1991 09 24 Agenda . 1. 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. 7. . J . l I _ [ AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMHISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1991, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to Order Approval of August 27, 1991, Minutes. Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Rail Corridor, Hopkins to Chanhassen, Interim Use. Site Plan Review, Chanhassen Business Center PUD. 1991 Report to the City Council. Update Park and Recreation 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. commission Member Presentations. Administrative Presentations: 1991 Gate ~ttendant Program Report Oktoberfest Central Park Master Plan Lake Ann Picnic/Recreation Shelter 8. Administrative section. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE eP.O. BOX 147 e CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 e FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Coordinator ~J' FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation DATE: . September 19, 1991 Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authori ty Rail corridor, Hopkins to Chanhassen, Interim Use The Park and Recreation Commission initially reviewed this item on April 23, 1991. A copy of the staff report presented that evening and the corresponding minutes are attached. Prior to addressing the planning and operational procedurals which would be necessary to transform the railroad grade1nto a usable trail, a correction to the recommended budget amount is necessary. As documented in the minutes of April 23, 1991, the correct estimate for the purchase of 3/8 minus limestone aggregate is $15,000.00. Recent investigation reveals that the use of an alternative but somewhat less desirable material, 3/4 minus limestone would result ~n a cost savings of approximately $34500.00. SUBJ: This being the case, it is embarrassing for me to have recommended a budget figure of $6,000.00. In preparing a budget recommendation for this item, I quickly calculated the aggregate quantity a second time and neglected to refer back to my original work. The $6,000 to $9,000 dollar shortage for aggregate can be addressed by amending the 1992 proposed budget which will not be forwarded to the City Council until October 14, 1991. However, larger issues than the budget amendment loom over this proposed project and prior to amending the proposed budget, it behooves us to study these. . In conducting a site visit of the corridor, a number of discoveries were made, including the presence .of dramatic vistas, existing dangerous conditions (road overpasses), the lack of an existing "trail head" for vehicular parking and trail access and the massiveness of this proposed trail project. The attached city base map identifies the existence or absence of these conditions. Further, it was clearly apparent that the alternative of developing an equestrian/snowmobile trail in the ditch line of the railroad right-of-way is not an option along the Chanhassen segment (see related attachment, letter to Pat Nimmerfroh). In many areas a ditch does not exist, in others the slopes are extremely severe ft . ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Rail Corridor September 19, 1991 Page 2 adjacent to the track bed and in all the vegetation is dense. It is my conclusion that the city is clearly not in the position to simply surface the trail. The clearing of immense quantities of brush and small trees would be necessary prior to work beginning on the trail surface as would the construction of safety railing structures at the Hwy. 101 and Hwy. 212 crossings. The design and purchase of a signage package would also be necessary. Further, the corridor lacks defined access points other than the at grade crossing at Bluff Creek Drive, which is posted "No Parking" on both sides. Publicly held land is not available for the development of the trail head comprised of a parking area with accessible connection to the proposed trail. Staff has mixed emotions in regard to the two obvious alternatives available to the City on this item. The first would be to sufficiently increase the proposed budget and plan on completing the improvements in 1992. If this is not met with favor from the Commission, the project must be delayed. The opportunity to construct a trail of this length bisecting the beautiful terrain which it does, is unmatched within the city. However, the expense of constructing the safety railings and the investment of labor, materials and machinery would be significant. Additional costs would be accumulated in trucking of aggregate. Further, the lack of a trail head raises significant doubts about the accessibility of the proposed trail to the public. RECOMMENDATION If it is the wish of the Park and Recreation Commission to move forward with plans' to complete this project 'in 1992, it is recommended that staff be directed to prepare a detailed analysis of the financial investment necessary to complete such, allowing for a budget amendment to be made at the October Park and Recreation Commission meeting and further investigate potential trail head locations. et . . . . . HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY RAIL CORRIDOR HOPKINS TO CHANHASSEN IMPORTANT STATISTICS Rails and ties have been removed only as far as Mile Point 32, which is just southwest of the Hwy. 212 crossing. Total length of Right-of-way in Chanhassen - 18,400 feet or 3.48 miles. Total length of right-of-way currently proposed for development - 15,600 feet or 2.95 miles (Pioneer Trail bridge crossing to Hwy. 212 bridge crossing) Approximate amount of aggregate to surface at a compacted depth of 4 inches, 8 feet wide; 3050 tons. % minus limestone $5.20/ton or $15,860.00 minus limestone $3.75/ton or $11,437.50 Approximate trucking cost for hauling aggregate to site - $1.40/ton or $4,270.00 Estimated cost of constructing railing structures - unknown and variable Cost of Acquiring property for the construction of a trail head - significant Ps!k a~~ r:~ Commission Meeting A~ri} ~?, 1~91 - Page 12 .' t hrouS''",:.L1t the t'ear. It's best 3 seasonal 1 y. littl~ interss with insects. Summer it gets to be a Pemrick: I'm curious. Has there been any feedback from owners? Erik Roth: We've only seen limited numbers. I really, without kind of officie.l support, 1 never felt like I could knock on somebody's door end say hE)', I've got just the thing you ought to do with your property. It just didn't seem right and we were well aware of the fact that in a sense we were trespassing all of these years. However, all of those years we didn't run into, very few people. Some. Got to know some of the kids who were in there hunting and whatever. They had seen those lodges that we made so 1"!~ bui 1 t a bi t of a repoi re there but I real.! y have not gone door to d00T and taken a survey in terms of what the people. I think most pec,p}c: L,ho ere there probably appreciate it and don't want to see it changed. They like the status quo which is what we're after. I believe it sh::>ulc! S~8>' that l"a)' without actually going through all of these procedures. Jt's not going to happen. I've seen too many other places... I h0nestly do~'t know what the property owners... . Andre~~,: I'd like to thank you both too. I thought this was a beautiful pr€EE~tatiGn. I wanted to make a couple of brief comments. I guess I'd like to knc~ if there exists a law in the city that would be similar to wh~t they have like on Lake Minnetonka for development along lakeshore. The. t I,.,le,\1.! 1 oj bs si mi ler to development along the bluff ridges. Some sort oT. a sett~c~ rule or a setback law. If that's something to look at that ~rot!e~ in th~ near term in a way of preserving the erosion problem. Hcff~,=n~ CU1"Tentl)' there €,xists a setback from the center line of the creek 7~ feet. Ideally that does not preserve the bluff. ( The " E WE;:-: a tape cha nge at this poi nt in the" discuss~on. ) ._::;._, , . ~~ ~ ,,.' -' _, ~ ~ .'-</~"-- ,. r",!fr c' (?'l" . ~ " ,.,.J ~ "::/ ' ,-."., ,.' ,Co ',?/t/A.{r-t?/- ~/r -~P":::-:r ,Po r;:: DISCUSSION, CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R.R.. HENNEPIN COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY. Name Address t~~~ r 730 Ne, ~I 96th Street 1190 Bluff Creek Drive, Chaska 630 West 96th Street 730 Pioneer Trail, Chaska 675 Lakota Lane, Chaska 105 Pioneer Trail 9610 Meadow Lark Lane , RAIL AUTHORITY / Il'~ I ~(lII/f~ ;11111&1/ Jf&11/1J11 rO. /;l'Id ./JI'f#- ~~~' p.4' 8 r~ ~J~I ~tf)'1,1I1 ~""II tI~q !I~#' 6111'1' Public Present: Carol Dunsmore Diane Gilbertsen Karen Hasse Betty Wold Sue Severson GaylE' Vogel Matt Thill Schroers: . ..motorized vehicles. When you get down into that valley and . start hill climbing with dirt bikes and running allover with snowmobiles, that's the thing that bothers me. If there was a g06d way to keep people \ ~, fV'1 --......... n [-J \J . i~ Q"~ NOlnon. 4&- ~"\.iO I ~I lI~j ~ =-S-...,::) . I I I ; I I ! I ., I ~ I I i ! ~ I I I j i I I , I I I .; ~ I ~ 0 g ~ ~ 2 ~ Sl ::l ~ Sl Sl Sl 9 9 9 0 R ~~ . ~~ ~ to ~ ...~ ~ ~ 0 -z. ~<P~OI ~ ..J .~ I I I cl~~ I I 8 8 , , ~ I ~ I 8 ! f .. I . S! ~ ~ I I I Il'cD I I . i . I j J I I I I I I I I I I I i I III \I .-J) ...,....i City of Eden Prairie City Offices 7600 Executive Drive . Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3677. Telephone (612) 937-2262 . August 14, 1991 Pat Nimmerfroh Trail, Representative Eden Prairie Horsemen 8676 Shiloh Court Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 nC'",.... . Ilc ~f<,U>-:-I' - ~ i.:<~-..: AUG 1 6 1991 CiTy U,.. I '-'fir" 'Jr"\K ."......' . . '-".......t:.I\ SUBJECT: Trail Request for Chicago Northwestern Railroad Right-of-Way Dear Pat: On June 17th: the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission reviewed the staff recommendation regarding future use of the abandoned railroad right-of-way for public trail purposes. That recommendation was to limit the trail to pedestrian and bicycle use with the initial intent to manage the trail for cross country skiing during winter months, and to consider the development of a parallel multi-use trail for snowmobiles and horses after staff have studied . the cost of such a trail and the potential for connection to other trails of this type. The Commission voted unanimously to support that recommendation. City staff have taken an initial look at the right-of-way and determined that it appears to be feasible to construct a parallel trail within the right-of-way; however, there are several areas of wetlands and heavy vegetation that would have to be negotiated to complete a trail parallel to the pedestrian/bicycle trail and within the right-of-way. This proposed section would begin at County Road 4 and travel southwesterly within the right-of-way to the Chanhassen City limits. City staff would not recommend this trail unless it is able to connect to an equestrian trail within Chanhassen, and there is not a cost estimate for this trail section at this time. As you may know, the City experienced considerable conflicts between the equestrian trail users and recreation trail users while an equestrian trail was within Staring Lake Park. A significant number of equestrian trail users refused to stay on their designated trail and eventually caused the City to remove that trail. Since that time, the City has developed guidelines for development of equestrian trails based on standards adopted elsewhere. Most agencies have concluded that bicycle trails are not compatible as equestrian tralis and recommend a minimum separation of 50'. Although snowmobile trails can be compatible with equestrian trails, snowmobile trails and cross country ski trails are also incompatible shared uses. In both instances, City staff are 7 concerned about the ability to enforce trail use regulations that would keep snowmobiles on the snowmobile trail and horses on the equestrian trail when a "non-compatible" trail is within 30- 50' from the trail. Perhaps you could provide a recommendation as to how this could be accomplished. . @ Recycled Paper . . . Pat Nimmerfroh August 14, 1991 Page 2 These considerations as well as the cost to construct an equestrian/snowmobile trail will" be discussed by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and the City Council, if the City of Chanhassen decides to provide a snowmobile/equestrian trail connection on their portion of the railroad right-of-way. I will inform you when this item will be discussed at the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and City Council. Sincerely, CITY OF EDEN PRA~ , ..--~ ~/2. ,,___ Robert A. Lambert Director of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources City of Eden Prairie cc: Todd Hoffmanv' Park a~~ rc~ Commission Meeting I.'\J:" ',- .i J :'?, 1 <::';'1 - Page 12 throush~ut the year. It's best 3 seasonally" Summer it gets to be a littls int~~ss with insects. . Pemrick: I'm curious. Has there been any feedback from owners? Erik Roth: We've only seen limited numbers. I really, without kind of offici~l support, I never felt like I could knock on somebody's door and say hey, I've got just the thing you ought to do with your property. It just didn't seem right and we were well aware of the fact that in a sense we were trespassing all of these years. However, all of those years we did~'t run into, very few people. Some. Got to know some of the kids who were in there hunting and whatever. They had seen those lodges that we made so we built a bit of a repoire there but I really have not gone door to doer and taken a survey in terms of what the people. I think most people IJho are there probably appreciate it and don't want to see it chang2d. They like the status quo which is what we're after. I believe it sh~uld stsy that way without actually going through all of these prccedurp~. It's not going to happen. I've seen too many other places... J hC''-,c:::tJy d:::.r,'t know what the property owners... . Andre~s: I'd like to thank you both too. I thought this was a beautiful preEE~t2ti0n. J wanted to make a couple of brief comments. I guess I'd lik~ t~, k,:c.! if the1"e exists a law in the city that would be similar to whst they have like on Lake Minnetonka for development along lakeshore. n-,.