1991 07 23 Agenda . e e FILE AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of June 25, 1991 Minutes 2. Visitor Presentations 3. site Plan Reviews: a. Lundgren BrothersjOrtenbladjErsbo b. Americana Bank 4. 1991 Report to the City Council 5. 1991 Fourth of July Evaluation 6. 1992 Budget, Worksession 7. Commission Member Presentations 8. Administrative Section .. . . e I- Z <( u :J a.. CL <t e ~ ~ W I- - (f) e .-/ /;-.. CITY 0 F CllANHASSEN PRC DATE: 7-23-91 CC DATE: 7/1 HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat and wetland alteration to create 37 single family lots on 30+ acres and altering/filling of Class B wetlands on pr,operty zoned RSF and RR, located east of Powers Boulevard and south of Lake Lucy Road, Lundgren Brothers/Ortenblad/Ersbo LOCATION: See location map APPLICANT: Ortenblad and Ersbo properties Lundgren Brothers Construction, Inc. PRESENT ZONING: Ortenblad: RSF Ersbo: RSF ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - Curry Farms Subdivision Zoned RSF S - Existing Single Family Zoned RSF E - Existing Single Family Zoned RSF W - Platted Large Undeveloped Lots Zoned RR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within the service areas of Curry Farms Park, Pheasant Hill Park and Carver Beach Playground. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The on-street trail that exists along Lake Lucy Road is currently identified in the Comprehensive Plan. This trail abuts the northerly border of the subject property. No trail links or loops are identified in the comprehensive Plan in relation to this property. A trail connection to the south allowing access to Greenwood Shores Park and Lake Ann Park is desirable, but cannot easily be accommodated due to the absence of an easement at utica Terrace, Greenwood Shores. Sufficient right-of-way adjacent to Lake Lucy Road is available to allow construction of an off-street trail if deemed necessary in the future. Ortenblad/Ersbo Subdivisions July 23, 1991 Page 2 , . RECOMMENDATION: e It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council accept full park and trail fees in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction for the ortenblad and Ersbo Subdivision. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location maps 2. Preliminary plat e e e e e ~///C/f.1 4't'/fl ,7? 100 50 ~-- -- o 50 100 200 I SCALE IN FEET 4f _ _J II.... ",," '4'., D ( 10 ,C; CHANHASSEN~ /- o & ..~~... LOCATION MAP ~~ "'- - ,YaJ.#'PC1"v $4/3 I -' ~ '-.. ) i I 1 I I I i I t 1 SWL'4 12 13 ROAD - ; . o m Cf) Q:1O'<t WID~ N~ , (f) U. N - ..o::! N~ 00..: ~ Q: ~-i ex C\/ -::: :I:Olw U~N _al'-. Q: z RICHARD O~TENBLAD ElK 117, P. 175 ~~A/'T/A'~ /~.?'~;; 74/##' ~?~~ / " I --.-_____..i-_____ I I ....... \/'., II 4 ,------ / I ,---.. ~,~'OOQ\ .' /~ ~~. \ G~~~"" 8 . '--. lJJ Z ex: _.,.J. ..._ 10 7 15 9 JOH'" CLA'l1( 8K loe, P 28e ---200 -_ I .1 I I ! 1 ! 01 ,., (IJ ~CI:) ::l'<t ;:;'<t <[Q. a: - l.:)0'> fr. ~:ll: ctl ~ 190. R ~. PETERSON BK 97, P 319 . - 215 --- JAME 5 C IIA'JIS 8K 144, P. .6 . .1 ... ..... >- cell a:- "' ~ ui J<) ,"" ",u 20 cC .. 5 ,...J. ,0 :0::: i. (3 Z ex: ~ o W 0::: 50 ST i' r<) rtl r<l ,..-; 0:: uJ m Q: w :ll: - W" " w. U" -" .... - w'" a:CXl S <l ...J ""'n<' ""..J 8K 140, P. 103; LE_'S WOITAUA ilK 9!l, P 2S!l 01 v' <:l I ' 0 a:: ~l . ,~~ \.. rt[;I .{ , Z '.', . ' OL.' I . · r' '~-!.'-: ~ -- I . .,. --.-l' ::..: I; - ._~ !. ~ -'----; II ~ '~- 1:5 ' ':' E. VA : Z Q. 2 IlL _ C::> .. --. -- " ~-R' ~ ~~ -- '- ;;C - --.- ;t ...: . ~-=- ~ ~~-19- 5( ~ SH ....':~. , ..~-- ......- ._- ~ (.~ ~... - ')-m- -- ~f-- ::> - - ..,00. ,I ;., >J- 0 '" '" I . llt_. ....:.' > r .~~... I~:'r "'" .. -- - r...-- I' :.--..-= , IltlE 1 ~.- ...~ S( ~ 0'>. on' d z ., 3 -=r~ 2 ~:[~ -- - J~'. Ie : : !. I ' >- ..... Z ': :J :0 :: () 'IT---- 6 . e e e l r -. . ....!. ,)'= 'j:;-. e! ~: I ~i I.; ~! ~i ,:1 . - ~ . r fSIc.CllI.'.. " ~ m Z ~ " " " j .. ~ ....N o-U'~I"IE i .. .. C C ~ (II ~ Jl: Hi ... " " (II ~ iii p~ ~ C .. .." m Z i s ~q il co " n .. z .. ~ -c .. 5l " ~ ~~ ... .. " "' ~ " !<l . "' :II R ~ c5~= ~ !; ~ ~~~ S mmm . i !< mmm ~ ~~~ C "' ~ lit .. PRELIMINARY PLAT ORTENBLAD & ERSBO PROPERTIES LU/lDGREII BROS. COIISTRUCTIOIIIIIC. CHAHMAssrN. "N(!IIOTA 'rJ :uq ~4X3 I I L2 I = T~ I I Ii ,I~ :/= ~ t~ " L_ ,r- 5/B If ~ I ~ ~I ~L_ n c " " .. Of\'(Jlj IN"" aMvl!' ARL"Q TOH COUIIT l!olf'll..... /. ~;: " ,', . :ji; ;, ~ .