1991 03 26 Agenda . e e File AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of February 26, 1991 and March 12, 1991 Minutes. 2. Neighborhood Meeting, Initiation of "Master" Plan, Pheasant Hill Park. 3. Railroad Right-of-Way Chanhassen. Trail Improvements, 4. Report: Potential User Picnic/Recreation Shelter. Fee Revenue, Northwest Lake Ann 5. Lake Susan Park Baseball Field, Open or Closed Gate Policy. 6. Canoe Rack Rental, Lottery System. 7. Arbor Day Celebration, spring Clean Up Day, spring Festival. 8. Update, Annual Easter Egg Hunt. 9. Agenda, Joint Park and Recreation Commission/Public Safety Commission Meeting. 10. Commission Presentations. 11. Administrative Packet. . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN -;J ~ " " 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ;;1 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 15, 1991 SUBJ: Neighborhood Meeting, Initiation of "Master" Plan, Pheasant Hill Park e As the Commission is aware, each time a new park is acquired, an initial neighborhood meeting is held to garner information regarding the specific desires of the residents in relation to the park's development. The residents in the area of Pheasant Hill Park were very active in the process of acquiring the park and I presume will remain very interested in its development. The attached letter was mailed to all households in Pheasant Hill, the maj ori ty of households in Lake Lucy Highlands and all other households in proximity to the park. As with other neighborhood meetings, it should be our intent to create a comfortable atmosphere, inviting comments from all who wish to speak. I will look to Chairman Schroers to provide guidance to the residents in asking them to address the Commission at the podium and stating their name and address, allowing their comments to be entered into the record. Upon hearing the residents' comments, I would ask the Commission to give direction to staff as to how they wish to proceed with the development of the park "master" plan. This may entail numerous steps, but it is important to prioritize the desired recreational facilities at this time. e \ CITY OF CHAHHASSEH t' , . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 15, 1991 Dear Resident: The Park and Recreation Commission has scheduled a neighborhood meeting for residents of the Pheasant Hill and Lake Lucy Highlands area to discuss the development of the newly acquired and named Pheasant Hill Park. This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. at Chanhassen City Hall in the City Council Chambers. An open hearing format will be used for this meeting allowing information concerning the development.of the park to be gathered from area residents. This information will ..then be incorporated into "master" park plan alternatives which are evaluated by the Park and .Recreation Commission to discern which ~ alternative most closely represents the residents' desires. The .., final master plan is then used to guide the construction and development phases necessary in the evolution of a park. This initial notice is being mailed to all households in Pheasant Hill, most households in Lake Lucy Highlands and other property owners in proximity to the park. If you reside within 500 feet of the park, subsequent notices will be mailed to you. Residents Who attend the neighborhood meeting will also remain on the mailing list. Others also wishing to receive subsequent notices concerning the "master" plan for Pheasant Hill Park can call me expressing that desire. I look forward to your attendance on the 26th. Sincerely, -/. ~ ~~d' /~{ '/J"#-.r~~tA. Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k Attachment: Location Map e . .' ~ g D 0 ~ ~ ~ -::: ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 0 '~j., I d~ ~\(~ I ~ITY Tn. ~L...wc I D U,\ Ln.J. \\ Y r1 {/ ---;; \\ /Ij I "Ci~Ll :.ag fl ; I\'~~P; ,_ ... C W PC.... I( O[r~ -,-. I J:. ~ ~ .....--- _ r\I ~ \( - WII.~ aH :! ;is'''~!>~IIlS; I.:" :-\" .'~~L.I ,~K ~ ~'L XI "l~ p:;rn:.....= ST. ~ ON4-:::' / ~~ --.J "~"'yi I~ ~..L;"'..Li- l .\'0 ~ C:' CI~~ l U ncI~ 'I rr F' \' ;.- ~ ~ 6 r r -ID' ~ .~~ ;r~~>r-__ Ct/RR), III U~ B ~ lit --!. ,.....; <::iILu ~L'I~lClt. FARMS LM... .-- T 1 S~ ~.'f"';::' w " . AA1" fl'ARK - '" ~ -;::", \.J I II<\-\\i~ 1;.'" ' I ~ ~RK I- ..... ~i\\~ .: lCR$TVI .~ ~Gt. CQ-..e.~~""cr.I,~- j d L ~.rA~TJ~~ C5 ~ #(.~ c:== ~ YE -,:n' elite Y f'r<\ rrct'fv~ ~ p.~ r~": ~ ) ~ffi) -\~ ~ -..:Ll~ ~T~ ~ ~ 1:& ..Ii hL r1 e . ,j DiI,~, ". r_ ,~ 1 () ....I...L 1'- 7' I L~ ,.. LU~ I'.C$< D _'urr~. .'~ "'~L"i .. ~ .fCrlLANr/.........-r II ~ -. (j j PHEASANT HILL PARK ftf ~~:5 I:::::~; "'-..J. ~ 1~~1 fl t.=LJ l iP/~ J> ~ rr.WoBND~' L '~~~~' ^ .1--)_ ~ 'C / '_1 ~ = ~ ~~. ?''- tf ~R - ? _l/\)~ ~ ~I ~ ,.;. ~ , c, ~.~t,&~ '~,,~ .~ ~ /;;:- '(< C::I ,~) LAKE LUCY : _ ~\.t<I(. IL ~~' &~ JJ;j -jr-~ ~~I ~~ ~. "=---r~~~~ =1~ .~~ ,I ~ UIC~~" ~~ I ~ . ..' . ":, 'GREENWOO rJ ?~!Jt bp~ ,,~HOfJfS.-:.~ TT . ~/ \~ ~R ...~ ./~' \: ~~ .J ~. U~AD~W ~ i' /j '1!=~_.,!1 - . -. .