , Illhil.' ,-..- . ,--....,"', I', ,--,\' \ "I, I'f' Cr-.,-....I --... . '/ 'I' - ,\ I I I ~, - . 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Nature Trail . e Connection Point. r j pi , - - - - T t.:. I I ~ -.- . . . ...~. -. - ".,.'~ .... - ,... ~5 Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 37 ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: e A. LAKE ANN PARK UTILITIES AND PICNIC/RECREATION SHELTER UPDATE. Hoffman: Item a is to discuss briefly the utilities which went inat Lake Ann Park. As you've driven by you've seen the big...trenches. The wire is down to the beach location. They've got the 3 1/2 inch forcemain sewer line over to a lift station in Greenwood Shores. B & D will come in and do restoration work and install the lift pumps and all those types of things in the spring. Picnic/recreation shelter was taken back. Approval for readvertising for bids for the City Council at their first meeting in January. Those advertisement for bids are going out this coming week in the Villager and the construction bulletin. We open bids the third week in February and hold my breath for a reasonable bid. The target zone right now is that it needs to be below 240 in order for it to be approved by the City Council. Last bids came in at $280,000.00. Lash: But there's been alterations right? Hoffman: Correct. There were some minor alterations in an attempt to bring the costs down and hopefully this bidding climate now in the spring is much better than it was last fall. Our economy is somewhat weak. Hopefully we have a better bidding climate as well as people will be hungry for work. If all things work out right. The schedule is there. Unfortunately this would put a completion date right at the end of the beach season so we would have a nice beautiful, brand new building to CloS. down the beach. Lash: Maybe we need that big Labor Day, our first annual Labor Day celebration. Have Oktoberfest there. B. PENDING SUBDIVISION REVIEWS: Hoffman: Item 10(b) is of interest, particular interest to the Commission. The first, these are just information on pending subdivision reviews. These developers have been in. Talked to the Planning staff. Discussed park issues. Trail issues. Easement issues with staff. Preliminarily bringing them to you this evening for some discussion. Especially on the Bluff Creek site. These folks are real tentative. If the Commission is going to want some park property, they want to know that so they can try to incorporate that into their plan. Or if we want to take fees, that sort of thing. . This really brings about, the entire next area of development. This quadrant of the city was developed with the business park, Lake Susan Park and then Lake Susan Hills West and Chanhassen Hills back on the map. So that section has been developed. . The next one which is coming in is this entire ring... Essentially with agricultural fields or a large lot residential and now... Chan Business Park was recently reviewed by the Commission and that's coming around. The Bluff Creek site which we're dlscussing this evening is this particular location. As you'll notice, I don't know if the topo shows through on the map...it goes from very high ground on this end, breaks about here and drops essentially right on top of creek so it's a very odd site in that there is a lot of grading... That'~ a concern of the developers...very little flat, high ground... Hans Hage~ Homes is the other one which is in for deveiopment. Again it's single I I . l Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 38 e family residential in this entire area. Initial discussions have centered around flag lot as being a 7 acre park. It's very wooded down in this section with a hill coming up... It does have some flat area right in this area... The other issue which needs to be addressed here is the trail corridor coming down to this other segment. You have a section of it right on the Bluff Creek site. We also want to obtain a connection from the Hans Hagen site down to this trail and by-pass...get onto the Bluff Creek trail. And the Comprehensive Trail plan does identify trail segments around this entire piece so as these subdivisions touch the adjoining roads, we need to take a look at securing the necessary easements as well there to provide for those trails in the future. Hans Hagen was in with the Planning Director. Their initial development plan, site plan. It's not going to fly so they're back out for redeveloping their site plan. Bluff Creek, I'd like to take a further look at. To get your directions. Take a look at your site map so you know where this is. The service area of Power Hill Park does touch this site and a potential service area of the Hans Hagen park would service this site. It's approximately 75 homes which is a difficult number. It's on the fringe of if you had a 125 homes, I feel the Commission would feel a great need to incorporate some type of active park site within that development. If it was 50 homes, we could certainly get by without it. 75 homes on a site which is very small, we can take about 3 acres. We have the obligation or the right to take about 3 acres of park property. If we take 3 acres of park property here and create another small neighborhood park that we need to go out and maintain, and is it in the best interest of the city to forego the park fee in this instance? As you can see, this is about the break line of the bluff back up in here. . They just have to just continue the lots down in this area, in this remaining.. .Bluff Creek when they encompass that trail. That portion of the trail"and this section may indeed just be a huge outlot. The thing that we continually need to protect is naturally a developer comes in and they want to give you that outlot for park credit. The City ordinance says that that's not acceptable. Anything below the high water mark just is not, cannot be calculated into park credits so you have a battle right off the bat. If the Commission felt that we needed to take 3 acres of this high ground, you can bet they're going to be before you pleading their case on why they would not like to see that happen. $0 again so I can get back to the people working on this particular site, this evening I'd like to at least get your feelings on what you think on parkland and access to recreational facilities as it deals with the Bluff Creek site. e pemrick: What are they coming as the lot sizes here with 75 homes? Hoffman: Can you pick it up on there? Pemrick: I can't. I have a hard time reading these things. Lash: It looks like they're 16,000. Andrews: About a third of an acre roughly. Hoffman: Yeah, 15 to 20. Most of them are in right around 15. e Lash: How many sites are there in the Hagen? Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 39 Hoffman: Hans Hagen? e Lash: Yes. Hoffman: 140. 157. Something of that nature. 150 for a ballpark number. Pemrick: Is that the same again? About a third of an acre. Hoffman: In that site, no. They'd be about 6 doubles so about 6 acres. That flag lot up there is just over 7 and in our initial conversations, it would be basically a wash. They would be willing to give 7 acres for the dedication. Pemrick: I'm just thinking with that small lot, the 75 homes, I think they should have a park. Lash: I do too. Pemrick: I don't think they should borrow from someone else because that's really cramped. Lash: How far would it be? See I would not consider Power Hill to be acceptable because if this area is now going to be developed with homes and businesses, Audubon is going to be a substantial enough road that -I wouldn't be comfortable with children having to cross Audubon. In an uncontrolled intersection there wouldn't be any intersection there. To ge~ -to Power Hill. How far would it be from Bluff Creek if we had a sizeable ... park in the Hagen site, how far would it be if there was a fairly easily accessible trail between the two neighborhoods. Hoffman: It would be within the half mile but it would certainly not be an after school walk every day to go over to the neighborhood park. It would be more of a special trip type of operation. Obviously there is going to be considel-able open space on this site simply because of the outlot that's going to be there so the developer has to, site constrictions says they have to put all their houses on this end and leave this end open. So there are but they have to buy the entire piece. So then we want to take 3 acres from them. We need to identify and obviously if we want an open field it's got to be up on the high portion. Andrews: All the prime land. Hoffman: Yep. As all developers say, it's the prime land. It's going to sell the best for them and you're going to take 3 acres. Essentially we're going to lose about $30,000.00 in park fees to buy that 3 acres or in excess of that and we're going to need to identify a location where we'd like to see that park and get back to them. Prior to redesigning their site plan, they'd certainly want to come in before the Commission officially on February 28th to present their case in that regard and then it would take action from the Commission to proceed further. Lash: Could you point out the outlot again? e Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 40 e Hoffman: The low lying area would all be in this point. That's essentially the high water mark down would just be grass, open area down to .the Bluff Creek watershed. Again each neighborhood and city has a focal point. Whether it be a neighborhood park or a school or grassy open area or big woods. Kids from this neighborhood aloe going to go down in that outlot and play and if that fills the recreational requirements of that neighborhood, and we benefit by taking $40,000.00 in park fees, that's great. If we feel it not, then we need to take a look at acquiring additional land. Schroers: What I would like to see here is a more clear overview of this proposed site and how it fits into the area around. I mean it's difficult when you're looking at these itty bitty squares and things here to get a real good feeling of what's around. Logistically it's kind of hard. I'd like to know right exactly where Sunset Ridge Park and Power Hill Park and stuff fit in proportion to this and it seems to me this might be an opportunity to capitalize on generating some fees. Some funds that we could put to use in other places. It may be a good opportunity to acquire some money rather than property but I just don't have a good feeling when I look at this as to how it all fits in. Andrews: I've got to make one comment and that is, if 75 homes go in there with no park, I can guarantee you there will be somebody up here saying we don't have anyplace for our kids to go and play. You know you're going to hear that. But I don't think we need 3 acres either. I guess I feel we could meet the needs here with maybe something closer to a half or even an aCl-e which is a totlot and a hoop to shoot baskets or something like that. e Lash: At least you have an open area. Throw in some playground equipment. They can go there and fly a kite. They can shoot some hoops or they can have just a quicky baseball. when you have just a third acre lot, you can't play anything on a third acre lot and even with the high water line back here, that's somebody else's property. Even if half of them think it's fine for the kids to go back there and play and the other half don't have kids or whatever and they don't. want the kids there, it's marshy half the year and the grass gets real tall. They can't go back there and playa game of baIlor anything. So if we could pick a site that is high enough so we could develop it and it would fill oUr needs but it would be more one of the undesireable lots. Say one that backs up to Audubon. Maybe that's one that wouldn't be as desireable for them to develop or it would be one of the last ones for them to develop anyway. Take one that's a peculiar shape like say 1 and 3 even. If you put two of them together, you'd have almost a square but if you look at them both individually, they're both kind of pie shaped. That's kind of an odd shape for a lot to try and build a house on and it backs up to Audubon. So maybe those are two disadvantages that we could use in our favor. Although they're at the end of a cul-de-sac which is nice for people, it'd really be nice for a park. Schroers: It's possible that if you go, if you do something like you're suggesting that you could cash out on a deal. You could use 1 acre of property. Collect fees for the other 2 acres and use those fees to purchase the equipment to put on that property and have a wash. e Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 41 . Koubsky: Todd, do we know what Chan Business Center is doing? This