1990 06 26 Agenda
TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990, 7:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Appoint Acting Chairperson
3. Approval of May 21, 1990 Minutes
4. Meeting Schedule
5. Discussion of Recreation Program Fees
6. 1990 4th of July Celebration
7. Commission Presentations
8. Administrative Section
9. Trail Plan, Mark Koegler
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Park and Recreation Commission ;t~
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ~
DATE: June 21, 1990
SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule
With the absence of Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coor-
dinator, the ability of the Park and Recreation Department to
maintain our current commission meeting schedule will not be
possible. Likewise, however, the necessity of commission
meetings will diminish. The Park development and acquisition
projects which are currently underway will continue to be a
priority of the department. Daily department activities such as
handling building permits, addressing citizen calls and coor-
dinating department communication will continue to occur. As Don
Ashworth explained in his memo of June 8th, Mark Koegler will
continue to provide primary leadership regarding the trail
system. Mr. Koegler will also continue his role as principal
Park Planner for the City.
Commission Meetings will be scheduled once a month until such
time that it becomes necessary to return to the normal schedule.
You can anticipate the monthly meeting to occur on the fourth
Tuesday of each month.
Park and Recreation Commission
June 21, 1990
Page 2
The following programs are provided through a contractual agreement
with outside organizatiop or individual:
Downhill Ski Lessons
Deanne's Dance
Kellogg's Lebody Shop
Golf Lessons - Adult
Golf Lessons - Junior
"The Way We Were: A Children~s
Primer or Pioneer Tasks"
Adult Tap Class
27.00 to 150.00
3.00 per class
3.00 per class
3.00 per class
The following programs are coordinated by other public agencies in
the Chanhassen area through cooperative efforts with the City of
Snowmobile Safety
Mens Touch Football
Adult Co-Rec Volleyball
Adult Women's Volleyball
Adult Men's Volleyball
Power Volleyball
Adult Broomball
Lake ann Beach Swimming Lessons
Fall and winter
Fall and Winter
Fall and Winter
Fall and winter
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
Park and Recreation commission. . ~i/
Todd Hoffman, Recreation Superv1sor ~
June 21, 1990
1990 4th of July Celebration
The stage is set for another exciting 4th of July celebration in
Chanhassen. The coordination of this event began months ago.
Currently, a large portion of staff time is spent making the final
arrangements for the annual event. One such detail is the
coordination of the many volunteers which work over the four day
event. If you are able to help out with some of the events, please
let me know on Tuesday night. The activities for which we need
volunteers are:
Kiddie Parade
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Control the participants and spectators. Distribute
a treat for each participant.
Community picnic
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Serve food and clean up.
Carnival Games
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Work a booth:
Ring Toss
Ping Pong Toss
Hoop Threw
Clean Up
Park and Recreation Commission
June 21, 1990
Page 2
Kids Fishing Contest
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Help check in fish - Distribute prizes
Sand Sculpture Judges
2:45 p.m.
Judge the sand sculptures and distribute prizes and
Hula Hoop and Limbo Contest
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Coordinate the contest - determine winners and distribute
Family Games
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Coordinate the games and distribute prizes.
Inner Tube Relays
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Help coordinate the relays. Each child will be allowed
to participate once. Relays will be held until everyone
receives a turn.
parking for Pireworks
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
To ,ensure that the parking of cars in Lake Ann remains
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
Dale Gregory, Fire Chief
Don Ashworth, City Manager
June 11, 1990
Bandimere Farm House/Barn
As we have discussed, the Bandimere house/barn are in poor
condition, but would be excellent buildings for training new
firefighters in firefighting procedures. Training films/manuals
are excellent tools; however, first hand experience in attempting
to save lives/properly enter/exit buildings is the only true means
by which a firefighter can gain that form of experience.
Accordingly, whenever the City does have the opportunity to use an
existing building as a part of firefighting practices, we should
afford ourselves of that opportunity.
