1989 01 10 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Election of Officers. 3 . Approval of December 13, 1988 Minutes. 4 . Site Plan Review; Ver-sa-Til. s . Review Commlssion Applications and Set Special Meeting Date for Interviews. 6 . Establish ~989 Lake Ann Park Parking Fee Schedule. 7 . Establish 1969 ParK and Trail Dedication Fee. 8 . Discussion of 1989 July 4th Celebration. 9. Update on Hidden Valley Trail Easement Re-Alignment. 10. Update on 1989 Ice Rinks. li. Program Update: A. Friday Family Movies B. New 1989 Recreation Programs 12. Commission Presentations. 13. AdministraLion Section A. Memo from Jim Chaffee, 12/19/88 B. Memo from Gary Warren, 1/3/89 C. Letter to ChUCK Schmidt, 1/5/89 D. Letter from Gary Meister, 12/30/88 E. Letter from Todd Hoffman, 1/6/89 **REMINDER - Please Call Lori at 937-1900 if You Are Unable to Attend the Meeting, Thank-you. CITY OF CHAHHASSEN (~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55-317 (612) 937-1900 lviEt>'lORAN D UM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FRON: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordina tor f- ') DATE: January 4, 1989 SUBJ: Election of Officers The first order of business every year is the election of offi- cers. Currently the Chairperson is Jim Mady and the Vice Chairperson is Sue Boyt. The Co~uission recently discussed having a rotating Chair, as is done on the Planning Commission. Even if you should choose to do such, an election should be held to fill the official Chair and Vice Chair positions. . . PRC DATE: 1-10-89 C.C. DATE: ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN , CASE NO: ~ \. 1 .._h. ~_ ",__ '" ".. . '.. ~ .,. i J .:.'.......i "--'1 ^ . 4: "" '.'<r." Prepared by: Sietsemd/k i STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Development.of 8..29 acres intQ.a 97,400 sq. ft. office/manufacturing/warehouse facility. ..... Z <t () :J a... a.. <{ . LOCATION: Northwest corner. of West. 77th Street and Quatro D~ive (j~st north o~ The Press) APPLICANT: R.Johnson Construction & Development, Inc. At tn: Mr. Greg BOOKman ( _ 720'4 West 27th Street.'- St. Louis Park, MN 55426 PRESENT ZONING: lOP, Industrial Office Park ACREAGE: 8.29 Acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: Industrial Office Park EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: This area lies within the service area of South Lotus Lake Park. ~ ~ W I- - . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not iden- tify this as a park deficient area or call for additional parkland to be acquired. Sidewalks currently exist along the streets in this area. ~ \ ' .' Park and Recreation Commission January 10, 1989 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION As thi2 is not a park deficient area and trails/sidewalks were installed \~ith the streets, no dedication of land is recommended. I~ is the recommendation of this office to accept park and trail dedi~ation fees in lieu of parkland and trail construction. . . . 1 i I. -- ,-R128 o co o - - - !! o '" 6700 -.6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 730C rfZ.oi>OS cD Sl~ - ~. - ___.. 4---- Op_ . '0 o o cD ~ 2 7500 ~ z( ~ ..... II) Ii ".t''' e :r 19-7600 . , '.~ If -7700 ~a 7800 ~w 3 lOP "( -8100 I o o co ~ ~~ 7900 - ~~ tu 8000 o o cD co (l (~>) u cs()3 " !.l ~ , . -I .. \1\ ~ "T, o \ '}?- :.L - r" ~/'-' U~ -: =; ..d .. 1 t olu..n.) l"'-..-c -tv';":: . -;- -",:,-' ..L ..- lY - tT......---.~-.. -~; .-- ,'.1 ." \ t" ....------'---....-. { " ~"" H ~.~, I: · 11 ,\ Ii' _J, '. j \ -- Ii I; " I ~- i. ,9 ---=-r-=- ~ =-=t" ~---r-= ; l:~, ~---= It- ~ "" -.- j-- --1- ._~ ,-'- J=" L ~ ~ :-;,"; ~ !: .-1 .;, " ,I -; ,.- I' I f.: .; '. " . ~ _ . ;.0. "-_-: ... --.. .1 < . . -,--- '-~- l~~:-~.--::~: I, " , '';- ~ '... '-----.---- ./ 't", -------....------- I " \','''" , ,\ \,' ~ ('~ \ I, i ~ . , <>jT .' ~... ......'. ( . ~ "000. " ~' - <"t ~&..: J ,~; I~ '" I ~ ~ 1 l ;} I t~ ! t I ~ ------- ''\. "<. '\.. '.v- /'" ,~,~ '" ~" J ' ~~ "'fo?1' n .... i~ , ~--: I J I 't' C: (' rO ,:0 if" !(. ,- " r :I IS' ,~" ,~ _ '\~J ..~..J\ .:..:.: ~ '" J- ~)l 1.~~~~ - - - -- - - ~ .- ~~! -0' . .~=r, ~.-:;~L ''', j ,,'~... --1--- 1 ; '< ~~ -- -r=-=- j '~ ...~~~'/<;;.~~, i ~fl'~"'. '~ i ii '-,,' ",,;;,,-\: p, '" ~ " '\'\ <. ; ;1, .:~ ~ r \':r=7'- 0,,"'1' l. t"'-)! d r 1 f t--' .4' ':"7' "'.,..---- ~ ..... ~. : .' ..~ ~/,6 L_ ~l ~'Y -,- - -- -- - ------ +- tj[ ~ .:-:: i . ):"--:" ' ~, -~ y =: ,,-1 :-;/ t( " /' Ii, _ ~ ,r 7-' } .l., \ , , _:U'.' --.--- .,1'1'-"" "~:~ T'; -." -~ I' ...' .. f 'I.,,~' .. .jr~~ '" I: ,',i L · I 'r, l H' ~. ~ :. , ~ {; . .-.". \,. \ . ~ ~: ~''r - -..-"\0,..- . . .--~-- -. - - ~..--~ __ :~~ ._- '--:-;-:,3'. . . :~~-~ :j- r,f _?i' .t 1'~ ~ f "I' '., ~, :.. ~~ ~. - ~ l } J w. /64- ~" ---:.._--~~=- =:":'..-l'':~-' .~ :-:.-:~=-,.~.....-- . -------~=.,,-,.' -t -:- ~ ~;~ , r 1::' ,. . , .",' - ! ' ' f ~. , ';! I I / I / I , , I , _--L-' ' -=s--:;=-.:- .__~~~-.:~::'~~. ~'"w-~. . . --.:.;'-.....--- . . . ~ " ('\, -:':',""' '- ~ ><. ' ~:{~ :; ,,-1 - !,.' I=: -. ~:~ 'f. "::': :J' I~.~ :(T'\ ~:l\l !r~ .'(..I.r- ..;~ 1(" -,'~ Ii" ~r 1 ~-r !11\ I) 1-. != !:; ~~ '., ;, .' .....:. '"::-' " AvE,"iUC: :z: "" :'-'!:t' -- (I\' ,;"p t. . '.J --~('- . !: .~ 1- -j '~I~ I('<"~ :~ - ;~I~,U ,. 'l;f,A";: , -- C' f~ ;Z,:.: ::;",:1 -- ,.~, , I ,..Y . - .:' , CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN s 690 COULTER DRIVE. P,O, BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FR OM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ January 4, 1989 DA'I'E: SOBJ: Commission Application Process Note: In 1988 the City Council directed staff to work with the Commissions to develop a list of criteria by which to choose candidates to fill Commission postions. . The Park and Recreation Commission has used a number of criteria in the past in attempting to create diversity. The Commission has felt that all areas of the City should be represented as well as a variety of interest groups and careers. Please review the attached list of criteria that this office believes has been used by the Park and Recreation Commission in the past. Upon your direction I will submit this list to the City Council for their appro- val. We have received 13 applications for the 2 Commission positions available, one upon which Curt Robinson would like to continue to serve. The Park and Recreation Commission must determine if they want to interview all 13 applicants or review the applications and interview only those that meet the list of criteria. It is the recolrunendation of this office to hold a special meeting solely for the purpose of interviewing candidates. . LIST OF CRITERIA FOR COMMISSION SELECTION 1. Membership should represent all areas of the City to the extent possible. 2. Membership should be representative of all areas in pro- portion to the total population. 3. Membership should be composed of a variety of careers and i~terest groups throughout the community, i.e.: business community, CAA, school representatives, lawyers, archi- tects, maintenance workers, etc. 4. Membership should, to the extent possible, include a variety of age groups. . . . - (k1 <: f- ,,;:; i- (/J cd '-, I / Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications: lor- ~ es- onal) .3/'::1'7 . tJt(7 on of dutie~ as \",ell) : or c/ n c. e. -r- n.... TSI . time, cnerg: muke such C1 ~ ( .r ( . DATE: 'I '--'t/lh€- ;2 7 II / APPLICATIO~ FOR CH~JH^SSEN COMMISSION Position desired: Name: C,ri>~<) ~ 'r f( "t- If e L C6 n, rv/ 55;' CJ 'Y7 r:.. g,/;;VI-50VL tc) 770 ST, 5134/- ~ofo9 . Alternate: Date of Birth (Opti Address: ,2o;Z Home Phone: Business Phone: ?fS3 -1/ Ho~'" Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? / dJ. t/ e a r- 5 ( Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any: (l D/ fer- ])e rC'-r:'c Current ernplo~ent: (Give position, employer and brief discussi If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment /f!(7 (" (J u ~'\-t ~"'1L T r!'J.r7 rY'~)//~ r/)-r . C~n -Ire> I D~-fO-- ;:S04 re ;::; r7s jI C!OY'f r U/v)J,. Activities and affiliations (Inclu~o elective 0~~ices and honors recognitions received, if any): . ~~.. (lflA ()(/icC'v- 1)(( <) 1 I (J ,. r () (\-1/ }'7 ( ')<:::' I (')(1 t-' j Pi? V Ie // (,/),~ !2tY' (Yc,- -II .{' (/) fe" -fa Co; /--1-/ t:-:5" ChaYl haSserL j-l'::>Z-<' -fA. . -s-',(.7 0 r- I' In filing this applic.::ltion, I understa:1d th.:lt a corrunitment of my interest and particip.::ltion will be involved, and am prepared to commit~ent in the event I am appointed to the above Commission. . ? ~ (t'(~7:4 J;:~~e . Sign.:l ture DATE 6{'I,~b( r /t- I /~J5 . APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION /'1 /' /7 POSI TION DESIRED NiFF,)" r;i((o lUll /}{,a 'c( ALTERNATE NAME: I;//(!I; I> , C f{ II' (? { .;-- BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) - I' / - / / ' -' (, L 1_' <. r- - l ~/ TO~' . I r ( ~:.;-. ::(./1----: /1~( */;i.;//"-.~' /~~?/~J ADDRESS ... '. - HOME PHONE 'v ~/"-: - 7~;- 7 '/~ BUSINESS PHONE /' / /,:: , !..:.:"'- t..'~ [ (/ 'J .:.:; I HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN . ' f ~, I -~ " ') ~//'//I((:::'/J/ /', /('('I./)(('/(I/} (f?::/'f) CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) :) /'t '! - , / ~ - ,/; ~ I :' A~;",,// ,'>;-: l.,(!:~:,( ,/J //"-</~/', ",(--(1',/"" (((t/7 lOt". "."'l-, /1_ ,/J: ,I/.~.J;~''</ ~_"c/:/' /'.... ',-' .(/_/(//./>J.:~.#, .,,/...(--:.sc";J/ ~~C'c/-.~---(y""5 -f 'v.....:;;f('cf,I,:,. It;. .\_;,/(_~;,. 'y'~C -.:..) / ",i; (( ~;I(;. ~ C/? I, " ~_~ :. / (,~!_ c'_ /-; / (/ Ie L// /; - .: ~" ".!<" / ;-.- I / ..'~ ". ...t"- ; /.; ,~- i;'^( "- //i :>,'.r I:. /J'#'.<;j -""'-/ .:( l::; ~--::~~ If-t' / I/, -(,I ~f~~ __~, /: r "lL.t~/1 :5)":'1 . ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR ! RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: J c<- (i. J "- . '11-, < "'/j >..1 /c./ <. "i I//il..'i /; !iCd'L'c(c. ~LC /</lj'h'"Jti-<.'/I'Ch, -7' //////('C,'- "./",<:..:') /l' /i/'1'7'~1. ,'CcftL 7 , .{,.".... '-'- u ,<.(..., /L, J. L,....'-'~<-- .... .... /;'Kl I(r.({//{ I.L I II? (. itA'? //~" N( 1ree c:'CU.5+; 2/ icth/:.J{)f':> fz) ~ /15 iLl.( 1/2 ( /yc:>c'lua IT (;I (- tl CUI CfL17 7{17( hC' 5, z: n crbti/7 !1'7{5 fiN ..5(.'uII7LJI/ fh< f ;:'7' C/7ti/7/7t(,;:J:"IC/? /7,{i"[0.) /z' L,/ / v L1.[ I~JiIL.5(l7lca {/7/~II<- /~)H-f/<.:;-t kcC/.?C/i hc.n 6uf!LlC{/. /. DATE Oct 2~ 11'8~ , APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED ~rk. ~ Kec((G..-k:,V"\ C.........