1992 11 24 Agenda . FILE " AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1992,7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. e 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. e Approval of October 27, 1992, Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes. Interview Applicants for Commissioner Vacancies. Land Development Proposal, Site Plan Review: Gateway West Business Park Opus Corporation 800 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343-9600 Preliminary Plat: Gateway First Addition Lotus Realty P. O. Box 235 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Appointment to the Chanhassen Tree Preservation Board. City Trail Rules; Are Dogs Allowed? Winter Recreation Program Update. 1992 Halloween Party Evaluation. Commission Member Presentations. Administrative Presentations. Administrative Section. '. C ITV OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission .Ai( Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator 1!'{ TO: DATE: November 17, 1992 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commissioner Applicants e The attached request was forwarded to the<Chanhassen Villager on October 21, 1992. Unfortunately, the news release was not included in the October 29 and November 5 editions of the paper. The article did appear in the November 12 edition, and I requested that it appear again in the November 19th edition. To accommodate this, I eXtended the application date to November 20, 1992. As of today, I have not received any inquiries in response to last week's article in the Villager. In extending the application deadline to November 20th, only Saturday, Sunday and Monday the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of November are available to contact applicants and to schedule interviews for next Tuesday. In light of this, and the minimum amount of press these vacancies have received to date, I am recommending the interviews be postponed until the regularly scheduled December 15, 1992, meeting. In addition, all Park and Recreation Department staff will be out of the office on November 18, 19 and 20 attending the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association State Conference in Rochester. This change would necessitate that the City Council conduct interviews and make appointments to the commission at their fIrst meeting in January. This will still allow a full commission to be on-line for the first Park and Recreation Commission meeting of the Ilewyc:ar. In regard to the four vacancies on the commission for terms starting January 1, 1993, the following update is provided: Andrews Seat: Jim has voiced his desire to be reappointed. Lash Seat: Jan is not seeking reappointment. Pemrick Seat: Wendy is not seeking reappointment. e Erickson Seat: Randy resigned from the commission on Friday, October 30, 1992 (Halloween night). As commissioners may recall, Randy did not get the job in n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission November 17, 1992 Page 2 Michigan (I think it was Michigan), but he was subsequently offered a job at his company's headquarters in Atlanta. Good luck, Randy on your new job! In checking into the details of the interview process, only those commissioners who are seeking reappointment to their position are exempted from the interview process. .' e e ." CITY bF CHAHHASSEH ,.(,.f-Il~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 t .. l October 21. 1992 ( f Mr. Dean Trippler. Editor Cbanhassen Villager Cbanhassen. MN SS317 J . < t t t . t t l Dear Dean: ~t/~ ~ ., , The Park and Recreation Commission is currently served by three membe hose termS expire December 31. 1992. The City is soliciting applications for ~e vacancies and ould be pleased if the Villager could provide assistance. The following news brief bas been used in past for publication in the paper: l" MEMBERS SOUGHT FOR PARK & RECREA nON OMMISSION The City of Chanhassen is seeking applications for vacancies on the Park and Recreation Commission. These vacancies are effective January 1. 1993. and each is a three-year tenn. <- .~. ~. The Park and Recreation Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council. reviewing all recreation, leisure and pade-related items. These items include pade development.. land development reviews. recreational projects and programs, ttail developnent, and implementation of the Recreation Section of ~,City's Comprehensi,r1an. /iE-"'" '\:, The commission meets the fourth Tuesday of each moDlh at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Anyone interested in serving on the board ~y apply through November 13. 1992. , For an application or mo~ .~~atillIb"pl~,,!~!~d Hoffman. Park and Recreation Coordinator at 937 _1900.....t";:?t..;,.;>,,4.'" ';.,i"~......4i:l<,,,,,~:,,*.,,,,,~.>:J"" 1f.....................,);;,fi"i:;iU;i;.~1i~~~z~-~~'-~'""~~... ...._~.' f(j,," _ - ',__ _.~ '--,'-,_," ...-'v.,_~.,;.;~cr-~~'!l;)..,.'.,..::<;';::.!oi~::::::J;,:)::'t:>:-:<_,....::,:-:~.':.,-,".-:;'~.i:;.,~ If this news brief could be placed in the October 29 and November S and 12 editioDs Of the Vallager. it would be greatly appreciated.' fe Sincerely. ~ Todd Hoffman Pade and Recreation Coordinator 'e THJ ~ ~ . ft '-~ PAINTED ON REC~LED PAPER e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 3 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -4 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 17, 1992 SUBJ: Land Development Proposal, Site Plan Review, Gateway West Business Park This item was last formally reviewed by the commission on September 22, 1992 (see attached staff report dated 9/22/92 and corresponding minutes). Action taken by the commission that evening was put in the form of a motion by Commissioner Schroers and seconded by Commissioner Berg "....to recommend that the Park and Recreation Commission request the applicant provide as a part of their proposal, a community park site. The site to include sufficient land of suitable character and topography to include natural vistas affording sufficient area for viewing and picnicking; a designated 8-ft. wide bituminous trail loop with multiple access points connecting the wooded and upland portions of the site with picnicking and viewing areas and the street plan and sidewalks; sufficient area for the possible construction of two ballfields with 300 ft. fences; a basketball court; a double tennis court; and a sufficient upland area to buffer these amenities. This will require the designation of considerable more park property than called out in the sketch plan. However, it is desirable for all parkland components to be contiguous. This park shall also maintain considerable road frontage to afford visible impact as well as allowing for sufficient ingress and egress, and we would like to see a concept plan of this recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried." On October 5, 1992, members of city staff met with Michelle Foster of Opus Corporation and John Shardlow of Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban (DSU). As documented by the attached minutes prepared by the applicant of that meeting, the requests of the Park and Recreation Commission were again confmned. As mentioned in the minutes, DSU did present an alternative park plan which depicted the vast majority of many park components on neighboring property. A proposal which I labeled presumptuous, and for which the applicant was again chastised for at a meeting with the Highway 5 Corridor Task Force as being misleading. The consensus of the October 5 discussion was: 1. That the applicant was to slide the proposed Lot 14 to the west to allow for a larger active park component on their property. ft ~~ PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission November 17, 1992 Page 2 e 2. The active components of the park should reflect the requirements as outlined in the staff report and recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission. 3. That the active components listed in the recommendation be accommodated within the confmes of the applicant's property. , In attempting to respond to these requirements, a new concept plan was developed by the applicant The plan was presented to staff members for discussion last week. The moment I saw the new concept plan, I could conclude that the applicant had not gone far enough to satisfy the requirements being requested of them. My discussion that day with Ms. Foster of Opus Corporation and Mr. Uban of DSU was very straightforward. I stated that if the easterly line of Lot 14 was moved to the west to a point where it matched the easterly line of Lot 15, the commission would consider accepting the newly created parcel for parkland requirements (see attached plan for a visual description of this). As discussed with the applicant, the precise credit, and if need be, financial compensation to be given for this dedication of parkland will be negotiated at a later time. I would like to note that the applicant did allow for a very serviceable trail connection south of Lot 11 to access the wetland preservation area as a part of the new concept drawing. RECOMMENDA nON e It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission require the applicant to dedicate parkland as depicted on the attached diagram and as previously described in this memo, and that all other borders of Lots 17 and 18 remain constant prior to approving the concept proposal for Gateway West Business Park in regard to park and recreation related items, and making any recommendations to the City Council. Trails: In regard to trail construction and/or trail fee dedication, it is staff s current recommendation to accept full trail fees as a part of this development As addressed in the previous staff report, the Highway 5 trail will be developed initially on its north side. In regard to the Highway 41 segment, numerous questions pertaining to future road improvements in this area currently remain unanswered. The ideal time to construct a trail along any roadway would be in conjunction with the improvement of Highway 41. e . I I I . I- Z <t o :J 0.. Q.. <( e ~ C lJJ I- - (I) e CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ --- PRC DATE: 9/22/92 CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Concept Review for an Office/lndustrial Planned Unit Development on 178 Acres of Property Zoned A2, Agricultural Estate LOCATION: The Southeast Quadrant of Highways 5 and 41 and the Northwest Quadrant of West 82nd Street and Highway 41 APPLICANT: Opus Corporation 800 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343-9600 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate District ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N . A2, Agricultural S - City of Chaska (Industrial) E - A2, Agricultural W - A2, Agricultural Estate and U of M Landscape Arboretum COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies this area of the.city as parkland deficient Specifically, the plan labels the area which encompasses this proposed development as park deficiency zone 7. The acquisition of a significant park area which incorporates as many of the natural features offered by this site, i.e. tree cover, topographic diversity, developable land, vistas, and wetland areas is highly desirable. The applicant, as a part of their narrative, has currently identified slightly less than 30 acres of property as parkland. The vast majority of this land, however, is wetland. The area would also include a holding pond which is necessary to mitigate the filling of wetlands on the site, and for storm water retention. The open space areas identified on the current sketch plan are comprised of two separate parcels--Lot Gatewav West Business Park . Septeml er 22, 1992 Page 2 17 and Lot 18 being 5.9 and 24 acres in size, respectively. It is uncontested that areas such as those being identified as park are beneficial. However, labeling these areas as park is not necessary to protect the wetlands found here. No credit of park fees are given for the dedication of wetlands as public space areas as a part of a development proposal. The wooded and upland areas of Lot 18 would earn the applicant partial credit of park fees. Excluding any park fee credits, this proposal would generate a minimum of $350,000 is park fee revenues. The city's standard for a community park calls for a site of 25 to 50 acres which affords natural features '..of varied physiographic interest A community park is an area of natural and/or' ornamental quality for outdoor recreation such as walking, viewing, sitting, picnicking, and may incorporate areas for field and court games. A proximity to community facilities and resources is also important. The concept plan submitted takes the first steps in creating an area offering these qualities. Just as the city recognizes the need for well planned recreational park and open space amenities, I believe the applicant does as well. Recommendation e It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission request the applicant to provide, as a part of their proposal, a community park site. This site is to include sufficient land of suitable character and topography to include natural vistas, affording sufficient area for viewing and picnicking, a designated 8 ft. wide bituminous trail loop with multiple access points connecting e the wooded and upland portions of the site, with picnicking and viewing areas and the street plan and sidewalks, sufficient area for the possible construction of two baUfields with 300 ft. fences, a basketball court, a double tennis court, and sufficient upland areas to buffer these amenities. This will require the designation of considerable more park property than called out on the sketch plan. However, it is desirable that all parkland components be contiguous. This park shall also maintain considerable road frontage to afford visible impact as well as allowing for sufficient ingress/egress. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for the location of 8 ft. wide bituminous off-street trails on the north and west perimeters of the main site. The northern boundary being State Highway 5 and the western boundary being State Highway 41. We can anticipate that the section of trail to the north will be completed in conjunction with the next phase of construction on Highway S. This trail, when constructed, will lie on the north side of the highway. In regard to Highway 41, the applicant has not incorporated into their sketch plan the section of trail identified here in the City's Comprehensive Trail Plan. A representative of the applicant has voiced their desire to delay the planning of this trail until the state improves Highway 41. Dependant upon the likelihood of the state doing so, and the proposed time frame, the city may concur with this position. However, in the realm of highway improvement time tables, better safe than on the back burner. This section will, at its south terminus, be an important link with Chaska's trail system. Internal pedestrian traffic routes (sidewalks) are necessary as a pan of this plan and will e ; . . e e Gatewa" West Business Park . Septem1:.er 22, 1992 Page 3 be addressed by the Planning Department and Commission. The minimum amount of revenue this development would generate in trail fees upon completion, excluding any credits, is $114,000. Recommendation It is reconunended that the Park and Recreation Commission request the applicant to incorporate into their proposal and plan for the construction of an 8 ft. wide bituminous trail along the east side of State Highway 41 beginning at State Highway S and extending south to West 82nd Street This construction is to be completed by the applicant in accordance with the city's standard specifications in regard to trails. In consideration for this construction, trail fees will be reduced accordingly. Upon the Commission's requests being incorporated into the Gateway West Business Park Plan, the Park and Recreation Commission will be presented an amended plan. Attachments Vicinity Map Sketch Plans Applicant's Narrative Park Deficiency Map Trail Plan Map c:a;D 1- ,~ STA y ~ ()N VICINITY MAP C Ii\' BORoeR. ~ I I LYMAN 8LVD. I o o CD N , o ~ ." o o ~ o 0 o 0 o en ,., N c. c ~ It) o 0 o 0 II) N It) ." ..LilA ..,..~~" - ~ JL __ -.~~ ~~... ..po-.---.-..- -. . ~__ ~ ..r-_f I o o .... N 8700-, , 8800- \ ~ o o c --- % ~ ;a <C.R. 18) . i : ~ :II C ;II( /II < p! o ~ III J;j W N .... ",,'" !" !II N '" CI 0 !II UI . UI '" ~ p . .~ . p 4 ~ ill ~ o 0 ~ ; . r- . p '(") :z: > z :z: > en en II m ~ ,'" ~ - ~.~ ~~n: "~I~; (") .'~ o ! fi i i m ~ i ~ > z 1:;~i'C:.." . . . . ; : c : 'ff &::1::1::-' 1,,111111111111111'1'1.- 1111.. .. I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I . I I . I , i 5 I i I - , . , i i I . i I . C) ~ m ~ -< ~ m ~ at C (I' Z m en en ~ :a ~ ! ~ ~ ! ; r- < ~ ~ m III ~ ; ... o z . CI ~ .. i I. i m >< ii5 -t Z G) o o z c =t (5 z (I) 'J ~~~. ;,,~m o % )> i )> (I) (I) '\ II ~ \~ :- . ~ {~ ~.~ ~ ... ... N .., ON. . W f' ~ . f' ---....... ". -""'L...r C) !t m ~ 00( ~ en -t CD c: en I en (I) ~ :D ~ . e I ~ [J ;' e!) e Opus Corpcntion G OPUS. 800 Opus Center 9900 8ren Road East Mmnetonka. Minnesota 55343-9600 612.936-4444 Mailing Address P.O Box 150 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55440.0t50 Fax 612.936.4529 . September 8, 1992 Mr. Paul Krauss Planning Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen,~ 55317 Re: Gateway West Business Park Dear Mr. Krauss: e On behalf of the Gateway Partners Limited Partnership, Opus Corporation is pleased to submit the enclosed PUD Concept Plan for the Gateway West Business Park at the intersection of Highways 5 &. 41 in the city of Chanhassen. The subject property covered by the PUD Concept Plan is the property of approximately 150 acres loalted in the southeast quadrant of Highways 5 &. 