1992 06 23 Agenda . e e AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1992, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of April 14, April 28, and May 19, 1992, Minutes. 2. Approval of th~ April 28, 1992, Tree Board Minutes. 3. Neighborhood Meeting, Carver Beach Park; Vehicle Parking. 4. Visitor Presentations on Mosquito Control: a. Eric Rivkin, Resident b. Ross Green, Metropolitan Mosquito Control 5. Distribution of Park Inventory, Revised, April 1992. 6. Summer Ballfield Schedules. 7. 1992 Fourth of July Celebration: a. Update b. Presentation of Schedule of Events c. V olunteer Opportunities 8. 1993 Capital Improvement Program. 9. Construction Contracts Update: a. Lake Ann Park Utilities b. Lake Ann Park PicniclRecreation Shelter c. Lake Susan Park d. Hennan Field Park 10. Commission Member Presentations. 11. Administrative Section and Presentations. 2. CHANHASSEN TREE BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 28, 1992 ~ Acting Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 8:51 p.m.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Berg, Randy Erickson, Jim Andrews, Dave Koubsky and Jan Lash MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Schroers and Wendy Pemrick STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Coordinator; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; and Dawne Lemme, Program Specialist REVIEW STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. Andrews: Item one is to review our statement of purpose. Hoffman: To preface that, to back up a moment. Essentially the Tree Board as you stand today was initiated as part of being a Tree City, USA. Richard has some comments as far as the battle he's been waging as far as tree preservation in this city. Planting of trees and what his thoughts are in this area so I'd like to hear from Richard prior to going into the detailed discussion. . Richard Wing: Thank you Todd. I was really excited to see th~s. When the Tree Board came through, it was whereas, therefore, wherein and we are therefore and I just said that's just great. We have a Tree Board. Because just prior to the Tree Board whereas, wherein, therefore's, I had asked that we have a shade tree committee and it went nowhere. I felt we should really get busy with a shade tree committee. And so Chanhassen was a forested community. Your grandparents came in and took care of that for whatever reason and that's where it went. Agricultural but now, we're coming in and we're not even allowing it to be agricultural. We've paving it over with parking lots, Target stores, Mills Fleet Farm, high density housing and at the same time we're talking about how the water tables are being depleted. But yet we're putting more wells in to house more people. Nothing's making sense here. Parking lots aren't shaded. They're heat islands and they're polluters and no one wants to put shade trees in parking lots. We're doing Minnewashta Parkway. Minnewashta Parkway. We're taking out a large number of trees because of the new road and the trail but we're not putting back as many as we're taking out because we can't afford it. So I bring that issue up and we don't have the money to do it. . So the Tree Board. What is it? Who is it? I want to be on it and I'm not so sure I'd like to see you consider opening it up to the community and get people that are really interested on this issue involved to help you and assist you. Whether it's your group with a subcommittee or we form an entire group. You know I'd like that a little more clearly defined because from the Council, I'd like to be on it. We know that trees are energy. They conserve energy. They clear our air. They entice our property value and the Planning Commission and myself worked for some time in saying rather than have a soybean field turned into homes, why don't we have the homeowners be responsible for putting a few trees back in. So we came back with a proposal for 3 trees and the environment and all the issues involved fell flat on their face and we only talked about bottom dollars. Bottom line to the first time homeowner. They can't afford the e Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 2 extra $200.00, $300.00, $400.00. They had something like $500.00, $600.00~ $700.00 a tree and in reality the wholesale price is $125.00. So I wanted to tack on about $300.00 to the price of a new home on the mortgage over a 30 year period or whatever the mortgage was. But each new home coming into a soybean field will be required to put in 3 trees. The Planning Commission went hip, hip hooray and it died. So we then go out and bring the DNR in with these photographs and aerial photographs and tree surveys and tree preservation but Lundgren Bros. is decimating Trapper's Pass area up here. If.you drive up there, there's just cords of maple laying on the ground. Target is coming down here or is being proposed. They're meeting tomorrow night for Target. If they come in, they want to clean out all the trees down here on West 78th Street. Well, that's all we've got left. There are no more. We have very, very limited trees and every developer coming in says, well sorry and they mow them down. So we have tree preservation but we're cutting down more trees and not putting as many back. It's getting kind of frustrating because I really am a tree man. This is a big deal to me. My yard's wooded. I love it. If there's a path, we go where it's shaded. If there's a parking lot with a tree, we try to park near it. So trees are a big issue and then the Council goes on to declare Arbor Month for 1992. I urge all citizens to become more aware of the importance of trees or their well being. To participate in planting, insure green Minnesota in decades to come and to plant, nuture, protect and wisely use Minnesota's great treasure of trees but yet they turn down planting trees. They turn down more. We're not being consistent so I am really hoping that this Board is going to be very effective. Become very politically active and start pushing some issues such as Joan ~ is on the golf course. It's taking somebody just constantly going at thes~ things and I don't want to be ridiculed for this. Or if I am ridiculed as being the tree man, I guess I'm proud of it because I think it's really important for our community. And Todd comes up with all these brilliant statements you know but they're very common. The best time to plant a tree was yesterday or 20 years ago or whatever the case was so everything we're not doing today for our lifestyle is degrading our lifestyle of the future and in trees in particular, it's really an issue. So I'm really urging your input in this and your support and I'd like to participate in it. Be part of it. I think we could really make some headway and I think there's other people in the community that would really like to share our concerns. So Todd, I don't know what the Tree Board is and how powerful they intend to be or what direction they intend to go and maybe that's part of the meeting tonight. But I'm really enthusiastic about this. I see this as a real issue to our future city and it's appearance. Andrews: On the handout there was a printed statement of, was that our Statement of Purpose or just some information regarding Tree Board? Page 1? Hoffman: Page 1. Essentially this is what we're here to, Dick's conversation is right on the target. We need to discuss, decide what shape, form the Tree Board would like to take on. The organizational structure. What issues the Tree Board is going to tackle. All those types of items. It's typically, in many communities, a Tree Board or a Shade Commission is operated by a City Forester. We do not have the luxury. . We're currently contracting for a forester ~o do these tree surveys and certainly I'm not a perclaimed expert on trees so we need to branch out. Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 3 e Excuse that. mean we said, Commissioners that point of And take a look at exactly. We discussed this earlier. I is the Tree Board going to be the 7 Park and Recreation or is it going to be a separate committee? I guess we're at making that decision this evening. Andrews: I think we should first handle the organizational part before we have a statement of purpose. I feel to adopt a statement of purpose before we have seated the board that we've chosen, doesn't make any sense. If anybody would like to start out with their suggestions of how they would like to see the Board consist and how we can choose leadership and direction, I'd be glad to hear them. Erickson: I guess back when we voted on becoming the Tree Board, the thought didn't even cross my mind that there are other people out there like Dick that are excited or enthused or worried or concerned about trees. I myself, I'm a tree lover. I've already got many of them on my little used to be soybean field. I've even got some seedlings. 12 of them. If we could bring more people with that kind of enthusiasm onto the Board, that would be good. And does everybody on this Board. If the Tree Board's going to have 10 people, if there can be 10 of them with Dick's kind of enthusiasm, I think a lot more would get done than everybody on the Park and Rec maybe doesn't have the same enthusiasm for the trees. They like trees. It's great and good and they don't mind serving on the Board but if we can have 10 people with that kind of enthusiasm as opposed to 7 or 8 people with moderate enthusiasm, I think maybe we should open it up to more than just the Board. Unless everybody here has that similiar enthusiasm. e Koubsky: I think initially we formed the Tree Board because we were under a time frame to do so. So the Board established itself as a Tree Board. For the recreation. That was an easy thing to do. I think we should open it up and solicit any other public interest. Any citizens. You know public interest. Any other commissioner or Council interest and open it up to those who are interested and at least see some comment on how others may see the Board. How they would see the Board being constructed or interest on being on it. And I certainly would not favor restricting the Tree Board to the Park and Rec Commission. Andrews: I have a question conerning, would the Tree Board be considered a subsidiary of the Park Board or a direct subsidiary of the Council? How is the linkage going to be established? Any comment on that? Hoffman: I would presume it would be in direct relationship with the City Council. Lash: Another Commission. e Hoffman: And if that being the case, this may be, it's not necessary. Again, it purely was a formality to name a Tree Board so we could get this application in. At this point it's beneficial, it's been a catalyst for us to go ahead and push this issue further. But it may lay back with approval by the City Council to go ahead and solicit input for nominations. The establishment of an additional Commission for the city. That being the case, we can simply dismiss items 1 and ~ and staff will take that direction. Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 4 Lash: I guess I'd be in favor of at least advertising. The fact that thi~ is an opportunity for anyone who would be interested. I can't help but feel that it probably would not be something that would require bimonthly meetings or even monthly meetings but who am I to say. Maybe the people who get on it would decide that they have so many things they'd like to do, that it would require that. So you'd need to have, to advertise it I think you'd have to get some information that it could possibly be a monthly meeting. Could possibly be a quarterly meeting depending on the need and then let people decide. If no one volunteers for it and then I see that it would fall back to this commission because there is a tie in with what we do. If we're bombarded with applications, great. Erickson: If we were to do that and advertise that there's going to be a new Tree Board Commission, what would we say they do? Koubsky: Is that up to the Council? Or is that up to, where does that fall? Lash: Well there were some guidelines from Tree City U.S.A. or whatever. Hoffman: It's up to us as a city, commissions and councils to decide. Erickson: Has there been any talk of that at the Council level? I know you're really interested but I'd be hesitant to start drawing people into a commission that we don't even have a job description for. Richard Wing: Well the job description is really there. It's the ~ reforestation committee and preservation of trees. Shade Tree Committee. ...but I think if you look at our present set up, the word commission... ordinance and so forth. You've got your..., TH 5 Task Force, you've got your golf course... Andrews: So then it would be a subsidiary of our Board and under our direction? Richard Wing: I don't think so. My feeling is that Council would not form a commission. Hoffman: That's most likely the case at this initial level. Andrews: Can we move.. .or are we in a stalmate here until we hear specifically from? Hoffman: We can simply formulate an organizational structure, recommendation and put that forth onto the City Council agenda. If they don't like what they see, they'll make comments. Andrews: I guess I'd like to move that direction so we can keep things moving. From a structural standpoint, I think it would make sense to have accommodation of Park Board commissioners and general public on the board. Partly just to keep things moving so that we have an organized group that if ~e d~n't ge~ the. immediate participation, we can hold meetings and take~ actIon In the InterIm. And also so that the Park Board has informed ,., members knowing what's going on specifically with the Tree Board. The one Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 5 t e conflict I see is, if we have a Tree Board that's planting trees on place and a Park Board that's planting trees another place, well it gets to be a little unorganized and perhaps wasteful of who's planting trees where. Just as an idea. This isn't necessarily the only way to do it but unless all of the commissioners here were interested, I thought perhaps the idea would be to have like 3 Park Board commissioners on the board, and then 4 people from the public. I think that one logical candidate for the Tree Board would be the current or Larry, the current Park Board commissioner. I think should have a place if he wishes to have it and then 2 other people off the Board. Or something like that. That gives us some continuity back to the Park Board, plus it gives the opportunity for outside interest and participation. Koubsky: So you're thinking of a 7 member board? Andrews: Yep. Koubsky: That's something we can probably put down. Andrews: Right. We can vote on these things. I'm not saying that's the way it has to be but, and I think it's nice to have a large group for participation but when you get too large of a group, you can't get anything done. So instead of having, let's say all 7 of us plus another 4 or 5 people, I think it would get very hard to coordinate and get action taken. e Lash: I think first step is just to open it up to the public. See what kind of reaction we get. When we have vacancies for the Park and Rec Commission, we'll have 3 vacancies and maybe 2 applicants or something so there aren't, it's not that there are tons of people out there dying to serve on these volunteer positions. Andrews: We can suggest that structure. Lash: And if we just open it up to the public, see what kind of response we get. If Dick is the only other person in town who's interested in it, hey let's have 8 people on the commission, or on the board and he can come and meet with us. If 10 other people are interested, great. Then maybe go through some kind of an interview process and then decide at that time how many commissioners. How many public and if we want all public or I have no idea but I don't want to put the cart before the horse and start figuring how many people from the public we should have on when we don't know if there's any interest out there. Hoffman: There's certainly Planning Commission members that would be interested. There's a lot of education to go around in the area of development and not only kill all the trees to get your houses and roads in there but then 75% of the ones remaining die. All that type of thing so if you have a wide variety of knowledge and backgrounds and professions would be adviseable. I think Richard's recommendation to go to the Board format is very good. Five years from now if the Board develops such power and clout that it needs to be a commission level, that will happen. But starting at a board level where you schedule a monthly or bi-monthly meeting upstairs in a conference room and meet as the Shade Tree Commission e Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 6 or Forestry Board or whatever it comes to be named. In fact that's maybe ~ one thing we should do tonight. Lash: Come up with a name? Hoffman: Come up with a name for the Board. We have Richard's comment here and so when we advertise for this, we have something to call it. Andrews: I do think we ought to preserve some park board representation on the tree board or whatever we call ourselves. Erickson: Yeah, absolutely. Andrews: And still open it up for public but I guess I'm not in favor of having it be completely open. All positions to the public. I think it's important to have some park board member on that board for continuity and leadership. Hoffman: As well, this falls back into the Planning, Zoning and having a Planning Commission member on there, Park Commission and Council, all three. Without it, you're simply, you haven't got all your players into the game. So we'll take a look at soliciting input from all those. Andrews: Let's do that and see what the feedback is. Then we can go on from there. Hoffman: Okay. e Andrews: Does that sound okay? Erickson: I've got one I thought of while I was eating my baked potato. The Chanhassen Tree Trust. I looked up the defintion of Trust. Lash: ...with the name. Berg: I think I agree with that. Lash: Give them ownership over it. I think if we advertise we can say, under the direction of City Councilor the Park and Rec Commission or however you want to word it, we're trying to form a new committee or board, whatever for the preservation of trees. Or however you want to word it without really giving it a name. Andrews: You don't like Wood Board huh? Lash: Tree Board. Hoffman: Okay. Lash: It wasn't that I didn't like your name Randy. That was a beautiful name. Andrews: It could be a winner. Any other more discussion on item 1 or 2?e As the Tree Board, why don't we move onto item 3. Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 7 e ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION. Hoffman: The Arbor Day Celebration. is there any input, comments on what tree board members would like to see? Current tree board members. Otherwise we'll just continue on and initiate an Arbor Day Celebration. Again this is part of being a Tree City, USA but it's also, really should be a celebration that takes place in each and every city. Lash: In the past I know you've given the little seedlings to the kids at school. I know the seedlings have a high mortality rate on their own, let alone sending it home with a kid in their backpack. That isn't much good either so I think it was probably wise to just have it be a pick up thing than just giving them out to schools. But maybe it would be nice for us to sponsor some, I know this would require money but to fund for some tree giveaways for say Oktoberfest and 4th of July and other types of things like that that we have. Or say the Easter Egg Hunt. Dinner Theatre tickets. It'd be a nice time to give away a tree to somebody. So we could take advantage of that as an option. And then, instead of giving that little seedling to the kids at school. Last year, in our building and I don't know where the money came from to buy the tree but on Arbor Day we got a small crab apple tree and we had a ceremony and took all the kids outside and we planted a crab apple tree out in front of the school and I thought that was kind of nice. I don't know if we could afford to do that for different, I don't know where else we would do it besides. Well we could do it in Minnetonka elementary and Chan Elementary I suppose. e Hoffman: I think if you put a bug in the School District's ear, many schools I attended did that every year on their own. Arbor Day celebration. Lash: Oh, you did. We didn't do anything this year. It was last Friday right? Hoffman: Yep. The official Arbor Day. Arbor Month is the month of May. Andrews: I'm wondering how receptive some of the commercial developers would be. I would think this would be something they'd love to get on as far as positive publicity to their paving over our city. To have like a Target or the new shopping mall or whatever, get involved with our Arbor celebration I think gives them a positive exposure and they probably get their exposure with very little cost. If they could provide some trees to our city. Hoffman: Okay. It's simply a matter of coordination. Again, we'll use one of the free trees which we're earning at Lotus Lawn and Garden as part of our tree sale to use in the Arbor Day celebration and potentially work this into an atheltic association night and solicit attendance from our City Council and boards and commissions. Lash: Maybe all the people who participate in the tree sale could then be eligible for a drawing for a free tree. Give incentive for more people to.. . e Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 8 Hoffman: Buy trees. Or anybody attending the Arbor Day Celebration can ~ register for a free tree. Good idea. Okay. ~ Andrews: Item 4. Hoffman: I have not checked the drawer for additional invoices since my return. We were at 30 some trees... I presume with this warm weather and then...again in this Thursday's Villager, that will get the last big spurt of sales. And really close out far less than what I anticipated in sales. Andrews: Is the new ad going to say something like last chance or final opportunity? That's what will get people to finally do it when they realize they're savings, they're about to lose their chance. Hoffman: It's in print. Maybe we should have put it right over the top of it. Erickson: The question I have Todd. I'm in one of those soybean neighborhoods and the trees that were offered didn't seem to be the utmost most desireable kind of trees. I mean seedless ashes. That's the one the builder always put in the front yard because it's cheap and easy to get... They're both really nice trees but there weren't a lot of, there was one maple but that's more of a short bushy kind of maple instead of a sugar maple which Chanhassen is. How were the trees picked? Was it kind of this is the time of year to pick those trees or those are the ones that Lotus thought would sell the best or what? e Hoffman: No. It came, there was comment, some input from the resident forester that was on, is currently on staff. There is a sugar maple in there in category 3 which is probably the best buy, inside tip on the tree sale, for $100.00. 