~,~,,~ALTERNATE NAME: trl k. B-"\,J\se~ BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) s'/I'-j)~<; I ADDRESS 7JOS- ~reJ", Dr, HOME PHONE 93'1 -1032.. BUSINESS PHONE S S 1- - begS- HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN l~ le~(~ HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY 1). r~ c\€:;r<e: Iv'\. M"thQ~-hd -+;:V,'" ~+. DI...f (-<.j\~'t.: i'h,-t~+ie\(,l Ivlf\) CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) fVlo.rKe-t,y.. CVi\J C't;~"""-Yllt':>l T -+k 10.. ~,~-+ 6,""\ ,-k("'W1,,~C.... c+- V...rl';",s rr...il or.tw- (.~.lt>). ...L.n T (<i'>-\ . If' (h..,. ,,+-fe'rC{...0tYl . fl"lt.",\1-zn... l\1"I'':~ W'\"'\ T<'" -+k.. re~\;..lt5 c+ '),..k) '-h~ .-tJ,,;.)~ (,,:-kl\,( L" (.'. ~~~~i~I~;~~'AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) Eie..:t<"\ 1-0 ll.........\ Sc.'v<,l ('/l ~tv&,.rt J'^(,~(.;U1 (~\.Ir1('II) ~-I.ol,{ D",IIt'je. Jv.l'I',.;,r C",,,",st'I.. r ".".\ 1'V\.e....k c{ i-kM; I-h.v\~"" J ~i. O\...( c...llt~,t' REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: I ~M c~ ~~v) ~1"+) ~l ~rJ..\.v"""K'''j ';r,(,\iv,"\w.. \ wIth t'n <..chIJ-C '\"k(~+ if' th~ ,k'/(lui>,7\l<.j- CV"..l --h,.-l')o'I..:.-h.:...... c:-\ c.ity 'P\t>.I\IMJ ..J.-j,';'+,-,~_U h,,(1J;+ +h.t C~""~"lf.v- U"""''''v."t,y- .I -Ktl ""'J f\..e~r t,ki..,.) re~'lk,,(-< 'I'''' [~t,c;.sS\"1) 'Ar." vf'..I li",t VvI1t4.er- C",N>>\I;\,t...-t.ll'''' s~jl.s ("-",,I re) t.,\<;il;,/" J~W- iY\,+;,::f,ye ~J.J be c..~e-t~ -h:, --H.,~ rd~1>''l- (.~ Veo ---=>- IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WIL~ BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. tl21...~ SIGNATURE: . NOV 1 1988 CITX .OF CHANhASSI;.N . ".A._ . _.' ,~ ....~ DATE Cc+d.:J~/ 2.t " 19 {Yo' . APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED r:r-ait\..6 'tf~OI\ CttJ/Jf1 . ALTERNATE ~-~ I '\ ~ o')/] ,- NAME: _I \ IrrY"2i-c I 1.' \ II ~ <.-' --c_ _~ ADDRESS } (,C;\ C:.-;(e:~\- fb1ih 'jj\vd . HOME PHONE '13Y-IL3l, BUSINESS PHONE ..:2\3-';-62- /'-/751 HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 3 1 t).. E c-i--S' <::::=' BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 2-1(.:'- 3-<.' (,-:;1:, 007-') HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY ~-",~. H 3,)11,.1::' l\nl \i /11-S. (1,'\\~.t c:+ ~ t)//7'y,/ is l,..i/IIOJ)d CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) ~. , 1.' I, ('It:' -; \ )::: ,~\ )-.C. 't ;?i ,:~- S1",,' I~~cher 21IJ C:':1;.,h (i .~k.3; S-~,~ Z r>')<":'; H 5: / k' t~,. -; \."-..:' ( s ,) \:? l-l s "i~ '1 i \ H -, '-, ;~, rl'" -1'.,....<., i' '" \ C' \ f \ <' -,' ,~ '~') "-'. , " , ..) } U ~c ]5/""0 m}f... .fo'Jh..~ ntk"L, f-/.. 5 ;) ~k -:14":; , ? 'I e\ / 6 ,,~j e 24 ~ '3 1~0f1'ii /u\-ft..J _J C&<,SC'"i Jj ,5.> .) f ~ . ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) 'Mc.>,J:nt- n7 n '" . -;) .--:'\ .,., C 1'\ J ~..", "- :).' ,"IS r i-c.~ 1-1.<) r J.lis'\'/Ic) 1..\ ."z::-"<. i).,j. ;--I''Ss 1/ OFFICES AND HONORS OR fh'(.L');/,.-:-.\ ':i}':-d,j/ (~':1' I,,,,:,, I~t-Jlc;+ /0 !-)" >k ,'k -;. lc~ 10n l).~.. !~I~j);,,-,,: ~/" 5(.. i':> ~ IJlC'..n=,'~ ])iY~/~i OlJVL'QI!J N..s /1)) _'~+;-:r- '~..i)(--:..fl"~-CL~ !l~\,. i~.0,:~~.. REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: ~.(Jil n'\lJ) / ~ -'l. (\ n -c ,-:-':, \c..-'\ \ 1\ '\k (^ C":.. ~l. "'J '\ C - 2, l-)~"i 0..' es:-hc,6.. J-~ .; (. (,-117 L.fL u ~~\ ;:3<~ ~OClts , ~ ')" 4'S Li,,', ~, \ \ I~l c~..J.~~., '''1 .-+c ?~'- \ p8-t? NJ ~~\!C'~ o lJ S-y- C~).l- G..f . in IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WIL~ BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. 1,._....._- &'_~ NOV ~) 1988 ~.JyufTl. ~:)0 SIGNATURE: \. CITY OF CHANHASSEN . "5 W\ ~ e.n -:r= ~ ~ An2<Jr")~ -\or rnC)()4-hs J- rebhA~ i!I,.t nl~ +hw. -:r.. UJ{\~l f"Jl\$S ~ ~c:ht "-:)~. ::( ~~j, ~h~::>s ....... ') J..... ('" ~ 2, %\""",.1 -h '('~~T rn~ -e--) S'-'\~~ of ~lL (l}<"<:-'77~ Cl . 7~. ~" -" ~--:..--.~'."..;,.-~ ....__....'~., ._-....... ,. . . DATE 0(23. J 7. /9Sf3 I APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED Pet,\<- c:f Rec.reo.J/oVJ ALTERNATE NAME: Janet \-'\o..i Lash BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) /-;)9-5L/. ADDRESS ~ B 50 U t; CLt. Lo..l\e. HOME PHONE 4l'-i- 3~ It{ BUSINESS PHONE 4'-1 t -L/L/ J t HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN __1 \ yeLlr.S HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY t-\-~8~ Sc~ool CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) L\QSS,((\CfY\ 'I\1G,-+(\Adl~(\J Alae - Lhas0.l YJlooi f)1~:J(',<:.-L ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INxLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) bmuJn\€ {)Jl{j ~f\rl Sfl1)U+ (Jl'1rlaf s;..o{ 5 UPD...rS O~\\'t.~r of- l-kJrroowner5 4ss()c"J6...f/of) ("rJc1c.kd Thall. l I I '~1~oJ ~l~~~r~e~le ~~ ~ b;~~v~ h~:;'~~::j~1,;Yt~nZi,~~~ REASONS FOR SEEK NTIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFI ATIONS: . T ~ ~ 'k r\1..~ tor -S>O~ lo\ocJ 'IDn ~ Po-,k ~ Ree. SbrrJ260&- Who \s lfJ\ \\~:9 -tD \uD k \ h~ +~ -Cu.kte I \6kf) \:D ~~'b{)\€ urd C\ \5'0 \\(\ Q\) ~ C t:~'-~ \-,'(' Q ifec.A.Q ~ CJ ftS (-l1\ d .. ld {)O- ~ Sf') rrecm e w ~ Ill'~ fo -\-tu<i:~_ Ci I eLf; on ~(b rY) IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME,CDu } ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- it o! f)C..! PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE n el~'~ ABOVE COMMISSION. . ~~/ &dJ SIGNATURE: ....... .....".".. '".-.-." ....-.- .-'''' .. ....-- ...~,-- ..-..............,..;: DATE 10/31/t$8 . APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED Park & Rec Carrmission ALTERNATE NAME: Wes Dunsrmre ADDRESS 730 West 96th Street BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) Chanhassen,}N 55317 HOME PHONE 445-7371 BUSINESS PHONE 937-2262 Ext. 384 HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 7~ years HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY High School Graduate CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) Superintendent of Parks City of Eden Prairie I supervise 12 employees in the maintenance of 17 parks and all city trails and sidewalks. I am also responsible for the yearly maintenance budget. . ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: I feel that with the fast erowth of the City. park and recreation issues need to addressed IOOre than ever. As a 17 year employee in the park and recreation field. I am qualified to fill this position on the Park and Hecreation Cc:m:ci.ssion for the C~ty orunannassen. IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. #/;/f ,;... .,-' - .-!'~ /1 /) / / 2/ __",- /~~.<// ->1" >:::;,.~I ~--- _:::;/ SIGNATURE: . '~"-''''''~'''''-''''.'''''''-''~.'''' :- ,..........._.......~-.~.-~. I. DATE November 10, 1988 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED Pi'lrk & Rec. ALTERNATE NAME: C-:erry Maher BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 7/17/49 ADDRESS 7101 Utica Lane Chanhassen, MN 55137 HOME PHONE 474-6915 BUSINESS PHONE 474-1430 HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 16 years - 36 in this area HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY 4 years-U of MN plus additional Management, Engineering & Sales courses in career development. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) .l1ill Ci tv Equipment & c011Y.evino equiJ2.ment & . have been President & Supplies Co. Inc. - Self Employed - Distributor of industrial related industrial SUPl)lies. A 17 year old company of which I owner for 8 years._~rior to that, manager of Larkstur Engineering. ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) W9-Ys & means officer of CM, Little League coach, MU wrestling coach, elementary school'baseball coach & Phy Ed. Teacher, Knights of Columbus Youth Director, volunteer counselor at The Horne of The Good Shepherd, Member of; Nat. Assoc. of Self Employed, Nat. Assoc. of Independent Businessmen, Nat. Assoc. of Industrial Distributors, Grain Elevator & processing Society, The Nature Conservancy, The Cousteau Society. Enjoy; fishing, golf, sailing, snomobiling, scuba diving, tennis & REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: softball. As a parent, coach & counselor to youth and an avid user of the outdoors, I would welcome the opportunitv to participate in the processes that will effect our natural resources and the people that use them both now and into the future. IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WIL~ BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. ) -) 'f ",~ ,.A.... t~-"""'~/~' -,' ,. ( ~GNATURE : , i~") J y....r...l'----/ . NOV 111988 CITY OF CHANhA::':::la:.N - .~... -...... '* -.. ....-. ..... p ..~_.. DATE i I. 1 5 .~c-~ . APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED <t?~Jl'" \<:.:...(. C:'>,""","'::'Sl'';',w, NAME: "3...&---\ G ('::> " ALTERNATE BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) /0. ii. 5L, ADDRESS \;\1 \ \...'\"0'''-'-''\ l\\J \ HOME PHONE L -, '-', \ c':, i\ \ BUSINESS PHONE ~~"~ - '-1 ld-. I HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 14 ,,';., HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY ~'Jf"'j , (,.:":_. . ' ' ...;: .-~....... \;" - IJ ",l.. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) ~i. \ q ~ c c>:\: , < \ '.'" "'~-t- \ (. ~ . <; ;...(-- j' '- ? f'O,-~ "",-1" (~ _;.'i""-..')--.:r_ ~_:,-1-(''''-~I~\~''y"' Yi..'~'I\r..~\\.:-"":"~"c1,'I."'\""..i.'...'1 t..J<.()-\c.I,-'>":<'" C).,_,r\\ ry)\...~c . ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) C\.."C.L<, J........:I\{".,::", ~~ . k.~ c.\",.",) "''-'-'" ~-tl-.I,-,.il'_ I-\<;:S':;-;'I'~'\I'-" \'Y\.;. ,'.,-, \~~, ""s. r.......::> ,-Yo,'", v, ,', '-'1''1 ~ ,,,-\.v 'T:),,, k. :to,,--'L REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: ~0 (\ {_ -2. Y '" .2..( ~ C, b",c.c\ '('..:l- 1'.-",.1::,1 \"".... -+<::><;:.. \ (,' C', \ , -+ , r,. nO L\C', \ +\-r--- '{'of) c Y'\'" Js .5:;..;,.... ~.-..U\~\I";" IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. .~~ ./ IGNATURE: . ..........;,_.."......".~........~ - '''." ._~..:....,~-_.....~,~~... ( (" . DATE: P~~k7 , L , APPLICATIO~1 FOR CHANHl\SSEN COmlISSION Position desired: ~ ",,;'.-; ~ rvr /,~.'S'}~ Alterna te : .a// P1 'g I '~rA'l??---. /t)b?2 .~ -:i"" Date of Birth (Optional) ~ v-~~J EI Name: 4"'7 Address: /6~? c:J.,/7V~.'/? Home Phone: ~7b -c:>~~ / Business Phone: 9~/-~CJ?J HmV' Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? / ~/r-, High~st Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, dL /~~lt.; . / vf c:; . / if any: . Current employment: (Give posit~on, employer and brief discussion of dutie If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as ,V'ell) : ~=s ~J--"'-~~ -t.~, - dlrN.I:'~ -.?..J.vl...... ~"! 6".<- d:::(; RJ:.7.;'" -:Lr//~:j:2:~~; ( -:;?