~ t k'.Y.J Id bs si m i 18r to development along the bluff ridges. Some sor t oT. s sEtb~ck rule or s setback law. If that's something to look at that ~rotl0~ in t~? near term in a way of preserving the erosion problem. Hoff :-:E. n' creek :': CLI)"r(:Tlth' there exists a setback from the center line of the fC0t. Ideally that does not preserve the bluff. ( ThE' " € WE;:7 a tc,PE cha nge at this poi nt in the, discussi_on . ) _ /:. ;. "!7 ~ .1'/~/..r "A (. .-::~"" '.' "... ~"-'/ '. L ?,/~'7-.//_ ,,1::/Y' _,,-ar.::77 .~.Ij;: DISCUSSION. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R.R.. HENNEPIN COUNTY RAIL AUTHORITY RIGHT-OF-WAY. Public Present: Name Address - tv;:/) , No, tl. 96th Street P~rk snj Re~ Commission Meeting A~r~l ~3, 1991 - Page 13 . C~ thE tr~ils and police it so they would stay where they're supposed to be. th~t would be a different thing. But when you run past an open area likE that, unless you have some kind of constant police patrol, people are d~finitely going to go into an area like that. Lash: That's a good point and 1 would not like to see that happen. when you mer,tioned the Luce Line you said there were certain areas that were designated and maybe that's a solution that we could look at here and just havp th2motorized be west of the bluff area or something. I don't know. J'm not saying that J feel strongly one way or the other. I'm just saying r would~'t feel comfortable tonight ruling out motorized vehicles as fa)- as J'm concErned. But I do think that this is an opportunity, especially in this part cf town. We really don't have much of a trail system down there. We're scsnt on east/west connectors. Any kind of trail system as it is now S0 I thin~ it's a perfect opportunity for us to jump in there. Koutsky: J think it's a nice opportunity we ought to consider also. I was wondcri~~ Todd, it is n~~ owned by the railroad. It looks like it's been purchased by the Rail Authority. I know this is an impossible question but do thpy hav? any idea if they would ever really intend to use this? If we de\/€Joi=lE.d it. f:offrLE~: That's their eventual intent is to use that as a light rail t)-F~sit corridor. Now the crystal ball is when exactly will light rail tranE~t tr developed. 10-15-20-40 years from now. . Koubs k,; : Those aT e Pl- obabl y the i r projectsions at least. La~;h: ~,c,nle..Jh€Te between 20 and 50 years. 10 and 50 years. Robin=oG= At the rate they're going. Schreers: Somewhere between now and eternity. Robi~son: Right. Lash: In our lifetime. Well I guess I think we need to keep that in consideration as far as the cost factor goes. I think we need to keep this down as much as possible in the event that say it is only 10 years away. Koubsky: I guess another discussional point. How do you police, I'm fairly ne..J on the Board so forgive me. How do you police motorized or non-motorized? If you were to dedicate it one or the other. This is a fairly unpopulated area of the city. We put Class V or whatever surface we wanted it, it's a perfect opportunity for any type of traffic, truck traffic or whatever, to utilize it. There'll be a lot of maintenance involved. I can see motorized vehicles doing a lot mOTe damage than good, especially if it. wasn't asphalted. How do you police that type of thing other than posting a sign? . Schroers: You post the sign and you target that area to the local authorities and to the CSO and whatever other resources you have available and you write a whole bunch of tickets. Park and Rec Commissior, ,1eeting April 23, 1991 - Page 14 Koubsky: Is that effective? .. Schroers: In some cases it is. I mean it deters turning it into a motorized recreation area versus a non-motorized area. I .have experience with several areas like this and when it's a new area and it's designated and you've got brand new signs out there and the authorities are out there writing tickets, the word spreads. People are just going to get 2 or 3 tickets and it starts to impact them to the point where they say it's not worth it. You can't go there without getting busted. We've got to find someplace else. Then you are going to have your occasional person going out there that might get away with it but initially if you target the area and police it as heavily as you can, that seems to be pretty effective: Koubsky: I guess those are my comments. Robinson: I think this is a real opportunity for us. It sounds like it would not t.ake a lot of money to make it at least a walking trail or a horse trail or something. Some small amount of rock. I think we should exert our efforts at this time to do what it takes to get this right-of- way and then determine where we go from there but it sounds like a real opportunity that I don't think we can pass up. Pemrick: My husband and I were out driving and we saw these ties being ripped up and we thought are they being replaced or what and the next thing I get a call from Eldon Burkwin, my neighbor and I was at the Homeowner's Association meeting last night but I had to leave early so I didn't get a chance to get feedback from most of the people, although those I sat by die agree to a trail is definitely wanted. And I've heard figures of like $12,000.00 or $13,000.00. Now am I imagining this?" Hoffman: That would be in the low range for the material. The aggregate surface which would be similar to the aggregate trail which is i~stalled up in the northwest corner which is crushed limestone, 3/8 inch or finer. Right around that $15,000.00 for that material itself and then obviously installation costs. Pemrick: So what do they think the cost would be with installation? Hoffman: Depending on if installation was contracted or performed by the City. If it was performed by the City, then it's obviously just the hours. You you from the Public Works and Park Maintenance personnel. Pemrick: How long is this section that goes through Chanhassen? Hoffman: I'm guessing approximately 4 miles. If anybody in the audience knows. Public: They bought...which is across from 212 where it starts in Eden Prairie. I don't think it's 4 miles but I don't know. I don't know what the mile marker is. Hoffman: To that point it certainly would not be but the entire segment across. . Park and Rec Commission Meeting April 23, 1991 - Page 15 . Pemrick: Well I'm all in favor of it. I think most people would be. a natural thing to do and I think we should pursue it wholeheartedly. It's . Andrews: I agree. We should signal our intent that we would like to have this designated as a trail. Funding is our crisis and probably wil.l be more so each year here over the next couple years so I guess I'm concerned about cost and I'm wondering if it would be feasible just to grade off the heavy rock or to run some sort of roller or crusher over it and make it more useable and perhaps just leave it as it is until we have the money to resurface it. The other concern I have is if it does become, or if we do resurface it and it's not property owned by the City of Chanhassen, how is maintenance going to be handled and who's responsible for it in the future? So that's a concern but that's a concern that's a little premature at this point. And obviously I agree with some of the other commissioners that we should not heavily invest in this project because if it is possible and it's going to be improved in a 10 year period or somewhere in that timeframe, if we were to asphalt this or try to highly improve it, I don't think would be a wise investment. That's it. Pemrick: I would like to break in here and say I guess I would not be in favor of motorized vehicles simply because we have to respect the homes that do border along there or are close to it. You can handle a train going through once a day or something because you know and you expect it. I grew up with a train going through my back yard so it wasn't that big a deal but when you've got sporatic traffic during the day or evening hours, it can be a real nuisance. . Erhart: I'd also be in favor of it. I can't help but feel that it would be a lot cheaper than putting a trail system in and trying to buy easements from 5ndividual land owners. However, I would like to find out what the intent is as far as the time frame for the light rail transit. Also, I would caution motorized vehicles on it. I think all the other uses. It's a really unique opportunity and I think we should go for it. Schroers: Okay. I'm wondering if we could ask staff to check with the rail authority and see what their intent is and also to check with the cities of Eden Prairie and Chaska to see how they feel about the right-of- way as a trail and if they intend to develop it and what timeframe they're looking at for doing that. It would be nice to be able to work together and if it appears that there's going to be adequate time and the cost is reasonable and if we can develop that trail system and get 10 years or 15 years worth of use out of it, it would be real nice to pursue. But I do think we should find out intentions of the rail authority and Eden Prairie and Chaska. Hoffman: At this point the rail authority's total involvement is a real mystery. I have spoken to both representatives from Eden prairie ~nd Chaska and admittedly they're very interested as well but we're all waiting to meet with folks from Hennepin County Rail Authority to get some more specifics. We can garner that information and then put it into a more concise report. Bring that back to the commission in a fairly short time so if this were to be considered as part of the 1992 Capital Improvement . SchroE:~r~,: Ok,"i>,. Well we spoke earlier Todd about the trail that is going through the northwest corner of the park and I mentioned the type of aggregate that's east of TH 101 on that trail. Did you have an opportunity to check with Minnetonka or whoever that is over there to see what thBt was? Hoffman: They're using a crushed limestone. It's somewhat smaller than the last stuff that the street superintendent over in Victoria ordered. Was not exactly what he ordered. It was somewhat larger. Then they used just regula)' crushed limestone in the city of Shorewood and it changes back, but not limestone but Class V limestone in Shorewood and then to switches back to the crushed limestone again up in the area which you'ie speaking cf. SchTo~r8: The crushed limestone makes just a wonderful trail for horses, for bicycles and everything. You don't even need a mountain bike. You can ride 0 reGular street bike on it. If there wouldn't be a major cost factor in sa/ 3/8 minus versus crushed limestone, I would strongly promote the crush~d limestone as a surface. It's a much more useable and enjoyable surface to be on. It's kind of too bad that sections of that.trail that exist nOl0 have the different material on it because it turns from a nice bicycling trail that's just about like pavement into more of a mountain bike (:r walking trail in ot.her sections. Consistency would make it nice s. you ca~ start from one end and go to the other depending on your mode of transportbtion. But anyway, since this was just a .discussion item and it r~qUil'eS no formal action at this time so are there any issues that the resident~ have of concern that we haven't addressed? Resident: When you're talking about the multiple use, you're going to have children walking on...And then the other thing,motorized vehicles gett.ing on there like Lake Ann or... It's real easy for people to get through but hard.. .so that would limit some of that. And then I think the policing of . . . Schroers: What you need to do about that, if there are people hunting illegally would be to notify the Conservation Officer. Resident.: ...1 don't know about you but I don't want to'go.out... Schroers: No, you just call the authorities. Okay.. Well, th~nk you very much for coming tonight and 'showing your interest and I hope that we can work together in getting that trail developed. At this point it's pretty early to be overly optimistic but I think that we'll definitely be pursuing it. So thanks very much and we're going to have to move on, or actually move back. r/t<; /RP?J/<~"';'~o//./ _ " < ~". ."/-;/ SITE PLAN REVIEW. 6541 MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. ...,..... ..' '> Hoffman: This is a fairly simple subdivision,'site plan review. It's . brought to the attention of the Commission as an informational item to keep . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission . ~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: April 17, 1991 Discussion - Chicago, Northwestern Railroad, Hennepin County Rail Authority Right-of-Way It has recently come to my attention that the above mentioned railroad right-of-way is in the process of being cleared of ties and tracks and will be available as a potential trail corridor. Initially, I received a phone call from Ms. Susan Severson, a resident, informing me of the activity taking place along the railroad corridor. She subsequently mailed the attached letters expressing her interest in a trail. A day later, I received a phone call from Mr. Don Lawrence, who represents the Hennepin County Rail Authority, regarding inquiries as to whether the City of Chanhassen would be interested in participation in a trail proj ect along the corridor. Mr. Lawrence confirmed that the right- of-way was purchased by the Hennepin County Rail Authority for the eventual routing of a light rail transit system. It is their hope that in the interim, a trail system could be coordinated with the municipalities through which the railroad passes. SUBJ: To date, formal action of any kind has not been taken on this item. Currently, Mr. Lawrence is facilitating a meeting for all affected ci ties. Direction from the Commission as to what action they would like staff to take would be appropriate at this time. ATTACHMENTS 1. Letters from Susan Severson, April 8, 1991.. 