This memorandum is to confirm that our building department has
verified that all plumbing were previously scavenged from the
building, i.e. sinks, toilets, tub, etc. In addition, they report
various forms of vandalism which would be expensive to repair.
Finally, they note that the structure was built as a single family
home and, hypothetically, could be reconverted for that use.
However, the home is severely deficient if it were in any way to be
considered for a public use, i.e. public assembly building of any
type. All "doors would have to be modified to open outwardly,
furnace room enclosed, floor joists reinforced, . headers reinforced,
etc. In short, the building department has reinforced your own
assessment that the Bandimere house should be destroyed prior to
such being used for further vandalism/undesirable activities.
This memorandum should be seen.?as authorization for the Fire
Department to commence using the Bandimere Farm home/barn for fire
training exercise purposes. I will assume that you will continue
to keep the home boarded during exercise periods and carry out
clean up activities once complete.
cc: Park and Recreation Commission
City Council
Mayeron &
Associates, Inc.
2021 East Hennepin Avenue
Mlflneapolis. MN 55413
FAX 3313806
June 6, 1990
Mr. Jay Hembroff
Imperial Developers
9001 Grand Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Re: Lake Ann Park
Chanhassen, Minnesota
OSM Comm. No. 4207.10
Dear Jay:
A large quantity of sod is being taken up as part of the site correction occurring at Lake
Ann. It has become apparent that an additional 1,500 S.Y. of sod will be needed to
adequately restore the site.
The total quantity of sod required for park use is 7,533 S.Y. plus the additional 400 S.Y. that
will be delivered to the site and left on pallets. A map is included to indicate where the sod
will be used.
Please inform this office as to your plans for installing the ag lime in the bench areas
adjacent to each ball field. This should be completed before site restoration is much further
Laurie McRostie
cc: Don Atkins, Don-Eve & Sons, Inc.
Gary Wa~~~ City of Chanhassen
c:t9ri Sietsem~ity of Chanhassen
Phil Tipka, Resident Inspector
""un J.q '::;It;J J..::li 1::;l Vol'j I'It"'Lo.IYU'I
QS\l ~~
June 14, 1990
2021 East Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis. MN 55413 .
FAX 331-3806
Mr. Jay Hembroff
Imperial Developers
9001 Grand Avenue South
Bloomington. MN 55420
Re: Lake Ann Park, Cha abasseu
OSM Comm. No. 4207.10
Dear Jay:
Work has been done at Lake Ann and the good news is the softball fields are growing.
However, it needs to stop raining SO the work can be completed If it stays c:hy, you should
be able to work on-site Friday, June IS. The following items need to be completed.
1. Cleanup parking lots.
2. Trees blew over in storm last weekend. They need to be set right immediately.
3. Silt fence at the south end needs to be repaired.
4. Ditches or swales need to be top dressed, repaired or resodded. as needed.
5. Finish ag lime in bench areas.
6. Sod curb edges and ditches, ctc.
7. Seed remaining disturbed area.
8. Sweep seal coat.
9. Regrade westerly portion of slope north of middle ball field Wind erosion altered
slope here, sod required.
10. Regrade soccer field. Field is not laying into site correctly. This will be restaked.
Please have this work completed as soon as you can be on-site.
laUrie McRostie
cc: Gary Warren, City of Chanhassen
Todd Hoffman. City of Chanhassen
Phil Tipka, Resident InspectOr
JUN 0 41990
,Nan Doren
June 1, 1990
Mr. Todd Hoffman
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Dear Todd:
This letter summarizes the possible drainage improvements that we discussed
this morning at Lake Ann Park. The concern that you expressed regarded
drainage around and between the new ball diamonds. Two areas were
specifically reviewed. The first is the area between the two new ball
diamonds that will serve as a pedestrian connection to the parking lot on the
east. In this area, the grading does not correspond to the contours shown
on the grading plan. On the plan, the drainage swale occurs inside the
fencing for the ball diamond. In the field, the drainage swale exists
outside the field in .an area likely to be used for pedestrian access. In
order to improve drainage in this area, the City may want to consider
.installation of perforated drainage tile and a french drain system with an
alignment approximately as shown on the attached exhibits.
