1991 01 22 Agenda . A AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . Welcome new Commission ~ember, Dave Koubsky. Election of Officers, Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Calendar of 1991 Meeting Dates. Approval of December 11, 1990 Minutes. Approval of the 1991 Minnesota Park and Recreation Association Agency Membership. Visitor Presentations - Preserving Open Space through the Development of a Golf Course, Joan Ahrens, Chanhassen Planning commission Member. . Herman Field Park Access and Initial Development Plan. Discussion, city Center Park Master Plan. South Lotus Lake Boat Access - site and Drainage Study. Lake Ann Park Community Park Shelter. Approval of the 1991 Fourth of July Celebration Band Contract - Hi Tops. 12. site Plan Review, Valvoline Instant oil. 13. Commission Presentations. 14. Administrative Section. - ( January 1991 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14~16 17 18 19 202123242526 27 28 3031 May 1991 SMTWTFS 1 234 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 Qb 2223 24 25 [ 26 27 2Ei 29 30 31 I I September 1~ I SMTWTFSI 112345671 i 8 9 1011 121314 I I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i ~~ ~g ~ 25 26 27 28 J 1991 CALENDAR 3 February 1991 I SMTWTFS/ 1 2 3456789 1011 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 25@ 27 28 I I -' June 1991 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 91011 121314 15 16171.] 192021 22 23 24 ~ 26 27 28 29 30 ; " October 1991 1 SMTWTFSj I 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ! I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 ~ 23 24 25 26 I I 27 28 ~ 30 31 I 1991 Park and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Dates Any additional meetings will be scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month when a meeting is necessary. e e I March 1991 ~ril . 1991 I S M T W T F S T W T F S I 1 2 I S ~ 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 1213 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 4 1 5 0 1 7 1 8 19 20 i I 1 7 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 I 212224252627 ! 24 25 @ 27 28 29 30 ! 28 29 30 31 I J I , I July 1991 August 1991 . I S M T W T F S S M TW T F S I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 ! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 ~ 17 18 19 20 '1 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 212224252627 18192021222324 I 28 29 30 31 ! 25 26~ 28293031 I ; j , I I ,-- November 1991 December 1991 I S M T W T F S I S M TW T F S I 1 2 , 1 2~ 4 5 6 7 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; 8 9 11 12 13 14 ! 10111213141516 I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 17 18 192021 2223 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 : 24 25@ 27282930 , i 29 30 31 '--- '-- ---- JANUARY 1991 HOLlQA VS 1 New Yeors Doy (Tue) 21 Morlln luther King Jrs BlTthdoy Observed IMon ) 12 llncolns Blflhdoy (Tue] 13 Ash Wednesdoy (Wed] 14 Volentlne.s Doy [Thu I 18 Presidents. Doy (Mon ) 22 Woshlngtons Blrthdoy [fl' I . 17 St POIT/Ck.s Doy ISun ) 24 POlm Sundoy (Sun) 29 Good F"dOY (F" ) 30 POssover (Sot) 31 EOsler (Sun] 24 Secreto"es Doy (Wed) 12 MOlher , Doy (Sun) 18 Armed Forces Doy [SOl ] 27 MemO"OI Doy Observed [Mac< J 30 l.AemOT/ol Doy [Thu I '4 Flog Doy IF" ] 16 FOthers Doy [Sun) 4 Independence Doy [Thu I 4 frIendShIp Doy [Sun J 2 Labor Doy IMon I 8 GrondPorents Dol' (Sun) 9 "osh Hoshonoh (Mor, I ~ 7 CitizenShIp Doy [1 u€ ) 18 Yom ",ppur [Wed I 12 C:olumbus Doy ISot ) 14 COlumbus Doy Observed (Mon J 16 Bosss Doy (Wed) 19 Sweetest Doy (Sot) 24 United Noloons Doy (Thu j 27 Motner.,n-lows Doy [Sun J 31 Holloween (Thu ) 5 ElectIon Dol' (Tue ) 11 Velerons Doy [Mon ] 28 Tnonksgovlng [Thu ) 2 FlTsl Doy of Honukkoh [Mon ] 25 CnT/stmos (Wed) FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUhlE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER The Obseryonce of 011 JeWish hOlldol'S beg'n, c' sundown lne oreYlOUs dOl I ' . e e e o C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~;I~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ;I~/ FROM: DATE: January 9, 1991 SUBJ: Approval of the 1991 Minnesota Park and Recreation Association Agency Membership Enclosed is a copy of the 1991 agency membership statement received from the Minnesota Park and Recreation Association and a copy of their membership brochure. The services MRPA provides to the professional field of parks and recreation are numerous. Some of these are outlined in their brochure. I have also attached the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association's statement of purpose for your review. It is the recommendation of staff to continue the MRPA agency membership for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission through the payment of 1991 dues in the amount of $270.00 CITY OF CH1'\I'IInASSEN ChallllC:;n:)~t:n I BUCJI J eVII.II~::>~':OIl ~Ii Sieteema *1617 City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 The information listed at the top of th'isqforrn is What we currently have on tue for you. Please complete the following information to update our records and for the 1991 Membership Directory. 1_ ~ J NAME OF AGENCY CIT~ ()F CII,IJNII~~Al-I?'IH-A~.;;:cH~7;tJ;A/ ~~<<~- HZ/I? ~/,~,w;/lu.__=,~ Ct!///7"G/Z p.,e/"E ?'~#~;# k \ . f NAME OF DIRECTOR ~f& ADDRESS RECEIVED JAN 0 8 1991 ~l~TA RECRl...1r. ~~ \,p..\l.K ASSOc/-1/o" ~o /0 t' ~ MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION GENCY MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT . e 1991 M.R.P.A. "" OOUGLAS DRIVE NORTH 'GOI.DEN VALU!y, MN 55422 -.- .. TaI.L ..... ..... ...... STREET CITY ## . r;, STATE ZIP TELEPHONE A7-/YtM FAX 937- 6""73? /210tJO ~ 70 t1(J e On a separate sheet please include the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each Individual Board member. They will be Included In our membership directory. , } ,~ ~ Population of Agency jurisdiction Payment submitted (see table below) $ Size of Board, Commission or CouncD .7 f AGENCY MEMBERSHIP BASED ON POPULATION OF JURISDICTION (City, County, Special District, State, Private Agency, and College or University) , f Population of Jurisdiction f I Up to 10,000 10,000 to 24,499 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 and up Private Agency College or University . ~ .' " t i Agency Fee Number of Board Discount for Professionals If agency Joins $180 All 40% $270 All 40% $385 All 40% $495 All 40% $585 All 40% $200 All 40% $200 All 40% >. , Make check payable to and maD to: Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 1111 North Douglas Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 An Agency membership is open to any organization. public or private. created for the purpose of providing or supporting recreation, leisure services, parks, conservation or recreational use of natural resources and whose mission and purpose Is consistent with the purposes of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. 'e When an agency becomes an Agency member, Its professional employees are entitled to a 40% reduction In their dues. Agency dues must be paid before or at the time of acceptance of professional members at the discount rate. ~t . J t ,. f. t . 1- . 4 1. E_. -'." _ Please get your 1991 membership renewal returned by January 31, 1991. ... .-.-.,'......,-~~...-""'_.._--,-:--. _::.. ~,......,....... ,..'....i..,. ;......".._,~.._~ ._:~';:I:_.,... ....._:~.-......:r... 0'0'" ~~ ;s:s \ o:U e vO &.6JV') ~V') ~ <c( o~ \1\'2. ~v ~~ ~~ 4Q .;; a.5 a ~ '" .= ~ 0 '" ~ ~ =.- ..c S co u~t>J.l== c U a:I .... a:I 0 ;;:~~!2'O~ oco=~=..c '" = 0 ... '" ... ~''5..c.g a 5 = 5 ~ =.;:: ~ U 0 ... .!:! ... co l:l....ou...~o ..c 0.. u ... ..~'O55=0.. S.!!l;;u5.g.g :::: = .~ ;:l ;:l'- y. = COo( '" 1;0 ~ en ,Q .5 ~ t;; 0.> B ~u~o-:Ss =uu......c '" -- 'C5 .!::...:; c.c t'a e...'O . 0:::= U e o..cBS';:: ~~ f ~ .5 ~ ~ u ~ a26'o"'~u e .- = 0 .!:2 u '0 r:. j 0.. c..s.5 S e E-o Z ~ =::~ 0:: r.u Cl}CI}; z:::z oc~ ....z..::l b~< ~t~ 0Ci5 =-rJj =-~ Or. o =:: =- ~ < o ~~ o~ ti.l~ rJj~ ~~ ~ o u 5-d"''OU O'i).g;.s o.l::le= ... 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The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association shall take positions on legislation affecting the park and recreation field and encourage quality research. It shall support and promote effective education within colleges and universities and provide continuing education technical assistance and social exchange among its members. The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association was founded in 1937. It was incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of Minnesota in 1960. The organization serves members in the recreation, park and leisure services field. The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association has served the State of Minnesota in both youth and adult athletics by offering tournament competition in team sports such as softball, volleyball, touch football, broomball, and basketball. The organization serves as the focal point for providing communities opportunity for equalized competition at several levels. Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 1111 North Douglas Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422 612-544-1592 Minnesota Watts 1 _Qnn_Q~"_ ~~"o e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 6 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator -$ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: January 14, 1991 SUBJ: Item 6 - Visitor Presentation Joan Ahrens, a member of the Planning Commission has expressed an interest in preserving open space through the development of a golf course in the City of Chanhassen. Through a suggestion from Paul Krauss, Planning Director, Ms. Ahrens seeks the input of the Park and Recreation Commission into the possibility of amending the Recreation Section of the City's Comprehensive Plan to reflect this. Ms. Ahrens will be present at the January 22nd meeting tb discuss this item. .. , e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~~ January 17, 1991 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Herman Field Park Access and Initial Development Plan This item was last addressed by the Commission on April 24, 1990. At that meeting, the Commission authorized staff to have the property appraisals prepared and to enter into negotiations with the property owners for acquisition of an easement allowing access to the park. As this process was beginning, the City received a request from a group of residents in the area to vacate portions of Forest Avenue and Oriole Avenue. The City Council addressed this request at two Council meetings and approved a revised version of this request on November 5, 1990. A copy of the report presented that evening by Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner, is attached. Two important conditions pertaining to the development of Herman Field were included as conditions of approval for this request. There are the provision of a 40 foot easement across the westerly lot line of Marcia Will Schiferle's property to provide access to Herman Field Park and the retention of the Oriole Lane right-of-way to protect existing storm sewer and to provide future trail access to the park. The easement and road vacation documents will be prepared, signed and recorded within the next few weeks (Attachment #2) . Wi th the issue of access to the park now solved, we can move forward with initial park development. A master park plan for Herman Field Park was developed and approved by the Commission and area residents in 198 and was revised in 1990 (Attachment #3). Additional information was collected through a survey conducted by volunteers addressing the desires of the area residents in relation to the development of the park. The extent of work which can be completed this spring is only limited by the constraints of the $50,000 budgeted for development in 1991. The residents in this area have been invited to the January 22nd meeting to allow staff and the Commission to address any remaining Herman Field Park January 17, 1991 Page 2 questions they have concerning the development of Herman Field Park. Hearing these and with the approval of the Commission, staff will then present this item to the city council for their comment and approval. Plans and specifications will then be developed and brought back to the City council and advertisement for bids will follow. At present, it is anticipated that construction can begin in Mayor June of 1991. ~ , e e e r1PR/L Z.r/ ~/Rt/r&5 . , CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 24, 1990 e Chairman Mady called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pemrick, Jan Lash, Dawne Erhart, James Andrews, Jim Mady, Curt Robinson and Larry Schroers STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Rec Coordinator, Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor and Jerry Ruegemer, Program Specialist APPOINT ACTING CHAIR: Andrews moved, Mady seconded to appoint Larry Schroers as Acting Chair for the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REVIEW HERMAN FIELD COST ESTIMATES AND FACILITY PRIORITIZATION. N?.m_~. Ad9Ies.e.. ffl~J/ !?q.QJj._.g.......P..I~.:?..~..D.t._~... Betty Lang Bob & Marcia Schiferli Dolores Zie'gler Kelly Ziegler 2631 Forest Avenue, Excelsior 325 George Street, Excelsior 6441 Oriole Avenue, Excelsior 6480 Oriole Avenue, Excelsior e Sietsema: I included some background material for your benefit just so you can get kind of the feel of what the history of the park is. Basically over the past year the development of Herman Field has been requested to be speeded up by the homeowners in the area who were interested in forming a group called the Friends of Herman Field. That group met 2 weeks ago to discuss prioritization of the facilities at the park and that recommendation is included. Basically they recommended that the park, the first phase of the park include park access, the playground area, open field, trail development and 50% of the landscaping in phase 1. Additionally they recommended that the 1990 Capital Improvement Program budget be amended if it was necessary to, if the cost of these items exceeded $3,500.00 which is in the current budget. They also recommended that Phase 2 to include the boardwalk, picnic area, tennis court, lookout tower, picnic shelter and landscaping and recommended that that be funded in 1991. Staff feels the committee's recommendation is reasonable and in order to begin development, we need to then move into acquisition of that access. The easement between the road right-of-way and the actual park. As those costs are unknown at this time because we'll have to have appraisals done and work with the current landowner, I would recommend that we wait to amend the budget until we know exactly what numbers we're dealing with. But otherwise, to accept the recommendation of the committee. Schroers: Is there anyone in the audience tonight that is from the Friends of Herman Field that wish to make any comment in regards to this? Would you please come up and state your name and address for us please. e Betty Lang: My name is Betty Lang. I live at 2631 Forest Avenue. That was part of the property that Lori was mentioning as far as access to the Park and Rec Commission Meeting April 24, 1990 - Page 2 ~ e park. We had talked about some of the things at the meeting that we had and one of the things that I think I failed to bring up at that time was sometime back they had mentioned an entrance gate that would be closed like whatever the closing would be for parks. 