1991 08 27 Agenda . Ie e FILE AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to Order 1. Approval of July 23, 1991 Minutes. 2. Shadowmere Subdivision. 3. Discuss Potential of Aerating Lake Susan. 4. Park and Trail Fee Revenue Report. 5. site Plan Review, Chanhassen Business Center PUD. 6. 1991 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference. 7. Establish 1992 Capital Improvement Budget. 8. Capital Improvement Project Updates: a. Lake Susan Park b. South Lotus Lake Park c. City Center Park d. Herman Field Park e. Lake Ann Picnic/Recreation Shelter f. Curry Farms Park g. Sunset Ridge Park 9. Commission Membe~ Presentations. 10. Administrative Presentations. a. Oktoberfest b. Summer Discovery Playground Evaluation c. Recreation Program Update 11. Administrative section. e e e ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~/;I Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: August 7, 1991 SUBJ: Shadowmere Subdivision Upon reviewing a letter from Mary Kay Schmitt, 521 Shadowmere Court at the July 23, 1991 Park and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission directed staff to investigate the history of this development. Ms. Schmitt's inquiry relates to the possibility of acquiring Lot 11, Shadowmere for park purposes. The development contract for Shadowmere was executed in September, 1987. The report presented to the Commission on this subdivision and the corresponding minutes are attached for your review. As can be seen from these documents, the report prompted little discussion from the Commission, with the majority of what discussion there was centering on an easement issue at the west end of the subdivision. A 20 ft. trail easement was acquired along the west end of the plat from Bighorn Drive to the existing Carver Beach Road. The reason at the time for not acquiring parkland, which remains valid today, is that Shadowmere lies within the service areas of Carver Beach Park, Chanhassen Pond Park and Meadow Green Park. Pedestrian access routes to Carver Beach Park and Chanhassen Pond Park are relatively short and uncongested. Walking to Meadow Green Park requires a slightly longer walk and the crossing of a collector street, Kerber Boulevard. A diagram. depicting these service areas is attached. A neighborhood park, as classified by the City's Comprehensive Plan, serves populations within a one-half mile radius of the site. Access to three neighborhood parks, each unique from the next, is clearly available to Shadowmere under this policy. In regard to the investigation of the present situation surrounding Lot 11, I contacted Mr. Jim Fenning, the developer of the subdivision. Mr. Fenning stated he originally sold the lot for $90,000. The party purchasing the lot from Mr. Fenning then sold it to a third party, who is now in litigation with the seller {) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission August 7, 1991 Page 2 concerning the transaction; As stated in Ms. Schmitt's letter, the City does maintain a large drainage easement over parts of Lot 11 for purposes of retaining and filtering runoff prior to its discharge into Lotus Lake. The city does not own this property however. The original letter received from Ms. Schmitt and its attachments are enclosed to assist you in reviewing this item. It is the responsibility of the city to oversee the wise investment of limited park development and acquisition funds. Circumstances in this instanc~ do not necessitate the active pursuit of parkland. It is the recommended that the city not pursue acqu.isition of Lot 11, Shadowmere for park purposes. e e e ciTY OF CHANHASSEN ~A Z'c;.y 1/3 1. ; DATE: 5-5-87 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT- PROPOSAL: . ," Subdivision of 15 acres into 27 single family lots. f- Z <X: U :J a.. a.. <{ e LOCATION: Just north of Frontier Trail on Lotus Lake, east of Chanhasen Vista and Triple Crown Estates APPLICANT: Hilloway Corporation Attn: Mr. Jim Fennig 2440 Byrnes Road Minnetonka, MN 55343 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential District ACREAGE: 15 acres DENSITY: 1.8 units per acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RSF S- RSF E- Lotus Lake w- PUD-R, Planned Unit Development, Residential ~ ~ W I- - (f) e EXISTING PARKS: This proposed development lies within the service area of Carver Beach, Meadow Green and Chanhassen'Vista Parks. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not show this to be a park deficient area as it lies in the service area of 3 existing p~rks. The proposed trail plan calls for a trail to connect Carver Beach Road and Frontier Trail. Hilloway Subdivision May 5, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND This City has plans to extend Carver Beach Road to Frontier Trail. A majc: portion of the street right-of-way has already been obtained through Triple Crown Estates and Chanhassen Vista. The pr~osed trail plan identifies a trail segment along that extensfon. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office for the City to acquire a street easement wide enough to accommodate a trail for the Carver Beach Road extension, along the west side of the proposed develop- ment. In addition, I am recommending that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land as this is not a park defi- cient area. e e e ~ .... t- o · ~ 0000000 00 o 0 0 0 0 P /0 0 0 0 0 o .. = en CD ,- ID II) ", N N I {((I I I ))111 I I I ~ I CASCADE ~~~~ - T \11 CH~/STM.4S rW HENNEPIN COUNTY coo"'7. ~ _ 1\ ~~ f--~~I LAKE !It!- ~ JI CARVER,\,\ T PI~~~~I...>: fI~ ~ Wit. ow .--- (( R"" zJJ~ ~ K .-". b -1~ ';(\ - ~... ~~ ~.~. , PUD-R ~"'o:j.j'^ 7U_~~. ~~~-1! H ~ ;4......'i~ .:' :,..~ '"'-"-'. . "-:/~"r rr/lC ~~ "V1lI", "V~....e ..L\ ~..... TRAPLINE <. ~""'- r:t..s. ~'[! ~~ ...~~ J Jr--:., . C1RCL~~~. .'~. ~ ";~ I . 'Or, 'l /l. ,~~ C' ~MOUN~'E'\"~ :s: -::;:. L:Z:Nf p ~ AN ^.. = '-0" m '- . '. \.., , '.' co",T J ~,'<.'!j,o' .... A"i.! Rr(:\r~ ~f-~\~ W\~-~ 'I . ~.BLUFF '~ ~ HUNT .j!~ \:Jf f)...- ..lS '-.....'\ . ~ ; cq ~ r- .1"1"1" ,G'r y~:.$~.. ~~ ..~-, ~ . ~ . ~~ ~jJ C~) ~ ~~~ J-.:. Yr~-' \' '1 ,~fr m ~:~ ~~~~ ~. -l ,y f\.'- L J " 41 rI I . ./ ,,~,~ v !V~~\. . 1 r; ~ dTr~~!>t. \.,~~: "I J " \ ~ ~I... v....... J{' ~~~~. . - .' \doJ..t"~~]" Y u )~"~ .~~ ~,~ ID-F ~ji'1 e-:~ ~ ~~ ~'- m~\f1~. ' r\ff. ~ G~"; ~ ~,~ .:: 0~~ .,r-)~~\.~~ rJ~ RD dlt-::J ~(J\ ~ \ ~~0\\&crx~.T;. ~~~~;:: '~ ~~~~I '\~~ /1' ~ - _ -J -I-~" I~~~~~ .';'\~~[\\.': )\\.^ . '(~~~r'~~ " R~\. ~~~':;T ~Il~. ~~ ~\nOR I;LOTUS(~-:::-J ""- \dt t; ~~... . ~ IllJ I ...~ ~'- ~ ~I\a ~ ~ ~~.. -_~i:1 Pr<:Opo:};lE;/;) ~l\J[~.J{ z - 't<tJ ~ r-T -\.'-~'~., lr- ' ;3 ::111 Wl\I\\l ~, UD R' '\ 1 ~ t?H~IM~ t w . 1 lA \\\\~\ ~ -..! , "1 c.~' V/\ ~ I "'C /L -;;,\ '- ~ . :; ,"0 ~od' "'-V. '.., ~ ~,... n ro '= . . RS~ .-, n.,l i\-- ~ J>.. n~1 ..:/--;- -.. . i~ /. ';.-;2.~ I I, ~;:; . ~\. i: J I I/, '(f;fjj.~ _ f51o;.j "~Q ~~. ~~ - R l" . ~ r\ I)) ~R/~ I)~~- I /' J'')o..~ \\ · " , " fl80 7" Yfd:"'~~\' \~ R4 R 1 ~~."~;:: ~; I. I r--. 'J'E:;J'~ ~) ~ . v. A.'~" ~. ~ . /i Iff~~j ~~ ~ - ~; - . \... E ~ II ~ _ . ~,,~ "' Ii.;: "'..~ _ , o Q ~, Park and Rec Commission Meeting May 5, 1987 - Page 14 Hasek moved, Mady seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommen~ to acquire a 20 foot trail easment along Galpin Boulevard to serve as a future trail connection and to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land. Also, that the Staff work with the developer to leave the existing spruce trees wherever possible. All voted in favor and motion carried. ( 'f,~1.o'-- SITE PLAN REVIEW: SHADOWMERE, HILLOWAY CORPORATION, APPLICANT. ~ Sietsema: This subdivision lies just to the north of the houses on Frontier rrail and east of Chan Vista. Big Horn Drive in Chan vista comes right up here and there is an easement shown for Carver Beach Road to be extended that would come into Big Horn Drive. This development is along Lotus Lake. It's 15 acres proposed to be subdivided into 27 single family lots. This is not a park deficient area. It lies within the service areas of Chan vista, Carver Beach and Meadow Green, it's not park deficient. It's not far from Chan Elementary which has a park so this is not a park deficient area~ What I'm proposing here is to get a trail easement.along the Carver Beach Road extension so we are sure that we will have the trail that will connect. , Up in Triple Crown Estates we've got a trail easement that goes along the creek tha~s in there. So we've got the trail that comes in through here already. All we need is this connection here and we've got Carver Beach Road and Big Horn already all connected but the major connection because Carver Beach is just up and down the road. Jim Fennig: I would like to have the trail within the right-of-way. ~ Sietsema: Once the street is put in, it probably w.ill be put into the right-of-way but for now, without the street in tqere, to make that trail connection now, we'll have an easement along the right-of-way. ~ '7'"-9"- /-~ S~ ~/ 73-/ t?qf - Jim Fennig: This is not dedicated. This is highway right-of-way so what you're saying is you want it on the west line of the property. What you're saying is you want the easement along the west line of the property which is over here. Robinson: Why did we only get 10 feet from... Hasek: I'll bet you because it was originally only intended to be a 20 foot trail right-of-way would be my guess and they were going to take 10 feet from one and 10 feet fro.m the other and for some reason they decided to connect the roads for circulation or for whatever reason so now we have a road right-of-way which is 20 feet. Is there a natural dedication on the other side of your property along there or is it just an easement? Jim Fennig: Here it's only the 40 feet of width and then it runs out to private property but as you're park person indicated, there is a trail on the west side, they have an easement for a trail along the. dike.. That really makes a lot of sense to have that trail up on that dike if you go down Carver Beach Road. e Park and Rec Commission Meeting May 5, 1987 - Page 15 ~ Hasek: How wide is that little finger that sticks up right there? Jim Fennig: This is 2~ feet wide. That's all the property I own there. Hasek: Was that access to an old farm or something? Jim Fennig: No, that was the only access to this property before this property was platted. e Mady moved, Robinson seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City acquire a street e~semeQt wide enough to accommodate a trail