\' E o o , I e - LAKE I ~lj 1 r- - OI\LAKE )) ,,,./IRI$ON , , ,.,. ~. ~ ~ II 1/ ~ Iu ~ o CI) e ~ ~ 8 -. U-' W. ~ \("\ e o v '- -N z- lJJ~ :a:::al o v 4: '\--~ ~~ c. ~ ~~ -s:. Ii) '("""4- ~ ~ .y ~ }A Y '.. (f) ~ \ \ \ ~ U' , l~ \ ~ l)- , ~~ \ \// ~ ~ ./ \ / \ \ \Jr-- -,.\ ~ , \ ~ .......c <t: z 0 '--" en v:;:' a: "'l.." l.tJ ,jJ~ 0 ~ z ~ ~ c:o If') U 0 CX) z a: l.tJ u. I- ..- en (,) l.tJ -' 1,/1:::>9 0081 ... q- J"'> ~ --.... -Z <!) r J >- <f ~ ~ a: <f u , " 96~ 1.0 ZZI d .~S ~8 '" l~\1::lHl\1::l '~ S3~\1r :; OJ ~ CITY OF VICTORIA <&~..o/ ~ and a'~ May 18, 1990 Ms. lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms Sietsema: Victoria City Planner Curt Oakes has informed me that he spoke to you regarding the City of Victoria's plans to extend our bicycle trail from Park Drive to Highway #7, along the existing railroad right-of-way. The City has received approval from the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority to complete this trail consisting of fine gravel to the Victoria - Shorewood border. Victoria has received a $5,000 contribution from the Shorewood legion Club, in ~ addition to using an additional $5,000 from our City's Park Trust Fund. This $10,000 will allow Victoria Public Works Staff to complete the trail east to Highway #7 this summer. The City Public Works Director, Winton Gay, estimates the cost for completing the trail to the Shorewood border, possibly in 1991, will cost about an additional $10,000. The south portion of the trail from Highway #7 to the Shorewood border, extends through Chanhassen property. I am requesting that you consider including a contribution for the bicycle trail completion within your 1991 Park and Recreation budgeting process. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, !:.~y~ Mayor Enclosure RECEIVED MAR 1 9 1991 CITY Of CHANhr..,S~EN 79$~ ~ "I/ictoUa, ~ $$386 (6'~2) ~~3-2363 e e 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 1/1 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 18, 1991 SUBJ : Railroad Right-of-Way Trail Improvements, Northwest Chanhassen A recent meeting with representatives of the city of victoria brought to light a necessary correction to Chanhassen's base map (attached). The entire section of the railroad right-of-way shown as being located in Chanhassen is actually within victoria's city limits. This is verified by the city's half-section maps (attached). Thus, this item cannot be presented with the knowledge that the trail lies within Chanhassen and the City holds responsibility for its upgrade and maintenance. This item must now be approached from a position addressing the benefit Chanhassen receives from lying directly adjacent to 3,000 ft. of the 4,800 feet of trail currently scheduled for upgrading. This trail improvement proj ect represents the last I ink between downtown victoria and the Shorewood city limits. The total estimated costs to upgrade and surface this portion of the trail is $7,500. Admittedly, the trail offers recreational opportunity to a small portion of Chanhassen' s population directly and to its larger population indirectly. However, as documented earlier, this entire section of right-of-way being upgraded lies within victoria city limits. Therefore, I can no longer recommend the City of Chanhassen make a cash payment or combination cash payment and payment in kind for the 3,000 feet of trail which lies adjacent to Chanhassen. It is recommended, however, that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council allocate $1,075 for the purchase of one- half of the rock (205 tons) necessary to complete the 3,000 feet of trail adjacent to Chanhassen. It is further recommended that the city provide the truck and crew necessary to transport and apply this material and coordinate this work with victoria city crews. Attachment: Letter from Gerald Schmieg, Mayor of victoria o o C\I .,. 6200 ~~ LAKE '\' 6300 VIRGINi:4f\, /,';;r ~\. ? l~~ 8400 -. I 6500 ....}C) ! (",-. ~ \~ ..~ 6600 \.J 1,........ 1700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 - 7300 BASE fV1 AP FN~AIt;'D ""~I~ _~' 0' H"~' $FCTIf:J1A' , CArHCARr B MINNEWASHrA PARK HEIGHrS PAR.l ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ t;\t ., ~ .,., ., -- --'_ I I - ~ -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t: -g( j rur ,- ~ -... jH' . 1~1l\' m- ~!fh "J~ . CiiJ) ~~rf( ~ 1(.' ~~j 1:-~ - . ---~ ;) ~~~'~~r,r Dzd... . ~-- ~~ I ~,~ ' r\ ) ': ~~~~) '~Lj ~ ,- '~I ~~b ;/ hr-L- JJ~I -:~ Pll(~lq~. -q' , ~~y 5,.... ~IRb~~/ ROAD <:TgAJF""'" J1 lAl ~ fi ~'M I N Sr:~~~~E/n/,7 NEW ASH T A \ J/ 7t ,. ii J~'~ ;:-~" c{ ~_ .~~~.)~ ~ ij ~ \ ~ ; fiktpj , ~ .fJ::r 1 ~\ - I 2 ~. , > zsr JOE A - ~ C ~/. - I ~_.......- ~ """. ',' I'DNj . ' ~] .~\ .... LI (t" ~ Ii J);; 01...; l' \ ~ ':;:' ~\, ~~--~- J ~ 0 ~]\ 1 g...,...\'~ ~T-/ !:: ~ q~ LA. jC" ~'-- c..> U M~EWAC::~TA ~1IIIfiiiiIii t=.~~- A o ~~ I , ~v. -<..~ , .<; ASTE~~L ~ "RC~~ j,~ 1ft '1/ ~ ~ -- LAKE (C . I. KINGS ROAn I f~ .