2 inch sugar maple. If we would get into the oaks and those type of things, mortality rate increases and you don't have, it's not one of the best trees to put on this type of sale because there's no warranty and you don't want to try to start those types of situations. And I mean to be quite honest, to offer trees at that price, you can't buy a Cadillac tree. We'll get some trees in the ground but they're going to be some fairly common varieties. Erickson: Even the wholesale price on a Crimson King Maple or something like that. I've priced those kinds of trees and anybody who's done any tree pricing will maybe see the value in wholesale of whatever tree it is. Hoffman: Oh sure. These trees are. Erickson: that. I mean these are really good prices. There's no doubt about Hoffman: People are, I mean they're just a little skeptical. Once the program gets up and running, it receives some on the street publicity, I would foresee that in future years, that sales will increase. Lash: year. I really think it's going to get going. This is just the first I think $3,000.00 for the first year is good. e Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 9 e Erickson: Yeah. One suggestion I have too, and I guess I'm calling them soybean neighborhoods here but we have so many of them. We know where they are. Those are the prime places to get trees in like my neighborhood. It wouldn't take much to have a Park and Rec Commission member, kind of short and stout one, run from door to door and put a flyer on their door. Maybe they don't look at the Villager. They don't get the Villager yet. They're in these young neighborhoods. They've got lots of things going on. I think those would be the people we'd want for sure. An extra 500 flyers. A couple of Park Commission members on a weekend running around might be another way to advertise it too. But we have to start somewhere obviously. Hoffman: The vast majority of the trees were sold in Lake Susan Hills West and Saddlebrook. Erickson: Okay, so they are going to the soybean neighborhoods. Lash: I do think it's surprising the number of people who do not read the paper. I'm always amazed by that. But I know when we planted some trees that we were told that fall is as good as spring. So maybe, I don't know if you want to get into it again already but maybe it'd be something worth trying again in the fall and do it every fall and spring and see what happens. Hoffman: Lotus isn't willing to go ahead and offer it two times a year. e Lash: Well maybe also what we could do is next year we'll have more advance notice. Like in the winter Park and Rec mailing, put something in about starting in Apt-il or whenever we started this. In March, to look for that as an event that will be happening because the spring flyer's too late. That will be coming out Friday or something. Erickson: How about Halla? Hoffman: Halla? Erickson: Yeah. Hoffman: The local nurseries were all solicited for input for bid proposals for request for bid. Halla did not respond. Northwest, the other local nursery, Northwest did and the nursery from Victoria. Lash: And the weather too has been so awful. Andrews: The other idea I had was instead of buying a tree, there might be some people that would like to adopt trees. Don't need a tree but would be certainly willing to provide some money to have one put somewhere else. Hoffman: Sure. Good idea. Chaska plants, they deliver about 100 a year and they do it off of just the public service column. A little 8 line advertisement. We spent some money in advertising... e Andrews: It's the first year. got a tree at such and such. It takes a while for the people to say I Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 10 Hoffman: Paid half of what you paid. Look at my tree. e Andrews: Any other items? Do we want to set a date for our next meeting? Lash: For the Tree Board? Andrews: Yeah. Hoffman: I don't think so because we don't have one yet. Lash: We don't know who it is. Andrews: We can always have no meeting due to the agenda but if there's no agenda. Hoffman: Tree Board has taken on a new life. It's being reborn so, I'll keep you updated. Andrews: Okay. We'll have to wait until we hear back then. Koubsky: You're going to follow that up Todd? Lash: This isn't tree board now but it's just a follow up. Is the summer mailing coming out by the end of this week? Were we able to get the newspaper to put anything in about the upcoming survey? Is the survey included? e Hoffman: Survey is not included in the brochure. The informational note. We just received back the estimates on Bandimere. Current cost estimates for the grading. Taking the rough parkland, turning it into a park including water and sewer to the site and a very small park shelter is about, just over $700,000.00. Those numbers are currently being turned into what impact does this have on your home. Property. Property tax. And once all that information, then we'll tabulate that and put it into the survey and we'll be doing the surveys as a separate mailing. That information wasn't available for inclusion in printing, coordination. It has still yet gone to City Council because we needed to wait for that information. So that will be plugged in and brought to City Council. Hear their reaction and then we'll be surveying. Koubsky: $700,000.00, that's not the development of the park itself? That's just the grading? Hoffman: No, no. That's complete. Parking lots, landscaping, ball fields, recreation facilities. Grading alone, it was a bargain piece of property but if you would have bought a flat piece, you would have been miles ahead. $308,000.00 to be exact I believe in grading. Just moving dirt, $308,000.00. Erickson: How long ago did we pick that up? Hoffman: How long ago? 5 years. e Lash: 4 years. It was my first year. Tree Board Meeting April 28, 1992 - Page 11 \ ~ Hoffman: $6,000.00 an acre. It was a bargain. Erickson moved. Berg seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Coordinator Prepared by Nann Opheim e e ., e e e lhi4'~ 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ;;?f FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 10, 1992 SUBJ: Neighborhood Meeting, Carver Beach Park, Vehicle Parking Following a motion by the Park and Recreation Commission at the May 19, 1992, meeting to call a neighborhood meeting in regard to vehicle parking at Carver Beach Park, the attached notice was sent to the residents listed. A copy of the staff report presented to the commission in May is attached for your use in addressing this item. To reiterate, the installation of four parallel parking spaces, with one of the four being designated for persons with a disability, is being recommended. This action is needed to bring the city into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and to provide reasonable access to a public park facility. These parking spaces are to be accommodated by a widening of the shoulder of Lotus Trail (a gravel road) for a length of approximately 80 - 100 feet. The location of the parking is to be just north of the small beach on the east side of Lotus Trail. This design has been discussed with the city's Engineering and Plann~ng Departments. The placement of signage designating the parking spaces will be coordinated with the Engineering and Public Works Departments. Recommendation It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the construction and signage of four parallel parking spaces; one of the four for persons with a disability at Carver Beach Park, as specified in this document and as shown on the attached maps. n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CHANHASSEN f .- e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 June 12, 1992 Dear Residents: With the intent of providing reasonable access to a public park facility, and in order to comply with the mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission will be making a recommendation to the City Council to construct and sign an area at Carver Beach Park near the north beach for vehicle parking. The need to address the issue of accessibility was recently reaffinned by events occurring in the area of Carver Beach Park. Specifically, there have been a number of occasions when persons using the park have parked along Lotus Trail, resulting in a report of illegal parking being called in to the city or Sheriff's Department. In one instance, the persons using the park (the fishing dock) identified themselves as being disabled. It is my understanding that residents in the area typically tolerate the parking of vehicles along Lotus Trail to a certain degree; however, if the city is notified, we are forced to issue citations if the persons will not move their vehicle. Obviously, the solution to the lack of access via motor vehicles to this park. can only be addressed by making appropriate accommodations for parking being sensitive to the site limitations. e The attached diagrams show in some detail the location forthe parking spaces. These parking spaces are to be accommodated by a widening of the road shoulder of Lotus Trail (a gravel road) for a length of approximately 80 to 100 feet. The location of the parking being just north of the small beach on the east side of Lotus Trail. The placement of signage designating the parking spaces will occur. This location has been chosen for two reasons: 1) its proximity in relation to the facilities maintained at the park, and 2) the lack of direct residential contact on the opposite side of Lotus Trail. This letter is being sent as notification that the Park and Recreation Commission has scheduled time at their upcoming June 23 meeting to allow residents to comment on this item. Both the Park and Recreation Commission and the Chanhassen City Council freely welcome citizen comment The commission would be glad to hear from you prior to making a recommendation to the City Council. An agenda for the meeting is attached for your infonnation. This item will be discussed shortly after 7:30 p.m. If you cannot attend and would like to submit written comments for the commission's review, please mail them to the City of Chanhassen, Park and Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317; or if you would like to speak personally to me, I can be reached between the hours 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 937-1900. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:n e n ~ J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . I e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 June 16, 1992 Dear Residents: This is a follow up to my letter dated June 15, 1992, regarding the upcoming informational meeting on vehicle parking at Carver Beach Park. Attached please find the diagrams that were referenced in that letter, and mistakenly not included in the mailing. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. On an unrelated matter, you may be aware that trees were recently cut illegally in Carver Beach Park. The story of this incident has appeared in the Chanhassen Villager newspaper, and recently on WCCO Television's Community News series. I would like to remind all residents that the cutting, trimming, or removal of trees from public park property, and the dumping of yard waste into the park are unlawful activities. As stated in my previous letter, the Park and Recreation Commission informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 23, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. I look forward to seeing you then. Sincerely, ~~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k Enclosure n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER .,0..,.: . ~ / ... :zl o 0'" '"0 1:>", >"' (')1:> T ~i: .~ '" ;g ~ :~ :zl", "'i: >"' Z ~ '" .' ~ r " . -----------, I " JIlID' P"... I ...'........0.." I --- ----.-.-- -----1 ! ! r i z e - < f C- . . if Ii' ! ( . i ! PROPOSED PARKING e .., ~ ~~ . " rK r~ ~i I- ~f R. Ii J . PARKING (4 CARS) . . Ii &( /\ ~ III ManOol:en_Haz.ar~)itall~gs ;;;'.'.:::, ~'-.'~' .~f~--- '. :'~~~.~~.~~:, ~::' ~-,~:~"~,:~:~> J ; : ! I . I t r I e CARVER BEACH PARK MASTER Pl.AN tgJ CIty of Chanhauen, Mmeaota ~. . ': """".. :':. .~" ~ar.chih,cts EnginEErS plannErs ..- - . ....-. _. " . - . f " \I , - . ') e 'il'. -:1' .. · t; I.'" :~'" , . ~... ~4 ~- ~ "', i".. f' I' : 11'. ( '... .....5 ~.,,-., to ,'.'J'." ";c.~::fG ;>~A~ .. - ~ Vt;~ '~A ......) ~"..,:-.. ... ~- .... ~ t; ~ f: i..~. ~.... . A ~.;.. . ,:... . '\ r ~1 ~ :..;."",,~, I\..} ~ '" 'f' ::,:r :,.- A'.~ ()'..::~ $OJ;;_t~. 1'"iS ~AP ;' #: . to. ' . ~ (..j ~ .."~ [: . #;;;; ";.'; '" r \ r:. i : .;;.('r;:" .~[ t '."". :.... 1. A(.l~.<; ;....J~ \;' ';tC',.'~..:' 9...' :~:;. :,~~y <f ... ... ...._ - r ,,,,\ . J ; t:A -. ~ .... .~ -'- --'-. "".:'" r' 7- t !' .~ ~ ,; f 1 ~ 1 i ~ i , t. , : -- .. I," r, i' ,. t ...... \. .. I ~. . I ~, . I '''- '. ..6J ~: " -, " '. , .{ ~ ~ .. ~ ~i. , .. ~ t. - \ .~ . . t . . .. FIRST j MS. MARIE SCHROEDER 6600 LOTUS mAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IMR. ROBERT NYGREN 6650 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JMR. ROGER BYRNE. 6724 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J. MR. STEVEN OIEN 6780 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 t&R. JOHN LENSEGRA V 6880 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 (MR. DAVE TILLMANS 6940 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 j MR. VERMONT ISAACSON 6640 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J MR. DONALD SENNES 6680 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IMR. ELDON DEGLER 6711 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ,. ,~ vNORTHLAND CREATIVE SERVo (MR. GORDON TOCK 6630 LOTUS TRAIL 6640 LOTUS TRAIL I CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 . (MR. KErrn GUNDERSON JMR. TED FAVORITE 6660 LOTUS TRAIL 6680 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 I" MR. BRETT DISCHER (MR. STAN CRONISTER 6728 LOTUS TRAIL 6730 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 /CURRENT RESIDENT I MR. KURTIS ANDERSON 6860 LOTUS mAIL 6870 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 jMR. RONALD ROSTAD J MR. PATRICK MCRAITH 6890 LOTUS TRAIL 6900 LOTUS TRAIL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 /' MR. MICHAEL WEGLER e ."MR. ERIC MEESTER 6610 MOHAWK DRIVE 6630 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 I MR. DOUGLAS ROOD II MR. DAVID G. HOLUB 6650 MOHAWK DRIVE 6670 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IMR. PETER LUSTIG vMR. TIMOTHY D. SMITH 6699 MOHAWK DRIVE 6701 MOHAWK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NO RESIDENTS ON NA" PA DR. I. ,h;~.e5(J1'l/ /lOll /O;/?1/!/ f9g;6 P-/t/" e .\ . .,: e e " e .5 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O, BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 4 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 15, 1992 SUBJ: Carver Beach Park - Vehicle Parking .We will be conducting a site visit of this area prior to the regular meeting. See agenda for details. The attached retouched Park Master Plan for Carver Beach Park depicts the parking restrictions, parking availability, and recreational facilities at the park. I was not involved in the events that led to all streets abutting the park being posted "No Parking", but I presume strong support for this posting by the majority of adjacent homeowners, in addition to the road's narrow width, was the catalyst for this action. The only parking available to allow use of this park by persons arriving by vehicle are the four spots at the main beach to the south. This spring, as is with the case throughout the summer, people utilize the park to fish from the dock and shore, and to experience other recreational activities. Parking appeared to be allowed due to the absence of three of the no parking signs which had been removed by construction and snow removal activity. Due to the presence of parked vehicles, a complaint call was received from a neighboring resident. It should be noted, as confirmed by the caller, that parking of vehicles by people wishing to use the park does occur on a routine basis, but for the most part is tolerated. However, when a complaint call is received, Public Safety is required to issue a warning or citation due to the no parking status of the streets. Additionally, we must now consider the mandate of ADA, Americans with Disability Act, to provide handicapped accessibility to all public facilities (the park, dock, canoe rack, beaches, etc.). The city is currently in violation of this act. A community service officer was questioned in this regard upon informing two elderly women fishing from the dock, who identified themselves as handicapped, that parking of their vehicle along the street was not allowed. This confrontation occurred as ft ~J PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER r . Park and Recreation Commission May 15, 1992 Page 2 a result of a separate complaint call received by the Public Safety Department. The city also provides a canoe rack at this location with no parking available for its users. ',. e It is the opinion of staff that by maintaining a park containing facilities in which to be reasonably used, need to be accessible by motor vehicles, and then choosing not to provide parking, is unacceptable. It is further recognized that by providing recreational facilities which are unaccessible by persons with handicaps, due to the absence of parking, we are in violation of the ADA Staff fully understands the position of residents in this area, but I also identify their concerns as self interests, not representing the universal interests a Park and Recreation Commission and city park system need to provide for. The development and use of this park is debated on nearly an annual basis. Residents of the area have been very interested in this process, and the commission has accepted their input and continue to improve the park. However, by not providing some access by vehicles to the developed north side of this park, the city is not allowing for reasonable use of the park. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission hold a public hearing to discuss vehicular parking at Carver Beach Park on Lotus Trail. It is recommended that A 3 parking spots be identified with one of the 3 being designated for persons with - handicaps. This parking to be facilitated by the construction of a widened shoulder, for a distance of 60 feet, on the south side of Lotus Trail, as depicted on the attached diagram (the absence of residences across the street from this location makes it the most desirable location). Upon conclusion of the public hearing, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission make a recommendation to the City Council in this regard. e .If :1 . e Chanhassen Public Safety Complaint Form Date Received Received By Review Date It- 30-9 c '>L: y COMPLAINANT Location of Compla int L.o+0S (7-, . Type of Complaint Pa r ki....J ,< c?1 J c.. '" a r\ L. ~ s .> ~ '-" ,. ~~.~~ Animal ___ Debris ___ Storage Criminal Complaint ~ Parking Other ___ Bldg Code Traffic ___ Fire Code Nuisance Noise e 4 SUBJECT: Last U/1) < First Middle DOB Street Number Street Name APT,. City State Zip Phone Phone Action Taken/Comments (INCLUDE DATE) L1-3c. 92.~ W ~ ;i:i2;f- :z:Iz--- i",~ ~A4 ~..k~ On .~ ~?r-Ij. ~ -J..:tt~ ~.~_____ fl;-"f-'" .J)/l~;VC) MKKbU,: ~ ~ Z ~ ~--;; ~ .L&~.J( ~9' ~ c~ .~ ~ ~ ~ L,....L-; ~_tJifP~.;t~ ;tAM'5~- Action Taken: 1. Advisory Letter 2. Certified Letter . 3. Certi f ~.ed Not ice . Phone Call . In-Person Meeting 6" Warning Issued 1. Citation Issued 8. Referred to: ___ Carver County Sheriff ___ Engineering Department x~t:;y 9~:~:~::~t . Li) --- City AJ;,torn~~l'\-'- ~ Other~ ffi~ ~~~" Disposition: ___ Complaince Action Pending ::: No Further Action Court Referral Other .-" -- .:.- . e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN '-f - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 16, 1992 SUBJ: Visitor Presentations, Mosquito Control: a. Eric Rivkin, Resident b. Ross Green, Metropolitan Mosquito Control As you mayor may not be aware, the Metropolitan Mosquito District (MMCD) has been controlling mosquitos in the seven county metropolitan area since 1958 (see attached brochure). The stated mission of the district is to suppress mosquito transmitted disease, and to reduce annoyance levels of mosquitos and gnats below that which interferes with outdoor activities. The district operates as a special tax district, generating its revenue as a part of property taxes. The district's control methods and products do not go unscrutinized. The application of the pesticide Punt 57-OS within 100 feet of Lake Ann quickly brought this issue to focus. This application of Punt was in violation of its EP A label. Based on this information, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) asked the court to assess a $1,000 civil penalty against the MMCD, and ordered them to remedy the violation by appointing the responsible employee to speak on the importance of complying with the Minnesota Pesticides Law. Mr. Rivkin's actions of requesting an MDA pesticides damage inspection led to this action being taken. . Clearly the jury is still out on the safety and effectiveness of the activities of the MMCD. However, the city needs to take a position on issues in this regard. The MMCD currently applies larval control products (briquettes) in many locations in Chanhassen, and has applied adult control products (cold fogging) at Lake Ann Park and Lake Susan Park in past years. The district also utilizes a parking lot at Lake Ann' Park for the loading of control products into a helicopter for application in the area. The district stated that permission for this activity was granted by a maintenance employee. That granting of permission shall be invalid until reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission, Public Safety Commission, and City Council. I am confident that you will hear different and conflicting viewpoints on the operations of the MMCD on June 23. However, it is our burden to decide whether or not we would like the district to operate at Lake Ann Park and Lake Susan Park, and to what degree. ft ~.1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission June 16, 1992 Page 2 e Attachments 1. MMCD Brochure 2. Tree Hole Mosquito Brochure 3. MMCD Mission Statement and Goals 4. Map of MMCD District 5. Packet of Information Concerning Pesticide Damage Inspection pc: Eric Rivkin Ross Green Don Ashworth, City Manager Mayor and City Council Public Safety Commission e e " .. METRO,POLIT AN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT THE MISSION OFTHE METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT IS TO SUPPRESS MOSQUITO TRANSMllTED DISEASE AND TO REDUCE',ANNOY ANCE LEVELS OF MOSQUiTOES AND GNATS BELOW THAT WHICH INTERFERES WITH OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. . . I GOALS e GOAL 1 TO DEVELOP AND PUBLICIZE THE DISTRICT'S LONG RANGE AND ANNUAL PLANS. GOAL 2 TO USE ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE CONTROL MATERIALS THAT ASSURE DEPENDABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE CONTROL. UNDER VARYING FIELD CONDITIONS. GOAL 3 TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN CONSISTENCY IN PROGRAM PROCEDURES THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT. GOAL 4 TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN EFFECTIVE QUALITY ASSURANCE ON ALL PROGRAM PROCEDURES. GOAL 5 TO MAINTAIN A LIBRARY OF CURRENT MOSQUITO CONTROL. KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOL.OGY. GOAL 6 TO CONDUCT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH TO GUIDE CONTROL PROGRAMS. GOAL 7 TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, COOPERATION AND SHARING OF RESOURCES BETWEEN THE DISTRICT'S FIELD OFfiCES AND PROGRAMS. GOAL a TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN MONITORING PROGRAMS FOR IMMATURE AND ADULT MOSQUITO, BLACK FL. Y (GNA 1'). DEER TICK POPUL.A TIONS. AND DISTRICT RAINFALL. GOAL 9 TO IMPROVE AND MONITOR ACCURACY IN ADMINISTRATIVE AND FIELD OPERATIONAL DATA BASES. . GOAL 10 TO HAVE CLEAR LINES OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE PUBLIC. GOAL 11 TO PROMOTE EMPLOYEE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, ENHANCE PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY, WORK SATISFACTION. AND INSURE SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS. GOAL 12 TO COOPERATE WITH OTHER AGENCIES, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ~VAILABLE RESOURCES, TO MAXIMIZE PUBLIC BENEFIT. . e tdMCD 12/13/89 !{ Il...I,.[ ---, I LlNWOOO I I - ---i I ~-~--- COLU"BUS I I I FOil AlE I NEW SCANOIA FO:~L:E_ L ~ LlNO LAIrs OH[KA I ~TmIlL. : I I (}U.O ~ CIRCLE "N" WASHINGTON .IUS un InKH 11 r----- I ST. FRANCIS 1- , I I t------- IETHEL e ~O~~__Count1es ~~T_ _ _ _ _ Townships omo Municipalities BURNS I .,1,1I' PA.... 2 010110 3 II'..ITO":' IUCH .. TOIl.'" In 5 I.CILlIO. 6 'IIUWOOD 7 WOODUMD . ....nONU . .011"""01 10 10'11"ID"LI 11 'PI'lIG UKI "I. 12 U. I ,on 13 HILLTO' l' COlU"II.l "II'MTI 15 IT. ".THOll'" 16 UUDI.DALI 17 "'LCO. MlleHTS .1 MUDOTA I' L1LYDALI 20 GREY CLOUD 21 LUlD'AlL 22 NORTHOALE 23 PUll 'PlINGS 2. IIUNTO_iIlOI 2& CIII LAI{( 26 IlleMWODD 27 WHITE BEAR 2. MAY 29 OAK PARK 10 OAK PAil( HIIGHTS 11 unlAND SHOIU 12 IT. liI,uy's 'OINT I ANOKA CO. GROW HAM LAKE e I I ~q"""". lAJ<ETOWN l.lIVII 'lOVE I EAGAN IINVER GROvE I I I DAKOTA CO. ,..... ~j ___--,___L____ , EAGLE CREEK 18URNSI/lLLE I I 'I IGLEND.LE I I I I.... - ~ --16 I LEBANON : rl ROSEMOUNT : HININGER LOUISVIllE ~ I I :lobioUIIT ~ ------;--..~tf~n- ___I__~-L --- r- - - - - y VE~M~~O~-:- f1--L S.ND C"EEK 1 SPRING L.KE : C"EDIT 'I L.KEVIlLE I E"Pt"E I 0: ....SH.N I hJ' I "IVE" ~ I I nl"ILLlO" I I SCOTT CO.: 0 I I I I' I I U..UIIL.U: n",I.I.GTOW J. ' I :1 ,,::::~-! - ":,:~: - ;-,=~, T: ::::f I-~~'~ - T=,~.: l.!;i - -~:~ -.fir,. ----' I I c:q I I HAMPTON I DOUGL.S ___~____l_~Ul~__ _l___:ot' -------,I:--I---~-"...DoL'H- I__-......~ I I. OLPN I I I QREENVALE IWATERFORO I I I I I SC10TAJ '-___.1.--..1- METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT e MAP PREPARED BY TWIN CITIES METROPOUTAN PLANNING COMMISSION e' (8 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ~-- AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION . ~ ~ 90 iJest Plato Boulevard · St. Paul. Minnesota 55107 Telephone (612) 297-4870 PESTICIDE DAMAGE INSPECTION REQUEST NAME OF PERSON/FIRM REQUESTING DAMAGE INSPECTION TELEPHONE liO. (Incl~oe Area ~::e) 6-ttc.. M. (:../ VI:: (IV Cf70 '7 72G (G I z..) STREt. Annl1P;C;, BOX NO., AND/OR RURAL ROUTE CITY STATE ZIP COOE COUNTY I~ 'i.r 57?3z...cG1Z- C-r exc..<:z:..5C'DYZ.. ~ J-r~ :$ / ~ NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FOR WHOM PESTICIDE WAS APPLIED TELEPHONE NO. (Include Area Ccce) c,4\ eI.. cL.!(~~ STREET ADDResS, Bex NO., AND/OR IIURAL ROUTE CITY STATE ZIP COOE COUNTY NAME OF PERSON/FIRM APPLYING THE PESTICIDE TELEPHONE NO. (Incluoe Area Cace) ;tfb7Z0f7. ;t{OftJ<'.. CO-t/7'7'2.C\- C?t~nelC-r C <f) 7' /r.;cr STREET , !lOX NO., ANl)/OR RURAL ROUTE CITY STATE ZIP COOE COUNTY NAME OF PESTICIDE APPLIED WHICH ALLEGEDLY CAUSED DAMAGE DATE OF APPLICATION DATE DAMAGE C6SER'~;) (JlJr '7.....D 5 5c ()-1...J('U, f 1k5t:?:.77 C (p t?> fW,ev. ~ ~1/2- (,/r2-/f I I . DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE (Use Map on Reverse Side to Show LocatIon): I HEREBY REQUEST THE COffl1ISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE OR HIS IJ.JTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TO 11AKE AN INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE. SIGNATURE:g,;~V .~. DATE: tlrJj!11 - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - INSPECTOR ASSIGNED TO INVESTIGATE DATE ASSIGNED !NSPECTION AUTHORIZED BY j DATE CIS;:'ATC"E:l , , e e loG. 00'55'04 REV. 5/e.:. L~'J .1>r~~~l~ki ~. .:_~ A~= t%;fg 90 WEST PLATO BOULEVARD e SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 LAND OF QUALITY FOODS STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In the Matte'r of Metropolitan Mosquito Control District St. Pault Minnesota ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF VIOlATION CASE FILE NO. 91-0311 1. Dr. Sjogren: That he represents the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) at its Jordan, Millnesota office. That he received a Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) dated December 6t 1991. That MMCD is aware of its right to contest the allegations .contained in that Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action by refusing to settle with MJ;>A and hereby waives that right. , ..--.> "A. e' That he hereby acknowledges on behalf of MMCD that the violation identified by the MDA in the December 6t 1991 Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action was committed by MMCD. That he hereby agrees on behalf of MMCD to refrain from committing the violation described in the above-referenced Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action and understands that repeated violations may subject MMCD to injunctive relief or additional civil penalties. 2. 3. 4. 5. Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (!, D. ~~/Vh1 By: Dr. Robert<Sjogren . Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ict'Yr- day of . \,thtV. 1~. Title: _~ . I~ )-($ ((1 U 1,'kB('Urn..~ e lANDRAA.tcA'MM Notary Public ' ~. IIrrARYPUBUC-.''UnA \~' RAMSEY COUNTY ~ : . " My Conmlsllolt Expb... Now. I, tII7 t MIMNISOTA -"r"~'Tt("'" l.. '.'. ~ J~..., "YV"'V~ 1.....,........"" ca~WM ENJOY THE HIGH QUALITY AND INFINITE VARIETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS ~ A,'i EQUAL OPPORTU",ITY E'"IPLOYER e e e e DEPAIlTI4ENT: OF AGRICULTURE STATE Of MIIlIlESOTA Office Memorandum DATE: February 26, 1992 Case File # 91-0311 TO: FROM: Alice A Waller ~ CL Agricultural Chemicals Enforcement Unit Agronomy Services Division PHONE: (612) 297-5732 CLOSING FILE NUMBER 91-0311; :MMCD SL13JECT: This memo will serve to close file number 91-0311 concerning a nonagricultural follow-up inspection of Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD), St. Paul, Minnesota. MMCD was assessed o~: (1) count of a certified applicator violation for the use of a pesticide inconsistent witt label directions by applying pesticides in-to water. A NOTICE OF INTENT - ENFORCEMENT ORDER was issued on December 6, 1991, to remedy the noted violations. The monetary penalty of $1,000.00 was paid in full to the Pesticide Regulatory Account on January 6, 1992. MMCD personel spoke at the February 25, 1992 license recertification training completing the requirements of the December 6, 1991 Order. This NOTICE OF INTENT - ENFORCEMENT ORDER is determined to be sufficient enforcement action for this case. cc: Heidi Fischer, Enforcement Unit Supervisor John Peckham, Facilities Regulatory Unit Supervisor Lavarre Uhlken, USEP A Pat Kelly, Agricultural Chemicals Investigator ~ ').