1991 04 23 Agenda . FILE AGENDA PARK AND R~CREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. Approval of March 26, 1991 and April 9, 1991 minutes. Visitor presentation and slide show, "Preserving the Bluff Creek Watershed". Perry Dean and Erik Roth Site Plan Review, 6541 Minnewashta Parkway. Park inventory results. Approve purchase of play equipment, South Lotus Lake and Sunset Ridge Park. Discussion, Chicago & Northwestern R.R.., Hennepin County Rail Authority Right-Of-W~y. Ordinance Amendment - No g+ass containers within parks. Capital Improvement Program updates - A. South Lotus Lake Boat Access Drainage and Improvement project. B. City Center Park C. Herman Field Park, verbal; plans and specifications presented to City Council 4/22/91. D. Lake Ann Park picnic/recreation shelter, verbal; initial presentation to City Council 4/22/91. E. Lake Susan Park, verbal. 9. Commission Presentations 10. Administrative Packet . 2. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~. TO: DATE: April 12, 1991 SUBJ : visitor Presentation and Slide Show, "Preserving the Bluff Creek Watershed", Perry Dean and Erik Roth . This item originates from an unsolicited inquiry by the above mentioned persons concerning the city of Chanhassen's position on preserving the Bluff Creek Watershed area. Mr. Roth and Mr. Dean have enjoyed a lifelong "relationship" with the Bluff Creek area, beginning with boyhood exploration of the creek. Initial attempts by Mr. Roth to preserve the creek through acquisition date back to the late 1970' sjearly 1980' s. The nature conservancy was the focus of his efforts at that time. Funding limitations proved to be the major roadblock, however, the relatively large number of landowners tied in to the property posed difficulties as well. Mr. Roth and Mr. Dean will be presenting a slide show of sites .they have experienced in their tours of the creek. Paul Krauss, Planning Director, also had the opportunity to join in the discussion concerning the preservation of the creek. He has invi ted Mr. Roth and Mr. Dean to make a presentation to the Planning Commission as well. Upon the conclusion of discussion on this item, it is our intent to schedule a tour of the area, tentatively set for Saturday morning, May 4th. Bluff Creek is identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a trail corridor. As the Commission is aware, Bluff Creek Park, adjacent to the Hesse Farm development, is owned by the city. At present it totals 21 acres in size. No formal action is necessary on this item. . :5 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 4-23-91 CC DATE: '. HOFFMAN:k I- Z <( u :J a.. a. <( . ~ ~ W I- - C/) . STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of a 39,885 square foot parcel into two lots of 19,943 square feet, which will require a lot area and lot width (lakeshore width) variance on property zoned RSF and located at 6541 Minnewashta Parkway, Washta Bay Court. LOCATION: See location map APPLICANT: Ken Lund and Dana Johnson 395 Highway No. 7 Excelsior, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential single Family ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RSF S - RSF E - Lake Minnewashta W - PUD-R (Planned unit Development, Residential) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within a park deficient area of Chanhassen COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This property abuts 266 feet of Minnewashta Parkway. A trail along the Parkway is identified as a Phase One (1990-1995) addition to Chanhassen's trail system. A 6 ft. concrete sidewalk is currently included in the Minnewashta Parkway improvement feasibility study. ~s shown, the sidewalk would lie on the opposite side of the parkway from this property (see enclosed diagram). Washta Bay Court April 23, 1991 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION This is a request to subdivide one large lakeshore lot into two separate lots. As such, it is not reasonable to request parkland dedication. Therefore, it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council accept park and trail fees in lieu of parkland dedication and trail construction. .' . . '- -.-.... ... . ....r. -. ~ , ROY W ft"" , , 1 llJ, ;;= '. ~ 1 t~ 1 \ ~<(,~ ~(J i I' . . ..~ J..W ... $.:i4t,C ~~ ..... - ; ""!~"-: ~.. '" ..j..-..:: , '. ...., 7 " '%;\ ~:// ~\ ............ ' 1'~~A ~\ ,/ , .\ ,I 4 '~~._:;:~~ /" ~~~/' I ~ - .f .~..,/ / I:! .,. ".-:. Ii. ,';.." I II ~\~( .._ ._.~H. " ~ .""" j L--- J : ! ~ " _,.to..... / . . ';' ,c; -r.~\'0 C;G 9 . .~ sy LESTE R C C"~ ~o ltl74 ~' C ANDERSC;N ~l' !b 14 ,/ ./' /'-/ / ~O " PROF ADDI1 FOR _ /a";?//tf# {I/ 5<< B'1?////f~ttJ"e/ o.o'O(IIS ASSh .. .oA .. :".t l-~~e: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator ~~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: April 15, 1991 SUBJ: Park Inventory Results . Attached for your use is a copy of the City of Chanhassen 1991 Park Inventory Manual. This inventory includes tabulation of all city. park facilities and amenities. It was compiled through 12 hours of on-site inspections conducted by Park Maintenance and Administrative staff. The development of this manual and its annual update will prove beneficial to the operation of the Park and Recreation Department in a number of ways. It allows Park and Recreation staff an opportunity to visit the city's parks with the objectives of: Evaluating the current condition of facilities, amenities and grounds enabling necessary changes and/or maintenance to be scheduled; Becoming familiar with "new" parkland in the city; Documenting a tool for improvement program; existing facilities and amenities providing the development of the five year capital program and annual capital improvement Discussing current and future maintenance and management programs; Providing an opportunity for maintenance and administrative staff to strengthen working relationships. Through the documentation of facility and equipment specifications, the standardization and tracking of park amenities becomes manageable. This manual has been provided to all commission members, City Council members and Park and Recreation Department staff. . Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve the presentation or format of this inventory manual. ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.9~BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612-) 9'37-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Dale Gregory, Park Foreman ~/~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: March 1, 1991 SUBJ: Park Inventory, All Park Department Staff 3' ~ I have scheduled April ~and ~ 1991 as Park Inventory Days for all Park Department Staff. The purpose of these field inspections is to ~atalog the equipment, facilities, plantings and other points of interest found in all city parks. This time in the field will also be used to generate discussion concerning the maintenance and future development of our parks. Measurements will be taken of all ballfields, play areas and other selected park facilities to document their dimensions. The attached agenda will be used in completing these goals. . Please inform the appropriate employees of this inventory program. Encourage them to write down specific ideas they have for improving Chanhassen's parks prior to the inventory days. AGENDA ~ Monday, April ~ 1991 Meet at PUblic Works Building, 7:30 a.m. Transportation: Engineering Suburban City Center Park South Lotus Lake Park Chanhassen Estates Mini Park Rice Marsh Lake Park Lake Susan Park Prairie Knoll Park Lunch - Lion's Tap Bluff Creek Park Bandimere Heights Park Bandimere Community Park Chanhassen Hills Park Barbara Court Trail Easement Power Hill Park Sunset Ridge Park . ~ ~ . 