~" - d" /,;&~ e ~ i/ (/(j 1\ /J 'lIft;: . CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator #. FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: March 18, 1991 Potential User Fee Revenue, Lake Ann Picnic/Recreation Shelter ~ At the request of the Park and Recreation Commission, the following report estimating user fee revenue for the Lake Ann Shelter has been prepared. The fees used in calculating these estimates are based on current rates being charged for similar facilities in the metropol i tan area. These estimates are for "ballpark" purposes only. Many variables exist which could shift the reported numbers downward or upward. The shelter offers three opportunities for generating revenue; picnic rental, concessions and recreation equipment, each will be addressed separately. SUBJ: PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL The rental of the upper level picnic area offers the greatest opportunity for generating revenue. The following "givens" were used in calculating shelter rental estimates. picnic Season, May through September 35 weekend days, 109 weekday days - Saturday and Sunday considered equal in popularity - Average of one weekday reservations per week. . - Each reservation generates 25 daily parking permit sales ~ - Equal ratio of resident to non-resident reservations Park and Recreation Commission March 19, 1991 Page 2 . Reservation Rates Non- Resident Resident Weekend or 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. and a parking permit $35.00 $35.00 $75.00 $75.00 per vehicle Weekday Any 5 hours $30.00 and a parking permit per vehicle $60.00 Estimated Revenue 75% weekend capacity with one weekday reservation per week: $110.00 x 35 days = $3,850 x 75% = (Average rate/day) $2.00 x 25 permits x 35 days x 2 groups/day x 75% = (Permit cost) $2,887.50 $2,625.00 Weekday Reservations: $45.00 x 1 group per week x 21 weeks = (Average rate) $ 945.00 e $2.00 x 25 permits x 1 group per week x 21 weeks = (Permit cost) $1,050.00 Total $7,507.00 50% weekend capacity with one weekday reservation per week: Base Rate x 50% = Parking Permits x 50% = $1,925.00 $1,750.00 Weekday: Base Rate = Parking Permits = $ 945.00 $1,050.00 Total $5,67G.00 CONCESSIONS Typically concession areas in parks are operated as a public e service with the intent of generating adequate revenue to cover It e e Park and Recreation Commission March 19, 1991 Page 3 costs. It is often the case that the peak periods of revenue generation offset the slow times. . Estimated revenues from the concession area are based on the past performance of private vendors operating at the Lake Ann Beach area. Concession Season June 5 to August 16 - 73 days Hours of operation: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Revenue: $75.00 per day x 73 days = $5,475.00 Expenditures: Product Cost (50% of revenue) = $2,737.50 Salaries: 6 hours/day x 73 days x $5.00/hr. = $2,190.00 Total $ 548.00 RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL Equipment rental would be offered on the same schedule as the concessions. The equipment rental area would benefit from the concession area in that the operator of the concession stand would also operate the rental area during off-peak hours. It is difficult to estimate revenues and expenditures for this function without the knowledge of what will be offered for rent. I believe it is safe to predict, however, considering capital investment costs, depreciation and operating expenses, that this function would best be labeled as non-revenue generating. . e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 18, 1991 SUBJ: Lake Susan Park Baseball Field, Open or Closed Gate Policy The South Lakes Baseball Association, a local group which oversees upper levels of baseball in Chanhassen, has expressed a desire to have access to the new Lake Susan Park baseball field controlled. Their concern is that unrestricted field use would lead to deterioration of the baseball field. The association's preference would be to have the field reserved for baseball games and practices only. Although the field was designed for the advancement of organized baseball in Chanhassen, I am uncomfortable recommending a closed gate policy for this field. The park was developed using funds from a variety of sources. All persons who directly or indirectly contributed to those funds must receive equal access to all of the park's facilities. However, I concur with the philosophy that the Lake Susan Baseball field be used only for the sport it was designed for - baseball. It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission adopt a "baseball only" policy for the Lake Susan Park baseball field, instruct staff to sign the field appropriately and give notice of this policy in department correspondence. . e e C ITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor /K DATE: March 18, 1991 SUBJ: Canoe Rack Distribution It has been brought to the Park and Recreation Department:s attention that certain individuals living in Chanhassen would need special consideration when applying for the available canoe racks in Chanhassen. Individuals in this special group include: - senior citizens, handicapped persons, individuals with health complications and other Chanhassen residents. Taking into con- sideration these special groups, it would be in the best interest of the Park and Recreation Department to develop a system of distribution for the canoe racks. The process should be based on information submitted by the applicants to create a fair distribution of the canoe racks. It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission develop a canoe rack distribution formula to be included on the canoe rack application, that benefits all groups of citizens in the City of Chanhassen. {; . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN; MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor '1R DATE: March 19, 1991 SUBJ: Arbor Day Celebration, spring Clean Up Day, Spring Festival This year's Arbor Day Celebration will again include distribution of tree seedlings at Kenny's Market in Colonial Shopping Center. The seedlings will be given out from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00'p.m. by Park and Recreation staff and Cub Scout Troop 330. Last year was a beautiful day for passing out seedlings, which helped get people 4It out and in the mood for spring. - The annual spring Clean Up Day is in its second year and will be held on Saturday, May 4, 1991. The idea behind the Clean Up Day will be the same as last year, with the main focus on residents cleaning up the city. Letters will be sent to area businesses, local scouting groups, neighborhood associations and other concerned citizens to generate interest in cleaning up the downtown area, city parks and other areas needing attention in Chanhassen. Plans are to be made again for walking along main street and picking up litter and debris. The goal for this year's Clean Up Day is to gain more awareness and participation from the community and to promote the benefits for being ecologically smart. One program that is currently in the developing stages is a week long spring Festival. The festival idea is being developed to help Chanhassen look back at its history of the great sugar maple forest. The committee that is putting the festival together is comprised of local business leaders, the Arboretum, City staff and District 112 staff members. The committee is trying to develop a tree foundation whose overall goal is to work on reforesting Chanhassen and to buy land for educating and teaching the children to respect and take care of the earth. In having the land available, kids could plant and nurture trees and watch them grow. As another addition to the spring Festival, the committee is working closely with School District 112 in creating a month long Environmental Awareness Program for the children at Chanhassen Elementary School. The Environmental Awareness Month is going to e Mr. Todd Hoffman March 19, 1991 Page 2 teach the children all about the history of Chanhassen, and on the environment and what they can do to preserve it. The program is set up to have local businesses come into the school and give presentations on how their busine.ss affects the environment and what they are doing to create a safe work place. Other presentations considered are how big corporations such as Waldorf Paper, NSP, etc. affect the environment. The local media will also be involved in giving. a presentation on how their work affects the environment. The educational experience for the children must be informative as well as fun. Activities are being planned to teach the children about history and the environment while making it a fun experience for them. Activities that are being considered are a scavenger hunt, knowledge tests, coloring contest, etc. The Spring Festival is going to be tied into the Arbor Day Celebration and the Clean Up Day. With the three activiti.es, citizens of Chanhassen will be aware of the environment and what it will take to preserve and take care of it for generations to come. e e e . e e 8 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor ~ March 19, 1991 Ii' Annual Easter Egg Hunt DATE: SUBJ: The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 30, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Chanhassen Elementary School playground. This year's performance is titled "There's No Jobs Like Snow Jobs". The show features Ralph, the Country Rabbit and his City Cousin Reginald. Ralph, the Country Rabbit comes to town for rest and relaxation, but his cousin Reginald has different ideas and thinks it is the perfect time to get some spring cleaning done. The Easter Egg literature went out to the schools on March 19 describing all the activities taking place. Another activity will be the coloring contest which is open to children four years old through the fifth grade. Prizes will be awarded for the best picture in each category. The picture will be judged on neatness and originality. The Easter Egg Candy Hunt will begin at 1:15 p.m. for preschoolers, 1:30 p.m. for K, 1, and 2 and 1:45 p.m. for 3, 4 and 5 graders. Boy Scout Troop 330 will again volunteer their time to set up and hide the candy for the different groups of children. The plan is to have the Easter Egg Hunt outside on the Chanhassen Elementary School playground. Last year was a perfect warm, sunny day. We sure are hoping for the same type of weather again this year. If the weather