In the area between the existing ball diamonds and the two new ball diamonds
on the north, similar problems occur. Again in this area, a drain tile and
french drain system could be installed to provide positive drainage. This
area is also identified on the attached exhibits.
The french drain system could be constructed in a number of ways. We suggest
that the City consider the installation of a 6 inch perforated drainage pipe
covered by 12 inches of rock. The rock could extend to the surface with sod
abutting the edges. If the sod elevation is held slightly above the grade
of the rock, this situation should not pose a problem for mowing and other
maintenance activities.
If we can provide any further assistance in this matter or answer any
questions, please contact me.
R. Mark Koegler
Vice President
3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2175 612/553-1950
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June 6, 1990
City of Chanhassen
Chanhassen City Council
P.O. Box 147
649 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Attention: Lori Sietsema
Re: Minutes of Curry Farms Neighborhood Park Meeting, May 7, 1990.
Dear Ms. Sietsema:
On May 7, 1990, twelve residents of Curry Farms and Lori Sietsema met to
discuss funding and equipment for Curry Farms Park.
After a lengthy discussion, we decided to request the Park and Recreation
Commission to allocate funds for Phase II of the playground equipment and
install the trail/walking path throughout the park, for the fiscal year 1990.
Additionally, we would like to request the City of Chanhassen to also allocate
ftmds for fiscal year 1991 Capital Budget, to complete Curry Farms Park, which
would include a tennis court, basketball court and softball field.
We would like the City Council to consider these recommendations; also, that
this letter be put on file, as a reminder, when the 1991 budget is being
"E. ~- ~ =-j
Bruce A. Kotzian
. ._....._, ~ __...J
JUN 11199Q
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739
May 23, 1990
Mr. Gerald Schmieg, Mayor
City of victoria
7951 Rose
Victoria, MN 55386
Dear Mr. Schmieg:
Thank you for your letter regarding the bicycle trail along the
railroad bed. I will be forwarding this item to the Park and
Recreation Commission and the Engineering Department for their
input and direction. We will be preparing our 1991 budget in
september/October. If the city supports your request, such would
be included in the budget at that time.
"'J '
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0CJ/LA "
Lori sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
cc: CUrt Oakes, victoria City Planner
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Gary Warren, Engineer
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Date: June 19, 1990
To: Develo~t Plan Referral Agencies
From: Planning Department
By: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Plann~! r
Subject: Replat of 2 lots into 1"lot and site plan review for a 20,000
s uare foot office/warehouse facilit to be located on
Lots & ,Block 1, Park One rd ddition, Dexter Magnetic
Materials- R.J. Ryan Co.
Planning Case: 90-6 Site Plan & 90-9 SUB
The above described application for approval of a land develO];lOent proposal was
filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on June 18, 1990
In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Catmission
and City Council review, we would appreciate your ccmnents and recarmendations
concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro-
posed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring
public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or inprovercents, and
utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a
written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a
recommendation to the Planning ~nission and City Council.
This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning
Corrmission on July 18, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at
Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later
than J u I Y 9, 1990 You may also appear at the Planning Comnission
meeting if you so desire.
Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated.
1. City Departments
~ City Engineer
~ City Attorney
~....) City Park Director
a ') Public Safety Director
e. } Building Inspector
~) Watershed District Engineer
3. Soil Conservation Service
(;) MN Dept. of Transportation
5. u.S. Army Corps of Engineers
rs-.-, Minnegasco
7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources
~ Telephone Corrpany
(NW Bell or United)
Electric Carpany
(NSP or MN Valley)
10. J:XJIDEN Cable System
11. Roger Machrreier/Jirn Anderson
12. U. S. Fish and wildlife
13. Carver County Engineer
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Ci ty of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Date: June 19, 1990
To: Develop:nent Plan Referral Agencies
From: Planning Department
By: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner
Planned Unit Development to create an Auto Service Center
1n an eX1st1ng bU11d1ng located on the northeast corner of
Hwy. 0 and 1U1, (Hanus HU11d1ng), Lotus Healty ~erv1ces.