- - . , ., ~:' ,. \. ~i~" 1\~~:}~~~:;.:':~ ---=~ ? J I ~~~1~, : "~' \ (' . ...- I ;oIL, "'I~-;P': -.r,,'l'-.: .,::- " . ir!:,r. '~.: '.N . ~ ~i\'!:"~~\;>:1~::<' /"S~':, ~ ,.., \f~ ' ,'" i: ;'~'. '. .....~lS:. .fl<l. ,l:'.:: .....".." '''.~#,. : .~ SATHRE-BERGOUIST,INC, _-. , 1$0 SOutH SAOADWAY . WA'tllHA. UN "391 . "15 fOOO I e I- Z <t U :J a.. 0.. <( e ~ ~ W I- - en e " "~,, '-- t.,j CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 7-23-91 CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k ~~ STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: PUD Amendment, Replat and site Plan Review - Replat a portion of Market Square PUD and site plan for a 7,740 sq. ft. building on property zoned PUD and located in the southwest corner of the West 78th Street and Market Boulevard intersection, Americana Bank LOCATION: Intersection of West 78th Street and Market Boulevard (see location map) APPLICANT: Americana community Bank 300 Main Street West Sleepy Eye, Minnesota PRESENT ZONING: PUD ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - OI, Office/Industrial District S - BG, General Business District E - CBD, Central Business District W - BG, General Business District ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within the service area of City Center.Park. Acquisition of additional parkland from this parcel is not reasonable or desirable. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This property lies wi thin the downtown business district and, as in the remainder of the downtown, pede'strian walkways are to be installed. walkways are depicted on the proposed plan; however, bituminous material is specified. All walkways in the downtown district are to be constructed of concrete. Americana Bank July 23, 1991 Page 2 1 e It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council accept full park and trail fees as part of this development. A trail fee credit -for construction of walkways is not deemed necessary as no credits have been given in any previous cases of development in the tax increment district. Businesses locating in this district are to pay full development fees. RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map e e I e YIc,,1 NITY MAP e.... &::.1'1 ~1ool8 (; 1"1""( S 01:11_ . Q! a Q. Q &J ol :$ """: ., ~ T'~. 'SoT'.. e .ox . e '\ \~ \l\ , ~ t>I'l ,- }' ~ t- J J ",' r-\ r <f' / ('i~~Jb (~' "~1~ ft X'I~ + ):, [)' ,~' x ~ -----' " " x y' x,x I, v V/ t _.J< Y 'f~ >~" 1-(1 J-" (I \\~ \ ,-t . \) I_~ 7 "l:. ') \ ' to. G~), r------ 'i ~' 5~ ( \ ~i '- t!~ ~ I+J \ ' ' >I:~I, ~ I .Il ' "t- t ,I i : ~ . i I I ~ i r I ~ . / (:'D I l---' I . I ,..,(f I c7D', 1'--- , I I I I , I \ I \ \ \ , (: ,) ~~..' I 1-il): I ,\ '-., L- , I~ - ,~ I'~ ~ -t ,.n, ,~~;i' I 1'~' ~ -J "~- '~...L I T~~~~ /-L N T -~'r ' \ ... ~ "r ~ ~ ~ ~ IS I \ '. I ( I 17 '.u ~ I 0 ~ III I~ r I~ L ) 1 r g I ! IVV'> ~) ">>0'-' -. ."',...,0., , I I I / I ( / / I r I ,+1 \\' .[ -' I ~ 1 o f .!) \ '.../ '-I t 1 - - -:---f-- - ~~.. \ ':- ~,/f( ~~ \~----------------- . lJI'ti'.: \' ~ )~~ :S ~ ~ . , ,_______ N I j -' "'Y ~ .~'c"j r:?fll.. vO ~ ~______ .---.._.-/ "'''if==lT ~p ~ \- --~..JI ~ ~ II --}"'=:/ , d}, I "'" , ... '\ -i~ \ -. \ ~ ~~\I . ~ t I-- " t ," tMt l \j -" i l:\ , a- ~ I\- C) j ~ 7. - I~ ~ '" J I I~ f 2 ~ I 'icr I ----- ~~~. I e . C11! 1..a .L-:l" \.J -...,~vW cO -ll (j' ~, , S t, r ~ I J tI I ~ \l ~I ~ ~/ I..) ~ 1 / ~ I J I I .:','iJ J( ,i' y,ry /,/ 1'''''I?c!~ -r I \- ~ /1/ j ~~ I - ~ -'J:t t' {" i / 0 I u~~ I -IJ If\ cl t I {.! -~ cO e II / I -'" I .)~- , ':\ I ~- /" ::, ~- :., rO :i ~ I / I / , cL \~ ~ \II If\ ( f~'/ '-' I \ \ - \ \ \ .. , \ ! -0 ~ \. ~ 011 :L 11 _\ Cl- uj r- J1 .8 - i" v I r e ~ c- e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 4- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission coordinatorl \i r Ie- FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: June 18, 1991 SUBJ: 1991 Report to city council e As can be seen from-the attached excerpt from the Chanhassen city Code, the Park and Recreation Commission shall render a full report to the city council covering its operation for the preceding twelve months every september. This report highlights the Commission's accomplishments for the year which were guided by the 1991 Park Acquisition and Development capital Improvement program. I will be drafting a preliminary report for review by the