'e . . ~ Tuesday, April ~, 1991 Meet at Public Works Building, 7:30 a.m. Transportation: Engineering Suburban Lake Ann Park Lake Ann to Power's Boulevard Trail Segmen~ Chanhassen Pond Park Meadow Green Park Greenwood Shores Park Carver Beach Playground Carver Beach Park Carver Beach Park to Lake Point Court Trail Easement Lunch - Public Works Building .....e-athcart Park - Hockey Board Design /Minnewashta Heights Park -Freeman Park, Shorewood - Tour ,Herman Field.Park Pheasant Hills Park Curry Farms Park North Lotus Lake Park J -. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission #/" FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 1, 1991 SUBJ: Purchase of Play Equipment, South Lotus Lake Park and Sunset Ridge Park . The 1991 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program identified expenditures of $10,000 for play equipment at South Lotus Lake Park and $19,000 for general development at Sunset Ridge Park (location map attached). Of the $19,000 to be used for development at Sunset Ridge Park, $12,000 was reserved for play equipment. The uniqueness of play equipment offered by separate playground vendors prohibits a standard plans and specifications approach to receiving price quotes. Instead, guidelines for developing design proposals and price quotes are provided (see attachment entitled "Play Area Descriptions") and the resulting proposals are analyzed to determine which vendor offers the best all around proposal. In this instance, five separate companies were contacted seeking design proposals and price quotes. All five chose to submit proposals. These in turn were evaluated as to their completeness, clarity, quality, product reputation in the industry, number of decks, play amenities, etc., and their past performance in working with the city. Upon completing this process, it was determined that Landscape Structures, Inc. of Delano, Minnesota represented by Earl F. Andersen and Associates, provides the best quality product and most play amenities for the price. It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council accept the price quotes from Earl F. Andersen and Associates for $10,000 and $12,000 for the provision of play equipment and border wood for South Lotus Lake Park and Sunset Ridge Park, respectively. Note: All budgeted expenditures $10,000 and over require City Council approval. Expenditures of $15,000 and over require formal bidding procedures. . 1. Location Map 2. Play Area Description~ 3. Earl F. Andersen and Associates, Inc. Quotations er' ATTACHMENTS e e (if/L -;. _l ~~~~~\i;..~" .o~-~~, ~~tJl!7~ - ."YjZ~7f!fCJW~~ ~.:,~~~ ., ." ,.' r,,,~\2~ 1J5ARK \l) ,jjJ~ 7\Tfl1 ~1!~ ,,.))=i'Y' ~ MEADOW '" ~ ~1'.~,0"':X~S/"\, LAKE~. ~1--7' , LAKE ANN ' GRE'€NPARK \I ' .~:Yf. . ~ A ;:,R I ~ "1" . .:-:j, JJ (l <l '?;l,~', '~I ,~):~' ~ ~:Qui \..",,~, Xr 7~ ~ \ L~ ) , !~ H 0 l.~ ~ - . lAKE I ........ . ,)} , \.. J 8 2 c_.. ' f- - - "",,: . ~ ,~. 'i" cJr i" tit. ,; ~-" --'~ I C PA~1f f pO'"v ~ ~! =fj~ " ~~ ~I I , -: h I \\ ~ ~ ~~! ~fJ~If::A~~ ,::'--, '~ G I~ l' f. I' I ! IL.1l1 i}; ~ ',I ~ ;",.,- ~Ei~. ~JL:l~ I I ,;7 ~ .-t.-( .. ~~~ E ~:J~ J~ f) / ~ I 2 ~I - ! ,~~I J~~~ /'::' ~\'I ~~~~I~~rtll'lW ~ ! (:~~~ n~ i ~~ ~r ~ ,"._LL ~I ~::::::<,~J\~, "d~ RR ~ \~~' - =-~ ~~.. al.i~' ~H~~ , ,.." I _~ ~ ...f I $~ . .~ . .,_ES7i4rES , . ,1 . ~ '0011 . ~-~ . MIN I'IARf( ,. ", I \ \ ----L...Il!!!.~ r ..",..,., <- ,'-_ .'-'/:,' , ~ ~ /~ ~. -l f-':. g ) ~,"",:"," "o~ /JPR~~ t ~-.;.,_"~:y~ ~~ I r~. ::~ ....J 'trY ! >0 ..L' 11 "'-b..'"SI., :-/,) PARK \.. y'\, .~' ~ y ll. "'-- , ""\ '\ ~ .... \~: I \~ ~(,' -1200 , '" ' (,~ ~ Is" -< '~RICE ' ~ ,. _ .. ~'vo I :ff ., c."., PARK , ~ 7g::: h /~. OV, . ~ ~. l LAKE SUSAN \ ~ ~..,~.?,.... ., ~ . II li,.; p. '>V~ III o::s:; ). '0 I~~ ~' RICE II, fiSH LAKE <.",<,~c oc r~~l +IY ~ ':~ '~~]I .~RK \.~'rYV" 'Ff'~~ ""~' ,~o~~7 \\'\'11 1~" - F\, , ~ ~. ' ~. ~.'..r:.'~ ~ I! \ ~~:'t~' -c,;,,/ ---API ~ ~ _::.": _ _ ~ _ _ ------,. _ _ _ I ,~"" ~~ ~I ,.,.,/H i \ ;: LA f!P' ... ~ ,LJ ^ ~., -, ~ l - " It! I "H:: 0 0 ~ . 'L::'~4~ ,II i l !/ ,^l~IUL ~P' . .I -- --- " ~ , ''"j ::~, '-iK~ \, ".'j It. II g,.....J :. "~ _.--t.--.f~ ., \ .. 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Delivery: Within 45 days of securing order. Total Price Including Eauipment. Border. Etc: $10,000.00 . . Sunset Ridge Park 1364 Lake Susan Hills Drive . Acceptable Material: Steel or aluminum, powder coated, sealed posts with a 5" outside diameter. Decks shall be coated metal. Required Play Experiences: MUltiple slides and decks, swings to include tot seat, crawl tunnel. Spring animals (2). Anticipated Ranqe of User Group: Phase I - Ages 3-6 Phase II - Ages 6-12 Area Available: Non-restrictive Delivery: within 45 days of securing order. Total Price Includinq Eauipment. Border. Etc: $12,000.00 . . . . . OTHER REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION 1. City to provide installation and resilient surfacing. 2. Supplier provides drawings and detailed specifications of proposed equipment, i.e. deck heights, slide widths, colors available, etc. 3. supplier must provide a manufacturer I s statement of compliance with most current Consumer Products Safety Commission Standards for playground equipment. 4. It is understood that quote proposals may not be withdrawn within 30 days of the submission date and that the City of Chanhassen reserves the right to reject any or all quotes and to waive formalities. en (') C> CD ... "- 'V "':. Di m :J .Q < " c ii' C> ~ Vi ,'" 6 . 'V Di '< CD o c :J D.. .'V Di :J ~'~ '< C". o o i i. 'V cZ Di QO I ~~ ... "'~ Iii -" · ~;W 6 ! r ~ '" .. CJ ~ l o c Ol 8' 3 'V Di '< ~ (') ~ . lJl ':'i ~i. Q I~ '0 :r C> :J :r III III III . ::I i6 ~-o ~~ t>J1'l1 6'-f:J . ~ l'~~ ~ o. @ l 00 '"D ~ ~ + ~ :>> (II 'i\ I'l1 ~ , ~ ""\J... ~ @ -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -. I ';~. ,0 'h .!:!~ " "'-0 .g>:j:. v,:t> C/l "(1\ .!.H rJ j' .. - -... ~ l " (~ ') \ I ',',~~--~:<~t , . J , I (\~ ..... -... ... r- ~ c Ol r- C> ;I; . 'V C> .. ;I; 1 I." 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ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431-2976 Toll-Free WATS Une 1-800-862-6026 . 612-884-7300 . Park and Recreational Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . leisure Environments . Bleacher/Stadium Sealing . Interior /Exlerior Signa~e . Traffic Products . Custom SIgns and Markings . Traffic Making Products . . Scoreboards ~ Complete conlUlting, design, leyout and Inatallation 18rViceI. QUOTATION · CITY OF CHANHASSEN Parks and Recreation Deparbnent Attn: Todd Hoffman, Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Date MArrh '/t), lq9l Your Ref. No. !=;ollt-h T.nh l!'l Lake Park Playgroill Plan date: 3/25/91 Drawing No. DS-2210 . We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY TERMS: Net 30 Days ~ To Be Arranged 0 DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL SOUTH WTUS LAKE PARK PLAYGROUND PHASE I (For ages 6-12) Includes: $10,000.00 1 Custom Playbooster playstructure, steel posts with tenderdecks. 2 Supers coop Diggers #842-4300 236 Lin. Ft. 6"X6" and 41X6" redwood borderwood, edger grade (border to enclose Phase I and II on plan) Note: IX>es Not include installation PAID BY EFA SUB TOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT $10,000.00 INST ALLA nON TOTAL $10,000.00 F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination IX! WE ARE AN EaU OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY. Shipment approx. 4 - 6 weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. BV DAVID <MEN EFA EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington. MN 55431-2976 Toll-Free WATS Une 1-800-862-6026 . 