2. Location map. . o :. April 8, 1991 .' Chanhassen City Council Park and Recreation commision: I recently noticed that the tracks on the Chicago/Northwestern Railroad bordering our property in the southern portion of Chanhassen (along Highway 212 at Highway 101) have been removed. I made some telephone calls to determine the future of the property and learned that the right-of-way has been purchased by the Hennepin County Light Rail Authority for the future development of a light rail system. The light rail system is many years in the future and the cities that this right- of-way goes thru may apply for a permit to develop a trail system on it. The actual develoiment of the trail is at the expense of the city. I would like to strongly encourage the City of Chanhassen to pursue developing a multi-use trail on this right-of-way. I would also like to request that horse usage be included in the deveiopment of this trail. The southern portion of Chanhassen has no trail system at all. We have many neighbors in the southern portion of Chanhassen that would use this trail for horseback riding and hiking. I believe it would allow us access to the Minnesota Valley state trail system. . It would be a waste to lose this opportunity to develop a low- cost trail here thAt could benefit many members of the community. Most of the development work has already been done. This could be the start of a more comprehensive trail system to be developed in the future in Chanhassen. I would like to volunteer my time to help pursue a trail on this right-of-way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it a reality. Susan Severson 675 Lakota Lane Chaska, MN 55318 Tele: 445-6122 work: 828-8695 RECEIVED APR 09 1991 . en'J vr "" .. .... ..-.....n..I" J · April 8, 1991 . Todd Hofman: The horse-back riders in our area are so enthusiastic about . . horse trails in the South side of Chanhassen that we have already developed a short informal trail near this right-of-way ( with property owners permission). We are limited on each end of it by the Railroad tracks. It would not surprise me to find that these same people would be willing to donate some time and muscle to help actually construct a horse trail on this right-of-way. Some crushed limestone or dirt and grass would do the job for the horses. I would be happy to organize a work crew to help with the project. Thank you for your help! Sue Severson (wk: 828-8695, hm:445-6122) . . RECEIVED APR 0 9 1991 ell' \#t ......0...... -........ t- ~.....~ LO <.0 fit' ~ ~~~ ~ C::Io""'~ -z. ~~~ I i ~ ~ I I ~ I 8 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 8 N ! f .. 2 c I j I I I I I 'i i I I I I I I I I I I I ... ~ ,--Jl '..r-,j -, ----.."'" c::=1 \:J ~J ...--. I ~I "~j Q;~ Noeno,', ~ ~"'~ r--. ." fIft:- '.- '-' ~ ~~ ~ . I I I i " . I 0 I I ~ I I I I I ~ 'J 0 , i i I i , I 0 ~ c 0 I t I ? S! 0 ~ S ~ ? 0 S ~ C? 0 9 8 8 8 g 8 S ~ . . . 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 18, 1991 SUBJ: Ryan Construction Proposal Coordinator's Update Park and Recreation This item was scheduled for review by the Park and Recreation Commission on August 27, 1991, but was subsequently pulled from that evening's agenda at the request of the applicant. This application presents a handfulbf <issues in regard to parks and recreation which the Commission .<must...review. However, the size of this site (93.7 acres - compar~le t.o the total area of Lake Ann Park) and the eternal impact this development will have upon the City demands our full and detailed consideration of each. The magnitude of the recreational.and leisure needs resulting from the development of this site cannot be underestimated and must be accommodated. The thousands of employees working in the proposed Chanhassen Business' Center will not only make use of on-si te amenities; the trail loop, but will also have the opportunity to participate in Park and Recreation programs offered by the department. There is also a multiplying affect generated by the families of those employees who wish to reside within the City. In short, the affects ofth~s de"elopm~nt..arefar reaching in regard to the provision of park, recreation and leisure opportunities. In a conversation wi thMr. Kentcarlt:1l0I"li.Prc>perty..peyelo,pmEmt Manager for Ryan Construction Company, he indicated that Ryan Construction Company acknowledges this assessment. To temper his remarks; however, their concern in.addressingttl~ provision of these services is one of hundreds such concerns and in the case of the availability of off-site recreatiopservices does not necessitate their attention. These concerns are the only responsibility of the Park and Recreation Commission. In an attempt to clarify each of the issues, I will address them separately. n ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Park and Recreation Commission september 18, 1991 Page 2 . Park Fee and/or Dedication Requirements As eluded to in my original report, the site plan does not call for any park fee credit to be given, contrary to the request for such by the applicant in their narrative document. Chanhassen City Code states that land conveyed or dedicated to the city or the cash fees in lieu of the dedication shall be in addition to and not in lieu of open space requirements for planned unit developments (PUD). Clearly, this PUD would not be viable without the applicant calling for the preservation of the only mature stand of trees located on the property, the creekbed, the flood plain and the other environmentally sensitive areas within Outlot A. Many advantages are bestowed upon developers under the umbrella of a PUD, in return for these the city has a number of expectations, one of which is the preservation of Outlot A (see attached justification on rezoning to PUD, excerpt from Planning commission packet dated September 4, 1991). Granting park fee credit for this preservation would award the applicant the opportunity to "double-dip" benefits. RECOMMENDATION Again, it is recommended that the ci ty accept full park fees ($2,500 per acre) for the Chanhassen Business Center PUD. Trail Fee and/or Construction Requirements . As a basis for conversation in the area of trails, it can be assumed that all parties involved recognize the need to provide some form of internal pedestrian trail/sidewalk system on a site of this size. Ignoring or down playing the need is simply not in the interest of the employees/"people" working there. In addition, some configuration of a loop trail system will benefit the city at large through its availability to neighboring residents. In the event that a stronger case backing the construction of a trail is necessary a never ending list of potential uses and there corresponding benefits will be compiled. As Mr. Tim Erhart, Planning Commissioner, stated at the September 4, 1991, Planning Commission meeting, "I like the trail...I think it makes a lot of sense...I wish we would have done that in the industrial park that we are in (Chanhassen Lakes Business Park)... You see a lot of joggers. To have a trail, off-street trail, would have been really nice." The applicant does have a concern in regard to the configuration of the trail loop, however, as shown on the plan sheets. It is now thought that there may be the potential need for railroad access by a future tenant of the business center. It is their opinion, . . Park and Recreation Commission September 18, 1991 Page 3 with which staff concurs, that the alignment of the north half of the trail loop would then be unacceptable. As an alternative, the applicant has stated it would be their wish to omit the north half of the loop and simply extend the trail westerly to a connection point bisecting the future Bluff Creek Corridor Trail System. As stated in my previous report, this concept is considered unfavorable by this office and it is recommended that the loop configuration remain intact. Again, at the appropriate time in the future, a connecting link would be made to the turf trail along Bluff Creek. In discussion with the applicant, the alternative of constructing the trail/sidewalk along the internal road and in the 100 foot buffer zone to the south with a connection arch at the west end was met with some favor. In further reviewing this issue, I consulted the City Manager. It was the recommendation of the Manager's Office to not only follow through with the planning of a trail/sidewalk system, but to incorporate its construction into the larger infrastructure package as part of the tax increment financing (TIF) package being developed for the site. As a result, the quality of the business center is improved, trail fees remain a valid charge and the humane elements of the development are addressed. ~ RECOMMENDATION In addressing trail fees as part of the Chanhassen Business Center, it is recommended that the City: - accept full trail fees ($833.00 per acre); - require a 20 foot wide trail easement within the 100 foot buffer zone on the south edge of the development; along the north side of the proposed cUI-de-sac:on the west and north side of Lot 8*; and on the west side of Audubon Road from the 100 foot buffer zone to a crossing point opposite of Heron Drive to accommodate the construction of a bituminous trail. * Note: The alignment of the trail along Lot 8 would provide a more acceptable route for trail construction than the depicted alternative of skirting the proposed holding pond. ~ Ryan Construction September 4, 1991 Page 9 . Justification for Rezonina to POD Section 20-501. Intent Planned unit development developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfer of density, construction phasing and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other, more standard zoning districts. It will be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to realized as evaluated against the following criteria: Planned unit developments are to encourage the following: 1. Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features, including steep slopes, mature trees, creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views. FINDING: In this proposed development the applicant intends . to save the existing stand of mature trees along Bluff Creek, located on Outlot A. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the creek corridor as Park/Open Space. 2. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land in larger parcels. FINDING: The subject property is triangular in shape, bounded by the creek, railroad tracks and Audubon Road. The shape of the property prohibits design flexibility that one could find with a flat square piece of property. The advantage in the PUD proposal. is that the city is gaining a totally planned concept. If this were to develop separately as individual parcels, many of these design considerations wouJ.d not. be included. These design elements include an approved sign package, uniform street and parking lot lighting, compatible or cohesive architecture and building materials. . The coordination ~f site development will also improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of public improvements. For example, the project is large enough 'to help facilitate a solution to providing sewer service to the new MUSA area. Also, the development of, a single, comprehensive drainage system will maximize the effectiveness' of nutrient removal efforts while reducing the city's long term maintenance costs. . . . 5. 6. . Ryan Construction September 4, 1991 Page 10 3. High quality design and design compatibility with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Site planning, landscaping and building architecture should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. 4. PINDING: The applicants are proposing to submit individual building plans for each development lot. The city will utilize its normal site plan review procedure for each. The approved PUD documents will establish firm guidelines to ensure that the site is developed in a consistent and well planned manner. Higher quality development will result. Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city will be encouraged. PINDING: This site is bounded on the east by Audubon Road. The Comprehensive Land Use Map calls for a 50 foot buffer yard for additional buffering for the subdivision to the east. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan calls for a 100 foot buffer yard along the southern property line. This area will eventually be developed with single family homes consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Concept plans call for establishing an acceptable landscape buffer in the appropriate areas. Site topography and tree cover will also place much of the site beyond the view of adjacent residential areas. In addition, the location of the U. S. Weather Service site along Audubon Road will improve buffering. Most of this site will remain permanent open space. . Development which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PINDING: The Comprehensive Land Use Map identifies the subject area as the potential land use of Office/Industrial. The Land Use Map also identifies a Park/Open Space corridor, 300 to 400 hundred feet in width, running the entire length of the property. This area is located in proposed Outlot A area on the site plan. The Comprehensive Plan also .identifies a buffer strip 50 to 100 feet in width along Audubon Road and along the southern side of the property line. The intent of this buffer line is to help preserve and establish vegetation to help mitigate the impacts of development to surrounding properties. The proposal is fully consistent wi th the Comprehensive Plan. Parks and open space. The creation of public open space may be required by the city. Such park and open space shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Park Plan and overall trail plan. Ryan Construction September 4, 1991 Page 11 FINDING: The site plan shows a loop trail around the perimeter of the site, terminating at the northern and southern property line along Audubon Road. The applicants may propose to develop only the south half of this loop, with a connection then being made through the railroad tunnel and onto the property to the north which is also controlled by Ryan Construction. In addition, the Park/Open Space corridor along Bluff Creek, including the mature stand of trees, will be preserved. The Park and Recreation Commission will be reviewing this proposal in September. 