1990 04 24 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1990, 7:30 P.K. CBANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Appoint Acting Chair. 3. Minutes not available. 4. Review Herman Prioritization. Field Estimates and Cost 5. Review Request to Amend Comprehensive Trail Plan. 6. Site Plan Review, Redmond Products, Inc. d~ Facility 7. Approve Playground Equipment Plans for Lake Susan Park and Chanhassen Hills Park. 8. Verbal Update on Lake Ann Park CORE Pier. 9. Verbal Update on Chanhassen Clean-up Day, May 5th. <e . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN '-I 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJ: Herman Field Backqround Attached please find a letter written about one year ago briefly outlining the history of Herman Field. Since that time the Park and Recreation Commission has reviewed and revised the park plan so as to reflect the needs of the neighborhood. The Council approved the changes and a committee of residents called "Friends of Herman Field" was formed. Staff was directed to have cost estimates prepared and the property needed for park access surveyed. Such has been completed and a meeting with the Friends of Herman Field Committee was held on April 11 to discuss phasing and facility prioritization. Staff is very encouraged by the meeting as residents expressed their willingness to assist in park development. The committee understands that it is necessary to give park access top priority so that park maintenance and emergency vehicles can be accommodated. Realizing the potential cost of acquiring the access property and development, it is doubtful that the current 1990 budgeted figure of $35,000 would not be enough for the desired Phase I facilities. The committee pointed out that the residents in the area have waited many years for park development and requested additional funds be allocated if necessary. Prioritization Due to the number of children in this area and the lack of facilities, the committee felt the playground equipment area, open field and trail were priority items. These facilities will offer children a safe place to play. The group also felt that at least 50% of the landscaping should be funded so as to replace vegetation as needed to screen the access area from adjacent residents. . . . Park and Recreation Commission April 12, 1990 Page 2 Depending upon how much work can be done in- house or with volunteer labor, the cost of the first phase (again including access) could be as much as $50,000. Friend of Herman Field Recommendation It is the recommendation of the Friends of Herman Field Committee to include park access, playground area, open field, trail development and 50% of the landscaping in Phase I. Additionally, it is recommended that the 1990 Capital Improvement Program Budget be amended if the cost of these features exceeds $35,000, and that Phase II (boardwalk, picnic area, tennis court, lookout tower, picnic shelter and landscaping) be funded in 1991. staff Recommendation staff feels the committee's recommendation is reasonable. As the park access acquisition and development costs are still unknown, it is recommended that budget amendments wait. It is the recommendation of this office to accept the Friends of Herman Field Committee's recommendation, delaying budget amendments until actual costs are known. Additionally, it is recommended that staff be authorized to have an appraisal done on the property needed for park access and to enter into negotiations with the property owners for acquisition. E" . - , CITY 0 F t2-/o~ CHAHHASSEH I . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 April 28, 1989 Ms. Kate Kinnich 2750 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear 'Kate: This is in response to your questions about the history of Herman Field. Herman Field is a 13 acre park that was donated by the Herman family to the City of Chanhassen. The Hermans made this dedication to the City with the stipulation that if it is not used for park purposes, it should go to the County to become part of the Minnewashta Regional Park. . Since that time, the City has designed a number of park plans for the development of Herman Field. Originally it was thought that this would be a good site for an active play field. However, due to the site's natural beauty and topography, such was not pursued. The latest plan (see attached) includes play structures along a nature trail that