~ z.,I:::L'1 i:n . , .NO OF QUALITY FOODS i&ta~ =<.~";';'"""";Z= ~{~~ff?!if~~J .. /~IS58b/ 90 \'JESi PLAiD SDULE'v';.,?D SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA :5107 e December 6, 1991 STATE OF :NIINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (612) 297-2528 CERlli'lliD MAIL RETIJRN RECEIPT REOUESlED Metropolitan Mosquito Control District Dr. Robert Sjogren 2380 Wycliff Street S1. Paul, MN 55114 SUBJECf: NOTICE OF IN1ENT - ENFORCEMENT ACTION CASE FILE NO. 91-0311 Dear Dr. Sjorgren: Enclosed please find a Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action issued to you by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) pursuant to its authority under the Minnesota Pesticide Law, Minnesota Statutes Chapters 18B, 18C, and 18D (1990). This Notice establishes a proposed monetary penalty and describes steps to be taken to abate violations of .the law. The MDA will not commence legal action for the noted violations unless Metropolitan Mosquito Control District fails to comply with the terms of the Notice, which includes returning the enclosed ' Acknowledgement of Violation within forty-five (45) days. In the event that MMCD complies with the terms of the Notice and pays the proposed penalty within this time period, no' further legal action will be taken by the MDA with respect to these violations. If you have additional information that you believe materially changes the factual basis for this Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action, you may submit such information by letter to this office for review and evaluation. However, the enclosed Notice remains effective until you are otherwise notified in writing by the MDA. e If you bave any questions about the enclosed document, please write or call me. Sincerely, t::C ~,~-~~~~ Heidi L Fischer, Supervisor. Agricultural Cbemici1ls Enforcement Unit Compliance and Enforcement Section Agronomy Services Division :m...F /AAW:llc Enclosure cc: Paul Liemandt, MDA ~ MINMISOTA GR~WM l....:....::l e ENJOY THE HIGH QUALITY AND INFINITE VARIETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS AN EQL.:AL OPPORTUNITY EMPLO'T B e e e bee: Pat Kelly, (ACI) MDA Bill Oemiehen, MDA LaVarre Uhlken, U.S. EPA ~ND OF QUALITY FOODS /~$f~~ =:.o:';3-~--""~ ~:-:~:~ ::-. "- :::~ -<- -, -- -:z- ~~~:tf 1--_/t.l:'-i~.~Yj' ..~ 90 'vVEST PLATO BOULE'I ARD SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55107 e STATE OF MIN""NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In the Matter of Metropolitan Mosquito Control District St. Paul, Minnesota NOTICE OF IN1ENT - ENFORCEMENT ACI10N CASE FILE NO. 91-IDll 1 IN1RODUcnON This Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action is issued to the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) pursuant to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's (MDA) authority to enforce tbe Minnesota Pesticide Law and Fertilizer Laws. MDA is authorized by Minnesota Statutes Chapters 18B, 18C and 18D (1990) to initiate civil actions to enforce the law and recover civil penalties. II. FACI1JAL BACKGROUND Based upon information available to it on the date of this Notice, MDA alleges the following facts: A e- The MMCD is a facility located at 2380 Wycliff Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55114, with an office located at 17575 Valley View Drive, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. B. The MMCD is a facility that uses, bandles, distnoutes and stores pesticides. C. Micha-el Gill is a seasonal employee, employed by the MMCD, wbose work station is located at 17575 Valley View Drive, Jordon, Minnesota 55352. D. On June 12, 1991, tbe Minnesota Department of Agriculture received a confidential complaint ~eging the improper use of pesticide by the MMCD earlier that day. E. Responding to that complaint, MDA inspected the alleged involved site on June 13, 1991. F. In the course of that inspection, MDA documented that the MMCD applied the pesticide Punt 57-OS (EPA Registration number 42737-1) within 100 feet (30 meters) of Lake Ann, Hennepin County. G. Results of MDA Division of Laboratory Services analysis from samples collected during the course of the inspection indicated the presence of permethrin-cis/trans, the active - ingredient in Punt 57-OS, on foliage located within 100 feet of Lake Ann, including foliage directly adjacent to Lake Ann. _ - ~ e _IMMtSOTA CiR~WM ENJOY THE HIGH QUALITY AND INFINITE VARIETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS ~- A~ EQUAL OPPORTUNllY f,\\PlOYER ..'.1;dLLJI.'Ull~C;: Ul J...U..Cu. December 6, 1991 e H. According to its EPA label, Punt 57-OS may not be used 'Within 100 feet (30 meters) of water. III. ALLEGED VIOlATIONS B~ed upon the facts as alleged above, the MDA alleges that MMCD has violated the following provi~::Jn of the. Minnesota Pesticide Law: 1. }Vlinnesota Statutes Section 18B.07, Subd. 2 (a)(l), by using a pesticide in a manner that is inconsistent with a label or labeling as defined by FIFRA IV. CIV'aACI10N A MDA intends to file suit in Hennepin District Court forty-five (45) days from the date of this Notice. B. Based upon the violations alleged above, MDA will ask the Court to: 1. Declare the actions taken by the MMCD described above to be violations of the Minnesota Pesticide Law; . Assess a civil penalty of $1.000.00 against MMCD for the violations identified above; Order the MMCD to refrain from engaging in activity which will result in future violations. Prohibited activities include: e 2. 3. applying a pesticide in a manner prohibited by the pesticide label directions. 4. Order the MMCD to pay MDA its litigation costs and expenses incurred in pursuit of this action. C. MMCD is HEREBY ORDERED to remedy the above-described violations by: 1. Appointing the responsible employee to speak on the importance of complying with the Minnesota Pesticide Law at the Metro Mosquito Control District pesticide applicators recertification workshop to be held at St. Louis Park, Minnesot~ in February of 1992. The responsible employee will also speak on their own misapplication of pesticides and, as noted in this Order, how the misapplication violates the Minnesota Pesticide Law and endangers the environment. The responsible employee(s) shall draft a ten (10) minute presentation outline and provide it to the Department for pre-approval by January 31, 1992. The MDA will notify you of the exact date in February, of the applicators workshop, upon completion of program scheduling. . An MDA official will inspect the MMCD to verify that the above-described steps have been successfully completed and that the MMCD is complying with the Minnesota Pesticide Law. · e 2 ...'rL...'rJ."-J......I/ .' U .....\"O~ v. .L..L......\rw,u... D~cember 6, 1991 V. SETrLEMENT OPPORTIJNITY e A The}.;IDA will not take the civil enforcement actions identified above if, within forty- five (45) days: 1. The MMCD pays the civil penalty proposed in Part IV; and 2. The MMCD completes, signs, and returns the attached Acknowledgement of Violation form. B. Civil penalties and Acknowledgement of Violation forms may be returned to: Pesticide Enforcement Unit Attention: Pesticide Regulatory Account #114457 Minnesota Department of Agriculture 90 West Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Vl EFFECT OF SETIlEMENT If the MMCD pays the proposed civil penalty and returns th~ completed and signed Acknowledgement of Violation within forty-five (45) days of this Notice, MDA will not initiate the civil action described above. Failure to pay the above-described penalty and return the completed and signed Acknowledgement of Violation form will cause MDA to initiate a civil action for the . remedies described above. e VII. ADDmONAL INFORMATION If the MMCD l;1as additional information which materially changes the factual allegations described above, that information maybe submitted to MDA in writing for review and evaluation. However, MDA's Notice of Intent - Enforcement Action will remain effective until the MMCD is notified otherwise by MDA Dated: December 6, 1991 faF / AA W:llc - HE~~i~~~RvISOR Agricultural Chemicals Enforcement Unit Compliance and Enforcement Section Agronomy Services Division (612) 297-2528 It 3 e A~ ~".""'"' I:' : ; : . I i ~ )/. L :... .'. . . 'Pd.t KcJ'y (p-t"- 4:{1 METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT o~...~ bcr :3:..~ ~'/'I'(,~: :FF STP=ET IS ST. PA.UL. r.~!N~l=SCT: 55114 fI 5'::-:-~~~: :}~ A.D. SJOGrlEN, Fn.D. eirector W.J. CAESAR Business Acrr;in. Decewber 21, 1990 - -/ Eric Ri'!kin 1695 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 ,.' /~-.. ,-:. ';"("-'r)' "~i'J,",- c:.zt.,~ I... Dear Mr. Rivkin: This letter is to clarify the scope of the LaCrosse Encephalitis Prevention Program in the metropolitan area and to answer yo~r questions on mo~quito control in the Lake Ann Park area. e The. Metropolitan Mosquito Control District-LaCrosse Encephalitis Prevention Program is working in several ways to protect the children of the metropolitan area: 1. Aedes triseriatus Surveillance: During the mosquito season we are constantly sampling wooded areas of the District to find high population concentrations of A~ tIis~i~tus. These concentrations are targeted for control efforts. In addition, areas where past cases of LaCrosse encephalitis have occurred are continually monitored to make sure that ~ ll.i.s.eti~t~ populations are kept as low as possible. 2. Aedes triseriatus Control: e A. Public education programs The best way to control A~ tIis~atus is to remove areas where this mosquito is produced (water-holding waste tires, cans, plastic containers, treeholes). Due to the abundance of these potential mosquito breeding sites, the most effective control is achieved when the public assists in the clean up of these sites. Our LaCrosse crew can not possibly remove every tire and container site in our 3000+ square mile District. Therefore we stress public education efforts so that citizens can take a role in disease prevention on their own property and in their community. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Eric Rivkin 12/21/90 page 2 e Our public education efforts include: - Distribution of se.veral thousand LaCrosse encephalitis prevention leaflets every year. . City of Chanhassen has received ample quantities over the past two years. - Annual press releases to over 50 local papers, television and radio stntions. - Communication to cities where problem levels of ~ tLis~riatu~ have been identified. Letters describe the problem and offer our technical assistance (eg. how to develop a nuisance ordinance that includes prohibiting A~ triseri~us breeding habitat. Chanhassen was the first city to receive this assistance and develop an ordinance). B. Breeding site removal In 1989 we began a cooperative arrangement with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)-Waste Tire Program. The MPCA is currently working on the clean up of all known tire dumps in the state. In 1989 and again this year they provided us with funding to cover the cost of tire disposal up to $3000~ per year. With this money we could remove waste tires from high disease risk areas (including Mound). As part of the agreement, any piles of 50 or more tires have been reported to the MPCA for abatement action. We have used all the funding available and have removed over 7000 tires from the field since August of 1989. In addition, many of the several dozen tire dumps (> 50 tires) we reported, have also been cleaned up. In addition to tire clean up our program removes mosquito-breeding containers and fills in treeholes as they are found during our surveillance activities (usually several hundred per year). Our program continues to progress. More people are aware of the disease, and many past problem spots (eg. tire dumps near residential areas) are now gone. In 1989 and 1990 to date, the Minnesota Department of Health has reported no confirmed cases of LaCrosse encephalitis within the seven county District. Counties outside our District to the southeast have reported several cases" in both years. e e . e e .. ,. '... . Eric Rivkin 12/21/90 page 3 In as much as you have already been sent section maps, treatment records, and control material labels (including adult mosquito control materials; Scourge and Punt) for larval mosquito control in the Lake Lucy/Lake Ann.Park area, the following information addresses your remaining inquiries involving adult mosquito control in the Lake Ann Park area (including Greenwood Shores Park). 1989: No cold fog treatments (Control Material: Scourge) were done. There were four (4) harborage treatments (Control Material: Punt) done on the following dates: 6/13, 6/29, 8/9, and 8/24/B'. As we have discussed over the phone, harborage treatments are applied to the vegetation at the perimeter of woodlots and according to the label. . 1990: There was one (1) cold fog treatment on 7/12/90. There were four (4) harborage treatments on the following dates: 6/8, 6/20, 7/26, and 8/6/90. Communities such as Chanhassen can and do request adult mosquito control for their parks and any civic functions that take place, but the MMCD is not limited to those requests. Other than your' concerns there were' no health related or complaints reported. Respectfully, {( Cca/ Ross Green Public Information cc: Harold Trende, Carver County/MMCC Commissioner Todd Hoffman, Park/Rec. Director, Chanhassen Scott Harr, Public Safety Director, Chanhassen David Neitzel, MMCD LaCrosse Program Leader William J.. Caesar, MMCD Business Administrator Dr. Robert Sjogren, MMCD Director Dr. Susan Palchick, MMCD Aedes Program Manager Ernie Wermerskirchen, MMCD Supervisor 91-0311 SUMMARY e Complaint: human exposure Lake Ann Park, Chanhassen, Minnesota - father & 2 children picnicking in park - noticed strong odor from woods - suffered headaches, dizziness & nausea - 7 yr old dizzy, lying down ( doesn't normally take nap in afternoon) . Complainant noticed shiny substance sprayed on leaves - leaves had same odor as in air - spoke with MMCD & was informed about fogger 6-12-91 MDA received complaint 6-13-91 MDA conducted inspection of area & contacted complainant - obtained vegetation samples of target site - a vegetation sample (foliage from trees & shrubs) collected in an area of 75'- 125' from the shore of Lake Ann - a vegetation sample (foliage from. trees & shrubs) collected in an area of 0'- 3' from the shore of Lake 'Ann Inspector's Report - met with complainant 6-13-91 examined Ash leaves complainant had taken from park area - leaves had faint oil/petro solvent odor ~ - complainant could easily detect "odor" & got headache .. - complainant accompanied MDA to park/target site - inspector noticed shiny leaves on foliage near parking lot - shiny leaves were in pattern 3'-4' above ground in l' ban - complainant reported being able to smell the pesticide - MDA inspector did not detect a p~sticide odor - nature of pattern eliminated natural causes such as dew or leaf sap from overhanging branches - pattern of spray was consistent throughout park - all species of trees/shrubs had similar patterns of spray - most of treated vegetation was W & E of playground/beach area - treated vegetation also at shore line - sample of treated vegetation taken approx. 80'-90' S of lake sample taken 3'-4' from shoreline - all vegetation sampled was coated w/a greasy substance - possibly oil from pesticide carrier - complainant reported feeling ill whenever near the treated vegetation - distance from the E dock to the treated vegetation was 80' 6-18-91 Inspector Report - visited with MMCD, Ross Green & David' Clark obtained: aerial photograph of Lake Ann breeding site record application records (6-4-91 to 6-13-91) Punt 57-OS label & MSDS sheet ~ complainant has been in contact w/MMCD on previous issues set up appointment to interview applicator @ 1:30 6-18-91 e 91-0311 Summary page 2 ~ -' met w/applicator's supervisor, applicator & foreman - applicator applied Punt w/mineral oil 6-12-91 AM; Lake Ann Park - chemical applied from an ATV - foreman reported common to have wand attached to vehicle when vegetation is low - applicator did. not apply chemical to area S of playground & beach ~'because of children near vegetation - - Inspector did not see a spray pattern near playground on 6-13- 91 inspection - applicator applied pesticide to tree/shrub foliage on the S perimeter of Park lawn - did not apply to shrubs & small trees @ lakes shoreline - Inspector showed applicator & foreman photographs of shoreline - Inspector asked if shiny leaves were a result of pesticide application - both applicator & foreman said it was - Inspector relayed observing shiny leaves by the shoreline - Inspector informed MMCD vegetative samples had been taken - Inspector offered a statement form to applicatqr J - applicator declined statement form - applicator relayed that additional information on application technique & method could be obtained from Ross Green - MMCD office staff informed Inspector that Punt was applied as if they were painting a fence - Applicator & oily residue on trees/shrubs suggest application made in a band e Photographs - show oily residue on foliage - taken within 4' of shoreline Sample Analysis - 6-20-91 - analyzed for permethrin-Cis and Trans - permethrin cis/trans detected in both samples \..,;1C~C.'t\~. "''\ ~ 'A Pesticide Applicationt-Records / - , I . ..J --'::;I - applicator is not l1censed v)v....".~- (,at I ; - pesticide applied is a general use product - applicator is not required by law.to be licensed - record requirements do not apply e Product used: 'Punt 57-OS Insecticide (EPA Reg. ~ 42737-~) - registered for use in Minnesota recommended for outdoor space &. barrier control of adult mosquitos - recreational areas, parks & woodlands are approved target sites - to obtain optimum results, cover immediate surroundings of housing & buildings, including plant foliage surfaces, where mosquitos may rest 91-0311 Summary page 3 - for large recreational areas such as Public Parks, also apply to the "interface of woods" surrounding the main "area. " - do not apply more than once in a 24 hour period - do not allow spray treatment to drift on water supplies - under no condition should open water be treated with this product - not to be used within 100' (30 meters) of lakes & streams - for a barrier spray, use a "backpack" ULV unit - optimum control is achieved when air currents are 2 to 8 mph - preferable to treat during early morning & evening when there is less breeze & convection currents are minimal - apply in the direction with breeze, to obtain maximum swath length & better distribution AAW 9-11-91 . e e" e ~.; . : ,~ ~I e e e ,I:, . -. ,.. : .. . .:'- , . . .7' .' ,S '-I , - ' : 'j -' . . .'- F . ,:,1 FAX FAX Metropolitan l\fosquito Control Di~trict 2380 Wycliff 51. Sf. Paul. MN 55114 Phone (612) 645-9149: FAX (612) 645.3246 TO: COMPA~Y: Heidi Fischer DATE: 31 January. 1992 A:sronomy Services Division .t',-\ X: 2Y7.2271 Minnesota Department of Agriculture // .-'7 Susan Pa1chick, Ph.D. /// nZ'/ / //.> (D<"'''''''t, .... ". ~.." " , . " . Enforcement Order concerning Lake Ann Punt application FROM: REGARDJ;'\fG: MESSAGE: The Scott-Carver Op~:,iting Division Supervisor, Ernie Wcrmcrskirchcn, will make the presentation at the Febnlary 25. 1992 pesticide applicators recertiflc2.tion work~hop. Th~ attJched outline C()v~rs the points he is planning on addressing. If there are additional points you would like to see covered, please contact me. Number of p3ges including cover 2 Contact us if all are not received. Affirm:ulvc Action Emploj'er :":;'.'l,:D I t _ (";0. ..' = r~' -:~ ~ . ~. ~ , . . .7' . - -.'. - ,,1_ . . '-." _ i.._ e PRESENTATION ON ADULT CONTROL MATERIP..L 11lSAPPLICATIO:\ Case study: 1991 Lake Ann PU:';T incident . 1. Details of the pesticide misapplication A. \Vhcre, when and by whom the trc:mm:nt was made D. Description of the site C. Description of the treatment II. What went wrong and why A. Describe the course taken B. Where should have changes been made? III. Changes to prevent recurrence or similar incident A. Training 1. What to do, before treating. if unfamiliar with a site 2. Stress what should not be sprayed 3. Give details of MMCD adult control training (this is not a change; it is greater emphasis) a. Materials, application l!quipment. ~afety measures b. Calibration c. Spills d. Application e. Record keeping B. Change in MMCD policy 1. Keep 150 ft away from open water (label says 100 ft) IV. How docs th~ mi~applicaticn violate Minnesota Pesticide Law? A. Violation of label V. How does a misapplication endanger the environment? A. Toxic to fish B. Effect on non-target organisms C. Drift VI. What is the supervisor's role? A. In trainin'g D. In data collection C. In reponing VII. What are the limitations of the l:J.bels for v~rious rr:ateri~ls used for adult control? A. Rcsmcthrin products B. Pennethrin products VIII. Why is this a big deal? A. Violation of label n. Potential environmental harm C. Violation of MMCD mission and procedures e e HMCO TEL No. Feb 21.92 9:43 No.002 P.02 e METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL D1STRICT 2380 WYCLIFF STREET . ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55"4 . 612-645-9149 FAX 612-645-3246 R.O. SJOGREN. Ph.D. Director W.J. CAESAR &Jsinc$$ Admin. February 20, 1992 Wayne Dally Agronomy Services MN Depr. of Agriculture (MDA) 90 W. Plato Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55107 Dear Wayne: This letter will conf'mn our conversations' insetting the date, time, anEl location for MDA license reccnificanon training for Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) personnel. The training session will be held on: e FEBRUARY 2S 1992 (TUESDAY) 8:00 AM ST. LOUIS PARK RECREATION CENTER SOOS WEST 36m STREET (Ice center east of Hwy 100 on 36th) A map showing the location of the ice center and a tentative agenda are inclosed for your reference. Training will emphasize adull mosquito contrOl policics and procedures as they relate to license recenification and compliance with MDA Enforcement Order Case File NO. 91-0311 concerning a 1991 pesticide misapplication. As always. we appreciate MDA staff participation which enhances these training sessions. If you have any quelltions, please call me at 645-9149. Sincerely. ~n Public Information cc: Heidi Fischer, MDA Cal Blanchard. MDA e AFFIRMATIVE ACnON EMPLOYER MMCD TEL No. Feb 21.92 9:43 No.002 P.03' e Tentative Times TOPICS PRESENTER ----------------....~.._---------------------------------..........--.._.-----------..------_._--..--.~-------- 8:00 am Welcome/Ovcrvicw Ross Green Video: Walt Disney. The Winged Scourge (1944) 8:20 am MN Depanment of Agriculture (MDA) Update Wayne Dally Laws and Regulations Video: Emergency Response . Video: Labels Made Easy F~ Video: Unwanted Spotlight 9:00 am Adulticiding Misapplication Ernie /' Adult Mosquito Control ProcedUl'CS WcrnlC%1Ikirchen 9:45 am BREAK e ] 0:00 am Pesticide Registration and Re-regisuation Cal Blanchani Label Clarifications (punt S7 and Scourge 4-12) (MDA) 10:30 am CaEastrOphy Re.~ponse Marcus Peterson Materials Handling 11:00 am Helicopter Safety Bob Hennan Scott Churchill 11:15 am Hazard Communication Billlacobson 11:SS am Endange~ Species Act Update Dave Neitzel NOON LUNCH (Provided by MMCD) 1 :00 pm DaLa Managemenl Uptlale John Thompson 1:10 pm EntuIDulugy Lab Upate Sandy Brogrcn 1 :20 pm Evaluation Wra~up questions. comments, and further topics for consideration e e ..;-, - ,-;-{ '-- -- ~ } : { : \ /--.; ~ ! -' ,; METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT ::30 \'/YCL~F'F 37~c=T ~ ST. ?,t..~L. :.'n~i~:=~CT.~ 351 ~~ ... '3~:-.:";5":?~';3 :=,~ X 3 1 2 - -:..::: -::; 1 ~ ..---." ':.-. i -j -' ; -, - - - '" ,r' -::-- ~ -';.s L... RD, SJOGREN, Ph.D. Director January 14, 1992 W.J. CAESAR Business Admin. Heidi L. Fischer, Supervisor Agricultural Chemicals Enforcement Unit Compliance and Enforcement Section Agronomy Services Division MN Dept of Agriculture 90 West Plato Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55107 Dear Ms. Fischer: I am writing this letter to follow up on our recent telephone conversation regarding Section e IV.(C)(1) of your December 6, 1991, communication. J~ ,... 1 : 1 j. , ,v-" e I mentioned that we may not have the specific employee who misapplied the pesticide ayailable to us for the preparation and presentation you describe; in fact, he will not be able '" to take part in that. The immediate supervisors (Mr. E. Wermerskirchen and Ms. R. Wagner) will, therefore, prepare a presentation to deliver to our recenification workshop and we will submit an outline of that to you by January 31, 1992 as you directed. Funher, if the specific employee who misapplied the material does return to our employ at some time this year, we will require him to make the same presentation to and attend any future-scheduled 1992 seasonal employee orientation session(s). - hICt~r:;i ,.