10:00 or 11:00 and I would still like to see that so that it can be locked at night. And also I think we discussed the possibility of having open fires down there: The more I thought about it, the less I thought it was a good idea due to the fact that our property adjoins that and there's no water, no hydrants or anything down there. I guess that's it. Schroers: Thank you. How do you feel about the entrance gate Lori? That's something that could be taken into consideration? Sietsema: That can certainly be done. The park maintenance staff has built gates in the past and I don't see that that would be a big problem. As far as the fire rings, the committee did discuss whether there should be grills or fire rings. I can't recall that they really came up with a conclusion. The staff would not recommend that we put in any kind of a fire ring. At the most we'd consider grills and the policy has been to provide grills in parks because oftentimes people will bring their grills, grill in the park and then dump the coals on the ground and walk away and throw their grill back in their car and then you have the potential for either fire or kids walking over hot coals. So we have provided grills to~ prevent that from happening. It's just basically something that this ~ commission should, however you feel about it. SchrDers: Maybe that would be something to consider in Phase 2 of the development? Sietsema: Yeah. We wouldn't have to include that in the first phase. I don't know if anybody felt real strongly one way or another about the grills but staff again would not recommend having the fire rings. Mady: And if there's anymore discussion on fire rings, I would like to see it go to the Public Safety Commission and maybe input from the Fire Marshall too. Schroers: Is there anyone else in the audience that would like to comment on the Herman Field issue? If not, then I would open it to the commission for any comments in regards to this issue. Lash: I was a couple minutes late so I missed what, did you say anything beyond what your recommendation was? Sietsema: Not really. Lash: Okay. I just had a couple of questions. One is, what do we have in the budget for 1991? Anything? Sietsema: We haven't done a budget for 1991. e Lash: So that's something we can look at. e e e Park and Rec Commission Meeting April 24, 1990 - Page 3 Sietsema: rhat's a blank piece of paper at this point. Robinson: Did we have something in there? We did a 3 year plan or something. Sietsema: Boy, I'd have to go back and look. I don't recall that there was anything in the 5 year plan. I don't recall that there was. Schroers: Jan, do you have something else? Lash: The way I'm understanding this is what you're saying is Phase 1 is going to cost more than the $35,000.00? Sietsema: It's very likely that it would. Lash: So you're recommending a budget adjustment? Sietsema: What I'm recommending is that you approve Phase 1 as the committee has outlined it and direct staff to proceed with acquisition of the access easement that we'll need and when we know what firm costs are, I'll bring it back ~o you for a budget amendment at that time. Schroers: Jim, do you have any thoughts? Mady: Yeah, I just wanted to the plan looks fine. The work of the Friends of Herman Field committee along with staff should be commended. As to amending the budg~t at this time, I guess I'd like to see staff go forward to guesstimates. Get the cost done, nailed down and then come back with a site. I have a real difficult time saying yes or no to a budget amendment at this time. We have to, I think as a commission, have to discuss how we consider budget amendments. Whether this one gets one or not or another park gets a budget amendment, I have a tough time amending the budget once it's been in place. I don't know if we have a procedure in place for that but I would like to see staff get an appraisal done and get the negotiations going with it because until that's done, absolutely nothing else can go along. Robinson: Lori, did the Friends of Herman Field approve of the latest plan we had? Sietsema: Yes. Robinson: They liked that plan? Sietsema: They were directed, I indicated to them that the meeting was where they should bring up any last changes that they would like to see on the plan and there were none that were talked about. Robinson: Do we have any alternatives if it just becomes cost prohibitive or whatever on coming off Forest Avenue at the proposed location? The access road. Is there a second alternative if we just... Park and Rec Commission Meeting April 24, 1990 - Page 4 e Sietsema: Well if you recall, we looked at, we did a feasibility study on four different accesses to the park. One coming off of TH 41. Coming off . of Oriole. One coming off Forest and then the other one coming off of Piper Ridge. Piper Ridge was not accessible through that area at all. The TH 41 option was the most expensive and the Oriole Lane was the one where the soils were poor and we would have to take down the large stand of trees. So it was the decision of this Commission and also approved by City Council to do the Forest Avenue access. Robinson: So the other 3 alternatives are really not very good alternatives? Sietsema: No. Robinson: I have no further comments. Erhart: I would go along with staff's recommendation~ Schroers: Jim and Wendy are kind of new and I don't know if you had an opportunity to be, I'm pretty sure that you didn't have an opportunity to be involved in the Herman Field issue from the onset but if you have any comments j- regard, we'd be happy to hear them. Andrel<: _ gliess my onl y comment would be toward later development. and e that would be what, there appear to be trails through the woods. Would those be lit at night at all or would that be an area that would be kept... Schroers: No. I think that our original intention was that they'r~ basically a nature type trail in the spring, summer and fall se?son and would possibly lend itself to cross country sking in the winter but basically they would be a turf trail and not real developed. Sietsema: The City Code states that public parks are closed at 10:00 or dusk, whichever comes first in neighborhood parks~ Andrews: I'm thinking from a safety standpoint and there probably would not be a concern then. Sietsema: The park would not be open at night so there wouldn't be a real need to have them. Pemrick: I too agree with staff's recommendation on this and I can appreciate Mrs. Lang's comments about wanting it locked. If it's on her property line I think that's only right that we would honor that. Schroers: Okay, good. I also feel that the recommendation is acceptable. From personal experience, I'd like to make two comments in regard to boardwalks. Boardwalks, number one generally cut through prime wildlife areas and number two are an expensive, very expensive item in terms of ~ maintenance. There's all kinds of problems with them. I don't know what ~ the water level is or exactly where the boardwalk is proposed but if it's a proposing type of one, the floating type of materials they have seems to enhance the appetite of the muskrats and they get in there and eat that . e Park and Rec Commission Meeting April 24, 1990 - Page 5 sort of thing all up. The weeds tend to grow up through it and under it and rot it out and it's really a difficult thing to maintain so I think that's something that you may want to take a look at. But other than that, I think that it's fine and I guess I'd be ready to entertain a motion if someone has one. Mady: I'll make a motion that we direct staff to proceed with the appraisal and negotiations on the park access as soon as possible. Robinson: I'll second it. Mady moved, Robinson seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission authorize staff to have an appraisal done on the property needed for park access and to enter into negotiations with the property owners for acquisition. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REVIEW REQUEST TO AMEND COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN. Sietsema: I had a couple of calls on this item. People who were interested in being in the audience and I told them that it probably would not be on the agenda.until after 6:00 so if you would want to hold off on this just because I know there was some interest. .e Schroers: I wouldn't have a problem with that. Does anyone object? Okay. Then we'll put that to the back of our packet and move to item 6. ~ "[# FIJ..t.. PAJ!);CTJ I- SITE PLAN REVIEW, REDMOND PRODUCTS, INC. /II ~~ p/ll'6,(/~ Ii S. tsema: This site plan proposal is located, the location of the site is jus north of the Lake Susan Hills West subdivision. It will be located on the n 't.h side of what will be Lake Drive. Just south of e Business Par k. ""-is 51.6 acres that's proposed to be develope . nto a 366,360 square foo'~pffice/warehouse facility. As you may w, Redmond Products is currently' ocated just off of TH 5 over by.th ress and ABC Lumber. They're propos to develop a bigger facilit nd move. The Comprehensive Plan does not ca for parks in this area Lake Susan Park serves the industrial area. itionally the City s parks in Lake Susan Hills West directly across the s eet from this e. The most northerly park site of Lake Susan HillsWes lies dire y across the street. Lake Drive East will include a sidewalk a g t south side of the road and the trail plan calls for a concrete sidewa' long the east side of Audubon Road north of Lake Drive East. So the r 0 dation as there is no, this ins't a park deficient area, the rec endatto, for staff is to require the payment of park dedication fees. lieu of paT, nd dedication and to require a 20 foot wide trail ea ment along Audubo.n.oad and the construction of a 5 foot wide concr e sidewalk within the'~ ement and to allow a $3,500.00 toward the tr 1 fe~ for sidewalk construc.' 'on. ~ Mady: S~ the credit is wi 11 be... Sietsema: Audubon only because the sidewalk along't Mady: In the HRA deal. t . .. , I( IIJ r;. IJ Q II q / CITY OF CHANHASSEN e MEMORANDUM 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 . ,_ - r __,1_"'"'.. ,-r!' .. ~.- \.r.. . ;~'!' -..~ '- ~~,- tJ.., ::: ,- _.- I . ..--- ----.....~ .. TO: Don Asl1~9.~J___~i ~,.1l~nager --.-- --=---...;;:- Jo Ann Olsen, Sen~or Planner -~ October 31, street Vacation of Oriole and Forest Avenue ~~""-'Iji / ,-~ .' t,~..__. _ .- FROM: -:-::- -- ... . L ..- DATE: II If 71,; , - SUBJ: On October 22, 1990, the City council reviewed a street vacation requested by area residents. During discussion on the item, the residents raised questions regarding recommendations concerning trail connections to an adjacent park and the location of utilities. staff could not respond to these items at the meeting and suggested that the item be tabled for further analysis. The City eouincil tabled thde 1b'tem until dquestionhms Onte~is)ting utFi11i'tdies e. and tra I access coul e answere (Attac en .1. On ray, October 26, 1990, staff met with the applicants requesting the street vacation to discuss the extent of the street vacation, location of utilities and future trail easements. We have also had an opportunity to discuss the matter in house with other staff members to develop a comprehensive approach t~ the issue. As part of the HSZ and Gary Reed Subdivision development, storm sewer was extended through the right-of-way of Oriole Lane and ends just inside the Herman Field Park. 'l'herefore, it would be necessary to maintain a utility easement to cover the existing storm sewer. It was also preferred by the applicants to have a trail to the park provided through Oriole Lane rather than preserve a trail easement through existing Forest Avenue right-of-way. Therefore, it was agreed by both staff and the applicants that Oriole Lane would not be vacated so that the storm sewer would be covered by the right-of-way and" 'the -city would also have the ability to locate a trail for connection to Herman Field Park along Oriole Lane. By maintaining the right-of-way for Oriole Lane, the piece of property owned by the Ziegler's (Attachment '2) will still have road right-Of-way which will allow it to be developed in the future if desired by the lot owner. In regards to the vacation of Forest Avenue, it was agreed that Forest Avenue could be vacated from Oriole Lane up to the access ~ road into Herman Field Park (Attachment '2). The Schiferli's are ,., I. . . II . II . . . " . . . . . . . . Oriole & Forest Avenue Vacation October 31, 1990 Page 2 one of the applicants for the vacation of Forest Avenue and have agreed to locate the 40 foot access easement for the park completely on their property. Thus, in exchange for vacating the unused right-of-way, the city will be obtaining a needed access into the park. The property owned by the Schiferli's will still have access from Forest Avenue right-of-way. Should they want to subdivide and develop the property, it would be the responsibility of the land owner to extend utilities and improve the street right- of-way to city standards. Since these improvements are not necessary at this time for the park, the city is not pursuing these improvements until they are requested by adj acent land owners. The ci ty is request~ng that a 60 foot radius be provided over the Schiferli property for the purpose of providing a turnaround. The City will be installing an access road into Herman Field Park. The access road will be extended from existing improved Forest Avenue and will be located within the Forest Avenue right-of-way. The access road will not be improved to full city standards until it is required to serve additional development that may occur in the area. utilities will not be extended to the park. The park is designed as a passive neighborhood park and the plans do not call for provision ~f indoor bathroom facilities. SUMMARY Staff is in agreement that the portion of Forest Avenue proposed to be vacated is no longer necessary to be maintained by the City as right-of-way. All existing utilities are still being protected by the remaining Forest Avenue and Oriole Lane right-of-way and the vacation does not result in any landlocked parcels. RECOMMENDATION The City Council recommends approval of Vacation Request '88-4 for Forest Avenue with the following conditions: 1. A 40 foot easement shall be provided across the westerly lot line of the Schiferli's property to provide access for the Herman Field Park. 2. The Oriole Lane right-of-way shall be maintained in it's current status to protect existing storm sewer improvements and to provide future trail access to Herman Field. 3. Those portions of a 60 foot radius outside Forest Avenue right-of-way shall be dedicated as easement across the Schiferli property for a turnaround. , I 1 q , , , I ., d t~ ~ -to l 1~ U) ~ . i \ ,fII/l; :'..; ~ ',",-, "" " -....-. " ,. "" . -, , """",' \ : ,',' ....,":,." , \ ,,,,, ",. '" " \ L" , " '/,', \ . \ \ , I "'" \ - , , '" , , , :). \ e\ l -------..------..- - ---- ~ ,~ e. ./ / - ", , , , I , , , I , I , , , , , \, -.tt I '........ I .. 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'" : co ,-- - ,- ......- , .~ , . e \..., " , , , \ \ , , , , -.--______ f. - --_.~ - - ... .. tS -= .... f \ \ -. ~ I I ~I e rv~,.v . -:: . . .. '.. .:". Z- ". -' ,'- .... "" ,- . _ ." .. r '_"; -........-;_:..::~;:...:.. II ,. .