meanders through the park, a backstop for pick-up games, totlot equipment, and off-street parking. No action has been taken to develop the site due to the contro- versy over access. It was originally the intention of the City to gain access to the park via Oriole Lane. However, due to poor soils and drainage problems, it was considered too expensive. An alternate access location has been identified on the north side of the park off of Forest Circle. This alternative will require the acquisition of an easement from a private landowner. . Before proceeding with negotiations to obtain an easement, it is staff's recommendation to have the Park and Recreation Commission hold a public hearing with the neighborhoods in the area to determine if the park plan is still a valid plan. If such is the case, the Park and Recreation Commission will direct staff to proceed. In response to your questions regarding the development of Piper Ridge and whether that land was ever parkland, it was not. Many people, expecially realtors, believed it was a single piece of property. In fact, at one time land use plans even identified n Ms Kate Kinnich April 28, 1989 Page 2 ~ . this as parkland, which explains some of the confusion. The Herman family dedicated 13 acres for park purposes, none of which included what is now known as the Piper Ridge development. You also asked about the trail easement through the Piper Ridge development. The City felt it important to provide a pedestrian access to the park through this development. Attached please find a site plan showing the location of that easement. To date, the Park and Recreation Commission has not discussed how that easement will be improved. As to the question regarding the access road and who will pay for it, please refer to the attachment labeled "Exhibit 5", which shows the extension of the platted Forest Circle right-of-way. The City would then gain access off of that street. Typically, with street improvements, the abutting property owners would be assessed for the street improvement portion (extension of Forest Circle)~ however, I do not know at this time if such would be the case in this instance. The Park and Recreation Commission will be holding the public hearing in May. You and your neighbors will be notified prior to the meeting. Please plan to attend and share your ideas with the Park and Recreation Commission regarding the type of development you would like to see. Please feel free to call me at 937-1900 if you have additional questions. . Sincerely, ~M~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:ktm . - .- .- ..... ..- .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .:- ,... ~ 2 ) >J: ()m ()JJ mS: en> enz 1111 m- )>f!! eno - tDZ -m 1_ - -fei) -<J: OJ enO -1:0 C:r 00 -<0 10 rn-o o )>:0 c... m" () -f 1 o (") )> :::t o z ~ -0 zm OX · :r - -"OJ - -I .. I) ~..(::---. ~ ~/ ~..-::::... 'I T I /1~ ,,- ~~~i (: "-~ _l~A~C\ I iIDm~'1:- ~7J I ; -- :~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ - -.:~", . . 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'f' us'z -Ir"7 ":;00'055 ..' , M1.IMII"..~! ._ ."'1 ~"7 ... .'"....: .. . . . . -,.: .....,~., .''''''~'''r oJ ,w ... ;..... ~ . ,1 _ ;'i I~.~":: . .. , ,..,... : ~; ,. ~. .":~. .:: 'L ....' :...._... .. :"..": :~....'~ : .:'?/'V l\ .:, .), -~ (". ~ ~.~~ .~ < ~~ .. ~ " k.\; ,~ ,~ ... ,~ ~ ~ I " f '.J) N) ~ ~ ... ..., o . ... 'e e e _......'- / r't . f{ /O^ 6360 Forest Circle Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 September 19, 1989 City Council City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317 J'.--- Dear Council Members: On September 11 th, I received written notification that the plan for Herman Field Park would be on the City Council agenda the evening of the 11 tho ~the lack of proper notification on the timetable for this item is disturbing and should be corrected; however, not wishing to lose the focus of my thought, I will take this opportunity to write you on this subject. My comments relate to that portion of the plan in the far left of the master plan entitled "Nature Trail/Explore" around the pond. If done correctly, this nature trail has the potential to be a real asset to the entire park plan. If done poorly, it will add very little and may in fact detract from the park. My thoughts on how we can make the most of this nature trail include the following: 1) First. there is a real difference between a trail and a path. The former is planned to blend with the landscape and fit into the environment. It is much more than cutting an opening. It must be planned with the environment in mind. Time spent to think through the exact location and composition is time well spent. 