abuts .. there? I mean like your park location would abut the Chan Business Center." We have trails that were proposed there. Hoffman: Chan Business Park has the large outlot as well which runs north and south over the creek area. Right where the trail will go through. It's essentially a commercial/industrial center with there's a 100 foot buffer zone on the south side of their property which is on the north side of the Bluff Creek site. And there's a potential trail to run east and west on that upper site. Koubsky: So that might be a good place to abut a park would.be on a 100 foot easement. Hoffman: Correct. Lash: And that also would make it more undesireable for someone abutting the business. Schroers: This is going to come up in front of us again I presume. Hoffman: Correct. Schroers: Can we ask that next time, is it possible to fit this into a better overlay of the area so we can see how things are laid out a little bit better than this? ff k . 1 b h h. . d. bd'.' e Ho man: O,ay. I Slmp y roug t t 1S to you Just as a pen 1ng su 1V1S1on just so you can get some idea. The site plan does show it hopefully in some context to Hans Hagen and Chan Business Center, the Bluff Creek site and then it also shows Power Hill Park and Outlot G. Just some words on, recently we've been looking at subdivisions and we're land grabbing and that's good. Vacant land is the first and irreplaceable to a park. The money can come later but if we forego park fees on this site, we forego park fees on Hans Hagen, there's going to be a year down the line where we're not going to have a capital improvement program simply because we have no revenues coming in. ...or we take a minimal amount of the revenues, we're going to be left holding the bag. Schroers: Well that's exactly what I was saying with this density. This looks like a reasonable opportunity to collect some dedication fees and still be able to provide something adequate for the community. Not something that's only adequate but something that would be acceptable. Hoffman: It's a real tricky balance. We don't want to end up with another Pheasant Hill where we spend $170,000.00 to try and meet their needs. But park service areas were set up for a reason and that's to accomplish what is a comprehensive park plan and what is identified as meeting the needs. So again, I have mixed direction to give to the developer. I'll take that to those folks and we'll bring it before the Commission again in February. Lash: You know another option that they may be more inclined to accept ~ would be, a couple of the lots that are right by the high water level and .., then we'd end up with a. Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 42 e Koubsky: A hill. Lash: Well. Hoffman: If you want a play area, we need to take something on the easterly third or easterly half. Koubsky: I guess I think each area needs some sort of playground. It may be an acre.' I don't think we need 3 acres or whatever but I think they're far enough away from existing parkland. They've got roads and a railroad track there. They each need some sort of area. Lash: I think we need to look at each one individually. At the physical characteristics and this one has several I think. You're looking at Audubon. You look at the railroad track. You look at the fact that there's a business center abutting it. It's kind of secluded as it is right now. Koubsky: Because we'll also have Sunset Ridge Court there and Timberwood. We'll have the school going north of it but thAY have bigger lots but they don't have playground facilities. Schroers: Do you have what you need on item (b) now Todd? e Lash: What is the minimum that, I know that there was sort of some kind of a policy established at one time about the minimum that we would take for a neighborhood park. Just so staff didn't have to go out and maintain 50,000 half acre parks allover town. Schroers: It was 5 acres originally. Lash: Now we're talking about 1 acre. Hoffman: One acre is half of the size of Carver Beach playground. Schroers: You can't really do much more than a totlot. What else could you do besides a totlot. If you put in a totlot, what else do you put in there? Pemrick: Volleyball. Koubsky: Some open area. Schroers: Yeah, we could put in volleyball. Picnic table. Hoffman: You're not gaining that much more open area than a backyard in this area. That's the word of caution. We don't want to create, you know 40 more subdivisions of this nature come into the city, do we want 40 one acre parks within our city? e Schroers: No, I think we're better off looking at trail easements and connect them to a park that's more substantial that's going to serve the area rather than give each little nook it's cranny. Definitely. Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 43 Hoffman: It's an issue which needs to be addressed because of the .. accessibility and that type of thing. Bluff Creek corridor would provide ., access, safe access to the Hans Hagen site. We could negotiate with that site and acquire land closer to this site. Closer to this end of the corridor. Open space and that trail, it's not a traditional play structure which we identify with but it does provide recreational activity that piece of it. Schroers: Well we did want some diversity in our parks. We don't want them all to be the same thing. I guess there's nothing wrong with just having a green space and an open area and it doesn't have to be overly developed. It can just be maybe maintained to a point where people can create their own type of fun there. I mean keep the noxious weeds down. Do some mowing and that sort of thing and just give them space so they can do whatever they want to do. Pemrick: How about requiring larger lot sizes? Hoffman: Back to the Planning Commission. Pemrick: What do they say? Hoffman: They'll go through that and they have the ordinances set... Erickson: Todd, how far did you say that this Bluff Creek is from the Hans Hagen? That proposed 7 acre park. Hoffman: The walk from the Bluff Creek site would be just over a quarter ~ mile. It's within the half mile service area. You could go north through the CBC site underneath the railroad tracks. Take an immediate left there and go about half a block and you're at the Hans Hagen site. Their original proposal put an on street trail through a portion and then you cross the ravine and you're up