for the Carver Beach Road extension along the west side of the proposed development and that the City accept park dedication fees in lie~~ of park land. All voted in favor and motion carried. . ~ f' SITE PLAN REVIEW: CREEK RUN, ROBERT ENGSTROM ASSOCIATES, APPLICANT. If Sietsema: This is 4.8 acres that's proposed to be subdivided into 10 single family lots. It's about a fourth of a mile north of Lake Lucy Road on the west side of Yosemite. There are no existing parks in the area. There is a 6 acre park proposed for Centex Homes which is down in this area. The one that we just talked about last time which would then be within the service area of that park when it is developed. This development is less than 5 3cres so the whole development can't be considered for a neighborhood park because we have a policy of a minimum of 5 acres. Therefore, we are recommending that we get a trail easement along Yosemite as a future trail connection down to Lake Lucy Road which will have a trail easement constructed along with the street improvement there. That would be the same thing, a 2~ foot wide easement along the street that would get these people out to the main trail system. Robert Engstrom: The topography is extremely rugged in there especially on this end here. We don't have a problem with the idea of a trail but I don't know how you could get one in here. The only real trees on the property are right in this area following these heavy lines here and this looks like it drops off 15 feet or so. It's just a gorge. It's a deep gorge and I don't even know if you put the tra i 1 in the right-of-way if you could get a tra i 1 in the right-of-way and even if you did have it where you show it, I don't know who would access it because you would have to go in\:-o that deep gorge and go back up because if it deadends it's going to deadend into the gorge in Shorewood. Watson: And there really isn't room between the gorge and the road. Not for a trail. Lynch: Is that road permanent the way it is right now? e r g ~ i i ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ 0 I I I ,).// I I I .. I "''''~O~NTI ,"'_ _.... ~ . "CH~_1s_rNAS f,;f __ HENNEPIN I COUNT!~ I...." ....,.. ~~ ~."'- t\"~ rj LAKEiflf::::.; 7 / \". ~/~ I :_U , .ct"E' ~\ ~'l;-~~\" u.l / .~ _ . ~~.' ...,;:..: "" ~\l' r::r~ ~ 11 ,J.J' Yi.'-J E;f:)~ t'::<v . ~ = ~RI?~{JJU:={~ I.} W J.' ~0. ~ / ' U ~~.....,..,.,_ ~_~_'_ f ~~~. ~ _ "'_ - )~TI\"lJ,~ ~.~ rrll -, "':~ ~ I uli';~: · - c;i H-~' - ~ '''. ~~ I Ii? -:j . N' ~\~ l ~'lt'~ I ~ -;-. H j] ,h."-1 i:. BEACH ~~-i . I~ f.t.rJ:..E[f09~JCH! T -,,:~,'o: I ~ ". ~ r""' . _ ~ VIOUT = ;;; ... -=^- -="~-IIIl"~_---jt~~ \ ROAD ~ .'%~ t8PII)!. I....,. a:; ~ '^ ""1 ~/", ~ ~~~:~ "i~~\{\1 Il' 'I ~j~ I ~ ~ r=(J~~~i"~~~ C~VER BEACH PAAKl.Ej '\'t-fU,11h~~IlD.a:-'vl~'~ ~I Lorvs ~1.~ ~If LUCY MEADOW GREEN PARK -:. ~ -- ~ "~~111 __, .fl '~r-:~t:J;it:jf ~~ -'7-~ ~ ~ ""' "" ~~"'~ ~~-~_~.\~. ~ ""'" ]1\.. ~Ut:J .~:;. ~"1~" ~r~ Ii ~ u ~. "''l'fTi ::.i .>:~.' ~, '~ q,I!EEN/tur;JO "II' ,,_rit"',' ~llORES -;:. ~, ~ .~ x r I . , ~ ,'ARK ~<< . . \" I '. '.\1 .i ~ ( ..., , :. \ '~I' ~I . ;l7i-X: " .;...,.. LAKE' J 4NN j \~ftf:%A ~_'~_':~'.:- ./'.~ :~ ri~'~'. . ~t 1r: ~ ~ tl "i"". I ~ i'..::- ~~ f6m ! lr") \';j~-I ' .J ,.. J C ~ '/ . ... ~ ~' .' ~. \ < ~ c;.~~. r~j i~~~ ,'~;~ ~,. ~'. \. 7400 2 . r.-- ... r~ . \ ;l!' '/'"-i~~~[:Aff~ I;~ 't-,/y'; 8 ~ ANN ~!~ CHANHASSEN POND PARK U ~ m ~. I l!! 1>14 K 11'01'1 E~1-' ~~~~/I~ gj ., , " ~g - - ('\\v]1n1;.~~ hi. -?SOO 'l\ ,-. 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T" \.... !i .A ~ ~ Ii'~' 'f' - ;! fX hrtrm ~. _ -- __::=.;: 1600 C llf'-. \ \-7l1~!;::: If' _oJ t:~. ._ ---~. ii2 ,~., ~ ,) ~~~. . j~ 6 jf7/ -------. ~ ~;oSf.t ~_:..- _ 1700 ~~ \ ~ ,.. ~\i/ , ~. .. ~__ I '7- r---t; .\'1 / . . " PARK SERVICE AREAS ~ Ii E f g 8 J'L'C L.J. \\ T - 1/2 MILE RADIUS e 6200 6400 6500 1&00 1100 1.00 7000 7'00 e 7200 7300 Z72 g I -~o e July 1,1991 e Park and Recreation Commission c/o Mr. Larry Schroers, Chairman 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Dear Larry, I am writing you in behalf of Shadowmere Development in regards to a neighborhood park proposal on Lot # 11. I under- stand the 1992 budgE~t meeting on July 23 may give us a chance to review our proposal with you. I have included a copy of the partially signed petition and a copy of the proposed lot plot to give you some background before the meeting. Tony Eiden, the builder and owner of eight of the lots, and Jim Fenning, the developer support our proposal. Also, some of the property e is city owned because of the easement for drainage, making it an ideal site for procurement. I will be looking forward to our meeting. Sincerely, ~ ~~ ~ary K~ ~tt -'5':>1 ~~~~~#~e ~..GI t7?"~ 5/~2... e t ~ ~ ~ IT1 I ---.o~: i: t , ~ , . 1 7 , ~ :: z ~ )( C'l IT1 "'ll -t " ,~ . c. )0' . '.... . :)1 ~ III ~: O' ; ',ii. '~i: i'~ f ; ~ i 1 ~ I /t ~ .~ " :.....'l'ift....t...... . r \ .\ !'> ~ I " 3 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ \, "0 .- t~ ~ ~ .. e ~h, TUJ~ .~~ ; ~.~~.~ ~~-.-~ ~ e' ~ gl , ~-~S:.A~ 'I- &e-. E.t.~_ ~~Sf;/) Nr;'~H.60~ p~ . .. 0 " o .. (~~~ ~ . a ~I ? ~~~. ~~ ui PI .:! ~ ..~.. :Zl H~ \oIl.c .. N z: "I"'~ ,"0 o ~ . -r- \.)'~",... _ ,,'0)' Iit/'" ,~um'''~ "'-JJtyl-'1/ ~" U"... ,tr Nt. E LOTUS LAX II ~rT. ., . ATER t~.' . T lH'VO' Itz" HI,,"UT KHOW~ :ATtR' t~. .U.) , ~t, JU" U.III? . ART HI'" SURVty OA OROIH n~o rT. ON _ WATtR t!-. : '_.. 5' e li ;- ~ i ~~~ 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PARK FROPOSAL-LOT #11 e The former 27 lot development of Abacus Corporation is requestin~ a neighborhood park for this development. Lot #11 has been specified because of the large easement, lake access usable for canoeists, and the unbuildable portion of land that remains. Listed below are the home owners who support this proposal. . . f, e e e ""\ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ August 20, 1991 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Discussion Item, Potential of Acquiring and Maintaining an Aeration System for Lake Susan Lake Susan is a 93 acre lake with.a. maximum depth of 17 feet. The Department of Natural Resources (ONR) management classification of the lake is "regular winterkill"~ Records of the past 20 years show that partial winterkills have$>ccurred in 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989 and 1990. The ecological classification of the lake is centrarchid meaning fish of the sunfish family, which are the.. predominant species present in the lake (sunfish, crappie, bass~. Northern pike are also present as is a substantial population .of bullheag and carp. The frequent partial winterkills associated with Lake Susan have prompted many informal discussions concerning the possibility of stocking and providing an aeration system for the lake. Historically, the circumstance which prevented moving forward in these regards was tbe lack of a public acpess. However, with the installation of an>a.ccess now imminent, the DNR will provide lake management which ....woulcl.......j.n.c~.'-1dfa.f;c:;:e;ciule~ stocking. The DNR provided an initial stocking of bass. and walleye fry, which are very small fish stockedshortlyafterhatpt1il1gj.l'l<1=-h~f ].1 of 1990. To provide the.. knowledge and experience needecl.<to guide this discussion, Mr. Dave zapp~~~llo'l>ietrowest Area Fisheries Supervisor and Jerry Jonson, Re9'iol'lf;\lProject Coordinator for the DNR will be in attendance at pt~.<August 27, 1991 meeting. In initial discussions with both DaVe and Jerry, the consensus was an aeration system would probably <bE::mefit the fishery of the lake. However, it is clear that winter aeration does not improve the water quality or clarity of the lake water, but simply provides a refuge of sufficiently oxygenated water for aquatic life. I will ask Dave and Jerry to discuss the various types of aeration systems available and to make a recommendation as to the system which would be best suited for Lake Susan. o PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission August 20, 1991 Page 2 If the City chooses to pursue the acquisition and maintenance of an aerator on Lake Susan, a number of issues will need to be addressed. Foremost is the general fear that the open water created by the aeration process poses an undue danger to the general public. As for acquisition of the equipment needed, an opportunity exists with the Fisheries Section of the DNR through a Project CORE Grant (Cooperative Opportunities for Resource Enhancement). The city would be eligible for a cycle 1992 grant with installation taking place in the fall of next year. The city would be responsible for providing the electrical service and maintenance for the system. If the Commission wishes to pursue this acti'(ity, it is the recommendation of staff that a public meeting be scheduled to gain input on the'proposed project. Pending the favorable outcome of this meeting, a recommendation to apply for the CORE Grant would be made to the City Council. . . " l'l- e e e . . . J . e e C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 August 19, 1991 Mr. Dave Zappetillo Metro West Area Fisheries Supervisor Mr. Jerry Johnson Regional Project Coordinator DNR Fisheries 1200 Warner Road st. Paul, MN 55106 Dear Messrs. Zappetillo and Johnson: This letter is to confirm plans made during our phone conversation on August 15, 1991. The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission will discuss the potential of aerating Lake Susan at their meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 1991 at Chanhassen City Hall in the City Council Chambers. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m., however, I anticipate that this item will not be discussed before 8:00 p.m. I will forward you a copy of the agenda for the meeting along with a copy of my staff report. Thank you for your willingness to become involved in this discussion. Sincerely ~1 Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation TH:ns pc: Al Klingelhutz, Lake Susan Association ft t ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e e e L/ C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: August 15, 1991 SUBJ: Park and Trail Fee Revenue Report As of July 31,1991 (58.33 percent of the year expired), $56,758.00 in park fees and $20,248.00 in trail fees have been collected. These figures represent 51.60 percent and 40.50 percent of budgeted amounts respectively, indicating slightly lower than anticipated revenues. However, with a good portion of the "busy" construction season ahead of us, this is no cause for alarm. Park and trail fee revenues account for $160,000 of the $175,000 budgeted for improvements in Fund 410, Park Acquisition and Development. The remaining $15,000 is budgeted under donations, of which just $1,700 or 11.33 percent has been collected to date. This source of revenue has been consistent over the past 2-3 years; however, a change in the Chaska Lions charitable gambling operations has resulted in donations ot smaller amounts. This change in operations occurred when the.. Chanhassen Bowl/Filly's elected not to continue acting as a host location for the Lions' charitable gambling operations. I cannot predict the total amount which will be donated by year end, obviously it will not total $15,000. . An i temizationof park an<itrail . fee~ collected. to date..in 1991 is shown below. These revenue "zones" are depicted in the attached diagram and have been by following and structural boundaries: Zone $ 835 3,340 835 167 167 334 3,773 Trail Fees 801 North Lotus Lake 802 Old Village 804 North Minnewashta 805 Lake Riley 806 Chanhassen Estates 808 Murray Hill 811 Lake Susan North $ 2,500 10,000 2,500 500 500 1,000 6,750 .. #. ~ ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission August 15, 1991 Page 2 813 Commercial/Industrial 816 Chaparral/Carver Beach 820 South Lotus Lake 824 East Galpin Blvd. 825 Lake Susan West 826 South Chanhassen 830 Red Cedar Point 831 Southeast Minnewashta 000 Undefined 10,508 3,500 1,500 4,000 6,500 3,500 . 1,500 500 1.500 $56,758 3,502 1,169 835 1,336 1,617 1,169 501 167 501 $20,248 Revenue Zones 803, 807, 809, 812, 821, 823, 828 and 826 have shown no activity thus far this year. '- e e e ~~f- ._~ -- -- --- =-1 I I 1 ~ . ~ e CITY OF CHANHASSEN BASE MAP I I ~ I ~-=1 ""I --------j ~,,-----j I 4 5 l'MPAIlED IIY: SEH ENGINEERING DEPT. CHAMiAS .AII teet MVlUD . ., 6 I ,. , ~ · =.o""~~ ",. u::_~~~y 'Il.i 'i i'~ ~.~ 7 e . e J- Z <t U :J 0- n. <{ e ~ ~ lJJ J- - en e t:~.. J CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 8-27-91 CC DATE: ff/ HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Rezone 90 acres of A2, Agricultural Estate District to PUD, Planned unit Development/lOP, Industrial Office Park, creating 10 Industrial Lots LOCATION: South of chicago, Milwaukee, st. Paul and Pacific Railroad and East of Audubon Road (see attached location map) . APPLICANT: Ryan Construction Company 900 Second Ave. South 700 International Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 RLK Associates, LTD 922 Main street Hopkins, MN 55343 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate District ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - lOP, Industrial Office Park and A-2, Agricultural Estate which is proposed for Rezoning to PUD-IOP. S - A2, Agricultural Estate E - PUD-R, Planned unit Development, Residential and lOP W - Railroad Tracks and A2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within the service area of two community parks, Lake Ann and Lake Susan, and two neighborhood parks, sunset Ridge and Power Hill Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: An off-street sidewalk currentl~ exists on the east side of Audubon Road,-running nearly the entire length of this property. The sidewalk is shown on the enclosed diagram. The Comprehensive Plan calls for this trail to continue south to Lyman Boulevard and on to the city of Ryan Construction/RLK Associates August 27, 1991 Page 2 . Chaska. Again, this sidewalk lies on the east side of AUdubon Road, . making ite necessary to secure appropriate crossings to service the subject property. The second trail link identified in relation to this property is a segment of the nature trail planned along Bluff Creek. This trail will run north from the site on the east edge of the Timberwood Subdivision to the proposed school site, and south to Lyman Boulevard and beyond. The property allows access to the south entrance of a double-wide concrete tunnel which bisects the railroad tracks. Each individual tunnel is large enough to permit vehicle passage. The two trailways associated with the property are unique 'in character, were proposed for different uses and are to be constructed of different materials. The nature trail is to be maintained as a turf trail following existing contours with the Off-street trails ~ being constructed of concrete or a .. bituminous material. RECOMMENDATION Park Dedication: In reviewing the applicant.s narrative document for this proposal, it is their wish to dedicate Outlot A to the city in lieu of park fees being charged. Outlot A; however, does not meet the city's criteria of acceptable land for which park fee credit can be given and thus no park credit is being recommended. The people who will be employed in the business park and their families will expect and deserve the provision of quality park facilities, i.e. ballfields, playgrounds, tennis courts, etc. These cannot be constructed within the confines of Outlot A. The outlot is unique in nature and serves other purposes in relation to this proposed business center. It will act as a ponding and storm drainage and detention site for the development. The wetlands, streambed and area within the setbacks of both are already protected under current ordinances. Watershed restrictions further protect this area ensuring that it remain in an unaltered condition. The Commission may consider an alternative o~ acc:eptinq 7 to 9 acres of buildable land, the size of Lot 7, from the applicant in lieu of park fees being charged. In the absence of this type of arrangement, it is recommended that the city accept full park fees ($2,SOO/acre) for this development. Trail Dedication: As can be seen on sheet nos. 1 and 5 o~ the plan packet attached, the applicant proposed a loop trail around the perimeter of the site, terminating at AUdUbon Road at the north and e e e e Ryan Construction/RLK Associates August 27, 1991 Page 3 south extremes of the property. Park and Reoreation staff believes this alignment would prove benefioial, allowing for "lunoh hour" walking/jogging to ooour. This design would require the extension of the trail along the west side of Audubon Trail the distanoes necessary to reach appropriate orossing points, allowing oonneotion to the existing sidewalk. The applioant would be required to oonstruot this trailway of a bituminous or oonorete material and provide assooiated easements. Appropriate trail fee oredit would apply pending an agreement to oonstruot a trail of this nature. It oame to my attention today, August 22, 1991, through disoussions wi th staff members and Mr. Kent Carlson, property development manager for Ryan Construotion Company, that the applioant may propose the oonstruction of the south half of this loop only, with a oonneotion then being made through the railroad tunnel and onto the property to the north whioh is also controlled by Ryan Construction Company. Mr. Carlson informed me that it is their intent to bring a development proposal for this site to the oity in the near future. As eluded to earlier; however, the two trail seotions assooiated with this site are separate in nature and are designated in this manner in the Comprehensive Plan. It is staff's recommendation to pursue construction of the loop trail. At the appropriate time in the future, a oonneoting link would be. made to the nature trail along Bluff Creek. Upon review of the final site plan submittal, the appropriate trail fee oredit would be oaloulated and submitted for approval by the city Council. The Park and Recreation commission will be kept abreast of activity in this regard. r- o o ~ - o z S :t> -0 /7 T//C/f/#//fr r / e I I '\\:>.\ '~\( \. .~~ .J 'I - -;f-'~~~~~ / '- 1'-1 ~~ ~'i -. t" ~/r .. '-. ~ \ 'r~ ~.:",,~ '~=f1fi~~ ~~>" ~ fJu ,.~C/) ~ ~ I ~...: :.. < .:>~ - ,'>;>' ~ ....' ,. ",,} --f 'j'" . · ;'~ m H1~!;,~ 1$ I ~mtr~[t < .'. '," , : 5'>~,,~~,:~:,;,~~~:~,,"f;~,~ ~\\ f-Z ';" ,',elf 17/ A Si 0 i"" v _'_ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ I '-- '~v.o~ I ! I I - -~_~-- -~b' ~ I ~.. ~I,j I il... i t;:-1 ~ . ~0i ~. 't4~ '..l \ ~ ~ . ~ -- '"'-~; " ~I ~..:. 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I 1 ! ~ .'.. ~ ; ; , , . . e e - : r) \.,.,-' CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ August 15, 1991 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: 1991 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference The 1991 MRPA Annual Conference is scheduled for Wednesday,. Thursday and Friday, November 2Q~22, 1991 at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington, MN. There. is the opportunity "for all Commissioners to partake in this conference if you so choose. Daily conference packages as well a~ full conference packages are available to Board and Commission MPRA members. The budget for commission member participation in the 1991 conference totals $500.00. The conference includes keynote speakers, educational sessions, general sessions, the hall of ideas, an exhibit hall, professional meeting, socials and an awards banquet. You will notice registrat.ion materials in your copy of MRPA' s Keeping Up. If you are interested in attending, please contact me or express your interest at the upcoming meeting. n t., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ilia e e 7 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commiss~on 11/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 22, 1991 SUBJ: Establishment of 1992 Park Acquisition and Development Budget Budget discussions were held during the past two Commission meetings, June 25 and July 23, 1991. The results of these work sessions is tabulated in the attached proposed 1992 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Budget. A budget cap of $150,000 was utilized j.n preparing this recommendation. This includes anticipated revenues of $145,000 in park and trail fees and $5,000 in donations from the Chaska Lions. Park and trail fee revenues for 1992 were estimated taking into account past revenue totals, performance in this area in 1991 and forecasted building activity in Chanhassen for 1992 and beyond. The figure of $145,000 is .... $30,000 less 'than the estimated revenue for 1991 and is slightly below the re-estlmated actual revenue for the same year. In consulting wi th the City Manager, staff is confident this Budget request will match closely with actual conditions in 1992~ As the commission Can see ..fromthe itemized 410 Budget (Park Acquisi tion ...and DevelopmentliltacCo1l1plishesaJ,)_items discussed at the last meeting. The park improvements and.. .addi tion of services represented arE!.. considerable and assure that. residents' needs for outdoor recreational services. ..are. being addressed. This budget is comprehensive in nature and accounts for a large number of items which are diverse inna.ture. commissioners have the opportunity to comment on the proposed budget, allowing changes to be made prior to submission to the Finance Department on September 9, 1991. I am aware that it is the Commission's desire to take a broader look at the department's activities by making use of a detailed 5- Year Capital Improvement Program. This particular discussion was ft ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission August 22, 1991 Page 2 not scheduled for the August 27, 1991 Commission meeting due to the number of items already appearing on the agenda. This item will be brought to the Commission for a series of work sessions starting later this year. with this, staff recommends approval of the 1992 Capital Improvement Budget as shown. Minor changes in detailed expenditures requested by the Commission will be accommodated. 