7. provision of housing affordable to all income groups if appropriate with the PUD. FINDING: This provision of the PUD district is not applicable to this proposal. S. Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sightings and the clustering of buildings and land uses. . FINDING: Ryan Construction intends to pursue the use of railroad spur lines for Lots 2, 4, 6 and 7 during the . preliminary design stage. The applicants are proposing energy conservation for the buildings in two ways. First, earth mounding will help shield the buildings from the seasonal. weather extremes. Secondly, architectural treatment of the building will attempt to capture. the most efficient and effective design related to energy conservation. The lighting fixtures selected for use in the parking lot areas and on the public streets will be outfitted with an energy saving type of lamp. Additionally, they will include photo electric cells to turn them on/off automatically. 9. Use of traffic management and design techniques to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. Improvements to area roads and intersections may be required as appropriate. . FINDING: The main access to the site is off of Audubon Road. Designated as a collector street by the City Comprehensive Plan, it was upgraded last year. Traffic improvements such as turn lanes that may be warranted to support the project will be recommended as a condition of approval. This road isa Carver County Collector. All access for the lots will be from the proposed extension of Lake Drive West. The applicants are requesting to have access onto Audubon from Lot 1. The traffic study will also review this proposal. . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN J PRC DATE: 8-27-91 CC DATE: -11 HOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Rezone 90 acres of A2, Aqricultural Estate District to PUD, Planned unit Development/lOP, Industrial Office Park, creatinq 10 Industrial Lots t- Z LOCATION: <t U ::i Q. APPLICANT: a. <t South of chicaqo, Milwaukee, st. Paul and Pacific Railroad and East of Audubon Road (see attached location map). Ryan Construction Company 900 Second Ave. South 700 International Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 RLK Associates, LTD 922 Main Street Hopkins, MN 55343 . PRESENT ZONING: A2, Aqricultural Estate District ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - IOP, Industrial Office Park and A-2, Aqricultural Estate which is proposed for Rezoninq to PUD-IOP. S - A2, Aqricultural Estate E - PUD-R, Planned unit Development, Residential and lOP W - Railroad Tracks and A2 ~ ~ W I- - en COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This property lies within the service area of two community parks, Lake Ann and Lake Susan, and two neiqhborhood parks, Sunset Ridqe and Power Hill Park. . COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: An off-street sidewalk currently exists on the east side of Audubon Road, runninq nearly the entire lenqth of this property. The sidewalk is shown on the enclosed diaqram. The comprehensive Plan calls for this trail to continue south to Lyman Boulevard and on to the city of Ryan Construction/RLK Associates August 27, 1991 Page 2 . Chaska. Again, this sidewalk lies on th. east side of AUdubon Road, making it necessary to secure appropriate crossings to service the subject property. The second trail link identified in relation to this property is a segment of the nature trail planned along Bluff Creek. This trail will run north from the site on the east edge of the Timberwood Subdivision to the proposed school si te, and south to LYman Boulevard and beyond. The property allows access to the south entrance of a dOuble-wide concrete tunnel which bisects the railroad tracks. Each individual tunnel is large enough to permit vehicle passage. The two trailways associated with the property are unique 'in Character, were proposed for different uses and are to be constructed of different materials. The nature trail is to be maintained as a turf trail following existing contours with the Off-street trails 4It being constructed of concrete or a bituminous material. RECOMMENDATION Park Dedication: In reviewing the applicant.s narrative document for this proposal, it is their wish to dedicate Outlot A to the city in lieu of park fees being charged. Outlot A; however, does not meet the city's criteria of acceptable land for which park fee credit can be given and thus no park credit is being recommended. The people who will be employed in the business park and their families will expect and deserve the provision of quality park facilities, i.e. ballfields, playgrounds, tennis courts, etc. These cannot be constructed within the confines of Outlot A. The outlot is unique in nature and serves other purposes in relation to this proposed business center. It will act as a ponding and storm drainage and detention site for the development. The wetlands, streambed and area within the setbacks of both are already protected under current ordinances. Watershed restrictions further protect this area ensuring that it remain in an unaltered condition. The Commission may consider an alternative of accepting 7 to 9 acres of buildable land, the size of Lot 7, from the applicant in lieu of park fees being charged. In the absence of this type of arrangement, it is recommended that the city accept full park fees ($2,SOO/acre) for this development. Trail Dedication: As can be seen on sheet nos. 1 and 5 of the plan packet attached, the applicant proposed a loop trail around the perimeter of the site, terminating at AUdUbon Road at the north and 4It . . . Ryan construction/RLK Associates August 27, 1991 Page 3 south extremes of the property. Park and Recreation staff believes this alignment would prove beneficial, allowing for "lunch hourn walking/jogging to occur. This design would require the extension of the trail along the west side of Audubon Trail the distances necessary to reach appropriate crossing points, allowing connection to the existing sidewalk. The applicant would be required to construct this trailway of a bituminous or concrete material and provide associated easements. Appropriate trail fee credit would apply pending an agreement to construct a trail of this nature. It came to my attention today, August 22, 1991, through discussions with staff members and Mr. Kent Carlson, property development manager for Ryan Construction Company, that the applicant may propose the construction of the south half of this loop only, with a connection then being made through the railroad tunnel and onto the property to the north which is also controlled by Ryan Construction Company. Mr. Carlson informed me that it is their intent to bring a development proposal for this site to the city in the near future. As eluded to earlier; however, the two trail sections associated with this site are separate in nature and are designated in this manner in the Comprehensive Plan. It is staff's recommendation to pursue construction of the loop trail. At the appropriate time in the future, a connecting link would be made to the nature trail along Bluff Creek. Upon review of the final site plan SUbmittal, the appropriate trail fee credit would be calculated and submitted for approval by the city Council. The Park and Recreation commission will be kept abreast of activity in this regard. . r- o o ~ - o z s: )> " /~ / /"ClH PffF;V' / . I I I '\\:).u t ~'~ ~2 , ': r~8 /~~ \V/~,JI 1- -. 'i\'~"'~~ _ ~ ~ 1~1 ;f\t- . li' - fIDIlh~ . . f1fi~ t-z It It /71 1, C. V .,J,:O ~. \) ,Q . '" t~ ~~ I ~ '"",,'. ~^v.O I ! " I r \..~ \ ,"C":: )/ /1 , / . ---J I '., ~ 'lr... ~...~" . ~ r--~' '..U' .",:-; ~ . '~.':C/)' ~ ~ ...< ,,(. <' :1'- ""<,.(\. ~.. . . -I ,~. . · >:! '~/" ~ "'..m.,......,. · ,.,." ,~"'~:4:f.:,,. , ."Y'_. ...."..."'w~., ,,~~\:~-;:~-~.{t?~> . , ~';:lf;~~ ' ~ g~ "". ..;.'..... ",-;':', ~r- .~ L._ ,....:\ -1'''1'- f-;...J I bJ I " - ~ ~~- : ~. 1. :, '~~'"'' ~..J ,\\ . I ~ ...-....~.t4i~. \." 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II ,Il : r I I !~ I! i e~ .ff ; :$~' I ,:~ will i I i , I U --- ~ = ~ ~~~. ~ - ~ 5-~ ~~ ! --j ;; I i In aJ ' i; c: : nl! ~g ~ ~ :Jl~. S:~ (Jl~ jI I ~~ I ~ ili zzm ,U> .... ;;! ;! ~ ! j-! ',co :, 'i!: ~! - . " i',' " , HHtpH = ~!{! i i I II~'. at~~~~~ Ii Jji, lip I i II I I - I ~ ~r 'I II I( ~r . If ~f at II IIU .n I t I II I I '" . II Hll [ l! i U~ r = H~ Iii il! 1111! [IIi 11 11111 Ii! 11 ~ II! i 1 i i i! ;!;!;!!~!l; Ilii 1 i:lll:1' ,;!, '! i:" Iii Ii Ii i 1111 Iii! Ii ill j i i! li;!i 11 i Ii z o -t 23 :c (") o z en -t :c c: (") -t o ::z: r- '. ~I@ i"r-:- . . . ! I ! I 1 ,,' ;. . . :, : ~ ~~ . I, , , : l!! .... m ~ < ~ ;c ~ .... n :ll =4 !ll > ,.. m Cl > ,.. o m en n :ll 'il .... ~ i' ,... ~ . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEN '-I- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 20, 1991 SUBJ: 1991 Report to City Council As part of a special City Council meeting held on September 16, 1991, the City Manager asked that I prepare a comprehensive status report for all parks and park improvement projects. A copy of that report is attached. As this report detailed the activities which resulted from the work of the Commission, I chose to highlight the Commission and its members in a follow-up report to the City Council (attached). In the event that I missed anything or if I was not complimentary enough, I will accept recommendations for alterations to the report. The report will be included in the administrative section of an upcoming City Council packet. CITY OF CHANHASSEN , . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, city Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 11, 1991 Status Report - 1991 Park Improvement Projects; A Look Ahead to 1992 SUBJ: The following provides a summary of progress on park improvement projects in the City in 1991. All of these work functions are currently in progress with the exception of the South Lotus Lake Boat Access Project, which has been completed. South Lotus Lake Park . Grading, drainage and landscaping proj ect RA-278, at the South Lotus Lake Park Boat Access has been completed. An initial walk through of the construction site was held on Thursday, September 5, 1991. Work items which were found to be substandard were minor and include performing a final clean out of sediment accumulated in a catch basin, providing a small quantity of additional rip rap and rearranging two small areas of the rip rap which had been installed, remounting one lag screw in the upper ponding area silt barrier and replacing a small quantity of sod. These items were subsequently corrected and the jOb was accepted. Of primary interest, however, is did the project accomplish its purpose of improving storm water detention and discharge? As a means of answering this question, I visited the site during the last two heavy precipitation periods the city has received. I am pleased to report that the improved system operated flawlessly. In addition, grading and landscaping improvements carried out by both the contractor and the park maintenance/public works department have significantly improved the appearance and maintainability of the park. Neighboring residents were involved in coordinating the grading work to the east of the access road and to my knowledge approved of the outcome. City Center Park This multi-faceted improvement project has progressed very . smoothly. Work on the south playground and the tennis courts has . status Report September 12, 1991 Page 2 been completed. The change in appearance and the increased playability of both these areas is dramatic. The contractor was called back to remedy a substandard drainage condition in the resilient surfaced south play area. They completed the installation of additional drain tile the next day. In observation of this area during the most recent heavy rain, the drainage system now performs correctly. . Portions of the work associated with the north playground have been completed. Delivery of the handicapped accessible play equipment main structure is being taken on Monday, September 16, 1991. This $20,000.00 piece of play apparatus, purchased with CDBG funds, will be installed by the Park Maintenance Department. Contracting for installation for this equipment was favored in light of work functions already scheduled with the maintenance crews, but was not possible due to wage stipulations attached to the CDBG grant. The installation is complex involving the pouring of a series of concrete pads, which will accept the application of resilient pads acting as "landing" zones, assembly of the multi-decked/ramped structure and trucking and installation of resilient pea gravel. It is anticipated that this work will be completed by mid October wi th a grand opening being planned thereafter. A site plan drawing of the new play structure is attached. Attachment #1. Lake Ann Park . Detailed design development of the Lake Ann Park Picnic/Recreation Shelter is in its final stages. Plans and specifications will be presented to the City Council for review and to receive approval on Monday, September 23, 1991. As it is the goal to complete construction of the shelter by spring of 1992, I would like to present the attached schedule (Attachment #2) to the City Council at their special meeting this Monday, September 16, 1991, for a grant