Commission at the July 23 meeting. A final draft will then be presented for approval at the August 27 meeting, prior to submission to the City Council. e ~ 14-19 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Sec. 14-19. Functions. (a) The park and recreation commission shall advise the council on the conduct of a public recreation program and to that end the commission shall advise the council in ,provid- ing, conducting and supervising recreation areas, facilities, services and programs for public recreation, including such facilities as playgrounds, parks, swimming pools, beaches, camps and indoor recreation centers either within or without the corporate limits of the city upon property under the custody and management of the city or upon other public or private property with the consent of the owners of such property. The commission shall advise the city in the operation of parkl!l, recreati.on areas and like facilities now owned or acquired by the city, and may advise the city to enter into agreements of a cooperative nature with other public and private agencies, organizations or individuals when, in the judgment of the com. mission, such procedure would prove advantageous. The commission shall make recommenda- tions to the council concerning property acquisitions needed to provide a comprehensive recreation system. (b) On or before September 1 of each year, the commission shall render a full report to the council covering its operation for the preceding twelve (12) months, together with its recom- mendations and an estimate of the funds required for its work for the ensuing year. It shall also render such other regular or special reports, advisory recommendations or make such investigations as it deems advisable, or as may be requested by the council. (Ord. No. 17, ~ 2, 1-15-68) ce Secs. 14-20-14-30. Reserved. <e ARTICLE III. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT. Sec. 14-31. Findings and policy declaration. (a) The city desires to be prepared for future growth with respect to population, housing and general land development. (b) The city has been and is developing and constructing public facilities and providing public services to meet the needs of the community's growing population, and these services and facilities must be able to keep pace with the ever growing need. (c) Faced with the potential for major physical, social and fiscal problems caused by rapid and unprecedented growth in relation to park open space and its development within the community, and being concerned with existing, as well as future overall quality and character of land development within the city, the city council has undertaken a program to develop a policy statement which will act to guide the acquisition and development of neighborhood parks throughout the city by providing a policy which explains the obligation and require- ments that will be expected of all housing development within the community. .Cross references-Planning and development, Ch. 15;' subdivisions, Ch. 18. State law reference-Authority of city .to require dedication of park lands, payments in lieu of dedication, etc., in subdivisions, M.s. * 462.358, Subd. 2b. ~ 780 e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 5 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation supervisor~;I~ July 18, 1991 U TO: DATE: SUBJ: 4th of July Celebration Evaluation Chanhassen's annual 4th of July celebration is over for another year. Overall, the celebration went very well, with many positive comments about the events from citizens in the community. Each event will be looked at and evaluated. KIDDIE PARADE Although the weather did not look like it was going to cooperate, it eventually cleared up for a well attended Kiddie Parade. Kids and parents decorated their bikes, wagons and themselves for the annual parade. The parade route worked out well with it being the right length for the young children as well as the older ones. Traffic control was adequate, with the Public Safety Department blocking off all entrance points to the parade route. For next year's parade, the suggestion was made to add a couple of clowns to bring a little excitement to the parade. The treats at the end of the parade are a wonderful tradition that the children look forward to every year and should be continued. PUBLIC SAFETY with the increased attendance on July 3rd, the Public Safety Department would like to schedule their open house display that evening to maximize the big crowd to increase visibility for the department. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE T~DE FAIR The Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair was not as well attended as year by the local businesses and merchants. However, businesses and merchants will become familiar with the trade which should increase attendance. The prizes that were given last the fair away Mr. Todd Hoffman July 18, 1991 Page 2 e every 15 minutes were very well received by the public and next year the prize give-a-ways should be increased. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Chanhassen Volunteer Fire Department did an excellent job with the fire truck 'display and demonstrations again this year. The public was very interested in the aerial truck at City Center Park and the demonstrations at.Lake Ann on the 4th. For next year's' celebration, possibly new equipment could be added to the display and demonstrations. ENTERTAINMENT EXTRAVAGANZA The performers from Personal Performance Arts did a good job in getting the public involved with their shows. A second caricaturist could be added because of the increased popularity and the number of face painters, magicians and jugglers could stay the same. . CARNIVAL GAMES The carnival games, which included ring toss, hoop throw and ping ~ pong toss, were popular as always. The games were quite busy at .., times but were well organized b~cause of the split shifts per game. The shifts ran from 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. and 7:45 to 9:30 p.m. splitting the shifts allowed the shorter hours for the workers, which resulted in better outcome. The games went well and an additional new carnival game could be added to build the popularity of the games. SQUARE DANCING The Schooner Squares and Milt's Posse put on another great square dancing demonstration this year. The Public Safety parking lot was a nice place for the demonstration because of the open space, the abundance of people in the area, close to all the events and the electricity needs were met in that particular area. The demonstration is a crowd pleaser and should be looked at again for next year. ADVENTURE BALLOONS The weather did not cooperate enough this year for Adventure Balloons to display their balloon. Adventure Balloons will be demonstrating at this year's Oktoberfest. Hopefully, we will see it then. e e Mr. Todd Hoffman July 18, 1991 Page 3 THE HI-TOPPS The Hi-Topps had another good performance this year with plenty of crowd participation. The decision was made in the early afternoon to move the band inside the big tent. Having them in the big tent worked out well because there always seemed to be a number of people dancing up front by the band, which enticed other people into participating. The tent did not seem to be overly crowded; however, if the band is going to be in the tent next year, a bigger dance floor may be desired. The only concern is the source of power. The City Hall receptacles kept blowing the breakers because too many items were plugged into one source. It would be better to spread out the power needs even more to different receptacles for next year. Extension cords are always in demand. Maybe next year each group at the celebration can supply their own cords, i. e. Rotary, band, entertainment. COMMUNITY PICNIC e The communi ty picnic is funded by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is organized by Karen Engelhardt and Todd Gerhardt. The same amount of food was gone in 45 minutes this year compared to 2 hours last year. Karen and Todd will be re- evaluating the amount of food to be purchased and reorganization of the serving tables. All-in-all, I think the free supper is appreciated by the residents. KID'S FISHING CONTEST The registrations were down this year compared to last year I s contest. One reason for the lower numbers was the registration forms were not distributed early enough to the businesses around town. Next year the registration forms will be out at least 2 to 3 weeks earlier. The fishing contest itself was a lot of fun. The kids used the minnows and worms donated from Chanhassen Bait and Tackle to catch many sun fish and some bass. There were a great number of prizes