4 e e , e e e PROPOSED 1992 FUNCTION 410 PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET August, 1991 Bandimere Community Park Bandimere Heiqhts Park Wood Park Identification Sign $ 250.00 Bluff Creek Park Carver Beach Park. Play Area Refurbishment $ 2,200.00 Carver Beach Playground Wood Park Identification Sign Replacement of Swing Addition of Two Spring Animals Border Wood. and Pea Gravel $ 250.00 950.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 Chanhassen Estates Mini-Park Wood Park Identification Sign Chanhassen Hills Park Wood Park Identification Sign Construction of a Ballfield Installation of Trees 250.00 250.00 1,500.00 800.00 Chanhassen Pond Park Wood Park Identification Sign for Kerber Blvd. Wheel Chair Accessible picnic Table picnic Table 250.00 500.00 450.00 city Center Park Play Equipment Expansion (50% Share) New Basketball Poles and Standards 10,000.00 1,200.00 Curry Farms Park Wood Park Identification Sign 250.00 Greenwood Shores Park Herman Field Park 1st Phase Play Area with Border Wood/Pea Gravel Superdeck Boardwalk picnic Tables and Play Area Bench 13,000.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 Lake Ann Park First Aid Supplies Lifeguard Room Equipment Rescue Board Cash Register 400.00 1,500.00 500.00 750.00 Freezer Refrigerator Microwave Menu Boards Building Supplies and Equipment Row Boat Canoes (2) Paddle Boats (2) Life Jackets (20) Canoe Paddles (10) Play-Aks (6) Play-Ak Paddles (8) Outboard Motor Shelter Landscaping Drainage Improvements, Field #6 Supplies for Conversion of Field #2 to Little League Bituminous Trail Loop Basketball Pole Fencing Boundary Buoys 400.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 3,000.00 650.00 1,000.00 1,650.00 500.00 200.00 1,800.00 200.00 750.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 , 500.00 10,500.00 600.00 2,200.00 1,300.00 Lake Susan Park Trail Link to Chanhassen Hills Archery Range Targets Aeration System Installation Track Ride 21,000.00 300.00 4,000.00 800.00 Meadow Green Park Installation of Trees 400.00 Minnewashta Heights Play Area Expansion 3,000'.00 North Lotus Lake Park Installation of Trees 800.00 Pheasant Hills Park Engineering, Surveying, Staking, Grading, Surfacing and site Preparation Associated with Initial Phase of Construction 20,000.00 Power Hill Park Prairie,Knoll Park Rice Marsh Lake Park Play Area Expansion 6,000.00 South Lotus Lake Park .. Sunset Ridqe Park , e e e . e e e Park Rules Sian 50 Signs Trail Construction South Railroad Trail picnic Tables, Benches, Spectator Seating, Signage Boy Scout Project Tree Farm Contingency TOTAL 3,500.00 6,000.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 200.00 3.500.00 $150,000.00 e CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,-.J o 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission Af//' Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator i1\I TO: DATE: August 15, 1991 SUBJ: Capital Improvement Project Updates A. Lake Susan Park In consulting with represept~tives of VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings and Finley Brothers Enterprises, the contractor on the job, I have been informeg that work on the second phase of construction will commence on Tuesday, August 27, 1991. e B. South Lotus Lake Park The vast majority of the grading,( drainage and landscaping improvements have been completed at the access. Repair work to the bituminous and clean up remain to be completed. C. city Center The City smoothly has progressed very this project follows: North Playground: Judd Ftihrmafij the ~agle.scou~ proj ect Coordinator, completed the border wall. Excavationbf excess soils allowing the installation of pea grav~l<has occurred. City crews will begil1insta~lati()n..()~th~first phase of the handicapped accessible plaYi equipment (purchased with 1990 CDBG Funds) in the near <future. Delivery of the main 'structure is anticipated the (first week of september with completion anticipated by early October. e Tennis Courts: Repairs to the tennis courts are complete and the surface color treatment and lines have been applied. The courts will be available for play upon installation of the pole caps which are eproute. Phone calls have been received daily inquiring as to when the courts will be open. Marie ft ~ J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER capital Improvement Project Updates August 20, 1991 Page 2 e Hasty, Activities Director for School District 112, has also requested reserved time for fall and spring tennis. ' south Playground: Repairs and improvements to this site are nearly complete. The change in appearance of the area and the increase in play availability is dramatic. Final restoration, painting of lines and installation of the new play equipment remain to be completed. All work will be finished by August 30, 1991. D. Herman Field Park Construction at Herman Field Park commenced the week of August 12, 1991. Clearing and grubbing is nearly complete, with the installation of silt fence, surveying of play areas and initial grading to follow. within slightly more than a month the long awaited access to Herman Field Park will exist. The clearing of trees and brush in the right-of-way has changed the appearance of this area, causing alarm from one adjoining resident. Through phone conversations and on-site discussion, this individual became somewhat more comfortable with the situation but remained generally disgruntled. Lake Ann picniC/Recreation Shelter e E. See attachment. F. Curry Farms Park Scheduled improvements to Curry Farms Park included a play area expansion, installation of a ballfield with backstop, and aggregate infield and installation of a bituminous walkway. The play area expansion has been completed and the trail and ballfield are under construction. Work completed to date includes SUb-cutting soils to accept the Class 5 gravel base for the trail and infield aggregate. Work remaining includes the installation of the bituminous surfacing, backstop, bases and restoration. G. Sunset Ridge Park The developer's surveyor was called back to stake the outlying property boundary of the park. Park maintenance crews located the property corners of all lots abutting the park property to accurately define construction limits. Equipment was moved to the site on August 19, 1991, and~n on-site evaluation of th~ park's Master Plan was conducted with Dale Gregory, Park Foreman, and Mark Koegler of VanDoren Hazard Stallings. This inspection revealed that modifications to the Master 'Plan are ~ necessary to best utilize the site. These changes are roughly .. e e e Capital Improvement Project Updates August 20, 1991 Page 3 depicted in the attached diagram. The most notable change is the reduction of the tennis court from a double to single court. This cannot be avoided; however, with tennis courts scheduled for construction at Power Hill Park, plus the availability of courts at Lake Susan Park, is deemed acceptable. A revised Master Plan will be prepared upon final determination of facility Iodations. Grading and site preparation will continue for three to five weeks contingent upon favorable weather with site restoration, seeding and installation of play equipment and volleyball courts occurring upon completion of this work. CITY OF CHANHASSEN q - e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Planning for the construction of the Lake Ann Park Community She 1 ter continues. An important step in this process was the determination of the most appropriate site for the shelter. As shown in the attached diagram, three locations were studied. Option "A" as labeled on the diagram offers many advantages over Options "B" and "C", and is the chosen location for the shelter. A A brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of all three ,., sites follows: Option A Advantages: Minimal costs associated with retaining wall construction. Provides walkout to beach area and upper plateau picnic area. Provides best access to parking and turnaround facilities. Greatest setback Disadvantages: Furthest walk from the Option B Advantages: Midway between beach and parking areas. e ~ t J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER e Mayor and City Council August 15, 1991 Page 2 still offers access to the upper plateau via an extended walkway. Disadvantage....: Requires the construction of an extensive retaining wall system. Does not provide direct access to the upper plateau. option C Advantages: Best suited for catering to the "beach" crowd. Disadvantages: Far removed from parking, making transportation of supplies for group picnics difficult. Provides no access to the upper plateau picnic area. e Requires the construction of an extensive retaining wall system. 