-- ./.k-~ /4-'"' ~7-""1k=,-4 ~ ~='~;;::M , ~MVIi~ r ; Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and honors or reco~nitions received, if any): Reasons seeking this / In filing thi:::i applic.J. tion, I un'derst.J.:1d th.:1 t a commi tment of m~' time, cnerg interest .J.nd participation will be involved, and am prep.:1rcd to make such a com~i~~ent in the event I am appointed to the above Commi:::ision. . REC:::- ::::::> . NOV 2 3 1387 CITY.OF CHANHA~SEN 4'2.e C-- (~ign.:l cure -- .- DATE I~ - 7 - 8 0 (j . POSITION APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DESIRED PHJ( T- I?~,- Cc~Ml SSJOIV ALTERNATE ~\~ s:-,-ov"~ BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) S-I- 41 ~ 360 +o~sr ed'- Uz... NAME: ADDRESS HOME PHONE L//o 09 '2-' BUSINESS PHONE g7/-2o"3{ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN / II z.. Y r s HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUC~TION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY Y\II. s.,....,. 'So ~ t"..t.J- -t- P L.., D Cc::;. ~ ~ S. A.. It; c l' t<; CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) ~'YJZ.-'-v-r;"v./.; D/1....t..c.-To 1"- La'(Z/~" 17'c.o/l-t T -&:Th~ k--- "j Y"'l"v/v-..,r-y C...c.../'-I~r1 .I:;;LI/~YTS 0ff~ oo-rJ.. d- SJo/j c.,~"r y Ot:J"'T"' ~ ,IYlISS/C)"" !..d. Crj(),A-)JC( /101.1.- ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNI T IONS RECEIVED, I F ANY) ~ CJS ~ -=t ou ^ <:J .. r \ ~ IV &t.c;, d uS J,,)J --:+-t {{ C (.,c,/ ~ 51' P'yJ3, J",1 Uj\..,T-Je! t.uoY tL'7"A."CI~) 7J c;~~1' fflfJ/5 LJ'TY ~ i.-/<:;) /?T ~T JI GI u b , y' J1;t C /f Ii' ~,J '3 /11.-" o.~/-" rrc REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: . VA I - 17 0 ..e 57.. 6 j, d..P cI CL :; IT-, .A-5 /:.,..(. P * f / A.. L/e. ) (./ -" ~ /).; "'72rt c. .s c. "-'> "TSe Go i"Y'-L U. c.... T ) v.e, / \...I /Y) ~ rz A... J r,,4 fl.f OJ /"0 ,.,MUA./tY /~L"""l/or ~-.e-/ j /Cc,o I eC:;fA""CI~/T-'y IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. ~c7'? S-7 ~ SIGNATURE: . DEe US 1988 CITY OF CHANhAS~i....i'~ --".~;_.I 4.t'-.~...~.~ _,.;,._= ,e . . DATE December 13, 1988 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED Park & Recreation CUIIIIII i:,:, i um~r' NAME: Barry W. Johnson ADDRESS 6561 Gray Fox Curve ALTERNATE BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 12/19/58 HOME PHONE 934-5650 593-4620 BUSINESS PHONE HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 2~ years HIGnESr LEVEL OF EDDCATIuh ATTAiNED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY B. S. Business Administration, University of Minnesota CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) Senior Planning Analyst - Honeywell (Military Avionics Division) Responsible for cost and schedule performance analysis for ~overnment contracts. ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) Honeywell "Spot" award for outstanding performance August, 1987. Softball, water polo, broomball, golf and volleyball leagues, softball umpire - 1978 - 1986 REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: I look forward to using my interest in sports and recreational activities and my strong organizational skills to help develop the Chanhassen park system. I feel I have a great deal to offer and look forward to the opportunity. IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WIL~ BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. Or ;9 w Q~~ . SI ATURE: Barry W. Johnson DEe 1 ~) 1988 ~c: (' ,.~ ," '.~ CHANhA::;,.;>.:' ,,' \ . l,l' . ,. ,~..."z'..~.-"'.:;......~..__~ ...~.. DATE _, 2~il ff' . APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION POSITION DESIRED [c.k \--R~-L. C:. :w...v:.(c, ~U&'J ALTERNATE NAME: ~'\\C~'-€.\ C;;:l \r,rn e~~- BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 112>;-/;'-] , ADDRESS {-{CO 1-'.-\-1),,\ \f(.',,,,~ \ HOME PHONE 4f ry L(-- J Lj S-\ BUSINESS PHONE A' ~ L( ,-L{ ~ Z. ( if) ~ " n i '7 ~ L' ~' i?-o,r.s t'~\b-""-..:t'" J'~ II l' JIi~J0_- '- . I. (-t. l~J~'?\.~' HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY (j P. J A.~ \'-''''f' \,,'0 '( Lt<t- M EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- WELL) 6) tl i\.(:: (YI H~sf ~ L.." I s~'-fv-U ( ,< ~ ~ ,/ . 1 . ' . ~ l,-,,_ ,_. . <.) :" . " _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN CURRENT DUTIES. MENT AS S,._.,.. ' .... r.:;:. r . l.._. \oJ, \ '-->.::::: ~ ~ j (:~ \-j,-< . HONORS OR REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: -- ~K-\~€'...J<' ..\- ,,'c-' c,:'e. l"'M C. J"\-c',IiY~ cQ~ ("~_L. L ~_\'t<, 5(~-\- r~~, \-~. '~e..Je.\.~ I ,^",SJ l L J~ '~ ~'\J ~." .: <" ". I\.::\- '.. PC'-,l'k. J- ". 6~-l \'..;.~ -t-~ h::('\~ CL:.~-\JQ..;'- B~..~.",DlA CLLhLI".( ~ .>~r~r.:.""'~~ i l\. T-tt,.\~ I'(~C~,,{,. IN FILING THIS APPLlCATION, I UNDERSTANa TH~T A COMMITMENT 0 MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT~AM APPOI. NT ED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. cI 4, Ml'" Q\-v""-d_L SIGNATURE: . DEe 1 9 1988 LIO: OF CHANhASSE.N _...,___-.........r...~_,~,~_~ 'l'..._~~,.....'_~ ,. 12/29/88 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DATE POSI TION DESI RED Park & Rec ALTERNATE NAME: Jeffery Farmakes BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 8-1-51 ADDRESS 7100 Utica Lane Chanhassen, Mn 55317 HOME PHONE 474-8148 BUSINESS PHONE same HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN 8yr HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY B.F.A. Design Minneapolis college of Art and Design CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) Past 5 years- Owner of Farmakes Design Group, creative direction and design in the areas of corporate identification, environmental. display. advertising. . packaging design ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) Numerous national awards. design work published in national publications such RS GrRphis, Art Dirertors Annual. The One Show REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: T feel my DilckgrQund in cOlllllllm;C<lt;on ilrtii and en"ironlllent&ll design Q~nefit the Park & Rec Commission. I also live next to a park in Chanhassen, Rnn am a dai 1 Y lIser of tllP pRrk "y"tpm. IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL, BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. /'. . -1,\,),. SPGNATURE: . DEe ~) 0 i988 CiTY OF CHANhASSEN ". -,.'; ~..;. ,..:, - .;....--"".-,,' ..--~~ '. \\~\':'.\ \0)\\ '<j >;Y /DATE /O!lq I q1 . APPLICATION FOR POSITION DESIRED ~ ~ (~On NAME: _~Mbm JO liIicl.. ADDRESS 1 ( I (p UtiCA L.Mie... HOME PHONE Y10 - 0 g lX CHANHASSEN COMMISSION Comt/1. ALTERNATE f~bb'~. ~ i'm",. BIRTHDATE (OPTIONAL) 5/~/~~ BUSINESS PHONE i.f4 to - (206 .6:t &49 HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CHANHASSEN J ~OAJ HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY jJA~(ii(, ( ~0(j(~ I buSlrJH Dt3r.tL. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (GIVE POSITION, EMPLOYER, AND BRIEF DISCUSSION OF DUTIES. IF EMPLOYMENT IS RELATIVELY RECENT, DISCUSS PREVIOUS EMPLOY- MENT AS WELL) ~:j~~~:'O f~ 6 DU:~::t :!~~~r O::;~ ~'.0 ~~~~ ::~ fdn't1"'rnJ hclK bn A} .~~ JWt'Y iF. Hui^1fh Urur~f t~~ ~rn -t-' ~f/~ Lt fn1I1:t'Y r:r IVorih.~ o --ro.....,-=- ~i.il6l. wfh ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (INCLUDE ELECTIVE OFFICES AND HONORS OR RECOGNITIONS RECEIVED, IF ANY) -r h'... ~ 6 "t.J1A r!, ~\ Ie ~ t1 ,. ..Jd- 0It{ rUlJ C~ .Ur. ~nofu'r~ 17>1-- O'5IYt~ 5/}t rnOJ1tls ;V- 116, r,.l,t l Jrl,\S . REASONS FOR SEEK~NG THIS POSITION AND SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: ml/r ~Jt~Jr~f dII ~vmdfl -Wr ~bh1h!JJiL l1}tJ.r. t LW -UL dtMWa.1. 1- IvLf~ ~lfJt'rJyr II )JK -fh L~ PJr/L: r h~1K ~~S ~V1)W our f~j t nd1u~ _~eJl1~. U~ d l~ fir lllt1 >OY\ ?fi'lA {uotJd Uh -fu ~Jf ~Jf ~o ~~ IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF~'~~M~ h.m. ENERGY, INTEREST, AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PRE- PARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. ~ukS~ATr!tfA . OCT 19 1988 OlTY. OF CHANhASSLN ...f'-.')-......_ ..~..... .<.. - ...._'*"'r"..~.-:. CITY OF &, CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ./,/1 ,,"j,.' i/1 I , FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: January 5, 1989 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Parking Fees . This iceln was discussed extensively during its review in 1988. Fi~al action for that year was td.\en at the April 11, 1988, City Council meeting. At that time the City Council voted to continue the fees that were in place and as:~ed the Park and Recreation Comm133ion to review this item agai0 early in 1989. Minutes of that meeting are attached. As this item is discussed, it is important to keep in mind the reason Dehind the issue. It is not that people are upset about toe amoun~ they must pay, but that they must pay at all. The hot and dry summer of 1988 generated record high revenue through La1\:e Ann Park fee3. A total of 6,057 daily and seasonal passe~ were sold generating $10,971.00 in daily passes and $12,490.00 in seasonal passess for a total gross revenue of $23,461.00. Subtract a 6% sales tax and net revenue equaled $22,053.34. This is an increase of approximately $6,000.00 over 1987. A history of the total amounts collected since 1984 is attached. The current consensus as to why a fee is charged seems to be that it helps offset the cost of the beach program and general main- tenance. This year's revenue did offset the cost of the total beach program including the gate attendants. However, it cannot then be said that a noticeable portion of the maintenance costs are being covered. An example of the line item expenditures incurred in 1988 are as follows: . Beach Program Gate Attendants Satellites Lake Ann Stickers Power for Ballfield Lights $16,550.00 4,500.00 3,500.00 500.00 450.00 Park and Recreation Commission . January 5, 1989 Page 2 The fee was originally established so that park users helped pay for services available at the park, which in 1988, it did accomplish. The question is should this continue or should access to Lake Ann Park be free of charge. At present, parK entrance fees are $10.00 for a non-resident season pass, $5.00 for a resident season pass, and $3.00 for a daily pass. One alternative to this fee structure is to lower the fees over a two or three year period gradually phasing them out. It the parking fees are to be discontinued, this may be the most palatable manner in which to do so. The loss of revenue would then be adjusted in the park maintenance and operation budget. Looking further, the discontinuation of the fees would impact other areas of the park operations. Each year five