1989 02 14 Agenda . 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6 . . 7 . 8 . 9. . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to order. Appointment of Acting Chairperson~ l:::-d ~Cl(..., Approval of January 24 and January 31, 1989 minutes. Review Potential Parkland Alternatives in the Pheasant Hills/Lake Lucy Highland3 area. Final Review of the Sidewalk Plans along Carver Beach Road. Visitor Presentation - John Seamans regarding Softball Eligibility. Prioritization of 1989 Capital Improvement Program. Park Dedication Fees. Discussion of Totlot Equipment Purchases for Lake Ann Park, South Lotus Lake Park and Greenwood Shores Park. 10. Co~~ission Presentation. 11. Administrative Section. CITY 0 F eBARBASSER LI . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator' S DATE: February 7, 1989 SUBJ: Potential Parkland Sites The Park and Recreation Commission has been made aware that the Pheasant Hills/Lake Lucy Highlands area is park deficient. Upon reviewing che Carrico site plan proposal in late 1988, the Com- mission directed staff to research potential parkland in the area, including the Carrico piece. Attached please find a letter from Mark Koegler outlining a number of possibilities and the merits of each. As the area was . studied, it was determined that the Carrico property is the best suited for park facilities and uses. If the Commission agrees with these findings, the City Attorney and staff should be directed to negotiate with the Carrico's and, failing to do so, enter into condemnation procedings. Additionally, if this is the course of action the Commission should choose, this item should be sent to the Planning Commission so as to modify the Comprehen- sive Plan. . . . ~ Van Doren Hazard Stallings February 6, 1989 _eels. EnginNf$. Planner.; Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Lori: The enclosed letter report is a review of alternate park location sites for a neighborhood park in the northern part of Chanhassen. In 1980, the Comprehensive Plan identified areas north of Lake Lucy Road as park deficient. The acquisition of Curry Farms Park on the eastern end of Lake Lucy Road provides service to a portion of the deficient area. Areas along the western portions of Lake Lucy Road, however, remain short of neighborhood park space (Exhibit 1). Neighborhoods affected by the existing park deficiency include Pheasant Hiil and the Lake Lucy Highlands area. Two criteria governed the search for neighborhood park land in the deficient area: 1) sites had to be located within one half mile of the potential users and 2) sites had to be large enough to accommodate typical neighborhood park facilities. Neighborhood parks in Chanhassen typically include a small ball diamond, tennis courts, play equipment, trails, picnic and open space and in many cas e s, a :. fl' e 11 p e. ~ kin g lot. F i v e acres i s genera 11 y con sid ere d to be the minimum desirable size for a neighborhood park facility. Exhibit 2 identifies six sites that have the potential to serve as a neighborhood park for the deficient area. Each of these sites is summarized as follows: PARK LOCATION STUDY - SITE COMPARISONS Site A Size: 12.5+ acres Site Description: Undulating topography generally sloping from south to north. Farmstead on west is elevated and a stand of tree cover bisects the site on the east end. 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2175 612/553-1950 _ ~ I ~ ~I~ ~" i r-l ~ il ~ 1\ ~,~~ .j ~~ ~ ~a=1 -2 .~~~~~ ,1'- ~~/~L~ly .w "1~L ,LA~ :.:~ '::1''0 cs ~ ~ .A. V ~~ I I r:') ~!, r -~:Il~~l ii ~ "'1 ~ 'pr'~ - ./ I ~, ".~:;.j -Q- ~ .-- _~N"~~-~./ )..:-:-....~-=::::- ~_II ~ ::::::::::::~ _I a} '''~ ~~-. -...;;: / ,,5=?:&;:: ~ /Y';' ~ ~ ~ .::::::::::; ",,17 >1ft ir ~ _ ~ ...)}f/i L~ ~ ' ~). - ~: ~ _ ~'t A >>J I ~ ~. ~\ ~ ~l) _ fl7'jf~' ~ )' -g \, ....J~~ <<I 11'3'0" J~~,' ~ rJ 0 ~:y-_,., Ef" .. ::;;, ~ ; " I "> y \ ;> \~ ~~ . ~ I,;: ~ ___ u ~ ~ ~ I / ~~<,,'-::: ~ ~ - _ Q~~ ~ ~~-it~~ ~c, ~~ '^' 1I c: .. (,)1/ ~ .. '. ~ :r;-:' ..... 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L ' !fir ~ // ~ ~ ~l -.In I Nt)! ~ V III .~I I ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ <( (J./I .~ ~) , ~ C) \I) '" it ~ ~ 'It : (~ \\---/. .......... . ) .1 -- ~ CJl ~ L- res c.. 0.0 C .- .j..J CJl .- X L.U \, CJl a; L- res -C c ::J o co res a; L- <( a; u .- > L- a; V') 11I*" :.: rn .. .. . . ::.....::: \~ " ~ ~ ./1 ~::::::.~~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ - CO - S:-\ I '\ ~.>< L.U / f;? lJ) a; .j..J ~ -0 :J ~ V") c: o V') 0- ~ (\S U o -J res .j..J c a; .j..J o c... ~ ' L. (\S a.. <C ~ '~ - '- Active Park Usage: Rolling. topography, the farmstead and tree . cover area complicate the usage of the site for active recreational purposes. Neighborhood park uses such as tennis, a small ball diamond, parking lot, play area, picnic area and a sliding hill are possible with substantial grading and pos$ible removal of the farmstead. Service Area: . The service area of Site A includes only about one half of the residential units lying north of Lake Lucy Road, east of Galpin Blvd., and west of Yosemite. Site B Size: 7.1+ acres Site Description: The site consists primarily of a low area connecting Lake Lucy Road and Lake Lucy. The northeast portion of the site is wetlands. Approximately 1.5 acres along the southwest side of the site is a dry area that has been cultivated in previous years. Active Park Usage: Due to the extensive amount of wetlands on Site B, neighborhood park uses can not be . accommodated. The parcel may be suitable for a future access to Lake Lucy. Service Area: Site B provides service to only about one half of the residences in the park deficient area. Site C Size: 11 .7+ acres Site Description: The site generally slopes from northeast to southwest. Areas of tree cover occur in the north central portion of the property. A wetland area (not designated by City) exists on the southern end of the site. Active Park Usage: The existence of slopes, tree cover and the wetland area complicate usage of the site for active purposes. With minor grading, it is possible to accommodate a 250' ball diamond, tennis courts, play area, parking area and picnic facilities on the site. . . . . Service Area: Site C provides 100% coverage of the park deficient areas north of Lake Lucy Road. Site D Size: 3.8+ acres Site Description: The site lies immediately north of Lake Lucy Road. The topography of the site is gently rolling with an area of tree cover on the north end. The property contains an occupied single family residence and outbuildings. Active Park Usage: The topography of the site is generally suitable for construction of a neighborhood park. The site, however, is somewhat undersized when compared to the City's adopted minimum of 5 acres for neighborhood parks. Service Area: Site D serves 100% of the park deficient area north of Lake Lucy Road. Site E Size: 5.0+ acres The site consists of a low area bordered by wooded hillsides on the east end. Scattered tree cover exists throughout the property. Active Park Usage: Low, apparently wet areas make the property questionable for use as an active park. With soil corrections, it is possible to construct neighborhood park facilities on the site. Site Description: Service Area: The site serves the park deficient zone but requires the crossing of Yosemite by a majority of the park users. Site F Size: 4.8+ acres Site Description: Site F is a lowland area which receives drainage from 63rd Street as well as the surrounding properties. The site contains scattered tree cover with concentrated understory tree cover along the south end. Active Park Usage: Use of the property for active park purposes will require the importation of fill material. . Substantial filling may have a detrimental impact on the surrounding watershed area. Service Area: Site F is suitably located to provide accessibility to the surrounding park deficient area. RECOMMENDATION Of the six sites considered. only "A" and "C" have serious potential for acquisition and development as a neighborhood park. Both sites will require grading to accommodate neighborhood park facilities. Of the two. Site "C" is expected to have lower development costs due to less required grading. In recommending a preferred site. locational criteria should also be considered. In the park deficient area. the vast majority of users live north of Lake Lucy Road which functions as a major collector street. Since Site "C" lies north of Lake Lucy Road. access to the park can be gained without crossing any major streets. Additionally. Site "A" is located within one half mile of only about one half of the potential users in the deficient area. Based upon site constraints and locational criteria. it is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission pursue . acquisition of Site "C" as a neighborhood park to serve the existing deficient area in northern Chanhassen. If you have questions on any of this material. please contact me. I will be present at the Park and Recreation Commission meeting on February 14th to further review this issue. Sincerely. VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS. INC. by: ~dk~r - R. Mark Koegler RMK:sd . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 7, 1989 Dear Pheasant Hill Residents: The Park and Recreation Commission is scheduled to review poten- tial parcels for parkland in your area on Tuesday, February 14, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Please feel free to attend this public meeting for discussion. Please contact me at 937-1900 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . ":.,do .~~ V' ~..Lr-<J-< '-Y1.-t.~- / Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 7, 1989 Dear Lake Lucy Highland Residents: The Park and Recreation Commission is scheduled to review poten- tial parcels for parkland in your area on Tuesday, February 14, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Please feel free to attend this public meeting for discussion. Please contact me at 937-1900 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~O~; ,~L<l":-~--- . Lon. Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . B & M Johnson 6621 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 M & C Riddersen 13532 W. Arthur Street Minnetonka, MN 55343 e& W Buresh 3 18th Ave. South Hopkins, MN 55343 S & K Gavin 705 Grant Street Excelsior, MN 55331 C & S Ramsey 6681 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 M & T Williams 1655 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 M & D Manlove 6691 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 D & M Shrader 14433 Fairway Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J & M Waldron 338 Tyler Ave. North Hopkins, MN 55343 J & .r Kraker 6441 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 J & M Gorczyca 1.850 Lake Lucy Road ~celsior, MN 55331 M & K Sanda 1685 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 A & K Peterson 6697 Countryside Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E & N Rivkin 5525 Conifer Trail Minnetonka, MN 55345 M & D Steinkraus c/o Pillsbury Co. 311 2nd Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 A & B Finstad 1701 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 J & C Gill 1800 W. 67th St. Excelsior, MN 55331 Judith Dirks 9799 Brighton Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55344 P. Johnson & M. Cordell 1730 Lake Lucy Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Greenery Co. Attn: Don Mezzenga 5816 Dickens Ave. Minnetonka, MN 55345 . P. McAllister 7510 Erie Ave. Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & L Guthmiller 1801 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 1 J Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moshier 1761 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 "t'. & Mrs. Lee Peterson 4760 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tan Droegemueller 1740 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schirrml 1751 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Steinkamp 1771 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Al Ramsey ~420 White Dove Drive ~ceIsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mr.3. Mike Borns tad 1810 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 i 1 i Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brzezinski 1.- 1751 Ringneck Drive 1 Excelsior, MN 55331 , Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lewis 1771 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. John Thedinga 1800 Ringdeck Drive f Excelsior, Mn 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Stan Heinsch 1800 Pheasant Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Thomas 1810 Pheasant Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gabler 1780 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN Mr. & Mrs. Todd Coumbe 1791 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Benson 1820 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Slyce 6511 White Dove Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kraker 6441 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Peshek 6480 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 .Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prchal 6410 White Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Schmidt 6450 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Aadne Eliassen 6460 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Skip Gjersdal 6431 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Pat Johnson & Mary Cordell 1730 Lake Lucy Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koester. 1780 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Doug Schroeder 1790 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, Mn 55331 Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes 6290 Cardinal Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dick Pierce 1880 Partridge Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beeset 1885 Partridge Circle . Excelsior, MN 55331 . 1 Ii s ~ Van Doren Hazard Stallings Architects.~. PIMneB MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Coordinator FROM: Scott Harri tfiu>-H-H~ DATE: February 7, 1989 SUBJ: Sidewalks along Carver Beach Road and Laredo Drive Improvement Project No. 88-21 VHS Project No. 88-316 The purpose of this memorandum is to update the final design recommendations pursuant to the Park and Recreation Commission meeting of December 13, 1988, and the efforts of a citizens action group on Carver Beach Road. In addition, we have attached a detailed Engineers Estimate for the project. .he total project cost is estimated to be $82,950 including engineering, esting, inspection and contingencies. We will be available to discuss these matters at the February 14, 1989, Commission Meeting. Laredo Drive 1. Final design to proceed as proposed at the December 13, 1988, meeting. Carver Beach Road 1. Eliminate the proposed crosswalk at the west end of the park and extend the 5 foot sidewalk to the Nez Perce intersection. 2. Implementation of Item No.1 will result in the following: a. A crosswalk can be established at an existing intersection with 4- way stop sign traffic control. b. A new park entrance must be provided at this location. c. The mailboxes for the two residences on Carver Beach Road at Nez Perce will be relocated across the street. Minor landscape restoration is also anticipated by the two residences. Extend the cyclone fence westerly and northerly at the west end of the park to discourage the public from accessing the park across private property and to encourage the public to cross at a safe location. 3 . . 