41 as well as the land located in the northwest quadrant of West 82nd Street and Highway 41, consisting of approximately 28 acres. The property currently is utilized for agricultural purposes. It consists primarily of rolling farmland with significant wetlands along the eastern boundary of the easterly parcel and another wetland area on the westerly parcel. e Gateway West Business Park envisions the development of a quality mixed use business center. It will contain approximately 960,000 square feet of total development including approximately 937,000 square feet of office, warehouse and manufacturing space and 23,000 square feet of commercial development to support the businesses locating in the park. In addition, 29 acres in the northwest part of the park has been reserved for a special miled use development that will reflect the quality and standards consistent with the high vW"ility of this site and the objectives of the city of Clanhassen. At this time, the tact nature of the land use is not known but could include institutional, educational, office, industrial, or commercial uses. We request that a mixed use land use designation be Jiven to the property at this time so that the highest and best use for the property can be found Park covenants will be developed to assure quality development. The plan respects the natural features of the site to the utmost alent possible. The plan has been developed in order to create I unique business park settina. which consolidates the wetland areas into park areas for preservation and serve as foal! points for the development. The important wooded areas to the south and east are also preserved. The internal circulation for the park is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan by providing a parkway like extension of the Highway 5 fron14ge road, connecting to the existing Opus Corporation is In affililte of the Opus group of companies - Architects. Contractors, Developers Austin, Chicago. DaIlIS. Denver. Houston. Milwaukee. Minneapolis. Pensacoll, Phoenix, Suttle. Tlmpa G OPUS. Mr. ~aul Krauss September 8, 1992 Page 2 e . . West 82nd Street at the Chanhassen/Cbaska border. Only one major intersection is provided with Hi&hway S and another with Hi&hway 41 in order to provide access into the park. We are requesting that improvements be made to Hiahway 41 to lower the elevation of the roadway which will allow for lifer inJress and ep-ess into the aite. Utility service for the development is requested as part of Phase n of the Upper BI~ Creek District sanitary sewer and water main improvements. It is anticipated that interim services can be provided to the southerly portion of the site through a cooperative agreement with the city of Chaska. A site for a future water tower has been incorporated into the plan to be located along Highway 41. We are requesting Planning Commission and City Councll approval of the Gateway West Business Park PUO Concept Plan and rezoning as the first step in the governmental approval process for this project. This approval will be followed by a request for preliminary plat, approval of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Tax Increment Financing, and the extension of utility service. We request that you accept the enclosed application for sketch plan review and rezoning for consideration on the October 7. 1992 Planning Commission meeting. Please caJl me if you have any questions or require any additional information regarding our application. Thank e you for consideration of our request. Sincerely, I;?'~'LC/~Iv ~ Michele Foster Director Real Estate Development MF /km cc: Paul Steiner/Steiner Development, Inc. John Uban/Dahlgren, Shardlow 4 Uban ~O ~~ .l'!'l/e # ~~f -S--S-1t//- e . DEVELOPMENT NARRATIVE GATEWAY WEST BUSINESS PARK CHANHASSEN , MINNESOTA. PUD CONCEPT PLAN Property Description The total property consists of approximately 178 acres, of which 150 acres are south of Highway 5 and east of State Highway 41. The westerly parcel is 28 acres located directly west of Highway 41 and north of 82nd Street. The property is under cultivation with one farm homestead along Highway 5. Approximately 22 acres of the land has been mapped IS wetlands by the City of Chanhassen. Ten acres of upland woods consisting of maple, basswood, and oak are located in the southeast corner of the ISO-acre parcel. The property has about 1/2 Dille of fronta&e along Highway S, 3/4 mile of frontage along Highway 41, and approximately 1/2 Dille of frontage along 82nd Street. Wetlands Twenty-two acres of wetlands have been mapped on the property and are shown on the Existing Conditions map. The wetlands are as follows: e a-16-4(2) a-16-7(1 ) a-16-7(2) a-16-7(3) a-16-7(4) a-16-6(1) a-16-1 (2) a-16-2(1) 4.7 acres 7.2 acres .2 acres 2.S acres .4 acres .2 acres 6.S acres .4 acres e The wetlands are found primarily on the eastern edge of the property, adjacent to the larger wetland and drainage system that continues to the east. The area to the east is also covered with vegetation consisting of primarily boxelder, willow and green ISh. These wetlands are proposed to be preserved with the preservation of the adjacent upland hardwoods. The unique character of this area forms a natural preserve suitable for public park pwposes. . A portion of A-l6-4(2) wetland in the DOrtheast comer of the aite needs to be filled for roadway purposes. The road is the proposed east-west collector frontage road that needs to traVerse the wetland area to the east to complete the City's comprehensive transportation plan. Approximately, an acre would be filled depending on final plans. Also,' small wetland A-I6-6(l) on the southern edge of the property also needs to be filled for the alignment of the collector. To mitigate the filling of these wetlands, we are proposing I wetland and pond to be established directly adjacent to A-16-7(1) wetland and to be part of the proposed park system along the eastern edge of the property. The mitigation is proposed to be at least 2:1. Wetland A-16-2(1), which is located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Highways 41 and S, is proposed to remain the same. It is quite possible that the Highway Department may need to amend this wetland as future highway improvements are made. . , Gateway West Business Park Narrative 4 September 1992 Page 2 Wetlan: A-I6-1(2) runs north and south through the property west of Highway 41. This has been e described by the City's wetland specialists as very marginal and would need enhancement to bring it back to a wetland condition. We propose to fill the southern portion of the wetland and create an enhanced wetland on the remaihder. A portion of this wetland was filled in the past with the construction of 82nd Street in preparation for development to the south. The design of the eventual storm sewer system will include ponding for the purposes of catching water before it enters the wetland systems. Specific wetland mitigation details will accompany the preliminary grading plan and the preliminary plat. Existin~ Land Use All of the property is presently used for agricultural purposes - the residential home lite on Highway 41 is an exception. The Gateway Partners are presently negotiating with the owner to include this property in the overall development. The University of Minnesota's Landscape Arboretum is located to the west of the property. To the south is the City of Chaska and primarily Industrial land uses. The boundary between the two cities is 82nd Street. A large wetland complex running north-south from Highway 5 and drained by a rural drainage ditch is located to the east. County Road 117 is located east of that wetland. Undeveloped Agricultural land is located to the north of the property across Highway 5. Our concept plan shows that the proposed intersection with Highway S would serve the property to the north. The entrance to the north considers the location of the existing woods. The City of Chanhassen's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Industrial. The land use designation is consistent with the surrounding land uses and road system. The business park is located in a prominent area, important to both the City of Chanbassen and the City of Chaska. At the intersection of Highway 41 and S, the City of Chanhassen has expressed concern about community image as a gateway to the City. We qree that careful consideration should be made as to the overall image of the proposed business park. e Transportation Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan proposes an east-west collector road connecting 82nd Street east from Highway 41 to County Road 117 south of HiJbway S. 1be plan also shows a DOrth-south connector between 82nd Street and Highway S. Our road circulation plan includes all of those connections and routes as indicated in the City's plan. Eighty-Second Street serves development in Chanhassen as well as Chasb and curves to the lOuth servingldditional iDdustrialland within the City of Chaska. It will directly serve the southern border of the proposed business park. Access to the interior road system includes one access onto HiJbway S and ODe access Onto Highway 41. We have worked with MnDOT to confirm poipts of access. 1be access points have been determined to be appropriate distances from the intersection of Highways S and 41 to handle future traffic concerns. We are also anticipating a future safety improvement project on HiJbway 41 that would help eliminate the steep grade coming off of the Highways 5 and 41 intersection. MnDOT indicated that the steep grade slows truck traffic through the intersection, and a lowering of that grade would also improve overall capacity. 1be lowering of Highway 41 throuJb the area would improve overall e circulation and would better match the grades of future d~elopment in the business park. 1bis Gateway West Business Park Narrative 4 September 1992 Page 3 . . . work c:ln be done in conjunction with the City's future watermain and water tower project that are planned along the Highway 41 corridor. Proposed Land Use The Concept Plan illustrates the road system contemplated in the City's Comprehensive Plan facilitating the development of industrial lots alona the collector road while preserving the eastern edge for park and natural area. The road system is developed to create T-intersections, which form safe intersections for traffic. The T-intersections also focus business park visitors toward the amenities and the entrance to the park area. This entrance experience is an important part of the image of the park and is incorporated in the design of the circulation system. Part of the road entrance design includes landscape islands to define traffic movements and create an enhanced image . for the park at critical points. Primary entrance points will be off of Highway S and 41 with a secondary entrance off 82nd Street. The plan has developed into 22 lots, including Lots 17 and 18 for public park purposes. The park area is proposed to be approximately 30 acres in size. Lots 8, 20, and 21 are proposed to be the initial phase of support-commercial for the industrial area. These uses may include a bank, service station, restaurant, etc. e Approximately 29 acres are in Lot 1, which is proposed as mixed use to be determined at I time in the future when the business park matures. This location is very prominent in the City of Chanhassen and should be held for the best use possible. Often the temptation is to develop the best sites first, however, we believe that it is to both the developer's and the City's advantage to hold onto this site for a mixed use development that could include office, I hospital or specialized medical clinic, research center, educational facility, commercial and other uses complementary to the business park and the City of Chanhassen. Along Highway 41, Lot 4 is proposed to be the site for the City of Chanhassen's water tower. We have located the water tower next to our western entrance in anticipation that its desip will be of high quality and a recognizable landmark. Overall, we anticipate the develop will consist of approximately. 960,000 square feet of industrial and associated uses. A majority of the site will develop within the next 10 years, with the first phase of development beginning along 82nd Street on the southern edge of the property. The road system will be built as development moves northerly and to the east. The phasing works in unison with the installation of utilities. It is anticipated that the southern portions of the site can be served through the City of Chaska, with the remainder of the site being served with a future extension of sewer from the southeast. Amenities Amenities and the standards for development are critical tD the quality of the business park. Opus has developed many such parks in the past and proposes tD use similar standards and development techniques for the Gateway West Business Park. In order to integrate the business park into the natural surroundinp aDd adjacent land uses tD the east, the development plan indicates I 3o-acre public park tD include wetland aDd wooded areas for the purpose of public enjoyment and long-term preservation. The park area would extend from the wetlands and woods along Highway S to 82nd Street. As land is developed to the east, the City can add additional land to this park preserve system. e Gateway West Business Park Narrative . . 4 September 1992 Page 4 The business park will be idt;ntified at its major entrances with monuments and enhanced landscal-ing. These areas will be designed in conjunction with the traffic islands to create a . prominent entrance and identifiable image for the area. Details of the amenity designs will accompany the preliminary plat for each phase of development. In addition to the entrances on Highway S, Highway 41, and 8200 Street, special attention will be given to the perimeter along the highways. The perimeter plan will include groupings of plantings in recognizable blocks rather than stretched out in a linear fashion, which is the typical street treatment. The use of tree groups will enhance the road character and still provide visibility to the attractive buildings within the park area. Also, care wnJ be liven to the development of parking and loading areas so that ample screening is provided to minimi7,e the visual expanse of larae parking areas lots. The perimeter plans will be completed as each area develops and based on the eventual design and reconstruction of adjacent highways. Each individual industrial site will develop accordinl to specific aite development atandards that will be included in the development controls for the business part. These atandards will include the design and location of entry drives and parking, buildinas, sigDlle, Ii&hting, and site Jrlding. The landscape treatment of each site will include boulevard plantings in public streets 6 feet from the curb, with emphasis on winter attractiveness, spring blooming, and fall colors around the building and parking lots. Perennial plantings will be encouraged in highly visible locations to add more summer beauty throughout the park. Where appropriate, native grasses may be used as part of the landscape treatment. . Architectural standards for buildings will be developed to cover building materials, utilities, screening, lighting, architectural design, loading and si&nale. These standards wnJ discourage the use of outside storage, metal buildings, and other less desirable components of industrial development. e e II II . . . City Of Chanhassen Minnesota Park Def'iciency Areas liqil Existing Parks and Service Ar... a 2000 MUSA Line 1 pi , ~. - - - T I I --- . " -i I I ! i . I I I--i aTY OF -~ , 0WfiASSEN ---, =-~ Trail Plan :-j Walkway/Bikeway ..~ --"1 .--~ Nature Trail I .... -- _.~ . e Connection Points -- -.- _.~ ---j ---J j -.- . - _. pi - , _. - - - - I - ~. I , I .. -.- I I , . , , , 5 6 - ...-- - 7 "".I~ , , , , e .... - '818 45 e Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 22 The joint Park and Recreation Commission and City Council portion of the meeting was adjourned. Chairman Schroers called the regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 8:30 p.m.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Berg moved, Lash seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated August 11, 1992 as amended by Randy Erickson on page 33, deleting the first sentence in the sixth paragraph, and on page 38, changing the phrase .Nerf Hockey" to "nerd hobby". Also, approving the Minutes of the Park and Recreation CQmmission meeting dated August 25, 1992 as amended by Jan Lash on page 40, changing the statement under Fall Recreational Schedule attributed to Lash to Hoffman. All voted in favor and the motion carried. LAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. CONCEPT SITE PLAN REVIEW: GATEWAY WEST BUSINESS PARK. OPUS CORPORATION. Public Present: Name Address Michele Foster, Opus Corporation, P.O. Box 150, Minneapolis 55440 Tom Kordonowy, Steiner Development, 3610 So. Hwy 101, Wayzata 55391 Howard Dahlgren, Dahlgren, Shardlow, Uban, 300 1st Avenue No, Mpls e Hoffman: Thank you Chairman Schroers and Park Commissioners. Before we begin I believe it would be appropriate to introduce the folks that we have here in the audience. Michele Foster in the second row is the Director of Land Development at Opus Corporation. The other gentlemen, I'll let them introduce themselves to the Commission and let them address with you what their connection with this project is. Howard Dahlgren: My name is Howard Dahlgren. I'm the past President of Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban, Land Planning Consultants...Tom Kordonowy who is the President of Steiner Development...partners. Tom Kordonowy: ...resident of Chanhassen. I have four Chanhassen and I enjoy the City very much. e Hoffman: Thank you. The concept review which you have before you is for an office/industrial planned unit development on 178 acres of property currently zoned agricultural estate. The location, as you can see by your location map, is the southeast quadrant of Highway 5 and 41. In the northwest quadrant of West 78th Street and Highway 41. We reviewed this map throughout the meeting but I believe it would be appropriate... significance in size. Again, the proposal is in that southeast quadrant of Highway 5 and 41. The boundaries to the west would be Highway 41. State Highway and the Arboretum... This also runs directly into the City of Chaska... Back to the east you have a vacant parcel of property slated for high density residential to the north and lower density or single family residential to be developed immediately east of that where we run into Timberwood... As you can see, it's a significant... To go through the adjacent, the current zoning again to the north is agricultural estates. To the south, the City of Chaska and their Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 23 industrial park. East, agricultural and then west again, agricultural and the U of M Landscape Arboretum. In regard to the City's Comprehensive Plan, it identifies this area of the city as park deficient. Specifically the plan labels the area which encompasses this proposed development as Park Deficiency Zone No.7. The acquisition of a significant park area which incorporates as many of the natural features offered by this site referring to the tree cover, topographic diversity, developable land, vistas, wetland areas, is highly desireable. The applicant as a part of their narrative, as you have read, has currently identified slightly.less than 30 acres of property as parkland. The vast majority or so be it, the majority of that property however is wetland and currently is in that state. The area which would also include a holding pond which is necessary to mitigate the filling of wetlands on this site, and for storm water retention. The open space identified on the current sketch plans