of approval-. This schedule has been developed to allow necessary processes to occur in a timely fashion enabling the shelter to be opened in conjunction with the opening of the beach. The City Council will note that the utilities schedule is straight forward and calls for "pipes" and "wires" to be in the ground this year. Restoration of disturbed areas would occur next spring. The shelter schedule necessitates that advertisement for bids be published in the Villager on September 19 and the construction bulletin on September 20. Therefore, and as previously mentioned, I will be looking to the City Council for their approval in this regard on Monday, the 16th. Upon receipt and review by the City Council members of the plans and specifications, comments will be taken and questions answered on Monday, September 23, 1991. If at that time, the city Council wishes to make any changes or status Report . September 12, 1991 ' Page 3 al ternations in relation to the shelter, an addendum would be prepared and published. As a prelude to the formal presentation which. will be made on September 23rd, I would like to convey that the design development stage of planning for the shelter has progressed very smoothly, elements of construction methods, materials, layout, furnishings, function, aesthetics, design, etc. have been considered. The result of these efforts, coupled with the upcoming selection of a competent contractor, assures that the "consumers" (residents) making use of this building and its services will find it functional. Note: The Shelter location has been staked allowing inspection of the area to occur. Lake Susan Park Construction of the second phase of improvements, i.e. boat access, trail connection, archery range, at Lake Susan Park is underway. Delivery of the accessible fishing pier acquired through a CDBG grant is being accepted on September 30, 1991. Installation of the pier will most likely take place in the spring of 1992. with the . completion of the first phase of improvements and the expansion of the play equipment, the park was well received this year. Herman Field Park Construction at Herman Field Park commenced the week of August 12, 1991, in the absence of this week's rain, the project could have been completed by the 20th of September. Today's best estimate is that work will be completed by the end of the month. This project was initiated as a grading, surfacing and paving project to accomplish two main objectives; provide an access to the park and prepare the site to accept recreational facilities. As you are aware, this ini~ial work is the cumulation of a 13 year, on and off process of planning for the development of this 13 acre neighborhood park. Upon final restoration and seeding of the park it will be allowed to establish growth this fall and next spring prior to the installation of proposed 1992 facilities. These include a play area, trails, a 160 foot super deck boardwalk traversing the waterway separating the two "halves" of the park and picnic tables. Curry Farms Park The 1991 Park Acquisition and Development CIP. contained $10,000 to carry out improvements at Curry Farms neighborhood park. Work on these improvements, which include a play area expansion . installation of a ballfield with backstop and aggregate infield and . . . status Report September 12, 1991 Page 4 the construction of a bituminous walkway has been initiated. The unfavorable soils in the park, coupled with its low elevation, have necessitated increased preparation and compacting time during construction. Work which remains to be completed includes the application of the bituminous trail surface, installation of the backstop and bases and restoration. The only remaining facility called out in the Master Park for Curry Farms Park is a tennis court. It will be necessary at the time when construction of the court is recommended, to carry out an extensive soil study. We need to recognize that due to the condition of soils, construction may not be feasible or at a minimum construction costs will rise due to the need for corrective measures. Sunset Ridge Park The developer's surveyor was called back to stake the outlying property boundary of the park. Park maintenance crews located the property corners of all lots abutting the park property to accurately define construction limits. Equipment was moved to the site on August 19, 1991, and an on-site evaluation of the park's Master Plan was conducted with Dale Gregory, Park Foreman, and Mark Koegler of VanDoren Hazard Stallings. This inspection revealed that modifications to the Master Plan are necessary to best utilize the site. A revised Master Plan will be prepared upon final determination of facility locations. Grading and site preparation will continue for another week or two depending upon favorable weather conditions, with site restoration and seeding to follow. Initial facilities include a ballfield/soccer field, sand volleyball court and a play area. Ballfield construction is being coordinated with grading work. The other facilities will either be installed late this fall or in the spring. To allow everyone to "keep in touch" with all of the city's parks, I am providing the following one line status reports. Only parks not previously discussed are listed. Bandimere community Park Land is continuing to be rented for agricultural purposes; a potential park Master Plan was completed in 1989; to be developed as a youth athletic field complex; $300,000 to $500,000 needed to develop; when is the time for a referendum? status Report september 12, 1991 Page 5 Bandimere Heights Park Received a play area expansion and crowning of the soccer field this year; essentially fully developed. . Bluff Creek Park Open space; to be incorporated as a part of the Bluff Preservation/Watershed District. Carver Beach Park Play area improvements proposed for 1992. Carver Beach Playground "Remodeling" of playground initiated in 1991; proposed to be completed in 1992; CAA home field. Chanhassen Estates Mini Park Did you know it existed? Just east of McDonalds, south of Lake . Drive. Chanhassen Hills Park Development initiated in 1990; additional improvements are proposed in 1992. Chanhassen Pond Park Erosion correction measures carried out in 1991; loop trail around the pond is a popular walking route. Greenwood Shores Park Serves as a neighborhood park/beach; trail leads to Lake Ann Park. Meadow Green Park Essentially fully developed, modifications to the play area to comply with current safety standards will occur in 1992. Minnewashta Heights Park Resilient surfacing (pea gravel) and border was installed in 1991; play area update proposed in 1992. North Lotus Lake Park . . . . status Report September 12, 1991 Page 6 One of the "newer" parks which contains an array of typical neighborhood park amenities. Pheasant Bill Park Purchase is final; initial grading and surfacing is proposed for 1992; anxious neighborhood. Power Bill Park Lake Susan Hills West; will act as the city's only official sledding hill; to be developed over the next few years. prairie Knoll Park Lake Susan Hills West; east of Powers Blvd; will act as a neighborhood park with play area, open space. Rice Marsh Lake Park Construction of basketball court, installation of swings and expansion of resilient surfacing to be completed in 1991; proposed purchase of additional play equipment in 1992; neighborhood interest in park maintains a high level; CAA home field. Park West of Lake Minnewashta Staff continues to "keep in touch" with market in the area; it will take a dedication of land through development coupled with outright purchase to acquire a desirable piece of property in this market; 5 to 15 acres. Trails Trail connection from Lake Susan Park to Chanhassen Hills and Hidden Valley proposed for 1992; completion of Lake Ann Park Big Woods Trail, cleared in 1991, proposed; now is the time to be acquiring key segments of the city's proposed Comprehensive Trail Plan; continue to construct trails in unison with road projects. LAKE ANN PARK PICNIC/RECREATION SHELTER SCHEDULE UTILITIES Plans and Specs to City of Chanhassen Plans and Specs to Council; Accept and Authorize Bids Send Ad to Chanhassen Villager Send Ad to Construction Bulletin Publish Ad in Villager Publish Ad in Construction Bulletin Bids Received Council Award Begin Construction SHELTER Plans and Specs to City of Chanhassen Plans and Specs to Council; Accept and Authorize Bids Publish in Villager Publish in Construction Bulletin Bids Received Council Award Begin Construction September 18, 1991 September 23, 1991 September 20, 1991 September 20, 1991 September 26, 1991 September 27, 1991 October 8, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 21, 1991 September 18, 1991 September 23, 1991 September 19, 1991 September 20, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 21, 1991 . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council // FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 20, 1991 SUBJ: 1991 Report to the City Council . In that a complete report of park projects under construction and status reports for all other parks was presented to the city Council on Monday, September 16, 1991, I will not delve further into that area in this report. However, I would like to touch upon the work which the Park and Recreation Commission has completed over the past year in seeing that the city's parks and trails continue to develop properly. As you know, the Park and Recreation Commission currently consists of seven members: Larry Schroers, Chairman Jim Andrews, Vice-Chair Dave Koubsky Jan Lash Curt Robinson Wendy Pemrick Dawne Erhart These members represent nineteen years of combined service on the Park and Recreation Commission. In reporting to and working with this group over the past year, I can assure you that they are well prepared to represent issues within the city in the areas of parks, trails, recreation and leisure opportunities. The Commission members reside in many areas within the community and bring with them to the Commission meetings their diverse business knowledge and personal experiences. The Commission adopted the proposed 1992 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) on August 27, 1991, totalling $150,000. You will find the improvements called for in . this CIP to be diverse and far reaching in their benefit. I will Park and Recreation Commission September 20, 1991 Page 2 be presenting this proposed ClP to the City Council for approval as part of the 1992 Budget process. I believe I speak for all the Commission in saying that they are looking forward to continuing their service to the City of Chanhassen as Park and Recreation Commissioners. . . . '. . . s CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P,O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 1/1 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 18, 1991 SUBJ: Update Park and Recreation Five Year Improvement Program; Work Session Please find attached worksheets for the Commission to use in updating the Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The last time the department's five year C~!>>was updated was in December of 1990. At that time , it covered tl'letiscal years 1988 through 1992. In that we have just completed tpeproposed 1992 Park Acquisition and Development CIP, those figur~s are reflected on the worksheets. The Commission will also find attached a copy of the December 1990, revisions which identifies $53~, 000 wOrth of improvements under the year 1992+. Obviously, this is exaggerated; however, individual items listed for/all will help in guiding the revision of the five year CIJ:>~ I would discussion would proceed along the same li~es as in of the annual CIP, with a much broader $cope. n ~J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER '. CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Bandimere Community Park 9405 Great Plains Blvd (TH 101) 30 Community 1992 .00 1993 1994 Notes: Concept Master Park Plan prepared in 1989. 1995 1996 .' . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Bandimere Heights Park Address: 9290 Kiowa Trail Acres: 3 Class: Neighborhood Improvements Wood Park ID Sign 1992 250.00 1993 1994 1995 1996 Notes: The Bandimere Heights Park Soccer/Play Field received an application of black soil and was graded to establish a drainage crown in 1991. 1991 Improvements Play Area Expansion Sand Volleyball Court Paving of Offstreet Parking 3,500.00 200.00 400.00 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Bluff Creek Park Address: Hesse Farm Road Acres: 21 Class: Open Space Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 .00 Notes: To be incorporated into the Bluff Creek Preservation zone. 1996 .' . . .. . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements Play Area Refurbishment Notes: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Carver Beach Park 6891 Lotus Trail 8 Neighborhood 1992 1993 1994 1995 2,200.00 1996 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Carver Beach Playground Address: 900 Carver Beach Road Acres: 3 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 Wood park ID sign 250.00 Replacement of swing 950.00 Add'n of two spring animals 1000.00 Board wood & pea grav~l 1400.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements Play area expansion 5,000.00 1994 1995 1996 . . . '. . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Chanhassen Estates Mini Park 55 Lake Drive East 1 Neighborhood Improvements Wood park ID sign Notes: 1992 250.00 1993 1994 1995 1996 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Chanhassen Hills Park Address: 8579 Chanhassen Hills Drive South Acres: 8 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 Wood park ID sign 250.00 Construction of a ballfield 1500.00 Installation of trees 800.00 Notes: 1996 .- . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Chanhassen Pond Park Address: 7500 Laredo Drive Acres: 16 Class: Open Space Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 Wood park ID sign 250.00 Wheel chair access- able picnic table 500.00 picnic table 450.