74 Park and Recreation Coordinator's Update (8-19-91) e In response to a request by Mayor Chmiel that the City Council have an opportunity to review the shelter location, work activity associated with Option A has been halted. The questions posed by the Mayor are similar in nature to questions I raised in conference with Don Ashworth, Mark Koegler and Bob Sellers. Mr. Koegler and Mr. Sellers are with VanDoren Hazard Stallings, the architectural, engineering and planning firm working on this project. I, too, believe that Option C is the best suited for serving the beach area; however, this location leaves the upper level picnic area wi th very restricted access. In a study of potential revenue generation from this building (attached) it is anticipated that the reservation picnic area will be a revenue generator with the other components of the building (concessions, rental) acting as "break even" type of services. Thus, the availability of reasonable access for transportation of picnic equipment and supplies is essential. Undoubtedly Option C provides the shortest trip to a restroom facility for persons using the beach. However, tradiqg convenience for accessibility, in my ~pinion, would prove to be a detriment. I would anticipate receiving comments on the distance option A is from the main beach, but the reaction from groups attempting to carry out a picnic at Option C would be worse. Lastly, persons using other areas of the park will also make use of Mayor and City Council August 15, 1991 Page 3 e the facilities at the building, making option A the most accessible for these persons due to its central location relative to other park areas. The cost of construction at site Option A is also the least expensive. I have asked Mr. Koegler to prepare a report in this regard which will accompany this memo. e e ()) o o i\ \~ r - ).\' ~ F\ \ \ \D ()I o \ LA .~ \ \ ~ ~ \T' \ I \l~ ~ \ \~ \ \\~ ~ I \ \\ ',~O~ 1 \$~\\~ \ ;: 0 ~ \lJ' ~ ~ r , , ,,\/ ')" \, I .' \l> \~ . \ ~~\\~ \ '-- :>, ~.J Cl' ' \ .,' \, ,\l> " \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~\ ~} \ ~) \ \ '\' \ ~ \ \ ...... ~ , h. \ ~ ~~ ',( -, ~ \\ \~ ~ ~~. \ ~ ~o \ ~ - ... ~ \ - o~ \ ~ III \ :\ \ \ - .-,. ___~~ - i ~ ~~~~.?<~' \ \ ~ -:::::- _ .~" ..,' III ,____ " ~ i 1',' \, ~ , \! \\ , ," - . ) ,-~~,,)I 0' '" J ~ - :0; " ,- \..-- ~) Nil> ) ~V'-y .0:> ~(l'\ \ "0 ~ \ ;\ CD 01 C\ ~ r r , \l> V' CD '" \ \ M 10 lJ' CD -oJ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ ~ \ \ , '\ ~ \ , , \~ K~ \ 10 .... \~~~ _ C>- ,- ~~ .----=- ~~ ~ J M - .. ~ ~"),., , . '(( CO ,c:> \ / _I ,1 ~~. ' ;../~ ~ I f X ~!~ '..J'-/ -......> - \ Z , X_~:t--T""'~/ ~ ~ (oj> I \.$- \ I/O ,/ III " \ "Y' ~~ ,:rn ,., -p '" r '" "" \l> <J' <J' .. v' ~ " "" o ... <l> , " \~ Cl' \ \ \ M 10 \~ CD ~) VanDoren Hazard Stallings. Inc. Ar'chitects . Engineer's. Planner's e MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman FROM: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: August 20, 1991 SUBJECT: Lake Ann Picnic Pavilion Location Continuing our recent discussion, the following is a comparison of the three identified site locations for the Lake Ann Picnic Shelter. SITE A Site A is the location originally identified for the structure in, 1984. . This location formed the basis for the concept plans that were prepared and reviewed by the Park Commission and City.Council over the past six months. The topography at Site A accommodates the proposed building with ~ minimal grading and retaining wall construction. Contours in the .., area are naturally conducive to an at-grade e'ntry on the upper level and a walk-out lower level. The entrance to the shelter is approximately 110 feet from the parking lot and 225 feet from the beach. At this location, the building will be visible from both the parking lot and from Lake Ann. SITE B Site B is located west of Site A adjacent to the play area and beach. At this location, the building would be approximately 40 feet from the beach and 500 feet (via the existing walkway) from the parking lot. Placing the building at Site B will require moderate grading and retaining wall construction. Retaining walls for a building on Site B are expected to cost $14,500 more than the construction cost of a building on Site A. A building located on Site B will be visible from Lake Ann but will be screened on the north by the existing hill. At the Site B location, the differential in elevation between the top and the bottom of the hill is 31.6 feet. . e 3030 Harbor Lane North, Bldg. II, Suite 104, Minneapolis Minnesota 55447-2175 (612) 553.1950 e e Ie SITE C Site C is a hybrid location between Sites A.and B. As such, it is located 130 feet from the beach and 200 feet from the parking lot. At this location, the differential in elevation between the top and bottom of the hill is 21.6 feet. Due to this grade differential, an extensive amount of retaining wall construction will be necessary. The additional cost of retaining walls for a building on Site C compared to Site A is estimated at $19,000. A building on Site C will be visible from Lake Ann and partially visible from the north. All of the identified locations are feasible sites for the proposed building. The cost estimate that has been prepared to date assumes Site A as a base condition. Selection of either Sites B or C will result in additional expenditures for retaining wall construction. . \,'0 Cl) l e i I J' 'f f ' q I ~ I q , I ( ~\ r W 310 .~ 7 \ 0) I 0 '\. f U ~\ f LQJ <ll ! \ , , , ".- ... / /:r ~ -:~ ~ I:;f~ '] .. ,.--- '-I \ ' \~' \ \ \ , -.J ~;:JI !X)fSl o } I I -- -'" III ",' '" Ol .. ~.-- - ,,--- '" ; ... .... - I I I I - i I - - - --- ,., 0' ~ .. .... ......---- .............--- .....-- ::>- q ..} Q. e o "- en v- i' .. o en en I ~_o ;-/~ \ ;.../ I /" ~ .~" f: ~ /--:/ ~I \ K' , r .\ (~, I~ ~./~ 'CD I , ( . ..... 7;) 1 (~(\J I I CD,' 8 \ ~.1->>-r-\ · '- ~, (+t) .~ ~~~~ ~ \. \ -, '\-~ ~ I "!:\ .~,,- )) ,:.-<'.-'-, ./'C~ . \ \ \ I \~ . '. ' . '.... \ \ ',\ \ ',\ \. \ \ ""' ( \ ' \ '. \ " . \ \ .... 10 \\ \ (1\ " I \ \ \ \ \ \ \~\ " ') , \ \ I \ \ \ , \ \ I \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \~\ oI'l '" oI'l 01 " ~~\ ~ ~i\ e \\ \ e , \ ~, 0 J ,C'l 7 ~ Co ~, 0.......",,",, \ , " \ I. , \ V \ .\ 1.\ I~ .<1 -0 . ~'" ~ ~ \~";- '" .-.. (l\ \'. ~ , ,.. \ " :. \-' .. 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FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 1t) August 21, 1991 I) Oktoberfest Update DATE: SUBJ: The City of Chanhassen's annual Oktoberfest celebration will be held on Saturday, September 28, from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. in the lower parking lot of City Hall .~lld along Coul ter Drive. Local interest groups will be participating in the annual event such as the Chanhassen Lions, Chanhassen~otary , Chanhassen Snowmobile Club, Adventure Balloon and ChaAhassen City Staff members. The Chanhassen Lions will be operating the food concession stand and beer garden again this ye~r. Starting at 4:00 p.m., the Lions will be serving brats, polish sausage and kraut, hamburgers, German and regular potato salad, pop and beer. The Chanhassen Snowmobile Club will be displaying sJ)pwmobiles anditheir trail groomer along Coulter Drive from 4:00 -)~:OO p.m. Carnival games will be offered by the Snowmobile Club.../to add excitemei').t for the kids. Rotary bingo will be back aga..in this year from 4:90 - 10:00 p.m. The tent will be located oll.iCoulter Drive allowiJ:'lg for easy access and visibility. Th~.hot air balloon display will be provided by Adventure BalloonspI.".()Y'~~~ci. .t:l1~....~~at.:l1~:I:'..8()eperates. The heat from the balloon's burner is... always . welcomed by spectators on cool autumn nights~ Membersi.fl:'om Cha.rihassentscr~1:Yf?t<:l++ will be selling fresh sliced caramel apples which is al~ays a crowd pleaser. The caramel... apples will be on sal~ throughout the evening. The entertainment and street dan e ill feature Chuck Thiel and the Jolly Ramblers. The wide vari~~t of music will include polkas, wal tzes, country swing and fifties which will keep the crowds entertained from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. This year's schedule of events for Oktoberfest will add excitement to an already well established community special event. n ~~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER If I 0..0 - - e END OF.THE SUMMER REPORT August 13, 1991 Chanhassen Summer Discovery Playqround is a recreation program designed for children ages 3-12. This summer marked the program's third year of operation under the City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department. The Summer Discovery program is located at seven park sites in Chanhassen and at one site in victoria. The program is divided into two age groups; Tot-Lot for children ages 3-5 and Dyna-Mites for children ages 6-12. The Tot-Lot session is one hour long and the Dyna-Mite session is 1~ hours.long. Wednesday Wing Dinqs are special activities and programs that are located in the Chanhassen Elementary School gym or at City Center Park. The Wing Dings are open to all ages and are free of charge. Super Events are special Thursday afternoon or all day field trips for Dyna-Mites only (children ages 6-12). Registration and a nominal fee are required. The fee covers any admission costs, rentals, and the bus and bus driver costs. Staff e Playground Director Cerisse Murphy Playground Leaders Deanne Haas Deb Johnson Playground Volunteer Paul Hackenmueller Arts and Crafts Tot-Lot: Stuffed acetate shapes, caterpillar pal, silver streaks, chalk art, leaf stenciling, sponge painting and puzzle maker Dvna-Mites: Silver streaks, fun stick puppets, God's eyes, colored telephone wire art, 3-D tissue paper pictures, sponge painting, chalk art, sandpainting art Games e Welcome Name Game Colors Shapes Numbers Musical Ball Pass Twins and Triplets Addition Tag Scatter Mouse Trap Animal Charades Simon Says Captain May I? Red Light, Green Light Lemonade SPUD Red Rover Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 2 e Leader Ball Back-to-Back Beach Ball Pass Beach Ball Kick Hopscotch Soccer Ball Pass Concentration Nature Hike Firefighter Duck-Duck (Goose, Greyduck) Beach Ball Volleyball Freeze Tag Frisbee Toss Bingo Scavenger Hunt Relay Day Relays Figure Eight Ball Bounce Dress up Octopus Jump Rope Straddle Ball Wheelbarrow Three-Legged Egg and Spoon Summer Discovery Olympics Frisbee Throw Name Contest Cracker/Whistle Blow Standing Long Jump Water Balloon Toss Javelin Cup and Water Contest Marshmallow Contest Shoe Race Bubblegum Blowing Contest e Parachute Games Elevator Mushroom Chute Crawl Kite Run Team Ball Hole-in-One Shark Ball Circle Sonqs and Rhythms "I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor" "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" "Farmer in the Dell" "Ring Around the Rosy" "London Bridge" "Hokey-Pokey" "Rub-a-Dub" "Kitchen Percussion Song" "Codfish Ball" Stories Barney BipPle's Magic Dandelions Abberwocky The picnic e i e e e Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 3 Freddy Mv Grandfather Mr. Murphv's Marvelous Invention It's Mine Henrv and the Red stripes The c?untrv Mouse and the citv Mouse The Pl.g The Elephant in Duck's Garden Registered Children Park sites: Rice Marsh Lake North Lotus Lake Chanhassen Hills City Center Meadow Green Carver Beach Lake Susan Lion's, victoria Total Average Weekly Attendance Wednesdav Winq Dinqs Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Tot-Lot Dvna-Mites 11 25 7 6 10 16 15 25 8 15 11 19 6 15 -.! 