does not permit the Easter Egg Candy Hunt to be held outside, the Chanhassen school will be used to house the special event. The turnout for this event is expected to be 300-400 children and parents. with this big turnout, volunteers are needed to make the program a success. The Chaska National Honor Society will be helping with the event again this year, as well as City Staff. Additional volunteers are needed to judge the coloring contest, helping set-up, decorating and clean-up. If any of the Park and Recreation Commission is interested in helping out with the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, they can sign up on the volunteer list the night of the next commission meeting. . e e 9 AGENDA JOINT PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1991, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN MAIN FIRE STATION, 7610 LAREDO DRIVE LOWER LEVEL TRAINING ROOM 1. Commission and Staff Introductions: Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator 2. Enforcement/service Organization, Carver County Sheriff's Contract, Chanhassen Community Service Officers 3. Enforcement Issues: - Snowmobiles - Jetskies - ATV's/Recreational Vehicles 4. Park Patrol 5. Water Safety Patrol 6. City Ordinance No. 134 7. Eurasion Water Milfoil AGENDA SPECIAL PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ABOVE MEETING. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Lake Ann Park Community Park/Recreation Shelter. ~ , ~ e e e ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Memo from Todd Hoffman dated February 26, 1991. Memo from Todd Hoffman dated March 1, 1991. Letter to Dr. Kathleen Macy and attachments dated March 12, 1991. Magazine article from Minnesota Enterprise dated Spring 1991. Newspaper article re: p1aysite of new District 112 Elementary School. ~ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park :::e:::reation Coordinator ~~ TO: Dale Gregory, Park DATE: February 26, 1991 Prioritization of 1991 Park Department Work Functions SUBJ: e The following itemization is provided to assist you' in scheduling capital improvement and special maintenance programs in 1991. It should be used as a guide in scheduling work activities performed by the Park Maintenance Department. Obviously these activities will be incorporated into the wide array of functions already being carried out by your department. The items listed are in a prioritized fashion. Any projects with a specific time frame will include a completion date. Alterations to the order in which these functions are completed due to unforeseen circumstances is expected. Remove "Park Rules" sign (a blue' sign) from the entrance to Lake Ann Park. Coordinate an investigation as to the source of discarded trash in Pheasant Hills Park. If you identify who discarded the trash, have them remove it: or if unable to locate who discarded it, have city crews remove it. Install play area expansion at Lake Susan Park. Prepare and submit a tree farm' report to include the number and species of trees transplanted and their locations. Include a restocking request. Complete finish grading and seeding at Sunset Ridge Park (Outlot G). e Order and install field numbers for the three new fields at Lake Ann Park (#4, #5, '6). Provide intensive management to the three new ball fields and one soccer field at Lake Ann Park, .the baseball field at Lake .. Mr. Dale Gregory February 26, 1991 Page 2 Susan Park and the ball fields at North Lotus Lake Park and Bandimere Heights Park to help ensure their availability by June 3, 1991. Perform necessary field maintenance to all other city ballfields including the Legion field and DataServ #2 to ensure their availability by April 22, 1991. Assemble and install player benches (12) at new ballfields at Lake Ann Park by April 22, 1991. . Provide ballfield maintenance according to a schedule provided. Assemble and install bleacher at Rice Marsh Lake Park by April 30, 1991. Install the Lake Ann Park swimming raft to include the construction of a semi-permanent anchoring system. Install and maintain the fishing dock at Carver Beach Park. Re-install the canoe rack at Carver Beach Park. e Apply asphalt to off-street parking area at Bandimere Heights Park. Assemble and install bleachers (2) at Lake Susan Park Baseball field for availability by June 3, 1991. Install play area expansion at Curry Farms Park. Construct the ballfield at CUrry Farms Park to include the installation of an aggregate infield, bases, pitcher's plate and backstop. Complete the sand volleyball court at Curry Farms Park. Prepare surface and install pedestrian walking trail at Curry Farms Park. Install play area expansion at Bandimere Heights Park. Construct volleyball poles and install with sand surface and net at Bandimere Heights Park. Install play area expansion at Carver Beach Playground. Install swing set at Carver Beach Park Install swing set at North Lotus Lake Park. e .. Mr. Dale Gregory February 26, 1991 Page 3 Install new play area at South Lotus Lake Park to include border wood, pea gravel and play equipment. Have a proposal prepared for a series of