and cash donated this year by the local businesses. It makes it fun that every kid received a prize. Next year with increased registrations, it would be beneficial to look at an additional spot to have children fish for the contest. TREASURE HUNT e The clues for the Treasure Hunt were very well done, as it took all the clues to find the prize. The treasure chest was filled . with a wide variety of prizes that pleased the winner very much. Having the clues at the Rotary concession stand worked out well and it gave the participants a common place to find the clue information. Having coordinators for the Treasure Hunt helped Mr. Todd Hoffman July 18, 1991 Page 4 tremendously. They performed every task from start to finish and did a wonderful job. e SAND SCULPTURE It was a hard choice picking a winner at the Sand Sculpture contest since there were many good entries. Roping off a big area on the west side of the beach seemed an adequate amount of space for the amount of people who participated. Having the prizes for everyone and the ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd seemed to be well received and should be continued again next year. HULA HOOP The Hula Hoop and Limbo contests were a hit again this year. It helped having all the prizes separated ahead of time to make the event run smoothly. It would help next year to have a megaphone to gather and alert the people from all areas of the beach that the event will be started at a certain time. It might be fun to get the adults more involved in these events next year. Maybe separate prizes could be given to the adults for their efforts. For the older aged children maybe different prizes of equal value could be distributed to the winners. e FAMILY GAMES Balloon Toss: The lake-side picnic area was filled with people wanting to participate in the family games, starting out with the Balloon Toss. The weather was sunny and warm during the Balloon Toss, so if a balloon broke when you tried to catch it it was refreshing! Lighter quality balloons should be purchased next year. The balloons were very hard to break. Some of them traveled 25 to 30 feet in the air, bounced twice and still would not break. It. was a lesson well learned. It would be a good idea to increase the length of time for the balloon toss, giving more people a chance to participate since we had to turn people away when moving on to the next game, which was Squirt Gun Relay. Squirt Gun Relay: The Squirt Gun Relay seemed to be a hard event for people to understand. Most of them continued to squirt the water into the cups after the time had elapsed and refilling the squirt guns seemed to take awhile when waiting to continue for the next round. A new game should be added for next year's family games. JumD RODe Relav: The Jump Rope Relay was fun with many people participating. Many younger children, ages 6 - e 10, entered, so we should consider having more heats at e Mr. Todd Hoffman July 18, 1991 Page 5 that age level. The most fun part of the Jump Rope Relay was seeing the adults compete against each other. This would be another area of expansion. Inner Tube Relav: The Inner Tube Relay did not seem to be as busy as last year. The weather was kind of touch and go, with some rain showers that might have discouraged a few potential participants. The people that did race appeared to be having a good time, children as well as parents. The prizes that were given away were well suited, especially the pizza coupons. A megaphone would have helped out when communicating information to the participants. The Inner Tube Relays are a game that Chanhassen residents look forward to from year to year and should be planned again for next year. MUSIC IN THE PARK e Music in the Park was performed by singer/songwriter Jeff Brooks. Jeff's performance was very relaxing after a busy day at Lake Ann. The crowds gathered around the stage area as Jeff sang and performed. The parkview area is also very busy with people waiting for the fireworks and it might be an idea to also have some type of entertainment up in the parkview area. FIREWORKS This year's fireworks spectacular was well received from the Chanhassen residents. Many comments were heard about the wonderful show and finale. Roping off a bigger area of the beach worked in keeping people away from the area where the fireworks were being