Planning Case: 90-2 PUD
The above described application for approval of a land developnent propOsal was
filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on June 18, 1990 .
In order for us to provide a carplete analysis of issues for Planning Carmission
and City Council review, we would appreciate your ccmnents and recarmendations
concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro-
posed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring
public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and
utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a
written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a
recarmendation to the Planning Comnission and City Council.
This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning
Ccmnission on July 18, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at
Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your ccmnents by no later
than _ July 9, 1990 . You may also appear at the Planning Carmission
meeting if you so desire.
Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated.
1. City Departments
~ City Engineer
~ City Attorney
~ City Park Director
. Public Safety Director
e Building Inspector
~atershed District Engineer
3. Soil Conservation Service
(f;J MN Dept. of Transportation
5. O.S. Army Corps of Engineers
. & Minneqa=
7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources
/8) Telephone Catpany
l7 (NW Bell or United)
@ Electric Catpany
(NSP or MN Valley)
10. DC:H>EN Cable System
11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson
12. U. S. Fish and Wildlife
8 Carver County Engineer
(612) 541-9969
June 16, 1990
Chanhassen Auto service Center
The Chanhassen Gateway along Highways 5 and 101 is cur-
rently dominated by Apple Valley Concrete, the Taco
Shop, the new Amoco station and the Hanus Building.
Lotus Realty with the cooperation of Mr. Gary Brown has
control of all land parcels between Highway 101, High-
way 5 and the railroad except for the Amoco station,
Taco Shop and Apple Valley Concrete. The city is cur-
rently in the process of acquiring the Taco Shop as
part of the Highway 5 and 101 realignment.
Lotus Realty is requesting a P.U.D. designation, along
wi th the vacation of West 79th Street, for the
redevelopment of the site. The proposal is to
redevelop the Brown, Hanus and Kurvers properties into
an Auto Service Center including retail, service and
restaurant facilities. The proposed development is to
be anchored by Brown's Auto-Tire Center (within the ex-
isting Hanus Building) and new free standing Hardee's
Restaurant. Other proposed uses are a new car wash ad-
jacent to Brown's, new auto related business within the
Hanus Building and a new 7,600 square foot retail show
room facility to be located to the east of the Hanus
The overall proposed development shall have a sense of
continuity and shall be compatible with its surround-
ings. The proposed exterior of Hardee's is primarily
of buff colored brick and wood shake shingled roof in
keeping with the context of Chanhassen. It also fea-
tures a tinted glass solarium dining area which faces
both Highway 5 and 101. The Hanus Building would under
go a face-lift as part of the proposed development in
order to overcome its industrial image, be more
suitable for retail uses and be harmonious with the
rest of the project. The proposed new facilities would
be primarily buff colored masonry with accents of earth
tones similar to the rest of the development.
The access road boulevards shall be lined with over
story shade trees and shall act both as a buffer to the
north and as unifying element for the entire develop-
ment. In addition, all entries from the access road
shall be landscaped uniformly. Landscaping comprising
evergreens for screening service areas, over story
shade trees and masonry monument sign/screen walls will
provide visual continuity along Highway 5.
The major benefits of the planned unit development will
be the transformation of an under utilized industrial
site into a retail area with unified planning and a
private roadway system that will provide possible fu-
ture access to the Apply Valley Concrete site. At the
appropriate time in the future, the concrete site could
also be redeveloped to provide a complete upgrade of
the cities image from Highways 5 and 101.
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TO: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Mark Koegler ~
DATE: June 19, 1990
SUBJECT: Tra i 1 Plan
At the joint meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission and City
Council on May 23, 1990, a consensus was reached regarding
modification of the draft Trail Plan (copy attached). There seemed
to be general agreement that the plan was too ambitious,
particularly the phase one improvements. At next Tuesday's
meeting, we woul~ like to begin the process of modifying the plan
to reflect the current thinking of the Park and Recreation
Feedback from the Commission is needed relative to the specific
modifications desired. At the combined meeting, discussion focused
on identifying trail corridors along all major thoroughfares. Does
the Commission want to see other alignments in addition to major
streets? Should nature trails be designated and if so, where?