into the park area. Erickson: You say it'd be about a quarter mile? Hoffman: Yes, just over a quarter mile. Schroers: I don't think that's an unreasonable distance to get to the park. I mean at some point in time you have to take responsibility for yourself. If you feel that your children are too small to go that quarter of a mile by themselves but you think they ought to go there, then you've got to take them there. I mean you can't dump a park on everybody's doorstep where everybody can look out their window. Erickson: Plus it's not really a quarter mile across Audubon or something like that. Hoffman: It may not happen. The Bluff Creek site may develop fully in 4 years and Hans Hagen may be 10 years down the line so we need to deal with that issue. It's something when you're in a developing city, you just can't control. e Park and Rec Commission Meeting January 28, 1992 - Page 44 e Lash: If that's the route we decide to take, let's make sure we have some kind of an access site that's not going between two lots through to the Hans Hagen area to get to the park for these other people. Schroers: Our service area was set up to be a half mile wasn't it? Hoffman: Yep. This will be within the half mile as Power Hill will be on the fringe district. I'll lay that out for you. Schroers: I think that's something we can work with. Berg: Plus if you build close enough on that end, on the other side, the other people from Hans Hagen could use the school if it's built too. They'd have access to the facilities there, if it was built there. Hoffman: Okay. Anything else? Lash: Do we need a motion on this thing? Hoffman: No. Schroers: Okay, we beat item (b) to death. Quite an indoctrination for these guys. Berg: This is normal right? e Schroers: No. Sometimes we bleed a little more. C. STATUS REPORT. SKATING RINKS. Ruegemer: Just to give you a real brief, tell you what's happening with the skating rinks in Chanhassen. We did have a mid-winter warm spell right after the first of the year where it did get really nice out. Typically unseasonable for January but it did do the skating rinks very much good. Basically what it did do is we had to close down the rinks because they were getting very slushy and very dangerous to skate on. Virtually it did create a.. .almost we had to start over again. So what we really did hope for was to get some colder weather in, as we did and park maintenance crews did shave and get the ice back to where it was functional again. We opened up back again January 25th and we have been open since that time. Hopefully with weather cooperating that we can, this week is going to be warm again the way it sounds. Up to 40. 38 tomorrow and 40 by the end of the week so hopefully we can squeeze through this week and get to where our target date of the 16th of February, weather permitting. Lash: How do you set that target date? Ruegemer: It's just kind of an approximation. Lash: It'd be nice if you were going to have an approximation, to have it after energy break. e Ruegemer: I think that's the middle of February too. ;~t ' 8. ~ ~ a " ~- ~ ..~ - z~... ;: 0 ~ ~ ~ II I: , e ,. I N I ~ ~~ I: .; "I ____ --. --~-;------~- --- e e. ~ i E .. e a '1~ (l~' I. ~j~: ! nff;r:PI n q Ihljlthri ,. I 1;H;;'!f!Ji ! JWIi!iUU h ~ UhHhei! ii I Jlf'. -~~l If i'eiiH!Hf!~ I If ft.!IIWp ,1 111111 Iii'. Hlfl!il!ii . J Z iUW;fmjJ.! II!_.', -I~l I p'.at 'll . Jhil~Pi'" ~ 'ilI.Jhh; 1 CREEK ESTATES BLUF~H."MAl8IH. .....TREE INVENTORY G CONDITIONS AND EXISTIN EYLA';~ HOMES l .'. IU" K IilCW"" eUfllf,VI\.L, . ...s. .U..'WIU,I ~" D~~ UHi Un! 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CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission # FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 15, 1992 SUBJ: Carver Beach Park - Vehicle Parking .We will be conducting a site visit of this area prior to the regular meeting. See agenda for details. The attached retouched Park Master Plan for Carver Beach Park depicts the parking restrictions, parking availability, and recreational facilities at the park. I was not involved in the events that led to all streets abutting the park being posted "No Parking", but I presume strong support for this posting by the majority of adjacent homeowners, in addition to the road's narrow width, was the catalyst for this action. The only parking available to allow use of this park by persons arriving by vehicle are the four spots at the main beach to the south. This spring, as is with the case throughout the summer, people utilize the park to fish from the dock and shore, and to experience other recreational activities. Parking appeared to be allowed due to the absence of three of the no parking signs which had been removed by construction and snow removal activity. Due to the presence of parked vehicles, a complaint call was received from a neighboring resident. It should be noted, as confirmed by the caller, that parking of vehicles by people wishing to use the park does occur on a routine basis, but for the most part is tolerated. However, when a complaint call is received, Public Safety is required to issue a warning or citation due to the no parking status of the streets. Additionally, we must now consider the mandate of ADA, Americans with Disability Act, to provide handicapped accessibility to all public facilities (the park, dock, canoe rack, beaches, etc.). The city is currently in violation of this act. A community service officer was questioned in ihis regard upon informing two elderly women fishing from the dock, who identified themselves as handicapped, that parking of their vehicle along the street was not allowed. This confrontation occurred as ft ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER , , . ~ I I Park and Recreation Commission May 15, 1992 Page 2 a result of a separate complaint call received by the Public Safety Department. The city also provides a canoe rack at this location with no parking available for its users. e It is the opinion of staff that by maintaining a park containing facilities in which to be reasonably used, need to be accessible by motor vehicles, and then choosing not to provide parking, is unacceptable. It is further recognized that by providing recreational facilities which are unaccessible by persons with handicaps, due to the absence of parking, we are in violation of the ADA Staff fully understands the position of residents in this area, but I also identify their concerns as self interests, not representing the universal interests a Park and Recreation Commission and city park system need to provide for. The development and use of this park is debated on nearly an annual basis. Residents of the area have been very interested in this process, and the commission has accepted their input and continue to improve the park. However, by not providing some access by vehicles to the developed north side of this park. the city is not allowing for reasonable use of the park. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission hold a public hearing to discuss vehicular parking at Carver Beach Park on Lotus Trail. It is recommended that e 3 parking spots be identified with one of the 3 being designated for persons with handicaps. This parking to be facilitated by the construction of a widened shoulder, for a distance of 60 feet, on the south side of Lotus Trail, as depicted on the attached diagram (the absence of residences across the street from this location makes it the most desirable location). Upon conclusion of the public hearing, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission make a recommendation to the City Council in this regard. e , ~f' . e e e ." :IJ o 0'" '-0 Oen >m ~ ~~ ~ . C/.l ~ ~ . en 0 >< :lJm mot >m Z .... en ~ L. ___~______..., , I ~. Napa D"~e I (8.rum,nous) I '-------~-- ----., - I I - . ~~ ~~ PROPOSED PARKING .... NO PARKING " '1 f' PARKING (4 CARS) ~ . , ~ iI ~: ~ . ~ ~ i n ~ ^ ~ , i . ! I ' I t ~ . I~ 11I111I CARVER BEACH PARK MASTER PLAN CIty of Chanhalsen. Minnesota Van Doren Hazard Stallings architEcts EnginEErS plannErS " . . .' Chanhassen Public Safety Complaint Form Date Received Received By Review Date e IF- 3()~9 :L '>6'y COMPLAINANT / -+ '1(-, Location of Complaint L-O uS (I Type of Complaint Per r k('''J .' ~ " C L. a.;'\ L. 4: S > ~ c..-,\ , j~~ .~ ~ Animal Debris _ Storage Bldg Code Fire Code Noise Criminal Complaint -::::s: Parking Traffic Nuisance Other e .~ SUBJECT: Last U/UK First Middle DOB Street Number Street Name APT# City state Zip Phone Phone Action Taken/Comments (INCLUDE DATE) L/-3c. 92 c~ ~ ~:i:I2:f- :.zft-.....c.... tN~ u<A<l r.J.---j em ~ fk.1 ~ ~ ~~ ~.~ ~~ 4lCl. me) ?/lK KbU~ ~ ~ Z fl.;~-I de7 .1&~~ ~~, ~ ~ .~ ~ ~L,....L.-; ~. tJ,~ ~~ ~ ~7 .~'5Lf'-".-' . Action Taken: 1. Advisory Letter 2. Certified Letter . 3. Certif ~ed Notice 4. Phone Call 5. In-Person Meeting 6. Warning Issued 1: Citation Issued 8. Referred to: ___ Carver County Sheriff --- Engineering Department x~~y p~;~:~:~t LD --- C i. ty AJ;.t or n~;;.o~..,.... ~ Other~ ffl~ ~~~" Disposition: _ Complaince _ Action Pending... _ No Further Acttlb Court Referral Other .- .- -- ~ e e e 7' C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission /1/ FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator May 15, 1992 SUBJ: Trail Construction from Lake Susan Park to Rice Marsh Lake Park This is being brought to the Commission's attention as an informational item. The coordination of this trail project, consisting of approximately one mile of trail, is the most significant addition to the city's trail system tQdate. The attached letter was distributed to the residents owning lots which this trail passed through. The corresponding map depicts the trail's alignment. As Commissioners may be aware, the trail easement in the area of Lots 28-35, Hidden Valley, was originally aligned with the utility easement. This alignment would have resulted in the trail being closer to the homes than necessary. To correct this situation for the benefit of the homeowners, the city initiated a new trail alignment approximately 21h years ago. These corrections have just recently been finalized. All calls received from the recipients of my letter have been of an inquiring nature, and the majority have been positive. As the Commission is aware, this project was not included in the 1992 Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Program. However, upon initiation of construction of the south leg of Highway 101, it became apparent that the construction of this trail could be coordinated with the road work. Discussion in this regard with the City Manager and City Engineer was held, and the responses were favorable. Upon searching the easement documents for the entire route, it was discovered that the western half of the utility easement did not include consideration for the trail easement. Direction was forwarded to the City Attorney's office to negotiate this additional easement, which was successfully completed with the documentation being received in March. The city is now working with BRW, the same firm carrying out the coordination of the road work, to design this trail. The unit price for the addition of this work will be solicited by Mueller and Sons Contracting, the construction company performing the highway construction. This price will be scrutinized for accuracy prior to the additional work being recommended for funding under their present contract. The city can be excited by the prospect of adding this beautiful section of trail to the city's trail system. Note: See related article in the Administrative Section. ft ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER C ITV OF CHANHASSEN i e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 May 7, 1992 Mr. Kirk Lowdermilk 8129 Dakota Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Lowdermilk: The City of Chanhassen is coordinating the construction of the pedestrian trail between Lake Susan Park and Rice Marsh Lake Park, with the final phases of the south leg Highway 101 project. The planning and engineering flfm of BRW will be providing the design, technical and surveying services for the trail construction. The coordination of these services was initiated May 6, 1992. As a resident property owner, with a portion of the trail alignment crossing your property, this letter is sent to inform you of the upcoming _ construction activity and to solicit your input. Enclosed you will find a map depicting the ., entire project area for the construction of the trail. If you have questions, please contact me at Chanhassen City Hall, 937-1900. Additionally, I would like to thank you for your past interest in the project, and hope that you find the addition of this recreational amenity to our community a positive one. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator Enclosure pc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Charles Folch, City Engineer Greg Roy, BRW e n \.., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER '\IL-BLJ ~ I ~.~ ~ .; ~ Iz" \: I ~ \ <" ......-J l-j wI1l4:PfCf~~:"\ ~ ~ IN , _____ .- ~ 1\' ~ \' I ~Ill"""'" ~)k.'\l~'V ~ \~ 0 /0;U POWER~ BLV Y r. : "/l^\./ ~~,.'\~ I ~ti@ ) ~ or-- ~/;. r~ \1 '- ~ . /_., ~~~ ~~... ).(~~:.:.. I ~ ..' ~.J 0', \ (") ~ ' w. _. _ ?- .....i II~U 7Jl;L~( U ~ . " { ~ Il'1'I'I7;- !":t \0) ~lr .' ~ " ""-'-.'-'-',==-~- \ . T-.. ~1Jc; .:') ~h~r ~~ ~ ~ \ < ''1t E ~( ~ ~}rl' . i \\~I)- ~~~ E~, ~~, __~\. .---- 1'1 ai- ~ ~i Ii: 1pfff I )j I _ I. 71 tI) /{f 0 '1 .,~W ~ T :;;)i i~" . '. 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C;:1T1 r ,,'-' OF ~;\. ~ ';\.I~ EDEN PRAIRI,E :1J~ ~ \' ,I \, ~ ~i I I ~ :b: .~\ ~ : c>> c>> ~~~ ~\ \ N - ~ ...~t Vi ) 0 g ~ ~SI) r- ~./ ~ ~)~ 0 ~~~ lJ ~ ir ~ "i ~CIi<-J.?: ~ Il ", c>>../ff 8l 18800- ~ ~ tfj ;,; 0 ~ 1\ 0 c 0--'-, -< e I , ,I 1) I c>> 0\ o o & ) :IE ..., -f :J: ~N 19000 18800 s- e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 15, 1992 SUBJ: Arbor Day Celebration A tree planting ceremony celebrating Arbor Month has been scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1992, at 6:45 p.m. at City Center Park, preceding CAA activities. A press release in this regard will be distributed Tuesday, May 19, 1992. All participants of that evening's Athletic Association events, citizens, civic groups, Council members, and members of all boards and commissions will be invited to join in this brief ceremony. Dawn Lemme, Program e. Specialist and I are coordinating this event. e ft ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER b e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator Dawn Lemme, Program specialist\)~. May 11, 1992 TO: FROM: SUBJ: Summer Programs e This summer, a wide variety of programs are being offered for youth. Some expansion of existing or previously run programs will be taking place, as well as several new programs geared toward different age groups. Previously offered classes scheduled to run this summer are as follows: Summer Discovery Playground - Expanded hours and two extra weeks (8), each week centering around a theme. Kids In the Kitchen Super Events Wednesday Wing Dings Tennis Lessons Tennis Team Golf Lessons - Youth and Adult Operation Smart - Expanded to two sessions. The Way We Were: A Children's Primer of pioneer Days. Swimming Lessons Adult Softball Leagues - Up and running already. Clinics and camps offered this summer: Weight Training and Conditioning Camp Boy's Basketball Clinic Girl's Basketball Camp Hawk Football Clinic Girl's Volleyball Clinic Girl's Softball Clinic Ballmeister Summer Baseball/Softball Day Training e New Classes/Programs/Events that will be offered this summer: MinnAgua FiShing Clinic - Basic fishing skills will be o PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Todd Hoffman May 11, 1992 Page 2 e taught in this one day clinic for youth, ages 7-12 years old. Craft Classes for Kids - One and two day classes run in the mornings. stamping Magic: Pinata Pizzaz: Names, Numbers, and Nonsense: Marbleizing Madness: and Put Your pinkies to Work. Offered to youth entering grades 1-7. Summer Sensations - A Mini-Summer Discovery Playground type program for 3 year olds. Teen Barbecue Bash - An outdoor "Teen Night scheduled at Lake Susan Park. Music, volleyball, etc., offered to those entering grades 9-12. sponsored by Chanhassen Lions and Rotary Club. Trips for Teens - Being offered jointly with Chanhassen Park and Recreation and Chaska Park and Recreation. Offered to those entering grades 7-9: Out" food, Co- Valley Fair Beaver Mountain Waterslide st. Croix Canoe Trip Minnesota Twins Game Apple River Tubing It is hoped that through expansion and development of programs, summer program attendance will increase. An effort to include the junior high age group in sports alternative programs is also being attempted. e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 7D May 15, 1992 1~ Fourth of July Celebration Update DATE: SUBJ: A verbal report will be given on Tuesday evening regarding the 1992 Fourth of July Celebration. Dawn and I will present information regarding promotion, schedule of events, and all the components of our biggest community event. e e ft \..1 PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER / e. ... ADMIMSTRATIVESECTION e :'-\:":: e by Hal Johnson City trails - that's what Maple Grove residents say they want. Trails were the top interest men- tioned in citizen surveys of city serv- ices in 1985, 1987 and 1989, the most recent survey, Maple Grove Parks , and Recreation director Terry Just said. There are two kinds of trails, he said. One is park trails. They wind through nature areas and provide leisure experiences for users. The second kind is boulevard trails/side- walks. They usually go along streets and are used mainl y as transportation paths. (Another difference is that dogs are prohibited from the park. trails, but are allowed on the boulevard trail/sidewalks if owners keep con- trol of them, Just said.) In eac.h survey, about 80% of re- spondents called the city's trails "good" or "excellent." Respondents also said they wanted more trails. So the city has been concentrating on adding to its network. Some tralls loop around speCial features such as the city's lakes, and connector trails link the loops with neighborhoods, parks, schools and commercial dis" tricts. Other connectors link city trails with regional trail corridors. In 1992, four of the city's six park projects will extend the city's trail network. The other two projects are to complete a neighborhood park and to begin the fITst restoration project in the city's gravel mining area. SHADOW CREEK TRAIL This trail will be an extension of an existing trail in the Shadow Creek area. The planned trail will connect Shadow Creek Drive to Weaver Lake Elementary School/Community Play field. This trail will complete the neighborhood system in the Shadow Creek development and. provide handy access to the school and park from the neighborhood. The project is planned to be completed by mid- June. EAGLE LAKE TRAIL This. trail will extend an existing trail in the Eagle Lake area. It will conneetthe neighborh~d on the east side of Eagle Lake from 64th