-/(...L- \Ve will proceed with this plan of action unless we hear otherwise. Please call with any questions. Sincere~ (<. Ross Green Public Information . AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER March 4, 1992 Heidi Fischer Agriculture Chemicals Enforcement Unit Agronomy Services Div, MN Dept of Agriculture 90 W. Plato Blvd. St. Paul. MN 55107 e Dear Ms. Fischer: Thank you for completing the investigation that found Punt insecticide was improperly applied in Lake Ann Park by the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. The MDA's enforcement action to force adequate training of MMCD field supervisors and the $1000 fine will hopefully cause the MMCD to act more responsibly in the future. I look fOlWard to seeing the case file soon. As we discussed on the phone yesterday, I take issue with the MDA's decision that I did not have enough proof that symptoms my son and I suffered on 1une 13 were a result of exposure to the Punt insecticide. Reports from the MDA investigator, Pat Kelly, and my doctor should have been substantial enough. What I have provided previously, and in this letter, goes beyond ordinary means that a government agency could expect from a citizen. Beyond that, I fail to see what I could have done better to prove exposure. While you agreed to review the evidence again, there are other facts that further inquiry by YOlD' department would have revealed. These facts should convince you and the staff to reverse YOlD' decision about the exposure complaint. My children and I were playing frisbee in an open area surrounded by wooded vegetation'Dext to the lake 011 June 13. After my son and I began having headaches and nausea from a distinctive smell in the air, like a combination of mild diesel fuel and rotting bananas. I walked around and traced the smell that was causing OlD' symptomS to an oily substance that looked like it was coated on the leaves on plants near the water. I know it is difficult to prove that exposure symptoms can be a. attributed to one particular pesticide, so I did what I could within my means to see what was causing our symptoms. ,., I went home, showered, changed clothes, and called the MDA. After I retlU'ned to the park with Pat Kelly, the symptoms returned a second time. That's when I decided to see a doctor that afternOon. I clipped a 2 foot leafy sample off the foliage that Pat Kelly said had the telltale smelly, oily residue of insecticide that was giving me and my son the headaches. I put the plant sample in a tied pl~c bag, and brought it to the clinic. The sample was taken off the same bush on the water's edge that Pat also took samples from that eventually tested positive for the Punt insecticide. Pat also has a pict\U'e of this sprayed foliage where sunfish are spawning in the water next to a dock. Pat also know where I took the sample from because I showed him. My son and I went to a physician, Dr. Carol Manning, at the Park Nicollet Urgent Care Clinic in Ridgeda1e 011 June 13 while we were having the symptoms. On the trip to the clinic, and in the clinic itself, the insecticide smelled through the bag so strongly, my son and I continued having the symptoms all the way through the examination by the doctor. Doctor Manning verified that I brought in the sample, and it was causing the symptoms. I asked her if she would write the report in such a way there would be no doubt about the diagnosis. She assured me this would be done, and I was satisfied with her report which you have a copy of. Please review the evidence again, and substantiate my complaint in writing as soon as possible. Thank you. Sinc~ly, _ ,'..;..6. /~~z....1~ Eric Rivkin 1695 SteUer Court Excelsior, MN 55331 e cc: Representative Becky Kelso and Senator Terry 1ohnston Dr. Carol Manning, Park Nicollet Clinic .~. . Cory Sl1'ocn~J by E.Ri\lt.in q...O~ Pt rhH~el'J "'-/3-71 PUNT™57-0S e INSECTICIDE A SYNTHETIC PYRETHROID FOR EFFECTIVE SPACE AND BARRIER CONTROL OF ADULT MOSQUITOES, GNATS, BITING AND NON-BITING MIDGES, BLACKFLlES AND OTHER BITING FLIES FOR APPLICATION ONLY BY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICTS, PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS, AND TRAINED PERSONNEL OF OTHER MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAMS ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Permethrin: (3-phenoxyphenyl) methyl (+/-) cis/trans 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl) 2,2-dimethyl, cyclopropanecarboxylate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INERT INGREDIENTS. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL 57.00% 43.000/0 , 00.0% Cis/trans isomer ratio min. 35%(+/-)cis and max. 65%(+/-)trans. U.S. Patent No. 4,024,163. .Contains a Petroleum,Distillate Solvent. This product Contains 5.0 Ibs. Technical PermethrinlGallon "'TRADEMARK OF VECTEC, INC. e - .M(C/{~l. "/~ ~.;;>iZ/t1:'fii-" r}11 S I I t(,i.'~. (' ,r'f L v,L.c~V i CAUTION ~i/~~"'~ n I ?t.~ '. ,,,. ,./;'." j + "PRECAUCION AL USUARIO: SI usted no lee Ingles, no use este pPOducto ."-- .....---..-.- -- hasta que la etlqueta haya sldo explicado ampliamente" ',( KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT IF SWALLOWED: Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately. If possible vomiting should be induced under medical supervision. .Solvent presents an aspiration hazard. Gastric lavage is indicated if material was taken int9!'nally. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. IF IN EYES: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. IF ON SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected area with soap and water. IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air. Apply artificial respiration if indicated. SEE SIDE/BACK PANEL FOR ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with eyes, on skin. or clothing. Wash thoroughly after using and before eating or smoking. Avoid contamination of food and feed. Launder clothing before reuse. Cover animal drinking water & feed before treating feedlots, etc. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This pesticide is highly toxic to fish. Do not apply to any body of water or wetlands (swamps, bogs, marshes, and potholes). Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in treated areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters. This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct lreatr:nent on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are actively visiting the treated areas. . e NET CONTENTS _ GALLON EPA REG. NO. 42737-1 EPA EST. NO. 10370.:rx-1 VECTEC, INCORPORATED ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32807 ~. .r . PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS Do not use, pour, spill or store near heat or open flame. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. STORAGE: Store product in its original labeled container in an ambient temperature, dry, locked, place designated for such insecticides and out of reach of children. If product is exposed to temperatures below 40 degrees F crystallization may result in which case, move product and warm to 80 degrees F and thoroughly mix. Do not use oPen flame to warm product. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. In case of spillage, soak up with absorbent material such as sawdust, or fullers earth; sweep up and place in a labeled con- tainer and dispose of as follows. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mix- ture, or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: (Metal) Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recycling or reconditioning or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other approved State and local procedures. (Plastic) Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recycling or reconditioning or punc- ture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or incineration, or, if allowed by State and local authorities. by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. INSECTS CONTROLLED This product is recommended for OUTDOOR SPACE AND BARRIER CONTROL of ADULT MOSQUITOES, MIDGES (biting and non-biting), BLACKFLlES, DEER FLIES AND OTHER BITING FLIES such as "DOG FLIES" by use of specially designed non-thermal spray equipment capable of delivering the partic:e sizes specified for each type of treat- ment below. It is especially effective for reducing mosquito annoyance and the control of mosquitoes that may act as disease transmitting agents. .SOLVENT FOR DILUTION: PUNT 57 OS will not dilute in water. It may be applied as is or diluted with an oil mixture of 1 part soybean oil in 2 parts of a 54 second viscosity mineral oil or any other "non-phytotoxic" ULV suitable oil. WHERE TO USE Areas that may be treated for insect control includes but are not limited to Animal Houses, Corrals, Feedlots, Drive-in Restaurants and Theaters, Gardens, Playgrounds, Recreational Areas, Zoos. Parks, Campsites, Woodlands, Athletic Fields, Golf Courses, Urban Areas. Residential Areas and Municipalities around the outside of apartment buildings, restaurants, stores and warehouses. To obtain optimum results, cover the immediate surroundings of housing and buildings, including plant foliage surfaces, where mosquitoes may rest. For large recreational areas such as Foot- ball Fields, Stadiums, Racetracks and Public Parks, also apply to the "interface of woods" surrounding the main area. 00 not apply more than once in a 24 hour perjod. Do not allow spray treatment to drift on pasture land, cropland, poultry ranges or water supplies. Do not use on crops used for food, forage or pasture. Under no condition should open water be treated with this pro- duct. Not to be used within 100 ft.(30 meters) of lakes and streams. In treatment of corrals, feed lots, zoos, cover any exposed drinking water, drinking fountains and animal feed before application. HOW TO APPLY AND HOW MUCH TO USE FOR A BARRIER SPRAY USE A "BACKPACK" ULV UNIT For use in non-thermal ULV portable backpack equipment use a 1 to 9 mixing ratio by adding 2.5 FI. Oz. of PUNT 57 OS to 22.5 .FI. Oz. of solvent' making a total of 25 ounces; (see SOLVENT FOR DILUTION paragraph) and apply with equipment adjusted to deliver ULV particles of 50 to 100 microns mass median diameter. Use 25 fl. oz. of the dilutec spray/acre as a 50 ft. (15.2m) swath while walking at a speed of 2 mph (3.2 kph). . '. TRUCK MOUNTED "ULV" EQUIPMENT For truck mounted non-thermal ULV equipment mix this product with refined soybean oil, light mineral oil of 54 second viscosity or another suitable non-phytotoxic solvent. Adjust equipment to deliver spray par- ticles 01 8 to 20 microns mass median diameter. Consult the following ... chart for dilution and application rates. See 'SOLVENT FOR DILUTION" _ paragraph on left panel for an appropriate oil for diluting PUNT 57 OS. Amount of ~ Punt 57 or " 10 9 Diluted Mix to use/Acre or Linear Mile Amt.of~or~ Am\. of Undiluted OR to use at mph/300 It. wide IbsJA.lJAcre , 10 9 Mix to use per Acre at 5 mph at 10 mph at 20 mph 0.0025_ Use 1.9 ml.(.06 oz.)lA Undiluled 5.7 ml. 11.4 ml. 22.8 ml. (0.19 oz.) (039 oz.) (0.77 oz.) Amount of Undiluted spray mixture 10 use per Linear Mile . 68.4 ml. or 2.31 oz. OR use 19 mt.(.64 oz.)IA of a 1 10 9 mix QJ! Use 74 ml.(25 oz.)lA ~ 222 ml. I <<4 ml. I 888 ml. BARRIER SPRAY ONLY (75 oz.) (15 oz.) (30 oz.) Amount of Undi!uted spray mixture to use per Linear Mile . 2.66 I. or 90.0 oz. oz. .. Fluid Ounces; ml. .. milliliters; I. 0: liter. (1 Fluid Ounce c: 29.57 mI.) 'Dilution rates other than 1 to 9; such as; '" to 15" or '" to 29" may also be used. IMPORTANT ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT INSECT CONTROL Temperature & humidity fluctuations may require periodical adjustments of equipment to deliver the desired flow rate at the specified speed of travel. This flow rate must be maintained to insure the distribution of the proper amount of active ingredient per acre. Optimum ccntrol is achieved when air currents are 2 to 8 mph (3.2 to 12.9 kph). It is preferable to treat during early morning and evening when there is less breeze and con- vection currents are minimal. Apply in the direction with breeze, to ob. tain maximum swath length and better distribution. Direct spray head of equipment in a manner to insure even distribution of the ULV par- ticles throughout the area to be treated. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. Guide the direction of the equipment so that the discharge nozzle is main- tained at a distance of more than 6 feet (1.83 m) from the ornamental plants and '5 feet (4.57m) or more from painted objects. _ NOTICE: Buyer and user assume all risk and liability of use, storage and/or. handling of this product not in accordance with the terms of this label. Rev. 08-31-89 Apprvd 03-05-90. .i.-{V:4 TEL E P H 0 NEe ALL ~lir e · TO/FROM .... 1= I/f~ . /) ,..- .,........., 1/ 1.../ ~S+:. Ud. '?. · RECEIVED BY Q, 4t1 (. ~ "'" .<1.l..cr,- SUBJECT C5!~11 R E COR D TELEPHONE NO. (Include Area Code) CITY ~ '1 - CkCzL:u..l~ .-c ~ - o..:;~~ DATE/TIME OF CALL '..2 " ~ ?"., .::J .. ..... <-.." 0- - l?-z.11/ U <.."[' I L ;. ,I ,(',/~ ! O?J t',~ od.. ..- '- t'i.A.....~-' 1.1 L C1\.Gl-PJflfi .:'Y.1c ;L./ ~ t:I,1 1 " r) ~,7~'''v~'l'~ ,-t..o.: ' dk~ p' (/ . !yr'rf/Y\.J 4& cr /\'\?( L....j.e::t (. <.-' (j(j . e D Q1- UJ1:Q.__~ TK:'~~ -Q;.~ . r 'Z"lJtL-( f- -f::b\P'It, ..t u I ., { '?/-r L4:..-'i . .L-. _ .... _ .J.. {+:.r..,t.:r ~ ..~I- KJ L:r(,~v 'v:;Ace~ ~ I Gl.1Q~ ' OJ.- * CROSS OUT "TO" OR "FROJi" AS APPROPRlAIE. CROSS OUT "RECEIVED" IF YOU J1AKE THE CALL. ?~GE 2- OF ~ INS P E C TOR · S R E P 0 R T [J PROGLeT REGISTRATION [J LICENSING/CERTIFICATION o MISUSE o STORAGE/HANDLING CJ CHEMIGATION o 01 SPOSAL o WATER/SOIL QUALITY. [J REFERRAL [ ~ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVtSION 90 WEST PLATO BLVD.. ST. PAUL. MN 55107 TELEPHCNE: (612) 296-6121 INDIVIDUAL/FIRM NAME lC ~\V~J~ DATE ~-(~-&j J STREET/RURAL ROUTE ADDRESS 6 q 5' 5 kll4->.. C:f- COUNTY ~I~Y\ , f'W CITY E'C CoolJSl' STATE ZIP CODE /--1N 5S33 TELEPHONE N . [INCLUDE AREA CODEl 6 t l... '-f70 - 97 2~ .. ~ ek~ Sc<;~ T" .. Po ".~ See.;,t -tL;( ~ ~ -t4. v-c. c. k: J l,....;~ tt<.. 5cL,~ k ~ ~~ /iJ ,.,....- -~j'" .....F ~l. Ie: L~lt:.L.O. c.....,. J AFFECTED INSPECTOR'S PRINTED NAME A-11't \ c <-t., I"'SP~'~tURE ~1.Jc." \ . A Gd)..f'c ~ -0 1 SEvERITY CF D~~~GE: .;:M HIGH tLOW - . ., .., PAGE ~ JF ~ 1 " S PEe TOR · S R E P 0 R T o o o o o o o o PRCOUCT REG!S7~ATICN LlCENS ING /CERT 1 F !CATl ON MISUSE G MIIUlESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION 90 WEST PLATO BLVD.. ST. PAUL. MN 55107 TELEPHCNE: (612) 296-6121 STCRAGE/HANCLING CHE'-IIGATlCN , : e ::JISPOSAL WATER/SOIL CUALITY REFERRAL ( INDIVIDUAL/FIRM NAME [(Ltc. ll-l\J~' tv STREET/RURAL ROUTE ADDRESS 169 S- Sk..tt~ cf- DATE / 6 -( ~ - i / COUNTY r(,.... I~ ~~ 5~ :'1 TELEPHONE . (INCLUDE AREA CODE] 1../: to - 77 2-b CITY . G" u.,..{s ~ --'- STATE ZIP CODE COMMENTS: ",. SEvERITY OF o SLl:. o HIGH - INSPECTCR'S COP' I F~GE --L- IF ~ INS P E C TOR · S R E P 0 R T CJ PRCDUCT REGIST~ATICN CJ LICENSING/CEKTIFIC~TION CJ MISUSE CJ STORAGE/HANDLING ~ CJ CHEMIGATIDN CJ 01 SPOSAL CJ WATER/SOIL QUALITY CJ REFERRAL ( Q'~ ~" . ' ,~~ - . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION 90 WEST PLATO BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55107 TELEPHCNE: (612) 296-6121 INDIVIDUAL/FIRM NAME ~(t\t. ~\V~HV DATE CITY STATE ZIP CODE - 18 ...ql STREET/RURAL ROUTE ADDRESS '1S" Skl\~ ( e~ lS:d_ ~ ..-J O. (INCLUDE AREA CODE] LItO - '171.,6 COMMENTS: VIi"' U:~ 6 -/? .c, / , ~ S s L.d- ~ ~l ~Jo.:t ~..,"~ ~~~~,~ ~SS t..U ~ Cl.. ~ J: '30 ~ ..c.~",,- ~ INSPECTOR'S PRINTED NAME \.t.\(... 'f- E l.L pE:.-2:r~T :p ~"t;' l.,....t:.~'-J. C.I~. J -r~"'T~'" INSM~r;ATURE >\ ~ r" . W AG-'trl056-01 S~-OTTV -r DAMAGE: G-SLIGHT -0 ~ICi.l.UM ~IGH ORIGINAL (WHITE] - OFFICE COPY. YE1.1.0W'-INSPECTOR'S COF .. ~. ~ - 'I 0"' .., ....... c --L r 3:::::=.. I " S P E C TOR · S R E P 0 R T o PROOUCT REG H'A TI eN o LICENSING/CERTIFICATION o MISUSe: o STORAGE/HANOLING o CHEMIGATION o DISPOSAL [J WATER/SOIL QUALITY [J REFERRAL I ~ .~ MIKNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION 90 WEST PLATO BLVD.. ST. PAUL. MN 55107 TELEPHCNE: (612) 296-6121 IvKI)..} ,REET/RURAL ROUTE ADORESS DATE b-/~-Ol/ ',0 I V I OUAL! FIRM NAME COUNTY f '75 <SkI Cou~t I'-1N 5" 5' ~) ) I~ TELEPHONE NO. (INCLUDE AREA CODE) ~ lf70-9126 !TY [" c!.Is,~... STATE ZIP CODE C~'MEfTS : Iv'k + MI'. IL\ \J III N 4 T Co .... ~ 1- . f'(:(;I. """ ,',..ReA c~ ~ f,:_-t ce>t 0". co"", tJ ~~~. s Ci. ~;.f ~~ Ov-o v<.. 6; l- c.- .5 ~ il1 ,~~~ ) a~o~ ~ Cc '"" ~ L l -rte.. If t'.J t. ;, ;/...- II\..&<.. ~ ~~<...<<... ~ C'4./ eov.....~~ J. c I. ~ '. --~ \. " ,PECTOR'S PRINTED NAME (~~, PERCENT OF SITE (FIELD. ETC.) AFFECTED SEVERI~ OF DAMAGE: o SLIGHT 0 MEDIUM o HIGH ORIGINAL [',",HIiE) - .GFF ICE COpy . YELLOW - IN5PECTGR' 5 CGPY PAG~ ., OF ~ INS P E C TOR · S R E P 0 R T 0 PRODUCT REGISTRATION 0 LICENSING/CEKTIFICATION 0 ~1I SUSE 0 STORAGE/HANOLING e 0 CHE~ I GA TI eN 0 or SPQSAL 0 -WATER/SOIL QUALITY 0 REFERRAL [ G . - ~ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION 90 WEST PLATO BLVD. I ST. PAUL. MN 55107 TELEPHCNE: (612) 296-6121 INOIVIOUAL/FIRM NAME OATE b -/ ;-~J ~ IN STREET/RURAL ROUTE AOORESS COUNTY CITY G'''f..C N ,. S-~-; (:.11'I .~ TELEPHONE NO. [INCLUDE AREA CODEI '10 - '112,' STATE ZIP CDOE COMMENTS: ~~I l (C.; R, kv...; . ~ ~ E p;4. .sla-( St:)~-,,\ SC.....~ '..v', ~ .4 kc..e. U)c. J ~ ),t:.h ,tc k L II INSPECTOR'S PRINTEO NAME PA-l1Z-LC eLL'! INSPE:~. S S} IGGNNr.U URREj ~: \~.G,Q9 AG-O llfS6-0 1 ~ AFFECTEO SEVERI~_'.:lGE : o SLIGHT ....." D ~'EDlUM o HIGH ./ ORIGINAL. ['..HI7EJ - Si=FICE COpy . YELLC~ - INSPECTCR'S COF I ~ . \,-,-'" ... '" ~ I I I /' / / r-'" i --'- ,....-- e \'. ~: , -.-... I I' '''-' I,' . 1-_) r'} ,'-\: . ......J ,"".~ ...... i-=' ,:J t- J ~~ /' /,;..., Co 1(, ~~ "to I ..}10~ ;_ c " i~,Jt: ~ t I '__ b ' , I --., --.. !~} , ~ . \. ,:,:~' .'(: /!qt ; i }-'<', , ;-' ,.- J .:,: ~ - I - --. ._~__o I". I' ". - .... _i _ _>, ..=- . ,'. \" -' - '\ .:.. -. . - ./ ... I... .~ ..... (, '- -' - ":~ ..../ o J ,. ;,c , j j'. ~ '-. e """I r J:.~ , 7" Q- (7\ .- o .. /' :> :,;.,t Z. lvo 1m > ("'\ ~ - - ~ I ! "'7 A c:Q . -"r . . ~,. '- . ., , ~ " ~ ..,..- ..'~ -. ~ ~. ~~ " . ,'..J_ '.\-l,~. .~,..-_--- A'.... 'rl t: ~ .~ '.,j '"' ;..; ~ :t, ~ g. , ~\ ~ . ~ f;; ? ""r.-E.~''''' '- , _," " . \. c: o !-" .~~- _ .. _ '., " -; C ~ 1 ,-. .... __ ~ ", ~ \ ; r ~ . -. ~ ~\ ~, r- 1\ .. _ _ . . 'I . . -'.: ~ , 'ut i - . :f.' ~~~~-='.-- I' ..... r-,. j' . ;'- _.::../ ; '- I ---~ ,.;. ~i '- ~ ~ './ ~,~'~, ",2,~" ---- ~ "-\ / (', ,- ..,........ -" t ) I~O ~l-./ .:.)~- ~ ~ ~ .:..- ~ [J '; ~t, tl ."11 \ ~ j I fIt -'. ';-) :'~ i \ . !!tl' f ' _:::-T\~ i \ .. ~ ..i.. ,.-- '~'. j \ ,,;.:..... ~ ~'j:" '8\ '':-~', ~ ~' :~ ~ ~. ~ 't. \ i . C . ~ ~.. ..\ ~ =t- ~ "r-1' ~ I \~ .s ~ ". ~, ~ "', ~ -:.~ - \ : :1 ';>J' ~ Q ~~' ~ I .. '1 Z ~ (:-' ;; ?~ ~ ;-,) J . - "'\ -, I ~'4 } ~. :) ~. i,: ,f) , ....~\"- l'~ I) j :J \~;:.;: '" ' . " <', {>"~" ~: . :h "\ C"'" '". ~ "' : - ..:;:/ <j J ..... )'( _. ~.... J ~',;I r . .... .-' L.....-. .... :.... ..-:-". ,"j,J- - - r ..;'~ -...~ :\. - r-' ......: ....: ':. ~' :-, .' , (~ -:... ., .. .-,/ .' , I -== I 0 l'" C ~ fe}/ ~ ~ t-? ... r € "?, v I I ~ ... I ; . V) ~ ~ v- a 0' 1\ .c ~ ) c \(' >- t. fC ~ I(' .... " .... MI ~ "I "'" 3 "Z. "' i:i<- = ::> :P T'<' z: m 1:: :?' > ~ t ~ I~ r i(') jr" <:)"'0 I ~ ~\; ..b .-, V- /l>If'r...,.,'--"'1'<.Th<..IL~lo.L.J../.h'V'-- . ,.....".,.--.....,. . - - " . . 70/ E -s;.f-. ~ E. ~. ;J-oo.l W d ~ ..f) e. :;.- c7 00 5 PESTe Pe.tiddu and You ~. (~o;.. J d-~3 - 6-t;/"~-'-O (~ "March, 1990 chemicalWATCH I I tation on ullllty and railroad rightJ-of-way. Com- fish. 41'\onwealth of Massachusetts Generic Environ- - Exposure to crude pyrethrum has a mental Impact Report. Cambridge, MA. resulted in contact dermatitis and ., 4. Hoar, S.K. et al. (1986). MAgricultural hma herbicide use and risk of lymphoma and soft- ast -like reactions, primarily due to tissuesarcomLM 1.A1Mr.Med.Awa., 256(9):1141- non-insecticidal ingredients. EPAnotes ~ 1147. ~t ~_~...-h.l'Yl'hRttj"er\, with. f S. Kaloyanova. F. 4cS. TakoWllki, eds. (1982) ~? ~ Toxicology of .Pesticides: Interim Documerlt 9. ar ... . - : ~rtoon~ World Health Organization. Copenhagen. -- - - -- ~ 6. U.s. EPA. (1983). Guidance for the rereg- ere" "~I""~ -rJIIl'M!!d ~n istration ~f pesticide products containing ~trlZ1M~RftA W"W": - ~.w;cvere anap y ac- as the active ~gredient. Office of Pestiade Pro- c a er~reactions with peripheral grams. Washington. DC. ' u_.1u I . 1. U.s. EPA. (1990) Environmental Fact v~LWU CO lapse and resplratory diffi- Sheet: Atrazine Label Amendmerlts. Office of culties are rare. With massive, oral Pesticide Programs. Washington. DC. doses nervous system symptoms may 8. U.s. Geological Survey. (1989) Pr~ Re- occu; including excitation and co vul- lease- MRecoMaissancesamplingfindsherbic:ldes '. n in streams in 10 mldwestem ltates. M Publlc At- sions leading to paralysis, muscular fib- fairs Office. Reston, V A. rilIation and diarrhea. Death in these 9. Walker, E.M. (1979)., "'Some effect of cases is due to respiratory failure. atrazine on ehrUch udtes tumor c:ells i1111itro and I . . tha ill f1i'Do: Bull. Ellttiroll. Qm,.".. Tcrri&Dl.. 22:95-102. . t IS unportant to note t pyre- thrins are often fonnulated with oils or petroleum distillates, and packaged in combination with, the, s~ ~*, " _ylo-.~~~l bicydobep:':J tene di~arboximide. Aerosoli:.ed petro- leaIIf_~Wm_cause respiratOry ~~~4angerouIchemi- cal~.iDbaItd. JbeDDIA ycydieuomatk- hydrocarbon constitu" ents of me'dtstmafeS may be carcino- . genic. Synthetic pyrethroids are available in a variety of formulations, many com- bined with additional pesticides, in- ' eluding highly toxic organophosphates and carbamates. Some pyrethroids are suspect 9rC'inog.ens. including cyper- methrin which EP A considers a possible human carcinogen, and permethrin which has accumulated some evidence of tumori&enici~. Individualfactsheets for permethrin, resmethrin, cyper- , methrin, andfenvalerate are available fromNCAMP. Page 6 I Atrazine, continued from page 5 Barceloux, 1988). Probably the most common pesti- cidal water contaminant, atrazine shares characteristics with the other triazines which make them serious threats to groundwater: high leaching 'potential, persistence in soils, slow hydrolysis, low vapor pressure, moder- ate solubility in water, and moderate adsorption to organic matter and clay. Indeed, atrazine is currently undergo- ing a second review by EP A, primarily for "potential oncogenic risk from die- tary and non~ietary exposure, and concern about the widespread contami- nation of groundwater due to atrazine use." EP A cites groundwater detection in 25 states, and a 1989 US. Geological Survey study of surface waters found atrazine in 98% of the 127 streams in the 10 midwestem states under investiga- tion. 71 streams had levels higher than ~ EP A' s Health Advisory Level of 3 ppb. In November 1988, all technical registrants voluntarily submitted label changes to address risk and exposure concerns. Recognizing that these changes only attempt to minimize point-source contamination, but with the publication date of the new reregis- tration document still uncertain, EPA accepted these amendments in January, 1990, while emphasizing that "the risk reduction afforded may not be ade- quate." The amendments include: 1) reclas- sification of atrazine for restricted use, which limits sale and use to certified ap- plicators - the first time such an action was taken .based on groundwater con- cerns; 2) prohibitions on mixing, load- ing, and application within 50 feet of any wells or sink holes; and 3) a ban on irrigation system application. The new label should appear by the 1991 grow- ing season, but does not apply to lawn- care products with less than 2% atrazine. Sources: 1. OeM.. A. et al (1989). -rriazlne herbi- ades and ovarian epithelial neoplasms." SC41ld.l. Work. E:llttil'Oll. Ht4lth, 15:47-53. 2. Ellenhom, M.J. &c D.G. Barce1oux. (1988). IkdiaU TO%iaJlDgy. Elsevier, New York. 3. Harrison-Biotech. (1983). Control of vege- : ,-;. ~:':p' .\~~:~;X':_:li:"" :-:.... .:..~.~'-;.::<. - .-' -., t . . - .- - . _::, "t.~e nns, .~-:: , . ~ J - ~... , .' ~ . ~.- - :~.: .. Pyrethrum, one of the oldest insec- ticides known, is an oleoresin extract from dried Chrysanthemum dnerarillfo- lium flowers. The extract contains about 50% active insecticidal ingredients known as pyrethrins. .Extremely sensi- tive to light, heat, and moisture, pyre- thrin half-lives are measured in hours. The synthetic analogues of naturally occurring pyrethrins, the pyrethroids. were developed to capture the effective insecticidal activity -of this botanical insecticide, with improved photostabil- ity. Both pyrethrins and pyrethroids interfere with the ionic conductance of nerve membranes by prolonging the sodium current. This stimulates nerves to discharge repeatedly, causing hyper- excitability in poisoned animals. The acute toxicities of this class of compounds to manunals are low, with oral LDso's ranging from 1500-5000 mg/ kg. The greater susceptibility of insects is attributed mainly to rapid biodegra- dation by mammalian liver enzymes. While the development of the synthetic pyrethroids was heralded with claims of selective toxicity to insects, b.Q!..h pyre- , throids and pyrethrum are extremely t~ to aquatic organisms' includinl; Sources: ~~ 1. Kaloyanova, F. 4c S. TarkoWllki, eds. (1982). Tl1%iI:clogy at Patiddn -Jllterim DoaDncrlt 9. World Health Organization. Copenhagen. 2.ICaassen. C.D. et aI., eels. (1986). Uslarrtl 11M DendI's Ta::iaJlDgy. MaanWan Publishing Co., New York. NY. 3. Morgan, D.P. (1989). Recognitioll 1",4 MiJIIlIgemmt of Poismting, 4th edition. U.s. ~ 54O/9-80.00S, Washington, DC. . .. 4. Hallenbeck. W.H. &c K.M. Cunningham- Bums. (1985). PtStiridts IInd HUmlln Hulth. Sprin- ger-Verlag, New York. NY. " S. Hayes, W.H. (1982). Pestit:i.:les Studied in Mln_ Williams &c Wilkins. Baltimore. MD. V C\J I LV, t I ~UU 1..-- U 11/-\ , L.:.LJ OHLANIJO, FLOIlIfJ^ 32007 e 3-26-90 PUNT 57 -OS M^ TEnlAL S^FETY OA T ^ SIIEET EPA REG. NO. ~2737-1 SECTION I . . 1oI1""'ICluI,, I 'U"'I VECl'EC. INC. IE..",,,.,, r.lrpll.".IIA (4(}7) 767....4059 VENTURE CIRCLEt ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32807 . ",.. N'III' IlId S,n.,.,,,,, See Above - . InuctJ (fI!U" Pumethr1n C I: f Cl 0 32 45-5 AIlII'III'/lfw....' S".., C.I, ~'." 16'101 '"" 6984 Ct..",,,,,1 H,,,,. ____________ .. ~::,'" F,,,,,,, ~ ;.11 t: Il~ t 1c P)' r e t hro J d e - - - . SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS -r PAINTS PRESERV"'"vES & SOL VENIS . TL V AllOTS .AHD "'(f.AlllC COAflNCS .., flV ...: (Un,ls, IUnll$1 ..---.....- -...----- .-----. ----- "'l,ntnll lIA NA 'Ht "..,1 NA NA - -- C ""r ,. HI. HA All.,. NA tlA . V.II.cl. ",II.he CUhn.s . NA HI. ~ ...Jl!_ Sol.tnll ~illt' ".11' N^ HI. tlA _tlL. Iu. CUll'" '" C." 11.11 .1111....... 011111 I tJA .JJA_ HI. HI. ....----- .- III" S - HA HA HAlAROOUS I.4lxlUf\ES OF OiliER 1I0UIDS "t. llV COUlposit10n: SOLIDS. OR GASES IUnlll) Penut!cllr1n U)- P heno!~ill.ut!1!!.! i!l11 !!L.f!! 1-!5!!!.!-)- 57 HI. (2.2 -d I cll 10 ro et: hen)' 1 ) - 2.2 - d f DIet II Y 1 c ycl a- . propanecarbc~y1a~1 . Xylene ~&e AroalaClc Solvent (Hhture of Hydrocarbons) ~.Jl...~ '7"\ -,.. 37. lOOPDl; .. - .... 'T "I1.lo.L~p:t:.DJuc~-15 a mi.xtu.r. o SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA VlPOI "UI"" 1m'" H8 J NA HA All . --- Spec..lic "...Ir IH.4'" re,cI'" WlI.II'e !I hi...,.. ." f ..,I,.h." 11.11 !- ...--........ ..~!!.- l.05-l.0. 37% lellin, h.nl ,"f , ..- V'POI O.ni'lr ,.1.,,'11 NA Solutl.h., I" W,... ApI/llran" '"' 0'0' C 1 ear. h~!.!!! ; ~ t l! . brown l1qu1J with. solvent oJor HUh ,..nl."',I"I' Uti'" SECTION IV fiRE AND EXPLOSION' HAZARO'DATA Hin. IOSeF (41eC)TCC F1'~"""lti""lI It'lI NA IUrl1 HI. e fallnlu;all,'"",,,i, Fog, Foam, CO~, Dry Chemical SPItI'IFi.,fi,II"""..,..",.. Full fsce if 1 d L. 11 1 . coverage 8e -cant a ne ~reat I n8~pl/lent. r~."''''1 fi,a ':~("IQ"e.. ~'U'''' Swuke ,:1 ~ :.::!~~l':.! ~! ~ !.~!:! :.___ Vlay cUllca~...!!!