Should the plan contain a long-range trail plan similar to what is
now labeled "Safe Sidewalk and Trailway Plan"?
In addition to the issue of scaling down the trail plan, the
Commission may also want to consider additional text that more
clearly identifies the challenges associated with trail
construction and policies pertaining to trails and their placement.
For example, the section of TH 101 north of TH 5 is identified as
a trail corridor. In this area, however, it will be extremely
difficult to actually construct a trail due to topography,
driveways, accessory buildings, etc. Perhaps the trail plan should
discuss these conditions so that the reader is aware of both the
long-term plan and the reality of the situation.
Similarly, the plan could be modified to provide more information
on trail policies and placement. In general, the current thinking
is not to place trails between private lot lines. The possible
exception to this is access points off of cul-de-sacs. In
3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis. MN. 55447-2175 612/553-1950
Trail Plan Memorandum
June 19, 1990
Page Two
addressing these situations, the plan could identify a policy
requiring the developer to install the surfaced trail before the
construction of homes in the area. If the improvements were in
place, the abutting residents would be aware of the access point
prior to the purchase of the property. Advanced knowledge of the
trail would allow for the positioning of the home on the property
to minimize potential conflicts.
At Tuesday's meeting we would like to discuss these items as well
as any other modifications of the existing plan that you find
necessary. After discussion, a revised plan will be prepared and
brought back to the Park and Recreation Commission for further
The 1980 Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan addressed trails in
recognition of increasing public interest. The Plan contained
recommendations for implementation of a moderate system of regional
trails and local walkways/bike paths. The intent of the system was
to connect major points of interest throughout the City.
The map entitled 1980 Plan - Trails depicts this system.
The 1980 Plan contained goals and policies pertaining to
recreation. The following pol icies were directly appl icable to
the trail system:
1. Provide a balanced park system which includes
neighborhood parks, community parks, special use
facilities, schools and private developments; all
interconnected by a linear trail network.
2. Abandoned right-of-ways should be preserved for public
use whenever possible.
Since 1980, two events have occurred to further public interest in
the establishment of a trail system. First, Chanhassen has seen
unprecedented growth since 1985. From 1985 through 1989, the City
issued 1694 building permits for residential units. This building
permit activity is indicative of the amount of new residential
development that occurred in recent years and the amount expected
to occur in the future. In reviewing recent developments, the
City's Park Commission, Planning Commission and City Council all
commented on the need for an overall trail plan linking
neighborhoods and parks.
The second factor contributing to the heightened awareness of
trails in the City of Chanhassen is the development of trail
systems in adjacent communities. Chaska and particularly Eden
Prairie have been very active in developing trail systems. Since
many Chanhassen residents pass through both communities on a
regular basis, they see the trails in place and observe them being
used by members of the public.
Increased public awareness of trails has translated directly into
increased demand for such facilities by Chanhassen residents. In
April of 1987, the City commissioned a survey to determine resident
interest in park and recreation programs and facilities. Four out
of the top seven most popular activities involved trails.
Sixty-eight percent of the residents indicated that the City has
too few bicycle trails and 64% indicated that the City has too few
walking trails. The responses also indicated that 65% of
Chanhassen's residents think that more funding should be available
for the development of trails.
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1980 Plan
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Walkways/Bike Paths
... Regional Trail
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Trail networks can accommodate various transportation modes.
Walking, jogging, roller skating, bicycling, cross country skiing,
snowmobiling and horseback riding are frequent uses of trail
systems. For the purposes of this plan, trails are categorized
into two general classifications: walkways/bikeways and nature
Walkways/Bikeways: Walkways/bikeways are trail facilities designed
to accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle usage. Such trails
should be 8 feet wide and in areas of heavy activity, separate
trai ls for pedestrian and bicycle usage may be needed.