612-884-7300 . Park and RacraationaJ Equipment . Fitnass Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . Bleacher /StBdium Seating . Interior/Exterior Signa:]e . Traffic Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Making Products . Scoreboards Complete conlUlting, design, IlIyout and inml18tion servicea. QUOTATION Date Mrlrr.h ?', 1 gIn · CITY OF CHANHASSEN Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Todd Hoffman, Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 . Your Ref. No. !=:l lnRP.T Ri nge Park Playground Plan date: 3/25/91 Drawing No. DS-2210 TERMS: Net 30 Days IX To Be Arranged 0 We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 254 DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL SUNSET RIDGE PARK PLAYGROUND - PHASE I (For ages 3 - 6) Includes: $12,000.00 Custom Playbooster playstructure, steel posts with tenderdecks Supers coop Diggers #842-4300 Spring Animal Turtle Tuffrider #843-8425 Spring Animal Horse Tuffrider #843-8421 3 Seat Swing Unit #808-30370 with 2 belt seats, 1 bucket seat, Playbooster type unit with steel post Tire swing, playbooster type unit Lin. Ft. 6"X6" and 4"X6" redwood borderwood edger grade (for enclosing Phase I and II) Note: Does Not include installation. SUB TOTAL SALES TAX PAID BY EFA FREIGHT INST ALLA TION TOTAL $12,000.00 $12,000.00 .F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination XJ WE ARE AN E Shipment approx. 4 - 6 weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. By DAVID GffiN Ii Earl F. Andersen & Assoc., Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 Phone 612-884-7300 M N Wats 1-800-862-6026 ) . PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATION 1 ). Earl F. Andersen & Assoc. Inc. certi f ies that we meet or exceed all specifications as detailed in the bid documents. and the most current Consurrer Products Safety Carmission Standards for playground equipnent. 2). A final inspection will be performed jointly with the customer (or its' agent) to validate that all specifications and terms of the contract have been fulfilled by contractor to the customers' satisfaction. This inspection will be done within (10 ) days after completion of project. 3). If the specifications and terms have not been completed to the customers (or its agents) satisfaction as outlined in the bid document, the contractor shall correct any and all deficiencies within 30 days. Should the contractor fail to comply, the customer shall make the necessary arrangements to complete the project and deduct the total additional cost from the full amount owed the contractor. . 4). Full payment shall be made only after all criteria in items No.1, 2 & 3 have been completed. (Less any deducts as outlined in #3). COMPANY NAME FRrl F. Andersen & Associates. Inc. ADDRESS gRaR James Circle Rlomlington, MN 55431 PHONE ~ SIGNATURE Park and Recreational Equipment Fitness Systems Site Furnishings Leisure Environments Bleacher/Stadium Seating Interior/Exterior Signage Traffic Products Custom Signs and Markings Traffic Marking Products . Complete consulting, design, layout and installation services. , . T imbel- Border Timber border shall be edger grade redwood, 6" X 6" base course with a 4" X6" cap, for a total 6" X 10" height. All redwood members shall conform to grades as identified in the "Standard Specifications for Grades of California Redwood Lumber" 1984 editions, as published by the Redwood Inspection Service. Edger grade shall refer to merchantable heart grades. All wood materials shall be surfaced smooth on all sides to net dimension 1/2" less than the nominal dimension. All edges and ends shall be uniformly rounded to a 3/8" radius.t . . I . C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH o 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ TO: DATE: April 17, 1991 SUBJ : Discussion - Chicago, Northwestern Railroad, Hennepin County Rail Authority Right-of-Way . It has recently come to my attention that the above mentioned railroad right-of-way is in the process of being cleared of ties and tracks and will be available as a potential trail corridor. Initially, I received a phone call from Ms. Susan Severson, a resident, informing me of the activity taking place along the railroad corridor. She subsequently mailed the attached letters expressing her interest in a trail. A day later, I received a phone call from Mr. Don Lawrence, who represents the Hennepin County Rail Authority, regarding inquiries as to whether the City of Chanhassen would be interested in participation in a trail project along the corridor. Mr. Lawrence confirmed that the right- of-way was purchased by the Hennepin County Rail Authority for the eventual routing of a light rail transit system. It is their hope that in the interim, a trail system could be coordinated with the municipalities through which the railroad passes. To date, formal action of any kind has not been taken on this item. Currently, Mr. Lawrence is facilitating a meeting for all affected cities. Direction from the Commission as to what action they would like staff to take would be appropriate at this time. ATTACHMENTS 1. Letters from Susan Severson, April 8, 1991. 2. Location map. . April 8, 1991 Chanhassen City Council Park and Recreation commision: I recently noticed that the tracks on the Chicago/Northwestern Railroad bordering our property in the southern portion of Chanhassen (along Highway 212 at Highway 101) have been removed. I made some telephone calls to determine the future of the property and learned that the right-of-way has been purchased by the Hennepin County Light Rail Authority for the future development of a light rail system. The light rail system is many years in the future and the cities that this right- of-way goes thru may apply for a permit to develop a trail system on it. The actual development of the trail is at the expense of the city. I would like to strongly encourage the City of Chanhassen to pursue developing a multi-use trail on this right-of-way. I wo~ld also like to request that horse usage be included in the development of this trail. The southern portion of Chanhassen has no trail system at all. We have many neighbors in the southern portion of Chanhassen that would use this trail for horseback riding and hiking. I believe it would allow us access to the Minnesota Valley state trail system. It would be a waste to lose this opportunity to develop a low- cost trail here that could benefit many members of the community. Most of the development work has already been done. This could be the start of a more comprehensive trail system to be developed in the future in Chanhassen. I would like to volunteer my time to help pursue a trail on this right-of-way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it a reality. Susan Severson 675 Lakota Lane Chaska, MN 55318 Tele: 445-6122 work: 828-8695 RECEIVED APR 09 1991 en Y vr "" .. .... "-,...,,,...1" J . . . I . . . April 8, 1991 Todd Hofman: The horse-back riders in our area are so enthusiastic about horse trails in the South side of Chanhassen that we have already developed a short informal trail near this right-of-way ( with property owners permission). We are limited on each end of it by the Railroad tracks. It would not surprise me to find that these same people would be willing to donate some time and muscle to help actually construct a horse trail on this right-of-way. Some crushed limestone or dirt and grass would do the job for the horses. I would be happy to organize a work crew to help with the project. Thank you for your help! Sue Severson (wk: 828-8695, hm:445-6122) RECEIVED APR 09 1991 ell' V' ~......,.. ........