plantings which will provide a natural windscreen to the tennis courts at North Lotus Lake Park at their maturity. Install new play area at Sunset Ridge Park (Outlot G) to include border wood, pea gravel and play equipment. Construct the ballfield at Sunset Ridge Park (Outlot G) to include: the installation of an aggregate infield, bases, pitcher's plate and backstop. , . Construct volleyball poles for two sand volleyball courts and install with sand surface and nets at Sunset Ridge Park (Outlot G). .Install bike rack at Meadow Green Park. e . Assemble and install park benches (12) with concrete footings and pad at: Curry Farms Park (1); Carver Beach Playground (1); Carver Beach Park (1); Meadow Green Park (1); Lake Ann Park (1); Lake Susan Park (1); South Lotus Lake Park (1); Bandimere Heights Park (1); Sunset Ridge P~rk (1); Curry Farms Park (1); Chanhassen Hills Park (1); Rice Marsh Lake Park (1); Minnewashta Heights Park (1). Re-install frost heaved park benches at Carver Beach swimming area. Excavate trail at Lake Ann Park and install Class '5 crushed aggregate. Total value of aggregate not to exceed $3,500.00. Shingle and provide routine maintenance to the City Center Park warming house. cc: Charles Folch, Assistant City Engineer Ie .' C ITV OF CHANHASSEN ,l . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM ~) #I 3/1Ir/ TO: City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Advisory Committee Members; Sue Hoff, Bonnie Coffee, Larry Schroers, Dave Koubsky FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 1, 1991 SUBJ: Meeting Schedule and Agendas Thursday, March 14, 1991 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Chanhassen Elementary School West Playground e 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Hall, Manager's Conference Room AGENDA 1. Complete On-Site Inspection and Evaluation of Play Equipment currently in place, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 2. Budget Information 3. Discussion of Vendors 4. Site Analysis 5. User Analysis 6. Safety Surface 7. Installation Alternatives . e , Thursday, April 4, 1991 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Hall, Courtyard Conference Room . AGENDA 1. Selection of Equipment 2. Play Value Analysis 3. Age Appropriateness 4. Equipment Details 5. Adjacent Areas Thursday, April 25, 1991 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Hall, Courtyard Conference Room AGENDA 1. Prepare Detailed Plans and Specifications 2. Selection of Potential Vendors ~ Thursday, May 23, 1991 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Hall, Courtyard Conference Room AGENDA 1. Evaluation of Bids 2. Selection of Vendor Please note these dates on your calendar. No additional notices or reminders will be sent. Detailed agendas and information packets will be distributed at each meeting. e , e CITY CENTER PARK/CHANHASSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sue Hoff 221 Frontier Circle Chanhassen 949-2885 Chanhassen Elementary School APT Member, Parent Representative Bonnie Coffee 7474 Saratoga Drive Chanhassen 934-6757 Chanhassen Elementary School APT Member, Teacher Representative Larry Schroers 1020 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen 474-0760 Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Chairman Dave Koubsky 1311 Lake Susan Hills Drive Chanhassen 368-3308 Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Member e Todd Hoffman City Hall 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen 937-1900 Park and Recreation Coordinator e . . e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P:O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 March 12, 1991 Dr. Kathleen Macy, Principal Chanhassen Elementary School 7600 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Kathleen: The development of the Chanhassen Elementary Playground/City Center Park site has a history of cooperative efforts put forth by School District 112 and the City of Chanhassen. Continuing in that tradition, I would like to provide you with a synopsis of improvement projects currently scheduled at the site and invite your input on a proposed "master" plan to be used in guiding future playground/park site improvements. I have attempted to keep you abreast of planning activity in these regards, and I concur with your position that these proposals must pass through appropriate advisory channels prior to finalizing plans for each project. In an effort to further the cooperative spirit of these and the other projects, I will provide you with copies of all correspondence on these projects from this date forward. For the sake of simplicity, I have addressed the three main activity areas; north playground, west playground and master park plan individually. North Playground Project Description: To modify and expand the existing playground area, improving the overall play experience for all children and addressing the need for handicapped accessible play equipment. Proposed Funding: Chanhassen Elementary APT Hennepin county Community Development Block Grant Funds, Administered by City Planning Department and contingent