~!~!en C!~fJII ."; rUlIlc uf pro"~_. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRlCUL'I'URE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION DATE: C .( I; .q ( SITE: '.A~[ AtJN PA (tIC FILE I. D. :.,g 1-0311 PHOTOGRAPHED BY: P. L. \~ I') (10~'::~"'__\ DESCRIPTION: O~I~ ~I~ CI\oV ~t'l..~t.- ~ )4.~ DATE: SITE: FILE I.D.:'1I-03il PH~TOGRAPHED BY: DESCRIPTION: Po.vo. . tl oft slo-<..- \'\~". -+v-c... M \KJ ",k 4, ~ PAGE Y. OF MI~~ESOTA DEPA.~TMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOm" SERVICES DIVISION e DATE: b-J3.Q/ SITE: i,H.[ AJv'N YA f!.." FILE 1. D. :.5 i'iSlI PHOTOGRAPHED BY: . (7o-l'';-'"'I IJ L.Il<\" /.......,) DESCRIPTION: ;1'.............. ~c..I.k....J. J I " ('11\ I~ /r:. I. e DATE: SITE: FILE I.D.: q I-D31/ PHOTOGRAPHED BY: DESCRIPTION: 5~v-C ~ c/ . v \;.ll...",~" \~ w.......4 ~ ....J "'~,<.. \-...h..... _ \,,,,t .~,I~ ~.c~ .- ..J e PAGE j OF I ! i ! I" I : " . ~:r :~.~~'...;._..:...,~ --~ . ...:,.... . ....~ ....- .. O..r ". . n ...... ~. ~_ ..,'. .~. ..... -.. .. . . \- . . ~I~~ESOTA DEPARTXENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION DATE: ~ ./3-lt SITE: LM'''-L ,~tV,\J. t,A ,2..\( FILE 1.D.: ~1-03i1 PHOTOGRAPHED BY: (")O.LtC...... v.L.I4.fJ I~~) DESCRIPTION: 0, I~ \M's.cl.....( cJ (c.c~. DATE: r;. f 3 'i I SITE: FI LE 1. D. : C1l-b3i1 PHOTOGRAPHED BY: DESCRIPTION: C [(;}<:.. l' ,i s .) .~'<. J \~,-!t .."'-' , . ,__ v<, ~ h.L.~ '.. ~ ". .--,: ......r._ (-"~/\ i J ,.' J . '^""- . PAGE 2- OF e MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION e DATE: (, -J;.q J SITE: L ,H.E /~"''V PA ~ K. FILE 1. D. : .:U -03{ I PHOTOGRAPHED BY: IJ I ('0-210"""" r. L. I~ I 1 L..... ) DESCRIPTION: 0,'/ \J .{;, J I ~\ 'J ~ .:; $0" Sc... +~ J - loV(, k'<; cAe,t. .u"t''''''' w ~{ vctkbr.ll " tcu....t ~l -+k~ ) Ij",-h l-c....o.-<A . I e CV1\ ') t tf.J s.. ~/~ p ;;.. q /0'-/ I, DATE: SITE: FILE 1. D. : t.\l-03I/ PBOTOGRAPHED BY: DESCRIPTION: I~.~ ,cI jt~ ...::-'-l l't.. J .r<')!.. ~~'-.. ""- )-J ole ~Y''''' L- eI I . C .,.; e PAGE OF Febru:ry 10, 1991 Ross Green, information direcWr Robert Sjogren, director MMCD ~1CCC members 2380 Wycliffe St. St. Paul, ~L~ 55114 e Enclosed is documentation that confirms inhalation exposure to Punt 50S residues in Lake Ann Park that gave my son and I headaches and nausea last June. I insist on being notified personally, by mail or phone, at least three days in advance as to exact day and time the MMCD will be applying any pesticides in any of the public parks in eastern Carver County or Minnetonka where my family frequently visits. I have ar allergic and asthmatic condition which makes me sensitive to MMCD pesticides, and I must avoid them. Last June, State Dept. of Agriculture investigator Pat Kelly found Punt residues sprayed on foliage overlooking fish spawning areas from 0' to 80' of the water. Mr. Green sent me a letter stating that "all materials [including Punt as you stated was sprayed in the park June 13] are applied according to the label", but this information is incomplete. Please interview your field personnel and give me complete information about exactly where they sprayed, in that park, and how many times since 1983 Punt was applied within the 100'limit to Lake Ann. I believe I have a right to this information. When Mr. Green tells the public in the media that "feelings aren't facts", it insults me and other people who have legitimate health complaints about the mosquito pesticides. We also deserve better treatment than intimidation into withdrawing or denying our complaints so it won't get recorded, or telling us incomplete information about the safety of the all MMCD pesticides. /./' e. For example, many of you tell the media that EPA registration qualifies MMCD pesticides as safe, when in fact it is not a measure of safety at all. Kay Erickson, a woman in St. Paul who became severely ill when Scourge fogging drifted into her home with open windows, said the MMCD told her, "We don't spray houses", People are not assisted by the MMCD to redirect their complaint to:the Dept: of Agriculture as it becomes necessary, A policy adopted by the MMCC on June 30,1990, makes it seem impossible to resolve complaints or seek truth about the safety ofMMCD pesticides. I believe this policy abuses citizen's rights and endanger's people's health needlessly. The policy should be repealed and a compassiona~ attitude adopted to help People in need. I, and the environmental groups, intend on bringing up this issue at the MCC Policy Committee meeting on Feb. 19. I want to emphasize the potential health risks the adulticides have on thousands of environmentally sensitive people like myselfin the metro area. Thank you for your co-operation. Sincerely, f-/J-' tkU / ?~'v</tA1.-... Eric Rivkin, 1695 Steller Court, Excelsior, MN 55331 cc: State Dept of Agriculture e * NL:;:SjNG ~~C';=S: PRI~.iARY DOCTOR ~7 FRIMARY CLINIC - ,I ..L--;o:, r';: oJ v~ f ~ ~ -r. .... o-c.-. f,., ,,~~~ T ---I I ct.. z.. 2-; ~ e i '/ 7'"'//:.. 1~- ,-?-,-,h_~ ( U,tl-/ ) k ~,t......, r- 'A~ ~ t!.:- d ~ MD ORCEFlS SiGN OFF MD ORDEFlS ~ / DOCTOR NOTES: ~/A I~ I ~ ~,,-_.. (! , -<.,.,../_1.. , .}-.,..~ . )-/.. I e>- ~- ~~ -'--"""-' I;i.......,~..-G-.:....) ~::I ~6 -:r, ~ T NAM-; ;(J/ t/ /o:::! ~ - ) 7).- / R / (... I Daytime/E'(ening Pho~'!{s) ~ IIO/y)-j I I MP' IT ,LLEPGIES jJi-A- EDS 0' :ate: c;;J.3 / . / . . . . '-//-7/ :;GENT CARE ..s.~~ ~1~S~1 "::::D fR ~ 2 -)- .p..~; C.I:.. l:! J I-J' ---- )) I S!OJ OFF Y'C; ~o.; 0~ .&/-/?{~- ... 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Iv/~/d, , / Auto Ac:icent Workma:"l's Comp, p Thi:. 7-"'ie=~i--old !:'~':I !f.BS i,l "t.;-:: ;:":..:'-:-:: ',....E..;:t=i.-j~....l fc:;- 4 !~,;:L~1"-'= l' s~.cr-tl'/' 2~--;=:::'~- it h::..c ::€~i =pr.=.y'E-'~ fc.r IT.~=~:='_~':'-:=.= ~.Jith Er: in~"?=-:.:.~2.:=. }-~t? .:::.-;:= riis f.;:-.t~-.~:'- e;:\=-!::r-i;:;"c=c frcrl'tal t::ffi;:cr=-.l h==,d.=.cr'2 ~ 1 ighth=:?,c:.='::'~ === ~ Cord 1::-.Ll-='2-::, 2.: 1 lTii Id ='lrriC:it=~ns. His S)ltTip.t=iTr= re":.i=l ve:j ~.fter he ~fCo.:. r-:=;7;20 ~J'".d I-~;.::j s:r.c~~l.-=-j. Trey ~.€nt b.?ck to t~ P.:?T~:: fc.r 1-1 /2 h::\..ll'-~ teele'":, t.~ t2.1 ~:: c-.CCl.lt t:-.e prcbl'::Ti ~.)i th the p.;..t-k ~.cITj~r;is-:~-?t=.r. SY.'i7;pt::~T:.= r?=LI.~-r-?=. Tre ir-:":?='ticii::e "'J-Et.S F~_'r:t 57-CS ~ \-Jrc' E. rr~:..i.:-{ iri::;;'-2'=i=~t is p:=r-iT.etr-,rij'"1 =-':-C ;.:=. 1 ist:-:! ~.i...;_:"..'::'. T 'v1P 'T {;l( '1 Ll:'ERGIES fv~tr F1-:"r'SI:::;:L ElR'1: E/E-;s: FL.'r;='=~'==1:'i.= e;:,;.;;", i-= r;C;"-,7.~~, T;-e r.;=,_.-:. i:= ~--~ 1_';-__ :j_:pp12. At.-dC;7~=r-:~ ~~rJt=:;d=r-. rrir:;.::-,i'-E-:+ bil=.t'=:-:-.l~...-. Ti-~ ~~=.':i:-:-;t"E g.;..:..-: is r,cr:1",.:"l. E;;; F~\i: I di=CL',S=~d tt-e patig-i't \..i eo, R.t5ty c-.~ F::i=.=r, Ccnt;""~l, h?--.r.e~irl Ca.!!'1ty. He stat.:-:! tt-.:-.t no treatmEr,t ~',!25 re;.:;t.tij~=d. Th? !="Er,Ts't;'-;ri" eE-r. cccc-.5ico.;1.l1 y e~.t.\=2 t/"e sY'r:1;:tCCiS ti-.-:.t tr-,,=y e::;:.er-iEr,.=?::, b_tt 1..:5'_::.11'1 en 1 y ~'lt-.e.-, ingest=-:! b'/ ITcl.lth. Ha \-':ill 1=(,,\510 flt.tid-= c-rd, us.: Tyls'"'1cl fer hi:: t-a=.dc:.cr~. He is ~.d\li5~d tl~ Ct-~~-ii;E clot~E's i?.r;d 5;-:Ct"~;- fcI :C".JiJig hi,: v'i:,i. t t~ tr-.e p-E-./""k tcd~y. R: c/14/91 T: c/17/91 Jat'" ,.,-/ :,:..: , j' t:7: ? _ ).?:- f'. / 3 ..:;yJ~: RGENT CARE ~t~~1'1~;~~!l~~~~~lJ~}1~r=f~!f:.~~y:;~;.,~ ... ".: : . -... .~. .;..~. :... .I PhysIcian: . ':-. ;'..:.~,:..' ,,', ~...~ . _.....~:;-:_;.~..~- ~;.:~:..~.:~.::~.:~1 -. .c..l"a-("'.J.rS' 7t'D .! .", ~'rrJ-1 .. .:.::;v '.~'~! .~\... .i.', . j _ ' '.. ". ,.; C~!a.lo~.' 70.:' , 0 ; -- --"-'~'.;._~._' ....... ~ ~ .... '--. !~'~'"~,,l.(!L.e~L .:;... ....,~..::..._~. -- -_. "e' ._ e c c e CIJ ...J ~ ::2 ...: CIJ ::: ;- C1 M ~ ~ ;r; .1 c::: UJ ;- Z UJ U ..J < U C UJ ::2 ;- UJ ..J ...J o U Z :.:: 0:: :: e e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 5 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 18, 1992 SUBJ: Distribution of Revised Park Inventory, Apri11992 Attached is the 1992 City of Chanhassen Park Inventory which was updated on April 7 and 8. These copies are preliminary, awaiting any changes/corrections from the commission, the validation of some figures, and the addition of others. Upon completing fmal editing, the entire inventory with park maps for each site will be distributed. n \.., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e CITY OF CHANHASSEN CITY PARK INVENTORY e April, 1991 Revised: April, 1992 e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 . PARK NAME PARCEL 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Bandimere Community Park 25-0240800 9405 Great Plains Blvd. (I'H 101) 32.44 - Parts of SWlA of SWlA of Gov't. Lot 4 Community e Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Ponable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area - Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) FA CILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT On-Street Off-Street No. of Spaces No. HDCP Spaces Not Present 2 e BANDIMERE COMMUNITY PARK Notes and Observations: 1991 - Disconnect utilities to site and seal sell. clear farm bui1din~ site. 1992 - Buildin~ site utilized as comoostin~ facility. 3 e e e e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Bandimere Heights Park 25-0920080 9290 Kiowa Trail 3.8 Neighborhood FACILmES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Counts) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 1 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) 1 Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf 5 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables. Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) PARKING x On-Street x Off-Street No. of Spaces No. of HDCP Spaces Not Present 4 BANDIMERE HEIGHTS PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Soccer Field: ~ x 210' Play Area: ...1L- x -1L Parking Area: _ x _ Notes and Observations: Soccer Field, Re~ulation Under 10 e e e 5 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 e PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Bluff Creek Park 25-3300210 Hesse Fann Road 12 - Outlot C The Hesse Fann Open Space e Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches Wanning House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT . ~ lon-Street PARKING DOff-Street U No. of Spaces U Not Present I e 6 BLUFF CREEK PARK Notes and Observations: ()pen sPace which will be incorporated into the Bluff Creek corridor. 7 e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 e PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Carver Beach Park 25-1602460 6891 Lotus Trail 8 - Carver Beach Lakeshore Park Neighborhood e Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield( s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) x Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family 1 Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill 1 Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier . Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) 2 Swimming Beach (1 with Raft) Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) I Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; x Turf 2 Park Benches Warming House 1 Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; x Metal x Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) F ACILmES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT PARKING On-Street x Off-Street 3 No. of Spaces 1 No. HDCP Spaces Not Present e 8 CARVER BEACH PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Main Beach: ~ x ~ Play Area: _ x _ Mini-Beach: _ x _ Boulevard Width. Lotus Trail: Notes and Observations: 1992-93: New olay area and addition of border. 9 e e e PARK INVENTORY DA TE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 ~ e PARK NAME PARCEL LD. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUlSmON CLASS Carver Beach Playground 25-1602450 900 Carver Beach Road 1.75 - Carver Beach Clubhouse Park Neighborhood e Archery Range 2 Player Benches, Wood; x Metal 1 Ballfield( s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) 1 Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) 1 Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; - Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; 1 Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Q On-Street PARKING DOff-Street n No. of Spaces LI Not Present I e 10 CARVER BEACH PLAYGROUND Facility and Equipment Specifications: Ballfield: Foul Line~ Baseline~ Pitcher's Plate...12.... Family Skating Rink: x Basketball Court: 50' x~ Play Area: 61' x 87' Notes and Observations: Play eauipment addition and border in 1991. Include swin~ in 1992. Play eauipment to be re-set and pea mvel to be added in 1992. 11 e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 e PARK NAME PARCEL J.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Chanhassen Estates Mini Park 25-0133000 55 Lake Drive East .97 - NE1,4 of NEJA Sec. 13 Neighborhood e Archery Range Player Benches. Wood; Metal Ballfield( s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink. Family 1 Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) 1 Swing Unit (2 Place) x Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails. Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area( s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables. Wood; Metal Wooded Area - Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT non-Street PARKING DOff-Street U No. of Spaces I x I Not Present I e 12 CHANHASSEN ESTATES MINI-PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Double swin~-belt seats Sand Box Remove sand box when border becomes dilapidated. 13 e e e PARK INVENTORY DA TE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 e PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Chanhassen Hills Park 25-1870820 8579 Chanhassen Hills Drive South 7.62 - Outlot A Chanhassen Hills 3rd Addition Neighborhood e Archery Range Player Benches. Wood; Metal 1 Ballfield(s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 1 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink. Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) 1 Swing Unit (3 Place, 1 Tot, & 2 Belt x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign 1 Trails, Bituminous; - Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 3 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEA TURES AT PRESENT U On-Street PARKING x I Off-Street I 8 I No. of Spaces o Not Present I e 14 CHANHASSEN IllLLS PARK Facility and Equipment Specification: Ballfield: Foul Line_ Base Line_ Pitcher's Plate_ Play Area: -2i:... x ..M:.... Trail Width: ....L. Notes and Observations: Include in 1992 CIP. Trees traspalnted from Bandimere Park and Tree Farm in Fall 1991. 15 e e e e e e PARK INVENTORY DA TE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION Chanhassen Pond Park 25-8820150,25-198350,25-20440270. 25-0110100, 25-0125300 7380 Kerber Blvd. 31.27 - 4.10 Outlot A Chan Vista 4th, 9.00 Outlot B Chan Vista, .20 Outlot B Western Hills 2nd, 8.35 Part of SE~ of NE1A & NE~ of SE~ See 11,9.62 Elh of NWlA of SW~ See 12 ACQUISITION CLASS Open Space FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; ..L Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) ~ On-Street n Off-Street n Not Present I I No. of Spaces 16 CHANHASSEN POND PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Bridge at Outlet: Bridge at Inlet: _x_ _x_ Notes and Observations: 1991 Erosion Control Picnic tables to be added alon~ Kerber Blvd. in 1992 17 e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 e PARK NAME PARCEL I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION City Center Park 25-0122100 71 0 Coulter Drive 4.62 - 204.98'x980' in S~ of SWlA Sec. 12 (Note: Includes Wanning House and Fire Station on property,approximately 3 additional acres are school district property) ACQUISITION CLASS Community e Archery Range 12 Player Benches, Wood; Metal 3 Ballfield( s) 2 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Coutt(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) 4 Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) 3 Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier 5 Soccer Goals (sets) 2 Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) 2 Swing Unit (One 9 and One 8 Place) x Open Field 4 Tennis Court(s) (2 Lighted) I Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; Turf 2 Park Benches 1 Wanning House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 3 Picnic Tables, Wood; 2 Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 2 Play Area(s) FACILmES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT I x lon-Street PARKING Q Off-Street U No. of Spaces U Not Present ~ e 18 CITY CENTER Facility and Equipment Specifications: Hockey Rink #1: Hockey Rink #2: Family Skating Rink: Warming House: ~ x 180' ~ x 180' ..M2.:.. x 180 ' ..1r.... x 30 ' e Ballfield # 1 : Ballfield #2: Ballfield #3: Foul Line Foul Line Foul Line Base Line 60' Pitcher's Plate ~ Base Line 60' Pitcher's Plate ~ Base Line 60' Pitcher's Plate ~ Bleacher, Field #1: Quantity..L i Row x 20 Material: Wood on painted steel Bleacher, Field #2: Quantity.l- i Row x..ll. Material: Aluminum Bleacher, Field #3: Quantity..L i Row x 20 Material: Wood on painted steel Railing: _ Yes ..K... No Manufacturer: Donated by Le~ion Railing: _ Yes ..K... No Manufacturer: Alum-A-Stand Louisville KY Railing: _ Yes ..K... No Manufacturer: Donated by Le~ion Tennis Court: _ x _ Other Facilities: Portions of Vita Course System Notes and Observations: Flower garden at entrance Soccer Goal Dimension 8' x 24' (2) Soccer Goal Dimension 6' x 12' (3) e e 19 ..... PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 . PARK NAME PARCEL J.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION CLASS Curry Fanns Park 25-2620570 1300 Stratton Court 6.51 - Outlot D Curry Fanos Neighborhood e Archery Range 2 Player Benches, Wood; -L Metal 1 Ballfield( s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 1 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) x Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT PARKING On-Street x Off-Street 7 No. of Spaces 1 No. of HDCP Spaces Not Present e 20 CURRY FARMS PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Play Area: _ x _ Parking Lot: ..Q. x .M. Notes and Observations: 21 e e e e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME PARCEL J.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQillSmON CLASS Greenwood Shores Park 25-3000850 7110 Utica Lane 3.3 Neighborhood F ACILmES AND FEA TURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack - Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) x Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family 1 Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill 1 Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) x Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches . Warming House x Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; x Metal x Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) non-Street PARKING DOff-Street 0 No. of Spaces [;] Not Present I 22 GREENWOOD SHORES PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Beach: ~ x ....lSL- Dock: ~ x ...1L Material: Aluminum Type: roll in, 12' L-section Manufacturer: Shoremaster (Lake Shore EQuipment) Notes and Observations: Construction of Lake Ann Park utilities resulted in extensive turf disturbance in WinterlSpring 1992. 23 e e e PARK INVENTORY DA TE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 . PARK NAME PARCEL J.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION ACQUISmON CLASS Hennan Field Park 25-0041100 2591 Forest Avenue 11.6 - SEIA of NEIA & part of Lot 3 Sec. 4 Neighborhood e Archery Range Player Benches. Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink. Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails. Bituminous; Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables. Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT 11 lon-Street PARKING Q Off-Street 'I No. of Spaces I Not Present I e 24 HERMAN FIELD PARK Notes and Observations: Development to be~in in 1991. Site development completed in sprin~ of 1992. initial installation of park amenities to occw" in fall of 1992 2S e e e PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 . PARK NAME PARCEL J.D. NUMBER ADDRESS ACRES AND DESCRIPTION Lake Ann Park 25-0110200,25-6890030,25-6890040,25-6890050,25-6890060 1456 Arboretum Blvd (TII 5) 101.83 - 62.56 SWl.4 of SWl.4 Sec. 11, 20.17 Tract E RLS 88 4.8 Tract C RLS 88, 2.91 Tract F RLS 88 10.85 Tract D RLS 88 ACQUISITION CLASS Community e Archery Range 12 Player Benches, Wood; x Metal 6 Ballfield( s) 12 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) 2 Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 2 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) 1 Shore Fishing 1 Boat Access Skating Rink, Family 13 Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill 4 Dock(s) 1 Soccer Field(s) 1 Fishing Pier 1 Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) 1 Swimming Beach with Raft 2 Horseshoe Pit(s) 2 Swing Unit Beach (2 Tot & 2 Belt) Ballfields (1 Tot, 2 Belt, & 1 Tire) x Open Field 1 Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; - Turf 14 Park Benches Warming House x Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 30 Picnic Tables, Wood; 42 Metal x Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 2 Play Area(s) PA. . FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT On-Street x Off-Street 412 No. of Spaces 10 No. HDCP Spaces Not Present e 11 Parking Lots: Soccer field lot-25 spaces; New field #1101-54 spaces; Fields #1, #2, #3 west lot-37 spaces; Fields #1, #2, #3 east lot-36 spaces; Parkview upper lot-51 spaces; Parkview lower lot-15 spaces; Fields #4, #5, #6, south 26 lot-73 spaces; Fields #4, #5, #6, north lot-48 spaces; Swimming beach 10t-64 spaces; Hidden 10t-11 spaces; Boat access lot-7 car/trailer and 8 car only spaces. LAKE ANN PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: e Ballfield #1: L.F. Line 305' Center Field 304' RF. Line 299' Baseline 65'-90' Pitcher's Plate..2Q:.. Ballfield #2: L.F. Line_ Center Field_ R.F. Line_ Baseline 60'-65' Pitcher's Plate_ Ballfield #3: L.F. Line 268' Center Field 268' RF. Line 268' Baseline 65' Pitcher's Plate 50' Ballfield #4: L.F. Line 300' Center Field 300' RF. Line.lQ[, Baseline 65' Pitcher's Plate 50' Ballfield #5: L.F. Line 300' Center Field 300' RF. Line 300' Baseline 65' Pitcher's Plate 50' Ballfield #6: L.F. Line 300' Center Field.1Q[, RF. Line 300' Baseline 65' Pitcher's Plate 50' Fence Hl Fence Hl Out of Play (Outfield) Du~out Ballfield # I : 6' 6' Ballfield #2: 6' 5' Ballfield #3: 6' 5' Ballfield #4: 6' 5' Ballfield #5: 6' 5' Ballfield #6: 6' 5' Soccer Field: 65 vds. x 110 vds. Tennis Court: 60' x 120' Gate House: 5.5' x 6.6' Backstop Back Panel Backstop Win~ Panel lO'x20' 10'x20' 10'x20' 10'xlO' lO'xIO' 10'xlO' Maintenance Building, Metal: 40' x 60' Maintenance Building, Wood: 24' x 46' Play Area. Ballfield: 63' x 75' Play Area. Beach: 36' x 39' Lake Side Picnic Area: 60' x 120' Park view Picnic Area: x Beach Area: x - Fishing Pier: 8' x 104' T -Section: 8' x 40' Trail to Greenwood Shores: Width: 6.5' e Softball Field Concession Building: 34' x 34' Dock #1: 4' x 16' Type: Roll in. strai~ht (Beach) Material: aluminum Dock #2: 4' x 48' Type: Roll in. 20' T-section (Beach) Material: Painted Steel ManufliCturer: Porta dock Manufacturer: Hewitt Roll-a-Dock e 27 e e e LAKE ANN PARK, . CONTINUED Dock #3: ..i:- X ~ Type: Roll in. 12' L-section (Fishing) Material: Painted Steel Manufacturer: Porta Dock. Dassel, MN Dock #5: ~ x ~ Type: Roll in. StraiRht (Fishing) Material: Painted Steel Manufacturer: Hewitt. Nicollet. MN Notes and Observations: Grills - 2 beach. 2 parkview. 3 lakeside. 6 at turnaround. 1992fJ3: New backstops on Fields #1. #2. and #3: Overlay tennis court. 28 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Lake Susan Park PARCEL J.D. NUMBER 25-1910030.25-1910040.25-1900420, 25-4060870 ADDRESS 903 Lake Drive East ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 33.35 - 9.8 Outlot B, 16 Outlot C. and 4.74 Outlot J Chan Lakes Business Park 3rd, 2.81 Outlot A Lake Susan Hills West ACQUISmON CLASS Community FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT 1 Archery Range 4 Player Benches, Wood; x Metal 1 Ballfield(s) 2 Ponable Restroom(s) 1 Basketball Coun(s) 1 Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 2 Sand Volleyball Court(s) 2 Bleacher(s) (1991) x Shore Fishing 1 Boat Access (1991) Skating Rink, Family x Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) 1 Fishing Pier (1992) Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field 2 Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign (1991) x Trails, Bituminous; Turf 4 Park Benches Warming House x Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 6 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area 1 Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) 29 e e e e e e PARKING On-Street Facility and Equipment Specifications: Baseball Field: Left Field Line 320' Right Field Line 320' Center Field 350' Base Line 9{)' Pitcher's 60'5" Backstop: Height ~ Back Panel.2L Side Panel ....m.:... Fence Height Outfield ~ Baseline..L Dug Out Tennis Courts: x Basketball Court: 49'6" x 82'6" (NCAA 50' x 94') Picnic Shelter: ..lL. x.2L Play Area: ....21.:- x ~ Notes and Observations: Player benches - 14' IonS! Fishin~ Pier - 84' in len~th 30 Not Present PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Meadow Green Park PARCEL I.D. NUMBER 25-2031170,25-7551410 ADDRESS 921 Pontiac Lane ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 12.97 - 11.00 Outlot A Chaparral 3rd, 1.97 Outlot A Saddlebrook ACQUISITION CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range 8 Player Benches, Wood; Metal 2 Ballfield( s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) 1 Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) 1 Bike Rack (1991) Sand Volleyball Coun(s) 2 Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) 2 Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier 2 Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) 1 Swing Unit (4 Place) x Open Field 2 Tennis Court(s) I Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) 31 e e e e e e PARKING On-Street x Off-Street (64'xI87') No. of Spaces MEADOW GREEN PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Ballfield # I : Foul Line Base Line ~ Pitcher's Plate ~ Ballfield #2: . Four Line Base Line ~ Pitcher's Plate ~ Backstop # I: Height ..1L Back Panel lO'x20' Side Panel 10'xlO' Backstop #2: Height ..1L Back Panel 10'x20' Side Panel 10'xlO' Bleacher, Field #1: Quantity ...!- ....L Row x -12- Material: Aluminum Bleacher, Field #2: Quantity ...!