~I.. D ~"" :~:~:) c:::-~ -?~ ~ .-, .'., -:J/f' V"..J ~~.j \J 1.,'\':1 AuOuBON ~~~ '-4 . .- jJ:/ .:.-....,j ; [; ._-~ J <: ,.. :II i--\ L~..~J -,,",, '-----c r"-"... lr.i 0 " 0 "n :z: ""~ ;1; "'" ~~ ,.,Z ... , I I I I 1 1 I ;; '" ;;; <3 0 5 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 " 0 ~ " ... ; I , , :; 0 0 '" '" . 8 " 8 0 0) I 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 "Z. ~ 8 o o I I. : I):' I C'J",':lQ '" E';!g~ ~ ~ or. r ~ ~ '" .l>,to: Q ~ <..ria ,.b~ -'?.-.!!: -..,..~ I '" '" o o ~ . 7 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ TO: DATE: April 17, 1991 SUBJ: Ordinance Amendment - No Glass containers within Parks . Acting on Commissioner JanLash I s inquiry as to whether the Chanhassen City Code contained a section prohibiting glass containers within parks, which it does not. A section is being developed. Numerous phone calls were made to other municipalities in researching this item. This survey resulted in the discovery of only one other municipality, the City of Chaska, which maintains a similar section in their city Code. Mr. Tom Redman, Director of Park and Recreation in Chaska, stated that "the section is well meaning, however, enforcement of it ranks very low among the city's enforcement issues". Other cities addressed the issue of glass containers in relation to beach sites only. Language pertaining to an ordinance amending Chapter 14, Parks and Recreation of the City Code, to include a "no glass containers in city parks" section is being developed. This will be presented to the Commission at the May meeting prior to recommending the adoption of an ordinance amendment in these regards to the City Council. . .. . . 8/1 C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: April 18, 1991 SUBJ: South Lotus Lake Boat Access, Drainage and Improvement Project The attached memorandum to the City Manager will be presented to the City Council on Monday, April 22, 1991 for their consideration. I will apprise the commission as to the action taken on the item at Tuesday evening's commission meeting. CITY OF CHANHASSEN to .' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager #to FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 17, 1991 South Lotus Lake Boat Access, Award of Bids Improvement Project No. 90-18 On March 25, 1991, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized advertising for bids for the subject project (see attached). As you are aware, the bids for the South Lotus Lake Boat Access improvement proj ect were opened Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Seven bids were received as summarized in the attached tabulation of bids prepared by Mr. Scott Harri of VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc., the consulting firm involved in . this project. As noted, the low bidder was Kusske Construction, Inc. from Chaska, Minnesota. SUBJ: The low bid is $32,611. 00. The engineer I s estimate for this project was $26,444.00, a difference of $6,167. As noted in the attached letter from Mr. Harri, there is no single line item which accounts for this difference. The nature of this proj ect, including its relatively small size and uniqueness, creates a difficult estimating situation. However, with seven bids being received, I concur that the low bid of $32,611.00 represents a favorable bid for the city. Through reference checks, we find that Kusske Construction is experienced and capable of completing the project. It is therefore, recommended that the South Lotus Lake Boat Access improvement project be awarded to Kusske Construction, Inc. in the amount of $32,611.00. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memo dated March 21, 1991. 2. Letter from Scott Harri, VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc. 3. Bid tabulation. cc: Charles Folch, Asst. City Engineer Scott Harri, VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc. . ( .. . . South Lotus Lake Boat Access April 17, 1991 Page 2 Manager's Comments: I almost hate writing a report like this one. Specifically, if I were a Council member, I would he saying "Uh oh, here comes the pea and shell trick". As can be seen in the attachments, this project is a storm water control proj ect and its only relationship to the boat access project is that it improves drainage adjacent to the access. As shown in Scott Harri's report of February 20, 1991 (attached), the funding for this project comes from the Environmental Trust Fund as well as a Conservation Service grant. Again, the project does not have a strong relationship to the original South Lotus Lake Boat Access Project which was funded through federal/state dollars. As I have stated to Council members several times, each of these projects represents a separate business for which separate funding is maintained. The original boat access project, now completed, has a ending balance of $6,254.20. This office would recommend that the anticipated overage of $6,167.00 be paid through the remaining balance in the original South Lotus Lake Boat Access Project. Approval of the low bid is recommended. kPJA lie.. CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~\ .' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 ' (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 V ~~ 3-~(-Cj i MEMORANDUM "i TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~/~ ~-~-9j March 21, 1991 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for South Lotus Lake Boat Access Grading, Drainage and Landscaping Improvements, Project 90-18 The attached plans and specifications for the above m~ntioned improvement project have been prepared in response to City Council action taken on February 25, 1991 approving such. As you recall, the revised total estimated cost of this project is $33,314.00. These plans have been submitted to the Engineering Department for . final review prior to distribution to bidder~. To ensure timely completion of these improvements, the following preliminary project schedule has been established. City Council: Accept Plans and Specs and Authorize Advertisement for Bids March 25, 1991 Bid Opening April 16, 1991 10:00 a.m. City Council: Award Bid April 22, 1991 May 6, 1991 Begin Construction Complete Construction June 14, 1991 A great deal of consideration has been given to ensure that neighboring residents and boat access users are minimally inconvenienced during this outlined construction period. The Minnesota fishing opener occurs shortly after construction is to begin. Work activity has been limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m; weekdays, with no weekend work allowed to help ensure weekend boat access traffic flows smoothly. The twelve hour a day work schedule has been imposed to ensure early morning and late evening disruptions of the neighborhood do not occur. It is also noted . '. . . Mr. Don Ashworth March 21, 1991 Page 2 that at a m~n~mum, one lane to the boat access will be open during the construction period. . Finding these plans and specifications for the South Lotus Lake Boat Access Improvement Project complete and satisfactory, it is recommended they be approved and authorization for bidding be given. Attachments 1. Plans and specifications 2. Proposal 3. Memo dated February 21, 1991, Amendment to Site and Drainage .Study, South Lotus Lake Boat Access cc: Charles Folch, Assistant City Engineer Scott Harri, Van Doren Hazard Stallings C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: DATE: February 21, 1991 Amendment to site and Drainage study, South Lotus Lake Boat Access SUB.] : Note: Please bring your copy of the Site and Drainaqe study for the South Lotus Lake Boat Access as included in the February 11th packet. If you cannot find your copy, please call me. Attached please find Amendment No. 1 to the above mentioned project. Per the request of Mayor Don Chmiel, the improvement . proj ect as initially presented was revised enabling the total probable cost estimate to be reduced while not compromising the effective life of the improvements. Specific questions raised at the February 11, 1991 City Council meeting are also addressed in the report. It is my belief that the total estimated savings of $7,275.00 for this project meets the desired intent of this amendment. Please note that the estimated expenditures from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund now totals $4,136.20. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the South Lotus Lake Boat Access Site and Drainage Study as amended; amend the 1991 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program to include expenditures of up to $8,000 ~or this project; and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. Citv council Action - Februarv 25. 1991 Councilman Wing moved, Councilman Workman seconded to approve the Revised South Lotus Lake Boat Access Study and authoriz~ preparation of plans and specifications. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. . An t\c.r\ ",\ ~ ,Jr' :tf3 t1l VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc. '. Ar-chitects . Engine.r-s . Plenner-. February 20, 1991 Mr. Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ref: Amendment No. 1 Site and Drainage Study South Lotus Lake Boat Access VHS Project No. 90-312 Dear Todd: . This ~etter is in response to your review comments and questions concerning various aspects of the Study and Report. Firstly, we wish to clarify a statement we made about the detention ponds "frequently" overflowing. This comment was intended to illustrate the fact that the additional volume of storm water runoff was exceeding the pond system capacity more often than initially predicted. As is normal practice, these ponds were originally sized for the runoff from a 100 year storm. A 100 year storm means that there is a one (1) percent probability of the storm event to occur - hence the saying "A 100 Year Storm." with a larger drainage area now upstream of the ponds, it takes a much smaller storm to produce the same volume of runoff. These storms are predicted to occur more frequently and in fact did occur on several occasions during the past 2 years. Another matter concerned the proposed plant materials. All plant material meets the City ordinances concerning size. The "caliper" inches are noted next to each species designation on the plan. The sumac ground cover is intended to improve the erosion resistance of the soil cover and will blend in rather well with. the existing sumac on the hillside. The final issue is a response to an overall need to review proposed improvements and trim project costs where possible. We would recommend the following changes be made to reduce the cost while not reducing the effective life of the improvements: 1. Place large size rip rap stones as slope protection along the south half of the lower retention pond in lieu of field stones. Cost savings are estimate to be $5,330.00. . 2. Revise outlet structure and pipe system. estimated to be $400.00. Cost savings . II Suite 104 Minnea IiI Minnesota 55447.2175 612) 553-1950 estimated to be $400.00. Mr. Todd Hoffman February 20, 1991 Page 2 .' Enclosed please find a revised Estimate of Probable Cost. revised Total Estimated Construction Cost is $33,314.00 $7,273.00 less than initially estimated. The reduced cost attributable to the following items:. Item The or is TOTAL ESTIMATED SAVINGS Savinas $ 5,330.00 400.00 573.00 970.00 .$ 7,273.00 1. Rip Rap Slope Protection 2. Outlet Control Structure Revision 3. Contingency 4. Plans, Specifications, Bidding, Staking and Inspection The reduced project cost will also favorably impaqt the tinancing in the following manner: Total Estimated Project Cost Less Soil Conservation Service Grant Less Environmental Trust Fund $33,314.00. 5,177.80. $24.000.00 $ 4,136.20 . Balance from Park Acquisition and Development Fund These changes have resulted in a positive economic impact to the project. We hope we have addressed your concerns satisfactorily. If you have any questions, please call. . Sincerely, VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS, INC. t?unr H~ R. Scott Barri, P.E. Enclosure RSB/ev . . CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING HARCH 25, 1991 Mayor Chmiel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCILHEHBERS PRESENT: Mayor Chmiel, Councilman Workman, Councilman Wing, Councilwoman Dimler and Councilman Mason STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Roger Knutson, Jo Ann Olsen, Charles Folch, Todd Gerhardt and Todd Hoffman APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Mason moved, Councilman Workman seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEHENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Oimlerseconded to approve the following Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendation: e. Approval of Bills. f. City Council Minutes dated March 11, 1991 . Planning Commission Minutes dated March 6, 1991 ~rk and Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 12, 1991 l/ g g.. ~outh Lotus Lake Boat Access Site and Drainage Study, Accept ~ Authorize Advertising for Bids. All voted in favor and the .otion carried unani.ously. Plans and A. ACCEPT DONATIONS FROH THE CHANHASSEN AHERICAN LEGION CLUB FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTHENT AND FIRE OEPARTHENT. Mayor Chmiel: I'll take item lea) real quickly. This is accepting donations from Chanhassen American Legion Club for the Public Safety Department and Fire Department. There's only one other thing that I asked staff this afternoon is regarding the smoke alarms to be distributed to needy residents. I've got some real concerns over people in our community who are deaf and asked if they could check into that to see what's available for those people. Either a flasher or what else. Whatever kinds of implements we can use. But other than that, that's the only thing I wanted to bring up. So I will move item l(a). Is there a second? Councilwoman Dimler: Since you pulled it I just wanted to make a comment and _ that was to congratulate the Legion and also tnank them for their generosity to our Public Safety Department and to the Fire Department over the years. I second it. . 1 ~ VanDoren Hazard Stallings, Inc. Architects. Engineers. Plannera .. April 17, 1911 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ref: South Lotus Lake Boat Access Improvement Project NO. 90-18 VHS Project No. 90-312 Dear Todd: Enclosed is the bid tabulation for bids received on subject project on April 16, 1991. Seven bids were received ranging from a low of $32,611.00 to a h~gh of $41,885.80. The estimate for the project is $26,444.00. Upon review of the bids we found the unit prices to be across the board higher than we anticipated. The majority of the project consisted of non-standard work activities not normally bid as new construction. Therefore, there was limited historical data with which to base our estimate upon. We feel these are good bids for the City. . The low bid was received from Kusske Construction, Inc. of Chaska, Minnesota. Kusske has been in business since 1965. Their average business volume over the past 5 years has been approximately $500,000 annually with project size ranging from $4,000 to $300,000. Their main business practice is construction relating to grading, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer pipe systems, and furnishing and placing aggregate base. Our reference checking has discovered that they have successfully completed numerous projects for the City of Chaska and other municipalities and private concerns. Our contact at Chaska reported that Kusske has performed work on a variety of projects to their satisfaction. They are responsive to the City's concerns of traffic control, pedestrian interface, special restrictive conditions and project cleanup. We recommend award of bid to Kusske Construction, Inc. in the amount of $32,611.00 for Improvement Project No. 90-18. We will be available to discuss this at your convenience. Sincerely, VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS, INC. ~cc-H-H~ R. Scott Harri, P.E. RSH/ev . SLLAWARD.P01 3030 Harbor Lane North, Bldg. II, Suite 104, Minneapolis Minnesota 55447-2175 (612) 553-1950 . . . ~ ~ II ~ ! ~ a 9 .. S ~ I . ~ , ~ ~ .. i E e ~ .. .. ~ i i ri ~ U " :0 !lI Ii 5 ~ e II ~ E U J .. .. " ..