~ e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 8 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission #I FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 15, 1991 SUBJ : Discussion - City Center Park Master Plan The approved 1991 Capital Improvement Program designates $68,000 in improvements for City Center Park. City Center Park is unique in that Chaska School District #112 owns approximately 10 acres and the City of Chanhassen owns approximately 3 acres of it's total 13 acre make-up. This being the case, I have contacted Kathleen Macy, Chanhassen Elementary School Principal, asking for her involvement in the planning of improvements at the park/school site. Facilities at City Center Park have been developed randomly over'a period of years without a specific plan. The preparation of a master park plan is an essential part of guiding future development on this site. A master plan will identify specific facilities which are located at the park and will designate the location of additional facilities. It is during the initial stages of development of a master plan that potential changes or alterations to existing facilities should also be addressed. site changes and the possibility of purchasing additional land to the north of, the park/school site were proposed as part of the most recent Community Center proposal. As construction of a community center will not occur, present facilities may not have to be al tered, however, continuing to investigate the acquisition of additional land adjacent to this site is recommended. The use of this park during all seasons by youth and adult athletic groups is expanding. The addition of playing fields to supplement the present facilities would accommodate future growth in the use of this park. The preservation of additional open space in the center of the city is desirable as well. This item has been scheduled for discussion. Neighboring residents living within 500 feet of the park boundary and school officials have been invited to participate in this discussion. The results will then be forwarded to Mark Koegler of VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings, who will prepare a concept Master Park Plan for city city Center Park January 15, 1991 Page 2. Center Park. This concept .plan will then be brought back to this group for further refinement at a future Park and Recreation Commission meeting. NOTE: A park map showing the facilities at City Center Park has never been produced. To assist the Commission in preparing for this item, I have enclosed a retouched copy of the aerial photograph showing this area. Commissioners may also elect to make a site inspection prior to next Tuesday's meeting. e e ( e CITY OF CHANHASSEH f 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator -;:J!" FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: January 15, 1991 South Lotus Lake Boat Access - site and Drainage Study SUBJ: e The attached study was initiated by the City Engineering Department in a response to citizen and staff concerns over the appearance of the South Lotus Lake Boat Access site. As noted in the background section of this study, the problems at the site are a direct result of site revisions to an adjacent development, the disastrous storm of 1987 and the drought years that followed. Simply put, South Lotus Lake Park has never developed into the beautiful facility it should be. The study outlines specific improvements which are proposed to correct the situation. The purpose of these proposed improvements are two fold, to upgrade the drainage and runoff systems and to remedy the park's unsightly appearance. This being the case, a variety of funding sources are available for this improvement project. These include a $5,177.80 soil correction service grant, $24,000 from the environmental trust fund and a targeted amount of up to $20,000 from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund. As the estimated project cost is $40,587.00, the Park Acquisition and Development Fund portion of the cost would start at $11,409.20. Increases in this amount may occur as a result of project additions, cost over-runs, etc. e This project was not addressed as part of the 1991 budgeting process. It would therefore, be necessary to amend the 1991 Capital Improvements Program to include a transfer out of $20,000 to establish a CIP Fund from which to draw from in paying the "parks" portion of this project. I apologize for not addressing this item as part of the 1991 budget discussions. I was aware of the proposed improvements prior to budget work sessions but as a result of my late involvement in the project was naive in regards to the proposed funding sources. However, considering the importance of these improvements, coupled with the availability of South Lotus Lake Boat Access January 15, 1991 Page 2 $29,177.80 of funding outside the "parks" budget, amending .the 1991 CIP to cover these costs is recommended. Scott Harri of VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings, Inc. will be present at the January 22nd meeting if you have specific questions concerning this study. It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the South Lotus Lake Boat Access si te and drainage study and recommend that the City Council amend the Park Acquisition and Development 1991 Capital Improvement Program to include expenditures of up to $20,000 as the "parks" share of this improvement program. e e e I ~ VanDoren Hazard I Stallings, Inc. __ Architecte. Engineers. Planners I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I r I January 10, 1991 Mr. Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ref: South Lotus Lake Boat Access site and Drainage Study VHS Project No. 90-312 Dear Todd: We are pleased to present to you the results of our storm water collection and detention, erosion landscaping enhancements to the area. The study accordance with our proposal. study concerning protection and was prepared in BACKGROUND The boat access site is a steeply sloped area with a ramp and access on the steep grade. A parking area was constructed adjacent to the access on top of the hill. Two storm water detention ponds were designed into the project to control runoff and sedimentation. The disastrous storm during the summer of 1987 caused extensive erosion damage to the ponds and slopes of the recently completed project. Then the drought years followed which prevented a satisfactory ground cover to establish itself on the steep sloped areas resulting in continued erosion and unsightly conditions. As a consequence the City has been faced with abnormally high maintenance costs and area resident complaints. The rainfall amounts of this past summer has allowed a satisfactory ground cover to establish itself in most areas but some erosion still persists. The storm water collection and detention system was initially designed to handle the runoff from a 5.8 acre area. Review of current topographic information shows an area of 8.9 acres now drains through the system. Revisions to development plans on the Bloomberg site added 2.0 acres with 1.1 acres of area added to the site on the east side of the access road. This additional area has caused the detention ponds to frequently overflow causing erosion and sediment depositions throughout the project area. The present drainage patterns are shown on Drawing No.1. 3030 Harbor Lane North, Bldg. II, Suite 104, Minneapolis Minnesota 55447-2175 (612) 553-1950 I ~ I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I "l;';~,:.."""...,...,,-,.. '-;"_'"'1.-,.. I ~ I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I r I One additional item of background information needs to be pointed out. Budget constraints at the time of construction for the initial work resul ted in minimal landscaping improvements. We have included recommendations for some landscaping to enhance the appearance of the boat access and related parking areas for both users and area residences consistent with related improvements at other park facilities in the city. ANALYSIS & RECOMMENDATIONS Visual site observations were made in conjunction with the study of present topographic plans and the original drainage design. The visual observations showed the following: 1. Site vegetation is satisfactory in most locations. Some small areas have bare ground with erosion channels. unsightly weeds exist around the perimeter of the lower pond next to well maintained private property. 2. Surface runoff on or adjoining paved areas shows erosion where bituminous curbs have been reduced by snow removal equipment. 3. Vehicular movements have strayed off pavements causing vegetation kill and subsequent erosion. 4. The outlet structures in the storm sewer ponds are battered and essentially non functional due to excessive storms and the fact that the outlet structures weren't designed to handle the larger drainage area flows. 5. Appears that some runoff is bypassing catch basins on the steep drive area during high intensity storms and causing erosion downstream. Our review of the present topography of the watershed compared to the . original watershed showed an increase of 3.1 acres of area flowing through the watershed as explained in the background section. To accommodate the additional flow and meet the sedimentation and storage requirements for a 10 year and 100 year storm respectfully, we propose to reduce the upper pond outflow rate to lessen the impact of inflow to the lower pond by the lake. This seems to be a feasible solution to the problem of the lack of storage in the lower pond. By reducing the outflow rate of the upper pond, a greater storage capacity is needed. The additional storage capacity for the upper pond can be met within this ponds present geometry. An orifice is proposed in the existing outlet pipe to restrict the flow and a new baffle weir structure needs to be constructed. The new weir is necessary due to the 10 year storm detention elevation being higher and the poor condition of the present weir structure. A small portion of the existing parking lot will be flooded to a depth of six (6) inches during the 100 year storm. Any additional inflow occurring at high water elevation will overflow to the north down the boat access drive. See Drawing No. 2 - 'Area #1 for location. I ~ I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I , I I ~ I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I , I A new outlet structure is proposed for the lower pond due to the increased area contributing flow to this pond. The structure will consist of a 24 inch RCP riser with a 12 inch RCP outlet. A hooded baffle structure will sit atop the riser to provide debris and sediment control for the 10 year storm. Adequate storage capacity exists with the present geometry of the pond. General cleanup and reshaping of the north one-half is required. We recommend that the sides of the regraded pond be constructed of field stone boulder wall for three reasons, 1) the steep side slopes make vegetation nearly impossible to grow thus the sides are continually eroding, 2) to reduced maintenance and maintenance costs and 3) visually more pleasing than grouted rip rap or similar materials. The pond would have an emergency spillway for storm events exceeding a 100 year frequency. Location shown as Area #3 on Drawing No.2. The east slope adjoining the boat access is extremely steep and exceeds the practical limits for maintenance equipment currently owned by the City. We recommend additional fill material be placed at this location to soften the steepness and allow the slope to be maintained. The additional fill could come from surplus excavated materials generated on various roadway or other development projects occurring in the vicinity of the site. This work can proceed independent from the work described in the following recommendations. A master grading plan is needed to guide future fill placement. Although the study focus was centered upon the two ponds a number of lessor items were also evaluated. Our recommendations for these are as follows: (Refer to Drawing No. 2 for locations) 1. Top dress bare spots and seed with erosion mats. Area #5 and #6. 2. Construct high capacity inlets along the steep access drive to collect surface runoff into the pipe system. This will reduce downstream erosion. Area #2. 3. Restore island area at north end of boat access to include gravel shoulder material, concrete curb and rip rap. This area is eroding severely and the eroded soil is draining into the lower pond. Area #4. 4. Widen the boat access 2 feet in the area adjoining the concrete ramp. This will eliminate erosion caused by vehicles driving off the pavement. 5. Place concrete barrier curb at upper island radius and add berm to west side to control storm runoff and unauthorized parking. Area #4. 6. Add landscape materials to selected locations around the parking lot, access drive and detention ponds to improve the visual image consistent with parks at other locations in the City and provide screening and buffering to the neighboring properties. See Drawing No. 3 and 4. Green Ash deciduous trees from the ci ty tree farm are proposed as a means of cost savings. We assume the City will plant the trees. I ~ I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I , I I I ~ I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I r I ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST Item 1. Remove and reconstruct upper pond baffle and outlet control. 2. Regrade and clean upper pond. 3. Sod with 4 inches topsoil at upper pond. 4. Catch basins. 5. 12" RCP. 6. Connect to existing CB's. 7. Top dress, seed & mulch. 8. Wood fiber blankets. 9. Restore Boat Access Island with rip rap and concrete curb. 10. Dredge and regrade pond bottom and slopes of lower pond. 11. Field Stone Boulder Wall. 12. Outlet Structure-Lower Pond 13. Sod with 4 inches topsoil at lower pond 14. Landscaping Estimated Quantitv Unit Cost Estimated Cost Lump Sum =$ 2,000.00 20 CY @ 7.00/CY = 140.00 400 SY @ 3.25/SY = 1,300.00 2 EA @ 1,500/EA = 3,000.00 20 LF @ 20.00/LF = 400.00 2 EA @ 700/EA = 1,400.00 1850 SY @ 0.20/SY = 370.00 1180 SY @ 1.05/SY = 1,240.00 Lump Sum = 1,950.00 120 CY @ 7.00/CY = 840.00 9455 SF @ 10.00/SF = 9,455.00 Lump Sum = 4,000.00 300 SY @ 3.25/SY 975.00 Lump Sum = 2.700.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST =$29,770.00 = 2,977.00 Contingency (10%) Plans, Specifications Bidding, Staking and Inspection = 7 . 840.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $40,587.00 I , I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I , I FINANCING The proposed project can be funded from the following sources: 1- 2. 