to seven em~loyees are hired to staff the gatehouse. Besides selling parKing stickers, the gate attendants carry out the duty of operating the lights on Field #1 during softball games. Without the attendants, an automatic timer would need to be purchased and installed. The gatehouse located at the entrance . of the park would no longer be necessary. Its removal would necessitate relocation of the electrical panel attached to the gatehouse. The elimination of gate attendants would also elimi- nate the employee pool which helps out in a myriad of other ways including softball tournaments, the 4th of July Celebration, and OK~oberfest. Attendants are also needed at the boat access on Lotus LaKe and many summer employees return to work as rink attendants later in the year. Lastly, close examination should be given to the "hottest" issues surrounding park fees. This past summer a great deal of concern was expressed by parents and spectators of children participating in youth baseball programs at the park. They considered it ridi- culous that they were charged to have their children play at Lake Ann Park. On one instance, I was summonded to the park by an attendant who was having great difficulty with this situation. Parents of children who are participating in swimming lessons and playground programs dislike paying a parking fee, especially after they have paid to enroll their children in these classes. Some softball players also disagree with having to purchase a $5.00 season pass reasoning that their team already payed the registration fee for the program. Whatever decision is reached, many areas in the operation of Lake Ann Park and this department as a whole will be affected. Care- ful consideration should be given to all factors involved. If . it is determined that paying a fee to use Lake Ann Park is undue . . . ParK and Recreation Commission January 5, 1989 Page 3 restriction of parK use, it is the recommendation of this department to phase out the fees over a two year period as follows: 1989 1990 Seasonal non-resident Seasonal resident Daily $10.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.00 $ 1.00 1991 -0- -0- -0- If it is determined that the fee is not an unecessary charge for the services available at the park, it is recommended that the fees remain as i3. l' { ( City Council Meeting - April 11, 1988 ;~~~ ::3~) Councilman Geving moved, Mayor Hamil ton seconded to approve the revised preliminary platstarnped "Received April 4, 1988" for the Schwaba/Winchell subdivision subject to the following conditions: . 1. The accessory building on Lot 3 should be removed. 2. The nine .comi Hons recomnended in the Engineering manorandun dated April 7, 1988 and January 14, 1988. 3. Landscaping feasibility plans be worked out by the staff and if possible be returned to the City Council with the final plat. All voted in favor and motion carried. LAKE ANN PARK FEE SCHEDULE. Lori Sietsema: Council tabled this item at the last meeting and indicated that consideration should be given to eliminate the parking fee at Lake Ann. ...elimination of the fees we have on the budget, the fee flucuates from year to year am maintenance costs are difficult to extract fram one park. You can see in the memo that the staff report, I pulled out sane of the more obvious maintenance costs that Lake Ann incurs and they cane to, which includes the beach program, satellites, gate attendants, Lake Ann stickers and ballfield lights. It comes to roughly $20,000.00. The revenue generated last year was around $17,000.00 which is coming pretty close to covering those costs. Staff is recomnending that the parking fee gradually be decreased starting with the 1989 budget. Preparing for that in the 1989 budget which... . Mayor Hamilton: I think that's basically what we had discussed. All of us I believe we were in agreement that we'd like to see, certainly the residential park sticker fee be reduced to zero or something that's less than what it is today but that to begin with next year's budgetary process would be appropriate. Am I speaking correctly for everyone? Councilman Geving: You bet. Councilman Johnson: I'd like to see it start this year if we could. It won't be that big of an impact. Councilman Geving: VE've already got the stickers made up and .we're ready to start the season. Councilman ~ohnson: But there's no price on the sticker. Councilman Geving: No but I think the budgeted items have been set. Councilman Johnson: I don't want to go to zero this year. Just cut a buck off of each. Councilman Geving: I read the cornnents from the Park and Rec and I think it's appropriate to scale this down over the next several years. Next year at budget time we'll lop off accordingly and in a couple years we'll be back exactly where we wanted to be. I'm satisfied with it. . 15 148 City Council Meeting - April 11, 1988 '. Councilman Boyt: I agree with the basic intent. I have a question. Somewhere in here I remember reading something about non-resident fees were in some way tied to resident fees? What's the relationship there? r Lori Sietsema: Because it was a LAW:ON funded park, the non-resident fee can not be more than double the resident fee. So if we lower the resident fee to $3.00, the non-resident fee can not be more than $6.00. If you elbninate the resident fee altogether, you have to elbninate the non-resident fee as well. Councilman Boyt: I agree wi th what I read in the Park and Rec Minutes and I remember Tom making the point last tbne we discussed this, we certainly want this park accessible to our residents. What we're saying here is if we reduce this, where are we going to come up with the $17,000.00 we do not now have. I don't know where we're going to find it but I think this is a case in which we need to continue to charge some sort of a fee to in same way reflect the costs of operating this park. W: have a number of parks in this corrmunity that have no charge to resident or non-resident. This happens to be the one diamond park we have and we charge a very snall fee to use it. I think if there's any reduction made in the fees, it should come from the Park and Rec Commission. They should investigate this and they as a group should make a recorrmendation to the City Council. Sue Boyt: W: did. '. Councilman Geving: I thought that's what I read. [ Councilman Boyt: As I saw their recorrrnendation, correct me if I read this improperly, they recommended what we have in front of us which is the fees for 1988 be the same as the fees for 1987. Lori Sietsema: That's correct. They discussed whether it should be elbninated or not eliminated and there was a split decision. There were people on the commission that thought we should elbninate it all together but the majority voted that it should remain the same. Councilman Boyt: And that's why I think this is a decision that should go back. I think we should leave it the way it is for this year. I think we're all in- agreanent. L=t 's leave it the way it is for thi s year. I'm simply saying that as far as direction to the Park and Rec, I would like to see the direction read, go back and look at this issue and then they decide, if there is good justification to reduce it, then come back with that recorrrnendation but I don't want that recommendation coming from another group. Sue Boyt: W: spent two meetings on this i tan. The second meeting we had more information than the first meeting and the majority of the Park and Rec Corrrnission voted to maintain the fee schedule. . Mayor Hamilton: May I make a suggestion then. I've been thinking about this and because it's LAW:ON grant driven, I think what other towns do is they'll charge a fee because there's lake useage. Now why couldn't we move our little ticket house back to sane point where if you're going to use the picnic area and the lake with your boat or whatever, there would be a fee for that. Ballparks and tennis, the areas other than the water don't require a sticker. b: 16 f ,- L I City Council Meeting - April 11, 1988 That's just an idea because I think other cities do that. For instance, Round Lake, I think you need to have a sticker to get into the lake area in Eden Prairie but you can go over there and play ball. You can run around the park. You can play tennis. You can do pretty near anything you want to. You don't have to have a sticker for it. Lori Sietsema: As long as we charge a uniform charge. too much for the non-resident. They don't really care. soon see us eliminate the fee too. If we're not charging They would just as Mayor Hamilton: We may need to make some adjustments to our parking and I think that is perhaps something that the Park and Rec would want to look at arrl look at this idea and see if it has any merit. I don't know, maybe it's a dumb idea. Councilman Geving: I like your idea Torn because is \<'A1at's driving the \<'A1ole thing is the LA~ON grant. That's what's driving the fact that if we collect a fee, it can't be more than twice as much as our regular fee. I personally think that the park should be free arrl available to anybody who wants to use it. I don't care if they're from Eden prairie or Chaska because our kids play in Chaska and Eden Prairie arrl they take their ball teams over there. It bugs me that when people come to Chanhassen they have to go through the gate and be charged. I kirrl of like Tom's idea of moving the gate back, let Park arrl Rec work this out but move it back and then charge just for the lake access. Lori Sietsema: I know that LAW:ON will not allow us to charge just for the boat access. '!bat definitely will not fly but if we're charging for the \<'A1ole park arrl the access happens to be in it but if you include the beach in that, that's something I'd have to check into. Councilman Boyt: I think in reality we can't charge someone to launch a boat at that park. Mayor Hamil ton: We're not. Councilman Boyt: I think going along with \<'A1at you gentlemen have said, we should advertise that anyone can launch their boat free. - Lor i Sietsema: We can charge at the boat access. We can charge to launch the boat. It can't be more for anybody. It has to be a uniform fee so if someone comes in and wants to launch their boat and they're a non-resident and all they want to do is launch their boat, they can get a season ticket that's $5.00 just like the resident fee, that they just are launching their boat. Mayor Hamil ton: We're not tell ing them we're charg ing them to launch their boat. It's a parking fee. Lori Sietsema: We can charge to launch the boat as long as it's not more than what we charge the non-resident. Mayor Hamilton: What I'm saying is, we're not telling them we're charging them anything to launch their boat. It's a parking fee. You can cane in here arrl all we're charging you for is to park your car and trailer. It costs you nothing addi tional to put your boat in the water. It would seem to me that 17 C') "~ FJ '~'_!