discharged. I did not hear of one person who was hit with debris from the fireworks. We should consider staking off the area where the fireworks truck goes down to the beach. This year car parking on the grass made it hard for both the fireworks truck and fire safety truck to enter the area. Next year the area should be staked off at least by early afternoon. This would help a great deal. ADULT FISHING CONTEST The Adult Fishing Contest was well attended again this year. It would have filled had the registration forms gone out sooner. The prizes and merchandise given out this year were very nice and well received by the participants. The fishing contest was very we~l organized and everyone commented on how fun it was. e Mr. Todd Hoffman July 18, 1991 Page 6 e SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS The Softball Tournaments did not fill like I had hoped they would. That particular weekend may have been bad since a lot of people were out of town. Next year the tournaments will be held the weekend before the 4th of July in the hope of filling the tournaments. The Men's Open Tournament did play with 9 teams participating. As players left the park, a lot of them thanked me and said what a fun tournament it was to play in. Many teams like the one day tournaments because it does not tie up their whole weekend. Many teams, both local and non-local are returning every year to play. The teams that placed in the tournament were happy with the prizes that were given to them. The tournament ran smoothly and next year it will be better with more teams in both the Men's Open and the Co-Rec Tournaments. HORSE RIDES People stood in line in the hope of getting a ride on one of the horses provided by the Eden prairie Horsemen's Saddle Club. The horse rides were a big item this year and seem to be growing from year to year. The rides were located on Softball Field #1 at City Center Park, which worked well for a location as well as parking. One item to consider next year would be to block off a big enough ~ area in the south parking lot so the Saddle Club would have enough parking. This year with the increased popularity of the Kiddie Parade, the overflow parking ended up at the south parking lot where the Saddle Club was, making the area a bit cramped. Next year the area will be blocked off creating a better parking situation. All-in-all, the 4th of July Celebration went very well and the number of volunteers this year was outstanding. Most areas and events had many workers, making the celebration a lot less stressful. The prize board in the big tent was a very good idea and went over well with the citizens of Chanhassen. As a goal for next year, it would be fun to increase the prize give-a-ways to one every 5 to 10 minutes all night. The 4th of July Celebration is an event that from year-to-year keeps growing and growing. Chanhassen can take pride in this special event that brings its citizens together for a real sense of community. e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN b 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation coordinator-'-H Ik-- DATE: July 9, 1991 SUBJ: 1992 Budget Worksession e At the June 25, 1991 Commission meeting, an initial worksession on the 1992 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program was held. The results of that discussion have been" combined with a list of items tabulated by staff over the ~ast six to eight months providing a base document from which to continue budget discussions. I have assembled this proposed improvement list by park location in alphabetical order. Using this list in conjunction with the 1991 City Park Inventory allows a clear picture of present and proposed future improvements to be visualized. This dialogue is a preliminary, but vital step in the development of the 1992 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Year end closing for 1991 will not be estimated until late summer, allowing formulation of possible 1992 budget scenarios. In the interim, the formulation of a "shopping list" for park acquisition and development ideas is the desired outcome of this discussion. Dollar estimates for each individual item will not be affixed until such time when the list is trimmed to represent realistic project goals. Bandimere Community Park Bandimere Heights Park Park sign e Park and Recreation Commission