3. Soil Conservation Service Grant Environmental Trust Fund Park Acquisition and Development Fund (up to) $ 5,177.80 24,000.00 20.000.00 $49,177.80 TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS Compared to the estimated project cost of $40,587.00, there appears to be a surplus of funds which could be used at this park site or for other park purposes. SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule is proposed as follows: Item Date Park & Recreation Commission Meeting City Council - Authorize Plans & Specs City Council - Accept Plans and Authorize Ad for Bids City Council - Award Bids Begin Construction Complete Construction January 22, 1991 February 11, 1991 March 11, 1991 April 8, 1991 May 6, 1991 June 14, 1991 The schedule illustrates the earliest construction period feasible. We recommend proceeding with this schedule to allow the longest growing time possible for turf establishment. We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this study for the South Lotus Lake boat access. We will be available to meet with you, the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council to discuss our findings and recommendations at your convenience. Sincerely, VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS, INC. t? c-() +f-- H ~ R. Scott Harri, P.E. RSH/ev LOTUSLAK1.PW3 I , I I I I I I I tI I I I I I I I , I I ~ I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I , I , Ir' I .0 I 100 Date: 8-10-90 Job No. 90-312 I ~ I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I r I Area #3 -1' ~ o 10.0 PARK Area #4 0.9 Area #2 \ >\ . ~ \/< / / / / / ./ / /' / ./ /' ./ /' ./ .' ./ /' / /' /' /' /' / ,/./ New Catch Basin Date: 8-10-90 Job No. 90-312 South Lotus Lake Drainage Study ORA WING NO.2 I ~ I I I I I I I tI I I I I I I I , I I ~ I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I r I 'I I I / ;' l I/' -;l /// ./ l l / / \. \. \. \. \. , > <J - ;t ~~ ~ 0::0 " ~U) o >- a:: ~3 ~ o~ w>-o ~ ~3 ~ ~ '" )- a: =_4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ g"~ ~o~~3 ~ . . ~ ~ c:( :. U I.L. 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( ORA WING NO.3 I ~ I I I I I I I tI I I I I I I I , I I ~ I I I I I I I It I I I I I I ~ I \, =~ t--C::s:: 0<1 -!-! w ~ u z -,- -.L (!- > , , " [~~-- , '- , , , , , \ \ , \ .xa:l ...- a:lO c:ll..Ol ., .E!l Q) ~ IV Q.. ..::.c c: '"' gj~ r~;lc oo...Q) -'OlOOl 'O...J::l c: ~~ a:l _ c: ...J ::la:l O~ CJ)U li~l t '" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,~..~ " O"d', '\ \ " ,,-_..... ~ , ,F', '- \) \ ljf:(t~~:\,,"l \ \1j~ ,',', "~-_//,\~ \ J\~"" ':.' ,'.,.::.::::;.::>\- \ I', '\ '- '.......'" "--- , /' '" ' ",.,' - _", .c;-"T \ I I, . " "yY _-1- \ cl '<?::>::::-==-/\ ....-",,1 ',......-//" \ I, \~____/'/ ~\ /A"\" \ / . I \ \ ~ \ /--1 \ \ .' I " \ % (: ! i \ l- I \ \ ,-'-"-' \ --..-..--...---- ',-A-'-' \ ~-- \ \ 2 ~ ' <r ~ ~ ~ :0 <r :;' ~ o z >- w ~ '" ~ ~ w ~ ~.- \ ORA WING NO.4 /'{J J CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~/' Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ · TO: DATE: January 15, 1991 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park community Shelter The approved 1991 Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Program includes the allocation of a $110,000 to construct and furnish a picnic/recreation shelter at Lake ann Park. For five years prior to 1989, the city submitted a Land and Water conservation (LAWCON) Grant application for matching funds to construct this building. It eventually became clear that the proposed project was not competi ti ve under the LAWCON Grant criteria. As a result, the City allocated $100,000 in the 1990 Park Acquisition and Development budget to complete this proj ect with no grant assistance. However, the construction of the shelter did not occur in 1990 which necessitated the reappropriation of $110,000 in the 1991 budget. It is with a renewed commitment in realizing the long awaited goal of constructing a park/recreation shelter at Lake Ann Park that we again start planning for the construction of this park shelter. The initial planning stages for this project have been completed over the past several years. These include the acknowledgement by the city that VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings, Inc. will act as the archi tect and consulting firm on the proj ect. Drawings were completed depicting a potential floor plan and site location for the shelter. These drawings were used to fuel a discussion by the Commission on March 27, 1990, which identified potential alterations and changes in the design of the shelter. Copies of the original building and site location drawings and the minutes of the March 27, 1990, meeting are attached for your review. In moving forward on this project, the Commission will be asked to identify specific amenities which should be incorporated in this building. Things to be considered should include, location in respect to the beach, building materials, floor plan, necessity to drill a well, restriction of not being able to construct a drain Lake Ann Park Shelter January 15, 1991 Page 2 field, etc. The Commission's recommendations will ~hen be incorporated into the plan and brought back to the commission at the February 26th meeting for your consideration. If the Commission's approval is granted that evening, I will move forward with the process of presenting the plan to the City Council for their authorization. VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings will then be asked to prepare plans and specifications which will also be presented to the City Council. Potentially, a request for bids could be placed sometime in April, with a construction start date of approximately June 1, 1991. This proposed project schedule is aggressive but allows for ample time to consider all aspects of this exciting project. Throughout this process, the Commission will be kept informed and will have continued opportunities for input. ~ e e e 6 ~ 5 ~~S: ~ ~it Ii ~ . ; ! a jj [J][] > ...~ . Dij l IJ i ~ ~ ...J ~ U > 5 u [][J] ..J ~ ~ IC ~c i ::s: . ~~ Q) ILl C d :) ~~ c ~ :r: ~lij .. ~ C ~.t= V U In Z ~'+- on reS 0 ..c. @>- c .,kg .~ /U ..c ~u U ,- cd I I I I I I ..J I IIJ > z I IU Q I ..J ~ III ::> I ~ f=z ILl I ...J Ia.J I ..J !n L --- -- :i Ie! IIJ ~ Ia.J J: 0 z Q ~ III ~~ ~ ,~ u .. ~ ~i ::> u ..J U ~ g ~ \ ..... ~ - ...... ........ ~ ---- ~ ',-< ~.j ~ ~ -----l ......00 · 00 · . 0 · 0 . 0 . 00 · 0 . 0 . . . .... .... .... . .... J. ................ T .. t'D .. X . -. .. ~ . ,.,. .. -. '. ~ .. O'Q .- o i:j t'D C. t'D ~ ,.,. ... ~. ~ -0 .., o -0 o ~ ro c.. -0 ro c.. ro ~ ,.,. .., OJ ~ 1 t ,.,. ... OJ & "- i:j .., 0 -0 r- 0 ~ ~ ro ^ c.. ro c- o OJ .... :> ... :J t'D :J ~ .... 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'\, ----~ --" '- _...:::--.:::-:::: . . e e e ~ ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting Harch 27, 1990 - Page 11 Koegler: Yeah, because they're, compared to normal residential flow for that amount of units 'on that property or an industrial flow situation, it' a drop in the bucket so to speak. One comment on standards. I first of all would agree. I think given the conclusions that you always come to that I think are reasonable. We probably need to de-emphasize that sectio a little bit because it's not all that supportive. We can't 'deviate too far though because there's a certain relationship between the standards th City has in this plan and the park dedication ordinances that dictate the amount of land that's required. There's some magic formulas there that. probably Lori's the only person in the world that understands so there is some relationship there but I think we certainly can downplay some of the language. Sietsema: And I'm not going to share my wealth of information. Mady: Nor do we wish you to share it. Andrews: Maybe the point that can be made was instead of maintaining the ratio through dedication by developers, to look also at acquisition of sites that are more, of higher quality that as a commission could select rather than provide it through development. That'd be a way to work aroun that problem. Hady: Any other comments? Mark, do you have anything further you need from us? Koegler: No. The only other note that came to.mind when you started talking about parklands. It's our intent that as an appendix to this, there will be a copy of every park plan that's been prepared so that that' part of the plans. So if somebody comes in 'who's thinking of moving into a neighborhood and they want to see what's in the Comp Plan, they also can see what's planned for the neighborhood parks that they're looking at moving next to. So that will be a component of that too and I just threw in a couple of representative examples because I happen to have reductions of those handy so that will be part of the final also. Mady: Otherwise, there's a lot of work into this thing. Robinson: Boy there really is. It is comprehensive. Schroers: What I was thinking the whole time going through it was, I was pretty impressed with it. Erhart: I was too LaTry. Koegler: Well we'll bring some revisions back to you and if there are any changes in land use that have an impact on anything that we've discussed, those will come back to you obviously as well. Mady: Thanks Mark. DISCUSS PLANS FOR LAKE ANN PARK COMMUNITY SHELTER. Mady: We've only been talking about this for 5 plus years and now it's going to happen. Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 12 e Andrews: I've got questions .on this one too. Maybe they're obvious questions but since I'm new, you're going to have to answer them. Mady: We'll let Lori give her staff report and jump in. Sietsema: Well as you indicated, this has been a dream of the commission since I think before I even started with the City 6 years ago. And we have applied for a LAWCON grant funds to fund a park shelter that would be built into the hill down by the turn around area of the park that would include a community room, picnic area in the upper level with a fireplace with a concession stand and restrooms in the lower area that could also be a concession area but also be the place where you go to pay your money to rent boats if we were ever to have boat rental out there. The plans are shown are what we have done to date are shown in your packet and there aren't any boat storage areas. There are some general storage for concession and that type of thing. Again changing rooms, bathrooms and then the upper area, picnic area. Because this item was never really competitive under the LAWCON grant standards, last year Sue Gunderson informed me that it was a waste of our time and effort to keep submitting LAWCON grant application to fund this because it just was never going to be funded. And so the last year the Park and Recreation Commission recommended and the City Council approved a budget that would have $100,000.00 which 2 years ago time was the cost estimate for the struct4la. So we are ready to go forward to fund this. What we need to do is say ~ this indeed what we want? 00 we want to make changes? 00 we want to make it bigger? 00 we want to make it smaller? Now we need to get down to brass tacks. I'll open it up for your comments. Koegler: If I could Lori, just a couple other comments. This was put together as part of the packet to try and secure the money to do it and when you undertake that effort, you kind of treat the front end fairly casually sometimes and I think it's probably what's happened here. If I recall correctly, the Park Commission did supply some general input on these are the kinds of things we should have. Nobody probably ever though really has looked, and that's what we need tonight I think are some of the programming details. We've got a picnic area identified. What kind of groups are we talking about? How is that going to be used? That will obviously have some impact on the size and the type of space. Same thing with the lower levels. It's been envisioned that there'd be some concessions. Some rental area maybe in the future. The changing areas and so forth. How do you see those being used? How many people do you want to accommodate there? What's minimum amount of facilities that will be needed? Those are the kind of issues I think we need to get at tonight. It's our intent then to bring back to you some revisions starting fn sketch form with some cost estimates which may obviously cause you to change a few more things. Normally that's making them a little smaller but who knows, this may be the exception. So it's that kind of thing. Sietsema: I think that Todd will have a lot of input on this. He's ou1lt facility scheduler at this point in time. He schedules the big group picnics out at Lake Ann. He knows what is requested most often out there and what the needs are I think as well as anyone so I'm sure that Todd's going to have some ideas. Bigger. Bigger. Bigger. I don't know if yOU want to do that now or later. Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 13 e Hoffman: Later. Andrews: My comments would be. I've been active with the Red Cross sailing program at Lake phelan for about 3 years, 3-4 years and my only observation is boy, you end up needing a lot more space than you think you do because your programs expand and new things are added. They do have a boat rental operation operati ng out of a lower level of a similar -struc.tur that's shared with the Red Cross and with the city parks of St. Paul. I think if you're envisioning any kind of a boat operation, it would require doubling of the size of this building which would probably be cost prohibitive to consider building it at this time. It's also a problem wit logistics of the boats. You'd like to have them at water level to use but in order to deliver the boats to the site on a property with a grade then you need to have a delivery ramp or a road to get them down to the water level too so I guess if you're, I think it's a good use of a lake to have program like they have on Lake Phelan. It attracts a lot of people and I think sailing programs or swimming programs or canoeing programs are attractive programs that I think are good for community involvement so I'm not saying that I don't like the plan. I guess I'm saying that perhaps if those are things that you'd like to do, that would require a separate structure or a structure that's not affordable at this time. e Mady: One of the things we could do is, if we find that we need more, is in the design of the structure. You just simply build it so that lt's easily added onto in the future. Andrews: I think I'd rather see something like this built than having a wish list that we could' nev~r achieve. This is a nice facility but literally the boat storage area at Lake Phelan is larger than the entire ground area of this building and it's not big enough. They've got several aluminum fishing boats that are used as chase boats. They've got canoes. They've got sailboats. They've got sailboards and it's literally crawling over each other to get these things in and out of the water for various programs and it's a fairly well laid out building so I guess I agree that think that that would be something that should be considered as a future construction need rather than current. My other question would be concerning the dock. We're looking at a concrete pier or something that's taken out over the winter or what sort of thing is envisioned there? Mady: I think initially the way it looks Todd, this is the dock that the Jaycees donated that's on here? Hoffman: That would go to this .site? e Mady: Yeah. Sietsema: This dock was never defined as much more than a regular T dock. I don't think anybody really got to that point. Andrews: Obviously with water levels changing like they have been lately, that's a good guess as to where you should build the dock. It doesn't do you much good if it's 100 feet from water but, that's the way it's been lately. The only other thing I noticed on the plan was, if we are providing a lakeside facility, there is virtually no storage space noted Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 14 e here for supplies as well as no first aid area which if you're going to provide a -lakeside facility, I think you're responsible, yOu ought to have at least a small area where first aid supplies could be