upon City Council Approval - 1990 Allocation 1991 Proposed Allocation $ 4,000.00 5,898.00 20,000.00 . Dr. Kathleen Macy March 12, 1991 Page 3 . The City retained VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc., a professional firm involved in park and school site planning to prepare alternatives for potential master plans for this site. I have enclosed their report, which was presented to the Park and Recreation Commission on February 26, 1991 for your review. It is important to note that neither the Park and Recreation Commission nor city staff is presuming we have the authority' to plan the further development of school district property. We are, however, offering these alternatives to the school district as potential options for guiding future development of this combination school playground/city park. Further action will not be initiated in the area of the master plan prior to receiving a response from the district. I hope these brief comments assist you in addressing theseproj ects when questions are presented to you concerning the same. As mentioned earlier, I will forward to your office all correspondence dealing with these projects. If at any time you need me to address a particular need or concern in association with these activities, please contact me. Sincerely, ~ ;1f;~ e Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k Enclosure cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager . e . . ... ~ . training it can offer, said Camm. In conjunction with the University of Minnesota, Dashe & Thomson sponsors a week-long Technical Communications Institute (TCI) in Tokyo tailored for Japanese technical writers who are translating manuals into English. The firm plans to present the TCI to writers in Germany and throughout the United States as well. Through a match made by the Min- nesota Trade Office in 1986, the com- pany has a joint venture with TOIN Corp., the largest documentation com- pany in Japan. The Mendez Group, a major international translation and printing company with clients through- out the European Community, co- sponsors seminars with Dashe & Thom- son. Mendez recently featured the Min- nesota company in a cover story on product liability in its Brussels, Belgium- based corporate magazine. Jean Thom- son and Kenneth Ross, a product liabil- ity specialist with the Popham Haik Schonobrich Kaufman law firm in Minneapolis, will present a three-day seminar covering product liability laws in Europe, the United States and Japan for the Mendez Group this year. "Product liability has become a big issue," Thomson said. "Although the laws vary among countries, product manuals must contain safety informa- tion, product warnings and cautions." e e Playground Structure Exporter Thrives KS. Landscape Structures Inc. of Delano has long been recognized in the U.S. as an innovator in the play- ground and park equipment industry. Its product line is now making an impact in foreign markets. landscape Structures' product base of playground equipment and site amen- ities has grown to include specialized outdoor fitness courses and develop- ment playground equipment for child care facilities. Founded in 1970 by Steve King, landscape Structures set out to design and develop a better approach to play- ground equipment that was later dubbed the "continuous play" concept This concept of interconnected modular play components is now accepted worldwide and duplicated by most manufacturers of playground equipment According to Hal Garnett, export sales manager for landscape Structures, the company's strongest export markets are in Japan, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Other importers of the equipment are countries in the Middle East, Puerto Rico and Canada. land- scape Structures has been selling inter- nationally since 1981, and the com- pany's 15 international distnbutors now help net approximately 15 percent of the company's total annual sales of $25 million. landscape has used the counseling services of the Minnesota Trade Office to learn more about countries it is pres- ently exporting to as well as posgble future export leads. '" ~ 0( ~ '" !!l! :I The most popular export products are playground equipment, in particular, landscape's P1aybooster brand of mod- ular play structures. Also strong are sales of the company's AdventureScapes play equipment, introduced three years ago and designed for children ages 18 months to 5 years of age. In 1989, landscape Structures was the only U.S. company to receive a Jap- anese "G-Mark" quality and design award from the Ministry of Interna- tional Trade and Industry (MITI) in the public space category for its Adven- tureScapes play equipment According to Garnett, Adventures- Scapes is a play system that combines . the development of both gross and fine motor skills. landscape Structures also developed an easy to install post and clamp play system called P1aybooster, and a Ten- derTufI coating for metal parts such as wheels and band bars to protect fingers from temperature extremes. Other safety improvements include tamper. resistant hardware, the elimination