2) Some "don'ts" that are part of any nature trail should be clearly under- stood by all potential users via signs and notice: a. Don't litter b. Don't pick flowers or disturb the foliage c. Don't let dogs run freely on the trail d. Don't allow any motorized vehicles on the trail 3) Some "dos" that can be very helpful for a successful trail are: a. Do provide housekeeping for the trail b. Do provide information which helps people understand the natural environment of which they are a part c. Do allow access for young and old, able-bodied and handicapped . ..... . ;..J .._...# __ to_ SEP 21 1989 l:ITY OF CHANHASSEN '..~_. . . .. In an area where we are blessed with so much experience related to nature and the natural environment, I would strongly encourage responsible individuals to reach out to these experts when designing this trail. This need not be a costly process at all. Finally, I encourage those responsible for development to draw together a group of local residents who could help on the development and upkeep of the trail. If local residents feel a sense of ownership in this project, there will be many hands available to make the trail a positive experience. If they are not involved responsibly, upkeep will rest largely with an already committed staff. This letter is in the form of an invitation to staff to contact us to work on the development of a group of "friends of the Herman Field Nature Trail." This should be done prior to any actual work on the site and should involve the group in all phases of the decision-making process. A path around a pond or a nature trail. The plan calls for the latter. We are committed to this becoming a reality. Sincerely, /~'5T~' Jim Storm , -- t . . . / ";/T', ----{ ~..- ,'\) /L ), " ' ; I. I)' ,i ,,/;lc ("./, l I'-'-i... C v' . Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 November 27, 1989 Dear Lori, You may remember a few months back when I contacted you concerning petitioning support for the proposed Herman Field neighborhood park In northern Chanhassen. Well, between my numerous other activities, I finally managed to visit about 30 homes In my Immediate neighborhood. . In all but two cases, the citizens eagerly supported the attached petition. The two who didn't, supported a park in general, but were not sure about specific amenities. Attached are two copies of the petition and signatures. Please use this petition as a vote of confidence that our neighborhood does indeed want the park. Also, please present it to the City Council or those responsible to get our park construction going early next spring. Feel free to call me If there is anything additional I can do regarding this matter. Thank-you for your continued help. Sincerely, ~d~ Robert A. Riesselman 6320 Forest Circle 470-0196 Home 896-2728 Work ~~ t . Residents of Chanhassen, Minnesota Interested in Herman Field Neighborhood Park Petition Dated October & November 1989 WHEREAS, Herman Field is a thirteen acre park donated by the Herman Family to the City of Chanhassen with the stipulation that it should be used for park purposes; and WHEREAS, $35,000.00 was dedicated for the park in 1978 ; and WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has designed a number of park plans for the development of Herman Field since that time; and WHEREAS, action to develop the site has been delayed due to controversy over the access; and WHEREAS, even with simple interest of 8% compounded annually, $35,000.00 allocated in 1978 would have accrued to nearly $65,000.00 today; and . WHEREAS, the concerned residents of this area bordered by Highway 7 to the North, Highway 41 to the East, Lake Minnewashta Regional Park fence/non- - accessable areas to the South, and the West, really have no similar recreational amenities without crossing busy Highways 7 or 41; and WHEREAS, the survey conducted by these neighborhood residents in June of 1989 indicated a high use rate (66 % indicated both spouses would use the park, 57% indicated that they had children who would use the park); and WHEREAS, demographics shows a reasonably broad distribution of ages of neighboring residents, including a significant number of young