stored or kept. Schroers: 00 you have some specifics in mind already as to what types of programs you're going to run out of there? Is it going to be a basic fishing boat/canoe type thing or do you envision expanding into sailboards, smaller sailboats and that sort of thing? Hoffman: Again, any of those types of in depth studies or calculations of what would be operated out of there are premature at this time. I think Larry, yOU could probably give some insight to the commission here this evening on operations that are taking place at Hennepin Parks which I also have limited exposure to in the past. As far as a boat rental or canoe rental operation out of a facility like this, if you had the space available to store the paddles, the life jackets, that type of thing and check out the paddle boats or the canoe through the front desk operation and then stored the canoes or the paddleboats in another maintenance building during the winter, that would be a very feasible operation so you could enter into that type of use with this building by not having to include that extra space for all the storage of those paddleboats or all that equipment. I, think that use would be very popular on Lake Ann because of the non-motorized use that is there. I think we'd be selling ourselvi somewhat short if we didn't enter into this first phase without some ki of provision for both the boat rental and as noted the lifeguard station or first aid station in this facility. Andrews: One comment I'd make about the sailing program because that's the one I'm heavily involved with, they put through about 450 people a year on Lake Phelan in that program. It's a super good program. It gets people involved into a new sport that's low impact on the environment and a very rewarding and you don't need a large lake for that. We run 10 sunfishes at a time and 1 chase boat and run about 10 sections, or more than that. About I forget the number but about 400 people a year which is a nice program but it does take a lot of storage space and yOU can't, you need secure storage space on the lake that's very convenient in order to make it work because so many programs are after work programs where you're only dealing with limited sunlight. In June there's no problem but when you're getting into late August and you have to be in the water by 6:00 and be out of the water by 8:30, you have to have a good facility to make it work. That's important to really consider that. Schroers: I agree with what Jim is saying that storage and security is very important when you get into the sailboats, sailboards, that type of thing. However, my experience tells me that most park operations feel that storage for boats and canoes and rental property is for the most part cost prohibitive. Therefore, they opt to have programs with fishing boats, canoes, and aluminum type paddleboats that can be in the off season stored in a compound area. Somewhere that is secure but does not have to be ~ inside a building. The aluminum products weather very well. It really~ doesn't hurt them at all being in the out of doors and I know for a fact that we store a lot of our boats and canoes outside. Andrews: There's not the vandalism potential with canoes and aluminum boats like there is with the sailboats which is a definite problem. Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 17 e recreation center and. kind of keep it pretty simple. The kind of place that people could come in with muddy boots on and that sort of thing but then you sort of get into the construction phase. I think 'what happened with us was that we had formed a kind of a mental image that this was just going to be kind of, that our facility was going to be something that's no' real well defined but when the planners and the architects and everybody got a hold of it, it turned into a showplace. Now we have people coming i with mud and stickers and things allover them into a nice fancy facility and to try to keep it looking that way is really a lot of work. Erhart: I don't think ours is going to be too fancy at $100,000.00. Andrews: I think my ideas and...about the boating and so forth, I think i you look at the existing assets that are already there and how could we spend money that could provide the most value added to those assets that w already have, then I think the picnic facility probably would. Not a boat rental facility at this time. The question about the heat would be if we're, I guess to go a little further on that, if we're going to have a fireplace to provide heat upstairs, does that provide enough heat to keep the pipes from freezing downstairs? At this point, all I can say is froze pipes could be a very expensive maintenance item on a reoccurring basis. e Schroers: Generally you drain the system at the end of the season. You just shut it down and you drain everything so that there is nothing to freeze. .' Koegler: That was the intent here. That the system would be drained during the winter months. Bear in mind this building was titled, and I think appropriately at that time, a picnic/recreation shelter. It was basically a glorified picnic shelter. It was not meant to be a community center by any means. So I think Larry's comments are very appropriate. I it's intended for people to be able to comfortably come in there and use the space and not have to worry that they were in their own living room or something. Didn't want to track into the carpet. Schroers: You can lean your skis up against the wall and not leave smudge marks. Robinson: Would there be any revenue producing from this facility? Hoffman: The upstairs picnic area, yeah would be reserved on a fee basis. Robinson: Concessions possibly? Schroers: Well how extensive are you thinking in terms of the concessions' e Sietsema: Nobody has defined any of those program levels. It's such a conceptual thing that they said, well you know it'd be nice if it could accommodate cross country skiers in the winter and picnicers could get out of the rain in the summer and it'd be nice to have bathrooms and it'd be nice to have a concession area. Well maybe we might want to have boat rental there too. So we stuck it all in a plan and we really need to define whether we need to go through a brainstorming session or whatever, define what programming levels you want to see out of this building and then go back to the drawing board. Figure out how we're going to best put Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 18 e that building together and then figure out what the cost is. Right now, or just the sketch that you have, we figure it would cost rougly $100,000.00 but the area isn't big and the concession area isn't big and it's just some small bathrooms with room for changing into your bathing suit and a little bit of storage space. As far as the level of programming, it was never defined so that's really up to you what you want to see in there. Schroers: Depending on what you offer in the concession stand, the health department has some regulations that are absolutely unbelieveable. Saying the things that you have to do. Things that have to be stainless steel. Things that have to be 6 inches or 12 inches up off the floor and if you don't know this ahead of time, prior to construction, it can bust you. Koegler: The concession was looked at as being packaged food products in order to not deal with specifically health department requirements for kitches and ventilation and the whole bit. The typical range of snack foods plus maybe some of the microwave convenience kinds of items. Those kinds of things can be handled fairly easily without getting into elaboratE kitchen facilities. So it's basically a packaged concession similar to what you find around some of the Minneapolis lakes. Erhart: What kind of a fee do you charge for renting out the space upstairs? Hoffman: Again, depending on what' the facility would end up being... 4It Andrews: Obviously with a budget of $100,000.00 we can't provide all things to all people. ...facility with some conveniences I think is about all you can ask for $100,000.00. I think the whole key again is low maintenance and low impact of users. I think the comment made about would you want to come in to a carpeted facility with muddy feet is right on the money. You want a facility that gets you out of the rain but it doesn't have to be a motel. I think this is pretty much on target I guess but to keep those ideas in mind. Robinson: And like was mentioned earlier, designed so that it could be added on if we wanted to get fancy with it when we've got some more money. Schroers: Is it your intention during the operating season to have this building staffed during operating hours? Would there be someone in there? Hoffman: Yes. Sietsema: The concession area but not necessarily upstairs. Andrews: I guess the only comment I'd want to make is with the picnic shelter idea in mind and with this being a lake front facility, I again feel that a first aid/lifeguard area should be drawn into the plan. Mady: A question for Mark. Are there any standards Mark for the numbe~ square footage yOU should available for people in a picnic area? Should~e be looking at, I'm thinking about sizing of the building. How much space does a 1,200 foot facility, how many people can we adequately accommodate in there and my gut feeling is; you get much more than 100 people in there and you're going to be real tight. Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 15 e Schroers: Right. But that.is one way of making a smaller park system lik, we have here in the municipal situation. We can make a facility a little bit more affordable by limiting ourself to what we get into but perhaps leaving an option for expansion at a time that we could justify it. Koegler: If anything, I guess we need to end up with a plan that has flexibility because when this was originally penned and I think probably going back to the time that the 1980 Comp Plan was put together, at that time Leech's Resort was still in existence on Minnewashta and there were a number of people that from time to time would say, the City should acquire Leech's if that ever becomes available because you could have a little boa' rental deal there and supply boats for people to use the lake. Obviously that never happened and I think to a certain degree that carried over here and said well maybe someday we'll want to rent some kind of boats. I thin at that time it was envisioned to be canoes. It would probably be on rack: outside or the paddlewheel type boats just for people to enjoy for half an hour or whatever. But you're bringing UP some good points. The sailing and the sailboarding and those kind of things that are real popular, maybe we need to be able to do some kind of a mirror image construction in the future that would allow cheaper storage space but storage space nonetheles: for seasonal use if not off season use. e Mady: I'm going to switch gears a little bit on this item and ask Todd a couple questions on the structure itself with respect to picnics because I think that's, at least early on, one of the main focuses of this building was covered space for group picnics. And Todd, what kind of numbers are Wi talking about? Should we be looking at? Hoffman: For a number? Mady: People. Hoffman: People? Participants? Generally we've split the picnic locations at Lake Ann into two sites. Calling them parkview which would b( the upper hill portion or the walkout portion to the top side of this building, and then lakeside which would be directly in front of it. Parkview we take registrations up to groups of 400 people and the normal size" for a picnic up there is anywhere from 150 to probably right around 300 people per group in that area currently. The number of picnics per summer in that size group would probably range from approximately to 20 to 25 groups in that particular location. Lakeside, we book anywhere from 40 to 150 people in that location. We book somewhat fewer groups there. 15 to 20 groups per year probably and those are beginning to book up. We've probably received 15 reservations already for this year starting May 5th and going all the way through the month of September. Schroers: Is this entire top level enclosed? e Koegler: Yes. Schroers: And will it lend itself to other things besides picnicing? Would groups rent this for meetings? For renunions? Koegler: Yes. Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27. 1990 - Page 16 1, e Schroers: For seminars? Andrews: Is it a heated building? It.s not a heated building is it? Mady: That's a question I had. It'd be wise to construct it so that in the future it could accommodate sledding parties. Things of that nature. It doesn't necessarily need to be heated immediately. One of the things we need to maybe look at is, in the initial go around. is making sure we construct enough covered space and then in the future work at putting in glass in the front. Maybe we just put screen in the first, or not even screen. It's just open with a railing. In the future you work towards solid walls and glass and heat and things of that nature but just simply having a roof over your head on those days when the weather is kind of iff~ and you get your picnic 3/4 of the way started and then all of a sudden it starts to drip, you want to be able to at least do something on the inside. Schroers: I think it.s kind of important to really-try to designate or pinpoint the use. If you want it to be strictly a picnic facility or if you want it to be an all around general rental facility because there are other things in the area that you're going to be competing with and people are used to a standard and they.re going to be looking for certain things when they come to rent the space. I see this on almost a daily basis. People come into our facilities and they look around and they say. how ~~ coffee pots can we plug in? How much audio visual can we set up? Do y~ have any built in speaker systems? I mean they.re looking for a lot of things so I think it's real important that we decide exactly how we would like to use this facility and then it has to be set up accordingly in order to compete with what else is available in the area. And also maintenance should be a big consideration. You would like to provide the facilities that people would want and yet try to keep it simple and uncomplicated in terms of maintenance because that can really kill you. The cost of upkeep. People come in with large groups. Carpeting is going to last like no time and are you going to plan ahead and budget for carpeting or is there even going to be any carpeting? Is there a more practical type of floor cover to use and there.s really a lot to consider. Koegler: When this particular drawing was put together. the use of the facility at that time was envisioned to be obviously for picnics. It was billed as being kind of a seasonal community room. That if a neighborhood wanted to meet or somebody wanted to meet and couldn.t find space available, this could be used for that purpose. It had conceptually at least a large fireplace in the middle of it that was meant to be used in the wintertime as a kind of stop over for cross country skiing. That was kind of the limited range of the way it was envisioned being used. You raise a lot of good points Larry in terms of where will you go from there. If you have community activities, you need certain levels of lighting. You need some electrical service available and