July 11, 1991 Page 2 e Bluff Creek Park Carver Beach Park Play area corrections Carver Beach Plavqround Replace swing Add two spring animals Purchase border wood and resilient material associated with these improvements Park sign e Chanhassen Estates Mini Park Park sign Chanhassen Hills Park Ballfield construction Play area addition Construction of tennis court Construction of basketball court Installation of trees Park sign Chanhassen Pond Park Kerber Boulevard Enhancement e e e e Park and Recreation Commission July 11, 1991 Page 3 city Center Park Hockey Rink Replacement Warming House Improvements Additional Play Equipment Curry Farms Park Park sign Greenwood Shores Park Herman Field Park Superdeck floating boardwalk Trail construction Play area picnic tables Ballfield construction Lake Ann Park Phones - shelter building Phone - ballfield concession building Wat3r and electrical hook-up, ballfield concession building First aid supplies Lifeguard room equipment Cash register Freezer Refrigerator Microwave Menu boards Canoes (3) Paddle boats (2) Water trikes (2) Life jackets (20) Canoe paddles (10) Park and Recreation Commission July 11, 1991 .. Page 4 .., Trolling motor and battery Dock for rental boats Landscaping for shelter Apply bituminous surfacing to trail loop Correct drainage swale between field #6 and soccer field Lake Susan Park Trail link to Chanhassen Archery range targets Pavilion improvements Aeration system Track ride Hills Meadow Green Park Installation of trees e Minnewashta Heights Park Play area expansion Minnewashta Park Increase reserve to $150,000 North Lotus Lake Park Installation of trees Play area expansion e e Park and Recreation Commission July 11, 1991 Page 5 Pheasant Hills Park Grading, Surfacing and site Preparation Power Hill Park prairie Knoll Park Rice Marsh Lake Park Play area expansion e South Lotus Lake Park Curbing access road Sunset Ridge Park Park Rule Signs 50 signs Trails Aggregate for south railroad trail e picnic Tables Slides a hundred feet long, connecting different play areas . , b When the "adventure playground" upgrading the old junior high school Is this gOing to e 'planca1JsloralOO,foot..litIe;Enm' 'auditorium. Some staffmembershad , I assured Council members last week, laid they would not haul equipmenl . G.haska.s own -. ..!he slide itself will never be ."1ore" or inslnlments from ~ir respective than aboUI two feel off the ground scbools to !be old Jumor high for PI ayg rou nd beneath it. The changing elevation. concerts.. . . as the site drops off loward upP<r NOI only wtll the school distnct Wonderland? Lake Grace 31lows for construCUon panicipate in the construction Mthe . of such along slide withoul raising il playground, bot Pokorney remlllded Imagine a playground area with high above the ground Furthermore, !be Council thallhe a~....me~1 31so slides a hundred feel long ..long nol 31though it is loog. speeds on it should calls for plUtlc'paUon In equlpm~nt high off !be ground. Imagine a play. DOt be dangerous. !be Council was replaceme.. and up~g.. The CIty, ground area where differenl kinds of told on !be oIher hand, will p,!,v'de ong<>- colorful playground equipment could The long slide would be !be major ing parle.playground muntenance. be found in differenl spots, all al feature of !be playground area. It ~~ for !be first stage it will include different levels, bul accessible 10 each wouldcoonecl!be lop play area with the $75,000 commitment from lhe oIher by slides or wide lemce sleps. !be lowest play area. When all of!be school district.. as weU as another U you can imagine these things. play areas were in, children could $10,000 COntntltment from school !ben you bave an idea of wbu!be move from ODe area 10 another by fimdraiset5,andthecity'IO\VII$IO,OOO "adventure playground" bebind!be slide or by walking down !be brood or more. Jonathan Elementary School may look temced lIeps. like after several years of develop- In fact, according to David Pokor. m~: "-~v..nture playground" will ney, city administralor. plans will be -t' . uc ..., drawn to accommodale two of the be buill on cilY owned property in long slides in anticipation of their McKnight Parle, bul wilh a contribu. popularily. Thai will raise the antici. tion of up 10 $75,000 from the school paled cost by aboul $6,000, he said district. That agreemenl was reached