are comprised of two separate parcels. Lot 17 and Lot 18 being 5.9 and 24 acres in size respectively. Nobody contests that area such as those being identified as parks are beneficial. However, labeling these areas as park is not necessary to protect them as wetlands. As you know, no park credit fees, no credit to park fees are given for the dedication of wetlands as public space areas as a part of a development proposal. The wooded and upland areas of Lot 18 would earn the applicant partial credit of park fees. Excluding any park fee credits, this proposal would generate in the area of $350,000.00 in park fees revenue. The City standards for a community parks call for a site totally in it's entirety, 25 to 50 acres. Community park affords natur~ features of varied physiographic interests as we discussed earlier. A'" community park is an area of natural or ornamental quality for outdoor recreation such as walking, viewing, sitting, picnicing and may incorporate areas for field and court games. Proximity to community facilities and resources obviously is also important. The concept plan submitted to date, which you have before you, takes the first few steps in creating an area offering these qualifies. Again, just as the city recognizes the importance of these areas, I believe the applicant does as well. We just need to work through the process of coming to an agreement of what that all exactly means. In addition to your packet you have before you an aerial topographic view which shows you in better clarity how this site lays out. The large blue line which you have laying before you, that will show you a little bit better exactly the areas which are currently identified as parks and open space and how they actually look in the field. So please feel free to refer to that as we go through this. As far as the recommendation in regards to the City Comprehensive Plan, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission request the applicant provide, as a part of their proposal, a community park site. This site to include sufficient land of suitable character and topography to include natural vistas, affording sufficient area for viewing and picnicing, a designated 8 foot wide bituminous trail with multiple access points connecting the wooded and upland portions of the site with picnicing and viewing areas and the street plan and sidewalks. Sufficient area for the possible construction of two ballfields, a basketball court, a double tennis court, and sufficient upland areas to~ buffer these amenities, very similar to what you see at Lake Susan park.., in the community at present. This will require the designation of considerable more property than called out on the sketch plan. However, it is desireable that all parkland conformance be contiguous or lie next . e e e Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 24 to each other, meaning both the active components and then the wetland components as part of this proposal. This park shall also maintain considerable road frontage to afford visible impact as well as allowing for sufficient egress and ingress and parking areas. Conversations today with some of the representatives we have here is that, this may certainly be possible that it needs to make economic sense and we don't dispute that. Any property the City would be desiring to acquire, the applicant would certainly be compensated for. Which 'fund that comes out of may, is still not answered. As you discussed tonight, the applicant will come in for a financing plan under TIF, Tax Increment Financing. A portion of the park or the facility which eventually is realized here, could be financed as it was at Lake Susan with those TIF dollars. A portion of it could be financed with park fees as eluded to that this development would eventually maintain at $350,000.00 or better in park fees. So I'll be interested to hear what the commission, what your thoughts are in regards to the comprehensive plan and what that means to this area, as I'm sure the applicant will as well. Comprehensive trail plan is somewhat simpler. More simple. The comprehensive trail plan calls for a location of an 8 foot wide bituminous off street trail on the north and west perimeters of the site, being Highway 5 and Highway 41. We can anticipate that the section of trails to the north will be completed in conjunction with the next phase of construction of Highway 5 as we discussed this evening. This trail when constructed, will lie on the north side of the highway. In regards to Highway 41, the applicant has not incorporated into their sketch plan the section of trail identified in the City comprehensive plan. There may be good reason for that in that the applicant has had conversations and the City would certainly be interested in entering into those as well with MnDot so that the desire of lowering the road level there at Highway 41, when you turn south off of Highway 5 and you directly begin to ascend that steep hill. It would be to everyone's benefit to bring that down. At the time that that road project would be undertaken, that would be a very reasonable time to go ahead and put that trail system in. But again with the timeframes and the forecasts of MnDot, I'm not sure that we want to hang our hat on that, Those roadway projects can drag out for 5, 10, 15 years depending on funding sources, etc. Dependent upon the likelihood of the State doing so, at the proposed time we may concur with that position. It's up to the Commission and City Council to decide. This section will at itself terminous the one going south on Highway 41. It will be an important link with Chaska's trail system. In regards to interal pedestrian traffic routes or sidewalks, they are necessary as a part of this plan and will be addressed by the Planning Department and Commission. The minimum amount of revenue this development could generate in trail fees upon it's completion, excluding any credit, is $114,000.00. The recommendation in regard to trails is that the Park Commission request the applicant to incorporate into their proposal and site plan the construction of an a foot wide bituminous trail along the east side of State Highway 41, beginning at State Highway 5, extending south to the existing West 82nd Street. This construction is to be completed by the applicant in accordance with the city standards, specifications in regard to trails. In consideration for that construction, trail fees will be reduced accordingly. That recommendation can be amended as a part of my previous comments in regard to the lowering of the road and that type of thing. If you would like to Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 25 . see the trail go in at that time, I would 'amend that recommendation to elude to that. Upon the Commission's request to being incorporated, into the Gateway West Business Park plan, the Park and Recreation Commission will have a second chance to look at this and review their proposal. Schroers: Thanks a lot Todd. I think that staff laid this out very well. This is a familiar format that we've seen before. It's understandable that unuseable area such as wetlands would make good parks and good natural areas. However, we need property that will also support active use as we are park deficient in that area so a balance of both natural area and active use area I think is what we're going to be striving for here and that was put down ~uite well in the recommendation I believe. I'm looking for input or discussion from other commissioners. Lash: I have two quick questions for Todd and the applicant I guess. The first one would be, is there any timeframe that anyone knows of for TH 41? Do you have inside information? Michele Foster: We have had conversations with MnDot, with Evan Green at MnDot as far as road improvements for Highway 5...and our re~uest to include the access on Highway 41. There's no definitive time table, although he has indicated that they are looking at the 1996 timeframe but feel if there is significant interest on the part of both the cities of Chaska and Chanhassen, that there may be some pressure that can be brought to bear to find funds in order to move that up on the schedule.~ We are certainly very interested in having that happen because we feel it's very important to the development of this property to improve that access and I think from conversations with both the Planning Department of Chanhassen and with the City of Chaska, that there would be significant support for seeing that, those improvements made. But until we get further along in this process and the City has taken some more definitive approvals for the concept that we're talking about, we haven't been able to bring that pressure to bear at this point but we are prepared to do that... Lash: But the farthest down the road would be 1996? Michele Foster: That's what they say today. Berg: Is that tied in at all with the completion of 212? Michele Foster: No...it's a separate issue. There may be some improvements there now. I think they...to be more improvements there and it's a ~uestion of I think...to make that priority for the State, as they are open to that discussion. Berg: Because I was under the impression they were going to be looking at redoing TH 41 when 212 connected. Have you heard anything about that? I'm wondering if the way that 212 is being. Michele Foster: To the best of my knowledge, no. But again, that issu~ still needs to be addressed in terms of timing, both from our interest and I think the same for the City as well. Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 26 . Koubsky: Michele, for this development would you wait for that improvement before you developed or would you develop and then incorporate MnDot's plan? Michele Foster: Well I think we need to understand what their timing is going to be for those improvements. It really is our goal to see those improvements made sooner rather than later. But no, this project is not going to wait for the Highway 41 improvements but it is our goal to get those done....as we can and that's why it's our position that we would ~ike that portion of trail not have to be installed immediately. When 'from a planning purpose it makes sense to understand that but I'm not sure that it makes sense to require the installation... It may also be possible then to use State or Federal funds to install that portion of trail as part of the improvements. It would be nice... Koubsky: That looks like a pretty small issue on this whole thing. Michele Foster: In the whole scheme of things, it is but. Lash: Then Todd my question for you is, in your recommendation regarding the trail it said, in consideration for this construction, trail fees will be reduced accordingly. Do you have any idea what it would be? e Hoffman: Again, in regard to the construction of the trail, upon finishing my report the discussions came out about lowering Highway 41. I would not be an advocate of pursuing development of the trail with park development fees by the applicant in light of recent information being brought forward. Chairman Schroers, I believe it would be valuable at this time if the applicants do have any prepared statements, that the Commission could take those. Schroers: Yes. Okay, thanks. If there is anything that any of the applicants or the representatives of this project wish to share with us, we'd be happy to hear it at this time. Michele Foster: Well I'd like to defer to Howard Dahlgren at this point. His firm has been the planning consultant firm for the project and we'd like to give a brief presentation on what our rationale was in developing the concept and then I can just make a few brief comments after that really about, clarifying our position on the staff recommendation. So with that I guess I'd like Howard... e Howard Dahlgren: Thank you very much. We've put together a few transparencies that I thought might be helpful for the Commission to understand our proposal... By the way,' I want you to know that it is our objective here to do this park pretty well. It's a great piece of land. It's important to the city of Chanhassen and Chaska in the sense that it's the gateway to Chaska from the north and gateway to Chanhassen from the west. That's why we're...we want to do the right thing in the right way at the right time. There are some things we can.do and there are some things that we cannot do. But working together, we want to have the best results here. That's why... --Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 27 e (Mr. Dahlgren's presentation was not being picked up on the tape as he was standing away from a microphone.) Schroers: Okay, could I ask for a little interpretation on that. When you say that the 15.9 of useable land, are you talking about the high ground and treed area? It's the forested area? Howard Dahlgren: Some of it, as you can see from the photo, some of it has, much of it has trees. Some of it does not. As you can see here, I .think the land that showed trees... Here you can see, the wetlands are shown on here in the dotted line. The trees are shown on here in the lighter green. That shows the relationship of the trees and the overall park site... So the answer is, there's high ground with trees. There's high ground without trees. Schroers: Is there high ground without trees sufficient enough to have playing fields, in your opinion? Howard Dahlgren: Well I think if we leave.this as it is, if you move this pond somewhere else, maybe in here or somewhere, there would probably be enough room to put one ball diamond in here. This we can do without your acquiring any land. Now if you're going to extend...then you'd have to acquire it. We don't really want to sell more land since this is the only industrial land that's out here on the west side. we. feel that it's in the city's interest to develop this tax base...for it best useage which we think is for industrial purposes... If you want additional parkland, perhaps it ought to be...residential areas or a pasture area...east and to the north. I'm not trying to plan your park system. What I'm saying is, our intention here is to develop a fine~ high quality industrial park. And because of the economic...it's difficult for us to not...we'd like to be able to develop this over a period of time...so it winds up to be in the interest of everyone, the City and over time... The bottom line is though, we want to do a fine job here. We cannot, we weren't even aware of the fact that you wanted to have us provide a 25 to 50 acre park. We simply can't do that. We could do this. Maybe there could be some adjustments...but we cannot provide a 25 acre park here... I would suggest that perhaps land that is designated for residential might be acquired cheaper than land that's well located for high quality industrial... Schroers: Okay. Is anyone, have you done any kind of concept in regards to what type of park you think that's 90ing to be? I mean for me sitting here looking at what you're proposing, basically what we have there is what we would have to call a passive use park. A natural area. It wouldn't be a real high active use type park. It would be a natural area and our mission is to kind of look at our comprehensive plan and to acquire areas that are needed in park deficient areas and assign those parks a purpose and I think that when staff is asking for a community park here in the recommendation, that what we're looking for is a park that offers a balance of amenities where we have some nice natural area~ like you're talking. The oak forest but we also, for it to be a community park it has to be something that the residents of the city are 90ing to want to come out and enjoy so there's 90ing to have to be some attractant there other just trees. Not that trees are not important. . Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 28 They're becoming increasingly more important every day and we wish that we could afford to have just natural areas set aside just to be left as that but I think our need indicates that we are going to have to provide some form of recreational opportunities in this area of the city. Howard Dahlgren: Yes, I think you're right in that all the ingredients ...However. it may be that a park like this perhaps in conjunction with some...it may be that your playfields are in another location. They may be contiguous to the school site. In Mendota Heights, they just bought new parkland contiguous to the school site on purpose and they use the facilities together and it's working extremely well. Everyone is saving money...and it's a concept that has a lot of merit... But you are right. This site is not...but there's a lot of land out there yet on the west end of Chanhassen. Perhaps there's a site...that doesn't infringe on high value... Schroers: We have been looking in that area for quite some time and there is still some space available but whether or not and when it can be acquired is I guess something that we don't know at this point. Are there any questions? e Lash: I have a question. First I'd just like to make a comment on your presentation in that it's one of the best presentations I've seen. The visuals were excellent for me to see where the wetlands and the tree coverage are. I've never seen one this good so I thank you for that. I have a couple of questions about the development itself. What type of buildings are these? Are these similar to what we already have in our industrial park over here? Sort of a one story type building or are they more office building type things or what's it 90ing to look like? e Michele Foster: As you may know, Opus Corporation has developed a number of mixed use business parks in the Twin Cities. Opus II in Minnetonka. Eagandale Center in Eagan. We're developing a new park in Plymouth called Bass Creek Business Park. We were involved in the development of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, although we were not the initial developer of that park. We consider this to be really an extension of that. Of all of that experience. But it is primarily going to be an office and industrial park. We envision most of the buildings being more low rise kinds of buildings. The office market is really not in a very healthy state and not likely to return to a healthy state for a long time. But we view it as a quality business park. I think we envision it as probably a step above the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park that we have been involved in. But it is going to be a mixture of building types and building materials but we consider the design standards in the covenants that are going to be implemented for the park are going to emphasize quality design. They're going to emphasize open space. Landscaping. It is our intent that we will be designing and building most of the buildings within the park and so we will have the kind of architectural and design control that will help ensure that that level of quality is maintained throughout the history of the park. So that's basically what we envision at this point. Lash: Okay, thank you. And then Mr. Dahlgren, you said you were talking, thinking of doing this in stages or phases. Do you have any Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 29 e idea over how many years? Howard Dahlgren: Well,' it will probably take a total of 10 years to do the total project.. Generally we'd start it in.the south. We want to get this road up through here as quickly as we can... Depending on the timing of the utilities, how much of this would be... Lash: Okay. And then looking at how this is divided up into lots I guess. what would you say the average size is of just, they all look like they're somewhat close in size there. I'm not very good at judging that. Howard Dahlgren: Michele...! haven't done that. Have you done that Michele? Michele Foster: No I haven't...I'd say around 5 acres it looks like from just the listing of the separate parcels. !t's probably around the average of 5 acres. Lash: Okay Todd, then I have a couple of questions for you too. On the east side of where this stand of oaks are, down in that southeast corner, you said that was zoned low density? Hoffman: Residential? Lash: Yeah. e Hoffman: Correct. Lash: And then just to the north of that is high density? And have you seen anything come across for any developments in that area at this time? Hoffman: Not to my knowledge at this point but again, if you refer to the aerial which you have you'll see, as Mr. Dahlgren has mentioned, the extreme difficulty which is going to be met when that area comes in for development. The entire, let's just look to the plan. You can see the fence line which is...and the wetland area which we are currently discussing. This wetland goes over the property line down into the O'Shaughnessy property. Lash: 50 okay. I mean you're reading into what I'm saying here which is fine, because that's just what !'m saying. We wouldn't be able to just collect the park fees here and use the money to buy property on the east side of the wooded area, because it wouldn't be developable? Hoffman: ...acquire as part of future development this knoll to continue with the preservation of the open space but contiguous to this site, which identifies park property there would not be, in my opinion, ground which is suitable for an active park. 5chroers: And that is what you're, excuse me. That is what you have ie your recommendation is that a parcel that will accommodate both. Active use and. Hoffman: Correct? Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 30 . Lash: My thought here is pretty obvious of course was, could we just split it and have the park be on the residential side of this development with the oaks as the background to the west of it? Are you following me? But we couldn't do that? Hoffman: It doesn't work, no. Lash: Okay. Then how far is this from the slated school site that's on TH 5? Hoffman: It's relatively close. Again, if we refer back to the... The current property line is that line right there. This is the O'Shaughnessy piece and then the school property. Lash: So it's right on the other side of...? Hoffman: Correct. Lash: Thank you. That's all my questions. Howard Dahlgren: ...this is the O'Shaughnessy parcel...I'm not sure that that that knoll would be undevelopable for a ballfield. We did not investigate that... ~ Schroers: Okay. thank you. Any other questions? Erickson: ! have a question for that yet mapped out corner of that right at Highway 5 and 41. Right in the corner there. which is obviously a very prime site. What kind of things did you envision? How many acres is that empty space? Just roughly. Michele Foster: It's about, a little less than 30 acres... Erickson: What kind of, what range of things would you envisio~? I mean that seems like a very prime site. A Radisson hotel. Kentucky Fried Chicken or what? Howard Dahlgren: No Kentuckey Fried Chicken. A Radisson hotel possibly. Maybe a use that we don't even know. Erickson: Fleet Farm has what corner? Hoffman: Directly to the north. Erickson: To the north of that. e Howard Dahlgren: So we just don't know but we wanted to keep it accessible. Maybe it's industrial. Maybe by the time we get here,' the office park is packed and we can put a first class office building here surrounded by industrial. What we're sayjng is whatever it is, it's something that... Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 31 . Schroers: Are there any more questions or comments from Commission members? Koubsky: Todd, could you outline on there where exactly, you mentioned Lots 17 and 18 in your recommendation there. Can you kind of show us on one of these maps how that fits in. These are kind of filled with half copies and stuff. Hoffman: Lots 17 and 18...two locations which they outlined as open space. ..all the areas that we've been talking about the open preservation areas... Koubsky: Okay now, for something that's 178.3 acres, what's the dedication requirement for that as far as land? Hoffman: It can be based on a premise of 10% of land value. Of land which is there. Or you can reverse the calculation and take a look at what type of revenues you're going to be receiving off of this and then go back into negotiations to purchase parkland at the land value which was paid here prior to improvements. That is why the Commission has the chance to review development prior to it being developed because once it's industrial park, you certainly wouldn't want to pay $1.50 a square foot to buy property out there in an industrial park for park purposes. Koubsky: So basically the volume of area of land we're looking at as potential dedication is 17.8 acres. e Hoffman: Sure, potentially. Again, this 15.9 acres which is pointed out here has not been verified by the city. It does include the ponding area which is currently included in there and would bring that figure down somewhat. Comments based on the information you've heard this evening is that, I would agree that those areas set aside, the best uses for parkland but from the eye of a developer it's certainly the only use that that land could be used for so keep that in mind. As well the impact. The idea that this land is very valuable in the sense of industrial ground. Again, I will not dispute that but if that is our premise. why do we have Lake Susan Park? Community Park. Why do we have the Lake Ann Park, which is some of the most desireable land that we have on the Highway 5 corridor. We have those simply because of action which we discussed in our previous meeting. That somebody had the foresight and the thought to go ahead and acquire those properties. If it was the desire of the Commission simply to accept the park dedication in this regard and take the $350,000.00 and pocket it and spend it, 10 or 15 years from now we're all going to forget what that money was spent for and we're going to have some open ground and ponding areas but we would not have a ballfield which can be utilized by our community for the next, or in perpetuity if it's an open park property. Those are some of the things that, as Commissioners you need to mull over. It certainly is not to the advantage of the applicant to sell that property. The additional property, whether it be a 5, 10, 15 acres of additional land, back to t~ City prior to developing it as industrial park because they're going to~ get paid less money for it as park property as part of your requirement and your review of this site than if they develop it as industrial property and sold it at $1.50 a square foot for instance. We have not . e e Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 32 talked about ~t. It's unfortunate but as we go through and we talk about open space and industrial sites and how nice they are, it seems we never talk about the actual employees. The people who will be working here. I'm not sure what we have on site. Some 14 odd buildings with 200 to 300 to 1,000 employees per building. Those are the people we're addressing this evening. It's not the industrial site. It's not the land use. Those type of things. It's the people that will be moving here who will have an interest, not only if they work here but those people who will choose to move to this community since they have jobs in this industrial site. So those are some of the issues that, as Commissioners we have to 'keep in mind as well as we move forward with the concept review of this proposal. Koubsky: It seems to me, I guess the point we're trying to get across in this development, addressing the developer, we do have a system at Lake. Ann that there's quite a bit of industry around that area. The industries do utilize that property for recreation. Their own ballteams, picnicing and luncheons and what not. There are quite a few employees down at that end of town. We don't have something similar up at Lake, is it Lake Susan? Or Lake Ann? Hoffman: Lake Lucy to the north? Koubsky: Yeah, I'm thinking just right out here on CR 17. Anyway, what we're trying to incorporate here is, I'm not quite buying this wetland park or passive park. We do appreciate passive parks. We have just actually moved on one southeast of here but with this many people moving in, I think we need to provide some sort of recreation facility for them and their families coming in here. I think it would also improve the development and possibility sellability down the line for this if there's some area in this development and adjacent developments for people to recreate. For people to take lunches and practice with their ball teams. Softball teams. These guys are going to sponsor softball teams. They're going to play somewhere. They're going to also have a demand on our current park system which is being stressed now for ballfields and recreational facilities. I guess we're looking at this development potentially to help us out in that regard. To give back to the community a little bit which I think they're going to expect when they do move out here to reside and work. So I guess my feeling is, and I'm not in a position where I can say which are of this development I like best. I do understand your sewer. Your utility requirements. However, I think we need something a little more active in this area. It is a park poor or park deficient area. Granted we are going to have a school but that may turn out to be an elementary school. And how we're going to utilize that land really isn't up on the table at this point. So I guess personally I'd like, now that you know the recommendations of the staff, kind of follow along that line. We do have an option to ask for 17.8 acres and not accept any of the wetland as those acreages. It looks like we're possibly looking at 25 to 50 acres. We may be willing to purchase some properties. I'd kind of like to throw it back and have you digest these recommendations and thoughts and maybe let you strategise on how that would fit your development and come back. That's how I feel. I'm not willing to accept this proposal. But I'd like to work with you. Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 33 e Schroers: I think that that is pretty much getting to be the general conception of the commission here. It would be nice if we could just put away, put aside natural area and say this is nice. This is beautiful but the people who currently live here. The people who are coming here. The people who are going to be your clients and customers who are going to be working in your development are going to ask for something I think more than just woods and lowland. In our other community parks, two of our premiere community parks we have lakes, a beautiful beach, boat landings, that sort of thing and I think that we would be definitely lacking to accept an area like this as a community park and basically what we're pffering, what we have to offer as a park here is forested area and l~wlands, which are nice natural amenities but offer very little active recreation use to the people in the area. Howard Dahlgren: Mr. ChaiTman? Schroers: Yes sir. Howard Dahlgren: Could I just comment on two points? Schroers: Sure. Howard Dahlgren: First of all, in terms of the calculations...that if you disallow wetlands for park dedication, you also take the wetland out of the total acreage because the intent is to provide park area to serv~ the developable area. Whether it's residential or industrial. You ,., cannot develop a wetland... That's why these calculations, we've taken out the 22 acres... You see it's kind of unfair to have us dedicate 10% of wetlands when we can't use them. Then if you don't count wetlands... Koubsky: Well that was an oversight on my part. I mean I'm certainly not here to. Howard Dahlgren: The other point is that not every developable park... necessarily provides active recreational space. I understand that Ryan...here in Chanhassen has no parks at all... If you want the money here, we can give you the money too. Schroers: See what it would have to do is fit into our overall comprehensive plan for the city park system and we have that laid out and it is defined where we need parks and whether they need to be active or passive or a combination of both and we are following a format here and trying to stay and remain consistent. If we accepted an area that was basically unuseable and we're not able to offer recreational activities in the area, the people who are living and working in the area I'm sure would find that an unacceptable. They would be standing here in front of us asking us to explain our actions why we did that. That has happened before. Lash: The Ryan development was in an area that was not park deficient. This area is park deficient so that's the difference between these two ~ developments. Howard Dahlgren: Maybe we're the first in the area to develop... Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 34 . Schroers: To put things a little bit into perspective, how many acres Todd do we have at Lake Susan? Just to give us a general idea of what kind of space we're talking about. Hoffman: Total acreage, including the fringe woodland areas, the pond and then the active components is approximately 35 acres. Schroers: 35 acres at Lake Susan. Lash: Okay and my question is, to provide the active part that you have in your recommendation, what would we be looking for just to provide the active area? Hoffman: Again, as I've commented in my narrative there, it depends on how it lays out with buffer areas and that type of thing and topography but better than 10 acres in addition to the 30 acres which is there is probably a starting point. e Schroers: I hope that Mr. Dahlgren and the other representatives of the developer here understand our position. A lot of the information that you're providing us is what you're going to have to sell to the City Council. We deal only with the park and recreation issue and that is the point that we have to look at. Our goal is to best serve the park and recreation needs of the city of Chanhassen and that's the criteria that we're going to follow. So whatever our recommendation is, it is certainly not to create difficulty but is remain consistent with our program and to try to develop the best park system for the City that we can as you are trying to develop the best industrial park that you can. Is there any further discussion? Erickson: I have a question Todd. And I think I know the answer but I want to hear it. Can you say with any kind of certainty what we can do with the new school site? Assuming that it would be elementary. Can you make any predictions? Any educated guesses as to what we'll have available there to make an active park? Hoffman: I can say with certainty that something will happen. What that incorporates as far as outdoor recreational activities, ballfields, soccer fields, football, soccer, is unclear at this point. It really depends on the design of the school and how much of the site it does consume. And then as far as indoor recreation, we need an additional gymnasiums. Those types of things. In conversations with the School District and the long range facilities task force, we certainly all agree that the city of Chanhassen is in a position of being able to assist in the funding of those type of components. So something will be there. It will be more than you would typically see at an elementary school site. But it might not be very dissimilar to what you find at City Center Park. Lash: But we're talking youth facilities, more than an adult ballfield. Softball field. e Hoffman: Correct. Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 35 e Lash: I mean my suggestion would be, I can tell the direction that we're going here and I'm certainly in favor of preserving the oak stand and the wetland and stuff but it would make a nice area for trails and that kind of stuff if we can acquire enough acreage abutting that to facilitate our active fields and then your wetlands the trees behind it would be sort of your backstop to the whole thing. You know it probably could turn out to be something very nice and would not require 35 acres of prime property right in the middle of your whole development but could be all incorporated together. That's just a suggestion if you guys go back to your drawing board of trying to figure out how to put it all together. I mean I would certainly want to see it incorporated somehow.to preserve the oak area there. Hoffman: Just to back up a few comments again which came up which I jotted down. In reference to the Ryan site, which you reviewed. The City did acquire slightly less than 10 acres of open space or park property as a part of that development. That's in addition to the park and recreation trail fees and park fees. If you recall, that is the site which is part of the Bluff Creek preservatlon zone. The purchase of that property is being coordinated through tax increment financing dollars. As TIF was used in that scenario, tax increment financing is the enticement for this development to occur. Without that financing package, the folks here this evening and the Gateway Partnership would not be before you. So the City certainly has more resources in addition to park and trail fees in the 10% calculation. If you would wish to ~ purchase an additional 10 or 15 acres up and beyond what we can receive'" through the dedication process, tax increment financing money will be there to purchase it. But if you're in the applicant's shoes and you have a parcel of land sitting out here and you could make even money or slightly better selling it to the city, or you can double your money selling it to a perspective buyer, again which one would you choose. That is what I see is the stumbling block that we face here tonight. Lash: What Ryan development are we talking about? I don't think I'm talking about the same one as you are. Koubsky: It's the one off Audubon. Hoffman: Chan Business Center. The triangular piece. Lash: Oh, okay. Okay. I thought you were talking about Target. That's Ryan too isn't it? Hoffman: Correct. This one is just off Audubon. Koubsky: South of Timberwood. Hoffman: Kind of this area. The piece of property we just acquired is right in this location. Schroers: Okay. Well we are not going to accomplish anything unless w~ do make a recommendation and pass it onto Council and you know we're at a very preliminary stage here. At this point, if there's no further discussion, I would ask if anyone is ready to entertain a recommendation . e e Park and Rec Commission Meeting September 22, 1992 - Page 36 on this and I guess my oplnlon would be consistent with that of staff in regards to their recommendation. Lash: Are you moving that? Schroers: No, I'm asking if anyone else will. If no one else wants to, I will. Erickson: So you want the trails separate from the... Schroers: Yes. There needs to be a separate recommendation for the park and trails. Lash: Now this is going to City Councilor are we going to make a recommendation that the applicant comes back with a different, what are we looking for? Schroers: Yeah, I think we're going to ask to see a concept of what we are recommending. So, does anyone want to make a recommendation? If not, I will. I recommend that the Park and Rec Commission request the . applicant to provide as a part of their proposal a community park site. The site is to include sufficient land of suitable character and topography to include natural vistas affording sufficient area for viewing and picnicking. A designated a foot wide bituminous trail loop with multiple access points connecting the wooded and upland portions of the site with picnicking and viewing areas and the street plan and sidewalks. sufficient area for the possible construction of two ballfields with 300 foot fences, a basketball court, a double tennis court, a sufficient upland areas to buffer these amenities. This will require the designation of considerable more park property than called out on the sketch plan. However, it is desireable for all parkland components to be contiguous. This park shall also maintain considerable road frontage to afford visible impact as well as allowing for sufficient ingress and egress and we would like to see a concept plan of this recommendation. Is there a second? Berg: Second. Schroers moved. Berg seconded to recommend that the Park and Recreation Commission request the applicant to provide as a part of their proposal a community park site. The site is to include sufficient land of suitable character and topography. to include natural vistas affording sufficient area for viewing and picnicking. a designated 8 foot wide bituminous trail loop with multiple access points connecting the wooded and upland portions of the site with picnicking and viewing areas and the street plan and sidewalks. sufficient area for the possible construction of two ballfields with 300 foot fences. a basketball court. a double tennis court. a sufficient upland areas to buffer these amenities. This will require the designation of considerable more park property than called out on the sketch plan. However. it is desireable for all parkland components to be contiguous. This park shall also maintain considerable road frontage to afford visible impact aa well as allowing for sufficient ingress and egress and we would like to see a concept plan of this recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried. MEETING MINUTES October 5, 1992 t. ~ '" t, ....". ~- ~~ v..': e Present: C..~T 1 4 1992, Kate Aanenson Don Ashworth Chuck Folsch Michele Foster Todd Gerhardt Todd Hoffman Paul Krauss John Shardlow r: if 'f ( ,. . '_ . . .~. ..... :r:f\i1i",:i~C..-r\! The meeting was called to discuss a number of issues relating to the development of Gateway West Business Park. A summary of our discussion on each of these issues is summarized as follows: 1) Utilities: The Joint Powers Agreement with the city of Chaska is in large part agreed to and is expected to be resolved and approved by both cities within the next 30-60 days. Upon approval of that agreement, the city council will be asked to authorize the city of Chanhassen's consulting engineer to study the feasibility of providing utilities to the Gateway West Business Park including the option of servicing part of the property through existing utilities in Chaska.This study will determine how much of the Gateway West property, if any, can be serviced through Chaska. The determination can then be made as to the timing of the trunk utility improvements planned for in the second phase of the Upper Bluff Creek project. e One of the city's key concerns will be the city's bonding limitations. At this time it is anticipated that the city's $5 million maximum will be reached in 1993 by projects that are currently planned and do nQ1 include the second phase of the Upper Bluff Creek project. One alternative would be to issue taxable bonds instead of tax exempt bonds. Another consideration will be the expected timing of development for the O'Shaughnessy property to the east. If development is not yet ready to occur on that property, there could be difficulties in getting utilities installed across that property to get to Gateway West Business Park. 2) Hi~way 5 Task Force: The Planning Department plans to refer the development plan for Gateway West Business Park to the Highway 5 Task Force for comments in probably late October or early November, after the City Council has reviewed the plan. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the appropriate role for the Task Force. They will be looking at a variety of issues including set-backs, building orientation, building materials, the roadway alignment for the proposed frontage road, and the proposed park plan. The possibility of a moratorium was discussed. The opinion was given that a moratorium would be unlikely. 3) Park Dedication: A lengthy discussion was held regarding alternative layouts for the proposed park. The plan prepared by DSU was presented and discussed as well. It was agreed that a modified park plan should be looked at which incorporates both Gateway . . e e Minutes Page 2 West Business Park and the property to the east. It was requested that DSU look at a plan which slides our proposed Lot 14 to the west to consolidate the park area. The active component of the park should reflect the requirements as outlined in the staff report, and an attempt should be made to include some active components on the Gateway West Business Park area. 4) Wetland Issues: Kate Aanenson provided us with a letter from the DNR which is attached. City planning staff and DNR staff walked the site which resulted in the attached correspondence. " . 5) 29 Acre Mixed Use Parcel: The Planning Department would like the owner to present potential alternative layouts and uses for the property. A commercial center would not be considered an acceptable use. 6) Arboretum: The planning staff would like to see an acknowledgement of the Arboretum reflected in the proposed plan. This includes buffering along the common property line, landscaping elements, and possible entrance features. 7) Buildini Materials: The planning staff indicated that the language in the staff report which would require precast "finished in stone textured or coated" material is not accurate and will be changed to permit standard textured precast wall panels. The Highway 5 Task Force will look at the building material and building orientation issues with respect to the sites along Highway S. 8) Environmental Impact Statement: An Environmental Impact Statement will be required for the project. It will focus on wetland, traffic and water quality issues. It was agreed that the scoping EA W will define the issues as narrowly as possible. Paul Kraus asked DSU to prepare a proposed EIS process for the project. We have requested that the city advise us as to the process and schedule the project can be expected to take after the City Council meeting on October 26, 1992. We are to let Paul know the status of our consulting work on the EA W which has already been undertaken. cc: Those present John Uban Paul Steiner Howard Dahlgren I ~- ~v."".-.- , \.. (7 - "-'t"" ''.. , ~. ~. / . \, i '\. J , " ~"-~ i 'i.. / '~/V;' ',~, , c/ ~r' \' { " \.!c) ~._- ,,<n ", ': \ \ ("',,:c=~ ~) ," >':.:~~ ' '," J [ I/] i ,.::::co\,. . ,'_ ,_ ,'~~~_~;', ",{;;.;_, -'~f':{\- ',:', / ~ II/), ~ I') . -~ . ,'~ ,~/\ ' ' - .' _ ,"" /. ~,_;,.<' ~ ,( ,\ ' \vl , / ' " ' \ '1\ ',,/1/>", ' ~~:t ' ,. ":j) , ,...~ ;. .::,..'''-~ _.....-J:~,..,.:"'.A. ~) , I" ~', :;:'" ,{ - (.... , ' ) : ! f i 5 I} .. . & . ,e L J " II ~ e . f ~- ~ ".._'_" -vv-.......".-........ \ r\ /<\-.X':>~ If ' / ~/ Vj''.::~ , j . ~",::2 \-~ i \ /-.~' i I / I -':5'.. ,-;'~"__' _ _. t ) i::l L 1. ;\ -,,~<t: ~__. /. \ If~/\ (-' j - ~ I '-___..~ ,F /'.'/ '.' " "let (' " r! \ \ \ ' j /1 \' !!~ -"."',1 '/ ' >-- -. -./-t ' ,. ,~__. l- ;,: ./. ". '..-' . _! . '.5 ! ,:: I; -. , fR i " ~ ! ,.) . r' . '::' .~.~/ r '\ \ / 1 ITA~ . . ....._, . I. 01/ I~:~:~:: ... . .~..~l' -' \.,;'I\"~ __ ._/ ..,. 1'" -:--_ .1 ."; ../ '. ..~ l1i~ '<~ ,; " ,~~ tfr--l .,~p'. ./" .h ~ 'il.\1 \111'1 II' .\~ .~ a 11 l .~ I ii' (..... , \ ) ; I . I ; 5 . ~. ~~ . ...f..... n ; ; . ! .r . J .i ~ . I- Z <t () :J Q.. a. <t e ~ ~ LLJ I- - (J) e PRC DATE: Nov. 24, 1992 4- - CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k -# CITY OF CHANHASSEN STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary Plat for Gateway First Addition to plat four lots on property zoned BH, Highway Business District. LOCATION: North of Highway 5; south of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; and east of Highway 10 1 on West 79th Street. APPLICANT: Lotus Realty P.O. Box 235 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: BH, Highway Business District ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad S - Highway 5 E - BH, Business Highway District W - BH, Business Highway District RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council accept full park and trail fees for any development occurring as a result of the platting of Gateway First Addition. I. I 'I ~ i II I =~ ;i if i i:i r f~ i -.:; A A :i!i!ii!fifi .- !!F!:i![;:~ .. =r'.~i"..;:.: .. all:.....:....,....... .-=1=i!..!f:!: ll.l:.U:.-I1.. n~::'p.U:'f ! ~,!!:!.;.!!: :; :,=0'=.,,-::;1 ;o! :Clii::!!~.:: =: i='a:":~;.:...!; !: .~:;:;:i:.~;! 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I t .1 ~ :v 1,1 ::,V ~~-- ~, - - I,: , ;L.J]o., '~~( ~~ 19~ ~ ~~ ~~ :~ ~ l ~ e e \ \ "- '\ l .., / < '\ \ ./ " --- .. , . , , . iH ~ f~ : ~i fi:lfl!!i~:I~ : a ~~tHI;i!!1. Ii ~!t.~!... i:::I~ :'1 .. Ii it .. :;1. ..5 g~""._'" . f; . Ji~i:lt .. t, ... e"'i:i.~ II ~i -:Ii :.:i U 'i;. lii-ii":' :i ~i i1f1!h;: f ..I '. .... _::::;,. . ii::m,~ Ie. ..- ;t'::"u :~::f u II ~....... !!=l" !:!:r -.. . !. .~ ./ 5" , e C ITV 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission 4/ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator //Y . TO: DATE: September 15, 1992 SUBJ: Tree Preservation Board t It has been some time since the commission has addressed the issue of the formation of a Tree Preservation Board. In that interim, seven applications for this newly forming commission have been received. To more forward in this area,. I am asking that the Park and Recreation Commission elect a member of the commission to serve on this board. I will also be addressing the nomination of a City Council member and Planning Commission member to this board with both the City Council and Planning Commission. Upon confrrming these three board members, the "at-large" applicants will be interviewed to select four additional members to the board. Once all members have been selected, an inaugural meeting of the board to establish an agenda and to take care of general housekeeping items, i.e. selecting meeting times, dates, chairpersons, etc., will be set. Update (11-17-92): With the resignation of Randy Erickson from the commission, he is no longer able to serve on the Tree Preservation Board. Therefore, I am again asking the commission to elect a member of the commission to serve on the board. This person may be an outgoing member. As can be seen from the attached materials, the process to get this board up and moving has been initiated. I would like to have the P~k Board member identified prior to the December 3rd interview date. . n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER .4 C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH J ) e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 10, 1992 Ex /J/lIp/ C Mr. Richard Turpen 512 Del Rio Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Turpen: I' {- Thank you for applying for the City of Chanhassen Tree Preservation Board. Your patience in awaiting a response in this regard is appreciated. The city is now moving forward with interviews in order to fill the four at-large positions to the board. Thursday evening, December 3, 1992, has been selected for interviews. Please reference the attached schedule to identify the t time of your interview. If you are no longer able to be considered for a position on the board, or if you are unable to be present on the 3rd, please <:all either ]0 Ann or me at your earliest convenience. The interviews will be held under comfortable discussion format conditions. Mr. Richard Wing, Council member; Mr. Tim Erhart, Planning Commission member; and a member of the Park and Recreation Commission will be conducting the interviews and have previously been named to the board. (A member had been selected from the Park and Recreation Commission, but has resigned from both the commission and the board due toa job transfer.) The four at-large members will then be ~lec1ed udall applicants will be contacted informing them of the interview results. The ~our successful applicants will then be mailed a meeting notice of the board's inaugural meeting in January, 1993. This meeting will allow tbeboard to establish an agenda and to take care of general. housekeeping items such as selecting term limits, setting meeting dates, times, selecting chairpersons,ctc. ""T'.,<C . ,. . . .~ l'<:." .",,,-,,. ~ /. I hope you look forward to the prospect of working on behalf of trees in the City of Chanhassen. This board is being established out of a sincere belief on the part of the City Council and the commissions that they individually cannot devote enough time to issues relating to trees, their protection, and promotion. . n \.., PRINTED ON REC'f'CLED PAPER ) e C \TY OF CHANHASSEN fa 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM 'TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator 11 DATE: November 17, 1992 SUBJ: City Trail Rules--Are Dogs Allowed? The attached excerpt from the Chanhassen City Code Section 14-65, Animals--that one line, is the extent of the language in the City Code which addresses animals in parks. Only that simple explanation is needed since the issue is very clear--if you are in a park, you are not permitted to have with you a dog or other animal. e The question of whether or not dogs should be permitted on trails, and for that matter sidewalks, is not addressed by this section. In answering inquiries to date, my response has been if the trail is not in a city park, you may walk your dog; if the trail is within the borders of a park, you may not. The completion of the asphalt trail linking Rice Marsh Lake Park and Lake Susan Cormnunity Park has increased the awareness of this issue. Since this trail is contiguous to two parks, is it considered part of those parks? Can you assume if a person is walking a pet on the trail they will most likely pass through one or both of these parks? If pets are permitted on the trail, does the city need to adopf a "pooper scooper" ordinance? Would it do any good? The Park and Recreation Commission has reviewed this issue in the past as it pertains to parks. Rules specific to trails and pets now need to be discussed. · Pets are important to many people. However, one noticeable difference separating pets from the human population utilizing city trails is that they use little discretion in choosing a location to relieve themselves.. .... ~ addition, some pet owners are prone to walktbeir dog's unleashed or "at-large," wQichst times can lead to additional problems. Conclusion: It is my recormnendation to clarify any action taken on this item by addressing concrete sidewalks separately from asphalt trails. Beyond this, the question of whether or not pets should be allowed on trails is an individual issue, one which the commission needs to resolve as a group. t , Attachments: 1. City Code Sections 14-65 and 5-19 n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER '1 . CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Winter Activities Update The O1anhassen Senior Center is currently open on Mondays and Fridays from 10:00 Lm. to 2:00 p.rn., and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 Lrn. to 4:00 p.rn. Drop in any time for a visit, cup of coffee, or just to see what's going on. Cards, games, and a lounge area are available to all seniors ages SS and up. Call ,937-1900 for information. Sewina and Crafts: Every Monday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.rn. Inexpensive crafts that you make take home, or make for the Senior Center-OR--Bring your needlework projects and enjoy the company of others. Of course, the coffee pot is always on. Bingo: Every Wednesday the Bingo cards are out (1~/card or 2Srt/3 cards), and this group would love you to join them for some fun and socializing. Have a cup of coffee and meet others. 1:00 - 4:00 p.rn. Cards: This group plays SOO, Scratch, and Thirty-One. Another great way to meet people. Stop by for the game of your choice, or bring in your own, in our brand new Senior Center. Thursdays from 1:00 - 4:00 p.rn. e CALENDAR OF EVENTS December 12/1: Holiday Treat Making, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Make your own chocolate almond bark molded candies and suckers. $5.00 (all supplies included). 12/7: Annual Chanhassen Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, 6:00 p.m., Downtown Chanhassen 12/9: "Sound of Music" trip to Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, 11:15 am. 12/9: Senior Citizen Shopping at Target, 8:15 - 10:45 a.m. 50t for round trip transportation. 12112: Holiday Party/Open House, 1 :30 - 4:00 p.m. Hors d' oeuvres and Entertainment. FREE 12/24: Christmas Eve Potluck. Bring a dish to share or just stop in for some Christmas Cheer. 4:00 pm. OVER... .... . . "' .. ,.... ",", A.:.:....:.... ,..... ;:::.:'. ..:.... .::\..........'......,t.~..'.: ;:::., . it:).: :: .::~" .:' it".:::.:::.. .:...:..:.:::"." ... ....... :::"'~'" ", .... :~:::":"' ':.:::.'. . .'; ....'" . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: November 17, 1992 1~ SUBJ: Halloween Evaluation e The 1992 Halloween party was one of the biggest .our department has seen. The overwhelming response to the party was a pleasant surprise. A total of 389 children attended the party, and with their parents the total was 600-700 people attending. The registration procedure worked out well with registrations being taken until 12:00 noon the day before the party. Next year the registration will stay open until 4:30 p.m. the day before the party. The new computerized registration on the City network was efficient with the ladies at the front desk entering registrations on a daily basis. It was helpful, to assist in planning, to have current registration numbers available at any given moment. One problem experienced at the yearly party is getting costumed characters and other volunteers to the party on time. There isn't anything more frightening than to have the party starting with people missing. This problem Will be reviewed again next year. The newly formed Chanhassen Jaycees helped with this Jaycees were in charge of coordinating and decorating the Friendly Hallway, in which they did a good job. Being their first year, I know they learned about what it takes to <:ievelop this event. Next year with their knowledge, I am sure planning will be much easier. e The Scary Hallway added a few new decorations and props this year, and with these new additions, the Scary Hallway really seemed to "fill in" and look complete. A great addition to the Scary Hallway was the fog machine from the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. The fog rolled down the hallway as children and their parents entered the Scary Hallway. I would like to build more props next year for both hallways. n ~.1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator November 11, 1992 Page 2 e This year a different vendor was used for the hayride around City Center Park. We were very happy with his services and will use him again in the future. Suggestions for next year: - Have more volunteers to help set up. Show a movie/cartoon in the cafeteria of the school. - Serve refreshments/donuts in the cafeteria of the school. - Figure two donut holes/cookies per person. - Purchase enough candy for each child to receive 20-25 pieces. - More drawings for parents, i.e. night at Country Suites, gift certificate to Festival. - Separate decorations for both hallways ahead of time. HALLOWEEN PARTY REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Revenue: 389 registered kids @ $2.00 each 35 party sponsors Total $ 778.00 865.00 $1643.00 e Expenditures: Candy Costumes/Supplies Thank you ad in Villager Hayride Refreshments Chanhassen Jaycees expenses Total $ 585.79 271. 70 175.00 150.00 123.04 21.88 $1327.41 Revenue Expenditures $1643.00 1327.41 $ 315.59 + e . e e 10 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM to: Park and Recreation Commission d Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Coordinator / If FROM: DATE: November 17. 1992 SUBJ: Administrative Presentations Verbal updates on the Lake Ann Park Picnic/Recreation Shelter and Ballfield Irrigation projects will be given on the evening of November 24. n ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . . '~;}:" / \...~.:~. .... .....l!lIlt: ..~. ..' . ',' ..' Chanhassen's Annual' ,., 1ree Lighting Ceremony You're invited to the lighting of .QIDwunity ~.-.-..';....'.-.;'.. -....... .:-........:>.:........ .....-.-......-.................... .........................-.."...... .................-......---.....-.... Christmas tree on Monday, Decemfje~~~!I?;OO p.m. Mayor Do~p Chmiel will plug in the cOlore~1Q~........~........~......~~.~..........o..............rating Chanh~~~en's permanent 22-ft. blue spruce CPUj!~&~~t[ee. .'....}.... ~.........:}........:. You carr.(~Djoy a cup of hot apple cider and cookiesiiiNnUgU~ten- ing to~"W-.ide variety of Christmas carols ........,. ,. ,.. perfq(rnedby the Chaska Senior High SchdolChoir. .....-,.,......,...-,.-....... . ..,.--. .-- .. ....,-.,...,',......-........_.'..._--..._... ."'.......- ....... ,---. ::":..'.:.\:::/:<::.':':",":::.,(:" ..,' .....- ,".'.' ,. ",. Location: . .' , ....,--, DowQtg'8v Chanhassen, in fronfgff{e(lny's Market ,',',-'" . '.."..'.'.... .. Santah![lself will be handiri'g~g~icandy canes to everyoQ~/~ttending. ~.............. ""';4\ Celebrate the . season In ChanhassenH Sponsored by the Chanhassen Parks & Recreation Department J . e e C ITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM 'TO: Deputy D. W. Potts #' FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 12, 1992 SUBJ: Vehicle Driving on Park Property, ICR #92-13892 Thank you for taking the report on the above referenced incident With the snow melting, Dale Gregory, Park Maintenance Foreman and I conducted a site visit of the park area driven upon. The depth of the turf damage was not severe in most places, however, the area affected is quite large. A minimal amount of black dirt will be placed in the trenched areas prior to seeding the track areas to complete restoration. Restitution necessary in this case is itemized below: Mobilization VehiclelLabor Costs 2 hours @ $25.00/hour Grass Seed Total $50.00 $10.00 $60.00 Please contact the responsible party requiring them to pay this amount to the City of Chanhassen. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me. Thank you. ft \..1 PRINTED ON REC't'CLED PAPER Carver County Sheriff's Dept. Chaska, Minnesota 92 -/3?9:2 ~ (") J. :I.l ""- z L.;j ? Od ~ v~ Offense/Incident Report ~ 1 o /':. , ,4 .,. ~ Date Reported: :l 7:2 Time: 00t-"'1..5' Offense Address }../(J/,,-;" ~., /'t.{..S A,rj 0 //- - F Date Occ,,/-ed:,., 9 :2 TimeMO~ . No: I St. 1/- q(. ...... - .N~ #o/Jc,l.J .or, ~ / /~tfJql!-I V;;~ /tel F Offen~nCident (as ~2ed): r,/1d APt: I Cltt- ~/lM.f$~n l)l1, Z~5J17 E ,- 'N V//1f' tJ('O(~ . .//f - ,'IV N C.(~ ""'4I/"1- ;1.ucl Phone: (H) IPhone: (BI ~ - '- S ... v Grid: c:J:<SO IBeat: I NWC:._ E - C Complainant's Name & Address Sex Race DOB Age ( (last) ~ ChS;A'C?sk (Middle) 0 /~1/ MIF - - - - M NO~90 ISV' .0", Hg!-- Wgt_ Hair_ Eye'""-. p ,/";,U/#; L Apt: I City: f":L"- L '3ff? /f ~;V I ZiP55'J/7 \I;i1m. \\aIII -' A I Phone: (H) I Phone:9.:?7 - / f?tJ'O (B) N - T Comments:C 7/",I- /r" r f.:Y1 ..5C<,~-I- AI~I""'" /h.6~( /_/1. ,OJ '".~c-lo" LJ/1.At1 - R Reported By: (last) (First) (Middle) Reported To: /':7/ SA.) IHO~ ~ _'If" E /'7;//~d /;' ~/,,J'& rt',. '-'/'o?# p n/ Bodily Injuries: Y IN 0 No: 1St f-/ I R Transported to: T E Apt: C,ty: 5T: Zip: Transported by: / D B DOB Phone: (H). Phone: (B) Describe Injuries/CondItion: / y V Vehicle /1 Model / E Involved: Y/N I Veh Yr. I Make I Style -. H Next of Kin Notified: (Name/ate, T,me) I C Color Ille St lie No. / Vin No. / L Veh OI~POS,hon (Towed "LeI! A: Scelje} I K~Y$ DISposition E Record COdes p S ': Slolen R ~ Reccve'ec L ' Losl r: : Found o ' Damaged E ! EVIdence I ~ Impounded 50< ' Sa1e>eep.ng T , Towed R Item Record Oty. Property Type Brand, Make or Model Name Description Serial Number Value Number Code Manufacturer and Number (Color, Size) 0 - p / D - A7Crk- /t. iA.//1 r".... ./R -- E R -- T Y Property Dispositi on Total Value Suspect :t~:'-' (last) ~st) ~dlel ~'F k:~ OOB ~I A~ I. Hgt ,I. Wgt / Ha\J Eyes S :?; 1'>,S,?-'1 :,(..../J,,{O ~ k-r '(/".t'f:l C-( ':2 -/~.... 7.2 / ~ 10 /6.5 $~ j\ .04 A/ U Addr~?C70 1St: wd';rJt: / 4v. S/M/T: S Aps.. Ci~ /.::.. -A ./;J~/1 I~"u l?~::l'/'7 VICtim'S A 0 S'ranger o 0 Soouse G 0 G,rtl"eno J 0 Ne'gllDor p Retationa/lip B 0 Aela".e E 0 X-Soouse H 0 Landlord K 0 Employer Phone: -f'7~" 5c:J:Z5 (HI Phone 'Y73-i!?:Z 7;2 (Bl To Suspect C 0 ACQua,ntance F 0 BOy'''end I 0 Tenln' L 0 Employee E C Vehicle Veh Yr ~; Model ,/ Style I ,Color InvolveQN ?I lfdr; k~~d, /,I'd" .5,'f~1 e Add'l Suspect 101 e Customer I 0 Unknown T lie S~A/ li~7'O .&'/114 Vin No. e Add" Witness N 0 MerCIlln' 9 0 Other o 0 Oll,cer Comments: f .wm.e.. Name: Witness Address I St: ~I'c/,~ ,I A7v_ (last) (First) \Middle) No: er 300 ~~ fA././/t~~ ,,A;AI'1 Apt: C~ "~"J S~/! ~N 1~.fJ17 - DOB Phone~7~ _ 5~~.s (HI Phone: (B) 1-~8.7~ Repor.o Otficer '.D p~ 10 l?/9 Di~(Q/ Reviewing Supervisor Rank P LI Name tA.J "3 Rank Nlme 10 AsSis~~'cer h "/f VI ID c?.50 Di:~ fC I Page--!.-OF _ Pages Ran~ 'Lf Name -::;r ~, f' ____ _.r_ ~ . e e On 11-2-92 at 0005 hours I was dispatched to North Lotus Park in Chanhassen on report that a car had been driving in the park and appeared to be stuck. I arrived in the area at about 0015 hours. There:was'a snsw storm going on at the time and the streets were covered with about six inches of snow and slush. I drove into the area westbound on Fox Hollow Drive. Fox Hollow Drive runs along the north edge of the park. I noted vehicle tracks in the snow westbound along Fox Hollow Drive that veered off the road into the park and then back on to Pleasant View Road. I drove onto Pleasant View Road along the west side of the park. I found more tracks leading from Pleasant View into the park. I got out of my squad and walked into the park following the vehicle tracks. The tracks went into the park at what I thought was a parking area. However, due to the amount of snow it just looked like part of the park. The tracks led through a parking area. At the edge of the parking area is an embankment. The tracks went over the embankment, then turned and led east across the park. The ground was'sDft and wet from all the rain and snow. In the center of the park was a low drainage area. The tracks continued east to the east edge of the park where the vehicle, a small passenger car had gotten stuck after making a loop at the east edge of the park. There were two males working around the car as I approached. They apparently did not see me. As I reached them I could see that the front wheels of the car were sunk down into the lawn from spinning. The two males were using a jack and a steel wheel in an attempt to get the car free. The engine was off, the lights were off and the hood was up. The keys were in the ignition. I asked the males what they were doing. They told me they were trying to get the car freed up. I asked what they were doing in the park. One of them replied that they were looking for a road. I asked who had been driving the car. One of the males stated he was the driver and that the car was his. That male was later identified verbally as Christopher Moreau Thompson, 12-15-72, 6300 Cardinal Av., Excelsior, 474-5024. I asked Thompson if the car was registered in his name. He told me it was not. The second male had his driver license which identified him as William John Tews, 1-28-74, 6300 Cardinal Av., Excelsior. I brought both males out to my squad where we were met by Deputy Koehler. ~(~A In running a computer check of Thompsons car it came back registered to Dennis and David Shafer of Excelsior. The registration showed an expiration of November 1991. I asked dispatch to try to contact the registered owner. Dispatch located the mother of David Shafer by phone. She advised that the car had been given to Chris Thompson back in August and at that time it did not run. 1""1 y ~r..r ,,~ I had noted the tabs on the car~re for 1992. I asked Thompson about the 92 tabs. He stated those were the tabs on the car when he got it from Shafer. The tab number came back later on a computer check belonging on a retired plate of a Ford, owned by Tews. I asked Thompson why he had not transferred the car title into his own name. He told me he got the car in August, but it did not run at that time. He also mentioned something about a problem with the title. I asked Thompson about insurance for the car. He told me he did not have any insurance. USJlIIm 'OWllt-l1P rl r_ e I 110 I had dispatch contact a tow for Thompsons vehicle for impound while Deputy Koehler gave Tews and Thompson a ride home. DJIPClIJTJCIl ( I 10 Arr.,t ( I 20 bClllp Cl..r-Aeull ( I )0 Arr..t-.Ju"",U. ( I to beep Cl..r-.Juy ( I 50 Otller lice, Clear ( I 60 ou.r Di,po-JaYl1 ( I 70 lIDfCMMled Anderson Towing, Greg Anderson, responded to my location. As the ground was too soft and attempts to remove Thompsons car may not be successful and would definitely damage the park lawn further, it was decided to wait until the city could coordinate the cars removal. The car was about 100 yards from any road. 92-13892 The day shift deputy working on 11-3-92 will coordinate with the city of Chanhassen and tow agency their attempts to remove Thompsons car from the park. Further follow up with damage estimate will be pending successful removal of the car. Follow up report will be submitted for requesting restitution. On 11-2-92 at about 1720 hours I arrived at Thompson and Tews residence. They were not home at the time. ~ spoke briefly with a mature male and female. I gave them envelopes containing citations for Tews and Thompson. I asked that the envelopes be given to Tews and Thompson. I was advised that would be done. Citation # 058234 was issued for Tews charging him with trespass in a city park after hours. ~. e Citations # 058233, 056556, and 056557 were issued for Thompson for the following: Trespass in city park after hours, Drive offpark road, Damage to property, Expired registration, Fail to transfer vheicle title, No proof auto insurance, No auto insurance. I will be removlng the 92 tabs from Thompsons car and keeping them until this case is cleared. Thompsons car will be impounded until he can show proof of ownership, insurance, and current registration. No further information. D. W. POTTS 819 e e . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator #' FROM: DATE: November 12, 1992 SUBJ: Lake Susan and Lake Susan Community Park As you are aware, the existence of Lake Susan Community Park in its present state is due largely to the efforts of the HRA. The Lake Drive East road improvement project provided access to the park, and additionally resulted in a large amount of fill which was utilized in creating the ballfield and other recreational areas. In 1989 the city received a $110,925 Land and Water ConservatioI1 Grant (LA WCON) administered through the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for the development of Lake Susan Park. It was at this time that the HRA gave the Lake Susan Park project an additional boost by providing the necessary funds to match the federal and state grant. The finishing touches of this park development project have recently been completed, leaving the city with a 33-acre community park which would be the envy of any community. Recently, additional funding through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) was secured to purchase a handicapped accessible fishing pier. Total amenities in the park now include the only regulation baseball field in the city, a full-sized basketball court, two tennis courts, two sand volleyball courts, a covered picnic shelter and reservation picnic site, an extensive children's play area, a boat access, an archery range, trails, lighted entrance road and parking areas, the fishing pier,. and other standard park amenities. The involvement of the HRA in this cause has been invaluable. Your willingness to invest tax increment in a park which happens to lie within a TIF district bolsters the buying power of the general Park Development and Acquisition Fund. One gap does exist, however, in the Lake Susan Project. A gap, until now, the city was confident that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would fill. As recently as 1990, Lake Susan sustained a partial winter fish kill. History documents winter kills of the lake in 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, and 1990. Last winter representatives of the DNR attended a Park and Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the situation at Lake Susan. Gerald Johnson, Project Engineer for the DNR section of Fisheries confirmed our knowledge that a lake aerator was needed for Lake Susan and indicated n ~ J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Housing and Redevelopment Authority November 12, 1992 Page 2 e that the likelihood of receiving grant monies through the Cooperative Opportunities for Resource Enhancement (CORE) program to purchase such an aerator was very high. Subsequently, the city made plans for the eventual installation of an aeration system by amending the Lake Susan Park construction contract to include the electrical components needed for the aerator. In late 1991, the application for the lake aeration system was submitted to the DNR. A petition from area lake residents was included as a part of this application (see attachments). What I have not , explained to this point, which to do so I will have to break the fishermen's code, is that Lake 'Susan is full of catchable walleyes. Without the aid of a lake aerator, this very improved fishery is in jeopardy. As Authority members may know, the DNR will not perform fish stocking in lakes without permanent public access. However, upon the initiation of the Lake Susan Park improvement project, the Fisheries section of the DNR made plans to stock Lake Susan. Bending the rules in 1990 (the access was not completed thus technically no stocking is to occur), the DNR released 80,000 walleye fry and 5,300 bass fry into Lake Susan. Fry are fish stocked in lakes shortly after hatching and are approximately one-half inch in length. The following season, 85,000 walleye fry were stocked, bringing the total count of walleye fry stocked over the two years to 165,000. Not surprisingly, the fish took to the lake very well, benefitting from the winter kills of 1988, 1989, and 1990 which significantly reduced the number of predator fish in the lake. (When you're only one-half inch in length and nearly transparent, almost anything is a predator.) Fishing reports and visits to the fishing pier this summer verify that the walleyes are abundant and growing rapidly. The 1990 year class are now 12 to 14-inches in length with the 1991 fish measuring approximately lO-inches in length. During each of my visits to the pier this summer, the people fishing had either caught and released one or more walleyes or had included them on their stringer. e We are all aware of the state's budget situation, and reports from all DNR staffers indicate that a 1993 application for CORE funding for an aeration system would fall into empty pockets. The city has invested over $300,000 in Lake Susan Park to date. The park has been very well received and we now have a lake full of thousands of catchable walleyes and other species of fish. This water resource walks a tight rope, however, as the oxygen levels in Lake Susan are easily depleted and the lake faces winter kill each season. My appeal to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is to guarantee that a complete winter kill will never again occur in Lake Susan. This can be done through the authorization to expend funds not to exceed $25,000 to purchase a lake aeration system for Lake Susan. You will find the support for such an investment in the community to be high and far reaching. e e +----------------------+ Pulling It Together I Chanhassen Jaycees I +----------------------+ General Membership Meeting Agenda November 12, 1992 I. Call to Order II. Guest Speaker- Todd Hoffman Chan Park & Rec I IV. President's ep A. Board Meeting- Nov. 19th B. Combine Meetings? C. X-Mas Party D. TOYM- Feb. 16-18 V. Secretary/Treasurer's Report e 10 PROJECT- TWO WAY COMMUNICATION VI. State Delegate Report VII. CD A. B. Halloween Upcoming Events VIII.ID A. Upcoming Guest Speakers 1. December- Gene Borg, owner of Chan McDonalds 2. Future Speakers? 