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2175 612/553-1950 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Walkways along Laredo Drive and Carver Beach Road Improvement Project No. 88-21 ENGINEERS ESTIHATE FEBRUARY, 1989 ESTIMATED UNIT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 4" Concrete Sidewalk 15,700 SF @ $ 2.00/SF 6" Concrete Sidewalk 3,750 SF @ $ 2.50/SF Excavated and Dispose 750 CY @ $ 3.50/CY Pedestrian Pipe Railing 420 LF @ $ 18.00/LF Timber Retaining Wall 70 SF @ $ 10.00/SF Relocate CB 1 EA @ $800.00/EA Install New CB 1 EA @ $800.00/EA Rebuild Existing CB 1 EA @ $800.00/EA Sodding 2,850 SY @ $ 3.00/SY Relocate Existing Split Rail Fence 55 LF @ $ 5.00/LF Driveway Repair 120 SY @ $ 9.00/SY Remodel Fence at Park - - LUMP SUM - - Chain Link Fence 120 LF @ $ 10.00/LF Standard Signs 9 EA @ $150.00/EA TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Engineering, Testing, Inspection & Contingency TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST . TOTAL $31,400.00 $ 9,375.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 7,560.00 $ 700.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 8,550.00 $ 275.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,200.09A $ 1,350.0., $67,515.00 $15,435.00 $82,950.00 . . CITY OF CRAHRASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Safety Director~ FROM: Jim Chaffee, Public DATE: February 7, 1989 SUBJ: Carver Beach Road We have now completed our radar survey for Carver Beach Road near Penamint and Redwing. As you can see, the average speed of all vehicles recorded during the timeframes that radar was run was less than 30 MPH. At no point were vehicles recorded going at a speed greater than 40 MPH. . I have asked the Carver County Sheriff's Department through Captain Bob Pagelkopf to concentrate radar enforcement efforts on Carver Beach Road. We have also discussed this problem at the last Public Safety Commission meeting and it was a concensus at that time that Scott Harr or Jim Chaffee would meet with the Park and Recreation COlnmission at their meeting in February to address these concerns. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do in regards to this matter. . CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT . ~' / DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: /- Iq - '??Cf LOCATION: Co..rue...r (?ea..c L.. (c:{d, '-'~.s-l-6,c ^-Je_2 Pe~~ OFFICER ASSIGNED: s:- p I ,''^_~ 1<. r' SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: . '. START TIME: I C, ;Z .3 END TIME: 170 n TICKETS ISSUED: L) SPEED LIMIT: ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: 30 2/ . POSTED: YES X NO j/(J~ RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: REQUESTED BY: . . . . CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: I-I ?j'- ??Cf LOCATION: (l Ct. ru~ r eea c ~ c::< rv;,rl OI-t ~e.z Pe r C eo OFFICER ASSIGNED: S(? (,' V\.., k " SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: . '. START TIME: (~ 0 7 END TIME: {t;., AI 0 TICKETS ISSUED: - 0- ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: I f SPEED LIMIT: :JCJ X POSTED: YES NO RADAR UNIT: iLl:- RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: REQUESTED BY: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT . DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: 1- /J'-~9 LOCATION: n nr/lir /fR./'l c h Rei. ,1-c t?" J h..1./~J [I) OFFICER ASSIGNED: j KlJ'"lj SUPERVISOR: 'I ()~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ."~, 3/, {g. .3{,,~K,' ~'1, f<J.,.rc.j,..1', ~5~02tJ, 33, ..1 tJ 1~~3, 3 ~} I ..?L}, . ~ 1 . '. START TIME: 0700 END TIME: 0 7 ? 0 TICKETS ISSUED: f) n I) e ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: 17 SPEED LIMIT: _:fo . POSTED: YES /" . NO /!iJ-Wf y. ~ RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: REQUESTED BY: . . . . CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: 1- 20 - ~q LOCATION: CCA. ru e.r e c-'.:::-...c ~ Q d LAJ~ -::+ o,c /7 OFFICER ASSIGNED: S-e ( {(AS" k ,\ SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: .. '. START TIME: 070-:::;:- END TIME: 07 3S- TICKETS ISSUED: ~) ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: JL( SPEED LIMIT: ,-7 () .~ POSTED: YES NO AVERAGE SPEED OF ALL VEHICLES: .2 G. 1'12 8' ,.:J- 7 HIGHEST SPEED RECORDED: 3'-( RADAR UNIT: ld RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: REQUESTED BY: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT . DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: i - ;Z c. - 7(q LOCATION: C/.:.t rur?f epCA1 k ROr1 c1 OFFICER ASSIGNED: \ \e f /vr..<::k I r SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: . '. START TIME: Ie.., 3' Y( END TIME: /7 ('I 'is' ~ TICKETS ISSUED: ~ ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: I ~ . -:7 -.., SPEED LIMIT: 0 (/, POSTED: YES X NO AVERAGE SPEED OF ALL VEHICLES: ;;Z 0. S-31?Lf(r I HI~HEST SPEED RECORDED: :J(; RADAR UNIT: jJ~'L RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COPY TO: REQUESTED BY: . CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT . SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: l- 1,1- A 9 . LOCATION: 0 orlfi~ J)pl7ch Rei. }/- /21 of id.U1J {-Ii OFFICER ASSIGNED: ,1 ~/Jj SUPERVISOR: '/ O..t SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 3:5 31 ~ q 3 [, ,:l g, ~ 1 ~ ~ ' f c.;. < I ~ ,f 0 020 '1' I I' I 1/1 33 .20 .333'-) .2LJ ') J I I I I I '. START TIME: 070 0 END TIME: 0 "710 TICKETS ISSUED: f) nf}e ~ ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: 17 SPEED LIMIT: ~:j cJ POSTED: YES / NO RADAR UNIT: 6g~ r ..5gaJ. /1~ y. ~. RAD'AR OFF CER en; REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: ~ REQUESTED BY: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT . DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: / . .;; (, - if 9 C. a r v€ r t3 ~ q c A 12 d, f{/0J 1. \lob LOCATION: OFFICER ASSIGNED: SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: " START TIME: {} {;, 1 () END TIME: () 7 (J t7 TICKETS ISSUED: y/nrJ€ ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: ,/ j( . SPEED LIMI'r: 30 / NO POSTED: YES AVERAGE SPEED OF ALL VEHICLES: Ja2 HI9HEST SPEED RECORDED: y 0 ;RADAR UNIT: 3'l ,.;2. 5 ,5 gd. 0;;Y/~ r: ~ RADAR OFF R REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COPY TO: REQUESTED BY: . CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT . SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT DATE/TIME LOCATION: OFFICER ASSIGNED: SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: " START TIME: () 1:7 1 rJ END TIME: () 7 (! t?' TICKETS ISSUED: Y) (J /) e. . ESTIMA'rE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: J ~ SPEED LIMI'r: __3 0 /"'-- NO POSTED: YES AVERAGE SPEED OF ALL VEHICLES: ~;7 HIGHEST SPEED RECORDED: 'i 0 RADAR UNIT: (fg,~ tf .<) Sd. /~ /jI ~ y' tf/}'J'c, RADAR OFF R d REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: . REQUESTED BY: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RADAR/TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT . DATE/TIME ASSIGNED: I - ,) f - ~ <1 eet ". \-' e r 8 ~~t[ i, Q c-l o .J 'V' OFFICER ASSIGNED: ~,~ U LOCATION: SUPERVISOR: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: " START TIME: IG.~/S- END TIME: I (... i./ <; TICKETS ISSUED: (..J SPEED LIMIT: 3c) 'x 1'7 . ESTIMATE OF TOTAL VEHICLES THROUGH LOCATION: POSTED: YES NO AVERAGE SPEED OF ALL VEHICLES: ::2.. -'-/. 7 (..,2/7/')<,- ~~ HI9HEST SPEED RECORDED: ~~ RADAR UNIT: /~~ RADAR OFFICER REVIEWING SUPERVISOR SEND COpy TO: REQUESTED BY: . . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 7, 1989 Dear Carver Beach Road Resident: The Park and Recreation Commission is scheduled to review the -idewalk proposed along Carver Beach Road on Tuesday, February 14, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Please feel free to attend this public meeting to discuss the sidewalk plan. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900. . Sincerely, ~ !{. , 'U<J.L.--yyv(.J _ ;^'-1 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . P & S Kreuter 1090 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 R.. Pauly 1031 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 . Schroers ~020 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 D&DRahe 1021 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 M. Devitt & S. Story 1000 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & K Clem 1011 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 T & H Redwing 990 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 D & N Johnson 1001 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 K & A Austad 980 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & A Kleve 6770 Penamint Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 D & M Magnuson q 70 Carver Beach Road lanhassen, MN 55317 J & A Keeler 6771 Penamint Chanhassen, MN 55317 Floyd Osrrondson 5517 83rd Ave. No. Minneapolis, MN 55443 P. Gossard 901 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Francis Trinka 10670 No. Shore Road Waconia, MN 55387 Resident 895 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 w. Schwab 940 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & G Wilson 6770 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Jeff & Laura Bros 6771 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, Mn 55317 . . . '. (c . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: February 10, 1989 RE: Softball Eligibility Rule . John Seamans has had a team in the Over 35 League that will not qualify under the new eligibility rule. John has had his team in the league for a number of years and is not able to find a new place to play softball within reasonable driving distance for the 1989 season. His feeling is that the league should be open to people within the school districts as Chanhassen youth teams use Minnetonka Intermediate School fields. I indicated to John that although it is a Chanhassen team using those fields, we have youth within the Minnetonka School District on those teams. Additionally, we have not applied this rule to the youth to date. Hopefully, with the new fields at Lake Ann next year, and the complex planned in the south, we will not have to do so. I explained to John that this was not an easy decision for the Park and Recreation Commission and that it was understood that it would not be easy. The bottom line is that the City of Chanhassen has an obligation to the taxpaying residents and their youth to provide recreational services and opportunities. Our population has grown so that we no longer have the facilities to accommodate all of the teams that want to play in Chanhassen. Therefore, it was necessary to limit the number of outside players. John will be attending Tuesday's meeting to discuss in detail the problems that the new rule will cause his team. . ~ CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: January 20, 1989 SUBJ: 1989 CIP Attached please find the 1989 Capital Improvement Program. The Commission has stated in the past that they would like to see a schedule from the maintenance department as to when these items will be completed. Park Maintenance Superintendant, Dale Gregory has asked that the Commission prioritize the list and he will schedule his workers accordingly. . ,. .;,". . f . . . . 1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Lake Ann Park Water & Electrical to Shelter ~Totlot Replacement North Lotus Lake Park .Tennis Windscreen South Lotus Lake Park General Improvements ,Ballfield Construction Totlot Equipment Tennis Courts (2) Carver Beach Playground ~Off-street Parking Park Identification Sign Carver Beach (Along Lotus Trail) General Improvements Bandimere Heights Park AHalf-Court Basketball Court ,Off-street Parking Minnewashta Heights Park Park Shelter Chanhassen Pond Park ~~__ Wood Duck Houses ~ City Center Park Play Surface . Warming House Improvements Totlot Equipment Bluff Creek Park Interpretive Signage Access Road Chanhassen Tree Farm Restocking Miscellaneous Grills, Tables, Benches, etc. $ 10,000 6,000 500 10,000 ".v'- 15,000 10,000........ 2-5-,00Q. - f~ooo' 3,000 350 3,000 2,000 1,500 20,000 ''',ot:1O - 400 1,500 2,500..... 40,000 1,000..... 10, OOg- ~ 3,000 5,000 $159,750 CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH y; . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ February 6, 1989 DATE: SUBJ: Park Dedication Fees At the last meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed a new formula by which to determine park dedication fees. The Commission felt the new formula would be difficult to administer and directed staff to check into having three separate fees; one for the rural area, one for the urban area, and one for commercial/industrial developments. Basing these numbers on the estimated raw land values from the County Assessor, the figures . work out as below: Rural Urban Commercial/Industrial (3,500/acre) (lO,500/acre) (18,OOO/acre) $133/unit $373/unit $1,800/acre These figures are considerably lower for the residential areas than the existing fee structure. Such does not accomplish the intention of the Commission to raise the fee. Staff feels that the formula outlined at the last meeting (see attached) remains a reasonable means by which a higher fee can be charged, while insuring a minimum fee at the current level. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator/~ January 18, 1989 ~ DATE: SUBJ: Park and Trail Dedication Fees . The Park and Recreation Commission and members of the City Coun- cil have expressed a desire to increase park dedication fees. It is felt that the County Assessor's average raw land value estima- tation of $10,500 per acre is low and that park property cannot be purchased for that price. As was discussed at our last meeting, one way to increase the park fee would be to change our standard parkland requirement from one acre per 75 people to one acre per 50 people. Staff was directed to work up the figures as they relate to the rural, urban and commercial/industrial areas (please see attached). This illustrates one way to increase the fee, however, this becomes a requirement of 15%-19%. The standard, which has been upheld as "reasonable" when challenged, is 10%. It is questionable whether 15%-19% will be considered "reasonable" should it be challenged. Therefore, staff has looked into other alternatives. State statutes allow the City to require parkland dedication or fees in lieu of parkland through the subdivision process. Staff is proposing a formula that would be based on average raw land values or real raw land values, whichever is greater. In other words, park fees would be $425 per unit until the raw land value was determined to be higher than $10,500. At that point the park charge would be 11% for urban single-family residential, 9% for rural residential, and 13% - 20% on multi-family residential (depending on density). Commercial/industrial would be done in a similar fashion - $1,050/acre or 10% of the raw land value, again, whichever is greater. Therefore, raw land values of more than $10,500/acre would create a fee of more than $1,050/acre (see illustration on next page). . ( Park and Recreation Commission January 19, 1989 Page 2 . Urban Sinqle Family Developments {Density 2-4 units/acre}: Land Values per Acre: 11% Fee per Acre: Per Unit Fee: $ 5,000 $ 550 $ 200 7,000 770 275 9,000 990 353 11,000 1,210 432 15,000 1,650 589 20,000 2,200 785 If land is required, the same process is used as has been in the past. If cash is required, the developer would be required to pay $425 per unit, or 11% of the raw land value; whichever is greater. As is illustrated using the table above, $425 per unit is the greater amount until land values are higher than $11,000 per acre. r Staff feels that this is an equitable way to deal with the Park Dedication Fee and helps to allieviate the problems that have occurred when the land being developed is unsuitable for parkland and such must be acquired outside of the subdivision. . Trail fees are difficult to determine. The Park and Recreation Commission must decide if we want to fund sidewalks in residen- tial areas or connecting trail systems. To expect a trail fee to cover both is unrealistic. At best we can require new develop- ments to make a contribution as the trail fee would have to be exorbitant to cover the cost of sidewalks within developments and connecting trail segments. Staff feels that the Park and Recreation Commission should pass the responsibility of sidewalks on to the Planning and Engineering Departments, asking them to consider whether it should be made a requirement of the subdivision. The trail dedi- cation fee would then be put into a fund to construct an inter- connecting system. Again, it is difficult to determine how much to charge a new development for a trail system. A fee equalling 1/3 of the trail dedication fee seems reasonable and staff would continue to recommend such. ( . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7' 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator&:, January 20, 1989 DATE: SUBJ: 1989 Tot10t Equipment Purchases . The 1989 Capital Improvement Program includes $6,000 for new tot10t equipment at Lake Ann Park to replace the existing, out- dated equipment. It also includes $10,000 for new tot10t equip- ment at South Lotus Lake Park. Staff would like Commission direction to order the equipment now so that it is here when our summer help arrives. Additionally, staff needs to know what type of equipment is desirable. Would you like to see what has tra- ditionally gone into the parks, such as Meadow Green and North Lotus, or should we look at something new? Also, there is $5,000 worth of new equipment that was purchased last year for Greenwood Shores Park~ Upon Council direction it was not placed there as no off-street parking is available. This equipment was not placed elsewhere. The Commission should decide if the equipment should go elsewhere, or appeal to the Council to allow it to go to Greenwood Shores Park regardless of parking. As Greenwood Shores Park is heavily used, staff feels that it would be an enjoyed amenity; t~:the park. ~'" :. ... ~., -"l..:>-,..'.:,' '."H" ~ . ~ . "'0 '".c'O" ,.~.. ,,- .~. ;,.. ". . _. .1 ~ . ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION 1. Todd's letter to Tony Schwartz re: field reservations. 2. Todd's letter to Ann Rojina re: performance. 3. Letter from Attorney's Office re: acquisition of property. 4. Memo from Scott Harr re: Eurasian Water Milfoil 5. Todd's memo re: softball eligibility rules. 6. Letter from Hennepin Parks Foundation. 7. Memo from Engineer re: Lake Lucy Road Bike Trail. d. Information on the Eckankar Church proposal. 9. Information from a national publication re: Lakeville's trail system 10. Letter to Chanhassen Rotary re: community events. I f . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN Ad Mi VL 4t1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 3, 1989 Mr. Tony Schwartz 107 North Blake Road #315 Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Schwartz: . I apologize for the lateness of this reply to your letter of December 13, 1988. I could not, however, respond until our field reservation policies were reviewed by our Park and Recreation Commission for the 1989 season. Upon that review, it has been confirmed that your reuqest for use of a field in Chanhassen can- not be granted. It has been and continues to be the policy of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department not to schedule any reservations of fields on weekends. The Park and Recreation Commission took further action by reducing the number of non- residents eligible to participate in Chanhassen Leagues. This was done due to the field shortage which Chanhassen is experiencing at this time. Again, I apologize for the lateness of this reply. S~l~~ Todd Hoffman Recreation Supervisor TH:k . . l'Jr. TOOd Hoffman Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, r~ 55317 December 13, 1988 Re: Rental of Softball Fields for the 1989 Season Dear'Ml7. Hoffman, We represent'the Metro-Wide Twelve Step Co-Rec Softball League Committee. We are a fellowship of people recovering from various addictions. Our league consists of teams from Alano Clubs and meetings from across the metropolitan area. We are looking for fields to play our games on. Our league will be U.S.S.S.A. sanctioned and our games will be played on Sundays starting the 1989 spring and summer season. We would appreciate being considered for the use of any fields you may have available. . Please contact us at one of the following addresses: Tony Schwartz (939-0899) 107 N. Blake Rd. #315 Hopkins, MN 55343 Paul Grimes (888-3162) 8530 Haeg Drive Bloomington, r~ 55431 Thank you for your consideration. ?2~ ;ft!~ Paul Grimes .:. '.: :.:.0 . DEe 14 1988 ell Y OF CHANHASSEN . At\ lv\( i~l ~. ~Z- CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 3, 1989 Ms. Ann Rojina 220 West 77th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Rojina: . This letter is sent to commend you for your excellent performance in the positions of rink attendant and gym supervisor. You have demonstrated a willingness to learn and as a result have improved your job performance. You have shown increased confidence in your ability to carry out your assigned duties and I have grown accustomed to counting on you for a job well done. You have been especially helpful in assisting with special events such as the 4th of July Celebration, Halloween Party and Friday Family Movies. I look forward to your continued good work. Sincerely, ~*~~ Todd Hoffman Recreation Supervisor TH:k . LAw OFFICES GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARRELL & KNUTSON ~ ~;fU Jf- ? ~ ~ t&v! 1/V1.' 4:eI P/LtJ1'< DAVID 1. GRANNIS - 1874-1961 DAVID 1. GRANNIS.JR.-191O-1980 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE Box 57 403 NOR WEST BANK BUILDING 161 NORTI-I CONCORD EXCHANGE TELECOPIER: (612) 455-2359 . VANCE B. GRANNIS VANCE B. GRANNIS. JR.< PATRICK A. FARRELL DAVID 1. GRANNIS. III ROGER N. KNUTSON DAVID L. HARMEYER EWOTT B. KNETSCH MICHAEL J. MAYER TIMOTI-lY J..BERG SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55075 TELEPHONE (612) 455-1661 A dVl'l / n :!=i .3 February 2, 1989 · A1.so AOMITIED To PaACTlCE IN WISCONSIN Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Coordinator Dear Lori: Enclosed for the City's records is a quit claim deed from B-T Ventures to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. dated December 18, 1984, which has been recorded with the Carver County Recorder's Office . as Document No. 102795. Also enclosed is a quit claim deed from Ducks Unlimited, Inc. to the City of Chanhassen dated January 17, 1989, which has been recorded with the Carver County Recorder's Office as Document No. 102796. Title to that portion of Outlot C covered in the quit claim deeds is now in the name of the City of Chanhassen. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARRELL, & KNUTSON, P.A. BY: i;~t /1; v??-r~~~.< Valerie J. Linaman Legal Assistant VL/rh Enclosures ..~,-_...:... .. ---' . FEB 0 3 1989 CITY. OF CHANHASSEN ~;'" '$:' . ~ -~"1ii!~"'~ ~.d;; . . le\ / ~ ,_ No. 31.M-QUIT CLAIM DEED :--c~.don or Pertnerthip ; 10 Corporltion or Plnnenhip "lnanDta Ualfonn Coo..,.a..... Blanlu (1911) ......,.0...... co.. MiMHpolIl '\). "'l ~! ")' t\.: ~~ , I '-1; ~: No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( vi not required Cert~)'te of Re!! E,state Value No. ,'-' ,;) ,//J-:J.'" "",' U ,19--2....L. ~ a.~ ~~:v Co~ty A.....' OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUN1 OF CARVER Filing Fee /6 This Is to certify that this document waWd In till} office on~lJ1e;;tQ.day of . 19..KLA.D.atx.:-o'clock . M. and was duly recorded as document no. 102795 CARL W. HANSON JR. /? County ":'7.~~ by: ~ 1,-<.) lUc... - M_I~G- by De ut STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ I, &6' Date: December 18 ,19~ (reserved for recording data) a Minnesota Ducks Unlimited , corporation Carver B-T Ventures ," Limited Partnership , Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to Inc. under the laws of FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, i , i --' i I , Grantee, , real property in I I I I I I I i i I I (II mort 11'''' i. -. eontinu. on bolc:kl I together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. By 'h22& fYZ/cu, .!k7 III Its General Partner I under the laws of the District of Columbia County, Minnesota, described as follows: Outlot C, Fox Hollow, except that part of Outlot C, Fox Hollow, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Outlot C; thence on a plat bearing of North 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds West, along the north line of said Outlot C 220.05 feet to a northwest corner of said Outlot C; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds West, along the west line of said Outlot C, 91.97 feet to a corner of said Outlot C; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 219.89 feet to a point on the east line of said Outlot C; thence north along the east line of said Outlot C, 91.97 feet to the ~oint of beginning. Affix Deed Tax Slamp Here TJ:< +0 +u/ COt',id;;fAf,<'Y\ ;::v~ -HoA..? th hi :;- t'l. .0 ~)/-' -+h.. n.. lSUu. By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA } u. COUNTY OF Hennepin day of December ,19~, The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 18th by William B. Van Nest Jmdt the General Partner and of B-T Ventures ,. Limited Partnership under the laws of Minnesota , on behalf of the Limited partnershiJL . "NOTARIAL STAMP OR.SEAL loa OTHER TITLE oaUNKl I ~~~--i~ .~:;z.r-.; "A ") . ...... .......;....~.OI. .,.'~ ~uaErt'Ea~TA~ENr '., . n~CKV L. BeNlZINGER, i Tu Statamoats for U.O rttI ,roPtrt7 d.oerIbod ~~_t lIlould ,. ./..'.....,.... :;, n'" PU6' Ie p MINNESOTA ~ I tie MDt. to (lndudl aaml aDd iulclNll of G"'He): li~.'\.::..!.~iANO'~N,._".7NCOUNTy l jAddreSs of Grantee for information only: ~ If H_ ,'~,.. · Ducks Unll.' . t d I <~.....M'ICorruT~I<;~IO;,E~"'lresOc.t.24,'989; . m1"e ,nc. L.HOI." ,,,,,__,~,""OI II "',. c/o Davl.d. C. Tryon ,._..' . _ . _ 1700 Huntl.ngton Building THIS-INsTaUMENTwASD....PTEDBYOlAMEAHDADDaUlil Cleveland, OH 44115 . Tax Statements should be sent to: ICity of Chanhassen 690 Coul ter Drive FfI'l" r ,~II.,r Chanhassen, MN 55317 fTATr: i.i'-,"~fiA-;:-') I (exempt from taxes) F.g fee P<::d B-T Ventures 1055 E. Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391 >f~. t:~~n~ aaQ '9. ({) (!)C'Y- I(; 7 y. cJ. PfI"C, Ly)t-n. <;C;()75 ftrQt-L:af~--_. lo1~ ~ ,2 Form No. 31.M-QUIT CLAIM DEED Corpor.tion or p.rtn.rship to Corporation or Partnership Mlnn'lOta Uollonn Col1veYlllcln1 Blanlu (1978) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., a not-for-profit i corporation oraanized ~xx under the laws of I the District of Columbia, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to '1'h", ri toy roi' Chanhassen a municipal corpor"'tinn under the laws of Minnesota Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Outlot C, Fox Hollow, except that part of Outlot C, Fox Hollow, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Outlot C; thence on a plat bearing of North 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds West; along the north line of said Outlot C 220.05 feet to a northwest corner of said Outlot C; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds West, along the west line of said Outlot C, 91.97 feet to a corner of said Outlot C; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 219.89 feet to a point on the east line of said Outlot C; thence north along the east line of said Outlot C 91.97 feet to the point of beginning; SUbject. restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any. This conveya is made subject to the condition that the premises be used for the purpose of conserving and preserving water and wildlife resources, including but not limited to compliance with all current and future regulations pertaining to wetlands promulgated by the state of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. (if mar. space II needed, continu. on bockf together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. DUCKS UNLI~ INC. . "'''.D''"''T"S'''"pH"'' By ~~~d'.' The total consideration for this transfer is less than $500. ~ ~ .~'\. 'I;, No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( V) not required Certificate of Real Estate Value No. ,/hu/ ,,::!,t) ,19~ I o 12._, ,1,,1:4;, Cou",y Ammo, ,'2 ~ ~, ~ ~ by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 1.65 Date: January 17. \ \ STATE OF M~ ILLINOIS., } II. COUNTY OF LAKE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this by ""4n:~""'" -e. 4w",,,,,, :rA the f.ttu ,<It 14u - AtU/~.rT of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. under the laws of Wash~ngton, D. C. ........__._..._.._-_.__._-.~--~ ~_._,..- -'" .._------ I ~j~~'lJ.IIT"Mf.::___~..!AL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) I : '-;7, ()1''\ R Y,\-:,; . I J.';, f\' _.... i :.:. :~~! ,c,::....: ~. ~.1>11.1\. :.... ~~\.~ ....... 1 ......~...;' ! ~::, ~ ;...,....: -':a"' ..':~ . '--/~ ~.Ii C~~:;\"'--'-----,-, . TH-IS iNS;~:UU\!~~~~DRAFTED BY IN AME AND ADDRESS): 1 I David C. Tryon ;,i Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur 1700 Huntington Building Cleveland, OH 44115 J~lLi./l.lI. '. ~10 ~}0 eN,' rp.(? JlxY.. 57 -- -':>C'?S- r:::;..:. Miller.OIYII Co.. Minne.poIil . De uty OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER Filing Fee ~ {O This Is to certify that this document W~d in t~~ ~fflce on ti1ec2Q..day of 19 .D.a~o'clock M. ana was dury recorded as document no. 102796 CARL W. HANSON JR. A COuntr~ ^ , by: (.~~~ M_~_,,- ,19~ (reserved for recording data) , Grantee, . real property in By Its I7TIf and and J!fit/()4t y . 1911.... . day ot ,a corporation A~ot.th72:2 IIGNATURIl OF 'llaSON TtE,NG ACKNOWLI:DGMIlNT Tax ltatelll.llto for ,be nol_...JPl~s&OmWUl/4!'laB9 be IIlIt to (lnclud. 1WIl. alld 8cIdIou 01 Grill"'): City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 "'lO/~~ 'cwK f' . Fli'r r :,"",,,~,, f.TAir: i.,," 'i''''::-~I /c.o h:;c P:::.~: r~~~> (,;:.: _-/-:. . . . (~rJ .^- l " (1 -::14- L CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director FROM: Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Director DATE: January 26, 1989 SUBJ: Eurasian Water Milfoil This memo is to respond to your request for additional infor- mation on the topic of Eruasian Water Milfoil, which has again received media coverage. The concensus certainly is that this continues to be a potentially serious threat to our lakes in Chanhassen. I am attaching a copy of my August 1, 1988 memo to you regarding the topic. The information I obtained at that time from Mr. Howard Krosch, the Department of Natural Resources' Aquatic Biologi3t in charge of lake monitoring and control, is exactly that set forth in the January 23, 1989 Sailor articles on this weed. I took advantage of the newspaper article to contact Mr. Kevin Kretsch, President of Lake Restoration, Inc., 620 Hamel Road, Hamel, MN 55340, 478-9421, who is very concerned about this problem and is a member of the task force seeking to deal with this problem. He echoed the information cited in the article, and that which I obtained from the DNR last year, re-emphasizing the following items as the best way of responding to this threat: 1. To keep Eurasian Water Milfoil from entering our lakes by encouraging that plant fragments be cleaned off of boats and trailers before going into the water; 2. Increase public awareness on the topic; 3. If the weed is spotted, to immediately use a systemic herbicide. Mr. Kretsch agreed to provide any presentations that may be requested on this topic to the City Council. CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Director stf August 1, 1988 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Eurasian Watermilfoil Per your request, I have completed some research regarding Eurasian Watermilfoil. I have talked with Mr. Howard Krosch, an Aquatic Biologist who manages the Department of Natural Resources lake monitoring and control unit. He was able to provide some suggestions on how we might respond to this potential problem. He explained to me that it is the transfer of the plant itself that will cause the plant to grow in a lake. Therefore, the best . preventative measure would be to request that people remove any plant fragments from their boats before launching. Eventually, the DNR will be placing signs to thid effect at boat access points on Lake Minnetonka. I did inquire as to whether DNR might assist us by installing such signs, and was advised that this could be an extreJnely lengthy project, as they have not even made up signs for Minnetonka yet. He did recommend that the City consider placing such signs at access points reading something to the effect of: "Help prevent Eurasian Watermilfoil from getting into this lake. Remove plant fragments from propeller, boat bottom, and trailer." He did feel that it would be particularly beneficial to require that boats, motors, and trailers be washed off prior to launching, because actual plant fragments are what cause the problem, rather than something that cannot be seen or could be easily washed off, these weeds generally get themselves attached to the prop or the rollers on the trailers, etc. ( If it is decided that such signs would be beneficial, I would recommend that Lori Sietsema pursue this by having such signs made and placed at boat access points. Mr. Krosch was extremely helpful, and I am sure would be happy to provide additional information if necessary (Phone: 296-0778). cc: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Cindy Gilman, Lotus Lake Homeowners Assn, 6613 Horseshoe Cu. Don Ashworth, City Manager . ... ..