children who would use the park as safer alternative than playing in the street; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the concerned citizens of the neighboring area of Herman Field, request that the City proceed with the construction of the modified plan B approved at the August 29, 1989 Park and Recreation Commission meeting without further delay; and BE IT Further RESOLveD that we request $30,000.00 be budgeted in the City'S fiscal year 1990 for development and construction a second phase of the park, which would include paved biking trails, paved biking access from Forest Avenue, a tennis court, a ball field back-stop, and a picnic shelter. . Undersigned as dated this October and November, 1989. Name Address Date I .' f?dvJ-d~~ (,jkJ (t;p.i;>rctk..c: IO/II/eIt ~~~ R/3tl tY~~ /o;//if!, Y:,cr\~\~ ~~'( ~~ IO/I)'/{1 CflU( ~ &3<fd f&eSfCr: lojll~ j ..... .- [;;to -::;~ C;..$ I~ / If ( J 7 "':...../ , ! -:: I ',,' ",'" '1/1 V J l. I I ' , ":-' /, ,- '\,..- , -L' '~, . , /.'/ ,'< c-( // l{,'/:..')-:.-u<~;!d4 ~~~., j:-i... / (/ - 2 / - h' 1 (tl L L.(.~. U. 1!/[.{1'i../; iC.).1 ,'" . ' ,,' lot, L 7' { , /' '-In ,: 1 'j IG:-L-]:;' 73( t(/p; d4~~;:':; It'. .;;?/- y ) , 1 ~J--' ~l:--' "'/li .J"'; . '. - I ..', - '. .... I ' I ' 1" ,- " -~ ' I ( i~~ V-j- j L (. Uf~ -c. ~ 'i: ,,,::Z::~ ~'-c'+ Ii ~ /.~; i ; ~/ b tv\.' L,'1../ L--<?/)11t~~ . [f~. r~20.~~~~i.i'-~~~C 'O[~i.\l,gi. ) 'A J I. L. / "/' ~ ,- 10. ,. Jl" " J ' .I'! L ~.-o..:J ~, I/"/ . "'. , \~> :1:\.1. / (l.{ u'-.JII{ l{i::,."},L-' - Lf'....t'.\(...(VL...... 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Petition Dated October & November 1989 WHEREAS, Herman Field is a thirteen acre park donated by the Herman Family to the City of Chanhassen with the stipulation that it should be used for park purposes; and WHEREAS, $35,000.00 was dedicated for the park in 1978 ; and WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has designed a number of park plans for the development of Herman Field since that time; and WHEREAS, action to develop the site has been delayed due to controversy over the access; and WHEREAS, even with simple interest of 80Al compounded annually, $35,000.00 .1I0cated in 1978 would have accrued to nearly $65,000.00 today; and WHEREAS, the concerned residents of this area bordered by Highway 7 to the North, Highway 41 to the East, lake Minnewashta Regional Park fence/non- . accessable areas to the South, and the West, really have no similar recreational amenities without crossing busy Highways 7 or 41; and WHEREAS, the survey conducted by these neighborhood residents in June of 1989 indicated a high use rate (66 % indicated both spouses would use the park, 57% indicated that they had children who would use the park); and WHEREAS, demographics shows a reasonably broad distribution of ages of neighboring residents, including a significant number of young children who would use the park as safer alternative than playing in the street; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the concerned citizens of the neighboring area of Herman Field, request that the City proceed with the construction of the modified plan B approved at the August 29, 1989 Park and Recreation Commission meeting without further delay; and BE IT Further RESOlVED that we request $30,000.00 be budgeted in the City's fiscal year 1990 for development and construction a second phase of the park, which would include paved biking trails, paved biking access from Forest Avenue, a tennis court, a ball field back-stop, and a picnic shelter. Undersigned as dated this October and November, 1989. . . . . C ITV OF CHANHASSEH s- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 18, 1990 SUBJ: Request to Revise Comprehensive Trail Plan Attached please find a letter from Dawne Erhart requesting that the Comprehensive Trail Plan be revised to exclude a trail alignment along their south property line. This trail section is identified on the attached trail plan as ) part of the nature trail system. This link was included to connect the off-street trails to the nature trails, providing loops within the system, as well as access to the nature trails. It is understandable that there is concern by the property owner to have a public trail along their property. However, a public easement is not owned by the City at this time for this section, and therefore is not yet a part of the trail system. It is not likely that an easement