~ .. 0 Ilh ! ~ . ~E 8 .. ! ~h ~ . ~ ~.. i U~ !~ a" .. E .. . ~ 'E ~ .. H. sa U .. .. j ~.. .. . ':5 ~~ ~~ ..... . tlg :l ~ . ~B ~ ~ . .. s i . ...~ i o o .; ~ o ~ o o :; o ~ o ~ o o .; :;: ~ .. o ~ o o o .. ~ o o ~ ... .. o o .; ~ .. o ~ ~ .. o o o on ... .. o o .; :;: .. o o .; :;: .. o 0 o ~ .; 0 : : .. o ~ o ~ o o g : o 0 o 0 ,; 0 .. .. E I ,. !: " o o on .. .. .. o o g o o i o ~ o : o o ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ .. o o .; i o o .; i o o .; a o ~ o o : o ~ o o : o o .; ; o ~ o ; o 0 o 0 o ,; .. .. :II :l on .; .. C i e " l .. C .... . . . ... 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator -~t+(~ April 18, 1991 city Center Park FROM: DATE: SUBJ : The City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Advisory Committee last met on April 4, 1991. At the conclusion of that meeting, two vendors, Landscape structures and Game Time were chosen as potential vendors for this project. The Committee also discussed at length the selection of appropriate play components for this site. To date, the committee format for planning this project has proven very successful, with all members providing valuable input. To initiate the next step in planning, I have met with Mark Koegler and Scott Harri of Van Doren Hazard Stallings to address the engineering aspects of this project, i.e. drainage, grading, plans and specifications, etc. In taking advantage of the principal of economics, all three projects - the north playground, tennis courts and west playground, will be addressed inclusive, minimizing the planning costs for each. Judd Furhman, a Chanhassen Boy Scout, will also be involved with this project. Judd will install the border wood for the north playground as a part of his Eagle Scout requirements. Upon receiving a report from Van Doren Hazard Stallings, another meeting of the committee will be called. The Commission will be kept abreast of their progress. cc: Playground Advisory Committee Kathleen Macy, Chanhassen Elementary School Principal .. '. . . ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Memo to Don Ashworth dated April 17, 1991. Memo to JoAnn Olsen dated April 2, 1991. Letter to Curt Oakes dated March 28, 1991. Pheasant Hill Park Survey. Article from Nation's Cities Weekly dated March 25, 1991. Letter to Dr. David Clough dated March 26, 1991. .. '. . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH q - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN; MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator -d FROM: DATE: April 17, 1991 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Picnic/Recreation Shelter, Review Concept Plan/1991 Budget Amendment As you are aware, the Lake Ann Shelter project has a relatively long history, dating back to the start of conceptualization and planning in July of 1983. Constructing a park shelter building at Lake Ann Park has been a goal of the city for this entire eight years. Parks such as Lake Ann and others of similar stature, and park facilities such as this shelter, are regarded as valued public assets in communities throughout Minnesota and indeed across the country. The benefits of a quality park system are far reaching, improving the lives of all residents, directly or indirectly. The attached diagrams represent, in some respects, the culmination of the eight years of planning for this park shelter. During those years, four separate LAWCON State Grant applications seeking matching funds for this project (Fiscal years 1984, 1985, 1987 and 1989) were submitted. After submitting four applications, all of which were unsuccessful, it became apparent that a matching grant was not going to be received. With that realization, the Park and Recreation Commission included the shelter in the 1990 CIP recommending that $100,000 be allocated for the project. Unfortunately, the construction of the shel ter was again not realized in 1990. In the development of the 1991 Park Acquisition and Development Program, the Lake Ann Shelter remained a focal point. The unfortunate truth, however, is the amount budgeted, $110,000, has only increased $20,000 from the original cost estimate. Ei.ght years later, the goal of constructing this park shelter remains, but we are faced with the reality of 1991 construction costs. Todays estimated cost to constz:uct the Lake Ann Park Shelter approachs $300,000, inclusive. This figure contains approximately $100,000 of utility improvements for the park, which were not a Lake Ann Park Shelter April 17, 1991 Page 2 part of the original grant proposals. Recognizing that the utilities would be funded through the sewer and water expansion funds and with dollars budgeted in the 1991 CIP for the installation of electrical service to the softball concession building, leaves $200,000 to be paid from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund. wi th $110,000 currently budgeted for the shelter project, a 1991 budget amendment to include an additional $90,000 in the Park Capital Improvement budget is necessary. These expenditures are significant both in dollar amount and in the resulting benefits to city residents. Recognizing the desireability of being in a position to finance these types of park projects, the city has accumulated a Park Acquisition and Development Fund cash reserve of $300,000, above the additional $250,000 in reserves identified for specific projects (i.e. acquisition of land west of Lake Minnewashta, source of matching dollars for accepted grant proposals and Herman Field Park development) . The cash on hand in the Park Acquisi~ion and Development Fund currently exceeds $600,000. If the City Council concurs with this analysis, the City is in a position to move forward. Favorable action by the City Council would result in not only a quality park shelter being constructed~ but also in increased services to residents and the extension of utility services to the park which will be used for other improvement projects at Lake Ann Park for years to come. ATTACHMENTS 1. Picnic/Recreation Shelter Proposed Scheme dated revised April 15, 1991. 2. Park and Recreation Commission minutes dated April 9, 1991. 3. Memo to Park and Recreation Commission dated AprilS, 1991. 4. Memo from Mark Koegler dated AprilS, 1991 with schematics. .' .. Manaqer's Comments: As noted in Todd's report, the 1991 Park Capi tal Improvement Budget currently maintains an undesignated balance of approximately $300,000. Also as noted, this amount is in addition to the general $100,000 reserve and the $100,000 reserve maintained for upcoming LAWCON grant applications. The undesignated reserve did not just happen. For several years park charge collections, over and above those budgeted, have bee~ held in abeyance anticipating that a prominent project would emerge . The proposed Lake Ann shelter qualifies as a maj or improvement. J?rc;>ject albeit aspirations have always been to have the project . . Jo~nt1y funded through state/federal dollars. CUrrent and " :. . . 