14 72 135 = 207 53 90 = 143 Animal Adventures Puppet Show No Wing Ding - 4th of July Movie and Popcorn Day Magic Show Mini-Carnival Total Average Attendance Super Events Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 193 122 170 90 250 825 165 Planetarium & Children's Museum Chutes & Ladders (Hyland Park) No Super Event - 4th of July Wave Pool - Rescheduled Roller Skating Metrodome & Baseball Museum Total Average Attendance 36 33 27 28 2Q. 160 92 . . Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 4 \ e Evaluation of the 1991 Playqround Proqram 1. The number of registered children was down this year from 291 to 207. The fee per child was raised from $5.00 to $10.00, which may have been a contributing factor to the lower registration. The program was well attended with the exception of the Lake Susan and Lion's Park (Victoria) sites. The program for these sites meets on Fridays and the low attendance may be in part due to families starting weekend plans early. Also contributing to the low attendance was the fact that the day after the 4th of July fell on a Friday. In the future, it may be a good idea to cancel the program when the day before or after the 4th of July falls on a Friday or Monday. Lion's Park (Victoria) had extremely low attendance and even complete no-shows on several occasions. It may be wise to consider excluding this site in the future. Weather proved to be an asset this year as only a few sites were canceled approximately midway through the session due to severe weather. 2. The staff was very enthusiastic and helpful in making the program a success. In the future, it may be helpful to include the leaders in some of the pre-planning stages, as they also seem to have very good ideas and suggestions. The same 13-year old from 1990 volunteered again this year at one of the sites and also accompanied the leaders on one of the Super Events. e 3. Wednesday Wing Dings proved to be a little less successful in attendance compared to last year. A contributing factor may have been the extreme heat. Several Wednesdays were extremely hot and humid and this may have deterred parents and kids from spending an hour in an enclosed and crowded space. The Chanhassen Elementary School Large Gym was used for all the Wing Dings except the mini-carnival and it was more than adequate for space and should be used in the future. Contrary to popular belief, the gym was not uncomfortable on the extremely hot days. Crowd response was very enthusiastic to both the Exotic Animal Show and Puppet Show. Several parents made positive comments and expressed their appreciation for the shows. 4. This year's Thursday Super Events went fairly well. The last trip to the Wave Pool had to be rescheduled due to rainy weather and the rescheduled date turned out to be very good. The trips to the Planetarium, Chi~dren's Museum and Metrodome were not as successful and popular as there were great amounts of time in which the children were left to their own devices. They need to have their time more structured as they get bored very easily. In the following years the allowed time for e e Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 5 transportation should be modified as there were many times that we were early to the event and early to return. It would be in the best interest to continue combining Chaska and Chanhassen for the events, but an initial meeting with leaders and directors from both cities would be beneficial in the events running smoothly. 5. Added to this year's playground program was a fire safety and emergency program. Chanhassen Fire Marshal Mark Littfin and a paramedic from Waconia Ridgeview Hospital visited each park site and instructed the children in fire safety and emergency procedures. The children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the program immensely. Parents also showed enthusiasm and approval of this added feature. I recommend keeping it a part of the program. 6. Eight park sites were in operation this year. Lack of picnic tables in the first week proved to be a challenge for the leaders, but was resolved by the second week. The in-progress. installation of additional playground equipment at same parks was distracting as was the mowing of the parks. It is strongly recommended that mowing schedules not coincide with the playground program. And finally, parents and baby sitters should be strongly encouraged to leave the park area during the program as some of. the children were reluctant and at times refused to participate. e 7. A file containing games, craft instructions, books and songs continues to grow as new ideas are added. 8. In closing, this year's playground program was successful. Comments from parents were positive and encouraging. Some thought should be given to extending the program at least two weeks longer as several parents made this suggestion. To better serve the community through this program, an evaluation was sent out to all participating families to better gauge opinions. A change for next year is being considered. A longer session (3 hours) with both Tot-Lots and Dyna-Mites meeting at the same time has been proposed. The cost of the program would then have to increase as another leader and more crafts would have to be added. More reference material would then be needed to be able to fill in a longer block of time. The evaluations should help the Park and Recreation Department put together and plan an even better program for the following years. e Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 6 e COST ANALYSIS I . Revenue Playgrounds: Rice Marsh Lake North Lotus Lake Chanhassen Hills City Center Meadow Green Carver Beach Lion's Park (Victoria) Lake Susan $ 360.00 130.00 260.00 400.00 230.00 300.00 210.00 180.00 Playground Total $2,070.00 $1. 346.50 $3,416.50 Super Events TOTAL REVENUE II. Expenditures Salaries: e cerisse Murphy Deanne Haas Deb Johnson Total Salaries $1,005.87 680.00 715.00 $2,400.87 Supplies: S & S Arts and Crafts Triarco Arts and Crafts Misc. Total Supplies $ 82.92 87.10 107.36 $ 277.38 $ 382.00 Wing Dings: Outings: Admissions Transportation: Planetarium & Children's Museum Hyland Park Wave Pool Roller Skating-Cheepskate Metrodome . Total $ 857.50 151.75 86.50 174.75 83.25 115.00 e $ 611.25 e e e Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 7 TOTAL REVENUE $3,416.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4.529.00 ($1,112.50) $ 228.34 $ 734.38 ($ 149.78) VICTORIA REIMBURSEMENT CHASKA REIMBURSEMENT NET Playground Year End Report August 13, 1991 Page 8 e VICTORIA PLAYGROUND COSTS Salaries: cerisse Murphy, Playground Director (includes 8 hours administrative time) Deanne Haas, Playground Leader Deb Johnson, Playground Leader $6.50/hr = $169.00 $5.00/hr = $ 90.00 $5.00/hr = $ 90.00 $349.00 $ 24.96 $ 34.38 TOTAL SALARIES Supplies: (Arts, Crafts and Games) Wing Dings Cost: Note: Salaries are actual costs incurred at the victoria location. Cost of supplies, Wing Dings, and Super Events are 9% of the total cost after revenue (207 children total, 18 of those at Victoria) REVENUE (18 registrations x $10.00) $408.34 $180.00 $228.34 e TOTAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT DUE REMIT TO: City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 e t' ~ e e SUMMER DISCOVERY EVALUATIONS SUMMARY 1991 This year an evaluation was sent out to all families participating in the Summer Discovery Playground Program. This was done in hopes that the program can better serve the community in the coming years. One hundred thirty-seven evaluations were sent out, forty-seven were returned (34% returned). Below are listed the attributes evaluated and the number of responses. E E 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 The majority of the ratings ranged in the excellent/good areas with several being average and a few being poor. As expected, these were in the program length and session length categories. Number of positive reactions to changing the format to longer sessions with both Tot-Lots an Dyna-Mites meeting at the same time: 26 or 56% of those returned Comments and suggestions regarding a format change: - 3 hours is too long for the 3-5 year-olds, perhaps 2-2-1/2 hours. ~ - Breaking the age groups into 3 groups (3-4 year olds, 5-7 ... year olds and 8-12 year olds). ~ - Lotus Lake should be held in the morning due to lack of shade. - Beverages should be provided with a longer session. Children bringing a snack for snack time should also be considered. - The program should be more than once a week. - One hour sessions three times a week. - Have parents bring supplies. If a longer session is proposed, the leaders should be experienced. Number of positive reactions concerning the length of the program (longer than six weeks): 14 or 30% of those returned Number of positive reactions or suggestions concerning different age groupings: 4 or 9% of those returned other suggestions/comments: - Good crafts, more crafts. . - Great Fire Prevention Program. ~ - Have theme days (ex. dress up/costume day). - six is too young an age for the Super Events. - Have a picnic or swimming at Lake Ann. - Stagger the playground, Wing Dings and library programs. - Add another puppet show to the Wing Dings. Super Events visits to: Children's Museum, Walker Art Center and Sculpture Garden, TV/Radio Station, Minneapolis Library, Police Station/Jail, State Capitol. - Lack of facilities (Chanhassen Hills). - Overhead shelter at Carver Beach. e e e e /Oc CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: August 21, 1991 SUBJ: Fall Program Update This year's fall programs appeal to a wide variety of age groups. Rocking and Rolling will return this year. The program is open to boys and girls ages 4, 5 and 6 t~ improve muscle flexibility and coordination through tumbling, balancing and somersaulting exercises. The program will sta~t Saturday, September 28 and will last until October 19. The time of the class will be 10: 00 - 11: 00 a.m. with a total cost of $5.00~ Those A-Maize-Ing Pilgrims is a class that centers around the Thanksgiving theme. The clas::;> content will include making crafts, listening to stories and sampling trac;iitional Pilgrim food. The program will be Saturday, November 23rd... from 9: 00 a. m. to noon in the Council Chambers. The post of the program will be $3.00 and is open to boys and girls g~ades 1-5. . Saturday Youth Open ..