will be requested until the property is subdivided for development. Thus, there is not an immediate threat of trail development along the Erhart property. The Comprehensive Trail Plan is a planning tool for the Commission. It shows how trails can link together to provide a cohesive trail system. Many things have and probably will change as development occurs throughout the City.. Staff feels it is.important to show a connection of the nature trail system to the off-street trail system. To exclude this segment without knowing how the area will develop in the future and without showing an alternate connection would not show good planning <foresight. Therefore , it is the recommendation of this office... to deny the request to amend the Comprehensive Trail Plan to exclude the segment across the Erhart property. At this time, however, the Commission may wish to look at alternatives in providing this connection between the nature and off-street trail systems. . . Dawne M. Erhart 775 West 96th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 612/445-7579 Date: April 1, 1990 To: Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator Park & Recreation Commissioners At the present time the Park & Recreation Commission is reviewing and updating the City's Comprehensive Trail Plan. In conjunction with this effort, I would like the Commission to revisit that part of the proposed nature trail plan which is shown along the southern boundary of our nursery. I am requesting that this short segment be removed from the comprehensive trail plan for the following reasons: a) Whereas the nature trail section of the City's Comprehensive Plan is intended to assure that desirable R.O.W. for trails associated with specific natural features such as creeks, wetlands, bluffs, etc., are identified at the time of development. b) That the nature trail plan assists Commission and Staff in planning for linking routes within the City's trail system at large. . c) That the route in question here serves neither purpose stated above in that no special natural features exist in this location nor is dedicating a specific route at this time required for linking. d) That by identifying a specific route at this time for an area without specific natural features has the potential for precluding creativity in trail routing at the time development does occur. e) That prematurely identifying specific routes on the Comprehensive Plan negatively impacts property owners. Whenever there is need for property owners to interface with the City, the City wants to take the R.O.W. immediately simply because it is shown on the Comprehensive Plan as a specific site. This poses an unnecessary nuisance for property owners. I am in favor of the overall plan for nature trails as they are shown. We are proud to have assisted with the initial establishment of the nature trail plan, identifying and mapping of specific routes along Bluff Creek and most of the significant wetlands in South Chanhassen. Our enthusiasm for seeing the plan completed remains high and we actively support this effort. This request if heeded will have no adverse impact on the goals of the nature trail plan and in fact is intended to assure a more creative plan when ultimately implemented. Sincerely, 4t;a'7U 1/1'. li/'tZ{ r- Dawne M. Erhart DME:j . I . ," CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,. . ,- PRC DATE: 4-10-90 ... CC DATE: Ir SIETSEMA:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Replat and site plan review of 51.6 acres into one lot for a 388,380 sq. ft. office warehouse facility I- Z LOCATION: <( U ::J (L APPLI CANT: D- <( . Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, north of Lake Susan Hills West development, between Audubon Road and Powers Boulevard Redmond Products, Inc. 18930 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: lOP, Industrial Office Park ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - lOP, Industrial Office Park S - PUD-R, Planned unit Dev.-Residential E - lOP, Industrial Office Park W - A2, Agricultural Estate District ~ 3 w I- - C/) . . . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not call for parks in this area as Lake Susan Park serves the industrial park. Additionally, the city has a park in the Lake Susan Hills West development which will lie just across Lake Drive East from this proposal. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Lake Drive East will include a sidewalk along the south side of the road. The trail plan calls for a concrete sidewalk along the east side of Audubon Road, north of Lake Drive East. Redmond Products April 10, 1990 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION . As this property does not lie within a park deficient area, no parkland dedication is necessary. A 20 ft. wide easement and construction of a 5 ft. wide concrete sidewalk should be required along Audubon with a credit of $3,500 given toward the trail fee. It is the recommendation of this office to require the payment of park dedication fees in lieu of parkland dedication, to require a 20 ft. wide trail easement along Audubon Road and the construction of a 5 ft. wide concrete sidewalk within the easement, and to allow a $3,500 credit toward the trail fee for sidewalk construction. . . . - - A2 - ~ .~- :~'IC2 U ()[) - " -- e" dl \ \ ~ :a I ~~ J \ \ A~BDRt 1M Pelon ~ o ~\..\.. .. ..U ~\'y ~ o ~ I c~ ,~ ~~ ~~~".'. J ',.; II I}j (/ 8JTTE"C~P L" - lOP, Q ~ ~ 'I r . R4 .... -L--J ~-\ \- ~ct:~~ ,""r\ \~ s.c:~ -~ RR R12' ~ R12 ::u rV.Rn L' f\'", Pi8.b..1 \ ~ - J 9G - \/~OJwr ~~ /~ fI ? ~G _ ~~~t ~ ,~ ~~ t ~ D . ----- C'~ r / ......clDS \ I ~ ,~ ~ ~ F- .. \T \ · ~/' ~. J.~ V/A0~~/ \ ~ ~ ' .....:... "- l ')' , . .,.,' "...(01 ~,f??-' ~ l/7 ~. :;-~ "".~~~~O'/ ,,- /~ - ~~~~~ ~ ~~ f'I~~' i!' LAKE ~~ a) RD ~t1 ')..:x~~~ <fJ...._~'l..'1. ....~~\.J~ ~~ (c:~ CI) . _ <;) '(';:;.( ~ Q: v ~ PUD-R f ~ .::). j '- . -:.>1 - ~..... ~ ~/g ,\ A2. lr M ~~;;-j~ '(~~ . ~\ ~slllt III ...v.... flT . rr .... ~L ~ J~~~:/ - /Tk..<~ ~\.\io. ==. IlARWlr. ~ ).,!P: MiD. "y~~R ....... .........v rc~ RSF \J~;~ I .... I L ~ ! ... - t H 1'1 LV", ~ }. " '. ~~~ o ~()o'. 'Q' ( iI'~ \, "'-- c:::> l) u ~ e J ' 8 EVARO I I ~..... City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 Date: April 3, 1990 To: Developnent Plan Referral Agencies . From: Planning Department By: Jo Ann Olsen, senior Planner Subject: Subdivision, wetland alteration and site plan review for Redn'ond 'Products.. Replat of Oltlot D (51.6 acres) into one lot; alteration of existing wetlands and site plan for a 388,380 sq. ft. office and \-:.:rehouse facility located in the Chao lakes Business Park Planning Case: 89-24 SUB, 89-12 WAP and 89-9 Site Plan The above described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on April 2, 1990 . In order for us to provide a CCIIl'lete analysis of issues for Planning Camtission and City Council review, we would appreciate your carments and recarmendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro- posed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the ,need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or inprovements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect fran the agency concerned so that we can make a recomnendation to the Planning Carmission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your ccmnents by no later than April 9 You may also appear at the Planning Camtission meeting if you so desire. .' Your COOPeration and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1.' City Departments 7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources Ca: City Engineer 8. Telephone Carpany b. City Attorney (NW Bell or United) ......c. City Park Director -d. Public Safety Director 9. Electric Ca1pany "e! Building Inspector CNSP or MN Valley) -- 2. Watershed District Engineer 10. IX:K>EN Cable System 3. Soil Conservation Service 11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson 4. MN Dept. of Transportation 12. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 5. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 13. Carver County Engineer 6. Minnegasco ~ Gary Ehret, !IHoI /' Other . I 15. H:irold Eriksen, HNTB ( I , , I ~ I ( I I , , I , 1 r , , , ,. I'. Cl C ~ ~ u ii,; ~ \. .;/ ~I fA OIl ,E ~~ ~:; J! ;:~; ;: i 2 E ~~ ~~ I!! ~.. -' ;,:: "'< ., . 3 ~i ~. it i ~ P H ,I t ~~ ~p H r-l! i.id H l~!'~ r~~ I I, "... t, h d z Q _ !C b Z fI) III o to- I ::E :IE C,) z Q :;) III III wee 2 a: 0 ~ u a: D. ~~ :i i i~!~ .5f: 5 ~ ~ '.. .. ~\i' _ ore t i g .~ - .. .... ., .. " II"" i I r . It. ~ ~I. ! Ii:' i:!:~l~:: ~ l~ . :: I . ~ d"hl{:; : l~' I ~~ II \H~ l "II ~ 5. t - l h5 . .. . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEN 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator! ,. DATE: April 18, 1990 Playground Equipment ./ SUBJ: As directed at a previous Park and Recreation Commission meeting, I have had plans for playground equipment at Chanhassen Hills Park and Lake Susan Park drawn up. The Commission has indicated that they do not like the ring bridge or stationary diggers, so I did not include such in the plan. Attached please find plans fo~each site with the cost estimates. Each design includes area fora second phase. $10,000 is budgeted for each site. Upon Commission approval, I will order the equipment which can be delivered in 6-8 weeks. EFA EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431-2976 Toll-Free WATS Une 1-800-862-6026 . 612-884-7300 . Park and Recreational Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . BllI8Cher IStadium Seating . Interior IElCterior Signa:)e . Traffic Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Making Products . Scoreboards Complet. conlUlting. deeign. '-Yout 8nd install8tion MI'Vic8s. - QUOTATION Date April 19, 1990 . City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. Attn: Lori Sietsema 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Your Ref. No. Lake Susan Park Dwg. # DS-1944 . We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY TERMS: Net 30 Days Xl To Be Arranged 0 DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Lake Susan Park Playground Phase I 1 Custom Redwood Playstructure with Redwood decks, 3 Unit Swing Lineal Ft. Redwood Borderwood - 41x6" & 61x6" 288 Total Phase I 9950.00 Phase II 1 Redwood Playstructre with Redwood Decks, Exerglide Swings and Tire Swing 9552.00 NOTE: Does not include installation. Redwood border to be picked up at FA. Equipment by Landscape Structures. Paid by EFA SUB TOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT INSTALLATION TOTAL WE ARE AN EaUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYE O.B. Factory 0 Destination :f] Shipment approx. 4 - 6 Weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. By Ji)~ !l~-J Dave Owen A..- t .. ('") r:: 1/1 0" 3 ::0 ell C. :E 0 0 C. "C iii '< 1/1 - ... "C r:: 0 iii 2" ::l ... < ell iii' OJ ':': :iE ! !!IS; ~~Z 8Q~ ~\.'lD~ III &1 ~ . ~ 6 x a; E! CXl CXl 01> I U1 -rocom Ol ~o~~ (Q /lJO - -30l'T! OJ S" c..... ;;: OlIO '" :l> Z ~g~ [ ~ ~. en CD Co> ~ O$:() '" iii o Z~r g ... ~CDRo , CXl oj:> :l> 0 ~ '" 0 '" , 0 Ol n OJ iii' /IJ <D t .'" Ol 0 :;- /IJ Ol P n iJ/ (JJ r ~ ~ r- '.O..~ Q Umod... tV;lI;' . 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N'V::O -I ro :(O::J =.....ro _=~H ~ ......~"N"~e.o::;:'1 ~~~~ o c5~t""~~~fPti ~"tJ<8 .....0 N;J;'UI: oot""'z rt.....O = V1 OtnW o~'O ........ o.rt"o. en -'='- -~ C) ==: N ........ :J 0. :E: 1-;1 0. 0. 0. cD 0- ~ "C ::J" III 1/1 ell o ::l C1l I ./ 'I' !II il il " 11; I!. 11;: il: 'I - II' Ii: Iii I" 1'1 I!i I: II I' I ~ Ii EFA EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431-2976 Toll-Free WATS Une 1-a00-862-6026 . 612-884-7300 . Park and Recreational Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . Bleacher IStadium Seating . Interior /Exterior Signa~ . Traffic Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Making Products . Scoreboards .. Complete con....d"". design. Ieyout and Inatalletlon Mt'Vicea. - QUOTATION Date April 19, 1990 . City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. Attn: Lori Sietsema 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Your Ref. No. Chanhassen' Hills Park Dwg. # DS-1943 . We are pleased to quote you the following: OUANTITY TERMS: Net 30 Days Xl To Be Arranged 0 DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Chanhassen Hills Park Playground Phase I 1 Custom Redwood Playstructure with Redwood Decks, Phase I 234 Lineal Ft. Redwood Borderwood - 4"x6" & 6"x6" Total Phase I 9790.00 Phase II 1 Redwood Playstructure with Redwood Decks, Unit .Swing and Tire Swing 6631.00 NOTE: Does not include installation. Redwood border to be picked up at E A. Equipment by Landscape Structures, nc. SUB TOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT INSTALLATION TOTAL .D.B. Factory 0 Destination ~ WE ARE AN EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYE. Shipment approx. 4 - 6 Weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. n /fJ Please write for confirmation after that date. BV lJJ L-V'-'.J ~.-.-J Paid by EFA Dave Owen ~ , .... o 3 ::0 CD Co :E o o Co "tJ Qi '< en .... ""l c: o .... c: ""l CD OJ '::: ! !!IS ~~z 8~~ i~~ . !l! CD .. I tn Cll ... <0 c;;~~~ j\)gO:l.. -2.CD"Tl CD::>c..' 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