Shorter slides would make the other as pan of the overall agreemenl that connections. In fact, the Council was gave !be scbool districI parle land for told !be school district owns a 50- a COSI of $1 upon which to construct foot slide thai migbl become pan of its new elementary school. M' phase conslnlctioo. " July], Gene Ernst presenled a ge... Existing playground facilities II eral master plan for the parle to !be McKnighl Park wiu remain in pia... O>aska City Council. The Council, the way lbe plan in drawn. Cumnl in turD, authorized fm31 plans to be playequipmentwillbeearmarleedas drawn for the first pbase of CODSllUc. a pre-school play area, and !be grass tioo,estima..d 10 cost abouI $95,000. voUeyb31l court will remain where it Phase oDe could go 10 !be bidding is. The picnic areas will 31so be u... process as early as mid.July. touched The new constructioa areas (Jbe O>asta School Board bad will be in the side of the hiU, wbich approved the plan al its last meet- Ernst said bas I 49-fOOl drop. ing.) .. 'While the playground area received While CODStnlction would begin at Council IClIon. II least two Council ' once, completion of the firsl phase is members 31so said they found !be nOI expected until after scbool bas amphithealer concepl very exciting. begun. Ma)<lr Roben Roepke asked Potor. U the entire master plan for the ney wbere the amphitheater was in parle should ever be cODStnlctecl, the !be city's capit31 improvemenll'Jans. cost would be about a h31f miUion Pokorney responded il wasn'l 10 !be doUars. Thai entire concept, bow. plans for !be next five years, whicb ever, 31so caJJs for the CODStnlction prompled Roepke to say, "maybe of an open air ampbithealer, mucb we should revisit (the capit31 im- like !be one in Slarring Park in Eden provement plans). Prairie. And the amphithea,er. 310ng Council member Robert UndaII also with a gazebo, wooden stage, sound showed inlerest in the open air faciJ. equipment and misceUaneous other ity, Ialer noting wryly that it sbould appunenances is anticipated to cost I find bv<r since "it is next 10 a schooL" quarter million doUars. That le.ve.. UodaII was alluding 10 ODe of !be quaner million for !be super play. reasons school staff did nol favor ground. e 1 x ~ -~ ~ ~. 9 ~ I f .~ ~ ~ i j 1 i ~ e ?)- ~ .{ 9- t e e June 28, 1991 Mr. Robert Lambert Director of Community Services Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources 7600 Executive Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RECEIVEt~ CommissionU'L' '.' () . J ..:.. " 1991 'i ' '/ ' ) , , , . ~,. "',i-1ANHIIC:: . "'",Sf!" Dear Mr. Lambert and Commission: We are aware that the abandoned railroad track previously known as the Chicago & N.W. Railroad is being considered for a multi- use trail in Chanhassen. It has been proposed that this tiail include horseback riding as part of the multi-use. As Eden Prairie horse owners and horse club members, we have a strong interest in the Eden prairie portion of the railroad line as horse trail/multi-use trail. The portion of the railroad bed extending west of County Road 4 to the Chanhassen Trail would be the most suitable. A trailer parking facility at Miller Park could be the starting point for the trail. We do not see the likelihood of using the portion east of County Road 4. We have reviewed articles which describe the successful use of railroad beds for horseback riding in conjunction with a variety of other trail uses. Multi-use trails work well if all users follow basic courtesy and safety rules. Perhaps regulations on speed (i.e., walk, trot, slow canter) and courtesy (i.e., clearing aside manure droppings) can be posted~ Presently there are no designated horse trails in Eden Prairie. New horse owners are moving into our city every year, and soon there will be a second horse training and boarding stable. A multi-use trail would be a welcome addition to the community. Please consider our ideas for the use of the abandoned railroad bed and notify our trail representative (Pat Nimmerfroh, 934- 0585) of any meetings regarding its future use. To illustrate our strong interest, we will send you a list of individuals who support and look forward to the horse trail. 0~PJ:=~~ Pat Nimmerfroh Trail Representative for Eden prairie Horsemen Phone: 934-0585 cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Del Miller, Hennepin Parks