\J (; . . . f" -~ 2tib City Council Meeting - April 11; 1988 . might solve the issue. We need to pay for the upkeep of the parking lot, consequently we charge for people who park there. r Councilman Johnson: What about the people who drop their boat off and go heme with it? Mayor Hamilton: I'm just trying to look for a way we can resolve this and still bring in sane furxls. Since the beach arxl picnic area is the most heavily used, and since that's where we spend most of our maintenance dollars and clean-up, with lifeguards arxl all the other things, it seems like that's where we should try to recover same portion of what our costs are and not fram the tennis players. Councilman Johnson: Like we said earlier, approve it for this year and then ask Park and Rec, as Council direction that we would like to see the fees reduced or eliminated. In the overall city budget, $17,000.00 to $20,000.00 is a fairly amount of the overall city budget. Mayor Hamilton: It was my idea to lower it and I still think it's a good idea. I don't have a problem with continuing on as we are this year. . Mayor Hamil ton moved, Councilman Boyt seconded to continue wi th the fee schedule that's been established for 1988 for Lake Ann Park by the Park and Recreation Comnission. '!hat the Park and Recreation Commission review this item early in the year (i.e. January), to take a look at same of the ideas that have been suggested for alternative methods of charging fees at Lake Ann Park for 1989. All voted in favor am motion carried. [ Councilman Boyt: I would like the Park and Rec people to receive this portion of our verbatim Minutes. It would be my posi tion that if they propose reducing the fees, that they also look at where we're going to find the money to pay for the expenses of operating this park. EVALUATION OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CONTRACTOR'S YARD, LCMEIL CARLSON. Barbara Dacy: I scheduled this item for Council consideration tonight for two options. Either one, the Council can go along with the Planning Commission's recommendation that was decided at their meeting on February 17, 1988 or to table this item again to allow the applicant to prepare another plan. I was concerned that if plans didn't get sul:xnitted, that this item might be further postponed arxl this item has been up in the air for the last 2 1/2 to 3 years. The applicant did submit this morning a proposed site plan locating the building on the lot. I know the Council does not like surprises and I'm going to commit a cardinal sin by handing out a site plan the night of the meeting but I just wanted to pass that out. The two options. for the Council, either you can table the item again or if you want to go ahead and proceed with ratification of the comitional use permit. . Mayor Hamil ton: I think before you pass those out, I would rather ask the Council, arxl it's my feeling that I would rather see this put on at least our next agenda so we would have an opportunity to review his plans and perhaps to ~ 18 . Lake Ann Parking Fee Schedule History 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Daily Fee $4.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Season Sticker 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 (Resident) Season Sticker 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 (Non-Resident) Total $10,350.00 $13,628.00 $17,239.00 $17,234.00 $23,462.00 Collected . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 5, 1989 SUBJ: 1989 Park and Trail Dedication Fee Schedule The Park and Recreation Commission is required to review the Park ana Trail Dedication requirements on an annual basis and submit a recommendation to the City Council. Last year an extensive review was done on this item and the fees were increased for the first time since 1982. . The Park Dedication fee is based on raw land values and on den- sity. I contacted the Carver County Assessor and he indicated that land costs had not changed significantly in the last year. Therefore, it is the recommendation of this office to adopt the 1988 Park Dedication fee schedule for 1989 as follows: Single Family & Duplex Multi Family Commercial/Industrial $425/unit $300/unit $1,050/acre The Trail Dedication fee is currently $142 per residential unit and $350/acre for co~nercial/industrial. The fee is equal to one-third of the park dedication fee. Therefore, no change is recom.mended. . r CITY OF CHANHASSEN 3- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: February 10, 1988 SUBJ: Park Dedication Fees At the January Park and Recreation Commission meeting, this item was tabled and staff was directed to research further our basis for charging a fee. r The Park Dedication Ordinance was written so that parkland would be available to meet the needs of the areas being developed. A developer is not required to dedicate more than the need he is creating with the development. - The State allows municipalities to require a "reasonable" dedica- tion of land for neighborhood park purposes. In lieu of parkland, the City may accept the equivalent in cash. The City has adopted 1 acre per 75 people in residential areas and 10% of the land in industrial areas as a "reasonable" standard. This standard was established in 1978 in the Comprehensive Plan and has proven to be a sound requirement. As dedication fees are collected at the time building permits are issued, it is necessary to have a park dedication fee that is uniform. The amount of the fee is determined by the City's average raw land value. The last survey done by the County esti- mated the average raw land value to be approximately $10,500. To illustrate how this translates, I have shown 3 examples: 1. lOa-acre single-family urban development: 100 acres x 2.5 units/acre = 250 units 250 units x 3 persons/unit = 750 people 750 ~ 75/acre = 10 acres of parkland required - If cash is to be required in lieu of land: ( 10 acres x $lO,600/acre = $106,000 $106,000 ~ 250 units = $424 per unit . . . . Park and Recreation Commission February 10, 1988 Page 2 2. lOa-acre single-family rural development: 100 acres x 1 unit/10 acres = 10 units 10 units x 3 people/unit = 30 people 30 ~ 75/acre = .40 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: .40 acres x $10,500/acre = $4,200 $4,200 ~ 10 units = $420 per unit 3. lOa-acre industrial site: 100 acres x 10% requirement = 10 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: 10 acres x $10,500/acre = $105,000 $105,000 ~ 100 acres = $1,050 per acre 4 . 100-acre multi-family (R-12): 100 acres x 12 units per acre = 1,200 units 1,200 units x 2 per unit = 2,400 people 2,400 ~ 75/acre = 32 acres of parkland required If cash is to oe required in lieu of land: 32 acres x $lO,500/acre = $336,000 $336,000 ~ 1,200 units = $280 per unit These examples illustrate that our current fee schedule is right on target. By including the park acreage standard of one acre per 75 people and basing the cash requirement on raw land values, the City Attorney is confident that we are meeting the intent of the state statute. For future reference, these standards have been included in the park dedication ordinance, attached. ~ .../ ,r Chapter 14 . ing. Or the planning commission, planning agency, divisions, the council may adopt additional regula- or city council may initiate a rezoning. Rezoning is tions. Cities must file copies of subdivision regula- a legislative act and needs only some rational basis tions with the county register of deeds or registrar relating tOfublic health, safety, morals, or general of titles. welfare. 3 Because of the legal difficulties in making spe- Subdivision Control cial assessments, cities should require subdividers to install all improvements before the council ap- Subdivision control is an effective means of im- proves the plat. 38 plementing the city plan. It can promote an ade- Review or Proposed Subdivisions quate street and city utility system, desirable population distribution, and necessary open spaces An important part of any subdivision ordinance for light, air, health, and recreation. To be effec- tive, a city must control new building developments is the procedure for reviewing proposed subdivi- at the time it subdivides or plats the land. sions. These procedures should include the follow- ing steps. City councils have statutory authority to approve subdivision plats. 33 The law states that the coun- 1. Pre-application meeting. City officials cil must approve all plats before recording them in should meet with the subdivider to discuss the office of the register of deeds. Before approv- applicable regulations, giving the sub- ing the subdivision, the council may employ divider positive guidance and enough qualified people to check and verify the plat to freedom to help build the community. determine its suitability from the standpoint of Preliminary plat. Following the pre- community planning. The city may require the sub- 2. divider to pay the cost of checking the plat. application meeting, the subdivider should prepare a preliminary map or plat of the . ,or The second authorization is part of the planning proposed subdivision. The map should in- act. 34 After a city has adopted a plan and platting clude the location and approximate dim en- regulations, all proposed plats in the city must go sions of the lots, easements, streets, public to the council, which, after a public hearing, may utilities, and other public lands on, and ad- deny approval if the plat does not conform to the jacent to, the tract. This preliminary plat city plan or to subdivision regulations. 35 The should go to the planning commission, council may refer the proposed plat to the planning together with all specific information commission for recommendations. about the proposal. Before making a deci- sion, the commission should solicit com- The planning statute sets platting regulations ments and recommendations from other which the council may adopt. 