Walkways/bikeways can also accommodate activities such as roller
skating and cross country skiing in the winter.
Nature Trails: Nature trails are designed solely for pedestrian
usage. They can be used for functional purposes such as purposes
such as trips to school but in most cases they are designed for
purely recreational usage. In the southern portion of Chanhassen,
for example, they may be used to provide public pedestrian access
to areas isolated by extreme topography, tree cover or other
Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required by the City to be constructed
by the developer. Sidewalks are to be placed along through streets
(any street that is not a cul-de-sac) for the purpose of moving
residents within the development to the walkways/bikeways along
In addition to the two major types of trails, special use corridors
may also exist. Special use corridors may accommodate activities
such as snowmobile trails, equestrian trails and trails for
exclusive use of cross country skiers.
This plan does not specifically address special use corridors. At
the present time, the provision of such facilities is not
financially feasible. Of the types of special use corridors
available, snowmobile trails are currently the most popular. The
City of Chanhassen cooperates with private clubs to designate
snowmobile routes which connect to routes in adjacent communities.
Because of the significant amount of vacant and rural land within
Chanhassen, snowmobiling can be accommodated without interference
with urban residential neighborhoods. As the community continues
to grow and additional residential areas are established, suitable
snowmobile trails will be come harder to find. It is realistic to
assume that at some point in the future when the community becomes
largely urban, snowmobiling will be confined to specific park
areas. Until that time occurs, the Park and Recreation Commission
should continue to work with the local snowmobile clubs to
establish appropriate routes.
At the present time, Chanhassen has small segments of both
walkway/bikeway trails and nature trails. Maps entitled 1989 - .
Existing Walkways/Bikeways and 1989 Existing Nature Trails
identify the existing system. Existing trails include the
Trail: Lake Ann/Greenwood Shores Park
Type: Walkway/Bikeway
Description: This trail which was installed in 1985 connects Lake
Ann Park and Greenwood Shores Park covering a total distance of
2,200 feet. The trail is bituminous surfaced and is 6 feet in
width. In addition to the paved trail, a wood chip walkway
parallels the alignment of the walkway/bikeway. The old wood
chip trail is used primarily by joggers.
Trail: Lake Lucy Road
Type: Walkway/Bikeway
Description: Lake Lucy Road was upgraded in 1987 from County Road
17 to Galpin Boulevard (Co. Rd. 117). As part of the road
improvement project, a 6-foot wide walkway/bikeway was constructed
immediately adjacent to the traffic lanes on both sides of the
street. The traffic lane is separated from the walkway/bikeway by
painted striping. Additionally, signage is used to alert motorists
of the possible presence of pedestrians and bicycles.
Trail: Kerber Boulevard
Type: Walkway/Bikeway .
Des~ription: The Kerber Boulevard trail segment extends along the
street from County Road 17 to West 78th Street. The trail consists
of a 6-foot wide bituminous pathway along one side of the street
and a concrete pedestrian walkway along the other side.
Trail: Lake Drive East
Type: Walkway/Bikeway
Description: In conjunction with the Lake Drive East street
improvement, a 6-foot wide concrete sidewalk/trail was installed
along the north side of the street. This trail segment currently
extends from T.H. 101 to Dakota Avenue.
Trail: Carver Beach
Type: Nature Trail
Description: Carver Beach Park contains a wood chip trail
extending the length of the park from the northern to the southern
boundary. The trail which parallels Lotus Lake passes through
steep terrain areas and is suitable only for pedestrian use.
Tra i 1: Carver Beach Road
Type: Walkway/Bikeway
Description: The Carver Beach Road trail segment consists of a
five foot wide concrete walkway along the south side of Carver
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Beach Road. It serves as an access to the Carver Beach playground
area on the north side of the street.
Trail: Laredo Drive
Type: Walkway/Bikeway
Description: The Laredo Drive trail is a concrete walkway along
the west side of the road. The facility's primary users are
elementary school children enroute to and from Chanhassen
Elementary School.