of S-books, spiral slides with higher side- walls and safer exit sections, and a uni. que slide hood that promotes safe play on slides. L8ndsc8pe Structures' p/8ygrouod equipment C8D be louod tluough- out Europe, the Middle East, As18 8Dd Canada. lE. MINNESOTA EN1BIlPR/SE . SPRING '91 / J 7 .IID McRae sauaioo on the yet to be named :I, 112 elementary school at u,bt Pm in Jonatban is pro- lJI on scbedu1e. lII'last week with EOS Archi- :~entativesZachJobnson JIdon Cm along with school ", .Dick Ewert showed the . to be nearly enclosed Cm 11 the facility_os scheduled to SIJInially done on Aug. 9--is ..arely 30 percent complete. . COntractor appears to be on Ie:' Carr said in a report to ODI board. "The project has D picketed for several weeks IIope there. will be DO prob- die future. ., .vas refemng to a situation in <<in wbidJ wodc CD the scbOOl I)'ed due to union activities. bat early delay, Carr said, .lIItrUction process bas been ~ Yell' smoothlv. " IoImson and Ewert are all about the new school. Iudg- l'aD early appearances, the sbould follow Chaska's re- jlion of building some of the 'blic facilities in Minnesota. aiimateIy 84.000 square foot was constructed with site III and flexibility in mind, lSOD. lDe of-the major goals of the illrict and the architects to QllrUct a building that would :lIaI and adaptable to chang- s of educators while also uaIly pleasing. ;are, the building does not Ibe scenic McKnight Pm )"-gh the gymnasium-- IHeature a hardwood par- r ala the Boston Garden-- lUSually high ceiling, the viII be hardly visible to sur- PftJPerty.owners. .. iD ..P,".~ ,.....Aut the .1iil1'JeVn\dtRiUK was Ilk side of a bill on the :ltI.lite. Even though the ; bOt visually over-power- :lISsroom and office have . 'Modow which overlooks Ice setting. lOfted be was vel)'excited IeW building, considering . ~ lIeat flexibility for the t.. staff. The school was designed with five c.1assroooJ ~ afwbid1 . can house sPecific arade levels or " program....that opeD intO.1 large commons IR8. The c:ontmClbS of ead1 duster can be utilized for a vaiiety of pmposes, iDc:Iuding s;p-iAI~ larJe s;: =g wiD aiso'featwe a . large teachers' IoUDge/confereoce room. a media center/library, a Spe_ cialized music room and a Slage IRa with seating for up to 250 people. A number of separate IUd distinct entrances are also in place wbich lead to specific areas iD the bui1din,. 'Ibis will allow students 'entering the school the opportunity to access their specific area and thus avoid a major crunch at the main entrance each morning and aftemoon. ' Ewert said the response from the District 112 elementary feAt'hing sta1f for requests to transfer to the' new school has been vel)' high. , .. The ...... of J!Ie new "'mentarr.johoot _ McKnIght Pn .. Up. IN 0DmpI....~.. . ;'/.~:~ :.,' " ". . ~ ~~ , Group plans parkplaysite' Surrounding the nev..District 112 committee. .', '. t~ ., elementary school is McKnight Redman said iriS expeCted that Park, which includes a scenic view 'the playsite will be maovative abd' of Lake Grace, a wooded picnic DOn-typical, -atili.tina ibe latest .area and connection to the munici-' trends. "I knoW that it is the city's. . pal trail system. . intent, ,. .Redman said, "to have As part of the land exchange be- ~ pIo"und be 1be focal point tween the school district and the ,ofMcKriipt Put. n," ,. '..'" city of Cbaska-which in part aI- The bud,et for the piOject has lowed the construction of the new been set at $75,000 -mch will school-a portion ofMcKnigbt Padc: include 1be cost of the various . will be developed as an, adventure apparatus used alOD, with site . playsite usable by both city and development such as sra4ing IUd __ ch I Tbi 1 . will' lanrvt. . '. ~"'.. . s 00. s p ayslte IDCOIpO- lJSCIp1D,. ., ~ ,.~; '~';j.' ,l rate the hilly telTain, serving pli- "1bai~sa ,ood sized bqd,get to{ _. marily elementary and lft-schooI . project of this 'type, "'.ala R"-' age youth. ..... . 'IRan. ...~din8onbow~chij,: A puentaI committee, put boIId '_Oil 'Cite development. we, repre~n~tive, ele~ ,~>...~!- _ 1IqpIe.~~. ,-1'~_~la~~~~ '..:.:. " y~ cation -~, :.._~ -wateCt. ....WiII... .' and the Owka PIIt,Jtecmdoa .8yCOlk~bdJep1aygromd. and Art DirectorTom Redman will area at FIreman's Pm-which was meet to go over proposals from developed two years a,o--tbe city contractors to develop the play- apent approximately $8,000 on the site. A meeting was held Wednes- equipment utilized: '. day tp finalize the ~up of the ' :. __. .. _....~ .,WOri( crewsa"~.YWori(lng on ~.,~ 9 d..clJl.... .. _ _._ ': . t Townships vote Tu . . . B1~lIaasoa . .' '-IUeS..' " .' '.., r ~ ClrverCouutytowusbipv0leU1riII . ODe tbree-)'earlllpervisor seat is ; ~Ol be BOiD8 to the poDs M'arc:b 12 to q>>enineachtownsbiP. The two-year . ~.. !llect new supervJsors ~ ~ ,~.oIftas~. also up for elec-. IeIc m tbe IDDUaI !OWnshiP electiOns. UOIl m each ~.' '.:",. .1OWDl After die polls close theY will bold. AJtboagh the candidates are' run- . tiOllS : ~ meeting to coasider the !iac~ia aD ~ exa!pt . adJ t COIIlin& ~'s bu.t ADd 0Cber is- LRet9WD, electiOD RlUIts lie DOt a " . ,...\ (~~...: r-...