so forth and do you need heat? Those are I guess some of the issues that we need to get at the heart of. How do you think this building or how do yOU want this building to be u~? Schroers: We get 3 phone calls a day. It.s too hot. It.s too cold. The people upstairs are roasting. The people downstairs have their coats on. I'm telling you. It can really get to be something so that's what we had envisioned in the beginning too was that we were going to have an outdoor Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 19 e Koegler: Yeah. I think you get half that number in there and that's probably going to be as many as you'd want to comfortably mingle with. I am unaware of any specific standards that for picnic purposes you need you know a square feet per person. It more is a subject of floor plan layout. What kind of seating arrangement you can get and then how much other open space you leave just for people to stand around so I think you can go at i1 from two directions. You can say we need to accommodate groups of 50 to 6( or you can say we want to build as much as we can with our budget and we'l get in as many as fit within that framework. That was kind of the way thi: was approached to say this is a reasonable amount of money. This is the space we can get for that amount of money. Correspondingly, we can get 50 people in there or whatever and that's where I think Todd's input comes in that if there's a target number that you consistently are going to be booking groups of 40 people or 50 people or whatever in here, we'd want to try to accommodate that number if at all possible. Andrews: The one thing I've noted on Lake Phelan, which is my experience area, is that they, instead of building one structu~e to serve all needs, have constructed a series of structures along the lake. each specialized for it's function and at one time they used to have one building. Now obviously they.ve decided that they were unable to serve the needs by having one building do all things and I think maybe we could learn that lesson without making the same mistake. e Schroers: I agree with you on that Jim and that brings me to the you made about the first aid station/lifeguard station. I would agree with a first aid area in the building but not necessarily lifeguard because of where it.s located in relation to the beach. The guards may tend to want to congregate in their guard station. , Andrews: I wasn't envisioning it as a station~ More as an area for their supplies and equipment. Obviously you can't guard the lake from that distance away so mainly just a first aid room with supplies and that's really all you can ask for with this location. e Schroers: We have a similiar situation and it seems like if the guards aren't continuously monitored or supervised, that little utility area that they have is where their radio is. It's where their snack is. It's where their coat is and they all tend to find a reason to get there and pretty soon it.s a congregation area for the guards and they.re not really doing other things that they should be doing. Hoffman: Back to the group picnics for a moment. Of the larger groups that are there, a number of them currently rent from A to Z Rental, whatever. big tents to provide that shelter In case of that rain factor anc we can meet that need by straying from this type of shelter and adding jus1 a large concrete slab with a large picnic shelter type roof facility eithel on this part of the park or on the other half of the park. The new addition of the park and meet a large need and then scale this down to groups of 75 or less. 60 or less and just meet those two different needs in two different ways within Lake Ann Park. Mady: Mark, staff, do you need any further comment? Any further directioT or do you have enough stuff here to work at it? Park and Rec Commission Meeting March 27, 1990 - Page 20 e Koegler: Yeah. I think we've got a better feel for where your interest lie. We obviously need to bring back to you something that's a little bit more detailed without getting too far down the road that we can put some costs to and make sure that what we're trying to achieve is attainable within budget. Generally it is but to be refined. Mady: The way it sounds, we're not looking for a TaJ Mahal. We're lookin~ for basically covered space that you can put something below it and be used, basically two different levels with two different useages. It looks pretty good. Anybody else have any further comment? rt4J REVIEW STATUS OF ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL ',PLAN. Sietsema: The next item on the agenda is discussion of the Comprehensive Trail Plan. At the last meeting you talked 4bout prioritization of trail segments and potential scaling back the whole trail plan. With that discussion it was obviously important to know what the status of different road alignments, upgrading different road segments was going to be. I tried to do a brief synopsis of what was happening. Minnewashta, TH 5, North and South TH 101, Lyman Blvd. and pioneer Trail. Some of them are not scheduled for "upgrading or any improvements at all on any schedule. Others obviously, like Minnewashta Parkway, TH 5. sections of TH 101 are scheduled for improvements. 00 you want me to go through this or are y~ familiar with it? .., Andrews: Can you direct me to where Lyman Blvd. is? That's the only one) don't know where it is. Sietsema: Lyman Blvd. is, I'll show you on the map. It's south of the Lake Susan Hills West. Andrews: I know where it is. I Just didn't know that's what it was called. Sietsema: And what's important about Lyman is that that potentially it goes straight through Chaska and eventually will be a major connection to the western cities. We're anticipating quite a bit of traffic to accumulate on that road as an alternative to TH S. Robinson: This was really helpful Lori based on our discussions of the trails. Sietsema: I hope that it's helpful in determining your prioritization process and what not. I don't know how yOU want to handle this Jim. 00 you want to go with this background information, go into discussion of the trail plan or do yoU want me to go more into detail with what's happening on each road? Mady: I don't know if we need any more detail on each specific road. ~ didn't see any surprises in here. Robinson: 00 we want to change our priorities though? I think a lot of us said TH 101 north was a top priority to us yet there's nothing being done there. e e e c.; II Y 0 t- CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM: TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator /I FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor /.1 DATE: January 17, 1991 ~ SUBJ: Booking the Hi-Tops for the 4th of July Celebration In looking ahead to the annual 4th of July Celebration, it is time to book a band for the event. For the last several years the Hi-Tops have been performing at our celebration and have shown interest in playing again in 1991. Price quotes have proven that other bands of the same caliber as the Hi-Tops have been almost double in price. The Hi-Tops will satisfy Chanhassen's recreational needs at a fraction of the cost of other bands. A contract is currently being processed to have the Hi-Tops perform Wednesday, July 3, 1991 at the 4th of July celebration. The contract would call for the band to receive $1400.00 compensation to play three sixty minute sets. If the performance is cancelled due to inclement weather, the rainout day is set for Saturday, July 6, 1991. It is staff's recommen- dation to approve the contract with the Hi-Tops to perform at the 4th of July celebration. If approval is given by the Park and Recreation Commission, the terms of the contract will be fina- lized. . e r- z <X U :J a.. a. <( e ~ ~ W I- - (J) e /2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 1-22-91 CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat to subdivide 35,926 sq. ft. into one lot and two outlots and site Plan Review for a 1,238 sq. ft. building for Valvoline Instant oil. LOCATION: North of Highway 5, East of Great Plains Blvd. on West 79th street (Gateway First Addition) APPLICANT: Brad Johnson Lotus Realty 470 West 78th street Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: BH, Business Highway ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - BH S - BH E - BH W - BH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies at the edge of the service areas for city Center Park, South Lotus Lake Park and Rice Marsh Lake Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The road frontage for this property is not identified in any segment of the Comprehensive Trail Plan. Typically sidewalks are beneficial in a commercial district, however, they are not needed in this case. r - Park and Recreation Commission January 11, 1991 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: e As West 79th street lies in a business highway zone and has no outlet, it is staff's recommendation to accept park and trail fees in lieu of parkland dedication and trail construction. . e e City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 Date: JANUARY 8, 1991 To: Deve10I;J'l'leIlt Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: JO ANN OLSEN, SENIOR PLANNER Subject: PRELIMINARY PLAT TO CREATE 1 LOT AND 2 OUTLOTS AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 1.238 SQ. FT. BUILDING FOR VALVOLINE INSTANT OIL ON PROPERTY ZONED BH AND LOCATED NORTH OF HWY. 5. EAST OF _ GREAT PLAINS BLVD. ON WEST 79TH STREET (GATEWAY 1ST ADDITION) Planning Case: 91-1 SUB AND 91-2 SITE PLAN The above described application for approval of a land developnent propOsal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on JANUARY 7, 1991 . e In order for us to provide a canplete analysis of issues for Planning Carmi.ssion and City Council review, we would appreciate your carments and recacmendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro- posed future utility services, storm w~ter drainage, and the .need for acquiring public .lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or inprovements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a wri tten report to this effect fran the agency concerned so that we can make a recarmendation to the Planning Comnission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission onFEBRUARY 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your carments by no later than JANUARY 22, 1991 . You may also appear at the Planning Commdssion meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments ca~. City Engineer I... b. City Attorney ~'~I City Park Director , Public Safety Director e.) Building ~nsPector ~:. Watershed District Engineer 3. Soil Conservation Service /(!-;; MN Dept. of Transportation 5. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (i:" Minnegasco 7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources ,{!;~ Telephone Carpany (NW Bell or United) ~'9 ) Electric Carpany l>' (NSP or MN Valley) 10. tx::MDEN Cable System 11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson 12. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 13. Carver County Engineer 14. Other e ^I"'."\, \ ' , \ / \ '- \ Y. \ \X II 1\ \ \/\/ I \ /~ V J / J!~I I I~~i~/ 60 '691 ..... r( (~ ./ ........----', gil=:l :>,\ /"- "'" .....m ~,,~ ~i \ ~ \-: ....::> ....-1l::1D I 1\ HJ.l:lON "G- ....' - <t If) I I 86 0"'1 .. / ," " - -.:. ~ -,- - - ~-,-II I All1lJ.n ON~ 3!)~NI~l:lO~;' /1 I J I ....--------....___---------- ........." II I ~/ / I- I I l.L. I I I ~ 1/, 8 II I;' I- g C'Jr / I ~ ~ /;,"1 ~~ // /~9 I I .:J ,y;'V' v I- I ..J 0" //I~;' \ ~6> j / I W ~ L - -r~--__- - ~./- --/~~ J ,,-r~ I .... -- -- fiS-u III / ~ I HJ.l:lON 9~'t>EI. OJ I' , I) \ -t- ----- I I 0: I ~ c::r 0 / I q 61 ~ V'l.l 00'-0 ~. g / .I ,....v ~ u; ~ 0./ ~ .~" ~ 0,," ~; I ~ / I- ~n ' : ~ \1' ~ \ / ::> (~ ~ ~ I \', ~\ / 0 ~ ,.... ~ \ ~~ HHION \ ~9"€ZI -.. ,I [ l I ~ \ 1:\' ~I " /' I ~ 0:: I I. lI:l; ~ I I I i 1I0/.{ ~~ :' ......J-+- I .), l - 6pL.E6:/l/l~' ;h'N ;I><';>5vo;;' \\ \ I , " , \ \ \ 1 \ \ I \ I \ ... _'U) \ ..... ""-I N \ '..... 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FAX (612) 937.5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: January 14, 1991 SUBJ: Joint Park and Recreation Commission and Public Safety Commission Meeting Scott Harr, Public safety Director, has expressed that he would like to arrange a joint meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission and the Public Safety Commission (see attached memo). He has made this request in response to the inquiry by Larry Schroers as to the role of public safety in park patrol (see related memo) and due to the current si tuation in regards to e snowmobiling in Chanhassen, i.e. increased complaints, clarity of City Code concerning snowmobiling in the city. Mr. Harr would also like to discuss the governing of jet skis within the city. The article of the City Code as it deals with snowmobiles is attached for your reference. As the majority of these issues deal with the enforcement aspect of recreational vehicle use in the city, I am looking for direction from the Commission as to your feeling concerning a joint Park and Recreation and Public Safety Commission meeting. e . e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Castleberry, Chief Deputy Carver County Sheriff's Department Steve Wolter, DNR Conservation Officer Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator LeRoy Biteler, 910 Penamint Court, Chanhassen Dave Holub, 6670 Mohawk Drive, Chanhassen FRCM: Scott Harr, Public Safety Director fu~ . DATE: Janauary 14, 1991 SL~J: Snowmobiles e This m~) IS to briefly set forth the results of our 1/11/91 meeting regarding the issue of snowmobile complaints. Following are the steps that were agreed upon: LeRo~' and Dave wi II contact SgLBi II Chandler, Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Division, to explore their efforts at snowmobile enforcement (Scott will plan on attending the meeting as well); Todd Hoffman will discuss this issue at his next Park and Recreation Crnnnission meeting, with a possibility of a joint Public Safety/Park and Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the issue of snowmobiling; Possibility of scheduling the snowmobile issue for the next Chanhassen Public Safety Commission meetillg was discussed (that meeting will be on 2/21/91); Beth Koenig and Bob Zydow~ky will be the primary contacts at Chanhassen Ci ty Hall to deal with snowmobile concerns, and they will be coordinating efforts with Sgt. Julie Boden wld DNR Conservation Officer Steve Walter; The possibility for an aggressive educational campaign, probably next fall, was discussed; The consensus was that the existing Statutes and Ordinances are workable. I commend everyone for their efforts to positively address this issue. I look forward to continuing to work with you all. Thank you. e cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager CITY OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Scott Harr, Public Safety Director co~nator " ." ') / TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreaction DATE: January 11, 1991 SUBJ: Joint Public Safety Commission/Park and Recreation Commission Meeting In response to our discussion closely together, might I s Safety and Park and Recreat to our "busy season" (that' ding our continuing to work consider a joint Public sion meeting, hopefully prior departments). e 'Todd, e . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FRQM: Scott Harr, Public Safety Directoil$ DATE: December 13, 1990 SUBJ: Role of Community Service Officers & Deputies in Patrolling Chanhassen City Parks e This memo is to respond to your memo of 12/12/90, regarding what assistance can be provided in patrolling city parks. I under- stand that Park and Recreation Commissioner Schroers raised the issue at your 11/27/90 meeting. First, let me thank you for bringing this to my attention. I believe this is an area that we can certainly work together on. In fact, it would be a good idea for us to consider a joint Public Safety and Park and Recreation Commission meeting in the future to continue developing this' working relationship. In referring to the copy of the your 11/27/90 Commission meeting minutes, you were correct in advising Commissioner Schroers that Community Service Officers ~re funded through the Public Safety budget. In addition to such duties as responding to radio calls pertaining to animal problems, requests for assistance from the State Patrol and Sherifr'~ Department, etc., they are to provide general preventive patrol duties within the City. Because we contract for law enforcement services from the Carver County Sheriff's Department, our CSOs serve to supplement the police contract by assisting them in their duties. While much of our patrol revolves around animal control, etc., we have certainly had CSOs patrolling parks in the past. e Because I am in the process of developing Public Safety programming for 1991, this is an ideal time to address any requests that your Commission has. I will be more than happy to include CSO patrol of the parks. You and I could meet to discuss whether you would like certain parks patrolled more heavily than others, or if you would like all parks covered fairly equally. I will make a point of monitoring police reports to determine which Todd Hoffman December 13, 1990 Page 2 parks are having more problems than others, and keep our CSOs advised of this (also keeping an awareness of any patterns of dates/times of violations). I will also request that the Carver County Sheriff's Department be aware of the fact that we are interested in the parks continuing to be patrolled. I hope that this memo addresses some of your concerns. Again, I think it would be a great idea if we could schedule a joint Public Safety/Park and Recreation Commission meeting sometime over the winter months. Thank you for requesting my input on this matter. I look forward to discussing this with you further. cc: Don Chmiel, Mayor Don Ashworth, City Manager ~ill Bernhjelm, PSC Chairman . e - . e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Harr, Acting Public Safety Director ~ and Recreation Coordinator ~)Gf FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park DAT~: December 12, 1990 SUBJ: Role of Community Service Officers and Deputies in Patrolling Chanhassen City Parks As can be seen from the attached minutes, Larry Schroers of the Park and Recreation Commission made an inquiry about the role of our Public Safety personnel in park patrol. Please assist me in responding to this inquiry either through a verbal update or a written response. ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting November 27, 1990 - Page 20 Mady: I think we were anticipating some things happening down in Bluff Creek with some of the ravines there could have been expensive. . e Robinson: I think we had a total we wanted to hit that we thought we could get' away with. Schroers:, I think $15,000.00 of that was to locate Bluff Creek wasn't it?' Mady: Yeah. To find out the distance. Lash: The Eagle Scout's still down there looking. Hoffman: Maybe there's' a miscellaneous missing there somewhere. Mady: That kid hasn't been found yet. Lash: How about the tree farm? Wasn't that in there? Hoffman: Tree farm? Yeah, it's listed. I noticed it on the 5 year plan. Mady: We didn't pay anything last year because of the sewer line going through and there was no reason to buy plantings that year because they were going to tear everything up anyways so we just didn't put it in the budget. I believe was the reason. One thing I really want to stress before we move on is the master plan at City Park. City Center Park. Wh~ I looked at 3 years ago. The reason we even looked at City Center Park for a community center was I've simply walked in the park just to figure out why in the world we've got all this land and we don't have anything on it. I still think it's just a very poor utilization of a facility. We've got so much area that's not being utilized and we've got so many kids. It's the highest density area of the city and probably always will be. We should make better use of that park. We've got kids allover the place trying to play ball in the spring and not enough fields. Schroers: I have a question relating to a budget. I'm not sure which budget. What budget is the community service officer paid from? Hoffman: Community service officer? Paid out of the Public Safety personnel budget. Schroers: Okay. I think that it would be nice to see some of capital improvements protected a little better, especially Lake Susan. Lake Susan is looking really good and the only really bad thing when yOU go down there is all the broken glass and all the graffitti and if we need to budget a few dollars in order to protect some of our capital improvements here, I think that'd be money well spent and I would like to see some of these vandals dealt with and given a message that that's not what the park is there for. , j , I i Hoffman: I think we can accom~lish that through meeting with Scott Harr,~ with our CSO's. Taking a look at what they're currently doing. I know .., they.re doing drive thru's in the parks. They only work certain shifts. Vandalism and breaking of glass and that type of thing can occur just about any time during the 24 hour period in a day so I think sitting down with them and taking a look at what they're currently doing in the parks. I / . e I \ \ \ \ I i I ! I I : e \ e Park and Rec Commission Meeting November 27, 1990 - Page 21 Letting them know that we are concerned and we would like to see some reports back directly to us. Anytime something happens in a park, they file a report. We don't necessarily see it. Schroers: The lake side of the pavillion seems to be a real popular meeting spot for a bunch of the same group of people that like to drive their motorcycles on the grass there and have beer parties and then break the bottles against the pavillion and I've seen the same groups of people down there several times. I think that they should be approached on that. Hoffman: I'll address that particular situation with them Larry. Mady: You might let Todd know after a while what times you've been seeing them so. Erhart: Make a call to the City Larry when you see them. Sneak out of there and go call 911. Robinson: That really is nice down there though. Oh goll it's a nice place a~d that basketball court. Hoffman: Beautiful. Robinson: It really is. That's a nice area. Andrews: Todd, at Lake Susan was the boat launch. Was that done this year or is that for next year? Hoffman: It will be completed in the spring. Andrews: There was additional lighting as part of that project wasn't there? Hoffman: Correct. Andrews: That may help some and also create more evening activity there during the summer months at least. Lash: That brings to mind a question that I've had about that too. Is that going to be operated like a Lake Ann with a gate and closed at night and a fee or is that going to be? Hoffman: No. Lash: It's not going to belike that at all? Hoffman: No. Mady: Only if you want it to be. Lash: Well, I mean it just seems like it's kind of a comparable facility as far as having the ballfield and a lot of other things and it's got the lake and maybe we need to look at. ~ 12-17 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (c) Prima facie violation. The presence of any boat trailer parked on South Shore Drive, South Shore Court or Hill Street is prima facie evidence that the registered owner of the boat trailer committed or authorized the commission of the violation. . e (d) Penalty. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The minimum penalty for violation of this section shall be a fifty-dollar fine. The maximum penalty for violation of this section shall be the maximum penalty as set by state legislature for misdemeanors. (e) Impoundment. Any police officer may remQve or cause to be removed an emp.ty boat trailer with or without the motor vehicle it is attached to from the street to a garage or other place of safety when a vehicle is parked in violation of this section. Such trailer and/or vehicle shall not be released until the fees for towing and storage are paid in addition to any fine imposed for violation of this section. (Ord. No. 89, n 1.01-5.01, 5-9-88) Editor's note-Ordinance No. 89, adopted May 9, 1988, did not specifically amend the Code; hence, inclusion of n 1.01-5.01 as ~ 12-17 was at the discretion of the editor. Cross reference-Boats and waterways, Ch. 6. Sees. 12-18-12-30. Reserved. ARTICLE II. SNOWMOBILES. e Sec. 12-31. Definitions. The definitions in Minnespta Statutes section 84.81 apply to this article. The following ,words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Boulevard means that portion of the street right-of-way between the curbline and the street boundary line in platted areas. Right-of-way means the entire strip of land traversed by a highway in which the public owns the fee or an easement for roadway purposes. Roadway means that portion of a street or highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, including the shoulder. Safety or deadman throttle means a device which, when pressure is removed from the engine accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving track. Organized race means a race sponsored and conducted by the park and recreation com- mission, the chamber of commerce, jaycees, American Legion or similar council-recognized civic groups or associations. .State law references-Snowmobiles, M.S. ~ 84.81 et seq.; local regulations authorized M.S. ~ 84.87, subd. 3. , Supp. No. 1 e 670 e e ... MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ~ 12-33 Street or highway means the entire width between boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 1, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-32. Application of other laws; statutes adopted. All city traffic ordinances shall apply to the operation of snowmobiles upon streets and highways, Minnesota Statutes sections 84.81 to 84.88 and Minnesota Statutes chapter 169, except for those provisions relating to required equipment, are adopted by reference as if set out at length in this article. .(Ord. No. 44, ~ 5, 1-11-71) State law reference-Adoption by reference, M.S. ~ 471.62. Sec. 12-33. Operation generally. Except as otherwise specifically permitted and authorized, it is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: (1) On a public sidewalk or walkway provided or used for pedestrian travel, or on a boulevard within any public right-of-way; (2) On private property of another without lawful authority or express consent of the owner or lessee; (3) On any public or private school grounds except as permission is expressly obtained from responsible school authorities; (4) On any other publicly-owned lands and ice, including but not limited to park proper- ty, playgrounds, lakes, recreation areas and golf courses. except areas previously listed or authorized for such use by the proper public authority, in which case such use shall be lawful and snowmobiles may be driven in and out of such areas by the shortest route. Authorized areas owned by the city shall be designated by resolution, provided that snowmobile operation shall be permitted on all public bodies of water, provided that the operatioh shall comply in all respects with all ordinances; Supp. No.1 670.1 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ~ 12-34 (5) So as to tow any person or thing on a public street or highway except through use of a rigid tow bar attached to the rear of the snowmobile; . (6) At a speed greater than ten (10) miles an hour when within one hundred (100) feet of any lake shore, except in channels, or of any fisherman, fish or ice house, nor shall operation be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any sliding area or skating ring when in use, nor where the operation would conflict with the lawful use of property or would endanger other persons or property; (7) In a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which disturbs, annoys or interferes with the peace and quiet of other persons. (Ord. No. 44, ~~ 3.01-3.04, 3.08-3.10, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-34. Operation on streets and highways. (a) No person shall operate a snowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder or inside bank or slope of any trunk, county-state aid, or county highway, and in the case of a divided trunk or county highway, on the right-of-way between the opposing lanes of traffic, except as provided in this article, nor shall operation on any such highway be permitted where the roadway directly abuts a public sidewalk or property used for private purposes. No person shall operate a snowmobile within the right-of-way of any trunk, county-state aid, or 'County highway between the hours of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, except on the _ right hand side of such right-of-way and in the same direction as the highway traffic on the nearest lane of the roadway adjacent thereto. No snow~obile shall be operated at any time within the right-of-way of any interstate highway or freeway within this state. e (b) A snowmobile may make a direct crossing of a street or highway except an interstate highway or freeway, provided: (1) The crossing is made at an angle of approximately ninety (90) degrees to the direction of the street or highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing; (2) The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or main traveled way of the highway; (3) The operator of the snowmobile yields the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard; (4) In crossing a divided street or highway, the crossing is made at an intersection of such street or highway with another public street or highway; (5) If the crossing is made between the hours of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility, only if both front and rear lights are illuminated. (c) No snowmobile shall be operated on streets or highways at a speed exceeding ten (10) miles per hour. e 671 . e e e ~ 12-34 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (d) No snoWmobile shall enter any uncontrolled intersection without making a complete stop. The operator shall then yield the right-of-way to any vehicles or pedestrians which constitute an immediate hazard. (e) Notwithstanding any prohibition in this article, a snowmobile may be operated on a public thoroughfare in an emergency durin~ the period of time when and at locations where snow upon the roadway renders travel by automobile impractical. (Ord. No. 44, U 2.01-2.05, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-35. Leaving unattended. Every person leaving a snowmobile in a public place shall lock the ignition, remove the key and take the same with him. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 7, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-36. Chasing animals. It is unlawful to intentionally drive, chase, run over or kill any animal, wild or domestic, with a snowmobile. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 8, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-37. Littering and obstructions. (a) No person shall deposit paper, litter, rubbish or debris on public or private property, or throw paper, litter, rubbish or debris from snowmobiles. (b) No person shall place obstructions, " including ice blocks, on publicly owned lands or frozen waters so as to interfere with the lawful use thereof by the public. (Ord. No. 44, U 9.01, 9.02, 1-11-71) Sec. 12-38. Races. No person shall conduct a snowmobile organized race at any place within the city without first having secured a permit therefor from the council. Written application shall be made to the council. The applicant shall give the information required on the form. A permit may be issued upon such terms, conditions and permit fees as the council may prescribe. Upon the granting of such permit, the provisions of section 12-35, paragraph (7) may be waived by the council for the duration of the race. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 10.01, 1-11-71) State law reference-Regulation of organized contracts, etc., authorized, M.S. ~ 84.87, subd. 1a. [The next page is 723] 672 CITY OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 January 15, 1991 ~/r( Dear Resident: As part of the 1991 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program, $50,000 was budgeted for the installation of an access road and the initial development of Herman Field Park. The increase in the budgeted amount for this project is in response to the request from the resident group interested ,in seeing the development of Herman Field Park. The extent of this first phase of park development will hinge on the cost of the access road portion of this project. To complete the access road, Forest Avenue will be extended a short distance from where it currently stops and a gravel access road and a 10 car parking lot will be installed. The remainder of this initial $50,000 investment will ~ then be used for park development. ~ This item has been scheduled for the January 22, 1991, Park and Recreation Agenda to allow residents an opportunity to be involved in the final stages of planning prior to work beginning in the spring. Upon receiving the approval of the Park and Recreation Commission, plans and specifications will be developed for the first phase of construction. I would anticipate discussion of this item to begin after 8:00 p.m. If you have questions concerning the development of Herman Field Park, please feel free to attend the meeting or to contact me at 937-1900. Sincerely, ~~ ~~~~ Todd HOffma?/Il~C Park and Recreation Coordinator Enclosure: Master Park Plan e . e C ITV OF CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 January 9, 1991 ~~}I Dear-Resident: e As part of the 1991 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program, $68,000 was budgeted for improvements at City Center Park. These improvements include the preparation of a master park plan, minor repairs to the warming house, the installation of a large play area (replacing old equipment at the school) and general park reconfiguration and improvements. Repairs to the tennis courts and hockey rinks have been targeted as high priorities in the improvement process. To initiate the planning of these improvements, this item has been scheduled for discussion at the January 22, 1991 Park and Recreation Commission meeting. A copy of the agenda for that meeting is attached. I would anticipate discussion of this item to begin after 8:30 p.m. The input from residents along with recommendations from the Park and Recreation commission and school officials will be used to generate a park master plan. This plan will then guide the 1991 impr.ovement projects and future improvements to the park. If you have questions concerning the improvements to City Center Park, please feel free to attend the meeting or to contact me at 937-1900. s~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:ns e x m c.... :E 0 .r c.... h c.... a. Cl m Cl Cl Cl C ..... 3 :J ~ Ii :J Ii 3 :c m a. :J ,. m cT Cl CIl '< m '< cT :s:: CIl :c Cl m )::0 "'0 m en r 0 a. ^ :J m Ii n Cl 0- '< a. 3 ~ ~ CIl ..... Ii Ii Cl Ii ~ :J m ..... Ii 0 CIl ~ n cT m 0 CIl ^ Ii :J CIl X X )::0 X X X c.o z)::oc.... .. X X X X X ~ w OJm" x x x x x x x ~ :Ol>:3: w X X X X l> X X N :O)::o:S:: '.J X X X X X X X ~ Cl :0"'0)::0 X X X X X X X N :O"'Ol> ~ X X X l> X X X (Xl -<l>:3: X X X N X X X X ~ -<l>:S:: N X )::0 l> X X l> X (J') Zcc.... SJHEDI LED MEEl ING "'AS ANCI LLE[ FOR 7/24 rcc.... I\J X X X X X X X ~ cnCl> X X X X X X I\J "'Omen X (J1 )::0 X )::0 )::0 X X X N -1nQ w X X X X X X X N <!ClZ '.J X X X l> ~ )::0 X ~ nmo ~ CD CD CX) ....., w CX) Q ~ I\) en .... :I) Q ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , e en c m OJ o '< cT "'0 )::0 :c ;:0:: CI) )::0 z 0 :c m n :c ~. m c.o )::0 (0 -t Cl H Cl Z ~ e t-3 t-3 l:%j z !iZ z () l:%j ~ () 0 ::tI 0 e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 December 19, 1990 Mr. David Koubsky 1311 Lake Susan Hills Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dave: e It is my pleasure to inform you that on December 18th the City Council appointed you to the Park and Recreation Commission. Your term of office will extend through December 31, 1993. Todd Hoffman, Park and -Recreation Coordinator, will be contacting you soon to provide you with an informational packet for your reference. I look forward to working with you in the coming years and hope that you find your work with the Park and Recreation Commission rewarding. Welcome aboard! Sincerely, a/~-e~~~ Donald J. ~hmiel '. Mayor DJC:KE:ms . CITY OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 December 19, 1990. Mr. Larry Schroers 1020 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Larry: It is my pleasure to inform you that on December 18th the City Council reappointed you to the Park and Recreation Commission. tit Your term of .office will extend through December 31, 1993. I look forward to working with you in the coming years and hope that you find your work with the Park and Recreation Commission rewarding. Sincerely, /) /. 0 0.0 ({t<~ /<.- Donald J. Chmiel Mayor ~. DJC:KE:ms . . e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 December 21, 1990 Mr~ James E. Sloss 9360 Kiowa Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Sloss: e Thank you for taking the time to apply for a position on the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. Unfortunately, the City council did not act to appoint you on December 18, 1990. Please be aware that your background would have proved beneficial to the commission; however, circumstances did not allow your appointment at this time. Again, thank you for your interest in serving on the Park and Recreation Commission. I will keep your application on file for any future openings. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k e C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH . e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. Ci-fANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 December 21, 1990 Mr. James Mady 7338 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jim: As discussed in our previous phone conversation, the City Council acted not to reappoint you to the Park and Recreation Commission on December 18, 1990. For nearly five years you have served the commission with dedication and limitless energy. In those years you have offered your leadership and knowledge at over 100 meetings wi th only one absence being recorded. This kind of personal commitment to a board which seeks to better our community through ~ the development of park and recreational facilities is truly . commendable. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, and the work you have completed will continue to be enjoyed in many years to corne. Thank you for all you have done. Your presence will be missed. On behalf of the Park and Recreation Commission, ~h . Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Chanhassen City Council Park and Recreation Commission e . e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner I ~/~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: December 19, 1990 SUBJ: Planning Case 90-11 Site Plan In reviewing the site plan for the replat of Chan Haven Plaza 2nd Addition, it is my recommendation to accept park and trail fees in lieu of land dedication, trail construction or the acquisi- tion of trail easements. At present, the sidewalk along the north side of Lake Drive East parallels the entire southerly border of the subject property. In the area of park land acquisi- tion, this site is not designated as park deficient nor would the development of a park on site be desirable. AS there is no scheduled Park and Recreation Commission meeting prior to the review of this site plan on January 2, 1991, these recommendations are being made consistent with prior action taken by the commission. Should you have any additional questions, please contact me. cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager INNETONKA COMMUNITY SERVICES 261 School Avenue Excelsior. Minnesota 55331 (612) 470-3450 FAX (612) 470-3432 . November 28, 10 1990 I, J/O . , ~ I 0 - - . ~t\!;:-n 10 I q RECth b.. ~\~ DEe 031990 111 en 1 VI v'-lr"~n",,,j::;EN Don Ashworth City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen. MN 55317 The recap of the costs to the City of Chanhassen for our cooperative summer recreation program is as follows: ITEM INCOME EXPENSES NET BEACH LESSONS $4,961.00 $4,961.00 SUPERVISOR $0.00 $1,288.01 ($1,268.01) LIFEGUARDS $0.00 $15,497.05 ($15,497.05) INSTRUCTORS $0.00 $2,529.66 ($2,529.66) OTHER EXP. $0.00 $2,082.28 ($2,082.28) e TOTAL ($16,416.00) Explanation of Services -Beach supervisor's salary is based on man-hours per beach and includes SS & PERA. -Swim Lesson income is actual amount coUected for beaches in your city. -Lifeguards - actual cost plus medicare deduction. -Instructors-actual cost plus medicare deduction. -Other expenses incurred for operating the beaches based on man-hours per beach. The total cost to the City of Chanhassen is $16416.00. Please make the check payable to Minnetonka Community Services. Thank you for your cooperation. If you wish a more detailed program report, please let me know. Sincerely, L.Jones irector . . . e e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor .IR DATE: January 3, 1991 SUBJ: Those A-Maize-Ing Pilgrims Evaluation Those A-Maize-ing pilgrims was held on Saturday, November 17, 1990 in the Council Chambers. A total of 12 children registered for the program with the ages ranging from grades 1-6. The program was structured to give the children information about pilgrim history, work on craft projects, listen to stories and sample traditional pilgrim food. -The program time format was 1-1/2 hours, which proved not to be enough time. The craft project completed was somewhat lengthy. A less detailed craft project should be implemented next time. A two hour minimum time format should be administered next time the program is offered. A total of 12 children was a good size class for one instructor. To better meet the needs of the children, the classes should either be split into smaller groups or an addi- tional person present to help. The children loved the information presented about the pilgrim history. Visual aides were used to explain what the pilgrims went through on their voyage to America. Overhead sheets were used to show the children the different pieces of clothing worn by the pilgrims. More visual aides would create a clearer pic- ture of the pilgrim life style and history. The food selection picked for the children to sample was excellent. The children sampled vension sausage, shaved turkey, mixed nuts, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin pie, grapes, raspberries, green beans and corn. These foods were chosen because the pilgrims actually did eat these types of foods when they first settled in America. Overall "Those A-Maize-Ing Pilgrims" had a good turnout. The children registered enjoyed the format of the class, especially the food portion. They gobbled up all the food before you knew it. This program will be offered again in the future with additional advertising to attract more children. CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM: TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor JR DATE: January 8, 1991 SUBJ: Youth Bowling Party The Youth Bowling Party was offered for children grades 1-6 to have an afternoon of fun on one of their Christmas vacation days. The bowling party was held Thursday, December 27 at the Chanhassen Bowl with a total of 28 children participating. The fee of $6.00 included 2 games of bowling, shoes, their choice of either a hamburger/cheeseburger basket or a chicken finger basket and beverages. The kids took a break after their first game of - e bowling to eat their lunch. The chicken finger basket was the overwhelming choice with 18 of 28 children choosing it for lunch. It was very beneficial having the older children present because they knew how to keep score of the games so we did not need an adult on every lane. The children's scores ranged from a high game of 184 to a low of 12, and everyone enjoyed themselves. The bowling party really got rolling when Dave Peterson from The Villager showed up with his camera. Everyone jumped to attention with the hope of getting their picture in the paper. Next time the program is offered, the same advertising methods should be used. Flyers going to the schools and advertisement in the winter brochure, along with The Villager and Sailor seemed to inform people of the bowling party. After registration had closed, people were still calling to sign up. The total of 28 children was more than anticipated for the first year program. The program gave children the opportunity to have some fun with their friends on Christmas vacation. Parents dropping kids off for the party had many positive comments about the effort the Chanhassen Park and Recreation is making to put out quality programs, like the bowling party for the children of Chanhassen. The time allocated for the bowling party seemed to be a little long. The children finished bowling before 4:00 p.m. and their parents were scheduled to pick them up at 4:30. This was not a ~ problem, however, as I stayed with the children until the last child was picked up. The time frame would be better met if a c, e e e Todd Hoffman January 8, 1991 Page 2 half hour would be dropped, making the program 3 hours instead of 3-1/2 hours. All in all the bowling party exceeded the number of registrations expected and will surely be offered again in the future. BOWLING PARTY - YOUTH Thursday, December 27, 1990, 1-4:30 p.m. 1. Allen, Amy 2. B1oudek, Erik 3. Bode, Megan 4. Brokofsky, Mike 5. Christensen, Keegan 6. "Churchill, Lindsey 7. Ebensteiner, Brandon 8. Heiner, Lisa 9. Koenen, Jeremy 10. Koenen, Josh 11. Landkammer, Luke 12. Landkammer, Sara 13. Lash, Craig 14. Lash, Katie 15. Lund, Heidi 16. Melton, Ashley 17. Olsen, Zack 18. Pekarek, Jessica 19. Rhoades, John 20. Rockers, Carli 21. Rockers, Ryan 22. Roy, Mike 23. Welliver, Nick 24. Willette, Nathan 25. Wilson, Angeline 26. Wolter, Erin 27. Wolter, Kristin 28. Zamjahn, James