- ... . ...... '"'-." . ", .'. ". .w~d"'~::'::~ ..... ~~ess of distance from e Minnetonka, there's u1'm sure it's probabl" always some potential risk . . 'J because of the high recreation there (m Chanhassen.) use. Unless boaters are careful, You have to believe it's they cauld threaten other . lakes," be said. been mtroduced," " Minnetooka is the fJrSt lake in . Minnesota to be infested with - Carver County weed inspeCIOT Eurasian water rnilfoil, which Ken JoImson bas spread from the East Coast during the past 40 years. <See uses," Colvin said. accompanying story.) Colvin said the DNR's Ken Johnson. Carver County strategy for combating Eura. weed inspector, said he bas not sian water milfoil is two-fold: yet come into contact with Eura- first, use all DNR employees in Iian water milfoil but suspects it the field to identify where it is bas already .taken root in occurring; second, educate the Cbanhassen. ~ public. . "I'm sure it's probably there. "The best thing our agency You have to believe it's been in- can do is try and infonn the troduced," Johnson said. public of the plant and the pro- Johnson said be couldn't say blems it poses and ways of whether or not the weed bas disposing of the plant. The real already infested city waters key is public infonnation. because he hasn't been looking Without voluntary help from the for it. Johnson said the annual public, we can't stop infiltration. weed inspection he makes in The public bas the biggest role ChanbasSen and other Carver to pia)'." County communities is geared Colvin said the public can help toward flDding and controlling by: the plants on the state noxious .. Removing all plants off boats weed list. _ - the weed reproduces mainly Eurasian water milfoil is not from stem fragments. It only on the list. With the exception of takes one four-leaf segment to purple loosestrife, all of the start a new plant. . plants on the noxious weed list .. · Calling the DNR if they think are non-aquatic. they have seen the weed at other -=otmson said getting Eurasian lakes. ter milfoil on the noxious .. Removing the weed from their list would give weed in. lake frontage by hand. This can spectors more authority to deal be done in a small area without with the plant. He said purple a permit, but for large problems Joosestrife's inclusion to the list, or for chemical treatment the along with state money to com- DNR should be contacted for bat it. bas helped to identify and pennit information. develop treatment strategies for · FQrming a neighborhood the aquatic weed. group to coordinate control ef. . Without the weed on the list, forts. Contact the Lake Min. Johnson said county inspectors netonka Conservation District don't have any authority to in. or the DNR for more :' tervene to remove the weed. . information. r." ''Right now, it would be a volun- : Lake size bas little bearing oh tary thing," Johnson said. bow fast Eurasian water milfoil Colvin said there are no im. can take over a lake. mediate plans to get Eurasian "It spread through Min. water milfoil on the noxious netonka last summer so quick I weed list. He said the list is was surprised," Colvin said. primarily for those plants that "The real key bas more to do pose a threat to agriculture. Col. with the amount of area of a lake vin said purple loosestrife is on vegetation can grow in, rather the noxious weed list because it than the size of the lake basin." also poses a serious threat to Colvin said early detection is wildlife. critical. "The sooner we find it, Eurasian water milfoil does the better the chances are of pose some threat to fish habitat. eradication. The public could "But it's most serious threat bas help us a lot in keeping it from to do with impairing recreation spreading." ; -t 1 I "~ ~ "~ , .'.-,:. Eurasian ....ater mi1foiJ CUI be identified by the tiny. yellow Oowers at it 5 tip and by the reddWI aIior vi ks stem. ,.' Threat: Weed takes over lake /f'"- .;~:~~ ding to LMCD figureS: C In addition the decrease in recreational use of the lake would hann loeal businesSes that depend on people using the lake for recreation. ''These are real dol1ars," Strommen said. . ~. J.;' The need for only a small seg- ment for the weed to reproduce poses the danger- of having it spread to other lakes.. . . "It can get lost 011 a dart spot on a trailor or a boat, and as long as i~, stays .wet. it ~ reproduce, SardiniS said. .....:...... 'l11e LMCD bas posted signs around the lake requesting boat owners to check and remove weeds from their boats and trailers before leaving the lake. . But the weed is so prolific and aggressive that it already may have rooted in several of the lakes around Lake MinnetOIIka. according to Strommen. "I wouldn't be surprised if it is in the lakes around MiMetoIlka already, given the level of boat traffic in and out of Lake Min. net.onka." be said. A harvesting operation, which'. the Lake Minnetonka Conserva- ,tion District <LMCD> current . fundraising effort, would slow the spread by shearing off the top five feet of the weed, accor- ding to Sardinis. That would stop the spread in . Minnetonka and to other lakes via boat props.. However, since the weed can grow as fast as two inches a day, the harvesting must be repeated a short time later to insure the containment of the weed. . Once removed from the lake, the weed is excellent mulch. material, according to Strommen. In addition to causing recrea. tional problems, the weed can also cost lake area residents money. Ac:cordin8 to figures released by the LMCD, unchecked' growth of the weed has the potential to shave $75 million off of the $1 billion market value of lakeshore real estate. That translates into a loss of $2 million in tax revenue, accor. From page lA of leaves to fonn a new plant. That reproductive capability causes the plant to fonn in large colonies, which contributes to the large, thick mats on the sur. face of the water. These large mats are the root of the probiems caused by the weed. The mats can become so thick that they crowd out other weeds by blocking the sunlight necessary for plant growth, ac- cording to Terry Sardinis, aquatic biologist for the Army Corps of Engineers. By crowding out the other plants the weed also crowds out the production of zootplankton, the main food source for lake fish, thus stunting fish growth. In tenns of recreation, the mats can staU boat motors, make the lake unsuitable for swimming and take over prime fIShing areas. The literal area of the lake. which the plant favors, is the most popular area for these recreational activities. ., . ....'... ,...... .....:ttf':.. ., LM<;D needs $550,000 by Feb. 15 to begin harVest program" By Parker Hodges netonka and to surroundin& ding to Steve Colvin. an aquatic lakes. biologist for the ecological ser' Panelists at the meeting in. vices section of the DNR. cluded representatives of the "The best way to prevent it is five task force agencies: the to stop it from getting into a LMCD, the Department of lake. U it is found. but not Natural Resources IDNRI, the established, treatment with her. Army Corps of Engineers. the bicides on smaU areas can stop Freshwater Foundation. and the spread. . Lake Restoration Inc.. a private "But once it is established, as weed-eradication company bas. it is in Lake MiMetonka, it is ed in Hamel. virtuaUy impossible to The task force is char~ed with eradicate," Colvin said. developing a management plan Chemical herbicides have pro- to control ven effective in fighting the the spread of the weed. The first spread. Colvin said, but the step, according to Gene Strom. DNR is reluctant to aUow men. executive direCtor of the widespread use of chemicals in . weed. spread of the weed, Jessen said. But long.term soluti_ will not solve the short term oeed of current lake users. ., With the weed needing only a one-inch segment to grow a new plant. the spread will cootinue unless a harvesting operation begins next summer. "Who knows what the lake would look like without a harvesting program," asked Terry Sardinis. an aquatic biologist for the resources brancl1 of the planning depart. . ment d the Army Car1II d EngineerS. CUrrently it is estimated by the CorPs of EngineerS that the weed haS infested 500 to l.5Ol! "We also have a harvesting operation," said Kevin Kretsch of Lake Restoration Inc.. "But we prefer chemical treatment because of the results delivered to the customer." . Kretsch's finn worked at more than 400 of the 5,000 homes on Lake Mmnetonka last summer. Chemical treatments and harvesting are a good short. term way to control the spread. but a long.tenn solution will have to. be found through biolOKical means - such as developing a natural plant that counteracts the weed - accor. ding to Marty J~ president EuraSian water milfoil, a weed threatening the recrea' tional use of Lake Minnetonka, was the subject of a pair of Wor. . mational meetings held earlier this month in Minnetonka and Mound. . 'l11e weed's potential threat bas prompted the Lake Min. netonka Conservation District <LMCDl to spearhead a cam- paign to raise money for equip- menllO control the spread of the weed. The goal of ~ drive is to \ \ \ , , . . - -J --- ---- ...... ./ ~'-a4~ "'.&. c;a. t"'.."J......""...U&... / . LMCD seeks city dona~ions tomilfoil plan , \ Shore.....ood LMCD repre!Oentative ;Robert Ra!Ocop appeared before that city'!O council !Oeeking a contributio'n equal to Shoreweod'!O annual LMCD fee!O for the di!Otrict'!O Eura!Oian water mil- foil eradication program. Rascop !Oaid the contribution!O, about $9,000 in Shore.....ood.!O ca!Oe, are being !Oought from a1114 LMCD communitie!O. A direct mailing ha!O gone out to owner!; of lake!Ohore property, !Oaid Ra!Ocop, and several foundation!O have been contacted about the project. Ra!Ocop !Oaid $500,000 needs to be raised for the purchase of equipment to begin haIVesting, of the weed this spring. . Eurasian .water Milfoil What is the problem? Most aquatic plants are an Important part of the ecology Of our lakes and streams. They provide foOd and habitat for many organisms. They also help to stabilize the bottom and aerate the water. But when weeds-are too abundant, they can upset the natural ecology and Interfere with our aesthetic and recreational enjoyment. This usually happens when the weeds are over- fertilized by nutrients provided naturally or by human activities In the watershed. Sometimes, however, weed problems result from Attie introduction of an "outsider," a plant for WWhiCh there are no established natural controls. Eurasian water milfoills such a plant. First observed in North America In the early 194Os, Eurasian water mllfoll has spread rapidly across the continent. In Minnesota, It was officially Identified in Lake Mlnnetonka In 1987 and Its spread to other Minnesota lakes has already begun. HOw does it grow and spread? Eurasian water mllfoll Is a perennial herb, growing on the bottom Of lakes and streams from a fibrous root system. During the spring and summer months, rapid growth from the root crown area produces reddIsh shoots that may reach the surface and flower In water from the shoreline out to a depth Of about 10 to 15 feet. Dense popUlatIons may occur on a variety of bottom types, IncludIng slit, sand and even gravels and broken rock, making most Minnesota lakes susceptible to nuisance growth Of this plant. Waves and human disturbances SUCh as boats, boating equipment and water skiing prOduce plant fragments which are spread rapidly by water currents, making the plant difficult to contain. New plants grow when the fragments form roots. Though It roots best In protected areas the weed can also thrive In river channels. weed fragments can hitchhike on boats, trailers, weed harvesting equipment and other vehiCles and be transported from one lake to another. Thorough cleaning of all aquatic equipment is the best way to help control the spread of Eurasian water mllfoll. Eurasian water mil foil causes many problems: . SWimming, boating, water skIIng and fishing are all adversely affected by dense growths. . existing colonies of more desirable plants are Invaded and replaced. . Plant fragments which wash up on shore make beach areas unappealing. . Luxuriant growth can affect flood control, Irrigation, drainage, water treatment facilities and fish spawning areas. . Eurasian water milfollls costly, particularly In areas reliant on recreation and tourism. · Mats Of vegetation formed by the weed are Ideal breeding areas for mosquitoes. Some Nuisance Aquatic Macrophytes . / /' . r.:I~:;~:~f.;~;~'~:.~ Jlvri01'hll11ll.m qiectum L Eurasian watermiltoil. A, Habit-x 0.5; B, Whorl ot leaves-x 2; C. part ot ftower .pike, with pi.tillate dowen below and staminate Rowen above-x 4; D, immature truiu-x 4; E, mature fnait-x 4. Prom: aeed, C. P. and R. o. Hughes. 1970. Statea. USDA Agricultural Handbook Bo. 366. Selected Weeda of the United Waahington, D.C. . .' . . /" >0- m a: ~ m 1/.1 - a: "". ~ ~Q ~ ~ 0 ~ a: ~~ VI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~... :! a: g ~ _mQ:Z::z:U i o~ 12 Q oC ~ :z: w oC o !:Z: ... Q e1u.l Q -= ~ :p- m "" w ...x w r:r: ~O~c:!II.~cn"~ fllD go i ~ ~ Z 'lIIQ _ r:r: " ~ ~!!:l~ ....f":!U . ~.- 0 . .z D! llj 2: ~ ~~ ~ e; t: i :it; ~ ~ ffi co ~ co en ci > - iii C- d u N ~ W ..... J n: u 0 :i Z g L:.I :z: :z: - :0: w w oC ..l "'. " .,-.-.... -.-.- -_.._.._-_._.....,....-.-~-:----- .. L Oistricl Offices 473-7033 . . , '-s.n 7'1.. I..u" ,.. . EUGENE R. STROMMEN Executive Director 402 EAST LAKE WAYlATA, MINN. 55391 . Itls lurking beneath the waves... I . . . ,. , Our beautiful lake has been invaded by aliens! No, not by little green men from outer space. but by a green aquatic plant. Eurasian Water Milfoil is a foreign water weed that has grown explosively in several Minnesota lakes. You should learn to recognize it and help prevent its spread. Most water plants are a vital part of a healthy lake: the foundation of the food chain that supports our game fishery. But problems sometimes result when a new plant is introduced to a lake. A plant for which there are no natural controls. Eurasian Water Milfoil is that kind of plant. To make matters worse, nutrients entering the lake make all weed growth more abundant. . \ , Eurasian Water Milfoil weed mats on the surface are unsightly and: . Decrease swimming, boating, water skiing and fishing opportunities . Replace more desirable native plants . Mess up beaches with plant fragments . Lower property values . Foul boat props . Breed mosquitoes in floating weed mats We must control the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil and limit nutrients entering the lake to maintain the beauty and recreational value of our Lake Minnetonka. Here's what you can do to help... I . \ \ 'lWM ~ 111 LHRt:. RIC.