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements Correction of erosion areas 3,000.00 1996 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: City Center Park Address: 710 Coulter Drive Acres: 10 Class: Community Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Play equipment 10,000.00 expansion (50% share)' New basketball poles and standards 1,200.00 Notes: Configuration of park is subject to change dependent on the outcome of Central Park Master plans. 1991 Improvements Play area expansions Tennis Court Refurbishment Master Plan Development Warming House 70,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 .' . . -. . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Curry Farms Park Address: 1300 stratton Court Acres: 6 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 Wood Park IO sign 250.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements - Play area expansion Ballfield construction Trail construction 1994 1995 2,500.00 2,000.00 5,500.00 1996 Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Imorovements Notes: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Greenwood Shores Park 7110 utica Lane 4 Neighborhood 1992 .00 1993 1994 1995 1996 .' . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Herman Field Park Address: 2591 Forest Avenue Acres: 13 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1st phase play area with border wood/ pea gravel 13,000.00 Superdeck Boardwalk 6,000.00 picnic tables & play area bench 1,500.00 Notes: Construction of trail loops will be completed in 1992 by park maintenance personnel. Negotiations for a trail connection to Minnewashta Regional Park are underway. 1991 Improvements - Grading surfacing, installation of access road 50,000.00 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Lake Ann Park Address: 1456 Arboretum Blvd (Hwy 5) Acres: 98 Class: Community Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Shelter - First aid supplies 400.00 Lifeguard Room Equipment Rescue board Cash register Freezer Refrigerator Microwave Menu boards Building supplies & Equipment 3,000.00 Row boat 650.00 Canoes (2) 1,000.00 Paddle boats (2) 1,650.00 Life jackets (20) 500.00 Canoe paddles (10) 200.00 Play-aks (6) 1,800.00 Play-ak paddles (8) 200.00 Outboard motor 750.00 Shelter landscaping Boundary Buoys General - .. 1500.00 500.00 750.00 400.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 . 1,500.00 1,300.00 Drainage improve- ments, field #6 1,000.00 Supplies for con- version of field #2 to Little Leag. 500.00 Bituminous trail loop Fencing 10,500.00 2,200.00 . . . . Notes: Lake Ann Park is entering a stage of final transformation to a "full service" community park. The installation of services, Le. phone, electric, sewer, water will allow the future construction of a group reservation picnic shelter at the parkview area, the construction of a serviceable shelter at the ballfields, and other improvements. 1991 Improvements Swimming raft Player benches 10,000.00 2,500.00 Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements Trail line to Chan. Hills Archery range targets Aeration system installation Track ride FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Lake Susan Park 903 Lake Drive East 27 Community 1992 .1993 1995 1996 . 1994 21,000.00 300.00 4,000.00 800.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements - Completion of Lake Susan Park expansion project and play area. .. . . . . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: ImDrovements Installation of trees Notes: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Meadow Green Park 921 Pontiac Lane 18 Neighborhood 1992 1993 1994 1995 400.00 1996 Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements Park area expansion FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Minnewashta Heights Park I 6220 Dogwood Avenue 2 Neighborhood 1992 1993 1994 1995 3,000.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements - Installation of play area border and resilient surfacing completed. 1996 e' e e . . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM North Lotus Lake Park 295 Pleasant View Road 18 Neighborhood 1992 .00 1993 1994 1995 1996 Notes: Additional wind screen plantings for the tennis courts will occur in 1991. FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Pheasant Hill Park Address: 1720 Lake Lucy Lane Acres: 11 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 1993 1994 1995 Engineering, 20,000.00 surveying, staking, grading, surfacing, and site preparation associated with initial phase of construction Notes: Park Master Plan approved in 1991. 1996 .' . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Power Hill Park Address: Flamingo Drive Acres: 18 Class: Neighborhood Improvements 1992 .00 1993 1994 1995 1996 Notes: Boundary of this park is being defined through the development of the 7th and 8th addition of Lake Susan Hills West. New homes are currently being constructed on the eastern border of the park. Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements Notes: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM prairie Knoll Park 1124 Dove Court 4 Neighborhood 1992 .00 1993 1994 1995 1996 The access trail to prairie Knoll Park from Dove Court will be installed by the developer to the rear of the lots which it bisects. .' . . . . . Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: ImDrovements Play area expansion FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Rice Marsh Lake Park 8119 Erie Circle 30 (90% wetland) Neighborhood 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 6,000.00 Notes: 1991 Improvements - Completion of half court basketball court, installation of swing unit and expanded border wood area. Park Name: Address: Acres: Class: Improvements FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM South Lotus Lake Park 7610 South Shore 7 community 1992 .00 1993 1994 1995 1996 Notes: 1991 Improvements - Grading, drainage and landscaping improvement project completed, play area to be installed. .. . . . . . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Park Name: Sunset Ridge Park Address: 1364 Lake Susan Hills Drive Acres: 10 Class: Neighborhood Imorovements 1992 1993 1994 1995 Installation of trees 800.00 1996 Notes: Initial development of park will be completed in 1991, with total expenditures of $19,000. , J . CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1991 Updated: December, 1990 . . r '7/0 . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Lake Ann Park On the -north side of Highway 5, 1 mile west of downtown Chanhassen 98 Community park Imorovements ~ ~ ~ 19a1 1992 + Totlot 8,000 Expansion Project (300,000)* Totlot (Ballfields) 10,000 Totlot (Ballfields Phase II) 9,000 Nature Trail (Woods) 4,000 4,000 Community Park Shelter 100,000 (110,000):** Street Curbing 20,000 Raft 10,000 Concession Improvements 6,000 Soccer Lights 60,000 Handicap Picnic Area _ 15.00. Player Benches 2,500 Total 8,000 10,000 113,000 22,500 95,000 * Referendum Funds: These costs were not calculated into the totals. ** Capital Improvement Project Transfer Out Bold figures indicate projects which have been completed or are In progress. Standard figures indicate original budgeted amounts or projected budgeted amounts. The reallocation of funds not expended in a given year is necessary prior to transferring such funds to the following year~s budget. 1 . . Five Year Caoital Imorovement Proaram Park:Lake Susan Park Location: Intersection of Lake Drive & CR 17 Acreage: 27 Park Type: Community Park Imorovements 1988 ~ m.o .w1 1992 + LAWCON Grant Project* 221,000 Totlot 10,000 Totlot Expansion 10,000 10,000 Bleacher 2,500 Total -0- 110.500** 10.000 12,500 10,000 . ** * Entrance road, boat access, ballfield. archery, trail. fishing pier. tennis. basketball. etc. As this is a matching grant, only one-half of the project cost is added to the totals. . 2 . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Meadow Green Park Pontiac Drive 21 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 ~ ~ .1W1 1992 + Paved Parking 2,000 Tennis Nets 600 Bleachers 3,000 1,000 Bike Rack 500 Total 5,600. -D- -D- 500 1,000 . 3 . . Five Year Caoita! Imorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: North Lotus Park Pleasant View Road 18 Neighborhood Park Imorovements ~ ~ ~ ~ 1992 + Totlot 5,000 Ballfield 15,000 Volleyball Courts 300 Paved Parking 2,000 Totlot Expansion 10.000 Tennis Courts Natural Windscreen 1.000 Swings 1,000. Total 20,300 2.000 -0- 2.000 10,000 .. . 4 . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: South Lotus Lake Park South Shore Drive 5 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 + Fishing Dock 1,500 Ballfield 15,000 15,000 15,000 General Improvements (frees & Bench) 10,000 1,000 10,000 Totlot 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Tennis Courts 25,000 25,000 Total 1,500 60,000 25,000 11,000 50,000 . 5 . . Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Imorovements Land Acquisition Total . . Greenwood Shores Park Utica Lane 4 \ Neighborhood Park ~ -0- Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram ~ -0- mo -0- 1mll , 992 + -0- 50,000 -0- -0- -0- 50,000 -0- 6 . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Carver Beach Playground Carver Beach Road 3 Neighborhood Park Imorovements ~ ~ ~ m1 1992 + Basketball Court 3,000 Park ID Sign 350 Landscaping 1,000 2,000 Totlot Upgrading 5,000 5,000 Total ~,OOO 350 -0- 6,000 7,000 . 7 . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Carver Beach Linear Park Lotus Trail 8 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 1989 ~ ~ 1992 + General Improvements ... 3,000 Seating 1,000 Fishing Dock 2,500 Landscaping 1.500 Total -0- 3,000 -0- 5,000 -0- * Retaining wall. raft replacement. canoe racks. etc. . . 8 .. Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Chanhassen Pond Park Kerber Boulevard 16 Neighborhood Park, Open Space Imorovements ~ ~ mQ .w.1 1992 + Wood Duck Houses 400 Off-Street Parking 1,000 Benches 600 Correction of Erosion Problems -0- 3.000 2,000 Grade Trail 3.000 Total -0- 2.000 3,000 3.000 2,000 . 9 . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Rice Marsh Lake Park Erie Circle 30 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 1989 .mo lla1 1992 + Paved Parking 1,500 -0- -0- -0- -0. Bleacher 1,000 Totlot Expansion 11,000 Total 1,500 -0- -0- 1,000 11,000 . ~. . 10 .' Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Bandimere Heights Park Kiowa Trail 3 Neighborhood Park Improvements 1988 1989 ~ ~ 1992 + Off-street Parking Asphalt 3,500 500 Sand Volleyball Court 500 Basketball 2,500 Totlot Expansion 3,500 Total 3,500 -0- -0- 4,500 2,500 . 11 . . . . Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Bluff Creek Park South of Bluff Creek Golf Course 21 Community Park Imorovements 1988 1989 ~ ~ 1992 + Trail Improvements 15,000 Access Road 10,000 Land Acquisition 50,000 Total -0. -0- -0. -0- 75,000 12 .- Five Year CaoitaJ IrTlDrOVement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Minnewashta Heights Park Dogwood Avenue 2 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 ~ .wg ~ 1992 + Park ID Sign 400 Totlot Updating 5,000 Warming Shelter 10,000 Total 400 -0- -D- -0- 15,000 . 13 . . Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Imorovements Herman Field Park Forest Avenue 13 Neighborhood Park Access Road, Initial Phase of Development Total ~ Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram 1989 1990 1992 + ~ (50,000)* -0. -0. -0- -0. (50,000)* -0- e * Capital Improvement Project Transfer Out e. 14 .. Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: City Center Park Coulter Drive 10 Community Park Imorovements ~ ~ ~ 1991 1992 + Warming House 2.500 1,000 1.000 Tennis Windscreen 500 Play Surface 1,500 1,500 Totlot 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Master Park Plan 2,000 2,000 Park Reconfiguration 25,000 25,000 30,000 . Total 500 44,000 69.500 68,000 30,00. 15 . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Program Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Chanhassen Hills Park Chanhassen Hills Drive South 8 Neighborhood Park Imorovements ~ ~ mo ~ 1992 + Master Park Plan 2,000 General Development 10,000 Tennis Courts 30,000 Total -0- 2,000 10,000 -0- 30,000 . . 16 .' Five Year Caoital Imorovement ProQram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Curry Farms Park Devonshire Drive 6 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 1989 1990 m1 1992 + Totlot 2,500 Master Park Plan 2,000 General Development 10,000 Tennis Courts 30,000 Total 2,500 2.000 -0- 10,000 30,000 . 17 . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Lake Susan Hills West - Outlot G Lake Susan Hills Drive West 9 Neighborhood Park Imorovements 1988 1989 ~ 1m 1992 + Master Park Plan 2,000 Totlot 10,000 General Development 9,000 Tennis Courts 30,000 Total -0- 2,000 -0- 19,000 30,000 . . 18 Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Imorovements Totlot Total .' Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Lake Susan Hills West - Outlot H Dove Court 4 Neighborhood Park ~ ~ mg 1991 1992 + -0- 10,000 -0- 10.000 -0- -0- -0- . 19 . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement ~roaram Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Lake Susan Hills West - Outlot F 18 Neighborhood Park Imorovements ~ ~ mo .m1 1992 + Master Park Plan 1,500 Totlot 10,000 General Development 20,000 Total -0- -0- -0- -0- 31,500 . . 20 . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram Park: Bandimere Youth Parkland Location: South Highway 101 Acreage: 35 Park Type: Community Park Imorovements .me ~ ~ ~ 1992 + Master Park Plan 1,500 Rough Grading 10,000 General Improvements 300,000 Total -0- 1,500 -0- 310,000 . 21 . ~ . Park: Location: Acreage: Park Type: Imorovements Pheasant Hill Parkland Lake Lucy Lane 10 Neighborhood 1988 Master Plan General Development . . Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram 1989 1991 1992 + ~ 2,500 40,000 2,500 40,000 22 . Five Year Caoital Imorovement Proaram 1991 Land Acauisition 1988 1989 .wg 1991 1992 + Curry Farms {)- Lake Susan Hills West {)- Chanhassen Hills -0- Bandimere Youth Complex (200,000)* Pheasant Hill ( 75,000)** West of Lake Minnewashta 100,000 100,000 100,000 East of Lake Minnewashta -0- North/Central Chanhassen -0- Total -0- {)- 175,000 100,000 -0- * Land Purchase as a result of referendum. These costs were not calculated into totals. ** Transfer Out . 23 . . . . Park: location: Acreage: Park Type: Imorovements Restocking Total Chanhassen Tree Farm lake Ann Park 1988 5,000 Five Year Caoitallmorovement Proaram ~ .1imQ .1m1 1992 + 3,000 500 1,000 3.000 3.000 5.000 3,000 500 1,000 24 Five Year Caoital Imorovement Proaram . Year Totals 1990 Amts. Have Been Changed to Show What Has or Will Original Amts. Original Amts. Be Completed Proposed Proposed Park ~ ~ ~ m1 ~ Lake Ann Shelter (110,000)* Lake Ann Park (Expansion) ( 300,000)* (20,000)* Lake Ann Park 8,000 10,000 9,000 22,500 95,000 Lake Susan Park -0- 110,500 10,000 12,500 10.000 Lake Susan Park (Expansion) (120,000)* Meadow Green Park 5,600 -0- -0- 500 1,000 No. Lotus Park 20,300 2,000 -0- 2,000 10,000 So. Lotus Park 1,500 60,000 -0- 11,000 50.000 Greenwood Shores Park -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,000 Carver Beach Playground 3,000 . 350 -0- 6,000 7,000 Carver Beach Linear Park -0- 3,000 -0- 5,000 -0- Chan Pond Park -0- 2,000 -0- 3,000 2.000 Rice Marsh Lake Park 1,500 -0- -0- 1,000 11,000 . Bandimere Heights Park 3,500 -0- -0- 4,500 2,500 Bluff Creek Park -0- -0- -0- -0- 75.000 Minnewashta Heights Park 400 -0- -0- -0- 15,000 Herman Field Park -0- -0- (50,000)* -0- -0- City Center Park 500 2.500 1,000 68,000 30,000 Chanhassen Hills Park -0- 2,000 10,000 -0- - 30,0. Curry Farms Park 2,500 2,000 -0- 10,000 30,0 Lake Susan Hills West Outlot G -0- 2,000 -0- 1~,OOO 30,000 Outlot H -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,000 Outlot F -0- -0- -0- -0- 31,500 Pheasant Hill Parkland -0- -0- -0- 2,500 40.000 Bandimere Youth Complex -0- 1,500 -0- -0- 300,000 Chanhassen Tree Farm 5,000 3.000 500 1,000 1,000 Land Acquisition -0- ( 200,000)* (75.000)* -0- . 100,000 Trail Construction -0- -0- 13,000 Fund Reserve Fund Reserve Tables and Grills -0- 5.000 -0- 3,500 3,000 Eagle Scout Projects -0- -0- -0- 3.000 4,000 Fund Reserve -0- -0- (100,000)* (200,000)* (200.000)* Totals 51,800 200,850 43,500 175,000 938,000 * Capital Improvement Projects, Transfers Out: These costs are not calculated Into totals. 25 . . Capital Improvement Projects Five Year Caoltallmprovement Proaram Transfers out represents transfers from the general 410 Park Acquisition and Development Fund into separate capital improvement project funds. This allows for accurate tracking of expenditures and revenues Incurred over the entire period of construction. Park Project Lake Ann Park Community Park Shelter Lake Ann Park Expansion Lake Susan Park Expansion Herman Field Park, Access and Initial Dev. Pheasant Hills Parkland . . .1S9:Q ~ 110,000 20,000 120,000 50,000 75,000 26 7A . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Supervisor FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor 1f\ DATE: September 18, 1991 SUBJ: 1991 Gate Attendant Program Report . with the end of the busy summer season, it is time to reflect on the events which took place. The annual gate attendant report is used to gather information about South Lotus Lake boat access, gate attendants total hours and wages; and information about annual sales in terms of the number of daily and seasonal passes sold, and the total revenue from these sales. The summer of 1991 saw an 11.2% increase in watercraft population from the year before. with the increased activity it is very important to continue to look for new ways to educate the gate attendants and the public about Eurasian Water Milfoil. During the gate attendant meeting in May, specific milfoil information was distributed to the gate attendants to become familiar with what the mil foil plant looks like and what to do if mil foil is discovered. A new addition to the gate attendant meeting was having the president of the Lotus Lake Homeowners Association, Steve Decatur, speak to the gate attendants about specific information regarding Lotus Lake and the milfoil problem associated with the lake. Steve's information was very helpful in terms of relating the gate attendants responsibilities and duties into the overall goal of Chanhassen which is to educate and inform the public about Eurasian Water Milfoil. Next year the gate attendants will continue to pass out literature about milfoil and the Lotus Lake boat rules and regulations. Addi ti,onal information will be sought to increase the knowledge and understanding of the gate attendants regarding Eurasian Water Milfoil. . Part of the duties and responsibilities of the gate attendants is to track people using the south Lotus boat access and to record types of watercraft. The information from the summer of 1991 are listed on the following page. Speed boats Fishing boats Jet skis Canoes Sail boats Pontoons TOTAL (1990 watercraft 11.2% Increase 835 655 51 21 7 -.ll 1580 total 1405) . The revenue and the total number of passes sold at the Lake Ann Gate House increased slightly over the 1990 amount. The revenue from the passes are directly associated with the activities at Lake Ann Park in terms of picnics, spectators from league softball and soccer games, softball tournaments and beach activities. with the addition of the new Lake Ann picnic shelter and an increase in other adult and youth activities, the revenue totals will increase next year. The breakdown of the numper of passes sold and revenue totals are listed below: Daily Passes 3418 x $2.00 = $6,836.00 Seasonal (resident) 774 x 5.00 = 3,870.00 Seasonal (non-resident) 215 x 10.00 = 2,150.00 TOTAL 4407 passes = $12,856.00 70 Softball teams x $75.00 per team 5,250.00 GRAND TOTAL FOR 1991 $18,106.00 1990 Totals 4092 passes = $12,466.00 65 Softball teams x $75.00 per team $ 4,875.00 GRAND TOTAL FOR 1990 $17,341.00 The gate attendants total hours and wages for Lake Ann and the South Lotus Boat Access: Sam Auseth 60.5 hrs. x $5.00 = $ 302.50 Roger Erny 286 hrs. x 4.50 = 1,287.00 Bart Genovese 22 hrs. x 4.50 = 99.00 Lori Haak 254 hrs. x 5.00 = 1,270.00 Charlie Hansen 176.5 hrs. x 4.50 = 794.25 Karl Kotsonas 148.5 hrs. x 4.50 = . 668.25 Kelly Mularie 213 hrs. x 4.50 = 958.50 Heather Schindler 231. 25 hrs. x 4.50 = 1040.63 Charity Wolf 44 hrs. x 4.50 = 198.00 TOTAL 1435.75 HOURS $6,618.13 . 1990 Totals 1331 Hours $6,116.87 This report is developed to show the usage at Lake Ann Park and the South Lotus Lake Boat Access. In creating such a report, the information collected will further assist in the development of next summer's gate attendant, Eurasian Water Milfoil, and Lake Ann programs and activities. . . . . 78 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoff~an, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation supervisor ~ k? September 16, 1991 / /) DATE: SUBJ: Oktoberfest Update The preparation continues for the planning of Chanhassen's Annual Oktoberfest. To increase oktoberf~~t visibility, an insert will be placed in the Chanhassen villager; The insert will contain all information pertaining to oktoberf~st including the schedule of events. The insert will be distributed in the September 19th addition of the villager. Additional flyers will be distributed around town at various locations and businesses. The large Oktoberfest banner will be placed by~t. Huberts Church to alert passers-by as to when Oktoberfest will take place. All the various groups involved with this year's oktob~rfest have been contacted. Specifics, such as special needs and e~ectrical needs, have all been addressed between the.various groups. Chuck Thiel and the Jolly Ramblers will play polkas, waltzes, tunes from the fifties and country music from 6:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. The large utility trailer will be used as the~ntertainment stage and will be housed underneath the 40x100 foot t.nt in the lower parking lot of City Hall. The Lions will .serve.food, pop and beer under the west side of the tent~Specialiriterest groups, which include the Chan/Chaska socceriClUb.,.....Cllanl1ClsS~n~.~:nio+:C9mm.i~sion and Chanhassen city Staff, will be set up along the southw~f:;~corner of the big tent. These special interest groups wil1i?e\On hand with the hope of fund raising .... ang . PClssing out 't.e:rature of 'upcoming events. The Rotary bingo tent will be pl~c on Coulter Drive just west of the entrance into the lower parking lot. Another utility trailer will be used for the bingo stage complete with a PA system and decorations. The Chanhassen Snowmobile club will set up the children's games on Coul ter Drive directly south of the big tent. The ring toss, bottle toss, and ping pong toss will be the games that will be n ~., PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Oktoberfest Update September 16, 1991 Page 2 available for the enjoyment of the children. New snowmobiles and a trail groomer will be on display in the vacant grassy area west of the Chanhassen Chiropractic Center. Permission has been obtained to use the property providing that the City of Chanhassen in return accepts all responsibility in the event something should happen associated with Oktoberfest. The electrical needs of each group have been looked at and a plan has been developed to use the receptacles along the basement of City Hall. Generators will be used to power other electrical needs for Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is now about two weeks away and planning will continue to ensure this to be a successful special event. . . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -~J;I Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ;w- FROM: DATE: September 20, 1991 SUBJ: Central Park Master Plan The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is investigating the possibility of establishing a central park in the City of Chanhassen. As can be seen from the attached information, this park would encompass City Hall with the main emphasis being directed to the south of the building. This area currently contains a vacant lot and a professional building (the old bank) . In the event that the HRA moves forward with plans for Central Park, City Center Park will be affected. As such, the City Manager has asked for input from the Park and Recreation Commission. This proposal represents an exciting opportunity for the community; however, its development would result in the loss of one of three ball fields currently existing at City Center Park. All parties involved in the planning for Central Park recognize the importance of City Center Park to the community, and the Chanhassen Athletic Association in particular. To continue to provide for the increasing demand for youth recreational sports and activities, City Center Park would be redeveloped in conjunction with Central Park using the new park master plan recently approved by the Park and Recreation Commission as a guide. The only action necessary on this item would be to pass along a motion signaling the Commission's position on this proposal to the HRA. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director TO: DATE: September 13, 1991 SUBJ: Presentation on City Center Park Attached for the HRA's review is the revised City Center concept plan highlighting the changes the BRA had requested from their July meeting. Also at this meeting, staff was directed to schedule a public hearing to give the residents and businesses an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed development. This meeting has been scheduled for October 17, 1991, at 7:30 p~m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Staff has placed an article in the Chanhassen Newsletter and are.. hoping to get an article in the . Chanhassen Villager next week. No further action will be taken on like to make additional changes to 1. 2. Chanhassen Newsletter dated July, 1991, Concept Plan item unless the HRA would Attachment 1991. . ft ~., PRINTED ON REC't'CLED PAPER . . c~ ~ CHAR SSBR NEWSLETTER "'.. ....... ~ .... .... - ...-.. -. -- September 1991 Volume 1, No.3. HRA 10 Consider Central Park. Plan ...... ~... '" .~........._......... , ,'.... ..8......... ........ ....... - -_.....~. .." :~.,. '~ " --t#~. ';- -- . . . . .". . ", .. '.. <..~ :: . . -- the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is considering budding a Clntral Park within the downtown area, the propclSId park area would include a bandshel, waling paths, Rower gardens and landscaped opIII space. . the park could be utl1ized for an art fair, farmer's market, spedal community .vents, tit. A puhDc hearing has been scheduled for October 17,1991 117:30 p.m. in the City HoD Council Chambers. this meeting has been scheduled to give rl5idtnts and businesses an opportunity to rtview and comment on the proposed development. For mor. information, see .From the Mayof 01\ page 1 Ctatral Pcd Master PIa L .1 FE= .' ,~'"". .' g: g :........'f' c; .c ! } . c::::::: Values Week, 1991 October 6-12 the Values Weel speak. wII be Ieith lori, . persuasive proponent of . healthy, Wng Sfestyle. leith's ~-storits .. Yivid, IitttrsWIII, humorous ancI touching, ancI hold lis audiera speIbound. lit wiI ;va . presentafion to the adult CIIIIIInUIiIy Tuesday, 0d0Ltr I, 1991,7:00 p.IL to 1:00 p.IIL In the Chasla High School gym. Admission is frat. On SaM1fcrr, Octal. 