Tra i 1: Fox Chase Tra i 1
Type: Nature Trail
Description: Fox Chase Trail consists of a wood chip pathway
extending from Fox Path to the southern end of the subdivision.
At its existing terminus, the trail is approximately 200 feet from
the northern terminus of the Carver Beach Trail. Although the
trail is presently surfaced with wood chips, the alignment is level
and could easily accommodate a paved walkway/bikeway in the future.
Trail: Chanhassen Pond
Type: Nature Trail
Description: Chanhassen Pond Park contains a wood chip trail which
extends around a portion of the pond area.
Chanhassen's ultimate trail system is shown on the map entitled
Trail Plan. The system provides trails connecting major parks,
neighborhoods, commercial areas and regional points of interest.
Additionally, it provides trail connections to adjacent
municipalities and to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife
Chanhassen's trail plan contains a combination of trail segments
located along streets, within parks and trails that are located
between private lot lines. Advantages and disadvantages of each
of these types of trails are listed below.
Trail Location
-Easy monitoring
-Readily identifiable
-Readily identifiable
-Easier to finance -
construction can be
combined with street
-Motor vehicle
confl i cts
-Maintenance may
require specialized
-Abutting property
Along Streets
Trail Location
-Few vehicle conflicts
-Trails can follow
natural features such
as drainageways
-Development cost may
be grant eligible
-Few vehicle conflicts
-Trails can follow
natural features such
as drainageways
Within Parks
-Very difficult to
-Public familiarity
requires promotional
-Abutting property
-Perceived security
-Additional sidewalk
system may be needed
~High maintenance
In order to ensure uniformity and safe use of trails by members of
the public, the Chanhassen trail system will be developed under a
uniform set of standards. Although the standards may be
impractical in some cases, every effort will be made to see that
all new walkway/bikeway trails are constructed in a~cordance with
the following: -
Between Lot
1. Trails will by 81 wide to accommodate two-way bicycle and
pedestrian traffic. Six-foot wide trails will be constructed
only to adapt to the continuity of existing 61 trails.
Walkway/Bikeway trails will be separated from motor vehicle
traffic thus reducing conflicts and interactions with thes~
transportation modes.
3. Avoid long steep grades; 6.0% maximum slope preferred, 8%
maximum where unavoidable by existing terrain.
2 .
4. Use flatter grade or slope at intersection with streets or
other trailway; 2.0% maximum to allow adequate time to stop.
5. For drainage purposes, 1.0% preferred minimum slope; not less
than 0:5% to be used.
6. Use 0.021/foot minimum cross-slope or crown; 0.041/foot
7. Provide clearance for vertical obstructions (trees, power
poles, signs, etc.); four-foot preferred minimum, two-foot
absolute minimum for bicycle facilities.
8. Shape and compact subgrade to 100% standard density. Excavate
and remove all topsoil, black dirt, peat, muck or silt soils
from beneath pathway; backfill with select grading material.
I I .
~ Bicycle Width
: yManeuvering Area
: ~Minimum Paved Surface
: I ,Clearance
No Scale
R.O.W. Varies
No Scale
9 .
Provide positive surface water drainage away from trailway
with shallow drainage swales or ditches, culverts and/or storm
sewer as required. Subgrade of trailway to be minimum of two
feet above water table.
10. Avoid sharp or sudden changes in horizontal and vertical
alignment. Provide adequate site distance for bicycles at
intersections and on vertical changes in alignment. Extra
width and/or flatter curves required on long downhill slopes
for additional reaction space.
11. Bicycle trails to be marked and signed in accordance with the
manual on Uniform traffic control Devices, latest edition.
12. Minimum standards shall be increased as necessary where
required by poor subgrade soil, traffic volumes, hazardous
conditions, or other special circumstances.
The proposed Chanhassen trail system is extensive. Therefore,
implementation is dependent upon priorities and funding levels.