36 They include interested groups and individuals and hold rules concerning street improvements and the in- a public hearing on the matter. The coun- staIlation of water, sewer, utility services, and cil should review the commission's findings storm water drainage and holding areas. The re- and actions. The council should follow the quirements may dedicate a given percentage of time restrictions in the statute. land in residential subdivisions to public use for parks, playgrounds, trails, and open space. They 3. Final plat. The planning commission may also require a subdivider to contribute an should review the final proposed plat to equivalent amount in cash, based on the fair determine its conformance with the ap- market value of the undeveloped land. Payments proved preliminary plat. Following a the city receives under such regulations must go public hearing, the council should review -- into a special fund to acquire land for parks, the entire project, including plans and playgrounds, public open space, and storm water specifications. The city may require a con- holding areas or ponds, development of existing tract with the subdivider to assure Com- areas, and debt retirement for land the city pliance with all necessary arrangements. previously acquired for such public purposes. 37 The council should accept the final plat by Because the statutes do not cover everything res?lution and file it. with the county I regIster of deeds or regIstrar of titles. The . ( needed to insure harmonious development of sub- city must file resolutions approving plats Handbook for Minnesota Cities Page 229 e ORDINANCE NO. [~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS The City Council of Chanhassen ordains as follows: Section 1. following sections: The Chanhassen City Code is amended by deleting the 14-33, 14-34, 14-35, 14-36, 14-37, and 18-77B. The Chanhassen City Code is amended by adding the Section 2. following sections: Section 18-78. Park Land Dedication Requirements. (A) As a prerequisite to sUbdivision approval, subdividers shall dedicate land for parks, playgrounds, public open spaces and trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the City'S Park Fund as provided by this Section. (B) Land to be dedicated shall be reasonably suitable for its intended use and shall be at a location convenient to the people to be served. Factors used in evaluating the adequacy of proposed park and recreation areas shall include size, shape, topography, geology, hydrology, tree cover, access, and location. . (C) The Park and Recreation Committee shall recommend to the City Council the land dedication and cash contribution requirements for proposed subdivisions. (D) Changes in density'of plats shall be reviewed by the Park and Recreation Committee for reconsideration of park dedication and cash contribution requirements. (E) When a proposed park, playground, recreational area, school site or other public ground has been indicated in the City's official map or comprehensive plan and is located in whole or in part within a proposed plat, it shall be designated as such on the plat and shall be dedicated to the appropriate governmental unit. If the subdivider elects not to dedicate an area in excess of the land required hereunder for such proposed public site, the City may consider acquiring the site through purchase or condemnation. .... (F) Land area conveyed or dedicated to the ~ity shall not be used in calculating density requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance and shall be in addition to dJid not in lieu of open space requirements for planned unit developments. e. 1f7f1kjf)AfJiT"#?r (G) Where private open space for park and recreation purposes is provided in a proposed SUbdivision, such areas may be used for ~ credit, at the discretion of the City Council, against the requirement of dedication for park and recreation purposes, provided the City Council finds it is in the pUblic interest to do so. (H) The City, upon consideration of the particular type of development, may require larger or lesser parcels of land to be dedicated if the City determines that present or future residents would require greater or lesser land for park and playground purposes. (I) In residential plats one acre of land shall be Conveyed to the City as an outlot by warranty deed for every seventY-five (75) people the platted land could house based Upon the following population calculations: Single-family detached dwelling lots Two-family dwelling lots 3.0 persons 6.0 persons Apartments, townhouses, condo- miniums and other dwelling units 1.0 person per bedroom ~ (J) In plats other than residential plats, a cash donation equal to ten percent (10%) of the fair market value of the undeveloped property. shall be paid. (K) In lieu of a park land donation, the City may require an equivalent cash donation based upon average undeveloped land value in the City. The cash dedication requirement shall be established annually by the City Council. (L) In lieu of a trail land donation, the City may require the following cash donations for the mUlti-purpose pedestrian trail system: For each lot or dwelling unit e $ 13~.00 (M) The City may elect to receive a combination of cash, land, and development of the land for park Use. The fair market value of the land the City wants and the value of the development of the land shall be calculated. That amount shall be subtracted from the cash contribution required by subsection K above. The remainder shall be the cash contribution requirement. eN) "Fair market value" shall be determined as of the time of filing the final plat in accordance with the fOllowing: po- (1) The City and the developer may agree as to the fair market value, or ( . -2- ,i . (2) The fair market value may be based upon a current appraisal submitted to the City by the subdivider at the subdivider's expense. (3) If the City disputes such appraisal the City may, at the subdivider's expense, obtain an appraisal of the property by a qualified real estate appraiser, which appraisal shall be conclusive evidence of the fair market value of the land. (0) Planned developments with mixed land uses shall make cash and/or land contributions in accordance with this Section based upon the percentage of land devoted to the various uses. (P) Park and trail cash contributions are to be calculated at the time building permits are issued and shall be paid when the permit is issued by the person requesting the permit. (Q) The cash contributions for parks and trails shall be deposited in either the City's Park and Recreation Development Fund or Multi- purpose Pedestrian Trail Fund and shall be used only for park acquisition or development and trail acquisition or development. (R) If a subdivider is unwilling or unable to make a commitment to the City as to the type of building that will be constructed on lots in the proposed plat, then the land and cash contribution requirement will be a reasonable amount as determined by the City Council. . (5) Wetlands, ponding areas, and drainage ways accepted by the City shall not be considered in the park land and/or cash contribution to the City. Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the City Council of Chanhassen this ,1988. . day ~f CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor ATTEST: Don Ashworth, City Manager -- . -3- CITY OF If: CHANHASSEN f\. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman. Recreation superViSo~' DATE: December 6, 1988 SUBJ: 1989 Fourth of July Celebration With the 4th of July Celebration for 1989 just over six months away, planning for this event is underway. To begin this pro- cess, I would like to discuss this annual celebration with the Park and Recreation Commissioners. This is being done in hopes that each commissioner will review this item in some detail enabling each to share their thoughts on how we can change, modify or otherwise improve this community celebration. The planning process for this celebration encompasses a variety of duties including creation and development of events, contracting with a fireworks display company, entertainment and concessionaires, solicitation of sponsors, scheduling activites and promotion. . I have attached information concerning ooth the 1987 and 1988 celebration to enable you to freshen your memory and gain some background knowledge. This includes a complete evaluation and a schedule of events. ,_)EE A 7T ~CI'f A-1l? Ai js PR D Nt LA~T P Ac-t:.E r / . CITY OF CHANHASSEN q 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 5, 1989 &, / SLlBJ: Hidden Valley Trail Easement Update . In mid-1988 the Park and Recreation Commission and the City Council approved the realignment of the Hidden Valley Trail ease- ment. Since that time, united Mortgage Corporation has been trying to get the affected homeowners to sign off on the new easement so that it can be recorded. Apparently some of the homeowners in the area were not made aware of the trail easement when they purchased their homes and were unwilling to sign the new easement. United Mortgage Corporation had a new easement drawn up that would affect only those homes who were willing to sign. The new easement meets the same intent of the original and creates the leaat amount of impact on the lots whose owners signed the easement. upon your approval I will have the new easement recorded. . /~I . ~_ I' UNITED MORTGAGE CORPORATION . 8300 NORMAN CENTER DRIVE-SUITE 1000 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55437-1091 (612) 835-3096 December 15, 1988 Ms. Lori Sietsema City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Lori, Enclosed please find copies of a revised trail easement ~hich acheives a location as far south as is acceptable to the City of Chanhassen, which in turn, does not al tel' the original . trail easement on lots 28, 32, and 33. Pursuant to our previous conversation, this should achieve a bet terITlent for the property owners who are receptive to altering the trail easement. If this meets with the City of Chanhassens approval, I will obtain an accurate easement to replace the original Thank you very much for your time, concerning this matter. help and patience Sincerely, --- ~ .~~ Ronald C. Helmer Vice President RCH/jml Enclosure OF r' i ;, 1 q Q r. -.) .l.. \, uti . CiTY 01- CHAi~Ioi-\:3SEi~ . 1: ~ ~ . c '( <: . It') ...., \.i' \\~S ~" " . ,,~ "''. .. . ~. ';'l":".~ , . n , "/ ,~ ~ , '- \.. <: \ t: , ..; ," ~ "') "" ~ '\ \ ~ ") \ e,:: , \ r~ ----, I ~. --. 4. I :i) ;)-.. r _.._-~-- ~" , '! ;:--. \~ I, ... \.~ ~~ \ . ;\ ~ ,i \:~ o .' p. "'l_ _, II Y , \ \ ~~, , 'r , \ ~ \ '" . '\.. ... "'l .;r 0\ '\J , , " <:() C'-S " \. \ ~ ~ oJ ". .:... ...~. ~~ ~ w ::i >- W ...J ...J ~ z w C C - J: -oJ - <( 0: t- @~ cnW O~ Q.W Ocn 0:<( Q.W ~ 0 ~ ~ . o ~ .. <II ~ u o '" '" q: La.. I.) '" o o a: .