\GYm is open for individuals who like to practice their basketball skills by shooting or taking part in a pick-up game. The open gym will be broken down into two age groups. Boys arid girl::;grad~s...2-.5wiIL...l1ave the gym from 1: 00 - 2:30 p.m., and boysandgirrsgra~es6-8wl11 have from 2:30 - 4: 00 p.m. Open gym at theChanhassenElementaryschoolwil1 start September 21 and will conclude March 28, 1992. The fee for each participant will be$l.Ogper time. KaratejTae Kwon Do, a popular K()r~<:ln martial art will be offered this fall to Chanhassen residents . The class teaches students self defense, concentration, discipline and mental well being. The program is open to both adults\ahd children and will be offered Tuesday, Thursday or both for six weeks. The fee is $24 per session with a 25% discount for second family members and a 50% discount for three or more family members. A brand new program will be offered to the middle school kids. The Teen Night Out will be offered to all middle school students grades ~ t., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Fall Program Update August 21, 1991 Page 2 6-8. There will be two nights offered this fall with the first being on Friday, _ October 25 and the second being on Friday, November 22. The activities will include swimming, volleyball, basketball, videos, dancing, music and prize drawings. The cost of the program is $3 which includes all activities listed above. Teen Night out is being co-sponsored by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation, Community Education 112 and the Chaska Parks; Recreation and Art Departments. The annual Halloween Party and hay ride is Thursday, October 31 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Chanhassen Elementary School. The activities include trick-of-treating, a hay ride and hot chocolate and treats for the children and their parents. A fee of $2 covers all activities. Sunday, December 8th will be the annual Breakfast with Santa. The event is sponsored by the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce and the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department. Tickets will be available later on into the fall. The Chanhassen Athletic Association will be offering organized basketball for the 1991/1992 season. Registration will start Saturday, November 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the Chanhassen ~ Elementary. The season will begin the first week in January and last approximately three months. Deanne's Dance Studio will offer dance classes for children ranging in age from three years to elementary age. Classes will be held on either Tuesday or Thursday at the Chanhassen Ele~entary School. An open gym will be offered on Friday night for kids that are currently in grades 9-12. The kids can come and play basketball, volleyball and socialize. The Chanhassen Elementary School will be used for the open gym and will start September 20th. The cost of the program will be $1.50 per night. Kellogg's Hot Shoes is a fun exercise program that focuses on flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and weight control. The class will be Mondays and Wednesdays at the Chanhassen Elementary School from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. The Fall I session will last September 16 to October 30 and the Fall II session will begin November 4 and conclude December 18th. The costs of Kellogg's Hot Shoes is $48 for each session. - Fall and winter volleyball will b~ available for Chanhassen residents through Chaska Park and Recreation. The fall league meetings are schedule for September 18 at the Chaska Community Center Dry Craft Room with Co-Rec at 6:30 p.m., Women's at 7:30 .. p.m. and Men's at 8:15 p.m. winter meetings will be held on . e e e Fall Program Update August 21, 1991 Page 3 December 17 at the same meeting room as the fall and the meeting times will be the same order as the fall schedule above. Monday nights from September through March will be the adult open gym at the Chanhassen Elementary School. The school will be open from 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Open gym will start on Monday, September 16th. A gym attendant will be on duty to collect the $1.50 per night fee. Men's Five on Five Basketball will have its organizational meeting Wednesday, October 9th at the Chanhassen Council Chambers. Games will be played on Wednesday nights starting in December through March. Games will be played at the Chaska Middle School and the Chaska Community Center. You can start your day with an energetic run, walk or job without fighting the weather with "morning laps" at the Chanhassen Elementary School from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. The school will be open throughout the school ,year and will be closed whenever school is out for vacation or due to weather. ~~ "'1\011 '\..... -' .. C ITYOF CHANHASSEN ~ e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 July 30, 1991 \ ~ ~ ,r '. ,-'" C' 'j .\ \~,_<\ \ (\ ( .J-', '...~) '~~ -' '....J , --/ /( 3J' 't I !.....c ,~0'~: "--" j Mr. Larry Schroers 1020 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 JJ,' / ! . I ,-,l./ \,.-' ,\", J .;::.- ,~ , ~ / '.J""'J '-.J Dear Mr. Schroers: Thank you for your participation as a member of the City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Advisory Committee. Your involvement over the past five months has proven very valuable in guiding this multi-faceted improvement project. I appreciated your dedication and candor throughout the playground equipment review process. By volunteering for additional duties above those already necessitated in your required volunteer role, you show e sincere dedication in serving your community. I believe the beneficial results of your efforts will prove to be a worthy and satisfactory investment of your time. Thank you again for your assistance. Sincerely, ;:r~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator TH:ns pc: Park & Recreation Administrative Packet City Council Administrative Packet e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 . (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 August 7, 1991 Mr. Judd Fuhrman 7480 Saratoga Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Judd: On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for your tremendous contribution to the City Center Park/Chanhassen Elementary School Playground Improvement proj ect. The construction of the wood border for the north playground site was an ambitious proj ect, one which I am sure you are proud to have completed. wi th your assistance, the City was better able to meet the goals of this project. e Your pursuit of the rank of Eagle Scout exemplifies succeed. I am confident the leadership you coordinating this project will fulfill your requirements. your desire to displayed in Eagle Scout Less than a month from today, hundreds of children will play inside the border you constructed. The border will allow an 8 to 10-inch resilient surface (pea gravel) to be installed around new and existing play equipment. Pea gravel is the most acceptable material available to absorb falls from equipment. Since 75% of playground injuries result from falls to the ground, your project helps reduce the potential of injury while playing on this equipment. Again, thank you for a job well done and please extend to the many volunteers who assisted in your project. gratitude Si~Y#_ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Coordinator e' pc: Park and .Recreation Commission Administrative Packet ft t J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER C ITV OF CHANHASSEN e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 August 8, 1991 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lang 2631 Forest Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ken and Betty: Enclosed for your records is a copy of the executed Temporary Construction Easement allowing construction of a roadway ditch along "the extreme easterly border of your property. This ditch will service the new access road to Herman Field Park. On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for ~ your assistance in this matter. Your cooperation is greatly ,., appreciated and is an essential component of this improvement proj ect. Through our discussions and by listening to your comments at Commission meetings over the years, I feel I have an understanding of your general concerns and opinions in relation to the development of the park. I will honor these to the greatest extent possible as the development and usage of this area continues to evolve. ~ti Again, thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation TH:k pc: City Council , August 26, 1991 v.Park and Recreation Commission Administrative Packet, A~gust 27, 1991. e ft ~.1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER pity of Eden Prairie I" Offices o Executive Drive. Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3677. Telephone (612) 937-2262 August 14, 1991 Pat Nimmerfroh Trail Representative Eden Prairie Horsemen 8676 Shiloh Court Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 fti'.