10 PROJECT- TEST YOUR ENTREPRENEURAL THINKING IX. lieD A. B. C. Leadership Academy November Ii-Night Door-knocking X. Old Business XI. New Business XII. Swearing in of New Members e XIII. Swearing in of Officer XIV. Creed XV. Adjourn Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your meeting tonight I believe we can use this time e to further develop a growing relationship between your organization and the city. It was in June . of this year when I met Roberta and Ken for the first time sitting down to discuss how the new Jaycees could be of benefit to the community. Before going further, I would like to express that to date you have done remarkably well as a service organization. Your involvement in both the , Oktoberfest and the Children's Halloween Party was invaluable and you can be proud of the job the Jaycees performed during both of those community events. I was asked to join you this evening to discuss how the Jaycees can help the City of Chanhassen. In a year filled with politics rather than to provide you with endless talk and fluff, I have elected to provide you with a list of hard choices. How can the Chanhassen Jaycees benefit the City of Chanhassen? Here are some ideas. e 1. Continue to be involved with the Oktoberfest, renamed for 1993, Septemberfest And the annual Halloween celebration. 2. Be the driving force behind a winter celebration in Chanhassen. 3. Become involved in the Toys for Tots campaign over the holidays. 4. Volunteer to deliver meals through the Meals on Wheels program. S. Donate food to the Carver County Food Shelf. 6. Help the city with the annual Easter Egg Hunt 7. Adopt a park as a part of the Adopt a Park Program scheduled to kick-off in Arbor month of 1993. 8. Volunteer to distribute trees on Arbor Day in 1993. e 9. Provide the labor to plant trees on city park property. e 10. Raise money for the purchase of a playground to be placed in a Chanhassen park. 11. Coordinate the Family Games during the 4th of July's Community Picnic. 12. Sponsor an event during the 4th of July Family Day. 13. Become involved in next year's Chanhassen Arts Festival. 14. Provide volunteers to act as building monitors during Park and Recreation and Athletic 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. e 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Association sponsored activities at the Chanhassen Elementary School. Sponsoring 1993 Punt, Pass and Kick Competition. Sponsor a 1993 Hershey Track and Field Competition. Co-sponsor with the City of Chanhassen a summer concert in the park series. Build a TV shelf for the Chanhassen Senior Center. Adopt one of the downtown's flower gardens. Participate in the city's annual clean up day. Sponsor the refreshments served during the City's Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. V olunteer to work at the City's Compost Site. Participate in a Paint-a-thon or Rake-a-thon. Volunteer to shovel sidewalks and driveways for local senior citizens. % as chaperons during a variety of Park and Recreation sponsored trips and events. I hope this list provides you with some ideas of how to get involved in helping the community. The city needs your power as a group to get things done. We are often able to provide planning e and the funding for a variety of community events, however, we need you to make them happen. Thank you for your time this evening. I look forward to your continued involvement in the community. CITY OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 November 10, 1992 Mr. Mike Gorra 1680 Arboretum Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mike: On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of trees to the city. The number of opportunities to obtain mature trees at no cost other than moving charges are limited. The city was able to transplant approximately 45 trees from your nursery prior to being shut down by the recent snowfall. These trees were planted in parks throughout the city which formerly were void of trees. The outcome of your graciousness has not gone unnoticed in the city. Many residents, staff members, and Council and commission e members have made favorable comments upon seeing the new trees. Prior to the snow, the city had completed a planting plan for boulevard trees along Kerber Boulevard and Audubon Road. Pending your consideration and approval, the city would like to continue moving trees in the spring of 1993. I will contact you after the (lIst of the year to discuss these plans further. Again, thank you for the trees. Your contribution will truly grow and prosper in our community. Sincerely, dl 0a.Sbb Don Ashworth City Manager DA:TH:k pc: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission e n '-., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e e e C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 Ms, inda' Wick, Orants Manager Mi~ sots! Department of Tr, e ~ Bconbmic Development Co ' uni y Deve~opment Division 900 me can COpter Building 150 ast ellogg' Boulevard St. I ul. lyfN 55101-1421 : t neai s.lwick: ~ -~ r:' ~ As ydu ~y recall, last January 9th I made......,.''''reimb "'-.~ement application for Project No, ORBC- OO-0ft7-M~FY90-Lake Susan Par~, Th~ a~~unt of th ~reques~ was $11O,925,?D, ~e full a~ount of th, appr.. oved sta,. Ie grant for tillS prZ.~..ec.,. ", As agre '*.the time of that appbcauon. a retatna. ge woul be held until the project was co 'neted in the Il~_ er of 1992. ~e; eke, susa,rr Park Project he.},} b: been comPlel\ '. an~ the city hereby requests final relm:. urserent 10 the amoun..tto o.:J:,,}f.093.00 be made to ,'~,Clty of Chanhassen. n : I you for yciur as~i,; this matter. ~,:;~ -... ~ : Sl'n"Jr.ely . ~P~,"",':[lr ilA".tii<r~' <':;;;~!"il:'lf~"llll'~::;";~::i:!ll;;:!"""!:t'::'''.r~.:;;'...J''''!~:lIil!;1 :.;: " ...r... .'." ".""i;l<I'r.;".....~:I~".'>iii'..;;."II(",',.,"'..,:..,r.,"'>;lf !~".".:,dh!l'!." ~;...:..." ;"!f' ...',;"." 'i>i."I~',.,;.'r;rl.'!..:'l!'I'J;~!'i,l;~~;ll;.,'I"I!'W.ooL.,~".,.,"H!""lll/' '... "'" ",. , ~~'..., .',~ y" "'J ',' ..r, ~:>",.,,!, .'I\...~,. ''''.:' , ", 'tr''l'':<l.~~.'(It:,-"",("".";,~,,,'',,I!'tl,,'1 :i''''!I~'' ,l!.'!.:'..'Ir:'i..'i1I"......, >"1 j ." '.' ,.'" ..."...' .,,,,' . '"I,"",',,,",,' .,', .;.'''I'''''''>:''':''!.'<::'''''':':';;'"::;';';'\(.it:..;,,,,;.,'~~:;;';.~~;".'''';::~:';~'~''''''"' . ' . di" , "")', ,~."., ' :,;r~~'li;"" ..,........,,:i!l;LI' ' ,,~!\l'ii." . i .. :.!t'~~;~:~;~~(~t:!:~tv~;J";:'., .. ,"~ :;'~'f~:"~~..~ ; l~~::'')' p"" : I'''' ",.,...,..,J"':., '. :'t:".""""''''';''lJ~iil:H~~''''~'''' H t ' V.." .ll'r" ",!:"""'lI'.',,, oman. '? ';1'" d ecreation Coordinator .~.,;. r . TH:k ft \..1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER eo..un1ty Devtl~nt Pa~nt Requtst FOMl FP-22 Fax 1(612) 296-5297 1. Grant/Loan Number 2. Grantee/Loan.t Na.. 3. Prograll NUlt OREC-00-0007-M-FY90 CITY OF CHANHASSEN .. a. Request Number: LAKE SUSAN PARK 5. Address for Payments: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 b. Perfod for whfch funds are bttng requested: From: 02 127 I 89 To: 11 110 192 HIM Tttle c. A/Ilount of Request $ 11,093.00 6. Remarks: ~/Ar TODD HOFFMAN PARK & REC COORDINATOR Signa //~ _ ,te/ ~ ?"~~~/tI/I':Z I certify t I .. the 1ndtvtdual authortzed to request funds. Phone Hud)er: Area Codl 612 Extensfon 121 Nulllbtr 937-1900 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY TRAN VENDOR NMER TYPE INVOICE "MER ORGANIZATION SEQ. NO. SUFF DEPT. P.O./F.O. NO. OBJECT Thts request approved tn the aIOunt of $ By N<<lUNT OF INVOICE DATE SUBACT TASK Date SL8 TASK FED REV COST/CLIENT CODE I herlby certtfy that the goods or .aterfals covered by thts cla1. have bltn inspected and received or the services have bltn performed, and are in accordance wtth spectftcattons. and are in proper fOMl, kind. alK)unt. and qualtty.and payment therefort is herlb recommended. SYSTEM ASSIGN REF. NO. DEPT. AUTH. SIGNATURE e e e CITY,OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent THROUGH: Charles Folch, City Engineer ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 17, 1992 SUBJ: Asphalt Work in City Parks A variety of park projects involving the installation of asphalt surfacing have been slated for completion in both the 1991 and 1992 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs). These include the trail loop in Curry Farms Park (1991 CIP), the trail connection from Lake Susan Community Park to Chanhassen Hills (1992 CIP), and the park access road and parking lot at Power Hill Park (1992 CIP). Other asphalt work has also been identified which, when completed, will assist many park users through better accessibility, and will demonstrate that the city is encouraging the use of public park facilities by those in need of improved accessibility. These include the continuation of the existing asphalt trail at the Lake Ann Park beach, widening the road to the ballfield concession building at Lake Ann Park and enlarging the parking area at the same, installing a trail between the parking lot and west entrance to the tennis courts at Lake Susan Community Park, and the surfacing of the parking lot ~t the Carver Beach Park south beach. The following descriptions explain each of these projects in general with the attached maps corresponding with each description. Charles, at your convenience, please schedule a time when Mike, Dale Gregory, you and me can discuss these plans. Thank you for your anention in this matter. 1. Trail Looo in CUrry Farms Park: Originally slated for installation in 1991, this project has been delayed for a number of reasons. Crews have recently completed a filling and grading operation at the park, and it is now imperative that the trail be installed and restoration work be completed. 2. Trail Connection from Lake Susan Community Park to Chanhassen Hills: This trail will connect Lake Susan Community Park with the Chanhassen Hills Subdivision at Barbara n '-., PRINTED ON RECVCLED PAPER Mr. Mike Wegler Mr. Charles Folch August 17, 1992 Page 3 e the future, a oncession/restroom building cted on this site and the this new parking facility shall be planned accordingly. 6. Installation of a Trail Between the Parkin Lot and West Entrance to nis Lake Susan Park: To conform with accessibility requirements mandated by fi la, the aforementioned improvement needs to be completed. Lake Susan Park. a constructed in part with federal funds, representatives of the Minnesota Department Trade and Economic Development, the state agency administering these funds has mad a formal request in this regard. 7. of the Parkin Lot at the Carver Beach Park South Beach: This par' area is currently s with gravel. Upon applying asphalt, the lot sha triped and signed for one (1) handicapp . e area immediately forward of the steps being striped no parking. The issue of water sheet drainage shall be addressed as a part of this project Update (8-28-92) e Since the initial writing of this memo, the status of some projects has changed. The following corrunents reflect these changes: 1. Trail Loop In Curry Farms Park: Work has been completed. 2. Trail Connection from Lake Susan Community Park to Chanhassen Hills: Project on hold pending the acquisition of all land parcels. 3. Construction of the Entrance Road and ParlcinE Lot at Power Hill Park: A priority project. 4. Continuation of Trail at Lake Ann Park Beach: Coordinate this work with the other project in the park (Item 5). Completion in the fall of 1992. 5. See Item 4. 6. No change. 7. No change. e '. e .J..~t ,II.; \ \,..\ \'\ C ITV OF CHANHASSEN II j~/ll ~ ../ "\ . ;11', (, I )1 . .. I 1 ,( "".' , : J", iJ V , V V . lJ"V . ) ,'( ...- ( J ,,' , . ' ~... September 23, 1992 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 RECE\VED NO\1 ,) 9 1992 eln ur I",n/"\I'lHASSEN Mr. Mike Pflaum Lundgren Brothers Construction 935 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 e Dear Mr. Pflaum: As discussed in previous c9n~~ Lundgren Brothers Construction agreed to make a cash donation in the amou~6f $4,OOO~;l the City of Chanhassen to facilitate the purchase of additional playground uipmen!.Jor installation at North Lotus Lake Park. This arrangement was reached as a part 0 Lhe' approval for the Summit at Near Mountain development. The attached letter dated March 12, 1992, references both this project and your donation. As you are aware, the city has ordered this equipment and will be installing it upon its arrival. A copy of the invoice is attached documenting this purchase. At your convenience, please forward Lundgren Brothers' donation to the City of Chanhassen. As I am sure you agree, we believe both North Lotus Lake Neighborhood Park and the Near Mountain development are assets to the city. Again, thank you for your generosity. Sincerely, -Z~- Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k e ft ~ ~ PRINTED otlL ~Y5(LED PAPER ::>>tf" " 8 1992 l' / ;/ / I. " e March 12, 1992 Mr. Mike Pflaum Lundgren Brothers Construction 935 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 Dear Mr. Pflaum: This letter is to confirm our agreements of last week. As part of the approval process of the Near Mountain Seventh Addition final plat, the following conditions will be included. These items pertain only to the areas of park and recreation. 1. Lundgren Brothers Construction will provide park property totalling 4.5 acres, including Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, in addition to the two utility outlots. In exchange for this action, the city will provide full park fee credit to the Seventh Addition ($500.00 per unit). This is consistent with conditions approved as part of the preliminary plat. e 2. Payment of full trail fees ($167.00 per unit) will be made at the time of the building permit applications. The land use restrictions which Lundgren Brothers Construction wishes to impose upon the park property will be acknowledged by the city. These restrictions are consistent with how the city wishes to see this property used. However, final acceptance of these conditions will be contingent upon City Council approval. . The City of Chanhassen would also like to thank you for your contribution of $4,000 for the purchase of a second phase of play equipment at North Lotus Lake Park. This neighborhood park provides recreational and leisure opportunities for many of the residents in the Near Mountain area. The city looks forward to your continued Involvement in the community of Chanhassen. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k pc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Paul Krauss, Planning Director e '.I ~LlNDGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 01175 I CHECK NO. 021511 VENDOR NO. 110292 TOTA!...S J25010000 11/02/92 4,000.00 4,000.00 .00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00 DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS e . RECEIPT .. 690 COULTER DR.. P.O. BOX 147 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~~~~~~~~~)N9~~~~5317 AECEIVEDOF hu'1'1~L/f/ 3./0J N2 41368 o(i,4-- ~7 e DESCRIPTION PERMlLIC. AMOUNT FUND SOURCE OBJ. PROG. -'/ 'jF!' ~(/O ///1.// //1/ -:/ ',l~ - ;;Co" /'1, {/ Ec..t//P;/Y/"e/ I II --', / II . ~ /' r .--"1/A/ /f,l 4f /fI , / / /J /.rf?4:- :5l /,f'71/1 //'~~ f/;' .e-,e - ---:? /~/.d - ,.--. ~. /~. /d /;d;-/' ~Z:;(/ tJ- , cd CHECK CASH 0 . DEPUTY TREASURER>' { TOTAL AMOUNT I ~61t1 o ----------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------- , ~~. '~~. ~. ...., en . 1 ;(';~3l~~ ! 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A.1emJ.1d 9l:>J.IlSJ<I {8OOlssa.II . -00::> qlXJS 'S' n aq:J Ul ale'pJPU'e:> l! 'Sllatl JalSOYI . 01 08 SJOUOq ~JCtPUIlOS uSredure:> lSJOM. II'Slp'p. se noA 1~ OllU'tIA SUVJJ8l _JaqrI pay '.(ppe'p .un( ;q 0l1U't/A su-e:>nqndaH 'noA JOJ aSOU .moA adJIA pue noA JO aJ1r.) a]{lJ'l , .... o"'t ---- -...----,.--- --- -_.-- .:"'~~. ~ ---...--...,-...-.--. ,- 'Atum pullAao 'an a]{!I sue .moA a]{1 AtltreUJ1D p3l:>afUJ . JJOAtI -Ulr.> II' uIJ 3lOA ~ : -0; 'J' 'AON II pUB'. p9lClU SIt awosl 1 1 tre.IirPA:: em. .SJ1iaC -= 1lftP = . 1OI~ Jaha* :~-. SltDPIWt ~ .;; i "* 1 .... ~'~.. CITY OF CHANHASSEN · . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 October 30, 1992 Mr. Emil Brandt Transportation Coordinator Transportation Advisory Board Metropolitan Council 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Brandt: Enclosed, please find Chanhassen's submittal for funding for the construction of the Powers Boulevard Bikeway under the Federallntermodal Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. The proposed project is consistent with Chanhassen's adopted 1991 e Comprehensive Plan which was approved by the Metropolitan Council. Additionally, the project will conform to all applicable AASHTO standards to the extent possible. Chanhassen is excited about the potential funding of the Powers Boulevard project. As you will see from the attached material, Federal funding of this facility will compliment ongoing, local trail construction efforts. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, ~~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator e n ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER t e (Please Type) 1992 FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION (STP) PROJECT SUBMITTAL FORM FOR BIKEWAY/WALKWAY PROJECTS e PROJECT - . BIKEWAY WALKWAY TYPE Please Check Standard Innovative Standard Innovative One X LOCATION Street Name &. Road # Powers Boulevard (Co. Rd. 17) Project Length 1.4 miles Termini or Intersection TH 5 and Lake Lucy Road County Carver Municipality Chanhassen Project Description (See Enclosures) (specify improvement typical section, design requirements - Federal l.Dcal Share TOTAL ESTIMATED CONTRACT Share LEITING DATE COST $72,000 $18,000 $90,000 Sprina 1993 ESTIMATE NARRA 11VE Respond directly to qualityin~ and priority criteria in the enclosure for the type of project (standard or innovative). Provide concise and specific answers to the project description and each criterion listed. Identify answer by number and letter of criterion. Do not skip any items. Failure to properly address each item may result in disqualification for consideration. Use additional plain, 8-112 x 11 sheet for response on criteria and any additional comments, type single space. Attach 8-112 x 11 black and white reproducible map showing general project location. Application including attachments must be limited to four additional sheets, one or two sides, with non-reduced type. Contact Person Todd Hoffman Agency City of Chanhassen Phone No. 937-1900 Date October 30, 1992 "'loA." e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1992 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROJECT SUBMITTAL POWERS BOULEVARD (CO. RD. 17) BIKEWAY , e Protect Description The Powers Boulevard Bikeway will be constructed adjacent to Powers Boulevard from Trunk Highway 5 on the south to Lake Lucy Road on the north. The project will involve a new 2,300 foot trail from TH 5 northward to the southern terminus of an existing trail. The second portion of the new construction will start at the northern terminus of the existing trail and extend 5,200 feet to Lake Lucy Road. The east/west trail connection to downtown Chanhassen at the southern terminus of the project will be constructed in the spring of 1993 in conjunction with a separate road improvement project. The new trail will be constructed consistent with AASHTO standards and the MnDOT Bikeway Design Manual where feasible. The trail will have bituminous surfacing and have a total width of 8 feet. A typical section for construction of the trail can be found on the last page of this application. Qualltvlna Criteria The construction of the Powers Boulevard Bikeway in the City of Chanhassen qualifies as a Traditional Bikeway Project as demonstrated by the following: ./ e 1. The proposed bikeway project is consistent with the bikeway and trail plans of the surrounding municipalities. In this context, the Powers Boulevard Bikeway is consistent with plans to serve the overall region. 2. In 1991, Chanhassen updated its comprehensive plan which was subsequently approved by the Metropolitan Council. The transportation and recreation sections of the plan address the location and implementation of a trail plan to provide a network of off-street trails to serve the entire community. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway is one of the primary north/south linkages identified in the plan. 3. The intent of Chanhassen's trail plan is to provide safe travel opportunities for pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles. An overall goal of the system is to facilitate the movement of people in transportation modes other than those requiring the consumption of fossil fuels. 4. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway does not cross any significant barriers. The proposed bikeway will run parallel to an existing busy roadway. 1 e , . e e Existing sidewalks exist within the City of Chanhassen. The Powers Boulevard project is a bikeway facility, it is not part of the sidewalk system. 6. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway will be located within public right-of-way and will be available to all members of the public. 5. 7. The proposed project does not involve the construction of skyways. B. Powers Boulevard is a roadway that was constructed and is maintained by Carver County. The construction of a bikeway within the County right-of-way is being coordinated with Carver County. As was mentioned previously, the proposed bikeway is consistent with Chanhassen's Trail Plan which was coordinated with the cities of Eden Prairie, Shorewood, Chaska, and Victoria. Priority Criteria The following information responds to the Priority Criteria identified in the Interim Solicitation Process. 1 a. The proposed Powers Boulevard Bikeway is needed as a transportation link connecting a variety of existing and developing land uses. In general, this trail segment links Chanhassen's residential neighborhoods in the north central and western portions of the community with Chanhassen's downtown which offers many retail opportunities as well as public uses such as the Senior Center, Post Office, Library, City Hall, and Chanhassen Elementary School. The proposed bikeway provides a meaningful connection to the newly constructed park and ride transit facility in downtown Chanhassen. 1 b. Chanhassen's 1991 Comprehensive Plan includes a trail plan that incorporates both pedestrian and bikeway facilities. The transportation section of the plan contains two goals that directly relate to the proposed Powers Boulevard Bikeway. They are: . "Promote increased development of bikeways and trail facilities in order to conserve energy resources, enhance recreational opportunities and assist in the abatement of pollution and congestion." . "Chanhassen should require sidewalks andlortrails in commercial, industrial and medium and high density residential areas; adjacent to schools and other public buildings; and along one side of collectors and other high volume roads." Construction of the Powers Boulevard Bikeway is supported by both of these adopted goals. 2 Implementation of the adopted Trail Plan is a high priority in Chanhassen. Recent · community surveys have indicated a high degree of resident interest in trail e construction. In order to support trail construction, the City has adopted a trail fee as part of its park dedication requirements. Currently, newly platted properties are required to provide trail fees consistent with the following schedule: . Single-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Commercial/Industrial $167.00 per unit $147.00 per unit $833.00 per acre Implementation of the trail system requires financial resources above and beyond revenues collected from local trail fees. Correspondingly, the STP/ISTEA program matches federal resources with existing local efforts. 1 c. Powers Boulevard is a major north/south roadway in Chanhassen. It is classified as a Collector - Class II by both Carver County and the City of Chanhassen. The width of the existing roadway is inadequate to accommodate non-motorized vehicle traffic. 1 d. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway provides an important link between Chanhassen's residential areas and a newly constructed park and ride transit facility on the east side of Market Boulevard. The location of the park and ride facility is shown on Attachment A. 2. e The proposed Powers Boulevard Bikeway will be constructed within existing roadway right-of-way. Additional land purchases will not be required to accommodate the trail. The only capital investment involved in the project is the actual completion of the trail including grading, base preparation and paving. 3. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway is a primary "spine" of Chanhassen's Trail Plan (see Attachment A). It is an essential component of the continuous trail system that provides linkages to adjacent municipalities as well as to a new trail recently completed along Trunk Highway 5 by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 4. The pavement width along Powers Boulevard is insufficient to safely accommodate motorized vehicles and bicycles. Therefore, the existing road is a barrier to safe biking. The proposed project will remove this barrier by supplying a separate facility for bicycle use. 5. The Powers Boulevard Bikeway provides a bicycle route that runs parallel to the existing roadway. Congestion along Powers Boulevard is an existing concern and one that will increase in the future without the proposed trail construction. According to the City's Transportation Plan, average daily traffic along Powers Boulevard may approach 15,000 vehicles per day by 2010. 3 e e A I ; J 7~ - . G~ /.. - "--'.,:.~" ~.J) t . -, --~~-:~~ =-=1 . __JJ - ~ -I rc ~ -.'. ~ j t t '~~ . -~, ./' ->~.~~" ~~ % .. . ~ - -~ 4 ~ erTY OF /1 CHAf'l-iASSEN . I l..' TRAIL PLAN ",.,r -J Total Troll System 1 i -..-.--- Existing On-Street WoI'rt:way/Blkewoy -1 5 Existing Off-Street Wotf:.Na-(/Blkeway ................ Proposed Off-Street Tron ------- Concrete Sidewalk . Adjacent CormulIty TrolLilk 1 J 1 ATTACHMENT A ---; 1_-:.., 6 J ~r-:-iJ , . I I 1 t r poj , r~11 7 I C~ 1 I .i i j I I I ,-:Y . e 8'-0. . _ Verle8(4% Max.) , 2- 2341 Bituminous Wearing Course 6- Aggrega te Ba se (Mod.) 100% Crushed e TYPICAL SECTION POWERS BOULEVARD BIKEWAY (no scale) e Page 14 - Chanh....n VIII.ger - Thursday, November 5, 1992 . THANK YOU SPONSORS HALLOWEEN PARTY SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS e The Ch.nh....n P.rka .nd Recre.tlon Departm.nt .pprecl.te the .upport of th... .r.. bu.ln..... during the .nnu.1 H.lloween P.rty: ~" 'II e ACROL.OOP MOTION CONTROL. SYSTEMS, INC. AUTOMATED BUIL.DING COMPONENTS, INC. ' IAL.FOUR COMPANY IROOKS-RETAIL. FOODS OF MINNESOTA ( , BROWN'S AMOCO BROWN'S TIRE AND AUTO CHANHASSEN AMERICI.N L.EGION AUXlUARY CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRE CHANHASSEN CHIL.D DEVEL.OPMENT CENTER CHANHASSEN TRAVEL. CHANHASSEN MEDICAL. BUIL.DING . CHANHASSEN BANK EARL. HOL.ASEK & SON, INC. EMERSON EMC GL.ENROSE FL.ORAL. GOL.DSTAR MORTGAGE COMPANY , HAIR FOR GUYS AND DOL.L.S HOUR GL.ASS CL.EANERS HOWARD'S JEWEL.RY , INDEPENDENT BROKERS & ASSOC. REAL. TV INSTANT WEB COMPANIES J I. R RADIATOR CORPORATION LYMAN L.UMBER GEDNEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY MATTHIAS, ROEBKE & EBERT MCDONAL.D'S MERIT HEATING. INC. MIL.WE'S DEW PMT CORPORATION REDMOND PRODUCTS. INC. RMERA CL.UB ROBERT'S AUTOMATIC PRODUCTS, INC. SPECIAL SYSTEMS DESIGNS, INC. THE PRESS. INC. VER.$A.TlL. ASSOCIATES,INC. WAYTEK, INC. VOLUNTEERS: BETTY EIDAM GREG EIDAM BRIAN EIDAM CHRIS STONE LORIHAAK JIM McMAHON JON STUTELIERG CAROL. DUNSMORE VALEKA HRUBEI VICKI CHURCHILL KAREN ENQEL.HARDT VICKIE RUEGEMER UNDSEY CHURCHILL KRISTIN CHURCHILL VONNIE SCHNEIDER BOBERTAJOHNSON KEN L.ARSON GREG DAHL. LAURA JOHNSON WADE SCHNEIDER KATHY CAMO ROI CAHO ROIY CAMO ANDY HOFTElG DAVID GREENSUT JACKIE IAUER League Name: ~N 'LLOWER B})~~KE,!~ALL LEAGUE --- Schedule Name: MEN'S LOWER SCHEDULE Start Date: WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 18, 1992 t ** IN-HOUSE TOURNAMENT MARCH 10TH, 17TH, 24TH ** ** CLASS D STATE TOURN MARCH 27-28, COON RAPIDS H.S. ** ** ALL GAMES PLAYED AT THE CHASKA MIDDLE SCHOOL ** ** UP TO DATE GAME INFO: CALL THE LEISURE LINE @ 962-9000** ** HAVE A GREAT SEASON ** e TEAMS CAPTAIN NAME HOME PHONE WORK PHONE ====================== =========================== ========== ---------- ---------- 1. LOTUS REALITY 2. DUPLICATION FACTORY 3. SANOFI 4. TIGRE DESIGNS 5. THE INDEPENDENTS 6. NORDIC TRACK GARY COREY DON RANDY DEAN WALT KIRT JONES DIAMOND HERGET SCHNICHELS LAWRENCE 474-1665 934-9334 949-1094 591-1880 448-9912 368-1156 448-6132 SAME AS HO 368-5331 448-6910 938-3689 DATE TIME SITE AWAY TEAM HOME TEAM ~========================================================================= NOV-18-92 7:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY NORDIC TRACK WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY THE INDEPENDENTS 9:00p CMS GYM SANOFI TIGRE DESIGNS DEC-2-92 7:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY SANOFI WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK TIGRE DESIGNS 9:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS LOTUS REALITY e DEC-9-92 7:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS SANOFI WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS LOTUS REALITY 9:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK DUPLICATION FACTORY DEC-16-92 7:00p CMS GYM SANOFI LOTUS REALITY WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS DUPLICATION FACTORY 9:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS NORDIC TRACK DEC-23-92 7:00p CMS GYM SANOFI NORDIC TRACK WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY LOTUS REALITY 9:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS THE INDEPENDENTS JAN-6-93 7:00p CMS GYM SANOFI TIGRE DESIGNS WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY THE INDEPENDENTS 9:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY NORDIC TRACK JAN-13-93 7:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY THE INDEPENDENTS WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK TIGRE DESIGNS 9:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY SANOFI Page 1 e League Name: MEN'S LOWER BASKETBALL LEAGUE ~ Schedule Name: MEN'S LOWER SCHEDULE DATE TIME SITE AWAY TEAM HOME TEAM ========================================================================== ~AN-20-93 7:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK DUPLICATION FACTORY WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS SANOFI 9:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS LOTUS REALITY JAN-27-93 7:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS DUPLICATION FACTORY WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM SANOFI LOTUS REALITY 9:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS NORDIC TRACK FEB-3-93 7:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY DUPLICATION FACTORY WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM SANOFI NORDIC TRACK 9:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS THE INDEPENDENTS FEB-1O-93 7:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY THE INDEPENDENTS WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK LOTUS REALITY 9:00p CMS GYM SANOFI TIGRE DESIGNS FEB-17-93 7:00p CMS GYM DUPLICATION FACTORY SANOFI WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK TIGRE DESIGNS 9:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY THE INDEPENDENTS FEB-24-93 7:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY TIGRE DESIGNS WEDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS SANOFI 9:00p CMS GYM NORDIC TRACK DUPLICATION FACTORY MAR-3-93 7:00p CMS GYM THE INDEPENDENTS NORDIC TRACK .EDNESDAY 8:00p CMS GYM TIGRE DESIGNS DUPLICATION FACTORY 9:00p CMS GYM LOTUS REALITY SANOFI Page 2 e League Name: ~EN ,~ UPP.ER BASKE1'~.ALL LEAGU~~; Schedule Name: MEN'S UPPER SCHEDULE Start Date: WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 18, 1992 ** IN-HOUSE TOURNAMENT MARCH 10TH, 17TH, 24TH ** ** CLASS D STATE TOURN MARCH 27-28, COON RAPIDS H.S. ** ** ALL GAMES PLAYED AT THE CHASKA COMMUNITY CENTER ** ** UP TO DATE GAME INFO: CALL THE LEISURE LINE @ 962-9000 * ** HAVE A GREAT SEASON ** e TEAMS CAPTAIN NAME HOME PHONE WORK PHONE ====================== =========================== -========= ========== 1- SCHMITTY'S BRIAN ARETZ 448-1987 937-4708 2. CHASKA LEGION BLUE PAUL SCHINDLER 448-4642 448-7570 3. BUTCH'S TAVERN PAT SCHINDLER 368-3396 4. CHASKA LEGION WHITE MARK THEIS 448-4194 937-4151 5. THE PRESS MARK LUEDTKE 941-8809 937-3814 6. PILLSBURY RICK CALLENDER 298-0115 474-7444 7. VALLEY EVANGELICAL HAL HAVISTO 448-2645 929-1911 8. DART DISTRIBUTING STEVE LEIVERMANN 474-2785 885-0707 DATE TIME SITE AWAY TEAM HOME TEAM ========================================================================== NOV-18-92 WEDNESDAY DEC-2-92 WEDNESDAY DEC-9-92 WEDNESDAY DEC-16-92 WEDNESDAY DEC-23-92 WEDNESDAY 6:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S DART DISTRIBUTING 7:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE VALLEY EVANGELICAL 8:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN PILLSBURY 9:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE THE PRESS 6:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN CHASKA LEGION WHIT~ 7:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING PILLSBURY 8:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE THE PRESS 9:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL SCHMITTY'S 6:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL THE PRESS 7:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S PILLSBURY 8:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING CHASKA LEGION WHITE 9:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE BUTCH'S TAVERN 6:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL BUTCH'S TAVERN 7:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY CHASKA LEGION WHITE 8:00p CCC LG THE PRESS SCHMITTY'S 9:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING CHASKA LEGION BLUE 6:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S CHASKA LEGION WHITE 7:00p CCC LG THE PRESS BUTCH'S TAVERN 8:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY CHASKA LEGION BLUE 9:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL DART DISTRIBUTING Page 1 e League Name: MEN'S UPPER BASKETBALL LEAGUE Schedule Name: MEN'S UPPER SCHEDULE . DATE TIME SITE AWAY TEAM HOME TEAM ========================================================================== JAN-6-93 6:00p CCC LG THE PRESS DART DISTRIBUTING WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE CHASKA LEGION BLUE 8:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN SCHMITTY'S 9:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY VALLEY EVANGELICAL JAN-13-93 6:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN DART DISTRIBUTING WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY , S CHASKA LEGION BLUE 8:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE VALLEY EVANGELICAL 9:00p CCC LG THE PRESS PILLSBURY JAN-20-93 6:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE VALLEY EVANGELICAL WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE THE PRESS 8:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN PILLSBURY 9:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING SCHMITTY'S JAN-27-93 6:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING PILLSBURY WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S VALLEY EVANGELICAL 8:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE THE PRESS 9:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN CHASKA LEGION WHITE FEB-3-93 6:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING CHASKA LEGION WHITE WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL THE PRESS 8:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY SCHMITTY'S 9:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE BUTCH'S TAVERN .EB-1O-93 6:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S THE PRESS WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY CHASKA LEGION WHITE 8:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL BUTCH'S TAVERN 9:00p CCC LG DART DISTRIBUTING CHASKA LEGION BLUE FEB-17-93 6:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY CHASKA LEGION BLUE WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG THE PRESS BUTCH'S TAVERN 8:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE SCHMITTY'S 9:00p CCC LG VALLEY EVANGELICAL DART DISTRIBUTING FEB-24-93 6:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE CHASKA LEGION BLUE WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG SCHMITTY'S BUTCH'S TAVERN 8:00p CCC LG THE PRESS DART DISTRIBUTING 9:00p CCC LG PILLSBURY VALLEY EVANGELICAL MAR-3-93 6:00p CCC LG THE PRESS PILLSBURY WEDNESDAY 7:00p CCC LG BUTCH'S TAVERN DART DISTRIBUTING 8:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION WHITE VALLEY EVANGELICAL 9:00p CCC LG CHASKA LEGION BLUE SCHMITTY , S Page 2 e