>I. c :r. ~:I, '" ..0 0,:. E o u u ~ ,AlIl'~ -.~. j / ~:o i'S= ~c: 0> , ;'g: : .. 0 ~ J ~ . . . . - - C " . . . . . " ." ~~i ~~~ ~.:;~ .... :; WI C C . ~~~ ~~i uO:;1c ~;::'b ...cOIll ~'Sf~ % Z 0 ! _ J .... J g ~ c ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ I ! o w . o ~ . ; r 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 CITY OF CHAHHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: /11 Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: December 6, 1988 SUBJ: Additional Ice Rinks for 1988/89 Season , With the arrival of the winter season, requests for additional ice rinks in the City have been received. The first was a request from a Chaparral resident for an ice rink in Meadow Green Park. Taking into consideration the multi-family dwellings in the immediate area, this request se'=med valid. Upon inquiry wi th Dale Gregory, he stated a rink could be added at Meadow Green Park. A second request was received by Larry Schroers for a rink at South Lotus Lake. Upon a second inquiry with Dale Gregory, he said he would contact me after inspection of the area. Dale also indicated that he would be uole to add this second family rink to his rink preparation and maintenance schedule if the terrain allowed. No action is necessary on this item. Ho~ever, discusSion of what is deemed adequate provision of neighborhood ice rinks is welcome. A map indicating present and proposed locations of family rinks and hockey rinks in the City of Chanhassen is attached. Update Dale Gregory inspected the South Lotus Lake Park area and informed me that a rink could not be added there this year. The slope and uneven terrain in the area does not lend itself to this purpose. Grading could be completed next summer to allow for addition of this rink next winter. 'SEE A iT.t\ C H M..BtVT~ + R...O ~ ! / L4bT 7>A C \LeT $ \fb i. \' . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH II~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ~. DATE: December 21, 1988 SOBJ: Friday Family Movies . A new family-oriented program called Friday Family Movies was offered during the months of November and December. This program consisted of a series of four Walt Disney movies selected for family entertainment. Admission was $1.00 per person; con- cessions including popcorn, candy and pop were sold. Total attendance for all movies was 253 people. The most popular movies were the two full-length feature cartoons, Winnie the Pooh and The Fox and the Hound. Expenditures for rental of the movies, shipping costs, insurance, food and pop totalled $578.00. Total revenues were $403.21, resulting in a deficit of $174.79. This program provided an opportunity for children and families to enjoy an evening out at a reasonable cost. I consider the program a success and recommend that it be continued again next year. Attachment . \ Chanhassen Park & Recreation CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Jim Mady Sue Boyt Mike Lynch Curt Robinson Carol Watson Larry Schroers Ed Hasek RIDA Y FAMILY MOVIES A series of Walt Disney movies selected for family entertainment will be shown on Fridays in November and December. This big screen entertainment brings you the clear sound and glorious picture quality that lets you escape into another, more magical and exciting world. Plan an outing for each of the Fridays and bring your friends. Sorry, no food or beverage may be brought in. See you at the movies! Chanhassen Elem. Small Gym Fridays Nov. 4 Nov. 18 Dec. 2 Dec. 16 Admission: $1 per person 7:00 p.m. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the ugly Duckling The Journey of Natty Gann The Fox and the Hound The Apple Dumpling Gang and Pluto's Christmas Tree G An in 'onal Chanhassen is being held at the Chanhassen Elementary School on Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the small gymnasium. All those interested should at- tend. Enrollment will be taken and there will be time for discus- sion. Questions concerning this meeting or other scouting issues can be directed to Chanhassen Service Area Manager, Lisa Dilley at 476-7686. BOY SCOUTS Boy Scout Troop #330 meets each Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the old St. Hubert's Church basement. Call Scoutmaster Chuck Schmidt at 474-8387 for more information or to join. BOWLING LEAGUES The following leagues are offered by Chanhassen Bowl located at 581 West 78th Street in Chanhassen. Leagues begin in early September; however, you are welcome to join throughout the season. For more information or to register, call the Chanhassen Bowl at 934-6603. Ladies Daytime Monday/Wednesday Free Supervised Playroom Team Size: 4 Ladies Evening Monday/Thursday Monday/Wed nesday Team Size: 4 5 9:15a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.-4 7:00 p.m.-5 Men's Evening Tuesday/Thursday Team Size: 5 Classic League, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Mixed Evening Monday IThu rsday/F riday/Su nday 2 Couples Per Team or Saturday Sunday Every Other Week 2 Couples Per Team Sunday, 5:00 p.m. Junior Leagues Saturday 9:00 a.m. Bantams, Preps 11 :00 a.m. Juniors Free Clinic: Sept. 10, 10:00 a.m. Free bowling instructions Tuesday evenings at 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (Bowler pays for lineage only). for an appointment. New leagues which are forming: Trio Leagues, Las Vegas League, etc. Call for details. 17 /113. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor 111 DATE: January 5, 1989 SUBJ: Update On New Recreation Programs For 1989 . Looking ahead to the summer of 1989, several new programs will be offered through the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department. Traditionally the summer playground programs in Chanhasssen were coordinated by two separate agencies, Chaska District #112 Com- munity Education and Minnetonka District #276 Community Services. District #112 Community Education operated playground programs in Chanhassen, Chaska, Victoria and Carver, while Minnetonka Com- munity Services operated in Chanhassen, Minnetonka, Excelsior, Deephaven and Tonka Bay. Under agreement with both agencies, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department will begin operation of the summer playground program starting in 1989. Playground will be offered at all existing sights including Lake Ann Park, City Center Park, Carver Beach Playground and Meadow Green Park. A new program will be started at North Lotus Lake Park. The possi- bility of contracting with the City of Victoria to continue their program will also be explored. Advantages to this arrangement are numerous. For example, registrations for all playground programs will now be taken through Chanhassen City Offices. In the past, Chanhassen resi- dents would register in Chaska or Excelsior. It will provide us with an opportunity to build our own program incorporating the type of activities participants would like to see. It cuts the "distance" between our department and the consumers, Chanhassen residents, allowing us to better understand and meet their needs, and as Chanhassen continues to grow, this provides another way in which new residents can feel a part of the com- munity. I have contacted Becky Lyngaas who was the Playground Director with District #112 Community Education. Ms. Lyngaas has expressed an interest in continuing this position with the City of Chanhassen. I will continue to keep you updated as this . program develops. Park and Recreation Commission January 3, 1989 Page 2 The second program which has been adopted is the summer tennis program. In the past, Minnetonka Community Services offered ten- nis lessons at Chanhassen Elementary. Beginning in 1989, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department will be coordinating lessons at the school. I have been in contact with the North- western Tennis Association and am investigating the possibility of using their tennis in the park's program. The main objective in taking responsibility for these new programs is to continue building a strong recreation curriculum for the residents of Chanhassen. Hopefully, offering these new services will aid in this process. . . . . CITY OF eRANRASSEN I~A 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: LOLl Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Jlffi Chaffee, PUblic Safety Director~ DATE: Decemoer 19, 1988 SUBJ: Tem90rary Structure Permit Pleas2 rlnd attached a request for permlt for a temporary struc- ture on County waterways. I have chec~ed with the Sheriff and he S~~C2S tnac nobody from Ci~y Hai~, to his knowledge, has advised any oi his people not to issue ~hese permits. Deputy Gary Beng3cen is the officer in char1e of lssuing these permits and he woul~ 03 happy to discuss tllis with anybody who has an interest. . A138 02 ajvlse~ that thiS office ha3 received at least one call concern.:..ng tile safety concer;;s regar;~ing the speeding vehicles on Carver Beach Road. The suggss tion t 'ia t thi s of f ice has r'2cei ved was ror a s~op sign at Penamint and CarveL Beach Road. This req~esc was duly noted on our complainc forms and passed on to the en0ineering departmel1t witn a follow-up letter sent to the complal:lant. This is Public Safety's POllCY ior any complaint or request that cornea in. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further queStiOns. . CAr:Vl~n COUNTY Sl!J~HlF'F'S WATSR PATROL (TErWOWlllY STEUCTUHE APPLICANT) In 01,J0; to expedite the issuance of your temporary structure permit, famil18Tize yourcelf Hith the followins procedures and the regulations per- taininc; to the V3mpOr:.l-ry structure you ar.e applying for. Ple2.sc fill out the ap;.>lication as accurately as possible. Pay special attention to the diac;r.a:n of th8 tempor2..ry structure site. Obtain letters of permission from tha property owner the structure will be in front of, provi- ding you ar0 not the land. o\.;ner. Applicants placing a slalom course or ski ju:n~) must also obtain Ct letter of permission from the city, township or lake owneI~ association in which it will be located. Once you have completed the upplication, return it to our office. The ap.:llication Hill be reviewed a.nd if it is tentatively approved, you will be assigned a permit number. After you receive this number you will be authorized to place the tem- porary structure into- the 11ater pending inspection. However, the Water Patr- ol must be notified immediately after you have placed the temporary structure in the water. An inspection will then be made at our earliest ccnvenience to insu1~ the temporary structure complies with our regulations or any set forth in the letter of permission. Once the inspection has been made you will be notified of the results. If your temporary structure is approved, the permit will be made available for you to sign either by appointment with Water Patrol or at the sheriff's office in Chaska. However, if for some reason it fails our inspection, the problem must be corrected within ten days of our notification, after which time another inspection will be conducted. If your temporary structure still doesn't meet criteria, your application will be voided. You will then be required to remove the temporary structure from the water. . . . . . . CARVl!