~.:l';f..': .. ........, t;- - , ~-." AUG 1 6 ;.991 efT}' Ut [ -"r:r., il r~ !i~~::~;:;\ SUBJECT: Trail Request for Chicago Northwestern Railroad Right-of-Way Dear Pat: e On June 17th, the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission reviewed the staff recommendation regarding future use of the abandoned railroad right-of-way for public trail purposes. That recommendation was to limit the trail to pedestrian and bicycle use with the initial intent to manage the trail for cross country skiing during winter months, and to consider the development of a parallel multi-use trail for snowmobiles and horses after staff have studied the cost of such a trail and the potential for connection to other trails of this type. The Commission voted unanimously to support that recommendation. City staff have taken an iniiiallook at the right-of-way and determined that it appears to be feasible to construct a parallel trail within the right-of-way; however, there are several areas of wetlands and heavy vegetation that would have to be negotiated to complete a trail parallel to the pedestrian/bicycle trail and within the right-of-way. This proposed section would begin at County Road 4 and travel southwesterly within the right-of-way to the Chanhassen City limits. City staff would not recommend this trail unless it is able to connect to an equestrian trail within Chanhassen, and there is not a cost estimate for this trail section at this time. As you may know, the City experienced considerable conflicts between the equestrian trail users and recreation trail users while an equestrian trail was within Staring Lake Park. A significant number of equestrian trail users refused to stay on their designated trail and eventually caused the City to remove that trail. Since that time, the City has developed guidelines for development of equestrian trails based on standards adopted elsewhere. Most agencies have concluded that bicycle trails are not compatible as equestrian tralis and recommend a minimum separation of 50'. Although snowmobile trails can be compatible with equestrian trails, snowmobile trails and cross country ski trails are also incompatible shared uses. In both instances, City staff are 7 concerned about the ability to enforce trail use regulations that would keep snowmobiles on the snowmobile trail and horses on the equestrian trail when a "non-compatible" trail is within 30- 50' from the trail. Perhaps you could provide a recommendation as to how this could be e accomplished. @ Recycled Paper Pat Nimmerfroh August 14, 1991 Page 2 These considerations as well as the cost to construct an equestrian/snowmobile trail will be discussed by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and the City Council, if the City of Chanhassen decides to provide a snowmobile/equestrian trail connection on their portion of the railroad right-of-way. I will inform you when this item will be discussed at the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and City Council. Sincerely, CITY OF EDEN PRAiRIE' /--~ ~~2-. ~ Robert A. Lambert Director of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources City of Eden Prairie cc: Todd Hoffman./' e, e e e e e CITY OF CHANHASSEN q - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ August 15, 1991 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Picnic/Recreation Shelter Planning for the construction Q.( the Lake Ann Park Communi ty She I ter continues. An important step in this process was the determination of the most appropriate site for the shelter. As shown in the attached diagram, three locations were studied. Option "A" as labeled on the diagra.xn offers many advantages over Options "B" and "C", and is the chosen location for the shelter. A brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of all three sites follows: option A Advantages: Minimal costs associated with retai~ing wall construction. Provides walkout to beach area and upper plateau picnic area. Provides besta.ccesstoparkil1g and turnaround facilities. Greatest setback Disadvantages: Furthest walk from the option B Advantages: Midway between beach and parking areas. n t..1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Mayor and City Council August 15, 1991 Page 2 still offers access to the upper plateau via an extended walkway. e Disadvantages: Requires the construction of an extensive retaining wall system. Does not pro~ide direct access to the upper plateau. option C Advantages: Best suited for catering to the "beach" crowd. Disadvantages: Far removed from parking, making transportation of supplies for group picnics difficult. Provides no access to the upper plateau picnic area. Requires the construction of an extensive retaining wall system. e Park and Recreation Coordinator's Update (8-19-91) 7i! In response to a request by Mayor Chmiel that the City Council have an opportunity to review the shelter location, work activity associated with option A has been halted. The questions posed by the Mayor are similar in nature to questions I raised in conference with Don Ashworth, Mark Koegler and Bob Sellers. Mr. Koegler and Mr. Sellers are with VanDoren Hazard Stallings, the architectural, engineering and planning firm working on this project. I, too, believe that option C is the best suited for serving the beach area; however, this location leaves the upper level picnic area with very restricted access. In a study of potential revenue generation from this building (attached) it is anticipated that the reservation picnic area will be a revenue generator with the other components of the building (concessions, rental) acting as "break even" type of services. Thus, the availability of reasonable access for transportation of picnic equipment and supplies is essential. Undoubtedly Option C provides the shortest trip to a restroom facility for persons using the beach. However, trading convenience for accessibility, in my opinion, would prove to be a detriment. I would anticipate receiving comments. on the distance Option A is from the main. beach, but the reaction from groups attempting to carry out a picnic at Option C would be worse. Lastly, persons using other areas of the park will also make use of e e Mayor and City Council August 15, 1991 Page 3 for these persons due to its central location relative to other park areas. The cost of construction at site Option A is also the least expensive. I have asked Mr. Koegler to prepare a report in this regard which will accompany this memo. Manaqer's Comments (8-26-91): Todd's and Mark's reports highlight advantages/disadvantages, but potentially not strong enough. My concerns are as follows: e Central Location: Approximately 60% to 70% of the shelter's users will probably be associated with the beach area. However, if making access easier for a majority of users creates a significant hardship for the remaining users, it is difficult justifying that option. I sincerely question whether Option B would be considered by the state as handicap accessible. The distance and terrain make accessibility difficult. I am confident that Option C would be considered inaccessible for elderly/handicapped. To consider that you would drop an elderly/handicapped person off at the drop-off by the beach, wheel him 200 feet towards the beach, turn and push him back up the hill and into the upper level of the shelter building is beyond my comprehension. Forgetting the handicapped for one moment, would you make this same type of trek yourself with 300 lbs. of food/beverage and 100 folding chairs for your parents' 50th anniversary? "Centrally located" is in the eye of the beholder. If you consider all users' needs, Option A could be seen as most central, i.e. looking at locating it to meet the needs of: o Persons using the fishing dock; Boat access users; Canoe/paddleboat renters [proposed location for this operation would be adjacent to the boat access with a pier separating the two areas]; Shelter personnel attempting to observe the rental area; People delivering the food/beverages for the larger gatherings occurring in the upper area; POlice/security personnel performing routine observation of park facilities; Distances for handicapped/elderly. o o o o o o e The final point not brought out in Miirk's or Todd's report was -a concern by the Park Commission that tne structure not have a strong visual impact from the lake. Option A has the least visionary impact from Lake Ann back into the shoreline. This office recommends Option A. V .~, I I uJ r\ I /.c.../ "'. ~ \ \ I. I '" ~ \ \ " ~ . :. 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Planners MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hof~man FROM: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: August 20, 1991 SUBJECT: Lake Ann picnic Pavilion Location. Continuing our recent discussion, the following is a comparison of the three identified site locations for the Lake Ann Picnic Shelter. SITE A Site A is the location originally identified for the structure in 1984. This location formed the basis for the concept plans that were prepared and reviewed by the Park Commission and City Council over the past six months. e The topography at Site A accommodates the proposed building with minimal grading and retaining wall construction. Contours in the area are naturally conducive to an at-grade entry on the upper level and a walk-out lower level. The entrance to the shelter is approximately 110 feet from the parking lot and 225 feet from the beach. At this location, the building will be visible from both the parking lot and from Lake Ann. SITE B Site B is located west of Site A adjacent to the play area and beach. At this location, the building would be approximately 40 feet from the beach and 500 feet (via the existing walkway) from the parking lot. Placing the building at Site B will require moderate grading and retaining wall construction. Retaining walls for a building on Site B are expected to cost $14,500 more than the construction cost of a building on Site A. A building located on Site B will be visible from Lake Ann but will be screened on the north by the existing hill. At the Site B location, the differential in elevation between the top and the bottom of the hill is 31.6 feet. e 3030 Harbor Lane North, Bldg, II, Suite 104, Minneapolis Minnesota 55447.2175 (612) 553.1950 SITE C Site C is a hybrid location between Sites A and B. As such, it is located 130 feet from the b~ach and 200 feet from the parking lot. At this location, the differential in elevation between the top and bottom of the hill is 21.6 feet. Due to this grade differential, an extensive amount of retaining wall construction will be necessary. The additional cost of retaining walls for a building on Site C compared to site A is estimated at $19,000. A building on Site C will be visible from Lake Ann and partially visible from the north. All of the identified locations are feasible sites for the proposed building. The cost estimate that has been prepared to date assumes Site A as a base condition. Selection of either Sites B or C will result in additional expenditures for retaining wall construction. 411i' e e . r II ,II ,( f I q I ~ I q I I ( ~\ r W Q:\ / ~ \g /0"- ). u /;;, : q) / I"" ~ . ~~ ~/~~~\ ~ J.- --- ) '-I \ / \ '-../' \ \ , ...J ~::::'I '1JfJ1 o ! I I J " <t)' (() 0) ... e I I I I i I '" <t)' ~ ... e )... q: -.J Q ~ Q:' q o "- m o CD m o m m / ! 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