- -L Row x -12- Material: Aluminum Railing: Yes ~ No _ Manufacturer: Angle Iron Stand E.F.A. Railing: Yes ~ No _ Manufacturer: Angle Iron Stand E.F.A. Tennis Court: 108' x --11Q:... Play Area: ~ x ~ Basketball Court: 50' x ..2[, Family Skating Rink: _x_ Parking Lot: ..M:.... x 187' Notes and Observations: Small soccer goals - 7' x 21' 32 Not Present PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3, 1991 REVISED: April 7, 1992 PARK NAME Minnewashta Heights Park PARCEL 1.0. NUMBER 25-4950140,25-4950150,25-4950160,25-4950340,25-4950350 ADDRESS 6220 Dogwood Avenue ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 1.56 - .35 Lot 1, .34 Lot 2, .20 Lot 3, .35 Lot 21, .32 Lot 22, Blk 2 Minnewashta Heights ACQUISmON CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Ponable Restroom(s) Basketball Coun(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf 2 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wet1ands 2 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 33 e e e e e e n Play Area(s) PARlmG I I I No. of Spaces I ~ Won-Street U Off-Street I Not Present MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Play Area: ~x~ Family Skating Rink: ...!QL x 120' Notes and Observations: Pea gravel resilient surfaCing installed in Fall 1991. Play area to be refurbished in 1992. 34 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME North Lotus Lake Park PARCEL I.D. NUMBER 25-5580020 ADDRESS 295 Pleasant View Road ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 19.8 - Outlot B. North Lotus Lake Addition ACQUISmON CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range 2 Player Benches, Wood; x Metal 1 Ballfield(s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) 1 Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 2 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) 1 Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier 1 Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field 2 Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails. Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches Warming House x Picnic Area(s) x WetJands 4 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) U On-Street PARKING n No. of Spaces 3S I Not Present ~ Off-Street e e I e e e e NORTH LOTUS LAKE PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Ballfield: Foul Line Base Line ~ Pitcher's Plate 45'5" Soccer Field: 165' x 315' Tennis CourtS: 108' x 120' Family Skating Rink: x Play Area: _x_ Parking Lot: .2L x --12[... 120' x...uL. (Double Court) Volleyball: Notes and Observations: Tennis courtS are experiencing minimal cracking, Soccer goal dimensions 8 'x24'. 36 ~ . PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3, 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Pheasant Hill Park PARCEL 1.0. NUMBER 25-0033300 ADDRESS 1720 Lake Lucy Lane ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 11.62 - in SEIA of NE'A Sec. 4 ACQUISITION 1990 CLASS Neighborhood FACILmES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; - Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) non-Street PARKING I Off-Street I No. of Spaces 37 I Not Present e e I e e e e PHEASANT HILLS PARK Notes and Observations: Master Plan in 1991. Initial Development in 1992. 38 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Power Hill Park PARCEL 1.0. NUMBER 25-4020410 ADDRESS Flamingo Drive ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 18 - Outlog 0 Lake Susan Hills 4th ACQUISITION CLASS Neighborhood F ACILmES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield( s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; - Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; - Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) ~ PARKING I No. of Spaces I Not Present [;J Off-Street lon-Street 39 e e ~ e e e e POWER lULL PARK Notes and Observations: Ensure that developer obligations are met in respect to grading, staking, etc. 40 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Prairie Knoll Park PARCEL LD. NUMBER 25-4040220 ADDRESS 1124 Dove Court ACRES ANP DESCRIPTION 3.88 - Outlot A Lake Susan Hills West 2nd ACQUISmON CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) WetIands Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area . Picnic Shelter Play Area(s) U On-Street PARKING I No. of Spaces I x I Not Present , Off-Street 41 e e I e e e e PRAIRIE KNOLL PARK Notes and Observations: Have trail installed by developer. 42 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED' April 7. 1992 . PARK NAME Rice Marsh Lake Park PARCEL 1.0. NUMBER. 25-1820750,25-1820740,25-3451120 ADDRESS 8119 Erie Circle ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 70.5 (97% Wetland) 43.45 Part of C, and 2.8 Part of B Chanhassen Estates 2nd, 24.25 Outlot A Hidden Valley ACQUISmON CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range 4 Player Benches, Wood; Metal 1 Ballfield(s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) 1 Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) 1 Bike Rack 1 Volleyball Court(s) 1 Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access 1 Skating Rink, Family 2 Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s), Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails, Bituminous; Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House x Picnic Area(s) x Wetlands 4 Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area 1 Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) Don-Street PARKING I I No. of Spaces I Not Present Q Off-Street 43 e e I e e e e RICE MARSH LAKE PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Ballfield: Foul Line 175' Base Line ~ Pitcher's Plate ~ Play Area: Parking Area: Picnic Shelter: Family Skating Rink: 34' x--'l1.:.- 50' x~ ~ x ---1L. _x_ Notes and Observations: V ollevball Court has no sand 44 PARK INVENTORY DA TE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME South Lotus Lake Park PARCEL J.D. NUMBER 25-8000150. 25-8000160, 25-8000190 ADDRESS 7610 South Shore Drive ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 5.9 - 2.35 Outlot A and 2.70 Outlot B South Lotus Lake Addition, .85 Outlot E South Lotus Lake 2nd Addition ACQUISmON CLASS Community "'H'I .' '."',," AND 1'~^fUKt;S-U Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal Ballfield( s) 1 Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) x Shore Fishing 1 Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill 1 Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) 1 Park Sign Trails. Bituminous; - Turf 1 Park Benches Warming House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) y'" On-Street x Off-Street 20 No. of 2 No. HDCP Spaces Not Present Spaces 45 e e e e e e' SOUTH LOTUS LAKE PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Dock ~ x --E- ~ L-Section Type Roll in Material: Aluminum Manufacturer: Shore Master Gate House: ....2:.- x ~ Notes and Observations: Parking: 10 car trailer spaces 10 car spaces 2 handicapped car/trailer spaces 46 PARK INVENTORY DATE: April 3. 1991 REVISED: April 7. 1992 PARK NAME Sunset Ridge Park PARCEL J.D. NUMBER 25-4030560 ADDRESS 1364 Lake Susan Hills Drive ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 15.14 - Outlot A Lake Susan Hills West 3rd ACQUISITION CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archery Range Player Benches, Wood; Metal 1 Ballfield(s) Portable Restroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack 2 Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding Hill Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishing Pier Soccer Goals (sets) Hockey Rink(s) Swimming Beach Horseshoe Pit(s) Swing Unit x Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign x Trails, Bituminous; Turf Park Benches Wanning House Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; _ Metal Wooded Area Picnic Shelter 1 Play Area(s) Q On-Street PARKING II Off-Street I No. of Spaces 47 I Not Present e e I 'e e e e .. SUNSET RIDGE PARK Facility and Equipment Specifications: Trail Width: Notes and Observations: 1991 CIP includes mding and seeding plav area. ballfield. sand volleyball court and park bench. Off street parking to be constructed in future phase. 48 . . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 1~ DATE: June 17, 1992 SUBJ: Summer Ballfield Schedules The spring and summer of 1992 has been one of the busiest our department has ever seen. The growth in all Chanhassen' s youth and adult activities and leagues has been extensive. During the week it is almost impossible to fmd an open field to have a practice or playa game of soccer, baseball, or softball. The Chanhassen Adult Softball Leagues are occupying all of the softball fields at Lake Ann on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The Womens League is currently using 2 fields on Tuesdays. The Chanhassen Athletic Association is growing by leaps and bounds. Currently, CAA, which includes T-ball; Ragball; Peewee; 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade Girls Softball, and 12 and under Girls Softball, is using all the fields Monday through Friday at City Center Park, Meadow Green Park, Carver Beach Park, Rice Marsh Park, and the field in the open lot off of Coulter Drive. This summer Chanhassen is the home of two Little League programs. Between the South Tonka Little League and the Classic League, Lake Ann Field #2 is being used Monday through Friday, with practices on Saturdays. South Tonka will also be using North Lotus Lake Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays for games and practice. The AAU 13-15 Baseball program currently has 4 teams in this age group. The AAU program will be using the Lake Susan Baseball field on occasion, with the majority of their games being played at Lake Ann Park Field #1, the Legion field, and Freeman Field in Shorewood. They will be using these fields on Monday through Thursday with some practices on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The American Legion Baseball team will be using Lake Susan Park along with the AAU program on an alternating basis. For the most part, the Legion games are played on Monday and Wednesday, with practices on Sunday nights at 4:00 p.m. The Chanhassen/Chaska Soccer Club has elevated their total participants again this year. Their current field usage includes playing at the Lake Ann soccer field, Sunday through Thursday; City Center Park, Monday through Thursday; North Lotus Lake Park, Mondays and Wednesdays; and Meadow Green Park on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. n \.., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Todd Hoffman June 17, 1992 Page 2 Going through the field schedules was very brief; however, it will give you a better idea on how the majority of the fields in Chanhassen are being used on a weekly basis. The associations that are using the fields are usually playing at least 2 games per night per field. For your information, I have included the field schedule for the summer of 1992. The field schedule includes all the groups previously mentioned in this memorandum. e e e MD(ld~ e 5/11 5/ /<6 5/25 I ~ Lake Ann #1 ~ ;l>O It Ih.~ 1'./- l> 'i. 1 s- ,q.JII/A I ~ "1 ". <5;/5 Itrru JJI-}~ Lake Ann #2 (,,;, 30 ~TLL fc,:i5 CICA~5"c.. ~:~ STLL Co "~O STLL Lake Ann #3 l,;.l 0 A.~. ~: 10 fL S . [,,:10 A.S. ~ : J c> A .5 . 1:20 A.S . 1:20 A .S, 7:Zf'J AS. ,:21) ~.S . Lake Ann #4 <- : ID ~.S. to ~I D A-,S. (, :JD fLS . b~/O A.S. 7 .';). b A.S. ,:20 fts . 7'}..() A-.S . T20 A.s. Lake Ann #5 ;~ ~,S. C:" :/0 A.S . ~:/O "'.S . " '. I.D ~5. .S ' -":-2-D t't. S . L~-;}() A. S . ,:ZJ) .S. Lake Ann #6 f9: 10 f\ .<; . lot) fLCS . (,.;./0 ~. S fc,:IOft.$ . 1~2D ft.5 . 7:lo fro ~ . -,;20(1.$ . I:UJ A.~ . Lake Ann Soccer Field (.,:00 5CC C €.t' lD:CO ~ccet' h',J6 ':;'Oc..C ev '7: 16 c,,/'V'I"C1 Lake Susan Field fJJ:oo AAU 14-/5 (p:CO Pr11Ll /'-1-15 fp:OO L.ef:llOn row Le~ ,'Oh Legion Field ,,: ro A1Tu 13 ':OD Mu 13> Meadow Green #1 (;'rt) J Z ~ urrler G{r15/2~ lXlder ~ 12 !'urdev (.,:~c "':36 b:30 - /: ' I';) . u "dtl tr metr !S,~~ Meadow Green #2 I 6irl~ ./ { {p: 3,:' Mt'~ lA () I;),-U h .' /t:o - g.,j 1 :DO S=>ccer r" Meadow Green Soccer 1 :00 ~~ - - North Lotus Field 7:00 S i-">ue ( 7;PC; ..s C ,;.:.,,' r 7:00 5~ 7:00 SCCc..ey City Center # 1 ~:OD T- Bo. \I b:OO T-Ba.1I ~ fL,: CO T-RD 11 1 :/!5 Raabll.~' /'./5 ~o.lI 1:/5~ball /'16 {2"._J City Center #2 b :00 T-Bfill h ~DO r-l?a \1 (,;OO T-BaIJ t-, :00 T- Ba 11 "'p 15 ..-... , II 1 ~ /6 ~""L C( II 1 ~ 1.'5 f),.,_, I) 'J '. I ~ D-ill ~ /I T - Ea 1I 6 ~OD T- Ba. " v City Center #3 6:00 ~~OO T-Ba/l (p:OO T- Ba 1\ ,: 15 RLAalx111 "':I~.n. I 1/ :15 ~ht/' I',}!) ...,~. IJ City Center Soccer ~,~ St.7G<;:~, t ~c;o .50~-r ~;t)o c ,.C(l 5oCLC' ( Carver Beach Field 1~:~9P T- 8Q)I .f. :.~ .AT -Ba!l .bi QtJ of; BId I (r;:0].) r-RldJ 1.b~oO j- Ball '- v- I .,./ b.:~ ~~AJ.) Rice Marsh Field b:~ r:BfL!t I b : .0.0 ]> ?aU, I ;-e - ,.,,, , I... .- " Coulter Drive Field b:ro r- Bt\. /) 6:00 T - 84.1 J ~ ~oo T- BeLli b:OO T-Btlll Chaska H.S. Soccer 7 :co 5OC6€r' TalKo.. Uni ta:l -"00 ,.. -~ . YT(~ ~/ /J . e TUe5dUi 5/12 5/1q 5/Zf.c fo/2 ~/9 Lake Ann #1 t:, :CD ft-ftu [3 ~:()() Af1V 14-6 (,,:00 A~v 14-,p ~ ..Jo /#41.{. J 4-1' &; 30 I}lfu 11f-)S Lake Ann #2 1.&,:/ ~ ct QS"5i C. (,,:'30 5TLL ~:~D STLL f.c: 3DC1C6S,' C (g: 30 C/ ClSS"C Lake Ann #3 [.,: 1 0 ft..S. Co : /,0 A.S. ';:/0 rt.5- '1: 2,0 A.S. 7:;)0 AS. 7;~() A5. . Lake Ann #4 ~~/O A~s. :)0 ~.5. fn:/O A.S. 7!'2D A.~. 7:;;"0 A.s. 2.0 .5. Lake Ann #5 '-:/b Rs, ;:(O ~~'. 7:2-0 f4. S. 1~20 A.S . :20 Lake Ann #6 6:[0 ,#S. fc,:lb ft~s. ,:20 .s. ,:2D A.S. Lake Ann Soccer Field l:OOSOCCey "': ro :xx.c.~ ,: 16 SOCc-e.r' Lake Susan Field b'.tJO AM 14-/5 fe;a) AA-U 14-1S ,=,tD A-AU 14-15 Legion Field (;.OOAAv L3 b:DD AftV 13 0: ')0 J4h4 1.3 ~; Jft) 111J"f I.) Meadow Green #1 Gr/~ IzilJrder (1,' (1$ /2 i t:(ll.e- (j I YIS 12- ! 'LJd& ~,yIS/2~'~ b ~30 6:?b t-.. : =<c b:30 Meadow Green #2 ~:L../5 ~-35oH f&, :45 ~'3so;..,.. b~'i5 .;;2-35J:k+ c':t./t) )-35oH ":45 ;).3X?-l- Meadow Green Soccer 1 :00 ?aLev' 1 :00 Socc...e.y'" North Lotus Field fo:ro SILL &:t.'o ~ :CO 5,/...l- ~~ ~rt-L ~:tV S,U I.~ TU City Center #1 ~:L1S Pe~ ~ ~ ',L-J 5 Pee Wee. to : y '5 H:>e lU'e. to: J-.J" Pee UX'r" t, ; 4? ~f' tUe'r" City Center #2 {p:45 2-350lT ~ :l15 2-3SDt+ ":4, ;l~35~ (.,: l..{? ,;)- 3 SGf~ I,,; L1/S ;J -3 S tJf-.)- City Center #3 &'-45 PeeWee ~ " L.J 5 Pee \,Uee. (, ~Lf5 Fee~ ,to :4'1 Pef~ o ~Ljl) rPe uRe City Center Soccer 6.<<;1 Sb~&e.r h:ro >o~?~, fP'.co SO~~'i ;:":a:> 5~~./ ~:Ot') c Carver Beach Field &, :L.)'5 Pee ~ b : 45 P-e-eIAk-c (l"J l '-/ ~ Pe-e lJ},.. (p: 45 ~UJe" {p ~ 45 Pep Wet' Rice Marsh Field &,:45 P-ee~ ~:lI6 Pee Wee. " .' 4:3 Ft?t wee- G. : L.J 6 PtD-P u..ee.. b.'4ti ~ W$!2 Coulter Drive Field ~:45 2-350# (p:45 2.~3Wf b:45 ,;) ~ 3 Sc>>t b :45 ;;>-3 Sof+- b; LIS ;)-3 5tJf+ Chaska H.S. Soccer TOO SOcc-ey 7;00 5OCC~ e 5/1~ 5 20 /2, Co 3 10 Lake Ann #1 fo:ro AM 14~15 ~ :DO APlJ '3 Lake Ann #2 Co',IS CI 0.551'C. 10:?JD 5TL-L l&: /5 CLCl.'5I5I'c. ,,~co SiLl- ~51 5,tt- I Lake Ann #3 t,: 1 D A.S. b:/D ~.S. " :10 A.S. (r): 10 ~,C;, (0 './0 A.S. f :2 t! A.S. ,:20 .<; , 1:2.D (t.S 'f:"2{) A.s, 7:20 A. S. Lake Ann #4 &,: ID f9.s. {p~/O fT-S. (,.,:/0 AS. b~/OA.s. &':/0 14-.S. 7:2D AS . 7:2tJ A~. ,:20 A.s. Lake Ann #5 1:;,[ 0 A.S. ~/~~ fh:'. (<):/0 A,S. h ~I D f1. s. 1:,:/0 A.S. ,;20 A~s. 7; ].0 AS. Lake Ann #6 to : lOA. s . (p ~[C t1S, ;~/i!o ~"~'. ~ (P :/0 ~.S, j:2b A.5. -,: 2-D A.~ . 7:2-{) . .s, Lake Ann Soccer Field 1 :00 Soc..c.eY Lake Susan Field "'.co AAu ILf-LS ";00 Aftv IY-lS G:OO AAu I l.f-15 ~:oo Le1 COIl ~ :00 LeqiOYl Legion Field ~:O(:)APrU 13 b;OOff-M 13 '-": 3D IfAuhi-j.,s- 6 i 3D /Mu )I./-/S" h: 30 -/fill,( lLi-lS' Meadow Green #1 ~ I (IS { 2. i u rrl:i?f' ~Y1~ { Z!1J7'd,Qy Girls {2 iurrJ.eY ~rls (Z !'vrder' "':3>(:) b: 3C. b"36 b '. sC:l Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer & ',co S/,",Cn' k>:UO SO{A.'({" North Lotus Field 7:C;0 St, <-<<r 1 :00 'Soccer 7:CD Sccce.v I ; CO S CLC€Y' 7:o~ S~~T City Center # 1 f_:OO 1=-Ra.A1 &,; 00 T- Bcdl , ',DO T -BClII (,., :CO T-Ba /J 7:15~1\ I; I S I1A~ I All 7;/~ 1/ '7: I S nil,. J. /J ..., '::::!. City Center #2 b"DD r: Ba II ~ ~ bD T -f?cdl I,., ~C() 7- Ba lJ b :DO T..- B'a }J i;)") 7M~ ~, J J '7 ;J5 O"A' ., ~ ) 5 t14:ib2 {/ f~/5 1<a4t4/1 City Center #3 /-':00 T-Barl b:W T-Bcdl (,:c:c T-BCl/J h ~DO T-BQ /1 I', IS .- , ) fj D "" L,.. '1 I~J~ f)..~L""1 1:)J=j ~b11J ..., City Center Soccer 6,IIT'> Sbu.-:er ~ ; CO "SoU:er 6:[0 Stxce., G:a> .s~~ f ;; : <<J S~u::.e( Carver Beach Field I~:rn T- Red J t.,;OO T -F cdl 1_ :rn T -BlL/ J b,:, (p I- ?lI.lJ. ... .V~ f (LPnT:u ~{J OJ Rice Marsh Field t,en r - R Ct./ J b,:?:)D I-- 8.M J b~'CD T- ~u 1/ . ... ." . v' I' ." Coulter Drive Field fc :DD T- Bu. II h:CO 7-8u// h.Cl:J T-Bull b:ro 7-136 II Chaska H.S. Soccer WPri nf':yj~ 5 I (PI . . / e ThLJ r-:>dacT !5/IL:J 5/21 5/2-S folLf ro/ / I . Lake Ann #1 RItD ILl-II) g:-3b (.:/0 f1.S. ':IOA-S. ~~/O A.s. b:/O A.S. (0: 10 A."5 I: 2tJ A 'S . /:20 A.S. -,:zo A.5. . "'7 : 2f') AS. -, :")..0 A. C; . ~:/S- 1M t.I /lMS ~: 30 ~ IlJ-JJ ~: 10 II~ N.)~ Lake Ann #2 (c:Y:) :STLL ~'./~CIC6'5"(.. G::,:30 5TLL ~: 30 Clcevic. lo: ~O [tetsS,'t' Lake Ann #3 ~ : l.{) r1.S. fo'. I () A. s . b:/O A.S. f.::, : 10 fl. S . ~:/oA.S. ,:]0 A.? t; 7-0 A.S 7:20 A.<:-. 7~~ A.S. 7: 20 ,.q. S . . Lake Ann #4 iJ, : 10 A. s . ~:/O frS. &':/0 A.S. (P~/O A. S. . 0:{O AS. 7 :~fL5:. .2..0 A.S. -,:2tJ A, cs. . -, l20 p..t::.:> . 7:'2-0 fl S . . Lake Ann #5 ~ : lOft. s . Co ;/0 A.S . ~:lb f}S, &:/0 A.s. 0:/0 A.s . ,;').{) It.S. f"20A,S. ,: 20fJ S. 7:20 A.S. -,: 2tJ A.S. Lake Ann #6 ~:{O AS. to:/oAS &:/0 ft.S. (~;/O ft. S . ~;~ ~'.~'. 7:2/) ftS. /: 2D A.<; 7 ; 2-f) {1.$. I : ')...0 11. S . Lake Ann Soccer Field 1 :00 Soc.c.e.V ,,:00 SOcce,y- Lake Susan Field (p:CO AflJ II./-IS ~roAfK) 14-/5 (P:lV Il/iti /JI-IS r; ,co t?'lf -I#.)~ Legion Field fc:oOAftD I ~ fs,:OO PtAo 13 S \~ lS I 2-:lJYViev (bWIS 12..;undgr G\1S 12 !uncl~ ft.. '.1 Meadow Green #1 :r'I'i 12.~IJIUU' c":30 J... " ~ b:5~ b:3O Meadow Green #2 ~:L.J 5 J,3S6t+ ,,; 45 ).....3 sof~ b:45 ;)-3 SGf+- 1,,:45 ;)-3sO++ Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 (~: 415 Peec0&. L :4~ ~\..l& , : 45 Pef l.Ve-e ,,: 4 5 P-e.f~.p t, ; 45 ~ u)e.e City Center #2 ~:45 Z'"'35M+ b; L-I5 ;). .35# b :45 d-3$OfJ- "~4 &j :;-J SoN City Center #3 "":45 Pee v.:ee ~:L(6 Re~ C, :'-16 1ee ~ ':45 ~~T' 0~4'1 m~ City Center Soccer ~~ ~. 660 Socc.~r If, ~<<) Sn/~.. r ".w 50u.~,- 6:[)() 5/)~t' Carver Beach Field ":L.)~ FeP~ " : 41) D.ao I I ~ (.,:Ll5 Pee~ It, '.LI-5 ~~ b :4~ ~lAk,... Rice Marsh Field b:45 PeeLCee. to :41) Pte Wee " ~ 4? ~u.Jee- /., :4c:J -Peel.L.ke. (" ~ 4.1) P-P17 ~ Coulter Drive Field 1:,:45 2 -3 Sat+ b~l-J? ~.3 sGR- I c,,;u6 J"'3 C~L I : LJ 'S ;2-3sc4 Chaska H.S. Soccer -,:co 50CCe.t -- f Y(d~ e 5//5 5/22 5)2-q ~ / r::; fo//2- Lake Ann #1 ':/b A.S. L:/O As. ~:.'() ~S. b:/O As. 7:26 A.S. . '20 .5. 'g:20 fJS. q;~O A.S. ~:~o A.s~ R:36A.S. : 30 f\. S . Lake Ann #2 Ie: 3D STLL &;w S72J,... Ia~ SILl &, ,c:V 5,i.. '- Lake Ann #3 ~:to A.S. fo:{D ,q.S. ~;/O AS. (,.,:/0 A.S. 7:2Dfl5. 7:~ A.5. 7:20A.s. 7:2f) A.s. Lake Ann #4 ":/0 A.s. /r;':lO 11.5. (" ; 1 0 14.5. (r) : 1 0 fl. 5 . ,:20 A.~ /: 2-0 A.s. 7:20 A.S. j:'2-o f\. S. Lake Ann #5 b;{O ft;;S. (0 ;/D A.S. ~.:ID ~+- In; 10 fl. S. ,:2.0 .s . ,:20 As. .20 .S. };;:;26 ft.<;' . Lake Ann #6 ~~~ ~~~'. b:lO ft..5. h:/O A.~. ~;/O ~5. 7:2f) A.S. 7:2f) A.S. :~6 .5 . Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field Legion Field Meadow Green #1 G, Y\S I Z f urder GIY'S' ZfoM-eY (;YlS 12!'vr~ &'(/') J 2 :un'kY b:~ f....:<c> h :sO J....: 50 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer e e 5unno.v 511t) 5/1, 5/24 5/'3! ~/l Lake Ann #1 8Au T{)l)(n~ /=5 Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field 7:CO 5crC€v' Lake Susan Field LrW LefliOn 4: OOLe9.lcm'. LJ:W l.Ett ien '-/ ~co LBrt 1'0 l) 4.'00 Lef:/lon Legion Field Mu T6\)~ 13 -" Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer ~+t) rdW(' e SIC( 5/ I~ 5/2~ 5/30 fo/~ Lake Ann #1 ,. q''()(:;A f'r1 f+A u I~ f/:MAtvI M),u-JI; Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field q DOftn, tiAo 1% Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Cbaska H.S. Soccer . e ." e rhondCu.ct (p 115 Co Idd b!d.-q 1 (p I 13 Lake Ann #1 ~:OO Mu /4 -/~ G ;00 l7ftu II/-IS ~,IS hRt; II/-IS' & ; 3D IMIA JI/-IS- ~:I.s- ~flu jt/ -IS- Lake Ann #2 (r,:30 tJ(JS~i( fo:~() ~TLL to: 30Cla-stic. Lake Ann #3 (P:/O. AS. &,:[0 ftS. " :[0 fV5. h: /,0 A.S, '" ;/0 A.s. 7~20 ft.S. T2-D A.S' 7:U;; fl. S . ,:2.0 A.~, ,:2-0 A.S, Lake Ann #4 le. : 10 (t.es. &:(0 As. /.:/0 As. fc,:/D fl. S. 10:/0 A5. 7 ',20 f\.<; . 7::;0 f1. S . 7:20 "'.5 . j:ZD A.s. 7:LD ~.s. Lake Ann #5 fe,:IO (l.S, ~'.{() A.s. (,:[ 0 f),S. ~ {,., : 10 A,S . ,:2-D A.S. '7:2.6 A.S, 7;20 AS. 7t]..D A.s. -':2-D AS' Lake Ann #6 b'.(O (is. fo '. [0 ".<; . ,=,;. J () As. fo:(O A.S. ~Jo ~.s, 1:2-D A.5-,. ,'.2/) A.s , J ~2..D f..S. ,:2t> A.S. : 0 .5. . Lake Ann Soccer Field I,.ot::> ::>oc..c-ex ";00 ::oc e-e.r' b:OO .5ocL-e.t" "':00 .)ccc-e.r J :00 5/::fX;€r' ,Q6 :)CCC €..y 1: 1'5 <.C'c.c E'...... ,Q6 c....~c.ey- 11:/.'1 soccer- Lake Susan Field &;.:CfJ Le}ll'O n ~:OO~iOI\ (p : 00 ~ j 0 (\ G:, 'CD L-ea I'M b '.06 LeA (Dr) Legion Field tD ,. Ci(.) If If fA - 13 Meadow Green #1 btY\s 12 ~'\Jl1O~ ~ ~ GI/ rt~ J 2 ilfrd-iY '=.:-36 t..:~ b"3D t.. : SO Meadow Green #2 ~ ~!',.... 6ra,.1" "'" '/<>5 (J "1\']I,~(' 'W\a I\e ,.." ~4 1'1 e Meadow Green Soccer .., :cO 5Cti-€f'" Prl!'.... .:'S"C04/ll!! 17 l:OOSCCCo/ 1 :CPSCC(€.{..- I,lb- !5: ;)0 North Lotus Field 7:00.50Cce.-- I:C:O~ 1:00 SUcev City Center #1 "':OD T- Red) (,,:DI:) T- Sa. II b:OC T-Bct \ I T/5 ~bCLlC ,: ItS f2.AA 1:a I , City Center #2 h:OO T-Bu.U ":00 T- Ba II ~ :00 T-J3a.,lj 7:/5 D"..,Io.", II 7~/5124t:lba1J 'V City Center #3 b:CC r-Bul) f,,:OD T-~ ~ :00 =r -Bcd I l:15 ~htLlI '1 -./5 ~!:tt IJ City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Ib:-PJS T~.BQ II h ~QO ;:r:BClII b:OO T-Ba.I\ - v 'oJ .- , Rice Marsh Field It.... :01.) T-J$uM b :0..0 T- , ~t1 (J. [; :Do T-BtllJ v. ,.~ -... Coulter Drive Field b:OO T-BClII (r, : C(J "l5a 11 b:DO r- Ball Chaska H.S. Soccer 7:00 SOCCe.r" 1:0 D ::Oa.eT / / " I L) e "SclCLyj bl e / I (p 0/:J ?J ~() 7/7 / II '-) Lake Ann #1 ~ :;JO 1HJl.l ,~-J.5 ~.. J{) !!hu. } L/-I' ,,: 'i.' /JI}-/,/ -N-J 0';}0 1H1~ Ill-I ~ 6: ~ /iI1q ,if-}S" Lake Ann #2 (n:~{) 5TLL &:30 STLL t,; 30 CIl/S5iG- ~;.1? d ass if- Lake Ann #3 , :it> A. So l:,: [0 A.S. 7::;.0 fl~ s . 7:')D A.s. Lake Ann #4 t-,: I D ft.5. ~:/O As. f:2-0 A.S' A.S. :20 Lake Ann #5 h:/O A.S. fc> : 10 A.s. &':ID A.S. 7:20 As. 7:2D A.s. 7:20 BS. Lake Ann #6 fc:! 0 ~.S . h:/O A.S. b:/o p,S. 7:2-0 ft.c., 7:'/1) A,S. 7 : 2U ft. S . Lake Ann Soccer Field (.,'OC~q -,:co s~ 1 \'00 5crc~ 7:jt; <.r ,..e"./ Lake Susan Field u5b,.; 0,)R Legion Field ~ 30 QfTl.4 n w:Jt) AAt.1 /3 ~i/') J~ ItJ: 1.~ ~At.1 } ~ to: U':.> /}If/A I ~ /k.1 Meadow Green #1 G\rIS 12-~ Ufld-eY G\ vis 12,:@eY ~IY/~ 12. !'Irrrlu brYIs J2 rw v1.c, C-.:~o h"'36 t...: 3"'0 b:r;e.rJ Meadow Green #2 L ',L-/ '5 .,)-'~ sDf+- to; 45 ;)..~ SGf4. I., ; LIS ;). 3 Saf+ Meadow Green Soccer l:COSCCC.ev l'CO SCLC€of' North Lotus Field City Center #1 6 :45 te-etLee fc:L/5 Roe We-e 1:,; 41) ~\.,0ee City Center #2 G '. t..J 5 ;)..- 3 )Gt4- b ',45 J..3 sc:i~ (r; :45 ,;}..3 sof+ City Center #3 "'.~5 P-ef~ " : l/ 5 P€e Wee "'. L/ 6 H:<e LW't' City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field (., : Ll~ Pee~l~ ~ :LjS a:,Pl' ~ L :46 ~1i::eP Rice Marsh Field b :46 Pff~ l :45 P€e~ b:45 p.pp~e Coulter Drive Field t- '.L1? d-3 ~ b: 4? ;)..3S~ b:41j a..3Sof+ Chaska H.S. Soccer t'.co SCI:L e.,/ 1 ~Oo5CCC-ev 1 :cf) 5.cCcer' e e ~ / II Co/riLl I 7 ~ 7/15 Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 {o : ::s 0 c)TLL Lake Ann #3 ~;~~~. t,:ID A.S . to: ID (3.c;. ~;~~ ~~'. ~:/O A's. ,:'2D A.5. ,;u; A,s. Lake Ann #4 b:/oA.s. ~;/O ~S. C.:l0 AS. b:/o AS. fo:/o A,S. 7 ~ ')..0 ft S. 7120 A.S. 7:71) (J.<;. 2b ,t.;. . Lake Ann #5 ~:tO A.S. "'/0 fJ.S. b: to ft, $. 0:/0 ft S. t" './0 ti-S. '2-D It.S. 7~ 2/) fl. S. 1:2.0 A,~. . Lake Ann #6 b :10 ~ S . Ie, :1 D (3 ~ S . b~/O A.S. ~; It;! A.5. " : to A.S. 7: U) .S 7:20 fr..S. J~2b fT.S. , : 71'J A. S . Lake Ann Soccer Field 7:00Socce.v I ;OO:;occev- ,:Cb~ -, '.00 5oa.-ev- Lake Susan Field &,:00 L~iC5l\ ~ :00 ~iDI) ~:ro leA ilYf\ b '()o L.eR;O () & '.C() Ltt+ 1M Legion Field Meadow Green #1 GIYlS 1?_~IlV'\[kt (..y-I<. /:L ~Orld{f (",d"'l~ 12 ~'trrvk1- r; 1(1<- , 2 ~~)rm ',vI( I J. ~ nrrl(1 C:, ~ -30 . t:::~ ^ L"~"D h:~b 'k:<.O Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field -, :CO'5CCc.~ ., : 0() '5oCc-e.y-' 'TDOSDcc€/ 1 :00 5ci:.C~ City Center #1 (p : 00 T -50.11 {p :OD T -&,11 7: I~ L2tlQtu 1\ ,:/5 Raabt\ \ City Center #2 c..:06 T-BeUI t.. :00 T--Ball .,~ I? (~b:l \\ '); JS I.. .. /I City Center #3 t..:DD T- 80.11 (,,:oo T-Ball .., : 15 l2aG!:u /I J'.I~ 12au~11 .. '" City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Ib : Q..O I' 8a lJ /..,:fY'J T-Rr. U .... ~ 4:~ i- BOI) Rice Marsh Field I b,:kQ r: B Ct 1.1 , v. .... Coulter Drive Field ~:ro T-?o. /I 6:t:() r-8CJIJ . Chaska H.S. Soccer Wprine5ri~ 7/ I Ih l) (&) r:t 0tJ e / I g /25 1/2 I ~ I//~ Lake Ann #1 b:rD As. to : loA. S . In: loA. s . (.,:[0 A.S. b;JD A.S. /:20 A.S. -:7 ; 20 r't S ,: 20 AS . 7:2.fj A. S . -, :1-0 A.S . I~,' k? Mti Ji./ -IS 8':,)0 1M/.( III -IS ~:.30 /J~ IJ.I-/~ g, 19/tfttt 1'-1-):;- Lake Ann #2 ~ : 30CI U7:DrL G:,:~OC I Qc;SI"c.. Lake Ann #3 (P:WA.$. ~:lO A.S. f,.,: 10 ff3. b : lOA. S . ~: 10 A.S. . -,: '2D 11.'5) . "'p 2--D ft So. 7:-U:; f}S. -':20 AS . 7:).0 A.S. Lake Ann #4 fo:/D ft. S. to '.lD AS. t,:loA.S. &, : /0 A. '5 . b:/o A.S. {:WA.S. ,:1-0 A,s ., ; 2-D ft. <; . (:~A,S. ,:2fj B'5. Lake Ann #5 (, ;/0 A.S . b '. tD ,q. 5 . Co :/0 ft.S. (~ '.[ 0 fT~S . f9:/O fl.5. I :2Dfl.S . 7~2() f1;S. ,:2.0 A.$. I : 20 A. S . 7;J.() ft.S. Lake Ann #6 b ..to A.S. (.,:/0 {t.S, " : (0 fl, s. b :/0 AS . (P:/ofl.'S . 7 :') 0 ,q. <, . 1:2DA.~ . 7:26 A.S. 7;2D (1. S -,:20 A.S . Lake Ann Soccer Field 1 ;00 Stae..v "7:bO SCCCQV" I ~:oo -SOCoe.y I "7: I c:; <oa.e.Y '7"":l~ .r(~ Lea' Lake Susan Field .a. fM~ - IJI-I.5- c...cvl1ff4 I~ -).~- -1-fJ-"\ ,)- 10 Y") Legion Field (,: t.>O ~u oJ-1S- t :00 1Jf#.t IJt-'~ Meadow Green #1 ~ (...1 (l~ 11 r'fiWl".J &. Y1<; IJ! lJY1rlif b. r [<:. I~ ~'~ J_ ~,r1S J:J ~"1I11- :-so t:.,:~l:l ~'.3D h:~ J.,:'iP Meadow Green #2 ":45 '?-3scf+ (,'.L.l5 d.3sor+ Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 b : 45 Pee u)ee to:4:> ~ lU:1c> City Center #2 b:45 ;)'3$of+ t,;l..J 5 d ,3soft-- City Center #3 b :L./tl PeeuJee b :46 ~ u)a.. City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field r. : LJt1 ClcP ( ~ b'.4~ D=PII~ Rice Marsh Field t.:4~ PBelVee t, :LJi) ()pp ~ Coulter Drive Field b:45 ). ~ 3 sC'J--f- (.,:Ll5 d,3 sof+- Chaska H.S. Soccer '/:CO SlXCey fo ro / e ie &I'd~ 1/ folIC! Co Id f.c 3 I ID I I Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 (o:~O 5TLL &,;=<;O 5TLL (;,:00 S-r-J-L. Lake Ann #3 ~:IO ~:t: b:/O h S. ~;/D A,S. L: 10 ft. S. :2D Lake Ann #4 (p :/0 fl.S. b/D ~<;. (p:JO A,s.' ~~/D A.s. 7."20 A,c; - ---- 7:20A.S. 7:20 AS ).2.0 .S. - Lake Ann #5 b:/D A,S. b './0 A,S. 4.',/6 ~l' 10;10 105. ,:')1) fj'S . 