Ave. N. south to Thoreson Neighborhood Park/Eagle Lake Community Build- ing. WOODLAND PONDS TRAIL . This trail will add a special feature to the park syste~. In order to con- nect 87th Ave. N. to 89th Ave. N. through the parkland, a boardwalk - O~EO MAPLE GROVE Vol. 69 No. 25, Wednesday, May 6, 19! Maple Grove New . IS re: In Maple Grove Residents want trails; city glad to build them Maple Grove's new polic Otto, a Maple Grove residen polis deputy chief of police Otto was chosen from a Maple Grove City Council, Monday, May 4. He will begin work Monl the city's acting police chi normally sergeant of invest will be acting sergeant of in Otto replaces Robert Bur the end of April after 25 ye: Otto joined the Minneapo! February 1971. Since then, t City, Cl Count~ Jody Kocer of Maple Grove runs along a trail near Elm Creek Elementary School; will be constructed through a wet- land/pond area.. The boardwalk is designed to allow connection of the trail without the need to fill in. and disturb and wetland and pond. The trail provides access north to Jonquil Neighborhood Park. Construction is planned after July 15. FISH LAKE TRAIL This trail will connect the Fish Lake park-trail area and Fish Lake Regional Park with. Wedgwood Rd. The trail gives neighbors direct ac- cess to the East Fish Lake Rd. trail. Construction will begin .in early June. WOODCREST NEIGIffiORHOOD PARK This park is on the east side of Eagle Laky on Magda Drive. The project began in 1991 with site grad- ing. The second phase of improve- ments will begin this . summer, and the park is expected to be finished by early fall. . New additions to the park include a single tennis court, playground equipment, a ballfield, a parking lot and a hard-surface play area with one basketball basket. . All neighborhood parks in the city are designed to include the same at- tractions as those planned at Wood- crest Park. TILLER TREE PLANTING .. The tree-planting project is made possible by a matching grant pro- gram coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the federal Small Business Admini- stration. Maple Grovewas one of the top 27 contenders approved for fund- ing from 61 communities that ap- plied. Funding sources are the city's Parks and Recreation Board, $5,000, and the Small Business Administra- tion, $5,000. After the matching grant was approved, the project re- ceived another $1,000 from Global Releaf, a Washington, D.C.-based international education and action campaign of the American Forestry Association. That organization gave 30 grants totaling $52,000 for 1992 projeCts. Much funding for the Global R~leaf grants came from Aveda Corp., a hair- and skin-care business based in Minneapolis. planting is scheduled for ear!y May ,depending on weather." The park si te was acquired from theTille~ Corp.throu~hthe city's park dedica~ tion requirements in 199 L It is the first reclamatjon site. in the gravel mining area. The . trees will restore bare soilsbackto natural vegetation, and the project is planned. to be a model for . other reclamation . and reforesting sites. CHOOSING PROJECTS Park and trail projects are selected .in separate processes, Just said. The city's park board handles . development of parks. The. board identifies the many possible projects within the park development pro- gram, and each year it lists its priori- ties for the next summer. Then the board allocates whatever funding it . considers proper for the city's parks program. Trail projects are usually proposed, ;bycity parks st<iff,and the proposalS are included in a proposed capital improvement program for all. city construction projects. The improve- ment program is reviewed annually by the city' sCitizens .Long Range ImprovementCommittee (CLIt), a large committee of Maple Grove residentS. The CLIC lists its priori~ ties and the city council takes the list. and. decides how much money to spend to accomplish the top priori~ .ties.$ome trail ideas also come from CLI<=: members, not just from parks staff, Just said. Final decisions 01) this year' spark projeetscame at an April 16 park board meeting. The city council approved this year's capital im- provement program in early April. by Hal Johnson The Maple Grove City CO! discussed a project to upg County Rd: 10 from Hwy. 16 Wedgw~Rd. at its Monday, N regular meeting. Most of the construction will place in Plymouth, but the west of the road. will be in Maple Gr The council conduc;ted a public t ing and thell Qrderegthe proj(:l .' .' : -~'.' ....- .;. .-'.":"":':'",; - -- '-'.' begm. . .. .:;f"/:'c ..' . The project will be done in CI eration with HeJl11epm County. der the agreement, the city's sha theproject'scostis $421,910. New map emphasizes Maple Grove trail system Out with tl A map of Maple Grove's park and trail system is being revised to emphasize trails. The focus on trails will help people figure out how to experience trails outside their own neighborhoods, parks and recreation director Terry Just said. The map will be available sometime after June 1. People can pick up the map at Maple Grove City Hall or request the map by phone by calling city hall. The long~awaitedredeve The block, Which has bee the entrance to Osseo a bn Demolitionotthe buildin shows the foundation work North Clinic will be the I Construction is schedule! will be able to move into th developers onthe Block 5 I Volunteer of the Year , e. Fuhrmann attains Eagle rank Judd Aaron Fuhrmann bas attaiDed the rank of Eagle Scout. His Eagle ceremony was held at Colonial C1urch (Old 5t. Hubens) in Chanhassen on May 3,1992. Judd belongs to Troop 330, which has presently four Eagle Scouts. For Judd's Eaate D~e~t the fetllinile wall aro.:~ the play- ground at ~e Chanhassen .Ekmm- tao' Schoo. Each project selected must add value to the scout's commu- nity. This will serve C1l,fth,assen well and is utilized every day: . e JUDD AARON FUHRMANN e i I .e PRESS RELEASE FROM TODD HOFFMAN, PARK AND RECREATION COORDINATOR MAY 7, 1992 BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED A group of individuals with a common interest of preserving trees, promoting the benefit of trees, and reforestation is being formed in Chanhassen. The composition of this board will include a member(s) of the City Council, Park ami Recreation Commission and Planning Commission. However, to be effective, members-at-Iarge who have an interest in tree related issues are needed. If you have a general interest in trees, possess a related educational background, are involved in the propagation or sale of trees, or are a developer, please consider becoming involved by joining this board. The board will officially be named by its inaugural members, with meetings most likely e being held on a monthly or as needed basis. If you have questions in this regard, or are interested in becoming a member, please call one of the following persons: Richard Wing, Council Member loAnn Olsen, Chanhassen Planning Dept. Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. 474-5396 937-1900 937-1900 e , e. Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department presents: 1992 SUMMER DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND June 15 - August 7 Not sure what you are doing this summer? Here is a fun and reasonable alternative to hanging out around the house. Arts and crafts, games, singing and nature are offered in this ever-popular summer recreation program. TINY-MITES DYNA-MITES 4-6 YEARS 7-11 YEARS $13.00/CIDLD/8 WEEKS $13.00/CIDLD/8 WEEKS e DAY PROGRAM CODE # TIME LOCATION Monday YPLA92 10 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Meadow Green Park Monday YPLA92 11 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. lions Park (Victoria) Tuesday YPLA92 12 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. North Lotus Lake Park Tuesday YPLA92 13 1:45 - 3:45 p.rn. Rice Marsh Lake Park Wednesday YPLA92 14 9:30 - 11 :30 a.m. Cbanhassen Hills Park Thursday YPLA92 15 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. City Center Park Friday YPLA92 16 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Carver Beach Park Friday YPLA92 17 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Lake Susan Park REGISTRA'I10N FOR SUMMER DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND CHILD'S NAME CODE # LOCATION DAY TINY-MITES DYNA-MITES Parent/Guardian Name: Phone: Address: City: Zip: Total Amount Paid: Emergency Phone: e Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department presents: ~, , 1992 SUPER EVENTS (- .e H summer has you bored and restless, why don't you travel with us to a super place each Thursday? Bus transportation will be provided, as well as chaperones. Pre-registration is required, and must be received by 12:00 Doon, Tuesday, before the Super Event. All registrations are on a first come, first served basis. A $2.00 processing fee is charged for cancellations and refunds. In the event of rain or inclement weather, call the Park and Recreation Informational phone line at 962-9000. Parents are welcome to attend. Please call the Park and Recreation Department at 937-1900 for more information. For ages 7-11. DATE SUPER EVENT June 18 TWINS VS. KANSAS CITY (Game time: 12:15 P.M.) Take me out to the ball game! Cheer on the World Champion Minnesota Twins as they square up against the Kansas City Royals. Each child will receive a hot dog and a coke for lunch. Fee: $12.SO/person Leave City Hall: 11:00 a.m. MiL/Max.: 30/35 Return to City Hall: 4: 15 p.m. June 25 MINNEAPOLIS AIRPORT TOUR/PUTT-PUTT GOLF See the airport up close, just as if you were taking an airplane trip. We'll tour _ the gates, deck, and baggage areas, and possibly board an airplane. On the - way back from this exciting trip, we'll stop for a round of miniature golf. Fee: $7.00/person Leave City Hall: 1:15 p.m. Min./Max.: 25/35 Return to City Hall: 5:00 p.m. July 9 MINNESOTA VAllEY NATIONAL WilDLIFE REFUGE Explore the incredible, natural setting of this refuge in Bloomington. We'll look for frogs, turtles and other critters while learning about pond life. There will be time for looking at some of the exhibits and biking on some of the nature trails. Fee: $4.00/person Leave City Hall: 1:00 p.m. . Min./Max.: 25/35 Return to City Hall: 4:15 p.m. July 16 MINNESOTA ZOO Come with us as we travel to the ever-changing, ever-growing zoo this summer! Dolphin feedings, bird shows and the colorful Coral Reef exhibit are just some of the am97.ing things that can be viewed. Fee: $7.00/persoD Leave City Hall: 1:00 p.m. . Min./Max.: 25/35 Return to City Hall: 5:15 p.m. . e' e e July 23 BUNKER HILLS WAVE POOL Beat the heat by riding the surf aboard an inner-tube while in an imaginary ocean. We will be some of the first ones to enter the pool this time, so be ready for lots of sun and fun! Snacks are on your own, but a box lunch will be provided. Fee: $12.50/person Leave City Hall: 8:45 a.m. Min./Max.: 25/35 Return to City Hall: 3:15 p.rn. July 30 OMNI THEATRE/SCIENCE MUSEUM Surround yourself in the awesome rainforests, through the film "Tropical Rainforest." Time for checking out the many exhibits, galleries and laboratories following the film will top off this exciting day. Fee: $10.00/person Leave City Hall: 12:30 p.m. Min./Max.: 25/35 Return to City Hall: 5:30 p.m. REGISTRATION FOR SUPER EVENTS (Check Date of Super Event Trip Attending) PARTICIPANT NAME AGE 6/18 6/25 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 Parent/Guardian Name: Phone: Address: City: Zip: Total Amount Paid: Emergency Phone: The Ballmeister's l- ta Summer Base&alVSoft&aD Day Training Spoaaored by City of Q.ttJl....1l . a..tth....1l AthI.dc Aasodadoll BALLMEISTER Jail. 9th - July 2, 1992 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Ages 10 to 12, registered in a league Lake Ann Fields Cost: $25 per player PInt 72 registrants in each program a Boys Baseball - 9:00 to 11 :00 a.m. a Girls Softball - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. features include: a Hitting instruction from former professional baseball player Pat Scanlon a Pitching instruction from former professional baseball player J.ff Matthews a 5 six inning games, changing positions each game a Baseba1l/Softball Olympics on the first and last day to measure progress: e 1. Ball throw (distance) 2. Ball throw (accuracy) 3. Number of bit baIls in ten swings 4. Grounders cleanly fielded in 10 tries 5. Pop-ups caught in 5 tries 6. Fly baIls caught in 5 tries 7. Speed around the bases 8. Speed to 2nd base without over running 9. Number of pitches thrown for strikes in 10 tries Dial-A-Ride 944-7126 a 24 hours of instruction and competition, all rainouts rescheduled Q Instruction manual to each partidpant a T-shirt to ea~ participant R.,I.tradoaa form. avaIIabl. at the CJI.oh....n City BaD 937-1900 .' .