'Lake Ann Park Shelter April 17, 1991 Page 3 projected future rules are and will be to prohibit this project from being eligible for state/federal dollars. In light of the fact that monies have been accumulated over a period of time for a project similar to the shelter and recognizing that the shelter itself has been a priority for many years, this office concurs with the recommendations of the Park and Recreation Commission and Park and Recreation Coordinator that the 1991 Budget be amended to include an additional $100,000 from undesignated reserves to complete the.Lake Ann shelter as included in the 1991 Budget. 1J,V A I k.- ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN .. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: JoAnn Olsen, Senior Planner ~/;I Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: April 2, 1991 SUBJ: Kurvers Point 2nd Addition Thank you for allowing me to comment on the above mentioned sub- division. The Kurvers Point Addition in its entirety (1st Addition and proposed 2nd Addition) was reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission on June 25, 1987. Discussion that evening resulted in the following action: Schroers moved, Watson seconded that the Park and Recreation . Commission recommend to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland, to request a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of TH 101, and the construction of an. 8 foot bituminous off-street sidewalk within the street right-of-way of Kurvers Point Road in lieu of trail dedication fees. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The City Council reviewed this item at their July 20, 1987 City Council meeting. The Council approved the subdivision with one of the conditions of approval being compliance with action taken by the Park and Recreation Co~~ission except for the request for 20 feet of additional right-of-way along 'l'H 101. This exception was made as it was deduced that the initial 17 feet of right-of- way being dedicated along TH 101 for future road and ditch improvements would accommodate a trail as well. . The resulting Development Contract was thEm amended in December of 1988 as it related to trails and trail fees (Section 16 of the contract). The validity of constructing an 8 ft. bituminous trail in the Kurvers Point Road right-of-way was contested, resulting in the attached addendum being executed December 30, 1988. Therefore it now stands that prior to the issuance of building permits for residential construction within Kurvers Point Subdivision, 1st and 2nd. Additions, the developer, it's suc- . cessors or assigns, shall pay to the City the park and trail fees then in force. Furthermore, the developer must comply with the stipulations outlined in Addendum "A" Kurvers Point Development in regard to Section 16, Trails and Trail Fees. . .. . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT KURVERS POINT ADDENDUM "A" AGREEMENT datedJDece~~ ~ , 1988, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("City"), and Franklin J. Kurvers and Melvin M. Kurvers (the "Developer"). WITNESSETH, that the City, in the exercise of its powers pur- suant to MSA Section 462.358 and other applicable state laws, and the Developer, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, recite and agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The approved Development Contract dated October 20, 1987 for the plat of Kurvers Point, recorded August 12, 1988 as Document No. 98321 with the Carver County Recorder shall be amended to read as follows: Section 16. Trails and Trail Fees. In the future the City may construct a trail in the plat along the Kurvers Point Road right-of-way to its connection with Trunk Highway 101. The Developer shall inform, in writing, each lot buyer of this planned trail construction. Before a building permit is issued for a lot, a trail fee shall be paid in accordance with the fee schedule that exists at that time. The trail fee, however, may be prepaid at any time in accordance with the fee schedule that exists at the time of payment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City and Developer have caused this Addendum to be executed as of the date noted above. (SEAL) By: o. as L. Hami ton, Mayor ~.~ Don Ashworth, ~ty Manager ~ ~ , -1- DEVELOPER (SEAL) BY:~~~~~~ Melvin M. Kurvers .' By: -;;:~'J~ Franklin J urvers STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) On this 3o~ day of ~~ , 1988, before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared Thomas L. Hamilton and Don Ashworth, to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn did say that'they are respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the Municipal corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Thomas L. Hamilton and Don Ashworth acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. . -. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF LA g \I E."-. ) ..~tl.--' . K"'_....-:~~ J. r~I::-~t.J...r:")T _~..l "'Oi.'.,' F:!"JLI~ - r' . -'.;)TA ~'~"'" C'["'''-'' ,.......,-" ,...,. I ,~;, \,.,' . l t .._ My OllllIIIliaSlon e~...~es 'c.,~o, :AA&.t../"J..AM.t.,IAA~:.~/': t.'.. ~_:lj;.(,\.~./:'.l..i.."_;;"11- ~ ;~., J ~ ~ ..-:~~';;':;;:;:: KI:.I. T. r,:EU',v:~2ErJ : ~ ~r{.:-i:1~ NOiARY rUBLlC . l,j;.:;ESOTA f ~ \'~""'~~,\."; CARVER COUiHY ""-:('..\,,' , '. : ....~.. I..y COm:':11SSIOn Expires May 29, 1992 t )tn"~'~wn~'n'VvtI~~'IYYVYY )( The fOregO~ instrument was acknowledged before me this ~I=-,day of ~('"" I'Y\~("" , 1988, by Franklin. J. Kurvers and Melvin M. Kurvers, developers of this property. ~~ \. 11~t01~ 4<-0"- Notary P lic Drafted by: City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 . -2- .. . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 March 28, 1991 Mr. Curt Oakes, Planner City of Victoria 7551 Rose, P.O. Box 36 Victoria, MN 55386 Dear Curt: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the railroad right-of-way trail improvement project on March 26, 1991. In light of the recent discovery that the right-of-way lies wholly within the City of Victoria, I presented this item addressing the benefit Chanhassen derives from the trail. Since 3,000 ft. of the 4,800 ft. trail currently proposed for improvement is located adjacent to Chanhassen, determination of the city's involvement was based on this 3,000 ft. Street Superintendent Gay's estimate of the rock material necessary to complete the entire project is 650 tons at $5.25 per ton. Calculating 3,000 ft. equals 62% of the total project. The City is prepared to fund half of the approximate $2,150 ($1,075) necessary to purchase the material for this section and provide the truck and crew necessary to transport and apply this material. The Park and Recreation Commission is aware of the need for cooperation in these kind of situations. However, a portion of the Commission was apprehensive about funding a trail improvement project located outside of the city's corporate limits. At the conclusion of the discussion, the desire to cooperate prevailed and the Commission voted to provide assistance. Please contact me if the City of victoria would like to accept the $1,075.00 contribution with the provision of a truck and crew to apply approximately 200 tons of aggregate material, to be coordinated with the City of Victoria's construction schedule. Sincerely, _~~ .M7~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator (J)::S n' -, ~ ~ III - "0 .... III 3 OQ <.11 ~ 'Tl Ill; 0 !l ~ !:i" ~ ~ ~ g~ ~ 3 ~' S" ~~ i. ~ a ~ ~ ~, ~ g ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ j ~ g. "0 ~ 3 * g ~ 0 ~ "0 3 ~ a: e. a 0" to III ;:2. g. Gl ::So ~ s: a III 8. III III III eo _ $ ~ 0 III Er _. "0 II> ~ "0 I: t: Er::s e. 5 II> 1;' C ::s ego' if c ::r ~ II> '2 ~ III g, Cali)'.8 .::s Er 0 0 2'!! 