7:2.0 fl S , . . .......--~ .2-D .S. i:2c) A <:., Lake Ann #6 10:/0 Ft. $. Ie, : /CJ A. s. b:/D fl. S. {;,:/o A.S. 7:20 (1.S. 1~2J) A.S. 0 7:2/)A.S .7:20 A c:;. - . Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field 'P!~oJ{s- Leg JDY) Legion Field Meadow Green #1 ~'r/")Jd i1tt'ldy {;,rI5/'::.l ~IJNJf/ (."YI< 12' A.I ~L L:~ ~:30 '"' : 30 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer / / l ~ +u rr)CucJ e 0/ /3 ~ /LO rolLl 7/4 7/ J I I Lake Ann #1 I Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska n.s. Soccer e e 50ndWd 0//4 0/2/ ~ /2- ~ I S 7//2 . . Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field 7 :C5C sa.cer-- Lake Susan Field Y:OO LBd. (Oil Lf{X) LeA i0t) I'-/:C;D LeR JOY) L{CO L€'l1 iO n L-J:OO Le~l6h Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer I , e Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 rs:lD ft.? 7 :;t.o A.S. Lake Ann #4 b:/b As. 7:26 f..S. Lake Ann #5 ":(0 PrS. 7:20 A.S. Lake Ann #6 b:/O AS. 7~2-o Pr.s. Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field ~:O() Mu- }lJ-IS Legion Field ~: "h tJltu '3 /" : 10 Ifll fA , 3- Ih: 11".> RtJu rl, Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Cbaska H.S. Soccer I / 2..b M()nctWO '}2, 8/3 '8/ID 8/11 . e e T LJesclOZ) ,/2-1 1/2-<( 8/4 ;/ J I 8fJ<6 . Lake Ann #1 ~:Jl'> f1f}i,( ~:3o Af}l./ y.' 30 /JIIi.{ /4 -'S /4-1S" /4 -is- Lake Ann #2 lo:~oClu55iL Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer -".~cev North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer 8 wed ne=--dOU e I I2-Z -'/2Cf ?{/5 <g/12 3'/10 Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 b:(O (is, G,:ID ",$. 1:]"() fV:; . ,:2Dft.s. Lake Ann #4 ~ './0 A,C;. f..: 10 A/5- 7: 2.-D A.s. 7~2D f).S. Lake Ann #5 b '.lO AS. fo:tt; ('1.S. J; 2.0 (i.S. Lake Ann #6 , :/0 A.S. (,..,:/0 A.~ . 7 : 20 ft. S Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska U.S. Soccer . e e ]1lu ("')d~ I 2-3 7 30 '?Sf&> Z /13 20 . Lake Ann #1 1J;jC) IJItU fJH> Lake Ann #2 c.I4.sS., " (;.,: 30 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field v;oo 4ALl jL/-I;- Legion Field ~c:t? Mt.i- I) Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer I I <5/ +- r f'dCUf e 1/24 il3J 3/1 8J/~ 8/2/ Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 C, ,00 sr 1-L- Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center # 1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer e e ~A:J-ordCu& I /<jJ 7/2-5 z// 3/ ~ cg / lS Lake Ann 111 Lake Ann 112 Lake Ann 113 Lake Ann 114 Lake Ann 115 Lake Ann 116 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field P)Cu.f~ -ltAiN\ I Legion Field Meadow Green 111 Meadow Green 112 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center 111 City Center 112 City Center 113 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer I 5und~ e e I J)q 7/2to Z /2- <3jCf '2//{P Lake Ann #1 Lake Ann #2 Lake Ann #3 Lake Ann #4 Lake Ann #5 Lake Ann #6 Lake Ann Soccer Field Lake Susan Field "P1CUioffs - ~ iO () Legion Field Meadow Green #1 Meadow Green #2 Meadow Green Soccer North Lotus Field City Center #1 City Center #2 City Center #3 City Center Soccer Carver Beach Field Rice Marsh Field Coulter Drive Field Chaska H.S. Soccer e . CITY OF CHANHASSEN '7 - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation supervisorY / L June 18, 1992 o. TO: DATE: SUBJ: Fourth of July Update e As Chanhassen's annual 4th of July Celebration is drawing near, the planning for our premier event continues. With just a few weeks to go, the finishing touches are being put into place. This year's events will be held over two days--Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4. On Friday, the events will be at City Center Park with the exception of the Adult Fishing Contest at Lake Ann. The kiddie parade, community picnic, Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair, street dance, and many other fun-filled events will be on Friday night at City Center Park. Saturday, July 4 is family day at Lake Ann Park. Activities will include softball tournaments, treasure hunt, inner tube relays, the fireworks display, and many others. An important part of the 4th of July Celebration is the advertising. The schedule of events will be inserted into the June 25 edition of the Chanhassen Villager. A follow up story will be written in the July 2 edition of the Villager to gain more exposure for the celebration. I had two new 4' x 8' 4th of July signs made, and these will be used in conjunction with the other two signs and the banner. They will be placed by the entrances and exits to the community. Flyers for the fishing contests, softball tournaments, and the schedule of events were dropped off around town to gain more exposure for the celebration. Final arrangements will be made with the performers and other people involved well before the start of the celebration. Check lists will be made to ensure that tasks can be completed involving all the scheduled events. All the planning and coordinating for our biggest event appears to be in good shape. e Note: A sign-up sheet will be available Tuesday evening if commissioners are available to assist in the coordination of the celebration by volunteering to work particular events. ft ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER I I 3.LnOl:l 3C1"I:I"d 31C1C11>1 D:~ ,................. c=J~ . D HSINI~ ~tr.lS ~ . 25. > &.ll~ g. ~ ~ 0 ~ . ~ 8 A.I~W813 . U8898lfU81.1:J '-............. ltfV1S c A.laS..InN . M.N s.uoSUM .0UI ~a.LABM U.L -B s.... a ^ IBo!paw S!OUB..I:::I .~s u6!sae SLUa~SAS IB!Oads aouBCI pUB o!snw ~saM4~nos ~!SUB.I.L o.l~aw ~saM4~nos ~unOLUaSOt:l s~onpo.ld O!~BLUO~n" s~..Iaqot:l .OUI 'B.la!^!t:I s~onpo.Jd PUDWpat:l 6u!..Ia~~s, 'S u61S a.loow IISCI S.SIIUW .OUI :J" ^H ~!..ISW SPIBUOClOW ~.laq3 pUB a>lqaOtt 'SBI4::a,~BII\I .OUI 'so.lnos UBW ..IaqLUn, UBLUA, uap.lBg 'S UMB, sn~o, .OUI 'S.la~:JB.lOpUB' A~IBat:l Slag pUB z~n4Ia6uII>I ..I0::a.BIPBt:I t:I'Sr sa!UedWD:J qaM ~ue~sul s..Ia~o..lS ::a.uBpuadapul s.lauBsl:J sSBlg ..InoH sasn04uas..Ig >lasBloH sa!uBdLUo:J ABPIIOH SliDe os sAng .l0:J ..IIBH Auedwo:J s6e6::a...Iow ..Ie::a.sPlog sp..le:J >I..IeLUlleH pue le..lol:::l aso.lualg .OUI Aaupag >lBdLU3 O!U!I:J 0!~OB..IdO..l!4:J S..Ia40!3 qnl:J alPpes sueLUas..IoH a!..IIB..Id uap3 la~oH sa~lns A..I~UnO:J .OUI '100.1. pUB aU!40ew B~SB4:J oap!^ uassB4ue4:J d04S OOB.L uassB4uB4:J qnl:J snqoLUMouS uassB4uB4:J SO!:HO ~sod uassB4uB4:J .la::a.ua:J IBO!paW uassB4uB4:J s::a,..Iods pUB UMB, uassB4uB4:J 4~BS pUB ua40~!>I uassB4uB4:J uUluassB4uB4:J ..Ia~ua:J ~uaLUdolaAsCI PU4:J uassB4ue4:J IMOS uassB4uB4:J >lues uassB4ue4:J laAB..I.L uassB4uB4:J s~uauodLUo:J 6uIPuns pa::a.BLUo::a.n" au!sln:J IB::a.ual.lO a, 4U" CBS ~sOd uo!6a, ueO!.JawV' suoolles a..ln::a.ua^p" ::a.saM p..lB6e" "Jaded palokJaJ uo pa~u!Jd "JeaA a4~ 6u~np a6euoJ~ed JnoA 46nOJ4~ s.losuods Alnr JO 4~17 a4~ >tue4~ sn dla4 aseald " . t-~' ," ",,>~,. 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'1.._. l ~ .:l1:1~t-~."f(g.<I e e e CITY OF CHAHHASSEH g --' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator tH I L FROM: DATE: June 18, 1992 SUBJ: 1993 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) It is staff's recommendation to table this item until the July 1992 meeting. This action will allow for more accurate revenue and expenditure figures to be calculated for Fund 410, Park Acquisition and Development. It will also allow for better forecasting of future revenue. The newly adopted Five Year Capital Improvement Program will guide the formulation of the 1993 CIP. Current expenditures are well below budgeted amounts. Revenues are also lower than anticipated. However, over $30,000 in park and trail fees have recently been received, and will be reflected in the June closings. A detailed budget report will be presented to the Commission in July. n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER r i CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~II FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 17, 1992 SUBJ: Construction Contract Updates A. Lake Ann Park Utilities: As can be seen from the attached letter to B & D Underground, I am disappointed with their progress on the utility work and restoration process at Lake Ann Park. I am following up with a second letter, indicating to B & D that it is imperative that this project be completed by June 30, 1992. B. Lake Ann Park PicniclRecreation Shelter: Progress on the shelter started out slow, but has improved over the last month. ALM Builders, the contractor for this job, will be restoring the bituminous trail, and cleaning up the area in front of the shelter this week. These actions will allow for unrestricted and convenient access to the beach. Due to the incorrect specification of the interior color masonry material for the upper level of the shelter, the project will experience a minor delay, awaiting delivery of new masonry. A smooth masonry was specified and will be substituted for colored, stone-faced masonry. The block walls of the lower level are nearly complete, and the pre-stress concrete has been installed capping this level. The metal beam for the center of the roof line is on site, as is a portion of the exterior stone. The scheduled completion date for the shelter is August 28, 1992. I anticipate the city will host dedication and grand opening ceremonies in the fall of 1992 or the spring of 1993. C. Lake Susan Park: Final seeding and restoration work has recently been completed at Lake Susan Park. Upon the contractor fmishing all their fmal touches, a site inspection will be scheduled to validate the work completed. I anticipate this contract being closed out by the end of July. D. Herman Field Park: Construction and restoration work at Herman Field Park has been completed; however, I again have not accepted the seeding work. Discussions are currently being held with Bullock Contracting to determine a solution to the seed n ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER , Mr. Robert Frovarp June 5, 1992 Page 2 with all work meeting specifications and/or our expectations. I have contacted VanDoren Hazard Stallings expressing my feelings in this regard. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman e \ . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission /1/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 18, 1992 SUBJ: Nomination of Commissioner to the Highway 5 Corridor Study Task Force As part of the formation of the above mentioned Task Force, the Park and Recreation Commission needs to appoint a member of the commission to the Task Force. As discussed in the attachment, this study will scrutinize all aspects of the anticipated development of the Highway 5 Corridor. Issues which directly affect the area of parks and recreation are pedestrian and recreational travelers, highway frontage at Lake Ann Park, and preservation of trees and open space. Nominations will be accepted on Tuesday evening with the Commission appointing a member by a majority vote. n \.J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER J I . Volunteers Needed for Hwy. 5 Corridor Study The City of Chanhassen is embarking on a program to undertake a Hwy. 5 Corridor Urban Design Program. The thrust of the program is to ensure that the new development which is anticipated can be adequately accommodated within our community. But more importantly, the program is designed to ensure that what does occur utilizes high quality urban design, is sensitive to the need to protect our community resources and neighborhoods and is sensitive to environmental protection. The City Council has approved an outline for the program that is based upon establishing the Hwy. 5 Corridor Task Force. In addition to having representation from the Planning Commission, City Council, Park and Recreation Commission, and Public Safety Commission, we are seeking representatives from the business community and interested residents at large to serve. The time commitment is anticipated to be between 6 and 12 months, with the probability that a monthly meeting would be required. If you are interested in participating, we would encourage you to contact (City Hall) the Planning Department at 937-1900, and request an application. The application deadline is June 10, 1992. Final selection of task force members will be made by the City Council. - , . . . e e e ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Memo from Todd Hoffman dated June 17, 1992. Memo from Todd Hoffman dated June 17, 1992. Arbor Day picture in Chanhassen Villager June 4, 1992 issue. Letter to Ms. Kim Banz dated May 19, 1992. Memo from Scott Harr dated June 1, 1992. Letter to Curry Farms Residents dated June 15, 1992. Memo from Dawn Lemme dated June 17, 1992. Chan Park and Recreation column published in Chanhassen Villager. July 4th Kids Fishing Festival flyer. July 4th Adult Fishing Contest flyer. ~ . . . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager -#/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 17, 1992 SUBJ: Agreement with Park Road Day Training Rehabilitation Center As you may be aware, the city has been working with the Park Road Center providing a seasonal park maintenance position for James Gordien. Jim has been dragging the ballfield infields and policing trash at Lake Ann Park for the past month. Jim is employed and compensated by Park Road for his work under this agreement. Jim and other clients of Park Road happen to have physical or mental impairments. In response to the positive nature of Jim's work arrangement, Park Road inquired as to the availability of work to employ a crew of six clients for approximately six weeks. In responding to this request, I developed a park clean-up project which will result in every city park being cleaned up. The crew will also police for broken glass, pick rocks and pull weeds in the city's newly established parks and playing field areas. I requested that Park Road develop a contract in this regard, allowing an understanding of agreements made to be documented. The attached contract is the result of this request. Total liability for the city under this contract is $900.00 or $150.00 per week. Fund 145-4020, Recreation Programs, Salaries and Wages, Temporary, can absorb this cost. It is staff's recommendation that the city enter into this agreement with Park Road. The six member crew will be accompanied by two program staff on a daily basis, and will work three hours per day, five days per week over the six week contract. pc: City Council Packet, Administrative Section, June 22, 1992. Park and Recreation Commission Packet, Administrative Section, June 23, 1992. ft ~ ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e MANKATO REHABILITATION CENTER, INC. 15 Map Drive, P.O. Box 328 Mankato, MN 56001 Phone (507) 345-4507 FAX: (507) 345-5991 Arne 1. Berg. Executive Director PARKS CLEANING CONTRACf CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PARKS DEPARTMENT This agreement made and entered into this 15th day of June, 1992, by and between Park Road Day Training and Habilitation Center, (a Branch of the Mankato Rehabilitation Center, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation) hereinafter called "Park Road" and the City of Chanhassen, Parks Department hereinafter called "City of Chanhassen", whose biliing address is 690 Coulter Drive, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317. .... RECITALS Whereas, the City of Chanhassen desires City Parks to be cleaned by Park Road. Whereas, Park Road desires to provide these services utilizing Day Training and Habilitation Clients. Now therefore, in consideration of the promises, conditions, and covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: e 1. Park Road agrees to provide all person power necessary to accomplish the agreed upon work as specified at each of the nineteen parks. The work at each park will continue until all assignments have been completed. Parks and specific duties: Bandimere Heights Park: Pick up rocks and sticks and deposit them in trash receptacle or pile them up for later pickup. Pick up all litter in park. Carver Beach Park: Police area of all litter and glass. Remove brush and place it in piles for City work crews to pick up. Some trees may also need to be cut into smaller sections with hand saws. This Park will require a site visit by Todd Hoffman, Park Coorindator, prior to commencement of work. Staff will notify City upon completion. Carver Beach Playground: Police litter and pick up broken glass in play area. BRANCH SERVICES Brown-Nicollet Industries 21st North S1. & Broadway P.O. Box 894 New Ulm. MN 56073 Phone (507) 354-2758 FAX (507) 354.8146 Tri-County Industries 703 Cory Lane P.O. Box 489 Fairmont. MN 56031 Phone (507) 238-4388 FAX (507) 238-4389 Park Road DT &H 1290 Park Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone (612) 474-6469 Carver/Scott Co-op 410 E. 4th Street Chaska. MN 55318 (612) 448-5787 e United Way Agency · An Equal Opportunity Employer. Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities ... e e e City of Chanhassen, Parks Department Page 2 Chanhassen Estates Park: Pick up litter in the tree lines surrounding park. Chanhassen Hills Park: Collect stones and rocks and place in piles. Police for litter and check specifically for broken glass in play area, parking lot and trail vicinity. City Center Park: Police litter in all areas. Chanhassen Pond Park: Pick up all litter at this park. Curry Farms Park: Pick up stones and litter. Greenwood Shores Park: Pick up trash at park and on trail. Herrnanfield: Pick up rocks and sticks in designated areas (see park map) and police for litter in wooded areas. Lake Ann Park: Police all area of Park for litter and glass. Remove all rocks and stones from newly constructed area. (see Map in City of .Chanhassen parks plan for more detail). Lake Susan Park: Police litter, rocks and stones in newly constructed area. Meadow Green Park: Police West side of park for glass and litter. Pick up large trash from East side of park in wooded area. Minnewashta Heights Park: Pick up large and small trash items in wooded area. North Lotus Lake Park: Police North and South ends of park for litter and glass. Pheasant Hill Park: Police areas for litter and glass. Rice Marsh Lake Park: Police areas for trash highlighted in yellow (see City of Chanhassen Park Plan). South Lotus Lake Park: Pick up trash around pond areas, and boat access areas. Sunset Ridge Park: Pick up rocks, police trash, and pull weeds. 2. Park Road agrees to provide on-going routine supervision of the contracted worker. Initial job orientation, skill training, and routine follow along services will be the responsibility of Park Road as well. Workers assigned will be at Park Road's. discretion; however, input from the City of Chanhassen about on-site workers will be taken under City of Chanhassen, Parks Department Page 3 consideration. e Workers assigned to this job site may be considered vulnerable adults. Park Road requests any suspected issues related to the workers vulnerability be reported to the workers Park Road Supervisor, who will take appropriate action. Further, information about the workers should be considered confidential, and subject to the same protection as other employee information under the Federal and State data privacy laws. 3. The City of Chanhassen will provide all hand tools necessary to complete jobs. 4. Compensation. In exchange for services, Park Road will bill the City of Chanhassen a weekly flat rate of $150.00 per week for six weeks. Park Road will then pay the contract worker(s) at an agreed to rate. The (worker) will retain full employment status with Park Road and will receive all benefits and protection associated with that status (sick leave, annual leave, Worker's compensation). .Payment will be made to MRCI by the 10th of the month following the receipt of the billing. Accounts not paid by the 10th of the month will be subject to a finance charge of 1.5% which is an annual rate of 18%. It is further understood that in the case of default, any or all reasonable _ collection or attorney fees will be added to the account. WI' 5. Term. The term of this agreement shall commence on June 15, 1992 and terminate of July 31, 1992. 6. Insurance. Park Road will provide the City of Chanhassen with proof of . appropriate and requested insurance. 7. Cancellation. Both parties reserve the right to cancel this contract by providing a two week notice of intention. 6#~/91- Date City of Chanhassen Date e .. e e e Park Road StuTmer Parks Crew Personnel List. Staff: Matt Ziegler, Program SUpervisor, Park Road D.T.& H.. Main contact person for this particular contract. Any problems or questions regarding park crew please refer to me at 474-6469. Kristine Schmieg, and Tori Muesing will do the day to day coordination and site inspections for quality assurance. In the event that Program Supervisor cannot be reached Tori and Kristine should be contacted at the number above. The following will be the program staff working directly with the clients supervising and doing skills training. Peggy Edberg H.S.T., Denise Rabiola H.S.T., Debbie Johnson H.S.T, Sandy Pecholt H.S.T., (H.S.T. stands for Human Service Technician). All staff are experienced in ccmnuni ty based activities. Clients: James Gordien is currently working at Lake .Ann Park dragging Softball and baseball fields. Jim will be doing this on a six week trial basis funded by Hennipen County. David Gohdes is a recent graduate of Chaska High school, David has worked on a park maintenance crew for the City of Belle Plaine. Terrance Olhow is fran Shakopee and has worked extensively on ccmnuni ty based activities in the past. Harold "Chip" Tesch has worked diligently the past two years on keeping a local bowling alley free of garbage. Lynn Stienman has also worked on the bowling alley cleanup crew. Tony Makousky and Greg Mayerchak have also worked on various carrnunity jobs. Dan Warner will also be supplemented as a worker fran time to time, Dan currently is enployed wi th a restaurant in Shakopee. There will also be two students fran the Lincoln Hills Program assisting us fran time to time, their names are Tamika Davis and Bruce Loeffler. This rounds out the crew, any questions regarding this matter feel free to call us. Matt Ziegler. Program Director Park Road D. T. & H. J/utttff e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Coordinator # FROM: DATE: June 17, 1992 SUBJ: WCCO's Coverage of Parkland Tree Cutting On Wednesday, June 10, 1992, I received a call from Cindy Hilgers at WCCO Channel 4 Television. Ms. Hilgers called to express her interest in airing the story of illegal tree cutting at Carver Beach Park in WCCO's Community News series. Upon honoring her request, we arranged for a WCCO crew to be on site on Thursday, June 11, at 1:00 p.m. Paula Engelking, a field producer, and a camera crew produced the story on site with reporter Bill Hudson. They were at the park shooting footage and interviewing neighbors for approximately 2~ hours. The story was then edited and aired on the 5:00 p.m. news that evening. The Carver County Sheriff's Department continues to follow leads in this regard. n \.., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER -- ..... ..... :] (.) I Cl) Cl) J.. ..... .J-c fc: ~""' co i:; r:J:::::.j J.. 'co [.~ ~ .-0 ~~ CD 't- 't- o -c J.. CO ~ Cl) a: e 0) c: ..... ::: = ,-. :.=: ,~ ~ ;;.: .:: :E =: ~ -:;)0 ;;::.: ;:;:Cwe ..c:_V"Jcu Qj~~o~ .- - c t '" ~::::ou..c Co ~ u.!:: ::s uC ,co :c .2 8 >. >. .C;; ~ fi Q) ~ 8,c E " "; 0 ... l;l CIl 0 ",..scuo- ~..58::~ . u ..0 r-- c -= ~ c: ~ -3 '" ~ .~ g>'O .~ ctI >'"- c: E u"o ~ ca =:"C ':' ..." o~ u is.. '" . E c';; e -:;) ] " .2 g c...~~~~u ~ ""3 ~ E" ~~~~oc: Q..~l'U""~CO= '- ~ U t:.5 5 O..c ~.- 0'= c ".- 8 ...... 13 .9 ~ 1l VI " t: t fj III V} ~.;: ~ <,.;:0._ 0 .., c ~'O~-:::-5 u >. '" Co 0 .- c 5.5::J ff ~ :B~ ]2 e . 0 -:;) 0 c :E U c e'- '" l;: cd " f.I)~ ,. u ~o~~t:: "",0,,8. 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"'",-oSiU su,.c Q,I ,.c - ~ '" u .c:a <: .?;- 0 0 <.) e.5 Co c '::l > ~ . 0 I-' Q I-' 3'::" . < ~ "'''::l to ;> ~ c: -5:I: u ~ E ~ ... ~ c '" .!:l: ~ o~cc ~OU"'o;o'" 5~~U -""","'0 =:I U > ~ ~ u 8 ~ r: E U :t 8 g 'c.g Vi 5. ~ ~] oS e .. e e e ~OQ? ~I LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN 78 West 78th St. Chanhassen, MN 55317 612-949-0726 June 1. 1992 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen Box 147 Cbanhassen,MN 55317 DearTodd: At your request I have completed an inventory of trees cut on city property across from the residence at 6780 Lotus Trail. The list that follows describes in detail my findings. Trees listed as "current" appear to have been removed during the current growing season. Trees listed as "old" were cut in prior years. Sizes listed are the diameter of the tree at the point where it was cut. generally4 to 6 inches above the ground. Please note that additional trees may have been cut in the past but decay and overgro\\1h of brush make determination of this less certain. Species Maple Maple Maple Oak Ma pIe Linden Maple not determined Ma pIe Maple Ash Maple Box Elder Ash not determined not determined Size 1" 2" 2" 1" 3" 7" 5" 2" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 8" 21/2" 4" 4" 3" Age of cut Current Current Current Current Current Old Current Current Current Current Old New New Old Old Old ., .'-, ..... 'oJ;. t._ 0":;. I ~ ... _ ~ ..~'.' ~ ~ ':"!,' ". ..' -. :<~ ~ Everything You Need for a Beautiful Garden ~OrJg ....1 . LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN 78 West 78th 5t. Chanhassen. MN 55317 612-949-0726 In addition to the trees listed above. an Ash tree of 3" diameter and a Willow tree were damaged by the taU of the 8" maple listed above. Replacement of cut trees will be difficult at best given the slope of and access to the site. It would be next to impossible to plant trees larger than 2 1/2" diameter. I would suggest an approach commonly used to mitigate trees lost or removed during construction. The trees cut could be replaced by a number of 2 1/2" diameter trees, the sum of whose diameter would equal or exceed that of the cut trees. In this case, 51" of tree diameter were cut and could be replaced by 21 trees each having a diameter of 2 1/2". You could figure on a replacement cost of approximately $ 400 each for trees of this size for the varieties listed. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, e Jay Kronick Everything You Need for a Beautiful Garden e -. )trict 43 I_e seat citizen legislator. In taking that stance, Oliver also stakes out a position that is somewhat difficult for his opponent, McKigney. Although McKigney is seeking his first elected post, his rrofeSSional career has been that 0 a political insider. Active in the property tax reform movement, Oliver has served as a director of the Minnesota Fair Share, Inc., a property tax reform organiza- tion. He also said he frequently testi- fies on residential property tax mat- ters before the state House and Senate ru 'Committees. A businessman, Oliver is the re- :ired president and CEO of NWNL \ianagement Corporation. He is also 10 arbitrator for the National Asso- :iatlon of Securities Dealers, Inc. "A businessman's point of view is 11uch needed in our legislature," he laid. Service as precinct chainnan, city :hairman, and Lake Minnetonka area :hairman are among Oliver's Repub- i_nafides. He also has served )D arty's State Central Commit- ee been a delegate at city, county J1d state conventions. 1992 agenda :commends that the Metropolitan :Ouncil appoint all commissioners nd chairs of agencies and commis- iODs that it oversees. Ie its preliminary report, the task Jrce also recommended that tbe MET COUNCIL to page 7 Be condnued from front porter's phone call. The court also admonished sev- al of the lawyers in the case, not eluding Sanford, noting that rela- >05 among the legal professionals ld "deteriorated." *n't know what happened or if , ted to that, but I expect not in pleadings or in this court- om again, and if you want to be mad each other, be mad at each other, It don't stand up and on the record d sort of point fingers at each other's :egrity...Maybe you could talk to ch other for ~ change, actually talk Thursday, June 4, 1992 - Chanhassen VIllager - Pe Plant it here CHANHASSEN PARK AND Recreation Coordinator Thdd Hoffman, along with several dozen children and city staff, planted two trees at City Center Park last Thursday in celebradon ofNadonal Arbor Month. (Staff photo by Dean Trippler) hensive loan work-out and bankruptcy experience," the court wrote in au- thorizing the management change. Kressel's order said Merical's tasks are to include: providing general management assistance; reviewing and assessing mc's management direction, planning, cash-flow and debt-restructuring needs; reviewing and approving all financial and oper- ating policies; and providing other such management functions as mc may require in furtherance of its Cbapter 11 action. . ~e 47-y~-old Merical special- which mc acquired later than its other entities and which is a viable subsidi- ary, would receive the higher figure of 2S cents. "What we all want to see is mc to come out of bankruptcy," Sanford said. For Theatre, no change Jim Jude, general manger of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, COn- firmed the mc management shift but said the change will not alter the firm's or its subsidiaries' focus. "The (reorganization) plan will t ~~~.....~~~. t David Tester , D.D.S. t "Serving the : Chanhassen Area fo Over 20 Years" t Family Dentistry : 934-7990 . Chanhassen Profession. . Building . 500 W. 79th St. Chanhassen, MN f~~~~~~~4 '''l(egs to Spiritua{ 1" reeaom" Sunday, June 7 Worship Service 10:00 a. Children's Program, Ages 5-13 Public Tours Available . Temple of EC I Powers Blvd. at Hw} '"", i\ / Chanhassen ':- I . ~ 474-7949 L" ,\ ,:8> ~~' .~!:;F-'::,,,,,- . '" ':::.~~:':::.::~..2.,.. gjJ~"I' . . . ...".-...... --- . T?- .'.'fi'.;-".~;..t-'.'.' ,,, ",. "...., " ......;.!! _' '. "( _0 ._.. . . _, . .: ECKANKAR Religion of 1M Ughl and Soul\d of CO< proiatric , dent.iStry r . " e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 May 19, 1992 Ms. Kim Banz 25135 Glen Road Shorewood, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Banz: Thank you for coordinating your "Kids for Saving Earth Group" in an effort to clean up the beaches and shoreline at Lake Ann Park in Chanhassen. Your enthusiasm in taking a leadership position in such an organization is to be commended. The attached map depicts the areas of the park that your group can concentrate their efforts on. The trash picked up in the park can either be deposited in any of the existing trash receptacles, or collected in the bags provided by the city. Full bags of trash should be left in a conspicuous location at the beaches, or along the bituminous trail connecting the two beaches. Heavier or larger objects which cannot be contained within the bags can simply be piled with the full trash bags. I have contacted the Chanhassen Villager, the official newspaper of the City of Chanhassen, informing them of your volunteer activity at the park. H a representative of the paper fails to appear while you are working, please feel free to submit a picture of your group "in action," along with information describing your group to my attention. Again, thank you for volunteering to take action, and making our world a better place to live. Please extend my thanks to all members of your group. Sincerely, ~ . ~JtCl ~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator pc: Administrative Section, June 8, 1992, City Council Packet Administrative Section, June 23, 1992, Park & Recreation Commission Packet ft \.J PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER ", e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sgt. Julie Boden Chanhassen CSOs Direct~ FROM: Scott Harr, Public Safety DATE: June 1, 1992 SUBJ: Enforcement of City Park Ordinances Attached please find a memo from Park & Recreation Coordinator Todd Hoffman. First, I want to point out the very positive attitude toward enforcement from Mr. Hoffman, as this support makes everyone's job easier. e You will notice the response to the Sheriff's Department for signage. I would like to ask the deputies to work the parks as much as possible, and I want the CSOs to make very frequent drive throughs. I want the CSOs to make it a point at each shift to drive through the parks as often as possible. Thank you for your assistance. cc: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Coordinator e n tJ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 TO: Scott Harr, Public Safety Director # FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 27, 1992 SUBJ: Enforcement of City Park Ordinances With the start of the warm weather seasons, activity in the city's parks is on the rise. In an effort to promote responsible use of the parks, I am calling on you to assist me in encouraging the CSOs and deputies to perform routine park patrols. New park rules signs have been posted, or are soon to be posted, at all parks within the city. The content of these signs is as follows: City of Chanhassen Park Rules Park Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Motorized Vehicles Restricted to Roadways and Parking Areas Only Glass Containers Prohibited Alcoholic Beverages Restricted to Can Beer Only No Pets Allowed Snowmobiling on Designated Trails Only Help Keep Your Parks Clean: Please Do Not Litter Park Rules Enforced e It is hoped that these signs will promote more uniform enforcement of park rules as they are defined in current city ordinance. Enforcement needs to occur; however, informing park users that these rules exist for valid reasons is the more important job. Only through continued contact by enforcement personnel will we begin to see improvements in this area. I have attached a copy of a map depicting the location all the city parks for distribution. Thank you for your assistance in this effort. Attachment: Location Map pc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Dale Gregory, Park Foreman Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor e n- ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e e e rE,c AOM/,y h /;:s/9: ( CITY OF CHANHASSEN ) \j 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 June 15, 1992 Dear Curry Farms Resident: In the process of developing Curry Farms Park, it has become evident that the addition of more fill to the west end of the park is necessary. The attached diagram depicts approximately the area which will be disturbed during filling operations. The city will remove the topsoil from this area prior to the commencement of hauling operations. Upon completion of hauling, the topsoil will be reapplied, and the area reseeded to complete the restoration process. The installation of the bituminous trail loop, and the completion of the ballfield will then follow. It should be noted that the future installation of a tennis/basketball court, as shown on the concept plan, is highly unlikely. The poor soils contained within this park site are not suitable for hard court playing surfaces. However, soils tests confirming this assumption will be conducted. The necessity to perform this filling work will slightly delay the development process of Curry Farms Park, but will result in an improved park setting. The city is coordinating this project, with the hauling of fill being carried out by an independent party at no cost to the city. Staff persons involved in this project include: Dave Hempel, Senior Engineering Technician; Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent; Dale Gregory, Park Foreman; and myself. If you have any questions in this regard, or concerning the park in general, you can reach me between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 937-1900. Sincerely, ~#- Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k n \.J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ------ ./ I !' / ,( , \i \\ l \\ I' "'~~/ \ \' ~"\ j) ~ ' ,,~ ~ ) 2! \ " 0 , c 1 ~ /\ I ;-"/ '- t', " ) - I /r'V j'vz / " " ,,/ -- j ~// \ I I ( \ I , \ I I I I - ",'" / /, / "'.....- _-.... / /1, / , /" , -- / / / \ j 1/ , /",,/ \ / / ~,,/ /1 I I _-_/ ",,// ~( --- / / I \' , '- Jr---;;:'/ , i "....... ... 1111 CIty of Chantl.ss.n. Minnesota CURRY FARMS PARK CONCEPT PLAN ~~~~:~~,r~.~tallingS .'7:;~tE1~:~i~~~~'1>:~'~'!::"#~'~:~jChit~d~J=:ng~",~E!_5,~~a~,~~ o J r- -. 3 -. .... tn ~--: ~ - e, FIfX/n S SYLVESTER ROERICK I . 6600 ARLINGTON COURT eHANHASSEN MN 55317 DWIGHT SCHNEffiEL 6601 ARLINGTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN SPIESS 6610 ARLINGTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE BROWER 6611 ARLINGTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ANDREW POWELL 6620 ARLINGTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SAM CHASE 6621 ARLINGTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRADLEY WING 1321 ASHTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEWART REAMER 1331 ASHTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT REISKYTL 6450 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEPHEN LORCH 6451 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KENT A PETERSON 6460 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK FEYEREISEN 6461 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RONALD J HAGLIND 6470 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GREGORY COOK 6471 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHERYL K BURDA 6480 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 e WIN! KRISTUFEK 6490 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANA GEORGE 6491 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN L FLOOD 6500 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS SCHAFFER 6501 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TIMOTHY CLARKE 6510 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY O'NEIL 6511 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEPHEN BIELSKI 6521 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS W POTTER 6531 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEPHEN KERN 6540 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN R HULLANDER 6541 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID POSTHUMUS 6550 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID BESTLER 6551 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 4tJHN FLAA 6560 DEVONSHIRE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CURRENT RESIDENT 6411 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRAD ANDERSON 6420 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LINDA PETERS 6421 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD G SCHUETTE 6430 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS O'CONNOR 6431 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 e CHRISTIAN S CONNERY 6440 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN KUNIlZ 6441 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JIMMY SHADLER 6450 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PAUL SINKLER 6451 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN OSMERA 6460 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANK CORONEOS 6461 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RA Y R ORGAN 6470 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN ADAMSON 6471 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 C LYNN HUGHES 6480 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GARY OLINGER 6481 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DOUGLAS BEARROOD 6490 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RONALD G BORDERS 6491 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN MN 55317 e MICHAEL GRELLA 6600 CHARING BEND CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DOUG AHRENS 6601 CHARING BEND CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LINDA KALLEN 1280 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOSEPH COOK 1291 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KATHRYN BROUGHTON 1301 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JIM BENSON 1310 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NEIL BERGQUIST 1311 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JON P THORNBERG 1320 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK PAULSEN 1321 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT J THOMPSON 1330 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 S JOHN HAGENSTEIN 1331 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRUCE KOlZIAN 1340 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CRAIG CARLSON 1341 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BILL DELAY 1350 STRATTON COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANKNATOLE e 6251 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 .. CURRENT RESIDENT " 6305 TETON LANE .HANHASSEN MN 55317 CURRENT RESIDENT 6311 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL J HORN 6330 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK J FISCHBACH 6340 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JON GUY 6341 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LEE ERICKSON 6350 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MIKE COUGHLIN 6351 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DA VID L PRIEM 6360 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES DOWNIE 6361 TETON LANE CHANAHSSEN MN 55317 DAVID EWALD 6370 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES COSGROVE 6371 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ANDREW THULIN 6380 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANK UGGLA 6381 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS M RYAN 6390 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RANDY KARL 6391 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 e STEPHEN R DOMS 6398 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CURRENT RESIDENT 6400 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN LEDUC 6401 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEITH O'CONNOR 6411 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID DAHL 6421 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICK KENYON 6500 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEVIN D COOKSEY 6501 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN H WILLMAN JR 6510 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES K JETLAND 6511 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK MIESEN 6520 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS GIVEN 6521 WELSLEY COURT CHANAHSSEN MN 55317 MR. ERIC LOPEZ 6606 CHARING BEND CHANHASSEN MN 55317 e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 June 15t 1992 Mr. Robert J. Thompson 1330 Stratton Court Chanhasse~ Mn 55317 Dear Mr. Thompson: In the process of developing Curry Farms Park, it has become evident that the addition of more fill to the west end of the park is necessary. . The attached diagram depicts approximately the area which will be disturbed during filling operations. The city will remove the topsoil from this area prior to the commencement of hauling operations. Upon completion of haulingt the topsoil will be reappliedt and the area reseeded to complete the restoration process. The installation of the bituminous trailloopt and the completion of the ballfield will then follow. It should be noted that the future installation of a tennis/basketball court, as shown on the concept plant is highly unlikely. The poor soils e contained within this park site are not suitable for hard court playing surfaces. Howevert soils tests confirming this assumption will be conducted. The necessity to perform this filling work will slightly delay the development process of Curry Farms Parkt but will result in an improved park setting. The city is coordinating this projectt with the hauling of fill being carried out by an independent party at no cost to the city. Staff persons involved in this project include: Dave Hempel, Senior Engineering Technician; Mike Weglert Street Superintendent; Dale Gregoryt Park Foreman; and myself. If you have any questions in this regard, or concerning the park in general, you can reach me between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 937-1900. SincerelYt ~/ M/ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k P.S. Please call me in this regard. e o PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER .. . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 June 15, 1992 Mr. Bruce Kotzian 1340 Stratton Court Chanhassen, Mn 55317 Dear Mr. Kotzian: In the process of developing Curry Farms Park, it has become evident that the addition of more fill to the west end of the park is necessary. The attached diagram depicts approximately the area which will be disturbed during filling operations. The city will remove the topsoil from this area prior to the commencement of hauling operations. Upon completion of hauling, the topsoil will be reapplied, and the area reseeded to complete the restoration process. The installation of the bituminous trail loop, and the completion of the ballfield will then follow. It should be noted that the future installation of a tennis/basketball court, as shown on the concept plan, is highly unlikely. The poor soils contained within this park site are not suitable for hard court playing surfaces. However, soils tests confirming this assumption will be conducted. The necessity to perform this filling work will slightly delay the development process of Curry Farms Park, but will result in an improved park setting. The city is coordinating this project, with the hauling of fill being carried out by an independent party at no cost to the city. Staff persons involved in this project include: Dave Hempel, Senior Engineering Technician; Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent; Dale Gregory, Park Foreman; and myself. If you have any questions in this regard, or concerning the park in general, you can reach me between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 937-1900. Sh~~Y:~ ~//L _ /1~l(" ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k P.S. Please call me in this regard. n f. J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ~ e .e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Dawn Lemme, Program Specialist DATE: l)~. June 17, 1992 SUBJ: Summer Program Update A majority of summer recreation programs are up and running. Some will begin their second sessions in July, while others will just be starting up for the fIrst time. The following is a count of participants for those programs that have begun as of the week of June 15-19: Pinata Pizazz Youth Golf Summer Playground Summer Sensations Super Event-Twins Game Youth Instructional Tennis Junior Tennis Team Adult Golf 4 5 214 9 28 20 14 4 Total 298 As the summer progresses, this number will increase. However, it looks as if most of the programs are off to a good start. Some of the programs with lower counts could be due to the lateness of the newsletter getting out. ft t~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . . .. e or .-r . ( t)( ( ( CI ( ( , c;(:( c . ( ( OC~( ( - . ( ( 1~ ~ ~ p) "- S 17 g-! () ~ F~'S , C'r le C f ( II , ( I l . 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C~~"l:I t.!.s..... 00&4::. iic::! I U"l:l -Q:;:l..!! S ooU.....~ Ii- e e<= .'!E ~.. ::I 8.2 oS -Q~ "'0 .5 ~ a 8. fI.) ..... :;:l - M... ClO .... 0 r-- e 0 - ,G02 . M ~ J":oS.s-!l1 ;;!.; .8!~.. 8 &.BSJ:l ja 1 !1 It i ,-~J ..,J ~ .@~ .'" 'J. , ~ 1\'- r ~_ , ~ . ~- ~ " , ~~ \ ~, ~~ . City of Chanhassen 4th OF JULy CELEBRATION KIDS FISHING FESTIV AL Sponsored By Area Merchants "Every Contestant Wins A Prize" Saturday, July 4 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Lake Ann Pier Ages 5 to 15 Years Registration '~~s ",- IIFREE! ' Trophies and prizes awarded for the largest fish, longest fish, and smallest fish in two age groups, 5 to 9 years and 10 to 15 years. Prize drawings also held. Prizes include Rod and Reel combo's; kids tackle kits; gift certificates; cane poles; bobbers; bait buckets; 4th of July T-Shirts; merchandise coupons; fishing lures; bobbers; sinkers; bait buckets and more. RULES 1. You must pre-register. Limited to 100 contestants. 2. Check-in at Lake Ann takes place near the boat landing between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. 3. All fishing must take place from the pier or shore. 4. Weigh-in fish as you catch them, then release them or take them home for cleaning. 5. All helping adults must have a fIShing license. Kids 15 years of age and younger do not need a license. -------------------------------------------. REGISTRATION FORM Kids Fishing Festival Registration is '''FREE! FREE BAIT - Courtesy of Chan Bait & Taclde - Bring your Minnow Buckets! Name: Age: Address: City/Zip: Phone: Return this form to Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive, by Monday, June 29. Mail or drop it off in person or use the night depository. THANK VOU SPONSORS aft:ha ~ 992 FOURTH OF ..JUL V CELEBRATION Aegerd West Adventure. Balloons American Legion Post: BBD Anh Le Oriental Cuisine Automated Building Components Chanhessen Travel Chenhessen Benk Chenhessen Bawl Chenhassen Child Development Center Chenhessenlnn Chenhassen Kit:ehen and Beth Chenhessen L.wn .nd Sports Chanhessen Medie.1 Center Chenhessen Past Office Chenhessen Snowmobile Club Chanhessen Teeo Shop Chenhassen Videa Cheske Meehlne .nd Tool, Inc. Country Suites Hotel Eden Prairie Horsemans Seddle Club Eiehers Chiropractic Clinic Empek Gedney Inc. Glenrose Floral .nd Hellmerk Card. Goldster Mortgege Compeny Hair far Guys & Doll. Holld.y Companies Hol..ek Greenhou.". Hour Glass Cleaners Independent Brokers Inst:ant: Web Companies .J&R R.di.tor Kllngelhutz .nd Gels Reelty Lender.fter., Inc. Latus Lawn & G.rden Lym.n Lumber Meil Source, Inc. M.tthias, Roebke end Ebert MeDonelds Merit HV AC Inc. Millie'. Dell Moore Sign & Lettering Redmond Product:s Riviere, Inc. Robert. Autom.tlc Product. Rosemount Southwest Metra Transit Southwest Music end Dance Speclel Systems Ce.lgn St. Frencls Medlcel V....S.-TiI WeyT.k Inc. WiI.on'. N.W. Nur..ry Please help us thank the 4th of July sponsors through your patronage during the year. .e " ~ v.'@~ '- !?, ;jl " ~~ \ ~, ~~ . City of Chanhassen 4th OF JULy CELEBRATION Fifth Annual ADULT FISHING CONTEST "Every Contestant Wins A Prize" Friday, July 3 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Lake Ann PRIZES A variety of door prizes will be given away including gift certificates courtesy of Holasek Greenhouses, Hour Glass Cleaners, Moore Sign & Letter, Inc., The Riviera, Southwest Music and Dance, other door prizes include bait buckets, fishing line, assorted lures, stringers, fish scalers, and more. - LARGEST NORTHERN LARGEST BASS 2ND PLACE NORTHERN 2ND PLACE BASS LARGEST CRAPPIE LARGEST SUNFISH Eagle Fish ID II Minn Kota 65M Trolling Motor Spinning Rod Combo Bait Casting Rod Combo Crappie Buster Combo Crappie Buster Combo Please Practice Catch and Release FlShing. Each contestant only eligible to win one prize (largest is detennined by weight). RULES 1. $10.00 per person entry fee, pre-registration. 2. Maximum of 50 participants. 3. All fishing regulations of the State of Minnesota shall be followed. 4. All contestants shall be responsible for having their boat launched and ready for the start, boats subject to search. 5. We ask all contestants to practice good sportsmanship. 6. Bring your own bait. 7. Lake Ann is a NON-MOTORIZED lake, however, trolling motors are allowed. Your outboard motor may remain on your boat, but must remain in the upright position. All Fish MUST Be Weighed In, Or Be Present At The Weigh In Station By 11:00 a.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACI'TODD HOFFMAN AT 937-1900 .------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM ADULT F1SlllNG CONTEST - FEE: $10.00 PER PERSON REGISTRATION Name: Address: City/Zip: Phone: (day) (eve) Return this form to Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive, by 12:00 noon on Monday, June 29. Mail or drop it off in person or use the night depository. - THANK VOU SPONSORS aftha 1 992 FOURTH OF .JUL V CELEBRATION Aagard West Adventure Balloons American Legion Post SSD Anh Le Oriental Cuisine Automated Building Components Chanhassen Travel Chanhassen Bank Chanhassen Bowl Chanhassen Child Development Center Chanhassenlnn Chanhassen Kitchen and Bath Chanhassen Lawn and Sports Chanhassen Medical Center Chanhassen Post Office Chanhassen Snowmobile Club Chanhassen Taco Shop Chanhassen Video Chaska Machine and TO<<;JI, Inc. Country Suites Hotel Eden Prairie Horsemans Saddle Club Eichers Chiropractic Clinic Empa"k Gedney Inc. Glenrose Floral and Hallmark Cards Goldstar Mortgage Company Hair for Guys & Dolls Holiday Companies Holasek Greenhouses Hour Glass Cleaners Independant Brokers Instant Web Companies .J&R Radiator Klingelhutz and Geis Realty Landcrafters, Inc. Lotus Lawn & Garden Lyman Lumber Mail Source, Inc. Matthias, Roebke and Ebert McDonalds Merit HV AC Inc. Millie's Deli Moore Sign & Lettering Redmond Products Riviera, Inc. Roberts Automatic Products Rosemount Southwest Metro Transit Southwest Music and Dance Special Systems Design St. Francis Medical Ver-Sa-TiI WayTek Inc. Wilson's N.W. Nursery - Please help us thank the 4th of July sponsors through your patronage during the year. --