12, hm 7:00 p.IL to 1:00 p.IL," tnfirt CIlIIImUn1Ir is fnvIItd to caIefntt togllhtrt 1ht IYIIIing wi be filed with lIIIerIainmtnt from the Chaska Community land, ModrigaI Singers, " Most ValuaYe PIaprs Dramatic Group and slits ., cna srit orJcriza. Ions. Outstanding Youth Awards Wl1 be prtsenIed by the Chanhassen lank and Outstanding Senior 0Iiun Awards by mr KafionaIlanlt of Chasb. Come join the fun as WI roms 01\ WlJ)'S to be uceLnt 1DgItf.. Chanhasstn Wl1 once again join the DlIM1UIIiIies of Y'Kloria, (hasb, Carv. and East Union In the second aMuaI Values Weel this fal My orJaiUafion, IMiness and inctlYidual is invfted topartidpalt in CIItInt- Ing the CorM1unity Values of lesporlSI1x1ity, lesped for Others, Leaning, Integrity, Human Worth and Dignify, Generosity, Environmentolism,.... Otizenship. Ow goal is 10 creal. an awareness that WI .. . role mocIek of values for lOch other, and espedaIy for 011' youth. 1 J L 3 I J l P ~l Jc IMla OOillY1 I ~ i ~ . ... o n i i i ~ a I ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ gall I. fC 0 iE e ''-'~ i~ . ~ ~ a..... s ~IC .u.:tt c; ~ ~~ ~ < II i Sf ~dl ;~. ~~ ~ ~< I ~ III " j!;dl ~z i ml; ~ti: E ~ ~f !i:E ~ ~. =:i ~ "'<;> < ~ ~ < "'~ Iii ~I ~m ~ ~uo ! I~ ~ ~ !llf eo I : lli ic ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ; II i Ii 15 I il. ~i I~ I~ J -=:;t- i ~ ~ w :1: ~ , I .j., I &, r !I . i & : : ;. : j is IJ !J I~ ~l iJ il .1 G@ 'ill I 'II. . II!~ '1 ,.., i.... I,!! . ml' Ii' II i - I . . !II .. . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~/~ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ FROM: DATE: september 20, 1991 Lake Ann Park/Recreation Shelter SUBJ: Please find attached my report to the City Council concerning the approval of plans and specifications and authorization for bids for the shelter and utilities. This item is being presented to the City Council for action on Monday, September 23, 1991. As can be seen from the attachments, construction is scheduled to begin on October 21, 1991. I will continue to keep the Commission up-to-date on the shelter project. /LJ CITY OF CHAHHASSEH Ie., ---- .... FROM: 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 A.~k.' '... _ . - "f,t,':l:11:'fnl'fot l: ,~.~.~, " V:~A ~.;~; ~^-----== ;.~., :'~;_1r:- :::d A:::::: :::: ::a:::reation Coordinator -;ft."' , '. .~~ :"j,.../ ,,- ,.~ ~~~/_'~_, MEMORANDUM TO: DATE: September 19, 1991 SUBJ: Approve Plans and Specifications; Authorize Advertisement for Bids; Lake Ann Park Picnic Recreation'Shelter and utilities t~ , As you recall, the City Council last reviewed this item on April 22 and May 20, 1991. The City COuncil authorized staff to move forward with plans to construct 'the shelter and related utilities on May 20. Please find attached the resulting plans and specifications for the construction of the shelter and the . installation of utilities. These plans have been reviewed by the City's Building Inspection D~vision and their findings have been incorporated in the project < (see attached letter from Inspector Nelson). Plans will also be submitted to the State Department of Health and to the State Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors. These items are being presented together; however to afford the.City the best opportuni ty for competi ti ve bids;: the proj ects have been designed separately and it is recommendeti" that they be advertised as such. .< '\i- As can be seen, detailed. and thorough study has been given to the design and function of the shelter building and associated utilities. You are aware of this as~,:eEJuJ..~iof.i your personal involvement in many of the discussions andworksessions iri this regard. In the event that the City Council would like any portion of these projects addressed.at tile September' '23 City Council meeting, staff is prepared to ,do.so~<< Mr. Scott Harri, Project Engineer and Mr. Stan peterson,.project Architect will also be on hand at the meeting. . " The City Council preliminarily authorized advertisement of bids for the picnic/recreation shelter on Monday, September 16, 1991. Arrangements for ads to be placed in the Villager and the Construction Bulletin have been made (see attached copies of bid notices). It should be noted that in response to the need to begin . work on this project prior to "real" winter setting in, it is being ft '- J PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER I" .. . . Mr. Don Ashworth September 19, 1991 Page 2 . recommended that the award of the contracts for both the shelter and utilities be made at the. October 14, 1991, City Council meeting. Bid openings are scheduled for the utilities on October 8, 1991, at 9:00 a.m. and on October 14, 1991, at 9:00 a.m. for the shelter. A bid tabulation for the utilities will be included in the October 14 ci ty Council packet; however, the shel ter bid tabulation cannot be presented until the evening of the 14th for review. I would be happy to phone or fax bid results for the shelter to members of the City Council on the afternoon of the 14th for review prior to that meeting. By establishing these project schedules, the city avails itself of two additional weeks of favorable construction weather. Recommendation Finding the plans and specifications for both the construction of the Lake Ann Park Picnic/Recreation Shelter and the installation of utilities complete and satisfactory, it is recommended that they be approved and authorization for advertisement for bids be given. Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. Plans and Specifications Letter from Building Inspector Nelson Advertisement for Bid Notices Project Schedule LAKE ANN PARK PICNIC/RECREATION SHELTER SCHEDULE UTILITIES Plans and Specs to City of Chanhassen Plans and Specs to Council: Accept and Authorize Bids Send Ad to Chanhassen Villager Send Ad to Construction Bulletin Publish Ad in Villager Publish Ad in Construction Bulletin Bids Received Council Award Begin Construction September 18, 1991 September 23, 1991 September 20, 1991 September 20, 1991 September 26, 1991 September 27, 1991 October 8, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 21, 1991 SHELTER Plans and Specs to City of Chanhassen Plans and Specs to Council: Accept and Authorize Bids Publish in Villager Publish in Construction Bulletin Bids Received Council Award Begin Construction September 18, 1991 September 23, 1991 September 19, 1991 September 20, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 14, 1991 October 21, 1991 .'- . . " . /I- ..._ ---"" doubt'" ilDportaDc:e 01 au..pu~ Project; c.w would openly...... lllat cduc:atioD IS a bad iDVCSlmeDt. , However, at the begiDniDg of the school year, it is worthwhile to reflect on what we truly believe. An iDdication of what we really IhiDk and believe -c~.uliletieil~~~ IChool yearit-~~ appropriate 10 direct attention 10 that most sacred fuDction of education and to tip our editorial hat 10 . teachers who begiD agaiD recreating and enervating our children's and our soc:iallives. -TIlomaa IAplc Just for the health of it? .\ '.. " "f. I'm .~Q~ry, I ju~t.d.pn'.t:getJt.~: w; ~ ;~'~l '"-......... ~. -............ ~.. .;......~;. ~~ ~ .~~ ~t.. I By TIm McGee . . pnjbtems. Wiille the II*!' 1imitJ. I have a problem willi bicyclists lower, the road widlll~ . and joggers. Not .n bicyclists and -x:ted because of I joggers (perhaps DOl evea most ad riders IDd jogers 011 iicIe" bicyclists IDd jogg.rs), but quite a ClIIly serve 10 add 10 the c6tlicD1ties. few bicyclists IDd joggers irritate If bicyclists aDd joaers m1lll me. use roads, however (aDd they do I am trying 10 UDderstaDd the bave !be legal rigbtlO do 10), pIeue logic: a person rides their bicycle or nmember the laws abided wbeII jogs 10 "get in shape" ad stay operating a motorized vebicIe 011 healllly. So far, thIS makes sense. lbatlallle road. We irrilalel me Why, however, would a pcr50D more Iban a jogger boUDciD, up aDd seeking belter health subsequeatly Tun McGee down iD place UDtil there is j1IIt endanger !bey heslth by riding or enough of ID ~ 10 ClOSS jogging in the path of my motorized It seems to me! apiDst!be light or bicyclist llInIiD, vehicle? This is the poiDt where, it the front wheel 10 keep balaDce Ion, seems 10 me, it is DO longer logical. users IDd 10 restrict path use 10 enough 10 do !be 1aIIIe. Apia, this I do not seek out joggers IDd "recreatioDa1" use rather Iban for Is extremely cIaJIacrous and CID bicyclists IDY try 10 tormeat them traiDing purposes. This put bicy- bring about a health c:onsequence with my molOrized vehicle. In fact, clists in I predicameat (though most opposite of !be ODe iDtenclecl. though one.may DOt know 10 look at joggers would find it difficult 10 J have ID obliptioD 10 be me now, I used 10 be ID lvid keep I pace of more Iban 10 mph respectful of bicyclists and joagers bicyclist and jogger myself. I for I long period of time). If a on the road. Hopefully, obeyiDa respect the Ithleticism needed 10 . bicyclist wants 10 really work their traffic laws will a1Iow both !be rUD or ride Iround !be coUDtryside. I cardiovascular systems IDd seri- motorized IDd non-motorized traffic respect the energy these folks have ousIy acrobisize their muscles, I 10 coexist without iDcideDL If, 1beD, 10 use their apare time in such I pace of 10 mph would probably 1Iot I drive by you flashina I crusty manner. be sufficient. look, do Dot hand-pal\lre y_ But why is it necessary to ride or Y ct HighwlY S does 1101 aeem disapproval of me. Rather, atop at jog on busy roads? More IlDpor- like I vilbfe alternative. A bicyclist the next Iisht or atop sign UDliI it is taDtly, if one is seeking belter on Hipway S cannot get very close your time 10 ClOSS or use a hand health, why is it necessary to do 10 10 the a1most non-exialent shoulder lignal before you l1II1llefl iD front on busy roads IDd Dot obey the laws because of !be sand and rock debris of me. . . of the road 15 if they were a from the c:onstruction. Coase- If health is the reaaon for motorized vehicle? This mlY indeed queatly, they I1lUSl ride closer 10 the bicyclin,lDdjouina. then take bring about I result quite opposite lane of trafIlc, causiDa serious aJow- IIeelthy precautions 10 briD& about of thlt which is desired. . c10wns and, al times, perhaps aome the deaired fClulL The area park IDd rec depart- awcrviDg. This is 1101 only distress- ments have put a 10 mph speed ing (I bave previously peIIIIed my limit on area pIths for bicyclists IVersion 10 traffic di!liCulties), It is The reason for the limit is to reduce downright danprous. accidents with Don-wheeled pat VaJIey View Road baa the lame J Letters (TimMeG<<is. ~ raidDu ad ,epler cobutInin for rM VilJepr.) · n.A t"'1 By Ju Dnnlap 1bere'sa reo tIecorators. The) UDless you have for color and CO< .they CID save yo _y IDd!rust I know. . yesterday I c \10. Two Diahts . dently cIloosin, - living room waJ, be rishL I thougJ Everything will i is aood since I h my livin& room.: !be decorating d: happen. I aboukI onitioD whe ="y aaid, ~ If IOIIIeOlle put c paiDt can, but ..I !be waI1s, It 111m. color?" The ... lIIIfonunatcly,I' So the DIce b next morDiD,an. pink. So tben I dec -lhiDa bold. I tbought. let'l I I1leDt iD this bou. Excitement I the day, the new ~~~ up. MY" FfI For !be iDfom who wish 10 CXIIl' tors and repre5e1 1iIts their Washin, IDd telephonenw phone Dumbers. SEN, David Durell Senate Office Illl D.c., 2llS1o,1dq Twin Olies offic Paul WeUstoI Office Buildina. 2llS1O, te1ephoae_ Olies office 64S- RUBESI 1im Ramstad, Office Building, telephone 202-2: lea office 881-46 Speaking on abortion There comes I time in every per- lOll'S life whea their beliefs are tried 10 the point that they must react. Por me, that-time bas come, as It has for thousands of people in Wichita, Ku- lIS and Far,o, North Dakota. I do not have the couraae 10 prac- tiN! civil, di~dience_ rrr fl!VP.n tn Ions as thaI rlsht doea Dot impinp on another', ~t. Abonion UnpIllle5 apon the ri&ht of another human beiDa'l exisIence. You have .eanI the accounll of those ~civiI tIiaobedience in Wichita. In the dayo of civiI rishll in the aouth, peopJe who fought for their ~~ were cI11eC! ~OIII: ~e damage that they've done. Our llCODi is "lick" because taxea are 100 aDd incentives are low, or virtuaJ y lIOIl-existent! The tax laws of 1986 have c1oDeamagnifi- CeDt job of deatroyiDa our _y and !be eatire banJtinaIIendiD 1)'1- Iem. Please repea1 tbeae tall !aWl ~~yl - United StalellDd enhip andcapitaJi iD, fur "lIliDimur powth iD Amerlc powth iD other c< We mlllt p",. our eClIIIomy 111 beautiful capital lncentivea. Give . . I ,.. ... f ~ fit.' > i....~..... .... ~ .,. c .. _ 6 ~~~ ~ i i i~~ J-ill ij I .S! t.I;~ . . ;:: .::! ..~ z ..!zg ~~~ ~.!o~ It~ ~ a ~g i~ ca ~8.f :> ~ (/)~~ 0 -z 'S f~.,..F~ .,-~- - u!. I ., ~ ill !Ull~li. flli ~ ibilitlh; J lUg;; . :s ~iS i~~~ j~~! i~~! en ~!JJ!.!is~!.. .~ j;!;~s . =t fi;Iflijj~J h ,I~'O !p!~.I.[f j.!jU ~J~j I i}1J.i! all~ii. .~~ r i;1 i is s ~ St11-I!J,(JI iil~1 e i.i 'ia I''''' i) s i l(tl -t 'lj~~1[~' .. i - i-li1.ij~:~ I flnl! It. Ii j-- JJI 11 -, .. a IlllaU Jlt : ifi'O IS "'Ia h ntx- J. If:. ' ~~ illlf'~.e. 'I .h.1l1il _. II iSj 1.1 f!;e Hifl. ~j.i! .!Ii!l~ BIll. ::r-i~ils I~i J IIJtel _ji'i 1:01. ';iJluJo er a, l... ...I~s-=j.l-i:af Ii' MiLl1tl.h~ 1i~ 11~~,alfl~~1 I jj:r'f,hUdJ ' ! ~U1 :,s~ Sf'ilj' ;~h"'e!l, ;.1 ::IIi ~.!iS 1J g.l I':.jllll .I ;il~ Jlj ~ll~l~ :nj~u~J1 i Iii ! 11-8 ~1l st!J is f ;1.~f~il.l1~ ~ Jl [ : ~ ;I"'lhlllsjJl : .lll!l~; !.au . 2"PlJ1i IJ . ' J!Jo~ 'I filii Ii au .. J~'i{l j! j!i11,h~ 1!-I'fl.llli i 'i lli. ~ is '11.. .w~ftmi!U~jitn ! ~~ [f.i=a'jff~':h u,;t ,f'l; IE a Is:. tij~.H f~:i~j{}tjii Jii) el!l Boo! i!j]!~~iat1! ~ ~~!. !~ &: 0 eN jll,2;~ I Lllf!~ i 'it j,;.li t ii~ i ~ Jlilij- lii)lj!j==lli .. ~~~!t~ J~6ilttlJi~9dlS' l:~ :iJl~~]5 'itllll t~.stj-:l-lloJ ltj11!lli ; ~n.; ~t~.J~ Ilii~: iSsli h:il.Jil' ,Ill a i:fl.l~!ll 'i tl S f ~~lii".a:s.! li~'" . ll'"'!i- R ~Jtiji1~fl~;ii~!] JJf!siii j~] dlj<~J]ti~gUl~ijll~,!i . .., j't-~it'O'O ljlBj~S.l.~lS~.IJ J ~~ lit -8 ;1 .!ffl.s~jih:B ~"~ ~J}l;t fi~j!]!l.lj~Ul. ! . ~1,; ~lh:~.stlj~jlli!~i ;:l~ t i ~j~~~I:ih UJJ Hfii.llif~~ . ~ 1.r~':-111 ~Hj~rJi!4! j~:~ ~ cSt If~!'O';: i1~j i ell]] 1]-11 . /-, -. .... '." ".- - . ~ ..,.....;J ,"';" .' .' '.. ..,. 'j ....4'.., ."....., ~r.I:':;" . " ~ 1'. if! t '"