Trail segments have been broken down into three phases with the
phase one improvements being the highest priority. In order to
rank trail segments, the Park and Recreation Commission evaluated
each segment considering the following factors:
1. Safety
2. Property Owner Acceptance
3. Capital Cost
4. Maintenance Cost
5. Continuity with Existing Chanhassen Trails
6. Number of Users Served
7. Linkage with Regional or other Municipal Trails
8. Accommodation of School Pedestrian Traffic
Phase 1 is shown on the map entitled Trail Plan Phase 1.
Improvements programmed for Phase 1 are dependent upon a number of
factors including development patterns, scheduled street
improvement projects and funding availability.
Funding Sources
The City of Chanhassen has a variety of financial tools available
to fund the construction of a trail system. The following is a
brief comment on each of these sources.
Park Improvement Bonds Municipalities commonly utilize Park
Improvement Bonds for construction of major facil ities. The
authority to sell such bonds usually requires voter approval.
Chanhassen has not had a Park Bond Issue since the late 1960ls when
Lake Ann Park was originally acquired and developed.
General Fund Money - If trails were determined to be a community
priority, the City Council could allocate an amount of money from
the General Fund for construction purposes.
Outdoor Recreation Grant Program - Trails are still grant-eligible
items under the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. In order to
enhance the probability of trails being funded, most communities
combine them with other improvements which enhance public access
to lakes.
Park Dedication Fees Park dedication fees collected from
residential, commercial and industrial development can be applied
to the construction of trail systems. In lieu of a cash
contribution, a municipality can negotiate to have the developer
provide the land and install the trails as a part of overall park
Reserve Funds - Reserve funds which have been accumulated from a
variety of sources can be used to construct trail systems.
Tax Increment Financing Chanhassen's downtown area and two
industrial parks are located within tax increment financing (TIF)
districts. Within these areas, trails can be funded through excess
increment should such funds be available.
Street Improvements Street improvement projects have been
responsible for most of Chanhassen1s existing walkway/bikeway
system. Lake Lucy Road which is the most recent example of a state
aid funded road contains walkways/bikeways within the pr'oject.
Trail improvements conducted simultaneously with street
improvements is the most economical method of constructing trails.
Intergovernmental Coordination Coordination and cooperation
between various governmental entities can be an effective method
of constructing trails. It is fairly common for cities and school
districts to jointly fund trail systems which benefit both parties.
Capital Cost
The cost of constructing trail segments varies significantly due .;
to the availability of land, terrain, tree cover and street
crossings. Detailed cost information can be found in the Capital
Improvement Program.
In implementing a trail system, it is important to consider
maintenance costs in addition to capital costs. Maintenance costs
are the direct result of the level of maintenance desired. Some
maintenance of trails is optional such as winter plowing to
accommodate walking and jogging. Other types of maintenance such
as seal coating and filling are required in order to protect the
City's investment.
The installation of a trail system will also result in increased
manpower requirements. In addition to maintenance personnel
involved in sweeping, seal coating, plowing, etc., inspection
personnel may also be necessary. Experience in adjacent
municipalities has shown that one full time person is required
during the summer months to travel the trail system and to make
minor repairs such as sweeping up glass, sand and debris.
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Safe Sidewalk &
Trailway Plan
00000 nature trail
--, -.'"
September, 1888
T -
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(612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739
Park and Recreation commisSion. A/I
Todd Hoffman, Recreation Superv1sor ~
July 20, 1990
Cancellation of July 24th Meeting
The meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission on July 24, 1990
has been canceled. Initially a short agenda had been developed,
however, several of the projects on the agenda have been put on
hold. A discussion of vehicle parking along Kiowa Trail at
Bandimere Park during soccer games was also scheduled. This issue
can also be addressed at a later date as soccer is nearly over for
the season. In discussions with the City Manager, it was decided
that the expense of holding a commission meeting for one or two
items is not justifiable. The next commission meeting is scheduled
for August 21, one week earlier than the regular schedule.
If you have concerns which you would like addressed before that
time, please contact me.