~R COUNTY SH8RIF'FtS WATER PATROL 600 East 4th. St. Chaska, Mn. 55J18 Phone (612) 448-2111 REQlJSST FDR PER"1IT FOR A TEHPORARY STRUCTURE The following information is necessary to insure proper and accurate issuance of your permit. Please fill this form out completely, and return it to our office as soon as possible. Thank you. (PLEASE PRINT) Name: Address: Date of Birth Home Phone: Work Phone: Lake: I HEREBY Rl!)O.UEST A PERl'llT FDR: 'Mooring Bouy Floating Raft (Swimming) Swim:ning Bouys Ski Jump Diving Tower Slalom Course other Please indicate PLEASE ATrACH A DIAGRAM OF THE LOCATION OF YOUR STRUCTURE, SHmlING WHERE IT WILL BE PLACED ON THE LAKE INDICATED ABOVE. IF IT IS NOT IN FRONT OF YOUR PROPERTY, ATrACH LETTER OF PERMISSION. Unon placement of this temporary structure, I hereby assume responsibility for its maintenance while under permit, as well as 'its removal upon expiration date. Signature Date MOORING BOUYS Once you receive your mooring bouy permit it will be effective for an indef- ~ inite period of time. The only time you need to renew it is when your address or the location of the bouy changes or when your permission from the land owner is revoked. A metal tag with your permit number on it will be issued to you by the Sheriff's Water Patrol. This is to be attached to your mooring bouy. Because these mooring bouy permits are not required to be renewed, the Water Patrol will take great care that the bouys are in compliance with the following regulations. 1. A permit tag must be attached to the mooring bouy so that it is clearly visible to deputies inspecting the mooring bouy. 2. The bouy m'Jst be white in color and encircled by a J" wide blue band. J. The bouy must extend at least eight inches above the water line and be no greater than 20" in width. 4. It must not be a navigational hazari. 5. On or before December 15th. of each year the bouy portion of the moo=ing must be removed so as not to create a hazard for winter recreation. ~ 6. The mooring bouy must be placed in the same place each time it is put out. You also must notify the Sheriff's Water Patrol each year when ~ you place your mooring bouy in the lake. Because each boating season start's when the Ice goes off of the lake's, your mooring bouy permit will be valid from such time, until December 15th. of each year. If you are not going to put your mooring beuy out, also notify the Sheriff's Water Patrol so we can make a note of it. If you move please cancel your permit with us and return your metal tag. Thank You, ~ at~...., 0 J I ~4 . L. IA./ t<..~ ~ __ Sheriff Allen J. Wallin CITY OF CRAHRASSEN I~) /)I(~ J~B 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director FROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer DATE: January 3, 1989 SUBJ: Carver Beach Road Speed Study File No. 88-21 . As you mayor may not be aware, we are in the process of designing a sidewalk for construction along Carver Beach Road from Powers Boulevard to the City Park located at Nez Perce. As a part of our design, the neighborhood has been invited to the- Park and Recreation Commission meeting for their input. Much discussion has centered around the need for a stop sign at the intersection of Redwing Lane and Carver Beach Road to control speeders. I am confident from traffic studies that we have done at this location that the traffic counts do not meet warrants for place- ment of stop signs at this location. I get the impression that the residents are interested in having our sidewalk cross Carver Beach Road at Redwing Lane in that this would prompt the need for stop signs at that location. Our design review of the area indi- cates that the preferred location for a pedestrian crossing on Carver Beach Road is closer to the west end of the park area, wnere sight distance and stopping distance is maximized. This issue will be brought back to the Park and Recreation Commission for review in February. Since speed is the concern of the neighborhood, I would appreciate it if perhaps the CSOs could conduct a cursory speed study to give us an idea of what kind of traffic speeds are being encountered on Carver Beach Road. It might not hurt to consider more aggressive enforcement also. Armed with this information we can more readily address the con- cerns of the neighborhood and the stop sign and trail crossing issues. . Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please see me if you have any questions. cc: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Scott Baari, Van Doren Hazard Stallings CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN /', v' '"t 13~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 January 5, 1989 Mr. Chuck Schmidt Scout Master-Troop #330 6843 Rolling Acres Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Re: Eagle Scout Project Completion; Jon Pahl Dear Mr. Schmidt: Last summer I was contacted by Jon Pahl who was interested in doing an Eagle Scout project that would benefit the City. Jon chose to do a project in a City park known as Carver Beach. The project involved landscaping an area around a parking lot, . defining the parking lot, and installing a trail segment. This letter is to notify you that the project has been completed and was done beautifully. Jon was able to follow the plan as it was drawn, with few alterations. He ordered the materials needed, worked with the City crews to coordinate the various aspects of the project, organized a work force to get the project done, and, in a drought year, kept the plants alive. This was an ambitious project and Jon was able to complete it with very little help from the City. I applaud his efforts and would recommend that he be recognized for a job well done. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more details of the project. Sincerely, ~fu' ~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:ktm . cc: Jon pahl Mike Lynch J -) /.:. 1:0 . . CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 113 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 To: Todd Hoffman From: Gary Meister, Girls Softball Coordinator Date: December 30, 1988 Subj ect: Reserving Meadmr Green Park Softball Fields 1 & 2 for 1989 Chanhassen Girls Softball will need to reserve Meadow Green Park fields 1 & 2 from April 15 thru August 15. Times needed are 3:30 P.M to 9:30 P.M. Monday thru Friday. We anticipate games will be played on the fields 3 or 4 days a week and 1 or 2 days for practice. Last year we had 4 girls softball teams, this coming year looks like 5 or 6. . Bleachers at each field are also neccassary. This subject was brought in front of the Park and Recreation Department in December of 1987. Per the recommendation of the Park and Rec. bleachers would be purchased for each field. I hope they will be available at each field. Thanks for your time. J:(a.'[ 7JZu:a_~ Gary Meister Chanhassen Softball (GirlS) Coordinator . /It" l""' .~- /~(~ c/ . ;~/ ~ _~;.~; -tf ..~7 I'::;:. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 January 5, 1989 Mr. Gary Meister Girls Softball Coordinator 7493 Saratoga Drive Chan~assen, MN 55317 Dear Gary, Thank you for your letter of December 30, 1988, concerning the reservation of softball fields fo~ the 1989 season. You are to be ~ongratulated for building SUCh a successful 1 girls softball program in Chanhassen. However, with the programs increased growth, your request for additional field space cannot be com- pletely granted. . This department remains committed to providing the facilities necessary to carry out youth sports p:ograms in Chanhassen. I cannot do so, however, with complete disregard to other users. With this in mind, I will reserve Field #1 for the dates and times noted, and I will give you thg opportunity to "pare" your schedule on Field #2. I would prefer that Monday and either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night remain open. Also, keep in mind that all dates and times reserved must be in good faith that they will oe used. Concerning bleachers, the set that was moved to Field #1 has remained in place. The new set for Field #2 has been ordered. Sincerely, / . -"/ /., / ","--":" ." I ,I ~.,,,.,._. " /..,..:.. / ;;A/.' '..--:. ..- *~/~<.... -,,I"' .. ~ ,;/,,. , l...-C<; Todd Hoffmari Recreation Supervisor TH:cd . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P,O, BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDOM TO: ParK and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor . 'f .4,; '/ ,{ DATE: January 10, 1989 SUBJ: Vending Machines for City Center Park . Du~ing the 1987/88 sKating seaso~, vending machines were installed in the City Center Park warming house through a lease agreement with Mldwest Vending, Inc. Under that agreement Midwest Vending i~stalled a candy and pop machine, periodically filled them and collected the money. We \vere, in t'Jrn, paid a 15% commission of the gross sales (see attached). This year Midwest Vending indi- cated they would not De interested in pursuing this arrangement again due to the shore length of time the machines were in use. I have since investigated the purchase of used vending equipment. We would then be responsible for the purchase of supplies, filling the machine and any service which would be necessary. Attached is a letter from Ron Reinking of Vendors Supply and Ser- vice. Vendors Supply and Service is the company I found to have the most complete line of used vending equipment. In his letter, Mr. ReinKing specifies two pieces of equipment, a candy machine costing $550.00 and a pop machine costing $795.00. Numerous inquires about the vending machines and requests to have them available again have been received. The purchase of these machines would require a budget adjustment. It is, therefore, my request that the Commission discuss the validity of purchasing these machines and make a reco~~endation to Staff. .