~ ~ ORA. WUI1 BENEFITS . Prevent weed infestation and sediment buildup. · Swim, fish, and boat with weedless ease. · Enjoy beautifullakeshore. PROGRAM Two treatments for submerged weeds are made with aquatic herbicides applied below water. Treatments extend from shore out 100 feet. 1. First treatment in June. 2. Second treatment in July. RESULTS Each treatment provides 5 weeks of weed control. The two treatments provide summer long control. OPTIONAL BENEFITS The following services are also available: 1. Swimmers itch and shoreline algae control. 2. Cattail, reed and waterlily control. SAFETY The herbicides are approved for lake weed control by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Aquatic herbicides when used properly are not harmful to fish. SIGN UP TODA Y Simply return the enclosed order form in the enve- lope provided. . JOIN OVER TWO THOUSAND HOMEOWNERS ON 56 MINNESOTA LAKES ENJOY YOUR LAKE. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER. "Summers on Lake Minnetonka are more enjoyable both recreationally and aesthetically thanks to Lake Restoration." A. A. Kin,s, Cry,'I,,1 Bay, Luke Minnewnka "Lake Restoration has worked with us at Weawr Lake in Maple Grove for the past two years in a weed control pro~ram. and the effects have been very successful." Sign up now! Mn. I'IITl<'T HI.~"~' W.."...'T Luke LAKE RESTORATION, INC. 620 Hamel Road Hamel, Minnesota 55340 612-478-9421 .d l~~.\ .. ~.t iJ'!" . ,. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM FROM: Park and Recreation Commission Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ~ TO: DATE: January 27, 1989 SOBJ: Adult Softball Eligibility Rules . As you are aware, the Park and Recreation Commission approved a new policy regarding adult softball eligibility rules at their January 24th meeting. During this discussion, it was clear that the Commission understood that opposition to this new policy would be certain. However, the Commission felt that it was in the best interest of all residents to enact and enforce this policy. By allowing other local organizations greater use of the fields at Lake Ann, the new rule will help ease the ballfield shortage which we currently face in Chanhassen. The addition of three fields at Lake Ann, the planned development of a youth ath- letic park in southern Chanhassen, and the addition of more neighborhood ballfields will help in the future. However, periods of unbalance are likely to occur throughout the growth cycle Chanhassen is now experiencing. I am in the process of notifying all league managers through written correspondence of this new policy. Calls expressing opposition have already been received. Please be forewarned that even though this policy is based on fairness for all, the rumble of those concerned will soon be heard. I have attached a copy of the new policy as approved by the Park and Recreation Commission. Note from Park and Recreation Coordinator to Mayor, Council and City Manager (1-27-89): As Todd has stated above, a policy change was needed to help alleviate field scheduling problems. A less than favorable reac- tion by affected teams is expected and, therefore, I wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible. Please contact either Todd or myself if you have any questions regarding this issue. . Lori Sietsema ~ ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES . NEW PLAYER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Effective immediately, players participating in a Chanhassen adult softball league must live or work within the physical boundaries of Chanhassen. Each team has the option of allowing a maximum of four (4) non-residents to participate on their team. The non-resident players must be listed in the indicated area of the team roster. If eligibility is claimed by employment, the participant must be employed full-time (34 to 40 hours per week) within the boundaries of the Chanhassen. The full-time employment must be the individual's main livelihood and the individual must be compensated accordingly. . If eligibility is claimed by residence, the participant must physically reside full-time within the boundaries of Chanhassen. Residence or work must be established prior to March 1 of the current year and must be maintained through the team roster deadline. 2. A $100 eligibility/conduct deposit is required in the form of a check separate from the league registration payment. VIOLATION OF ELIGIBILITY RULES will result in the automatic disqualification of the player(s) involved, and/or the team . from Chanhassen adult softball leagues, play-offs and forfeit of the $100 eligibility/conduct deposit. The inappropriate . . . conduct of individual playerCs) and/or the team will also result in forfeit of the $100 eligibility/conduct deposit. Proof of eligibility must be documented in the form of a copy of a current picture 1.0. or a copy of a recent paycheck stub for each player to be submitted with the team roster. ~- "- / , -A-Il'Mi'" #i ~ t. t 1- I- i ~ , ... i '" " t ' ~'i- t t, ( ,,/ 'f' , t ~. ..;. f . , ~i+ r" .. - I ". . .:",-.' -~- . I l . , , './ ~ :~.. $. , C" .., ~. 1 ... J / HEN N E.P I N PAR K S . . , FOUNDATION ~ January'25, 1989 ., Ms. led S 1etsema, Pk & Rec cOord. . 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, Mn 55317 , , - .-' ,-.. Dear Ms. S1 et~ema: ..~ { , . .... / As the newlye 1 eJ:tltd H~ennepi n Park:! ~Fo~ndat'oi1Pf.es i d~nt, I '. would l1Ke- to ,invHe your Board of 'COIIIIItsstoners_ to submH .names- of indht'duah aspotent1alcandidates 'for-additional Hennepi{l, ParKS Foundation Directors. Jo'sep~lneHunn, 7,former , Metropolttan CouneH ,Member; wasappotnted Nomi nating COIIIIItttee Chair at our January80ard Meeting. fl~rocommittee wiJl re~'ew suggestlons and "'Soltel t potent 1 a 1 -candIdates ..-p) ease contact Jo at '421-1541 with your .$ugge~tlons. ')Ie would :appreciate ' , h~Yl Og your suggestlons by th~ end of February.. .. ' , The '~ennepln P.ar~s ,FoundatiQn Was 'started ,in May 1986. Its Articles of Incorporation 1dentify the purposes of the Foundation to be the,followt ng: ' . . ~ .- .. . , . I . - . ~ To further the development, growth 'and excellence of, .Hennepin ParKS and the organtzations with whlch it 'worj(s , n proYi dl ng qua 11 ty parKS and recreath>n servl ces ',~ .. ' , '. " -' To he1pdeve'lop, prOfllOte and malntaln excellence 1n , plannlng and ~mplementaUon Qf programs, services and .faci,1tttes -: To encourage and st'mulate ~ubllc understandlng, use and support of'Hennep'n'~arK~ ' ..... ", ' . .' . j To actively s-eek, sollclt, 'recetve, hold and malntaln , funds and property / . To broadly asslst and ~upport Hennepin Parks and not 'make or attempt to lnfluence'the pollcles promulgated . -by the Board oT COIIInl $sloners of the Dlstr"c~ ' , /. - ' ' , At,tached for your 'nform~tlon ha current lhting of Hennepin, Parks Foundatlon Board Members. -'<' ~ " Thank you for you'r'assts:t~nce,~nd 'suggestions,' \ - ~. I' / i;V/~ Morton D.. Silverman ~. ., Hennepin ParKS Foundation President - -./ " ~ .'- t ~ ' 126l5Co~nty Road -9 .; !,-O, BOx 4i320 - Pl~th, MN 55441- (612) 55?"9000 .\ . / '.' - "., " .. ,'- " -, , . ~ , .k~C~IV~., JAN" 2 6 1989 can: ,Of ctlANHASSEN l f -, J I' . - , t.' t ' - $;.. 'to ... l 1, ~ \ 'f " ~ .. " ,~; !> ( - , \ ;,-: " , , , ./ ...", ) '.~ " f. i f'i " .,' ....... /'. \ ;~ t r :.r '- '.' ! - . - ~,/ ~ '" " ::- ANDERSON, Jud1th S. ANDERSON, Wenaelt R. ..... BLACK, Raymond D / \- "', ," ,. ~..... ' "'.r ... /. . ;.. ,-'lID ...' ',tjENNEPIN PARKS .'FOUNDATION, .' SOARD 9F DIRECTORS . " '- -. , ,/ J \ Roster-; " J \...... . . - " , .... \ ~, BONINE, Sh1rley A. (COIII!'hs1oner; Hennep1n P~rKS) : \ - \< .1 ' _ ) KEATING, Mary D. KI NGMAN, Henr,y S. - ~ MOEDE, MONA NUNN, Joseph1ne D. SCHREIBER, Carol 'SILVERMAN, MortonD. .- I STAPLES, Em'ly Anne. WAKEFIELD, W1lma'B. ..... .\ . . " _ BU~HELL-; Sarbara' Peterson,' D~TON, Hallace C. .,.. ,-' DURENBERGER, The Honorabla Dayf~' (P~1l'Cohen) FLORE,NCE, Dorothy.M., .~ '. . / ,: ....... I - , , .. , " ' I :-.. '~ y ,. '.. -. l "" , . , , ,;. >l<..- ",' , -..:' . ' . " ~ ., . , , . " i. \ -~ .' ) . ,. , - " - " ',' .'" _" .'- '. , " \ > ,'.I, " .,.) / :, I" , ~ ..'" - , \ ..,.., " /' -' Aellltl (. -1 .p 1 CITY OF eHARHASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 February 9, 1989 Dear Lake Lucy Road Resident: The City is in receipt of your petition regarding parking along Lake Lucy Road. The bike trail issue will be addressed by the Engineering Department in conjunction with the watermain project and, therefore, will not go to the Park and Recreation Commission. Enclosed please find the Engineer's staff report. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to attend the February 13, 1989 City Council meeting. Sincerely, ~ r,. oYY~ /~k:/1~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:~ . . . . . . 8a CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 II,:,: . I ',"'r,!"-;; (, ---. ~-~~ MEMORANDUM 1." f\: '. , j n;I,-2.:.i)9 ~'f. ,'. ~'SiJ!;;";' TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Gary Warren, City Engineer ~ February 8, 1989 ~ ....... '....... , P?> S'.hr.it" " '.I, r ~.~J.I?J.~~.. , , FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Accept Addendum Report No. 1 to Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain Feasibility Study; Set Public Hearing Date File No. 88-25 Attached is Addendum Report No. 1 to the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain feasibility study which was originally accepted by the Council at its December 12, 1988 meeting. Recognizing the impor- tance of this trunk watermain construction to the City's water supply system, Council authorized that preparation of plans and specifications commence immediately following the December 12, 1988 meeting. Sufficient time was not available then to deal with the service policy for abutting properties along Lake Lucy Road. Therefore, staff was directed to prepare this addendum report which specifically lays out the funding scenario for the project and a connection policy for those properties which abut Lake Lucy Road. In addition, a public information workshop meeting was also held on January 24, 1989 which was well attended by the majority of the abutting residents. The addendum report goes into detail in explaining the proposed connection and fee policy; however, I think it would be benefi- cial if I attempt to summarize in outline form the key policy elements. 1. The project is proposed to be funded from the surplus pro- ceeds which are available from the general obligation bonds of 1986. This totals to approximately $550,000. The esti- mated construction cost for the watermain, including booster station improvements, is $472,481. 2. Existing dwellings will not be required to connect to the trunk watermain. 3. No assessments are proposed for the project unless a property owner chooses to connect to the watermain and wishes the con- nection fees and hookup charges to be assessed against his property. Don Ashworth February 8, 1989 Page 2 . 4. In order to recognize the residential benefit provided by this trunk watermain to the abutting properties, the connec- tion charge of $3,035.43 per unit is proposed in accordance with Section 19-20 of the City Code. This fee will accrue at a discounted interest rate of 4i% interest commencing with the "in-service" date (July, 1989) of the trunk watermain until the service connection date. 5. A hookup charge (currently $650/unit) will be charged per connection in accordance with Section 19-21 of the City Code. This fee can be periodically updated at the discretion of the City Council. 6. The connection and hookup charges can be paid fully at the time of connection or assessed against the properties at the request of the property owner at the following rates: Hookup charge at 8% for a four (4) year term Connection charge at 9% for a six (6) year term 7. Individual property owners will be responsible for their respective cost to bring the water service from the City's stub into their property and connection to their internal piping. . 8. In accordance with Section 19-19 of the City Code, any new dwellings and any existing dwellings whose private well system fails will be required to connect to the public water supply system. 9. A fire safety availability charge (currently $8/quarter) shall be billed against all existing dwellings that choose not to connect to the watermain system to recognize the fire safety benefit the trunk main provides to these properties. That concludes the summary of the proposed service policy for the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain. I believe that it is a flexible arrangement which recognizes the disparity of the larger proper- ties which are not able to subdivide at this time and also provides a vehicle for the City to recapture the residential benefit of this trunk main at such time as development progresses in this area. BIKE TRAIL OPTION within this addendum report we have also included a brief discussion concerning the Lake Lucy Road trail/No-Parking issue. While the search for an interim, "quick-fix" solution to the . removal of No-Parking restrictions on one side of Lake Lucy Road does not appear imminent, I have had our consultants take a look at the feasibility of constructing a 6-foot wide bituminous trail . . . Don Ashworth February 8, 1989 Page 3 on top of the trunk watermain alignment as a part of this pro- ject. If MnDOT approves, this would allow us to eliminate one of the on-street existing bike trails and place it on the new path over the watermain. We should not underestimate, however, the difficulties and expense to accomplish this. There are some construction challenges, the most significant being the existing retaining wall in front of the Glaccum property at Yosemite which might need to be rebuilt. If so, we would need to protect the lOa-year old maple tree on the Glaccum property. In addition, even if one trail were removed from the road, it is unclear at this time if the road section is wide enough to accommodate on-street parking. This would have to be reviewed with MnDOT and may result in a variance appeal. Further, if parking is allowed it would still be restricted during snow emergencies (see Section 12-16 of the City Code, attached). The feasibility study has estimated the construction cost including engineering and contingencies for this trail to range from $47,500 to $63,800 depending on whether the retaining wall needs to be moved. It is therefore my recommendation that the City Council accept the attached Addendum No. 1 to the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain feasibility study and adopt the connection and fee policy as laid out in the staff report and addendum. The City Attorney has advised the City that a public hearing for the watermain construction is not required. However, as questions may exist as to the connection pOlicy, effects of construction on property owners, the bike trail proposal, etc. it is recommended that a hearing be set for March 13, 1989 to address these issues. In addition, it is recommended that staff be directed to investi- gate the off-street trail option and meet with MnDOT to determine the possiblity of implementing this option. Attachments 1. Addendum Report No.1 2. City Code Section 19 excerpts. 3. Bikeway Street Section. 4. Section 12-16 of City Code - Snow Emergencies. cc: Dick Koppy, westwood Engineering Lake Lucy Road Abutting Property Owners fi 19-18 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE will not be cut off until after the hearing is held. If the customer requests a hearing before the date specified, a hearing shall be held on the matter by the city council at their next regular meeting, but not to exceed three (3) weeks after the date on which the request is made. If as a result of the hearing, the city council finds that the amount claimed to be owing is actually due and unpaid and that there is no legal reason why the water supply of the delinquent customer may not be shut off, the city may shut off the supply. (Ord. No.6, fi 10.01, 3-11-85) A.", ~/ " ;- a ssuance of building permits for new construction where the Ptoperty is adjacent to a municipal watermain, or in a block through or to which the watermain extends, or is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the water system shall be conditioned upon connection to said municipal water system, unless in the opinion of the city it is neither feasible nor practical to make such connection. (b) The drilling of new wells shall not be permitted for existing dwellings which can be serviced by the municipal water system. Upon failure of a private water supply, connection to the municipal system shall be required. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 1.01, 3-11-85) State law reference-Authority to require connections, M.S. ~ 412.221, subd. 31. ~ 19-~nneCtion charges. (a) No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any watermain of the city either directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless the city clerk shall have certified: (1) That the lot or tract of land, or portion of said lot or tract, to be served by such connection to tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the watermain with which the connection is made; or (2) If no assessment has been levied for said construction cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (3) If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, that a sum equal to the portion of cost of constructing said watermain has been paid to the city pursuant to subsection (b). (b) Unless covered by subsection (aX1) or (aX2), the applicant shall pay a connection fee equal to the proportionate cost of construction of the main. The cost is to be determined by the city using the same formulas as was used for assessments previously levied against other property for the main and shall include equivalency charges as required to arrive at the present day worth of the water service. This equivalency charge shall be equal to simple interest calculated from the project assessment date to the service connection date at the rate of interest at which the bonds sold to finance the project were issued minus a depreciation factor of three (3) percent per year. If no such assessment has been levied, the cost shall be determined by the city council, and in determining said cost the council shall take into consideration the front footage, shape and area of the benefitted lot or tract of land. Upon ~~ ~ 1064 ~2 ~ . '- . - WATER, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ~ 19-22 written request of the owner of the benefitted property showing good cause, the city council may provide that the connection charge be specially assessed as a lien against the benefitted property payable in semi-annual installments for a term of eight (8) years at an interest rate equal to that at which the project bonds were sold. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all connection charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction of said benefitted property. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 7,3-11-85) ~ ~OOk'UP charges. (a) In addition to the connection charges set forth herein, a hook-up charge, unless assessed as a part of public improvement project, shall be levied against each lot or tract of land, or portion thereof served by the system, for usage of the wells, pumping stations, water storage facilities, and equipment of the city water system. The amount of this charge shall be set by the c~ty council and may periodically be revised to reflect construction cost changes evidenced by the Engineering News - Record Construction Cost Index. (b) The number of unit hook-up charges to be levied against each benefitted lot or tract of land, portion thereof, shall be established using the following criteria: (1) Single-family houses, townhouses, condominiums and duplex units shall each com- prise one (1) unit; (2) Apartments shall each comprise eighty (80) percent of a unit; (3) Mobile homes shall each comprise one hundred (100) percent of a unit; (4) Other buildings and structures shall be assigned one unit for each two hundred seventy four (274) gallons of water usage and sewage flow which it is estimated they will discharge, and commercial and industrial building units shall be assigned a minimum of one (1) unit. (c) The number of unit hook-up charges to be levied against the premises may thereafter be revised by resolution of the city council to more accurately establish the use, and the council in making said redetermination may take into account the actual quantity of water consumed on said premises. (d) Upon written request of the owner of the benefitted premises showing good cause, the city council may provide that the hook-up charge be specially assessed against the benefitted property payable in semi-annual installments for such period and on such terms as the council may determine. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all hook-up charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction on the property. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 8.01, 3-11-85) Sec. 19-22. Persons 'authorized to make connections, etc.; bond. (a) Any work which in any way affects the city's water lines or connections thereto shall be performed only under the direct supervision of a master plumber licensed by the state. 1065 / f II 6' 4 6 12 12 6 4 BIKE BIKE TWO WAY fWiKlNG PATH PATH TRA FFIC .0\5~ ...:.015 Y. . ...--- -.... p 3 ~ 3 ~ PROPOSED IS" ~ TRUNK WATERMAIN I \ . 3 ~~ 3 . ---~ NO SCALE BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION WWPS EXHIBIT 8 :#-3 . .- , . 't MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ~ 12-31 (b) When a fire lane has been ordered to be established pursuant to this section it shall be marked by a sign bearing the words "No Parking-Fire Lane-by Order of Fire Department" or striped in a manner to indicate no parking. When the fire lane is on public property or a. public right-of-way, the sign or signs shall be erected by the city, and when on private property they shall be erected by owner at his own expense within thirty (30) days after he has been notified of the order. (c) After a sign has been erected in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, no person shall park a vehicle or otherwise occupy or obstruct the fire lane. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.01,8-1-77; Ord. No. 3-J, ~ 1,7-23-84) Cross reference-Parking near fire hydrant, ~ 9-1. State law reference-Authority to regulate standing or parking, M.S. ~ 169.04(1). Sec. 12-15. Parking or standing of vehicles exceeding specified height. No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle exceeding six (6) feet six (6) inches in height on West 78th Street between its intersection with Great Plains Boulevard and Laredo Drive. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.02,8-1-77) State law reference-Authority to regulate parking or standing of vehicles, M.S ~ 169.04(1). Sec. 12-16. Snow emergencies. In order to expedite the prompt and efficient removal of snow from the streets of the city, no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle or permit it to stand on any street within the city between November 1 and April 1, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day. No person shall park or allow to stand any vehicle on any street within the city when snowfall necessitates removal and until such street has been plowed and the snow removed to the edge of the pavement. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.05,8-1-77; Ord. No. 3-1, ~ 1, 10-4-82) State law reference-Authority to regulate parking or standing of vehicles, M.S ~ 169.04(1). 'f Reserved. ARTICLE II. SNOWMOBILES. Sec. 12-31. Definitions. The definitions in Minnesota Statutes section 84.81 apply to this article. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Boulevard means that portion of the street right-of-way between the curb line and the street boundary line in platted areas. .State law references-Snowmobiles, M.S. ~ 84.81 et seq.j local regulations authorized, M.S. ~ 84.87, subd. 3. 669 *Lf ,4c1.v\; n ~. ? CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~J_ February 6, 1989 7 DAI'E: SUBJ: Eckankar Church For your information, attached please find the proposal for the Eckankar Church. This is not being presented in the typical site plan review format, as this is not a subdivision; therefore no park dedication i3 required. The Eckankar property is located at the corner of Highway 5 and Powers Boulevard. The site is 175 acres, adjacent to the eastern . boundary of Lake Ann Park. This property is zoned RSF, R-4 and R-12, Residential Low to High Density and will require a con- ditional use permit. The plan includes an 800 seat church with roughly 250 parking spaces. The church is to be located in the center of the 175 acre tract. Again, the state only allows the collection of park dedication fees through the subdivision process. However, the attorneys representing Eckankar have indicated that they would be willing to sell a portion of the property to the City if it was needed for a community center site. Staff is currently looking into what the price would be for such a purchase. Additionally, the Community Center Task Force is pursuing public input as to the best location for a community center. Details of this proposal are attached. Please feel free to con- tact me if you have additional questions. . .,.r" r_i AdMi"t ~ ,;~;" LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CITY OF CHANBASSEN 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 ~i.~*~~1iP~LICANT: ~~~~+;":;-< ,~.:~.",,:, ADDRESS :~1ff~!:~;:~t:~,:" ;; ~;,::" ' Eckankar, by OWNER: LarK1n, Hottman, Da~y & Lindgren, Ltd. Robert L. Hoffman, 7900 Xerxes ADDRESS Avenue ~outn, ~u1te !~UU Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 Zip Code TELEPHONE (Daytime) 835-3800 Eckankar P.o. Box 27300 JUU! Louisiana Avenue ~ortn New Hope, Minnesota 55427 I Zip Code ..&..... .. ........: TELEPHONE . J1~.";I.f.io." '1'(...;;0, . ~~~"""Vi.' ':-'''1\'.' 'LRE Q UEST . '..;" .f.1~,\.;,.""'ji; . ;'~:i.~:i!5'+~f;~<' Zoning District Change i Planned Unit Development Sketch Plan ::==' Preliminary Plan Final Plan Zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Amendment Subdivision Land Use Plan Amendment _ Platting Metes and Bounds X Condi tional Use Permit . Si te Plan Review Street/Easement Vacation wetlands Permit PROJECT NAME Eckankar Church PRESENT LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION Low, Medium and High Density Residential REQUESTED LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION No change PRESENT ZONING RSF, R-4, and R-12 Residential REQUESTED ZONING No change USES PROPOSED Church SIZE OF PROPERTY 174 acres LOCATION Northwest Quadrent of Intersection of TH-5 and County Road 17 REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST See attached letter. '. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary) Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 88, Files of the Registrar of Titles of Carver County, Minnesota. '''~' ... .........C. ... L...J1UUN 1It0al:RT L. MO""""'N ......CK F'. DALY D. KENNETM \,INDOlltEN "'NDREW w. OANIIE"'.ON WENDE...... Il ANDEJIISON OEJIIALO .... ""IEDELL 1t0eERT e. WHITLOCK ALLAN E. MULLIGAN "oeE.T.I. HENNE.se., "'AMES C. EJltICJl:SON EDWAIltD J. O'USCO"'L JAMES ~. MI"'CY GENE N. "ULLEJIt DAYID Co SELLElItOJltEN "'CHAJIIO oJ. KEENAN ...OHN 0. "ULLMI:IIt "OeI:JltT E.. 80.,LE ""ANt( I. H"'lIN'EY .fCHAJlltD A. "ORSCHLIEIIt CHARLES S. MODELL CHRiSTOPHER.... DIETZEN .,tOHN ... BEATTIE ....INDA H. "ISHER THOMAS P. STOLTMAN .TEVEN O. LEYIN "O""EST D. NOWLIN MICHAEL C. ,J"CKM"'N ...OHN E. DIEHL. .ION S. SWICJIIZCWSK, THOMAS J. F'LYN N ""AMES P.OUINN YODD I. ""EE"""'N ," 8TCPHEN e. SOLOMON .. .~\ " _nE" K. eECK ;~..--:':..- ""CROME H. K"'HNME ,", ;,". 8HEIIUtlLL OMAN KUIltETICH . eCIIt...L.D 1.. .ECK ... "OHN .. LUNDOUlaT DAYL.E HOLAN THO...... .. HUMPHIltCY. ...". LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. ATTORN EYS AT LAW 1500 NORTHWESTERN FINANCIAL CENTER 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH 8LOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431 TELEPHONE 18121 835-3800 "--lELECOPIER 18.2/ 835-5102 2000 PIPER JAFFRAY TOWER 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE USl2' 338-8810 TELECOPIER 18121 338-'002 ..........- NORTH SU8URBAN OFFICE 8""0 SPRING BROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 TELEPHONE 18.21 788-7117 TELECOPIER 18121788-8711 -- Reply.to Bloomington January 23, 1989 Mr. Steve Hansen, Planner City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Application for Conditional Use Permit for Eckankar Church Dear Steve: DAVID oJ. IItCA" "IIIIANC'. c.o.e&IIIS0N ""CHAE", T. Me.'N CH"'JIIILEa III. WCAve.. . HC."AN ~ TALL& .. ..LU...... So aJltANOT VINCENT 0. CL....... TRACY lit. C.CHMO......,C. ANDRCW", ...'TcNe..... .,10M" A. ConKIIt. .EATIIIIICE A. 1III0THW&II.&1t ~AUL .. "\"UNltETT AMY DAII,., OIlllAO., :~:L~C'::':O:CO""1r NCW..A~..... '7 CATHCltlHC ...."HETT ."..0". . ..IC""IIIIE" Co .NOC..O.. DAHIEL .... .0WI.C. . TODD.... YLATIlOV'CM TIMOTHY oJ. ....MA..U. ""LL. t. ""11:0&". ..COO"" C. 1&0"aTAO CRAIG A. _eTE..O.. ...... A. ....." OAItY A. .E....Clllc "HO..... M, WCAVC" SMANHOH It. MoCAM..'Ooe M'CHACL a. eOMCH DENise N. NOIIIITON OA.Y .... VAN C LEYe MICH"'CL .. ._AMAH ...O.I:PIoI W. DIC.C" ...ACQuELlNE. ,.. DtCTZ DAYLeM .... ""ACa ItOONCY 0. 'VC. JULIe A. W"Aae c....a.,o...cllll.... M".".aTHA" _O"ALD ... ."A"". .,,,. aHAlItON L ..CHMA .....111.., CANAOA UTZAu ',:- '~.1.0 ~''''j,,>jlI.,. ;~~;, : ~t.? .i:~ 0" COUNaeL ...o.c_... OlTla JOHN ... MCHUOH IIt1CN.... A. HOIIIIO.,,& "'Lao AO...TTeD .. ..aco..eIN . This letter and attachments are submitted on behalf of our client Eckankar, in support of the enclosed application for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a church (the Church) on their property located at Highway 5 and County Road 17. Enclosed please find the following application materials: Completed and executed land development application; o o $150.00 filing fee; o Complete site plans, including: .' Zoning Map/Land Use Map Site Zoning Plan Site Context Plan Site Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Utilities and Lighting Plan Landscape Plan Illustrative Site Plan Site Sections Building Plans, including: upper level plan, lower level plan, elevations; . . . . ~, .. " . LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. Mr. Steve Hansen, Planner January 23, 1989 Page 2 We have prepared the following additional materials to assist you in reviewing and analyzing the application for a Conditional Use Permit: o Environmental Assessment Worksheet. An EAW is not required for the Church because construction does not approach any mandatory threshold for the preparation of an EAW and has no potential for significant environmental effects. However, we have prepared the enclosed EAW to assist you in evaluating public utilities, drainage, transportation and related issues. o Application Requirements for a Conditional Use Permit. This summary provides information required to be submitted and refers you to the appropriate plan or document which complies with each application requirement. o Standards for the Issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for a Church. This summary sets forth in detail compliance of the Church with the specific and general standards set forth in the City Zoning Ordinance for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for a church. The Church meets all the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance and the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. A list of the owners of all properties situated wholly or partially within 500' of the Eckankar property is being prepared by Carver County Abstract and Title Company and will be submitted as soon as it is available. City and County records show that Eckankar is the owner of record of the property and has paid real estate taxes and assessments. Eckankar is a tax exempt religious organization under Section S01(c)(3) and a church under Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code and Section 1.511-2(a)(3)(ii) of the Income Tax Regulations. Eckankar's priests are authorized under the laws of the state of Minnesota to solemnize marriages. Confirmation of this authorization for Priest peterSkelskey is attached. Eckankar purchased its property at the intersection of Highway 5 and County Road 17 in the City of Chanhassen in 1985 for the purpose of locating its international headquarters thereon and establishing an international administrative campus. A concept plan for the first phase of the campus, including an administrative office buildin design, graphic, audio visual and publishing facility, w approve the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of C a sen 1985. 