9 ~ Q.Q::S;;: II> 2,11>:-0 ~Ei_-!" g.....-S. .Q.Ii"O ~:; ~ II> ~Q.fr~~I~~g~~~n~Ot~Ill~"g8~a~i ~~Q.~~e.~gErP;~giJI lig-i~B~e.~ ~ li)' e. ... ~ - 2 II> Q. 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The Commission suggested that the neighborhood conduct an initial survey to be used as a guide for the master plan for the park based on our collective priorites. New surveys from time to time would help fine-tune expenditures over the years since budgets are always limited. Here are some of the concerns and ideas given at the meeting. * No traff ic or parking from Wood Duck Lane because of safety and esthetic considerations. * Timetable for improvements - city budget, area family growth and desires are big factors. City will probably start improving the park in 1992 and add improvements over several years, starting with the highest priorities established by this survey and any other input from the residents and park designers hired by the city. * It is acceptable to raise funds privately to speed up or make low-impact improvements on our own to use the park now - like mow a fielo and path, add picnic tables, etc. * Parallel parking on existing or improved shoulder of Lake Lucy Lane for 5-10 spaces might satisfy minimal need for vehicle parking. * A paved 6' trail, probably following the existing footpath for strollers, biking, walking, jogging, to be handicap accessable from WOod Duck Lane and Lake Lucy Lane. * If budget allows, a totlot structure should go in now before children in that age group grow up * Natural features should not be affected by improvements. * The class B wetland could be upgraded to an open water class A type to provide waterfowl habitat, visual interest, winter ice sports, and reduce existing mosquito habitat and dependence on pesticides. Funds could be shared by DNR restoration programs. * Some kind of mowed playing field with baseball backstop or improved gravel infield, benches, soccer nets added later. * Park should be designed to accommodate large neighborhood gatherings. . Please indicate your preference of improvements to the park in order of priority, from 1 to 17 . These may not all fit in the park, but provides the park designers with an idea of priorities. Tot-lot structure Playground equipment/swings Picnic tables Park benches Grilling food - Freestanding barbecue grills Fire pit Open picnic shelter Field sports on simple open mowed playing field Field sports on more elaborate playing field with backstops, benches, gravel infield Improved wetland to open water (with intention of skating or hockey rink there) Separate skating or hockey rink (not in improved wetland) Volleyball posts and net with sand court Tennis court Basketball - Half court Full court Parallel parking on the Park (north) side of Lake Lucy Lane Paved trail through the park from Lake Lucy Lane Portable toilets Drinking fountain Other Name Address . After completing this survey, please drop it off by April 22 at the City Hall to Todd Hoff man , the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Coordinator. He can answer other questions, too. Mike Filippi will distribute this survey to Pheasant Hill area residents, and I to Lake Lucy Highland area residents. Thanks for your time. Eric Rivkin. 1695 Steller Court C ITV OF CHANHASSEN .' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900. FAX (612) 937~5739 March 26, 1991 Dr. David Clough Superintendent of Schools Independent School District 112 110600 Village Road Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Dr. Clough: As briefly discussed in our phone conversation of last week, the City of Chanhassen has initiated a number of improvement projects at the Chanhassen Elementary School playground/City Center Park site. A location map is attached for your use in reviewing my request. Also attached for your review is a copy of a letter sent . to Dr. Macy dated March 12, 1991. The information presented in that correspondence explains the proposed project in detail. As stated in my letter, these improvement projects have taken form in a relatively short period of time. In total, $70,148.00 is currently available to be invested in playground improvements at both playground sites at the school. An additional $25,633 is available to be invested in the reconstruction of the four tennis courts and for minor repairs to the warming house and hockey rinks. A study of al ternati ves for a potential "master" plan for this site was also prepared at a cost of $2,367.00. This funding is being allocated from the sources outlined below which currently total $98,148.00. Current Funding Chanhassen Jaycees Chanhassen Elementary APT 1990 Community Development Block Grant Funds 1991 Community Development Block Grant Funds 1991 Chanhassen Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Fund $ 250.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,898.00 $20,000.00 $68.000.00 $98,148.00 These projects represent significant improvements to the facilities on this site, all of which are scheduled for completion in the . summer of 1991. The refurbished play areas and facilities will ~. . . Dr. David Clough March 26, 1991 . Page 2 provide improved play and recreational experiences for the phildren attending school at Chanhassen Elementary and the.residents of the community. However, as discussed, we have encountered a comparatively small but surmountable problem in respect to funding. An additional $15,000 is needed to complete all the improvements to the desired standards. This $15,000 would include the allocation of approximately $6,000 towards the reconstruction of the tennis courts and $9,000 for additional play equipment at the west playground. Note: $40,250 is the current budget for the west playground. However, when accounting for site improvement, border material, resilient surfacing, additional asphalt and labor associated with this project, approximately $15,000 to $17,000 remains for the actual purchase of equipment. The additional $9,000 would increase these projections to $24,000 to $26,000. The equipment which then could be purchased would far better meet the needs of the school and community. I believe the school district's and the community's benefit as a resul t of these proj ects will be many times greater .than the monetary value dedicated towards them. I have attempted to work side by side with school officials and volunteers in planning for these improvements. A pivotal point has been reached in ensuring the return to the school playground next fall will be a time for celebration. With this, I respectfully request that the school district consider allocating $15,000 towards the completion of these improvements. Thank you for your consideration. Si~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:k Enclosure cc: Dr. Kathleen Macy, Principal, Chanhassen Elementary Don Ashworth, City Manager Kitty Sitter, President, Chanhassen Elementary APT Chanhassen Elementary School Playground/City Center Park Advisory Committee Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission UPDATE: 4-19-91 .' I met with Dr. Kathleen Macy, Principal of Chanhassen Elementary on Monday, April 15, 1991. Dr. Macy informed me, siting a variety of reasons, that School District 112 would not be making any financial contributions towards these improvements. . .