7 " -. LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. Mr. Steve Hansen, Planner January 23, 1989 Page 3 Eckankar subsequently withdrew its request to rezone the property to allow the international administrative campus and located its international headquarters in the city of New Hope, Minnesota, instead. The city of Chanhassen subsequently rezoned Eckankar's property from Planned Residential to RSF, R-4 and R-12. It is our understanding that following this rezoning the City commenced the process of amending the Comprehensive Plan land use designations to be consistent with the zoning, but we do not know the status of this amendment. We are therefore showing existing land use designations as low, medium and high density, consistent with the intent of the City Council in rezoning the property. . Churches are allowed as a conditional use in all three zoning districts which encompass the Eckankar property. The Church will be a building consecrated to religious worship, where people will join together in public worship under the aegis and direction of a person authorized under the laws of the state of Minnesota to solemnize marriages. The Church will include an 800 seat sanctuary, caretaker's residence, classroom facilities and other areas as detailed on the floor plans submitted, all as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Office space will be provided to serve the administrative staff of the Church only. The international headquarters of Eckankar will continue . in New Hope. The plans submitted and the Environmental Assessment Worksheet set forth in greater detail the specifics with respect to the Church building, site plan, landscaping, etc. We have designed the Church to be entirely consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance, including the specific and general standards of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for a church in a residential district. The Church complies in all respects with the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, as detailed in the attachments to this letter and the submission materials. We submit this application for consideration by the Planning Commission at its February 15, 1989, meeting. The entire development team would be more than happy to meet with you at any time between now and then to answer any questions or provide any additional information you may require or find desirable. ~/ Robert L. Hoffman, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. b . Enclosures PKB:DQ8s " \ . . \. . NOTICE OF FILING ~AME: 3kt/jk.tI' {lur Your Ministerial Credentials have been filed in the County of HENNEPIN. State of MINNESOTA. onHI1~ ~. 19 gg . in Book 178 . Pagetb~ . This is a permanent filing as long as you remain a minister in good standing ~ithin the same denomination. This notice should be maintained in your Jermanent file for future reference. ~ . -lC 1251 (10-86) . ....., ~ APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 4It Section 3-6-3 of the City Zoning Ordinance requires submission of the following application materials for site plan review: o Application Form Provided o Evidence of Ownership or an interest in the property City and County records show that Eckankar is the owner of record of the property and has paid real estate taxes and assessments. o $150 Application Fee Provided o Complete Site Plans, signed by a registered architect, civil engineer, landscape architect, or other design professional. The following plans have been submitted: Zoning Map/Land Use Map Site Zoning Plan Site Context Plan Site Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Utilities and Lighting Plan Landscape Plan Illustrative Site Plan Site Sections Upper and Lower Level Building Floor Plans Building Elevations 4It o Name of Project Eckankar Church o Name, address, telephone number of the applicant, engineer, and owner of record. Owner of record: Eckankar P.O. Box 27300 3001 Louisiana Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55427 Applicant: Eckankar, by: Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. Robert L. Hoffman Peter K. Beck 1500 Northwestern Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 (612) 835-3800 4It .1 _. . . . Engineering and Landscaping: Barton-Aschrnan Associates, Inc. Dan Lutenegger Barry Warner William Scott Midness 111 Third Avenue South Suite 350 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 332-0421 Architecture: Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. Ron Krank Peter Sussman 300 First Avenue North Suite 500 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 339-4200 o Legal Description Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 88, files of the Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. o Date proposed, north arrow, engineering scale, number of sheets, name of drawer. Application submitted January 23, 1988. 14 sheets of plans prepared by Barton-Aschrnan and Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc., have been submitted. Each sheet contains north arrow, engineering scale, and such other relevant information as necessary. o Vicinity map showing relationship of the proposed development to surrounding streets, rights-of-way, easements and natural features. See Plans submitted including Zoning Map/Land Use Map and Site Context Plan. o Description of intended use of the site, buildings, and structures including type of occupancy and estimated occupancy load. See January 23, 1988, letter from Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd., and the Environmental Assessment Worksheet and Plans submitted. o Existing zoning and land use. The Eckankar property is zoned RSF, R-4 and R-12. Construction of the Church will be in the area of the property zoned R-4. Existing land use is predominantly agricultural. See Zoning Map. 2. ~ .. o Size of parcel in acres or square feet. . 174 acres o Gross floor area of each building. o The Church will be a single 48,000 square foot bUilding. Percent of site covered by bUilding. 0.4% (.7 acres). o . Percent of site covered by impervious surface. 3.3% (5.7 acres). o Percent of site covered by parking area. 1.3% (2.3 acres). o Projected number of employees. Approximately 20. o Number of seats. 800. o . Number of parking spaces required. 276. o Number of parking spaces provided including handicapped. 290. o Height of all buildings and structures and number of stories. The Church will be a one story building with a lower walk-out level. The height of the Church, as measured according to the Uniform Building Code, will be approximately 37 feet. The greatest distance from grade level to the highest point of the Church roof will be approximately 65 feet, at the walkout level. At the front of the Church, this distance will be approximately 50 feet. The height of the Church is substantially below the maximum height allowed for places of public assembly (which includes churches) under Section 6-10-2(2) of the Zoning Ordinance. . o Property line dimensions, location of all existing and proposed structures with distance from boundaries, distance between structures, building dimensions, and floor elevations. See Site Context Plan, Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan, and Floor Plans. Lot area, frontage, depth and setbacks substantially exceed ordinance requirements. . 3 . . . . , . o Grading and drainage plan showing existing natural features (topography, wetlands, vegetation, etc.) as well as proposed grade elevations and sedimentation and storm water retention ponds. See Grading and Drainage Plan. All 'existing and proposed points of egress/ingress showing widths at property lines, turning radii, abutting rights-of-way with indicated center line, width, paving width, existing and proposed median cuts, and intersections of streets and driveways. o o See Site Plan. All City standards have been complied with, and the driveway has been aligned with existing Saddlebrook Curve, consistent with City Policy. Vehicular circulation system showing location and dimensions for all driveways, parking spaces, parking lot isles, service roads, loading areas, fire lanes, emergency access (if necessary), public and private streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, direction of traffic flow, and traffic control devices. See Site Plan. All requirements of Article VIr of the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable City standards have been complied with. o Landscaping plan in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII. See Landscape Plan submitted. The Landscape Plan complies with or exceeds in all respects Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance. The Church has been located on the Eckankar property to preserve all woodland areas located on the Property, in accordance with section 8-7-2, of the Zoning Ordinance, as shown on the Site Context Plan and the Site Plan. o Location, access, and screening detail of trash enclosures. All trash will be stored within the building and accessed as shown on the Lower Level Floor Plan and the Site Plan. o Location and screening detail of roof top equipment. All mechanical equipment will be inside the bUilding. There will be no roof top equipment. o Location and detail of signage. Signage will be limited to a single entrance sign as shown on the landscape plan. This sign will comply with all requirements of Article IX of the City Zoning Code, will be setback 30' from the property line, will not exceed 5 feet in height and will not exceed 24 square feet of sign display area. Copy on the sign will not be visible from residential 4. uses or districts along adjoining side and rear yard properte lines. o Lighting location, style and mounting. o See Utilities and Lighting Plan. All lighting will comply with Section 6-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building elevations from all directions. See elevations submitted. o Utility plan identifying size and direction of existing water and sewer lines, fire hydrants, distance of hydrant to proposed building. See utilities and lighting plan. o List of proposed hazardous materials, use and storage. There will be no hazardous materials used or stored on the Property. o Proposed fire protection system. The Church building will be fully sprinklered as shown on the. Utilities and Lighting plan. Section 3-3-2 of the City Zoning Ordinance requires that the name and address of each owner of property situated wholly or partially within 500' of the property be provided. A list of the owners of all properties situated wholly or partially within 500 feet of the Eckankar property is being prepared by Carver County Abstract and Title Company and will be submitted. Section 3-2-2 of the City Zoning Ordinance requires that all applications for conditional use permits include a Site Plan that illustrates the following: o Proposed land use The Church is illustrated on the Site Plan submitted and described further in the letter dated January 23, 1989, from Larkin, HOffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd., and the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. o Building mapping and functions Building mapping and functions are set forth in the Floor Plans submitted. . 5. . . . o Circulation and parking areas Circulation and parking areas are illustrated on the Site Plan submitted. o Planting areas and treatment Planting areas and treatment are illustrated on the Landscape Plan submitted. o Sign locations and type o The Church will have only one entrance sign, which is illustrated on the Landscape Plan submitted. Basic lighting concerns Lighting for the Church site is shown on the Utilities and Lighting plan submitted. Relationship of the proposed use to neighboring uses o The relationship of the Church building and parking areas to neighboring uses is illustrated on the Site Context Plan and discussed in the January 23, 1988, letter from Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd., and the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. o Environmental Impacts An Environmental Assessment Worksheet is not required for the Church because construction does not approach any mandatory threshold for the preparation of an EAW, and has no potential for significant environmental effects. However, an EAW has been prepared to assist the City in evaluating environmental, public utilities, drainage, transportation and related issues. o Demand for municipal services Impacts on municipal services are discussed in the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. PKB:DQ9s 6 . STANDARDS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHURCH . Article II, Subsection 1 of The City Zoning Ordinance defines a "church" as: A building or edifice consecrated to religious worship, where people join together in some form of public worship under the aegis and direction of a person who is authorized under the laws of the state of Minnesota to solemnize marriages. A church may iuclude living quarters for persons employed on the premises and classroom facilities. The following are not considered as churches: camp meeting grounds, mikvahs, coffee houses, recreational complexes, retreat houses, sleeping quarters for retreatants during spiritual retreats extending for periods of more than one day, bible camps with live-in quarters, publishing establishments, ritual slaughterhouses, radio or television towers and transmission facilities, theological seminaries, day care centers, hospitals, and drug treatment centers are not churches. The Eckankar Church will be a building consecrated to public worship where people will join together in public worship under the direction of Eckankar's leaders, who are authorized under the laws of the state of Minnesota to solemnize marriages. The Church will include an 800 seat sanctuary, living quarters for a caretaker, classroom facilities, and other areas as shown on the floor plans submitted. The Church will not include any of the uses identified in the Zoning Ordinance as. not considered a church. The Church will be constructed in the portion of the Eckankar property zoned R-4, mixed low density residential. The Zoning Ordinance allows churches as a conditional use in the R-4 zone. The remainder of the Eckankar property is zoned RSF, single family residential, and R-12, high density residential. Churches are also an allowed conditional use in each of these zoning districts. Section 5-9-1 (7) of the Zoning Ordinance establishes specific standards for churches in residential districts. These standards are as follows: A. The site shall be located on a collector or arterial roadway as identified in the Comprehensive Plan or located so that access can be provided without conducting traffic through residential concentration. The Church is located on and will be accessed from County Road 17, which is identified in the City's Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan as a collector roadway. Access is provided so that no traffic will pass through residential concentrations. . . . . B. The structure must be set back 50 feet from all property lines. T~e Church will be set back 1980 feet from the north property l1ne; 1,960 feet from the south property line; 930' feet from t~e west property line; and 820 feet from the east property 11ne. C. Parking areas shall be set back 25' from streets and non- residential property. Parking areas will be setback over 2000 feet from the property line on the north; 1565 feet from the property line on the south; 950 feet from the property line on the west; and 590 feet from the property line on the east. D. No more than 70% of the site is to be covered with impervious surface and the remainder is to be suitably landscaped in conformance with Article VIII. 3.3% (5.7 acres) of the Eckankar property will be covered with impervious surface following construction of the Church. The remainder of the Church building site will be landscaped in conformance with Article VIII, as shown on the landscape plan submitted , and the remainder of the property will be seeded in prairie grasses or, where currently grass, undisturbed. E. Churches outside the MUS A line must provide additional information. The Eckankar property and the Church are both located entirely within the MUSA line. Seeton 3-2-3 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the following general standards for conditional uses: 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. The Church will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City. The Church will be located approximately 1000 feet from the nearest residence to the east, across County Road 17; and over 2000 feet from the nearest residence to the north. Approximately 20 people will be employed at the Church and this is expected to be the maximum number of people on the property during a normal weekday. There will also be small meetings at the church on some evenings and church services on Sundays. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet concludes that the Church will have an imperceptible impact on local streets and intersections. The EAW also demonstrates that the Church will produce no environmental impacts which would be . . , detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, . comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city, and will have no potential for significant environmental affects. 2. Will be consistent with the objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and this Ordinance. The Church will be consistent with the objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and this Ordinance. The Church fully complies with all of the performance standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including the specific and general standards for churches, and therefore is consistent with the objectives of the Ordinance. The Church complies with all of the policies in the Comprehensive Plan which are directed at or applicable to this application and therefore is consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. The Church will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and . will not change the essential character of that area. Eighty-five (85) percent of the Eckankar property will not be disturbed as a result of the construction of the Church. The essential character of the area will not change. The Church building will be constructed of the highest quality materials including natural Minnesota limestone. This high quality building, coupled with the extensive landscaping around the construction area, will be compatible with the intended character of the general vicinity. In addition to design and construction, the Church will be operated and maintained so that it will not change the essential character of the area. 4. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The Church will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The Church building will be 2000 feet away from residential structures to the north, approximately 1000 feet away from residential structures to the east, over 900 feet away from the park on the west and over 2000 feet from the industrial uses to the south. There will be no hazardous or disturbing activities of any type occurring at the Church and the Church will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. . . . . Drainaqe Structures: The Environmental Assessment Worksheet analyzes drainage for the property and drainage structures and concludes that the Church will not create excessive requirements on public drainage structures. Final drainage plans for the Church will fully comply with all City and Watershed District requirements. Refuse Disposal: The Church use will generate very little solid waste, much less than virtually any alternative use of the Eckankar Property, and will not create any excessive requirement for refuse disposal. See the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Water and Sewer Systems: The water and sewer extensions recently constructed to the property have been designed to accommodate a significantly higher use than will be experienced with the church use, which will not create any excessive requirements on these facilities. Schools: The Church will not impose any requirements at all on local school services. Economic Welfare of the Community: Eckankar has promptly paid, in full, all special assessments for public improvement projects. Eckankar will continue to bear its share of costs for appropriate public improvements. 7. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The Church will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. 8. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet concludes that the Church will produce substantially less traffic and noise than housing on the Eckankar property would. there will be no smoke, fumes or odors generated by the Church. Trash will be all be enclosed in the building so there will be no rodents or trash which would be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare. The lighting plan has been designed to protect against any glare that would be detrimental. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares. The Church will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with . . .. traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares. The driveway . for the Church is aligned with Saddlebrook Curve to eliminat turning movement conflicts and in conformance with City policy. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet concludes that traffic generated by the Church will have an imperceptible effect on surrounding public thoroughfares and intersections and will not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic. 9. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic, or historic features of major significance. The Church will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic, or historic features of major significance. Construction of the Eckankar Church will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any solar access. There are no historic features of major significance on the Eckankar property. The Church has been specifically designed to preserve the natural and scenic features of the Eckankar property, including the woodland areas and the existing rolling topography of the property in general. The Church has been located and designed so that construction will involve a minimal amount of grading and land disturbance, substantially less than would occur for housing. 10. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. The Church will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Approximately 85% of the Eckankar property will remain exactly as it now is following construction of the Church, and will therefore remain compatible with the surrounding area. The Church itself has been designed to the highest quality standards and will be built of high quality materials. The Church is within the maximum height allowed for residential zoning districts, and is far below the maximum height allowed for places of public assembly. The building and landscape materials have been specifically selected to be high quality and aesthetically compatible with the Eckankar property and the surrounding area. Because of its location on the site, extensive landscaping, existing topography and distances, the Church will be aesthetically compatible with the area. . 11. Will not depreciate surrounding property values. The Church will not depreciate surrounding property values. Surrounding residential properties are located from 1000 feet to 2000 feet away from the Church building. The Church meets all and substantially exceeds most of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Because of its location on the site, extensive landscaping, existing topography and distances, Church will not depreciate surrounding property values. the . . . . .. . 12. Will meet the standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Article 5, Section 5-9 and 5-17. The Eckankar Church fully complies with the specific standards for churches in residential districts, as discussed above. 7. PKB:DROs ,-, II ...~ !irl ~ Z!. lill~ i ~! !rlr~~ ." ,ll/e:,,\, t ~ ~ mi-li~l ~~~ illl, 110" . ~ .. i C ,:-3 ~ 8 "I.t~ ,..... !hl' .' , , " I N_ 1")''', 10 ID 11"11 ! I 1111111"" - ~; 1111, II I Iii"" "'" .. I I - ":" II " : ~:\:=.~.;" ,. :' '. ,- .'t i "" . ! l! i \}N ~.~:!J:~.:S~J' _.,~ .' -- "'''", ~"'1:X:j::?~~ ~: ;~V" ~; . '-, -' .' ~~. . ' ,f I t\~~~Sf~.;_'~.:.':.: : -~-~ / .,' ~ . -. ~ r ~~Af;~ . = :W .~.~.~f: _: - ~ii~I' :' ~~.- '~iii~J~f;!.~~.- :-': ~';-' "';. ',. .:::::~ I ~ :;.~... 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Lakeville, a community of 20,000 citizens, located approximately 25 miles south of Minneapolis, has been experiencing tremendous growth for several years. With this growth came the need to reevaluate the roadway system. Roadways being constructed throughout Lakeville included neighborhood roads, minor collectors! major collectors, and major arterials. As the new Transportation System Plan was being developed, another major study was initiated to develop a comprehensive Trail System Plan. City staff working with the engineering department developed both documents. This resulted in two significant plans: Lakeville's Transportation System Plan, which provided a network of new roadways designed to best serve existing and future citizens, and a Trail System Plan designed to be directly integrated into the road system. Both documents were carefully designed to ensure that both the roadway and trail systems would coexist harmoniously with other aspects of the community, such as school sites, parks, conserva- tion areas, and population areas. Upon completion of the Trail System Plan, the task remained to create a funding source for it that would keep pace with development of roadways and new residential homes. Existing policy already provided for all designated major and minor collectors to have five foot concrete sidewalks installed as part of the development. Any associated costs were also borne by either the developer or the adjacent landowners through existing assessment policies. City staff began to develop ideas on how to provide funding for the projected trail construction. The first recommendation was to create a trail dedica- tion fee, similar to the existing park dedication fees. (The City of Lakeville's park dedication ordinance requires developers to pay a set fee per dwelling unit for all dwelling units in their development. This ordinance has been in existence for several years and has been the main source of funding for the Lakeville Park Department.) In order to set the amount of the trail dedication fee, staff conducted several studies including five year trail and residential development esti- mates and a review of the five year road construction plan. It became evident from these studies that a fee to construct trails at the current development costs would range between $400 and $550 per dwelling unit. Staff realized that a dedication fee of that magnitude would be politically unsound and prohibitive to residential developers. 13 After much thought and consideration, a new idea emerged. The existing policy requiring developers and adjacent landowners to bear the costs of five foot concrete sidewalks on both sides of major and minor collectors was being enforced with no real problems. City staff suggested that the policy applying to major collectors be amended to require eight foot bituminous multipurpose trailways be constructed instead of the previously required five foot concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street. Policy governing sidewalk installation on minor collectors would remain the same. The developers would only be required to pay for the first five feet of trail, the remaining three feet would be financed by the City's trail dedication fee. The proposal for an additional trail dedication fee was received with open minds and little resistance. Early in 1987 the City Council approved the trail dedication fee at a rate of $150 per dwelling unit. This amount, from both the City's and the developer's standpoint, was much more manageable and realistic than the previous $400-$550 per dwelling unit estimate. The trail dedication fund also provides for trail maintenance, and the acquisi- tion and development of other trails throughout the City of Lakeville that have significance in relation to the overall trail system plan. In summary, the City's policy today states that eight foot multipurpose trailways be constructed on all major collector roadways, with the first five feet to be funded by the developer and the remaining three feet subsidized by the City's trail dedication fee. To date this policy has been upheld as it represents a savings for developers that they regard favorably. At present, Lakeville has installed approximately 25 miles of multipurpose trailways along new major collectors. through major parkways and along existing residential roads, and we look forward to an even brighter future for Lakeville residents. In conclusion, Lakeville is a typical third ring suburb. It is atypical, however. in respect to its progressive leadership and citizens. Their foresightedness and encouragement of the policies we have discussed have a~lowed Lakeville to begin development of a progressive trail system. Our ultimate goal is to construct a well designed and carefully thought out multipurpose trail system as the community grows and to avoid spending millions of dollars trying to retrofit a trail system into a community that has been fully developed. By all indications, we are well on our way, as this is a success story that continues to benefit all Lakevi11e citizens. Steve Michaud is the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Lakeville and has worked in that capacity for the past fifteen years! 14 . . . . Ad rv1 ; ~1 -:;:1. J D CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH February 9, 1989 Chanhassen Rotary Board of Directors c/o Jim Chaffee, Secretary 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Board Members: . The City of Chanhassen coordinates a variety of special events each year within our community. These events would not be possible without the assistance of numerous volunteers and the financial support of our business community. We welcome your interest, appreciate your past involvement and look forward to your continued participation. Mr. Marlow Peterson of the Chanhassen Rotary has on numerous occasions expressed the Rotary's sincere interest in continuing this tradition of support. In an attempt to clarify the nature and extent of the Rotary's involvement, I have arranged to have our small organizational committee be present at your next Boar~ of Directors meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1989. This is being done in hopes that an understanding can be reached as to che extent of your involvement in each event, giving all parties involved a clear understanding of what direction to taKe"creating and hosting these fun com- munity events. ~ Sincerely, ~~~~ Todd Hoffman Recreation Supervisor TH:k . P.S. The special events we plan on holding in 1989 include the Easter Egg Hunt, the 4th of July Celebration, the Chanhassen Open Golf Tournament, Oktoberfest, the Halloween ~arty and new for the winter of 1990, a Winter Carnival.